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18181551 No.18181551 [Reply] [Original]

So that "official English patch" still aint a-go, right?

>> No.18181578

It will most likely never happen and should it actually be released it will be terrible.

>> No.18181597

I mean that's what I figured from only vaguely following news. At least fan translation seems to be doing okay, although dodgy

>> No.18181640

IF it happens, it will be NISA doing it.
1) It will be terribly late.
2) It will be terribly localized.
3) Their "research" comes from looking at touhouwiki; for better or worse.
4) They don't seem to communicate or reflect with ZUN.

You don't want an official english patch. You want to be contributing to the fan translation in whatever way you can.

>> No.18181647

I refuse to believe NISA will touch anything officially related to Touhou. Gods no, please

>> No.18181683

We also thought anything official would never get a console release. (Let alone with a console only character/story).
We also didn't think that Touhou doujin games would be "officially" translated and released. (Let alone on the same console as aforementioned.).
We also never imagined that ZUN, after the playism disaster, would suddenly release his games (and spin-offs) on Steam.

It's time to brace for impact and hope to god the fan translators don't quit or have a drama meltdown once NISA or someone equally shitty peeks around the corner.

>> No.18181691
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>> No.18181725

I hope you like all your favorite Touhous spouting decade old normalfag memes all day

>> No.18181751

How was playism a disaster?

Well a lot of this has to do with Tasofro, which seems to dream big unlike ZUN who has no need to dream big, so I guess there's a high possibility of NISA. I'd think they'd have announced that, though.

>> No.18181752

I don't even know what they are thinking when picking Touhou fan-games to translate. Even worse when those games then get sold for the price of some AAA game. Genso Wanderer used to cost more than Breath of the Wild.

>> No.18181797

I wouldnt have problem with fan translations it they didnt use that fucking spyware thcrap or whatever. Just make seperate patches you cunts.

>> No.18181802

I think you can get the individual patches with some digging.
thcrap is still a headache though

>> No.18181812

Playism made it seem like they were releasing it officially translated in their announcement.
It came untranslated with no further statement.

Then in one of ZUN's eating stream he mentioned how he wasn't happy with playism and no other Touhou has made it on playism ever since the initial release.

Interestingly enough in one of his streams... about 3 weeks ago or so? he talked a lot about Steam. Mostly his surprise at how many people bought it, how many of those were english speakers and so on. He seemed pleasantly surprised.

Another good point. Will an english release make the games pricier on Steam?
Or will they seperate the japanese and english release, which is very, very possible?

>> No.18181828
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Never forget.

>> No.18181853
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It's not spyware, but it's far from perfect.
I don't think Touhou really needed incomplete/progressing and fast patching.
If you really wanted that, you could just have the wiki open on another monitor and scroll as you progress through the game.
Pretty sure there's enough people still doing that anyway.

Their idea of "lightweight" is also thrown out of the window with the huge list of "LOOK AT ALL THESE MEME AND SUPER INTERESTING PATCHES XDDD".
Why is the actual english patch #29 anyway?
Why does shit like "gangster" and shitty edits come first?
Just look at pic related.

>> No.18181887

I gave up trying to use it and just used the stand-alone patch that was labeled "not recommended" and saved myself the time and effort.

>> No.18181906
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>[15] instant_ending

Why even? At that point you might as well just look at the endings online. All of them can be found translated too.

>> No.18181934
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Exactly my thoughts.

Not the first of its kind either. Look at #100.

On that note.
What does #98 do? Do they do shitty April Fools patches to annoy the fuck out of everyone and turn even more users away from their shitty solution?

>> No.18183170

Imagine being this ignorant.

I won't deny the config interface sucks wet farts but that's a big tantrum you're throwing over optional stuff you can freely ignore.

>> No.18183208
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>> No.18183264

I sure love booting up my THCRAP-translated game and having it tell me that it wants to grab the latest translation.

>> No.18183603

I sure love ultra liberal translations that alter characterizations for nothing more than a cheap laugh and can't be changed for something actually accurate.

Hahaha, the da-ze girl said "bitch" hahaha! It's funny because it's a bad word!

>> No.18184608

Better than weeb translations that leave terms like "youkai" untranslated

>> No.18185056

There's literally nothing wrong with leaving terms like that untranslated when (1) everyone in the target audience should already understand it and (2) using an english term would bastardize the meaning.

>> No.18185168

If its not in an english dictionary it shouldn't be used in translation

>> No.18185192

who let the cartel-fag in

>> No.18185203


QED is Latin.

Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

>> No.18185222
File: 91 KB, 668x319, 1506490898213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't be having these kinds of problems if you had just learned Japanese.

>> No.18185227



>> No.18185237


>[Latin quod erat demonstrandum]
>[LATIN quod erat demonstrandum]

>> No.18185245

>in an english dictionary

you may next claim that M-W is an ((american)) dictionary

>> No.18185316

I for one look foward to the NISA official meme filled translation that will make weebs cry themselves to sleep

>> No.18185353

What's a link to ZUN's stream?

>> No.18186533
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>> No.18186904

It's funny that Mimosa Memorization and Willow Fortune definitely sound like "foreign" names ZUN come with.

>> No.18187208

>Playism made it seem like they were releasing it officially translated in their announcement.
>It came untranslated with no further statement.
This wasn't the case. You can go back and read the announcements, they did not allude to it being translated, just being brought to an english-speaking audience. The fact that it was untranslated besides custom.exe also has little to do with Playism's failure anyways, which should be obvious when HSiFS-Steam was as well.


>> No.18191111

Alternatively just follow his Twitter. He doesn't post that much, mostly just links to the live stream when it happens.

>> No.18192241
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This kind of thing is for developers.

When making the initial patch framework, the game will usually crash when loading changed text or images unless some sections are rewritten to handle it. If it crashes when loading the ending, it'll make for an extremely sluggish workflow to play through the entire game every single time just to see if it works.

>> No.18192693

They don't even have a fully working story mode yet so why would they bother?

>> No.18192699
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If thcrap wasn't supposed to be shit it wouldn't be called thcrap.

>> No.18195032

At least they are translating the game, I'm already happy someone's even doing that

>> No.18205327 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 1275x715, 1515742906910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like thcrap translated all of aocf's story mode, complete with reformatted endings that make sense for horizontal languages.

Pic is the first panel of Marisa's ending, blurred so it doesn't ruin anything.

>> No.18205911

Really? Their website doesnt show that its translated yet.

>> No.18205932

It's still in progress, the translations are there, but the patch itself still needs work because they're working on translating the images and the text layout. You can see the progress on their facebook page, yeah I know you don't have to say it.

>> No.18206748
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I just played through the entirety of story mode with the english patch. All dialogue, images, stage titles, character titles, and endings are translated and not cutoff. No crashes either. I only noticed a few minor issues, none of which really felt like deal breakers.

Text doesn't always fit inside the speech bubbles. Pic shows one of the most egregious examples. It's always readable though, so it's fine honestly.

Spellcard names aren't translated.

One of Yukari's spellcards has what seems to be instructions appear at the bottom of the screen, untranslated. The card was really easy even on lunatic so it didn't bother me.

In a couple of the endings theres a random letter just hanging out in the dialogue, just seems like a meaningless typo.

The config menu, replay menu, music room, and win quotes in vs mode still need work as well, but they don't affect story mode. They probably want to fix all the things I mentioned before they go announcing that its ready. I enjoyed story mode perfectly fine, but I suppose its up to you if you want to wait a while for the patch to be perfected or not. My guess is it'll take a couple weeks.

Their page doesn't track all progress and is half memes, so its a pain in the ass to pay attention to. Thcrap needs some kind progress tracker built into the client.

>> No.18217156

That is really bad
