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17995047 No.17995047 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>17930823

What's your favorite shot type, /jp/?

>> No.17995094
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What are the odds netplay will be good?

>> No.17995180

You're asking that question seriously? Tasofro's netcode has never been that good, and it's only gotten worse over time.

>> No.17995201
File: 87 KB, 1434x665, Save me from the nothing i've become.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to say

>> No.17995221

I feel your pain anon, I game overed 5 times in that condition till I got the clear, please be strong you will eventually get it.

>> No.17995228

Steam is usually alright, as long as Tasofro doesn't go full retard It should be playable.

>> No.17995289
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>Die on Yuyuko's final card before I could even use any of my bombs.
>Died to Chen stupidly earlier in the run
>Died to Youmu midboss because I wanted to capture and didn't bomb
>If I didn't make either of those mistakes I probably would have won.
How do I recover from this, /jp/?

>> No.17995327

Instead of greenposting on /jp/ you should try again.

>> No.17995334


>> No.17995335

Don't you know that bitching on /jp/ is incredibly effective in helping you achieve your goals? He'll probably get in within the next run or two.

>> No.17995340

I'm too actually too mad to do another 30 minute or however long it is run without making mistakes. I did a practice run and nearly game-overed, but at least I captured/almost captured more of the cards. I'll try either tomorrow or later tonight. I'm not even sure why I'm so frustrated, it's not like I expected to get that far or anything.

>> No.17995367

Bitching is ok but his post is too much green for me.

>> No.17995433
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I thought that SA hard was supposed to be only slightly harder than SA normal, but this turned out to be my toughest 1cc so far. Okuu and Orin aren't much worse, but I no longer know how to deal with Yuugi and Satorin (and their stages).
I guess that I must be doing something wrong, but I'll move on for now.

>> No.17996649

>cap meister 1st rep of the day and get a little confidence
>fail sg for the next 15 minutes and rage
>have to leave for school without any sense of accomplishment, feeling cucked and even more self-hating

I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.17996653

Also fuck you, I'm quoting what just happened to me

>> No.17997158
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Fucking finally! special thanks to yuyuko anon for teaching me how to beat Mokou.

>> No.17997172
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With IN Ex out of the way, next goals are:

IN Hard
EoSD Hard

Unless there is another extra I should try working on, but can't think of any other right now.

>> No.17997547
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Congrats anon! I knew you could!
I liked your previous chart more

>> No.17997575

Bomb. Don't want to capture anything. Bomb everything you think you'll die to.

>> No.17997597
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Marisa B, PCB!

>> No.17997936
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I'm glad that's over.

>> No.17998065
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Sakuya B from PCB

>> No.17998119

Reimu B from PCB

>> No.17998256

Sakuya A from PCB

>> No.17998260


>> No.17998260,1 [INTERNAL] 

Reimu C from Subterranean Aninism.

>> No.17998338
File: 198 KB, 640x480, Eosd1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how did this happen? I entered stage 6 with no extra lives left and I had already given up hope, but somehow I did it. The second half of the Remilia fight, when I actually began to realise I stood a chance at winning, was the most intense moment of my entire life. My heart has never raced so much. Even going to post the replay in case anyone cares and might want to give me advice on how to be less shit:

>> No.17998364

>point item 69

>> No.17998486

Is hard a meme difficulty? Or should i go for lunatic instead?

>> No.17998494

Go for hard, don't be like that one hard-hating faggot

>> No.17998525

go for easy

>> No.17999007

play cave instead

>> No.17999076
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Bitching on /jp/ truly does work

I completely forgot about greenposting not being appreciated on /jp/, sorry, anon.

>> No.17999296
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I think my copy of SA has autism

>> No.17999448

How much does that game hate you that it just sent a sprite sheet at you?

>> No.17999465

I like most homing shot types

>> No.17999484
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>> No.17999625

Reimu's TD shot, because it packages homing spread while unfocused and strong narrow dps while focused, so it's very easy to play with it in the most simple terms.
For a less boring answer, Marisa's piercing laser from the earlier games, it's a shame it's been abscent for so long and her lasers are stopped by enemies now, it was fun.

>> No.17999858
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In Loving Memory

>> No.18000767

Just noticed that the whole main Windows series is up on Amiami. If I wanted to own a physical collection of the Touhou series, would this be the best way to go about it? I have the cash for it, but I just want to make sure there aren't better versions out there or what not. For most of my life, I've just downloaded copies, but I was excited at buying them off Steam to support ZUN. I'm into physical sets though, and it'd still help ZUN, so I just wanna get some opinions. Are there other versions, or am I overthinking it and just getting the jewel cases is the way to go? Also, do these things usually stay in stock on amiami or is this just a recent restock?

>> No.18000849

Also interested in this.

>> No.18000923

>Are there other versions
Unless you're talking about demo CDs or a early version of EoSD, no. Ever since PCB patches have been online only, all discs are the first versions besides EoSD which is 1.02f.

1512JPY is also the standard price; 1400JPY + 8% tax.

>> No.18000979

thanks m8. Some of them are higher priced than that on amiami, but at least they're in stock and nowhere NEAR as price gouging as other places like Amazon or fucking J-List. ZUN is about to get a lot of drinking money soon!

>> No.18001180

Holy shit gz

>> No.18001806

Failling halfway through Subterranean Rose is frustrating. Especially when I was a full power.

>> No.18002070
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First time MoF hard clear.
I guess I can now put "good at danmaku games" on my resume.

>> No.18002127

More like itchy nose simulator am I right?

>> No.18002377

Dude, I'm on a roll today. EoSD Hard Clear with Marisa A with first time capturing Scarlet Meister AND Scarlet Gensoukyou.
No idea how I did this though.

>> No.18002471

Just started playing MoF, is it just me or are these hitboxes way different from in other games? I keep getting hit by things that I swear wouldn't have hit me in EoSD or IN.

>> No.18002684

Not yet. ZUN didn't change the hitboxes until Double Spoiler.

>> No.18002802

Really? That's kind of surprising. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

>> No.18002898

started to stream for the first time (´・ω・`)(PCB phantasm no focus twitchtv/fulgen8)

>> No.18003009

>no focus attempt
You're a mad man

>> No.18003036

>no focus
For what purpouse?

>> No.18003225

because why not

>> No.18003243
File: 84 KB, 333x333, Yuyuko (1441).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Mokou's rings so hard

>> No.18003258

What do you mean by her rings? You mean Imperishable Shooting?

>> No.18003263

HSiFS Extra is fun!
Just got my first clear of it after starting it this morning, so my fastest Extra clear aside from the one time I beat UFO Extra on my second try when I was a Touhou noob, which I still haven't been able to replicate.
A couple of dumb deaths to easy spells like Dupion Barrage and Matara Dukkha, otherwise Flames of the Impure got me as always, and I messed up Sword of Seven Stars by being too far to the right at one point.
Reimu facesitting is overpowered on this Extra, though, so I wouldn't have nearly as easy of a time on it with any of the other characters.

>> No.18003308

They're probably referring to an infamous one of Mokou's non-spells.


>> No.18003507
File: 365 KB, 1282x987, and again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third time I game overed to LFS in 24 hours. On three different shots.
I hate this.

>> No.18003519

Yeah UFO is pretty bad
Wait, why are you playing that?

>> No.18003532

Isn't that spell pretty much "go full Koishi or go home"? At least that's how I cleared it on Normal.

>> No.18003718

Why clear on lunatic? For what purpose?

>> No.18003729
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>why are you playing that?
It's some of the last boxes I have left to tick on windows. I don't think the game's bad though, I'm just not good at it. My only complaint would be that I think losing 1.00 power on deaths is a little harsh.
In my defense I don't have a good route yet since I just started relearning the game yesterday. Brute forcing is kiiiinda working but maybe I should just take some time and learn routes. I'm also panicking too hard on deaths/picking up wrong UFOs and it just kind of snowballs into more mistakes.
I'll get it though. Or at least try. Maybe before the year ends if I'm lucky.

>go full Koishi
What does this mean?

>> No.18003742

To stop calculating trajectories and to mostly rely on instincts.

>> No.18003750

go full talent? impossible.

>> No.18003789

If I can make it to LFS with an extra life or two in stock, maybe. Right now I keep getting there with just a single bomb and usually fire it way too early because panic and end up dying later.
The whole Byakuren fight is a mystery to me really; the only things I can do consistently right now is the first and third nons. I have a worse time with her than Junko.

>> No.18003844

Oh hey, it's been a while since I tried finding the touhou gameplay community here. I went to /vg/ first but then someone reminded me that there's one on /jp/ too.

Need advice? She's my favourite boss in the series and I've NMNBed her on lunatic. Ask about specific things and I'll try and see if I can give you tips

>> No.18003896

>Need advice?
Sure. Mostly questions really.

Are the butterflies in her second spell static or does it change based on your position?
Are banana lasers easier near the bottom or closer to her in general?
Is superhuman static?

>> No.18003923

Magic Butterfly is entirely, 100% static. The only thing that changes is the aimed laser, so just memorize a path and you'll never fail it again.

I always did Magic Milky Way in the middle ish, shotgunning her. I don't remember why, but I found it easier there myself. Experiment and see what you think.

Superhuman is again 100% static. Memo a path and you'll never fail it again. Additionally, after you follow her to the left, just stay there forever and don't follow her back to the right as it's too dangerous (not sure if you do this already or not)

Feel free to watch my video of her to copy my strategies if you'd like.


>> No.18003932 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1282x747, words to live by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of realized that I could have just checked the static-ness myself but expert insights don't hurt.
It feels like I should have more questions too but the rest of Byakuren's patterns feel like pure "git gud" checks. Guess I'll stop brute forcing and grind it out a bit more since my modicum of talent can only take me so far.

>> No.18003941
File: 248 KB, 1282x747, words to live by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of realized that I could have just checked the static-ness myself but expert insights don't hurt.
It feels like I should have more questions too but the rest of Byakuren's patterns feel like pure "git gud" checks. Guess I'll stop brute forcing and grind it out a bit more since my modicum of talent can only take me so far.

Quoted the wrong person てへぺろ

>> No.18003959

Git gud checks? perhaps, but there's usually a way to make things easier. For example, take a look at the LFS in the video I posted. I stopped shooting during the purple wave for about 5 seconds. This makes the spell last longer, however it delays the red waves just enough that it removes one really awful wave in which the purples and reds align together, which in the end makes it a lot easier. (Also, the way I do her 2nd non is...non standard, to say the least...)

>> No.18004284

superhuman isn't static. i think it might possibly be aimed but it isn't really practical to do the exact same movements with pixel perfect precision every single time

>> No.18004596

>>>18003923 (You)
Hmm, well from my experiences it's consistent enough that for dodging purposes, it basically is static. You should be doing the same thing every time, anyway

>> No.18004601

Oops, I quoted myself. It's been a while since I've posted here...

>> No.18004759

Getting 60 spell card captures in PCB is suffering. I almost captured Yuyuko's second to last, and I don't have it in me to run the entire level again for another attempt. I never fully appreciated Spell Card Practice until now.

>> No.18004794

Just capture cards from other difficulties.

>> No.18004801

I have been, I think I've taken all the easy ones so far, only 10 left.

>> No.18004819

do this and you'll never play 2hu again

>> No.18004833

You can always get them used. They will be in great condition if you pick them up used from Japan.

You are not crazy. The hitboxes in MoF onward are completely different from the older games.

>> No.18004857
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Not completely; the big hitbox change was later. This chart shows the 'old' square hitboxes from 10, 11, and 12, versus the new round hitboxes from 13, 14, and 15. While it doesn't include the first-gen hitboxes, I believe they're very similar to the second-gen ones. However, differences between the engines, like how they handle movement and hit detection, may account for the different feeling.
Also, if the original anon was specifically talking about the size-changing bullets in Kanako's second card, those keep the hitbox of the fat bullet even when the sprite changes to a tiny bullet, so they definitely feel like bullshit.
Or maybe he was using vpatch on the older games but not 10, and now input lag is killing him?

>> No.18004903

>the size-changing bullets in Kanako's second card, those keep the hitbox of the fat bullet even when the sprite changes to a tiny bullet, so they definitely feel like bullshit.
Mate I've been playing this game for 5 years and I never made that connection. You just blew my mind

Interesting graphic! I never even noticed the change, but that may explain why sometimes I'd die easier in TD.

>> No.18004912
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This one came out of the blue - second 1cc normal ever not counting dying to the very last bullet on yuyuko's last spell (which was bullshit) but nevertheless I am proud of it. Don't bully me for using sakuya A.

>> No.18006715
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I stopped playing Touhou for 6 years and I'm getting back into it with Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Is it atrophy or is this game way harder than average? Even in Pointdevice mode I can't clear the 5th boss.

>> No.18006721

Reimu is fucking ridiculous in HSiFS extra

>> No.18006735

Yep, also, normal Clownpiece is harder than Lunatic Clownpiece. Enjoy man.

>> No.18006746
File: 677 KB, 625x884, 7681cf0cddea244cd00c39cc4002cd7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clown claims another victim.
Yeah zun wanted to make some i wanna be the guy game with lolk

>> No.18006900

>one bomb left
You've made a huge, huge mistake dude. Welcome to Clownpiece.

>> No.18006911

I can't wait until he reaches Junko.

>> No.18006926

You're probably better off restarting and saving more bombs for stage 5/6 bosses unless you're willing to grind it out. If you need tips there's usually some anons willing to make webms of how to clear certain spells if you ask.

I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.18006938

That's her worst spellcard on Normal. Pointdevice is also not designed that well since you lose power every time you die which can snowball pretty quickly, especially on Clownpiece.

>> No.18006943

Yeah that's not going to be fun for him. If you're reading, dude, make sure you have at least one bomb left for her final spell, preferably two. There's a few spells you're going to want to bomb on Junko (Lilies, her survival spell, her final spell, Shivering Star if you have an excess of bombs, some people have a great deal of trouble with that one)

Further you'll probably want to have a bomb ready for Flash and Stripe as well as Fake Apollo for Clownpiece. Again, if you have an excess amount of bombs, you'd be forgiven for using one on Graze Inferno

I also blow a bomb on a certain portion of Junko and Clownpiece's stages, so you're going to want to get into stage 5 with max bombs. So really you can only afford to use a couple bombs before 5.

>> No.18006995

>using bombs

just dodge man, it's not that hard

>> No.18007647

It hits a cap, though. If you're a 4 power and start dying on a single spellcard, you won't dip below 3 power. I think you go to around 3.30 power IIRC. So you'll get enough power items from killing the spell to get back up to 4, or at least prevent you from getting down to 2 power on the next spell. It's not like you'll be dying 70 times on most spells aside from some of Clownpiece's and Junko's final.

>> No.18007670

I'm sure not playing for 6 years hasn't helped at all, but yeah LoLK is purposefully designed to be the hardest game.

>> No.18007681

Has anyone drawn fanart of her dominating Okina by sitting on her head?

>> No.18007771

I'm never going to beat UFO Extra.

>> No.18007776
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1697, 64461763_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found only one, and it's non-sexual. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.18007777

That's the spirit.

>> No.18007791

Did UFO introduce movement acceleration? moving feels smother than in the previous games. Also I like the ufos and expected more curvy lasers in the 4 stages I've seen so far, are they just in stage 6?

>> No.18007801

>are they just in stage 6?
You poor devil.

>> No.18007851
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I've been trying for months. The stage section is so brutal that I rarely make it to Nue. Kogasa's spells are all too surprising and unfun, and they make my eyes hurt since I have to stare at so many bright lights so intensely to make split second dodges. Most of Nue is easy, but being at anything less than full power due to stupid mistakes makes all of Nue's ufo spells a nightmare since you can't kill any of the damn things. I can't wrap my head around Undefined Darkness, and I've only been to her survival card about 3 times, so I've had no chances to practice it. It always ends my runs. And I've never even seen her final spell card, so I can't even expect to win on a good run in which I get past the survival spell.
And there's not enough resources in the stage for me to shitter my way through to the end. I'm losing hope and not having fun.

Is there a better character to use on the extra than SanaeB?

>> No.18007854

Isn't it just one spellcard that is RNG in normal so it ends up being harder than the lunatic version?

>> No.18007855

Stage 5 boss. Buckle up for Shou's Makai Funhouse.

>> No.18007928

I don't think there should be acceleration in any of the games.

>> No.18007933

Undefined Darkness is definitely learnable. It's somewhat like Yukari's Spiriting Away, except that you now have to micrododge. Try to bring her down as fast as possible by controlling her vertical position. Even if you screw up, you shouldn't have to bomb more than a couple times, which is not too bad.
Nue's final spell card is one of the easiest out of all extra bosses, don't worry too much about that. Focus on getting through her survival without losing all of your resources, and you're in the clear (I had like 5 runs in which I got to her final spell at 0/0, it was frustrating knowing that even a single bomb would give me a decent chance of pulling through).
SanaeB is probably the best overall, although MarisaA gives you an easier time with the ufo spells.
You can definitely do it, anon! I believe that Nue is the second hardest extra (behind Koishi, and harder than GFW Marisa and Evil Eye Sigma), so you shouldn't feel too bad about having trouble with her.

>> No.18007949

It definitely feels a bit more floaty for me, like, pre-UFO: Megaman, UFO: Super Meat Boy

>> No.18007966
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>> No.18008002

Thanks anon I won't give up.
Spell practice really makes the difference in the games that it's in, I miss it all the more after clearing HSiFS's extra relatively easily thanks to spell practice.

>> No.18008029

Look up spoilerAL. You can use that to spell practice UFO.

>> No.18008213

Is it possible to timeout Hell's Artificial Sun?

Lillies is easily (?) capturable if you are capable of three things: not going near the corners, staying close to the three consecutive lillies explosions and going the opposite way she moves after the third lilly. Watch out for the curving lasers.
Overflowing Blemishes is capturable if you keep un-focusing to get outside the rings and stopping shortly before the next ring spawns.
I wouldn't recomend bombing Graze Inferno, it teachs (forces) you to unfocus after dodging. Also, don't bomb during the stage portion of Clownpiece's stage unless you have a bombing plan.

>> No.18008233

Possible, yes. Much harder than capturing it though because at ~30 seconds left on the timer it just jumps to the final phase (fastest suction, fastest small white bullets) anyway.

>> No.18008907

Any way to cheat in infinite lives or anything? The one site I found with potential answers wanted me to turn my adblocker off.

>> No.18008995

Yeah but it involved not getting hit.

>> No.18009083

That's simply not possible.

>> No.18009140

Hey there. I've got a lot of practice at UFO Extra and I can give you advice on any specific sections.

Laser Marisa is the best option for the stage in my opinion her piercing lasers annihilate really stupid segments of lots of enemies, particularly the fairy walls immediately before Nue, and Red/Blue/Rainbow UFO. I have a video up on Youtube, if you want to see my specific strategies for those which are pretty consistent.


Undefined Darkness, as someone else said, is similar to Ran/Yukari's 5th cards. You can take a look at the way I did it in the video, but if that's too difficult, just go around in a circle around the screen and shoot her when she happens to be above you.

If you have any other specific segments you're struggling with, ask and I'll tell you whatever I know on it.

>> No.18009237

Anyone else hate how bright UFO Marisa A's shot is? It wouldn't be so bad if the game itself wasn't full of glowing bullets.

>> No.18009241

The laser noise is bad too.

>> No.18009252

Really? I actually like that. I also like the SA Nitori sound effect.

>> No.18009375

Hey. UFO scrub from yesterday here. Very uncleanly pulled off your less than standard strat for the second Byakuren non twice today which ended up saving my runs. Cheers.
Shame I couldn't pull it off a third time but that run was fucked from Shou so it didn't matter anyway. Thanks again.

>> No.18009409

just use cheat engine.

>> No.18009425

Hahahaha. Glad to hear! Yeah, that strat is definitely not standard...I got it from someone else a looooong time ago. I'm pretty much the only one (until now) who thinks that that way is easier than the regular way, but it's all a matter of preference. Happy to hear it was useful.

Are you going for 1ccs? Or something else?

>> No.18009440

1cc all shots. Then I'm probably not gonna touch the game again for a very long time except for ExNN attempts.

>> No.18009452

Hahaha, I don't blame you. I never did 1cc Lunatic with any shot type, desu - I got addicted to doing stage NMNBs, then ironically enough I was so used to that I found playing normally to be too difficult. How many shots have you done it with so far? (And like I said to the other guy, feel free to ask if you need UFO Extra tips, Nue's probably my favourite extra boss)

>> No.18009477

3 so far. ReimuB and both Sanaes.
I'm good for strats on Nue I just need to not panic on the last two spells and I'll get it. Easier said than done though considering I always fuck up in one way or another there. I have like 5 2MNBs and 1 1MNB but just can't quite git gud enough for NNN.

>> No.18009500

Sounds good mate, I know the struggle all too well but the good thing is that it's just a matter of time til the stars align. I'm sure you'll get it soon.

I myself am going for a unique achievement...so I did all my good achievements way back in 2012 and I'm mostly retired, but one that has been nagging at me that I never took the time to do was PCB Extra NN. However, if I'm going to do it in 2017, I'm gonna make it the best damn run I can do, so I'm going for score too. My goal is 1 billion but the failed runs I can only seem to add up to 980m so I'm gonna start practicing some riskier strats for those extra few mil

>> No.18009605

Got a good run going through UFO Extra; 4 lives and 2 bombs going into Nue. Died to one of the blue pellets on her first spell due to anxiety, then died 3 more times to her second spell because I don't have enough power to kill any of the red UFOs.
That's enough Touhou for this week.

I tried out Marisa a bit but I found her to make the stage way harder for me. It seems she relies a lot on perfect memo of the stage which isn't something I excel at. Particularly the barrage of enemies that home in on you while firing aimed shots in the early bit and final part of the stage. And because of her narrow shot, it's way more difficult to collect UFOs and resources, which is a really important factor for me.
For now at least I've switched back to Sanae, who seems to have by far the easiest time with the stage portion.
I'll be sure to try your strategy on Undefined Darkness when I get to it next though, thanks for the help.

>> No.18009622

>It seems she relies a lot on perfect memo of the stage which isn't something I excel at.
Hmm, that's a good point and something I forget sometimes. It's all good though, whatever you personally find to be the best. You can do it!

>> No.18009731

What's the preferred place to upload replays?

>> No.18009767
File: 223 KB, 1279x960, fuck off Nue Gensokyo's full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot guys, I'm never coming back to this Extra again.
I went through about 20 failed attempts at the stage portion with the single goal of at least reaching Nue once before going to bed. This successful run was an absolute trainwreck. I bombed so fucking much, that this ended up only being about 20mil higher than my next highest score because I only captured probably less than half of the spellcards.
Once I got to Danmaku Chimera with 4 lives still left I realised that this could be "it", and watching the replay back was hilarious because that's when my movement got really jittery and erratic due to nerves. I forget when Undefined Darkness was up next, so I failed to execute >>18009140's strategy, but 3 bombs is just as good right?
My nerves capped out at the beginning of the survival spell card, at which point I just randomly suicided into the first laser wall that appeared accidentally. Otherwise I "captured" it just fine and was able to tough out her final spell.

Any input the Extra I should clear next? EoSD, IN, SA, DDC, and LoLK are the ones I have yet to conquere.

>> No.18009801

Hey, if you're just going for a clear, a win is a win. Congrats!

EoSD: Flandre I'd say is mid to hard tier in relation to other extras. Honestly, I'm less familiar with EoSD
IN: If you're simply going for a clear, this is gonna be the easiest out of the ones remaining. The game vomits resources at you and half of Mokou's attacks can be cheesed severely. The other half are decently difficult, but you've got the lives and bombs to deal with it. Plus, spell practice!
SA: Koishi is a boss of gimmicks. Lots of things that seem impossible the first try but you'll never fail it again once you know how to do it. She's not too hard once you get used to what she's got. (btw, I also have a SA Extra NMNB video you could learn from, if you were interested)
Not familiar enough with DDC or LoLK to speak about them.

>> No.18009831

>half of Mokou's attacks can be cheesed severely.
Is this true? I've heard people say Mokou was one of the harder ones. I've only done a couple attempts, though.

>> No.18009833

EoSD has the easiest patterns but allows the fewest mistakes in terms of deaths. Gotta be quick to bomb when you're in a pinch.
IN and SA need you to take time and learn gimmicks/tricks. Once you do they get real easy.
DDC swarms you with resources if you know good places to PoC. SakuyaA/MarisaB also pretty much trivialize everything if you can use your bombs well.
LoLK is a pushover if you abuse Reisen's shields properly. Fairly difficult otherwise. Helps a lot to learn how to get the life piece on as many of the chapters as possible.

There's videos and replays everywhere to refer to these days just copy whatever strategies you can manage and you should be fine.

>> No.18009834

Congratulations Anon, never give up! Most people seem to find EoSD to be one of the easier ones, so maybe go wtih that next.

>> No.18009835

I'll probably go for IN then. I actually have practiced a bunch on Flandre before, but the worst part of EoSD Extra for me is having to quit all the way out to the main menu on every failed attempt due to no quick restart option. It makes it more frustrating than it needs to be for me.

>> No.18009868

I've actually gone up to Stage 5 Legacy Lunatic (I'm a Normal mode player) on LoLK just by abused Sanae's bombs and the Chapter Clear life piece mechanic, so I think I get the gist of how to abuse it at least.

I found the SA Extra perfect video on your channel, I'll just bookmark it for later.

>> No.18009923

Extra's slightly harder to abuse as Sanae because boss spells don't just fall over with a single bomb like they do in the main game and lives need 5 pieces, but yeah if you're comfortable with farming graze you won't have too many problems. There's a spell practice tool you can google for if you want, too.

>> No.18011083

I'm on Junko's final spell card (on normal), what happens if I try to time it out? It seems like it only moves on to the next phase if you damage it enough. I did notice that the timer doesn't start counting until the second phase, so does it hit certain milestones where it will stop counting until you go onto the next phase? It seems to easy to exploit otherwise.

>> No.18011215
File: 2.05 MB, 1282x959, LoLK Clear NB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I found out if you wait long enough it just goes onto the next phase. Anyway, I managed to capture it in the end. LoLK normal no bomb cleared! It wasn't as hard as people make it out to be, but maybe people are only referring to legacy mode. I can't even 1cc MoF which people say is really easy for some reason.

>> No.18011235

>46 retries
>Sanae no bomb
Is this your first run? That's pretty good.

>> No.18011264

Oh I had some more retries than that. I got down to 3.49, then I closed the game and reopened it wondering if it would reset my power back, and it did. And I entered the spell with around 3.8 I think, and I can't be bothered working it out but it's obviously more than 46.
And I have played a tiny amount of this game before when I was new to the games, I thought it would be easier than the other games because of the checkpoint system, but then I realised that wasn't the case so I went to IN instead. I decided to come back to it now that I'm not a complete noob and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected, especially since everyone always talks about having to bomb through certain things. In fact the only reason I went for no bomb was because I was saving them all for Clownpiece, but then I didn't need any for Clownpiece so at Junko I thought I might as well try and no bomb the game.

>> No.18011487

Which file contains the extra stage unlock flag? score.dat?

>> No.18011496

Game is UFO, by the way, if it makes a difference.

>> No.18011532
File: 342 KB, 441x600, Yuyuko (762).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulation anon! Nue can be hard at first but she is easy to get used to.
Congrats anon! LoLK normal NB PD is really tough, that's impressive, specially since you are playing Sanae.

All of these
The hardest stuff in Mokou's fight is usually her nons, and those can be just bombed for normal clears. Still, if you have any kind of trouble just ask here!
Yes. That's where it is for every game

>> No.18011708


>> No.18011870

>if you have any kind of trouble just ask here!
Well I've only fought her twice, and got up to Flaw of Forgiving Shrine. I haven't been able to beat any of her cards on practice mode.

How do you dodge Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-?

>> No.18011929

Big birds are aimed so stream them. Restream early and give yourself lots of room so you don't get walled.

>> No.18012156

I found Flying Phoenix hard at first too, but after a bit it just became natural too me and a basically never die to it. I guess it's just a matter of getting the technique down. Flaw of Forgiving Shrine is much easier if you focus on passing through the point, as in you have the danmaku in diagonal lines, and the bit where those diagonals meet is where you should go to and just move sideways as it goes past you so you don't get hit. Xu Fu's Dimension can be cheesed at the bottom really easily, at least with Reimu, not sure about others. Honest Man's Death looks scary but it's actually really easy once you realise how it works. The bullets are aimed and you only have to move a tiny bit to the side for the laser to not hurt you, so it's just a matter of tapping the arrow key when the laser spawns or when the bullets are about to hit you. You'll want to spend a lot of time practising Possessed by Pheonix and Fujiyama Volcano, because they're both pretty hard. I've had a run where I lost like 2 lives and a bunch of bombs just to Fujiyama Volcano.

>> No.18012211

Thank you! I managed to clear Flying Phoenix more easily than I thought, but it's far from consistent. I'll keep at it and go for a real clear once I'm finished with Ran.

>> No.18013273
File: 418 KB, 640x480, yukarin more like yukarekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew staying home tonight instead of going out was a good decision

>> No.18013390

My nigga

>> No.18013414

IN Scarlet Team

>> No.18013416
File: 531 KB, 600x907, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_kumo_atm__30eb7d5ae330a8bcd7667af8fd1fe11f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Anon! You did it!

>> No.18013569
File: 1.61 MB, 960x720, th14_ud0013 (DDC) Extra Clear - MarisaB [No Bomb].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got that ExNB /jp/!!

>> No.18013621

Nice one dude. I seem to recall Raiko being pretty difficult. How long did it take you?

>> No.18013630

>1CC EoSD normal years ago
>move to theland of the sushi
>buy physical disc of eosd
>can`t 1CC it

what was the shitter shot type of this game again

>> No.18013728

I'm not sure, I started doing this weeks ago but only did like 2 runs per week so I don't really now
Probably around 8-12 attempts

>> No.18013848

Did Japanese delinquents indoctrinate you into the ways of chevrontext?

Depends on what you’re having trouble with. ReimuA obviously helps with dodging since you can keep damaging woth homing amulets. MarisaB is the highest damage output, but MarisaA’s infinite piercing helps a lot on some stage segments. ReimuB is a compromise of dealing good damage (less than Marisa) but keeping the small hitbox.

>> No.18013896

Reimu and Marisa have the same hitbox size in EoSD.

>> No.18013926

So what's the point of Reimu B?

>> No.18013946

More precise movement, best bomb for scoring, mid tier difficulty in the selection of spells from Patchy.

>> No.18014480
File: 2.12 MB, 1076x1022, reimu waargh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 1cc'd th16 on hard with Reimu spring, but I've yet to try other characters or shottype.
What is the most fun shottype combination, /jp/? I really the dig the shottype combination mechanic and will try the others after I finished Extra.

Also, how the elitism has grown in these threads? Is it still "only NMNBN[x] world-class players' opinion that matters" and "only PCB and SA are worth discussing"? Honestly, I've been avoiding gameplay thread for years.

>> No.18014524

>What is the most fun shottype combination, /jp/?
Most of them as long as they don't involve Cirno, Summer or both.

>> No.18014682

I've started posting here again for the first time in five years and I've only seen support. Anyone is welcome here, and if some assholes think otherwise, well I'll welcome them myself.

>> No.18014852
File: 3.00 MB, 720x540, 294 Wriggle-Kun rapes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please warmly receive my animated image. Did it just for you /jp/, even though I am trash.

>> No.18015372
File: 434 KB, 640x480, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw another 1 miss run

>> No.18015381

I know the struggle dude, I'm going for PCB Extra NMNB myself. You'll get it pretty soon

>> No.18015396

Was it Double Death Butterfly?

>> No.18015405

In TH16 Extra how are you supposed to clear the backup dancers' spell cards other than damage racing them? I try shooting the respawning enemies but I still get overwhelmed at some point.

The most fun combination is Marisa/Autumn.

>> No.18015411

thanks good luck

yukari's second non spell, sad!

>> No.18015438

Whats with this retarded cycle i keep on going through? First i do like 20 attempts daily for couple of days. Then after smashing my keyboard i take a break for couple of days. And then 1cc with 3 lives remaining on first attempt.

>> No.18015504

When you're frustrated, you play poorly. Sometimes taking a step back and letting things settle for a new day is good for you. You can't dodge the next attack if you're cursing the last 10 attacks, at least in my experience.

>> No.18015647
File: 49 KB, 540x616, how to peak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called peaking.

>> No.18015700
File: 1.99 MB, 1285x964, stupid hat stupid shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hands were shaking in that last spell, especially since I lost my last life in the survival spell because of the Junko hitbox bug. Sanae went up many points in the favorite touhou ranking just for being so best in this game in all aspects.
All extras completed, fuck Hecatia, fuck Nue, and fuck Koishi the hardest

See you in Hard Mode.

>> No.18015703

Sit on their heads.

>> No.18015727
File: 14 KB, 800x868, 1423742565437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will getting fit increase my STG performance?

>> No.18016060


reverse marisaa and marisab in your statement

good spread, good damage, good shotgun, ok Patchy

>> No.18016614

is subterranean animism the hardest? it seems sort of ridiculous even on normal, having some trouble with it. at least it has infinite continues

I just really want to get to the final boss cause she has the best theme

>> No.18016690

I don't see people talking about hidden star in four seasons much, what is the general consensus on it?

>> No.18016754

On Normal? Yes. Even LoLK is easier.

>> No.18016867

It's fun but really easy. One person on here said it was the first game where every difficulty is the same level of challenge, so I think the general consensus is that the release mechanics are broken.

>> No.18016889

I don't know if I'd say the easiest but it's the first game I 1cc'd on normal.

The release mechanic is definitely like a second bomb though in some ways, at least in terms of surviving.

>> No.18016909

>it's the first game I 1cc'd on normal.
Same, actually.

>> No.18016916

You haven't been in actual elitist places if you think there is elitism here

>> No.18016932

Now and then there's people who talk about genetic talent, he could be talking about that. I'm still not sure if those people are serious or just memeing, though.

>> No.18016943

Maybe it was serious the first couple times but by now it's just shitposting.

>> No.18017109

There are better (like 1 imo) places to discuss gameplay, but the /jp/ thread is relatively peaceful, if uneventful.

There are many, many more elitist places than here

>> No.18017185
File: 408 KB, 640x480, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got it! phantasm NMNBNBB no focus


>> No.18017362

Cirno!Summer is unironically my favourite way to play HSiFS. The hardest parts of the game for me are the stage segments, which she tears through (most importantly stage 4, nobody makes that easier than CirnoSummer), and her release is fun to abuse on bosses.

>> No.18017369

What a god. Congrats

>> No.18017379

This might not be the answer you're looking for, but try using Reimu for the Extra stage. Her homing shots wrap around and hit the boss at the same time the season addons hit them, meaning that Reimu dishes out insane shotgun damage when sitting on character's heads.
For the spell card you're having trouble with, you can take out 1/4th of either Satono or Mai's hp before the enemies start spawning. Focus on killing them with your season bullets (homing amulets also save you a lot of headache if an enemy starts vertically passing you). You can then run up and shotgun the final 1/4th of the boss' hp at the end of the card before any bullets reach you from the bottom of the screen.

>> No.18017381

Getting fit increases your performance in literally everything, so yes.

>> No.18017394

I really wouldn't say it's the easiest, but then again I don't think purely in terms of raw survival so my "easy" often differs from how people rank the games. I'm trying to capture as many spells and dodge as many patterns as I can (while still bombing if I can when I fail at parts), and HSiFS took me a while to nag the Normal 1CC.
For the same reason I've never agreed with people saying IN is the easiest game, a lot of boss spells are pretty damn tough.
Due to the season mechanic acting as a secondary bomb, and going back to 3 bombs when you die, I can understand how there are more than enough resources to breeze someone through the game if they're willing to pop all of those at every hint of danger, though.

>> No.18017576
File: 355 KB, 1280x720, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good job!

>> No.18017692

literally super!!!!

>> No.18017706 [DELETED] 

literally EPIC xD
just peed my pants but just a little XDDD
congrats man

>> No.18017747

Grats mane, what you gon do next?

>> No.18017864 [DELETED] 


IN, MoF or SA extras, same conditions. Probably MoF.

>> No.18017879


IN, MoF or SA extras, same conditions. Probably starting with MoF.

>> No.18018147

Nice, NNNN Phantasm! Definitely very unique, and all the hard work paid off

>> No.18018211

How'd you max out bombs? I thought you could only get 6 extra lives in the Extra/Phantasm

>> No.18018652

Ayyy, very well done. What's your next goal?

>> No.18018913

yukari drops bombs dude

>> No.18018936

Oh, I didn't know that.

>> No.18018962

What a good girl.

>> No.18018975
File: 37 KB, 600x589, reimu16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute madman, congrats!

>> No.18019074
File: 1.02 MB, 840x469, Reimugang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the craziest shit I had ever seen, dude. Congratulations.

>> No.18019199
File: 1.05 MB, 1032x1032, b4f90335ee65a2a4f68f935e09f100b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18019514
File: 83 KB, 717x717, Yuyuko (1854).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, you really deserve it!

>> No.18019716

How do I download replays from gensokyo.org? When I click "Download" I just get a page full of broken symbols.

>> No.18019724

Your browser is trying to interpret the replay as a text document. Save the page as a .rpy file.

>> No.18020971

Save as .rpy, and plop it into your replay folder for the specific game. Go to the replay menu ingame and scroll down past your own replays and there will be a hidden second menu with downloaded replays you can browse.

>> No.18021317

sugoi sugoi

>> No.18022079

Got it, thanks.

>> No.18022169

Are red UFOs best for 1cc? Any reason to take green over them?

>> No.18022198

>Are red UFOs best for 1cc?
>Any reason to take green over them?
Sometimes you won't need to make a choice, because there won't be enough red/rainbow UFOs to summon a red one. For example, if you go into stage 6 without any red UFOs, you should collect the 3 green UFOs dropped by the first wave of enemies because you won't be missing out on any life pieces.
What I do is summon red UFOs until I have max lives (this usually happens on stage 3), and then I start summoning green ones, switching back to red if I die.

>> No.18022565 [DELETED] 

shoo shoo

>> No.18022617 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 670x688, Yuyuko (546).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you doing, they are not even talking about this thread

>> No.18022632 [DELETED] 

What's funny is that their posts are usually so far separated from actual game discussion that it actually makes more sense to shoo the rest of the /jp/ 2hu threads over there instead.

>> No.18022740 [DELETED] 


>> No.18022744 [DELETED] 

Why are you even here if you don't like the usual /jp/ threads?

>> No.18022784 [DELETED] 

What's the fucking point of this even? trying to start board wars?

>> No.18022800 [DELETED] 

Did I say I didn't like them? All I said was the /vg/ thread's content has a higher correlation with those threads than the gameplay threads.
That said, I'm mainly on /jp/ for the gameplay thread and the eroge thread myself.

>> No.18022890 [DELETED] 

Looking at the thread they do talk about games, just mostly fangame ones.

Now please whoever trying to start unneccesary board war should fuck off to /pol/ and don't drag /jp/ into your faggotry.

>> No.18022920

Wow thanks all!! will start to try soon MoF extra

>> No.18022926 [DELETED] 

As someone who goes there often, they discuss mostly official lore and fangames (but that's because a guy who posts his runs already did all of the main games). Once in a while they do mention the games proper, but it's rare that they do so at a mechanical scale, because the games are part of the lore.

>> No.18022936 [DELETED] 

Last time I checked they were only talking about namefags/avatarfags.

>> No.18022959 [DELETED] 

Every thread has stupid drama once in a while. People here have argued the semi-blindspot in Okuu's Fixed Star is unintended and you cheesed the game if you ever used it.

>> No.18023043 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 611x131, this thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.18023128 [DELETED] 

Are you saying that's wrong?

>> No.18023240 [DELETED] 

>People here have argued
No, that was literally one guy telling us that is was cheating.

>> No.18023243 [DELETED] 

It's not cheating, it's just an exploit.

>> No.18023317

I cannot even get past stage 5 of SA on normal, and that's after using several dozen continues.

I think I am just bad, but I need to claim Utsuho as my own and I can't give up.

>> No.18023508

bomb. losing power is shitty, but losing lives is even worse. If you can get through Orin with 2 maybe 3 lives you should be able to beat Okuu

>> No.18023530

I can get to the last of orrin's spells usually by spamming bombs but some of the attacks on that stage are just relentless. I definitely feel like normal is unbalanced in SA.

if it were toned down just slightly i probably could have beat it by now, but that's irrelevant

>> No.18023573

Are you using Yukari?

>> No.18023580

Stop shooting at the parts where a big fairy stands in the middle of the screen shooting large white bullets.
If you're using Reimu A, during the streaming sections stream to the edge of the screen and then teleport to the other side.

>> No.18023608

I'm using Marisa A. Although I may drop her and go back to Reimu A because Marisa's bomb is abysmal (though easier to spam obviously)

>> No.18023609

Even though it sounds meaningless, just focus on getting better at each stage. Get good at beating stage 1, then stage 2, and continue on until you can consistently get to Utsuho. I personally wouldn't recommend using continues, only because you should focus on mastering the earlier stuff. If you're really stuck, then maybe try playing a different game and come back to SA later.

>> No.18023624

I can usually get to stage 3 without continues and that's where things go downhill. In most touhou games I can usually work my way towards beating it with continues, but this one I cant even get past stage 5. And that's even considering you get unlimited checkpoints.

But I probably will end up trying to beat some of the other games first as you said

>> No.18023675

/jp/ I feel so fucking bad, you're the only people I can talk about this to. I've gotten major tilt over the past two weeks and I dont fucking know why

it takes roughly 16 seconds for a phase of books. I spent 30 minutes. 30 fucking minutes. Yes, you read that correctly. To cap books 1 time. I was on heavy tilt throughout the entire time.

30 minutes is 1800 seconds. 1800/16 is 112.5. It took me at least 112.5 times, probably 200, to cap books, 1 time. 1 fucking time.

why the fuck am I even practicing this god damn piece of shit? I already know I'm going to die on books anyways on a real run, and I never will get my consistency above 1/20, which is fucking abysmal for consistency. Maybe I should just fucking give up books forever and consider eosd lives to be 8, because losing 1 to books is already guaranteed.

I should just do more fucking productive stuff like practicing sakuya, or remi, or meiling. Capping books requires fucking talent, and as such a meme as it is, genetics, upbringing, and health to consistently cap this piece of shit.

LNBing this fucking game with ReimuA will be the fucking end of me

>> No.18023777

Take it easy man.

>> No.18023793

have you considered switching to ReimuB? or did you already got LNB with that?

>> No.18023875

It's a retarded pride thing, I want to do ReimuA because of it

>> No.18023889

That's what I did. I took a break from SA and managed to 1CC a couple of the easier entries pretty quickly, and got through most of StB. Then I returned to SA and discovered that I hadn't improved at all and still couldn't handle Rin, even with continues.

>you should focus on mastering the earlier stuff.

Mastering the early stuff is inevitably going to happen regardless of how you approach the game; I don't think it's something anyone really needs to focus on. If anything, making a conscious effort to master the early stages sounds like a good way to get burned out. I suck at the games, but I still can't stand to play them on anything other than lunatic nowadays because the early stages are such a boring chore to go through on normal.

>> No.18023941

Just take a break from EoSD and come back to it after a month or a few weeks or something

>> No.18023960

Those 2 anons are spot on.
I have seen people psych up because of EoSD LNB before, and they end up saying it wasn't worth it. Can't cap books? well you don't need to, it's not like you are on a full LNN run anyways.

>> No.18023977

hmm, I asked because I've been told more than once by EoSD LNB players that ReimuB was the best choice since ReimuA struggles a lot for this.

>> No.18023979

Try using Aya.

>> No.18024052

Just accept the death on books then, it's a LNB instead of an LNN anyway.

>> No.18024076

I'm trying to emulate Story of Eastern Wonderland but upon start I get assaulted by this message in awful red text: 「むやみにSTOPキー押したりしない方がいいと思うの。(ゲーム中はね)(STOPキーで戻れるよ、ねっ)」
I already tried mashing my hands on the keyboard, any way to play the game?

>> No.18024338

google translate says that means "I think that it is better not to push the STOP key unnecessarily. (During the game) (You can return with the STOP key, ne)" So I guess don't press the stop key?

What emulator are you using?

>> No.18026428

I'm using neko. I wasn't pressing anything at all when the game loaded. After the two Zun logos appear it goes straight to that message.

>> No.18026495

can you guys maybe help me out find the touhou tower defence game?

>> No.18026583

I found it, but I only get a blackscreen and error massage when I click out. sad.

>> No.18027140

I recommend you asking the guys on /vg/ about fangames, that's more their thing than ours.

>> No.18027273


>> No.18027284

us primaries right?

>> No.18028283

Have you considered getting some talent?

>> No.18028431

I only have marisa and reimu though?

Also update from yesterday, I can get past stage 5 now and get to utsuho easily, and her attacks have actually fairly simple patterns (except a few) but they all require constant precision. it is definitely going to take some practice finishing her, especially since I got in there with only 2 lives

>> No.18028438

You're playing SA aren't you? Aya is Reimu C. You're picking a youkai to provide the shot type to Reimu.

>> No.18028459

yes, i see what you mean now. just remembered that on like marisa A you're technically playing with alice. i'll try out reimu C next time i give it a go. i was stuck on stage 5 with marisa A and i got to stage 6 tonight with reimu A

besides that, do you all play with a keyboard mainly? i've been playing with the xbox controller mostly

>> No.18028523
File: 54 KB, 268x480, Yuyuko (1133).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1MNBNR to the section before Okina, not even sad just anger

>> No.18028651

guys the talent god has blessed me with confidence and talent

3 books caps easy peasy lemon squeasy

>> No.18028913

scratch that i wasted 20 fucking minutes of my fucking life dying to meiling midboss because she said "even though you can do sakuya, remi, books, and patchy, you die here punk"

>> No.18029136

A whole 20 minutes? Jesus man my condolences.

>> No.18029241

What does the miss mean? Missing a spellcard? A life?

>> No.18029313

1 miss = 1 death

>> No.18029317

A blue item, RIP perfect score

>> No.18029891

>i've been playing with the xbox controller mostly
I've heard the Xbox controllers are notorious for having bad D-pads, so are you playing with the analog sticks?
I'm a keyboard player so I have no personal experience, but I'm sure getting to stage 6 with a controller is no mean feat. Be proud of that, and I'm sure you'll get that 1CC.

>> No.18030005

Why is everybody suddenly playing extra stages for survival?

>> No.18030141

Yes, I'm using the analog stick. It's also what I used to 1cc HSiFS with. I just remember reading somewhere that controllers are popular in Japan for th

If I have too much trouble I may just try the keyboard but I feel like I can do it this way

>> No.18031501

How long does it take to learn Patchy?
I've been stuck at her for days, playing with ReimuB on normal.

>> No.18031575

just bomb dude

>> No.18031584

How many extends are possible to get before Hecatia?

>> No.18031597

If you're a god of grazing, you can get to her with 5 lives, getting one extend from the baku and ~12 life pieces from chapter bonuses.

>> No.18031637

The bombs don't help, if I could defeat her just with bombing I would have done it by now. ReimuB's bomb is too weak.

>> No.18031639

jesus, I need to get gud

>> No.18031651

So switch to MarisaB, Master Spark is OP

>> No.18031663

A few of those chapters are basically impossible to get the life piece on unless you bomb, especially as Reimu. Realistically you should expect 6-9 life pieces from the stages.
Good tip to remember is that Heca's first non needs 400 graze for the lifepiece because it counts Junko's appearance as an "enemy".

I'll whip up a ReimuB normal patchy video for you real quick.

>> No.18031718


Watching a variety of different normal reimu b replays also helps, to learn the strategy

>> No.18031729

Start the nonspells right up against her to get some extra damage in, and before the second set of lasers finish, run to the bottom left corner and start streaming. The lasers always spin the same way so you can do a bit of memorization there.
Stream in slow increments for the lasers in her first spell and dodge the bubbles accordingly. As long as you don't move wildly while the lasers are firing you should be fine.
Water elf (2nd last spell) is kind of aimed so just stream and restream accordingly. You won't fully dodge everything by just streaming though so you do need to read.
Sylphy horn(? whatever the green pellet spam is called) and Mercury Poison are just reading without much strategy I don't think. Good luck.

>> No.18031775

I really appreciate the help, I'll try my best.
Thanks for the tips.

>> No.18031826

Also, how do you only play the boss? Could you link me the patch?

>> No.18032161

Google around for "Touhou SpoilerAL". Setting everything up is kinda annoying but worth it if you're serious about practicing. I could give you my setup but it's all in Jap. If you don't mind that though I can upload that somewhere.

>> No.18032193

I don't mind, please do.

>> No.18032240

Run SpoilerAL.exe under jap locale, click the bottom left "SSGファイルの場所を変更" button and point it to the SSGs folder in the same directory(only gotta do this once), launch the game you're playing, select the game title from the spoilerAL interface, then click around to do things. For EoSD in particular, I believe your game has to be the Japanese version, and the exe has to be named 東方紅魔郷.exe. Works with vpatch.
Not all games let you warp to the bosses; only the ones with the ssg made by 4.6 can do it. Other games have other specific boss rush patches and whatnot.

>> No.18032497
File: 645 KB, 713x785, ee3ec4eda9b2ae641cdc6aa12d5bf2b3bb33ef3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually hit the point where I can reliably 1cc games I've already beaten. I was honestly expecting it to always be a struggle.

>> No.18032663

Yeh, I don't have the Japanese version, it works for a bit but the game crashes so I can't really make use of it.
Thanks a lot in any case, I did manage to beat Patchy once somehow.

>> No.18033241

One thing I've noticed that helps if you are stuck, just take a break and come back to it later or even the next day.

I posted earlier about how I was struggling on SA stage 5, but I can get through the first 5 stages relatively easily now. Just need to practice 6 more, I think I will be able to beat it soon

>> No.18033297
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How do I "get gud"? I've started playing without shooting any bullets so I can just focus on learning the enemies' patterns. Is there a better, more effective way to learn?

Also, how long/how much play time does it generally take you to 1CC a game on normal? I remember playing 10 everyday for a couple of weeks, and I only ever made it to Stage 5. Kind of discouraging for me, haha.

>> No.18033333

Just play the game normally. Learn what spellcards you can reliably dodge, learn what you need to bomb.

Timing out spellcards doesn't seem like too great of an idea for practice since in a real run you'll try to stay under a boss for damage.

>> No.18033361

Are you using the iframes to shotgun?

>> No.18033369

i wouldnt recommend playing without shooting. there are a lot enemy attacks that will exacerbated simply because you're leaving so many on the screen and i dont think that's helpful for you.

really, just play and die a lot and spam bombs. as long as you are making an effort to dodge in the harder attacks and survive then you should get better.

it's not the kind of game you can just pick up and be good at, i can guarantee you all of these people who 1cc on lunatic or even normal put many hours of practice into it

>> No.18033370

Clear all the scenes in StB. You'll wonder why you had problems clearing most of the games after that.

>> No.18033429

I think that's a good way to measure skill. I've cleared the first five scenes, did like two missions of scene 6, raising the total to 40 missions cleared, and that's my limit. Am I worth anything?

>> No.18033448

How about you just play the game normally instead of coming with innovative ways to play 10+ yo games?

>> No.18033465

If you cleared everything in level 5, you're better than the average low level player. I doubt most of them could clear 5-5 and 5-8.

>> No.18033482

So is that still low, or medium?

>> No.18033501

5-8 was kinda easy, 5-5, however, was hell. 6-1 took me over 300 tries, but I don't think there's a real, consistent way of clearing it beyond praying to RNG she doesn't point-blank you, or come at you from an awkward angle, it was a lot of fun (and 2am), though.

>> No.18033513

Still low. You're probably at the level where you can clear games on normal but your success rate isn't that high.

>> No.18033529

Why you're exactly right, I've 5 1cc's (EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF and TD), and out of those 5 games I did 3 Extras (PCB, IN and MoF). I think I could only do EoSD, IN, and maybe PCB consistently, if only because I can't stand TD.
I'm also too lazy to do a 1cc chart.

>> No.18033805

Just play the games dude, if you need to practice a particular stage use practice mode, Imperishable Night even has spell practice mode so you can do just the spellcards themselves, you can also try LoLK (th15) in Point Device mode.

>> No.18034867
File: 650 KB, 640x480, not a myon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not how I remember that spellcard

>> No.18035491

Are those spaghettified Suikas?

>> No.18036158

Most people use keyboards and the general idea seems to be that controllers are less precise, but yeah in Japan they seem more popular, HSiFS recommends a controller on the steam page, and I distinctly remember a picture of ZUN playing touhou with a controller. I'm pretty sure it's just a myth that controllers are less precise, or that there's really any tangible difference once you get used to either keyboard or controller.
Maybe try keyboard once to see if you maybe like it more, but you'll probably just stick with controller anyway for familiarity's sake.

>> No.18036167

ReimuB's bomb is mainly just to clear the bullets off of the screen so that you can shotgun. The bomb itself does next to no damage by itself, I learned that the hard way when I expected it to kill a Patchy spell with a sliver of life left, so I just went for the PoC while the bomb went off. She didn't die though, and I got hit in the face by her next volley of bullets since I was right beside her.

>> No.18036199

The feeling of tangible improvement is nice. Great job, anon!

>> No.18036231

For me personally, the biggest block keeping me from my first 1cc of each game is learning to be comfortable with using bombs much more liberally, preventing a lot of deaths.

>> No.18036247
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, reimucoloredbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bad at danmaku but I still keep playing. Keine completely rapes me even on normal. I'm pretty sure I had to bomb or die through all of Marisa's spell cards (except Stardust Reverie, because that spell is literally easy mode). In common these characters both have intense micro dodging I think, perhaps I should train that.

That's not SA (Subterranean Animism), it's SI (Space Invaders)!

>> No.18036294

Keep trying anon.

Marisa is pretty brutal. Getting through her without wasted bombs will make or break your 1cc.

>> No.18036567

Which IN solo character do you think is the hardest? I fucking despise Alice.

>> No.18036658

The three worst for me are Alice, Sakuya, and Reimu, in that order(Alice being the worst).

>> No.18036755

Alice. not even a question

>> No.18037203 [DELETED] 

That's it i'm skipping Alice. It's like playing on a different difficulty compared to the other characters. Why on earth are the solo characters even a thing to begin with?

>> No.18037240

Don't worry about it. There's no real reason to do solo shots other than to torture yourself or score as Youmu anyway.

>> No.18037265

lol I like CirnoA, FW (Fairy Wars), because that's the only one in FW. Please don't hate me for liking FW.

>> No.18037286
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>> No.18037554
File: 169 KB, 1280x960, 7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still an improvement over an 8miss I guess. Can't believe I got so tilted at dying to Sakuya's 2nd non that I forgot to misdirect The World. Ah well.

>> No.18037698

Who are you quoting?

Fairy wars is good. But it actually has 16 "shottypes."

>> No.18037717

I'm pretty sure he's quoting the person he linked to in his post. Don't use /jp/ memes you don't understand.

And I don't think anybody counts different levels of shot power as shottypes.

>> No.18037740

I actually just didn't see the "lol," sorry.

>> No.18037752


>> No.18037768

Story of Eastern Wonderland's timing for bombs is relentless. 80% of my deaths are because I tried to bomb as a bullet was headed toward me at the speed of light, but the bullet hit me before (I assume) my finger is able to fully press the key down.
You really have to predict your death 3 steps in advance here, at which point you might as well just dodge the bullet.

>> No.18037784

Solo Remilia and Yuyuko are pretty fun.

>> No.18037847

Wasn't deathbombing introduced in Lotus Land Story?

>> No.18037958

I finally fucking beat SA (on normal). I feel like I can move on with my life now

I might go attempt LoLK now though

>> No.18038001

What shottype did you clear it with?

If you do decide to tackle LoLK next, the best advice I can give you is to take breaks, don't try to clear it in one sitting.

>> No.18038013

ReimuC. I'm the one that's been playing with the Xbox controller, and I would like to thank whoever suggested using ReimuC cause it worked.

I know I wont be beating these games in one sitting, took me since like monday to beat SA. Maybe I should play some of the easier ones for a little while before that

>> No.18038016
File: 43 KB, 400x1234, Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy and go for an easier game like MoF or PCB.

>> No.18038085

wow, you have the most filled in for SA.

I still havent 1cc'd 7, 8, or 9 so I'll probably go for those now

>> No.18038126

No. It was formally introduce in EoSD.

It exist in the PC-98 games but time window is very small. It considered a glitch.

>> No.18038307

No SA Extra clear? I think you should be able to clear it with no problems, even ExNN if you want to, since that extra has almost no randomness.

>> No.18038347

>Cirno A
You mean to just say "Cirno," right?" There's no A in that shot type.

>> No.18038446

yes, somehow suika disappeared but those spaghetis stayed for the whole spellcard

>> No.18038465

But that's a Youmu spell, how did Suika even show up there? Was it even playable (as in, could you take pictures of something)?

>> No.18038712

I feel that "last life adrenaline" only works for extra stages, because this must be like the 6th time I lose to Byakuren's last spell due to a lack of resources. I've already cleared the game with 3 different shot types, so it's not really a big deal, but still frustrating.

>> No.18038728
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It took me a long while but I've finally managed to 1cc a game, It's not much but I'm really excited since these are my first steps into beating more games and other shottypes.

>> No.18038764

The opposite just happened to me right now, got a 1cc while doing Byaku's last with 0 lives, I felt really nervous tho, and thought I would lose it any moment. And yeah you might be right, because for extra stages I don't feel that much pressure as they are shorter and you can just try again, but for the main game... after going through 6 stages, gameovering at their final spell is a way worse feeling.

>> No.18038820

maybe because I did first a suika spell and later moved there, yes it was fully playable but suika going from side to sida kinda made me lose my concentration

>> No.18038855

You might be right for the main game, as fatigue could counterbalance the adrenaline by the time you reach the sixth stage.
Whereas the Extra stage is so relatively short that victory is just barely out of your reach at all times, so no matter how low you get on resources you can tell that you're still very capable of reaching it at any moment.

>> No.18038965

>I've already cleared the game with 3 different shot types
Final Life Hype never helps me on games I've beaten several times before, instead it just demoralizes me.

>> No.18039390

Congrats anon! your journey just started and this should be a great motivational boost to keep playing and beating more games (or the same with other shot types as you said) if you plan to take on another game, I suggest either IN, MoF or TD.

>> No.18039411

Congratulations! You DID it!

>> No.18039772

SA Ex is stone cold and merciless. There might be little randomness, but the spellcards aren't very easy and there's little to no space for mistake. Between Genetics, Philosophy and Subterranean, Koishi has so many thorns so stick in my ass.

Except Youkai Polygraph which is probably the easiest survival card ever.

>> No.18040193

>Alice being the worst
Alice is much better than Sakuya.

>> No.18041217
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Got EoSD Extra with Marisa A, it was surprisingly easier than Reimu B.

>> No.18041356

I did say "for me", so it's subject to opinion. My metric was really just "how many credits did I need to get a 1cc", where Alice took 3 times as many as Sakuya. Both are pretty bad, I'll admit. And honestly if I didn't luck out and time out Jewelled Branch of Hourai as Reimu solo with zero resources left on my first run to Kaguya I'd probably have ended up rating her a bit lower too.

>> No.18041664

Spring is supposed to be the hardest final spell, right? I have more trouble with Fall. Is that a difficulty thing?

>> No.18041724

congrats man!! literal superplay!

>> No.18041743

On lunatic it goes Spring>Summer>Fall>Winter in terms of difficulty, yeah.

>> No.18043203
File: 63 KB, 194x179, Yuyuko (1734).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very nice!
You must really like PCB anon

>> No.18043852

Get SA, DDC and Legacy LoLK 1cc!

>> No.18043995

I can't get stage 6 practice to unlock in PCB, even though I've finished the game with multiple shot types, is this a known bug?

>> No.18043997
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i completed TH6 on extra and Hard, no problem.

i started TH7 today and getting my ass kicked on normal. what gives? maybe its because its all new, but I feel like the Primsriver Sisters alone are harder than anything in EOSD

>> No.18044180

Are you trying to practice on a shot type you haven't beaten the game as? You can only practice a stage on the shot type you cleared the stage on.

Proficiency isn't super transferable across games. It could just be that you got used to EoSD after playing it for a while so you find it easier. PCB survival is generally accepted to be easier than EoSD though so you should pick it up soon enough.

>> No.18044309

>Proficiency isn't super transferable across games

Yeah I figured.

One of the things I don't like is that PCB has a lot less random patterns. It seems more like just memorizing the gimmick of each spellcard. I like some of EOSD's random spellcards that were just dodgefests (like Patchy).

>> No.18044357

>I like some of EOSD's random spellcards that were just dodgefests
Oh you sweet summer child. You'll regret saying that if you ever get to LNB levels of play.

>> No.18044361

You finished EosD on hard and extra and you have problem with Primsriver on normal?

>> No.18044468

How would you rank the Windows games on Hard difficulty, from easiest to hardest?

>> No.18044490

EoSD easiest, UFO hardest

>> No.18044502

6, 7, 10, 13, and 16 are relatively easy. 8, 9, and 14 are about average. 11, 12, and 15 are relatively hard. Subject to opinions. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.18044514

>15 hard on hard
>16 easy

>> No.18044988

>maybe its because its all new
That's all it is. Keep practicing and it'll become easy for you.

>> No.18046906


I've finished the game with MarisaA, MarisaB and ReimuA, but I can't practise stage 6 with any of them.

>> No.18046976
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I'm surprised that all it took was 9 tries and a few practiceruns. Reimu w/ summer is pretty damn good a got to say

>> No.18047006

so is there an easy way to convert a replay to mp4 for youtube or do i literally just have to go record the game while the replay runs?

>> No.18047118

>have to go record the game while the replay runs
Just sharing the replay file would be easier if you only want a few people to see it though, provided they have the game.

>> No.18047140

Summer is pretty easy, easily the best season on Normal.

>> No.18047187

I know, I wanted to be able to link it to people easier.

I've found that OBS is good for this task because you can have it record just a specific window

>> No.18047677
File: 1.41 MB, 940x712, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I cleared PCB Normal after a few more tries, it's not hard at all. Did it with Marisa A + Marisa B + Sakuya B. Now working on Extra.

Spell cards like this are why I like EOSD more so far. I can do this card with my eyes closed once you learn the gimmick, why even have it in the game?

>> No.18048265

It looks cool

>> No.18048830

I don't defend that one in particular but PCB isn't bad in terms of quantity of stupid cards. IN has a lot of bad ones though

>> No.18049689

Bumping because I accidentally bumped a shit thread

>> No.18049919

Already on autosage. New thread soon.
