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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 164 KB, 1033x580, gaki 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18129047 No.18129047 [Reply] [Original]

Gaki no Tsukai New Year Batsu 2017-18

American Police edition

>Live stream:

>Live translations:
Team Gaki discord, link in above link

>> No.18129051

Currently doing the preshow of past batsu games.

>> No.18129052

All teamgaki sites aren't loading for me for some reason.

>> No.18129116

what's the theme this year again?

>> No.18129117
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Backup player:

>> No.18129129
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I love batsu!

>> No.18129166

same there are alternate links in the (((reddit))) thread

>> No.18129187

I think it said "American Police"
also 5 minutes bois

>> No.18129212

>hamada in blackface
holy shit

>> No.18129215

>black face

japan is truly the best country

>> No.18129219

>matsumoto laughed already because he saw a black guy (hamada) standing outside the bus

>> No.18129221

are there commercials on this?

>> No.18129227

we're literally not a minute in and they're already snitching on each other for laughing. this is gonna be a good one

yeah there's commercials

>> No.18129239

How far are you guys behind on whatever stream you're watching?

>> No.18129245

dunno, I'm watching >>18129117 right now and I'm on commercials

>> No.18129254

>there's another scumbag here who'd be better to kiss
>points immediately at endo

>> No.18129255

I'm on the Teamgaki site and seems like I'm ahead. They're doing a skit "who should die?"

>> No.18129260

How are you on the site? It wont load for me

>> No.18129264

Maybe, my stream's definitely delayed but I still can't get teamgaki to load

>> No.18129267

A littlr late to the show, thankfully they're still on the bus. What did I miss?

>> No.18129271

Cute Macho Daddy Matsumoto

>> No.18129273

please can someone just decide on what stream we'll use? i wanna watch with you guys

>> No.18129274

Cool, not too bad compared to me, hopefully.
Took a look at the Discord but it seems a bit too cancer.

You missed them coming out in their police uniforms/Hamada's Eddie Murphy getup. Shit was pretty good. Other than that, nothing really.

>> No.18129277

a grown ass man dressed as a baby feeding noodles to his mom through a hole cut in her bib which she held up over her face to reveal somebody else's face printed on the underside which she used as a mask

not much

>> No.18129283

Use this >>18129117

>> No.18129286

Getting yelled at outside the bus is pretty funny.

>> No.18129287

and that everyone is in uniform and on either side of him

>> No.18129300

what's 'run away' in japanese?

>> No.18129302

You're not on twitch anymore, you stupid cotton-picking nigger.

>> No.18129306


>> No.18129311

press S to salute

>> No.18129316

Is that a Heipo statue? Suga not doing these any more?

>> No.18129322

It was, yeah.

>> No.18129325

my favorite part of these are when they get left alone in the waiting room for so long they start fucking with each other

>> No.18129326

I think Hamada's changing finally

>> No.18129327

Hamada out of blackface

>> No.18129329

So is Hamada supposed to be thr criminal black guy?

>> No.18129330

if endo has a stache, he'd look like hitler

>> No.18129335

He's Eddie Murphy from beverly hills cop

>> No.18129339
File: 91 KB, 1000x580, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I love Japan.

They would have shot him by now if he were. No, he is meant to be Eddie Murphy from Beverly Hills Cop.

>> No.18129355

I'm in stitches. I've no idea what is going on, but I have tears of laughter rolling down my face. This is why I love Gaki.

>> No.18129357


>> No.18129360


>> No.18129371

Who will be the next Hard Gay?

>> No.18129377

Guy is so typecast, can't find gigs unless he go as hard gay.

>> No.18129385

bullying hosei is he best

>> No.18129391

god damn these commercials

>> No.18129397

We have been spoilt by team gaki taking them all out. They are not so bad, a lot better than commercials in my area and they don't last as long.

>> No.18129399

Feel bad for him cause after his wrestling injury he was pretty much boned. I guess he didn't invest properly. But it's hard being that kind of comedian/talento in Japan because you rarely get more than fifteen minutes of fame unless you can continually come up with hit gags. Hard Gay actually had a pretty long run the first time.

>> No.18129401

yeah this is the first one I watched live, I never knew they were every 5 minutes like this

>> No.18129406

I just realised that Chuckie doll has it's own camera. That freaky thing will do something soon.

>> No.18129414

>you rarely get more than fifteen minutes of fame
Like that naked "does not matter" guy.

I also remember hard gay(not in character) having a "wandering" show but can't seem to find it anymore.

>> No.18129415

and tanaka will shit himself

>> No.18129422

Gaki is kinda like the Super Bowl. It's a company's wet dream to run ads during it and the stations milk it for all it's worth.

>> No.18129430

>But it's hard being that kind of comedian/talento in Japan because you rarely get more than fifteen minutes of fame unless you can continually come up with hit gags.
How about Egashira?

>> No.18129433

I don't even recognize who the masks are supposed to be but I'm laughing my ass off anyway

>> No.18129437

i appreciate how much work goes into the skits and stuff, but the best bits are where they make each other laugh for no reason, like endo and hosei putting the masks there

>> No.18129443

>but the best bits are where they make each other laugh for no reason, like endo and hosei putting the masks there
because it reminds you of having friends and just fucking around with each other

>> No.18129449

thai kick incoming?

>> No.18129452

Vidya game overlays/style but it's sad that mods fuck the thread over there.

>> No.18129453

>best bits are where they make each other laugh
Agreed. I can see why they have celebs and stuff, this is their biggest show, but they are at their best when it's just them and a few props.

>> No.18129456

We kara no shoujo now.

>> No.18129463

bet this ends with inspector tanaka getting thai-kicked

>> No.18129470

It's a literal movie-game.

>> No.18129471

They missed a joke here by having "Tanaka" actor wear a really long chin prop that pokes out behind the leaves and stuff that hides the actor.

>> No.18129476

i swear the leadup to the thai kick gets more elaborate every year, I love it

>> No.18129478

i appreciate the on the fly subs, but they're doing a poor job this year timing them

>> No.18129480



>> No.18129481

There usually used to be a few guys doing the translation. Now there's only 1.

>> No.18129484

although nothing beats the one where they had his son read him the hearfelt letter then kicked him while he was sitting there literally in tears

the site's getting hammered and every stream has a slightly different delay

>> No.18129488

It's always only him. Other guys just messes it. Also reason why translation take ages.

>> No.18129490

I still think the one where tanaka cleared that mario maker game was the best

>> No.18129493


>> No.18129494

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.18129496

I mean it can be done. Kosaka(The Pikotaro guy) is one that has had success with multiple different bits, but just as often they're forgotten after a few years because new gags are constantly coming out and Japan love both new things and all liking the same thing at once. If everyone recognizes and gets the joke, it's good for the group. Watch a New Year's countdown program from a few years ago and I bet you anything you'll find one or two comedians that were huge at the time and now people can only vaguely remember. Like Gets or that Atsugiri Jason faggot and his one joke. After six months everyone is sick of it because kids and autists run it into the ground and it stops being funny.

>> No.18129499

い つ も の

>> No.18129501

kicked wooooo

>> No.18129503

>bonked his head on the chair

>> No.18129511

Tanaka is fucked either choices

>> No.18129514

>instant commercial

>> No.18129518

T h a i k i c k

>> No.18129520

yea these batsus are always cm heavy =(

>> No.18129523

Probably the best thai kick ever

>> No.18129525

>laughing as a man falls to his death
based nippon

>> No.18129526

He'll get thai kicked again.

>> No.18129532

tai kikkuan died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18129534

holy shit what a twist

>> No.18129538

I should have helped team gaki as I have a direct feed to NTV.

>> No.18129541

>tanaka's smile and optimism:

>> No.18129540

>Thaikick-san, ...please do it gently this time.

>> No.18129544

fucking tuktuk

>> No.18129547

Thai Kick is Terminator

>> No.18129551

Oh shit, part 2!

>> No.18129554

Not much point putting yourself on the line for the sake of pirates.

>> No.18129560

A third kick


>> No.18129562


>> No.18129563

They could've just used Fuji. 720p quality I believe and no buffering or anything.

>> No.18129569

Poor Mr. Thaikick keeps finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What is the man's dying message? 田ー

>> No.18129570

>Falls over the cliff
>Comes back on a Tuk Tuk
>Thai Kick

Shit, hilarious

>> No.18129574

Holy fuck, what if the Ta is actually Da upside down

Hamada thai kicku

>> No.18129580


>> No.18129583

I think they're paying for another shitty service. Honestly, Fuji would have probably died here too, it's a popular event and the servers get fucked.

>> No.18129589

He fucking knew it was coming after Hamada got it.

>> No.18129590

hamada murderer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18129593

Probably. I'm glad not a lot of people use it. So far so good, no buffering or anything and the quality is good. At first I tried watching it on their alternative sites, but they're all fucked. The main one just rewinded back 10 mins back for me, the other ones are laggy and look like shit.

>> No.18129595

What the fuck is going on? Why do I keep seeing repeats of scenes?

>> No.18129597


>> No.18129599

That was beautiful.

>> No.18129600

Yeah, I didn't realise they were doing another trial period.

>> No.18129601

RIP Matsumoto's ass

>> No.18129602

what stream are you guys on? I've tried 3 different ones and they're all freezing at the same spot and repeating endlessly

>> No.18129603

Like I said above your post the main one rewinded back. I don't know if it happened to everyone or not. Just use another site.

>> No.18129608

>All smiles in the world

>> No.18129609


>> No.18129610


the mov3 link just died on me

>> No.18129615

Fuck I missed Matsu getting his ass kicked, goddamnit.

>> No.18129616

> matsumoto's face when

>> No.18129617

It's working fine here

>> No.18129618

I'm on this now too.

>> No.18129622

FINALLY, thanks bro

>> No.18129623

Loved by his company and elder peers. His shtick is also unique and over the top.

>> No.18129625

Team Gaki's source is fucked. Try this

>> No.18129626

who's the qt on the red team

>> No.18129628

>who's the qt on the red team

>> No.18129629
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>> No.18129630

No problem lads, grab a beer and enjoy the show

>> No.18129637

she looks hafu

>> No.18129645

you're right, karen something

>> No.18129646

Hafu stronk.

>> No.18129649

Karen is cute.

>> No.18129651

lol the ogre got dick shocked

>> No.18129652

Is this hambaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagu guy?

>> No.18129653

electric dicks

>> No.18129655

he got banned?

>> No.18129656

I mean Karen is a Japanese name, too, so that's not so much the give away as her face, my dude. Lots of celebrities use a katakana name.

>> No.18129657

Welp. Even Fuji started buffering.

>> No.18129659

Moving to another stream now.

>> No.18129660

god damn it. welp I'm just going to wait for the full thing to get posted. peace yall

>> No.18129661

This one is working

>> No.18129665

To anyone confused about the rules, you have to alternate the gestures perfectly

>> No.18129666

Man. The video is almost 1 minute ahead of the live subs.

>> No.18129667

How many of you are doing this right now in front of the computer?

>> No.18129670

this desu. i already missed the thai kicks anyways.

>> No.18129671

How did you know

I-It's hard

>> No.18129673

Hamada getting a do-over.

>> No.18129676

Jesus Christ Hamada

>> No.18129677

It's so hard to do.

>> No.18129683
File: 45 KB, 640x427, 403359967.100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute desu

>> No.18129685

Me. I actually got the hang of it.

>> No.18129689

Got the hang of it now. Just do it consecutively several times.

>> No.18129690

oh shit, big man matsumoto gonna lay down the law

>> No.18129692

If it the same dudes, the live subs are usually shit, Satan. You can usually get about 70-80% of what's going on just by watching and it's a toss-up as to whether the sub guys will get the last bit right either the first time.

>> No.18129693

>trying the bang move myself
Damn, that is not as easy as it looks.

>> No.18129694

ahahah matsu bang bang is he yuyu hakusho

>> No.18129700

This contest was probably the funniest one in a long time after Matsumoto got his face ass'ed

>> No.18129703

Yeah, I switched to fullscreen now. Shut down the live subs at least for now.

>> No.18129705

>there are now countless families all across Japan doing that with their hands in front of their TVs, all at once
this feeling of togetherness...

>> No.18129706
File: 135 KB, 1000x570, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting the 3 fingers of the circle hand into the circle, like a half-closed fist instead of the 3 fingers sticking up in the air.

>> No.18129708
File: 1.23 MB, 640x360, 1488691270804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good brah

>> No.18129712

Funassyi's fucking scary.

>> No.18129737

love the sidelooks that Matsumoto gives when he wants to laugh but has to see if anyone else also wants to laugh

>> No.18129745

My baby's ass is so soft


>> No.18129747

Sempai notices Hosei-chan desu

>> No.18129756

I find myself doing the same thing at times. I guess in their situation, he doesn't want to annoy the others with constant stops every time he laughs.

>> No.18129769

Laughter is a social thing. It's not uncommon for people to do that. It'd be weird to do that when you're alone though.

>> No.18129776

>Special training onigokkoro
>American Police Batsu
>A bunch of cops getting chased by black guys

>> No.18129780

You think that's what it is? I think it's more that he doesn't like being the only one to lose since he tends to laugh quite a lot. Like he wants to laugh at pretty much everything, but that's not really in the spirit of the game. If someone else is also gonna laugh it's okay, so he gives them those looks trying to pull them into it.

>> No.18129787

here we go, lads

>> No.18129794

Is matsumoto not getting the easy way out?

>> No.18129798

Is that murotsuyoshi?

>> No.18129801

that nigga got slapjacked

>> No.18129804

He's sitting this one out like always.


>> No.18129805

Is this some other Japanese megastar I don't know?

>> No.18129813

I'll take the fan over the slipper any day.

>> No.18129814

I only know him from hero yoshihiko.

>> No.18129827

Making a promise not to betray one another this time.

>> No.18129834

god damn it, every stream is dead for me and won't load

>> No.18129836

Yeah, how long did that last?

>> No.18129841

>3 seconds
Oh wow

>> No.18129844

That's why it was funny. One of them immediately brought it up right after. RIP Muro's dick as he cries, 'But I'm really small!' right before.

>> No.18129845

Every time the guest gets the chinko machine

>> No.18129850
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>> No.18129857

>still trying to hide behind cameramen after all these years

>> No.18129859

>Gaki's blackface being RTed by Americans for being """racist""""
Fucking hell

>> No.18129861

Good Batsu so far?

>> No.18129864

Jesus, really? Any links?

So far I'm enjoying it more than last year's one.

>> No.18129865

fucking Messi

>> No.18129866

What a shock. After all, it's super racist to suggest that black men can be police.

>> No.18129869

To be expected, wait until they post a Trump scene in the show. Liberals will scream

>> No.18129871

Got a source for that?

>> No.18129872

Pretty good stuff so far. Thaikick was fairly excellent this year.

>> No.18129877
File: 42 KB, 939x473, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I've seen is this one, but I haven't visited any other places.

>> No.18129878

It's been pretty solid. The DVD games were a cut above last years.

Japan hates Trump too, though. Muh TPP and shit.

>> No.18129882
File: 345 KB, 589x686, 1514720075272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring context
>Gaki not set in US so less/no misunderstandings

>> No.18129895
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Jesus Christ. Just look at all these triggered faggots.

>> No.18129896

Now he's making fun of the elephant man, is there any lower this man will sink?

Honestly, can't these retards see their own hypocrisy as they demand another culture change to meet their standards?

>> No.18129897

Blackface is a caricature of stereotypical blacks with red lips and shit.
Hamada is just dressed as eddie murphy.

Anyone caring about this shit is fucking retarded.

>> No.18129908

His whole twitter feed is a goldmine.

>> No.18129930

>Japan hates Trump too, though. Muh TPP and shit.
Eh. I don't know how true that is. A lot of people here I've talked to either like him or at least like the fact the he seems to hate Korea. It took a while for people to get over the fact that Hillary was supposed to win because that's what they were told non-stop by TV, but after that it's been a mixed bag with people that love him, hate him, and a ton of folks that really don't give a fuck.

>> No.18129931
File: 659 KB, 846x477, WIYma9J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking lost it

>> No.18129934

I'm just talking from a purely TV perspective, I'm sure there are plenty of commoners who aren't retarded.

>> No.18129937
File: 117 KB, 1020x570, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear God, I'm crying

>> No.18129939

Gotcha. My bad.

>> No.18129957

Fucking Muro hiding under the skirt.

>> No.18129962

Seeing Tanaka play the bad guy for once is so refreshing.

>> No.18129975

rape time

>> No.18129985

>Holy shit, I really wanna take a shower now!

>> No.18129987

So how has this batsu been compared to last year's? Which I thought was pretty dull and stale.

>> No.18129993

>it was never locked
That's new.

>> No.18129997

So far has been pretty good! I loved Hamada being Beverly Hills Cop and the Thai Kick. Even the contest part was great as the black guy chasing so far it has been very enjoyable

>> No.18129999

That got me good.
I never saw it coming.

>> No.18130002

It's the same stuff as always, which is to be expected in a japanese show, but I'm finding it funnier than last year.

>> No.18130007

People say the same thing literally every year. It's never as hood as your very first one. I'm enjoying this year.

>> No.18130011

I didn't like last year's batsu that much either. This year so far has been better imo, though it's the same formula like always.

>> No.18130024

Jackie Chan wannabe getting slapped like a bitch. ..

>> No.18130029


>> No.18130031

That was pretty cool considering he usually just throws up.

>> No.18130037

japanese fag here
im sorry but we basically don't know what racism history is because there is just a few black/white guys here
and no one feel the need to know exactly what it is, we see them like rare pokemons
enjoy japanese comedy shows

>> No.18130045

It's only the special snowflakes who get triggered by such things. Don't pay it any mind.

>> No.18130050


>> No.18130052

china face in japanese gameshow

>> No.18130057

>I think we should try to inform US embassy, even doubt about Trump administration policy. Together, I’d call boycott this comedian. This is NOT funny and acceptable. I’m shocked to see it...
RIP Hamada

>> No.18130060

It's literally just nutjobs who spend all day getting "outraged" at things on the internet to try and prove they're not racist.

>> No.18130062

Get the fuck out. You're making that up.

>> No.18130067


>> No.18130069
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>> No.18130078

>triggered retard calls US embassy
>US embassy calls President Trump
>President Trump: "Black face? In Japan? lol fuck off, retard"

>> No.18130080

What did he do? I missed it.

>> No.18130083

How far are these fags up their asses?

>> No.18130084

People are still getting triggered by the black face. Almost 3 hours later.

>> No.18130086

Fuck, I just remembered, aren't Downtown the celebrity ambassadors for the Tokyo Olympics? Pretty funny for them to to do blackface with that in mind.

Stop giving these retards attention.

>> No.18130087

eddie murphy cosplay

>> No.18130088

>>President Trump: "Black face? In Japan? lol fuck off, retard"
fucking kek

i just imagined trump's voice saying this

>> No.18130091

That Chuckie doll has moved...

>> No.18130095
File: 63 KB, 633x758, 1235227137428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl in bikini on a magazine cover
This sexism can't be allowed! Why are these people even watching this show if they get triggered by everything?

>> No.18130101


>> No.18130107

Good Lord. Sad.

Calling it blackface seems wrong and gives legitimacy to these retards. When Eddie Murphy dressed up as an old Jew in Coming to America was that also racist and I just wasn't aware?

>> No.18130110

What's with those /pol/tards here. Did someone link the thread on /v/?

>> No.18130114

>inb4 it's just Hamada's own face

>> No.18130120

White people should do the same thing then
I forgot to say this, Japanese treat white guys in the same way as black guys
There is no difference in Japan desu

>> No.18130128

There are no /pol/tards here. I see more anons like you who scream /pol/ than actual /pol/tards invading other boards/threads. There's also no thread on /v/.

>> No.18130135

Please, shut up with the politics and twatter bullshit.

>> No.18130136
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 541586_970618386304174_3375206606735148263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask for those feels from a commercial.

>> No.18130140

Tanaka's mask was better last year.

>> No.18130143

I suppose it helps if you knew who these people were... I'm guessing they're all singers but that's about it.

>> No.18130145

with all these pol bullshit, last year's better than this yyear's

>> No.18130155

Marriage candidates for Tanaka?

>> No.18130156 [DELETED] 
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>being this much of a faggot

>> No.18130164

Yeah. Chance at a second marriage.

>> No.18130168

rip stream

>> No.18130171

Oh, shit. We're past 9:30. The otaku commercials are starting up.

>> No.18130174

Well, one of those is gonna be his ex-wife.

>> No.18130175

I don't get why TG doesn't just use fuji or some other site, use OBS to capture it and stream it to others. Wouldn't overload the servers or anything like that and the quality would be good.

>> No.18130180

Is it Becky?!

>> No.18130185

how did you know

>> No.18130188
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Have mobages gone too far?

>> No.18130189

Oh becki. Surprised she's only just been on one.

>> No.18130193

did she also hit it off with endo? when he was still married kek

>> No.18130194

You mean /our/ commercials

>> No.18130195

When she came in after the CMs with just her face blurred it hit me. Her eyes creep me the fuck out to be desu.

>> No.18130207

Is Tanaka crying?

>> No.18130209

yeah she did. I've followed Gesu, the band he is in for a while and was around when that shit hit, was pretty hilarious desu. They went on a hiatus for several months because of it though.

>> No.18130208

Man. Tanaka looks really uncomfortable right now.

>> No.18130210

> othello with gacha
Yeah it has gone too far

>> No.18130212

Leled at Tanaka suddenly being interested in her when he saw the shark

>> No.18130215

This is too cruel
>Thai kick

What shit is this?

>> No.18130219

Beckii with his mum!

>> No.18130222

jesus christ i hate mixed race celebs like becky or rola, show only pure japanese people please

>> No.18130226

>thai kick

>> No.18130227


>> No.18130228

>Thai-kick is Tanaka's family.

>> No.18130238

Oh wait shit i got confused. I thought you were talking about the leading singer of Gesu No Kiwami Otome whom she cheated with him on his wife. Mb. I read endo as enon for some reason.

>> No.18130239

He can't even be mad at that, he's just plain overwhelmed.
I'm crying.

>> No.18130240

I was a third party, so never mind.

>> No.18130241

I'll never get tired of Tanaka Thai kick.

>> No.18130244

She fucked some married dude in a band and caused a big scandal. She had to take a break and later wrote like an open letter to his wife apologizing that they showed on a news program or daytime program or something so she could come back to TV without people hating her.

>> No.18130248

>Tanaka's mum
>Thai kick

This is hilarious. The absolute look of disappointment in his eyes when he looks at Becky. They will never find love now.

>> No.18130252

that was my joke anon.

back when endo was still married. cause kawatani was married

>> No.18130253

becky thai kick? kiss?

>> No.18130258

Becky thai kick?

>> No.18130261

Why am I so hype to see her get punished?

>> No.18130262

Gonna need a translation on that cup, nerds

>> No.18130267

This year so far has been pretty great

>> No.18130268

Because she deserves it. You're in the right, anon.

>> No.18130271
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ohhh. I got so confused.

>> No.18130272

becky's agency is trying so hard to get her relevant again huh?

>> No.18130276

This year's thai kicks are very great

>> No.18130278

>chono robot

>> No.18130279

Thaikick-chan and dat replay

>> No.18130282

did anyone see what time it said the Dash 6 hour special was on?

>> No.18130286

She played herself!

>> No.18130289
File: 138 KB, 768x1024, 1487465427047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, just realized it's game over for DownTown. They are also promoting violence against women.

>> No.18130291


>> No.18130293


My sides

>> No.18130296

>Everyone's silent when Tanaka gets Thai kicked for a third time
>Hysterical when it's Becky

I'd like to know this as well. I've been seeing adverts for it for the past few days.

>> No.18130297


>> No.18130298
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 157322391977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it rape?

>> No.18130304


>> No.18130306

holy shit that stream quality

>> No.18130307

hamada must be jizzed his pant

>> No.18130308

Damn i got boner.

>> No.18130312

>Matsumoto forgot he wasn't allowed to laugh for a second there

>> No.18130317

>That unrestrained Matsumoto laugh

It's okay because it was a woman who kicked Becky

>> No.18130319

Was he laughing because she left the marriage deal there?

>> No.18130329

The way she said it, yeah.

>> No.18130331

Wew lad

>> No.18130334

I'd still impregnate Becky

>> No.18130341

I think it was just plain slapstick comedy:
>What about the tablet?
>I'm leaving it!
and he just got caught off guard. Brilliant.

>> No.18130344
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>> No.18130345


Do people not realize if you use


You can watch it in HD. You need to get the script extender so it dosen't kick you out but its 720p.

>> No.18130347

>hitler face
rip gaki

>> No.18130352
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, gaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd figure after streaming this shit live for a few years now they'd have figured out how to make it better.

>> No.18130355

The Hitler stache!

>> No.18130356

Chuckie time?!

>> No.18130358

How do you get the script extender?

>> No.18130361

I'd lock her in the basement first. You can't trust her until she's thoroughly impregnated.

>> No.18130363

Because people are dumb. If you don't spoonfeed them they won't even bother doing it.

>> No.18130366

>black face
>kick a woman
>hitler moustache
what did matsumoto mean by these?

>> No.18130368


Watch this video. Gaki is on channel 3 once you finish.

>> No.18130372


>> No.18130378
File: 583 KB, 1350x759, f61d9bed2e3c7c9ad95d4a3eedb2db98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FujiTV quality.

>> No.18130379

This is gold. Fuck all of you faggots that will say it was boring next year.

>> No.18130380

>I'm Hosei

>> No.18130386
File: 324 KB, 500x387, 1488004393492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to speak English to the doll to get it to stop

>> No.18130391

Remember the laughing sacks and how they switched them around at one point? Fuck that was good.

>> No.18130398

That's what I was thinking of to. Some of last year was pretty creative. Liked the science experiments a lot, too.

>> No.18130402

How are they meant to get the combination? Was there a clue somewhere?

>> No.18130404

I was looking for that picture, Hamada looked like that when they rolled tape on his face

>> No.18130417

>Hosei dubbed Chucky in Seed of Chucky DVD dub

>> No.18130424

What did Matsumoto put there?

>> No.18130434

Probably something like IcyHot, that shit is awful around your genitals

>> No.18130439

On his ass? Lip balm.

>> No.18130441

>matsumoto crying to pokemon

>> No.18130449

I love how half of Japan and thousands around the world just spent the last 5 minutes watching a half naked guy in a silly hat wipe his ass.

>> No.18130456

That's very offensive to Hosei's ass.

>> No.18130466

and you can see his soul breaking in his eyes
fuck I'm dying

>> No.18130471

In an Interview Hosei said that his ass was hurting for like a week, just imagine how must it be to endure that shit

>> No.18130493

Do you think it's common to shave your ass if you work in a Japanese comedy show? Seems like your butt is going to get exposed more likely than not.

>> No.18130496

There's still 2 hours left and the Chono slap to come, I can only imagine the pain Hosei was in after this all ended.

>> No.18130497

Not only your butt, but your penis as well.

>> No.18130505

>inb4 he forgets the combination

>> No.18130511

Did it go inside?

>> No.18130513

They don't have much body hair in the first place. There probably isn't much to shave, honestly.

>> No.18130514

>I wonder if it went in
>Yes, it did

>> No.18130518

Asians generally have less hair than whites anyway, they probably don't even need to shave.

>> No.18130528

That's a little hard, isn't it?!

>> No.18130533


>> No.18130537

You niggers have never seen their downstairs, have you? They have forests down there.

>> No.18130538

Police Story seems like a good movie

>> No.18130539

Not as hard as Hosei

>> No.18130542

Had to take care of something, how did they stop Hosei Chucky?

>> No.18130548

If you do absolutely no work, maybe. It's pretty rare to see an asian with much of a happy trail.

>> No.18130549

they anal raped hosei

>> No.18130552

Hamada had to write the combination on Hosei's pained ass

>> No.18130558


>> No.18130564

>All these matsumoto commercials

>> No.18130583

Just because they don't have hair on their chest or their stomachs doesn't mean they don't have more pubes than the Zohan. Go to the hot springs and look around, dude. A lot of girls don't trim, either. Going down on them basically requires a weedwhacker.

>> No.18130594

You stalk Asian babes in hot springs anon?

>> No.18130598

I'm guessing it'll be no 1.

>> No.18130627

Nah, that was more from dating experience. Keeping it neat down there has never even occurred to most Asian girls. And actually shaving is way too hazukashii.

>> No.18130629

What a twist

>> No.18130650
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>TFW have a tight bodysuit fetish.

>> No.18130655

Man, Tanaka is never really a part of those group shots. He's always standing on the side or something.

>> No.18130659

why would anyone lie on the internet

>> No.18130669

Kill yourself normalfag.

>> No.18130670

All you need is a bit of confidence and not to look ugly as fuck. Congratulations, you now can get a gf as well.

>> No.18130675

He's probably one of those gross ex-pat normies just here for New Years.

What's sad is that you think he wants one.

>> No.18130680

Can you please leave our board?

>> No.18130681

Whatever makes you feel better, dude. I wish you luck, for what it's worth.

I think watching comfy Gaki at home alone while funposting on the 4chan on New Year's Eve disqualifies me from normalfaghood, but yeah okay.

>> No.18130684

Depart please.

>> No.18130688

>not to look ugly as fuck
girls want only tall handsome chads

>> No.18130690

Please go non-virgin normalfag slime.

>> No.18130691

If that's what makes you feel better, anon.

>> No.18130692

Yet everywhere you go you see shorter and uglier men than yourself and wonder "Why do they get these babes?"
It's because you are fucking pathetic. Stand up for yourself, fucking pussy.

>> No.18130695

Please go away.

>> No.18130696
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, hentai kamen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you.

>> No.18130702

Can we please talk about Gaki

>> No.18130706

I'll stick around but change the subject before people start actually reeeing.

>> No.18130711

>Yet everywhere you go you see shorter and uglier men than yourself and wonder "Why do they get these babes?"
but they don't

>> No.18130714


>> No.18130715

I hope you die.

>> No.18130721

>This whole segment
No homo.

>> No.18130726

This whole segment was great

>> No.18130730

Indeed, but no homo.

>> No.18130734

who's your favorite Gaki?
mine's Hamada. intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.18130741

Tomo is a girl this year. Cute.

>> No.18130744

You've literally never been outside, have you?

>> No.18130745

Been to Dogo Onsen. It's where Miyazaki based the one in Spirited Away off of.

>> No.18130756

based James Brown

>> No.18130766

I fucking hate Happy Boy

>> No.18130772

Based Happy Boy.

>> No.18130773

I was wondering if he would appear this year considering his role diminishes with every passing year.

>> No.18130781

all shorter than me guys with women are 50 years old farts from previous generation or rich cucks

>> No.18130791

Chouno is probably next

>> No.18130792

Shit's about to turn into COPS

>> No.18130797

Jimmy time!

>> No.18130798

Dunno where you live but I've seen plenty of fat guys getting girls out of their league. I even knew one obese guy who kept getting new girls every few months. He wasn't rich either. Then there are just below average looking dudes who also date girls looking better than them.

>> No.18130800

5th Element isn't even that popular of a movie here, why do they always cosplay it when they use Bruce Willis?

>> No.18130801


>> No.18130804

I wonder how many twitter posts we'll get about Jimmy's whiteface.

>> No.18130807

Jimmy the legend

>> No.18130812

Jimmy looks so old.

>> No.18130813


It's literally impossible not to laugh at jimmy

>> No.18130814

...are you memeing?

>> No.18130819

I mean here in Japan. I've never met anyone here that's even heard of the movie.

>> No.18130823

I know what you meant. But I am 90% sure they are going for Die Hard and people definitely recognize that.

>> No.18130826

That was pretty short. Hopefully next time it'll be longer.

>> No.18130829

Well that was short, wish there was more

>> No.18130833


>> No.18130835

Based Itao is here

>> No.18130838

They're literally setting up the next piece where he smells disgusting things.

>> No.18130839

Die Hard yeah, but I was pretty sure the first clothes was from 5th Element. I might just be getting old though

>> No.18130840

>Hosei is on the end chair

Itao and Chouno working together?

>> No.18130846

Rola is bae

>> No.18130853

Good point there anon, I forgot about that and it's specially the best part where he makes hilarious faces.

>> No.18130857

Get off my planet

>> No.18130858

Itao tits

>> No.18130863

>hating on Rola
Never reply to me ever again.

>> No.18130864

Is Itao Hannibal?

>> No.18130866
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Post more "blackface" reactions.

>> No.18130867

I dunno, man. I thought he was just wearing a tank top? 5th element is more the weird orange sleeveless shirt or tuxedo, but maybe I'm also misremembering now.

>> No.18130870


>> No.18130875

With boobs. Yes. Maybe Chono is Clarice.

>> No.18130877

Holy shit those boobs look real.

>> No.18130884

Twitter is gonna go on meltdown after this

>> No.18130886


>> No.18130890

Have there been any Granblue CMs so far? I remember there being a ton last year.

>> No.18130893

>Implying they're not.

>> No.18130896

itao's face is pretty uncanny

>> No.18130898

I was sure he was wearing weird straps on the side but I might be misremembering too. We'll just say I was wrong though.
Now what Rola lover

>> No.18130901

>god I wish I had a 5'8'' ugly bf
said no girl ever

>> No.18130906

Nah. It was just a shoulder rig holster. The girl was the one with orange straps in the film. S'all good, man.

>> No.18130910

You could see the seams if you looked, they were at the side when he moved. Pretty decent makeup job though.

>> No.18130911

Are you a wizard?

>> No.18130913

Speak of the devil

>> No.18130916

Kek, as you ask they just appear on TV

>> No.18130921

I feel like a retard now cause it showed right after I posted.

>> No.18130950
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>gossip segment

>> No.18130962

Every damn year.

>> No.18130964

I always look forward to this segment in the translations, but for now, I can only blankly stare at the screen while they laugh at something funny.

>> No.18130968

Wait until they go check the gang duel

>> No.18130970

I like it more than the upcoming 'let's make Degawa do stupid/painful things' but that's just me.

>> No.18130977

This. Without proper translations it's not as fun unless you speak Jap of course.

>> No.18130980

It's pretty funny this time around.

>> No.18130985

I pray next is Chouno. There's only an hour left in the special.

>> No.18130989

>tfw got called a normalfag by EOPs

>> No.18130990

what about the live translations?

>> No.18130991

>Nintendo CG'd Hosei's bald spot away for the Mario CM.

>> No.18131000

Of course there'll be Chouno. They already showed that he'll appear soon, same with the team battle. There's also Jimmy.

>> No.18131008

That'll be after I reckon. Either way, we're guaranteed Degawa cause they've already previewed his bit. Hopefully they'll hurry through it.

>> No.18131010

10 minutes
>Gang torture fight
20 minutes
>Haunted house
15 minutes

I think we might be all right for time.

>> No.18131013

Imagine being enough of a normalfag that even EOPs can sniff you out. Moving to Japan is nothing to brag about.

>> No.18131020

Isn't it two hours?

>> No.18131022

Deal with it. If you ain't a virgin then you are a normalfag.

>> No.18131031

It ends in 1h18mins.

>> No.18131032

Stopped watching them ages ago. They're likely just a one line summary of the joke anyway, kinda spoiling it.

>> No.18131035

Ends at 12:30 so about an hour and 15 minutes.

>> No.18131045

Wasn't it supposed to run for 6 hours and 30 minutes?

>> No.18131049

I guess I can live with that.

>> No.18131055

Not that I'm aware of. It's 6h long.

>> No.18131057

Fuck off.

>> No.18131060

No idea but I just looked at the TV guide and it ends in an hour.

>> No.18131075

Chouno time

>> No.18131083

>Currently visiting Kyoto
>Honestly don't know if I should be somewhere for New Years or sitting here watching Gaki

Never mind, I should be watching Gaki

>> No.18131085

robo chouno

>> No.18131092

Holy Shit

>> No.18131098

Housei slap rape time

>> No.18131103

I hope Housei gets slapped by the machine this year.

>> No.18131111 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18131112

will they replay it afterwards? got forced into a gathering even though i clearly stated that i'm gonna watch gaki and get drunk.

>> No.18131115
File: 143 KB, 456x320, 1447955916379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These commercials

>> No.18131118

I hope they give him a choice.

>> No.18131120

just get out for the bells

>> No.18131123

You can use Fuji to replay it yourself. Either way someone will upload it anyways.

>> No.18131126

You go out on the day of, you stupid cunt. Nothing happens on the eve aside from normies getting drunk.

>> No.18131135

>lip service

>> No.18131138

it's not the same

>> No.18131140


>> No.18131145

it really isn't

>> No.18131147


>> No.18131157

>wants to watch a replay
>can watch it on fuji or download it himself
>not the same

>> No.18131160

inb4 Housei gets slapped by robo Chouno then gets slapped by real Chouno because he didn't think it was good enough

>> No.18131161


>> No.18131163

you are fucking turbo mad, dude
sasuga, dolphinchan

>> No.18131174


>> No.18131175

>Matsumoto's sacrifice

>> No.18131176 [DELETED] 


>> No.18131177

at least if they air the replay straight afterwards then i know there are more people watching with me.

>> No.18131179

Has Matsumoto ever been Chouno slapped before?

>> No.18131181

い つ も の

>> No.18131187

Holy shit matsumoto is not supposed to

>> No.18131186

It's never straight after. Too much going on over New Year's. I think they usually do it a few days or like a week later in a different timeslot?

>> No.18131190
File: 60 KB, 631x696, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how that ruins the enjoyment. Either way they're not gonna replay it afterwards.

>> No.18131194

Housei eyes were shinnying, holy shit lmao

>> No.18131196

Matsumoto's screams of fear are truly the best

>> No.18131199

last year they did, literally right after. teamgaki i mean, not the actual channel.

>> No.18131202

the dog didn't bark by a mistake hahahaha

>> No.18131203

Will he actually slap Matsumoto or it'll be another situation just like with Hamada?

>> No.18131207

He's out of his mind with relief and joy. Poor bastard should know he's next.

>> No.18131214

>another CM
end me

>> No.18131215

Chouno WILL get his yearly Housei slap, one way or another

>> No.18131221

And you are the cancer that needs to be removed.

>> No.18131222


>> No.18131225

The real Dolphinchan arrives!

>> No.18131228

You can see the panic in Housei's face

>> No.18131234


>> No.18131235

Here we go. Poor Hosei.

>> No.18131236

I actually wanted Matsumoto to get slapped. At least that would change the routine a bit.

>> No.18131241

Dolphin-chan is a cutie

>> No.18131242

aww. I want Hamda to get slapped now. Mix it up a little.

>> No.18131246

Betrayed by Dolphinchan, isn't it sad Housei.

>> No.18131247

I almost feel bad for him.

Yeah. Was hoping he'd get it and then Hosei would get the robot.

>> No.18131252

i agree

>> No.18131262

Shit, I wish I had print screen Housei eyes and now his face of defeat. This is probably the best slap ever!

>> No.18131270

>Still trying to sell out Matsumoto

You're only making it worse for yourself

>> No.18131272

Hosei's killing it now.

>> No.18131289

Lmao didn't reach 0

>> No.18131294

>team battle
>no getting scared
Welp, it's practically over.

>> No.18131315

Ok that was legitimately funny

>> No.18131413

>team battle
>thread becomes dead

>> No.18131429

Almost a new year get drunk

>> No.18131459

Why are they smelling Matsumoto for shit?

>> No.18131468

So no Jimmy? They ended with "to be continued". I guess it got cut.

>> No.18131471

>too old to make fart jokes anymore because of loose bowels

>> No.18131483


>> No.18131487

everything feels too short this year

>> No.18131488

Because they were doing the fart thing earlier and Matsumoto thought he accidentally pooped.

>> No.18131492

Cookie is one crazy fuck.

>> No.18131498

Happy new year for those who are in japan at the moment

>> No.18131506

Happy New Year lads.

>> No.18131508

I feel like they should've spent less time on those auditions. That took too much time.

>> No.18131531

yeah those audtions wasted a lot of screentimes and it was not even funny

>> No.18131537

They lost the impact after the first one.

>> No.18131548
File: 185 KB, 700x525, Whiskey_shots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, boys. Same to you.

>> No.18131558


>> No.18131559

They're funnier when you know the actors that were auditioning. Not hilarious, but kinda absurd for respected or distinguished old men to be saying some of the stuff they did.

>> No.18131591


>> No.18131601
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>> No.18131602

are there sexy american police in america?

>> No.18131604

>fat but no tits

>> No.18131622


>> No.18131631

Punish me, but I forgot their names. Even tho is rare to find stuff from them on the internet

>> No.18131653

Happy new year from Tokyo fellow Anons

>> No.18131656


>> No.18131657


>> No.18131659

Kano sisters isn't it?

>> No.18131684

Did Heipo even show up?

>> No.18131686

God bless you, may this year bring you fortune

>> No.18131698

Yes they are, the other kind anon posted a link about it

>> No.18131701

Jesus. Heipo looks so old and skinny.

>> No.18131705

No Matsumoto record this time.

>> No.18131713

Did I miss the Endo family or were they not in this year?

>> No.18131716

Thai kicks were fucking aces this time.

>> No.18131720

Happy New Year anons. This year's batsu was pretty fun aside from a few things.

>> No.18131731

Black hamada forever in this batsu

>> No.18131732

Here he is. At the end of the batsu game.

>> No.18131733

Same to you, friend. I think we had a good run this time, yeah.

>> No.18131736

They might have had a scene that got cut, Endo didn't have a lot of content.

>> No.18131741


At the end.

>> No.18131743

see you again at the next batsu guys
happy new year

>> No.18131744

Happy new year

>> No.18131747

Better than last year.

>> No.18131751

Yeah, but he had like 330+ a couple years back.

>> No.18131753

Only watched the last half but this year was really enjoyable. Same with last year. They got really repetitive but it seems that they are improving again which is great. Hope you guys all enjoyed, have a great new year wherever you are.

>> No.18131754

Because he is 60-something and lost a lot of weight during he absence.

>> No.18131759

Cheers, this batsu was very good that I wouldn't mind staying awake the whole night (Yes I live in Commiefornia, sadly)

>> No.18131766

Happy new year guys!

>> No.18131797
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>> No.18131804

Happy new year anons!

Same here.

>> No.18131812

Despite firing half their staff, they didn't really do anything new. Pity really. It had it's funny moments, but it started getting slow and boring towards its final quarter. This could well be the final batsu after all.

>> No.18131816

That whole segment was great.
I was expecting they'd have made the mannequin slap him then it being ineffective Chono comes on stage and does it proper.

>> No.18131818

This is cool as shit.

>> No.18131836

At this point, people don't really want anything new, they want old staples. It always slows down towards the end, I thought this year was better than the last.

There are plenty of shows you can watch if you want something new every episode.

>> No.18131837

The auditions, interrogation skit and Itao were pretty weak. Jimmy's part got cut short and only showed part 1 of 2(?) parts. Overall like the other anon said some stuff felt really short this year, I feel like the team battle didn't drag on at all like previous times, oni tag was also relatively short.

>> No.18131852
File: 132 KB, 1200x900, DSYemQIU8AEdQJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's like tradition for New Year's Eve.

>> No.18131861


>> No.18131867

I just got it from here

>> No.18131877

for all the people wanting to know when dash is on. It's on tomorrow from 6-9 on Nihon TV.

>> No.18131893

I agree that familiar isn't a bad thing. I thought this year was pretty strong and funny overall. With over six hours, it's not gonna be laugh your ass off the entire time and some people will like some segments more than others. You look forward to seeing certain parts.

>> No.18131912
File: 218 KB, 822x1489, takizawa_karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about this batsu game.

>> No.18131948

An enjoyable batsu, happy new year everyone thanks for the company.

>> No.18131956
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1080, kano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the Kano sisters

>> No.18131961

>these plastic old hags

>> No.18131964

here comes the replay

>> No.18131968

Better than that stick.

>> No.18131988

Ignore the gay boy, anon.

>> No.18132002

I'm not even a /jp/ poster but HAPPY NEW YEAR!

>> No.18132149

No, you're a /jp/ poster by definition.

>> No.18132163

He's not a /jp/ poster, he's a /jp/ _ imposter _.
Shocking truth!

>> No.18132295

I forget, am I supposed to stay up until the sunrise for New years or am I supposed to just get up before the sunrise and go to the shrine?

>> No.18132368

Go to the shrine now. Get in line for fortune.

>> No.18132816
File: 154 KB, 1090x610, happy tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18132892

Never pay attention to these idiots.
They exist to get triggered by trivial things.
Their entire lives are being upset and angered by everything. Some of them even do this to get money.
They've turned comical stereotypes in to outright violent attacks against people, which is dumb.

It is a double-standard because there are countless times where other races pretend to be other races and nobody gets annoyed.
I mean, look at the film White Chicks.
I bet most of their excuses would be like "but they are just pretending", or "but that's different, it's black people pretending to be white", or a particular favourite, "but that isn't racist". (because only blacks can be attacked in a racist way, or jews despite not being a race...)
But as soon as a white person does it, suddenly it is racist and attacking the whole of the "black community". (what black community, who represents them? Every one of them? Every single black person? Fuck off, most black people hate these guilt-trippers and hooligans)
We've been told to feel guilty for something some group of people did a century ago, for the rest of time.
If you dare question it in any public arena, you will have your life ruined by pretend-feminists and violent gangs of people.
Luckily these nutjobs are starting to be ignored by society at large and police are starting to recognise them as a societal threat and are now acting on it.
These violent "lefties" (they aren't lefty at all) are basically THIS (_||_) close to being labelled a terrorist cult across America and Europe.

Just have a good New Years day, friend. Laugh at these pathetic people knowing this will go nowhere. Nowhere of worth, at least.
I'll be surprised if it leaves echo-chambers of Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit.
I already checked some basic news sites and see nothing of it despite it ending hours ago.

Oh dude, I forgot about that!

>> No.18133004

I remember seeing some people getting offended on twitter during another batsu game as well, but forgot what happened. Either way it never left their echo chamber like you've said.

What's funny is that after tweeting how Japan/Hamada is racist, they never talked about Gaki again. No tweets about the show when it was airing or after it finished airing. They just went on to tweet about other bullshit. Some of them claimed to be Gaki fans, but they haven't said shit about the show aside from that Beverly Hills cosplay.

>> No.18133052

The only thing I can think of in recent memory is Matsuko Deluxe with face painted black (barely) and doing that dance.
That scene was hilarious.

>> No.18133085

A lot of people are now gone, that fat tranny that was on the program before the batsu, the granny, Shin-onii. Every body is getting old or moving on.

>> No.18133107
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, 144815652135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they just got cut out and will be in the deleted scenes.

>> No.18133210

>they went in great length with Becky-Tanaka matchmaking trap

>> No.18133253

i've ben watching the replay, going to dump some of my screencaps

>> No.18133270
File: 745 KB, 1061x657, gaki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18133281
File: 1.31 MB, 1221x635, gaki2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18133295
File: 1.19 MB, 1175x573, gaki3 tanakas mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18133317
File: 1.40 MB, 1239x631, gaki4 party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18133333

why not use fuji, anon? better quality there. someone already posted about it if you don't know

>> No.18133334
File: 1.41 MB, 1211x631, gaki8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133343
File: 850 KB, 1199x623, gaki10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what do you mean?

also checked

>> No.18133349
File: 972 KB, 1203x651, gaki9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133353

720p quality, up to 7 day replay.

>> No.18133358
File: 1.16 MB, 1237x737, gaki11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133372

>checking becky_dayo instagram
>seeing none of those

>> No.18133384
File: 1.10 MB, 1199x655, gaki15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133399

Could've been photoshoped to make it seem like she posted it on instagram. Or made it private, or maybe just deleted right after the filming.

>> No.18133442

I missed this earlier.
Crying. Too funny.

Kinda sad they never just kept it up. (or actually uploaded it if applicable)
It'd have gotten so many hits.

>> No.18133445
File: 1.29 MB, 1209x643, gaki16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133536

>Kinda sad they never just kept it up. (or actually uploaded it if applicable)
I would love to see something like "real" Kuro-chan Twitter account.
