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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18051009 No.18051009 [Reply] [Original]


FAQ & Resources:

Rec chart:

Previous thread: >>17918484

>> No.18051014
File: 278 KB, 750x1050, DOHO_mFVQAAR2hQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Downloads (game rips, scans, radio, etc):

>> No.18053927

You guys remember me about the whole soundtrack business last thread? Yeah, I might end up going through a case. Wish me luck, guys!

>> No.18054440
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>> No.18054473

Did Yana Toboso drew him?

>> No.18054531



And he's voiced by Kaji Yuuki.

>> No.18054658

>Hyuuga Masamune
>Voiced by Kaji Yuki
I suddenly lost interest in him.

>> No.18055134

We're getting some pretty lewd shotas lately.

>> No.18056130

I'm so sad he's voiced by Yuuki Kaji. Not because it's him, but because his voice sounds best when he isn't forcing himself to sound young.
I hope he does something like Yagen's voice.

>> No.18056205
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, I did this for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Make demands for flat-rate envelope and bubble-wrap with adequate tracking.
> Talk to some representatives over issues and schedule an investigation in advance.
>Gives me a guarantee claim
I didn't want a refund, and I never authorized it. I wanted my item.
Next day on saturday:
> Go to post office over the issue of the tracking provided
You're always supposed to get a tracking number for any carrier service regardless of wherever you ship or get a generated shipping.
> Talk to representative over the issue
Few hours later:
> Looking over similar instances and circumstances of other people to mine.
> Relay this issue to two other representatives and also agree to advance investigation as well as conference.
> Call interrupted and try to call again.
> Get to a higher up
> Practically dismisses what I say and refer to the seller's good reputation page.
If we have to rely on good fucking review ratings, then why would I be lied to by a seller that had a higher reputation on one occasion!?
> Hangs up on me in the end.
> Have to call again.
> Clarify the issue and have to clear up the mess and supervisor also agreed to have a conference.
Next day on Sunday:
> Send emails regarding what happened the day before as well as emails to carrier and representatives.
7 hours later:
> Get a damn email over guarantee claim being rejected
I never received the item nor authorized this claim.
> Call again and clarify the issue and bring more suspicion onto seller. And report the terrible supervisor from Saturday.
> Receive email by seller giving me the same dud tracking despite my demands.
> Forward this to representative and make a three-way conference between carrier, me and representative.
>Verified the issue and confirmed what I said was true over the past weeks.
> Essentially confirming enough justified doubt and legitimacy of the seller to press charges.
> Finally sending one final notice approved by the company depending on the response to forward the charges against them.
I now realize that there's a good chance of me not receiving my item before the holidays. To any of you reading this and following this crap, let this be a reminder of the anon that did all this crap for a fucking otome soundtrack.
>inb4 why couldn't you get this from another seller?
It was the only seller that could ship it in the fastest time available (so it said) and tracking. Plus I thought, it can't be the second time they can make a mistake again, right?

>> No.18056272

You're being completely off topic here. Stop posting this here.

>> No.18056602

Why didn't you just buy this off suruga-ya or something
And like >>18056272 said it's blogposting territory now

>> No.18056703

It's your own fault for being picky as fuck with your payment methods.

>> No.18056841
File: 259 KB, 600x512, 123939537818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets fucked by using a seller
>uses seller again because muh tracking
>proceeds to blogpost on mongolian boards about how shitty they are instead of using another seller

>> No.18057336

Is it worth leveling kiwame uchigatana? It looks like they take a lot more exp and aren't any stronger than my kiwame tantou.

>> No.18057860

Kiwame tantou are still the best but I usually run one kiwame uchi + kiwame waki in the group in hopes of the dual attack. If your tantou are level 45+, it's not really worth investing time in other swords imo.

>> No.18060167

New game by matatabi

>> No.18060894
File: 1.94 MB, 1625x2005, FB0C1ADF-99D1-4DAE-A1A8-AD98BFF3C7A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God speed on acquiring him, swordbros.
I don’t have the stamina.

>> No.18060901
File: 1.75 MB, 1627x2007, 769506E0-00EC-45B1-956B-E2CC78B4E5A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18060905
File: 1.81 MB, 1623x2008, BF09E491-C2FA-4825-841F-417094D71E57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Variable Barricade quick making


>> No.18060912
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>> No.18060920
File: 2.80 MB, 1627x2003, 5C3729F2-505F-4F5D-A791-478EA0CDE011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckles swashed.

>> No.18061004

I'm impressed.

>> No.18063316

Has anyone here enjoyed their previous games? Seems like they were pretty unpopular.

>> No.18063516

There's not one appealing person in this set.

The artist looks familiar though.

>> No.18063547

It's the Brothers Conflict artist, Udajo.

>> No.18063968
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>> No.18063971
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>> No.18063973
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>> No.18064034

The clothes look good but I don't really like the face.

>> No.18064041
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>> No.18064106
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Oh boy.
Nice looking, but I fucking love his first fig. I probably won’t get this.

>> No.18064143

I got Kaito x2, Sousei, Kyoya, Iorin, but no Subaru. What a complicated feeling.

>> No.18064166

I like it. The colors on his clothes in the promo shots look gorgeous.

>> No.18064671

His right leg looks weird as fuck

>> No.18064721

I love the setting, why must it always be mobage? Damn.

>> No.18064728

I'm honestly kinda tempted to buy it, simply because the characters were all really great in the drama CD. They had a great chemistry.
But those eternal delays probably mean that it'll be a mess. And it's an idol game with a stupid self insert so I'll wait for reviews.

>> No.18064936

mobage garbage is killing videogames in general

>> No.18065092

With the latest update, they added more detail to each character's profile.

>> No.18066556
File: 156 KB, 515x506, 10151650_543e273c45238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like this but with demon lords instead of aliens. It really would kill these companies to separate from idols, wouldn't it? It's like a disease.

>> No.18066791
File: 677 KB, 1630x2009, C87DABF2-2C5F-40AB-B577-572122418A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengai got a release date of April twenty sixth. No cleans yet.
I’m trying to keep on top of the more recent scans. Sorry for the drop the past year.

>> No.18066800
File: 727 KB, 1630x2005, 8F5853BC-C594-4B7A-9D58-F2695D0584A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll have to explore that. I like that they are consistently adding to and tweaking the layout for ease.

>> No.18066804
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>> No.18066812
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>> No.18066825
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>> No.18066832
File: 574 KB, 1399x2037, 9FFFFB04-FF88-409F-9F8E-C9F208ADE2F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you be playing, watching, or listening to this Christmas?

>> No.18068002

I've been betraying /blog/ with other games like Air for a while, but I think I'll finish a route or two in WoF for Christmas.

>> No.18068024
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>> No.18068122
File: 120 KB, 500x500, 1420482156554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kmow, you're used to high standards from /blog/ games, right? Only the best of the best for you.

>> No.18068498

Eroge at least have wide selection, Key is an awful choice.

>> No.18068587
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>> No.18068713

What's the point of using a pseudonym if you openly talk about your gay porn roles on twitter anyway?

>> No.18070846

Who are you talking about?

>> No.18071651 [DELETED] 

>clenches fists, throws head back with closed eyes and shudders red faced

I didn’t know Otome Yusha would be so lewd.

>> No.18071708

>clenches fists, throws head back with closed eyes and shudders red faced
>do-s pain lover

And it’s Sugita in top of it. I didn’t mind the samples from Otome Yusha, but the skinship is quite lewd even in its simplicity.

>> No.18071862

I'm going to pass because I'm not into the translucent plastic on the feathers, it gives me flashbacks to play arts garbage.

>> No.18072346
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>> No.18073763

>HEAVENS in Shining Live
>7 more characters people barely care about, now in the way of your husband gacha.

>> No.18073924
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>> No.18074303

More like Kuruhana card illustration when.

>> No.18075438

I like his outfit but I don't like Aoba enough to justify buying it.

>> No.18077129
File: 86 KB, 800x450, DRnlxBUVAAAOVrO.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be anime-related, but I could see them getting in Shining Live while senseis never will

>> No.18077291

Top right looks like Justin Beiber.

>> No.18077439
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, chicchai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should've just made OVAs for pre-existing fans instead since they're the only ones that'll be buying this anyway. I can't imagine that it brought in any new fans.

>> No.18077717


>> No.18078228

5th season maybe? the anime is just an excuse to sell concert tickets anyway

>> No.18078516

Otome Yuusha is very bland, I can see it flopping somehow because they can't keep people interested

>> No.18080102

Code Realize fandisk came out like two days ago. Anyone have a gist of what happened? Any rundown of PUNISHED notCardia?

>> No.18080113
File: 136 KB, 800x800, idea-factory-code-realize-shirogane-no-kiseki-sony-ps4-playstation-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18081096


I would assume it's something related to the upcoming movie. Possibly a promo video revealing its coming in 2018?

>> No.18083628

But quite a number of people seem to be playing it

>> No.18084402

Is there a rec chart for drama CDs

>> No.18084528
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, b7dkFTh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The show is done, but the memes are forever


>> No.18084999

I just got an email that my shipment will be delayed to the first week of January. Thanks amazon

>> No.18085027

are you sure it's not the postal service fault?

>> No.18085242
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>> No.18085341

Pretty sure. It’s still not shipped and they explain it’s caused by their supplier.
I think many orders might be affected, because there’re no reviews and usually there’s always something one day after the release

>> No.18085585
File: 329 KB, 853x480, at least animate the wheels.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the plus side the new songs were great. Now to see how messed up the phone game will be

>> No.18087047

I fully expect alternate endings to come out for this. Every other showing has a different ending with a different boy, with an extra one showing Hypno chose nobody.

>> No.18087099

Nitroplus give Naito a figurine, please. At this point Aoba should just replace the poor bastard as mascot.

>> No.18087410

Gakuen Heaven 2 and Taishou Mebiusline trials patched.


I love how the LD1 tl has been stuck on the last route forever. Fan tls always seem to end this way.

>> No.18087526
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>> No.18087864

How were the CDs from this series?

>> No.18087970

Forever wasted mascot.

>> No.18088566
File: 302 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20171224-021705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18090258

Nice to see the whole crew there.

Still pissed Hijikata didn't have a Wasurenagusa 4 CD.

>> No.18090265

It's a shame too. He's actually rather cute.

>> No.18090298
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>> No.18090469
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Lately, I hear the new code realize fandisk is better than the last one.

>> No.18090993
File: 111 KB, 305x454, 3d7f0ade5cd567e0724ac466386c9d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do otome protags always have this really blank look in their eyes (if they get eyes) like they're constantly glazed over and brain dead- I don't see this in galge unless they're kuuderes

>> No.18091768

Souma's line killed me.

>> No.18093123

>Miku figure released

A true Christmas miracle.

>> No.18093204
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>> No.18093709

They could at least be more creative with their underwear.

>> No.18093790

Not that Anon, but I like what I’m seeing.

>Jami’s wild pajamas in sick mode

I’m surprised they revealed his face right away. I’m saving my orbs for him, but giving a handful of slayers equal stat raising as I’m fond of many.

>> No.18094289
File: 83 KB, 731x1200, 01057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting another delay, so I almost cried when I woke up to the email. Fastest I've ever send payment.

>> No.18094583
File: 66 KB, 508x538, mystic messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18095186

Can't wait to see what his route's gonna be like.

>> No.18095690

I’m happy for you.
I ordered all QN, and I was only OK with th delay for the sake of payment. Now I can’t wait to plan out a display for them. Surely the four of them deserve a dazzling stage, right?

You care for Shining Live at all? Looks like breaking 30k+ won’t be doable without double the rank of willing to use a batch of gems.

>> No.18095945

Merry Christmas /blog/
Merry Christmas indeed

>> No.18095957 [DELETED] 

Is this where all the women and gay men hang out?

>> No.18096020

Of course the rap group from Shibuya are the fuccbois


>> No.18096034 [DELETED] 

I'm a straight dude. What's wrong with a straight dude watching heterosexual romance?

>> No.18096141

what the fuck

>> No.18096254
File: 112 KB, 228x266, 1503550625886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know how to rip streams from DMM? I got the Hanamaru movie but I don't know how to rip it, and stream recording doesn't work because my internet is shit and it keeps pausing.

>> No.18096357

try ffmpeg + command line

>> No.18096598

I'm not very computer smart but it didn't work, it can't grab the video from the url.

>> No.18097050
File: 100 KB, 1012x506, DRnXli1UMAAfX08.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your boyfriend is a pocky


>> No.18097099

I wonder why Japan likes to do this kind of thing so much, but I'm also not really complaining. Too bad they don't do this in burgerland

>> No.18097510

Is it available for everyone on DMM? Try bilibili or another chinese site, they always rip everything.

>> No.18097874

I'm playing Lamento and have saves of the start of Asato's route, and a choice between Bardo and Rai.

Is playing in the order Asato > Bardo > Rai a good or shit idea? I can't decide on playing order.

>> No.18097933
File: 116 KB, 720x936, Chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help. I'm feeling frisky from his design.

>> No.18098929

doesn't matter because it all plays out the same in every route anyway.

>> No.18099001


It's kind of fun.

>> No.18099299

Well I managed to record it without pausing but now it's 24GB. If I export as mp4 it looks like shit. Should I try some other recording software? I don't know shit about this.

>> No.18099786

Nice clothes. Would steal.

>> No.18099867

>10 heads tall


>> No.18099868
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>> No.18099881
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>> No.18099885
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>> No.18099893
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>> No.18099901
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>> No.18099907
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>> No.18099911
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>> No.18099916
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>> No.18099923
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>> No.18099926
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>> No.18099935
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>> No.18099943
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>> No.18099958
File: 237 KB, 960x1275, 5298A0FE-FBC0-4683-B7F2-7DE9124F5ABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18099965
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>> No.18099970
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>> No.18099977
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>> No.18100284

It doesn't really matter but most people start on Asato (shortest) > Rai (most plot heavy and long route overall) and Bardo last mainly because the first two are more popular, though Bardo's just as long as Rai.
Do whichever you like the most first.

>> No.18100934

>I love how the LD1 tl has been stuck on the last route forever.
At least they actually have something to show for it though. When translation groups stop and sit at 99% forever with nothing to show it really makes you wonder if they actually got that much done or if they're attention whoring.

>> No.18101311

>skirt is white
Did they forget to color it in or is this just how it is? It looks strange to me.

>> No.18101488

Looks like a dress.

>> No.18102105

Those arms, my god.

>> No.18102331


A while back Tennenouji referenced wanting to release an English version themselves using the translation. Considering how long the last route has taken, perhaps they're proceeding with an actual western release using the translation and asked them to hold it back from posting online?


>> No.18102643
File: 204 KB, 2048x1172, DSBmuFdX0AAGsdk.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end

>> No.18102796
File: 1.28 MB, 641x801, trickstar winterlive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. So this is what they meant by merging the planned 2 story arcs into one.

>> No.18103046

The protag looks better than any of the guys.

>> No.18103196

I agree with this anon >>18103046, is it because of their chins being too chiseled? Or maybe their designs being so bland and uninteresting? Also, I noticed their fucking hip area.

>> No.18103215

Probably because high demand? Assuming because of high demand that they will go straight to making more cds supposedly. According to some people I talked to regarding items running out at suppliers, suppliers can make more alot faster if a certain quota is reached but the first week of January may be an estimate or how long it takes to manufacture once more.

>> No.18103398


Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi is getting a mobile game.
I'm half expecting them to announce a 3rd season of the anime soon.

>> No.18104766

Ew. I've never liked the art for this series.

>> No.18105069
File: 160 KB, 1666x926, BlueStacks_ScreenShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They finally revealed the rival scriptwriter, Someya(?) Kou's looks. His name is 染谷コウ in japanese.
He is voiced by Tachibana Shinnosuke.
I don't like his hair.

>> No.18105238
File: 189 KB, 1024x472, DRouBkbVoAAp4PK.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I was glad to hear more of Koyasu's voice-

>Aoi doing a high-pitched shota voice

Dear God, who thought this was a good idea.

>> No.18105308

good riddance.

>> No.18105338

The sad part is they had one of the better showings in the introductory rap video. They're explicitly called idols too.

>> No.18105551
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsukipro The Animation - 13 [720p][00_23_35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S2 already confirmed, Tsukiuta fans mad Pro has better music

>> No.18105956

>Sequel decided
It could always be an OVA or a movie.

>> No.18106238
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsukipro The Animation - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.01_[2017.12.27_16.43.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do think Tsukipro has better musics, I like listening/watching Tsukiuta interactions more.

>> No.18106419

So you can pat the boys in JP Enstars now?

It took me by surprise, I thought it was a regular touching event but it wasn't.

>> No.18106436

Is there gonna be a terrorist route?

>> No.18106862
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>> No.18107905
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>> No.18107991
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simply ebin.
I'm planning to get one of each but even that would be hard it seems.

>> No.18108368

Tsukipro puts me to sleep but Tsukiuta was fun. I agree about the music though.

>> No.18108917

The cast bloat is going to get annoying with the two new groups in the mix.

>> No.18109518

Where is he from? That new rejet game?

>> No.18109937


>> No.18110270
File: 316 KB, 320x400, DSHJ94uVQAA4P3_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nail polish
>Bridal gloves
I have to scout him.

>> No.18110277
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>> No.18110322

From Otomate's upcoming mafia game.

>> No.18110328

Hey /blog/ I have a story to tell you.

I love you. The end.

>> No.18110700
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>> No.18110757

>Chiaki becomes a dog
Hopefully he really comes and with a new outfit.

>> No.18111100

Where can i get r-18 otome games aside from anime-sharing?

>> No.18111107


>> No.18111121

I'm not seeing it. The sexy outfits in this game are a joke.

>> No.18111122

The name SolidS really bugs me.

>> No.18112035

But I love emilia

>> No.18112585
File: 62 KB, 400x534, 6065a5cc-b955-430a-b3f6-3773af10d6f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go to the VR section at the local arcade to see idol concerts


>> No.18113186

Is it because of the two capitals? It would definitely get off-putting to look at.

MooNS bothers me a little more.

>> No.18113236

That, and the sound.

>> No.18113701

I can't unsee is as SolidShit

>> No.18114079
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dynamic Chord - 06 [720p][00_15_04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Liar-S?

>> No.18114288
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>> No.18114418

>A pillow on your pillow boy
Looks comfy.

>> No.18115024
File: 404 KB, 960x1433, EF383CF0-1F04-44BA-8319-7CA12E5DFF73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18115190

What's the best otome/BL VN that's easy to read in raw Japanese on PC? The recommendation guide is helpful but it doesn't have a difficulty rating.

>> No.18115239

generally SoL

>> No.18116394
File: 778 KB, 1023x576, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am I playing?

>> No.18116418

Censor that pic! This is a Christian board!
No really, I suggest you try and delete the file or post itself. Despite the mosaic, pretty sure you still have to spoiler it.

>> No.18117227

On the BL side...Gakuen Heaven and Daylight come to mind as being relatively easy.

>> No.18117261

I'm still not over Mika's dakimakura's description.

>> No.18118023

Have you played Mashou Megane too? How is it?

>> No.18118061
File: 651 KB, 500x785, 52691589_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this costume though?

>> No.18118602

Is this overall comedy or gag moments? I could use more laughs in games.
>those itty bitty booties

>> No.18118733
File: 53 KB, 450x600, tumblr_mnmr1bxbK01rurxj1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss TokiMemo.

>> No.18119636
File: 1.01 MB, 900x490, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it still lives on JUST

>> No.18119849

>exchange sword is the only sword you get to personally choose besides your starter
This bothers my autism, I'm not sure if I can pick one now.

>> No.18120492
File: 836 KB, 1440x810, Cross-Over.full.574882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WHAT HAPPENED. It isn't even regular TokiMemo anymore, much less GS.

looks fun tho

>> No.18120599

If you have many swords to picks, that sounds like a problem.
You could choose the event exclusive swords you don't have or the ones that doesn't appear often.

Personally, I only have three swords to choose from and is uncertain if they'll appear again in the future and how (no more smithing, please).

>> No.18120816
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, DSMF1IdW4AI66vc.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why this costume though?
It was from a special illustration from an event kuji iirc. I guess the sculptor really liked it and wanted to make a figure of it or N+C just wanted to milk Aoba more before he's gone.

>> No.18121178

Not bad but I didn't get to finish it. The storyline is more basic in this one and the guys have the same sort of gap moe.

Pretty much all comedy with a bit of mystery towards the end. There needs to be an explanation why mc is so lewd after all.

>> No.18121191
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>> No.18121517 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1439x341, otomegames.txt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the comments want to date black obese trannies
Was r/otomegames always so fucked?

>> No.18121532

What did you expect?

>> No.18121559

Don't post reddit garbage here.

>> No.18121996

Agreed. Tsukiuta had some of my favorite idol interactions in it and I still love Tsuki no Uta. But god damn I can't forgive them for playing gravatic love all the fucking time.

>> No.18122036 [DELETED] 

What game is this?

>> No.18122377
File: 1.25 MB, 700x874, dogge green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 scouts: Midori, Shu, Yuzuru, Kuro, Kaoru, Keito

>> No.18122390
File: 738 KB, 1632x1520, IMG_20171230_140344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kuro supposed to be a boar/pig or a horse?

>> No.18122424

he's boar, Yuzuru's ox, and Keito is a slut.

>> No.18122844
File: 110 KB, 954x734, 1491839495443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tokimemo is just an idol franchise now

>> No.18123184

Midori sure is loved by the devs.

>> No.18123264

Midori is loved by everyone.

>> No.18123343

Is there a character ranking for Enstars?

>> No.18124021
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1200, 646724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on Slow Damage?

>> No.18124433

>Chiaki/Midori sure is loved by the devs.


>> No.18124725

any other games like bad medicine?

>> No.18124778
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>> No.18124867
File: 404 KB, 961x717, edgekun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but at least it's alive since they made a teaser flyer for C93

>> No.18125094

Think we'll get anything /blog/ related this wonfes?

>> No.18125290
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>> No.18125549

Why does it take so long? I thought it's usually one year between announcing a new game and its release.

>> No.18125667

Where's Dorico no Toshokan? Or maybe the opening song soundtrack? Because it's already the end of the year, I assumed it would be released.

>> No.18126411

Not for bl games not, they take really damn long.
At least in N+C's case right now Slow damage got announced at the very beginning of the year, so expect to see it within the next year or 2019 at worst. Dmmd took 1 year later to be released after it's pseudo demo tease.

>> No.18126472

Trap is best boy

>> No.18126508

Why you hate "gura gura guravitikku rabu" so much anon, it's catchy

>> No.18128436
File: 947 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20171230-230112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free cards.
Ranking: Subaru 5*, Ran 4*, Chiaki 3*

>> No.18128535
File: 1.50 MB, 2414x2012, DSWna3iUIAAp4Nr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18129733

> Code:Realize Fandisc #2
> Expected another christmas-themed mediocre work like the last FD.
>Got MGS

>> No.18129740

Please, go on.

>> No.18129792

Why else do we get the lady with an eyepatch?

>> No.18129948
File: 62 KB, 638x496, houchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th chapter of the new anthology.

Happy New Year /blog/!

>> No.18129969

Thanks, as usual and happy new year to you too.

>> No.18130122

>Not for bl games not, they take really damn long.
Why is that? Are writers/programmers/etc so busy with other things?

>> No.18130299

Thank you! And a happy new year as well!

>> No.18130666

>Why is that? Are writers/programmers/etc so busy with other things?

On the BL side it seems like companies have a bad case of scope creep that drags out the releases along with getting distracted. Tennenouji is a prime example.

The LD1 expansion was announced in 2010. Earlier in 2017 they announced it was now a full on remake. Meanwhile they've gotten sidetracked in that time and released 5 other LD1 titles (IOS Port + 4 Fandisks) with a 6th announced (Vita Port with exclusive content).

>> No.18132050
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>> No.18132088

What the fuck is with EOPs and Pigeon Blood?
What does machine translation do to it to make it turn out so "amazing" to them?
Even nips consider it a kusoge.

>> No.18132339

Pretty art, voice actors, needing to make assumptions and fill in blanks that the machine doesn't get across with stuff that's probably better than what's actually going on. there's also some inconsistent writing that someone using google translate could mistake as being "deep" when it was actually unintentional.

happens a lot with mediocre to downright bad games.

I remember when it was released, talking about how bad it was spilled into different companies 2ch threads. good times.

>> No.18132392

That's the problem. It's a fine song on its own, but the constant play8ng made me tired of it.

>> No.18132735

Seeing some patterns in anglo BL fans in general, I think a big part of it is just outright shit taste and stupidity.

>> No.18134411

What's Ookanehira's droprate in E4?

>> No.18134622
File: 22 KB, 349x305, 1491276694249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only missing 3 swords
>one of them is Kikkou which I just have to keep grinding for
>tfw can't decide between Azuki or Koryuu

>> No.18134631

This, man. It’s easy for them to learn enough and latch on to what they like and go from there in their heads.

>> No.18134879

Same here, I am also worried they might put whichever sword I pick as an event reward right after.

>> No.18134973

Oh shit, was this game uploaded after all? I played the demo and it was really funny but I forgot the name of it

>> No.18135603

I don't know the exact number but he drops a lot.

>> No.18135649

It's all rng. I didn't get him until I got to like 80k and then I got like 3 drops of him one after the other. Too bad I already had him from last year.

>> No.18135827
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>> No.18136147

>not even 1% of the image of Sonico

Why don’t they care to use him to promote chiral more?

>> No.18136237

Because N+C likes to push the blue homo more.
I wonder that too honestly, Naitou is very cute.
At the very least, his main artist is in charge of the new game art.

>> No.18136612
File: 476 KB, 1080x1920, DSYuillUIAAKosv.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be excited.

>> No.18136805

>drop 600 prisms for that sweet Maracas New Years card

It hurts. Better save up for his birthday and hope there’s a good chance then.

>> No.18136948

I really wanted Koryuu but I don't know. I guess I'll start worrying after I collect the stamps.

>> No.18136996
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>> No.18137167
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What the fuck

>> No.18137743

very /fa/

>> No.18139041
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>> No.18139273
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Love is not over.

>> No.18139279

More TaiAli soon?

>> No.18139671

I wonder if they'll ever make another game or if that road is gone forever.

>> No.18142364

Is kyoto winds really 20 fucking gb?
For what purpose does a vn need that much space?

>> No.18142434
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsukipro The Animation - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.16_[2018.01.01_23.23.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got to finishing this. Picked up for Shu and stayed for Mamoru. It's a shame how TsukiUta was shafted for a season 2. Hopefully they'll have a bigger role in TsukiPro S2.

>> No.18143447


>> No.18143762

Because that's how idol anime roll these days.

>> No.18144361

I know this might not be the right board but I was wondering when Camp Buddy will bel released fully?

>> No.18145058

I'm surprised the entire OP is animated in 3DCG.
I lost it. This is hilarious.

>> No.18145232
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, best boy and best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamoru is so cute, made me listen to Growth drama cds.

I also want more Tsukiuta because I have a lot of fun with their idols, even if I listen to Tsukipro groups more. Hopefully they'll just do more after Tsukipro S2 ends anyway.

>> No.18146449

It's surprisingly well animated, though I doubt it would look so nice when they're just walking around doing normal things.

PS4? Must not have bothered to compress the audio files. Lazy.

>> No.18147320

Are those the same characters? What the hell happened to En-chan?

>> No.18149194

new guys.

>> No.18152988

It looks pretty good for CG, but something looks off about the necks. A mix between these models and the ones Kamikaze Douga did for RePo would've been perfect.

>> No.18157916
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 1435145862655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SB69 is switching management from geechs to Edia

New beginning or beginning of the end? Fuck geechs though

>> No.18158829

>tfw one update ruined everything

Sanrio should have done it sooner but I guess they wanted to give it a year for clearer stats. The franchise itself is still doing fine with other projects but the game itself got fucked over.

>> No.18159999
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>> No.18162838

How doable is this for someone with an older account? Meaning I do have a few decent swords, but I guess I would be considered just a level passed beginner since I stopped playing for so long. I want that Suwave.

>> No.18162983

Can someone explain Sugita's obsession with Yasusada please

>> No.18163034
File: 37 KB, 583x264, chinpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about him looking like another girl character he likes so he wants to fuck it. And Ichiki is friends with him so he takes any change he gets to make it worse.
Too bad he jumped on the sword train just when they got rid of him.

>> No.18163107

To pick a sword you just had to collect all the seals, if you didn't do that you can't get him anymore.

>> No.18163693


I missed a great chance, huh. Fuck.

>> No.18164145

I think Sugita will have some room in the sword train, moreso if he will voice some of the new swords introduced this year.
Still, its a weird thing.

>> No.18164406

>A sword voiced by Sugita
Not sure if want.

>> No.18166077
File: 109 KB, 899x385, aar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit or legit?

>> No.18166107

>The save function works fine
Bullshit, that thing fails from time to time.
At least in my experience, it ate my saves once.

>> No.18166789

No game announcements at Rejet Fes. Guess we still have tomorrow though.

>> No.18168246
File: 53 KB, 1200x675, DS3CcVUUMAAK7qH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18168264

Actually, they announced a Marginal#4 mobile game.

>> No.18168274


So was this broken in the original game or did they break the save funtion? I don't remember TNC or DMMD having this issue.

>> No.18168389

Well, they have to make sure the game doesn't fall too much in player base if they want to keep the servers running.
I mean, improving gameplay and adding new mechanics could be a thing, but a charavter voiced by a famous VA is cheap and fast.

>> No.18168483

I doubt they have too much problems with that considering anime and mangas are still running and the musical and stage play are still going as well.

>> No.18169071

Marginal #4 situation CDs:

Dear Vocalist Xtreme + drama CDs and concert, still no KENN:

C'mon Fellows, music/drama CDs like DearVo I guess:

Tokyo Cemetary CDs:

Luciole no Hime CDs:

Diabolik Lovers prequel? Spinoff?

Kazuaki and Jiku making their Rejet debut, huh.


Should've done this in the first place instead of Star Revo.

>> No.18169221
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, DS3LdOzUQAAUrVD.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanrio pls

>> No.18169229


>> No.18170067
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sanrio Danshi - 01 [720p][00_18_25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome MC cameo?

>> No.18170404

I completed SP years ago without any issues and my saves still work today, even after the Win10 upgrade.

>> No.18171140

Are there any renowned composer that did a soundtrack for otoge?

>> No.18171164

define renowned

>> No.18171852

Kevin Penkin, kinda. He did the ost for Norn9 and Made in Abyss.

>> No.18171931
File: 265 KB, 700x1000, tsukiuta_figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18171978

Pretty well-known, praised, etc.

>> No.18172491

Not related but why do some otome adaptions into anime cut out the heroine? Is it for self insert purposes? I don't think there's any galge or vn adaption that cut out the main guy. Or is it just another case of autism like yuri fags who don't lIke to see any men in there CGDCY anime

>> No.18172519

I only see mobile trash do this, and yes, it's for self-insert purposes.

>> No.18173115

It's honestly all 2 mostly.
Some people would rather self-insert, some people (mainly fujos) only care about the boys and despite knowing it's an otome they don't like the fact the heroine exists. Or, the anime producers themselves decide to just pander to fujos anyway.

>> No.18173184

People say this but I can't remember an otome adaptation that pandered to fujos.

>> No.18173370

Yeah, I can only think of Ikemen Sengoku and Yume100 that did that. What other ones?

>> No.18174422

I heard that the heroine of Uta no prince got less prominent as the anime went on, but tbf she seems like a blank slate

>> No.18175537

Marginal #4. The heroine never appeared, only sent phone texts and was referenced by the cast from time to time.
Haruka remains relevant but she's musicsexual

>> No.18176250

To be fair Manager didn't appear in the original dramas either, the guys would just talk about her.

>> No.18176372
File: 80 KB, 1024x585, DSHGyy-V4AADnre.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, you accidentally fell on the birthday boy.

>> No.18177469

>Not related but why do some otome adaptions into anime cut out the heroine?

Regular VN adaptions do this sometimes too. The original Koihime Musou anime cut the protagonist.

>> No.18181613

>What are we going to do on the floor?
These birthday cards and events are getting lewder.
Last year, it was a party with everyone and this year you go to a cottage in the mountains alone with him.
Thank you, Yumecast devs.

>> No.18183655
File: 425 KB, 773x1024, 1370260327-2460057884_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also did the soundtrack for Juuzaengi, plus Nobuo Uematsu composed the main theme.

>> No.18186438

Feels deader than usual

>> No.18187472

There hasn't been anything new unfortunately

>> No.18187973

The valentine's one I think had her as a character.

>> No.18189471
File: 181 KB, 719x1280, DTGMi2vVMAAjrnP.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18189763 [DELETED] 

>dkn ingen kfc i min stad

>> No.18189770 [DELETED] 

Är det någon här som vet om den nya ringen-boken är självstående?

>> No.18190324

*32,989(29,008) 17/01/26 Vita 『うたのプリンスさまっRepeat LOVE』
*19,904(19,904) 17/10/19 Vita 『うたのプリンスさまっ Amazing Aria & Sweet Serenade LOVE』
*18,548(17,005) 17/02/23 Vita 『遙かなる時空の中で3 Ultimate』
*15,596(12,763) 17/06/01 Vita 『ツキトモ。-TSUKIUTA.12 memories-』
*13,167(11,579) 17/06/29 Vita 『おそ松さんTHE GAME はちゃめちゃ就職アドバイス-デッド オア ワーク-』
*11,533(10,062) 17/09/21 Vita 『ニル・アドミラリの天秤 クロユリ炎陽譚』
*10,100(10,100) 17/02/16 Vita 『DIABOLIK LOVERS LOST EDEN』
*10,059(*7,657) 17/06/08 Vita 『白と黒のアリス』
**8,692(*8,692) 17/12/21 Vita 『Code:Realize ~白銀の奇跡~』
**8,612(*7,304) 17/07/27 Vita 『喧嘩番長 乙女 ~完全無欠のマイハニー~』
**8,549(*8,549) 17/12/21 Vita 『金色のコルダ2ff』
**7,825(*6,400) 17/01/19 Vita 『花朧 ~戦国伝乱奇~』
**7,429(*7,429) 17/09/28 Vita 『忍び、恋うつつ -甘蜜花絵巻-』
**6,471(*6,471) 17/11/30 Vita 『蝶々事件ラブソディック』
**5,700(*5,700) 17/07/27 Vita 『緋色の欠片 ~おもいいろの記憶~』
**5,663(*5,663) 17/03/09 Vita 『ワンド オブ フォーチュンR2 ~時空に沈む黙示録~』
**5,488(*5,488) 17/01/26 Vita 『BLACK WOLVES SAGA -Weiβ und Schwarz』
**4,329(*4,329) 17/12/07 Vita 『ネオアンジェリーク 天使の涙』
**4,288(*4,288) 17/03/30 Vita 『KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~ Fun Party』
**4,273(*4,273) 17/09/07 Vita 『猛獣たちとお姫様 ~in blossom~』
**4,083(*4,083) 17/05/25 Vita 『MARGINAL#4 ROAD TO GALAXY』
**3,983 (*3,983) 17/10/05 Vita 『悠久のティアブレイド -Fragments of Memory-』
**3,488 (*3,488) 17/10/12 Vita 『吉原彼岸花 久遠の契り』
**3,457 (*3,457) 17/11/30 Vita 『嘘月シャングリラ』
**3,223(*3,223) 17/03/23 Vita 『Side Kicks!』
**3,179(*3,179) 17/09/21 Vita 『帝國カレイド-革命の輪舞曲-』
**3,105(*3,105) 17/06/29 Vita 『罪喰い ~千の呪い、千の祈り~ for V』
**3,062(*3,062) 17/07/27 Vita 『空蝉の廻』
**3,047(*3,047) 17/08/24 Vita 『大正メビウスライン 帝都備忘録 ハレ』
**3,013(*3,013) 17/09/28 Vita 『ハイリゲンシュタットの歌』
**2,980(*2,980) 17/07/13 PS4 『薄桜鬼 真改 風華伝』
**2,967(*2,967) 17/01/26 Vita 『オルフレール ~幸福の花束~』
**2,333(*2,333) 17/08/24 PS4 『Code:Realize ~彩虹の花束~』
**2,320(*2,320) 17/10/26 Vita 『スチームプリズン-七つの美徳-』
**1,700(*1,700) 17/06/22 Vita 『TOKYOヤマノテBOYS for V MAIN DISC』
**1,472(*1,472) 17/03/30 Vita 『DYNAMIC CHORD feat.KYOHSO V edition』
**1,346(*1,346) 17/08/31 Vita 『クランク・イン』
**1,200(*1,200) 17/08/31 Vita 『TOKYOヤマノテBOYS for V FAN DISC』
***,950(**,950) 17/05/11 Vita 『StarrySky ~Summer Stories~』

17/07/20 Vita 『ひめひび 1学期 -Princess Days-』
17/08/24 Vita 『StarrySky ~Autumn Stories~』
17/11/30 Vita 『学園CLUB~ヒミツのナイトクラブ~』
17/11/30 Vita 『StarrySky ~Winter Stories~』
17/12/07 Vita 『大正×対称アリス HEADS&TAILS』
17/12/14 Vita 『ひめひび 続!二学期-New Princess Days!!-』
17/12/21 Vita 『Un:BIRTHDAY SONG ~愛を唄う死神~ another record』
17/12/21 Vita 『大正メビウスラインひとつつみ』
17/12/21 PS4 『Code:Realize ~白銀の奇跡~』

18/01/18 Vita 『エフェメラル -FANTASY ON DARK-』

18/02/15 Vita 『アイドリッシュセブン Twelve Fantasia!』
18/02/15 PS4 『忍び、恋うつつ -万花彩絵巻-』
18/02/22 Vita 『ときめきレストラン Project TRISTARS』
18/02/22 Vita 『遙かなる時空の中で Ultimate』
18/02/22 Vita 『VitaminX Destination』

18/03/08 Vita 『フォルティッシモ』
18/03/08 Vita 『ラッキードッグ1』
18/03/22 Vita 『イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋 新たなる出逢い』
18/03/22 Vita 『Dance with Devils My Carol』
18/03/29 Vita 『円環のメモーリア -カケラ灯し-』
18/03/29 Vita 『GALTIA V Edition』

18/04/26 Vita 『天涯ニ舞ウ、粋ナ花』

18/07/19 Vita 『殺し屋とストロベリー』

>> No.18190445

Are they getting artists other than Yomi? Doesn't really look like her art.

>> No.18190449

How was the Osomatsu game anyway?

>> No.18190905

I love YC. There’s a lot of vanilla, but because of that sweetness the romance or sexual forwardness really leaves me blushing.

>> No.18191219

Ephemeral: Fantasy on Dark (PS Vita) – 7/7/7/7 [28/40]

>> No.18193276

Anyone playing enstars?
What is the maximum number of tickets you could get for the super omikuji?

>> No.18195040

Was wondering why I've never heard of this before, turns out it's just another mobage port. Oh well.

>> No.18195692

First episode of Dame Prince was surprisingly enjoyable.

>> No.18195749
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Dame x Prince Anime Caravan - 01 (BSFUJI 1280x720 x264 AAC)[00_16_36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're on a guy's route but you don't really like him

>> No.18195940

So is the game. I enjoyed it way more than I'd like to admit.

>> No.18195982

What kind of free to play model is it? Might try it out if it's not too annoying.

>> No.18196009
File: 1.40 MB, 1181x664, 201801091812_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18196138

Are the characters animated with Live2D? They look super stiff.
Seeing how they handled EN LLSIF, I'm not sure if I want it.

>> No.18197546

I regret dropping my Japanese class

>> No.18197548

Where do you get these numbers from

>> No.18198354

5ch sales thread, numbers are pulled from Famitsu/AMW

>> No.18198674

How does Utapri keep making money?

>> No.18200561

Takumi is already best boy.

>> No.18201584
File: 190 KB, 719x1280, DTQPREoVMAAkmP9.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different artists, you can check here: http://www.kengatoki.com/index/char_jp.html

>> No.18202565

