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File: 692 KB, 750x900, elonnov2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17909464 No.17909464 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs up to 1.73:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>New Chat Server info:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.73 (10/29/2017)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.73.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.17909578

my faith comes from preaching in party time quests.

use the rope.

>> No.17909609

>my Celsius image made it into the OP
That's never happened before. Thanks, anon

>> No.17909668

return, return!

>> No.17910178
File: 330 KB, 491x324, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic job on that image

>> No.17910251

Sauce for the cute elf girl? Google search isn't giving returning anything.

>> No.17910299


It appears to be from Jap mobile game Finger Knights. I probably picked the pic up in some thread on here.

>> No.17910721
File: 19 KB, 80x112, C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always appreciated when fellow anons put time in their custom characters and make or post neat stuff.

>> No.17910734
File: 11 KB, 128x192, Csprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And maybe somebody chips in and makes a little edit for you to use.

>> No.17911585

Yesterday was an awesome day. I got really lucky and got not just one, but TWO Drake Rods (not quite in a row, but only like 15 minutes apart or something) though one of them turned into stardust. I then used the fire resistance from it to easily tackle the Tower of Fire. And THEN I sacrificed a large corpse on the altar there and managed to get enough favor with mani to get the Winchester Premium (note: I lost my 9 gods sign and couldn't check my progress for a while). I feel so lucky...

>> No.17911646

>my voice mutation that wouldn't go away made it into the op

>> No.17912167
File: 738 KB, 1608x601, retired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright time to retire and shelve my character as I have accomplished every goal I've set out for him to accomplish. Probably only bring him out when new content is made. Rumor had it that void floor 6,666 was the final floor but it seems the void goes beyond that with no end. However, lv 6,666 is the cap level for void monsters so maybe people misinterpreted what the original rumor was. This 6,666 lv cap for monsters is true even for normal dungeons however the boss is the only exception. The boss level cap appears to be lv 8,332.

My character has become the strongest in my game seeing as how he's killed every story boss, chaos fort boss, the gods, custom content, unruly crabs, and cap skill/attribute monsters. It's time for him to retire to his harem and fortune for a well deserved rest.

>> No.17912257
File: 104 KB, 1440x1080, 1507488909975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man, I think we can say you have well and truly beaten this game. You've done what I'll wager no other western player has. The god-punching lad of many wives will live on in our hearts

>> No.17912304

>age 23
How old was Kai when he started?

>> No.17912340

Well done Kai. I've saved that pic in your post but can I get what your final equips look like for my archives? Also what was your final team. Don't need a pic since I have some already so a list of class and race should be sufficient.

>> No.17912343

>that sprite sheet
it's not Christmas, but you've already made my Christmas season.
When I have time I'll add that and show you my progress. Thank you, very much.
You too, the world needs more Celsius to warm its cold heart

>> No.17912352

Well done, it's definitely well deserved. What's your next character idea?

>> No.17912426
File: 120 KB, 416x273, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a list of cloaks anywhere?
and is this a good trade off of a potion of cure corruption? i'm only level 21, just started playing a few days ago

>> No.17912504

Crab Anon here. Conglraduation on your amazing feats, not even killer mutant crabs from hell can stop you.

So is this it for you? Are you going to retire from Elona now or are you thinking about your new character already?

>> No.17912508
File: 1.41 MB, 1135x1664, finalgear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

He was 23 when he began and through blessed potions of slow kept his age around that number. Coincidentally ended exactly on 23. 29 years have passed since he started so without those potions he would be 52 years old.

My character: Eulderna/Predator. Pets: Elea/Warrior, Metal/Predator, Roran/Warrior(Witch Evo), Norland/Archer

Thanks. I have some ideas what I'm going to do now but I'm not sure if I'll commit to any of them at the moment. At the very least, I'll probably still be popping into these threads to answer questions every now and then and looking over other people's characters. I really enjoy looking and hearing about other people's adventurers.

>> No.17912528

Feels good that I have the twin edge and palmia pride. How long did it take you to fuse all of those bonuses onto your items? Or did you basically have the means to do it all right away? Did you get the five horned helm through New year's stuff? How many adventures did you need to get friendly with?

>> No.17912567

im playing the song journey in the sound folder of elona for ya. Hope to become a godslayer like you guys.

>> No.17912624

Thanks for your work on the crabs. They were fun to go up against. Don't really know yet what my plans are at the moment for Elona.

When I got access to artifact fusion I wasn't really able to use it immediately. Had to work to get those gain attribute scrolls for artifact fusion but slowly I was able to add resists and stuff to my gear. Prior I managed fill any resist that was lacking with the resist buff. The five horned helmet I got through wishing for new years gifts. I didn't have a maid so I used my rods of wishing/wishing at the well to get new years gifts after I exhausted other stuff to wish for.

Cool I'll look into that song.

>> No.17912767

You can do better. Save your potions for when you need it or until an adventurer with better gear comes around for trade.

>> No.17913100

You're a cool anon, anon. Thanks for being so helpful to those of us who are lost and need guidance.

>> No.17913578

So I finally got a business card and am looking to change my class from warrior to predator for that sweet sweet crit chance. Is there a way to tell if I got the predator class feat? I tried looking through the feat list and can't see any that were changed

>> No.17913604

How do I go about making a futa character for my next char?

>> No.17913624

>next char
#1 make sure you got a (normal) forbidden meat on you when making a gen and have your next char inherit and eat it.

>> No.17913646

Don't think there is anything telling you that you got so and so class feat. Can only observe it through your stats or actions.

>> No.17913682
File: 1.02 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2017-11-18 16-07-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the final result. Thanks, again for your help. I'm now inspired to make my home ice/winter themed

>> No.17913758

my favorite playable race is the lich cuz its easier to self insert as one and it makes more sense why i can crawl from the grave when i die.

>> No.17913815

Now make a gene and start all over again.

>> No.17913866

Ooo very neat anon good work

>> No.17914214

Anyone have any tips for playing a mage into the later end of this game? Kinda feel like I'm falling off around the beginning of act 3 and don't really know what to do about it, and yes I know martial arts/having a trillion arms is best but i wanna be a mage. Are there any other spells other than spear, buff spells, and then a ball/meteor spell that I should be using?

Also any way to increase pet life without using hero cheese? I need a few good pets too i think, just using a xeren tank and a little sister atm.

>> No.17914264

disclaimer: i never been farther than arc2 before feeling tireed of my current char and wanting to switch to a new one.

>pet life
i got a projet. i gave her lotsa rubynus equip and 3 hero cheese so she almost got a decent hp. im planing on AP purchasing her magic barrier to add her mana to her life.

are you going pure mp or do you plan on using rods, scrols and potions as well?
anyway, not everything can be ohkoed with magic dart. you should consider
1. teleport. mages dont like enemies getting closer.
2. acid ground+gravity. so they think they are immune to magic? fuck them.
3. web summon spirit- slow them down at the very least

>> No.17914284 [DELETED] 

also, mana burst is fun in emergencies.

>> No.17914334

The fix-all solution is probably grind some more, maybe spend a lot of plat on spell training at the wizard or use AP to get bonus points to pump casting. You could alternate water and lightning spells to multiply your damage.

Also make sure you have ''it enhances your spells'' on (living) weapons in both hands, there is also an artifact hat (Mag-Abyss, drops from liches) that has it. In addition, a Garok's hammer can add the attribute to a cloak. With all of those combined your spells should be several times stronger.

The only way to raise pet life without cheese is evolving it. A defender is always an excellent life-saving pet, though really any pet is a good pet as long as you raise it right. Tagging them together is really handy when your party grows. I have a bunch that seldom die in Act 3, but they're not particularly special. Just get a couple cute critters you like and train them until they are /fit/.

>> No.17914566

I thought 2x was the max spell enhancement you can get? I have a vital flayer and a random whip that had some on it bringing me to 2x so I've been ignoring that.

Doesn't dual wielding also shaft your casting chance? and my castings already high enough that all my regular use spells are 100%, just dominate really is the only thing that fails sometimes.

And all my spell potentials are in the single digits from repeat training, so thats not as viable anymore except for pumping magic up, which is what I have been using it for.

Maybe the water lightning thing could work, but even raising spear up to the point magic dart was at took a hell of a lot of AP and time.

>> No.17914602

I don't know how high spell enhancement goes, or how much of a value on your gear you need to get the max multiplier. I'd use the custom show value option and do a little testing with more or less enhance gear to see if you're actually at the cap or not. If a warmage you can ignore penalties to an extent. I guess dual staves are really best for your mage pets, because of their fixed success rate. Maybe spend extra time increasing MAG (powerlevel e.g. magic device, keep stat potential up) or level a living weapon with only mag stat increases? Just shooting the shit anon, beyond this I have no suggestions.

>> No.17914616
File: 142 KB, 799x484, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get down to the 17th floor and have no idea how to get over there? The upper room only had one way down and this is dead end

>> No.17914621

Search to uncover hidden paths, or alternatively dig

>> No.17914626

wow I'm retarded, thanks anon, digging was the trick

>> No.17914630

There is a visible corner of a room, so searching would have worked as well.

>> No.17914684

(scrolls of) magic mapping or object detection can help find hidden rooms for next time.

>> No.17915876

i just accidentally built a shelter inside an inn, can they be destroyed?

>> No.17915892

you can repack it.

>> No.17915909

how do you do that?

>> No.17915964

disregard that

>> No.17915965

You just pick it up like any other object.

>> No.17916389
File: 263 KB, 1024x799, XWdQ3Su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to start playing this game again. Haven't played it since pic related.
I'm probably going to start over since my old save isn't too far along and I'm probably screwed because of the INI formula change.

I've been skimming through the changelogs but there's way too many to read all of them.
I know about Elona custom, changes to music tickets and player shop, loads of new special actions, trainers training potentials, and that moon gates are dead.

Any other big changes I should know about so I don't do something stupid? I also saw something about savescumming being nerfed but I'm not sure about the details on that.

>> No.17916417

I played a mage to inner-god-slaying levels.

a few tips:

1. spam magic storm. don't bother levelling up all the offensive spells, concentrate on magic storm. use rods if you need other elements.

2. you can get a lot of mileage out of riding, especially with something like Android Rider. Eventually you'll want to go on foot, but that's only after you're faster than say 1300.

3. train up all the buff spells. you'll also want to use Taunt and Rampage a lot.

4. pay attention to PV. get lots of PV. also use artifact fusion to stack magic resist. finally you should have immunity against just about everything and 2x magic power. It's not that hard with standard slots.

5. you can go either medium armor or light armor. use flying scrolls liberally to fit into the categories. even inner god weapons will fit with enough scroll expenditure.

6. pets are optional. I find they get in the way because the AI is kinda stupid unless you spend a lot of time tweaking it in Custom (and this is back before Ano plugged all the holes in the system, when super-powerful pets with 2k everything were easy to get). As a mage you're a one-man army.

7. if everything else fails, stack up fire resist and spam meteor. teleport when something bad come close. cheesiest thing ever.

>> No.17916430

>flying scrolls liberally
Do their effects stack? Does that mean i can steal a shrine from a dungeon and read a few scrolls of flying to be able to carry it?

>> No.17916440

Savescumming was kill, game autosaves a lot more now and quickload is gone. But to reward players for not doing it, most rare item drop rates were multiplied by several times so long as you don't load save (bonus activates after 10 minutes of play). This is such a ridiculously huge boost that it completely removes the point of save scumming other than for mutant limbs. Everyone is drowning in happy beds and living weapons now.

Crafting was completely reworked too, you should look into that (keep reading the logs). Basically you can make every type of gear now and upgrade everything to the best type, but not as fast or in the same quantities as before. And duplicate artifacts turn into stardust now which you can use for it.

>> No.17916484

I've gotten two happy beds in a week of play and exactly 0 living weapons. JUST.
On the other hand, my goose and Valkyrie both have amazing weapons that living weapons probably wouldn't be able to replace

>> No.17916520

That sounds pretty good.
I remember savescumming being pretty useful early on where a bad mutation or ether symptom can completely cripple your character for a long time, but it should be easy enough to work around.
RIP mutants though.

>> No.17916565

It stacks, but:
1) You can only use it on items in your inventory
2) You can't steal items on the ground that are too heavy
so it's useless for stealing an altar.

>> No.17916592

Dang. Soon I'll get one

>> No.17917223

I haven't played this game in like 4 years or something, anything important happened?

>> No.17917240


>> No.17917264
File: 14 KB, 393x393, kek5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts a new person in Elona+
>Builds as Elea mage, standard stuff
>Comes into Vernis, someone gets murdered
>"Probably nothing ne-"
>"Finally...I come to you...Elishe..."

>> No.17917296

Never really did savescumming aside from mutation potions, so it should be easier for me now. Thanks.

>> No.17917314

Wait, when was this update?

>> No.17917357

Rare loot trigger 1.66, timer 1.67, big craft update 1.71

>> No.17917928
File: 843 KB, 808x615, 11.18.2017orielle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh. Don't wanna level up a 3rd spell past 100. is biggest time sink in world.

I have been completely ignoring riding too, and don't even know what taunt and rampage are, and am superb for most things, nothing I'm weak in has been especially common or problematic. Using light armor because I like my consistency too much.

Also can't imagine not using a pet, my crystal spear hits for 2-2.5k, while my little sister hits for that much like 10 times every turn. She just runs to stuff and 1 shots most things.

The meteor strategy is something I do and like for hard stuff but getting stock in it takes time so its hard to use as liberally as I want to.

Basically I'm asking because cradle of chaos is starting to be too hard for me to get through even with pets, 1 or 2 atlas's can sometimes just roll through my whole party if rng is unfavorable, and I think it would take like 50+ crystal spears to kill them on my own, and they are faster than me.

>> No.17917929

Rare loot flag activates after 10 minutes if it had been deactivated before. So long as you don't load the game more often than once every 10 minutes, it will always be on by default when you start playing.

>> No.17917945

>potraits hair is yellow
>sprites hair is purple

>> No.17917967
File: 815 KB, 798x603, Aynaf GodHand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dyed it. Her adventurer license is also several years old.

Heres what my pet looks like too for comparison. I try not to keep her out as much so I basically just summon her in times of need so shes just my fixer basically.

>> No.17917977

Yeah you're going to need to grind. If an atlas can smash your party then the deeper levels of the cradle are going to be impossible for you.

>> No.17917998

What do I grind though, music tickets? I don't know what will solve this. I was thinking larger party, but according to that other mage guy I'm doing everything wrong. I guess I just switch to magic storm but I can't imagine that making me do anywhere close to as much as the little girl in my party.

>> No.17918021

The scaling for magic storm is much better than any of the line or bolt spells you've been casting. You'll have to play catch up with those aoe spells to match and then overtake the spells you've been using but they do far more damage than them. Looking at what your younger sister has for combat rolls a magic storm properly leveled can do more than she does.

>> No.17918485

For god pets, should I consider keeping them or would it be better to just clone them by breeding or the pen? Like I remember reading you can only have a couple god pets at any given time. They like have much better stats than what's breed and I'm just unsure.

>> No.17918507

You can only have 8 total god pets. You can have repeats of one particular god pet but by doing so you forfeit a god pet from another god and you still can't go beyond 8.

>> No.17919279

I'm thinking of starting a new gene and i was wondering, wha kinda stufff should i give my offspring? i guess living weapons, eternal force, evhearts, blessed potions of potential, potions of cure curroptions, but what else? statues? scrolls? rods? equips? furniture?

>> No.17919396

fuckhuge stack of herbed curarias, possibly soul spindle or leave a pet in a monster ball too.

Barbecue, bodypillow/happy bed or stuff like that would probably be good too.

>> No.17919415

>herbed curarias
funny, herbing herbs. neer thought of that.
>pet in a monster ball
is that even possible? capturing new stuff is easy but reballing my own pet?
>soul spindle
im actually not that well of. i dont een have a good source of herbs.
>bbq, happy bed
this i actually got. tnx anon.

can i leae a deed of castle or something?

>> No.17919481

Is there an easy class for starting or just play whatever?

>> No.17919498

tourist snail

>> No.17919545

With the ball he probably meant not re-balling your pet, but capturing something and leaving it in the ball to pass on. For existing pets you'd need the spindle. Deeds unfortunately can't be inherited.

Just play whatever. I think farmer is probably one of the easiest to get started with (just go farm in Yowyn for easy plat and levels, get a farm, get the ability violent garden), I'd even recommend it for those starting a permadeath run.

>> No.17920087

>adventurer has a zantetsu
>have nothing to trade it for
>don't have the pickpocket skill
why must I suffer

>> No.17920095

zantetsu isn't that great

>> No.17920106

violent garden is op. its been game years since i got garden before geting the ultimate graity skill, and the only thing gravity got on it is lower sta cost.

>> No.17920652

After fighting the 2 bosses in the tower of fire, was I suppose to physically have the stone? Or is it just something that you don't pick up?

>> No.17920683

you don't physically own it, it just appears in your 'j'ournal.

>> No.17920693

Thanks, anon

>> No.17921071

So in the end, you mostly used static artifacts? I always thought randarts would wind up stronger given sufficient time/effort, was there a change to artifact fusion or something?

>> No.17921095

A snail pianist who has to slowly sliver to his next concert while being crushed to death by his poor choice of profession

>> No.17921196

>t. The adventurer

>> No.17921737

so i decided to pick this game up again after quitting around this time last year - the mod list in the op seems to say basically everything is outdated; is everyone just playing more-or-less standard 1.73 then?

>> No.17921769

Outdated doesn't mean they don't work.

>> No.17921800
File: 315 KB, 660x744, cust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, people mix and match to make their own personal spritesheets out of the vast quantity of ''parts'' available (see Tieba pack). All you have to do to update an old one is drop in whatever new sprites were added. Modding your game is basically copy-pasting anything you like onto an image file containing the game graphics.

>> No.17922337 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 788x580, FFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it.

So, I made a fresh install and added the beauification pack I found on the wiki. It's got lots of nice grafix and all, very nice, and about 80 PCC's.

The problem is, this fucking pcc is a mysterious default and I can't get rid of it. It's not actually the third PCC, I can't find the source of it anywhere and it overlaps anything else I want to use. How the fuck do I get rid of it?

>> No.17922451

I'd like to try something. I'm going to make a new character but I'd like some of you to select the details.

I'd like the first person to select my race, the second to pick my class, and the third select pets.

Thank you all in advance.

>> No.17922488

This can only end in snail pianist

>> No.17922492

Meant tourist.

>> No.17922511

I'm prepared for such a thing. If it happens. Honestly I think claymore would be worse.

>> No.17922516


>> No.17922540

I asked for someone to pick one. Though to be honest I have no way of checking if it is a new person.

Wow I didn't think this through.

>> No.17922549

Just make a strawpoll with fill ins

>> No.17922596


>> No.17922615

I never used it before and don't know how to do fill ins.
Well snail was mentioned above as part of someone's answer so I guess I'm a snail priest. Now to select my pets. I have a terrible feeling about this.

>> No.17922629

kamikaze yeek

>> No.17922690

Ahahaha...oh god what have I done. I'm going through with it.

My alias is "Absolutely Dead". Fitting. Any idea for a name?

>> No.17922854


>> No.17923045

Thank you.

Well in theory a godly artifact run through artifact fusion could be stronger. However due to the needs of my build having static artifacts was required for the stuff I was killing. To consistently get my 5 to 8 attacks to come out each turn I needed to stack additional attack chance as best I could. You can't get a godly piece of equipment to have that enchant for the head, back, and arm yet there are static artifacts for those slots that come with it. The extra melee attack chance can only come from rings and necklaces but I never managed to find rings with it and the twin edge had a stronger attack chance enchant that all the necklaces I ever found with it.

Speaking of rings, it's a real pain to find really good ones but maybe my standards are too high.I could have went with godly armor pieces for my body and waist slots but I figured the static stuff was good enough and any good godly stuff for artifact fusion should go to my pets. In the end my final gear was good enough to kill everything in the game and I achieved immunity to insanity and almost all dim attacks. The only time I ever could get dimmed is if I attack a handful of enemies that exist in an awakened dungeon. It's like they had the AP trait charm. The solution to handing them was easy as all I had to do was range them with spells instead so even then dim wasn't a problem. Enemy wizard spells of all kinds did almost no damage to me.

Honestly I don't understand why static artifacts get a bad rap. Sure blank godly artifacts might be better if you put in a lot of time and work gathering those scrolls of attribute but static artifacts are plenty strong as is and most let you put a bit more on them through artifact fusion.

>> No.17923184

>entering chaotic dungoen
>1st floor altar to mani
>2nd floor altar to opathos
>3rd floor altar to kurimuri
what are the odds?

>> No.17923277

solar cane is better.

>> No.17923290

im the third

pet- little girl. good luck anon, we love you.

>> No.17923328

Are Big Daddies breedable in farms? Has anyone tried?

If the breeding power article on the wiki is right, with enough potions of descent you can bring the breeding power up to 4. Which is only 2x slower than breeding god pets -- and I know for a fact those breed.

>> No.17923574

>can't breed <little sister>s
>breed big daddies instead

>> No.17923629

Why are all the King Heart evolutions so underwhelming? The hell do I use my spare two ones on? I already have a Cat Princess.

>> No.17924010

Eventually you get way more evolution items than you could use, anyway. I use mine for item crafting.

>> No.17924319

i donnu man, the dog evo is pretty nice.

>> No.17924333

Aren't potions of descent only accessible through wishing? or have they already been removed exclusively from the game?

>> No.17924343

They are available through wishing, and becoming able to cast wish reliably is the way to get thousands of levels through wishing for them

>> No.17924773

Why do girls keep dropping their diaries all over the place? i got dozens and i have no use for them. at all.

>> No.17924786
File: 432 KB, 1148x459, î┬ò╩ì╖æ╓éªë≡ÉαÉ}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be retarded, /jp/, but I can't seem to get a custom portrait to work. I'm on Elona+ Custom 1.73.1. I've tried naming said portrait something like Face3 (1 and 2 being already taken) and it doesn't show up in the P menu. Pic related seems to indicate that I should be naming it Pc_*, but despite trying 1-16 and 17-32, nothing seems to work. All I get is the fucked up picture of the white-haired dude you see in the image.

>> No.17924796

do what i would do, delete the fucked up dude bmp and rename the dog bmp in his place.
t. juere

>> No.17924830

I don't even see him in the game files. He's like a goddamn phantom. The shittiest ghost in the machine.

>> No.17924838

maybe you are looking at the wrong folder?
maybe its in a bigger file like face2.bmp?

>> No.17924841

Disregard, I am in fact, retarded.

Don't be like me, kids.Stay in school.

>> No.17924889

Male snail so the name isn't quite fitting.
The third is above you and said Kamikaze Yeek.
Can't do it. I only got shades.

In an hour and a half of playing I got a potion of cure corruption, lost said potion to someone with a cold dagger, died half a dozen times (mostly because random creatures in towns), but at least I have a pot for fusion now.

>> No.17924904

the original posts only had 4 replies and the first one wasn't replying to make a point but to make a predictions. i didn't realize replies to replies also count.
anyway, how about you call yourself 'retard shield'?

>> No.17924922

I already have an alias. Wait. Are you saying that being my actual character name?

>> No.17924944

Train gene engineer

>> No.17924960

You're never going to maintain interest while playing a [post decides what character I play]. Game's too long. If you want to try something new just try a couple permadeath characters, or a specific conduct or focus (e.g. ''magic only'', ''I'm only using rods'' or ''not using pets ever'') with as goal maybe beating Lesimas asap. Just my two cents

>> No.17925072

Good advice! I was actually going to rely on rods exclusively for fighting because I already have a martial artist snail. Really tedious to start. Plus I won't have to worry about more than one pet this time.

>> No.17925302

How do I get the black gemstone of nefia? the wiki says leold drops it when you talk to him but if that ever happened for me I never noticed it. Reloading ulm leson didn't make it drop again either.

>> No.17925310

>not using pets ever
You're a monster. Pets deserves all the love .

>> No.17925320

My characters are all pet masters my mentally challenged friend, I was listing possibilities for conduct runs

>> No.17925336

You're a monster just by suggesting something so vile.

>> No.17925511

It does kinda get boring at times when you don't even get time to touch mobs, because couple pets rape everything in sight.

>> No.17925541

ikr. i go to dungeons that are at least 50% levels higher than me because my pets make anything less a cakewalk.

>> No.17925728
File: 3 KB, 580x25, but homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17925765

Who cares about touching mobs when you get to touch your pets instead?

>> No.17925907

How do I reverse the effects of attribute loss from dying?

>> No.17925992

Should I keep my goose pet at home, or is she viable with fighting? My little girl and I already wreck most things.

>> No.17926134
File: 231 KB, 976x535, 1500044042041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, how do I go about teaching magic to my pet? Do I need to have it at a certain level to be able to teach it?

>> No.17926222

who is that elfen fluid temptress on the left?

>> No.17926299

You need lvl50 spell and some casting lvls for pet.

>> No.17926869

Grind them back up.

>> No.17927678

Does anyone have tone files or personalities they gave to their female god pets/various sister/young lady pets they'd mind sharing?

I am looking for ideas to add to the gestalt little girl I am making.

>> No.17927715

where do i get cute pics like that elf for my game?

>> No.17927925

read the thread

>> No.17927931

think the thread only mentions that OC do not steal next to the "You ride Elismick the little girl" picture

>> No.17927946


>> No.17928023

don't get me wrong, on 100+ replies threads i also ask before looking, but i also ctrl+f 'source' and 'sauce' before asking.

>> No.17928090 [DELETED] 

Then how did you not find >>17910251 ?

>> No.17928480

>Use gimp to edit spritesheet
>Get this shit

HspError 13 WinError 0 Ver 2970 Mode 0
efId 0 efP 0 Area 0/0
ci 0#0 ti 0#0 cc 0#0 tc 0#0 rc 0#0
3. ctrlFile10 ct:0
2. del_userNpc ct:0
1. del_userTemp ct:0
0. userNpc_update ct:0

Where did I go wrong, /jp/?

>> No.17928492

1. redownload the original spritesheet
2. check elona works with original
2.1 if it doesn't work, redownaoad elona
3. edit spritesheet with gimp
4. check if elona works with the new edited sheet
4.1. if it works, grats
5. tell itt what exactly you did in gimp

>> No.17928498

Thanks anon, fixed it.
I checked the sheet again and realized I accidentally exported it as a png. Turns out I'm literally retarded.

>> No.17928728
File: 811 KB, 1385x790, I hate myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you reach a certain amount of stats and pledge your faith to the one true god Kumiromi, even a Snail Tourist can reach the standards. This is in Loss Mode by the way and I am in constant fear for my life.

>> No.17928846

Does any of you have weird stories to share? I am looking for inspirations for my D&D campaigns. Our Master loves to push us through difficult situations that you need to solve through cleverness and I have a Factotum, which is very prone to bullshit. So who knows, maybe I can get my inspiration from some of your tales.

>> No.17928901
File: 83 KB, 411x465, oh fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2:00 AM
>Fighting Zeome for the first time
>Spent most of the night powering through his dungeon
>Having an awful time
>Can't deal with constant chaos ball spam
>Decide that Zeome can go fuck himself
>Use savings to buy off every halfway decent adventurer in North Tyris
>Lead the angry lynch mob to Zeome's rape dungeon
>Fight goes on forever
>Half of North Tyris' adventurer population just wailing on this arthritic bastard
>By the time I get Zeome down to a tiny sliver of health the entire lynch mob is dead
>No health
>Negative mana
>The next spell I cast will probably kill me
>Fuck it
>Go for one last hail mary magic dart on the fucker
>Zeome explodes in a shower of gore
>Die immediately afterward from overcasting

>> No.17928931

>Get pissed off thinking I'm going to have fight Zeome all over again without the lynch mob
>Suddenly the game cuts to Orphe's speech
>Orphe spends five minutes passive aggressively yammering to a dead guy about Zeome's bullshit magic book
>Ending cutscene starts playing
>It keeps going
>Larnneire and albino prince dude blabbering about meshera
>Meanwhile I'm rotting at the bottom of Lesimas
>Cutscene ends
>Three year time skip
>"Sweet, I guess I don't take the death penalty since I killed him first."
>Slapped in the face with the death screen
>Scream inwardly thinking that I'm going to have go through that bullshit again
>Hit continue
>Revive normally
>Zeome dead for good
>South Tyris is open
>Murder Orphe for being a smug faggot and give his sword to my pet

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.17928934

Forgot to mention that I was dead for three years.
My pets waited THREE YEARS to resurrect me.
Goddamn lazy bastards.

>> No.17928954

This is a fantastic story anon, thanks a lot.

>> No.17928992

well once i came into a hall with an empty altar. trough one of the doors i entered next there was swarm of orcs and an altar to yactect.

another time i was fighting dogod and nothing i did helped. i used statue of itzpalt, statue of mani, witch weets, ofuda, anything i throw at it and i still needed to constantly heal halhalt, my dog and the mvp of the party, till i had no choice but to read a scroll of escape cuz it was just too strong.

anotheer time i wanted to play a loli, so i crafted a blessed forbiden meat, ate age returning lunch and manipulated my height/weight i milk and tea. i even changed my name and class. after a while i got bored and returned to my original self, but im still having trouble since the aging lunch jumped me to age 200. and when i reate the age return, i was 6 again. so im stuck like that.

my black cat (who, despite sprites, is actually smaller than projet) kept killing my projet with shining wave from her sword. i tried gene engeeniring wizars from slaes to her for control magic but in the end, it was punks that had those skills.

>> No.17929034

is the insane book a precious item? can it be inherited?

>> No.17929098

It didn't have the "It is a precious item." tag when I examined my copy, so it can probably be wished for/inherited.

>> No.17929314

>Can't do it. I only got shades.
well, you saved me the trouble of finding out myself.

>> No.17929323

I have a couple of stories but the only one that seems relevant to dnd would be about this stupid merchant with a cursed necklace that summons monsters.

>Port town is being besieged by random portals.
>They appear, drop out terrors man was not meant to know then disappear with no rhyme or reason.
>Turns out a wealthy merchant came into possession of a rare artifact that just so happens to be cursed.
>Refuses to believe that it could possibly be his precious necklace and just assumes anyone who says so is crazy or thieves.
>Party must find a way to get the damned thing off of him before the entire town goes to literal hell.

>> No.17929388

Why is your name Saltbane?

>> No.17929394

This is pretty interesting anon, would you mind giving me the full version? I wouldn't mind hearing about the other story either.

>> No.17929590

how do I change my gender in elosnack?

>> No.17929607

i don't know either. maybe jut give yourself blessed forbidden meat via elosnack and eat it in game?

>> No.17929783

It's not that mages fall off, it's that they're not single-target specialists. Meteor, mah boi. Let your pets manage single targets, they can probably cast fist a lot better than you can.

>> No.17930452

Last night my fiancee wanted to try elona to see what it's like. We started at ~8:30, and even though level 1 was a bitch for her to get through, we didn't stop playing until 1AM. She made an elf wizard. I think the game has found another avid player

>> No.17930703

I'm pretty sure that you can't wish for the secret characters even if you have the book until you complete the quest that gives it to you in the first place.

>> No.17930881


>> No.17931252

I vaguely remember at one point that elemental resists also added to your damage wit elemental spells. Is this still a thing, and is it enough to be worth building around at all? I really want to play a wizard but the idea of damage dropping off as boss HP soar into the millions worries me.

>> No.17931279

>Thanks for reading my blog.
There's an 'updated my journal' joke in there somewhere.

>> No.17931631

Can anyone provide a download link of Mr.Q's custom sprites? The download links on his Pixiv descriptions are dead.

>> No.17931703

No it's not. At least for Elona+ resists don't add to spell damage.

>> No.17931903
File: 1.54 MB, 1603x1203, spelldmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a strange turn of events for me. Didn't think I'd ever hear spell damage called into question in how effective it is. Used to be the other way around. People awhile back didn't think melee could come close to spell damage. Think another anon made mention of that several threads back too. Enough about that though.

Spells can do enough damage to kill the toughest things in the game. I can sign off at least on two hand, martial arts, and magic being good enough considering that's what I use on my character to kill things that are at cap. My spells are not nearly as developed as my melee skills due to my build choice but I really don't see why spells couldn't be effective. Even at the halfway point to cap, around spell level 1000, spells can do 100k or more damage. If you manage to cap spells I could see spells doing around 500k or millions just like the damage melee characters put out. So even against the toughest of creatures with cap resists a wizard should be fine. Most people won't be worrying about bosses with literally millions of HP or horrible resists if all they're doing is normal dungeons and story bosses though.

The best advice I can give as a spellcaster is to not stick too long with magic dart or bolt spells. Transition over to AOE spells as soon as you can because they do far more damage than darts or bolts.

>> No.17931964

>Didn't think I'd ever hear spell damage called into question in how effective it is.
Well, I don't think your perspective is very similar to the average player. Just looking at your Meteor stock is enough to fill me with jelly.

I think part of it is that you have to grind up magical attacks for yourself, whereas pets will easily rock any melee style well. It gives the impression that melee>magic.

Beside the point though, as you say. Thanks for the reassurance before I go and blow 200 hours on it.

>> No.17931993

>you have to grind up magical attacks for yourself
Not as true once the game let magicians train your spells.

>> No.17932004

I meant that the pc is likely to be the best mage candidate in the party compared to their pets.

>> No.17932019

So a bit of an update on "Absolutely Dead". I can survive short fights through Lulwy's trick but it is taking a serious amount of my stamina. Kind of need that for my rods.

I was in Derphy and a prostitute attacked me unprovoked. I didn't know they could do that.

I started riding my kamikaze yeek. Interesting to have to avoid being next to an enemy or my mount will self destruct. Who knows where to find a magaqua? It's irritating to only be able to bring my pet out in the rain.

Oh! I did manage to get a gene machine. That was really tense.

>> No.17932025

I wouldn't be so sure. My little witch and my nymph are so OP with Leold's variable storm I can't farm AP if they're around, and I can teach them any offensive spell I want since their power depends only on Magic and Casting. The only thing pets can't do is mass debuffs with alchemical rain.

>> No.17932039
File: 82 KB, 247x151, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to my Str stats? I had it much higher at like 35. But it suddenly dropped really far.

>> No.17932058

It's either equipment that reduces stats, you got touched by an enemy that reduces stats (use a potion of restore body or pay a healer in that case) or you have an Ether disease.

>> No.17932082

Yea, it was the enemy. Thanks senpai.

>> No.17932111

Nah pets can never be as good as the PC when it comes to spell damage. The spell damage formula for the PC is better so in the long run the PC comes out on top.

>> No.17932139

But pets need to grind any skill like the player does or they become obsolete. Magic is actually easier to grind than melee. Another reason why Kai suggested AOE spells probably is because of the fact that you don't even need a target to grind out their levels as opposed for melee which you need an enemy and it needs to be tough enemy to actually get good skill exp. Almost all late game players have decent meteor stock and they all were low level characters at some point. If at all anything the higher level players tell it how it is because they know what the future of things look like.

>> No.17932158

>If at all anything the higher level players tell it how it is because they know what the future of things look like.
That was my point. Those are not average players.

>> No.17932180

The only real difference between a low-level player and a high-level one is how long they've been playing. Kai simply has been playing for so long he's noticed a ton of little things.

>> No.17932523

How long will it take for the item descriptions (at least the ones from the base game) be translated in E+C. I don't mean to dictate what to focus on, but it would make sense to focus on that rather than working on adding new features

>> No.17932685

i thought you need to either read the book or wish for the chars, now you are telling me i need both a wish and the book?

>> No.17932736

You need to complete the quest, read the book, and then wish for them.

>> No.17932781

does reading the book consumes it?

>> No.17933366

Do you guys think assault gold or the mech arms are a better cape for a pet with 4 arms? The mech arms seem good but assault gold has a really really big +damage modifier on it that feels hard to let go of.

>> No.17933402

Is there any way to run this on a mac?

>> No.17933459

what about WINE?

>> No.17933660

That doesn't matter because theres no way to easily increase spell potentials. I think every spell I have is permanently in single digit potentials.

>> No.17933683

how is that possible? there is like 3 offensive versions for each element, do you grind them all?

>> No.17933698

I take a huge amount of platinum and potions of potential and go and spam every training from the wizard, making sure to do enchanting, warlock, and healer especially, and then even though it trains the spells for fuck all at this point every training usually gives around a point of a stat per training at superb potential. So in doing that all the spells just tend to never really get to a very high potential.

Even if magic can be good it really is a lot slower to be good rather than a melee build. dont know anything about ranged.

>> No.17933979

I should try that, but I was wondering if anyone was successful with that.

>> No.17934069

don't you get spell potential from sleep? or do you only sleep with jure and it doesn;t give spell potential?

>> No.17934137

forgot to update, but if you change the gender to 0 you get male and 1 is female

took me a couple tries to get it to save though, but it worked

>> No.17934233

are there any negative side effects from having really low friendship with your pets?

>> No.17934365

Yes that does happen. But I do what I mentioned above quite frequently so it doesn't cause it to pull ahead.

>> No.17934762

How do I get a Kamikaze Yeek to actually attack? No matter what I try it'll just stand there if wet and self destruct if not. It hates me because it won't stop detonating and I really need breakfast.

>> No.17934859

Can you give it a ranged weapon?

>> No.17935445

I did. A bow and arrow.

>> No.17935625

You can either change AI at Leold or use the AI features of custom

>> No.17935899

Why is this person using ice ball? its obviously doing more than magic storm but is that just incidental/level based? I highly doubt someone would spend the amount of time this takes on something sub par but I was under the impression magic storm is the thing that gets leveled.

Really I'm just wondering why he did this and if its something I should do.

>> No.17935911

Ice ball benefits from the wet status multiplier.

>> No.17936132

After a little more use of the custom AI I have come to a reasonable conclusion. I'm a friggin' idiot. It's working now.

>> No.17936219

I'm sure Kai can give you a more precise answer, but ice ball has higher base damage then magic storm, and ties with fire for the highest of the AOE spells. It also deals bonus damage to wet enemies and benefits from being one of the three elements, which can take advantage of the element scar/megid flame and Itzpalt's gifts.

Of course, you still have to contend with enemies having way higher resist to ice then magic, which is why you should not just level ice ball and instead train magic storm too (and meteor if you have the stock to do so) for the moments when ice ball isn't as effective. Putting all your eggs in one spell isn't a good idea.

>> No.17936702

So, I just got the Sunbararian Helm at level 7 on my shiny new lich, after a werewolf explained to him why disguising yourself as a hapless nobody isn't necessarily a good idea. The 32 PV is nice but the blood-drain isn't and it seems like a solution to problems you'll never have. Am I missing something with this thing? It just looks like a swap for sleeping and drinking out of wells/fountains.

You can spend skill points on it.

>> No.17936728

Iceball does a lot more base damage than magic storm, and once you start adding in mob magic resist the benefit starts to diminish faster for the magic storm faster than for the elemental spells, even though that magic resist also helps against the elements. Couple that with Wet and possibly Itzy's bonus, and the difference isn't as no-brainer as you might think. Ice bolt/ball is srs bsns in terms of raw damage.

>> No.17937085
File: 63 KB, 960x720, 1492482354294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day there was a very powerful piece of disinformation trolling that I fell for. It was supposed to make getting favor for your god of choice super easy and it went something like this:

>Get pregnant from an alien parasite
>Take it to Palmia, the largest city with an altar, and let it pop out of your stomach
>Get outta there until it decides to attack someone else and impregnate them
>So now you have a handful of people pregnant with these easyish to kill monsters who weigh enough to make your god of choice happy when sacrificed
>Assuming you have decent anatomy skill this will make a good stack of bodies you can use
>Seems like a good deal, right?
>Giving birth once does not end the pregnancy
>The next parasite is brewing and ready to burst by the time its predecessor leaves the womb
>Palmia is a big city, so large that at any given time you will only see around 1/10th of it
>Your unwilling parasite mothers are walking around unsupervised in the other 9/10ths of the city
>They will eventually give birth and you will have no idea it happened aside from the trail of blood left by the unfortunate person who had their child burst from their chest
>After the parasite is free of its host it will impregnate other townsfolk and you will be none the wiser
>Over the course of a week the entire city will be pregnant
>Talking to a guard about a job I'm doing
>Alien chest bursts mid-conversation
>Trying to deliver an item to someone
>He's dead before I even got into town because he was murdered by his alien baby
>Escorting an old man from the next town over
>He's jumped in the streets by a roaming gang of alien parasites and dies
>As if this isn't bad enough the little fuckers can spit acid
>Everyone is walking around with weapons and armor that have been burned to shit by acid
>Can't take two steps without losing an item in your inventory from acid attacks or having your gear fucked up
>Acid in every orifice
>The guards are capable enough when it comes to taking down these alien parasites
>Unfortunately they do have the anatomy skill required to make them leave behind a corpse
>Thus defeating the original purpose and turning the safest and most successful city in the region into a hellscape of unwanted pregnancies and chemical burns
>After I realize what has happened I go to Derphy and buy a nuke to set off thinking it would end my predicament
>It did not
>It slowed it down but a week after the bomb went off and everything rebuilt there were still people giving birth in the streets
>Spend a few months outside of town doing odd jobs to counter-balance the genocide I just committed
>Once the guards allow me back into the city I begin plan B
>The only way to 100% cure these alien pregnancies is to have the victim throw up or become poisoned
>I came back to Palmia with my pockets full of cursed alcohols, paint, and poisons
>People who liked me despite the earlier nuking would readily accept my miracle cures
>Many people still didn't though so I would have to think of new ways to cure them
>The most effective but dangerous method was throwing cursed alcohol at them so they would get so drunk they would vomit until they died
>If I didn't want to kill a guard to save someone I would make a nice meal and poison it then leave it around the afflicted citizen until they decided to eat it off the ground
>It took me four in game years before my traveling abortion clinic had removed all alien parasites from Palmia

>> No.17937110

Couldn't you just have nuked it?

>> No.17937111

>Giving birth once does not end the pregnancy

I could be misremembering but I think it did in vanilla.

>> No.17937279
File: 57 KB, 883x1024, i happen to be an artifact expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to wear the Subarashii Helm
It weighs 1.5s and provides constant Healing training and 32PV, you spindly skellington wizard. Put that shit on your head. Everything else is just a bonus.

Couldn't you just read the post properly?

>> No.17937339

I think you fucked up. Although it sounds weird, but the nuke doesn't hit the entire city of Palmia, If anyone pregnant was on the part of the city that isn't hit by the nuke, he can survive and then get everyone else pregnant again.

>> No.17937363
File: 34 KB, 534x599, 1164558151023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's simply the fact that the ayliums have stats based on their parents. There's several very tough NPCs present like the royals. Any xenos they generate will shrug off the blast.

Although yes, not putting it in a central location won't help either. I'm not the anon who posted the story, by the way.

>> No.17937601

Why did drinking a cure potion just cause me to vomit? It's not cursed and I don't have anorexia.

>> No.17937607

I think all potions have a random chance to make you vomit to discourage spamming them, even blessed.

>> No.17937613

Huh. Makes sense, but it's the first I've heard about it.

>> No.17937704

>everytime i do a panic/challange quest in palmia i sacrifice a fish to my godess ehektel
>maxing out favour in no time


>> No.17937716

you ware bloated when drinking it weren't you? theres a limit to how much you can stuff yourself. if you don't believe me try drinking after eating a stomafilla

>> No.17937763

Quite possibly. I don't normally eat to full capacity but I did eat an inn meal somewhere around that point.

>> No.17937976

can you pass golems via inheritance?

>> No.17938049
File: 2.12 MB, 460x246, 1429191104817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casually watch the elona changelog because i like doing that
>"The calculation that reduces gained experience as attributes and skill levels increase has been changed. When attributes and skill levels are greater than 300, the calculation will use 300 as their values. This means that players will no longer need to choose between going to extreme lengths to level them or giving up on them."

>> No.17938214

Is this for 1.74?

>> No.17938277

There goes my productivity for the coming months.

>> No.17938281
File: 8 KB, 209x200, 1419626697914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good one anon. Saved it, I love Elona stories that show off how bizarre, hilarious and occasionally complex this game can be.

>> No.17938298

It doesn't now, that's for sure.

>> No.17938309

Fuck yes.
Time for grindan.

>> No.17938314
File: 36 KB, 600x330, 1336008982517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To pu it perspective, this means that, with 400% potential, , even at 1999, you only need 10 herb in meals to raise your attributes.
Pets, at 400% potential, will always raise their attributes by 1.
And of course, no skill whatsoever is softcapped anymore.

>> No.17938379

So as far as I understand from the change log allies automatically attempt to use skills that they're "learning"

If I have that right then my question is if there any way to make Allies learn skills faster?

Should I be mistaken then my question is what the correct method to doing this should be?

I've been "training" my Fire Dragon swarm for the last 200 floors of dungeons I've been through and its still stuck at 0% so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm just not patient enough

>> No.17938411

Thank you anon, if anyone else wants to contribute I'll be happy to read your stories too.

>> No.17938430

Make sure it's in normal/offense fighting mode, not defensive or intercept.
This fucked me over since i was using intercept so they would stay inside my sight range, could have made them learnd five or more skills in the wasted time.

>> No.17938434

Its in offensive fighting mode, she has around 4k health so almost nothing can kill her in the point I'm at

I'm mainly wondering how I get her to "use" the skill

>> No.17938521

Your goddess is a slut who will let anyone "get lucky" with her for a dead fish.

>> No.17938549

I can't seem to be able to decompress E+C properly, at least not the mega version, but neither am I able to access BloodyShade's site to see if their version works better. Is there any other way I can get E+C?

>> No.17938555

ummm... are you including the skil they are learning in their beheviour script?
is it on default or costum?

>> No.17938559

Its on the default AI, I haven't messed with that yet

>> No.17938563

ehektel X kurimuri OTP
also, she is the only one that sometimes smile on people who don't follow her. the rest of the gods are selfish bastards.

>> No.17938575

Ah, I see. It becomes available as part of the custom AI.
I just assumed the default AI would try and use it.


>> No.17938582

you need to tell it to use the skill or it wont attampt to use it and won't learn anything.

>> No.17938692
File: 64 KB, 233x322, 1366897692625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Get pregnant from an alien parasite
>>It took me four in game years before my traveling abortion clinic had removed all alien parasites from Palmia

>> No.17939156

>going trough some random dungeon
>finds an item with a sprite i have never seen before
>a beautifull stone
>one scrol of greater identify later
>a summoning crystal

what did i stumble upon?

>> No.17939269

A relic from times when the online servers were up, I think.

>> No.17939613

Those allowed players to summon into their games custom characters from other players.

After going through a moongate into another player's house, you could use their summoning crystal and get their custom npcs, it was pretty nice.

>> No.17939623
File: 776 KB, 1024x768, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an old picture when I first stumbled into one back in the day.

Man I really miss Moongates. And harusame.

>> No.17939677
File: 156 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i brought the swimwear to the good doctor... why are there 3 options here?

>> No.17939954
File: 155 KB, 671x750, 62194707_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17940009

...it appears third option is a joke option that doesn't really give anything.

>> No.17940095

So you can hand over some before you have the whole lot, kinda pointless but yeah.

>> No.17940507

So what does the Shield Bash feat do nowadays, since random activation isn't a thing any more?

>> No.17940581
File: 88 KB, 552x473, Guerriera_sconosciuta_della_squadra_di_Jean_ridotta_in_fin_di_vita_da_Duff_volto_manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more patrician class than Claymore

>> No.17940636


Nothing is more patrician than rifle hunting.

>> No.17941260
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Aside from getting raped by what were pretty much blatant death traps, moongates were pretty fun, yet unpredictable.

>> No.17941455

Why should high level MA users remove their claws/tonfa and go bare handed? Does the damage bonus from MA alone surpass the bonus given by items like the shield tonfa or smash tonfa? Wouldn't the extra bonuses from those items still be useful?

>> No.17941464

Barehanded you can get up to 8 extra attacks, versus only 4 while having something in your hands.
It's only something to worry about once you're around skill level 500 or so, though going empty-handed from the start sure is flavorful.

>> No.17941543

Definitely, but the "nullifies physical damage" attribute on the shield tonfa is pretty nice...

>> No.17941586

Is being a farmer the best way to rank up attributes or should I just go corpse hunting?

>> No.17941648

Hey Kai have you considered doing a lets play? I'd like to see how the strong get strong in this game.

>> No.17941709

>Let's Play Elona+ - part 375

>> No.17941717

I've been giving a lot of thought as to what the strongest theoretical mage would look like.

Conclusion: a very specialized solo mutant. it would have no body parts but hands and bodies, and you use the port kapul scientist to saw off your first three mutant parts so that you never get the speed penalty.. get all the ether diseases that give bonus for disabling a body part.

equipment would be fullplates, living weapons and inner god weapons. use kokou, swimming, haste, ether disease and equipment bonuses you should be able to break 4.5k speed. even lvl 8000 void bosses will be practically standing still, especially with rod of slow spam.

>> No.17941725

>strongest theoretical mage
Using rods then?

>> No.17941729

Too busy to do a traditional let's play and I don't see myself as a good enough entertainer to fill 30 minute or more time slots with interesting commentary. Also editing I hear can be a pain in the ass and is incredibly time consuming.

Having said that, if there's an interest with a silent no commentary walkthrough, longplay, or whatever they call it I could maybe do that if there's interest. It's almost no effort to just have something record your gameplay. Pretty much just do 30 minute recorded game sessions and put it in a playlist for watching. Those would be my terms.

>> No.17941731

No, since this is ultra endgame we're talking about, use a shitton of flying scrolls to reduce weight.

>> No.17941735

Oh yeah, I forgot those existed.

>> No.17941741

Only 375? I've watched longer jap game let's plays.

>> No.17941760
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Happy Thanksgiving /elona/

>> No.17941800

Well I can buff myself up to a little bit over 3k speed with a spell and I thought like you that void enemies would be frozen or slow to Kai but they seem to still move around. The problem is that even if you can achieve a very high speed there is a high chance of running into some enemy that will put the slow hex on you and that hex is awful at cap casting levels. hex lasts like 1000 turns and I've seen it cut my speed in half before. Literally I've seen my speed of 2k cut down to just below 1k. So you would need to level up your stuff that prevents hexes or cures them to a very high level. So at 4k speed you might see your speed brought down to 2k but then you're equal in speed to void monsters. Even though you can cure the hexes I found it useless to cure it during battle as they'll just reapply it. So I do most of my curing out of battle and focus on finishing off enemies as quick as possible.

My question though is why all the inner god weapons and living weapons? Spell enhance has a cap and I don't see why you would need to wield around a bunch of weapons if you're just going for spell damage.

>> No.17941828

Riding a pet means your speed won't be affected by Slow. I don't know if your pet can have a hex put on them directly since you're both on the same square.

>> No.17941832

Personally, I would like to see that regardless, if you are willing to do that. I much prefer some commentary, personally, but watching someone who has gone this far in the game play is, on its own, interesting to me.

>> No.17941867

Max Magic Device. You can carry antihex rods to get rid of curses fast. They seem to work by reducing hex power, and when hexpower is 0 the hex ends, so what I'm saying is you spam it a few times and the hex is gone. Slow is capped at half of maxspeed, which is still reasonable with 4.5k speed.

Inner god weapons provide huge stat bonuses. They're massive enough to matter even at 2k stats. Living weapons are for versatility. You can use all your slots to boost a skill beyond 2k, e.g. to get more wish stock.

>> No.17941875



>> No.17941880
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What the fuck.
I thought hexes either got dispelled or not ?

>> No.17941881

No, why would you think that?

Also rods can be used even when silenced, so.

>> No.17941883
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What do you mean by "think" ?

>> No.17941884

I don't get these heir deed. I use them and nothing appears in my heir chest. Am I missing something?

>> No.17941890

Your child will get those items after you make a gene and retire your current character

>> No.17941902

i thought that only the child benefits from reading heir scrolls. if the perent reads them the child gets them?

>> No.17941906

Unless I'm mistaken, yes. You read them, select an item, and then that item appears in the heir chest when you have a kid. However, I've never actually done that so I might be wrong, but it makes sense to do that way

>> No.17941922

No, the parent gets zero benefit for reading deeds. Inheritance comes from the player's inventory at time of gene creation. The child reads deeds to get them.

Certain items are not inherited, such as precious things and deeds. That big fat stack of cure corruption potions everybody's got saved up is fair game tho.

Oh, also materials are inherited without having to use deeds.

>> No.17941955

Hexes can slow you down even if you're on a mount sadly. I found that out in the void while testing AP gains while mounting my companion instead of tagging them.

Thanks for the support. Well if at least two more people show interest then I'll do the no commentary play thing.

Yep you can do that. For Kai I'm just curing my hexes through Jure's prayer though.

>> No.17941989

Put it in your shoot slot then.

>> No.17942021

Why is this game so fun? Is there anything else even remotely comparable out there?

>> No.17942037

dwarf fortress is also a rougelike sandbox.

>> No.17942091

It's completely and utterly unique.
If all goes well and i get my game dev studio running, i'll make them produce a commercial game like elona.

I'll count on you to shill for it :^)

>> No.17942096

I'm interested, gotta get stronk like senpai.

>> No.17942117

Wrong, the nuke could kill everyone in Palmia including the king in vanilla, but their resists were increased in plus. Same reason why you can't kill the elves at your home with one anymore.

This is the second time someone mentions you making videos, so that makes it two people already. Instead of talking you can just use annotations or put everything you do in the description, I'm sure you'd have no problems with that.
By the way, you should really go to the wiki and improve stuff with the 1400 hours of knowledge you got. Also make another pastebin guide, this time on powerlevelling.

>> No.17942120

Also I know what your next character should be: Thrower Mutant Necromancer.

>> No.17942153

>This is the second time someone mentions you making videos, so that makes it two people already.
umm, not him but,
it could be same person

>> No.17942170

From over 6 months ago? Doubt it.

>> No.17942180

you think kai and you are the only ones lurking in elona generals?

>> No.17942224

How about live streams on twitch or something?

>> No.17942323

Why is my playtime going in reverse?

>> No.17942343

You're not playing the game anymore, the game is playing you.

>> No.17942370

This is going to the op of the next thread isn't it?

>> No.17942635

Elin W H E N ?

>> No.17942796

>walk downstairs
>your hear the growl of a big daddy
>this level is guarded by <yeles combat plain>!
>every step i take a grenede explodes
>a passing griffon escaping the room where all the explosions were
>the explosions stops
>the big daddy is still there
>and a statue of a plane

>> No.17942832
File: 3 KB, 128x128, Touhoudex_Chibi_Mima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to quest board
>quest for fruit sherbet
>go to the only tree in town
>bash it over and over
>only a single cherry falls
>"You cook a cherry with a zylonwork barbeweque set and a dish of cherry sherbet"

and yes, im the same guy with the cursed cherry grand perfait

and this is the same tree

>> No.17942954

If it's the same tree then it takes a long while for the cherries to grow back. When a quest like that has a generous time limit, or I take it early in the morning, then I just take strolls in the wilderness until I find a fruit tree.

>> No.17943002
File: 198 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deepest layers of remido
>final boss has apeared
>things are looking good
>killed it but it returns to life
*one visit to ancient garden later*
>remido final boss
>things are looking good
>my projet died, like she usually does
>the boss died... another boss has emerged
>things are loo LETS RAGNAROK
>managed to win, but only after spamming violent garden and praying to restore my sta
>my black cat also died
>this fucking stone

>> No.17943072
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are there any other interesting NPCs i can kill with the power of democracy?

>> No.17943127

moyer the crook in noyel

>> No.17943702

how do you guys feel about the dwarf class? are they the best option for claymore?

>> No.17943823

dwarfs are more a crafting race, so they work better for jobs like farmer.
as for claymore, euldrane are the most fitting imo. claymore is mainly melee class that dabbles a bit in magic, and the rest of magic oriented races- lich, fairy and even elea, aren't as meelee compatible as the euldarane. well fairies aren't bad but seriously, their equip limitations don't go well with claymore. elea could work well as claymores, i just think euldrane woud work better.

>> No.17943836

I'll support a no commentary run. Just seeing a glimpse into the actions of Kai is good enough for us.

>> No.17944269

I'm used to just whacking shit to death. I wanna play cheerleader for a swarm of cute anime girls now though.
Which class bonus rounds out better at higher levels for buffing and support purposes, warmage or wizard? I know I wanna start farmer.

>> No.17944485

>level 66
>Hitting for that much
How do us MA bros raise our strength to levels that can do that much? I'm 61 with ~140 strength and I'm hitting for 500-600

>> No.17944502

Where's the easiest place to find grenades?

>> No.17944773

Just keep dumping that plat on martial arts/tactics/crit.
Having shield tonfa in ranged slot and some good claws can help with the low level damage rolls, but you need real high levels to outpace weapons.

>> No.17944820

I think you can cycle for them with the pot for fusion, and then copy it.
But I haven't used that function at all, so I'm not sure how it works exactly.

>> No.17944846

can't believe i'm 500+ hours in and never thought about this - is there any way to get multiple casts out of one hotkey?
i can't quite fit all my most common actions with 20 slots, plus it's kind of annoying pressing a pile of buttons every floor to refresh buffs, which apparently i actually need for void farming without meteors.

>> No.17945455

Currently I'm using the yacatect coin in my ranged, and I actually just got the smash tonfa from the poor chick in arcblec so now with both shield and smash ones my damage is 2d20+100. I've never found a good claw that can come close to the tonfa I have

>> No.17945663

It was his pet hitting for that much, they are a little easier to have do a lot of damage, especially early on. The 5 digit attack was a decapitation invoke, so thats kind of nonstandard.

>> No.17945672

If I were to use any of the lost irva gods as a pet theyd be regularly blasting me/other pets/maybe themselves with divine stream right?

>> No.17945674

Can I get a precious artifact again if I lose it because it was burned?

>> No.17945771

little sister quest in cyber dome. If you hadnt identified the artifact though you might have to use elosnack or accept that you'll never see it again, depending on the artifact in question.

>> No.17945873

Do fire dragon children not spawn in random wilderness anymore or something

>> No.17945939

I remember seeing a Chinese modder asking a bunch of questions on the Wiki related to the game's coding because he wanted to automate a bunch of tasks in game.

His mod involved typing trigger phrases into the chat bar to issue specific commands, such as casting all buffs at once, or activating auto-farm harvesting.

This is a video he posted as a demo:

His mod is uploaded here if you want to try it out. I last tested it in 1.67 and it was working, not sure about now (he hasn't updated it further):

Look for the file called ElonaPlusCPKv1.02 fix for 1.66.rar

>> No.17945981

priest, duh. if there is one thing you will need when supported by little girls, its healing.

seconding this.

>> No.17946048

Ok, so I read this oracle scroll. I find out that I had a twin edge necklace spawn in my world but it was in a dungeon that probably despawned months ago. Am I screwed? I can't find it on any adventurer, it just says the yellow necklace spawned in the King's fort on 10/4.

>> No.17946052

I am going to start playing Elona. Any advice for a beginner? I last played Elona around five years ago, and only for a little bit, so I remember the basics, but not much else.

>> No.17946099

it will respawn in due time. any item that can be spawned might be spwaned again, thats why stardust exists.

when you read books, read in the wilderness at the edge of the map and beware mana reacion
don't go into the puppy cave if you are not sure you will make it out alive
get a pet with cooking.

>> No.17946144

twin edge spawns in asura type enemies. Just go fight a bunch of shit and youll get a few eventually.

>> No.17946163

Start doing caravans, buy tp scrolls to escape raiders. Grab any corpse and don't eat for easy prayer points. Grab a follower asap and gear them up, little girl is pretty good. Get horse in the beginning. Buy or mine lots of ore for 1st god sacrifice. Get every skill you can get. Keep important skills at 200% potential. Get a bunch of seeds from farming quests, max farming god, dupe fairy in ranch by breeding to say 5 total. Get barbecue grill for best cooking. Cook flour or noodles and feed fairies that while wearing fetter boots from that 1 god that makes you walk slower. Feed in shelter to speed up time even faster. Have god monopoly on farming, you'll be powerful enough for 1st act easily solo, and you'll learn day by day on what you want to do.

>> No.17946193

Ok, I'll go do that. I was worried it would have been a 1 time spawn but good to know it's not.

>> No.17946221

don't forget to remoe loli slaves and prostitutes and include niggers or there will be hell to pay.

>> No.17946249

I've seen several with 1.73 in just a couple of days' play. You're just getting RNjewed.

>> No.17946257

So, I just acquired Mana Battery for the first time. Seems great until it eats a Wish or Domination rod. Should I keep it or ditch it?

>> No.17946273

So now that the cute fairy is kill, statues of kumiromi and harvest quest farming is the only thing to do for mass herb seeds ?
Did the mechanic behind the seed production of the statues been decyphered ?

>> No.17946358

According to the wiki, yes. I don't really trust the wiki and I haven't tested it, mind.

>> No.17946389
File: 69 KB, 600x600, 1451712675276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always forget to check the comments...
>If the day has a 3, 6, or 9 in it (3, 5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 30), you get an herb seed. Otherwise, you get a fruit seed.
>If the day has a 3 or 9 in it (3, 9, 13, 19, 23, 29, 30), you get an artifact seed. Otherwise, you get a vegetable seed.
>You get an unknown seed regardless of the day.

>For cute fairies...
>If the day has 3, 6, or 9 in it, you get a magical seed. Otherwise, you get a fruit seed.
>If the dya has 3 or 9 in it, you get an herb seed. Otherwise, you get a gem seed.
>You get a vegetable seed regardless of the day.

>> No.17946883

if i change the name of a race during character creation, would it affect the npcs?

>> No.17946898

how good is the thief class feat and incognito combo together? does it work on bosses?

>> No.17946967

The custom race/class only affects you.

>> No.17947023

Does anyone else kill shopkeepers and resurrect them near the town entrance so you don't have to go find them?
I did it on accident to the magic vendor in noyel, and now I'm thinking to just do it to all the useful vendors, it's so much easier to buy stuff.

>> No.17947108
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>> No.17947152

I never played anything quite like this. I just started but and I keep dying quickly. I'm supposed to be playing a Pianist but I don't even have a piano.

>> No.17947165

How would a let's play of elona even works.
Do you just powerlevel between takes, or include the grind ?
Do you limit yourself to story dungeons, or fuck around ?
Do you include the job quests ?

Kinda want to do it now.

>> No.17947294

There is one let's play of it on youtube, but the guy plays so inefficiently, I just can't watch it.
Anyway, I think maybe doing something similar to Cities Skylines videos, where you basically record a bunch of powerleveling, and then just fast forward it while adding some annotations.

>> No.17947298

I just noticed that the version I was playing was 1.27, is there much difference to version 1.73?

>> No.17947339

oooooh boy....
are you playing vanilla elona or elona+?

>> No.17947345

+, at least the folder is called elonaplus1.27

>> No.17947356

from the OP

>>E+ Changelogs up to 1.73:

just play. theres too much to sum.

>> No.17947363

Oh, I thought it was just the changelog for 1.73, I didn't notice it was up to. I guess there is a lot to pick up.

>> No.17947369

And I thought I was missing out for still playing 1.66 because I'm retarded and don't know how to update the monstergirl pack

>> No.17947385

In my defense, I just came back a couple days ago, and 1.27 was the latest version at the time.

>> No.17947421
File: 226 KB, 354x333, elonaplus_2017-11-25_16-58-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a special dish

>> No.17947536

There's an unguarded horn in the graveyard east of Lumiest. Along with a bunch of other free loot. Also don't try to do combat to start with, you suck at everything. Buy a few teleport scrolls in case of bandits trying to steal your cargo.

>> No.17947551

You have a 20% stat buff for a while. Personally I'd rather keep the bronze coins for training your shopkeeper, but spending one to get over the initial hump when taking up gardening quests is worth it.

>> No.17947556

>monstergirl pack
Is that part of the updated elonaplus 1.73, or do I have to download it?

>> No.17947618

How do I get this cute fairy to cough up seeds? I feed her until she's full and nothing happens. No, I haven't had seeds off her today, or for the past week.

You have to download it but it's not up to date, which is what anon was saying.

>> No.17947623

So, I should have that with a fresh install of 1.73.1+, right?

>> No.17947631

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.17947640

Wew lad.
Here's two of the monstergirl sheets from the pastebin updated for 1.73.
Rename and save as bmp afterwards.

>> No.17947658

I have no idea, I just downloaded the game after many years. The OP doesn't mention anything about a monstergirl pack. So I assumed they implemented those monstergirls in an update between 1.66 and 1.73. Anon said he didn't know how to update his game, so I assumed it could be some kind of save compatibility problems, but since I don't know I asked.

You said you have to download this update, but I didn't see it anywhere in the OP pastebins, which made it all confusing.

But as I type this, anon >>17947640 posted it, and now I got it. By "Update Monstergirl Pack", he just meant a spritesheet to change the sprites.

>> No.17947667
File: 380 KB, 642x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I just too much of a loser to understand how this game works? I die after almost every step I take.

>> No.17947675

>but I didn't see it anywhere in the OP pastebins
Does your ctrl-f not work? Because I found it in seconds. Well whatever; honestly the 1.66 isn't missing much so you might not have noticed for a few hundred hours.

>> No.17947679

>killed by old person

>> No.17947684

I figured if everything outside of the town kills me in an instant, I'd try to kill an old lady for EXP instead. Apparently even the elderly are stronger than my character.

>> No.17947687

I'm not the 1.66 anon, but I was looking for "Monstergirl" or "Monster Girl", in both the pastebin and changelogs, but I couldn't find anything(of course, since it wasn't what I was thinking of).

>> No.17947699

xp/character level aren't really relevant in Elona. The problem is most likely that your gear sucks, and possibly that you have a bad weight weapon for the style your fighting with.

If combat isn't working for the time being, try something else. I recommend gardening quests in Yowyn once you've done enough courier quests and 'i want it!' jobs. Gardening features light combat and trains your con, str and will up. Buy an extra slave from the dealer in the NE corner of Derphy if you want a hand. You can get dead pets back from any barkeeper in a pub.

>> No.17947705

Well congratulations, you have a new friend to ride the shortbus with then.

>> No.17947731

thanks for the link, but it looks like the page is down, any chance you have a mirror?

>> No.17948010

Well, his name is Diedath.

>> No.17948016

Are you the pianist who is playing for the first time?
Start a new character more beginner friendly or you will really struggle for a good while if you don't know the game.

>> No.17948039

New players struggle regardless of what they do. Pianists are actually pretty good starters after you stop trying to kill things.

I've been playing for about 10 years now and I just ignore combat on a fresh character. It's especially easy on a fairy since only public performers have a prayer of even launching an attack at you before you zip away.

>> No.17948076

question about karata - i've seen him get mentioned a few times as a really good meatshield (with enough hero cheese ofc), but what makes him any better than a bell? afaik they have the same bitflags, so i can't see what he provides other than being a unique base

also, just making sure my game isn't fucked, do uniques start off with leold's chara quality up? i have a sophia that started off with the {} tag (but admittedly haven't bothered getting her first 2k ap to see if i can upgrade her, but my karata doesn't have the brackets and upgrading him with leold does nothing.

>> No.17948094

IIRC he has natural superb magic resistance.

>> No.17948105

well sure, but don't bells have that too?

>> No.17948117

It's right on his wiki page
>He also has the cResEle bit flag, making him immune to any elemental damage except Magic damage

>> No.17948138

Link works fine for me. Maybe baidu is blocked by your ISP or something.
Anyway here, I uploaded it to Mega:

>> No.17948139

Karata also has double the speed of the bells and a special attack.

Bells have that flag as well, probably as a racial feature along with magic resistance.

>> No.17948155

Thanks anon. Actually helped me figure out what I was doing wrong, was the color space shit fucking with my sheets this whole time

>> No.17948166
File: 93 KB, 310x534, ss+(2017-11-25+at+11.58.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome, thanks
i think he loses that after you pen him, all of his resists besides magic say normal, plus pic is what his objet of heart results show

>> No.17948167

Huh, then I have no idea what makes them different. Maybe a karata user will explain their choice

>> No.17948175

Objet of heart wouldn't show it, because it is a flag. So even if he has it, using the objet will still only show resists or lack thereof.

>> No.17948178

Is there any way to search pets/monsters by bitflags, in the wiki or even game files?
Picking the cutest little girls worked fine, but if I ever create another character I want to create a real immortal terminator pet.
That ele res seems really useful for one, I think 99% of my deaths on current run are from big bosses aoe spells.

>> No.17948201

iirc no, but if you want endgame monsters you can basically just load up on bells and reset their ini a bunch til they're super low, gene machining back limbs and feeding tons of hero cheese to get back their life; most relevant skills can be taught by leold

just bear in mind this is gonna take an ungodly amount of time to do, even just for the hero cheeses

>> No.17948254

No problem. Let me know if it still works with current version.

>> No.17948471

Ok noob question here but there's obviously something wrong with me. Why can't I use a bow? I equip the bow and the arrow the elf guy gives me, and if I try to press f, I am told I need to equip a firing weapon. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.17948481

equip bow in range slot
equip arrow in ammo slot
(somepoeple mistake and equip those in hand)

>> No.17948911

My fiancee picked the game up on Tuesday as a wizard, and while level 1-3 was painful to her, are really got the hang of it after that. She's level 21 now. The game is pretty complex for them though, for sure. I had to look over her shoulder for 4 or 5 hours

>> No.17948937

cResEle doesn't show up properly using the objet. Try it out yourself; he's immune to all elemental damage after penning.

>> No.17948938

>xp/character level aren't really relevant in Elona
I get what you're saying. That gaining levels isn't the be all end all thing that will solve all your problems. I agree with that but levels like anything else should be worked on because it increases your HP, MP, gives bonus points, and early on can lead to feats. Just consider levels like another stat to level up.

>> No.17949073

Same. I have a claymore eulerne(?) and I went into the first dungeon, and basically the slimes mauled me off.

>> No.17949139

Yeah, I tried telling her that fighting monsters for the first few levels is crazy if you don't know how to play. She wanted to grind the putits in the tutorial, but against 1 was too slow and 2 or three killed her too quick

>> No.17949629

Anybody know whether rogue bosses target number of cargo items or cargo weight? Trying to farm blue capsules, but rogue groups aren't really spawning. Don't have that long until festival.

>> No.17949738

Has anything changed with shops in the past uh, 10 versions or so? I've got a bunch of shops from an old save that updated alright (besides my inn's map tile just being pXX no matter what I set it to.)
I can't really remember what I was doing with them though. I just remember my inn being the star of the show without remembering what it sells.

>> No.17950035

It might be easier to read the change log

>> No.17950057

On most screenshots i see people tracking the progress of their skills underneath the clock, how do I achieve this?

>> No.17950075

Use custom, highlight a skill you want to track and press *

>> No.17950097


>> No.17950187

Only karata, cube and one of the upgrade speedy minipeople have the reselem bit, and out of them only karata also have the metal bit.
Karata can only be affected by magic, of which he resist superbly innately, and physical, which is reduce 90% by metal.

>> No.17950210

What would be the best way to find one? Do Summon Monsters Rod/Spell even finds one? I started a new run, and I wanted to find one before I start grinding.

Right now I am entering a dungeon, walking around the first floor, going out and then in again.

>> No.17950533

try puppy cave, level 2 npc and level 2 zone

>> No.17950826

I was wondering, has anyone ever dumped their save file for the game? Like are there any people to show off their houses and progress? Just curious.

>> No.17950846
File: 241 KB, 583x392, Item.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that people had the numbers displayed for like how much the skills are affected or the resists in some the pic. How do I turn on this feature in Customs?

>> No.17950867

Show enchantment value in game tweaks, you need a certain item you get in act 2 to actually display the values. The object of heart

>> No.17950891

That isn't a Custom feature.

>> No.17950895

My bad, either way it's working for him now

>> No.17951007

How do you go about teaching pets spells again? Is it possible to have it gain progress while not actively using the custom AI?

>> No.17951013

if you are teaching via costum AI, you need to have AI activated
alt, ask leold to teach them

>> No.17951063

is doing a necromancy-focused run even viable, or is it too much of a gimmick to base a character around?

>> No.17951132

i think like all gimmicks in this game, you can find ways to cover your blindspots.

>> No.17951140

It's extremely powerful, since it's essentially having pets that give you their experience and AP gains, but they're obviously inferior to actual pets since they're essentially NPCs that you can only indirectly grow.

I mean, having pet around only grow them and you stay weak, but the zombies give you experience and so skill point you can use to somewhat keep up with your offensive skills.

>> No.17951737

whats easier to ride, a pet with riding skill or a pet with horse flag?

>> No.17951821
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>> No.17951875

Just ride a little girl.

>> No.17952026
File: 69 KB, 700x399, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting a new char
>usually when starting a char, i choose a profile photo and build the sprite to fit
>now i decided to make a nice looking sprite and search for something to fit
>made a girl with oujo tail, a red hair and ribbon
>no existing profile photo exists that i like
>ended up looking in danbooru via tags
>some resizing and cropping later, pic related is the resault
share your experiances senpais
also i inherited a spirit cloth balista, hench the stats
wil probably switch to adamantium once my weight lifting is good enough

>> No.17952169

Yeah, I often get a charged rod of something like magic missile or make door as a reward for delivering a spent one.

>> No.17952416
File: 108 KB, 512x398, character creation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always make or grab a sprite first, and then make a portrait to match, since there is a vast quantity of art to use out there but relatively few sprites.

In my experience it's only natural to start using premade custom sprites and eventually start editing to make your own. You just get tired of the misshapen default sprites at some point.

>> No.17952433

>premade sprites
the premade sprites are awesome, but i prefer sprites that work with equipment. most premade sprites are too high.

>> No.17952460

Yeah if you want equipment showing, you're going to be hard pressed to find any with the right proportions. I don't miss it, the gear sprites are usually mismatched anyway. If you're really into editing, you could edit the individual item sprites to fit your custom body. I've done it a couple times on other sprites, but it is too much work.

>> No.17952469

yeah. it is too muc work. id probably move into costum sprites once im tired of gear as well, for now playing with dyes will suffice.

>> No.17952543

>time: 249:24:24

>> No.17952561

Sorry for noob question, town wizards can't identify some items like miracle, and says you need higher identification. how to do?

>> No.17952581

town wizrds has the investigate an item option
alt,, just wait after enough game time pass
finally, if you have a mean to identify (rod, spell, scroll) and high enough relevant skill, you can use that as well.

>> No.17952644

It seems like the more I talk with some people, the more they come to dislike me. What's up with that?

>> No.17952656

Their disposition towards you increases or decreases every time you talk, with the chance afaik based on your charisma. Keep playing, increase your cha and every vendor eventually will like you.

>> No.17952661

It most likely depends on your charisma. Some NPCs will steadily dislike you at first even if your charisma is high. Not like it matters much, anyway. I had some NPCs at Impress around 0, and they still behaved normally.

>> No.17952666

low charisma, probably.

>> No.17952676

Thanks. While we're on the topic, is there any way to deal with the slimes in the dungeons of the first town? They're tearing me to shreds and I am level 6.

>> No.17952684

don't melee them, use ranged instead. consider trying to aggro only one at a time so you can kite them back while killing them

>> No.17952693

I am using a silver gun with silver bullets, the best ranged weapon I had, and I still barely touch them, not to mention they're insanely fast.

>> No.17952694

i usually try to keep some of the normal slimes between me and the acid ones. the normal ones make good wall since the acids don't directly attak them and the slimes themselves aren't really a threat.

>> No.17952710

if you're a savescummer you also have the option of trying for a shena's panty from party time quests (save->enter quest->use oracle->quickload if no panty), the invoke+bonus damage should help a ton with damage

alternatively give up on the quest while you get your combat skills up

>> No.17952721

If they are too strong, get some rods of magic missile and magic laser. Magic missile is especially good if you can get a normal putit as a buffer, since then slimes won't be able to get to you at all.

Don't rely on this trick in later dungeons, though, since stronger bosses will have ranged attacks, ability to teleport, to break walls, or any combination of those in addition to more nasty tricks.

>> No.17952814

If they're insanely fast for you, you may want to check your inventory isn't loaded down with too much shit, or possibly your cargo weight if you thought to buy a bunch of food cargo without considering it has its own weight limit.

>> No.17952820

I wear very heavy armor, probably that's the problem, is there any way to gain more cargo capacity?

>> No.17952880

cargo capacity is not the problem. to get rid of unburdened status, you need to either lighten up your inventory or raise some levels in the 'weight lifting' skill. (str and con also helps)

>> No.17952981

great, thanks.

>> No.17953024

I'm coming back to Elona after a long hiatus from the game. I just updated from 1.69 to 1.71 and was wondering what race/class you guys think I should play.

>> No.17953108

Snail tourist.

>> No.17953109

Avoid wearing very heavy stuff early on, most of the time the PV isn't worth the weight and you can achieve similar PV just by upgrading something lighter at a blacksmith a couple of times. You can also use a few pieces of glass equipment to mitigate any speed loss from weight but I wouldn't hold on to it for too long. And in longer term like other anon said work on weight lifting, you can learn it at the trainer in Yowyn if you don't have it and the sooner you get it the better.

>> No.17953121
File: 575 KB, 699x508, 0VEmAZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried snail pianist before but not this. Lets do this.

>> No.17953158

New chat server is still down isn't it?

>> No.17953366

New >>17953359

>> No.17953839

It's down for an indefinite period.
