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File: 289 KB, 967x920, modern living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18223297 No.18223297 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to break in your monster girl to technology.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.18223302

Chaos cat when?

>> No.18223307

Maids are olev

>> No.18223309

Raceplay with brown monster girls.

>> No.18223312
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Who is the best desert girl and why?

>> No.18223313

Cheshires already exists though.

But that's not what we need now.
What we need are muscle holsts in sundresses

>> No.18223317

Hopefully never if she's going to have the transformation gimmick.

>> No.18223325
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>> No.18223329

Wonderlant is like Chaos lite, insanity for plebs

>> No.18223332

I can't pick between Sphinx, Khepri and Mummy.

>> No.18223337
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Why choose? Get the Khepris and then add Sphinx and Mummies to your royal harem.
Then impregnate all of them

>> No.18223342
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Reminder that this oni

>> No.18223347
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>> No.18223349

Me, im the degenerate. What do i get?

>> No.18223351
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>asks which desert girl is best
>pic leaves her out

>> No.18223358

The Sphinx's design is great, but I couldn't live with someone constantly asking riddles.

>> No.18223364
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A best

>> No.18223365

That picture would be vastly different if there was an Apophis present.

>> No.18223372

I don't know if I could live in the desert all of my life, anon. I'm just a white boy.

She would probably tone it down if you asked her.

>> No.18223388

Grape snake worst snake.

>> No.18223393

>Dear, could you maybe tone it down with the riddles today? I've got a headache.
>"Tone it down? Of course! But only if you answer this riddle correctly!"
Might be time to break out the spray bottle.

>> No.18223396

My man.
Gonna get the mummies muscular, the sphinx soft, and the kehpris oppai

>> No.18223400

It's a tie between Anubis and Pharaoh

>> No.18223403

>sugar coating it
Anon there are times where you need to be blunt.

>> No.18223409

I want to chase a bunch of loli Kobolds around with a vacuum cleaner.

>> No.18223415

Poor things will be spooked.
Do you want to see a bunch of kobold lolis shaking and hiding under blankets?

>> No.18223419

I have to say, anons. I love my dragon quite a lot.

>> No.18223424

I just want to chase them.

>> No.18223426
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>> No.18223430

Anon, no! That's awful!

>> No.18223445

If you want to chase them, you can just chase them without the vacuum.
They're much more rambunctious if you do it without the vacuum.

>> No.18223456
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Best Oneesan.

>> No.18223458

I want to be graped by the snake!

>> No.18223461
File: 795 KB, 3000x3489, Pharaoh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves to go on about Anubis', but life as a Pharaoh's husband would be something else. Being able to call such a powerful and beautiful woman your wife, and at the same time having her devote herself wholly to you would be nothing short of amazing. Having to sate her thousands of years of pent up lust when she wakes would be quite the experience, too.

>> No.18223468

>Out in the sun


>> No.18223470

Not even KDF would mistreat kobolds like that.

>> No.18223474

Is it bad that I want to introduce goblins to holst milk?
I mean, they already view big tits positively so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to expect them to get big chests too.

>> No.18223476

Why are there so many wiki browsers here these days.

>> No.18223487

Because we have angered the loli gods.
More oniichans must be given to the local sabbath.

>> No.18223490

Must be removed for the good of mankind.


>> No.18223502

Platonic older brothers?

>> No.18223505

Define platonic.

>> No.18223532

Being a archeologist or explorer must be the worst occupation.
>thousand year old pharaoh
>Various trapped undead
>Old as heck dragon hoards.
>Hellhounds guarding tombs.
>Ancient dungeons and lich lairs
Am missing anything?

>> No.18223541

Just tell them you're married.

>> No.18223544

>Because we have angered the loli gods.
>More oniichans must be given to the local sabbath.
We should defile and convert the sabbath to heresy.
Sounds like a fun occupation, 90% chance of wife!

>> No.18223547

Amazon tribes inhabiting jungle ruins
Underwater ruins with all types of monsters there (Leviathan when, KC)

>> No.18223550

I dunno, finding a shortstack griffon and her clan guarding an ancient temple in a mountain would be nice.

Having all of them slightly disappointed when you tell them you're just there to look, not take, would be funny

>> No.18223551

No lewd

>> No.18223556

You have your rivals that'll rape you if they get a chance.

>> No.18223560

Oh, thats good.
Anal is lewd when its oniichan on his imotou after all.

>> No.18223564

They'd be able to smell a woman on you if you were.

>> No.18223569

>"Whats her name then?"

>> No.18223571

>Nerdy Apophis spends most of her time in the library reading fantasy novels, studying for exams and stalking that cute anon from her class she's got a crush on.
>She's written so many filthy fantasies about him in her diary she's gone through eight of them.

>> No.18223572

This is where I exit the dungeon.

>> No.18223582

Then they seal the exits.

>> No.18223597

If they didn't want people in the dungeon, why were the doors open?

>> No.18223598
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Fact: monster girls love knights

>> No.18223602 [SPOILER] 
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Paging anons who know moonspeak: have you read Francisca's chapter from Fallen Brides? Does it involve pegging?

>> No.18223604

I do too.Monster knights.

>> No.18223608

Peter why

>> No.18223613

Just imagine a starved Pharaoh waking up thousands of years after her kingdom fell only to find an exotic looking man backing away slowly from her sarcophagus.
She'd probably fling herself at him and give him the most ferocious blowjob before mounting him and raping him furiously.
Imagine her screaming "Cum" in her God Voice and even though he doesn't understand her language his body knows to answer her command and unloads everything he has into her womb.
Imagine her learning english by kissing him deeply and channeling demonic energy and then refusing to walk out.
Imagine walking out of that tomb with a pornstar bodied Pharaoh cradled in your arms looking haughty as hell.
Imagine hearing an Elf in your excavation team mutter "lucky bitch" with a jealous look on her face.

>> No.18223615

I'm a simple man with simple desires. I get a warm feeling whenever a profile mentions home cooked meals. Any clue what some MGs might cook?

>> No.18223621

What kind of MG would work as archeologist and explorers?

>> No.18223628

I don't know but if a girl could make me a mean chili then I'd marry her on the spot barring being a sith

>> No.18223631
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Whatever your favorite meals are.

>> No.18223633

Quite a few mummies are probably former archeologists before running into an Anubis

>> No.18223636

Chili is so easy to make that it would be embarrassing if they couldn't.

>> No.18223642

The difference is chili and GOOD chili.

>> No.18223643

What a cute woman.

>> No.18223652
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>> No.18223654

Good chili is still pretty easy to make.

>> No.18223659

I dunno, its pretty easy for folks to phone it in with Chili.

>> No.18223666

Obviously, my favorite meal would be my wife's cooking.

So what would I have to look forward to with a Nureo?

Probably some Eastern cuisine

>> No.18223667


Nures are pretty cute, this is true.

>> No.18223668

Just dont defile it with beans and it's good.
Great with fresh chopped onion

>> No.18223673

Succubi and various types with an interest in that field, Dragons and Echidna looking for treasures and ruins to nest in, Liches and Crow Tengu looking for magical artifacts and lost knowledge.

>> No.18223675

How could a anubis live long enough for archeologist to try and excavate her pharaohs tomb?

>> No.18223679

>No beans
Come on man, chili can do good with beans but onions are a must for sure

>> No.18223683

She went into a magical stasis to awaken to serve the Pharaoh.

>> No.18223688

Either A: The do via long lives/stasis or B: You have a line of Anubi sworn to the pharaohs line

>> No.18223693
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>> No.18223714
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Quality of food is my biggest concern with all the more violent MGs. They better sharpen their cooking skills if they want to keep me happy.

Side note: what meals would Hellhounds make? Manticores? Dragons?

>> No.18223719


Eastern cuisine huh? Curry, Pad Thai, Chinese roast duck, you name it. Of course Nures would know dozens upon dozens recipes from many parts of the world thanks whatever the recipes they learn become inherited by the children. Their instincts might inspire awe into a novice cook.

>> No.18223720

How does she know if someones trespassing?
Someone could sneak up on her and tell her that shes loved and valued
For someone to try and excavate the tomb would imply its ancient and derelict, even then are they kidnapping men who were just out on a stroll?

>> No.18223722

Spiced meats and jerkies.
I'd marry a strongfat mino without regrets because she could probably make some killer BBQ

>> No.18223727

The anubis line would probably have an offsite village/house where they live while some members patrol and protect the tomb

>> No.18223729

Pretty much the best food.

>> No.18223735

A bengal jinko that can cook curry would be wifed by me in a second.

>> No.18223747

Would Zipangu/Mist Continent girls use their cooking skills to seduce cute western boys?

>> No.18223749

You're making the food, or if they've MERE'd prepare for each meal to be a feast of wonder and probably spiked foods.

>> No.18223750


If you must know it was pretty much the first example I thought of.

>> No.18223753

The quickest way to man's dick, is through his stomach.

>> No.18223754

>eventually down the generations one Anubis gets fed up with living underground protecting some old dead lady
>stuffs her feelings down enough to where she develops an evil alter ego named Melvin

>> No.18223761

Meat, meat spiked with venom, anon your cooking for her.

>> No.18223764
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"You know, you should ask him to spot you next time."

>> No.18223765
File: 98 KB, 500x350, Happy Birthday Wock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to get a Strawberry Milkshake to celebrate Jabberwock's birthday, it's been a nice day overall! Happy Birthday Jabberwock!

Also some commissions and other stuff is in the works, hopefully there'll be neat stuff to post from that eventually!

>> No.18223768

She better not challenge me to a children's card game because the only one I have is a MTG deck that's built to irritate and spoil

>> No.18223770

I thought it was heart.

>> No.18223774

Specifically Thai curries.

>> No.18223777

>That Minotaur
>That Oni
Oh man, my dick can't handle this.

>> No.18223780

What are the odds of some /fit/ monstergirl slinging some poor sap over her shoulder and dragging him to the showers for a "post workout protein drink"?
Just imagine an Oni lifting you up and sucking your dick in the showers as you try to cling to her head to keep from falling.

>> No.18223781

That raiju looks genki, its nice.
Every girl in that gym looks like wife material

>> No.18223782

Especially if they cheat and use drugs.

>> No.18223783


Oh absolutely.

I would unabashedly try the sushi at nearly opportunity I'd get if I were to go to either place.

>> No.18223786

Are you sure they wouldn't prepare a meal to show how good they are at it?

Also to feed their hopeless and weak husband?

>> No.18223788

Sorry anon but you're out of luck. She's evil so your protests mean nothing to you, you're going straight to the Shadow Realm!

>> No.18223789

>Thai curry
Correct that, I'd wife that jinko three times as fast.

>> No.18223791

Happy birthday to the Wock!

>> No.18223794

Can't send me there if I don't play!
Jokes on her!

>> No.18223800

That was the humane option anon, and you blew it! Now she's going to rape you!

>> No.18223801
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Vampires are, first and foremost cruel, deceptive predators, and they will always see humans as a food first and people second.

>> No.18223806

Oh noooo!
Whatever will I do with a delicious chocolate jackel atop me?
Truly this is the most horrifying of experiences.

>> No.18223812
File: 1.15 MB, 1122x1586, __tooru_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_superpig__f3015fa7d0753e3c02d60e786452ae2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry! She took the poisons out.

>> No.18223815

Are monster girl gyms filled with new years resolution nightmares too?

>> No.18223822

That's what you get for messing with the true power of evil and childrens' card games!

>> No.18223826

New years P'Orcs, holsts, the occasional cuddlecat, elves, and maybe a lich or two

>> No.18223828

>walk in a gym in MGC

>> No.18223834

AH, but now it seems she's fallen for my trap card.
The trap card of Sarcasm!

>> No.18223837


>no one reacts.
>some people give you weird looks

>> No.18223839

She's just going to rape you extra hard for that.

>> No.18223842

It's not rape if I want it.

>> No.18223850

>Are you sure they wouldn't prepare a meal to show how good they are at it?
I don't think good means burned but okay.
>Also to feed their hopeless and weak husband?
Unless this is one of the really attached and lonely ones that go "NO HARM WILL EVER COME TO YOU IN ANY WAY HUSBAND!" probably not?

>> No.18223852

Same thing, really.

>> No.18223861

>a Minotaur security guard just tosses you out of the gym for being a creep
>she promises to not be merciful on you next time you pull something like that
>and that she can help you out on your ‘technique’ at her home gym when she gets off work

>> No.18223864

Oni childhood friends are bad influences!

>> No.18223872

I want to teach a little Cheshire to play the tuba!

>> No.18223873

>Q:What type of men do monstergirls dislike?
>A:They won't fall in love with psychopaths and wicked people that think things like "Killing people is fun!" or "causing others misfortune is fun!".

What would happen if an MG met a human woman with those qualities? Would they:
A.Kill her
B.Trust in MAMONO MANA to reform her?

>> No.18223874

A comically large instrument for what may become a comically large cat.

>> No.18223879

Why anon? It's not like drinking is bad for Onis.
It's not like you wouldn't enjoy her taking your virginity in an old abandoned building either! You'd love to have your face pressed between her massive tits as her cunt milks you dry!

>> No.18223883

MGs only kill if their life is in danger and they have no other option so B

>> No.18223888

>old abandoned building
This scenario is kind of rapey. I'd have it no other way.

>> No.18223891

>old abandoned building
No. That happens slowly and tenderly in a bedroom.

>> No.18223898

The duality of man

>> No.18223903

Reminds me of a story idea I have involving an adventurer getting some pointers from a succubus that took an interest in swordsmanship.

>Holding her body right against his
>Hands moving all over to adjust his form
>Encouragement and support when he gets it right

>> No.18223908

I would hate to be a music teacher in MGC Junior High. So many kids who play and treat your class like shit would make me an alcoholic by the second semester.

>> No.18223915

I guess it depends on what kind of Oni childhood friend you have. If you want the old abandoned building, you have the party girl who sneaks out with you to make sure you have privacy when she gives you her virginity.
If you want the slow and tender route, have the kind Oni who protected you from bullies blush and hold your hand all the way up to her surprisingly cute bedroom before she turns off the lights, pulls the covers over the both of you and holds you close as you thrust down into her.

>> No.18223917

>or "causing others misfortune is fun!".
>tfw you lose out on a monster wife because you enjoy shitposting

>> No.18223921

>party girl
I was thinking more of a childhood rival that needs to prove she's better than you in everything, including sex!

>> No.18223922

There's a big difference between shitposting and being a true sadist

>> No.18223925

>Being protected by an Oni
>Not fighting with her

>> No.18223926

>tfw our shitposting caused the portals to not open in 2017
Damndest be us!

>> No.18223931

What happens if a boy has both?

>> No.18223940

Then he has a wild threesome with a Red Oni party girl and her sweet protective Blue Oni sister.

>> No.18223943

I fail to seehow a muscled up 9ft red oni with a hatred of pelvic bones is a bad influence

>> No.18223947
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>Hotdog firefighter will never princess carry you to safety
feels bad

>> No.18223955

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that not just centaurs and arachnes can give you rides, oomukades and snakes can do it as well!

>> No.18223958

She is going to make the fire bigger

>> No.18223960

And ushi, goes great with a party of a mino holst and hakutaku

>> No.18223964

>Anon is cornered by his Oni friends after graduating high school
>Isn't seen until later afternoon after he stumbles into his house with no shirt, his pants backwards, missing one shoe and having the biggest smile on his face
Best ending

>> No.18223968

>ywn exclusively travel by crowd surfing a hoard of mice or khepris

>> No.18223970

How would your oni friend react if she found your stash of hentai and erotic magazines?
And its all fit girls

>> No.18223977

I'm gonna need a bustier hellhound firefighter.

>> No.18223980

That all cow party is viable and perfect for a harem too.

Four could probably carry you anywhere with sufficient weight lifting, although being carried by a bunch means you may get your junk/rear groped by whichever girls are in that area.

>> No.18223983

Being honest everyone can ride you if you are creative enough

>> No.18223986
File: 467 KB, 1300x1300, 1507693681795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mist Continent can get very hot and humid during the rainy season, so you can spy a lot of fat-bottomed Monkeys sleeping in tree branches.

Making them very easy to take pictures of.

>> No.18223989

My purple princess, because she makes the queen clean our genitals with her mouth after we make love.

>> No.18223990

Like https://exhentai.org/g/1132388/4df70a81ab/

>> No.18223993

I don't know Anon, even if they get swole they are just a couple little girls. I also don't can't tell if I do or don't like the idea of getting jerked off whenever I'm being carried anywhere in public.

>> No.18224001

I want to take pictures of gorilla kakuen

>> No.18224007
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They are wonderful

>> No.18224008

Piggyback rides aren't real rides

Gotta have SOME decency, save the perversion for when you get home

>> No.18224014

She can never extinguish the fire in my heart

>> No.18224016

>Implying he wouldn't wake up the next morning with both sisters clinging to him after having sex from the end of school all the way to four in the morning.
Step it up.

>> No.18224020

Just don't get too intimidated when one walks up to you and beats her chest.

>> No.18224022

What would happen if a human boy climbed up into a tree with a Kakuen and started groping her ass?

>> No.18224028

That's for college, anon.

>> No.18224030 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 880x776, 1515988560399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18224032

Does she have large breasts, pecs, and other muscles to go with it?
Is she a CC 'silverback' ?

>> No.18224033


>> No.18224034
File: 225 KB, 1134x849, we apologize for the sudden stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18224042

>That all cow party is viable and perfect for a harem too.
I know, i need the calcium to prevent osteoporosis

>> No.18224043

This is her chance to get the boy!

>> No.18224050

Oh lordy she's too cute.
She's probably a cuddlebug after a hard pelvis crashing.

That and to get mad con bonuses

>> No.18224051

Relax Oni-chan!

>> No.18224058

I'd never trust that Oni to give me a handjob after seeing that.

>> No.18224059
File: 36 KB, 1860x252, 5d869a6e-ee52-4073-bf8c-0108329547bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that ropers should be purged on sight.

>> No.18224061

There's always a CC silverback in charge of each group of Gorilla Kakuen.

And they're all pretty buff.

>> No.18224062

>con bonuses
And set bonus

>> No.18224074

>Anon goes to grope a Kakuen's enormous ass because of how tantalizing it is.
>He's so caught up in it he doesn't notice the Kakuen waking up and grinning smugly.
>Before he can react, she lunges, smothering his face with her enormous ass until he passes out.
>When he wakes up it's to the sight of her titanic bubble butt bouncing up and down on his dick as the kakuen howls in pleasure.

>> No.18224077

I kinda want to inspect them all to see who the tallest is, who the buffest is, who has the largest chest, butt, and rear, along with how cute/beautiful they are

>> No.18224082

It doesn't really matter anon.
You're going to be the pack's private breeding stud after all.

>> No.18224096

That's just naughty or childish, not psychopathic. You're probably in the clear.

>> No.18224097

Well thats nice, how many are them?
I need to know how to setup the bedrooms in my house, its not all that big.

>> No.18224109

Twelve. Not a single one belong 6' 5"

>> No.18224128
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Lets talk lilims
Whats the deal with the dark matter they sit on?

>> No.18224132

I think I could do 3 to a room with me rotating between them but I'd need to move to a bigger house.

I wonder if I could get some sort of 'endangered species breeding' assistance.

>> No.18224134

I wonder what home cooked meals a Kakuen would prepare

>> No.18224135

That monkey is getting taken home.

>> No.18224142

KC actually mentioned that stuff in a QA, I think

>> No.18224148

>Whats the deal with the dark matter they sit on?
They're too lazy to walk or fly so they just sit on it and float.
Thats why they got a big ass, and ya got to bully them because of it.

>> No.18224158

Fairly normal Mist Continent cuisine. Stir fry with things like bamboo shoots, or spicy Thai-style curries.

And of course, an old family recipe for an amazing banana cake.

>> No.18224159

She makes a mean Zhajiangmian.
Her Cha siu bao and Bakpau are nothing to sneeze at either.

>> No.18224163

>you will never be a human mage in Lescatie
>you will never spend most of your time in the library with the cute lady there
>you will never both stay huddled in the corner during the invasion
>you will never fake moan each others name whenever you hear a monster approaching in hopes of keeping them off

>> No.18224195

This but with a monster girl.

>> No.18224203
File: 518 KB, 415x600, 415px-Queen_Roper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you will never be Francisca's dickthrone

>> No.18224205

That oni needs to be careful not to break everything

>> No.18224208

>O-Oh my! D-Does this mean we're married now?!

>> No.18224213

Imagine if a boy took the initiative with her and Said hello

>> No.18224217

Anons please, between the heat and that sudden comment she'll faint!

>> No.18224227

Who is this cutie? I want to read what she’s saying.

>> No.18224232 [DELETED] 


>> No.18224239
File: 1.10 MB, 880x1100, 505d2c4e5a0ff5da8dc71f6feb926615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a chuuni lilim!

>> No.18224242

Why not just actually have sex?

>> No.18224246

But premarital sex goes against the Chief God's teachings!

>> No.18224255

I know fan fiction takes liberties with canon but come the fuck on

>> No.18224258

Name of manga?

>> No.18224261

Would shaving a mofu tails be equivalent to shaving a dwarfs beard?

>> No.18224265


>> No.18224267

Then second base then.

>> No.18224272
File: 124 KB, 900x900, Vanessa(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a flame witch

>> No.18224274

>Country blocked


>> No.18224276

But of COURSE Nervous Oni lifts with Mini the meatgirl. And that workout class in the back was from something before too.

Just make a cinematic universe already Latenight let us throw you money

>> No.18224278

It just isn't fucking fair
Look at that eye on her face, look at that everything
Shes epitome fearboner

>> No.18224279

>LN cinematic universe
Monster avengers with a human male black widow equivelant

>> No.18224281

Here's some other synthwave then that'll accomplish the same thing:

>> No.18224288

Will you be her king, anon?
Will you eat her out under her 'dress' all day?

>> No.18224290

I had the idea for a fic that was basically this. I toyed around with it for like two months as it was a huge fantasy but I never ended up doing it because I'm shit at writing

>> No.18224292

>Wanting to end up like Alph and Theo
Shit taste

>> No.18224304

I will accept her duel! She may have broken old cards, but I have Power Creep on my side!

>> No.18224307

Did she kill them or something?

>> No.18224318

A fast Lilim in a fast car!

>> No.18224322

They became monsterboys

>> No.18224324

You mean the Rym thing?
Alph never showed anything physical, and Theo only got dragon hands that turn back later in the game.

>> No.18224328
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>Something wrong, anon? You're sweating!

>> No.18224331 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, Medusa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've heard of monster girls posting on Human Boy General, but what about monster boys posting on Human Girl General?

>> No.18224335

Yes something is wrong, just look at you! Those hairs in front of your eye are see-through!

>> No.18224337


>> No.18224339

Use the broom anon!

>> No.18224342

How it wide world of sports does she even sit?

>> No.18224343

>"See through hair? Nothing to fear! Its just a bit of transparency, no need to stare! But what about you? Your pants are see-through! And it looks like you're rearing to jump up and screw~!"

>> No.18224344

I think there was something in that tea. You appear to have a bit more of a 'presence' in your bosom.

And my groin is taking up more room than it should.

>> No.18224345

Human Boy General usually descends to rp-ish garbage (which is a shame since I kinda liked the idea), and I'm not surprised it's used for monster boy shitposting. Still please kill yourself.

>> No.18224347

By turning a bar stool upside down. Conveniently, that leaves room for three close friends!

>> No.18224349 [SPOILER] 
File: 662 KB, 1240x1753, 1515993357552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are OC monstergirls allowed?

>> No.18224350

Eww. I think?

>> No.18224351

She lifts up her dress

>> No.18224352

It's okay, her slime cleans the leg as she sits, it's perfectly safe for insertion.

>> No.18224353

>"Oh dear! But didn't you know? I thought human boys liked mushrooms that make you grow! Oh well, please, have another sip- then I'll use these bazoobs to smother you to the tip~!"

>> No.18224355

Oh fuck that reminds me, did /fit/ have one of those pictures this year?

>> No.18224356

If flagamander, lilim-faces and KDFbolds can be posted, you can post that

>> No.18224357

Oh shit, I forgot.

>> No.18224358

There are transparent mushrooms, after all.

>> No.18224361

Yes but it felt kinda weak, it was like, a pinned thread for over a week

>> No.18224364

I'd rather none of that be posted

>> No.18224365

Just don’t be an autist about it. She looks cute. Is she supposed to be mature and wearing her husband’s shirt, or is she a loli/petite girl? It looks like she could be either.
>How old are you?
>IDK. Either 12 or 25

>> No.18224366

>You will never sip tea with a Hatter that makes her and you get big in all the right places

>> No.18224368

Do demons have a phobia of green marines with double barelled shotguns?

>> No.18224369 [SPOILER] 
File: 234 KB, 1024x1448, 1515993825015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she supposed to be mature or is she a loli/petite girl
she only has like 4 commissioned pieces so i cant really spam her art

>> No.18224371

>Oh dear, your pants do seem to be getting rather tight.
>I had not known you were so well-endowed Master Anon and such a strapping young man to boot.

>> No.18224375

What's the feminine equivalent of a fearboner? It'd be that.

>> No.18224379

Hnnng. I wonder how big a lecherous Hatter like that would allow herself to get and how large she'd like me to get to use her with

>> No.18224382

Wrath Demons would have a crush on him.

They'd have a fan club dedicated to him, hoping that he'll 'rip and tear' them one day.

>> No.18224385

I want a Tanuki to try to expand into Wonderland territory to export unique goods, only to become Wonderful herself, even though she keeps her business in top shape
>Her owning your body goes much further than simply being in debt to her
>She can change and rearrange and mover your body parts as you own them
>Default on your loan of shotafication cookies?
>Maybe she’ll take your opposite hand and force it to finger her or hold her breasts up.
>Try to cheat her or steal from her, she’s going to take your dick as collateral to use as her pacifier or dildo
>Want to get fit instantly? Sell your arms to her and she’ll trade you back a nice new set with muscles preinstalled!

>> No.18224388

I'm thinking she'd have a colorful Carnival huckster aesthetic with those attributes.

>> No.18224391
File: 47 KB, 640x623, yzphzwS_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Local man turns news squirrel into sizequeen buttslut. Details on pg 2."

>> No.18224394

Her chair would begin to creak under the weight of her rear end, which is trying it's best to undo the seams of her breeches.

While the breasts she had rested on the table begin to knock over teacups and saucers.

All the while your growing bulge is pressing up against the table, resulting the the table tilting more and more.

>> No.18224399
File: 1.42 MB, 1722x2441, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit sirs! Another fine day in Wonderland!!!

>> No.18224401

The symbols, what do they mean????

>> No.18224402

Dear god, I would down another whole pot and then ram her with the force of a thousand suns. And the best part is, she'd probably still be all calm and sultry about it even as such ludicrous size shenanigans are going on.

>> No.18224405

What's the appeal of Mad Hatters? They seem like literal cosplay-tier monster girls.

>> No.18224409

Trying to turn your vampire waifu into a vegetarian.

>> No.18224411
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>> No.18224413

Wonderland is nothing but annoying and boring monsters. I don't know why people like it.

>> No.18224414
File: 1.25 MB, 2389x2251, guan_dao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon! my soul RAGES for battle! let us fight!

>> No.18224418

I think she wants you to Alp?

>> No.18224420

It's better to just beat them with an alp. Won't leave bruises and shows them who's boss.

>> No.18224421

Its called a Wonderland hello!
Ignoring the slight, I like them so much because they're so suave and in control. They're masters of charisma who can convince you even the most lewd and depraved things are completely normal and to be expected, freeing up your inhibitions for you to fully enjoy a sex filled life. Plus they have soft, spongey skin when they want to and though at first glance seem 'normal', are actually pretty cool and sinister looking!

>> No.18224422

For me its both the mild insanity and hat based corruption

>> No.18224423



>> No.18224426 [SPOILER] 
File: 840 KB, 848x1024, 1515994800703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont like wocks?!

>> No.18224427

First one to cum loses!

>> No.18224429

I don't even care for normal dragons.

>> No.18224431

>The growing bulge you have finally lets loose, bursting free from it's pant prison and flipping the table, splashing lukewarm tea all over the Mad Hatter.
>The March Hare attending the party is now completely speechless.
>The Cheshire Cat is taken by surprise and not-so-gracefully falls off the tree branch she was resting on.
>The Dormouse is whimpering as the shadow of your member encompasses her.
>On a nearby tree, a group of Jubjubs are just staring and drooling, with a veritable waterfall of sexual fluids flowing down.
>Somewhere very far away, a Jabberwocky senses a disturbance and takes flight.

>> No.18224436

Their outfit looks organic. I'm not sure if it even comes off.

>> No.18224437

It’s all the degeneracy and constant fugging of a dark demon realm, but with a candy coating. It’s also /d/, the location with any and all fetishes catered to in the form of all manner of potions, foods, and spells.

>> No.18224442
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>> No.18224443

A wonderland hello?
She wants me to rhyme?

>> No.18224446

>the shadow of your member encompasses her
This quote must be on my grave.

>> No.18224447

And I wouldn't have it any other way!
Something like that!

>> No.18224451

My mom's dog has eternal rivalry with the vacuum cleaner.

>> No.18224457

Nice blog. Now I’m imagining a Kobold daughter looking suspiciously at the house automation maid.

>> No.18224458

These ornaments on the blade serve no tactical purpose whatsoever.

>> No.18224460

I'm gonna stretch all those girls to comical proportions, I'm gonna go insane stuffing them all full to bursting and making them drink the tea too
Yikes, I've been claimed by wonderland...

>> No.18224465

Yes but they're cute accessories for a cute girl.

>> No.18224467

Thats the dream anon!

except i would do it with a vampire,or greedy dragon who thinks her womb can hoard any amount

>> No.18224470

And the way she thrusts out her blade one-handed, that's a fencing technique.

>> No.18224471

>Jabberwocky arrives to find a complete mess, the girls lying all about the place, plastered with semen.
>The Cheshire Cat begins to crawl back home, with a swollen belly and a stained dress.
>'N-No more tea parties..."

>> No.18224473

Does wocky leave unsatisfied? the party is over after her arrival

>> No.18224477

>Does wocky leave unsatisfied? the party is over after her arrival
He's probably standing right behind her, she just hasn't realized it yet.

>> No.18224478

She follows the trail left behind. The Jabberwocky in hot pursuit of the Monster Cock!

J-Just because she's curious, that's all.

>> No.18224488

If she doesn't transform into her true form to handle the monster it wouldn't be a good ending!

>> No.18224499

>"Honey, I think it's time I pulled out."
>"No! Every last drop of cum in your balls is my treasure, and treasure belongs in a hoard."
>your dragon says this despite looking like she's twelve months pregnant with octuplets

>> No.18224501

>Jabberwocky tears through the underbrush, knocking over trees and flattening grass.
>Bursts into a clearing.
>It's a very large, slightly overweight Cockatrice that gasps in surprise.

>> No.18224502
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Would you a chaotic deity?

>> No.18224504
File: 75 KB, 250x375, 250px-TheJabberwocky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was wondering what a true form jabberwock looked like and uh.

>> No.18224507

I would tease her for having such massive buck teeth.

>> No.18224508

Are you kidding? She’s a Jabberwock! The lewdest monster in all existence! She is the connoisseur of cum! The echelon of ecchi! The poobah of pervertedness! There is no dick too big or scenario too sexual for this majestic beast!

>> No.18224510

Dragons are really greedy with their husbands! They tend to almost any need their husband needs, thats why they're best wifes!
>Would you a chaotic deity?
We've discussed this in /mggg/ and the consensus is no.

>> No.18224511

Be prepared, bring a Vorpal Sword! Goes snicker snack, leaves em dead!

>> No.18224513


>> No.18224515

I've seen that sort of spear thrust before, just not i real life

>> No.18224517

Akshually, plenty of weapons use a counterbalance to stabilize cutting.

>> No.18224519


>> No.18224521

>Kobold daughter and kiki maid growling at the Roomba in stereo

>> No.18224532


>> No.18224537

Probably a joke on Saber-faces and all the Lilim OCs around.

>> No.18224540

Gotta find the cutesy/less gross versions like >>18224426

>> No.18224544

I think he means that the lilim OC's might as well be saber varients

>> No.18224547

There's less lilims then there is saber stuff

>> No.18224558
File: 1.47 MB, 2184x1916, Vanessa lilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like lilims

>> No.18224560

Lilims are cute! CUTE!!

>> No.18224564

>That lesbian haircut

>> No.18224565

My Lilim is forever stuck in some limbo because I'm too lazy to write about her or anything else.

>> No.18224574

I know I'm gonna regret this, but who owns that lilim?

>> No.18224576

Lilims are SHIT!

>> No.18224581

This is a bully free zone!

>> No.18224582

posting new wife commission again because thread died

she who controls the goo controls the universe
the goo must flow

>> No.18224590

She has a story too, so theres that

>> No.18224593

>tumblr nose

>> No.18224594

How many lilims have stories?

>> No.18224596

>This is a bully free zone!
There is no such zone! Bullying is for everything including Lilims! Especially Lilims!

>> No.18224608

If you had to choose another monstergirl aside from Gazer, what would you choose?

>> No.18224632

>Going from memory
There's a lot of lore for Mari, but not story done by Maritan herself.
Illassa (ELH) has is a major art of Illothe, but is otherwse like Mari
Lani (Chowder) has a couple of paragraphs to her name.
Renate (Alpanon) has a story, I forget its name
Palamina (Abbajigwah) has long distance seduction and its sequel, short distance confusion.
Victoria (Losenis) has all's fair n love and war.
Selene (Beast) has several one shots, a story about her and is a factor in burning edge.

most fan stuff regarding druella is either cringe worthy (Grigori once a story where druella is living as a mindwiped order princess) or edgy (A story where the us mllitary raided lescatie and druella is left as a broken shell of her self with snapped horns and ripped wings)

>> No.18224633

I was going to call her an alp but even alps are above tumblr.

>> No.18224641

Dimensionality is the name of the story with Reunault in it.

>> No.18224652
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.18224658

Whats the appeal of vampires? they dont got monster bits to tease

>> No.18224660
File: 258 KB, 600x653, 1436247364394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I made love to Slowpoke-chan, would she have orgasms after I already left the room?

>> No.18224664

I'm not sure, but I hear her tail is delicious.

>> No.18224665

You can make fun of their fangs.

>> No.18224668

Thanks for the tip, bro!

>> No.18224669
File: 143 KB, 433x600, Vampire_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wings of an MGE vampire are constantly out

>> No.18224670

>Your fangs are so big and pointy! do you eat well with those?

>> No.18224671

Sleepy girls make my dick hard

>> No.18224675

They're undead, majestic enough and do in fact have monster bits (the cape is actually wings). That said, some have even said all they really need is an attractive woman and a monster's mentality, vampires fit that bill and serve subs well.

>> No.18224679
File: 202 KB, 605x370, Dragons crown vampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the vamp

>> No.18224689 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x2000, 1515999123477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t forget to bully awoos on their year

>> No.18224697

>You will never fight a Wolf Girl Warrior, only for her to go into heat mid-fight and desperately call for a time-out while panting.

>> No.18224698

I want to grab a wolf in heat and rub her womb as she climaxes over and over again just from the stimulation.

>> No.18224701

It occurs to me that pleasure runes (that can be applied by touch) and illusion magic would be a really effective way to fight MG.

>> No.18224704

Am I a bad person if I continue to attack?

>> No.18224706

>illusion magic


>> No.18224712


>> No.18224720


>> No.18224721
File: 1.18 MB, 1911x2890, 1413234734996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, now apologize to Sif and take responsibility.

>> No.18224733

>Bully her further, don't even fondle her down there, just leaving a hand hovering above her crotch is enough for her to squirt.
>When you gently trace your finger around the area, she completely breaks and starts whining and begging for you to stick it in.

Some fights can be won without bloodshed!

>> No.18224739

Illusion isn't bad. Although, I imagine a human boy would get more mileage out of evocation, necromancy, and transmutation in the MG world.

>> No.18224742

>call for a time out
Anon thats not what wolfs do in heat. They pin you down and go to town and if you die then you die

>> No.18224747

Other than it being an aftersex image, cant find a translation of it

>> No.18224749

>Summoning things to rape you

>> No.18224752

I'll take what is Invisibility for 500

>> No.18224757

I'd bully her even further by just tracing the tip of my dick around the entrance of her pussy
>at this point she's leaking love juices like a broken faucet and heart-pupilling as hard as possible

>> No.18224765

>not learning control undead so they won't rape you
You're wizarding wrong. I bet you don't even recast Create Undead every day.

>> No.18224770

>turn invisible
>Monsters can still smell you

>> No.18224774

>Cocky young wizard thinks he can beat the desire for dick
Many a necromancer has ended up with a waifu this way.

Better make sure you tie her up first or you're getting leg-locked balls deep.

>> No.18224789

But i want to summon things to rape me! I'm going to summon a dragon zombie!

>> No.18224795

Wouldn't it be fine as long as I use my semen as a spell component? Or would that just make things worse?

>> No.18224797

>using semen for spells
Getting some Bible Black flashbacks now. Fill the chalice!

>> No.18224802

>Wouldn't it be fine as long as I use my semen as a spell component?
Have you been reading Black Brook's Neccromancy Survival Guide? The book is an actual joke and the man is a hack besides, that's the worst thing you could do. You're better off contracting a lower demon to guide you in your studies that reading drivel like that.

>> No.18224827

>contract a shortstack devil
>"Yeah, I can help you whip up some skeletons...for a handjob."
>"Hey, you don't have Create Undead in your spellbook. Three blowjobs and I'll write it down for you."
>"Whoa, you're trying to raise a dragon? You're gonna have to pound my ass for at least a week before I help you with that."
>it's not until a few months later that you realize you're in some weird compensated dating situation with your familiar

>> No.18224855

>But several years later you have an undead harem with the shortstack devil as your first wife
>Just as planned?

>> No.18224868

Archived some more old posts in the hope that I will someday do something with them:

>> No.18224881
File: 557 KB, 1680x1188, eed045391ad1661d5a4c1edeb5f32d29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusing a man-eating monster.


>> No.18224891

>that video title
Anime was a mistake.

>> No.18224895

Monsters that normally eat humans instead allowing you to have your way with their bodies out of lust and love is a patrician fetish.

>> No.18224900

Are you going to be the one eating her instead?

>> No.18224912

I'm going to deep kiss her and caress her fangs with my tongue

>> No.18224938

why is she in the microwave

>> No.18224960

She's the main course of today.

>> No.18224962


>> No.18224965

something something Peter Grill
His Ogres are cute

>> No.18224973

Dorome and Wurm buddy comedy?

>> No.18224985

Monster girls would be terrible class presidents.

>> No.18224988
File: 3.85 MB, 1085x1239, 1456969363179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure some would enjoy the challenge.

>> No.18224994

They'd just be monster versions of Medaka and I don't know about you, but I'd rather swallow a grenade then deal with that shit.

>> No.18224997
File: 91 KB, 800x509, 7bSQRN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This kills the meido.

>> No.18224998
File: 593 KB, 1084x533, 04_Omnivorous_Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a doujin

>> No.18225001

What if it's a shitty monstergirl that's worthless, like an elf?

>> No.18225003
File: 327 KB, 675x1100, Umi_Osho_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Snapping turtle at 3.30

>> No.18225004

That doesn't really change anything.

>> No.18225006

Who is that?

>> No.18225009

Oh snap.

>> No.18225011

Aren't Umi Osho sea turtles tho?

Either way, that bugger looks terrified of being there.

>> No.18225012

>no tv show where a man brings in monster to scare the host

>> No.18225023

I want a CC turtle happliy munching carrots

>> No.18225026

Now I want a shortstack Umi-Osho who bites my fingers when I bully her.

>> No.18225029

I should really get around to watching this, if not for just seeing more best anime vamp.

>> No.18225042

Better make it count because you'll only get to bully her ten times

>> No.18225045
File: 244 KB, 450x600, 1511384323688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so few pudgy p'orc pics
It's eating me inside

>> No.18225070

Sequel never
>Mizone's latest is a filth licker and fat guy
At least he's not cartoonishly ugly like the fat guys ahobaka draws but I'm not into doujins that include fat loser self-inserts

>> No.18225117

You should be the one eating those bacons.

>> No.18225176

She'd only bite hard enough to draw blood if you go too far like pushing her on her back, putting her in shibari and then leaving her there for a few days.

>> No.18225179

Would you mind Blood Sister P'Orcs sharing you?

>> No.18225187

I actively want P'Orcs sisters to share me. Hell I'd be happy if they brought all their cousins and friends too.

>> No.18225269

Are Vampires the prime example of monster girls who are like fine wine?
Nobody want a young Vampire. Even lolicons go for lolibaba Vampires.

>> No.18225289

Meant age like fine wine.
Nothing wrong with licking wine off a Vampire's feet though.

>> No.18225403
File: 699 KB, 800x1131, __original_drawn_by_inzup__ab10a306557996aa1ec8c93216059d71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting bitten by one feels good for both you and her.

Also, would you a chocolate Vampire?

>> No.18225412

Milky white Vampires are miles better than chocolate ones.
How does a Vampire even get a skin tone like that when they can't go out in the sun?

>> No.18225422

To blend in with the locals I guess. Polymorph spells are probably common in MGE.

>> No.18225429

That's not a vampire it's a botepire

>> No.18225431
File: 274 KB, 900x1200, 1427639887541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More dakka?

>> No.18225439

Strong cats deserve to be fed and pet.

>> No.18225470

Is the GAU-8 the most memed of all modern weapons?

>> No.18225499

That's all cats.
I want to spoil a muscle cat while the cuddlecat munches snacks and pouts at this newcomer.

>> No.18225512

How do you make a compromise during diner when one wants chicken breasts and vegetables while the other wants pizza and ice cream?

>> No.18225521

I bet fucking a fit cat is like fucking a contortionist
>Have her lay face down on the bed and arch her back over so you fan facefuck her and eat her out simultaniously, standing
>Suuuper deep mating press as she dislocates both legs to put behind and under her
>Can easily just pick her up in the same position and turn it into a standing fuck
>Or have her balance on a foot while her other rests on your shoulder and you make out
> Fuck her while she stands on her hands and leglocks you
>Pronebone her as she practices her splits
Would be pretty great

>> No.18225524

I make/get both.
One can get stronger and more muscled while the other gets softer.
Teasing and groping the cuddlecat with the musclecat would be fantastic

>> No.18225584

All that stuff is great but to me nothing can beat a fit cat tightening her powerful abs while you're inside her.

>> No.18225620
File: 297 KB, 650x653, 1510441126321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The DLC for my game isn't selling at all!

>> No.18225651

I bet EA is run nearly exclusively by Tanukis.

>> No.18225680
File: 1.36 MB, 1320x1396, 1401864791734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then make expansion packs! EXPANSION PACKS!

>> No.18225681

I told you to make an otouto route DLC rather than the Alp route you went with.

>> No.18225691

>VN route DLC
This is the worst thing.

>> No.18225701

I found it weird that succubus prison had voices enabled as a separate dlc.

>> No.18225702

Who wouldn't want to be in the middle of some plump p'orcs pressing their soft bodies against them? It'd be like being surrounded by big, warm marshmellows.

>> No.18225717

I’d expand that tanuki’s packs!
Actual content is what we need, not more ‘Horse Armor’

Mmmmm, plump P’orcs

>> No.18225722

>not buying Horse Armor for your Centaur

>> No.18225729
File: 409 KB, 1076x829, IMG_6280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, elves sure do like yoghurt TRANSLATION FUCKING WHEN

>> No.18225734

>centaur character armor needs 3 times as much materials to make
Fuck this shitty game. Probably made by racists.

>> No.18225738

There’s a difference.
One is a digital horse, the other is a loving wife that is secretly looking into that hatter’s wonderland tea

>> No.18225743
File: 94 KB, 202x289, 1512190615360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or gacha games.

>Her face when you get a shitty roll

>> No.18225746

If it's gangbang trash then hopefully never.

>> No.18225757

Stupid fat cat tanukis, living it up on scamming folks outta money.
Probably fatter than an orc and unable to run half as far.
Wouldn’t mind meeting one in an alley

>> No.18225785
File: 147 KB, 635x903, IMG_6281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's the rapiest gangbangiest thing ever. Says so right here.

>> No.18225791

Soon hopefully.
You could have just typed "elf" into any doujin site to see it's not.

>> No.18225798

I just wasted a single legendary card so I could make that one deck!
Damn you Tanuki Brode!

>> No.18225811

Joke's on the tanukis, I got top tier ssrs from free rolls over christmas.

>> No.18225863

>Go to nukimart
>They changed the whole presentation of the store
>Everything is in lootboxes of varying prices
>You just wanted milk for your cereals
>Ask a worker where you can find cereals
>She tells you to purchase the dairy crate until you roll it
>Ask to see her manager
>Chubby shortstack Tanuki in a suit that barely fits her comes out
>Says that if you don't like her practices you should start your own farm and milk your own cows
How do you put her in her place?

>> No.18225899

Kidnap that tanuki and refuse to let her go until I ‘roll’ every item on my shopping list with her card.
She has to eat every item that isn’t on it that I get as it looks like she’s been ‘practicing for that part’ already.

Also, I’m molesting that tail

>> No.18225905
File: 471 KB, 1200x804, 1472435528747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk her like a Holstaur.

>> No.18225934

>’Well look at This Looks like I rolled some Extra Thick Hathor Milk!’
>”T-that’s super rare!” The tanuki stammers, fidgeting in ropes that look super tight “Exactly what y-you wanted right?”
>Anon uncaps the bottle and turns on her.
>’No, it’s not Farmer John’s, I want Farmer Johns, I’ve been buying that for years.’
>Tanukis tail drops as she looks at the milk carton before stammering that ‘Farmer John’s isn’t in the Gacha for two months though.....’
>Anon simply pours a glass for her while one brow twichs

Good news is that the local chain may be seeing more business

>> No.18225955

>Chubby tanuki mewling ‘Nooooooo’ while anon ‘milks’ her chest, popping out of her suit and a cute, pink bra tossed aside while a stone faced employee looks on.

Would be an interesting trip to say the least

>> No.18226035


>> No.18226045

Tanuki-chan just wanted to have a bigger number in her bank account.
She did not ask for bigger breasts.

>> No.18226065
File: 113 KB, 824x772, DS6Nb60X4AAbWFd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monstergirls needing bras

>> No.18226069 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 800x600, 1516024064781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello ma'am i'm here to fuck your son.
How does Ms. Paladin-chan react?

>> No.18226072

It's just that the other types of loli high tier undead are so good, how can a young Vampire compete with a young Wight or Pharaoh. She can't, the other species are probably a lot friendlier towards guys too.

>> No.18226082

unusually polite of an ogre to ask

>> No.18226087
File: 384 KB, 852x1043, 1487437265714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd for for a lolibaba Vampire blessed with an Ordures/Elin pear body.

>> No.18226096

>In the news today, the infamous “Grocery Gacha Grabber” Anon Y Mous is in court today for the kidnapping, tail molestation, and destruction of figure of the MGC Nukimart Manager, Tasha Mofuberg
>Following her release from his capture after two months, Anon was captured quickly by the MGCPD And is soon to be judged for his crimes.
>Current punishments could range from time in a maximum security prison for twenty years or a permanent stay in wonderland.
>The man defends his actions by stating he ‘Just wanted milk’ but many don’t buy it.
>One possibility floated around is that anon will plead a ‘Taking of Responsibility’ and be formally married but time will tell if it goes through.
>Next up after our break, Marshmallow Cats in Winterstown, A desert goddess’s felines are now a big hit in the snowy regions?

>> No.18226098
File: 142 KB, 992x1403, Ryu Ninian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18226108

Well now she’s getting a bigger everything because she stood between a man and his milk.

They provide support and can look lewder/cuter than going nude

>> No.18226110

Does it know martial arts?

>> No.18226124

She's a Dancer with low atk.

>> No.18226127

>Ladies don't say "fuck" Jennifer
>Now come inside and put your armor on, no son of mine is going to be seen with a girl exposing her vitals like that

>> No.18226134


something something Durandal

>> No.18226143

>What was that?
>Nothing, ma'am

>> No.18226144

>day 20286: he still avoids drawing feet

>> No.18226152

>Tanuki can’t work at her desk because her newly endowed chest keeps pushing her out of arms reach and typing distance

I truly feel for her

>> No.18226159

Paladin-chan is really dissmissive about an ogre going out with her son.

>> No.18226185

You know how in one of the sequels to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Arthur Dent ends up becoming an important member of a community because he knows how to make good sandwiches?
I wonder if I could impress a community of Monsters like that.

>> No.18226213
File: 79 KB, 1288x806, 1506822576875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive mofu milktanks
I'll take twins

>> No.18226218

A businesswoman needs her breasts kept in check if she wants people to take her seriously.
Don't tell me you wouldn't laugh at a Tanuki's breasts jiggling around while she tries to convince you to spend your life savings on cryptocurrencies

The court system is rigged in favor of Tanukis and Dragons, they rule the whole thing.
Even if he pleads taking responsibility he will be required to promise at least 3 impregnations and have one of his brother/cousin be given to the Mofuberg family as damage and interest.

>> No.18226254

What would you do if your waifu begged you to beat the suit out of her while wearing demon-silver woven gloves?

>> No.18226264

you'd be very well liked among Wendigos if you knew how to cook and prepare meat properly.

They usually eat meat raw after all

>> No.18226271

Tie her up hanging from the ceiling by her arms and use her as a makeshift punch bag, focusing on the stomach because even with demon silver gloves there's no way I could hit her in the face.
Doing that to a Hellhound seems wrong enough as it is.

>> No.18226274
File: 634 KB, 1653x2338, 1500769979892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twins you say

>> No.18226278

Maybe but a no/already married clause means he can double the impregnations AND be married to the offended party and another member in the family.
Tanukis have fewer problems as it keeps the wealth in the family but the Mofuberg may not enjoy the teasing she’ll get from her cousin over the ruined figure charges.
Especially if it’s the same Mofuberg family that owns the gym where you can get a ‘Gacha’ that randomizes a workout for you if you feel like you’ve stagnated.

>> No.18226285

I dunno, seeing a tanuki with extra oppai and no bra try to convince me that crypto currency is the way of the future could be cute

>> No.18226291

yes, a couple of CC foxes to trap me in their mofu ball

>> No.18226297

I would beat the shit out of her, but it's okay because it's not domestic abuse when it's a Redcap.

>> No.18226299

What's going on here and how do I get into the Same situation?

>> No.18226341

I'd an actually loli Vampire blessed with an Ordures/Elin pear body. Imagine the clumsy inexperienced neck-sucking with her moaning and grinding her body against you.

>> No.18226414

>All the blood goes to her thighs, hips, and rear
Would be funny

>> No.18226465

Reminder that Queen Slime is canonically the biggest Monstergirl

>> No.18226473

Queen Slime a cute

>> No.18226476

In times of need, can she pull herself all together to form a giant fighting ‘robot’ that defends the city?

>> No.18226478

And that Jabberwocks are womanlets.The wonderland doujin crushed many hopes and dreams.

>> No.18226479

>a town full of simultaneous blushing faces

>> No.18226485

What's that women desire to hear the most?

Wouldn't you mind a few rounds of gwent?

>> No.18226490

Women don't understand the intricacies of children's card games.

>> No.18226494

Normal sized dragons are the best.

>> No.18226496

That's not really something my waifu would ever want anon, but if she was truly begging me for it with the puppy-dog eyes and all, I suppose I wouldn't be able to say no.

>> No.18226512

Like I said, cute

>> No.18226513

I'm in full agreement with this, girls similar in height or a few inches smaller/taller are the best for most races.

>> No.18226522

Tell her that we're going to do it in a fight. Then I'll be scratched by her claws while giving her some jabs and we'll see what happens.

>> No.18226527

Not all wocks have to be the same height you donger.

>> No.18226530

I want a Queen Slime who runs and staffs her own inn and tavern. Lusty, bombshell matriarch smoking a slime pipe, and a bunch of cute slime waitresses, kuudere slime bartender. that sort of thing.

>> No.18226532

Imagine them all smiling coyly and waving knowingly at you as you walked about your day. From the cute curvy milkmaids to the big buff guards to the slick lithe merchants, all smiling and wanting to talk to you- and more.

>> No.18226536

Only the most powerful nerd succubi have GOG accounts

>> No.18226548

Sounds incredibly comfy. You get such variety with Queen Slimes in such a weird but fun way.
I think all Queen Slimes should take acting classes from a Phantom though. That way they’re even better at playing different parts.

>> No.18226551

I wouldn't mind a sabbath wock then.

>> No.18226555

Would be fantastic.
Wonder if I could convince her to do a THICK day once in a while just to test it out.

A one woman play

>> No.18226556

Yep, doesn't help that I'm a switch with a lot of vanilla likes so an equal relationship is just a full meal to me. Getting to a dragon's level might be hard, but I'd still do it for the comfy.

>> No.18226560

for you

>> No.18226587

It would be pretty great to see a Phantom teaching a whole class of different Queen Slime personalities.

>> No.18226626

I want to curse a monster girl village so that all the tsun girls get larger asses whenever they tsun.
That is why I’d learn magic
If one is acting like an ass then they’ll be an ass!

>> No.18226628

>tfw supposed to snow here tomorrow
>will be the 3rd time this winter
>in 24 years of living here it's only snowed 2 other times
[frozen reeeee]

>> No.18226646

Toughen up Alice

>> No.18226650

>rewarding bad behaviour

>> No.18226664

I gave no maximum size and some girls, such as vampires, may not appreciate having a rear that could be used as a shelf

>> No.18226668

the best monster girls are the ones that do shit togeter with you, since I pretty much have 2 states of being because of my country culture would be hard for some of them 2 get along... Lazy intelectual geek or pumped up fighter that loves to hunt and fight... I cant see noble vampires get along with tribal werewolve girls...

>> No.18226674

But anon, I have a chronic illness that makes me very sensitive to temperatures.

>> No.18226678

Your post is funny anon, but I'd enjoy doing stuff with my wife too.

>> No.18226684

>original drawn by inzup

>> No.18226689

Jesus christ

>> No.18226693


>> No.18226704

Oh you mean Gottfried's Omni-opening Grimoire? Powerful and long forgotten spell book, the only one known to counter the Defensive Regulatory Magicon.
For a reason only powerful succubi care for it

>> No.18226746
File: 69 KB, 780x816, Sasha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasha a cute! CUTE!

>> No.18226776

Sasha is the type of girl who is so kind that she will blame herself for your failures and work her hardest to protect your smile.

>> No.18226825
File: 225 KB, 1176x1057, 1507736485508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victoria (Losenis) has all's fair n love and war
And Frederika with The Black Drink
And Yanhildr with Hunting Hunters
And Victoria's daughteru eventually in Victoria y Derrota
I may have a problem

>> No.18226851

Lilims are nice.

>> No.18226853

I want to mug all the little Sabbathites after they get out from their loli convention! I'm going to inject them with essence of mega-holst milk after I steal all their valuables and rough them up a bit as my calling card!

>> No.18226856
File: 276 KB, 695x949, 1458084490488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so is anon.

>> No.18226927


>> No.18226930

i like big spade tails

>> No.18226931
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>> No.18226946
File: 306 KB, 1024x1280, 1450445521847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devilbugs are cute though, would get lost in a cockroach cuddle pile.

>> No.18226949

Why are they called cock roachs?

>> No.18226958

>"Anooooooon, my desk is creaking! What should I do?!"
>look on as her gigantic chest has smothered her keyboard and several other important files, wobbling with every motion
>Ask her what the problem is, trying not to grin
>"This desk is solid oak anon!"
Won't be long until she makes you the head of the company while she lazes about on the sofa massaging her enormous breasts, longing for the moment when you come home and tell her how successful her new milk business is

>> No.18226976

Because they get high on your dick!

>> No.18226980
File: 118 KB, 645x911, 1501451638028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cockroach cuddle pile

>> No.18226986

Vampires absolutely hate roachs.

>> No.18226990

Who would even want to go to a Sabbath themed convention? And what would they name it?

>> No.18227000


>> No.18227002

>Who would even want to go to a Sabbath themed convention? And what would they name it?
I would. You already know the answer to that second part.

>> No.18227021

>sabbath wock
Even normal lolidragons are dick magnets.

>> No.18227041

I don't believe you

>> No.18227046

I'd prefer an onee-sabbath convention, with lap pillow booths, free dinners, and assisted baths, as well as CC monsters desperately trying to pass themselves off as sultry oneesans..
Ideally it would be set up next to a kindergarten or elementary school, so that the monsters can nip out and bring home an outou if they don't have any luck with the conventiongoers.

>> No.18227071

Now imagine a brown on with purple hair and shamelessly submissive.

>> No.18227073

Why would any self-respecting shota go to that convention?

>> No.18227077

This. It's probably a sad, smelly place full of desperate old hags!

>> No.18227086

>tfw portals open in time for Loli-Con 2018
the dream

>> No.18227089

>desperate old hags
But they're so good though!

>> No.18227090

I would love to go but I probably couldn't muster the courage to attend unless my wives/daughters dragged me there

>> No.18227101


>> No.18227106

Gross hands.

>> No.18227116

Holstaur definitely.

>> No.18227119

Because they're offering cookies, freshly made
And besides, they're all so nice! Their smiles and tightly fitting sweaters aren't predatory at all!

>> No.18227134
File: 501 KB, 925x584, __dragon_and_ryuu_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_butter_t__96f648364a8fde164beb07f2af08b212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sights like this must be common

>> No.18227140 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 500x667, 1515943704524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMOVE DEMON LORD remove demon lord
you are worst succuslut. you are the succuslut idiot you are the succuslut smell. return to demon realm. to our race traitor cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,lescatie we will never forgeve you. deruella rascal FUck but fuck asshole succuslut stink race traitor sqhipere shqipare..succuslut genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead succuslut..ahahahahah:LESCATIE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget corruption .demon lrealm we kill the king , demon realm return to your precious corrutped shithole….hahahahaha idiot succuslut and race traitor smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE SYCCYSLUT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. paladins+priest+knight+soldier=kill succus;ut…you will corruption/ the lescatie,..FUCKk ashol succus;ut no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. HERO aliv and real strong wizard kill all the succuslut farm aminal with rap magic now we the ORDER rule /jp/

>> No.18227147

Could always sit a laptop on her chest or get her an assistant.

>> No.18227163

What a cute Monoeye.

>> No.18227167
File: 471 KB, 1158x450, How to get pretty much any MG to rape you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, showing kindness to Monstergirls is like going out and wearing a thong in public while begging them to violate you. You're just asking for it.

>> No.18227170

The kind of Snapping Turtle I want is an Umi Oshi who snaps her ruler on my desk when I'm not paying attention during class.

>> No.18227171

> hire a buff oni
" Your job is to hold up these tits. "
> " Those are massive tits. " oni says
" Correct. Your job is to hold these tits up all day until she is finished with work. "
> " I'm not strong enough to hold up these tits all day. This will take at least a team of three, and we will each require compensation for when we rupture our vertabrae holding up these tits. "
" It shall be arranged. "

>> No.18227172

>Remember, showing kindness to Monstergirls is like going out and wearing a thong in public while begging them to violate you. You're just asking for it.
But i don't like being mean and want to be a good person! How else am i supposed to complement them?

>> No.18227173

I didn't know gregori came here. Who would have known?

>> No.18227178

Get married.

>> No.18227180

It's a good thing I'm a bitter and cynical person then.

>> No.18227187

Guess i'll go back to my old bitter ways and snark and be negative about everything, sounds far easier too!

>> No.18227189

>Remember, showing kindness to Monstergirls is like going out and wearing a thong in public while begging them to violate you.
You’re telling me I’ve been doing it all wrong this entire time? I thought all monstergirls wanted that ‘Pretty Human’ scenario when they white knight me out of a life of prostitution.

>> No.18227194

What about complimenting them for their beautiful Monster features?

>> No.18227203

How long could you be nice to a nice girl MG before they snapped?

>> No.18227204

Well, you could always become her assistant

>> No.18227221

The scarier a Monster Girl, the more time you would buy by being nice to them, it would confuse or fluster them.


>> No.18227224
File: 206 KB, 900x1457, Licklicklicklicklick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about lewd monoeye?

>> No.18227228
File: 209 KB, 1500x1500, Troll7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best hands and best girl

>> No.18227229
File: 648 KB, 848x1024, queenvampireEVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you bring non wonderland monsters into wonderland itself?

can i make my vampire become even more loony?

>> No.18227237

WHY is her tongue so LONG?

>> No.18227239

Goodness that is lewd, what a tongue!

>> No.18227247

To taste you better with.

>> No.18227257

Could set her up with a harness to hold them that has wheels, although she may have trouble seeing over them.

>> No.18227262

True, although we need to get her up and moving too.
Exercise will be necessary to prevent pudge from building up on her and adding to her chest, and elsewhere

>> No.18227275

Well they have to be "invited" by someone who is already there but yes they can be brought there:

>Since it exists in another dimension, one can't enter without the assistance of the queen or one of the monster residents. Some people carelessly fall asleep, and wind up there before they realize it. Some people get lost on the road, and arrive there after wandering aimlessly. Some people chase after “wererabbits” that head off somewhere as if suddenly lured by something. Due to the queen's prejudice, whim, and arbitrary decisions, many human men and women, monsters, and couples are invited to the kingdom a bit coercively.

>> No.18227293

>and couples
So some poor Order couple could be at a library one day and find themselves in Wonderland?

>> No.18227295
File: 226 KB, 800x850, Karakasa-Obake4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella

>> No.18227315

No way dude, it looks wetter under there than not under it!

>> No.18227330

Yes. What monstergirl she'll turn into depends on her personality I think.

>> No.18227337
File: 214 KB, 1323x629, Karakasa-Obake_eng1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227345

How interesting.

>> No.18227356

Does husbands blood taste different to a vampire than other blood?
Can they live off of animal blood?

>> No.18227357

>Sexually repressed shorty librarian with a crush turns into a bombshell shortstack jubjub that can't stand being more than five feet away from you at any given time

>> No.18227365

You know where this talk of blood is going to lead .

>> No.18227368

How the heck do I leave?

>> No.18227369

I'd prefer her to turn into a strong confident Wock.

>> No.18227373
File: 11 KB, 385x240, EdwardCullen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. I bet you want to cover her in glitter too.

>> No.18227374

You have to be the nice kind of asshole for that situation.

>> No.18227375

Still sounds all slimy to me, no thanks.

>> No.18227376

I want to trap a loli Vampire under a sun lamp!

>> No.18227377
File: 1.85 MB, 1500x1500, 64899897_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227384

I still think this is one of the most spike in head retarded things ever.

>> No.18227385

No, I'm really asking. Wonderland is shit.

>> No.18227387
File: 50 KB, 131x220, 1356915371831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long tongues improve nearly everything.

>> No.18227398

Not the pursuit of staying dry and un-slimy!

>> No.18227399

Yao worst kistune.

>> No.18227401
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x1277, inari_and_salamander_by_wlper-dc02lvz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18227407

>Anon has the "misfortune" to be found by Cheshire twins in Wonderland.
>The two of them taunt and tease him the whole time before showing him the exit and offering either pleasure or escape.
>Anon chooses to leave, but drags them with him and proceeds to facefuck them while they're dazed from being dragged out of Wonderland.
>The tables are turned when they wake up in a cozy house with breakfast in bed and begin to fall head over heels with the anon.

>> No.18227409

I want to make fun of Salamander-chan's chubby hands a d feet!

>> No.18227412
File: 520 KB, 1280x1836, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227416

I want to be found by a pack of dormice and turn into their communal body pillow!

>> No.18227419

>You'll never have your tongue molested by a Kitsune like Yao as she turns you into a slut for the sensation of being raped by her ass.
>She'll never drive you crazy with pleasure when she finally decides she wants babies.

>> No.18227420
File: 1014 KB, 2396x2969, MucusToad19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227455
File: 279 KB, 1066x856, 1440336530665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty bad at being the worst no doubt, but she's pretty good at being the best.

>> No.18227458
File: 174 KB, 763x713, Blackberry fuckmuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druella a cute. A CUTE!

>> No.18227467
File: 1014 KB, 500x281, c27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turning a prideful, powerful man-eating monster into a submissive slut who survives purely on the sexual fluids you allow her to drink instead of blood.

>> No.18227479
File: 649 KB, 858x877, cm__giant_slug_by_kuroonehalf-da0wj9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hug the Slug.

>> No.18227485

I wonder if we can actually have quality content now that alot of the shit writers are gone.

>> No.18227496

You can start by making good posts and not crying about writers at every given opportunity.

>> No.18227502
File: 204 KB, 770x481, Familiar9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls working at Lawson's!

>> No.18227506

Don't post random stuff, keep both images and discussion on-topic.

>> No.18227518

That clerk looks familiar.

>> No.18227524

No one working retail would be that enthusiastic or happy.

>> No.18227526 [DELETED] 

Don't lose your mind over it, Anon-kun. It's just reaction images.

>> No.18227534

Oh yeah, he's new.

>> No.18227538

Familiars are always happy! Except the few super depressed ones, they're the reason why the rest are so happy!

>> No.18227541

Familiars are the reason one of my daughterus has depression.

>> No.18227548 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 868x1228, 1516043513817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227551

Familiar Cheerleader
Class President Demon
Delinquent Salamander
Chess Club Anubus
Team Captain Jinko
Airhead Dragon Zombie
Transfer Student Automaton?
Either way, you’ve all landed in detention together for the next hour, whether deserved or not. How do they react?

>> No.18227552

Reverse Gangbang.

>> No.18227556

I like boats. I like monster boats even more.

>> No.18227557

How do you convince a pharaoh, vampire and non-mere dragon to wear a maid outfit?

>> No.18227558

For how long?

>> No.18227563

Tell them it's your fetish and it'll make you cum harder when they dominate you.

>> No.18227564


>> No.18227566

You tell them is the new fashion. You'll probably get raped or in the lamia pit once they discover the truth though.

>> No.18227567

>Airhead Dragon Zombie
She walks into it and cuddles me until its over. Then immediately brings me back to her cave and rapes me.
Politely ask and tell them it would be really bad if a maid somehow dominates her master.

>> No.18227570

>Familiar Cheerleader
Holy shit.

>> No.18227579

The Pharaoh would probably be really into roleplaying as a naughty maid.
She'd probably pretend that you're her young master that she caught masturbating and the only way she won't tell your parents is if you let her use you as a meat dildo whenever she wants.

>> No.18227585

She thinks she's about to get laid, that'll make an MG happy in any situation.

>> No.18227603

Transfer student Automaton! It doesn't matter how cool and aloof she is, I'll break through to her with my charm and knowledge of engineering.

>> No.18227606
File: 41 KB, 640x708, hDx3Ls5_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I approach and marry the Jinko bouncer over there?

>> No.18227612
File: 46 KB, 288x288, 56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227615

Be a tiger/lion tamer
They'll take it as a challenge.

>> No.18227616

What automaton? I just see a normal human girl.

>> No.18227619

Monstergirls getting tattoos of the species their based off of makes me laugh. Like imagine a human walking around with his face tattooed on his back like Steve-O.

>> No.18227628
File: 114 KB, 818x1157, automaton pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to mistake the robot parts for people flesh

>> No.18227640

Don't make fun of her medical equipment, she got in a bad car accident and had to wear them ever since.

>> No.18227646

great, now I want to see the equivalent of Jackass or Nitro Circus with MGs

>> No.18227652

She's lucky then to have transcended this mortal coil. 10/10 would bend over desk and impregnate

>> No.18227654

Her family must have been rich to be able to afford the whole-body replacement surgery.

>> No.18227662

Why are you two acting like she's in a completely different body? All she's wearing are some leg and arm braces.

>> No.18227663

>”Detention regulations state we are to keep conversation to minimal levels. Please comply, as I do not wish to extend my remediation.”
I think she likes you!

>> No.18227664

Tell them you'll do anything afterwards. You might have to wear prince/princess clothes for your dragon to indulge in her weird fetishes, but it works.

Trust me, I have a dragon wife.

>> No.18227668

I'm just glad we had the technology to make her stronger, faster, and more horny.

>> No.18227677

I can fap to this.

>> No.18227679

I'm not getting the reference you're trying to push here. I like my Automatons more than human.
I would ask her to define the minimum level of conversation allowed. If the parameters are not set, then maybe she wouldn't mind chatting for awhile?

>> No.18227682

So that metal on her torso and head is just fancy armor?

>> No.18227683
File: 506 KB, 580x820, 34d5ca913abec64fc0f7f15b7e34779b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Androids need love too once in a while

>> No.18227685

>I'm not getting the reference you're trying to push here.
He's probably referencing Mechazawa.

>> No.18227686

Of course, if Salamanders can wear stuff like that then why can't she?

>> No.18227691

It's the ending I fapped to the most in that game

The upcoming one has the female protagonist graped too

>> No.18227694

Delicious, can't wait for the translations.

>> No.18227695 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 320x184, 3387835-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227698

Thought that was a dick in the thumbnail.

>> No.18227701

She’d look at you coldly, but if you listened closely you’d hear little whirrs in her cheeks and abdomen.
>”...Very well. You have ten words for one minute. Speak.”

>> No.18227714

Khepri hands down. The only thing I don't "like" about the Khepri and I think is unfair, is tha the Khepri is better but not because of the girl, but because of what she offers. Khepri is pretty much a pass to any MG waifu you want as long as you are willing to have a harem. Just tell them you want a particular MG as one of your wives and they will make it happen, regardless if its a Lilim, a Salamander, etc

>> No.18227717

Which game was that again?

>> No.18227726

Friendly reminder that all feline monstergirls are HUGE spanking sluts.

>> No.18227729

Anubis and her cute paws

>> No.18227731

>wasting images on off-topic shit

>> No.18227733

Where is your evidence to support thys hypotesis of yours?

>> No.18227735 [DELETED] 

That image is directly related to his post and the topic of androids

>> No.18227736

My wife Pharaoh.

>> No.18227737
File: 611 KB, 1216x1000, 1492290727396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18227741

When I scratch my cat's butt she goes wild.

>> No.18227744

Fuck off and stop wasting images

>> No.18227753
File: 278 KB, 850x508, You know what needs to be done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's painfully clear you're new so here's the thing. We hate people wasting images with non-monstergirl related images here. Learn it or you're going to get yelled at a lot.

>> No.18227756

How is a /co/ related cartoon about destroying non-monster girl androids related to sexy /jp/ related androids?

>> No.18227757

>Only ten words? Please go out with me transfer student!

>> No.18227762

Because he's an idiot.

>> No.18227772 [DELETED] 

I didn't post it, dipshit, otherwise I would have fucking said "I". And no, I'm not new, but it pisses me off that you dolts constantly freak out about "wasted images" but never direct it at images that get posted every fucking thread such as >>18223325
Isn't it a waste to post an image that everyone and their mother has seen five million times already?

>> No.18227773
File: 94 KB, 571x615, 1513048403869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you play Haddoway - What is Love and there's an Ushi nearby

>> No.18227783 [DELETED] 

You have made two mistakes
1. Trying to defend someone else
2. Trying to reason with the autistic thread police

>> No.18227784

[Whirring Intensifies]
>She remains silent for an unusually long time until you realize the second hand of the clock ticks over
>”Yes, that would be most satisfactory. Meet me after school.”
>She goes silent again but the loud whirring of gears and processors continues

>> No.18227786

Because that's on on-topic image you absolute dipshit.

>> No.18227792 [DELETED] 

But it's still a "waste". It doesn't add anything to the thread. And before you bring up the other off-topic images or whatever shit, my issue is with the double standard regarding what is or isn't spam.

>> No.18227794

I want a big fat cuddlecat, but not a Cheshire. Just a big loveable cuddleable orange tabby Werecat that I rescued off the streets.

>> No.18227799

I bet she hates mondays

>> No.18227800
File: 325 KB, 600x773, 2e016ebf6eb7fa50aad6618118569e39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is healthy to be around hobo roach-chan?

>> No.18227803

I can't wait to show her my spanner collection.

>> No.18227812

She was curvy legs and high heels. I would risk it.

>> No.18227814

Remove devilbug.

>> No.18227815

All of them. And we go on a cool little journey throughout the school and find out we’re all not so different after all. While trying to make it seem to the CC Paladin principal that we were in the library the entire time!

>> No.18227817

>”Nyeah nyeah, yuck it up. I guess that makes you a psychotic virgin with no luck with women~“
She’s a snarky one to be sure.

>> No.18227819

What about >>18224504

>> No.18227822
File: 728 KB, 1338x1024, Cookingfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227825

Take her inside and feed her, then she won't be a hobo. Problem solved!

>> No.18227827

That shouldn't be here either.

>> No.18227829

What did he do to end up like that? Any context for the pic?

>> No.18227835

My brother, although any cat like that will do.

She does know that only encourages the jokes right?

>> No.18227837

It was related to the discussion of dragon's true forms and he actually posted text with it.

>> No.18227842 [DELETED] 

Okay, you're definitely fucking retarded.

>> No.18227843

What did he do? He was attractive to a particularly sadistic Hellhound.

>> No.18227847

I would resist only to get roughed up further and then when I can't take it anymore accept to mate. There is a certain appeal to be loved, protected and getting your brains fucked out by a strong girl who just roughed you so hard.

>> No.18227853

>You'll never have your dick squeezed between the asses of a pair of cuddlecat and cuddlehound twins.
>You'll never hear them all giggling as you pump load after load all over their plump squishy asses until you pass out.
It hurts.

>> No.18227869

>Johnny Knoxville running through a Kitsune shrine wearing a suit covered in fried tofu
>Chris Pontius accidentally alping men by doing Party Boy
>Wee Man is still getting chased by Preston
>Dunn is hanging out with his Wisp waifu

>> No.18227877

Fucking delete this.

>> No.18227878

>>Johnny Knoxville running through a Kitsune shrine wearing a suit covered in fried tofu
Oh yeah this won't end well. shall I call an ambulance?

>> No.18227880

I think she was making a “If I’m Garfield, that makes you Jon Arbuckle” joke

>> No.18227903

How do cuddle-tier Monstergirls care for their asses? I presume they take great pride in them and therefore work to keep them pristine.

>> No.18227914

They're kitsune, there's no need. You'll need several pastors though.

>> No.18227915

Exactly that, always flaunting their asses around their husbandos trying to get him to molest it.

>> No.18227921

Can't be worse than running through sendingo fested woods wearing meat jacket meat shirt meat pants meat shoes and meat underwear.

>> No.18227934

How does it feel to sleep cuddling a Jinko?

>> No.18227938
File: 99 KB, 445x289, 0989a86c-068e-4694-a40a-8d1636fa8445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227951

Yes of course, but do they demand special skin lotion and creams to rub into it when Husband isn’t looking? Do they secretly work out just the right exercises the right amount to keep their fat bubble butts big but easy to control? Do they make sure to sleep in special positions to maximize butt growth?
At first glance they may be lazy layabouts but what if they’re secretly very hard working at keeping that image up!

>> No.18227961

>meat jacket meat shirt meat pants meat shoes and meat underwear
Isn't that just being naked?

>> No.18227970

Can you stick it up a arachnes spinnerette?

>> No.18227972

Looks like someone has been taking classes about armor and self protection with the "Merc with a mouth".

>> No.18227975



>> No.18227978

Wendigo Papa > Nightgaunt Bansheeman > Shoggman > Atlach Nacha’s Spider > Flayed Squidman

>> No.18227990

>nachospider anywhere but dead last

>> No.18228002

It’s all fun and games till one wants you in her rear and not on it.

>> No.18228008

I know, I’m just poking fun

>> No.18228012

>Meat shoes
This is how you give a wendi a foot fetish.

>> No.18228015

Some people seem to enjoy the whole direct ovulation thing or whatever it is they talk about, whereas you really seem like you kinda just sit there as a squidman. All the others can at least move themselves from point A to point B.

>> No.18228019 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.40 MB, 2536x5960, 1516048569941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18228033

A cuddle-tier monstergirl's ass is her life.
If you have a harem of them they'll all help each other keep their asses in peak condition.

What are you talking about anon? That's even more fun. It's tight as a vice.

>> No.18228043

Couple of sqauts here and there should do the trick, but sex would also be very beneficial to keeping their plump figure in check, she just has to know the more beneficial ways

>> No.18228044

Will they play with each other’s asses?
Will they eat each other’s booties out?

>> No.18228055

I've played that, do monster diseases monsterized women or just make them lewd?

>> No.18228056

Only if it's for the purpose of getting one of the others ready to dominate you with anal sex.

>> No.18228069

Why the fuck wouldn't it monsterize them?

>> No.18228078

Then sign me up.
Name three non cat non dog species that are good for cuddle-tier

>> No.18228089

What monsters go best with high heels?

>> No.18228092

Demons, no contest.

>> No.18228093

Any monster with normal feet.

>> No.18228094


>> No.18228095

Ratas, Tanukis, Holsts
Holsts come with the added bonus of big milky tits

>> No.18228097

Feet are gross

>> No.18228098

Sneks in general.

>> No.18228104
File: 342 KB, 703x1200, 245_wight_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18228106

Heels aren't about the feet.

>> No.18228108

One's that normally don't wear them, like Slimes/Shogs and fug bugs.

>> No.18228109

Like a Pharaoh?
You don't like hearing the click of a high heel?

>> No.18228127

I can't see footwear of any kind working with Slime-types in a non-comical context.

>> No.18228130

I want to cuddle a wight. More specifically, I want to cuddle a zombie until she's a wight and then cuddle her more.

>> No.18228135
File: 285 KB, 1297x2061, Lamia40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18228137

Unf to all three. I’d probably die if they all shoved their panty-devouring asses in my face and forced me to choose who gets to sit on me first.
Smug but easily breakable Rata, lecherous and greedy Nuki and gentle but insatiable Holst.

>> No.18228138

What monsters go best with putees

>> No.18228141

Shogs can wear heels, though i kinda want to make wear heels that aren't apart of her.

>> No.18228144

It's beautiful. she is perfect
how can the others even compare?

>> No.18228171


>> No.18228174
File: 416 KB, 1012x1550, tumblr_nyxgarYwYv1sjij2lo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste, the thought of a wight walking seductively down a long hallway in those heels is a nice one.
Same goes for wight footjobs.

>> No.18228175

Night Gaunt should be number one.

>> No.18228186

I wonder if the other two get jealous of the holst for having breasts that destroy undies just as proficiently as their asses do

>> No.18228188

Getting your own pocket dimension is pretty based. Also beastman mode has to be cool.

>> No.18228199

While Gauntguy certainly looks like the most fun and having a blast, Wendigo Coatman can presumably still go about and both have fun and do practical things.
Although, I’m not sure how much of that is threadcanon/LNcanon. How lucid is a Wendigo husband in coat form?

>> No.18228202
File: 236 KB, 850x613, Wendigo18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wendigo is too fat

>> No.18228207

But Nightgaunt Bansheeman can fly!

>> No.18228214

What do you expect when you keep so much around.

>> No.18228221

I mean, they bang just like the rest, but it honestly seems like ALL of the chaos transforms leave one to their own devices.
Basically funky-looking incubi.

>> No.18228222

Gonna mating press that shy 9footer!

>> No.18228224

They're all shit.

>> No.18228225

She needs to learn self control!

>> No.18228229

Why not #1?

>> No.18228232

I’d agree or see reason for all but the Flayer’s squid. I don’t mind the chaos transformations at all and think they can be nifty, but that one is my least favorite.

>> No.18228234

I personally think people take the whole Lovecraft thing too far and that this is still KC's hugbox. I assume every chaos husband is as much himself as any incubus is and most of them have lives where they exist in their human forms also. The wandering monster scholar just never sees that stuff.

>> No.18228237
File: 367 KB, 1600x900, griff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, so can everyone with a flying MG except Jubbers.

>> No.18228238

Just fat enough, I'm thinking.

>> No.18228246

Low fun factor. It’s the ‘safest’ of them all, but doesn’t really lead to anything exotic sexually, at least in comparison to the others. It’s great for people that really dislike the transformations as a whole though.

>> No.18228249

But I like my wendis soft

>> No.18228266

The scholar has seen them transform back. Nacha’s Husband did but she threw a loli bitchfit tantrum so he changed back for the illustration.

>> No.18228268
File: 414 KB, 848x1200, 1405399174936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember Harpy-chan duty in school.
I do remember going to train the Kobold mascots though.

>> No.18228287
File: 186 KB, 707x1000, 0d327da235b7b3648d2b6651ee8c6e6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a birdbrain, but a good one.

>> No.18228292

But he doesn't see how much time the live in either form. Most of the chaos entries are written in a creepy manner on purpose to get a Lovecraft feel ignoring the fact this is still the same "only happy endings" world it always has been.

>> No.18228295

Hugbox or not, it's still monsterboy transformation faggotry.

>> No.18228296

I think it depends on how you interpret the coat form. In my ideal situation for me and my Wendi waifu it would go something like, the coat needs me to be inside of it for it to summon the coat beast. The beast acts off of my instinct to protect my wife and help her with her daily life, while my body just gets to relax inside a comfy warm house while she runs through the snow at incredibly fast speeds.

>> No.18228297

Please do not make the Jubs more self-conscious, they’re desperate enough as is.

>> No.18228300

Not him but they may compensate via having larger posteriors.

All that meat in that small a package means on huge rear.

A true rival for cuddlecat is here

>> No.18228311

I think most Jubs are too busy being husband-conscious to be self-conscious

>> No.18228317

I don't think you are actually a coat I assume you transform into what is basically an abominable snowman creature like the great old one Ithaqua and the coat is just a pocket dimension that hides your body.

>> No.18228337

>”Fwee hee, I see you staring at my tush, boy. Five bucks and I’ll let you poke. 30$ for a full grope!”
>she says this while enticingly wobbling it left and right with a smirk over her shoulder

>> No.18228341

And what if I take her out to dinner and let her have her fill?

>> No.18228383

>”Oh? You think you can satisfy my extravagant, eccentric tastes, boy? Fufu, you’ve signed your debt warrant! Meet me at this address at 5, and dress appropriately, Fwee hee hee!”
>cut to Anon meeting the cuddly Nuki in front of an all-you-can-eat buffet, wiggling and salivating in anticipation
>”Hurry, hurry! I’ll let you have a night full of whatever you want if you let me stay for three hours!”

>> No.18228387

I only got a 100$ bill.

>> No.18228401

>”Humph! I don’t make change! But I will make you feel like you got the best deal of your life, fwee hee hee!”

>> No.18228403

I'd let her stay for 4 out of curiosity.
What could go wrong?

>> No.18228415

>cut to anon cuddling the nuki in bed several hours later because she's too full to fuck
Little did she know this was my plan the whole time

>> No.18228420

>What could go wrong?
Famous last words as a single man.

>> No.18228431

So what, she's going to rape me?
Or demand I become her husband?

>> No.18228451

Just say no, dude.

>> No.18228457

Yes, Anon. She's going to have a lifelong all she can eat buffet of (you). Once the food coma wears off, that is.

>> No.18228467

This guy knows
high ranked girls with heels always make a good pair

>> No.18228476

>”Uuuuuunnnn anooooon my tummy hurwts...”
>”Please keep rubbing it and please also rub my butt it makes me feel a lot better...”
>”I’ll- I’ll pay you if you go get me some milk to help my tummy settle down...”
>”you can sleep on my butt if you pwomise to spend the night...”
Silly Nuki.

>> No.18228486

I'm not saying no as that earns me a cuddlecoon but this requires more dates before leaping into it!
And it lets me get her into a state where I keep taking he out to dinner but I keep denying the use of that rear by me till she wants it.

She probably has drugs to make me go forever doesn't she?

I would.
Going to grab the Extra Thick Hathor Milk for her

>> No.18228491

If you say yes, you have to skip out on all the other girls out there.

>> No.18228497

Especially if you can hear them coming from a mile away. It's a good cue to bow down.

>> No.18228503

Every time some says "cuddlecoon" all I can think about is Eric Cartman trying to sell some new merchandise.

>> No.18228509

But she’s so needy Anon! She’ll make you give her butt rubs and titty massages and full body cuddles all the time and demand you bring her lots of food!

>> No.18228514

But what about when her Cuddlecat rival jumps into the mix?
Besides, I want her to hold off till she's sure

>> No.18228516

Go away, fatfag.

>> No.18228520

I am... The cyyeeeuuun

>> No.18228525

I can do that.
All the cuddles and buffets she could want.
Also little nukis, all of them

>> No.18228536

I should know. High ranked Demons that let you know their awe-inspiring presence is kinda my shtick, mang.
That’s the ticket

>> No.18228540

Do other Demons work under your Demon, Baronessfag?

>> No.18228543

>Wee man getting chased by a huge minotaur.
>johnny doing department store boxing in a dragon's store.
>high fiving an oni/ogre with that huge hand

>> No.18228553

You know come to think of it I’ve never really thought of any in particular. Maybe it’s a low-key jealously thing. She has no problem with, and enjoys, monsterizing women into Demons though.

>> No.18228608
File: 317 KB, 1536x2048, DDeFVGhVwAAzk-a.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna fuck the doe pussy!

>> No.18228612

Sproink it, friend.

>> No.18228627

I wonder what they looked like back when they were demonic killing machines.

>> No.18228628
File: 394 KB, 1000x1567, 1513293125188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be working the farm in your village when the hero walks through
>you help some soldiers of the DL's army capture him and take him away
>a few days later, an vassal of the DL shows up at your house followed by a 11/10 succubutt
>"Sir Anon, for your brave assistance in eliminating another pesky hero, the Demon Lord bestows upon you a wife," and she tosses the succubus at you
>"Oh my god, thank you so mu- Hey, wait a minute! Is this the hero?"
>the vassal just gives you a shit-eating grin

>> No.18228630

Wonder if she can 'drink' as much as she eats

>> No.18228632

Heels for being a dom bitch are shit. Heels for the feminity and elegance/sex appeal are where it's at.

>> No.18228639
File: 238 KB, 686x698, Upset spider punishing husband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In more detail, she was so upset that she didn't even wait for him to change back into spider form, and just started raping him in front of the Scholar while hurling insults.

>Scholar: "Fascinating, so you have sex in this form as well?"
>Atlach-nacha: "Shut up you limp dicked $%$^! let me fuck this shithead in peace!"

>> No.18228646


>> No.18228651

>you help some soldiers of the DL's army capture him and take him away
Trash tier. You deserve a beelzebub.

>> No.18228674

Finally someone understands

>> No.18228679
File: 1.29 MB, 2100x1366, 54670192_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11/10 succubutt
>no pointed ears, wings, or a spade tail
Fug dis.

>> No.18228684

I think it's more that like most chaos monsters, they find being seen with their man in human form extremely embarrassing.

>> No.18228687

Different strokes I suppose

>> No.18228700

What about Dom elegance and sex appeal.

>> No.18228707

What if you only want to fug chaos waifu in human form?

>> No.18228717

I want to pepper a Nacha with compliments as she berates me in every manner possible
>"What a laugh, some needle-dick thinking he can get me off with something as pathetic as that. Aren't you embarrassed, you sorry excusr for a human?"
>"You're so cute when you're angry, Nacha. I just want to cuddle with you in your web all day. You smell really nice today, you know."
>"S-shut up, you f-filthy piece of living garbage."

>> No.18228719

You can probably negotiate reduced time in the non-human form, but if you outright refuse to use it at all your wife will likely be upset.

>> No.18228725

I want to stroke her tail and tickle her wings

>> No.18228732

>getting a hero demon alp as your wife
If you want a perspective from every side there you go. Maybe she can teach your peasant ass how to swordfight.

>> No.18228739

That tanuki is going to be dangerously smug from now on, and I imagine she'd boast endlessly about how she now has a cute boyfriend who eagerly cuddles and fondles her

>> No.18228742

Pretty much all of them have non-chaos equivalents you’re better suited to in that case. What’s the point if you just like a ‘monster’girl for her looks

>> No.18228757

>Alped hero
>Teaches you to sword fight
>Teaches you to "sword fight"
>Makes you the man you always wanted to be while becoming the woman he never knew he wanted to be
Thanks, demon lord!

>> No.18228765

Now that's gay.

>> No.18228766

Spade tail nibbling will forever be the lewest part of foreplay.

>> No.18228770

>”Rata-chan, I wanna buy an article! ‘Gorgeous Tanuki has new cute boyfriend, irresistible butt too much for him to ignore!’ Make it front page!”
>Hangs up and jumps back into bed to continue making out and slow cuddlefuck her hunky boytoy

>> No.18228785

Even the monsters can recognize traitors as faggots.

>> No.18228788

>Pic is her napping on top of anon, the massive lump that is her butt partially exposed
>She's not notified before its printed.
>Tanuki is hiding in bed all day out of shame.

>> No.18228824

It's basically the greatest thing ever. I wanna nibble all the spade tails.

>> No.18228827

I wasn't thinking about outright refusing it, jjst as a way to bully her.l
Like what would the other chaos girls think if they knew you did the dirty with a plain old human even after he can transform.

>> No.18228831

All the chaos mgs already have unique features without the transformations, who knows why KC tacked that shit on them.

>> No.18228834

I find this hilarious for reasons.

>> No.18228840

Big Pharaoh butt.

>> No.18228841

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pic of a MG with a ‘whale tail’ before. I’d love to see some flustered OL Tanuki trying to act all seductive and failing miserably.

>> No.18228848

How big?
Cuddlecoon and Cuddlecat seem tied with Loli Wyvern for first.

>> No.18228851

Careful anon if you tell her that her ass is big she'll be very angry!

>> No.18228853

Because the very nature of chaos monsters is degeneracy, and not everyone has your weak stomach.

>> No.18228856

Big as I like it. Or as you like it it's a fantasy.
What should I do when she gets stuck in her chair?

>> No.18228859

Anon, thread memes aside, any MG can have a booty as big as a B.E.T. backup dancer.

>> No.18228861
File: 2.31 MB, 3072x1824, 21446fc802f030f2ed069e37b41f56c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old appearance wise do you like your vampires?

>> No.18228873

>”Aww Cmon babe, it doesn’t look bad!”
>”Nooooooo, they didn’t get my good side!”
>”Every side is your good side, booty”
>she peeks out under the covers with a smug grin
>”Cmere you hunk and prove it to me~”

>> No.18228875

Run away or laugh, punishment will find you either way.

Varies but the lolis need overly fat asses or overly large busts.

>> No.18228879

I like them CC type, I don't like them loli type

>> No.18228882

Mature like a fine wine.
What if I try and help her out?

>> No.18228889
File: 1.46 MB, 932x1920, 1510227325785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't stare at this shriveled, malformed oni-chan. There was a very poor harvest the year she was born, and she was frequently ill as a child.

It's not her fault that she is only 2 meters tall, and is only as strong as 10 human men.

>> No.18228892

Late teen to young adult.

>> No.18228893

This is where you pop some manticore venom, toss those sheets aside, and fill that rear like theres no tomorrow.
All while ignoring the shaking branch outside and how a picture will pop up tomorrow stating that "Local Merchant Queen is Insatiable?" while showing her glazed eyes and bloated middle while you pound that ass for the tenth time.

>> No.18228895

He wanted a uniting feature for the chaos girls to distinguish them from regular monsters, and decided the feature would be that they all cause physical transformations in their husbands (and that it is only when united with the transformed husband that they are "complete" as monsters).

>> No.18228896 [SPOILER] 
File: 438 KB, 784x587, 1516055929607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting coached by an alp
>She will get more and more flustered when your body gets harder.
>Not to mention when she sees other monsters eyeing you up she unleashes her combined holy/demonic energy.
The chief god is going to be pissed

>> No.18228898

It's not that people aren't keen to transformation, its just that they want a life outside rape spider/squid.
Thats why nightgaunt, wendigos and shoggoths are well recieved.

>> No.18228901

All of those pictured, so preferably one powerful enough to shapeshift, which would mean they are very old.

>> No.18228904

She accepts it as an apology from you and decides to reward you by letting you be her throne for a day.

>> No.18228912

Mid teens to CC. The CC look is really nice for elegant types in general.

>> No.18228919

She just needs meat is all.
Lots and lots of meat.

>> No.18228937
File: 1.45 MB, 853x1024, Beast Dominator evolved 1495512137561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mature, busty and elegant.

>> No.18228939

Excellent, now to convince her to let me use her prodigious chest as a pillow.

>> No.18228943

Does she only know how to dominate beast?

>> No.18228954

That's the second best part! Really though, if she keeps sending in unprepared heroes in such small numbers it's her own fault. She should consider herself luckily such high quality men haven't been snatched up by an echidna or something. That'd bite her holy ass in the long run.

>> No.18228959

Proud and royal, though country grown vampires are nice too.

>> No.18228960

I'm pretty sure with wendigos its threadcannon and cute art as to why they are liked. When it comes to canon material we have zero info on what the husband does aside from have sex with them.Unless I missed something that is.

>> No.18228980

Will my Nightgaunt wife let me paint racing stripes on her and I in conjoined form so I can go super fast while pounding her from behind flying at incredible speeds? Can I Nightgaunt-chan?!

>> No.18229004

I wonder how good the control of the mucus either the night gaunt and her husband have and if you could create more complex latex outfits than just a full body catsuit or if you could make more stylized fetish clothes.

>> No.18229015

>high quality men
>weak faggots that go alp and can't even cleave one sniveling traitor
Lets be honest, they're probably being sent on purpose to sabotage the monsters' genepool.

>> No.18229026

As husband you take full control. But remember, exposing her porcelain white, ultra-sensitive skin will make her very very nervous!

>> No.18229034

Maybe they thought sending gay dudes to combat monsters would end well. Little did they know that alps were a thing.

>> No.18229036

I don't remember there being any kind of force keeping you in the coat physical or mental.
Wendigos and their husbands would simply live in cold climates either towns where they go about their daily business or the fucking savages in the mountain wilderness

>> No.18229038

>cover everything except her tits, crotch and butt

>> No.18229047
File: 999 KB, 1040x826, 4a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post chief god's face when she discovers alps.

>> No.18229053

Is it wrong if I would think it adorable seeing my Nightgaunt wife having a huge anxiety attack and whimpering desperately for help?

>> No.18229059

>includes several pictures of her belly, ass and tits getting fondled like nothing else
>ratings soar, tanuki gets even wealthier and even smugger

>> No.18229064

It's a face of disgust. Seeing someone who likes them makes her puke though.

>> No.18229066

Not too terribly wrong anon, as long as you don't forget the aftercare!

>> No.18229068

By how good a control I mean if you can just use it to squeeze and molest her like in the entry or if you could form latex dresses and bathing suits for going different places.

>> No.18229078

>Thats why nightgaunt, wendigos and shoggoths are well recieved.
Wendigo and nightgaunt are the same as mindflayer and nacho, the only reason people aren't calling Wendigos shit is because of the awawawa moeblob bastardization which is on par with stinky centipedes and retard wurms as far as dumb thread canon goes.
They were hated almost as much as nachos till they got watered down.

>> No.18229090

Low quality men don't make 11/10 succubi, they do like 8, maybe nine tops. The only things wrong with that hero were worshipping an impotent God and having teh gay. The demon lord fixed the first, MAMONO MANA fixed the second. She's perfect now.

>> No.18229095

Bet she'll try eunuchs next. Wonder what she'll look like when magically repaired testicles and decades of pent up lust?

>> No.18229097

This, never forget about aftercare.

>> No.18229098

Rata-chan sure has a nose for a scoop.
Deserves a raise and I can only fear for how smug that cuddlecoon is going to end up

>> No.18229112

Alps don't deserve the bulli.

>> No.18229115

Fug you, only a few hardcore vanilla fags were against nightgaunt on release

>> No.18229134

The do though. They deserve maximum teasing too, especially when they accepted that they are girls and love it.

>> No.18229136

I was mostly talking about wendigo there to be honest.
I'm just a little peeved because I like them and the memes have been way more damaging to them than headpats ever were to raijus.

>> No.18229138

They deserve the high impact sexual bulli

>> No.18229145

Because the Night Gaunt is perfect.

>> No.18229146

I sympathize with you on a spiritual level. That stuff really bugs me. That, and monogamy fags rising from the wood work half the time any of my favorite girls are mentioned

>> No.18229149 [DELETED] 

>joining the hero's party and gaining their trust as a skilled archer
>things start off easily enough in the party of 6, but you can tell the corruption is starting to get to them a bit
>raised voices, erect nipples, everybody is on edge
>but still they power on
>but you plot and scheme
>at first you're subtle, sabotaging the defensive line around the camp as the others sleep
>a werewolf sneaks into the camp and nearly has her way with the mage before she's chased away
>you pin it on the mage not checking it properly, the hero demands two people stay awake in future
>you slowly ramp up the sabotage, tainting the priests' drinking water with some energy generously donated by a "wandering" succubus
>she blushes for the rest of the day, her eyes slowly yellowing as she is corrupted, the presence of the hero being the only thing stopping her from turning completely
>the night after, while the hero is asleep, horns burst from her skull, wings and tail following soon after
>she turns to violate you, but you grin and place a finger on your lips, her eyes widen in realization, she huffs and stomps her foot before running into the woods to friendly territory
>the hero is none the wiser, you act dumb and say that she must have deserted the quest
>you're too deep into enemy territory to go back now

>walking along a cliff, pits of dark matter on either side
>you "go scout ahead," on the order of the holy hero himself
>sneaking back around, the corruption doing nothing to you, you aim carefully and let fly with an invisible arrow
>expensive to use, but fun as hell, the arrow flies true and strikes the dirt that the mage is stood by precariously
>it gives way, and before the hero can grab his robe he tumbles into the pit, quickly being swallowed by the blackness, he'll be having fun later
>the hero stares, his eyes slowly glassing over from the stress of losing two party members in short order
>he's pulled back by the yells of the warrior
>you dash ahead of them again (not that you need to scout this place anyway) and ask what happened
>the hero shakes his head and despairs at the loss of someone he considered a close friend
>you reassure him, and tell him that you'll always have his back
>he smiles genuinely and pats your shoulder, saying that he's glad to hear it

>camping deep in monster girl country, the slightest noise could bring a horde down on your head
>you and the warrior are on watch
>he says he needs to piss, you nod and watch as he leaves
>silently as you can, you follow him through the dark trees, watching as he begins to urinate against a large tree
>you pull back slightly, far enough away that he won't find you if he tried
>you unsheathe your arrow, and chanting a spell, light it with red fire
>aiming directly upwards, you let it loose
>it sails through the sky, alerting every monster in a 10 miles radius
>you snicker to yourself as the sound of pounding footsteps proceeds the panicked shouts of another party member

>another deserter, what are the odds?
>the hero sighs to himself as he looks over his remaining two party members, you, and the rouge, a younger girl taken from the streets
>he asks himself if he'll be able to defeat the demon lord with the two of you
>once again you reassure him, telling him that he's the destined hero, party or not, he'll be sure to win
>his determination restored, he declares that the three of you will charge the demon lord's castle the following morning
>you smirk to yourself during the night's watch

>the resistance is "surprisingly" light as the three of you storm the castle walls, fighting off blade of demon silver with shield and sword
>you dash through the elaborately decorated halls, almost as if you know them already, until you come to the doors that lead to the throne room
>a large group of pursuers have followed you, but you aren't afraid, not in the slightest
>you and the rouge stand your ground, and tell the hero to vanquish the demon lord and end the war
>he thanks the two of you for your bravery and rushes inside with a war cry
>the rouge pulls closer to you as the monsters close in
>she barely has time to react before you kick her in the back, pushing her into the waiting arms of a grinning hellhound
>she squeaks and struggles, but she's far too strong for her

>you turn around and push open the doors to the throne room
>he has failed
>his holy protection has faded as he lost his way, despaired over the loss of his party, and breathed the corruption in the air
>he struggles against the oppressive weight of the demon lord's magic
>you stand next to him as he tells you to run, to get away from the lilim now holding power over the realm
>mockingly you gasp and fall to your knees
>you look down and pull back on his blonde hair, his eyes meeting yours
>you grin smugly
>he gasps, a flood of memories coming back to him
>a boy on the streets, crying and alone
>"old friend, isn't this much nicer than worrying about being a hero?"

>> No.18229162

I'm pretty big on monogamy but I honestly couldn't care less if someone else wanted a harem.

>> No.18229172

remove bicorn

>> No.18229182
File: 1015 KB, 1571x2277, Terrific Tengu Titties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It took hours of investigation, studying documents, and carefully choosing my options in the store, but I finally found out your secret!"
>"You like girls in their underwear, don;t you anon?"

>> No.18229189

I just don't like that every other time bicorns or Nurarihyons are mentioned the thread devolved into arguments about the girl being a beta cuck and the likes

>> No.18229196

Good anon.

>> No.18229200

This is garbage.

>> No.18229202

Both of those things, and how it feels like nowdays you can't talk about anything without fatfags and /d/obsons stepping in to talk about popping manticore venom and tummy rubs and other autistic shit.

>> No.18229215

The popping manticore venom thing just reminded me of how often certain phrases are used around here, like 'Breasts that would put a holst to shame' and the likes

>> No.18229216
File: 441 KB, 1350x1392, VdOAljX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demon lord worked very hard on writing that Anon!

>> No.18229227

Wait, guys. How hard would demons schlick to fallen paladins?

>> No.18229230

It's really shit though.

>> No.18229231

It's bad and the demon lord should feel bad. I got second hand embarrassment just reading it.

>> No.18229232

I feel for you, I really do. Bicorn is another girl I'm fond of but there's been some okay discussion about them now and again.
Manticore venom in itself is fine, it's just meant to make a man cum more but when it leads to full blown inflation shit things get weird.

>> No.18229235

What do you call a P'Orc that just got told to 'Get Good'?
A steamed ham

>> No.18229236

There's no fucking way I'm reading all that.

>> No.18229237

>Breasts that would put a holst to shame
While we're all complaining, I'd like to bring up the fact that there are way too many /d/-tier breast and body expansion fags here. It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.18229238

>fatfags and /d/obsons stepping in to talk about popping manticore venom and tummy rubs
I hate it.

>> No.18229242

I'm dense i didn't understand it.

>> No.18229250

>deleted it

>> No.18229261

I want my tanuki to get big muscles

>> No.18229289

I've seen some discussions here and there without them, but most of the time you'll get that when posting about harems, especially if it's about those two.
It's the same when people force shotashit on dark mages discussions too.

>> No.18229291

>"You did remember to invest in my bitcoin site, didn't you anon?"
>she looms over you, muscles visible under her shirt
>"You know how.. strong, a position you'll be in if you do, don't you~?"

>> No.18229293

But awawa is shit and I still like Wendigos.

>> No.18229302

Do Pharaohs have anything attached to them? I don't think so?

>> No.18229306

I honestly don’t get the obsession with night gaunts.
The transformation is into a latex tentacle blob and the girl herself does nothing at all except have panic attacks when you aren’t dictating her every move.

>> No.18229321
File: 150 KB, 1050x1400, DH_OYpiU0AAP0vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until they're bigger than her head they aren't.

>> No.18229324

I meant to mention that I liked them but I needed to go full autism and forget.

>> No.18229327

I love them they hit almost all of my fetishes but if you don't get it nobody can explain it to you. That is how fetishes work.

>> No.18229341

A lot of people like like the idea of being able to fly anywhere and groping submissive girls.

>> No.18229342

Jokes on her, I don't have enough money for that!

>> No.18229356

Not even a dollar?
Not even if she upped your pay to compensate for the mandatory investment?

>> No.18229362

Not to mention I really like the latex thing.

>> No.18229364

What if i payed in Love

>> No.18229366
File: 263 KB, 609x960, Cupid7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy cupids

>> No.18229373
File: 201 KB, 314x576, 1505404031763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you make out with a Jabberwock's tentacles?

>> No.18229376

Well, I suppose I could dip into the emergency fund a little bit to get her off her feet.
$1k would be good enough right?

>> No.18229381

I want to help couples get together with a Cupid.

>> No.18229384

Dumb nerd bird still won't find a husband even with her research

>> No.18229386

I would AT MOST pet them or rub,i dont trust her slimy friends

>> No.18229393

Of course! She gets everything she wants or needs after. She’s just too adorable and sexy when she’s all pitiful and panicking!

>> No.18229394

Make out with it, stick my dick in it, cuddle with it. It's part of her after all. Part of loving wocks.

>> No.18229404
File: 656 KB, 1024x2174, doggirls_1_by_matsu_sensei-d7r15rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height or Width?

>> No.18229410
File: 119 KB, 780x1200, DTjnhIGUMAA2BVj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger.

>> No.18229414


>> No.18229418

In this instance?
Multi-breasts a shit

>> No.18229426

How do you expect her to feed all of your daughteres otherwise?

>> No.18229428

>people have different tastes and like different things
>”This is bullshit!”
God I FUCKING HATE THIS THREAD so goddamn much sometimes

>> No.18229432

SNICKER SNACK is the sound our tongues would make. One has to wonder what the other two mouths would be doing though.

>> No.18229442

Sheer production.

>> No.18229443

I said “I don’t get” it, not “get out of my fucking thread,” Captain Autism.

>> No.18229445

thats my fetish

>> No.18229447

>Freaking out when something doesn't like what you like
Tone it down, jesus

>> No.18229449

They have a familiar who is attached to them

>> No.18229456
File: 1.22 MB, 1451x1079, 1510960407258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the right i'm a sucker for tall girls.

>> No.18229458

Left by a mile

>> No.18229459

Marry any Eros girl and open a business specifically tailored to matching weird and/or hard to find monsters with husbands. I mean, there's got to be at least one person out there who doesn't mind centipedes.

>> No.18229462

It sucks but it’s all we got. The pride and prissy pearlclutchers are getting quieter and quieter every day though. They don’t have the staying power for a topic that is inevitably inseparable from fetish stuff, no matter how desperately they screech.

>> No.18229474

Right hand side.
Can’t stand bitchy girls. Also that hair and paws.

>> No.18229476

She's a bit of a bitch though.
Would be fun feeling up that dog till she's in heat but vehemently trying to deny it though.

>> No.18229479

>the one with paws

>> No.18229483

Well the snek is cute.

>> No.18229486
File: 164 KB, 818x1157, 1424307695818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to resist any part of a cute brown dragon who's that lewd.

>> No.18229489

Casuals are steadily trickling out
Thread’s come a long way since even a year ago

>> No.18229491

She probably just has a height complex and feels like she has to overcompensate about it. Nobody takes her seriously because she's a Pomeranian-bold despite her accomplishments.

>> No.18229501

I noticed this too, there's a lot of stuff that gets talked about openly with enthusiasm with no shitstorms that would have caused the place to go nuclear when the move to /jp/ first happened. I like it.

>> No.18229502

I remember you using this term in a recent argument. You were defending either fatshit or pegging, can't remember what it was that you fags were trying to push that time.

>> No.18229503

I don’t really care what her justification is.
I hate little shit dogs in real life too.

>> No.18229510

Whats the most exaggerated skin color you can tolerate on monster girls?

red? blue? green? other?

>> No.18229518

She's cute.
Would use like a daiki, even if she's pouting while her tail wags

>> No.18229521

I can't stand red, and green only looks good on alraune.

>> No.18229527

I have my preferences, but any colour works for me.

>> No.18229534
File: 510 KB, 1280x1311, doggirls_2_by_matsu_sensei-d7r165l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this then?

>> No.18229538

Bitch I liked twotoned skin. I'll take everything

Well unless the colors clash. And yellow is a pretty terrible skincolor

>> No.18229539

I personally think that one red skinned recolor of the Demon looks better than the blue.

>> No.18229547

You missed one.

>> No.18229553

Still going the Pom.
Also, bottom left is showing one

>> No.18229554
File: 803 KB, 1280x1451, tumblr_p0bj0miXpc1tliclwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them.

>> No.18229558

ok I really like wolf girl

>> No.18229563

I can go with any color really, probably because when talking about colors I think of slimes. I prefer hot colors for "normal" girls though.
I guess gray would be kinda weird.

>> No.18229566

I have no real preference as long as it looks aestethically pleasing and the color scheme it makes sense for their species.


>> No.18229569

This only reinforces my choice.

>> No.18229570

Dammit Matsu.

>> No.18229571

This wasn't spawned from that one anon talking about having tattoos of the base animals some MGs would relate too is it?

>> No.18229573

If it wasn't for the multi nipple the wold would be absolutely great.

>> No.18229575

I'll take any colour, some races suit certain colours more than others though.

>> No.18229576
File: 510 KB, 1280x1311, doggirls_2_by_matsu_sensei-d7r165l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18229578

I was a little disappointed to see that all of their skincolors were just slight variations of that ash color.

Where's my hyperblue with the tattoos of bronze?

>> No.18229581

What an impressively ugly manface.

>> No.18229586

Of course it'll take more then research. There's the rape as well.

>> No.18229591

>bottom right
Fucking wew, she's made for tender love

>> No.18229598

I’d rather his Vanessa or Alice.
Especially Alice.

>> No.18229615
File: 286 KB, 1280x1108, chastity_design_update_by_matsu_sensei-daqbek9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like that one Angel character he did.

>> No.18229617
File: 244 KB, 531x386, 4gIw7CcJrAJX_chrome_2017-12-31_00-49-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is a man face.

>> No.18229625 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 1851x2972, dc881096-23d0-40af-9b50-f7e7a97c2712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18229628

That looks like something from Panty and Stocking.

>> No.18229630

Not a bad thing.

>> No.18229631

Chastity is my number 4 after Bailey. Alice and Vanessa before them.

>> No.18229635

Yeah, but the angels are fucking garbage compared to Scanty and Kneesocks.

>> No.18229637

Can you stop posting this garbage, nobody cares enough to read crazy ramblings from some autismos on faraway websites.

>> No.18229640

Can't you learn to fuck off?

>> No.18229646

As expected of /tg/ scum.

>> No.18229648

He's created a lot of great girls.
Well they're hot at least.

>> No.18229651
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>> No.18229659

I want to date Kneesocks.

>> No.18229666

Anon please, I don't prefer to be called scum. I don't even browse /tg/. Unless it's in the search for updates on Tiamat's Lvl 1 Consort

>> No.18229678

Is there a term for physical addiction to monster butts?

>> No.18229685


>> No.18229688
File: 251 KB, 1024x1517, 1391997570603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice a cute.
I think I might prefer the cows, but I love them all.

>> No.18229695



>> No.18229698
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>> No.18229702

I guess she’s technically a Karakasa-Obake

>> No.18229709

She’s very lewdcute

>> No.18229711

Name one thing wrong with it.

>> No.18229719


>> No.18229724

A tsukumogami specifically.
Karakasa-Obake are tsukumogami made out of umbrellas.

Alice would be a tsukumogami made out of a chalice of the Chief God, similar to a Valkyrie/Nun that never fully turned into a Dark Valkyrie or a Dark Priest

>> No.18229727

Not an argument.

>> No.18229730

She’s my absolute favorite. I want to be her shota alterboy and receive her holy liquids directly.

>> No.18229734

>fuckhuge screencaps showcasing some fucktard losing their shit over monstergirls
>screencaps that get constantly spammed by another fucktard that's obviously a remnant of /monster/
Fuck off back to your shithole.

>> No.18229740

Still not an argument. It's still monster girl related content and has every right to be here.

>> No.18229742

i want a dark mage gmilf to take me to a shota pageant and flick gold coins on me.

>> No.18229747

Perfect then.
Gonna expy a version of her to the standard Monstergirl world and spread the holy word of Oppai with her!
Chastity can chill with us too.

>> No.18229749
File: 27 KB, 600x695, nod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18229755

You should probably realize that hardly anyone responds to them, and when they do they're telling you to stop posting them.

>> No.18229760

DE may fuel the big body

>> No.18229764

And it's clear that nobody cares for your screencaps aside from the fact your wasting images by spamming them.

>> No.18229766

press f to steak

>> No.18229772


>> No.18229777

While all incubi and monsters can feed off sex indefinitely, their entry still lists wild animals as their natural diet.

>> No.18229778

Lengthen up those intestines. Lungs may also be a good idea.

>> No.18229782

He already knows that you dunce, look what he's doing. He's very blatantly shitposting. What, do you think you're going to reason him out with logic and arguments?

>> No.18229783

The one thing you gotta remember is that an oni that's lean can become an oni that's (figuratively) mean with meat.

>> No.18229821
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>> No.18229840

>Half head shaved bald
When will this meme die?

>> No.18229852

When faggots like faggocks finally die and stop fantasizing about glowing vaginas and furries

>> No.18229860

You sound like you're upset

Upset at the wrong people

>> No.18229869

>Become breeding husband for a troop of five gorilla kakuen as part of the 'Endangered Species Breeding Program;
>They're each big, buff women with slabs of muscle, hard cut abs, bulging biceps, and ample assets in the rear and bust department.
>When you aren't at work they ride you till you're exhausted, ending in a cuddle pile on the bed.
>When you're gone they either go to the 'integration' jobs or acclimate to the local culture.
>Some of this cultural integration involves them learning about what guys can like.
>One day you come home to all of them in naked aprons, small aprons that barely cover them and not a hint of shame on their faces.

The dream life

>> No.18229886

Kakuens are made for mating presses

>> No.18229890
File: 819 KB, 1241x1126, Good End.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18229895

Those ones seem more likely to mating press you, although I imagine they'd all be quite shocked if you mating pressed the silverback.

>> No.18229896

Is her dad an old and grizzled Paladin from the original Hero’s party?

>> No.18229908

SSS Draws the cutest faces
Kissu the sandworm wife!!

>> No.18229912

Maybe they'd let you if you explain the science behind the mating press. You could probably just make something up, those dumb monkeys will believe anything.

>> No.18229918

Maybe, although a demonstration would be better, especially when that silverback wraps her arms around anon and ahegos

>> No.18229928

I don't know man, I have alot of pent up anger over people like him

>> No.18229942

She has no "dad" because she was literally a golden cup, an ancient, holy relic of the Order, ebfore she was tainted by Mamonomana.
She probably has a symbolic father figure though.

Would you be the devoted altar boy that she bashfully asks for help with her "duties" because of her shyness and lack of experience with talking to others other than yourself and a few other people?
Or the playful, almost cocky kid who does of altar boy, who likes to tease the much taller and older yet way purer Chalice friend, convincing her of helping her with her "duties"and dragging her by the hand to the back of the church to protect her privacy?

>> No.18229949

You need to let it all out inside a cute monster girl, but since we don't have them you can just fap instead. Gentle girls like Titanias and Sheeps would be perfect for it since they'd only have a tiny bit of strength left afterwards, usign that to hug you before blacking out.

>> No.18229963

My mind's tellin me first
but my BODY
my BODY's tellin me second
But probably a combination of the two. Probably start off all devoted and nervous as her but once I realize how rockin sucking on those holy fonts are get a bit more teasing and cocky. Gonna keep her protected from everyone else though. She's a true holy relic, and I'd stick up for her all the time.

>> No.18229970
File: 62 KB, 424x600, 424px-Shoggoth55b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can shogs lactate?

>> No.18229972

Yes, it tastes like grape juice.

>> No.18229976

Who needs that many eyes?

>> No.18229977
File: 561 KB, 1000x1420, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything for mastah~!

>> No.18229986

So she can see every inch of you.

>> No.18229989

I assume they reproduce by fission like all other slimes that don't convert women but they could probably feed you their jelly like that.

>> No.18229990

I'm sorry my reply is a tad late but this is also something that bothers me whenever people talk about dark mages. That and the fact she's not a real monster girl

>> No.18229997

>penis and balls

>> No.18230002

Thats's like, your opinion

>> No.18230007

From every orifice.

>Try to spoon the shog
>She starts leaking all over the place

>> No.18230024

I know you're not looking for a response but I still wanna say my piece. Bitch is just a big titty wizard in a fantasy setting. Every other female caster of any kind from any setting is just a big booby wizard. She doesn't even have a horn or tail.

>> No.18230032

I was more talking about the shotas

>> No.18230034

You're right. Doesn't mean they aren't great girls, even if they're a big on the "girl" side of "monster girl".

>> No.18230042


The only girl more cosplay then them is a selkie

>> No.18230044
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They can probably imitate Holstaur milk in taste and texture with their massive Shoggoth udders, the milkmaid Shogs anyways.
The milkmaid Kikimora will have some competition in that regard.

>> No.18230045
File: 226 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_p2mjq5XYGF1tufm3to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs go to buffets and diners or just start fucking on the street.
Those of class take their romantic interest monstergirl to a fancy place and woo her.
Who's your classy girl and how will you court her?

>> No.18230046
File: 963 KB, 2512x1956, Horse Automaton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never roam the plains on an adventure with automaton centaur waifu as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FB_fONhL9U plays from her butt speakers

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.18230047

That's kind of the whole point of his majin family classification. They're for people that don't want any monstrous parts but still want a waifu in his world.

>> No.18230048

Second reply was @ you, my bad.

>> No.18230068

No idea.
I wouldn't mind taking a cuddlecat out to a nice steakhouse.

>Anon comes home to see his maids chest to chest, two full glasses on the table as they glare at each other

>> No.18230094

That anatomy is so /d/-tier it seriously took me a while to figure out what was even going on in that picture.

>> No.18230098

ill take my jubjub to a cheap waffle house then bang her in a back alley maybe the library if im feeling high class

>> No.18230105

That's kinda gross looking actually.

>> No.18230107


>> No.18230116

That's a mecha musume.

>> No.18230120

I think the chear is some sort of glass thats magnifying her ass

>> No.18230156

You can say "that's just your opinion" to anything.

Also, aren't mages usually seen with big bulky str familiars to protect them, like golems or spirits. I can imagine if a dark mage wanted a familiar to help out with physical work, inclusing sex, she'd go with one of those instead of a weak and frail kid. It also shows how powerful she is taming such a beast and all of that.

>> No.18230162
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Sandworms are ____.

>> No.18230172

Please protect me Sandworm-chan.

>> No.18230179

It's more for battery purposes in this setting.

>> No.18230182

>Big, bulky, high STR familiars

I now want a tall, ultra muscled familiar that Still calls me oniichan and acts cute.

>> No.18230194

I always headcannon khepri harems to being just khepri.
For overall harem nurahiyon/bicorn are better.

>> No.18230197

onaholes that you can live in

>> No.18230202


>> No.18230216

I feel you on that one Anon. I felt that girls like Khepri, devilbugs, and large mice harems are near exclusively girls of that race. At the most one or two girls might not be the same, but will be similar either theme or species wise.

>> No.18230245

I still want a Zombie harem. It would be the lewdcutest thing ever. They'd each get a special cute leash so they don't wander off when we go to the mall together.

>> No.18230251

Something I also feel. Zombies are super great! They come in all shapes and sizes, and being molested all over by a hoard of different girls all trying to feel your warmth would be heavenly.

>> No.18230260
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>Chief God has shit taste
No surprise there.

>> No.18230276

Exactly. I'd have eight overall, ranging from petite to ultra-voluptuous, and each with their own little zombie quirk (a missing eye here, a boney hand there) that I'd use to help identify and celebrate their uniqueness. They're a mindless horde, but they're individuals too!
Gonna take them all to buy cute dresses!

>> No.18230284
File: 100 KB, 640x800, 1516066809313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-loli Alices!

>> No.18230285

I was thinking of numbers in the 20s to 30s, but I guess im just a fag for hyper harems.

Also Dressing up zombies in different dresses would be super fun. I want to see all their reactions when I dress them up prettier than they ever got to dress when they were alive!

>> No.18230286

So would you accept them if they all become wights?

>> No.18230287

What does the elder sign do against shogs flayers gaunts and nachos?
Its supposed to protect you but in MGE I'm sure it'd do the opposite.

>> No.18230295

>Anon with his group of zombies going through the mall.
>Each are wearing identical dresses with unique alterations (Bows, headbands, ribbons, etc)
>Each are so well-cared for that parts that haven't regenerated are obvious choices rather than miss care.
>A nearby wight sees this and is so happy that she starts congratulating him and invites him and his wives to a local gathering of the city undead society to tell the story of how he met and cared for his wives.

Would be interesting.

Do oppai loli alices count?
Because I'd do that or pudgy one

>> No.18230305

I bet they find it cute. Not the sign itself, the fact that you tried.

>> No.18230307

i want a NEET alp that slowly turns into a sloth demon. I would bring her snacks everyday.

>> No.18230315

Anon, that's a gluttony demon, not a sloth demon.
Sloth demons just want to be wrapped in blankets and watch anime

>> No.18230316

I... I want to pat that head.

>> No.18230317

>Non-loli Alices!
Permanent virgin big sister?

>> No.18230323

That's fine too! 30 cute zombie girls would be delightful.
And doing that for them would lead some of them to make a strange, weird moan that almost sounds like... crying! Tears of happiness and a big group tackle filled with love bites would be in your future!
You know, I really would just want them to stay as Zombies personally. I'd rather they not change, so Mamanomana would make it so.
They'd be so happy once I explained to them what was going on! I'd splurge and buy them all nice fancy haircuts and manicures for the big gala and let them know that each and every one of them is my special princess that night!

>> No.18230330

You know nothing about the MGE don't you.

>> No.18230334

>The 'final dance for the night is anon rotating through each girl in turn'
>Before then he's gone through given each an individual dance.

They'd introduce each girl in turn and you'd probably have a few talking to them while you're tending to the others.

>> No.18230347

>Likes zombies more than wights
Fucking patrician. Wights are OK, but simple zombie girls are way superior. Their speech 'patterns' are much cuter, and openly display their affection in really endearing ways.

Also I don't know how I would handle all of them crying over me. I'd probably start balling in turn and just give each of them the biggest hug I could muster.

>> No.18230353

Ah, and what sensual dances they would be. Deep dips and passionate running of hands and lips along them to milk the moment and make sure they know I'm not ashamed of loving each and every one of them to the fullest no matter who's watching. A few of the onlookers may even get a bit jealous of how in love we are all with each other, but no matter!
They'd be so overwhelmed with curiosity and happiness at talking to all the 'preeeetttyyyyy' other attendants!

>> No.18230354

Ghoul > Zombie

>> No.18230355

If i remember the hand signal pacifies shoggoths but makes the elder ones take a interest in you, and the circle one can act as a protection circle.

Does having knowledge about chaos attract chaos girls to you?

>> No.18230364

Jiang Shi > Ghoul

>> No.18230368
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1636, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Awwww! That's so adorable mastah~!"
>"Y o u t h i n k y o u h a v e k n o w l e d g e ~ "

>> No.18230369

I can also imagine them clapping when you and the current girl finish the dance.

They'd probably be talking to a local zombie dragon too, or some ghouls.

>> No.18230374
File: 114 KB, 810x1145, Pharaoh27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharaoh > Jiangshi

>> No.18230380

Not knowing that artist

>> No.18230385

That's fine too

>> No.18230387

>"Whats the meaning of life shoggy?"

>> No.18230391
File: 262 KB, 855x1117, DragonZombieCow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Zombie > Pharaoh

>> No.18230392

To find meaning in life.

My goal is to plant a kiss on that pink glowy heart.

>> No.18230393

Your horde would in their simple mind see you crying and only dig in further! You're gonna be a kissed up mess when they finally fall off of you.
Would you ever take them out to eat, or would you only feed them with your energy? Both are big logistic milestones to figure out, you know!
>A few zombie wives talking to a zombie dragon
>She shows them how they can use their bony parts to rub one's back and that it feels really good
>A few others talking to some ghouls
>The ghouls are showing them how to better control their tongues and exhibiting what the best sucking motions are
Oh dear, as if they wouldn't be horny enough that night after all's said and done, I'd be in for quite a long entire week of sex!

>> No.18230401

That's how you get a tired anon and a bunch of smiling zombies strewn over the bed.

>> No.18230407


>> No.18230411

Lich > Dragon Zombie

>> No.18230413

I'd rather feed them with energy most of the time, as it'd give us more time to bond together and also paying for food for that many is hella expensive. But occasionally I'd love to take them out to some hibachi grill, or a nice steakhouse so they could eat some quality eats whenever we could afford to.

I'd also like to think we would try to sleep in the bed most of the time, but that would require us pushing a good ten or so mattresses together, and me swimming in a body of needy zombie girls that probably don't even need to sleep themselves. Though having them spoil me when I'm tired and the thought of them just watching me sleep is kind of nice.

>> No.18230427

The best part is, even after I've passed out from exhaustion, they'd all still be gently rubbing against me with their sexy bodies and kissing my skin lightly, with little nibbles here and there, totally untired but still respecting my need to sleep.
Then starts the sleeping blowjob rotations and- ah, I'd be in heaven!
On the bright side, you don't have to worry about any of them being hurt, so even if it did devolve into a big sexy pile at night, the other girls on the bottom wouldn't mind what would normally be a crushing weight on them. They'd just giggle and try to wiggle closer to get a hand or tongue on you!

>> No.18230438

I wonder if zombies can enter a 'neutral' mode where they sorta sleep

>> No.18230445

Between 25-30, appearance wise.

>> No.18230474

I can see why some people might like that, but i'd rather they just happily stare and snuggle while I rest for a good eight or seven hours instead.

Ay, sleeping blowjobs are good. I'd love for one of the younger looking girls to just hold my member in her mouth and suck on it like it was an exotic candy. All of the older girls would take turns being pillows for each limb, slowly shuffling around whenever it's another girl's turn to have my head or arm on her lap/belly while I sleep.

>> No.18230476

Probably a dormant little braindead mode. Like when you see zombies in movies and games kinda just wandering aimlessly or standing still because there's no noticeable prey around.

>> No.18230487

sloth demon/alp sounds comfy. Still it doesn't hurt to have one to cuddle with.

>> No.18230496

That would be good, although I don't know if they could keep themselves occupied outside sleeping blowjobs to you.

Hopefully, although that brings up things like Liches, proper wights, and phantoms/ghosts.
I mean, they don't get tired so it probably isn't that bad but I couldn't get past not sleeping.

Not all that bad, comfy times with sloth or gluttony, although I go for the latter because reasons

>> No.18230499
File: 318 KB, 989x807, 2f90f3261010e4dfa5e02fea5fcb51a0-d9nlq07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18230502

>Zombie waifu standing in the kitchen staring at the stove top
>Seeing you sleeping she thought to surprise you with breakfast
>But that almost superhuman (for a zombie) level of concentration utterly evaporates the moment you leave her sight, her instincts taking her far enough to walk into the kitchen before she goes into standby mode, blanking out untill you wake up and find her standing inthe kitchen, shivering slightly, moaning "waarm"

It's tough liking both wights and zombies. On one hand I have a huge boner for history, while zombies don't even remember 5 mins ago. On the other, while a wight can act like a zombie, she'll never be genuinely brainless, it'll still feel nice tho

>> No.18230506

>Younger zombie has trouble fitting your member all the way in
>One of her nice onee-san cowives notices and happily just jams it in so its completely blocking off her whole throat
>She just smiles with her eyes up at her and continues sucking, her lack of need to breathe making even what would normally be borderline snuff irrumation just a cute favor from wife to husband
Absolutely adorable. By night's end every girl would have had a turn in every position. Meanwhile, I'd hope I'd wake up covered in 8 different shades of lipstick peppered all around my body (and eight different rings of color around the base of my dick)

>> No.18230511

Just kill yourself, if you're undead too neither of you will have to sleep!

>> No.18230516

Life is precious and immortality isn't all its cracked up to be.

>> No.18230518

I prefer the zombies as stated (and now I wanna talk more about these 8 cuties) but what's to say you couldn't have a Wight and a Zombie wife? That actually sounds like a really cute pair!
>Same scenario you listed, only Wight notices Zombie has left the bed and follows her
>Zombie is in very low power mode, but Wight guides her hands through making breakfast for you
>When you come in, Zombie can genuinely say she made breakfast for you while Wight giggles and applauds her

>> No.18230522


>> No.18230527

>but what's to say you couldn't have a Wight and a Zombie wife?
The fact I'm no haremfag. Lets not ruin this cute session of undeadposting

>> No.18230529

What do you think undead do while their husband sleeps? I can't imagine that they honestly spend the entire just staring at him. I also wonder if undead can choose to 'sleep' or otherwise mimick something similar to sleep if they want to.

>> No.18230534

Fuck you, I'm doing it.

>> No.18230535

But the other anon is a harem loving guy.
He has multiple zombies.

>> No.18230539

Depends on the undead, a normal zombie would just continue to cuddle with her husband until he wakes up while something like a Dragon Zombie would just hug and constantly stare at him hoping husband never leaves her!
Though undead might be scared the first time you go to sleep with them around.

>> No.18230540

Oh, I'm sorry, that's fine then. Well, I suppose you could just love her as a Zombie for some time and eventually she'd become a Wight!

>> No.18230543

I want to know what a shortstack ushi looks like. Is she backpack sized?

>> No.18230554

She could but her tits would fit your head between them.

>> No.18230556

>Anons talking about their cute zombie hordes and start talking with you as well
>Tell them they'll ruin it if they bring up harems
Bit rude.

>> No.18230563

Did you just join in or

>> No.18230571

Lipstick marks are super hot and underrated. It's like a girl marking her territory in the sexiest way possible.

The more you talk about your 8 the more I appreciate your tastes anon. Do you think your wives would ever learn to perform minor chores and the likes? I can imagine being able to teach one or two of the girls to work as a team to do basic laundry-stuff if you coach them really hard, and always reward them for getting the job done right.

Not him, but I would probably want at MOST one non-zombie girl in my harem, and I think i'd have it be a jiangshi because of her brain also ceasing to function whenever she isn't in constant contact with her hubby.

>> No.18230572

I think undead can sleep. Maybe not literally, maybe they just close their eyes and "dream" about their husband

Seems the best of both worlds, to be honest, I've put a lot of thought into it
>Uncover a long lost mausoleum
>Raped by the slumbering zombie within
>Long years of zombiefu, before she finally wights, regaining all her old memories
>Can sit before the fire and listen to her tales of a millennia ago

I think you both misunderstood me, feel free to continue haremposting

>> No.18230590

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that lava golems would be happy to be a big, gooey blanket during winters, even when outside.
Especially when outside

>> No.18230591

I bet it'd be interesting taking the seal off a shortstack ushi. A normal one would pin you down with her large body and fuck you through the floor, but all a shortstack could do is push you down and impale her little body on your cock. You're getting your pelvis ground to dust either way, but her furious fucking would probably be pretty cute.

>> No.18230594

>Zombie waifu gets really excited every morning when you wake up because she thought you were dead
I don't normally like zombies, but that's kind of cute

>> No.18230602

SHe'd probably lock herself to your dick like a magnet.
You couldn't pry her off if you tried.

>> No.18230611

I imagine they'd work really really hard at it and do their best. They'd see me washing their clothes and cleaning the place and would start throwing water at things to try and help, and I'd laugh and show them step by step how to do some basic things. Honestly as long as they just put their things away after they finish with them that's good enough for me!
>Shortstack Zombie finishes a undead mushroom snack I cooked for her
>Stands up to go thank me, but stops and stands still
>Is practically sweating in 'thought' as she strains and processes
>Slowly turns around and takes her plate over to the sink, dropping it in before running back over to me
I'd give her three times the lovin' right then and there as a reward!
That's quite comfy. I wonder how she'd describe the memories of the years of being a zombie to you once she gains all that intelligence?

>> No.18230619

>Sheesh, even if Rachnera did decide to cook for you she'd never talk like that.

>> No.18230629

I imagine that completing anything as thought-strenuous as doing the dishes or laundry would leave them in an even dopier and simple state than usually. She'd only be able to speak in different tones of 'Huuubbyyyy~' ! And you better reward her like that! Zombies only try that hard for men that really make the afterlife worth living!

>> No.18230630

>I don't normally like zombies, but that's kind of cute
She'd probably start shaking you when she saw you asleep and cry when you're not waking up. When you do actually wake up she cuddles you extra hard and tearfully says she thought you left her.
They are really lonely and possessive.

>> No.18230635

You know I bet there's some kind of undead plant or herb that can temporarily revert a wight's mindset to that of a zombie, when she wants to shed her worries and responsibilities for a week of husbando snuggling

>> No.18230636

>than usually
I guess i'm in a dopier and simple state than usual. Fuck.

>> No.18230638

>Can sit before the fire and listen to her tales of a millennia
>"So then I put Caesar's hand in a bowl of warm water. Soiled his tunic in his sleep. Funniest thing I ever saw in my life. Now my UNlife on the other hand..."

>> No.18230642

I think its called Ecstasy

>> No.18230654

I don't want to ruin the cute scenarios but I do want to note that the MGE zombies at least are still the people they were in life. They have all their memories and over time and with a lot of sex regain their intelligence (though they may not apply it the way they used to).

Perhaps your scenario would still work for zombies that were born to zombie mothers.

>> No.18230656

It might work better for zombie dragons.

>> No.18230657

We said it would only happen for the first few times at most earlier dude....

>> No.18230658

Very possible. Though I doubt it'd be the same as the Ecstasy we know. In fact I bet it'd be a bit of a problem amongst those Wights who were born wights, and never got that stage of carefree love as a zombie
>Try to get a report from your foreign emissary, but shes locked herself in her room with her husband and all you hear is moans of lust and "waarm"

>> No.18230663

Mummy > Lich

>> No.18230666

>She'd only be able to speak in different tones of 'Huuubbyyyy~'!
That would just make it all the better! Gonna pound that shortstack Zombie from behind against the wall with her feet lifted off the ground!
I bet watching all your Zombies work together on something would be quite a sight. Like if a tree got downed in a thunderstorm in the backyard, they'd make light work of moving it out of the way!
>Warm up your Jiang-shi and ask what they're all doing
>"They're moving the Dead Thing out of Husband's sight, because Husband has enough Dead Things."
>They finish moving it then all turn and stare at you for a moment before rushing as a scary/cute zombie hoard to be the first to get to you

>> No.18230667

That'd certainly be interesting.
>trying walk around the house and do chores while she hugs you tight, slamming her hips against yours as she takes your dick
>every so often you have to stop what you're doing as you dump load after load inside her

>> No.18230679

>"Lady Wight, you have a speech in twenty minutes!"
>"Eeeheheh... speeeeech? Noooo..."
>Turns to go back to licking her husband's member
>"Hubby's cooooock... yeeessssss~~~"

>> No.18230682

She'd only pop off once she's had her fill and can't hold anymore.

Then you get a bloated, cumdrunk little ushi and a sore pelvis

>> No.18230683


>> No.18230695

>One of your wives comes running in the room with a bit butcher's knife lodged in her forehead
>"Huuubbyyy, oooooopsiiiies"
>She's obviously not hurt, just sad she ruined your knife

>> No.18230708
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>> No.18230712

I think my first response would be panic if I saw that, even if she wasn't hurt. Getting used to an undead wife would be odd at first.

>> No.18230713

>Husband notices his wife getting more and more stressed as all the other wights under her are too busy with this new drug to perform their duties
>Slips some into her food, only for her to jump him and start simultaneously crying and humping, in her simple, drawn out speech, apologising for putting her responsibilities before him
>Turns out she just takes rulership too seriously and micromanages everything - undead kingdoms highly sustainable by nature
>Enforce a new rotation system where for every century she spends presiding over court, she takes another half off

>> No.18230724

I like it. And good timescale. Remember that you have alll the time in the world in Undead kingdoms

>> No.18230731

That'd be my goofy extra-tall wife! I'd make sure to apply my cum to the spot of the wound so it will heal nicely.

>> No.18230737

Even if they are kinda immortal, I'd still freak if that ever happened to one of my little zombinos. Might even feint the first time something like that happened. After prying out the knife I'd make sure to let her rest and keep her from doing anything stressful, either mentally of physically.

That shortstack would be smilin' like an idiot for the rest of the week if you did that!

And I feel like their little rush would end up looking like the finale to a MGE 'horror' movie. Hell, after being drained that hard I'd probably be acting like a zombie myself for the next couple days, just mindlessly helping myself to my girls without a care in the world.

>> No.18230738

Jmantime's genius might be too high level for this thread's occupants

>> No.18230769

>Finally pull out from practically plowing the Shortstack into a crater in the wall and she slides down, creampie gushing out of her as she moans contentedly
>Turn around to see seven horny wives all barely restraining themselves in anticipation, wanting to be the next to receive such treatment
Thankfully, I'd be an undead incubus by then, so I'm not stopping until every wall in the house is ruined from sexy zombie-shaped craters thrust into them!
Also delightful. That would be fun to just be in such a stupor surrounded by thirty beauties all moaning your name and rolling on the pushed together beds. Imagine all their faces looking up at once from below you, mouths open and tongues out wanting you to shower them with your love. Quite a sight indeed!

>> No.18230777

>Remember that you have alll the time in the world in Undead kingdoms
The best and most underrated aspect of being married to the undead

>> No.18230787

Certainly one of many fantastic perks.
As Alp as it sounds, I'd also enjoy the exotic gothic fashion.

>> No.18230801

That's not gay. One way to ensure you never get bored of immortality is the gothic eyecandy. Plus who doesn't want to wear dapper overcoats?

>> No.18230817

I'd much prefer a northern undead kingdom where everyone has whitehorn-tier fashion.

>> No.18230819

>Can't be comfy coldweather and gothic

>> No.18230822
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Can flags be used as weapons?

>> No.18230829

I suppose if you roll it up you could strangle some one with it

>> No.18230836

I really don't like gothic fashion THAT much.

>> No.18230841

French Saber uses one.

>> No.18230846

You could impale someone on the flag pole.

>> No.18230854

Well video games like it sometimes
Like jeanne in FGO
And sin kiske in guilty gear

>> No.18230864


>> No.18230868

Nero best Saber.

>> No.18230875

I want to go through the nine circles of the inferno and update how the demon lord affected the layers.Satan-chan must be cold down there.

>> No.18230876

Hitler is the actual best Saber.

>> No.18230882


>> No.18230895


>> No.18230906

I've seen enough draugr in my lifetime.

>> No.18230911

That's cheating.

>> No.18230919

You haven't seen KC's Draugr yet. But also, I'm more of a Wight man.

>> No.18230920

Nordic Zombies, no biggie.

>> No.18230936

>get to Satan-chan
>she's "sitting" under a kotatsu with a thick blanket wrapped around her, chewing on the heads of sinner-shaped hardcandy
You think she'd let me try to warm up next to her if I listened to her daddy problems?

>> No.18230958

Do not lewd the bad singer.

>> No.18230960

>sin kiske in guilty gear
God he's camp, and in a game with a gay pool player and bridget, thats saying something

>> No.18230964

Do you know what they call a Canadian Tanuki?

A Tanook

>> No.18230966
File: 265 KB, 905x1300, 170_52117636_p20_13_201_08_22_0314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we help satan-chan and god-chan reconcile their differences?

>> No.18230972

He just likes to eat, anon.

>> No.18230977

Does Satan-chan have a rear end to combat God's gigantic rack?

>> No.18230980

But i can see her panties!

>> No.18230993
File: 172 KB, 565x1024, 1513816548700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys guys, what about... Undead Clerics? Hel has to have some Dark Priests of her own.

>> No.18230996

Do not be a lewd master.

>> No.18231005

That's not a Priest! That's a thinly disguised Succ with gigantic Demonic Milkers!

>> No.18231007

That's wrong. You're not "seeing" her panties, she's "showing" them to you.

>> No.18231015

I don't know. Satan-chan just wants her mom to let her make her own choices, but God-chan thinks she knows what's best. It's gonna take more than hot dicking to fix things, but that might be a good start.

>> No.18231016
File: 1.36 MB, 1278x1109, Get to the TOP!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will absolutely lewd the bad singer.


>> No.18231026

You try finding pictures of undead nuns. Then bring them here 'cause I need that shit.

>> No.18231030

What's the special deal on mofu?

>> No.18231039
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Think big, anon

>> No.18231040

I don't know, but you ask for the 'Mofu of the Day'.

It's exciting, because it's a different kind of mofu every time!

>> No.18231043

Hinezumis know how to have a good time!


>> No.18231061
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I shall fuck the dragon witch

>> No.18231063


>> No.18231073

Having a threesome with Lancer and Jeanne Alter would destroy your pelvis. But it would be a good pain.

>> No.18231089
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>Satan-sama is in her rebellious phase.
>God-sama is in her grandmaotherly protective phase.
>Satan is that one edgy antifa girl that tries to get you to follow her "rebellion"
>God has a weird jocasta complex for her creation. Aka:you
You might as well go with virgil

>> No.18231105
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You never know what you're gonna get.

>> No.18231128
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>> No.18231129


>> No.18231137

I'd order the aged mofu, with extra milf

>> No.18231140
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>> No.18231146

What would be the difference between an undead cleric, and a necromancer?

>> No.18231155

How would your favorite monster girl prefer making love to you?
>Lights on
>Lights off
>Lights dimmed
>TV light
>Broad daylight
>Broad moonlight

>> No.18231161

In these drawings, why is it that the guys look like they want to splatter their brains on the wall with a gun? Isn't getting it on supposed to not make you feel like doing that?

>> No.18231164

Comfy mood lighting is the best, maybe some candlelight too.

>> No.18231169

why are you posting this?

>> No.18231170


>> No.18231174

Because idiots like you give him replies to his le epic maymay trolling instead of reporting and ignoring the faggot.

>> No.18231177

Candlelight mixed with a little moonlight.

If not that, then by the lights of her eyes.

>> No.18231182
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A bit of Fridge Logic: In the first sentence of the Will-o-the-Wisp's profile, it only says that they're made from the soul of a PERSON who's died alone-it doesn't specify if they were male or female when they were alive. In other words, it's entirely possible that the QT who has you in her rape cage was a dude in life.

>> No.18231196

one uses faith the other uses magic.
Never trust a cleric though.

>> No.18231197

Most humans in the MGE universe are raised to think of monster girls as the enemy, so it's only natural that they would be a little unwilling in their first encounter.

>> No.18231216

Lights dimmed, by eerie floating ghost-light candles
>Missionary, under the sheets, with the balcony door open, long draping blinds fluttering in a gentle breeze smelling faintly of the ocean and mountains.

>> No.18231219

lights off or broad moonlight, the only light we need is her raging fire lashes

>> No.18231221
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Lucky for you, she's on break right now.

>> No.18231224

Reminder that monster girls set out to rape a man into loving them are weak to humans confessing that they love them without any coercion.

>> No.18231226 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18231230
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Calm down!

>> No.18231234

Hello where are the proofs :D

>> No.18231236

Go away /co/

>> No.18231237

What’s the name for the position where you’re hugging each other close and just letting your hips do all the work?

>> No.18231238

>Keep singing until you get 90 points
>While the Wisp gives you a handjob

Sounds like something she'd do

>> No.18231241


>> No.18231242

Wrong tab open, sorry

>> No.18231254

I meant while they’re lying in side by side, kind of like a daki. Forgot to mention it.

>> No.18231258

Off topic but good
I may have dropped watching RWBY but I always hated her

>> No.18231259

I was noting how unhappy the dude looks.

But that's not true everywhere in MGE-land though. I like stories where the guy willingly seeks out and romances the MG. "Bad End" type stuff bums me out.

>> No.18231288

Ah, yes. The ancestors called that one "Raging Snake Enters the Hidden Dragon"

>> No.18231300

Don't you mean /a/?

>> No.18231310

No, the RWBY general is in /co
/a despises it, and even if t has a official manga. it's still manly a webtoon, that makes it /co

>> No.18231312


>> No.18231314

I hate the idea of a bad end, not because of the ending, but because of the laziness of it. You can’t expect me to believe they keep fucking for the rest of their lives, or things will never change and she will always hold him hostage at yandere-point. Nothing stays the same forever. Once that Shirohebi burns your soul into only loving her and she’s satisfied with the results, then what? After a Wisp locks you in her cage and you fuck for a while, what happens? The only ones that make sense are things like dryads and mantagos, but even then dryads’ll grind on your trunk and ride your branches for the rest of their lives while you live your life as a tree attached to her.

>> No.18231317

It's an american cartoon.

>> No.18231320

>Japanese Animation
>not Japanese

How is manghua recieved?

>> No.18231335

A lot of idiots come from FF.net, and they list RWBY in the anime/manga section

>> No.18231338

People can be fucking stupid.

>> No.18231351

Blazblue isn't helping things either
>jap fighter
>jap fighter
>jap fighter based on JRPG
>American cartoon
one of these things is not like the other

>> No.18231367

Blame Mori for constantly having terrible taste and being retarded.

>> No.18231376
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I want to marry a big buff cow!

>> No.18231401
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I want to marry a big fluffy Hellhound!

>> No.18231402
File: 118 KB, 850x1062, BulletHellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is almost as much hack as RWBY's writers
Blazblues plot became utter nonsense by the 3rd game.

On the bright side, we got Bullet, I like her

>> No.18231404

That's a lot of beef

>> No.18231408
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I want to marry a stern yet sweet Anubis!

>> No.18231414
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It started off as one of those dreams where you're walking up-hill and can barely move an inch because your legs feel super-heavy but after I finally got up fucking Godzilla showed up again so I hid in a pottery barn, inside a pig pot, to protect myself from radiation.
This is my second Godzilla-related dream in as many weeks. Surely it means SOMETHING.

>> No.18231418

>Bullet as a beast girl
Always funny.
Ragna deserved better.

>> No.18231426

I like looking at Litchi.

>> No.18231427

It means you've been chosen.
I call dibs on Queen Ghidorah.

>> No.18231430
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Your waifu is pretty!

>> No.18231433

>one head to kiss you
>one head to blow you
What does the third one do?

>> No.18231437

You're gonna be used to breed a few dozen extra of them, the new wife will not be gentle, at all.

>> No.18231439

Litchi is a dumb cunt that did everything wrong.

>> No.18231440

>Cuddlecoon gets so smug that she has expansions added to the house just to add more places to fuck her husband.
>She also refuses to stop until her husband's fucked her on literally every surface in the manor.

>> No.18231443

She's way more respectful to valkenhyn in the 4th game compared to her insane logic in the 3rd
>Valkenhyn is a beastman
>Kokonoe is also beastman
>Therefore, Valkenhyn must know about Kokonoe
Valks resonse was nice
>"Even if i did have information, I would never give it to a little girl with no manners
Licthi is bad decisions, the character
Awesome rack on her though

>> No.18231448

But like many girls in her class she LOOKS amazing.

>> No.18231452

>Awesome rack on her though

>> No.18231453

Kokonoe is very cute and I hope Android 21 is just as cute.

>> No.18231462

But what will become of the Earth with a few dozen loli radiation monsters?

>> No.18231468

Civilization will end, but so too will mankind's unhappiness. I wonder if not actually radioactive would make the daughters less angry.

>> No.18231477

>Sorry Zillania, but we use Thorium in our power plants!

>> No.18231496

Hellhounds are pretty girls as well!

>> No.18231500
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>> No.18231501

Remember to take care of your waifu and keep her clean, no one wants a waifu with COOTIES

>> No.18231507

Anubis-senpai please help me focus on the paper I'm supposed to be writing! I need just 1.7k words more!

>> No.18231540

Cootie shots from you tomboy childhood friend?

>> No.18231560

She'll probably encourage you by slapping her enormous ass sending waves of jiggling lewdness through it before telling you that if you get your work done within the next hour you get to fuck it as much as you like.

>> No.18231566

Can I use my tongue?

>> No.18231581

Your paper anon, not her pussy.
After you finish that you can do whatever you want.

>> No.18231586

>monsters using pussy as leverage
Please, they couldn't live without hubby's cock.

>> No.18231604
File: 280 KB, 1000x1000, 1430112944992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went for a walk last night and I saw a fox with a big ol' bushy tail run across the road. I got real close, and in the same spot I saw some deer a month earlier too.
I love the place I live in now. I'm surrounded by nature.

>> No.18231612

Are undead MG's capable of conventional reproduction?

>> No.18231617

Not as leverage anon, as encouragement.
If he can't get it done, she's in control and she'll "punish" him long and hard.
>Please let me cum!
>"As you WISH~!"
And then Anubis-chan rode anon harder than he could imagine until his balls were dry.

>> No.18231621

Yeah, according to KC. Because they're not really undead, but a new immortal species of life born from the dead

>> No.18231624

I never liked ejaculating. As long as she gets off I'm fine.

>> No.18231627

If you fuck her enough, she'll absorb enough spirit energy to become fertile.
So if you get a haughty one like a Wight or a Vampire and have the misfortune to have gotten one that's baby crazy get ready to spend 95% of your day in bed with her fucking like there's no tomorrow.
The remaining 5% is spent snuggling and eating meals in bed delivered by her servants.

>> No.18231630


>> No.18231631

>I never liked ejaculating.
I never thought I'd ever hear or read this phrase come out of a heterosexual man.

>> No.18231633

You didn't.

>> No.18231634

She can only get off if you cum inside her anon. She craves your cum deep in her womb.
Just be ready, she's a teasing virtuoso with that titanic ass of hers.

>> No.18231635

Gay people have orgasms though?

>> No.18231638

Are you gay?

>> No.18231639

>Nice foxes
>Deer abound
>But when MG become real you'll get raped by matango because nature hates us

>> No.18231642

Heterosexuality has nothing to do with it. The guy is broken as a human being.

>> No.18231649

I've also seen an owl in the daytime, a family of baby vipers hanging around together and a blindworm.

>> No.18231657

>Anon's been followed around by a fox ever since he was a little boy, and it's kept him safe from bullies and other dangerous people.
>One day when anon's in college the portals open.
>It turns out the fox was a young Kitsune who fell through the cracks in reality when she was a little girl and the lack of Demonic energy made it dangerous for her to take her true form.
>Now that the portals are open and Demonic Energy is taking root, she can reveal herself as a beautiful young woman to anon and fuck him stupid since she's had a crush on him since there were kids.

>> No.18231680

I have never even heard of someone so beta, I feel like this is almost on the same level as NTR fetishists.

>> No.18231688
File: 439 KB, 780x585, 1396700293600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think the process of getting to the climax is more enjoyable than the climax itself, why is that so bad?

>> No.18231697

Okay, now you're making more sense. I thought you were a crazy person for a minute there anon.

>> No.18231718

So, it'd be OK if they slept with someone else as long as they climaxed?

>> No.18231721

So her pleasure is meaningless then?

>> No.18231727

Why the fuck would that be okay you stupid motherfucker?

>> No.18231745

Now excuse my biological ignorance, but what biological processes do you need to give birth? Talking about pregnant undead here.

So, the egg needs to be generated, and moved the Fallopian tube. I am assuming this generation can be sustained by the DE that animated the dead in the first place. But once it's there would it be a dead or living cell? What is the difference between a dead cell and a living one? Can a "dead" egg still be fertilized?

I mean from there it's pretty simple, right? Just use the SE left in the womb and all that the mother ingests from that point to be the source of energy for the growth of the child.

>> No.18231756
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What a morbid topic. Who needs dead babies?

>> No.18231757
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>every one of the last 20 or so posts

>> No.18231768

I do, eventually. I mean I'm not huge on kids, but I know it'd make her happy, so I'd want a dead baby to love and cherish as it becomes a dead child and finally a dead adult, ready to explore the wide world.

>> No.18231822

How do undead children grow? Do they need to restore their humanity for every birthday and get a year's worth of growth at once?

>> No.18231826

Speaking of undead, post or discuss zombies in honor of the Cranberries singer who just passed away.

>> No.18231879
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All hail the Overlady!

>> No.18231880
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What things would one encounter in an Undead City?

>> No.18231890

Devil bugs

>> No.18231895

Bosses and dumb-asses who get themselves trapped.

>> No.18231896

Same way real children do, I assume, only using a different source of energy

>> No.18231936
File: 55 KB, 700x432, Just do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is dying so bad?

>> No.18231939

Little to no hospitals. Lots of of Embalming/body preservation clinics.

Probably not alot of restaurants, since undead have no need for food (being beings maintained by magic), though some of their husbands who haven't turned to undeath still need it. Most of their food must be imported from Green Demon Realms.

Depending on the type of government the city has the undead unliving there might have more or less freedom.
The city might be an industrial powerhouse with plenty of factories staffed by undead who never tire or cmplain about their jobs, and only require some off time to go take care of their husbands (if they have one)...
Or a haven for the culture and arts, many monsters who don't require much work to sustain themselves might turn to leisure and pleasure activities.
The first type would be come common in cities where all of the undead are raised and controlled by a single powerful necromancer/lich, or a group of several of them. Witches and Dark Mages might also be found among the ruling class.
The second tyme would be mostly be filled with more individualistic undead, like vampires, with them maybe having a few undead servants, like sired vampires or undead made out of dark magic.
