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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.1797450[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ talk about the same things over and over?

>> No.1797461

Cause repetition is soothing.

>> No.1797464

because we dont give a damn

>> No.1797468

That's not even a spoiler.

You'd need to have the attention span of a 5 year old to not realize that he's the Killer from the very beginning.

I mean, who the fuck ELSE could it have been?

>> No.1797469

/jp/ is actually one person with MPD.

These posts were all made by your subconsious.

Also, Snape kills dumbledore.

>> No.1797472


>> No.1797487

because this is 4chan, you numbskull.

>> No.1797492


Because it's /jp/ - Japan / General, not /jp/ - Japan / Random.

>> No.1797493
File: 8 KB, 148x150, 1229837245140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sanae is a slut. Aya is a crow slut. Zun is an alcoholic. 3D pig disgusting. xD so funny. /jp/ sucks. It's not pad. /a/ is full of newfags. People die when they are killed. Sound Horizon is awesome. Doll joints are hot. No girls on the internet. How do you say "I like ice cream" in Japanese. Japanese bird cooking pasta. 7 hoops! You lost me.

>> No.1797499

Well, that pretty much summarized /jp/ up nicely.

>> No.1797501


He forgot the irrational tripfaggotry rage.

>> No.1797508
File: 57 KB, 650x414, 1229837554276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>7 hoops!

And now they're on FIRE.

>> No.1797511

I don't know. It sort of sucks.

>> No.1797514


That dog's power level is way over 9000.

>> No.1797515

oh fuck me

>> No.1797518

He forgot that /a/ imagedumps and how mods (reactionface.jpg) don't give a shit about /jp/

>> No.1797519

I thought that was pretty much a given.

>> No.1797532

Goddamn, this dog just ascended to heroic status.

>> No.1797535
File: 889 KB, 2608x3000, 1229837876523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He actually left out some pretty important things, but it works.

>> No.1797539

I bet even Arcueid couldn't do that.

>> No.1797540

You forgot:

What does Japan think of x
I would procreate with x
Sankaku Complex
News from Japan

>> No.1797561

Oh wow.
It's beautiful.
