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18086475 No.18086475 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>18033842

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
It was cleaned up and updated.

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

>> No.18086829

I need some opinions on seventeen bordeaux soft, this is going to be my second hole coming from big rina. I'm looking for my second hole to be slightly less intense than the first one, hence the soft version. It seems to be what I'm looking for, but I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.18087191

Tomax (Soft)

>> No.18087275

I asked once if the layer separation issue of the original 17B is still present in soft version, and someone told me that it is.
So there is that, hopefully someone can add their experience with this hole though.

>> No.18088182
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Is it okay if I leave lube inside my forskin over night? I just want to pump in my onahole while laying in bed and then just go to bed after I release.

>> No.18088227

I can't speak for the lube and foreskin but I'm assuming you mean without cleaning the onahole first either? As that's not a good idea unless you don't want to use it anymore.

>> No.18088244

I mean I can be assed to cum inside the onahole and then clean it but i'm to lazy to take a shower after

>> No.18088260

Oh like that, then yeah I doubt it's an issue, at least I've often used onaholes without taking a shower afterwards.

>> No.18088276

So letting lube dry on my dick and washing it later is alright?

>> No.18088370

>jerk off with hand
>cum once and i'm done for the day
>use ona
>cum once and i want more 10 minutes later
>5th time ive used it this morning
wtf i love japan

>> No.18088436

I mean I obviously can't say for sure if it's alright as I have no medical knowledge, I'm just saying that I've had no issue just cleaning it up a a tissue/toilet paper and not bothering with a shower.

>> No.18088498

Some people complain of their skin and glans becoming really dry and cracked after leaving lube on it.
Lube is really good at absorbing water, so no wonder.

That's going to pass, don't worry. You'll be back to only ejaculating once after your brain decides that onaholes are not new and exciting anymore.

>> No.18088514

ive had it for over 5 months now
kind of feel like getting a lilith hole for myself now

>> No.18088515

Can you explain layer separation issue ? I've looked at a couple of reviews and none of them mentioned that.

>> No.18088529

How do I know if my onahole is old and busted and I should get a new one?

>> No.18088533

A lot of people notice that the inner and outer layers are not welded together properly, and start separating sometimes even right out of the box, as it happened with me.
Liquid can be trapped between them, increasing chances of getting mold, and trying to wipe it dry during cleaning only exacerbates the issue, separating the layers even further.

It's a damn shame, because I liked how the hole felt for the entirety of 3 weeks I owned it.

>> No.18088661

WIsh I could do that, my dick is way too sensitive so usually I can only go for 2 maybe 3 times at most, after that it starts getting way too sensitive and uncomfortable when I get close to cumming so I have to stop which is just the worst when you really want to come but can't.

>> No.18088697
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I want to get a Lolinco as my second hole since my Asagi hole's entrance isn't tight anymore. I want the most pleasurable experience possible, which Lolinco should I get?

>> No.18088715
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>> No.18088773

I've read that the soft feels really good but is not very durable. As for the other two, it depends on your size.

>> No.18088845

OMG is this Rokugou? I love Rokugu so much :333

>> No.18088878

I guess that's one way to look at it, can't say I ever considered it to be cute. Up until a bit more than a year ago I had phimosis however since I had always just used my hand it wasn't really an issue. But as I got interested in onaholes I quickly realised that I had to fix it as trying to use an onahole with a phimosis dick was quite an unpleasant experience with the hole trying to pull back skin that did not want to get pulled back.

I fixed it by doing stretching exercises for a few months and it's definitely one of the best decisions I have done, the first time using an onahole with an almost normal dick was pretty amazing. The almost being since my head had never really been touched before it was incredibly sensitive and for the first while touching it with anything other than an onahole was pretty uncomfortable and I would come really quickly.

At this point I can touch it without too much issue but as mentioned if I fap too much then it does get really uncomfortable, kind of like when you just came if you just kept going, only I get it just before I'm about to come instead. I imagine it will get better as my dick just gets more used to it though and becomes slightly less sensitive.

>> No.18089406
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anyone know any places in europe selling Fairy Doll Nono?

Not sure if mytenga had them before, but their site is pretty devoid of stuff atm.

>> No.18089463

Damn it's hard to decide what onaholes to get. I'm planning to get 2-3 new holes and I've been reading a ton of reviews over the last few days and i'm already at over 10 different holes I want now.

>> No.18089568

How many holes have you actually tried? After trying a bunch and being disappointed with most of them (Venus real is the best after all) I've gotten more skeptical .

>> No.18089585

Around 10, while I prefer some more than others I've enjoyed all of them, although I guess the ones I got are mostly the highly praised ones.

>> No.18089753

get Virgo as I believe it doesn't have the same durability issues as the original

>> No.18089804

i'm in the same boat anon, it's ok
just be gentle with your ochimpo and go slow if you have to, eventually your hips will have a mind of their own

>> No.18090148
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Does anyone else keep track of their onaholes in spreadsheets? Why have they not made a onadb or something like that by now?

>> No.18090268

That sounds really concering, but I'll bet on my luck and hope that doesn't happen to me.

>> No.18090677

My puni ana SPDX split on the first use hehe

>> No.18091026

bord is a very unintense (but still enjoyable) hole, i'd recommend normal, soft might be too low stim
and yes, the layer separation is nearly ubiquitous, like the red ring of death for this thing, but I've had mine for almost a year now and despite there being some splitting it holds together fine, no mold as long as you use soap and dry properly
and if you have a soldering iron you could just weld that bitch shut

>> No.18091237

is there a decent way to keep tiddy warm over time? I love to just spend time with my new ai chan but even under a blanket it gets kind of cool

>> No.18091464

Best you'll likely be able to do is a heating pad under the bottom. It's that or grope them in the bathtub, really.

>> No.18092481

if i want to prevent my cum from stinking as i leave it in my room's trash bin for more than a week; do I buy "anti bacterial tissues"? does that sort of thing work at preventing the odour?
i can't be assed taking it out every day for the rest of my life, or spraying the trash with some kind of odour remover (unless it lasted months).
not sure if this is the right place to ask.

>> No.18092677

Everyone feels different anon.
Me, for example can not cum under 20 minutes. No matter which hole I use. Therefore experiences like you had with your Lolinco and VAA just do not happen.

>> No.18092679

Just use paper towels and wash them down the toilet when you clean up.

>> No.18092715

that might be the better way to go. Having a trash bin where I sleep might not be the most sanitary considering I don't like taking out the trash often.

I guess I can only hope family don't see me leaving paper towel on my table because I'm too lazy to clean up right away.

>> No.18092721

at the very least you should always pee after finishing, to flush any cum/lube out of your dickhole and prevent any chance of getting a UTI

>> No.18093600

Not paper towels as the other guy said but you can use toilet paper instead so you don't clog your pipes. I normally keep a roll around because I can't be assed to have facial tissue around at all times when I need to blow my nose so having the roll out at least isn't suspicious.

>> No.18093614

Merry Christmas /ona/
Did any of you get onaholes as presents?

>> No.18093758

>presents at all
I wish anon ;_;

>> No.18093787

I would have gifted myself a Julia Body for Christmas, but they are so hard to get ;_;

Maybe I'll just get a Kokos Victoria instead.

Merry Christmas /ona/

>> No.18093833

Opinions on julia+?
Is it still worth in 2018?

>> No.18093839

It's a pretty good hole that aims for being realistic in the same way Venus real and ZXY does. However having all 3 I must say it's my least favorite and I would recommend the other two over it.

>> No.18093944

>try groping ai chan in the shower
>soap her up because slippery soapy titties and cleaning at the same time
>lose grip, starts flopping around the bathroom like a live fish
lesson learned, I hope she didn't get damaged

>> No.18094500

Just picked one up during Black Friday. Was a bit awkward at first for me but switching to Peace for lube has really improved the experience. If you want it, go for it.

>> No.18094837

where's the best place to buy onaholes if you live in the uk? I used to buy from en-nls, now they've closed...

>> No.18095033

Is it worth it to try the otonajp grab bags?

>> No.18095049

nope, pretty much 100% chance you'll be getting low-quality garbage, or something that's ok, but at a higher overall cost than just buying it on its own

>> No.18095067

I got a fleshlight for my birthday earlier this month, does this count?
Yes, I wasn't particularly happy.

>> No.18095090


Who gave it to you?

>> No.18095102

A group of my female friends. They always give me somewhat weird presents. Like a stress-ball made to look like a boob.
I made a post about the fleshlight in last thread. It is indeed pretty bad. I should mention to them that if they want to give guys sex toys as presents, it's probably a good idea to do some research.

>> No.18095158

really wish EXE made a good successor to Extrip Haruna Hana. Guess ill just buy a Tomax Kokalo

>> No.18095451

You can still use NLS with a forwarder, just takes an extra step but could also allow you to undervalue. Check our guide or the one on /a/'s Buyfag thread. There's also Omocha Dreams for domestic supply along with a few others you can import with.

Sounds like they're more interested in giving (expensive) gag gifts than good ones, that would probably fall on deaf ears. I have to wonder though, if they're giving you gifts like that is there any chance one among the group wants to bang?

>> No.18095610
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Merry Christmas to me

>> No.18095662

>be chinese
>too many people
>got job making rubber vaginas
>sometimes celebrate christmas for day off
>stuck working christmas making rubber vaginas for americans

>> No.18095692

We are just old friends, and I have banged/dated some of them. And two if them are in a relationship with each other, so there is that. I complain about not being able to find a girlfriend to them sometimes, and they try to give me advice, or help in other ways.

As far as I know they just went to a local sex shop, and picked what was available. I haven't been there myself, but something tells me that a store clerk is just going to recommend whatever they have in stock.
Actually, I wonder if there are any Japanese onaholes there, but it's not likely.

>> No.18095751

There probably won't, Japanese onaholes probably wouldn't even sell well in that kind if store

>> No.18095893

So I've been thinking of getting something bigger since I have some extra money. Thinking of getting of getting the Puni Ana DX or SPDX. Is the SPDX worth the extra money?

>> No.18095962


Most 'novelty' stores just order wholesale from a distributor, which is why you always see the awful topco/doc johnson vinyl crap, and the stores actually make their money on bob marley flags and incense.

Higher end focused sex shops are usually more female oriented, and even then, they would probably have tenga stuff, but doubtful anything else.

>> No.18096124

Where do I find one of them onaholes that goes all the eay through like I see in all my nuki mangos?
The one thing I miss about jerking off with my hands is the ability to see myself shooting some thick ropes.

>> No.18096650

Paper towels are not toilet safe. You will clog the toilet. Use toilet paper/.

>> No.18096848

never owned a sex toy but im thinking of it now, realized jacking with my own hand is kinda gay.

I have some questions, whats the difference between onaholes and fleshlights and pocket pussies?

Also is there any info on ordering this discreetly without it getting on my pay history? Like i can use some gift card and make a new amazon account just for shit like this?

>> No.18097065

An onahole is an onahole and a fleshlight is a fleshlight.

In all seriousness, onaholes are far superior when it comes to stimulus, a fleshlight will most likely feel like just anotherhole to put your dick into while onaholes offers many different experiences.

By pocket pussy you mean portable cups? There's also a wide variety for them but you'll most likely not need them if you don't travel often.

Most stores use discrete names on bank statements to cover your privacy. I've yet to see an online store (at least a japanese one) that appears on your bank statement as "SEX STORE - PURCHASE: RUBBER VAGINA WITH SALIVA LOTION". You need to ask for a specific store in this thread or just read each website's FAQ, most of them answer this question.

>> No.18097073
File: 8 KB, 440x440, scent-of-school-girls-smell-of-school-girl-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendation on lotions? I want a girly sweet smell, not too feminine strong but also not pee or poo related.

I'm midly interested in the "sweat" ones but I'm not really sure what to go with.

I'll most likely be using this with my dakimakura, which has a sfw image of my cute waifu.

>> No.18097132

Anyone ever use condoms with their onas?
I wanted to give it a try and see if what I bought fit me but they pop the second I try to get inside

>> No.18097193

unroll it a few times and get like an inch or so worth of extra space. lube around the base of your dick dries out and that sticks, but your head/shaft keeps moving. the breaking causes from the lack of space

>> No.18097240

I'm done with my attempts for now, but if I try again I'll have to see if I can stretch it out a bit to see if that stops it from instantly popping. Already broke 4 tonight, could also be a result of
>ultra thin

>> No.18097338

You mean an open ended hole? Those aren't rare at all my dude, you can find them anywhere. And, unless you have a pencil dick, a lot of them are short enough for you to go through

>> No.18097462

>realized jacking with my own hand is kinda gay.
Jesus man, open yourself up a little.

>I have some questions, whats the difference between onaholes and fleshlights and pocket pussies?
Semantics and approach; Fleshlights and pocket pussies are all categorized as onaholes though this community does treat and refer to Fleshlights differently. "pocket pussies" tend not to be worth it as they're either disposable or poorly made and Fleshlights are generally underwhelming in regards to texture though a few models are praised. The rest of the market is really broad and hard to generalize with any meaningful accuracy.

>Also is there any info on ordering this discreetly without it getting on my pay history?
In short? Don't worry about it. No shop is dumb enough to make it obvious what you're ordering. They know.

>> No.18097746

Not even a week into owning the dammed thing and my mom saw it. fuck. what do I do? also my venus real now has a small hole on one of the 'lips', have I been abusing it ?

>> No.18097758

I saw otonajp has a soft mouth of truth, has anyone tried it? Based on what i heard about soft lolinco I'm guessing this one can't be very reliable either.

>> No.18097954

What did she say about it?

>> No.18098197

How the hell did you manage to get a hole in the lips within a week? I had to use mine pretty regularly for at least half a year before this happened.

>my mom saw it.
Are you leaving your sex toys just lying around where people can see them or something?

>> No.18098206

what are the best

>> No.18098716

They are in the EU

>> No.18098828

what kind of third world country do you live in

>> No.18099201

alright i'll get a hip.

is Puni Ana DX the classic recommendation?

>> No.18099632

Punifuwa Mocchi 2000 coming in today. should I christen it with hentai or jav?

>> No.18099662

Appreciate it by using your imagination.

>> No.18099838
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>Are you leaving your sex toys just lying around where people can see them or something?
She was out of the house so I left it on the bed, she then came back drunk and walked into my room straight away ( I was expecting her to go to sleep) demanding to clean or something, she saw me putting it back in the box and laughed asking if it was some sort of doll or something and then left to sleep. There's been no further mention of it .
>How the hell did you manage to get a hole in the lips within a week?
I have no idea, am I cleaning it to roughly? maybe my nails are long? I really have no idea. Its more of a small tear than a hole but I am worried about it getting worse

>> No.18099933

how do shequ products rank?

>> No.18100059

But is there a way that it's not on the order history, because it will show on amazon your past orders and i dont want that. and the banks will never know about it? like the receipts have "boxed order no.5234" instead of actual product name?

>> No.18100077

>Venus Real in Soft as the closest to the real thing
this true?

>> No.18100181

If you're ordering on amazon it will show up on your bank as an amazon product, and you shouldn't worry about your bank, they're there to make money out of you, not to be your mom. You can hide past purchases on amazon, just search on google 5 min and you'll get it.

>> No.18100317

Depending on who you ask, Meiki ZYX is another contender. If you also include expensive hips, some people have said stuff like Gokujo Namagoshi is even better. It's worth noting that there are a lot of people who've tried one and not the other, and on top of that the real thing varies widely anyways.

>> No.18100545

The banks will know insofar as they too can see whatever the merchant calls themselves on invoices, but you've got little reason to care about them seeing because
A. The banks don't give a shit if you sex toys
B. It'll display as something innocuous until researched even if someone does look.

As for Amazon, just archive the order, you've gotta go pretty far out of your way to find those. Or just make a dummy Amazon account, your choice.

>> No.18100645

How different is the Virgo from the normal Lolinco? I used to have a normal one a few years back and it gradually split until it felt like I was fucking a gloopy jellyfish.

>> No.18101165

Any recommendations?

>> No.18101190

There is nothing that is close to the real thing, technology is just not there yet, and actual vaginas are very different depending on a woman.
But Venus Real and Meiki ZXY are consistently mentioned as the toys that are the most similar. I don't know about Meiki, but Venus is just a dumb piece of TPE with consistent density. Not very close to an actual woman.

It still feels great though, hands down my favourite toy, easily beating sex with a condom. Stop chasing realism and just listen to what your dick tells you.

>> No.18101325

>Stop chasing realism and just listen to what your dick tells you.
This is probably one of the most important things to remember when it comes to onaholes, it's just masturbation so more than anything get what feels the best. I got 3 of the holes that people recommend for realism, Venus real, ZXY and Julia+ but honestly I find myself using my succubus ripple more than anything else. It's just a straight tunnel with ripples on the sides so not realistic in the slightest but my dick just can't get enough of it, it's by far my favorite hole.

>> No.18101458

> you can sort of treat it like food, after about two hours the bacterial growth really starts to ramp up

just catching up on old threads. you guys brighten my day

>> No.18101476
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About to pull the trigger. Wondering whether I really need the warmer or saliva lube since my last warmer broke pretty quickly.

>> No.18101509

I am using that warmer since months. No issues so far.

>> No.18101621

Man deciding what new onaholes to get is tough, so many to choose from. Does anyone have any recommendations for someone with a small dick(around 4 inch). So far I've tried 4 Tomax holes which I all enjoyed(succubus ripple medium being my favorites), Lolinco, mouth of truth, ZXY, Julia+ and virgin age admission, with Julia and virgin age being my least favorite, julia being a bit too big for my size and Virgin age just being a bit too hard and the one I consider a lot worse than the rest.

I've been looking at a lot of reviews and these 3 are the ones that stood out the most to me.
The first two I'm feeling quite certain about unless someone has some bad experiences with them but the witch I'm not completely sure about, it's listed as 125x90x100mm but that doesn't really add up it people talking about it being a large onahole, also it being toyheart which my only experience with was not that positive.

So yeah any information on these or recommendations for other onaholes for someone with a small dick would be appreciated, or if you got any questions about any of those I have I'd gladly answer.

>> No.18101756

Thanks, bought that as well.

>> No.18101851
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Here are some holes to consider:

lasts literally forever

the classic

a much better Julia+

does the character full justice
this one is a gift from god

here is a good alternative if you like red riding hoods theme.
red riding hood itself is probably not made for you. stay away from it.

Toys Heart has both, great and horrible holes.
Bus Guide is part of the great ones. It is a simplistic hole that is near indestructible. The special material used for it is next gen. I hope they will use it more often in the future.

I have mostly good experiences with EXE so far. Asagi is awesome and wild.

Julia+ is technically great, but too vanilla for my taste.
I can see how you do not enjoy it because the stimulations mostly comes from the curves.
You may have more fun with her if you wrap cloth around her (sticking her into a sock will do the same) or bend her to increase the friction.

PxPxP makes godlike holes, with devilish pricing. They are considered overpriced but I find their holes to be completely worth it.

>> No.18101870
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Forgot to add that the Puni is a smart choice.
You should get that one.

The Witch is mostly about suction but will probably be too large for you. I do not own one myself but from what I gathered, it is more of a toy for horses.

>> No.18101884

I heard this one was crap, but most of the reviews in other place(the few I could find) seem fine with it.

>> No.18101926

the new one from PxPxP is crap
the older one from EXE is awesome

>> No.18102067
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How bad are anime onaholes?

>> No.18102153

There are some rare gems out there that get the job done. The vast majority however, is utter garbage.

>> No.18102352

I ordered it because I have worn out my original MoT and tend to enjoy softer material more. Hopefully they learned from the mistakes of the lolinco and it doesn't destroy itself within a few weeks. Will report back when it comes in.

>> No.18102431

is it possible that too much lube in the onahole will lessen the feel? I usually use two squeezes of lube with my onahole, i squeeze once then push my usb warmer in to spread the lube then i take it out and put in another squeeze.

>> No.18102440

how does the r20 puni compare to the normal r20? I have the normal one and it's too big for me. i heard another anon say that the good parts of the hole are at the very end.

>> No.18102537

>fishy smell in my house I couldn't find
>think it's one of my old cumsocks fallen behind something
>find a rotting sack of potatoes in my cupboard last night
yick, it smells just like rancid cum

>> No.18102585

It's a known factor in the fapping experience. The more and the thicker the lube you use the less sensation you feel.

>> No.18102987

And on the flipside, if you use too little you'll feel the burn.

>> No.18103222

Yes. That is one thing you have to learn. Figuring out the minimum amount of lube to use.

>> No.18103463

MoT is like a worse onatsuyu in a worse container, consider if you want this

>> No.18103575
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apparently there's also kemono lube

>> No.18103922

just clean your dick in the sink, nigga

>> No.18103958

>implying he's tall enough for his dick to be level with the sink
>implying his dick is long enough to reach over the sink

>> No.18104126

>Implying my dick fits in the sink

>> No.18104185
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Every time I see this argument here I wonder what shithole you live in.

>> No.18104552

What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.18104625

Libido enhancing supplements+melatonin = high chances of having erotic/wet dreams (and possibly lucid ones).

Just saying since I discovered that last night and had some fun with Horo.

>> No.18104637

>No bottled Dolphin vaginal fluid that eliminates the refractory period and let's you cum forever
This timeline sucks.

And there's something else to try. Was it a one time thing or has this happened on several occasions? Did you wet dream often before?

>> No.18104689

Thanks for your reply, I ended up ordering the puni virgin 600, r-20 puni and the bus guide you recommended.

>> No.18104734

>Was it a one time thing or has this happened on several occasions?
One time thing for now. I've been taking melatonin for ten days: I started with the recommended dosage on the bottle (one tablet, 1.8g of melatonin) but I've been cutting the tablets into quarters and taking one quarter 1 hour before sleep and in my opinion, it's much more effective as a sleep aid at that dosage (450mg for those who cannot be assed to do the math).

>Did you wet dream often before?
Not really, I must have had less than a dozen of them in my entire life (I'm almost 26) counting those I induced through lucid dreaming (I was really into it a decade ago, not so much these days) which is why I'm pretty sure my stack of supplements+melatonin caused me to have an erotic dream (I prefer calling it erotic instead of wet since I've never experienced nocturnal emissions).

>> No.18105727

Ask her to make you cum with it

>> No.18105758

How do you guys store your onaholes? So far I've just been keeping them in the boxes and bags they came in but I'm running out of room to hide them so I can't buy any new holes. How are those large storage bags you can buy, is it safe to just put all your onaholes down in those?

>> No.18105881

I should get back into lucid dreaming but the back to bed method that worked for me was a pain. Anyway, I'm curious, do tell if it happens more.

>> No.18106015

A bidet. Pretty common with yuropoors.

>> No.18106081

But I thought bidets were little waterspouts inside the toilet that sprayed water into your asshole.

>> No.18106139

There's different types. It can also be a shower head that you hold and use while sitting on a toilet.

>> No.18106771

I've already got Venus Real Soft for muh realism but I've been planning on getting another hole for funsies.
Should I pick Lilith Uterus or Muses Arkhe? And on which hardness?

>> No.18106871

Has anyone tried any of the new Tomax Silky, O2, or Insomnia lubes? Wondering how they compare with toucan.

>> No.18106890
File: 24 KB, 600x560, toolbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15€ lockable aluminum toolbox (pic related)
Each hole wrapped into a microfiber towel.
The box contains my 6 hole collection, two bottles of lube and lots of small stuff like my warmer, as well as special soap that I like to use and some spare microfiber towels. I do not like to throw away the packaging, so I have the cardboard boxes stored in the boxes lid.

If you do store your onas in a box, put some packages of silica gel into it. It will absorb all the moisture from the air.

>> No.18107026

When you cum in an onahole, do you keep pumping or do you just lay back and dump your load?

>> No.18107052

As someone who has a pretty damn sensitive dick and used to come very quickly using pills to help with my anxiety seems to have had the nice side effect of making me able to last longer. I've been using onaholes for nearly a year but these last few times since I started taking the pills have been a completely different experience. Before I would usually come within 5-15 seconds depending on the hole and so I had to constantly stop and could barely get to really feel the texture of the onaholes but now it feels like I can actually somewhat control when I come, being able to properly build up towards an orgasm for probably close to over a minute or going slow for much longer than that.

I imagine this is probably normal for most of you but it really amazed me just how much I was missing out on, now my biggest problem is just finding time to use my onaholes, especially with all the family stuff around christmas and new year.

>> No.18107493

a funny coincidence, I have seen these things recommended in the doll thread, in /p/ and in /g/ in the past few days.

>> No.18107550 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 51-heeoUAlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok niggers
/v/ sent me to /a/ buyfag and they send me here
here the thread i made:

hello buyfag
after my thread just got deleted in /v/ and due to some recomendation i am now here
where is the doll import guide for europe?

my original thread from /v/:

i am soooooo jelly!!!!!
nips can buy full size fuckdolls for under 300 euros!!!
does amazon jp shit to europe? if i oder this shit from here i would pay 1000 euro and couldnt even find that variety


>> No.18107559 [DELETED] 

oh no, that retard again

>> No.18107599 [DELETED] 

All you need to get most things from Japan is a forwarder that will act as a Japanese mailbox and then send packages to you. There's info on that in /a/'s buyfag guide (buyfags.moe) as well as ours. Amazon does also have a few options through Amazon Global but options will be more limited.

>> No.18107686

just be careful to not get jewed by greedy chinks

You better post here if you found a make and model that you like. There is also threads on /b/ during late night EU times on some days, where the real doll lovers post.

Seriously, be careful and do not buy on impulse. If you chose a bad retailer you are fucked and will end up with an overpriced abomination and no refunds.

>> No.18107723

Depends on the hole. For the ones without any inner cervix or womb, or for hips, I just keep pumping. For Dolphin in particular I like going balls deep before pulling on the end of the hole with my free hand so the deepest cervix repeatedly sucks on my glans as I cum

>> No.18107781

Should I get the Dolphin in Regular or Soft?

>> No.18107782

Fucking Irishmen, I swear.

>> No.18107790

regular since the whole gimmick is the cervixs. Cervix's? Cervixi?
anyways, most people report soft is too soft to feel them.

>> No.18107893

get hard, punching through those cervixes will be like those shaolin monks who kick trees until their legs are as hard as iron, no one will be able to challenge your dick

>> No.18107924

I was concerned about this, I'm very sensitive to smell. One day I had a wet dream, but since I was in my bed sleeping I just took my boxers and tossed it around.
Somehow it got on a blind spot, and it dried off, when I found it, it had a very sweet smell (makes sense, since it's so high in sugar), which was not that bad, unlike wet tissues on a bin.

TLDR: I just cum in a piece of cloth and let it dry on the open, it smells good. I wash it once every 2 weeks or so.

>> No.18107934

I have Hard, it's a huge lewd bully but really satisfies my cervix penetration fetish

>> No.18108088

They are not really new, you just had to order them from Japan via forwarder. Not sure about US, but in EU Omocha has them, just re-branded as Velvet and Bubble, and they recently added Insomnia as well.

Insomnia sample was occasionally included with Tomax onas.
I haven't tried O2, but Silky and Insomnia are pretty cool. They are thinner than Onatsuyu, but at the same time seem to be a bit more slippery. And I have noticed that I need much less - a few drops, otherwise some of it spills out.
Being more thin means that the textures of the onahole are more pronounced. And compared to thin western lube I had lying around, it lubricates surprisingly well.

Overall, I would say that I like these two more than Onatsuyu. I recommend giving them a try at least.

>> No.18108108

I have it in regular, it's pretty good.

>> No.18108130

I might have gotten a bad bottle or something, but my O2 is like glue thick and just plain unpleasant in most onaholes

>> No.18108147

why would you use an onahole when real girls exist

>> No.18108149

Why would you use real girls when onaholes exist?

>> No.18108150

You don't have to wait for your onahole to be in the mood.

>> No.18108158

>he thinks anyone here could make it with a girl

>> No.18108167

i cum in my onahole heaps and just leave it overnight

it's fine as long as you clean it first thing in the morning. Make sure to squeeze out any excess juices onto your designated cum sock first

Your dick feels a little dry if you leave lube on it but i doubt that will lead to any health problems

>> No.18108190

just be confident

>> No.18108267

Queencat carries the line for the US. I seem to remember Daimaoh themselves shipping internationally if you contacted them too but when I tried they never responded.

>> No.18108272

be myself too right?

>> No.18108365 [DELETED] 

Official /ona/ discord


>> No.18108455

anyone try the Tomax Muses line of onaholes? i've been enjoying my venus real but the Kokalo and Fillo looks pretty nice.

>> No.18108577

Does Otona-Sekai ever give out discount codes?

>> No.18108981

was thinking about buying a sex doll torso from there, since most torsos i found are overpriced or dont look good, the ones i want wont ship to my coutry and i want something for a decent price, may i ask, what did you order ? have any tips ?

>> No.18109039

I ordered nothing yet. I am using it to find contact information on suppliers. If I'll buy dolls, I'll buy them in bulk. Like 3-5 of them.

Where are you from, and what Torso are you looking for? If it's the Julia body then you gotta be prepared to wait quite some time. It is in extremely high demand and nearly universally sold out outside of Japan.

>> No.18109124
File: 1.13 MB, 482x373, awoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when you're waiting for delivery of fresh new onahos.

>> No.18109194

My Lolinco is on the way. What should I expect?

>> No.18109220


>> No.18109223
File: 234 KB, 315x547, onacoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw Fleshlight now japan has Onahole's starbucks style XD

>> No.18109720

Busting the fattest nut extremely quickly

>> No.18110288

if its cocoro. good balance between feel good and last longer.

if it is virgo, that thing is going to suck your soul.

>> No.18110307

cost efficient
no stress
you save a lot of money
your onahole doesnt demand time and attention except for the washing part...
is way better than your hand

>> No.18110349

Why not both ?

>> No.18110387

never got one before, what should I get?

>> No.18110417

You never know until you try. Make up your mind in regards to what you think you might enjoy (soft or hard, low or high stim), read the guide, do some research, check out commonly mentioned onaholes.

>> No.18110502

Any videos of guys sharing onaholes? Kinda looking for ideas for when I get a roommate.

>> No.18110543

Health warning: the material can harbour germs even when you wash it thoroughly. So if you're looking to share a hole I recommend to only use a new one and always with a condom.

>> No.18110620
File: 90 KB, 1455x701, manzoku-paizuri-tit-fuck-sex-doll-MSD061-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like in pic related, they are sold on kanojo toys, but the prices are murder, want something with a decent size, price and a large boob size, never ordered from alibaba, do you really have to have a company or firm to buy something ? or you can be a normal consumer ? Slovakia, so you can imagine most international shipping here is expensive and customs are a bitch, free shipping is something im looking for also but once i find a torso i like and some company that can ship it here it will be a dream come true

>> No.18110692

since en-nls is dead what are the recommended sites for international shipping?

>> No.18110795

Probably otonajp

>> No.18110943

I think Motsu ships to your country, but you are shit out of luck. All the torsos seem to be sold out.
They will probably restock in the new year.
Maybe those "dolls" are an alternative for you?
It is definitely not the same as a torso, but those are way cheaper.
Expect to pay AT LEAST 250€ for a quality torso. On sale.

>> No.18111006

250 is a great price from what i have seen, i would go with 300 if the torso was good enough, yeah motsu does ship but as you can see there the number of toys is limited and not really what im looking for and most sites i found with these torsos are overpriced, like paying 500 for something like that is way too much, a doll would be great but not discreet enough for my current living conditions, guess i will try my luck on alibaba maybe aliexpress or will just keep looking, thank you for the fast reply

>> No.18111066

>mom laughs at you for having an onahole
it hurt me to read this

>> No.18111085

real girls are more expensive, and when I cum, I can't just wash a girl and then throw her in my desk drawer.

and make sure the condom uses water based lubricant.

hotpowers (theres a guide in the guide if you want to order from them) EMS shipping only tho.

>> No.18111216

>You'll never find a friend willing to mating press your onahole with you

>> No.18111454
File: 389 KB, 1554x1380, 71yTNk6i+bL._SL1425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years of owning a doll
>popped the anus three times, including last night
>vagina is pretty worn out but still serviceable
>part of a nipple came off few months ago
>mouth has always been a tight use and still in good shape
>years of armpit fucks
>years of thighfucks
>years of footjobs
So I think its time to get a new doll and figure out what to do with the old one.

The left here is very toned, larger breasts, face is semi-off looking but the makeup on your doll is never the one in the pictures. And tanned skin. I gathered a few outfits over the years like Satsuki from KLK, Sailor Jupiter, Tifa and Yuffie, etc and so on. But my current doll is white and ever so slightly pinkish. A tanned and Toned Jupiter does not sound bad but-

The doll on the right is slightly toned, white, asian face, smaller bust and all my current outfits will fit it.

What are your thoughts? My divining rod dick is torn between the both of them.

>> No.18111838
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 123314234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought venus clone almost a year ago
>latest purchase was dolphin in april
>just realized I have only used clone hole for 8 months straight
>have no desire to try anything else
>300$+ worth of handfuls of rubber vags are useless to me now

not sure if happy or sad

>> No.18111915

TOMAX did the same thing to me. Once you go TOMAX nothing else feels good

>> No.18111920

What's the cheapest shop option for an Europoor now that NLS kicked the can?

>> No.18111945

I guess OtonaJP is decent, personally I've just used the european shops omochadreams and more recently just motsutoys. It's a bit more expensive but shipping takes a couple of days instead of weeks and don't have to worry about import taxes.

>> No.18112184

>shipping takes a couple of days instead of weeks

Well, that is, if Omocha actually has stuff in stock. Which it never does.
People waited 3-4 months for their Tomax goods this year. I mean, it is mostly Daimaoh's fault for not shipping in a long time, but still.

>> No.18112188
File: 73 KB, 702x351, bravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motsutoys seems decent, even though the lube seems expensive

what do you think about this choice

>> No.18112200

Yeah that's why I switched to using motsu instead. I ordered yesterday afternoon and it's looking like it will arrive early tomorrow.

>> No.18112215
File: 415 KB, 529x588, 1503898758434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to search for onaholes by size? Most I've seen seem to be about the same depth that isn't suitable for me.

>> No.18112267

witch is some good shit, was my main to go hole for a long time

>> No.18112302

just wish that they had gokusai uterus in stock

>> No.18112312
File: 127 KB, 1200x900, extrip-main_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am inclined to agree since I enjoy how durable and slow building tomax is but when i used EXE's Haruna Hana it solidified dual layer toys in my collection, especially after my disappointment of NPG toys that disintegrate so fast. This toy lasts and the meatiness of it that pushes back at you when you use it is in stark contrast to how roomy tomax toys feel. They are both great in different sensations.

It comes from the same company that made the julia+ which in comparison seems like the early prototype of the Extrip Haruna Hana.

>> No.18112319

Yea, there is no point in buying anything other than Tomax products on Omocha.

>> No.18112322
File: 67 KB, 691x450, Screen Shot 2017-12-28 at 20.21.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, Motsu works fast. Looking forward to trying MoT for the first time.

Same boat, ordered on Wednesday and it should arrive tomorrow. No customs is very handy.

I still have some normal lube left over so I wanted to try a blowjob-themed one. Will try it out and see how it goes.

>> No.18112332

I believe the guide has a link to a spreadsheet with known onahole specs like tunnel length and width.

>> No.18112405

Ordered from otonajp a few days ago thinking I'd get it sometime next week. Didn't notice the holiday delay post. ;-;

>> No.18112436

Whats the softness of it? For reference I'm used to and prefer the hard versions of tomax holes

>> No.18112476

hard to compare since the dual layer material springs back at you making it feel harder than it is. The best word I can describe the feeling is meaty.

I think its similar to normal tomax, maybe slightly softer? its been a long time since i used normal from tomax, I am a very soft kind of guy

>> No.18112483

How is the smell?
One thing that bothers me with some other onaholes from other manufacturers than Tomax is that they smell like gasoline or lighter fluid.

>> No.18112499

>tfw most of my experience has been with dick bullies
>Rina, Lolinco, Virgin Age Admission, Dolphin Hard
>tried a Lilith Dots in Soft just to see what it would be like
>felt like fucking a cloud

I got used to it eventually, but my first few faps with it were so underwhelming.

>> No.18112501

i dont recall anything, but then again i havent owned a toy that smells to me so maybe i dont notice that sort of thing. My toy is over a year old so any smell now is not there anymore.

you may want to look at reviews for that aspect.

>> No.18112522
File: 358 KB, 560x420, サキュ姉.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you use it for long sessions? im talking 40 min+.
I use my toys when i play h games or listen to h audios which are slow burns. I think thats the best use case for low stim toys.

>> No.18112532

The one on the right looks anorexic

>> No.18112554

Sujiman Kupa Rina makes me cum too fast.
Sujiman Kupa Setsuna makes me cum too fast.
NLS Original Masturbator lasts a decent amount but is boring.
Where do I go from here?

>> No.18112560

I think Lolinco Virgo would be just perfect for you anon

>> No.18112739

I rarely use onaholes for long sessions, I end up nutting in 10 minutes max. How do I enjoy slow burns?

>> No.18112821

I heard Roa sucks, but that's just what I heard.

>> No.18112833

as awkward as it sounds, i just leave the onahole on my member as i play an h game or read doujins and listen to h audio. Enough visual stimulation allows me to stay hard and enjoy the session and i just stroke when i want to.

try h audios if you havent already, theres a big thread on /h/

>> No.18112855

read that as well, might change it for something else
just wanted a magic eyes product, and that one was the cheapest

>> No.18112879

Lolinco is probably the best magic eyes has at motsutoys.

>> No.18112890

>tfw wanted to buy Maiden and Virgin Matchless from Motsutoys
>out of stock

>> No.18113569

Is a onahole warmer worth it? Or is it just better to warm the lube?

>> No.18113599

I really like it, while after a while the onahole will have changed to be about the same heat as your dick it's really nice at the start to enter a warm hole rather than a cold one. Perhaps warming the lube can have a similar effect but I don't have any experience with that.

>> No.18113962

They are ok, it takes awhile for it to warm up and many have short USB cords

>> No.18114115

Get the left a schoolgirl outfit, a blonde wig (if it does not already come with it), and some baggy socks and you got yourself a gyaru

>> No.18114497
File: 170 KB, 750x750, 1473646638676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on getting a Puni Hole DX and Taimanin Asagi 3 tomorrow. I got a whole lotta weed so I'm more than prepared.

Are these holes any good? I know the DX is highly praised, but how is the Asagi 3?

I am very experienced with onaholes.

>> No.18114514

I think that it's not.

It takes minimum 15 minutes to warm up to a decent temperature, so you have to plan your sessions in advance.
Then, unless you live in warm climate, hole cools down to the same temp as your dick in like a minute or two. So I really see no point in using a warmer when my penis heats up the hole to the same temperature in a few minutes anyway. Same result.

I've seen recommendations to use an electric blanket and then wrap the hole in something to keep the heat, but I haven't tried it myself.

>> No.18114564

The better question is, why would you use a real girl when onaholes exist?


>tons of money and time
>birth control
>pokes hole in condom and makes you pay paternity
>doesn't even feel that good most of the time
>goes crazy once a month assuming she's not crazy all the time
>list continues

>> No.18114595
File: 44 KB, 600x450, That's kinda cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hecks an onohole? By the looks of these is that one of those weird mutant fish things that serve as a delicacy over there given that the Asians all eat virtually everything that moves? Anyhow I want to throw it on the floor and smash it with my foot to see what would happen.

>> No.18114725

Yeah. They taste great with soy sauce.

>> No.18114988

>Canada anon
>buying from Amazon Canada
>average dick
>want a good ona to upgrade from a FL Flight
>don't want v@, don't care about loli
>what do i get

>> No.18115254

Had to throw away my Venus Real after 3 years of use, is the Vacuum Witch worth considering as a replacement? The couple of TH holes I've tried in the past like VAA and 17 Bordeaux weren't that great but I've seen so many goods things about the witch that I'm not sure if it's still worth picking up regardless.

>> No.18115355

I know that feel. I want a new VM.

>> No.18116620

How hard was this process for other first time buyers? I got some nice christmas funds and want to take the plunge but between the absurd shipping and worrying about parameters and not getting the right one for a good fit or having to constantly worry about restocking lube (which for me would be like 4x a week probably) and constantly cleaning it, I'm on the fence.

Can any other people share their experiences as a new shitter and how it went and how costly or time consuming it was?

>> No.18116637

Just buy it in-country, dude.

>> No.18116667

I don't know any local shops and OP has nothing about that for my country

>> No.18116695

Frenulum tear. ow oof my absolute willy
How do I make it not hurt and get better fast?

>> No.18116714

So would you say that sometimes you pull so hard that you rip the skin?

>> No.18116788

I am in tokyo and i tried to buy an onahole in akiba but i was overwhelm with choice and i couldn't choose one. Any rec ? I just want one that feel good and that will last a long time.

>> No.18116798

Post a picture of your dick and I can tailor choose a perfect one for it.

>> No.18116821

Sorry m8 only me get to see it but i can say i have the size of your average asian jav actor ;_;

>> No.18116826

How the fuck am I gonna know what's best for your dick then, numbnuts?

>> No.18116842

measure your length and girth

>> No.18116886

I didn't bring a meter nor a ruler with me. Guess it was pointless to ask without mesuring my dick. I will follow the pastbin and pick one of the rec there.

>> No.18116897

if you think you're small, just pick a loli hole. i've heard that it'll bully you no matter what. there is a section in the guide with a list of them. just be sure you aren't a canadian

>> No.18116904

I'll probably throw away the packaging since i need to fit a lot inside my little suitcase.

>> No.18116969
File: 430 KB, 1167x1068, 1513878692621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /ona/ do fap heros?
Here is the latest one:

>> No.18116972
File: 835 KB, 2938x2203, q9CEDsH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tracking said it would arrive between noon and 1pm
>it came at 9am

The packaging is always so much bigger than how it looks online. The girl on the front of Tight Virgin with the cat pyjamas is a cute though, it even comes with a little card with some of her diary entries on it.

As a Britbong I was also worried she would count as a loli, but when I asked Motsutoys said she looked mature and didn't remove the packaging. Not sure if I agree with that even though she has tits, but thankfully there weren't any customs checks since the parcel came from the EU.

>> No.18116998

Go and use them already!

>> No.18117134

how much of an issue is stuff like this?
I don't even want a loli hole at all and I couldn't care less what's on the packaging but I don't want to deal with customs or issues because some japufacturer put that on the packaging and didn't remove it

>> No.18117148

wondering if you liked the mouth of truth. I just removed her teeth today and it was way better

>> No.18117173

I shouldn't have legal troubles with ordering the hard version of the Puni Ana DX from otonajp considering queencat which is an American company sells the other Puni Ana holes on their site right?

>> No.18117236
File: 669 KB, 1280x1909, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine started out with some minor QC issues when I opened it, the roof of the mouth was stuck to the tongue and it took some effort to separate the two. The texture of both are still intact, it was just an excess of the pink material.

I kind of like the teeth. It adds a strange sensation that really reminds you it's meant to be a blowjob, just like when you look down while using it and see a nose and a mouth full of dick. I don't think I learned how to use it properly until near the end though, since most of the fap was me slowly thrusting it up and down and alternating between the mouth and throat sections. Near the end I tried making the tongue move around my glans by pressing a few fingers up on the lower side of the hole, and that felt amazing. Pretty sure that's how it's meant to be used.

Depends on where you live and what you get. It should be alright if you put just the onahole into your check-in luggage covered in clothes. The box can be folded up and stored somewhere or thrown away if you don't want it.

>> No.18117336

I'm not the anon buying it to bring it along anyone, I just want to order one without the hassle.

>> No.18117606
File: 82 KB, 429x606, 1448138573516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was away for a week from home
>get back
>first thing I do is pull out my onahole and j-jam it in
>cum in 30 seconds
My god I missed that thing, but that was a dissapointing one, gotta get in shape or grab myself a lower intensity hole.

>> No.18117831

>tfw just blew close to $200 on onahole+warmer+bag+onatsuyu+shipping

>> No.18117863

>close to spending 1k on a gyaru doll

>> No.18117985

note there are Sujiman, Magic Eyes, Tamatoys, ToysHeart and some other brands available but not all of them. I want to know which is best for an average dude

>> No.18118241

What a fucking loser

>> No.18118251

I dunno, we are in a thread about designer rubber vaginas. Maybe your post would sting less if we were anywhere else.

>> No.18118258

I think the sarcasm flew right over your head

>> No.18118278
File: 236 KB, 966x1300, Yoooou dense motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sarcasm normally requires a tone of voice. Or a reaction image.

>> No.18118342

>Gyaru doll
Gonna need some sauce for this one anon.

>> No.18118365
File: 137 KB, 1500x1000, 718nPfmHO1L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seller is pretty reputable, and all it takes is some slutty makeup and some baggy socks and pretty well within my price zone

>> No.18118419

what is it with gyarus and those baggy socks?

>> No.18118433

dont know, only my dick cares

>> No.18118442

works for me I guess
just don't forget the leopard print undies while you're at it

>> No.18118561

What's that distinct smell on Magic Eyes onaholes like Lolinco or Cocolo? It's really sharp and I've involuntarily trained myself to get hard whenever I smell it.

>> No.18118662

>google a place to buy baggy socks
>find a wiki
>suddenly lose an hour reading up on them
God damnit wiki

>> No.18118723

that will happen to the virgo as well but it wont be nearly as bad

>> No.18118937

>tfw just ordered my first
And so the trip down the rabbit hole begins.

>> No.18118995

All the popular Tomax holes seem to have pretty short tunnels, does that negatively effect the experience? Never used an onahole before but it feels like you'd want to be able to go balls deep.

>> No.18119059

If you're under 6.5" or so you can absolutely go balls deep. The tunnels stretch a surprising amount and the Venus line isn't short at all unless you're a horse.

>> No.18119090

I do but only with my hands since I tend to lose easy with an onahole.

>> No.18119350 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 560x420, 1514582567607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrap ona in heating pad and wait until it comes to temp
>sandwich between two pillows and hold in place with belt
>fuck it doggy to a voice work of a thicc witch forcing you to doggy her

>> No.18119668

Awesome, I didn't really account for stretching.

>> No.18119735
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My package from them arrived today as well, pretty much exactly at noon. Had to wait for everyone to go to bed before I could open it up but now I should be able to try my new holes.

>> No.18119889

I'd like to know what you think of the train one and the Puni Virgin 600, if you plan to use them both today that is.

>> No.18119950

This does look pretty shady Anon.

>> No.18119963

go enjoy yourself and
post results!

>> No.18120006

Well, can talk about the bus driver one at least for now as I just tried it and was unfortunately not very happy with it, it's just way too hard a hole for me and it pretty much just felt like a slightly less tight but more uncomfortable virgin age:admission, I was thinking the bumps would feel nice but they are just way too hard.

I guess these hard toyheart holes just aren't meant for anyone with a sensitive dick, I couldn't even come with it as it was more discomfort than pleasure. Oh well, lets hope the other holes give me better experience, gonna try the puni virgin next.

>> No.18120023

Why is my ona getting some patches of not smooth skin?, do I need to powder it more or what?

>> No.18120047


>> No.18120268
File: 137 KB, 547x972, IMG_299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for with this?

>> No.18120275
File: 259 KB, 1280x910, Santa 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done trying the puni virgin and luckily this one was a much better experience, I was a bit worried at the start as it was tight to get into like toyheart holes but inside it was completely different, definitely up there with some of the best feeling holes, fairly tight but not to the point where it feels like your dick is getting crushed like with toyheart, closest is probably something like Lolinco, just a bit softer and without the rings you have to go through.

It is a bit unique though in that its a very short hole, even for someone like me who got a tiny dick I could not easily fit the whole thing into it. Whether you find this good or bad depends on you but personally I found it perfect as a loli hole, using it together with this Illya doujin was pretty amazing.

>> No.18120290

2-5 years in jail

>> No.18120326

Go for gold and do all three in one day!

>> No.18120382

>tfw have to wait for my dick to recover before trying Tight Virgin

I don't think I can handle the 5mm cervix opening today after two (2) orgasms.

>> No.18120461

Review time for my most recent purchases

La Vocca della Verita + Il Primo Bacio lube:
TL;DR it's actually pretty realistic, but won't be good if you have any girth. Upon opening the bag, the first thing you'll notice is the smell of rubber and oil. Is not overwhelming, but it's very much present. From the front, it look like a human jaw, albeit not an adult human jaw. When I first went it, it almost feels like a real mouth from someone who doesn't put any effort into it. It's rather squishy and the teeth with move away as you enter. The inside texture isn't anything that will blow you away, but it's quite good. The teeth can start to hurt if you're trying to go balls deep. I'm around 5" in girth and it felt as if she was trying to bite my penis off if I went in any deeper than around 80% of the way. The build quality is what you would expect from Magic Eyes: after the first use there was already a bit of a rip on the corner of the lips. Heed the warnings from other anons about Magic Eyes, their QC is as erratic as the dude in the White House. Cleanup is rather easy, I had no trouble rinsing out the lube in around 10 seconds with only 1 finger. She dries relatively quick if you just place her face down. I wasn't able to finish with her due to the aforementioned bite, but it's not something that's a complete turn off if you're a bit masochistic. This is not a hole I will be using much. The lube itself is rather sweet in taste, as if you added aspartame to Onatsuyu. Unlike Onatsuyu, it's rather runny. The lube didn't dry out at all during use, rather it started dripping out of the mouth, much like a human mouth does when you go start to enter the throat. I would not use the lube in a majority of holes as it is too runny, but it would be nice if you're trying to perform any type of oral act on a hole. All in all, I probably would not recommend TMOT to anyone who doesn't have a pencil dick.

>> No.18120798

Best way to warm/heat Onatsuyu lube? I was thinking the microwave, but that seems to be a bad idea from what I just googled

>> No.18120822

Hot water bath sounds like a good idea.

>> No.18120894

I did just now, and it was unfortunately another shitty experience, at least I've learned from this that I should just not buy from toyheart again as the holes just aren't for me.

the r-20 puni was a really weird one though as the issue was not it being too hard or the tunnel being boring as in both those regards it was pretty good. The issue was that whatever it was made of is something completely different from any other onahole I have tried as it was kinda rough, almost like sandpaper, just very soft sandpaper but it pretty much ruined the whole thing as it made it quite uncomfortable and I had to switch to another onahole to be able to come

Can't help but feel a little bit shit about only 1 of the 3 onaholes I bought being one I want to use as while it at least was the most expensive one the two others combined were still worth 70 euro and I will probably never use them again.

>> No.18120925

You really need to work on your technique.

>> No.18120945

I don't quite follow, how exactly is that going to help me with having issues with holes that are too hard/rough texture?

>> No.18120946

RJ number?

Is the Puni still Safe Skin? I avoid anything made from that like the plague because of the texture. I can't take it.

>> No.18120984

The material used in the R-20 series "drinks" lube. You have to use lots of it and reapply because your skin will absorb even more lube during use. This is why it feels rough.

If you apply lube correctly the material feels very slippery and nothing like you described. It is also indestructible and you can even turn it inside out regularly without any size expansion or deformation.

>> No.18121060

I suppose I can try it again with more lube, although I doubt it will have much of an effect unless I use so much lube that I can't even feel it. I think toyhearts holes just aren't made for people with sensitive dicks.

>> No.18121113
File: 272 KB, 1280x1952, lilisilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stimulation with those holes comes from prolonged use, until your nerves get stimulated. Not from being able to feel all the details in their texture. Try to jam it in with force and pull out slower, at a steady pace and after some time you will feel so good that your body is shaking. The great thing about these holes is that you can keep that pleasure going for quite some time. You plateau like that, until you decide to increase pace by a lot to finally finish once you get exhausted.
Other holes work like that too, but those holes usually only have fine textures and not pronounced features like the R-20.
This is one of the qualities that Toys Heart really shines at and why they are a popular brand. It all just comes down to how you use them.

>> No.18121305

i agree with you on the toysheart material feeling too rough. the vaa physically hurt to use and that didn't change even after i stretched it out from using it, the only difference was that it stopped rocketing off my dick. the bordeaux felt better but it still wasn't that great and it broke very quickly.

i've used a lot of lube and kept reapplying it like that other anon suggested but it still didn't feel good to me after using the venus real soft for so long. everyone's dick is different so just take it as a learning experience if more lube doesn't improve your experience much either.

>> No.18121464

and a thousand hours of cleaning

>> No.18121581

Im not going to get vanned for buying this in Burgerland, r-right?


>> No.18122046

im not clicking that

>> No.18122111
File: 46 KB, 640x360, 1452006936337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Lilith Uterus Soft a couple of days ago, have been a very happy fapper since. Previously had Tenga Flip White and Venus Read Standard, weren't as good - dick lost sensitivity from overstimulation. And this one is small, soft, light and stimulates dick in a special way when you're deep. Definitely my best one yet.

Just wanted to share.

>> No.18122259
File: 75 KB, 500x500, びっくりな1箱イメージ_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked this up
never used an onahole before but I have to say this one is really nice and fairly realistic
I want to pick up the uterus model magic eyes makes but I can't find a US seller anywhere

>> No.18122572

>large onahole
>toy for horses
Can confirm, the tunnel is quite accommodating; the material is also quite hard.
I tried my Witch again last night and I'll be retiring it. It's too hard, the best part of the stimulation is prior to the womb, the entrance to the womb is very firm (although, to its credit, it didn't fail on the first use like most of the dual-layer onaholes with similar features), the womb is spacious, is off-centre in mine, and has a small tear in the material on the inside of the thin side of the womb (I suspect caused by a latent air bubble from manufacturing).

7.25x5.5, cut, for reference and my current go-to holes are Venus Real regular, Dolphin soft, Lilith Spiral Wave soft, with R-20 also seeing irregular use.

If anyone is considering it, I would recommend against the Neotenic Fairy if you are 5"+ in girth. On its first use, the innermost of the three layers split along the top and bottom of the tunnel, from the entrance to the cervix and the outer labia tore about 5mm on the top and bottom as well (although I'm fairly used to this).

>The material used in the R-20 series "drinks" lube
Try one of the Pepee lubes; I use them only in my R-20 and don't recall having to reapply, even for long sessions.

Why ask? Assuming that's a photo you took, just go use it and find out for yourself.

>> No.18122797


>> No.18122838

I'm looking to buy a penis bully hip with alot of suction, any reccs?

>> No.18122989

Nice. I just ordered that as my first hole. I hope it holds up.

>> No.18123047

Whelp I just threw a VAA in with my R-20 and VAG order. Here's hoping I don't get V@ in Trump's America.

>> No.18123145

A thing I learned about Lilith Uterus after using it for a while, is that it feels much better if you push all the air out before entering. Vacuum makes the walls cling to you.

>> No.18123640

My muses kokalo arrives today, though I kind of let it get to my head. I just ordered a heating pad for maximum fap after reading some old onahole threads.

>> No.18123697

Tried the Tight Virgin. I understand what some reviewers meant by it mostly catering to those with cervix penetration fetishes. It's a slightly longer onahole than VAA, and is split into two halves. The first is relatively loose and has some nice bumps, but the second is dick crushingly tight due to a 5mm wide cervix ring blocking the way. It's made with a different tougher material, so this second half is dual-layered. Felt like a tighter version of Lolinco's entrance or one of the cervixes in Dolphin Hard, except made with even harder material.

I don't think this is a hole meant for fapping normally with. I can do that with my Dolphin without much of an issue, but here the cervix opening is too small, and the material just too tough to make it pleasant to penetrate repeatedly while thrusting. What you're meant to do I think is to enjoy the soft and bumpy first half, and then occasionally slip into the cervix for a change of pace or a burst of tightness without letting it bully you too much. But because that first half is, well, half of it, it becomes a really shallow hole to fuck. More so because I sometimes missed the cervix and I had to feel around with my dick for the opening. Even someone with a micropenis will probably bottom out while touching the cervix with their dick head. The result is that it's an extremely loli hole in terms of practical use.

>> No.18123778

Started with tenga, moved on to other holes and then took a risk and bought a Puni Ana DX hard while it was on sale and never regretted it. Currently looking to expand my collection with another hip type hole, for the most part I'm not a fussy person but I do enjoy some weight behind it. How's the Puni Ana SPDX in general? Heard it is a real hassle to clean.

And I'm currently in Tokyo for the new years/comiket so are there any good sex toy stores that I should look out for?

>> No.18124264

do you guys ever finger or lick your onas?

>> No.18124272

Only after I cum inside

>> No.18124293

Fingering my hole is standard practice when I'm not using a warmer. Helps spread the lube and make the rubber less frigid.

>> No.18124323

I used my SCP yesterday and let my finger rest inside for a whole after pushing the air out.
Could hold it upside down, fully lubed, and it would not slide off but pull my finger back in instead. My finger also started to feel swollen after a while, vacuum strength compares to when you suck air out of a drinking glass and then let it cling to your skin.

I swear to god, if the deeper texture would be more stimulating, then it would suck out your soul in within seconds.

>> No.18124333

Lube bottles are a lot bigger than you think. I fap on average 3x a day, and 12+oz typically last me 6+ months.
Shipping from an international play is only crazy when you only order a few items, so when you do order from international sites, you'll want to buy like half a dozen products as the shipping gets "cheaper" the more items you get. But mostly order from your national store unless the store doesn't have it and in most cases you can send in a request. Never ship ePacket.tho.

>> No.18124425


>> No.18124429

Secure. Contain. Protect.

>> No.18124448

Salty Cat Piss

>> No.18124466

Depends on your state. Honestly contact your state before you make an order so you won't be charged or have it sent back or sent to jail or whatever.

>> No.18124542

Student Council President

>> No.18124560
File: 58 KB, 396x400, 1512331991521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz tell me the truth

>> No.18124565

One of them did.

>> No.18124602

dumb frogposter

>> No.18124818

i licked my angel puruman when I first got it, it was kinda fun but tasted like plastic, understandably
I guess if you count cleaning I finger them constantly

>> No.18124892

Student Council President. It's an anal hole with an extremely tight and thick opening but low stimulation once you are inside.

>> No.18124912

So basically what real anal sex is like?

>> No.18124951

im pretty girthy and this is the only ona i've had that hasnt ripped at the entrance

the only downside is that it's size requires you to use more lube or the base will dry out

>> No.18124955

Kind of, but the inner structure itself really is barely stimulating.
You can however push out all the air and get some obscene suction going so the walls will cling to you like crazy.

Still, it is an unpopular hole here it seems. I do like it quite a lot though.

>> No.18124969

As far as I can tell its legal in all states but there are attempts being made to make them illegal in the entire country.

>> No.18125084

>not waiting for the new soft version

>> No.18125165

That's good to hear. People keep talking about onaholes ripping and I'm above average girth at somewhere between 5 and 5.5 so it had me worried.

>> No.18125183
File: 485 KB, 2560x1440, 20171230_120659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to clean up all of these micro dirt spots my onahole has. How do I take them off completely? Corn starch? Soap?

>> No.18125222

>that link
fuck man, the slippery slope has never been lubed up this hard for me

>> No.18125270

soap, dry, powder

>> No.18125283

Hand soap, rinse the outside with running water, wait for it to dry, then use corn starch and powder it?

>> No.18125313

yes, that should do it

>> No.18127017

s-should I?
I also see this on amazon for what appears to be half the price:

>> No.18127271 [DELETED] 

hello friends. we have an active and growing Discord community for onaholes and other male sex toys. feel free to join


>> No.18127279

Nice! I have been looking for just this type of community. Thanks!

>> No.18127572

This is one of the things I hate about owning an onahole. Lint and lone strands of hair that just magically appear out of nowhere can go fuck itself as well.

>> No.18128146
File: 403 KB, 528x795, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they actually make clear onaholes like this, that you see in manga? If so, where can I buy one?

>> No.18128504

They make many clear ones. I know certain hard versions of onaholes are clear, like the Virgin Loop for example. Theres also the Gokusai Uterus thats see through for the top half portion.

>> No.18128798

I have the Roa hard. It's pretty good, but too short in my opinion. For the price, I don't regret buying it at all.

>> No.18129019

there are some things on otonajp for 0 €

>> No.18129082
File: 1.11 MB, 500x281, courage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today I'll do it
>today I'll convince a girl girl to get into the van

>> No.18129489


>> No.18129753
File: 63 KB, 774x735, monster-alraune-la-pucelle-onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the most exotic onahole I can stick my dick into? One that gives you the most alien good feeling on your dick?

>> No.18129914
File: 8 KB, 116x73, 1498903774018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made a grave miscalculation, and now there is a very real chance that my brother will be home at the same time as my package arrives

Please help me come up with something I could say I ordered to justify the big box they come in (I ordered a 2kg hip and two other holes)

>> No.18129960

"big bro, i bought some fleshlights. please respect my privacy and don't open the package when it arrives."

>> No.18129976

There is an actual alien themed fleshlight.
But since we are talking about onaholes, probably the Mermaid one.

Go to the bookstore, buy some books and hide them. When he asks what is in the package, tell them that you ordered the books.

>> No.18130077

Thank you, that's a great idea, I actually have some light novels I ordered before so I can just say I ordered more, that'll even explain the Japanese on the box

Thanks anon

>> No.18130459

There was that one with a bunch of protrusions, like a hairbrush folded into a tube.

>> No.18131770
File: 2.39 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20171231_230157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New year /ona/

>> No.18131838

Would you call seducing witch a "dick bully"? I want to get a hole to get rid of death grip and rally like this one.

>> No.18131879

I'll never understand what you guys mean by dick bully. Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.18131888

When the onahole rockets off your dick if you let go, that's a sign of a dick bully.

>> No.18131900

i hope you have/had a fun time, anon

>> No.18131931

An onahole that bullies your dick into very fast cumming at extremely hihg speed.

>> No.18131932
File: 1.99 MB, 350x197, 1509600818460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year Anon! Enjoy your fireworks!

If it is excessively tight and overstimulates your dick.

>> No.18131939

It's not the New Year yet you retarded fuck

>> No.18131950

I get to deliver pizza tonight in nearly 2 feet of snow on poorly plowed roads with no 4WD. To hell with New Years.

Appreciate the sentiment, though.

>> No.18132134

Is Lolinco the best (loli) hole for a below-average dong? I've tried an array of other holes but nothing is quite as stimulating as pleasurable.

>> No.18132150

Probably the Orca/Dolphin since it has like 4 cervixes.

>> No.18132171

Happy new year!

>> No.18132188

Puni virgin seemed like a pretty solid loli hole when I first tried it a couple of days ago, here's my first impressions >>18120275

>> No.18132334

Intradesting, lolinco is my favorite hole and I also dislike Toysheart vicegrip holes, something like lolinco without the grip rings sounds ideal for me.

Thanks, anon.

>> No.18132986

Tried it again and used more lube and doing the things you suggested but as I expected it's just not a hole for me, the uncomfortable texture just ruins it for me even though I used like 4 times as much lube as I normally do.

>> No.18133041 [SPOILER] 
File: 698 KB, 1500x1500, 1514743518943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed this one two years ago and have bought 4 others since then. It's got a lot of little bands stretched out in it, so when you stick your dick inside you get a really interesting experience. You can also get a difference experience by threading your dick through the little strings in different ways. On the downside though the strings are prone to snap so you probably won't get more than a dozen or so uses out of it. On the other side, when your dick does snap one of those strings, it feels fucking amazing which is why I keep rebuying this onahole even though it wears out fairly quickly.

>> No.18133293

nothing like earthworms when fapping I guess

>> No.18133311

Took me 2 days, but I finally got it.

>> No.18133439

Did you pull the trigger, or did the shipment actually arrive today?
Either way, post pics!

>> No.18133576

waiting a few days for paycheck and rent to come in

>> No.18133582

also i meant the loser joke thing because most my gyaru folder is based on prostitution, incest andgeneral sluts. not much bullying

>> No.18133712
File: 357 KB, 1047x345, haaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's their appeal Anon.

>> No.18133930

from what I've heard clear onaholes in manga are kind of a relic from when that was the standard years back, now the standard is fleshy colored ones with only a few clear ones here and there
second hand so take it with a grain of salt though

>> No.18136024

Happy new years, fellow cronic masturbators.

>> No.18136863

Yes. The can up your shipping costs and the free toy bag is optimal for dildos and rotors rather than holes.

>> No.18136913

So now that all the imporant parts of the world had a Happy New Year, its time for a Happy new Thread

