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1810203 No.1810203 [Reply] [Original]

I've enjoyed Tsukihime F/SN . After these amazing experiences I just have a sense I've started at the pinnacle and now its going to be hard to find anything else that compares.
In my opinion, Type-Moon offers the finest Visual Novels.

>> No.1810210

Here I go again on my own..

>> No.1810212

I actually prefer Type-Moon VNs, but good luck finding anyone else to support you on /jp/.

>> No.1810213

In b4, after, and during trolling.

>> No.1810215
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>> No.1810216

... it's true.

>> No.1810218

try finding other things to compare, then get back to us. oh, but don't bother starting a new thread about it.

>> No.1810226

>Never read any other visual novels

>> No.1810235

True Remembrance is better than any VN TM has ever put out, but then again it is the single greatest story of out time and it could possibly be unfair to compare the two.

>> No.1810234

Type Moon is overrated porn with plot.

>> No.1810245

not OP, but damn, I really need to finish this. how many chapters are there total?

>> No.1810248


>> No.1810261

You all have shitty tastes. There is no way that anything superior to the masterpice called FSN can exists.

>> No.1810273

True Remembrance, a VN about... I can't remember.

>> No.1810290

>Type-Moon offers the finest Visual Novels.

>> No.1810307

ITT: fags attempt to prove OP wrong but forget to provide any actual examples of VNs that are better than Tsukihime and FS/N

face it faggots, Type-Moon's VNs are the masterpieces of the medium just as Shakespeare's works are the masterpieces of literature and Welles' works are the masterpieces of film. You may disagree with them being your favorite, but they are the greatest ever and if you disagree you are wrong.

>> No.1810323

I disagree naruto is better ^^;

>> No.1810316



>> No.1810336

ITT: Trolling

>> No.1810341

>if you disagree you are wrong.

>> No.1810348


butthurt weeaboos

>> No.1810356

Clannad. Ever 17.
Superior and not relaying on porn to be successful.

>> No.1810373

Nasu is not a brilliant writer. He's a brilliant concept artist. He thinks of something incredibly awesome, and then does a mediocre-to-good job of putting it into the form of a story.

Rarely, he makes something incredibly awesome in story form, such as Red Demon God. I'd argue that that's his best work, so far, showing that Nasu is probably better at writing short stories than novels. This is also shown by the fact that his stories have long stretches of very boring sequences punctuated by completely mind-blowing sequences. It's like he's bipolar.

Appreciate him for what he does.

Also, I find Shakespeare to be an overrated playwright.

>> No.1810380
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>> No.1810388

Not a TM fag but I don't see how F/SN relied on porn to be successful.

>> No.1810397

I find his writing style amazing. Most of you fags probably played FSN in Engrish, and the writing style gets lost in the translation. Enjoy your faggotized FSN/Tsukihime :)

>> No.1810400


It doesn't. There are much more VNs dependant on porn but are not as successful as FSN. I think you got trolled.

>> No.1810401
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A form of entertainment loses its touch after being translated, news at 11.

>> No.1810405

it's a porn game?

>> No.1810409


>> No.1810410


Those two are the same shit

>> No.1810412

You're a troll. Easily spotted, too.

>> No.1810414

Definitely one of my top picks. Certainly better than what it's often compared to, Narcissu.

The thing I have with Type Moon is their need to create these way over the top exotic storylines that are so far divorced from our world to the point that it's hard to take them seriously. Among science fiction and fantasy, there are classics, but there are very few novels in those genres that are classics with respect to literature as a whole.

So I don't think of Nasu as a brilliant idea man because I don't come to visual novels seeking something I can get in hard copy and in better quality. The medium has to rely on reaching out and connecting with the person at the keyboard, and for me that precludes unbelievable stories.

Ever17, while good, relies too much on clearing the last route, a task which requires liberal holding down of Ctrl on the way there.

Clannad does what it does well, but I definitely understand that it's not for everyone. Completists like myself get frustrated by it.

>> No.1810420


enjoy your mollusks

>> No.1810424


I'm no troll, smartass. My claim is logical and makes sense.
look at the image posted below mine if you want an example, butthurt fag.

>> No.1810427

Nasu's worldbuilding is first-rate, but his writing is far from consistent. For example, both Rin and Sakura are secondary in their own stories, but while I would like more Rin in UBW, I'd fix HF by having less Sakura. One is a compelling character whose interactions with Shirou I enjoy and the other is just... there. Sakura might as well be a piece of furniture or all she does.

>> No.1810430

FSN could have been released as a non eroge. But TM decided to put porn to help his success.
Clannad and Ever17 aren't porn and >>>> FSN.

>> No.1810434
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Uh huh.

>> No.1810441

While I disagree on Sakura's uselessness, you have a point. There wasn't too much chemistry between Sakura and Shirou that didn't seem forced as compared to Shirou and Rin or Saber.

>> No.1810455


It seems that you're the troll now. Enjoy being a cancer.

>> No.1810456

>ITT: fags attempt to prove OP wrong but forget to provide any actual examples of VNs that are better than Tsukihime and FS/N

Well, it's a matter of personal tastes.

>> No.1810457
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But FSN WAS released as a non eroge.

>> No.1810459


pretentious faggot

>> No.1810461
File: 23 KB, 358x243, 1230088382137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1810462

You were always the troll, so I can't take that position away from you.

>> No.1810464

Clannad's the same as F/SN. Tomoyo's route can reduce a man to tears, but Kyou's route is just... ugh.

>> No.1810472
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>> No.1810477

No. FSn is porn. RN was released after the porn madethem succesful.

>> No.1810480

Hey, no.

>> No.1810483

I must concede that that is entirely too accurate.

F/SN is plot with porn. Apparently you missed the memo.

>> No.1810485

Your argument is unbeatable. I shall henceforth never take anything sexually suggestive seriously ever again.

>> No.1810491


I think that an "uh huh" response is more of a troll than a post with logic (supported with evidence).
Quit being a troll and get out.

>> No.1810500

You have no evidence, and you suggest that you can read Japanese literature on a level somehow "superior" enough to understand the "nuances" that us inferior folk couldn't appreciate.

Looks like a troll post, walks like a troll post, etc.

>> No.1810522


No evidence? Are you stupid? Read over my replies and if you still think that I never provided evidence, then I'll accept your stupidity and repeat it for you.
Also, if you think that I'm a troll because I insulted butthurt fags like you, then you're an idiot. My claim was logical and it was supported with evidence. If you do not agree that the writing style is destroyed through translations, then support your refutation with plausible logic like I did.
You, on the other hand, ignore all these facts and just scream out, "hur hur! TROLL!! I found a troll! I is so smart!!!!11!!"

>> No.1810552

Who gives a flying fuck? No matter how cogently one formulates an argument, people will like what they like, as quality is mostly subjective.

>> No.1810597

Maybe it's Seung Park, gracing us mortals with his presence!!! What should we ever do?!

>> No.1810616

Type Moon works are overrated. VNs of Elf, Nitroplus, Akabeisoft are superior.

>> No.1810620

Fine, I will.


Enjoy your trolling, troll.

>> No.1810626

It's a good thing a majority of us read those then, right?

>> No.1810650


I don't remember addressing a Japanese critic, nor do I remember talking about Kara no Kyoukai. I was talking about fags judging VNs when they can't even get the correct writing style of the VN. Enjoy your fail.

>> No.1810658

Your trolling is horribly obvious. Please, stop posting. Also I've reported this thread and your post.

>> No.1810664

Nasu's writing style was never good.

>> No.1810666
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>this thread

>> No.1810669
File: 251 KB, 1233x814, 1230091482122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I found here.
Many VNs are consider better than Type Moon stuff.
Japan agrees, dont bother them about it.

>> No.1810672

It's well known that Nasu's writing sucks. Stop trying.

>> No.1810673

Are they even translated?

Untranslated = Shit by /jp/'s default

>> No.1810681


what the fuck is all that moonspeak

>> No.1810682

Yup, that sure is, many, alright.

So I guess we should only play those 14 VNs and that's it?

>> No.1810688

CLANNAD? Fuck that list.
It doesn't count.

>> No.1810690

As far as I know, they believe it's like training for a "normal" relationship with a boy.

>> No.1810691

Am I the only one that enjoys Nasu's writing style? Granted, I've only played Tsukihime, but it is quite convincing that I'm seeing the world from the perspective of a 17 year old. That's not bad writing, that's fucking brilliant.

>> No.1810697


Sup troll.
That pic is directed to this

I am just providing example from moonland. I am sure their opinion will be better respected since they play in the moon.

>> No.1810713
File: 231 KB, 975x810, 1230092051487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clannad is top tier. gb2 your TM shit.

>> No.1810730

There should be an international poll.

>> No.1810749

But that's PS2 Clannad, which is superior to your pathetic PC Clannad in every way.

...no, I don't really know why the PS2 version's up so much higher.

>> No.1810774

I really enjoy his writing style, but it's unique so I can understand how some people might not like it.

>Sakura might as well be a piece of furniture or all she does.
Are you sure you played HF? I thought that some of the most interesting parts of the route were the ones told from Sakura's perspective, and even if you didn't like her as a character to say that she didn't do anything is simply false.

>> No.1810782

>most interesting parts
Masturbating to Shirou,getting raped by shinji,eating gilgamesh,going emo over rin and pulling Zouken out sure is interesting.

>> No.1810791


>> No.1810801


You get to watch as her sanity slowly crumbles and she sinks into pit of madness and despair. That is interesting.

>> No.1810798

I was referring more to Nasu's general portrayal of Sakura's insanity and obsession, but you're right, those parts were pretty interesting too.

>> No.1810807

We already saw that in Tsukihime, though, with Shiki and his wonderful killing chambers.

>> No.1810809


I guess idiots will never change. Even when I tell them over and over, they refuse to accept it. I give up.

>> No.1810812

Sakura spends most of HF sick in bed and after she becomes an antagonist, it feels to me like her scene just pull her out of the story. I think it might have something to do with the general pacing though. Fate and UBW have Rider, Ilya, Caster and Gilgamesh as a threat to pull the story onward, but HF doesn't really have that. Destroying the Grail just doesn't feel as important, for some reason.

>> No.1810831

Nasu is great as narrating psychosis, so I can never get enough of it.

>Destroying the Grail just doesn't feel as important, for some reason.
That's because it wasn't as important. In HF Shirou's main goal was to save Sakura, and using/destroying the Grail was only a means to that end.

>> No.1810848
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Reminds me of someone's route.

>> No.1810859


In case you hadn't noticed, tripfriend, writers have a tendancy to reuse their ideas. If they do it well this isn't really a problem, and Nasu does it quite well indeed.

>> No.1810883

I like Nasu's writing, I'm just not going to fool myself that he's a virtuoso of pen work.

>> No.1811206

I was taking this review seriously up until the point where the review said he only read to page 10, said that he was going to read the whole thing, and made it to page 30. He then went on this huge rant about some guy that said "Wow, this is pretty good" for at least twice as long as the actual review itself.

>> No.1811336

trolls knowingly being trolled

>> No.1811414


Welcome to yet another reworking of Ordinary High School Boy Discovers Amazing Supernatural Powers! For all the fan worship that Type-Moon gets, it's amazing the kind of mediocrity they get away with as far as story ideas ago. Of course, having a similarly mediocre artist probably doesn't help—the off-proportion character designs, and screenshot abuse make this about as visually appealing as watching paint dry. But with more weapons and magic. Speaking of the weapons and magic aspect—the whole thing sounds like a sorcerous version of Pokémon, what with "masters" and "servants" and a "war for the Holy Grail" and a Shonen-Jump-for-Dummies tournament scheme. Even Shirou fancies himself to be some kind of "hero of justice," which sounds cool when you're eight years old, but given the level of sophistication the Fate franchise is supposed to have ... no. This isn't action. This is dumb.

>> No.1811420

ITT: TMhaters = butthurt.

>> No.1811424

I remember this copypasta

>> No.1811440



Nasu writes better when he doesn't have to incorporate H

>> No.1811468
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>> No.1811467


While I'll admit I've only read Mirror Moon's translation of F/SN, it's still significantly better when it's not the porn scenes.

>> No.1811488


what a bunch of cumdumpster rapesluts
