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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1795552 No.1795552 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, you are a piece of shit and I have no idea why I come back here everyday. I'm going to stop browsing this instant.

>> No.1795554

I see that you're pressing f5 to see if anyone responded to your thread.

>> No.1795555

have a nice day thread?

>> No.1795556

normally I would say "and nothing of value was lost" but I agree

>> No.1795568

You'll start by thinking, I need some porn... maybe I'll browse /d/.
Then you'll say, what's with this doujin, the source is an anime ? Well let's just ask /a/....
From there the step from /a/ to /jp/ is inevitable.

>> No.1795590
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It is useless to resist.

>> No.1795595


>> No.1795597

I love you guys

>> No.1795609

Same, but with /c/ instead of /d/ because I'm a faggot.

>> No.1795676
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>> No.1795698

Where's the good /jp/?

>> No.1795724

Fuck you stop knocking me down and force choking me

>> No.1795730

I have threatened to leave until after Christmas at least 3 times in the past month. I never do.

>> No.1795731
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Man do I miss taking it easy.

>> No.1795732
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made it better

>> No.1795733

So we basically went from bad to worse.

>> No.1795736

I still love you guys, despite athens and his crap.

>> No.1795734


>> No.1795739
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>> No.1795751
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Agreed good sir.

>> No.1795754

In my opinion we went from worse to bad. At least now it's varied. I came to /jp/ for Touhou even, but people can't go three posts without throwing in a shitty meme. Not that other threads are much better.

>> No.1795759

You forgot the idol threads.

>> No.1795768
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>> No.1795770

you'll be back, they always come back

>> No.1795779

they are there

>> No.1795784

Thank you for your accurate depiction of /jp/, good sir.

>> No.1795786
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stop being so masochistic and self-hateful, there are far much more horrible places to browse than here, I mean, why are we here in the first place?

>> No.1795787
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I miss old /jp/.

>> No.1795789
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I used to come here daily.
Then I leaved for sometime and the place became very bad.

I came back two or three times and sage bombed Athens threads, I like to think that I help a little to the board that I like most.

There are some serious problems like the people that post like if this were Touhou + Random,

Also the guys that create 3 or 4 Idols thread when they know that a huge amount of people here dislike idols,.
They could easily create a board in Anonib or something, or a Forum, one thread is fine, but 3 or 4 constant threads is not, this is not Idols/General.

Then we have the people that dont know how the sage works or sage for whatever reason without any logic at all.
Then the Tripfags here that rarely use sage, even in troll thread

Then the drama/ronery/relantionship posters than think that this board is /rk9/ or something.

>> No.1795790

Well, I came for the Touhou and VNs.

But really, /jp/ isn't really the type to take anything seriously. It's a bit problematic when you're trying to have a somewhat serious topic.

>> No.1795795

Copypasta? It contradicts itself repeatedly.

>> No.1795807

I like /jp/. The only things I ignore are the Fate/stay night threads and the idol stuff. That's a lot of ignoring, but it doesn't bother me. I don't hide threads either, because I use Opera.

>> No.1795815

>I use Opera

>> No.1795814

These are all inaccurate. Where are the loli fucking/imouto/cp/random pedophilia threads?

>> No.1795819

old /jp/: religion threads
new /jp/: imouto threads

>> No.1795820

It's faster, uses less memory and has a cleaner interface.

>> No.1795825

>It's faster, uses less memory
Firefox on linux performs better than Opera.

>and has a cleaner interface.

In short, VMware linux and use firefox for browsing 4chan.

>> No.1795826

A fine progression if there ever were one.

>> No.1795830

No, there was a lot of loli on old /jp/.

Unfortunately, CP, too. But the janitors got those, back then.

>> No.1795831

>Firefox on linux performs better than Opera.

No it doesn't. Have you actually tested this yourself?

>In short, VMware linux and use firefox for browsing 4chan

You do realise that this would make it even slower, right?

>> No.1795832

>Unfortunately, CP, too
How is that unfortunate? I'll always add to my collection.

>> No.1795837

>Have you actually tested this yourself?
Not extensively. But I'm satisfied with what I've seen. Opera's always been shit, so Firefox is fine.

>> No.1795838

Where did I say there wasn't loli on old /jp/?

>> No.1795840

Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10

>> No.1795851


What he said.

>> No.1795847

In all honesty it's easier to have a serious discussion on /jp/ than on any other 4chan board (as much as that counts for) even if the posters can be silly at times. For example /jp/ is the only board where I actually see people use spoiler tags to hide spoilers instead of for lame attempts at humor, and overall /jp/ is much more considerate about not spoiling things for people, although there are still some fags who go out of their way to spoil things.

>> No.1795848

That's your choice, bro. Opera is technically the better of the two though.

The only reason that so many Linux distros come bundled with Firefox is because it's open source and Opera isn't, just so you know.

>> No.1795858

3D is pig disgusting. You are pig disgusting.

>> No.1795884

>In all honesty it's easier to have a serious discussion on /jp/ than on any other 4chan board (as much as that counts for) even if the posters can be silly at times
It's still really difficult though, especially when it comes to Touhou.

>> No.1795906
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It might be much easier but it isn't very much compared to what it used to be.
A few months ago I used to stay awake to have interesting discussions about economics, science, psychology and tentacle rape.
Nowadays those get flooded (well, tentacle rape is still okay for now, but we never know, right ?), sure intelligent people are still here, but I don't feel like we're having fun anymore, the opportunity for such discussion seems to become rare.
Also, one terrible thing that one can easily notice, the horrible influx of 3d, shit about things we don't care ( think those women threads, we all know all those people pretending to be women are actually men, and even if they are men, why the fuck would you care about what they do in their life, this is a board about our geek stuff, not about the posters and their uninteresting trolling.) and unrelated to /jp/ stuff in general.
/jp/ is but the shadow of its former self, and while I always knew this to be bound to happen, it saddens me when I think about the fun times we had.

>> No.1796029

thread is relevant to front page

>> No.1796066

I blame /n/ and /b/ rejects, and the general apathy of everyone that visits /jp/ that isn't one of those two.

We took it easy, so we got taken over.

I think there's maybe, at most, 10 real posters on /jp/ now. The rest are the aforementioned offenders.

>> No.1796084

I've been curious about that for a while, actually. I'd like to have the "currently xxx unique posters" thing from the img.4chan boards, if even for a day.

Sometimes I have a feeling we're like 30 posting stuff here.

>> No.1796148

If we're thirty, it sure feels like these people aren't the same thirty they used to be.
A pity, really.
