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18187055 No.18187055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18187063

That's impossible because I'm Yukari.

>> No.18187178

Why would Yukari turn into a human in the future?

>> No.18187241

Time isn't linear for gap. Interacting with her past self from the future creates a stable time loop.

>> No.18187247
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if that's the case then who is/was phone?

>> No.18187303

Honestly I have not read any new stuff (like post 2012) , but I was definitely under impression that was the case.

>> No.18187547


>> No.18187562

Of course Yog-Sothoth is outside time and space

>> No.18187578


What form does Nyarlathotep take in Gensokyo?

>> No.18187590

Probably the most boring and uninspired headcanon there is.

>> No.18187716

It’s not headcanon, it’s canon what with the Lafcadio metaphor made by ZUN

>> No.18187722

what an awful thread

>> No.18187785

If it was canon, he would have simply said so without trying to confuse people. They just like to read too much into everything he says.

>> No.18187811

I can't see Yukari becoming a human.
I find it more believable that Maribel is blasted to the past and become Yukari, Yukari's descendant or a totally different person.

>> No.18187904

Hearn became Yakumo, so ZUN is heavily implying that's pretty much what happened (Merry moved to Gensokyo and became Yukari)

>> No.18187919

No... Why would you explicitly reveal a story detail you haven't actually written yet, especially one so important, when you could just heavily imply it and give your audience the impression of "wait and see"?

>> No.18187958

Or you could just intentionally mislead the audience and let them invent all kinds of theories, i.e. do your job for you, when in truth you don't have any intention in ever actually going in that direction.

>> No.18188040

I dunno, as a theory it has too much weight to be honest speculation at this point. It's like how Kasen is an oni, except it's never technically been 100% revealed that she's an oni.

>> No.18188115

Hagfags forcing their shite once again.

>> No.18188840

To be perfectly fair he never mentioned this in any actual official material, he simply gave it as an answer to a question someone asked him. For all we know he was just fucking with everyone. Hell, it was so long ago that I doubt he even remembers he said this.

>> No.18189787

Yukari could just not actually be a Youkai.

>> No.18190132

Maribel became Yukari in order to create Gensokyo so that Renko's interest in the occult could be realised.

>> No.18190227

maribel (cute) is my gf but yukari (old hag) isn't

>> No.18190553
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who is maribel

>> No.18192425

Maribel is not a current version of Yukari. She is an old backup that activated because something happened to the original, so her Yukari-ness lacks a few hundred years of development.

>> No.18193587
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I never really liked that theory, it just seems too obvious. ZUN doesn't port folklore or history 1:1 anyway. And we all know from his track record that nothing can ever really be seen coming.
He'll put his own twist and curveball on the Hearn -> Yakumo thing like he usually does with stuff.

>> No.18193659

Nah, Maribel created Gensokyo as a means so that she could continue living since she had fully become a youkai. Her accomplice was Okina obviously.

>> No.18193693
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>I doubt he even remembers he said this
He has already made a bullshit excuse for this...

>> No.18193729

She is an oni though, read WaHH

>> No.18193960

Mamizou saying she's an oni is technically speculation, not confirmation.

>> No.18203226

I once mapped out a plot where Maribel was a clone of Yukari created by Eirin and the kappas and sent out of Gensokyo as a child to find Renko, without knowing where she came from or that she had been created for that purpose. God knows where I put it.

>> No.18203247

Assuming that Maribel is just a younger version of Yukari. When do you think she crossed the line and turned into a mass murdering well intentioned extremist? I mean, i don't think that's just something that happens overnight.

>> No.18203613

Those damn moon people invaded and almost destroyed the world, probably.

>> No.18204107

Saying Kasen is a Gensokyo Sage is more of a speculation, and that's practically confirmed.
It's blatantly obvious in WaHH with her relations to Suika, her having the same equipment as Oni, her name, her talks with Komachi, knowing that she's just pretending to be a hermit, etc.

>> No.18204718
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>Gets hurt by touching the Yin-Yang Orbs and says "Ah, I see it's harmful to youkai"
>Repelled by everything that repels oni
>Has a magic item with oni powers that's named after herself (Ibaraki, not Ibara)
>Whenever someone mentions oni, she sneezes
>Wears hair buns that don't actually have any hair under them, and tells Suika "if you want to disguise yourself as a human you need to hide your horns".
>The most famous thing her namesake did was impersonate a human

>> No.18204732

Renko is the only thing keeping Maribel sane. She even says it herself.

Also Yukari is over a thousand years old - that's plenty of time for someone to change.

>> No.18205725


Imagine if the moon people invaded. And Renko ended up dying the in the crossfire. That would probably be a pretty good start of darkness.

Although i doubt Zun would actually go down that direction. It's too normal.

>> No.18206103

I know, no need to tell me.

I'm saying Yukari/Merry is similar in this way, but you could write it off as speculation because it's not "confirmed". The argument was that ZUN hadn't confirmed it after all, just hinted it.

>> No.18217415

Hinted in the same way Kasen is hinted to be an oni in ‘Wild and HORNED hermit’... which basically means it’s heavily implied/all but stated

>> No.18217467

Not even close man. Kasen's identity is hinted several times and more direct than Merry.

>> No.18217696


>> No.18218236
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>> No.18218249
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>> No.18218259

Would it count as a threesome if you fug Merry?

>> No.18218260

Well, the Japanese fandom certainly seem to support the view that Merry=Yukari

>> No.18218348

Nah, it’s either Yukari or Merry, never both at once

>> No.18218420
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Well Rinnosuke seems to prefer the younger model

>> No.18218455
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Maribel ages like fine wine~

>> No.18218463
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>> No.18218481
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If Okina helped Maribel become Yukari it was probably something like this. Maybe she taught her the ways of boundary-fu so she could master it too.

>> No.18218531

Why has the idea that Okina is all powerful cropped up everywhere?

>> No.18218547
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>> No.18218730
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I think it's just a couple of individuals shilling okina really hard for some reason. They seem hellbent on making her out to be the one behind everything.

>> No.18218945
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>> No.18218978
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>> No.18222517
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>> No.18222526
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>> No.18222551
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Renko is Yumemi.

>> No.18222699

Junko is Mima, discuss

>> No.18222712

>using one of her described abilities
>all powerful

>> No.18222748

Present your case first.

>> No.18222817

It’s called sarcasm

>> No.18222828

Figured. How boring.

>> No.18222862
File: 164 KB, 750x1000, C656DD48-7755-4892-9133-C782B258A6D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how Maribel transforms into Yukari?

>> No.18224699

Nah, probably something like this


>> No.18224836

My headcanon is that Maribel is the daughter of Yukari(who lives in the outside world disguised as a human) and a guy with the last name Hearn.

I doubt ZUN would actually go in that direction since giving Yukari a canon husband would cause a massive backlash from the fandom, but I think Maribel discovering her mother is actually a youkai and one of the creators of gensokyo has potential for a good story.

>> No.18226223

make it a granddaughter of, have her mother marry a chap by the name of Hearn, and it might save a fan backlash

>> No.18232156
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>> No.18232164

>since giving Yukari a canon husband would cause a massive backlash from the fandom
I don't think ZUN cares. There are married Touhous, Touhous who have fucked, at least one incestuous Touhou...

>> No.18232175

Wait, the incestous one is yorihime?

>> No.18232176


>> No.18232207

She married Toyohime’s son, who is her nephew

>> No.18232763


>> No.18233895

wtf I love the moonbitches now

>> No.18235327

>Renko is the only thing keeping Maribel sane

Good point, and something to think about following on from this is that Maribel is a psychology student, which perhaps suggests how she could have undergone the length of time she has (based on her relationship with Yuyuko, probably at least a thousand years, if not significantly longer) without going insane - once she travelled back in time to prehistoric Gensokyo, she could use her youkai powers to alter her own psychology in order to prevent her from going mad - in effect keeping her in a sort of mental stasis where although she can gain new memories, her tastes, personality, and philosopy remain the same.

A big piece of evidence for this theory is the fact that Yukari and Maribel's hats are very similar, indicating a sentimental connection to that hat which has lasted for millennia, far longer than what seems reasonable. Additionally, Yukari is stated to possess "superhuman intellect, and especially surpasses in dealing with numbers" (source: Touhou wiki). This could indicate that she has used her powers and knowledge of psychology - which, by the time she lives in (future) is likely to be greatly improved over today's knowledge by the application of findings from neurology - to upgrade her own mental capacities!

It's a reason why I'm not a big fan of doujin works that ship Yukari. I don't think Yukari wants any sort of relationship in Gensokyo, but is rather waiting until Maribel (her past self) travels back in time so that she can "step in" in Maribel's place and continue being [friends/hot steamy lesbian lovers] with Renko - with the mental statis she has applied to herself, she would remember what they were doing yesterday like it was yesterday, even though for her it was hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Another interesting question, then, is: what happens to Gensokyo after this? Does Yukari shut it down, killing all the youkai and altering the human's memories while replacing the village with something that would fit more with the modern (future) world? Does she destroy it completely? Or does she keep it going (and for what purpose, if she isn't living in it any more? Research? Perhaps the reason her goal is stated as "Protecting Gensokyo" is really becacuse she's doing research into why youkai, gods etc. can exist in the first place and how to control them, as they represent somewhat of an existential threat to human civilisation and technology.)

>> No.18235499

Thats a good theory, but keep in mind the fate of Gensokyo is far from being entirely Yukari's decision. If anything Okina probably has more of an overall say in what happens, and as the series continues we are being introduced too more and more characters that could easily fuck Yukari's shit up if she decides too mess with things. Not too mention Yukari is still a Youkai who needs Gensokyo anyways, she cant just stop needing humans around.
Also as far as the sentimental connection with their hats are concerned id say thats a bit of a stretch. Definitely seems to be more of a reflection of ZUN's style at the time.

>> No.18237191

While I agree with the Yukari = Maribel bit
(which is an obvious conclusion, even their names allude to that), Yukari not caring about Gensokyo is completely out of character for her.
Take for instance, this excerpt from her profile (which, as you're aware, would be one of the few canon things written from a third person omniscient pov)

>However, no one can match her in sincerely caring about Gensokyo, and loving it with all her heart.

Pretty much everything Yukari has done has been either for the good of Gensokyo as a whole, or on rare occasion for her friends' (Yuyuko's) sake.
