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17953359 No.17953359 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs up to 1.73:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>New Chat Server Info:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.73 (10/29/2017)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.73.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.17953381

What does a caramel of termination do?

>> No.17953389
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>> No.17953429

How do I get a new little girl? My first one died.

>> No.17953439

If your pet dies they aren't gone forever, find a barkeep in the tavern and pay to resurrect them.

>> No.17953445

you go to a bar and ask to revive your pet

in costum there is an option for pets to die forever in loss mode.

>> No.17953449
File: 65 KB, 739x457, kuromu hansen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I get a new little girl?

>> No.17953454

You can buy them from slave trader in Derphy if you need more, they only cost like 1k piece.

>> No.17953501

Is there any way for a PC to learn bound in blood? blood stream is cool as hell

>> No.17953505

That's some serious candy. You might even call it ragna-rock candy.

>> No.17953560

Does Wizard's Harvest get better later on? I have it at level 90, and it's not very good right now.
The animation/use time is so long, so it's a pain to use, but I have a lot of stock for it, so I want to use it.
Right now it's mostly just useful for generating ancient books, and that's not very helpful, it gives out small medals or plat so rarely.

>> No.17953687
File: 25 KB, 257x200, same fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wanted a cutlassfish buddy.

>> No.17953692

E+ nerfed the heck out of it. I don't think it's very good anymore.

>> No.17953763

If you would be kind enough to provide the sauce of the bottom right text box I would be thankful.

>> No.17953807

What's the best use for Rod of Alchemy?

>> No.17954083

Is there a list of gauge attacks anywhere on the wiki? I just got hit with mind break and it made me puke everything up and almost starve to death. Seems useful.

>> No.17954213

Day 2 of Puppy Cave Farming.
Still no signs of Fire Dragon Child.
Hungry Demons are my bane.

>> No.17954392

is it just me or is the custom AI way too overpowered? I can teach my pets all kinds of OP spells/skills in minutes.

>> No.17954420

Also, here's my Xeren Electric Tank mount AI:

IF target distance =1 Zero Shoot
If self MP <10% ranged attack
If self buff != hero cast hero
If self buff != haste cast haste
If self buff != divine wisdom cast divine wisdom
If target status != wet cast hydro bolt
If target status = wet cast lightning bolt

>> No.17954471

I would really love it if this damn defender would heal my other pets outside of combat. Or like, ever almost. I have her set to heal allies <70% HP but she doesn't listen. Wasn't a problem until I started using this bloodress for bound in blood+bloodstream. She shits damage, but she sure doesn't last long when my defender just stands there watching her bleed out.
Would I be better off teaching the bloodress herself cure of jua or something?

>> No.17954687

What's the requirement to teach your pet spells? Is it level 100 in that spell or something?>>17954420

>> No.17954707

Level 50.

>> No.17954781

Wishing well, wish for "friend". Alternatively, in the mods page, the 'Ol-Moran" map has a thing you do that gets you a level 10 little girl that starts pre-evolved.

>> No.17955002

balistas are the best weapons. move aside, MA fags.

i used it for books. specificly, taking normal spells i dont need and turn them around till i get books i do have use for.

i think so too so i stopped using it.

>> No.17955313

but you can get almost any book from the vendor, and I don't think you can get Wish/Wonder this way.

>> No.17955321
File: 237 KB, 564x409, i deeid it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the map sprites were satisfying for my inn, so I made my own trying to conform to everything else.
Why does this game do this to me?

>> No.17955339

How long does it take for npcs to respawn?

>> No.17955369

if i really need a book, id go for the vendor
otherwise, im just maintaining my spell stock
also, i use it on random boulders balistas to make sure i don't carry too much weightand ofc cursed equip if i find it too much hassle to equip and uncurse it

>> No.17955435

Rod of alchemy only affect one item, not the whole stack right ?

>> No.17955640
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No idea, I capped it when reading a bunch of comics one after the other. I do remember the other two boxes are from At Home Harem FudeoroSisters.

>> No.17955670

You did good, that's a cute inn. Mind posting the sprite?

>> No.17955856

is there any reason for riding apart for early game speed boosts?i get that late game giving the mount ring slots+ speed rings can get you above the normal speed limit, and tired and starving will no longer reduce speed, but is there any real reason to stick to it?

>> No.17955878

It is good for a very long time, since you can generally get a pet that's faster, until you have 1.3k speed, but eventually on foot is the way to go.

Even more mileage with custom AI, of course. Having your mount heal /debuff is pretty cash.

>> No.17955879

Like most elona things, it can be gamed, especially with custom.
Riding a black seraph with speed spell, boost, lulwy's trick, run wildy and gravity manipulation comes to mind.

>> No.17956016
File: 1 KB, 48x48, inn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956390


>> No.17956769

Are house servants' home tiles connected to the location of the houseboard? My maid and most guests are outside my house all the time. Last thing I need is for my magic vendors to do this derpy shit too when I buy them.

>> No.17956801

no. you can put the houseboard anywhere you want. its like the lease- even if you sell it, its effects last.

>> No.17956808

Alright. So, why is everyone outside on the edges of the map? In my previous cyberhouse, they'd all cluster in the entrance-hall, which is where I want them.

>> No.17956811

just use the house board and choose the move command and you can tell them which location to be.

>> No.17956827

Good grief. For 7 years I thought that was to kick them out.

>> No.17956990

>Removed the game mechanic that gave a 1 to 1/3 satiety-dependent multiplier to experience gained when eating without any of the "Hungry" statuses. This multiplier is now fixed at x3 for food that is not rotten, and x1 for rotten food.
does this mean i can start eating before i'm hungry and still get the 3x bonus, or just that if i'm not hungry i get fucked for stat gains?

>> No.17956995

Eat when you want m8
Ano is a kind god. As long as you don't savescum, then he will murderrape you kek

>> No.17957028

Ano is basically removing all the tedium from the joy of grinding.

It is good.

>> No.17957603
File: 78 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't decide the name ill give my balista, after several rolls i decided not to reroll anymore and to let you guys decide.

>> No.17957609

<Reroll> sounds like a good name. I'd use A if I were you anon.

>> No.17957667

sadly, reroll isn't a naming option but an action option. the rest are ok tough.

>> No.17957722

i decided to reroll afterall since you guys told me to. i took 'monstrous rage', which is meh but ok.

>> No.17958073

Is there a more spammable source of AoE or targetable healing than healing rain? Duplicane doesn't work on healing rods and spell stock a shit.

>> No.17958246


Alchemical rain + healing pots, or get a nurse pet.

>> No.17958251


Throwing healing pots is also great fun, but consider hostile to NPCs I think.

>> No.17959251

Perhaps if you're a feudal peasant! Gatling guns are the true kings of DPT.

>> No.17959287

Elona really need a spellmaking feature like daggerfall/morrowind.

>> No.17959567

you mean machine guns? pffft. those are so stuck on avarage damage it hurts you mentally more than it hurts the enemy.

>> No.17959704

So, spears have absolute pierce ## and according to the totally reliably wiki, this is 20%. I have a staff with ### absolute pierce chance and it has literally never activated since I acquired it.

What am I missing here?

>> No.17959729

I am getting this crash.
HspError 7 WinError 0 Ver 2980 Mode 0 efId 613 efP 106 Area 2/1 ci 0#720 ti 0#720 cc 38#75 tc 38#75 rc 59#245 3. fixOnMapEnter ct:0 2. Map:Init world ct:0 1. Map:Continue ct:0 0. turn_end:pc ct:0
please help

>> No.17959929

Is that the compatibility error on startup, are you running Win10?

>> No.17960164

>nd according to the totally reliably wiki, this is 20%
Reread it. That's 20% basic pierce. Nothing to do with the invoke.

>> No.17960572

I'm trying to compile elonapluscustom from source, but HSP 3.5 doesn't want to start, it just gives "startup failed" on Windows 7. What do? Are they actually expecting me to switch all settings of my PC to Japanese?

>> No.17960576

What happens if I wish for a monster? Will it appear so I can capture it?

>> No.17960695
File: 566 KB, 806x625, Fook the programmers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it works now. My metal pianist is not going to lose magic resistance ever again. Here's a middle finger to the devs! :P

>> No.17960731

Just tested it out, doesn't work.

>> No.17960783

where can you find potions of potential, goods vendors or general vendors? what about magic vendors?

>> No.17960789

Magic vendors, rank them up to 110+, more is better. Invest 50 2x basically

>> No.17960834

i see thank you.

>> No.17960911

You can get away with a single 50x invest, you won't see stacks of them but a single one every now and then. I usually have a net gain of 4-5 to my stockpile with just that, but I'm mostly running solo so not giving any to pets atm

>> No.17960935

Giving to pets is dumb, just lower their INI, one 100k gift to them is enough to last 3-4 400% potential gains.

>> No.17960983

you guys serious? give them gems and ores, preferbly ones agumented trough pot of fusion, and they will train their own potential to superb levels.

>> No.17961018

Evochat is better than gems, since you can use it whenever you want, and ores are limited.

>> No.17961050

correctt me if im wrong, but isn't there a minimum relationship to evochat? gems are enough from the start of the game, where you can dump spare ones on your pet, to the endgame, where you can mine/garden/buy from home vendors which are at 500+levels.

>> No.17961246

>! :P
That video review was like a batsignal except for faggots.

>> No.17961291

Anyone got a solution for this error? Happens to my one save that is mid-combat rn after 1 turn I make.
HspError 7 WinError 0 Ver 2980 Mode 0
efId 613 efP 106 Area 2/1
ci 0#720 ti 0#720 cc 38#75 tc 38#75 rc 59#245
3. fixOnMapEnter ct:0
2. Map:Init world ct:0
1. Map:Continue ct:0
0. turn_end:pc ct:0

>> No.17961317

Are there any features or mechanics that you think are missing in elona/elona+?
Personally I'm surprised there aren't mining related quests and at smithing not really existing at all. I also feel like macros would be nice but I can see them being a bit controversial.

>> No.17961327

is there a cheat that allows me to clear the area of enemies? I need one badly

>> No.17961369

i dunno men. taking an item with nice attributes and than fusion to ugprade it and than material kits for the right material than craft repair kits on what comes out feels pretty much like smithing to me. than again, you could also say it feels like sorcery...
anyway, i think its weird only the pc gets ether corruption. or that pets can't starve to death. something needs to be done about it.

try a 'nuke'/'dead lion'.
there is also a spell.
its called 'meteor'
or get an eternal force item.

>> No.17961385

I need to do it using cheat. So immediately. To fix a bug I am having. Is there any method?

>> No.17961420

1turn of combat? what did you do in elona?
did you plaay a version and updated the game midcombat or something?

>> No.17961439

Basically... well there is only 1 turn for me and as far as I know I cannot rollback so I need to get rid of monsters that cause my game to crash.

>> No.17961443

And I was stupid enough to not backup the game. Tho I wanted to

>> No.17961447

My savefile

>> No.17961459

1turn to kill everything is plenty. you can give yourself really high stats and than use those stats to cast meteor.

>> No.17961468

I don't have that skill and I don't know how, if you could do it for me that would be much appreciated.

>> No.17961495

me? i know nothiing abnout elonshack. i thought you can kinda give yourself high magic stats, meteor stock and watch the world burn.
have you tried to redownload the old version?

>> No.17961505

Yes, thats not version problem

>> No.17961510

so i tried opening that save, but i failed cuz my ver is 1.72.

>> No.17961522

Worked on my 1.71 and 1.73

>> No.17961525

Even tho I played Elona+Custom I was still able to run it with just the elona+, didnt help with the issue tho.

>> No.17961534

have you tried opening it at 1.71 and see if the game crashes when Goda moves?

>> No.17961541

yeah, tried with 1.71 didnt even work, 1.71+custom still crashes, 1.73+ still crashes and 1.73+custom still crashes

>> No.17961545

I was thinking on adding rope in my inventory somehow so I could kms and hope it solves everything. Don't know how tho.

>> No.17961555

i was about to offer you that myself.

>> No.17961560

You know if that's possible? Adding it?

>> No.17961570

i don't know, i never use eloshack.

>> No.17961575


Read through that and see if you can figure it out.

>> No.17961579

I'll try...

>> No.17961672

Pretty sure that somewhere in game it mentions pets get hungry but don't die because they are sustained by the players life force? Kinda makes them familiars I guess.

>> No.17961714

does that mean players get hungry faster if they don't properly feed their pets?

>> No.17961768

Well, I tried... for no avail

>> No.17961944
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>> No.17962286
File: 141 KB, 715x590, 5ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17962290

So it only takes a thousand hours to get as good as Kai. Challenge accepted.

>> No.17962341

Wait since when could you have umu as a sprite?

>> No.17962563

Not as far as I have noticed.

>> No.17962678

Armor loli from OP's pic a cute, is she a set character? I want to see more!

>> No.17962960

Guys, can someone tell me which mods I should use on newest elona? I am just too afraid to experiment, I just want some more customizability or just make game generally look better, tips?

>> No.17963028

Most ''mods'' for this game boil down to simply changing an image or putting one in a folder, it's extremely easy and rewarding. Just make a backup and do experiment.

>> No.17963047

Damn, I know its easy but most of the mods I tried to download arent available and it says they are for earlier version. Thats why I want some tips

>> No.17963067

>step 1: open mspaint
>step 2: open your grafix file
>step 3: open the mod's grafix file
>step 4: copy the parts that are in your grafix file, but not the mod's grafix file
>step 5: paste these new parts into the mod in the same location they once were (over the empty spaces)
>step 6: save file
you now have an updated mod for any version.

>> No.17963112

How many hours a day do you fellas play Elona?

>> No.17963120

not enough

>> No.17963154

When I'm not busy or reading new books I've been waiting years for (stormlight archive) I play maybe 5 or 6 a day. But I've been busy often recently so maybe an hour or so

>> No.17963199

GAU Custom+Burst Bullets+Multi-Shot Feat+Arbalest allows you to fire 16-60 bullets PER TURN regardless of speed and will turn anything into swiss cheese.

>> No.17963233

So I'm back on my old Elea Wizard save (last modified: 2015). I read somewhere here & on the wiki that INIT was changed somewhere along the line that screws over old characters? 2015 was the last time I played the save, so it might have been created in 2014 or 2013. Also, I have been using pretty much all of my AP to raise speed, for me & my pets. Is that a good idea or should AP go somewhere else first? On the subject of pets as well, am I right in that raising up a low level pet is very grindy in that I have to tag with them to get them AP for speed? So would it be better to just dominate a high level pet (they don't need AP since their speed is already good, but then they might steal AP that I could've used). Finally, I'm in South Tyris now, and was wondering if it's worth it to move my home+shop+etc setup there or leave it in the North (it's all by Palmia)

>> No.17963287

I am too stupid for this, for instance I tried to "install" All in one graphics pack, did all that is needed but it is said in description that some files need to be updated, what am I supposed to do with them? Everything sure works but should I just ignore modifying those files for now?

>> No.17963301

You don't need to change any files at all, modding is as simple as making sure the picture looks like what you want it to look like if you edit in paint.
Just copy paste the monsters you want over the monsters in the gruphics .bmp

The only incompatibilities are where new versions add new monsters, so the worst that happens is they're invisible (or a giant square, not sure which one). This can be fixed by just making sure there's a sprite for each box not accounted for in your outdated mod, you can just copypaste the vanilla squares.

>> No.17963308

Holy shit, its actually hard. Damn, touchpad sure isnt a tool for that kind of work.

>> No.17963336

Paint is not very handy program to use in windows 10, or I am just retarded or maybe both, not quite sure. I'm better off using vanilla assets, damn degenerate.

>> No.17963346

They appear as a square. I had that issue for awhile with some red frog enemy. Instead of being a red frog it was a solid red square

>> No.17963410

>tfw hunting quests are too risky and just constantly do farming quests

>> No.17963432

Anon, if you are using paint and not using a grid you will likely fuck up the spritesheet and have parts of sprites cut off and taken by other sprites.

If you really can't go through a more detailed edition, I think you should just grab a spritesheet you like and use that one, if some time you get the hang of image editing and a nice software then do your thing.

>> No.17963564


How bad am I? Made one for Elona+ 1.73

>> No.17963578

Some anon linked some updated monster girls spritesheet last thread. See >>17947640

Other than that just download the PCC packs and look through them for ones you like to use for yourself and your pets. For any other assets check them against your current version to make sure they aren't missing spritework for newly added content - open both images and crop/combine if you have to update anything.

>> No.17963617


>> No.17963637

>implying i can't have balistas use burst bullets, arbalest and multi shot feats

>> No.17963643

Less if you don't use pets, possibly less if you add more body parts to yourself. Kai only had the default ones.

You have to use Elosnack to fix your INI. There should be something on the wiki. You don't need to move to South Tyris if you already have everything ready in the first continent.

>> No.17963649

For me, adding more body parts ruins my immersion. While I know there is no actual character changes, I just think it's weird to have people walking around with 6 arms and 3 legs and 2 necks, or whatever. Then again this is elona so maybe the sprites just don't show it, but every one else actually looks like that

>> No.17963672

Apparently you cant use files after they were loaded on imgur as legit ones, at least my game didn't take them into consideration even tho they look identical, have same resolution and extension, the file size changes.

>> No.17963680

Oh yeah.

Elona uses BMP in 24bit without color space information. This needs to be changed if you download any image as png or jpg.

Open it up in paint or Gimp or similar and save it as BMP and make sure not to write color space information. In GIMP you can do this by "Compatibility Options -> Do not write color space information". Not sure about other programs.

>> No.17963689

its hard finding sprites to fit body parts. also, its weird when you have 2 necks and only 1 head, or 4 arm slots and 2 hand slots.

>> No.17963753

Shame, I actually wanted to use some of it. Too bad its compressed to shit

>> No.17963754

Download paint.net it's about a million times better and even aligns your copypastes to the same pixel if the images are the same size.

>> No.17963774

killing yourself didn't work?
meteor didn't work?

>> No.17963825

>armor loli

>> No.17963835

Yup, but something else worked, need that info?

>> No.17963848

just do as >>17963680 said and you will be fine.

>> No.17963925

for curiosity sake, yes

>> No.17964000
File: 1.13 MB, 1374x763, magic man dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my character, was at my work computer earlier. It seems I generated him after the INI change, according to Kai's pet guide of what a 'normal' INI should be. I have trained up an evolved little girl for dual wield melee damage/tanking and am in the process of leveling the fire dragon child for more tanking. I think after this I'm gonna go the lazy way and fill out the rest of my party with high level fast ranged fucks like the conbat plane or electric tank, farming up these lowbie's skills, stats and AP just takes too long

>> No.17964193

That's why the pastebin warns: don't upload large spritesheets to Imgur.

Can't fix compression artifacts with that.

>> No.17964209

funny, the monstergirl spritesheet i downlowded was png

>> No.17964215

I wonder where the Japanese discuss Elona and how far they've gotten

>> No.17964468

Do cute fairies on a discarded ranch still spit seeds ?
My plan B is getting 4 cute fairy ranches but it means 4 less free pet slot.

>> No.17964616

Is there any reason we mod the spritesheets and not use the gfx customizing option.
"Save the picture as chara_#.bmp in the elona/user/graphics folder, where # is the number of the sprite being replaced."
It should be compatible over version changes and easy to swap single sprite for your preference.

>> No.17964625

i thought this option is only good for parament stuff like pets and not for random monsters on the road?

>> No.17964642

You can do both with it. If you save sprite as pic_X it's extra custom sprite you can set for pet etc.
But if you save sprite as character_x it will override that sprite number from the character.bmp sheet. I tried with single sprite on townsfolk and it worked.
I'm going to find something to split my current sheet and see if it works fine, would make it a lot easier not having to manually edit the sheet every update and same for sharing sets.

>> No.17964666

It shouldn't be too hard to edit the main sprite sheet if you keep it as a layered image.

>> No.17964673
File: 129 KB, 1920x1050, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should check if the graphic packs don't already have you covered.

>> No.17964796

I could swear I checked all the downloads in the pastebin. On a second look the Beautify and chinese pack had custom sprite sets, but also custom character sheet so it's hard to tell how many custom sprites were added to the sheet and are missing from the invidual sprites.

>> No.17965765
File: 12 KB, 133x163, 1485272805470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17966059

Well, basically all I did is change my current pos with EloSnack and i was able to leave the map within 1 turn failing the mission but saving myself from the bug.

>> No.17966075

Well, quality didn't suffer at all so why care?

>> No.17966226

i donnu man. i tried gelbooru with various tags but all i came with was maou_(oomune_maou-sama), but its still off by a longshot. my guess its original.

>> No.17966237

is there a limit to how many PCCs you can use? I tossed all of them into the PCCs folder, there is PCCs old which I didn't touch.

>> No.17966272

Probably, but it should be pretty high (more than you'll ever use). I've stuffed dozens of different clothing/body PCCs with proper filenames in there without a problem. I vaguely recall in vanilla there used to be a rather low limit on number of custom sprites (or was it only portraits?) which has since been increased.

>> No.17966284

I stuffed all in PCCs and I am using newest elona custom, getting error 13 while launching. So I have problems with naming?

>> No.17966302

Or file type (make sure they are bmp), or color space info, or maybe you actually went over a limit. Or maybe it's not related to your sprites but something else, perhaps you updated to a new custom but forgot to update E+. You can narrow it down with some trial and error.

>> No.17966344

I for some reason was missing character.bmp in main folder, it all works now. Well, how do you change your own looks midgame tho?

>> No.17966497

Found it, author's hanachibu_ajinosuke and there is only one extra sketch of the character (indeed an original).

>> No.17966607

i couldn't find this artist... is he only on that japanease only image site?

>> No.17966872

>putting a sprite pack
>without noticing i had overwriten my hard worked charcter profile image
this is why i can't have nice things.

>> No.17967152

I know the feeling.

>> No.17967202

Kei, what are you up to those days? have you started a new char yet?

>> No.17967324

Can someone post updated interface.bmp, item.bmp, map1.bmp, map2.bmp from graphics pack?

>> No.17968929

Does increasing attributes effect increasing skills themselves? Like does raising str, raise martial arts?

>> No.17968970

No, you just get the general bonuses like more strenght means more damage and more dex means more accuracy.

>> No.17969015

well, increasing charisma does help for negotiations and performer doesn't it?

>> No.17969024

It increases performing's effeect, but not the skill itself.

>> No.17969090

You have to visit a certain scientist in the violent continent no one wants to go to, so probably not many people have extra limbs other than mutants even in Elona .

>> No.17969177
File: 34 KB, 852x480, 1208987309239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first stage can be evolved again into an Anubis with a <machine heart>, gaining 10 perception and 50 speed stat bonuses, Feather spell, Float bit, and a new sprite.
>Feather spell, Float bit

>> No.17969207
File: 322 KB, 1876x954, 1488613295306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17969281

Is there any way to prevent or mitigate that piss annoying lag when using tag?

>> No.17969298

Shut up and go back to watching Toy Story.

>> No.17969366

Not using tag seems to work.
Sorry, i'm a cheeky cunt.

>> No.17969459

you can reduce the wait time in the settings. I don't think you can turn smooth scrolling back on though.

>> No.17969475
File: 80 KB, 900x900, dumb anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mods can I use? Everything says outdated.

>> No.17969478

Good news though is my meshera alpha keeps making its parasite kids puke themselves to death which I find mildly entertaining.

>> No.17969487

if you are asking about graphic packs, any mode that has a 'user' folder is fine. try the beautify pack, copy only the user folder.

>> No.17969832
File: 595 KB, 1281x798, charred dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally killed that dogfucker. All it took was a bell of termination pickup

>> No.17969844

is there any point in equiping really heavy weapons? i think i heard it increases chances of crits, is that true?

>> No.17969875

>you cast healing rain
>you cast healing rain
>you cast healing rain
ikr. if there is one thing i regret about my previous save is not killing that fucking dog. i took a balista this run, hopefully will take him down next time im in south tyris.

>> No.17969887

(C)haracter, (p)ortrait. You can even put things in the folder and try them out without having to close the game.

>> No.17969902

Is there any item or tile for your house that you can walk over but the NPCs can't?

>> No.17969908

Yeah my magic storm did so little damage compared to how much mana it costs, I was better off just healing. Though I could've also tossed in a few Blood Streams as well; that thing is OP, switched from Lulwy to Kumi just to get more stamina to use it (though probably wasn't worth switching)

>> No.17970009

Are there any other common fixes for Custom randomly crashing with Error 1 outside of turning on compatibility? I have only had vanilla Elona+ crash on me once for a reason other than wrong bitmap format over the two years of playing it, but as soon as I decide to try out Custom for the story, this shit happens.

>> No.17970037

I wanted to ask something but forgot what.

>> No.17970044

Ah yes, is there a roulette for Elona ?
You know, something like in the elder scrolls general, where depending on your post number, or by throwing dices, you get a random build ?
Like, one number for class, one for style, one for race...

>> No.17970049

I fucked up, it's harachibu.
And there's actually 4 pictures of her on his Pixiv, better than nothing!

>> No.17970069
File: 52 KB, 286x327, 18448720_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some good shit

>> No.17970082
File: 611 KB, 848x1438, 1328704081417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can just make one. you can use /tg/ dice rollen or just any online dice roller/random number generator. wecould roll for
1. race
2. class
3. god
4. guild
optional rolls
5. initial pets
6. playfocus (farms, dungeons, merchent...)
7. main combat method
8. spell style (enchanter, shaman, healer...)

tnx. interestingly enoough, he also made that image which i mistakingly thought its connected to teaching feeling that i saved of /tg/ some time ago.

>> No.17970318

Finally I got the point where meteor casts less than 10 spell stock, and I can get at least one level every use in the void, it's so good.
I am enjoying Elona so much, is this finally a taste of the so called end game? Although I'm ways off from even killing Amurdad, not even talking about gods.

>> No.17970340

I don't think so, I'd probably bet my character on it

>> No.17970367

its not the end
its not the begining of the end
its the end, of THE BEGINING

t. someone who only ever finished act 2

>> No.17970392

no only material matters

>> No.17970410

It was found out some threads ago with a before/after using flying scrolls comparison that up to a certain point weight increases the critical multiplier (NOT crit chance), so for the maximum damage output you might want extremely heavy weapons. But it is by no means necessary.

Weight used to matter more in vanilla, but it's negligible in E+.

>> No.17970419

i have a 64s balista. did i pass that 'certain point' or am i still long way to go?

>> No.17970422

look for wep attributes on wiki

>> No.17970426

Don't worry, it only gets better.
Going all Highlander on the demigods was one of the most satisfying things I've done in this game, even if most their precious items are shit.
Go for Amurdad > Sinaha > Karava first, they have most useful drops. The rest are pretty useless.

>> No.17970438

Max crit multiplier is 360s + weight of other equipment.
For things using ammo, ammo weight is what matters.

>> No.17971423

Where's the mod that lets me shoot swords?

>> No.17971436

You can already do that, just put your sword in your shoot slot.

>> No.17971449

Yeah, 1 time use tho.

>> No.17971460

Nonsense, if it is in your shoot slot it will function just like any other ranged weapon (unlimited shots), we're not talking about the throw command.

>> No.17971465

Gonna check that rn

>> No.17971468

Plus you can't throw equipment anyway.

>> No.17971470

Holy shit, how cool is that...

>> No.17971529

don't forget melee weapons get severe damage reduction when in ranged slot.

>> No.17971590

According to that chart, the modifier for shooting your melee weapon at an enemy 4 tiles away would be 20% of the usual to-hit/damage. It doesn't list 5 or more, does that mean you will always miss at that distance?

>> No.17971629

What's the butter from dairy products used for? Yoghurt's con training and cheese is just food, I know that much.
I actually kind of doubt the whole thing's worth it since milk sells pretty nice.

>> No.17971659
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>> No.17971846


>> No.17972073

You're going to be a mommy

>> No.17972231

How good is a pet that just shadowsteps and spams zero shoot with the AA-12 Advance? I've never really played around with zero shoot. Wiki says it doesn't proc any additional damage, does that mean extra attacks or any invokes on a weapon or what?

>> No.17972585
File: 15 KB, 288x358, why1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play elona
>want to do anything else

>do anything else
>want to play elona

>> No.17972596

It's time to take a break and do nothing, anon. Don't even think.

>> No.17972685

So do I just bully adventurers out of existence until one generates with items I want?

>> No.17972789
File: 285 KB, 652x483, AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's causing this AI to still get stuck? I just want her to spam bolts at longer ranges and spam storm at close ranges and tp out when things get into melee, but even with the bottom line with movement she gets snagged on things that are very far away.

>> No.17972952

NPCs have a sight range with which they notice things. It might be 5 spaces or something like that. If something exists beyond their sight range they can't see said monster and won't react accordingly. Run some tests to see what their range is and modify your AI accordingly.

>> No.17973000

I see. Are they unique to each NPC? Because my fire dragon child routinely shadowsteps to things even I can't see but I don't know if it isn't just her being faster than me or what.

>> No.17973051

I think sight is the same regardless of pet. Sight is counted from tile the pet is on but not including the tile the pet is on. So depending on where the pet is he or she might see things your character doesn't.

>> No.17973240

Nightmare and slow need the target to be at <6 distance. Ranged attack, too.
In my experience shadowstep has a much larger range than other skills. I didn't play around with it much but I kept it at a <8.

You should also consider having a condition for when your pet runs out of mana, as well as a better failsafe in case none of the conditions are met.

>> No.17973296

Honestly, Elona is like work sometimes.

>> No.17973383
File: 203 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i on the right path to become a ranged juggernaught, or did i sidetrack too much with misc stuff that i lost sight of the original porpuse?

>> No.17973394

It doesn't matter, you can just focus on ranged more if you think it's lagging behind. It's not like there's finite progression.

>> No.17973395

did they ever fix karata

>> No.17973401

Do the ranged attack replacement bolts from Leold actually cost mana? When I had her spamming crystal spear she'd end up overcasting all the time but after swapping over she wasn't having issues anymore. Also doing generally more damage for some reason. I thought crystal spear was the be all end all.

>> No.17973529

Got Money deceased in a panic quest and it's not on the wiki, it also can't be dominated.
Anyone know what they do besides steal?

>> No.17973540

addendum I suppose: they are pretty fast and spam insult and brainwash and not a lot else.
If I had to guess they have mondo charisma and negotiation and are probably cool shopkeepers.

>> No.17973594

>let my black angel smoke a bit as an experiment
>she keeps being distracted
>1k turn debuff -75% stats
>keep waiting for the debuffs to stop
>they don't
>buy ranch
>put black angel in ranch
>I guess its just me and the cat again
...so how long before i get an addiciton free offspring?

>> No.17973617

Next update.

>> No.17973621

Even just one cigarette can kill.

>> No.17973643

Fuck i want the next update so bad.
How much platinum per salary will the museum give you think ?
It would be awesome if it was one plat per ten unique level, the inner god for example would net 120plat/salary that way, a very very nice incentive and reward to actually kill them.

>> No.17974127

>comeback after a while to the ranch
>a new black angel has arrived
>the old one still distracted
>take all its equipment
>release it
>take out the new angel
>give it the old one's equip
>go outside, remove the ranch
>its like it all was a dream!
all that is left is giving the new one some usefull skills via engineering.

>> No.17974438

does the browbeat sp action inflict damage?

>> No.17975240
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>> No.17975297

I assume that can happen when stamina's low?

>> No.17975310

Yup. i was sharing the novelty of winning the arena only to die to the stairs back up.

>> No.17975679
File: 127 KB, 379x403, 65982273_crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep in Yowyn
>cursed whispering
>read my only scroll of uncurse
>several items resist the aura and stay cursed
Every time.

>> No.17975881
File: 50 KB, 540x540, 1459870630631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to quit smoking
>wearing a nicotine patch and using a vapourizer
It's still hard, jesus christ.

>> No.17976174
File: 23 KB, 1146x33, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish pets wouldn't just blow through their gauge as soon as they got it so they could actually use their shift cores.

>> No.17976561

Best weapon types for sharp equip making? Was this a total waste and I should have just done hard equip making instead because precious weapons are good enough?

>> No.17977041

i donnu men. im keeping my stardusts for equip making, but i have no idea what i would do with them. probably ammunition.

>> No.17977366

does an item have a limit to +x enchantment value? taking into account stardusts

>> No.17977375


>> No.17977382

Add +56 for +71 total for a living weapon, if you choose the enchant option until level 15.

>> No.17977430
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 1504412981971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not able to use bronze coins to upgrade my shopkeeper or cart? I have more than enough.

>> No.17977464

You mayby exchanged for one at an adventurer or "i want it" quest target, check if you have another stack in your inventory, if yes like for plat drop and pick back up.

>> No.17977748

>trying to quit your nicotine addiction by constantly absorbing it through two new methods.

Just pay the healer to uncurse it for you, she knows what she's doing.

>> No.17977822

A. Not as bad for you as smoking.
B. With the vaporizer the idea is to reduce the nicotine content of the 'juice' to wean yourself off.

>> No.17977825

I'm just being a smug ex-smoker, ignore me.

>> No.17977831


>> No.17977883

Is there any documentation on using large-size portraits? I'm struggling to find any info.

>> No.17977982


>> No.17978154

There's no healer in Yowyn. That's the annoying thing, since harvesting becomes effectively impossible at low levels.

Either way, the goods vendor had a stack of uncurse scrolls, and one of them eventually worked.

>> No.17978165

That's why i always get the curse protection feat.
Curse scrolls are everywhere, so i never had any trouble cursing/dooming anything i wanted to, while being cozy any other time.

>> No.17978326

Is there any way whatsoever to unfuck Elona Custom? It randomly crashes all the time, and compatibility doesn't help.

>> No.17978455

Or you could just make the less-than-a-day walk to Palmia and use the healer there.

>> No.17979199

Curse protection feat jacks you up when you actually want to curse your stuff, wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.17979290


Can't you just mix cursed water with whatever you want cursed? You should be able to make more by cursing a stack of water this way right?

>> No.17979353
File: 24 KB, 490x500, rainbow-designs-classic-paddington-bear-25cm-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does elona has grim/edgy/dark graphic packs?

>> No.17979665

take the defaults and just put a 40% opacity layer of dark brown over everything

>> No.17979775

Kai you still here? Did you end up making another character?

>> No.17980421

I can't find cattle anywhere. Where is it, lads?

>> No.17980466

I'm still here. I backed up my previous character and will create a new character. I will be playing on loss mode and I will still be using a martial artist/mage hybrid. However I will branch out into necromancy instead of two hand this time so my character is going to be some sort of occult monk. No idea what my pet lineup will be but I won't worry about that until Act 2. I will be recording and uploading videos of this character. I will be providing some commentary through subtitles.

>> No.17980531

They can be found in random dungeons or as random encounters. So hope RNG spawns one.

>> No.17980574

How good is Fire A Volley on pets? With a custom AI will they just spam the shit out of it and make everyone constantly do huge damage?

>> No.17980716

The only playstyle that'd use frequent dooming would be a potion thrower.
And since you can doom a whole stack at once, i assure you even then you would not run out of curse scrolls, they are litter in dungeons.

Works for cursing yes, but for dooming you still need to use scrolls of curse.

That throwing talk made me tink, does the blessed/doomed status affect damage of the trimagistus/violent sword ? Or any other thing you 'T'hrow ?

>> No.17981717

You have to post more details than that if you want any help.

Good, looking forward to it. Have you considered uploading Kai's save for everyone to see?

>> No.17982229

>You have to post more details than that if you want any help
It is so random that I really can't. The game can crash for just about any reason - when I bump-bump into an NPC or select a job and am about to get teleported to the client, when I look at the job list, when I open the drop menu, when I open the journal. Instead of loading one of the corresponding menus, the game sometimes crashes instead. And the error I get is Error 1, the least descriptive one of them all. The game itself locks up and has to be closed through the task manager, and my error log last updated a month ago when I tried using a wrongly encoded BMP, so it's 100% certainly a Custom issue (if Elona+ crashing only once in the last two years for reasons other than my sprites wasn't enough of a hint).

>> No.17982377

Elona Extender to always have backups of everything.
Doesn't solve the problem, but it's the only solution you need.

>> No.17982397

What version of Elona+ and Elona Custom are you running?

>> No.17982400

I save frantically as is, so I lose at most about 30 seconds of progress every time that happens. It's more annoying when the game crashes as I see three really lucrative jobs and pick one, and then when I reload they are all gone.

Elona+ 1.73, Custom 1.73.1.

>> No.17982401

I had the
>The game itself locks up and has to be closed through the task manager
problem few times to do different reasons, only full reinstall fixed it for me.
Not much help I know but if nothing you do fixes the problem then reinstall is the only thing you got left.

>> No.17982478

So apparently I have gloves that grant me the skill of pick-pocketing. Why can't I pull it off while wearing them?

>> No.17982495

You sure it says grant instead of improves?

>> No.17982499

Yeah that's just description, we've already discussed this before. As long as you don't have the skill it won't do jack shit for you, only if you already have the skill unlocked will you get the buff that those gloves give you.

>> No.17982500

Yes, it says grants. I try to interact with targets like trees to practice but it doesn't do anything.

>> No.17982524

again >>17982499 it's just different flavor text for saying "it boosts your skills by X amount". You need to already have the skill beforehand or that boost is useless.

>> No.17982563
File: 186 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by that?
Is there a way to soften hard and dimming meat?

>> No.17982581

weird... i have both of those as well.
reinstalling may be the only option... maybe first time you installed you got the order wrong. remember, first elona and after that costum.

>> No.17982582

The only way to soften dimming meat is to be a golem.

>> No.17982725

Is there a reason to use the happy bed over the jure body pillow anymore? The body pillow is safer, but does it have a high enough chance to trigger enough events to come close to the happy bed's guaranteed potential gain?

>> No.17982896

Body pillow don't give you spell potential, so...

>> No.17982918

So body pillow is best if you aren't a mage?

>> No.17982933

Look at the date at the top left.

>> No.17983203

are you saying april fools is a thing in elona?

>> No.17983726


>> No.17983956

There is one in Yowyn, at least in my game. Elona+Custom

>> No.17983972

>if you're a priest of Jure and only sleep on her pillow you'll have to use Cure of Jua instead of your regular healing spells
I think you got the wrong -dere right there Jure.

>> No.17984067
File: 36 KB, 1086x273, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't anyone share experiances from elona? have you all been good children?

>> No.17984102

Yes, its OK thanks for asking

>> No.17984109

I don't have much to share. Currently stuck between dungeons being too hard or too easy, and all my pets die in combat, so I'm just grinding platinum and magic.

>> No.17984137

do you keep your pets potentials at superb?

>> No.17984143

I'm doing all I can with spare herbs and gems.

>> No.17984152

have you tried changing their equips so they will survive longer? a trip to the smith could do wonders.

>> No.17984171

They have glass or better, some forged. Also, they die while randomly drinking from wells too.

>> No.17984179

make them to not pick items off ground

>> No.17984181

>glass or better
you are pretty early game eh. for starters, try making all armor on +2 at the smith. not to costly and their survivability to physical attacks will raise wonderfully.

>drinking from wells
give them wings or something else that float them.

>> No.17984194

they don't pick as asked, but still try to eat/drink, is it a bug?
I'll try more forging and wings then, thanks.

>> No.17984239

Did you update the game recently? Did you update it correctly? Did you use Elosnack recently?

>> No.17984251

>be in palmia
>accept a quest for a stump cuz i happen to have a battle axe in my posesion
>go outside to cut tree
>'you have no item to cut tree'
>go back into palmia
>visit blacksmith
>no bardish only handaxe
>try handaxe
>'you have no item to cut tree'
>give up, do i want it quest
>after finishing the quest decide to look for bardish/stump from wondering adventurers
>got myself the plank of carneades from some adventurer
>got a bardish from another
>go outside for the third time

>> No.17984271

What do you mean? From well? Pets should stop doing that when asked.

>> No.17984300
File: 65 KB, 1089x496, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17984307

Maybe I forgot to ask my trex that, last time he took a sip from well and died.

>> No.17984410

I update the game by extracting the newest version into a new folder and dragging the save files there. I didn't even import save files this time and started from scratch instead.

I extracted Custom into the Elona+ folder and backed up any files that would have been replaced. The character I'm playing as was created through Custom, and my first crash was before I enabled compatibility.

I haven't used Elosnack in a long while, and not on this version.

>> No.17984519

Does the base game work normally? Might as well not use Custom until the next version.

>> No.17984589

I'll think about it once I finish making and tweaking the custom sprites I had with that file.

>> No.17984597

The base game had only crashed on me once in about two years of playing, not counting the times I saved a .bmp wrong.

>> No.17984630

But does that include this new fresh install? Did you try it without Custom?

>> No.17984659

I have played 1.73 for about a week or two before I decided to roll a Custom character, and so I extracted Custom into that folder. I guess I could try another fresh folder and see if the game still crashes.

And now I wonder, was Custom compatible with the new chat server? I still copy its address into new folders because I have faith.

>> No.17984666

Guys, any tips on what should I equip on black angel? I just got her, she seems as archer but she got kinda many spells and such.

>> No.17984711

So is your video up?

>> No.17984754
File: 1019 KB, 1280x720, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's currently uploaded to youtube but I haven't published it yet. Just need to fill out some info for it and it will be ready to go.

For god pets I usually let them wield the god reward weapon to start off with. So the bow Lulwy gives you should be good for your angel. As for armor she can wear anything so give her anything that's good or do what I do which is give your pets hand me downs. Like once I find something better for a slot I equip the new thing and give my old equipment to my pets. The black angel uses speed, slow, and insult. She usually likes to operate at range so she's kind of an archer/mage character. With Custom's AI you can configure her even more to play that role or specialize in one of the two. Black angel can be a pretty good pet.

>> No.17984757

Whoops meant my black angel post for >>17984666

>> No.17985074

Can you upload your map, items files if they are updated for 1.73 please?

>> No.17985340

How should I customize black angels' AI, I am no really sure what to do here. Like I am afraid to make her even worse. This tool isn't something I understand.

>> No.17985452

this game is gay as fuck, can't even play in fullscreen

>> No.17985481

What? I play in full screen. I can also change the resolution in config.txt to a custom one if I want to. Although I wouldn't put it much above 1280x720 since the game wasn't meant to be played above that. The game was made a long time ago afterall.

>> No.17985507

it just gets glitches in interface but overall is harmless, I play at full hd

>> No.17985581

Sure I can do that. I'll post my character, map, and item sheets shortly. I only made some slight changes for my item sheet though. Since 4chan doesn't allow you to upload .bmp files you're going to have to save the files I upload to .bmp using paint or your image editing software of choice. As a precaution make backups of your original character, map, and item files if for some weird reason things go wrong. These files should work though as I'm currently using them.

The best way to learn custom AI is to get your hands dirty and play around with it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes as they're learning opportunities to better learn how it works. You can't do any permanent harm to your pet AI as there is a toggle for your pet to use custom AI or its default.

The first thing you might want your pet to do is to search for enemies and once found start moving towards it. So your first line might look like: Target Distance >= 4 move forward. You can play with that number to get the ideal distance to start moving towards the enemy or further customize when to stop moving towards the enemy. Your next line should deal with when your pet should start attacking/how they should attack. Finally you might want a line dealing with what to do if the enemy starts to get close. You can tell your pet to start retreating and kiting the enemy.

>> No.17985588

What's better: Elona+ or Elona+ Custom?

>> No.17985622

Elona+ Custom has everything Elona+ has but also additional English translations and some minor quality of life tweaks and improvements (and custom AI, which is really overpowered).
It's also fully compatible with Elona+ so if at any point you don't want to use it anymore just go back to using the default executable and nothing will break.

>> No.17985648
File: 1.12 MB, 1584x1488, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17985652
File: 1.09 MB, 1584x1200, map1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17985661
File: 774 KB, 1584x1632, item.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17985698

Your pets probably lack obedience. Everytime a pet steps over food or a well, there's a chance they'll eat/drink. If the roll makes them eat/drink, their obedience will go down even further.
They should never pick up items, but they'll be tempted with food and wells still.

>> No.17985799
File: 1.12 MB, 1584x1488, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noticed some stray pixels and things I needed to fix. Updated the sheet.

>> No.17985833

Yeah, thanks, not much changed tho, still nice.

>> No.17985890

What's Elin?

>> No.17985931

Original Elona creators new project which is still in development, he will have official steam release which means it will have english support.

>> No.17986057

have you seen any guides for AI tweaking? I need one, I cant tell what does what, I just want my black angel to shoot at everyone but all she does is get to a range of 2 tiles and starts to shoot then.

>> No.17986110

Probably on 2ch?

>> No.17986141

So is the thing on the wiki about learning Charge Attack once you have 120+ Constitution and have reached the bottom of Rehmido out of date or what? Because I'm gearing up to finish Act 2 with about 170 Con but haven't gotten Charge Attack. I think I'll need it to beat Super Regene, but I don't want to waste 1000 AP buying it if I'm supposed to get it for free.

>> No.17986145
File: 917 KB, 1280x768, range.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annabannana the creator of Elona Custom has a blog on the wiki with documentation on how custom pet AI works. Take a look at it. Hopefully that clears up some questions you may have.


I've also included a screenshot of my prior character's archer pet's AI. The last line you may have to change if you don't have zeroshoot. You can replace zeroshoot with say a melee attack or a line dealing with moving away from the opponent. Anyhow play around with Custom AI. You'll find what works for you. I'm not going to claim my AI for my pet is the most efficient for range but given my party composition at the time it worked well.

>> No.17986198

Yes it's out of date.

>> No.17986204

It needs something more at the bottom, like "if dist 1 then move away/melee attack", since zero shoot can't be used every turn.
That way, it should always be doing something, not really important but the "pet don't know what to do" message spam can get annoying, especially if you have multiple pets.

>> No.17986222

I see what you mean. I guess that slipped my notice since my other pets Saya and Akeno were busy tanking and demolishing stuff. Lead to few times where Mina would actually have to worry about melee.

>> No.17986260

what the hell, those stats...

>> No.17986276

Yeah I got really strong with that character. Now I'm back to playing with stats around pic related heh.

>> No.17986291

I see this is the first time you've seen Kai.

>> No.17986344
File: 808 KB, 841x473, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, someone else crazy like him here? Or am I the only "noob" here?

>> No.17986380

There used to be a few regulars that had godslayer characters with stats like that, but I think Kai might be the only one left at that level.

>> No.17986394

You're not the only one. I enjoy reading about the endgame, but I still have not even beaten act 1 because I'm a filthy casul

>> No.17986402

I absolutely love the music that starts around at 7:40. Does anyone know of any other games with similar-sounding music?

>> No.17986405


>> No.17986462

You don't have to reinstall. Just start the game with elonaplus.exe to stop using Custom.

You're making another male Eulderna martial artist named Kai? I'm disappointed. You could at least have made a girl or a mutant this time.

>> No.17986553

I agree, whats the point of starting a new game if you are playing the same thing?

what do you mean? are you saying you are casual so you haven't gotten to end of lesimas because you play little every day, or are you saying lesimas is too hard for you?

>> No.17986569

Guys, I want an altar, where can I get feather scrolls?

>> No.17986575

Think he said that he's going to add necromancy to his build. Considering he's doing a let's play he might as well go with what he knows. There's also another person doing a mutant run from what I've seen. I don't really have faith in mutants getting that far in the game in loss mode honestly and without borderline cheating.

>> No.17986584

You don't need them. Get strong enough, cast Hero, and haul the one from the Tower of Flames to your home while taking some breaks to avoid being crushed.

It's not like playing mutant is super ultra hard. The random slots don't even make a difference for martial arts, casting or necromancy.

>> No.17986586

What's the point of playing a mutant if not for the extra slots?

>> No.17986598

Exactly for the extra slots? What I'm saying is that you don't need anything specific for any of those roles. You can do just fine as a martial artist, mage or necromancer with whatever the game gives you, even if you don't scum.

>> No.17986626

I guess what I mean is what's the point of playing a mutant if you don't use those extra slots that only they can get?

>> No.17986652

Wow. Noa's Elin game looks awesome. I wonder when he'll ever finish.

>> No.17986656

The only real unique "thing" you can do with extra slots is multiple-wielding weapons, but you can still jack up your stats, defenses and extra bonuses with those slots even if you don't fight with them. You'll also be able to equip more good stuff you find before you're out of slots. More slots sure can help maxing those resists.
But more importantly, it's a novel playstyle that's interesting. You have the option of not having the same old slots every other race always get, so why not try it? Should spice things a little. It's also fun to see what sort of abomination you turn into.

It's probably better he doesn't play mutant at the end though, since he's recording it and playing on the no-scum mode.

>> No.17986660

He said he wants to release an Alpha version before end of the year. So stay tuned.

>> No.17986663

Although like I said, you don't need optimized limbs for MA, casting or necro. So he wouldn't really have to scum for hands or the such.

>> No.17986676

>It''s not like playing mutant is super ultra hard
Yeah, it isn't, but at the same time, it's super RNG. Mutant is basically an RNG all-in run.

I played casually on an alt mage fairy, but still beat Act 3.

>> No.17986677

Big if true

>> No.17986685
File: 27 KB, 469x42, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the chat server working?


>> No.17986689

Not now, the pasta has to be updated.

>> No.17986699

actually slots do have uses. for example, neck and waist slots have bleeding deminished, leg and back slots have aproximity shooting etc. if i had 2 neck slots, id equip both the arbalast and the blue shell as well. don't look down on equip slots, each piece of equip has its bonuses only it can aquire.

>> No.17986707

Yeah, that's what I meant by jacking your defenses and extra bonuses. And I guess you could squeeze more extra attack chance equips if you got the right slots, so there'd be still a reason to scum even with MA.

>> No.17986718


>> No.17986731

It's because I play relatively little and I have problems staying on one character, so I am cursed to never progress.

>> No.17986768

Well as long as he's having fun. I've always played a wizard so I may give his thing a watch later to see how someone else doing something else plays. There's only one person so far who has recorded his play and has gotten far. Would be neat to see another person get far unlike the droves of other people that did a recording but don't know what the hell they're doing.

>> No.17986774

Who is the person who got far and recorded it?

>> No.17986779

Zergem. He has like 100+ episodes. By far I don't mean godslayer though. I just mean getting to like Act 2 but considering what else is out there that's an accomplishment.

>> No.17986780

Is he knowledgeable about the game? What version did he play?

>> No.17986783


Fuck. Any tips on killing meshera alpha without Charge? I really don't want to blow 1000 AP if I don't need to, but my damage is fairly low (~2k average hit).

Should I scum for a better weapon? I'm currently using Moonlight (used cursed flying scrolls to make it heavy enough for 2-handing), but the 100% pierce isn't as helpful as I thought it'd be.

>> No.17986786

Eh, he certainly knows more than your average anon. He started a long time ago and has been upgrading his version as he played on.

>> No.17986799

He's not a beginner but he's certainly no powergamer. I've learned more here than from his videos but it's a nice watch. Speaking of Kai though why on earth did he choose to play on loss mode. That madman. His playthrough is either going to be very long or very short.

>> No.17986816

Decapitate or elemental scar. Not 100% sure about scar because never gotten a mage that far, but decapitate let me solo her. Was the first form spawning shit way higher level than me that caused me problems.

>> No.17986831


Relevant line: 12月の終わりにはdemoっぽいもの(といってもまだalphaです)を出せたらと思ってますが[...]

>> No.17986842

Decapitate sounds like a good plan. I have a high level varuna pet who keeps stealing all my kills with the Kumiromi scythe. I'll keep him safe in reserve and pull him out toward the end. Thanks.

>> No.17986857

decapitate any good? i heard it can only evoke if enemy already at low health so whats the point?

>> No.17986906

It only activates around 10% HP but can make some bosses, armor bit enemies and later on when void enemies have insane hp somewhat easier, also feels good for those hail mary do or die procs. Right now I'm running a 5 armed scythe wielding mutant farmer with extra melee chance stacked so it's almost guaranteed to proc.

>> No.17987185


I don't know about games, but the music is from a license free music playlist, I think it's #138 wish: https://soundcloud.com/sei_peridot/sets/peritunematerial

>> No.17987603
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Holy night sleepover party.

>> No.17988049
File: 72 KB, 221x149, potato newbie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I solve this low potential problem? or is it normal to have a lot of bad potential at my stage? would farming help?

>> No.17988061

The easiest way to deal with it is to get a pet with cooking (buy a nurse, for example) and become Friends or higher with it. There are other ways, but they generally require an investment into something like a farm, or visits to high-level Nefia.

>> No.17988109

low potential is normal thing that happens to any person who isn't aware of this problem. the common ways to keep potential up are as follows:
1. get a pet with cooking and go to sleep 9-12 pm. the easiest way you can get cooking from slaver for the rogue wizard- either keep the wizard or gene engineer it to your pet.
2. farming DOES help, as it is the easiest way to get herbs. herbs give you potential, and with enough skill you can use pot of fusion to herb in food which gives hugh boost.
3. potions of potential. just invest in a nearby magic vendor and they will start putting those for sale. a blessed potion of potential is the most efficient way to jack your potential, but this method is rather costly.

also, don't forget to sleep on good beds.

>> No.17988215

>sleep well on good beds and get fed well by allies
well this explains a lot. my character's fucked sleep cycle is probably causing many possible breakfast and happy bed sleeps. thanks for the info, especially the sleeping time part.

>> No.17988234

Specifically, you should go to sleep at 9-10 PM, because that completely covers the 4-9 AM window required to receive your breakfast.

>> No.17988719

So the divine stream ability deals the sum of all your stats as damage to you and every ally in the enemy's sight. To survive it, do you prioritize raising life by getting as many cheeses as possible? Is it mitigated by barrier?

>> No.17988748

>a blessed potion of potential is the most efficient way to jack your potential, but this method is rather costly.
You can also just craft 'em. I have a big stack I blessed all at once and I just pound one when something reaches the dreaded Good stage.
But my character's decently far in I guess. Right after killing the act 2 boss.

I'm just wasting time getting my pets stronger so we can beat up Estork. I want a god heart for my defender. Killed meshera no problemo but this guy just rips me and my friends apart. There isn't enough magic resistance in the world.

>> No.17988755

What increases the threshold of what is considered light armor? I mean I want it to be light but I cant get my equipment any lighter.

>> No.17988763

Nothing. You just have to be under 15 stone. Only way to do that with certain equipments is flying scrolls.

>> No.17988770

I'm glad he's making another Eulderna martial artist. I always wanted to see just how on earth he managed to get so strong. I also want to see how you play the game without scumming.

>> No.17988794
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This is what happens when you leave shit lying around on the floor

>> No.17988816
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>> No.17988845
File: 266 KB, 812x643, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I guess I could have just gone ahead and did this a while ago huh. Only the defender in question died and that was more or less expected. Took like five turns of rubbing my magical dragon lamp for her to grant my wish.

>> No.17989437

What the hell is this, item called "a machine" it weights 150s

>> No.17989447

It's probably a workout machine

>> No.17989468

I cant "use" it or anything

>> No.17989482

The ordinary machine item is worthless as far as I know. Maybe nice for making a ''server room'' in your house.

>> No.17989734

You can sacrifice it to Mani if there's an altar nearby or you carry one with you too.

>> No.17989751

Dont have flight scrolls yet

>> No.17989775

I'm crying into my hands. Fucking Kai got a lucky day in his first hour of his character while my character hasn't gotten a single lucky day and I'm 36 hours in. What does it fucking take Ehekatl?!

>> No.17989779

Eat blessed food

>> No.17989793

Don't worry about it, you don't have to carry an altar around. I don't see the need to carry around a bed like many do either. Just hotkey a stack of return scrolls.

The lucky day buff from food is not the same magnitude as from the dream. A luck increase of 100 (food) vs 777 (dream), and the statue gives 77. They don't stack.

>> No.17989832

I bullied all the male adventurers out of Tyris and got to soulmate with the womens.

>> No.17989880

And your Valkyrie wife is obviously okay with them sleeping in your bed, I hope?

>> No.17989928

Is there a way to split curaria stacks? I identify shit too fast now and can't herb them in in time.

>> No.17989931

You can drop some, bless the rest, then pick up the dropped ones.

>> No.17989938

That's a good idea.

>> No.17989942

oh. Now I just feel like a dumbass.

>> No.17990663

You can also poison them if you're feeling adventurous.

>> No.17990769
File: 96 KB, 1913x1183, 58950908_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, but tedious way to split anything:

1. Pick up an entire stack of items.
2. Drop one item, or however many you need for the fusion recipe to work.
3. Mark the item or stack that's in your inventory as no-drop.
4. Pick up the item or stack lying on the ground.
5. Open Examine menu, remove the no-drop flag. They now take different inventory slots.

If you need to split them further:

6. Drop another item/stack.
7. Mark everything that's in your inventory as no-drop.
8. Pick up the item.
9. Remove all no-drop flags.

For an extreme example, if you have 50 raw ores of rubynus and want to make Brilliant rubynus (or "Inexpensive exchange"), you can drop 10 of them, mark the remaining 40 as no-drop, pick up the stack of 10, drop another 10, mark 10 and 30 in your pockets as no-drop, and repeat until you have five stacks of 10 ready for crafting.

>> No.17990806

Wait, how do brillant tablet work normally ?
I never actually tried the recipe, can you select the same stack each time or do you need to separate it ?

>> No.17990822

I'm not sure if it was changed lately, but you used to be able to select the same stack and it would split items from it automatically. Either way, you need to use this method for some recipes, like "junk make", so I figured that would be a good example as well.

>> No.17991067

So, why did my potion of cure mutation give me 'nothing happens', when I have no mutation resist and a scary voice mutation?

>> No.17991138



>> No.17991145

I didn't see the point of screencapping something I can describe easily. I checked my equipment and the character sheet to check, if that's why you're asking.

>> No.17991152

Maybe you won the lottery and rolled the exact same mutation.

>> No.17991156

The point of cure mutation is that it gives you an opposite mutation to cancel the one you have.

I guess I'll just have to try a second one.

>> No.17991169
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My bad, misread it as potion of mutation.

>> No.17991171

Huh. Tried a new one and it worked as expected. How odd.

>> No.17991237

they just don't work sometimes based on your alchemy skill

>> No.17991241

I had no idea. That's kind of a random mechanic.

>> No.17991418
File: 383 KB, 1021x756, sshot-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have 2 <Arbalest>?

>> No.17991423

i once you pick the one of the ground, it will turn to stardust.

>> No.17991436

I found the one on the ground a while ago and dropped it there in my house for storage. Why didn't the new second one, in my inventory, turn into stardust when I found it 5 minutes ago? Is it a function of being on the same map at the same time?

>> No.17991445

if its on the ground it will stay, if you or your pets have it it will turn to stardust

>> No.17991446

it only turn to dust if you have one on you or your pets inv. being dropped somewhere, weather its acity where it will eventually be removed or in static locations doesn't count.

>> No.17991732

So, normally I take touch of sleep on a fresh character, just because it's so flexible. Instead, this time I took Magic Eye, and i'm quite surprised by how powerful it is. How well does it scale, Abyss in the Eye and all?

>> No.17991871

Almost all special actions except ones that buff or are used for utility end up mediocre in damage from what I've seen but that's my take on it. Sounds like something Kai should answer considering he killed things at cap.

>> No.17991919

One way heroics probably kinda

>> No.17991940

How to get rid of the "distracted" effect? Why did it even appear? I didn't use tobacco. Could there be other causes?

>> No.17991971
File: 17 KB, 250x150, 1512344502565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a large group of pets and have never seen this effect that has been plaguing you guys over 200 hours in

>> No.17992084

You've already gotten 200 hours in since the tobacco update was released? Are you even human

>> No.17992145

How do I spot a werewolf in a city? I mean there are literally some citizen with a werewolf tag, should I just kill them? noone votes on them. And I have asked literally every NPC if he is a werewolf.

>> No.17992149

Just keep voting for them. Votes carry over after each execution. Eventually your votes will win

>> No.17992161

I need to stick in that city for that, but I leave all the time.

>> No.17992206

Is there even a point to getting them executed? Why not just stab them and have done? Or ignore them, since I'm quite pleased with my shiny new Sunbararia Helm, one werewolf attack later.

>> No.17992216
File: 6 KB, 325x145, I&#039;m not a robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little girl just like you. By the way, could you do me a favour and solve this thing for me?

>> No.17992282

Why, I sure can, fellow human! It's good to see other humans around here
>Calle debra

>> No.17992465

Hello there fellow human. what human activities did you pretake on the current day?

>> No.17992475

Why are there so many calle's. Is something trying to contact us?
captcha: sopra calle

>> No.17992554

>still can't run your own personal radio station

>> No.17992697

Customize the music playlist, collect audio CDs, build a studio on property, grab a jukebox, customize the jukebox sprite to look like studio equipment, and get ready to ragna-rock to the greatest hits of Tyris from the 510's only on imouto radio

>> No.17992728

i was aiming to the ability to listen to playlists of other players via the server.

>> No.17992750

That'd be kinda tough...the new unofficial server's functionality was very limited, player wishes didn't show up and moongates didn't work yet. Then a short while ago it was shut down indefinitely. New features probably ain't gonna happen, we'll be lucky if the bare bones basic stuff gets back up

>> No.17992891

Is there any point in participating in werewolf event at all?

>> No.17992924

Killing an NPC you want without having to fight, or getting rid of the werewolf just for convenience (stop NPCs you might need from getting kill). It's really kind of a bother.

>> No.17993090

heyo, total noob here, i am a warrior and got the magic device skill, but how the fuck do i use the rod of domination? i dont get this shit

>> No.17993107

Select a target with *, (Z)ap it. Chance of failure is high. Increase the odds by having the monster be lower level, having a high magic device skill, and owning the monster heart. Alternatively get the knockout feat and use monster balls.

>> No.17993111

Thanks a lot man! my first roguelike, so still not familiar with the mechanics

>> No.17993114

where did you get one?

>> No.17993122

how does the gauge works?

>> No.17993251

When you are at 100%, you can release it through a special action(a), it will turn you next attack into a stronger version of that attack.

>> No.17993254

There is a "<Gauge Release>" skill if you press 'a'. Use it when your gauge is 100% to perform a more powerful version of your melee attack, ranged attack, magic or certain other special skills.

Don't use that skill before casting something like Wish.

>> No.17993256

Can someone explain what is possible to do through servers? I'm not exactly sure what is broadcasted, is it the moongates and what? Deaths?

>> No.17993263

Some messages used to be broadcast to everyone connected to the servers, including deaths, wishes, and just regular chat messages. The new server tried to implement that as well, though I don't think wishes worked.

You could also vote. Werewolves replaced the old voting system so you could still get your extra salary after the servers shut down.

You could visit moongates as well, though that hasn't been re-implemented or replaced with a substitute. I think you could also recruit others' custom NPCs through moon gates.

>> No.17993280

i wanted to ask, whats the mechanics behind raising gauge. i mean, i know equiping a blood sucking equip helps, but what else?

>> No.17993293

Damaging others, receiving damage, being affected by certain skills that raise gauge.

>> No.17993321

by how much?

>> No.17993398

It seems to depend on the amount of damage. For example, carefully planned overcasting can give you a lot of gauge at once, as do devastating crits. Though the gain falls off sharply at around 90%, and it doesn't seem possible to fill it with just self-damage.

>> No.17993721

Kai if you're here I watched ur video. Got a couple of questions. When you're looking for armor what are you looking for? You picked pickpocket at the beginning but shouldn't you have picked martial arts? Also shouldn't you wait until higher potential to use ur bonus points? Interesting video tho you play with purpose while I'm usually lost at what to do when I log on

>> No.17993772

Guys, I enabled savescum and F2 reloading but how do I save without exiting the game? I just want to do some testing.

>> No.17993799

You wanted hundreds of people downloading and uploading 5mb files from the server?


>> No.17993807

lol, thanks

>> No.17993848

>is playing a golem archer, complete with balista
>want something to ride on
>got myself a hirse, was boring so dumped
>tried to ride on my pet cat. effective but so dumb looking.
>tried riding on my black angel. would have worked but me equiping a balista while riding her kinda ruin the mental image
>got a <grandmaster>, mental image is ok but im faster on foot
>last pet is a wandering pinguin

I'm seriously at a loss for finding a pet to ride. a dragon or a dinosaur would be nice, but how much skill do i need to pull something like that off?

>> No.17993868

I like the 'putit'. it really make it seems like the putits are cheering.

>> No.17993899

>1d105 on a panty

>> No.17993982

High quality base item, adamantium material kit for highest avg damage dice and craft repair kit for the maximum die roll on the randomized portion. Applies to any weapon (e.g. use mat kit on {longsword}, then use craft kit on it). Buy every mat kit at souvenir vendor and convert to material of your choosing at Garokk. Craft kits are sold by general vendors and Moyer the crooked.

>> No.17994061

the material and craft repair i already know, how do i manipulate base item quality? does 'garok hammer' item increase quality?

>> No.17994077

Like most special actions that do damage they start off great but kind of level off later on. Think Ano balanced them around story content and not so much against things that scale or even other modes of attack. So they look great until you start comparing them to other stuff. Truth is that other modes of attacks just do more damage whether that be casting, melee, or shooting because they scale better in the end. If you're not looking to kill the strongest things in Elona you might be able to get by alright building a whole character around magic eye. If going far in the void, awakened dungeons, or challenging inner gods you're probably going to run into problems.

Early on I'm looking for glass due to the innate speed buff those pieces give you. If I fail that then at least metal and the piece has to give me some kinda benefit. Like my claws are giving hit bonus and constitution. The glass equipment though is just a stepping stone. I expect to start replacing them as soon as I find equipment that give me immunities and resistances. Most which can be found on static artifacts or on lucky miracle/godly equipment finds.

Chose pickpocket to save myself time. Only guild I want to join is the mage guild. Predator already starts with dye of mind. If you don't start with it you have to join the fighters guild. I took pickpocket because if you don't start with it you have to join the thieves guild. Since I'm starting with both eye of mind and pickpocket I don't have to bother with the entrance quests for the fighter's guild or thieves guild thus saving me time. I just can shoot for the mage guild. I'll have plenty of opportunities to raise martial arts so I'm not worried about not starting off with a few more points in it.

I'm of the group that spends bonus points immediately. At low levels skills raise so fast through bonus points that you don't need to pay attention to potential. Later on however when bonus points don't go as far I will be paying attention to potential before spending the bonus points. At the very beginning of the game plat you're not rolling in plat but I have a lot of skills to learn. Almost all of my plat will be going towards learning new skills. After that I can start worrying about spending plat on potential.

>> No.17994113

Where's the video?

>> No.17994129

Holy crap
This giant hamster is kicking me and three vendor's ass at the same time
Some death by neurosomething is absolutely murdering them, and it just popped out while I was reading spellbooks.

>> No.17994131

I feel that I need to fit in with other humans more, so my fiancee and i are adopting two kittens today. My human heart feels so warm. It's not really elona related, but it's taken up my mind for the past week.
In elona related news, I updated my character portrait to be festive, I'll see if I can show you guys after work today

>> No.17994139

It refers to whether the item is great, miracle or godly. If you have two adamantium long swords one miracle and one godly and use craft kits on both, godly should have a higher number.

>> No.17994147

Nerve Arrow is a pretty potent spell.

You should only read books you are not sure about on the edge of wilderness or in a Nefia you won't be visiting anymore.

>> No.17994166


>> No.17994185

Cool vid, helped me out with something I didn't know yet.

>> No.17994746

Riding would be so much confier if you didn't have to dismount to share a meal with your mount.

>> No.17994766

And also if you didn't have to manually fix the riding sprites.
