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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 90 KB, 700x495, DMkfXMFUMAIRbSB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17918212 No.17918212 [Reply] [Original]

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ Firis Artbook
password: mybeautifulwifefiris

▶ [MP3] Blue Reflection OST

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.17918736

I'm at what I assume is the final chapter of Blue Reflection. What the fuck man.

>> No.17918886

are these cuties single

>> No.17919982

GUST forces cuties to remain single

>> No.17920308

No they’re all married to me

>> No.17920401
File: 141 KB, 800x640, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to wish Gust could've gone with a 2D game for Atelier Online, really like tanu's style.

>> No.17920447

Kinda wish Atelier Online wasn't a thing.

>> No.17920645

where is my firis LE ;_;

>> No.17920692

EOP? That annoys me too.

>> No.17920808
File: 246 KB, 800x468, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just import it, if you played the game already I don't get what the hangup would be.

>> No.17921471


The new music is sounding good. Really liking the first two tracks.

You import the premium boxes instead of getting some faggot NISA LE.

>> No.17922029

How do you reach max level in Blue Reflection? I'm capped at 49 and don't have anything else to do except go to the ending.

>> No.17922294

Nevermind. You automatically get the last growth point when you start the final chapter.

>> No.17923047


The official site finally added music. 7 tracks, two vocal and the others are bgms.

>> No.17924203
File: 420 KB, 500x524, 55162246_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better late than never I guess

Btw finally confirmed Cory ( Pamela and Hagel too but that's normal ).

Really wondering if she'll have gotten any taller, Or shorter rather

Now I just need her playable.

>> No.17924650

Anybody have the leaks? They were removed already on 5ch. I'm getting worried here, for the love of god she better still be flat.

>> No.17924760

>Lydie and Soule GS box is $400
I don't even

>> No.17924764

>Drossel is 30 yo
>Fritz is 59

>> No.17924814

What's the problem exactly?

>> No.17926138
File: 7 KB, 612x88, Gematsu Clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Sure as hell hope they don't mean everytime she uses alchemy. But no more shorty confirmed fuck

>> No.17926619

What is the prepatch AT2 link for? Just asking because I literally just started it today

>> No.17926659

NISA did a poor localization job, patch fixes it.

>> No.17926713

I see, thanks anon

>> No.17926776
File: 198 KB, 960x679, art-022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have this in a higher resolution?

>> No.17926794
File: 34 KB, 440x405, DPEPXX1W4AA4qfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular loli character has an actual in-game reason for being able to stay an eternal loli
>Gust: "nah, fuck that, she gets bigger now when she uses alchemy!"

I will never understand these fags sometimes. I'm zooming in on the height in this low res leak and it still looks like she's 146cm. That doesn't look like a 5. She was 146cm in Sophie too so maybe her base height is the same and her new gimmick is that she becomes a literal giant temporarily if she does alchemy too much. The bottom left image looks like that. I can't tell about the chest though, too hard to tell here. Kind of looks like a small bump though, god forbid they just had her remain perfectly flat. No, that would be ridiculous in a series with youth potions and portable pocket dimensions.

>> No.17926889 [DELETED] 

OT really does feel like Gust go out of their way to antagonize flatfriends sometimes.

>> No.17926893

It really does feel like Gust go out of their way to antagonize flatfriends sometimes.

>> No.17926977


Oh glad to be wrong about it at least, first time I've been happy about a simple color change.


Illmeria. Exactly this. It's not like I was all crazy about her being flat but it just makes no sense for her to develop -that- much -this- late

>> No.17927006

How often do you replay GUST games?

>> No.17927043

The ones I liked a lot I tend to 100%, but otherwise I haven't replayed any yet. They pump them out faster than I can finish them, let alone replay any.

>> No.17927135
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KT posted wallpapers before but not the clean art.
The in-game viewer probably has the best version unless you get a high quality scan.

>> No.17927318


If Plus' count, pretty much everything post Ayesha Plus ( I didn't know what an atelier was until Meruru Plus was coming )

Aside from that I've played through Ar Nosurge 3 times so far. It's great

>> No.17927336

If they put Blue Reflection on the Switch I'll play it again. I replayed Ayesha/Ayesha Plus a couple of times and am itching to go through Rorona Plus and Ar Nosurge again.

>> No.17927364

is surge that good? I've heard nothing but constant praise for it. Which lead me to starting the AT series.
Well also hearing one song from the ost probably helped a tad bit

>> No.17927623
File: 683 KB, 1280x720, 183_SIMB01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally I think it was fantastic. Without knowing anything prior to the 'start' of the game ( Watching/Playing Ciel Nosurge and the such ) thingscan be confusing, but even without that I loved the game on my first playthrough. The story was onpoint and seemed like it knew were it wanted to go from the start, most of the characters are great and the music was without equal as far as any game I've played. Gameplays fun too just to toss that in there. In short, yes its pretty damn amazing. It's been a few months and I wouldn't bother rolling again.

>> No.17927640

It's great but you really need to be familiar with Ciel Nosurge to get the most out of it, which is a significant investment. I read through a full playthrough but I believe they have videos now. It's a good story though and worth it on its own.

>> No.17927653

>It's been a few months and I wouldn't bother rolling again.
Ffs, wouldn't mind rolling again*

>> No.17927681

is that shurelia

>> No.17927709
File: 78 KB, 650x650, 1511233143624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.17927731

Union Creative are notorious for bad products and bad quality control. The final scale will look sign worse than those promo shots, and it already looks kind of cheap. It sucks because we probably won't get anything else but it's just not worth it. Wait and see if she hits the bargain bins.

>> No.17927738
File: 55 KB, 491x655, fPiLT60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17927801

Isn't the fact that we're atleast getting a figure uplifting?

>> No.17927805


Character from a storybook Ion wrote.
It's heavily implied to be based on Nero though.

>> No.17927834

I guess? I really liked the game so it's nice to see it get merch. I just wish it were good merch.

>> No.17927853

But Ion herself says that character is a representation of herself.

>> No.17927945

>Sen no Kiseki IV confirmed
4th Atelier Fushigi game confirmed.

>> No.17928242

>GUST team revolts and makes one final game before giving KT the middle finger and disbanding

>> No.17928733

>gust revolts and makes the game they have always dreamed of, chronos materia

>> No.17929257

Man, that drawing is cute.

>> No.17929259

They say Cory is going to be taller.

>> No.17929265

>she gets bigger now when she uses alchemy!"

Where did you get this? Odd reading comprehension.

>> No.17929269

>popular loli character

How popular is she really?

>> No.17929273

Atelierfags confirmed for pedos.

>> No.17929281

I'm replaying Sophie because I didn't play it on Despair the first time.

Fuck me this is really inferior compared to the Arland and Dusk games. No time limit and progression depending on doing random shit to get recipes makes the whole game feel like busywork. And no Atelier protag ever has the goal of simply learning alchemy. There would always be something else.

>> No.17929284


>> No.17929365

Shurelia is flat as a board and clearly the best.

>> No.17929387

I prefer oppai, I just feel bad for the flatfriends who keep getting ignored.

>> No.17929400

Every Atelier has felt like busywork to some degree. I agree Sophie is a step down from Arland and Dusk but I still don't think it's a bad game like many anons claim.

>> No.17929569

I just hope that Lydie would have that feeling of progression. It should have it since you're investigating the mystery of the paintings and you're rising up on the Atelier rank, making your Atelier more famous in the kingdom.

>> No.17930477
File: 100 KB, 579x722, WJJegMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and? We can have monster tits like Drossel and Pamela but we can't have one perfectly flat girl. I don't know why they're so anti-flat now, it's fucking bullshit. New Corneria's are still small but that bump really should be more subtle.

>> No.17930570
File: 227 KB, 959x919, DPKmxUJVoAAU48R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17930583
File: 303 KB, 1091x991, DPKmxUQUQAA-wHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what Gematsu made it sound like.

>> No.17930810


Don't care as much about their chest development as the characters entire backstory. If she gets shorter everytime she uses alchemy To the point that she pushes herself too far almost for Sophie's pursuit of Plachta's body why would she suddenly be tall? The chest is w/e. I was talking about the height.

>In [Sophie's Game] she shrunk in height each time she used her power to duplicate items, seems to get bigger this time around.

So if that isn't - She used to get shorter when using Alchemy, now she gets taller.

What is it? Chubneria?

>> No.17931481

I miss the days when the Atelier games had a roughly linear story (Irish 1-3) and weren't just eternal fetch-quests. Having said that, the art in the "Mysterious" games is pure eye-candy.

>> No.17931493

>I miss the days when the Atelier games had a roughly linear story
You can play the billion other JRPGs that do this.

>> No.17931497

Was the Blue Reflection OST ever released on disc? I can find one for every other game but not that one.

>> No.17931507

Mana Khemia was better than Iris anyway...

>> No.17931749

The wallpaper is nice, so thanks for that. Maybe there's a way to rip the clean art from the PC version since it's in the art gallery/viewer.

>> No.17932021

Iris was a mistake and not Atelier at all. Go play some other generic shounen JRPG if that's what you want.

>> No.17932386

Sen has 1 million sales. You can't compare it to any neo-gust games.

>> No.17932434

Mana Khemia and Iris are both shit.

>> No.17932489
File: 96 KB, 480x764, 1f59ff282487cb1d8bf709ad639b792b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do

>palette swap and same illustration as before

>no palette swap, same exact illustration

>new illustration/design, HAD to have her show large growth in the chest

>has a fucking doll body and already has perfectly fine medium chest yet STILL had to make them bigger in her new design

>palette swap BUT they had to go through the extra effort of giving her a new illustration to show that she grew tiny boobs. Would be far too unrealistic to have a 23 year old girl remain 100% flat in a game where her alchemy is supposed to keep her an eternal midget and portable ateliers exist.

Yes Gust, some people were mad at lolirona but that doesn't mean everyone was. I'm convinced that it's the Yoru director guys doing. I'm done complaining now, still looking forward to the game, just being a cynical faggot.

>> No.17933313

New gameplay. Each one is different by the way. They show off new combination arts too.




I really don't know why you'd play this on Vita or Switch unless you really had no other option. Especially Vita.

>> No.17933368

>has a fucking doll body and already has perfectly fine medium chest yet STILL had to make them bigger in her new design

inb4 that's her human body and Sophie's quest is resolved off screen

>> No.17933373

What other Atelier grew boobs? I only remember Wilbell in Shallie.

>> No.17933379

Is it just me or the 3D animation is worse than Dusk's? I remember loving the fuck out of Wibell and Regina's animation in cutscenes.

>> No.17933385

>tfw Suelle's gun-fu is still less cool than Marion's

>> No.17933394

I like how Firis uses exploding arrowheads. Combining alchemy with archery.

>> No.17934151

I didn't even realize they were still releasing it on the vita. Give it a rest already.

>> No.17934154

It came with the premium box of the game

>> No.17935072
File: 84 KB, 480x360, blue-reflection_005_cs1w1_480x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want i-
What the FUCK?

>> No.17935079

Fuck. That's a lot of money to drop on a CD, especially since I already own the game. Maybe I can sell off the other stuff it comes with.

>> No.17935941
File: 52 KB, 342x324, 1397441160286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they do to Hinako?

>> No.17936518

ruined her

>> No.17936565
File: 2.23 MB, 3337x2042, 1511363175504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koru-chan still is perfect though. They still are small as fuck. Only 3cm height increase which is acceptable too.

>> No.17936576
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>> No.17936588
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>> No.17936594

I have a good feeling about this one.

>> No.17936597

Her height is taller, but her platforms look smaller. Maybe it evens out.

>> No.17936628

Despite my bitching I really think it's looking good too.

>> No.17936644

Agree. It's a shame because a Hinako mousepad with accurate proportions would be pretty nice. Although really just the art in general is nice so they could slap it on anything and it would look good. I liked Mel's Atelier stuff but he really knocked it out of the park with BR.

>> No.17938488

Being shorter doesn't mean she wasn't developing. God you guys are fucking autistic about this shit.

>> No.17938612

>Only 3cm height increase


Still better than Cory's growth though

>> No.17939840

I miss when Gust gave returning characters new designs and models instead of just palette swapping them.

>> No.17939854

No time to make new models when TK are cracking the whip.

>> No.17939987

This is so amazingly cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwA_0N5NyEY
I wish one would hear more news from Trinary. Or at least I wish I were be able to play it even if it is in Japanese.

>> No.17942067

I'm late behind the news that the AT2 retranslation has finally been completed. Got an iso sitting around on my hard drive and decided to patch it and I keep encountering the error "target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT".

What gives ?

>> No.17942171


Ignore this post of mine. Just got it to work by using Delta Patcher to ignore the checksum for patching. Retranslation runs just fine with this ISO I have now.

>> No.17943223


Don't come crying if you get bugs though. The checksum there is to make sure the iso isn't a faulty one.

>> No.17944629

You're probably patching from the wrong version. Make sure you have the right one (original, patched to version X, etc)

>> No.17945953

Just bought Atelier Sophie. How good is it

>> No.17946066


>> No.17946132

So good?

>> No.17946233

If you bought it you can answer your own questions. It's a decent game although inferior in most ways to the games that came before it.

>> No.17946382


I'm running the correct patch for the correct version (the undub). I'll just keep going along and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.17946416

So when are they gonna realize that rushed, annual releases is the major thing killing Atelier?

>> No.17946422

if they don't have enough money left to spend enough time and effort to put together a good game before releasing it they've sort of boxed themselves into a corner

i expect that is the situation

>> No.17946434

They were doing fine for Rorona through Ayesha with annual releases. It's the extra projects in addition to that that are killing them. They can maybe do one extra game at a time. But definitely not two or more.
Although doing biannual releases (or even one every 18 months) would help. But I doubt TK would be willing to allow that.

>> No.17946453

I think KT doesn't want to break their record sales streak so they're trying to make Gust shit out as many games as possible. It looks like their streak is finally gonna break though since it seems like all KT games this year underperformed and Lydie & Suelle seems like it's gonna flop harder than YoruKuni 2 looking at the youtube video views and its comg ranking, so maybe they'll give Gust more time now.

>> No.17946815

inb4 the series is discontinued

>> No.17946956

I don't buy that Lydie & Suelle is going to bomb. At the very least it'll outsell Firis. If it does somehow sell less I'd be worried about the future of Gust in general and not just Atelier.

>> No.17946960

They went full retard with Firis, publishing it with a fuck ton of bugs.

I just hope the next saga would be set in the world of Dusk, like Grannat to Salzburg.
There are so much more they could explore in that setting.

>> No.17950930

I'm ready to accept this might be the last Atelier. Hopefully the switch sales save it. Though releasing the third of a trilogy is kind of stupid for a system without the other two.

>> No.17952409

I'm waiting for Plachta's fig to hit the resale market.
Assuming anybody even buys it for it to be in resale.

>> No.17952508

The obsession with sales lately is pretty sad.

>> No.17952772

Especially considering Gust games aren't exactly huge sellers anyway. They really don't need to sell great with the budgets they have. People are worrying over nothing.

>> No.17953114

The PS4 regular edition was sold out on amazon for a bit, that's a good sign I guess.

>> No.17953673

The problem is that nowadays Gust is part of KT, a big corporation to which sales are very important. If KT thinks Gust isn't making enough of a profit, there's a chance they just kill Gust.

>> No.17953751

Outside of maybe YnnK2 I don't see any of the games failing to make a profit. BR and Firis are at like what, 100k worldwide including digital which is fine for the tiny budgets they had.

>> No.17954444
File: 337 KB, 1247x988, 66050571_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gameplay from 24:27 to 42:51


Really glad the illustrated town map with chibi icons is back.

And would you fags shut up with the doom and gloom. This definitely isn't going to be the last game, I can tell you that much. Only Yoru2 bombed, there's absolutely no way this would do as bad as it either.

>> No.17955042

Yoru2 didn't bomb, please stop spreading this meme

>> No.17955059

It's their worst selling game in recent memory and sold a fraction of what the original did.

>> No.17955137
File: 261 KB, 600x673, 1448844997475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's absolutely no way this would do as bad as it either.

Where there is a will, there is a way. And KT will find it.

>> No.17955436

>using meme for everything

And it pretty much did, at least first week sales were really bad.

No, it really shouldn't do that bad. It's looking much better than Firis.

>> No.17955465

im pretty sure gust is still making huge profits even with their half assed development cycles of all these new games. i wouldnt be surprised if merchandise is much more profitable than the games themselves.

>> No.17956210
File: 1.28 MB, 300x348, Ayesha qt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That aside, we've got a second PV with Suelle explaining things and gameplay and junk. Full version of the opening shown a bit more as well. Sounds amazing and the game looks reeeal nice with these scenes. And that battle theme at the end. mmpf


>> No.17956387

Seeing Plachta there, I just remembered that you made an item to make Plachta more human in Firis. Maybe her reverting to her old look in Sophie's flashback is because she was now really close to becoming human and Sophie just needed one last ingredient that could only be found in a painting world.

Also, thank God you could go outside the kingdom. I thought the entire game would be just you inside the paintings.

>> No.17956391

>giantess Cory

Can't wait for the doujins.

>> No.17956392

Anyone here has the novelization for Meruru and Ayesha? I would buy them but I can't read Jap.

>> No.17956606
File: 2.14 MB, 2440x3408, 117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dusk alchemy civilization actually managed to go to the moon and mined metals from there

That is pretty advanced indeed.

>> No.17957490

I've only played Arland and Mystery.

Which series do I play next?

>> No.17957503

Salburg if you can, otherwise Dusk is the obvious choice.

>> No.17958835
File: 77 KB, 640x845, shop_p_k_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterpiece might take some getting used to it. I like the opening song and the one from the vocal album preview more.


>> No.17959700


Disorder in Order is really good.

>> No.17959774

>This is so amazingly cute
sure it is, but the random Polish makes it also hilarious.

>> No.17959893
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, 527270_20171128000140_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 months after release, Koei Tecmo silently updated Atelier Sophie's PC release to have high res 2D art assets
what the fuck

>> No.17960946

Like Firis then

>> No.17960954

Still waiting for that PS2 translation patch to come out.

I hope I would like it. It looks pretty dated. 90s anime artwork and fairies being your helper instead of homonculuses.

Can't wait for all the Pepe jokes if it ever got remastered

>> No.17960998

Is the Ar Tonelico series good? Is it related to Quell No Surge? Whats a good indication I'd like this series?

>> No.17961003

If you like waifus and innuendos, the series is perfect for you.

>> No.17961281


If you like great music, character development and worldbuilding, you're going to like it. As for the Surge Concerto games, they're distant prequels to Ar tonelico.

>> No.17961341

>character development

More like playing therapist.

>> No.17961450


And how does that mean I'm wrong? Character development is seeing what makes the characters tick and seeing they grow past their negative points, which is what the Dives are all about.

And as if the non-Reyvateil characters didn't get any development either.

>> No.17962539

Thanks muchly anon

>> No.17968592

Apparently ar tonelico trilogy getting ported onto Steam

>> No.17968900

What gives you that idea?

>> No.17969297

I mean isn't it just logical to expect it at this point?

>> No.17969414


Since when was logic a factor with Gust?

>> No.17969434

Is AT3 worth playing if I already got spoiled on the big twist?

>> No.17969479

I don't think it's possible due to licensing issues.

Which is ironic because otherwise there would have been a danger of KT/Gust accidentally doing something right.

>> No.17969525

I haven't seen any reason to believe Gust or KT are going back to revive their older games.

>> No.17969710

So PS award just ended. No award, not even user choice. When was the last time gust won something?

>> No.17969726

Arland/Dusk port when?

>> No.17969731

>To the guy who said more games need to be like this filthy shit, no plez no. More RPGs need to be like Eternal sonata, Dark cloud 2, Suikoden, Threads of fate,The Tales series, Not this shitty game which is clearly for pedos. The creators don't even attempt to make a plot, they try to be silly and fail at it. The graphics are shit and the creators try to compensate using under aged whores so some pedo losers can fap. Shit can stay in japan, no plot anyway you can play this crap in japanese.

It's always like this when normies got exposed to Atelier.

That, or them saying the series was better in the Iris/Mana Khemia era since there's no time limit.

>> No.17969739

Thank God I never got the chance to play 3 and beyond since I don't have a PS3.

>> No.17969759

Why mention time limit when MK/Iris series charms are not even about that?

>> No.17970119

No, kind of the opposite. It's easier to think of real reasons why previous Gust games would be difficult or fruitless to publish on Steam. KT probably started writing up better multi-platform contracts for Gust starting with Sophie as well.

>> No.17970377

Would knowing the big twist also remove from the experience the lead-up to that twist or seeing what the songs do in-game?

>> No.17970382


Keep dreaming. As long as Namco-Bandai has half of the ownership over the franchise, seeing anything from AT is impossible.

>> No.17971305

Why would you expect Gust to win something at a normalfag award show?

Hopefully never. Especially for Arland.

>> No.17971319

Why do burgers call any girl characters that don't look old as shit underage? Are you not of age in america until you're like 80?

>> No.17971851

It's not even a voting thing, the Playstation Awards are just about sales. Obviously Gust would never be worth a mention there.

>> No.17973038

Retardation like that isn't just limited to burgers, sadly.

>But the most important issue I have with #AtelierAyesha is the underlying message that girls should be cute, have weight issues and settle down. I found it extremely annoying bc I hate when games attempt to preach a certain lifestyle (not to mention a harmful one) :/

>> No.17973196
File: 1.97 MB, 3400x2477, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regina's story was in every way the exact opposite of what that person is implying.

>> No.17973963


Right? That was the entire point of the scene. The hell did you get the idea that they were preaching to settle down when none of the girls stay in one place for more than a day?

>> No.17974725

I can't believe there are people out there who think Ayesha's time limit is still stressful. What the fuck are they doing, just wandering around gathering shit for no reason?

>> No.17974840

I just saw the popularity poll that Gust had in their website and holy fuck no one really gave a crap about the Shallies in Japan, it seems.

>> No.17975000

She hated how the game kept talking about girls wanting to settle down and marry, and not talk about whether or not you should in the first place.

>> No.17975202

>not talk about whether or not you should in the first place
But it did, that's Regina's whole story. Marion also has the opposite struggle, so you see the same concept through different viewpoints.

>> No.17977924

Do you think Astrid's sex change potion will also make a girl taller and more buff so she will actually look like a man and not a futa?

>> No.17982348


>> No.17982353

I sure hope not.

>> No.17982386
File: 746 KB, 2048x2004, 94E51E21-D60C-4837-822E-6BF6135C1F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is great for fanarts

>> No.17982422


>my waifu's ranking just dropped


>> No.17982425

Also, here are the winners for the old series.


>> No.17986728

Totori is a slut, surprise surprise

>> No.17989194

Do not say mean things about Totori.

>> No.17989603
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Which one is Hidari and which one is Yugen?

>> No.17989674

Hidari is in the middle.

>> No.17989985

>Totori is the most popular Arland
For once Japan didn't have shit taste.

>> No.17990036

>worst Arland is most popular
Actually this is proof that they do.

>> No.17990480

It has been years yet i still found Iris design so damn hot.

>> No.17990516

Hidari is on the left

>> No.17991118
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Who Dungeon Meshi here?

>> No.17991121
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The only Atelier I've ever fapped to.

>> No.17991122
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>> No.17991126
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>> No.17991129
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>> No.17994800

I don't know Japanese but am importing Lydie and Suelle. Will I have fun or will I regret this?

>> No.17995134

Well given most of the gameplay requires reading, and most of the content is dialogue, probably. The English release isn't that far away (unless you're on Vita).

>> No.17996550

Fourth soundtrack sample.

>> No.17999173

Sounds good.


Also more synthesis with Lydie. About 2 weeks away from release now. I really hope this turns out good and sells well enough accordingly.

>> No.17999735
File: 277 KB, 1049x435, ss (2017-12-07 at 09.04.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sells well enough accordingly
I wish i can be that optimistic, but barely anyone watch those videos.

>> No.17999770

How does that compare to the previous games prerelease?

>> No.17999915

That's really not a good measure to go by. I just hope it does better than Firis.

>> No.18002956

gust makes their money with merchandise anyway. their games are just made to promote merchandise just like saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.18003202

The main merchandise they have is just the soundtracks and art books. I'm sure these are important but I'd be willing to bet that game sales are where they get the majority of the money. The games are a lot more than just ads to buy merchandise, that's for sure.

>> No.18003210
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It's the 20th anniversary game too, anyone who wants the anniversary box is going to be adding to sales too.

>> No.18004343

How does preordering work anyway? Do companies provide unique preorder bonuses to each retailer? Does GUST get more profit from preorders from their store vs others? What's the incentive to give unique preorder bonuses to different stores?

>> No.18004381

Stores likely give Gust a higher cut on pre-orders for exclusives.

>> No.18006521
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>gust makes their money with merchandise anyway
Merchandising certainly contributes but I think the general availability of back cataloged games/goods bring in the most (outside of new releases). The trilogy model also helps sell multiple games at once, without making the series feel like an overwhelming commitment.

>> No.18011255


>> No.18016100

After seeing videos of people doing insane, broken shit to bonus bosses on the hardest difficulty on Sophie and Firis, I can add "making both normal/skill attack builds and item builds viable" to their merit. The Dusk games fucked up that balance pretty bad.

I love how you can solo the bonus bosses on the hardest difficulty in Sophie and Firis if you abuse the alchemy system to the max. Can't do that shit in the Dusk games.

I expect you won't be able to solo shit anymore in Lydie and Suelle though since they're going back with that damned front/back battle system.

>> No.18016236

Which ar tonelico game is the best.

>> No.18016284

EXA Pico

>> No.18016655

>I love how you can solo the bonus bosses on the hardest difficulty in Sophie and Firis if you abuse the alchemy system to the max
I too love poorly balanced, poorly designed games.

>> No.18016740

Hey guys, I just bought Blue Reflection for the Ps4 and I'm enjoying it, do I have shit taste?

>> No.18016888

No. It's a good game.

>> No.18016974

>Allowing the player to experiment with the game system is poor balance
>If the game system allows a curious player to get big numbers, it is poorly balanced
Please fuck off back to e-sports, where you clearly got that mindset from

>> No.18016989

There's a difference between rewarding experimentation and being able to break the game.

>> No.18017313

Gust's games require experimentation to break. Besides, nearly every Gust game can be 'broken' after playing it extensively.

>> No.18019323


If you're considering getting in the Nosurge, here's the english long form lets play of Ciel. Well worth the time investment, as is getting the game itself (if you don't mind Japanese.)

>> No.18019431

Sophie is cute, CUTE!

>> No.18020404


Ehh, she was cute back in her game. Now she's straight gorgeous

>> No.18021145

Anyone having this https://nyaa.si/view/486958 or this https://nyaa.si/view/486992 anywhere in their computers?

>> No.18021755

Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.18022858
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>> No.18022865
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>> No.18023391

H-how old are they supposed to be again?

>> No.18023529
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>the sample is covering her cute foot

>> No.18024155

Being able to break the game is rewarding experimentation.

>> No.18025800

Eh, it feels like most atelier games I've played you break the game almost by default if you put any effort into minmaxing your alchemy at all. Not really a game I play because I expect difficult combat or anything though.

>> No.18026062

Anyone have Cosmocrystal?

>> No.18026468

Ar Tonelico Music Anon, if you're still around could you seed the EXA PICO torrent for a bit? I'll be downloading it on a seedbox, so I can keep it seeding a while as well.

>> No.18026574

According to amazon jp, Lydie & Suelle is the game most frequently bought with Xenoblade 2. Why are people copying me?

>> No.18026590

i really need to impregnate this

>> No.18027412

Not as if Famitsu review scores matter at all but they gave LydieSuelle a 35. Of course, these retards gave EL a 36 and that was one of the worst ones.

Don't lump that trash together with Atelier.

>> No.18027534
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14. After extensive research of looking at art and the 3D models, I'd say Suelle is a B cup. Definitely not C or D. Lydie is probably an A. B is small enough but I've noticed that NOCO is very inconsistent with her art.

That ass is Lydie-only.

>> No.18027538
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Because you bought the Switch version.

>> No.18027551

>MH world

Funny because LydieSuelle + World are the exact two main games that I'm excited for and will buy.

>> No.18027568

The Switch version was the one reccomended with Xenoblade 2, but I'm getting the PS4 version.

>> No.18028845

Will there be a switch demo? Not sure what platform to get it on

>> No.18029085

Are you new? Atelier games never have demos. Obviously get the PS4 version if you have one.

>> No.18029252

The Switch version looks so bad that they took down the video for it. Even the Vita version looks cleaner.

>> No.18029864


I actually am. It's just that RL takes a huge toll on me right now, so I haven't thought of EXA_PICO for several months straight.
I have a buttload of materials sitting on my PC right now, and one thing I need to buy yet.
I don't know when I get to finish all this, but I promise I will.
I'll try to seed.

>> No.18030007

Oh boy, this is the prime shitpost material right here.

>Eh, it feels like most atelier games I've played you break the game almost by default if you put any effort into minmaxing your alchemy at all

Only applies to the Arland games where the bonus bosses are easier and you can get by without all the possible optimal configuration.

Problem is, lately Gust has been making Atelier endgame be more about trait farming than actually combining said traits. The drop rate for the best traits in Shallie, Sophie, and Firis are pretty fucking low so you may spend hours looking for all of them. Arland games gave you the endgame traits easily. Rainbow Power is always available on Rainbow Fragments, Deity Power you can create on your own through a long combining process, and so on and so forth. And in Rorona overtime where you have to get a bunch of soul traits, you can get by with just a couple.

>> No.18030026

i'm doing a marathon of the ps3 atelier games and they are hard as HECK. anybody have any tips or ways to make money? I'm currently on totori and im constantly hitting walls either economically or combat wise.

>> No.18030034

>anybody have any tips or ways to make money?

Make Spring Cup with the best possible effect. Wholesale that to Pamela. Keep opening that shit. Sell the shit you got from it except the good traits you'll want for your endgame equips.

>> No.18030619

>And in Rorona overtime where you have to get a bunch of soul traits, you can get by with just a couple.
A lot of that comes from the difficulty adjustment. Sophie and Firis' end-game fights on highest difficulty take a lot effort to complete.

>> No.18030630

Yeah, I don't like Atelier games having different difficulties myself. I feel cheap downgrading the difficulty only to up it again when I get an OP trait I can use for my stuff. Endgame trait farming for Sophie and Firis doesn't need you to be on the hardest difficulty so you could just switch it to easy.

>> No.18031497

In Firis you could slowly work your way up even on max difficulty, you had to make steps in equipment between field bosses, but it was enjoyable to me. Grinding was pretty harsh though.
I think it's kind of easy to overlook but post-game, each of the big field bosses have traits that'll help you become strong enough for others. So there's kind of a web of trial and error during progression that doesn't force you to change difficulty.

Sometimes the lack of clues of where to go and what exactly you're looking for made the 'open world' feel more open. It's just a shame that it happens after most people put the game aside.

>> No.18031538
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For Firis I was cheating to unlock the hardest difficulty at the start and found out there were higher difficulties than even that so I played the whole game on difficulties that they didn't even let you play.

Besides trying to beat everyone at the exam nothing was hard until the very end.

>> No.18032306
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>> No.18032308
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>> No.18032524

All I'm asking from a BluRef 2 is an indoor mall to walk around.

>> No.18032580

It would need higher difficulty, a reason to fight enemies and not avoid them, slightly bigger areas, and less friends so that they can flesh out the remaining ones more. 1 was good IMO but there's a lot they can do. A mall hangout would be neat but I'm not sure what function it would serve that the school doesn't already.

>> No.18032624

I'd rather they get rid of the Atelier-esque areas and make them more like dungeons.

>> No.18032697

I'd be fine with that if they kept the bite-sized mission structure. Like have missions only use a small part of the dungeon and players can explore the rest if they want (and obviously other missions would make use of the other parts). I liked the pacing in BR1 where you were never doing school life stuff or Common runs for too long. That's something Persona still hasn't figured out. I don't want to spends hours in cutscenes and then hours in a single dungeon.

>> No.18033451
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As someone who is trying to get into Atelier, can you guys tell me why the Mysterious storyline series gets so many bad reviews? I kinda wanna started with Sophie because I only own a Ps4.

>> No.18033492

>listening to burgerfag reviewers

>> No.18033558

They are kind of dumbed down and Firis in particular makes a bunch of changes that are for the worse. They aren't bad games though.

>> No.18033559

It's good, don't worry about reviews. These games are never going to rate highly with the game industry and normalfags. I don't think even Arland did that great with reviews, you should know what you like and don't like.

>> No.18033703


I've played Blue Reflection and I really enjoyed it. I also enjoy the folk-ish fantasy (?) theme that atelier seems to have.

>> No.18033848

It's a lot better than BR, you'll probably like it.

>> No.18034001


stream in a few minutes.

>> No.18034167


Oh shit, maybe I'm the new one. Guess there's going to be a PS4 demo at least.

>> No.18034192

Good, I'm still undecided on it.

>> No.18034229

Shin Rorona, Totori Plus, or Meruru Plus?

>> No.18034320


Did they seriously just make Lydie into shoujo manga? For the love of god, go fuck yourself Gust. This is why I usually don't preorder, goddammit.

>> No.18034361

You play them in that order, the story carries across games.

Are you joking?

>> No.18034369

What's going on in the scene?

>> No.18034383

I just don't understand how one part is going to ruin whole game for you. Just sounds more like you never planned to buy the game in the first place.

>> No.18034408

Why does Suelle think it's a gag manga? What's Lydie saying when she's describing it? And I have it preordered like a stupid faggot so yes, I do intend on buying since I can't cancel anyways.

>> No.18034469

Why can't you cancel it?

>> No.18034489

Well I could try but it's a cdjapan proxy order.

>> No.18034594

Definitely try them. They aren't as good as BR but if you liked that you'll probably like those two.

>> No.18034656
File: 121 KB, 335x335, RoOjbWL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you just order on amazon jp?

>> No.18035961


Who is right????

>> No.18036429

It's the 15th in Japan, where is demo?

>> No.18037434

Well we both recommended trying them so find out for yourself. Try Sophie first and if you like it try Firis.

>> No.18038467

Demo is out.

>> No.18038816

Did your guys copy of Blue Reflection for the PS4 come with a manual or anything other than just the game? I'm starting to think I might have gotten scammed,

>> No.18038835

Mine came with a little two-page manual and a gamecity code, but I have the Japanese version.

>> No.18038850

I just received my copy and the CD was dancing around in the case, also no manual or anything. Also the case was in a "questionable" condition, I bought it as "new" on amazon, considering returning it.

>> No.18039132

The disc not being in the holder happens a lot actually with PS4 games in general and it annoys the hell out of me when I get games like this. They're never scratched or damaged but still. Never had this happen with PS2 or 3 games, Sony just designed a shitty case this gen that never holds the disc. Either that or Amazon or the postal service has been getting shittier. What's questionable about the case though? Was it not in the shrink wrap? I bought a new copy of Ninja Gaiden Sigma not too long ago from a marketplace seller on amazon and the condition was terrible. Usually amazon themselves are fine though and most sellers in general.

Also, no manual has been the standard for a while now. It sucks but it's all about digital manuals now.

>> No.18039234

Does Atelier have any performance issues on the PS4 Slim? I'm considering either buying it for the PS4 or on Steam, my pc has great specs but I also enjoy having the game case.

>> No.18039250

Sophie ran perfectly on PS4, Firis has some really bad slowdown in some areas, but it's fine most of the time.

>> No.18039346
File: 595 KB, 1280x1440, how can literature even compete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game was a mess in a lot of places but at least it had the "real time, you and your bitch" battle system Ar tonelico 3 desperately wanted.

>> No.18039351

>that game was a mess

>> No.18039360

it is
- that fucking UI
- performance issues
- story full of forced drama, wish fulfillment, anime tropes, shitty textbook philosophy like nearly every goddamn jarpig out there
- pointless fanservice galore
- the main character and main heroine being complete shit
at least the music is consistently good

>> No.18039431
File: 183 KB, 595x842, __ionasal_kkll_preciel_ciel_nosurge_and_surge_concerto_drawn_by_ntny__f11ccb08c94ff9621aca73d7a5a77079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy, あなた。The same reason I did. For her.

>> No.18039560

I don't see the problem with fanservice, and it's really not excessive. I bet you just hate Homura because of how she's dressed. It's definitely messy in places though, still my GOTY.

>> No.18039573

Some of my friends give me shit for playing Gust games and tell me to play real good jrpgs like Persona5, and Nier:automata.
Does anyone have similar experiences?

>> No.18039588

should i get it on ps4 or switch

>> No.18039591

What are friends?

>> No.18039598 [DELETED] 

Switch has 1 good exclusive right now and will probably only have about 5 by the end of its life.

>> No.18039611

Ignoring the fact that Lydie & Suelle looks so terrible on Switch that Gust took down the video of it, why would you not just get a multiplat game on PS4 by default?

>> No.18039617

people like mobile gaming. most are willing to play with a crappy framerate if they can take it anywhere with them.

>> No.18039630

I haven't seen the vids I didn't actually think it would run that bad but I guess this is Nintendo. I thought it'd be comfy to be able to play on Switch but oh well.

>> No.18039811

Having the camera conveniently pan to the fun bits in every cutscene, even emotional cutscenes, is excessive fanservice.
I'm not hung up on the outfit after that particular kizuna talk. It's clear she's just a naive retard who isn't at all aware of what she looks like. The real abhorrent part is the personality.
Don't think I've played a better game this year either, though.

>> No.18040347

Because they're significant steps down from the older games and Firis is straight up bad.

>> No.18040833

Why is Plachta molesting Lydie?

>> No.18041400

It's ok they're both girls.

>> No.18041693

Just for the sake of completion, the Lydie & Suelle demo runs well and looks very clean on the standard PS4.

>> No.18042385

>Survival difficulty

What the fuck, that exists? I thought Very Hard is the top.

Now that video where Firis solo the DLC boss in Very Hard becomes less impressive.

>> No.18042397

>Besides trying to beat everyone at the exam nothing was hard until the very end.

Are you sure? Random encounters were hell for me in Despair Sophie before I got the One Hit Kill trait.

And when did you get the Corneria Doll in Firis again? You need that for constant usage of bombs.

>> No.18042406

I love how Plachta's bio says her body has become more womanlike but nobody knows how and why.

>> No.18042412

Because they're not as good as the Arland and Dusk trilogies.

>> No.18042420

>use the Artificial Sun in Firis
>expecting a mere miniature sun to pop out
>instead we got a gigantic flaming ball of flames

That was awesome.

>> No.18042478

At least Lydie got the same score with Xenoblade 2 in Famitsu.

>> No.18042501

>Try Sophie first and if you like it try Firis.

I would recommend Firis first actually since you might get bored with Sophie's progression system. Firis plays more like a normal JRPG where you have a clear goal that you must get to

>> No.18042513

Is Atelier saved?

>> No.18042520

Shulk was already a shitty protagonist. And then they made it even shittier with a kid shounen protagonist.

And that scene where the tsundere calls him a pervert was just pure cringe.

>> No.18042526

No, because I don't have any friends.

>> No.18042535

>Firis is straight up bad


And if Firis is bad, then Sophie is worse.

>> No.18042580

Holy shit my PS4 slim craps out while playing Blue Reflection, kinda regretting not getting a Pro...

>> No.18042639

First Chapter demo playthrough.


>> No.18042656

Why would you watch a video instead of just playing it?
You can even carry your progress over into the JP release, so it's really a waste of time to watch it instead.

>> No.18042658

Because I won't play the Japanese version.

>> No.18042730

Firis was bad and Sophie was much better.

>> No.18042866

It's the reverse

>> No.18042919

No he's right. I don't know if I'd say Firis was bad but it's definitely the weakest of the recent Ateliers.

>> No.18042946

In what way Sophie is better than Firis?

>> No.18042968

Less glitchy, no pointless open world, better cast, better OST.

>> No.18042995

>no pointless open world

lol Firis' open world was a plus. Glad they tried it, even if it wasn't perfect. It really gave a sense of adventure.

>better cast

Nope. Firis has more memorable characters, including the NPCs.

>better OST

Now this is outright wrong. Sophie only has a handful of good themes while Firis has loads of them.

And don't forget Sophie's vague as fuck progression system. You turn game progression into a chore.

>> No.18043037

So why you guys berating each other while you supposed to join hands to shill L&S instead? Only 64 IPs here and pretty sure only half will buy the game.

>> No.18043040

I already have it preordered. Seems like it'll easily be the best in the trilogy.

>> No.18043146

The only other Atelier game I played was Marie so I don't know if this is a new thing or not, but Lydie & Suelle's walking speed is so slow. Hinako moved slow too, but this just feels worse somehow. Also, there are invisible walls everywhere. The town looks really cool and pretty, but you can barely explore any of it.

>> No.18043225

It's definitely not as slow as Hinako. The invisible walls aren't nearly as bad as in BR either. I haven't played Firis but the demo seems just like the others except with larger areas.

>> No.18043451

>lol Firis' open world was a plus. Glad they tried it, even if it wasn't perfect. It really gave a sense of adventure.

I'll leave that one but.

>Nope. Firis has more memorable characters, including the NPCs.

Please explain a bit more, like being serious I'd like to hear about this point because I felt like Firis' party was just a huge toss up. They barely had any reason to be there, and I can't remember much development on their characters themselves or towards Firis. Illmeria being the only one that actually had a reason to be there outside of Lianne obviously. What made them memorable to you? I have trouble remembering their names even.

Again I'd like a legit opinion, not just some arguement junk

>> No.18044031

It's definitely faster than Hinako even without holding R1. You are holding R1, right?

Can't shill anymore after that shoujo manga scene. They did a fantastic job of immediately killing hype. I can let it slide though as long it doesn't get brought up again. Sure as hell better not be any CGs revolving around it.

>> No.18044195

What are you talking about I can still access >>17933313 the switch video here.

>> No.18044287

>Can't shill anymore after that shoujo manga scene

What shoujo manga scene?

>I felt like Firis' party was just a huge toss up. They barely had any reason to be there

I'll give you that.

>What made them memorable to you?

Both games' party members aren't that great really. But Firis having Liane and Ilmeria is already a step up compared to Sophie. Sophie only has Plachta. Monika and Oscar were disappointing for them being Sophie's childhood friends. But what gives Firis the win is the NPCs, like the alchemists you visit to get your license and their tests. Escha and the brown loli were great (Escha's sidequest with Logy was really cute even though it's just pure fanservice). Boatmaker onii-chan was funny, especially with his awkward crush with Ren.

>> No.18044299

God, I already fell in love with Suelle.

>> No.18044349

>bald Hagel jokes

Ah, it's good to be back.

>> No.18046420

Sophie is more fuckable than firis at least

>> No.18046885

No but she's cuter and her game is better.

>> No.18047373
File: 673 KB, 1000x1000, cd923aaa431b28a8d2ebb2aac309039d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophie is the one doing the fucking and the one being fucked is Prachta.

>> No.18049193

Is there a place where I can get Gust games OPs in good quality (mainly atelier and BR), shit like this exists but there's no seeders.


>> No.18050310

>Ilmeria's Atelier has a shit ton of dolls
>she probably hugs them when she sleeps
>she's 19 years old

Wew lad. No wonder she doesn't grow, unlike Firis.

>> No.18050352

Might be able to rip them from the PS3 games with the emulator. But I think that feature is behind the paywall.

>> No.18050407

There is No shoujo Manga Scene in lydie. Nothing hetero going in. Or should Guys Talk about Something Else? I Listened to The 50 Minute Long PV and im hyped for More fluffy Subtext.

>> No.18050469

okay, there is a skit about lydie liking a shoujo manga, and she likes the idea of falling love. thats it? i dont like that scene, but thats no reason not to buy the game. she can still go full yuri, its not the first time girls love each other not because of gender but because of the person.

>> No.18050484

Oh god I really want to marry Soma. Why isn't there a Soma route in Ar Tonelico 3?

>> No.18050539

i got almost triggered, if i had not my superb japanese skills. between the uguu and kyaa and fucking nonsesne those ppl on stages were talking about, the skit revolving around a shoujo manga and lydie being into it, is just a gag. the gag is something along the lines that lydie likes shoujo manga not because of some handsome MC guy but for another reason. i could not hear it well because those stupid faggots were laughing on stage like crazy and i cant read japshit. so, bullet dodged. unless someone can elaborate what happens at minute mark 31:00 or smthing, i still will buy it.

>> No.18050647

Lydie is seriously cute.

>> No.18051179

Anyone has Atelier Firis OST in FLAC?

>> No.18051193
File: 392 KB, 960x540, ss_zoom02_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread

>> No.18051414

Yurifags are cancer.

>> No.18051433

>Waaah the girl might not be gay, cancelling my pre-order
Suck it up faggot, you're as annoying as the regressive left pushing for gay pandering in western games.
