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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1802418 No.1802418 [Reply] [Original]

Here in the west, you usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid/teen who wets the bed.

What does Japan do? Do they actually try and work with you and help you, or do they disown you or some crazy shit?

>> No.1802421

>>you usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid/teen

Maybe YOU were, but most 1st world countries don't.

>> No.1802425

American here, and sorry for bad grammar.

>> No.1802432

They just clean up and move on and see a doctor if it continues.

>> No.1802433


>> No.1802439


>> No.1802441

"What Would Japan Do" thread

>> No.1802458

furiously fapping

>> No.1802462

I don't see how people can find this arousing.

>> No.1802463

however we do

>> No.1802466

I don't know about arousing, but i find it cute. Its like a gift my wife gives me when she's sleeping.

>> No.1802469

how old is your wife, 7? pics or it isn't true.

>> No.1802471

First thing op.
If you have a bed wetting problem, ask about it in /fit/, they'd be more than glad to help.

Second, Japan probably does the same shit.

Third, I find it adorable.

>> No.1802474
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maybe we talk about diffrent things

>> No.1802475

Alice doesn't wear diapers and she doesn't leak poop.

>> No.1802477

30, and no I'm not running around looking to see if I even still have a camera around here just to take a picture for you.

>> No.1802579

>Here in the west, you usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid/teen who wets the bed.

Russia isn't "west".

>> No.1802603

Dead thread.

>> No.1802645


Kick the shit out of you for wetting the bed? You must have some seriously abusive parents.

>> No.1802647
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>> No.1802667

>ou usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid/teen who wets the bed.
I haven't wet the bed since I was a baby...as far as I know (I'm not going to lie, I do it weekly)

But if you wet the bed after a certain age, wouldn't you want to keep it a secret, from everybody? Thus saving you from embarrassment and any potential third world shitkicking.

>> No.1802813

There's no such thing as therapy in Japan.

>> No.1803125

Why WOULD I have wanted to keep it secret?
Even if I hadn't told them, I'm sure they would have found out.
I'm just glad I finally moved out...

>> No.1803153

Depends on if you're the little girl. There's a lot of guys on 4chan with a pee fetish, you know. Or at least, I seem to recall seeing a WS peeing thread here somehow, outside of /d/.

>> No.1803423

I'm not the little girl.
And pee fetish?
Not really my cup of tea..

>> No.1803430

My parents were controlling assholes, but even they didn't beat the shit out of me for doing something that most kids do. What the fuck.

>> No.1803432

I have a "loli pee" folder.

>> No.1803436
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Is the OP Satoko?

>> No.1803443

When I wet the bed as a toddler my parents used to take the pee-stained sheets and shove them in my face until I almost passed out.

The conditioning started working pretty quickly once my body learned I might die the next time I wet the bed.

>> No.1803444

They didn't beat me when I was a kid, but they beat me when I started wetting the bed again when I was 12.
They kept doing that until I was 16, and I still wet the bed....

>> No.1803475

Maybe you need diapers.

>> No.1803488


>> No.1803490
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OP is Marisa.

>> No.1803493

Sorry, but what do you honestly think I've been doing almost the entire time? Pissing on my mattress?
As much as I dislike wearing them, it's a lot better than waking up in a cold puddle of piss like when I had a mattress protector.

God damnit why am I even telling /jp/ these things

>> No.1803594

Don't feel ashamed, you're not the only bedwetter on /jp/.

>> No.1803604

Yeah bro, nothing to feel sick over, you might want to get check out by a doctor (and possibly a therapist or psychologist) if you want to get over it though (as it seems to be a constant problem for you)

Just remember, you're not the only one, even on /jp/

>> No.1803610

It's alright man. It's alright.

>> No.1803646

Nice to see I'm not the only one who wets the bed here.

>> No.1803653

lotsa underageb& here

>> No.1803663

Nah, just hikikomori bedwetters.

>> No.1803664


>> No.1803677

Why did that sound so moe?

>> No.1803705

What gives you the idea that there are underaged b& in the thread?
The OP maybe, but I don't really know.
Other than that I see no signs.

>> No.1803710

The Japanese are a cultured people, they don't abuse children like OP's barbaric peoples do.

>> No.1803712

you're older than 5 and you wet your bed? be less pathetic.

>> No.1803720
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>> No.1803723

Hey sorry faggot, I'd love to stop wetting the bed.
Wanna give me tips HOW?
You think we ENJOY wetting the bed?

>> No.1803727

"S-Shut Up!
It's not like I wet my bed because I WANT to!"

>> No.1803738

Here's a slick trick
heh it rhymed
Pee before going to bed

>> No.1803740

Here's a slick trick
heh it rhymed
Pee before going to bed

>> No.1803741

sometimes people with weak bladders will still wet the bed even in adulthood. There are devices you can get to help train yourself to not wet the bed, but I don't remember how much they cost. More or less they are a cable with a moisture sensor and an alarm that it will trip.

>> No.1803746

damn you /jp/ now i have an erection

>> No.1803748

You honestly don't think I go take a piss before I go to bed?
I don't drink liquids for at least 3-4 hours before I plan on going to sleep, I don't even touch caffeine if it's past 3pm, and I STILL have this problem.
You're right, it's pathetic.

>> No.1803751

You honestly don't think I go take a piss before I go to bed?
I don't drink liquids for at least 3-4 hours before I plan on going to sleep, I don't even touch caffeine if it's past 3pm, and I STILL have this problem.
You're right, it's pathetic.

>> No.1803965

That's kind of gross.
Just like this thread

>> No.1804061

Well, wearing a diaper isn't so bad.

At least it's comfortable and is much better than waking in up soaked sheets.

Also, it's not that pathetic; some of us her still wet the bed (including myself) and don't see it as pathetic.

>> No.1804096

I can't remember ever wetting the bed, but sometimes when I'm sick and I sneeze FUCK A HUGE BURST OF DIARRHEA BURN THE SHEETS GODDAMN I HATE THIS

And one time I dropped a log in the street after getting punched in the stomach.

>> No.1804126

How are there so many bedwetters here?

>> No.1804143

had occasional wet dreams, if that counts. When my sister did the laundry that day, I would never hear the end of it...

>> No.1804165

>How are there so many liars here?

>> No.1804176

/jp/ attracts the strangest members of our society.

>> No.1804761

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wetting the bed.

>> No.1804780

How did it end? Spanking or sex?

>> No.1804784

keep telling yourself that

>> No.1805220

There isn't; you can't control it.

>> No.1805237


>> No.1805261

There are pills and other shit like getting rid of stress apparently, and I'm going to see my Therapist (since my family Doctor didn't find or do anything)

I'm guessing it's from all the diaperfags /jp/ seems to have.
Hell, maybe it's just because some repressed diaperfags felt they could post after Diapered Anon started tripfagging.

>> No.1805561

For the bedwetters here, how do you deal with it?

What do you use (what brand if you use diapers)?

>> No.1805573

don't use diapers. there are things you can get to train yourself to wake up when you need to pee. You can get them at medical supply stores.

>> No.1805584

Medical alarms?

>> No.1805593

>Here in the South America, you usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid who wets the bed.

Fuck, I like how the beatings are universal

>> No.1805598

its more like an electrode that goes in your underwear and attaches to a wrist worn alarm system. They run a low current through where you clipped it onto your underwear and when it bridges it sets off the alarm on your wrist.

>> No.1805602

If you like wearing diapers, wear diapers (This is what I do)
If you don't like wearing diapers, there are a few options.
Get checked out by a doctor (you should do this even if you do like diapers) and see if it's a physical problem, infection, or something else.
They could possibly give you pills, but there are other alternatives such as a bed wetting alarm which you attach to your underwear/put on the bed which will wake you up when you begin to wet, so you can train yourself to get up when you need to go.

>> No.1805607

can't it be both?

>> No.1805677

You put them on your bed, inside your underwear, or outside your underwear (all three depending on which type you get) and when you start to wet the bed you will be awaken by an alarm on your wrist, chest, nightstand, or if you have a wireless model, somewhere in the room.

>> No.1805709

I like diapers, but even I don't want to wet the bed. Diapers must be expensive if you really NEED them. There's still no reason to be down about it even if you do wet the bed!

>> No.1805730

Diapers aren't that expensive for bedwetting purposes, especially if you use cloth.

>> No.1805752


If you could rapidshare that I would be very grateful

>> No.1805761

It's probably free-pissing which is horrible.

>> No.1805766

It's an extra $20 a month for me.
I could use that for other things.

>> No.1805781

That isn't much at all; also, you should buy better diapers in a case.

>> No.1805797

alarms are about 60~80 and you will make that up real fast not buying diapers. Also, you will rid yourself of the need to buy diapers.

>> No.1805798

$75 around every two months. That's around $37.5 a month.
Unless there are some dirt cheap diapers in cases like the walgreens ones I have.

>> No.1805803

I'd kind of like to get rid of the need, but I'm also a diaper lover, so I'd get them occasionally.
I might look into the alarms though.

>> No.1806476

I just woke up dry.

>> No.1806487


>> No.1806537


>> No.1806638

You don't sound ecstatic enough! Be happy about everything!

>> No.1806652

>Here in the west, you usually get the shit kicked out of you for wetting the bed when you are a kid/teen who wets the bed.

What the fuck? No really. What the fuck?

>> No.1806664

Not always. Some people just buy their kids diapers and wait. It usually goes away by 12, and if it doesn't they see a doctor and get it fixed.

Of course, so many people on 4chan and the internet in general have dysfunctional families full of senseless drunks. Don't tell me you don't have senseless drunks over in the east. The big problem here is that the senseless drunks reproduce.

>> No.1806762

I'll try...

>> No.1806791

Please do! Everything to make you happier is something to make the world a happier place. Do all you can!

>> No.1806801

Don't know about him, but I want to wet the bed.

>> No.1806804

This can be arranged, Pedro.

Tell me, how good are you at silencing your own thoughts and inducing yourself into a trance?

>> No.1806810

Have no clue.

>> No.1806814

No really. What the fuck. Hell, I don't live in the "East", unless you count that it's on the east of the country, but really, what the fuck.

Whenever I pissed my fucking bed I got changed and my bed got fucking cleaned, and then everyone went back to bed to go to fucking sleep again. When I fucking did shit I shouldn't, I got the shit kicked out of me because I deserved it, and made me into a man. And then I found 4chon and became a pussy.

>> No.1806827


Well, there's always (erotic)hypnotism. Here's an unreputable website:


Though efficiency is not guaranteed if you already can't meditate. Geez, man. What kind of a person can't meditate?

>> No.1806831

That shit doesn't work.

Explain more about trancing or else I'd need to untrain my bladder.

>> No.1806835

It's like self-mind-control. Learn to meditate and it comes naturally. Teach your mind some lessons in submission and listening, and then tell it to do what you want.

Hypnotism is supposed to do this, but it doesn't work very well if the mind isn't already quiet. You can try it again and work on silencing random thoughts(even stop thinking about the hypnotism) and just mindlessly listen to it.

>> No.1806839

Doesn't sound that effective.

Guess the only way is to just go the very moment I need to and hopefully lose control overtime.

>> No.1806852

It's worked for me in the past. Several times, in fact. But you seem like more of a physical guy, so yes, that method works too. Sorry I couldn't be of more help~

>> No.1806854

Any links?

>> No.1806865

If you actually want to learn to meditate, google is sufficient. As far as erotic hypnotism goes, the link I threw before is just about as good as it gets below paying money.

>> No.1806883

I'll stick to untraining my bladder.
