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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1803655 No.1803655 [Reply] [Original]

not a good idea, don't you think? DFC is D

>> No.1803657

Akiha's bust is just fine

>> No.1803669

DFC is most D

>> No.1803772

If her bust happened to change, Akiha would lose 2/3 of her appeal to me (the last 1/3 being her cute face and the hairband). DFC represents the final form of elegance and delicacy ; DFC is love.

>> No.1803782
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>>DFC represents the final form of elegance and delicacy

>> No.1803795

Looks like a slut to me.

>> No.1803796

He said "elegance and delicacy", not "thighs bigger than a truck."

>> No.1803803


nigga R U GAY

>> No.1803804

He said "elegance and delicacy", not "incestuous bisexual rapist."

>> No.1803806

Liking girl parts and liking nigger parts is quite different.

>> No.1803811

Faggots need to stop making little girls think they have to grow up and have large breasts. Young girls should be educated that small breasts are not just fine, but in many ways, better.

>> No.1803819
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There's a reason why little girls are made to think they have to grow up and have large breasts.

>> No.1803820

ITT girls who can't survive childbirth

>> No.1803822

Why would that be ?

>> No.1803824

to feed their spawn

>> No.1803828
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Oh hai, are we having an argument about DFC again?

>> No.1803826

The average anon can't care less about that.

>> No.1803827

Because society likes to make those lesser endowed feel worthless and not good enough? Very good reason.

>> No.1803830

You disapprove a rich, curvaceous, panda-loving woman who enjoys raping flat-chested little sisters? Raping flat-chested little sisters gives she and I a common hobby, and is one of the prime reasons why Shinra is mai waifu. That and the footjobs.

>> No.1803833

That's why you have that powder milk thingy?

>> No.1803835

Breast size has no correlation to capacity to produce milk.

>> No.1803843
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Small breasts cause difficulties when trying to give suck to infants, don't you know?

>> No.1803844

This >>1803835.

The whole "LARGE BOOBS" thing is just a dumb western fetish, not unlike blondes and big butts.

>> No.1803846
File: 203 KB, 600x638, 1229975340720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no me

>> No.1803850

Take ONE Cultural Anthropology class and say that again with a straight face.

>> No.1803851

Its not nearly as good for the infant as the mother's own milk.

>> No.1803854

Actually, it's a dumb caveman fetish, litterally.

>> No.1803855
File: 18 KB, 200x376, 1229975509903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dumb western fetish

Haha, yes. A dumb fetish that's been around since 24,000–22,000 BC, as proved by this ancient artifact.

For research purposes, it is called the Venus of Willendorf, and it is an idealized image of the female figure.

>> No.1803857

You are now seeing those breasts as cocks.

>> No.1803860


Shitting dicknipples? Gb2/d/.

>> No.1803862


...but... Women with large breasts can produce milk when they are horny even when they're not breastfeeding...

>> No.1803864

She's pregnant and has large breasts due to pregnancy, not necessarily because she was born with those.

The idealized female was a pregnant woman because cavemen wanted more tribe members.

>> No.1803865

No, they can't. Don't believe in what the H doujinshi tell you.

>> No.1803866


Pregnancy and breastfeedan induces breast growth (and sagging later on), so if you want to keep your waifu a healthy DFC the only answer is FALCON PUNCH

>> No.1803872

I'm a DFC-lover, but I also like girls who are insecure about their breast size. Is it wrong to tease a woman for having small breasts even though you like them like that?

"And you call yourself a woman with breasts like that?"
"If you hate my breasts so much, wouldn't it be better if I got surgery to make them bigger?"
"No! Err.. I mean.... D-don't get me wrong, I still think your breasts are too small, but..... I'm opposed to plastic surgery! That's all!

>> No.1803875
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 1229975934565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat. A fetish that was integral to caveman survival (big tits = health = more likely to survive childbirth/rearing/more fertile in general) is dumb?

Where do you think the "healthy" meme comes from you closet pedo? Here's some big tits just out of spite.

>> No.1803883

As it's usually used on 4chan, "healthy" is a sarcastic parody of how people will refer to women with too much fat on their bodies as healthy, because they're afraid of calling fat women fat and want to make it sound like a good thing.

>> No.1803887

It doesn't come from characters with big tits, necessarily. It's meant to indicate women who are not waifish and undernourished in apperance. Sure it got associated with big-breasted characters (no doubt in part due to delicious tama-nee) but you could still have a curvy woman with regular/small breasts that's 'healthy'.

>> No.1803888

Why isn't it fine to like both?

>> No.1803890

>big tits = health = more likely to survive childbirth/rearing/more fertile in general
This is one of the dumbest things I ever read on 4chan, and that's saying a lot.

Back to the Victorian times with your notion of health, please.

>> No.1803901

because idorts.

>> No.1803902
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>> No.1803907

I do like both

but it annoys me when people post like DFC is the only acceptable size

>> No.1803911

I'm neither a DFC person nor a big-tit person. I'm happiest with something in the middle. Nothing wrong with a B-cup.

>> No.1803936

I like my women with their tits removed due to breast cancer.

>> No.1803939

I love flat chests. Flat, rock-hard pecs to rub oil on and hold tenderly close to me, along with a sweet supple ass and a rock-hard 12 inch long cock. I would whisper sweet nothings into my lovers ear and we would have pillow fights and press wild flowers and then just lay in each others arms while the night fades away.

>> No.1803941

I'd rather have something around 7 inches personally.

>> No.1803967

don't worry anon, the only thing that matter is the vah-ji-nah

>> No.1804043

If your dick's too big, it won't fit in the lolis. We've been over this several times now, smaller is better.

>> No.1804073

They weren't talking about their own dicks.

>> No.1804093

This makes me sad from time to time. I have a pretty average-sized penis and I know it would never fit inside a nine-year-old girl's vagina.

I try to remind myself that it doesn't really matter anyway, because I'll never have the courage to try and date a little girl.

>> No.1804106
File: 244 KB, 781x1176, 1229980034688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't accept anything other than a DFC.

I want to playfully tease her breast size until she looks at me with tearful glee.
And then I want to tell her that there is nothing wrong and she's perfect the way she is.
She will look up to me assured that I've accepted her. And she will adore me for that.

I shall buy her sexy clothes and teach her to value her appeal and that she doesn't need to shy away. And I will admire her and be proud of her while all other men are flicked away at the sight of pig disgusting cleavages.

I will hold her chest close to mine until our hearts beat as one. I will put my face next to it and become inebriated at the sweet perfume. I will pinch her small, delicate nipples, massage them with the tips of my fingers and carefully bite them.

I will start believing in God and pray everyday so that she never changes.

I have no regrets. This is the only path for me.
So as I pray,

>> No.1804115

Only on /jp/ would someone follow up "It makes me sad" with "I can't fuck a 9-year-old".

I love it.

>> No.1804132

in b4 kyon's "real men appreciate breasts of all sizes"

>> No.1804133

You need to train your penis not to get erected on its own but by your discretion.

>> No.1804136

We've already discussed this previously though, you could still do anal.
And train that place down there.

>> No.1804141

Anal just isn't the same, though it is an option for even younger lolis. And yeah, exercise, but that kinda requires extended effort over a long period of time, meaning you gotta start young.

>> No.1804151


>meaning you gotta start young.

Isn't that the point?

>> No.1804161

Are ya willing to work for your loli or are you simply gonna let some 15 year old myspace punk pop her cherry ?

>> No.1804182

Try, as a man, getting near any young loli that isn't related to you for a long enough period to start "training" her.

The more time and effort you put in, the easier you are to catch.

>> No.1804194

That's why you have a nice basement with walls painted pink.
It's also an investment.

>> No.1804201

So basically, pretend to be gay?

>> No.1804202

gay retreat

>> No.1804207

Yeah, but that basement ain't for showing visitors,unless they're young enough, if you catch my drift.

>> No.1804251

From what I read, it's perfectly possible for a guy with a normal dick to fuck a little girl, it just takes a bit more of training at first. It's not really an herculean task as one might think it is.

>> No.1804269

>From all the CP I've watched, it's perfectly possible for a guy with a normal dick to fuck a little girl

>> No.1804277

Thanks for repeating what's already been said in this thread.

>> No.1804285

One of the best things about loli is when the penis is big enough to look like it'll tear her in half. Of course, she'll have to survive because of hentai biology, because I'm not that much into gore.

>> No.1804293

It's even better when she apparently loves it despite it being so big. Somehow it's just arousing.

>> No.1804294

tor is too fucking slow, downloading a video takes a billion years. By the time I'm done, I'm no longer in the mood.

>> No.1804295

Akiha is fine with any size chest.

>> No.1804301

Just trying to look at pictures takes forever.

>> No.1804305

No kidding. It's worse than dial up. I stopped looking at CP just because it was so slow to do so.

>> No.1804333
File: 2 KB, 126x57, 1229982812042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, /jp/!

>> No.1804345

I don't like the sound of that.

Besides, aren't there only like three CP videos on there that just keep getting redistributed? Not to mention the regular porn named like CP.

>> No.1804336


>> No.1804341

This thread truly is /jp/ quality.

Please don't change.

>> No.1804363

Well, I won't say always because I don't know for sure. But most of the convictions are for distribution as well as possession, meaning that they were uploading too.

>> No.1804370

Publicly distributed CP is really like this free shit they give you in supermarkets, it's shitty.

>> No.1804389

There are several. Most suck, sure, but there are some gems in there, and those are what you keep.

What do you suggest, paying for it? Lemme just get my credit card out...

>> No.1804405

Nah, just that there are all those other ways of getting some.
But sure, ya can pay me, I only take mastercard, though.

>> No.1804412

I believe that the vast majority of CP exchanges are performed either over darknets, or even more safely via sneakernets.

>> No.1804418

I have to wonder how CP sneakernets get started. I mean, it can't be wise to go door to door asking your neighbors if they'd be interested in swapping copies of illegal pornography.

>> No.1804447

In much the same fashion, I'd wonder how one finds out about them.
