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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 346 KB, 464x670, THP_Chain_Lightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1817873 No.1817873 [Reply] [Original]


Hey wait a minute, these aren't Rumbling Spell Orchestra cards...

>> No.1817878

Everyone's a wizard in 4E. It's no longer feasible to simply refer to a book\article for the party wizard, so now reference cards aren't such a redundant idea.

>> No.1817888


Eh? Didn't 4E have some silly magic plague that killed all the wizards and gods and pretty much made magic unfeasible or something?

>> No.1817897


I don't use forgotten realms because I'm not a faggot.

But what I mean is, now all classes have per-day powers so there's so much bull to shift through that reference cards can actually make life easier.

If you play 4e. There's reasons that it's all so divided.

>> No.1817919
File: 117 KB, 400x532, 1230201403007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wizards kind of suck from levels 1-10. The status effects, forced movement, and conjuration/zones they can lay down are not too impressive, and their save penalty from Orb of Imposition isn't high enough to make a big difference. Then, at level 11, they either get the overpowered and overdamaging Blood Pulse if they went with the Blood Mage paragon path, or a massive save penalty increase from wielding a Cunning Longsword by going with the Wizard of the Spiral Tower PP (all other paragon paths are kind of meh for them). Also at level 11, they get another -2 save penalty for their spells, so they start to become real competent at this point, and the save penalty from the Orb of Imposition is reasonably large. At level 20, a wizard who went with the Blood Mage paragon path receives Destructive Salutation, which is ridiculously good for a level 20 daily power since it stuns on a MISS; finally, at level 25, a wizard who has been stacking his save penalties can finally permanently stun even a solo monster through Prismatic Spray. At level 29, well... a wizard gets Legion's Hold, the single most powerful daily in the game with save penalties.

Levels 1-10 = kind of sucky
Levels 11-19 = pretty good due to Spell Focus and Blood Mage OR Wizard of the Spiral Tower
Levels 20-24 = the first taste of true hax from the Blood Mage's Destructive Salutation
Levels 25-30 = ultimate, permanent stunlock hax with Prismatic Spray and Legion's Hold

>> No.1817930

These are cards for D&D?

>> No.1817936

I must confess something. I made some creature tokens for magic and used touhous for the pictures, and I use them in tournament play. Yuyuko is a spirit token and Youmu is a soldier token.

>> No.1817943


They're reference cards, as stated. Every class gained specific long winded powers. It's no longer just basic dice rolling+modifiers+the party wizards and cleric referencing the books when they want to cast. It's not a bad idea to keep reference cards on hand to keep a game flowing.

Assuming of course, you use 4e.

>> No.1817973

>Assuming of course, you use 4e.

Well, 4e already has some form of Touhou stuff for it by fans. That's a major selling point for me.

>> No.1818189


Well, that's interesting. Anybody want to contribute Touhou pics for more 4e power cards?

>> No.1818201

Well there's an ongoing debate as to whether 4e is better or worse than the previous versions. On the con side, it does tend to play much more like a WoW campaign.

>> No.1818236

4e does not play like WoW, 3.5 actually has more elements of WoW. 4e DOES, however, play like Disgaea. It's extremely grid-based, and all about group tactics based on positioning and shifting and sliding allies and enemies all around the battlefield of 5-foot squares.

>> No.1818333

Would Marisa be a warlock or a wizard in 4e? On one hand, she seems to learn magic through books and intuition rather than by forging pacts with fell entities, so she's a wizard ni that sense. On the other hand, her style of spells seem more focused on one target (rather than spread out) and all about the damage rather than finesse and control ("Danmaku is all about power!"), and her astronomy theme matches nicely with the Star Pact, making her a Star Pact warlock.

That, and the level 29 Star Pact warlock daily power is a giant laser of starlight that can be sustained for several rounds and deals massive damage (though it deals damage to the caster due to backlash), but it unfortunately deals cold damage instead of nonelemental force or radiant damage.

>> No.1818729
File: 81 KB, 750x600, 1230227021325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edition Wars happen any time a new edition is released. It takes a year or two before the idiots shut up about all the changes and actually realize that they might like it.

>> No.1818749
File: 81 KB, 750x600, 1230227421791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edition Wars happen any time a new edition is released. It takes a year or two before the idiots shut up about all the changes and actually realize that they might like it.

>> No.1819129
File: 190 KB, 464x670, 1230236179577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is what we settled on for Invisibility. Don't ask why. But now we need a pic for Greater Invisibility.

>> No.1819162

I'm the dude who made that one, and I'd hardly say we "settled" on it. I just threw it out there and no one nay-sayed it.

>> No.1819177

>Greater Invisibility
I'd say we need something that conveys the message "There are 30 Touhoes in this picture. None of them can be seen."

>> No.1819180
File: 593 KB, 1600x1200, 1230237525737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Greater Invisibility in action.

Become the darkness!

>> No.1819718

Or go with the importance of being not seen, and ask Cirno to stand up ;)

>> No.1819791
File: 273 KB, 464x670, 1230247976122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was also requested in the /tg/ thread. I thought /jp/ would probably like it.

>> No.1819797
File: 295 KB, 464x670, 1230248088289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I may as well cross-post the others I made today, just for the hell of it. I'm bored and I don't even play 4E.

>> No.1819809
File: 324 KB, 464x670, 1230248194836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1819834
File: 276 KB, 464x670, 1230248671893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone ever actually uses that card for its supposed intended purpose, they should be slapped.

This is the last one of mine.

>> No.1820089
File: 332 KB, 464x670, 1230253069523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1821296
File: 133 KB, 840x630, 1230274356723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take offense to Ran and Chen substituting for "wolves".
