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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 639x480, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1808811 No.1808811 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favourite tripfag /jp/?

>> No.1808818

Did you circle some random shit in red just so I would click the picture? What the fuck is that supposed to be?

>> No.1808820

Popcorn Mariachi.

Always and forever.

>> No.1808821

They're all so wonderful. How can I choose?

>> No.1808822

>red line

>> No.1808827

Yeah, what the fuck?

>> No.1808824

Klein. He's so cute.

>> No.1808828
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1230066957407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for tripfag thread

>> No.1808825

You can get attention without begging for it, you know.

>> No.1808833

lol you are a femanon.

>> No.1808829

her lover.

>> No.1808830

It used to be ZUN now it's Kyon
and Haruhi

>> No.1808831


>> No.1808834

Remilia Scarlet
I want to fuck him

>> No.1808835


>> No.1808838
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just according to keikaku

>> No.1808841


>> No.1808839




A TRAP I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1808843


>> No.1808845

I'm tsundere for athens.

Speaking of which, where the fuck is he? There is a girl in the OP's pic. He would know what to do here.

>> No.1808846

You idiots have no idea what good tripfags mean.

Mariachi, T-Cup, Catterpillar, a few more I can't remember, all good people that actually contributed to something.

>> No.1808847


fuck off athens

>> No.1808848

Sure is /a/ around here.

>> No.1808850

"Menchi" is my favourite tripfriend of all time.

>> No.1808852


athens smurfing as anon

>> No.1808853

what are you doing

>> No.1808856

Not athens. And I was being sarcastic. Jesus fuck.

>> No.1808857

fappan to Dan Kim

>> No.1808859


>> No.1808860

Inb4 120 more replies

>> No.1808862

I actually do like athens. His personality is cute even though a bit annoying

>> No.1808868


Sorry Aniki. All mods are away visiting their families, there is only two janitors around. On the entire site.

>> No.1808866

Chardo is a pretty cool guy

>> No.1808867

I like them all except Croatia, Arcueid Brunestud, White Len, Jones, and IB.

>> No.1808871

athens has a personality?

>> No.1808872

Oops, forgot to remove my name.

>> No.1808873

athens used to be cool, but he became really pathetic in the last month or so.

>> No.1808875

I'm okay with most, a few are annoying.

>> No.1808884


do people even get jokes these days

>> No.1808887

Paranoia much?

>> No.1808890


>> No.1808897

jones is a pretty cool guy, eh left teh /jp/ and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.1808898

Dedicated Hirano Aya-sama Fan, without any doubt.
Speaking of which, come I haven't seen a new thread of his in a week or thereabouts? I'm starting to get worried about him.

>> No.1808901

Dedicated Hirano Aya-sama Fan, without any doubt.
Speaking of which, how come I haven't seen a new thread of his in a week or thereabouts? I'm starting to get worried about him.

>> No.1808902


has he?

>> No.1808903

Just changed name and trip.

>> No.1808905

cocksucker /jp/

>> No.1808916

Hurr Durr.

>> No.1808922

I am. Hands down really. Everyone else is so helplessly debile that I do not even have to try.

Anyhow, care to stop posting that picture already. That sort of thing can be really hurtful for a person. Everyone has seen it and no one cares. Mature a little and stop being such a child, yes? This is not /b/.

>> No.1808927


Fuck off slut

>> No.1808930

>That sort of thing can be really hurtful for a person.
That's the point.

>> No.1808933

Hey Remilia.
Fuck off.

>> No.1808943

You're the most incompetent tripfag since tonberryking.

>> No.1808947

Who told you it wasn't him.

>> No.1808951

It's Meru, or somebody pretending to be him.

>> No.1808958


>> No.1808959

Well, why you do that? This is not /b/, again. No one cares. You have some sort of feud with an anonymous person you happened to spot in the net? I mean, honestly, a little civility would not hurt. Do you have any idea of how pathetic and worthless that is what you're doing? It does not even have any significance for you but it can be really nasty for the person in the pic.

>> No.1808963

That's what you get for camwhoring in /jp/.

>> No.1808966


It's obvious the woman in the pic is a slut because there is a guy in the picture (look at the part that is circled in red).

>> No.1808969
File: 43 KB, 325x325, 1230068818940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course "him." You thought Meru was a woman?

>> No.1808971

Right in one.

>> No.1808972


There's a reason you don't post pictures of yourself on 4chan.

>> No.1808979

I love Jesus Yamato, he's the best

>> No.1808992

Remember back when mb tripfags weren't massive dicks? Me neither.

>> No.1808995

Who exactly is in the OP pic? I musta missed it.

Anyways, Hong Meiling and his 5 gigs + of Touhou h-doujins.

>> No.1808999


>> No.1809004

I think this whole thread was some clever ploy by mootle to get all the tripfriends in /jp/ to post in one thread for an ineviatable threadban.
Ill see you all on the other side.

>> No.1809008

I like ZUNbar.

>> No.1809006

If he/she didn't want the picture to be reposted they shouldn't have been a fucking camwhore and posted pictures of themselves online. Fuck off.

>> No.1809010

Whatever you say, bro.

Honestly, jerks like you ruin the board. You always throw a virgin hissyfit when you see a girl irl? Seriously, I understand that you are sexually deprived lower-class losers who live with their mom but that is no fucking excuse.

>> No.1809016

You can't even expand beyond classic troll routines from 6 months ago.

You're hopeless, Meru.

>> No.1809021

Your sister has a boyfriend and a nice life and you don't.


>> No.1809024

What a silly stereotype. You're silly.

>> No.1809029


You a slut or something?

>> No.1809030

This theory relies on the incredibly shaky premise that moot actually gives a damn. The better guess is that some tripfag made this thread in a desperate bid for attention.

>> No.1809033

No, you think?

>> No.1809035

You don't get it. We repost your pic to laugh at how retarded and ugly you are.

>> No.1809042

Wishful thinking, I suppose.
I miss moot.

>> No.1809047

Right now I'm posting that picture in a porn site. Just for the lulz.

>> No.1809051

Honestly, you think I'm trolling? Most of the time I'm just being a little edgy to spark discussion, that is all.

I'm actually pretty average poster who only has a labeled profile that every can easily spat on.

And "trolling" is not an artform but rather mindless wank to terrorise everything that is good with the userbase. Not that there is too much of this "good" in this board, anyhow.

>> No.1809052

moot is the reason things are as shitty as they are. Why miss him?

>> No.1809056

That's the "mail.mail" retard who used to act so arrogant in /a/? Hehe, lol...
Well, I'll just say I am glad you seldom post nowadays.

>> No.1809059

Seriously, he should fucking change the name of this board already. I'm getting tired of people thinking that we like Japan.

>> No.1809061


>> No.1809068

You're right. For you, trolling is not an art form, as you are a mindless wank.

Have been since the beginning. Who are you stalking now, by the way?

>> No.1809074


>> No.1809083


>> No.1809084

Is this Anonymous of Colombia's girlfriend?

>> No.1809089

Psycho, gay male stalker.

>> No.1809101
File: 71 KB, 391x233, 1230070434360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I got up just in time for drama, you guys never disappoint me.

>> No.1809106
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>> No.1809111

Well, athens maybe. He has it coming, I tell you that much.

Anyhow, not that I bother with this stuff so much since I'm kinda dating irl and all. Btw, you realise that this meru character does not really reflect my real personality? Because it does not.

>> No.1809114
File: 56 KB, 465x379, 1230070646033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup', Remi.

>> No.1809125
File: 75 KB, 400x400, 1230070837436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gives a fuck in the first place, so I don't think you need to be overly concerned about us.

>> No.1809135
File: 49 KB, 450x450, Remi_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Person.

>> No.1809153

You've created a tripfag circle jerk thread. Well done, cockpiece.

>> No.1809159


Why does he have it coming?

>> No.1809169

Popcorn had a trip?

>> No.1809176

I hate you OP... I hate you so fucking much. I wish I could hate you dead for making a Tripfag circlejerk thread.

>> No.1809180

It's a circle with jerks in it.

Is today going to be sugoi for you?

>> No.1809192

- All of the Triptouhous
- The NEETs of the Round Table (Eroge_Expert, Yuri_Expert, etc.)
- Hotaru Maniac
- Anon of Russia

>> No.1809197

I hate Russian Federation with a passion, but at least he made life interesting.

>> No.1809199

Well, he spammed my anondate account.

You seem to care. Such warm and fuzzy feeling, yes? It's almost christmas.

>> No.1809215

Oh man, I miss Hotaru Maniac; his posts were always so eerily calming. Does he still come around? I haven't seen him in awhile.

>> No.1809217

He finally got shot.
Or tried to use a grenade too often, he was fond of Glocks, after all.

>> No.1809220

>He's partially the reason why /jp/ even exists to begin with.

I don't think that's something to thank him for.

>> No.1809231

Well, I'm MY favourite tripfag.

>> No.1809237
File: 56 KB, 432x288, 1230072408383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>102 posts and 8 image replies omitted

>> No.1809237,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who is your favourite tripfag, /ghost/?

>> No.1809237,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1809237,3 [INTERNAL] 

Anonymous 2007

>> No.1809237,4 [INTERNAL] 

Eksopl, forever and always!

(I sure hope I get easymodo mod status for this)

>> No.1809237,5 [INTERNAL] 

ponpo always and forever
