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1807273 No.1807273 [Reply] [Original]

Best VN out in the market. Discuss

Trolls, butthurt faggots and shippers are also welcome.

>> No.1807275

Pic unrelated?

>> No.1807276


Pic related.

>> No.1807280
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>> No.1807281

Not the best for me personally, but it's pretty brilliant and I can understand why people would consider it the best. It's way too fucking long though, in my opinion, even for a VN.

>> No.1807287
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>> No.1807292

Why are the creators of the anime wasting time making more this poop and rucky shit

Hurry up and finish haruhi season 2 fags

>> No.1807295


Because Haruhi is actully shit?

>> No.1807296
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Only 2nd best, 2ch agrees, don't bother them about it.

>> No.1807298

It's shit, right?

>> No.1807301
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SWAN SONG remains the best game I've played so far. TRUE END was a bit of a disappointment though, NORMAL END felt so much better.

I wish more games would try and write actual characters instead of just stereotypes.

>> No.1807303


>> No.1807305

so what's the first?

>> No.1807308
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It's shit. Dont argue with me, im an expert about shit.

>> No.1807316


There's Phantom of Inferno in that list, which if ranked lo-


>> No.1807312

That's a list for nakige.

>> No.1807315
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Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo

>> No.1807313


>> No.1807317

People cried at Fate/stay night?

>> No.1807319

That's a list for VN with nakige elements, not the same thing.
That's why you see titles like FSN, Phantom of Inferno or Parfait.
The threads about this poll were nothing more than I'M VOTING FOR MY FAVORITE TITLES in the long run.

>> No.1807320

oh okay

>> No.1807323
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>> No.1807331

too many ever 17

>> No.1807337


It's an infinite loop.

>> No.1807338


>> No.1807339
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>> No.1807341

This chart is bullshit, stop fucking posting it faggot.

>> No.1807343

>Im getting butthurt over a chart

>> No.1807344

You know a better chart?

>> No.1807345
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>> No.1807346

and stop asking that.

>> No.1807347


Someone posted 3 different ranking charts before. The top 5 games remained consistent in all 3 charts.

>> No.1807351
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My personal favorite.

>> No.1807353

No, maburabu oruta is number 1 - 97 points on egs.

>> No.1807355


>> No.1807357

Are you trying to make some sort of point here?

>> No.1807360

It's your opinion.
I personally can't stand key's games.

>> No.1807361

Average (general): http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/toukei_median.php?average=t&erogame=null&
Median (general): http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/toukei_median.php?erogame=null&coterie=nu

>> No.1807366


Not an opinion. It's already a fact.

>> No.1807369
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>> No.1807374

Add &data_suu=50

>> No.1807375


What's the difference between Premium and normal Ever17?

>> No.1807378

Or 100, or whatever your fancy is.

>> No.1807380

It's not like I have to force myself liking something if the majority likes it.
I don't care if it's one person or one milion, an opinion remains an opinion, and success =\= quality, especially in the videogames market.

>> No.1807386


No one is forcing you to like it. Dont act so butthurt.

>> No.1807395

I'm just taking the links directly from their page (from http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/index_toukei.php))

> * 平均値順
> * 中央値順

Either way, the first chart was fine. It was just measuring differently.

>> No.1807449

To use this opportunity, can anyone tell me exactly what makes Clannad more popular than all the other VNs? I've already played what is generally considered to be the elite (FSN, Tsukihime, Ever17, Narcissu, Planetaria, and a couple of others) and now looking for something more of that calibour. I see Clannad recommended all the time, but every time I make some research about it, I see shitty art, shitty characters, shitty plot summary, etc.

Can first impressions be really THAT deceiving?

>> No.1807456

Ha ha. Saying those are the elite visual novels is like saying Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII are the elite video games. More about popularity than quality.

>> No.1807459

I bought the game when it was first released in Japan. I cried fr 2 whole days...

>> No.1807464

For one, it's VERY long and it has pretty much something for everyone.
It can be very funny at times but also very touching or sad.
All in all it was pretty much the best experience I had with a VN, it ate one week of my life but it was an awesome week.

>> No.1807466

Clannad is fucking huge.
I dare anyone who has played a vn to say 'There was nothing to like/love in Clannad'.
The many 'non-heroine' romance scenarios and sublots make it's world that much richer.

Well, they are in a sense.
At the time they came out, few offered what they did and appealed to both hardcore and casual gamers.

>> No.1807468

CLANNAD, in the end, will make you realize how important love and family is; that is to say, you will feel like shit when you have completed the game 100%.

>> No.1807471


Yeah, saw something to this effect coming. Anyway, from what I've seen, the ones I named could pretty much be labeled as the overall best (the amount of popularity is proportional to the quality here, I assure you). But maybe you'd like to drop the troll act and enlighten me as to which are the truly best, like you alraedy could've done in your last post if you weren't too preoccupied with being a dick?

>> No.1807477

The best VNs are CLANNAD, Higurashi, Little Busters, Kanon, AIR, Planetarian, Narcissu, Umineko, Saya no Uta, Ever 17, Chaos;HEAD, and Sharin no Kuni. Well, in my opinion.

>> No.1807480

Interesting that say Higurashi and not Umineko.

>> No.1807483

Personally, I wouldn't put Chaos;Head in the best category, but the delusions were somewhat amusing.

>> No.1807484

says both

>> No.1807486

I just liked the fact that it was a WTF game
I would also add Yume Miru Kusuri -A Drug That Makes You Dream-

>> No.1807487

>Can first impressions be really THAT deceiving?


>> No.1807488

I'd been meaning to play Clannad but I'm afraid it will just make me more depressed since I'm easily prone to ronery. What do you say /jp/?

>> No.1807494

Yes, you will want to kill yourself and Yes, it is an excellent game. PLAY IT

>> No.1807495

It's good to BAAAW once and awhile.

>> No.1807501

I'm an idiot, but you get the point.

>> No.1807512

There are better WTF games.

>> No.1807514


....Not very good arguments. Length is not an attribute to determine quality. Love for family and friends is a nice sentiment if that's what the game can awaken in you, but I really wouldn't appreciate it.

To be frank, unless its pulled off really well (e. g. Narcissu), the romance/emotions element is actually what I dislike about VNs. I played Ever17 (mostly) for its mindfuck and FSN/Tsukihime for the supernatural, but I don't much fancy plain relationship stuff like Clannad makes the impression of being. I look at screnshots, and there just doesn't seem to be anything TO it, ultimately. Somehow can't escape the general thought that it's precisely THIS game that's been made for all the ronery retarded weeaboo faggots and got such high ratings for that reason, and that everybody else sort of tags along because it's LOL POPULAR.

Is it at least somehow thought-provoking in any way? Does it have some form of depth? Not saying the others really did, but Clannad just looks.....insubstantial......

>> No.1807516

Fuck you guys, I liked F/S N, stop saying it is shit....

>> No.1807518

>Is it at least somehow thought-provoking in any way? Does it have some form of depth? Not saying the others really did, but Clannad just looks.....insubstantial......
What? I mean, you can call Clannad a lot of things, but that doesn't make much sense.

>> No.1807521

I liked FSN also, it's still shit.

>> No.1807551
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>> No.1807562


You'll shed happy bitch tears instead of being depressed. After all, it's a Healing game.

>> No.1807564


Most of the anons who played Clannad a year ago never heard of it being highly ranked and they still loved it. There was no hype or anything. They simply enjoyed it for what it is.

>> No.1807565


why don't you just try it rather then letting other people form your opinion for you? and a few screencaps. if you hate it after a few hours, then fine, uninstall and get on with life

>> No.1807568

Well, it's about a deadbeat who finds a greater purpose in life. It's about change and self-realization. I don't know about thought-provoking since I would never use that word to describe anything (thinking is reader-dependent i.e. some require constant idea bashing to think, others don't). In the end, you'll just need to play it and judge for yourself else you'll fall under "everybody else sort of tags along because it's LOL POPULAR".

Also, I doubt anyone would ever play VNs if they judge it based on screencaps.

>> No.1807569

It's After Story that makes Clannad so fucking awesome.

>> No.1807574
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Well, this screencap certainly would get the attention of some.

>> No.1807587

There are parts of it I liked and parts of it I didn't like; same with most of the major VNs.

The one thing that I just can't accept no matter what is the true end.

>> No.1807591


It's characters actually. And the After Story. Most of the cast is awesome.

>> No.1807602

>There are parts of it I liked and parts of it I didn't like;
If you can find something without flaws on this Earth, then congratulations. You've found paradise.

>> No.1807603

>plot summary


>> No.1807604


Well, it's not really a reset or miracle end, they've just opened an alternate reality where everything would turn out alright.

>> No.1807662

I can agree that Clannad is pretty average overall, but the After Story makes it the best by far in my books.

Anyone who disagrees either has horrible taste or never played it.... or they refuse to like it because it's popular these days. The same thing happened with Death Note, it went from /a/'s #1 show for most people to a piece of crap after AS started airing it.

>> No.1807685

Calling clannad the best vn on the market is like calling a Ford Mustang the best race car in the world -- it's not the worst race car, but it's pretty far away from being the best.

>> No.1807686
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Wut? Boy, I'm not letting others form an opinion for me; I already have one, I'm using others to get a better idea of the game than I normally could get and to adjust my choice based on what I read. The argument of "just try it out and see for yourself" is retarded because sometimes, it's just not the optimal choice. I don't want to waste my time with unnecessarily making space on my PC for it, downloading, installing, and playing it for hours in hope that it'll get better when it probably won't. This is naturally a waste as well, but a rather minor one in comparison.


Yeah, forget "thought-provoking". I just meant deep, with thought put into it. And no, that is *not* a subjective factor.

>Also, I doubt anyone would ever play VNs if they judge it based on screencaps.

I played every VN based on screencaps, along with public opinion and other things, of course. And your doubts are misplaced, there are many people would be just after being shown some pics. I also don't base my entire judgement on them, it's just that they really aren't helping at all.

>plot summary

>> No.1807700

The reason Clannad is so liked in Japan is because many players really loves the Healing type stories.
That's also the reason Kazokei is so popular.

>> No.1807712


Just try it out and see for yourself. That's the fastest and surest way to judge something.

>> No.1807717

NOW TRYING TO TROLL /jp/ awaited medicine OR WTF?

>> slavski
Seriously now, you should have asked about the type or genre of the game, the system behind it (routes and so forth), the stereotypes of the characters, the ratings of the routes/heroines, but why spoil yourself everything?

>> No.1807736


Already know all of that, asked here in hope of finding out something more, some crucial point I've been missing all this time.

I'm not trying to spoil myself, just seeking out information necessary for me to decide whether I'll get the game or not. You know, some people actually put thought into it, even if they don't have to pay cash.

>> No.1807737
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Hey guys, do you like my story? It's full of vampires, deaths, RAEP, and kickass fights.
