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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18231956 No.18231956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18231981


>> No.18232001

Who the fuck cares? The bigger problem is all the 3DPD shit on the front page of this board.

>> No.18232012

I still don't understand why isn't Kancolle on /vg/.

>> No.18232016

Not really the case anymore. In fact it was mostly westerners that care about that shit in the first place. Nowadays all the nips talk about is FGO.

>> No.18232019

Because at this point it's part of otaku culture.
If it had never grown to this size and level of influence in Japan, it wouldn't be part of otaku culture.
That's just how it works.

>> No.18232073

Kancolle isn't early Windows Touhou huge anymore. Mobile kusoge took it's place.

>> No.18232166

I just see a bunch of fap materials.
Where is the "culture"?

>> No.18232191

Zuiun dance?
Saury festival?

>> No.18232258

The fug are those? If it isn’t Reitaisai or Comiket, it doesn’t exist

>> No.18232263

There isn't any.
Kancolle's on it's way out because it's just a bunch of cute girls. There's no story, barely a setting, not much gameplay, nothing for fanon too build off of. You can only get so far with sex appeal alone.

>> No.18232278

Kancolle is dying fast based on Comiket figures. Fate is the new "Touhou killer".

>> No.18232315

Tsukihime remake never. F/GO is just fan service trash. Nasu is really letting his franchise go, unlike ZUN

>> No.18232343

At least it has a lot of staying power comparatively. When Kancolle became the next big thing everybody knew it wouldn't last more than a few years, but Fate and Touhou have been around for ages with no end in sight for either of them.

>> No.18232402

Forget tsukihime. Where’s my mahoyo translation? Waited for four years and still nothing!

>> No.18232409

Commie's working on but their translator is so bad the editors they've gotten to clean up his mess keep quitting so it's progressing slowly. Please understand :^).

>> No.18232418

The only creative input from KC is just self insert OC fantasy.

>> No.18232427

Fug! Guess I’ll just have to fill the void with touhou doujins and Labyrinth of Touhou 2

>> No.18232436

Ah yes, the admiral...

>> No.18232520

In four years, you could have learned Japanese!

>> No.18232659

Too busy with uni degree

>> No.18232742

You know that's just an excuse.

>> No.18232751

>you could have learned Japanese
You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.18232779
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Not with that attitude.

>> No.18232822

Not with any attitude.

>> No.18232827

>Where is the "culture"?
That bunch of fap materials. Also many fanworks that aren't fap material, including sfw doujins, illustrations, music arranges, jokes, references and whatnot.
Holy shit, just like Touhou!

>> No.18232896

That’s slowly being phased out by FGO music arranges, doujins, memes and jokes.

>> No.18232919

FGO music is terrible and not at all interesting.

>> No.18232924

>FGO music arranges
Do these actually exist?

>> No.18232958

‘good Kancolle arranges’

>> No.18233011

Who unironically gives a damn about it? Everybody knows that Kancolle's main article is porn.

>> No.18233021

He didn't say good, but I enjoyed キネマ106's stuff and the one Kancolle album that Undead put out.

>> No.18233026

I can say yes to illustrations, jokes, and references.
Everything else is blergh

Kancolle has no soul

>> No.18233075

How many retards are going to buy the chink touhou game on steam?

>> No.18233115

Steamspy says 14,000 people.

>> No.18233525

So we can all agree that Kancolle is substanceless fanservice while 2hu actually has great music and plot?

>> No.18233528

I know I play video games for the music and plot.

>> No.18233558

I don't really like touhou music. It feels like it needs to be needlessly bombastic to try to gloss over the casio keyboard quality.

>> No.18233725
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There isn't any "Touhou-like" franchise at the moment (MLP comes close, but don't nearly have the same level of passion). This thing has been kept alive for a long time through memes, autism and (somebody should shot me for saying this) love. Should Touhou closes out, I doubt if we will see another behemoth like that pop up in our lives.
I thought that Kemono Friends would be the one but it was sunk by Kadokawa in it's height of glory.

>> No.18233983

I mean what else is there in Kancolle but Fanservice and memes

I neither hate nor love Kancolle but Touhou has 10 times more things to hook you in.

>> No.18234131

2hu plot is laughable at best. The only good things about both are the focus on Japanese mysticism and WW2 Japan.

>> No.18234403

Kancolle is fading, the real problem is things like the Fate franchise which matches a pandering assembly line waifu gacha with pre-sellout works they can point at to say that they have actual history and lore while trying to get us to ignore the money grubbing zombie it is rapidly becoming if it hasn't reached that point already, Have you not noticed they are attempting to have an anime adaptation running every season now, along with a monthly OVA series,a movie trilogy more planned OVAs, an arcade game for F/GO, and not one but two mangas related to F/GO? They are attempting to make as much money and be as relevant as possible before they run out of Nasu's works to adapt and people start to move on to whatever comes next. But given that mobile games only seem to be getting bigger, who knows if that day will ever come.

>> No.18234524

I can remember exactly one KanColle arrange I really enjoyed but I can't even remember what it was called or which circle did it. What a shame.
At least there's still CROW'SCLAW and Tokyo NEETs arranges, even though all their 2hu arranges are still better.
Sadly you aren't the only person in the world.

>> No.18234554

I just wish FGO hadn't gotten this popular. I miss all the GranBlue doujins, that game seems to have been created specifically to fuel porn but its popularity has been dying down recently at a depressing pace.

>> No.18234589

Maybe they shouldn't have gone full retard with the gacha to the point that you had to sign up for a credit card to get characters that you couldn't cancel immediately.

>> No.18234604

How the fuck is any gacha more retarded than F/GOs 1% chances?

>> No.18235495
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KanColle is reclining!

>> No.18235529

read the manga

>> No.18235549

Touhou takes it's mysticism very seriously because it's an actual universe with character interactions where the mythology determines the plot of the universe. Kancolle uses WW2 as a trivia mine. All of it's characters are entirely interchangeable except in so far as some of them are good for character jokes because there is no plot.

>> No.18236169


>> No.18236289

Touhou has a lot of backstory but all of the character interaction is just a bunch of vaguely similar cunts tolerating each othe.

>> No.18236326

Granblue's slow, painful death is completely on itself. It's like they had a bunch of blindfolded apes on staff that all simultaneously starting having a seizure once the game became a cash cow. Not even hiring a new producer could salvage it.

>> No.18236335

I don't know exactly how you can call them similar in personality.

Someone like Aya is vastly different from Reimu. Kosuzu is leagues away from being Mamizou. Star Sapphire doesn't talk like Shimnyoumaru. Luna Child isn't even too similar to Sunny Milk. Cirno and Eternity in the latest VFiS chapter have clear cut differences.

The closest you can get is Yukari and Okina and even then there's a difference, with Okina's one showing in WaHH showing far more humor and confidence than Yukari's "mystique".

All of them actually have character beyond their design, which Kancolle greatly lacks.

>> No.18236352

They're all basically smug bitch, smug bitch who is completely subservient to somebody else, or stupid animal. All of the interaction is just "oh ho you think you can beat me you are just a ___ and I am a ___ and I can ____"

>> No.18236372
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>> No.18236404

Tohos are really boring outside of memes though.

>> No.18236513

Wow, what a tryhard.

>> No.18236640
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>tries to imitate something he doesn't know anything about but fails horribly

>> No.18236651

>lazy shrine maiden that was always considered as "cutesie armpits xd" by secondaries suddenly kills indiscriminately


>> No.18236697
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"Faggots Guide to Being An Ignorant Dumbass - Book One: Making a Fool Out of Yourself By Not Knowing a Single Thing About What The Fuck You're Talking About"

>> No.18236706

The new shipgirl meme game is Azur Lane it seems, where half the girls are animal-eared for no real reason.

>> No.18237398

I hope it dies fast

>> No.18237617

t. Cuckolle anon
