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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18162992 No.18162992 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, hopefully you will forgive me for being dirty crossboarding scum but I have a question that I thought would best be answered here. If I were to live in/move to Japan and write a story that I wanted to be adapted into a manga for retail, how difficult would it be? I've heard that all sorts of things get published as manga in Japan, so I figure with a lot of persistence and the right story, it shouldn't be too hard, but I was wondering if anyone here had any additional insight into the matter.

Let's assume that my story is awesome (I haven't written one) and that I speak/read Japanese at an N1 level (I don't speak it at all). I'm just trying to get an idea of what it's like to break into the manga industry, not looking for life advice.

>> No.18163753
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You lack the understanding of how the Japanese comic market works.
No, scratch that, you don't seem to understand how any comic or literature business works.
If you actually thought something ''I've heard that all sorts of things get published as manga in Japan, so I figure with a lot of persistence and the right story, it shouldn't be too hard,'' you're already out, out and out.
I doubt you would even break into your domestic comic market as a writer but do you what you want because I am no one to stop your ''dreams''.

>> No.18164050

>You lack the understanding of how the Japanese comic market works.
>No, scratch that, you don't seem to understand how any comic or literature business works.
You're right, I don't. it's not a dream of mine and I'm not an aspiring writer, it's just something I was idly curious about. since you seem to know a thing or two about it, what's it like?

>> No.18164185

>it's not a dream of mine and I'm not an aspiring writer, it's just something I was idly curious about
It's never going to happen.

>> No.18165572
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lol so you don't actually know anything about the industry? that's what I was expecting but here you are deciding to post in the thread anyway

>> No.18165680

It will be difficult anon.

>> No.18166064

Why would I waste my time replying to someone who has no serious interest? Plus this is not a manga or publishing board

>> No.18167318

This thread is proof /jp/ is useless. You might as well ask someplace else, OP.

>> No.18167357

Why the fuck would you ask about a job on /jp/ of all places

>> No.18167590

I'd ask reddit. They're a couple iq points higher than this site and there may be a good bloke that can actually answer you. I dunno about publishers, but have you considered self publishing? All it requires is a website pretty much.

>> No.18167807
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First, >>18164185 is not me (>>18163753).
If you're actually and seriously asking some hypothetical editorial advice about stories that you've never even wrote then all I've to say to you is should not waste other people's time with this any longer.
If you want to learn about the inner workings of the ''industry'' (you didn't even specify which comic or literary industry) then do your own researches about the subject, read the tons of books and articles about it like everyone else, don't expect other internet users to feed you info.just because you asked.
Oh, and please do go search your answers somewhere else like those two were saying, even though I doubt there's a single soul who would humour you after you reading about nonexistent stories from a person who's not actually a writer and doesn't have any intention of becoming one.

>> No.18168422
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>They're a couple iq points higher

>> No.18168446

>>18167590 XD Haha you trolled him for sure sir! :D >>18168422 (y)

Get OWNED lmoaooo :D ;)

>> No.18168453

why are you on /jp/ if you aren't otaku enough to answer a niche question about manga economics and only pretend to be
Get out of /jp/, kudasai

>> No.18168468

I don't understand your question

>> No.18168602

Why are you on jp if u don't know how to sage

>> No.18168773

I thought I did, maybe I mistyped it.

>> No.18170288
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you know what, I previously wasn't planning on becoming a writer, but simply because of how condescending you two are I have changed my mind and now I am going to move to Japan and become a famous gensakusha. my work will become so popular and influential that people will become overly attached to the female characters and non-Japanese fans will use images of them to shitpost on /jp/. I just need to know some way of signaling the two of (You) so that, when the day arrives, you know it was me who wrote it. maybe some kind of internet handle that I can put on the dedication page.

>> No.18170360

All shitposting aside, do you have any good sources on the economics of the Japanese "otaku" industries? I've seen articles here and there about individual cost breakdowns but I was wondering if there was a book or something there about it.

>> No.18170424

Use "Tenshi from that one image of Tenshi yes, THAT one, eating a corndog and experiencing the pleasure of being cummed inside" as your alias.

>> No.18170444
File: 17 KB, 263x181, 14182944512002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and I'm gonna get two wheels attached to my ass so that I can become a bike and race in the Moto GP.

>> No.18170649

Nah dude, the fact that you're posting here means you'll never amount to anything, much less learn Japanese and then become a famous author

>> No.18171475

I'll answer you a little seriously based off what little I know about the industry.

Firstly, it's possible to enter the manga industry as a writer. Secondly, I don't know how that happens and only know a few writers who have done it. Sandrovich Yabako, for instance, is at least somewhat foreign and was recruited into the industry as a writer despite a COMPLETELY wild career path.

That said I have to imagine it's next to impossible for a full foreigner to enter as a writer for manga. For one thing note I mentioned Yabako was recruited, he wasn't even looking for a job. I'd be very surprised if anyone took interest in a story of yours, let alone gave your gaijin ass the time of day.

But I bet if you wrote a web novel that got really popular that might open some doors from you. Web novels can get stupidly popular and become light novels, manga, and then anime so hey, it's worth a shot. Might need some art though, I don't know how that garbage works.

>> No.18171480

man this post looks terrible, I shouldn't have double spaced it like that, shit I'm sorry

>> No.18171702

This thread stinks of shittit.
Stop replying and let let this thread die.
You retards keep making the same damn threads over and over asking /jp/ about shit that doesn't fucking matter.
4chan is not your personal blog. It is not a hub for non-NEET/Normalfag advice either.

>> No.18178390

surely if poptepic can be broadcast on television, anything is possible
