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File: 1.53 MB, 1939x1235, Succubus Delinquents are for loving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17909301 No.17909301 [Reply] [Original]

Just give her your lunch money and meet her behind the gym after school anon. Nothing could go wrong.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.17909303
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>> No.17909307
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First for smug gremlins

>> No.17909330

So close, but tonight is not Gremlin-chan's night.

>> No.17909331
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Fat Bottomed Troll

>> No.17909332

not for you maybe

>> No.17909338

Liches and gremlins are not allowed to be in the the same room. The world is not yet ready for that kind of science.

>> No.17909340

So how about those my cute waifu?

>> No.17909345

they would probably just argue about which type of science is better for pleasuring their husbands. Magic vs technology.

>> No.17909368

I want my wife to be the most evil of evil Dragons.

>> No.17909370
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You're ready for Christmas right? I know I am.

>> No.17909391
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Thicc Onee-chans are for being turned into lewd breeding sows by their otoutos.

>> No.17909407
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>> No.17909413

how sweet

>> No.17909415
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I know I am.

>> No.17909461

Who will take care of all the CC Dragons who are too proud to admit that they are sad because they are spending Christmas Eve alone in their hoard?

>> No.17909477

Watch out anon. I heard she put pineapples on her pizza.

>> No.17909502
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One hotdog, coming right up!

>> No.17909504

Thanksgiving with the Wendigo family

>> No.17909511

Only if it involves lots of MGs in santa girl outfits.

>> No.17909515

Is there a Krampus mamono that punishes naughty kids on Christmas?

>> No.17909516

You know you're the father of a Wendigo family when you have to wipe the drool off the face of your daughters after your wife served the turkey.

>> No.17909517
File: 958 KB, 1201x1373, 1468161615816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I'm getting the Jack Kirby 4th World Omnibus for Christmas, it's the thickest goddamn comic book ever compiled.
You know what else is thick? Darkseid is.

>> No.17909519
File: 593 KB, 830x1200, 1473307913315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey how about that idea I had about a guy losing his soul to a demon, dying and moving into her pad in Hell?
Anyone feel like using it or is it too vague and trite?

>> No.17909524

I hate loli/childish monster girls.
For me the thiccer, the better.

>> No.17909531

I think you could play up the angle of expectations in it. Guy is expecting to be suffering and tortured in horrific ways not possible on earth and is scared shitless, but the demon finds it cute and teases him a little. Just don't have him come to his senses too soon, always thinking that it'll all lead to the torture eventually. Even after seeing how nice the neighbors are.

>> No.17909547
File: 247 KB, 1066x1008, 1405321163974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, yes there is!

>> No.17909557

>carving the juicy turkey
>Wendi kids can't contain their excitement and run around
>Wendigo wife squirming in place and sweating, trying her best not to get off just yet

>> No.17909599

I'd put some mayo in her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.17909605

You can have comfy extra soft tubby pear shaped loli, but even they are nowhere near the level of thickness big monster girls can reach.

>> No.17909616
File: 1.53 MB, 2200x1800, Hellhound40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile outside the cafe

>> No.17909631

Fat is unhealthy and a shit, while lolis are at the peak of health and vitality, checkmate.

>> No.17909636

No, normal/slightly athletic 16-18 year old girls are the pinacle of healthiness and beauty. You might not like it, but that's what perfection looks like.

>> No.17909638
File: 91 KB, 800x509, 7bSQRN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This kills the meido.

>> No.17909648

More like 12 to 14, when their innocence is still untainted but their body become lewder everyday thanks to puberty.
It's also when their wombs and eggs are at the freshest and most prime to be fertilized.

>> No.17909663

Thick =/= Fat

Thick= fertility, health and prosperity.
Skinny girls are more likely to die while giving birth.

>> No.17909672

At 16 is where you get to enjoy the body and lust of a proper monster girl though. If you want really lewd and loving sex with the promise of daughterus that's the best age to start.

>> No.17909684

>Thick= fertility, health and prosperity
Is this what fat girls say to themselves to not feel bad?

>> No.17909711

>die while giving birth
Say that to the slim mosquito girls who pop out 8+ eggs each pregnancy like it was nothing

>> No.17909723

16 is the year of peak lewdness, at that age she would cause you such arousal that you'd have no choice but to quit your job so you could devote yourself to sex with her every single day.
Too lewd, modest 13 year old monster girls are better.

>> No.17909730

>Skinny girls are more likely to die while giving birth.
2d =/= 3d.

>> No.17909739

It has always been like this . Still you keep not getting the difference between unheathy fatties and Thick goddesses

>8 mere eggs
Pathetic, an Ant queen can easily give birth to twice as much eggs.

>> No.17909753

Not in this context

>> No.17909756
File: 126 KB, 853x1080, gazer mattya604 1 sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm commissioning this artist, and he decided to sketch out and finish a picture for me, just for fun, before getting started on the actual commission.
I'm excited to see how it is going to turn out.

>> No.17909758

I've heard that the most active species of Ant Queen can lay an egg everyday, sometimes even twice a day.
A monster girl Ant Queen definitely won't reach that speed but one egg a month seems feasible in comparison.

>> No.17909763
File: 172 KB, 1126x871, Late Night 00668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your dedication always astounds me

>> No.17909768

Large mice multiply like rabbits and they're lolis, being "thick" doesn't mean shit when it comes to 2d birth.

>> No.17909774
File: 136 KB, 1080x593, IMG_20171117_143243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh is that so ?

>> No.17909776

Dayum son

>> No.17909778

Thick lolis tho. With large hips

>> No.17909781

Ment for >>17909758

>> No.17909782

>millions of eggs
>thousand of eggs each day
Eat your heart out Echidnas, Ant Queens are the true broodmothers.

>> No.17909787

Thankfully all MGs give birth like humans or the MGEverse would be fucked
>in just 2 weeks the whole world is literally swarming with billions and billions of insects
>people have to survive zombie-apocalypse style

>> No.17909793

Monstergirls get the proper lust way earlier than that, and loli bodies are the most proper bodies.

>> No.17909802

I want a big, fat, cuddle cat oneesan that keeps making me give her snacks while I talk about how she needs to go to the gym.

>> No.17909811

That's scary. I no longer want an Ant Queen waifu.
Can you fathom just how much sex and attention one would require to lay that many eggs? You wouldn't be her lover and husband, you'd be her breeder and caretaker.

>> No.17909812

Meh. I go for Echidnas for the Gacha factor more than the brood factor. I wonder what it’s like to try to raise an aquatic species on land. I think we’ll have to move to the shore or get the largest pool we can.

>> No.17909816

They are actually less fertile than humans, so these "extra" fertile mgs are going to at a humans level of fertility at most.

>> No.17909829

If Echidnas had to choose a place to settle by geography alone, I'd wager they'd choose Chile:
>long mountain ranges perfect for lairs for their firstborn and rugged daughters
>long coastline for aquatic daughters to explore, along with rivers
>geography and climate features ranging from deserts to forests to steppes to glaciers

Greece might not be a bad idea either, just for the historical/mythological relation and its proximity to both Slavlands and Egypt for the respective daughterus.

>> No.17909864

I bet that despite all the efforts an Echidna would put into her home location she would still end up needing to move somewhere after giving birth to some surprising daughters.
There would even be cases where she would need to become a nomad to be fair to her daughters such as when she gives birth to an ice and fire Wyvern twins.

>> No.17909871

By "give birth like humans" I meant 1-3 kids per birth

>> No.17909886

That would be hard on her and her daughters. Moving around like that stops a family from really getting rooted anywhere.

I wonder if there are environmental restrictions on the Echidna's gacha ovaries. Would one living in a coastal lair near a plain tend to pop out more temperate and aquatic MGs, as opposed to one who lairs in a mountain? Would an Echidna lairing in a corporate penthouse birth more Tanukis, Foxes and urban MGs than a NEET Echidna living in a farmhouse basement?

>> No.17909906

The thing to remember is that they usually act as the dungeon final boss.

>> No.17909912

I see, The way I see it is that sown type monster girls(vamp mosquito) take quite a while to get pregnant and when they do they can have several children at once. while other types, such as the large mice which is said to have one of the biggest population size in comparison to other MG, have less children per pregnancy but can get pregnant more frequently.
Of course keeping in mind the low birth rate that Monster girls in general have, I mean the Demon lord has been fucking for nearly as millennium and only has more or less 100 daughters, That's 1 daughter every 10 years. For fucking non stop that is incredibly less fertile than Humans.

>> No.17909923

Agreed with >>17909912
It's more fun to have your canine waifu give birth to a full liter rather than a single daughter. Same with bugs who can lay many eggs at once.
It should take a while to impregnate a monster girl, but once you do you get the full package with all the species' quirks rather than the usual 9 months of pregnancy for a single child.

>> No.17909938

Eh, you can't really measure fertility by demon lord standards, the stronger the mg the more semen she needs to breed, so she will need a shitload of semen. Weak mgs like mice or slimes probably get pregnant every 9~ months or something

>> No.17909940

When a monster girl is giving birth, is it painful or pleasurable? Would the final push be orgasmic?

>> No.17909948

I think I'd enjoy watching a wolf's stomach grow to carry a whole litter of pups as she slowly gets hornier from the hormones.

>> No.17909961

I would imagine it's so pleasurable it's part of the reason why some monster want to become broodmothers

>> No.17909965

I'd love to make a cheshire my big, soft breeding sow because of that.

>> No.17909971

Echidna pregnancy is shrouded in mystery. Maybe her environment influences what species she gives birth to, hell maybe even the sex position dictates the temparement of the species.
And then you've got the brand new species she creates, perhaps they are a result of her husband's desire for a perfect daughter.
It could also all be good old luck.

No pain that's for sure. Pleasure isn't off the table but that's kind of freaky.
I'd assume they feel some kind of euphoria that doesn't relate to physical sensations.

>> No.17909976

Painful. Everything can't be pleasure or pleasure would lose its meaning. The nature of reality is relative. Only by knowing pain can you know pleasure.

>> No.17909978

How would an Echidna react if by some fluke she gave birth to a human daughter?

>> No.17909989

She should be flattered. Having a human daughter means that her husband flooded her with so much SE that it nullified the DE in her womb during the pregnancy.

>> No.17909991

that is impossible, if such a thing happened, which is highly unlikely, the DE would "corrupt" her in the womb and and she would be born as a succubus.

>> No.17909994
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>You will never be forcibly bred by a pent-up holstaurus

>> No.17909996

>She should be flattered

>> No.17910011
File: 126 KB, 603x997, DOwkH-WUMAAP9-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17910020

Nothing is impossible with mamonomana

>> No.17910029

Well the stronger the mg the more "Human mana" she would need, not necessarily semen, and the DM husband is/was Humanities's finest hero he would have an incredible amount for "Human mana", and they are doing the deed almost 24/7, not to mention she has acces to all sorts of fertility increasing drugs and artifact that other might have problem getting so it stands to reasons the average MG would have difficulty having children. The tentacle forest is popular for a reason after all. But yeah lower level mg would have less problem having children than higher level ones.

>> No.17910031

Always wondered what's the purpose for the breasts in not mammals MGs is.
Maybe just to better please/arouse the partner?

>> No.17910041

Far too lewd for the cafe bird.
It's perfect.

>> No.17910044

Technically aren't they still half-mammal?

>> No.17910049

>they are doing the deed almost 24/7

Remember to also say a prayer to the demon lord's husband

What boons would that give you though?

>> No.17910054

I like to imagine Echidnas lay eggs instead of giving live birth because that way they're literal gacha machines.
>Dark Lord Echidna tricks dense pally into cumming inside her endlessly in his quest to obtain a shiny Valkyrie mentor

>> No.17910069

Good point.
How couldn't I figure that out myself ?

>> No.17910072

>Not having sex constantly with your holstaurus so she doesn't get pent up.
You disappoint me anon

On side note I wonder if other monsters can also "Upgrade" by having sex with their husband, like Imps and Zombies. All monster can get stronger by having SE "given" to them so stands to reason one could get a normal Holstaurus to become a Super-Holstaurus after enough "contact" with her husband.

>> No.17910101

Good. Get the bird drunk so she lower her defenses and doesn't suspect what's coming for Thanksgiving.

>> No.17910122

Stuff the bird!
Big meaty birds for Thanksgiving!

>> No.17910157

Yeah, "stuff her" if you know what I mean.

>> No.17910177

What if the super form of the holstaurus comes from her being pent up?

Like, a vampire countess drags you into her den without her knowing, and after three days of not having any contact with you, she's breaking through walls, jumping across bottomless chasms and brandishing a whip against any vampire slut that stands between the two of you

Maybe her breasts swell up with milk from under-use, too. I dunno.

>> No.17910187

You can probably impregnate a high level mg by herself withing a decade if you're dedicated to it, strong enough and with the usage of a few drugs here and there along with some luck. The way I see it, the trntacle forest is only for people who have harems.

>> No.17910296

>Neglected a Hoslt for several months because of work.
>Gets her red roses as a gift in order to apologize
I really doubt even a Wurm would be able to stop her rampage at that point.

>> No.17910310

I love holsts.
I want a trio of holst sisters where one is very muscled, ones a traditional hourglass, and the last is a pudgster

>> No.17910322

Is there any way in canon a Jinko can get human hands and arms? That would make her perfect.

>> No.17910342

There is the transmutation spell. Monster often use them in order to blend with human society, but you have to keep in mind that that wouldn't be her true form.

>> No.17910352

Luckily for you none of that is real, so let your fantasy loose!

>> No.17910360


>> No.17910387

I want to make it permanent. I mean its only the hands.

>> No.17910396

yet, it wouldn't be funny if there weren't at least a couple of rules to follow.

>> No.17910422
File: 183 KB, 975x1200, DOwvDr9VwAAenw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is cuter than a small squid. Nothing!

>> No.17910432

I want to wear a cute kraken on my head. Mind you, I'm not talking about her tits.

>> No.17910459 [DELETED] 

You must be talking about her cunny then!

>> No.17910461

>touching lolis sexually
Ew no. If it was a big one that could work though.

>> No.17910475

I bet she would instinctively put her tentacles over your eyes whenever an attractive female passed by without even knowing why she keeps doing it.

>> No.17910477 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.17910481

why are krakens such rapists?

>> No.17910490

What a cutie. Seeing her pout when I removed her from my head would be nice. The only dangerous thing would be if she lead me to her onee-san while we were playing.

>> No.17910496

>Her onee-chan gives you the ultimatum of either asking her imouto's hand in marriage, or have your innocence ruined by her hand

>> No.17910529 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 978x833, 1510934981238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small squid is cute, but not cuter than small menshark

>> No.17910531

Mate, I'd pick up the little thing in my head and gently put her on the ground, telling her to go play with her friend. Otouto here isn't going down without a fight and let me tell you, I'd learn some electricity magic before going to the beach.

>> No.17910545
File: 152 KB, 850x1061, 9688CD8F-035F-4085-A115-9B62A0DE5E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weather Wurms deserve _______ !

>> No.17910552


>> No.17910557

I'd cum on a ryu's back and run away. That sounds like a fun thing to do with mgs, especially the slow ones like slugs.

>> No.17910565

Brutal reverse scale molestation!

>> No.17910586

Reverse scale licking!

>> No.17910599

Reversed scale intercrural.

>> No.17910605

In MG universe hurricanes will be named after the Ryu/husband pair that started them. Hope you guys are ready to become famous.

>> No.17910642

>hurricane anon strikes again!

>> No.17910678

I wonder how my name would affect me in a land with mgs. Considering I have the name of an angel, demons might be excited to rape me.

>> No.17910691


>> No.17910699

With Christmas coming up, they’re going to look forward to my feast, if ya know what I mean.

>> No.17910701

No, Raphael. He's an archangel, so eh.

>> No.17910719

>Demons beeline towards you
>But on the other hand, The Order is more than willing to train and equip you no questions asked
>Whether it's because you're basically bait for demons or because of your name is up to anyone's guess

>> No.17910729

Dunno about that, they either may be turned off by an "holy" name or they'd try to corrupt you.
I'd hope for the second in your case.

>> No.17910739

If they were turned off by it maybe valkyries would be quite happy to meet me in person, even if it's just the name.

>> No.17910764
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I wanna spoil an alice!

>> No.17910800
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>> No.17910807

What games related to MGs would you guys recommend to a new friend ?

>> No.17910817

MGE 2 confirms the Queen of Hearts is an Alice.
So, do you want to spoil an Alice or THE Alice?

>> No.17910822

Well an obvious choice would be Monster Girl Quest. You could also ask /mggg/ on /vg since they specialize in monster girl games

>> No.17910826

>MGE 2 confirms the Queen of Hearts is an Alice.
It does?

>> No.17910827

MGQ and go specifically for any place with insects or plants or combinations of both, they're the best.

>> No.17910831

When did we just stop putting the previous thread in the op?

>> No.17910833

She's an alice/lilim hybrid.

>> No.17910839

Forever ago, it's been like that as long as I can remember. Anyone can find it using the archive anyway.

>> No.17910844
File: 154 KB, 553x550, you picked up the mindflayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17910846

I will never regret squishying flayers.

>> No.17910855

Yes, it says that she is both a Lilim and an Alice.
It also talks a bit more about her like how she punishes people who deserve it and sometimes people who don't on a whim, though Wonderland inhabitants find it amusing either way.

>> No.17910856
File: 204 KB, 653x549, confused flayer orphan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nor should you. Mindflayer daughterus are for protecting.

>> No.17910871
File: 667 KB, 1030x1200, Griffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a griffon that likes making things?

>> No.17910873

Please don't bully the newfriends.

>> No.17910882

Eroico, plays like an old school SNES game with all the gameover rape you could ask for.

>> No.17910891

>Your MG girlfriend takes you to her family home for thanksgiving.
>Her Dad's a degenerate who always seems to have his thumb up her Mom's butt and tells horrible jokes and keeps slapping your back while laughing at his own jokes.
>Her mom is equally lecherous and groped your ass when you introduce yourself and tries to slip some tongue in your mouth when she asked for a kiss on the cheek only to turn her head at the last moment so you kiss her on the lips.
>Surprisingly, her Dad's okay with this.
>Her sister keeps giving you bedroom eyes and eats all her food while moaning, fluttering her eyes and "accidentally" spilling various liquids on her chest.

>Take your MG to your family for Christmas
>Dad is a battle hardened Paladin who would have killed your girlfriend if she wasn't with you but lets her enter his home because he loves you even if you disappoint him.
>Mom is a healer that is very supportive and ask if your girlfriend would like to help bake in the kitchen and always smells like cookies.
>Your brother is an high level Inquisitor who took a vow of celibacy and is disgusted by your relationship with a non-human but is polite enough not to start trouble and is courteous when talking to your girlfriend.
>Until he has a little too much ale and talks about all the monstergirls he banished and how the world would be better off if they all died.

>Your girlfriend wants both families to meet on New Year's to get to know each other.
>One is lewd the other is prude
>You dont think that's a good idea

>> No.17910894

Like weaponry? after all they drop the precious pole axe

>> No.17910923

Would you want to see Monstergirl movies at the cinema?

>> No.17910936

I'd spoil THE Alice, I'd spoil ALL the Alice.

I am a terrible Onii-chan.

>> No.17910937

Wouldn't that just be porn?

>> No.17910950

Probably. though I think monster girl can just settle for a happy ending instead of a "happy ending".

>> No.17910957

If anything, it would make 'audience participation' more of a thing.

>> No.17910960

I mean whats the worse that could happen?
We get the monster equivalent of Benedict cumberbatch and get the same succubus in every movie?

>> No.17910965

That depends on what you mean, do you mean like in a monster girl world them having movies, because sure I don't see why not. But if you mean in our world right now, as in Hollywood doing the same thing they do with anime/manga movies that they do with monstergirls, I'd rather napalm that entire city.

>> No.17910975

This. >>17910965 It would be way too Uncanny Valley for me, honestly.

>> No.17910991

I was pretty much going for the monster girl world thing
Like movies with monster girl actors and stuff like that

>> No.17911007

In london one cinema has "cinema ninjas" that stalk the seats and get people to turn off phones/quiet down ect.

I want to eploy a cinema kunoichi

>> No.17911024

Tokyo Gore Police has monster girls even thought they are more like mutants .
The gator girl was actually hot too.

>> No.17911029
File: 367 KB, 784x857, 1510250302561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thrilling noir drama featuring Burma Scales as the great wurm detective, investigating the disappearance of anubis' husband, and the sudden return of one of the criminal underworld's most feared persons. The kikimora "cleaner" known only as the angel of death.

>> No.17911034

Actually now that I checked, I retire the last comment.

>> No.17911037

I bet the transformer movies would be way better with automatons.

>> No.17911042

I want to molest, grope, and breed an entire colony of loli flayers.

>> No.17911050

Do cheshires mess with the mofu mafia?

Loli flayers are for cuddling.

>> No.17911051

>One loli Flayer flays you into thinking she's the best girl here
>Only to be overwritten by another one

>> No.17911056

Considering that they would be more or less porno's I'm not sure.
Do they have different screenings for single people and couples? It would be kinda fun just to go to a movie, be placed next to a monster girl and when sex part come up, the two of you just had a quick fuck.

>> No.17911067

That sounds kind of nice, being the communal boytoy they could all flay whenever and however they want. As long as they don't throw me out or play overly mean tricks all the time, that sounds like it'd be pretty nice.

I'll cuddle their pussies with my dick!

>> No.17911072

Unfortunately, the real world has fucked us over again

>> No.17911097

Every time. Every fucking time.

>> No.17911101
File: 550 KB, 1330x1216, yeti anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas-obsessed Yeti waifu
>Can barely contain herself as November drags on but is disciplined enough to not touch a single decoration until the November holidays have passed
>After that it's no-holds-barred

>Wears nothing but fluffy Christmas sweaters for a solid month.
>"We have to watch at least one Christmas movie a day. AT LEAST!"
>A 12-foot-tall blue spruce is suddenly dominating your living room and you have no idea where she got it.
>She's got Rudolph footie pajamas complete with a little red nose and antlers
>She says she'll have the decorations down by January 2nd. She never does. She always cries just a little when they're gone.

>> No.17911107

What is the endgame for flayers? What do they get from flaying? It it really just finding the perfect husband? Or is it more than that?

>> No.17911111

That doesn't look too bad
Just another "relationship with the weird thing" movie

>> No.17911137

Cmon, it's Del Toro.
It can't be that bad.

>> No.17911138

It's just Del Toro expressing his love of monsters and capitalizing on the people who wanted to fuck Abe Sapien anon.
If this movie succeeds, maybe a romance flick with a monster girl isn't far behind.
I mean come on, South Korea already had a drama about a monstergirl and a guy.

>> No.17911140

I want to steal a loli Mindflayer's jelly!

>> No.17911141

>One theory holds that the race serves a monster that lies deep in the abyss of the sea who has sent them to fill the land with their kind. Thus they appear on land in search of prey, attacking both men and women so that they are dragged down to join the ranks of the mindflayers’ companions and kin.
From MGE2's Mindflayer profile

Basically they're sent by Cthulhu-chan to conquer the surface be it by breeding with a man or corrupting women.

>> No.17911143


Bad guy seems really, really cliche and I hate it.

>> No.17911145

Where does the jelly come from? Somewhere lewd?

>> No.17911147

Nobody knows anon, they just somehow have it and I need to steal it.

>> No.17911150

I think the name for it is the wazoo, but I have no clue where it is.

>> No.17911155

Denmark made one too and there's sex in it.
We just have to wait.

>> No.17911172

I just hope it's not another shitty teen drama.

>> No.17911185

That's debatable.
When animals dream is the title.

>> No.17911193

I as referring to something american made and praying it doesn't end up like twilight.

>> No.17911195

i was more thinking more along the lines of ornaments

>> No.17911196

I wonder if DE can "corrupt" other monster and turn them into MG. For example the Doom demons opened a portal to MGE land wouldn't they be turned into MG by the power of DE?

>> No.17911203

No, it's definitely not on that level.

>> No.17911205

>Demon Lord's army battles the doom hoard.
>Demon Realm silver makes them want dick.
>Doom demons become alps.

>> No.17911225

The fan translation of the chaos girls profile is easy to misinterpret, and I feel the book profiles are more appropriate.

Here is Mindflayer's book profile: https://pastebin.com/xJ0E3r6Z

Here is Atlach-Nacha's: https://pastebin.com/LYeVCZF7

>> No.17911226

Not sure if they would be Alps since they don't have a determine gender, just like some monsters form the era before the current demon lord. But i really like the idea of the Demon lord going on a conquest against the Doom horde and converting them into MG.

>> No.17911257

I’m just fanny frustrated that it isn’t a man with a Nereid

>> No.17911294

Lets say you have a family.
Lets say said family makes you happy they're human though.
One day a big bad monster decides to make a move on you.
>hfw she smells your wife on you.
She decides to ignore it and fucks you so hard she breaks a couple of bones.
She goes back to your wife and french kisses you in front of her.
Does the wife take up arms to protect you? Or is she into the cuckmeming?

>> No.17911296

An actually good monoeye monster girl, you say?

>> No.17911324

that's ridiculous anon
me with a human GF.

>> No.17911327

Either way, it'll end up with her monterized and you'd have bigamy.

>> No.17911330
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>> No.17911340

>seven memes

>> No.17911343

Not sure. But I had a thought of taking my waifu to a weird movie like human centipede or one that had disturbing deaths. She'd clearly be a little upset and annoyed, not the cute kind either. Then when the most shocking death happened I'd tell her "Imagine if that happened to me.
I'd win the most shitty husband of the year award and she'd be angry at me for weeks. That's why it was just a thought and I'd never do something like that.

>> No.17911348

Just have her watch the SAW movies,that should do the trick in terms of violence

>> No.17911354

I exit your excessively shitty and contrived scenario.

>> No.17911355

Why did those torture porns get published?

>> No.17911358

Because everything appeals so somebody on some level.
and just like star wars fanatics, SAW as its niche

>> No.17911398

You mean official english MGE2?

>> No.17911405

Aside from the Minotaur incident Seven Seas handled the translations really well, no memes or liberties taken.


>> No.17911421

>Aside from the Minotaur incident Seven Seas handled the translations really well, no memes or liberties taken.
I don't know, while they don't outright lie at times it feels like they dance around a lot of issues with flowery wording and try to downplay a lot of elements of girls/the setting in general and I'm not just talking about the loli. The material's still there, it just feels like they're saying it in a more "correct" way a parent would to a child.

>> No.17911424

>Minotaur incident
Please elaborate.

>> No.17911428

How would some MGs react to some anons with today's evolved sense of values like not approving hunting? Because from my understanding hunting is a popular sport among monster girls.

Imagine that Jinko getting home with today's hunt for the meal and finding her husband looking at her disapprovingly and telling her killing animals is not okay.

>> No.17911432

Seven Seas translated the Minotaur profile incorrectly and made it seem like they were enormous sluts.
The fact that we have a shitposter who has that exact opinion didn't help.

>> No.17911440

When Minotaurs see red, what do they do? You have 30 seconds.
A) Rape the nearest man
B) Rape their husband
C) Masturbate Furiously
D) Do the Macarena

>> No.17911446

What exactly did they got wrong from the Minotaur's profile? I mean, they do find nearly any man attractive and even if they don't find you attractive you can fix it by wearing red. They rape the guys they find attractive/wear red. I fail to see how Seven Seas could fuck that up.

>> No.17911453

If she is unmarried rape the nearest man, if she is married rape their husband.

>> No.17911459

A if unmarried, B if married.

>> No.17911460

They made it sound like they sleep around even when married from what I remember.

>> No.17911463
File: 346 KB, 750x1334, Apophis54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gang of Crow Tengu have just mugged your Apophis daughteru, taking her tiara and shiny bling for themselves.

What do you do?

>> No.17911474

I read all of MGE1's profiles and some of MGE2's and I didn't get that impression except for never mentioning age when talking about loli species.
Either way when you compare most profile's fan translation and official translation you get the same info with different wording.

>> No.17911479

The Seven Seas translation made it seem like if they see red they just rape the nearest man regardless of their own marital status due to mistranslation.

>> No.17911483

Correct! The issue was that CCCCCCC forgot to mention that it changes from A to B once they get married.

>> No.17911486

A Crow Tengu would never mug someone! They're nerds!

>> No.17911492

What the fuck did you do to this image?

>> No.17911505

I bet it’s one of those black harpies trying to bully the poor tengus.

>> No.17911508

It was like that to begin with where I got it, so it was someone else who fucked with it.

Crows and Ravens are actually well known for stealing things.
You think they PAID for their books?

>> No.17911521

what about jet tengus?

>> No.17911536
File: 297 KB, 650x653, 1510441126321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANON! My friends say I'm flat!

>> No.17911544

Flat broke like her stocks in EA games

>> No.17911549

>"so? I like your flat chest!"

>> No.17911554
File: 512 KB, 960x1358, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is getting hentai anime
>it's not by queen bee either
Thank demon lord

>> No.17911555

is that like a suicide hotline or is she just harassing telemarketers?

>> No.17911559

>Those brown elves
Oh no

>> No.17911560

She's probably calling her Anon husband while he's at work.

>> No.17911561

Well, we can work on that I guess.
Do you want to hit up a holst bar, Sweets go there too, right?

>> No.17911563

Friendly reminder to be very careful when walking in the winter woods, especially during the holidays! You never know when you might stumble upon a large family of Wendigos playing

For those of you who don't know what hide-and-go-christmas-tree is, it's a holiday game where a mother Wendigo will hide under her coat-husband and pretend to be a regular fir tree in the forest, ad then all their little daughterus have to search the forest for the one tree that is actually their parents. Once all of the Wendigos have found the right tree they form a ring around it and do a little dance!

>> No.17911568

They wrote those books you goof.
>implying they’re socially able enough to go into town to buy materials

>> No.17911573

Black Chickens don't need money to buy materials.
They just steal.

>> No.17911575

Griffons are for acting as taxis for low level scrubs

>> No.17911582

You know what I want to do? Brush her feathers and play with her hair.

>> No.17911584

I'd die of cute if I saw that.

>> No.17911588

Or terror if you didn’t know what you’re watching

>> No.17911589

Yes but would the little Wendis all dress up as christmas trees to really get into the holiday spirit? Because all I can picture now is a ring of tiny christmas Wendis dancing around their parents while their coat father sways in time with the dance.

>> No.17911591

Praise the fucking lord. Hopefully getting animated means the game gets picked up by manga gamer too.

>> No.17911593

This anon gets it!

>> No.17911600

>Walk in on Wendigo tribe Christmas
>The Wendy's AWAWAWAWAWA in shock over being discovered
>The men though welcome you to join in on the merry making, giving you alcohol and spiced meats, and asking you to dance with some of the single women

>> No.17911601

SS translated the wording in the Holstaur profile like this

>Prolonged exposure to the color red causes a holstaur to become violent for a time, as if she just remembered she was a monster, leading her to attack much in the same manner of the original minotaur. But while a minotaur will satisfy her hunger with any convinient man, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband.

Implying that Minotaurs will fuck any dude even when married to satisfy their lust. I think they fixed the latter printings with this text.

>leading her to attack much in the manner of the original minotaur, who is also impassioned by extended exposure to the color red. However, when a holstaur is so aroused, she maintains her instinct to seek her husband. It is said that if a holstaur with a husband becomes aroused by something red, she will charge across any distance in order to find him.

>> No.17911602

Great, somehow the book translations put more fear in me then the fan did.

>> No.17911622

>he loves you even if you disappoint him.
Cutting a little deep there

>> No.17911635
File: 741 KB, 1280x1654, tumblr_okrrqq7ZLV1vxgw0io1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a question Beast.
How does the battle mansion work? Do you just sign up for a fight and then it's like a WWE fightcard?

>> No.17911642

Fear... It is something vital to us puny creatures. The instant man stop fearing is the instant the species reaches a dead end, only to sink to pitiable lows, only to sit and wait apathetically for extinction

>> No.17911649

You have idea how badly I want monster girl wrestling to be a thing if monster girls were real.
I need to see a Jinko putting a haughty elf in a sharp shooter and not letting her go till she admits she likes anal.

>> No.17911652

She couldnt corrupt 40k orks

>> No.17911683
File: 114 KB, 563x500, 1510925366573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woe to monster girls that try to seduce the Order's Knights.

>> No.17911690

She would purge those disgusting fucks.

>> No.17911691


>> No.17911706

The Shoggoth one is even scarier too.

>> No.17911716

But she wouldnt corrupt them.

>> No.17911734 [DELETED] 

>Implying DE wouldn't totally transmute the immaterium making the univesr bend to MGE rules
>Implying she won't team up with Slaanesh, since Mg can give the ultimate pleasure to beings, and fuck up/currupt the other demon gods, grating more than all the power needed to change entire species in the universe.
yeah I think it would be possible to make 40K orks MGs. I think the actual thing to stand in the way of the utopia would be the empire of men. Also i want to fuck a sexy arachnid dammit!

>> No.17911777


>Implying DE wouldn't totally transmute the immaterium making the univesr bend to MGE rules
>Implying she won't team up with Slaanesh, since Mg can give the ultimate pleasure to beings, and fuck up/currupt the other demon gods, grating more than all the power needed to change entire species in the universe.
yeah I think it would be possible to make 40K orks MGs. I think the actual thing to stand in the way of the utopia would be the Empire of Men. Also, I want to fuck a sexy Tyranids dammit!

>> No.17911793 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 628x1000, 1510953512347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What she doesn't have in breasts she makes up for in horns! and hips

>> No.17911844
File: 934 KB, 1444x875, 1506892773185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she calculating the food:price ratio in her head?

>> No.17911850

Why would one vist your home boards?

>> No.17911853

>tfw no loli monster with wide hips
On a chilly autumn night like this, intimacy with a cute wight would be the best.

>> No.17911855

She's lamenting that she can't just drink her husbands semen instead. Man this whole 'going out' and 'being social' thing is really overrated

>> No.17911858
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>> No.17911868

While I love the hellhound she is to wild for a calm guy like me, I would take a kobold over her any day of the year.

>> No.17911931

Today I went into a store and started doing calculations to see which toilet paper was more beneficial to buy. The clerk looked at me funny.

>> No.17911962

We get one Christmas movie and it's Tokyo Godfathers

>> No.17911964

I want to lick her abs.

>> No.17911996

drink powerthirst

>> No.17912010
File: 580 KB, 706x1000, 1505952007004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: Even Elf momster are for raping into their sonu's cumdump

>> No.17912012

Sorry I don¡t like memes

>> No.17912017


>> No.17912023

I'd rather give her sweets, massages, and turn her into an even softer breeding sow for the elven royal line.

>> No.17912027

I am calmed as fuck too. But as long as she has Jinko-like muscles (or better) and acts protective around me, I would totally take her.

>> No.17912033

There's a story with a similar premise involving a Hellhound. Never got finished and I didn't really care for it. But I'd say go for it. The idea has interesting potential.

>> No.17912044

i disagree

>> No.17912080

I'm pretty sure he's got high stamina, plus all that monster magic overwriting physics and biology. Though wouldn't that get boring after awhile? I'd like to think they set aside time to do ruling/personal stuff, but what the fuck do I know I didn't create the world and make the rules...

>> No.17912085

Thinking about it you could get adopted as her son at any age. Even at 20 you're still a child compared to her.

>> No.17912117

What the lil Wendy’s don’t know is what is actually going on under that coat while their Mom and Dad have some free time to themselves.

>> No.17912144

What happens when the news spreads throughout the Elven Council that the queen has turned into a breeding sow for some human boy?
My guess is they get extremely jealous which leads them to going out and finding men just to see how good it actually is.

>> No.17912162

Slaanesh already wields sensory extremes that far exceed what the DL could come up with , orks still don't buy into. Orks are too pure ,they're virtually incorruptible .

>> No.17912165

It's another "Let's come up with a dumb NTR scenario" episode...

>> No.17912170

Why are you replying now? It’s been dead for a while.

>> No.17912171

If I want a bodyguard which is the best choice, Jinko or Hellhound?

>> No.17912197


>> No.17912201 [DELETED] 

Alp, cause those monsters are the only ones this thread ever talks about.

>> No.17912207

Yeah it kinda sucks that their canon personality isn't suited for simple cute romance, unless you REALLY want a challenge. Pity because the design is so badass. Wolfdogs are are a thing, why not Hellhound-patterned Kobolds?

>> No.17912221

>Slaanesh already wields sensory extremes that far exceed what the DL could come up with.
That's not necessarily true, don't forget that the fallen god has a realm similar to the warp but whit out the other Gods to bother him/her while the followers and him/her indulge in pleasure. Also remember that slaanesh the corrupt form of pleasure born from the sick pleasure cults of the eldar. So The joy of true love and the type of pleasure that possible IN the Mge is totally new , and dare i day, far superior.
>Orks are too pure, they're virtually incorruptible .
DE is new addition that works physically was well as metaphysically. While orks might be "immune" to the corruption power of the immaterium they are still succeptable to chances in the physical world so DE can still work on them.

>> No.17912233

>since Mg can give the ultimate pleasure to beings,
You're forgetting the other P-word

>> No.17912235

I want a mindflayer to stick her tentacles in my ear and fondle my pineal gland. Oh the things I would see, feel, and hear.

>> No.17912239

> Three and a half hour gap is a dead zone.
All slower posters keep right.

>> No.17912250

There are orks corrupted by chaos, the difference is that they still don't worship chaos, just use the "gifts" to fight even more.

>> No.17912276

I want a mindflayer to get the fuck away from my tympanic membrane. I'm not going deaf for some two-bit chaos slut.

>> No.17912279
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She can leave the tree and decorations up until February, even if the Yuki-onna neighbors get mad

>> No.17912283
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violate my ear holes baby

>> No.17912285


>> No.17912287

>mons in jammies

>> No.17912291

I think that's the default for Dormice.

>> No.17912295

No you dunce
Pain, something that conflicts with MGE

>> No.17912299
File: 1.22 MB, 1451x1079, KC - palette swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17912303

I'm pretty sure you meant Penis

>> No.17912306

I feel this thread seems to like nazrin from touhou more for some reason

>> No.17912308

that looks really cool!
I like it!

>> No.17912312

It's funny because now Hellhounds are like that

>> No.17912318

No, dummy
Slaanesh is about pain and pleasure, not just pleasure

>> No.17912319

God damn that brown palette looks amazing on a hellhound.

>> No.17912331

She looks like an alpha Werewolf who gets to rape the man her pack captures first.

>> No.17912333

The black palette looks even better on the kobold.

>> No.17912336

Pain only gives the illusion of pleasure since it conflicts with true pleasure. What you want is not pain but the increased difference between pleasure and pain, which is greater than the difference between pleasure and the natural state of being. This is only desirable since there's a limit to the amount of pleasure one can get before becoming numb, so it works as a trick to increase that amount.

DE removes that limit making pain just painful since grater highs can always be achieved whit out it. It also removes the Numbing so the pleasure gotten also doesn't get stale. So even slaanesh would be "corrupted" by the DE just like the Fallen god.

>> No.17912344

Which is the hellhound and which is the kobold in this case?

>> No.17912345

>Also remember that slaanesh the corrupt form of pleasure born from the sick pleasure cults of the eldar.
Eldar are able to experience emotions much more strongly than any other tace which is what makes them strong psykers
Not to mention there were trillions of them.
So no not really superior

>> No.17912363

Orks biology is too robust and alien, even nids have trouble with them.
Also nothing in the physical realm to offer them other than a good fight which is all they want
Orks are their own utopia as one eldar said They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst.

>> No.17912367

Any other race in 40k, I would think that most species in MGE can fell emotion and pleasure to a muchy more elevated degree even compared to the eldar thanks to DE.

>> No.17912374

All this WH40k talk makes me want a Pharaoh GM to play /tg/ stuff with.

Hope she doesn't abuse her god voice.

>> No.17912376

Jinko is superior bodguard to Ochimusha.

>> No.17912407

If I'm not mistaken, that's just because they were designed as such by the Old Ones in order to fight against the Necrons. The same could be said about species other than succubus in MGE before the Demon lord took Power. They were created by the old gods to destroy/fight the humans in a never ending conflict. If the new and improved DE could corrupt all of them, including Gods and dragons, I don't see why it would be unable to corrupt the orks.

>> No.17912413

But Ochis are cute.

>> No.17912424

>Notes adventurers find in caves don't exactly make the caves seem too threatening.
>"Its hardly been a day since my party entered this cave on the rumor of loot and riches".
>"Instead I watched as my men were dragged off one by one by those damn monsters!".
>"I can still hear them looking for me, to whomever find this note head my warning the only thing in this cave is booty. And its the kind that plunders you. Stay safe" the notes read.

>> No.17912425

And dullahans are superior to Jinkos.

>> No.17912442

>Even Nids have trouble with them
In the short term, maybe. But Tyranids are much like water. While the canyon walls may not break from the initial torrent, over time it'll get weathered and break from constant onslaught. Fuck's sake, there was a Lictor that made its life's mission to just fuck with an Imperial politican by appearing and murdering his bodyguards, leaving him alive. For an entire WEEK. It'd appear, slaughter, and leave, as if nothing was amiss.

The paranoia actually ended up getting so stressful for him that it broke his mind,
and his world fell to the Swarm.

>> No.17912447


>> No.17912462
File: 12 KB, 196x229, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alpha Werewolf
>Keeping having dreams all week of the ending of The Grey with Werewolves
>MFW Alpha Werewolf fighting a brolic Conan-style fighter

>> No.17912483

>Muscles so big that she looks like she is flexing without flexing
>At least 7ft
>Expert martial artist
You are wrong.

>> No.17912509

dullahans are the main fighting force of th Demon lord, not only are they better trainned they probably dealt with more actual combat. Jinkos might be tall trained in martial arts, But dullahans have seal level training and experienced more than confirmed 300 battlefields.

>> No.17912516

>dullahans are the main fighting force of th Demon lord,
why? all you have to do to beat them is knock off their heads

>> No.17912531

I approve of this. Immensely. Thank you sir.

>> No.17912548

Because they actually complete their objectives instead of leaving he battlefield as soon as they catch a man. They are extremely loyal not to mention "immortal" undead, and have been training since forever. You could try and knock their heads out but that would only increase their ferocity in getting you, also I think their armor has some sort of counter measure to that.

>> No.17912553

Getting to their heads can be hard, using a lazer pointer and catnip isn't.

>> No.17912554

Usually D
If the male doesn't accept this mating dance then A.

>> No.17912559

>all you have to do to beat them is knock off their heads
You'd stop fighting a soldier and start fighting a rapist-

>> No.17912561

Only ushis do D.

>> No.17912563
File: 790 KB, 1200x900, 64880851_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another dimension there are monster girls discussing about us, how they want more beefier or more skinny little anons and doing palette swaps with us

>> No.17912565

I wonder what kinds of things my waifu would be posting about me. Maybe they would be of the little scene I had playing in my mind today.

>> No.17912575

Your waifu wouldn't love you. Women do not deserve trust and should only be pumped and dumped.

>> No.17912581

What about in Spain or Puerto Rico?
Just imagine it anon, the 6'5 Minotaur shaking her culo and teasing you on into dancing with her, making her even more excited.
Imagine it.

>> No.17912582

fuck you and your bad vibes man

>> No.17912587

I Imagine her trying to make me change my move unsuccessfully, then I just say -"You have no power here"-

>> No.17912588

Probably something like "I want him more asian with a latino penis"

>> No.17912592

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Dullahans, you little bitch? I’ll have you know they are all trained in gorilla warfare.

>> No.17912596

All this means is that Dullahans is the force the Mamono Lord can reliably command, not that they are the best. An army of Jinkos might simply not be available to her, at least with the same level of reliablity that an army of Dullahans is. Jinkos are basically like that badass shonen martial artist that wanders around the world, doesn't give a shit about fighting in wars and just lives in the woods training. As such they might simply be largely not interested in battles and wars.

I admit, there is a certain satisfacion in knowing the Mist and possibly many armies couldn't get Jinkos to participate battles, but she would totally do so for my dick.

>> No.17912598

Can we get a drawfriend in on this please?

>> No.17912599

>Some people actually say that I'm asian or at least wonder if I am
>I'm BR
this actually got a laugh out of me. I'd fuck my waifu's brains out.

>> No.17912601

So what you're saying is somewhere out there in the multiverse, a Demon cries herself to sleep over the fact that she'll never have a human childhood friend and her imagined Husbando is probably a depressed mess in a dead end job out there in the multiverse?

>> No.17912605

My waifu wouldn't post here, the only posters would be large mice,devil buds , and the annoying Chesire shit poster. with a lonely dragon who "hates" can't get men here and there.

>> No.17912608

>lilims getting shitposted to death for wanting lilimfags

>> No.17912610

Monster girls in one piece swimsuits > monster girls in bikinis.

>> No.17912613

This will only make her fight harder and possibly more dangerous.

>> No.17912614

Oh wait, mexican minos are actually there, it's just that they intantly go for rape instead of dancing.

>> No.17912618

>tfw your waifu wants you smaller and cuter.

Feels very good.

>> No.17912620
File: 33 KB, 640x430, limobowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but imagine this for a second, man: What if they know that your first course of action is to knock their head off, and in knowing that, they manage to out-fight you on a defensive end because they actually know martial combat?

>> No.17912639
File: 204 KB, 950x877, 1493581023434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon forgets to do his homework again
>How can I discipline him /hbt/?

>> No.17912642 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 3508x2480, 1510965914360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your waifu commissions art of you and wishes you were real

>> No.17912646

How would an Anubis deal with a constant fuck up?

>> No.17912656

That's why I didn't list them, anon.
That and they always try to forcibly give head first.

>> No.17912669


At least she can take a small amount of comfort in knowing that the feeling is mutual

>> No.17912691

What's Eros' policy on waifus and husbandos?

>> No.17912694
File: 1.18 MB, 700x4329, paralel universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling that there's someone in another dimension craving for my love and attention makes me feel a little better with myself and sad at the same time

>> No.17912697

Marry them. Use the mummy's curse.

>> No.17912717
File: 3.14 MB, 992x2304, Gele bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't he be bulling Demons?

>> No.17912729

>Putin is high quality husbando material
100% correct. I bet grizzly bear girls would love him.

>> No.17912733


>> No.17912734

I live in Mexico and would love it its MGE version is full of rapey Minotaurs and dark skinned uber rapey Jinkos.

>> No.17912738

The fuck?

>> No.17912740

Love is good. I wonder how Eros feels about harems. I'd think she wouldn't care all that much because it's just the guy spreading his love.

>> No.17912742

Delete Ranceshit

>> No.17912751

>I wonder how Eros feels about harems

>"A lot of girls loves this guy"
>"The guy loves them all"
>"They can share him"
>"All is good"

>> No.17912755
File: 208 KB, 1200x1573, DNfbibZUEAAhbDt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17912758

Yeah, the machine translation is really garbled.
She's supposed to be going on about "Carving his name into her heart" with his dick, and goading him to go harder and harder, which results in him choking her.

>> No.17912761

I think she would ok harems as long as there's no cheating, IE the waives are ok with it. That make my personal waifu snake pit a very difficult thing to accomplish

>> No.17912764

Eros is probably the God I'd side with.

>> No.17912765

What if its a guy that marries a monogamous with the intent of cheating on her and using her monster instincts to force her to accept a harem?

I can see lots of dudes doing that, the MG equivalent of the bitch that cucks you. Also when his waifu catches him, he denies everything and do false rape allegations to shift all the blame to the other monster.

>> No.17912777

Eros is possibly the most powerful god, or at least potentially given how in MGE Love is a supreme power, it is "the spirit" of MGE.

>> No.17912782

Amor Vincit Omnia.

>> No.17912784

That clearly goes against the tenants of Eros, the only way for him to not be cursed in some way is to worship some other God instead, and even that he is cutting it close.

>> No.17912795

If you did that with just the intent cheating and you followed Eros you'd get the curse. If you just wanted to fuck a bunch of girls then nothing would happen.

>> No.17912796

See, I have some real problems with that.
On the one hand, the world guilds are pretty fucking clear that if you cheat on your lover, Eros will curse you and have it so that no one will able love you again.
Seams pretty clear cut right?
Well, think about bi-corns. They start off as unicorns and become bi-corns when you fuck some other girl, right? So shouldn't Eros curse you?
And the scenario you mentioned only make this worse. What if the guy falls in love with some other girl too, and his first girl hates harems and only wants him for herself, breaking her heart in the process.

Tl;dr: Fuck if I know.

>> No.17912802

That only works is there's DE involved. In the parts of the world controlled by the Order of the Chief God love means jack shit.

>> No.17912806

If love is the supreme power or among the supreme powers of MGE I don't think the arrows are unbreakable curses. They likely can be broken if the cursed guy loves enough the target of his affection.

>> No.17912812

The guy could've gotten raped by a monster girl so it wouldn't be his fault, and since monsters only rape out of love then everything is fine.

>> No.17912818

That's only if he is a follower of Ero anon. Bicorn harems are a documented thing for a reason.

>> No.17912823

Putin is a 5'7 manlet

>> No.17912824

No, by the word of KC "love trumps all" is "the spirit" of MGE. Is basically the reason why the Mamono Lord succeeded against all odds and keeps succeeding. Think of it as fate or the universal soul in MGEverse. Of course that only in DE love is so prevalent while in Order areas is less prevalent but in the end it will still triumph.

>> No.17912828

Well, we know that monster girls never reject guys that confess to them, unless the MG already has a husband or to be husband set in her heart. So Bicorns might arise when a non virgin confess to an Unicorn and then they fuck. It needs not to involve cheating.

>> No.17912832

What would be the best time to pick up MGE in person, just as the store opens, or just as it closes?

>> No.17912836

That is only if you follow Eros. Basically if you follow Eros you abide by her rules, if your waifu is a follower then, I guess, it doesn't apply to you. Unless you harm one of her followers in a horrible way, I guess.

>> No.17912837

>Cupids shoot their feelings into men they like
Imagine being a lonely man who thinks he'll never get someone and then you get hit by an arrow and a whole ton of emotions.

>> No.17912854

So if you think about it, following Eros is very dangerous. You subject yourself to a set of rules and breaking it leads to recieve one of the worst if not the worst of fates in MGE.

So, is there any perk in following Eros? In particular for anons like us? Let's say portal opens, would Eros help us to get our waifus by pledging alliegance to her? Because certaintly, the price is indeed high.

>> No.17912857

yes but "love as an energy form thta makes everything posible" is not a thing remember that even thou all humans are loved by mg Sailors still die in seas where the chief god resides. DE will protect you from harm but only if it can reach you. Also there are other forms of love other than pure husband and wife vanilla love, so Eros is not necessarily the strongest.

>> No.17912858

You're assuming each of the gods are all knowing and all powerful, which sorta isn't in the spirit of polytheism.

In short, what Eros doesn't know can't hurt you.

>> No.17912862

She's got some cute girls following her.

>> No.17912867

Nothing that offsets the high risk. The scans
of the MGE2 booklet mentioned some perks but it was minimal stuff. At best she send you couple oh houris and cupids.

>> No.17912868

>Perks of following Eros
Dude, have you SEEN Erosbro? Hella ripped w/ a hot bod and an even hotter bae. Talkin mad rack yo!

>> No.17912871

From the way I see it there are downsides to following her. For perks you get extra sweet love and mushy sex with your wife.

I still prefer Ares though.

>> No.17912872
File: 241 KB, 1224x827, On318qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who're the best snugglers among monsters?

>> No.17912876

Being a subject of a god in MGE seams like a bad idea. Except for the wine god.
There just doesn't seam to be any benefit for it and there's quite a few downsides.

>> No.17912879

You are

>> No.17912882

Yetis and Scyllas, with a slight advantage to yetis because of fluffiness.

>> No.17912884


>> No.17912886

your waifu

>> No.17912887

I've said it before and I'll say it again Eros a huge shit and worst god.

>> No.17912891
File: 122 KB, 853x717, ss+(2017-09-13+at+03.18.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.17912893

The fallen god seem chill, she/he doesn't seem to give a fuck about what his follower do, so you get access to Pandemonium without any downsides.

>> No.17912897

> great-grandad performs such a Heinous Act that every heir heir of his family is cursed to never find love.
> family is perpetuated via raping human women.
> Grow up alone, not knowing about curse.
> Visit Eros temple for love help.
> get to watch a stammering Houri try to explain that through no fault of your own, you're SOL.
> a nice cupid offers you a consolatory juice box with hobbies you can do alone printed on back

>> No.17912898

I don't like curpis and houris. It certaintly doesn't upsets the high risk, unless Eros puts a high rank martial artist Jinko waifu in my lap and even then I would doubt it, the risk is simply too high. Though I would never cheat on my Jinko waifu.

>> No.17912900

No real goddess of love would curse those unrelated to a crime like a heartless bitch.

>> No.17912901

Ares is great though. You get those stat buffs and ability to improve and fighting with your waifu gets even more exciting and fun.
Not only that, you also have a cute girl watching and masturbating while seeing you wrestlesex.

>> No.17912902

But you don't have to be a follower yourself to marry one of those cute followers.

>> No.17912907

And possibly even Valkyrie pussy.

>> No.17912908
File: 308 KB, 800x600, 17269194_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean that they also make and post lewd dances of cgi models of me in anon anon dance?

That's kinda hot

>> No.17912919

Im pretty sure if Eros did that Love itself (the true top guy in MGEverse) would boot out Eros. Possibly even fate the cursed guy to a Kratos-style crusade when he kills Eros.

>> No.17912925
File: 807 KB, 960x1200, 1510945035765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repopulate the dragon race!

>> No.17912931

With glee!

>> No.17912942
File: 709 KB, 713x1000, altoiris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altoiris, the commander of dragon knights.
>Calm, stubborn, proud. Dere level 3/5
>"The night is still young, I will show you what makes me a dragon commander~"
>She was a dragon warrior even before the DL. She is kinda of tsundere, she was checking bureau to see how it's going and how her underlings behave but got appointed to (you) as a guide by mistake. She is kinda mad that you didn't recognize her as your guide and asked her "where is my dragon at" so she promises to fuck your brains out
>All dragonia profiles are monsters working in dragonia travelling bureau as guides to (you). The whole bureau is obviously just a dating service for single dragons

>> No.17912953

As of right now I see myself with one dragon daughteru. I wonder how long it will take until I start thinking about a second and a third.
Still doing my part on it though.

>> No.17912956


>You are

>> No.17912968
File: 169 KB, 548x294, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon anon dance

>> No.17912970
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>> No.17912973


>> No.17912976

I know this is 4chan where everyone is expected to be edgy or whatever but I've always found this image to be in really terrible taste.

>> No.17912978
File: 148 KB, 676x960, paladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be protected and loved by that Paladin.

>> No.17912986

I will have at least two dozen dragon daughters, damned be the consequences or obliteration of my pelvis.

>> No.17912988

Find yourself a girl who looks at you the same way that Kobold looks at that Paladin
or vice versa

>> No.17912992

So basically my Jinko waifu. And all it took me was to approach her with a can of catnip. Jinkos are truly the best MGs.

>> No.17913018

Salty Ameri-burger.

>> No.17913038

Whats that MG supposed to be?

>> No.17913040

It's a Houri and a Dark Matter

>> No.17913041

The only islamic one

>> No.17913048

Al-miraj would make a good mg though.

>> No.17913050

You mean kidnapped and raped. Never trust strange paladins.

>> No.17913051
File: 447 KB, 1500x989, 1429885963367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A daughter of the faithful.

>> No.17913069
File: 53 KB, 225x350, IMG_5612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fat cat tats in space.

>> No.17913098

Best Cat!


>> No.17913110

Fat space kakuen tits.

>> No.17913118 [SPOILER] 
File: 607 KB, 2827x2773, 1510972636908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran is super lewd, dude!

>> No.17913126


>> No.17913129


enjoy your vacation, dude

>> No.17913134

those are perfect oppai

>> No.17913148

She is a human gal anon. No DE to ensure she is loyal or will even like you at all. She also likely has multiple pretenders you will have to compete with too. She wont look at you unless you too are a warrior or some wealthy guy with high status.

Rather, go for the Dragon Knight girl posted above. She will love you and protect you way better than the Paladin and you only have to get her as your tour guy to waifu her.

>> No.17913154

I meant tour guide.

>> No.17913156

If you break those rules that lead to the bad end you 100% deserve your fate. Besides nothing about the write up mentions she only punishes people who follow her, its probably anyone she can get to so to speak

>> No.17913158

She is perfect. Depending on her muscle level, she is the only girl so far I would take over a Jinko.

>> No.17913167

How come monstergirl /ss/ is so great, anons?

>> No.17913171

Yes it does its on the MGE2.

>> No.17913196

It isn't.

>> No.17913200

According to some Anon's headcanon?

>> No.17913206

He's just mad that hellhoubds can be dominated if you try hard enough.

>> No.17913209

I know the page your talking about, I remember nothing of the sort.
She's a god, why on earth would she be limited by only being able to affect people who allow her?

>> No.17913212
File: 260 KB, 1200x1008, 1482551595761[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Anon you've won the Maid Service lottery and will be receiving 5 maids!
Roll for each corresponding role.
-Maid in Training

>> No.17913213


>> No.17913214

But the point is that there are simply no (known) perks that make it worth it to subject yourself to those rules. Something as ultimate should come with jaw dropping terms, like if you have a fetish for a particular MG race and you pray Eros in one of her temples for such a wife, a member of that race that is the closest to your ideal will appear at the temple ready to marry you. Something like that.

>> No.17913217
File: 85 KB, 940x720, 1496489522450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it takes to dom a Hellhound.

>> No.17913218

Can I just get all fox maids instead?

>> No.17913219

Gyaru Liches

>> No.17913224

A vacuum cleaner.

>> No.17913227


Be a poster in this thread

>> No.17913228

Put the dick inside and that's it

>> No.17913231

Likely KC didnt wanted to add something that puts harem seekers into the possibility of being condemned to the closest thing MGE has to hell.

As it stands, the rules are clear, you are only cursable if you follow her.

>> No.17913234

>Head Maid Golem with maid protocols and an extra large chest
>Mad Hatter cook, her ass filling out her pants
>Kejourou cleaning Maid, shortstack with long hair
>Dark Valkryie Laundry
>Sandworm maid in training

... I don't know about the maid in training but it all seems good.

>> No.17913236

Surpass a god

>> No.17913246

Its stated to be very hard. So I think being stronger than her is the minimum requirement. Basically she has Salamander-level standards just to even be able to begin the taming process.

At least thats how I headcanon it, which is consistent with the "its possible buy very hard" thing. So only like 1% of men would be capable of doing it.

>> No.17913249

There was a lot of shitposting about human vs monster last thread but i don't think this was brought up.
Are there MG-world versions of inquisitors or witchers? anyone who is an expert on monstergirls, knows every weakness and strength, ins and out and always comes prepared with charms, magic, coating, bombs, arrows, obligatory fire.
I always thought paladins were dumbasses who just bruteforced everything with holy magic and heavy armor.

>> No.17913251


>5 maids for a one bedroom apartment

What a fucking nightmare.

>Mimic Headmaid
>Cook Sandworm
>Whitehorn in charge of cleaning
>Shirohebi in charge laundry
>March Hare being the maid in training.

Can I just give my prize to someone else?

>> No.17913252

>Baphomet Complex
>Demonic Lamp Flower
So a bipolar Head Maid, a Cooking Maid handling a gas stove with double-digit IQ and large claws, a Cleaning Maid that can't clean tabletops without a ladder, a Laundry Maid that drips slime from her tentacles everywhere, and a goddamn flower as a maid in training.

...I'm filing a complaint with the Kiki association, this is just too much.

>> No.17913256

it says she punishes her followers, so it stands to reason she doesn't punishes who don't follow her. If she punished all of those who broke the rules it would say so in the book. that's how language works.

Also God's are not omnipotent in this setting the Chief God, arguably the most powerful god at the moment, can do shit to the demon lord, Poseidon doesn't completely control the seas, etc. If I follow bacchus or the fallen god their blessing can't be blocked by the chief god or Eros. Same applies to curses.
If God's were omnipotent the Demon lord would be dead a long time ago.

>> No.17913257


>> No.17913259

>Basically she has Salamander-level standards just to even be able to begin the taming process.
Salamander tier is low as fuck

>> No.17913260
File: 247 KB, 1000x2000, qj2ddcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hellhound riding you
>While she's distracted, reach down to the floor and grab small hand vacuum
>Push her onto her back and pin her down
>Turn on the hand vacuum
>Start pushing it back and forth right by her head
>She starts panicking and trying to get away but you won't let her
>Tell her you'll stop if she says she's your bitch
>She hesitantly yells it out over the sound of the vacuum
>After you finish you realize her claws tore large holes in the sheets
>She looks like somebody killed her parents right in front of her

>> No.17913270

>Powerpuff girls
More like
>Rowdy Ruff Pups

>> No.17913276

Actually it stated that Gods could't tame her, So if someone tamed her he would/should be superior to a God, IF it is at all possible.

>> No.17913284

>Kraken Head maid
>Minotaur Cook
>Vampire Cleaning
>Marche Hare Laundry
>Apophis maid in training
I am 100% not in control.
I am A-OKAY with this

>> No.17913285

But the anons in this thread are better than gods apparently.

>> No.17913307

Not for an average human. Average non combat monster girls are stronger than average humans at least to the same degree men are stronger than women. That difference is further amplified with combat monsters.

>> No.17913309

>Titania Head Maid
Perfect for being the older, ara ara~ maid.
>Anubis Cook
Fine MG Egypt cuisine!
>Demon Cleaning
Following her contract agreements.
>Jorou-Gumo Laundry
I bet she's a bit of a tailor as well.
>Devil Bug Maid-in-training
Now that's just funny.

>> No.17913320

I would't doubt that, Anons thinking they are the chosen one and severely overestimating themselves.

>> No.17913321

>Head Matango (rolled pseudo-matango 'shroom)
-Jabberwock cook
-Baphomet cleaner (rolled KC)
-Automaton in charge of laundry
-Cheshire Cat in trianing

Weird group we hve here.

>> No.17913324

it's not about strength, KC stated that even if you overpower them they wouldn't bow down to you. As far as the setting is concerned taming them has never been done and is impossible so far.

>> No.17913326
File: 310 KB, 619x828, the big scoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Make sure you put this all down!"
"M-Make a separate page for that. I'll take care of that..."

>> No.17913330

Good work Latenight.

Can you draw a small Ryu cuddling against a pillow?

>> No.17913335

Squirrel and Oni look cute.

>> No.17913337

>still taking MGE hyperbole as literal
>still ignoring what KC has specifically said about hellhounds
Even the author himself didn't mean them to be always untamable memehounds, but some subfags still want to cling to the threadcanon they've been forcing since the profile was released. How laughable it is that some people were pretending for YEARS how Hellhound was somehow the only profile in all of MGE the normal rules of "not all members of the species are the same as the profile" don't apply, to the point they still believe their own lies even after getting told otherwise by the author.

And don't think I haven't forgotten how Maritan was practically hiding the information he got from KC until someone else posted a screencap from the circlejerk, what a scummy attempt at trying to keep enabling shitposting idiots that was.

>> No.17913338

They're the best team and would make the best wives!

>> No.17913339

Yes I know. Just pointing out that in my headcanon, you have to be stronger than her. Just to even be able to ATTEMPT the very difficult task of taming her. Basically you need an already extremely difficult feat just to go from "impossible" to "very hard"

>> No.17913349

But they are not untamable. We always knew that, only that you need beyond gods taming ability to tame them. Which is exactly what KC said: they are not untamable, only very hard to tame.

>> No.17913352

yeah that makes sense, but before you try that, even if you have the strength would recommend training with a few werewolf first. Going with no experience is asking to be tamed instead.

>> No.17913359

Is it really safe for Rata to be up on the shoulders of a drunk oni? What if she falls down?

>> No.17913361

she's got big boobs and a bit oni butt to grab onto!

>> No.17913365

Thank the Gods Saiyans will never fly in here.

>> No.17913369

No I mean what if the oni falls down!

>> No.17913373

she has me to catch her!

>> No.17913377
File: 73 KB, 853x766, 1506916782196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17913378

I want to let ratachan know that I like big, fat, cuddle cats.

>> No.17913395
File: 39 KB, 775x430, free mofu trapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17913399

If 'fat and unattractive' is worth writing down, that squirrel has some low standards.
Status update: I am still fat and unattractive.

>> No.17913400

i wanna have a harem of twelve vampires! i will either die from heat loss or lack of blood

>> No.17913405


You won't fool me!

>> No.17913407
File: 2.23 MB, 1748x2387, 65932451_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mofu is the best dude

>> No.17913416

I'd like a Saiyan wife.

>> No.17913429


Get in line

>> No.17913432

take it back to /a/ or the circlejerk pal

>> No.17913434


>> No.17913467


>> No.17913474

To all you femdom lovers out there, who is your waifu and what is your idea femdom scenario with her?

>> No.17913476


>> No.17913481

Species varies but they are usually muscled/strongfat, tall, and are more 'agressive' than dom.

They'd be the kind of girl that just picks me up and carries me off to bed.

>> No.17913491
File: 43 KB, 335x601, Oui monsieur, we are happy to serve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alraune Head maid
Weird, but might be nice to have a HM obsessed with floral decor
>Wight Cook
God, I hope she has a french accent.
>Hel, Goddess of Life and Death - Cleaning Maid
ಠ_ಠ I'm gonna tease her
>Vampire Laundry maid
>Tentacle Maid-in-training
That would be adorable. Probably got the job because the Head maid is her auntie or something.

I don't know what sorcery that alraune did to bring those titans of undeath low beneath her, but I'm going to make them all wear Miniskirts and lacey black garter straps.

>> No.17913495

Tall busty vampire using me as a bloodbag and personal body heater

>> No.17913499

Tall big dragon making me into a house husband.

>> No.17913501

Good night anons, take care and don't burn the thread.

Instead, please pay the beach a visit during winter.
Those Cancers get awfully lonely on the beach when no-one comes around on the frigid beaches.

>> No.17913504

My waifu is a Kobold, and our ideal femdom scenario would vary, but most times it would include lot of sexy latex outfits, nursing handjobs, me getting tied up and ridden in different positions, and plenty of lewd, loving encouragement and anal penetration.

>> No.17913505

hi KDF

>> No.17913511

I just want to be coiled up in hair and be teased

>> No.17913512

Hi anon!

>> No.17913514
File: 2.55 MB, 2033x5175, c7de1d8da881dcfd4a86c148b19a7fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayadere vampire.

>> No.17913516

Good luck getting me!
I'm an NPC in the game we call life!

>> No.17913518
File: 186 KB, 850x560, Latenight - throw the frisbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

situations vary but its mostly between
my hellhound waifu using me like a daki on a cold winter night
or playing a game of hide n seek and be taunted and teased whilst hiding
or just her generally being forward with me

>> No.17913521

You're an NPC? Lucky! I'm only part of some background image in the game we call life

>> No.17913526

I'd be the random magic item vendor in town that doesn't even hand out quests.

That maydere will miss me.

>> No.17913528

>Feet get cold
>Put on socks
>Feet get warm
>Feet sweat a little bit
>Sweat gets cold
>Feet now colder than they were before
I need a warm monster girl to keep me warm all over.

>> No.17913530

i will send you a christmas cake dark elf anon

>> No.17913531

A CC Kakuen sensei. Id be her pupil for some years and work my way to a decent fighter. After I finally win a tournament and bring my trophy to her we have a sparring match. Giving it our all I almost overcome her but she goes primal and almost hurts me until calming down. After that is a night long of gentle loving femdom where she doesn't give up the lead at all.

>> No.17913549

>Centaur Head Maid
>JubJub Cook
>Hornet Cleaning
>Atlach-Nacha Laundry
>March Hare MIT
This is fine though

>> No.17913554
File: 218 KB, 1077x1485, IMG_5613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17913562

When did mono draw this? I don't recall him ever posting such a thing.

>> No.17913565

thats barb's work, mono hasnt posted anything in a while iirc

>> No.17913569

>Giant Ant head maid is good at keeping her colony in order
>Kobold cook keeps the bones from the stews to herself
>Nightmare cleaner likes to stay out of the way and works hard to keep her nights free
>Laundry Sea Slime rides in the washing machine and enjoys the agitation cycle
>Mandragora is getting better and learning to control her yell by working in the garden

It’s a bunch of misfits but I’d try my best to make them happy

>> No.17913576

>She whimpers softly to herself while you pet her and apologize
>”Anon, you can be a meanie!”
>”I’m sorry if I scared you dear.”
>”You have to make it up to me!”
>She straddles you with her breasts in your face and her paws on either side of your face.
>”I’m sorry if I scare you hahahaha~”
>She rapes you into submission again until your both spent from the experience.
>Both of you think to yourselves:
>“Keikaku Doori! I’m definitely the dom!”

>> No.17913582

She’s just getting as much info as she can. She’ll work on playing matchmaker later. Just be on the lookout. Next time you look out a window or open a door, your perfect girl just might be there.

>> No.17913605

So if Anon is a dom, is he gonna step outside one day and find a sub monster saying "A-ah! Oh no, how did I end up in front of the house of a man who will treat me like his little whore? How very unfortunate."

>> No.17913610
File: 1.08 MB, 1985x2806, 1492554241525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhound. Scenario very similar to >>17913518 but I also like it a bit rough in bed too. Maybe coming home from work one day for her to press me against a wall and forcefully kiss me, going from my collarbones, to my neck, to my mouth, before yanking my clothes off and taking me to the bedroom where we have rough sex with some gentle scratching and love bites, then she uses me as a daki afterward.

>> No.17913612

Depending upon how dense he is, he might just get a monster girl with a sign around her neck saying

>> No.17913621

>depending upon how dense he is

>"What's with the sign?"
Would she snap?

>> No.17913633

Maybe she would try playing dumb too to see if she could lead him along.

>I don't know! I found it on the street.
>I know right? Oh! I nearly forgot! Hi! I'm Claire.
I'm anon.

Ganbatte monster-chan. Patience is a bitter plant that bears sweet fruit

>> No.17913635

Yeah it's pretty much that
For example, a human would apply to fight, and then just be matched up by random with an opponent in the arena

>> No.17913639

We've either got a manticore or a redhead masochistic wolfu on our hands.

>> No.17913642

That's a rapin'.

>> No.17913668

Interesting. I just pulled a random name out of the air without a species in mind. What kind of names have species associated with them and vice versa?

For example, if I say Elizabeth, what species comes to mind?

>> No.17913673
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>> No.17913678


I got lilraune, incubus, undine water, and 2 galleries.

So a monster that can't move, a man, and pictures, rng is not on my side tonight

>> No.17913684

Incubus chef sounds like you lucked out. Women can't cook very well anymore.
You should be bros and be wingman for him and the maid and training.

>> No.17913691


you do know you're supposed to reroll when you get a page that isn't a monster girl yeah?

>> No.17913692


I mean- I do, I'm just in a self deprecating mood right now I guess

>> No.17913693
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>> No.17913694

Is it because of the 'liz' ?

I could keep going but I'll only do one more. What kind of species would Amanda be?

>> No.17913698
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>> No.17913705
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That is what Elizabeth is.
Most of the previous names are associated with characters.

As for Amanda, I'd guess a Panda or even an Apanda.

>> No.17913706


Not him but I'd go with a holst or any kind of Harpy

>> No.17913708 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17913709


Sandworms are adorable and deserve more love

>> No.17913711

A SalAmanda of course.

>> No.17913713

What's she so smug about?

>> No.17913717

It's her 4th pregnancy

>> No.17913721
File: 247 KB, 1130x800, __tricia_t_rex_na_kanojo_drawn_by_akanesanzou__9288680bb90ef645b92dfd95698418c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute girl's manga got cancelled, so she has plenty of free time.

>> No.17913724

You know where that glowing tentacle is going

>> No.17913726

Shit, really?
That sucks.

>> No.17913733
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It wasn't cancelled so much that the author just stopped producing art all together. They tried doing a completely unrelated manga a few months after T-Rex na Kanojo ended, but the time between chapters got longer and longer until it was clear that it had been dropped. No idea what the circumstances that might have led to that are.

>> No.17913744

Some monster girls aren't smug for any particular reason. Rather it's their default stating of being

>> No.17913748

Yep, default.
I bet some MGs are smug even in the womb and shown up on ultrasound.

>> No.17913779
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Which Gatchamon is the best?

>> No.17913789


She loses herself in the revelry.

>> No.17913791

No that's GatchamAn.

>> No.17913794
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>> No.17913806

>Mindflayer smiling blankly in her office
>Shoggoth sitting on the chair across from her, also smiling blankly
>"...So, it is time to begin then."
>"Yes, it is~"
>"What brings you in to see me?"
>"I am having concerns about Master."
>"Ah. You wish to open his inner eyes and doors to see the world as y-"
>"I do not want to open his eyes and doors. I want him to be happy. I want to be able to make him happy in this reality in the things he wants. I want to be his n-normal maid."
>the Mindflayer's smile and expression is completely unchanged, but a hand goes to her mouth as if she were gasping.
>"Ah. How unusual. But I understand. Are you sure you want to do this?"
>"Yes~ For Master~"
>"Very well~"

>Later anon walks into his mansion to find it- oddly warm and not-unsettling
>That's when his maid appears, smiling- genuinely, sincerely, with no hidden intent in her many eyes- smiling at him and throwing her arms wide open
>"Welcome home anon!"

>> No.17913810

I wonder what kind of games monsters have in their culture. From board and card games for kids to party games for young adults to physical games like those on the playground. Being hedonists, they must have other forms of entertainment beyond straight up sex.

>> No.17913811

Sometimes, my Hatter madam will go a whole tea-party sitting on my face! Its a delightful affair!

>> No.17913829
File: 880 KB, 1957x515, RQE1lvO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a devoted and loving maid. Master had better treat her well and love her tenderly.

I worry about their daughters though. Will they be bullied at school for only seeing in three dimensions?

>> No.17913830

How can you Flay that which has no brain? Cute though.

>> No.17913836

Wonderland would be a great example with all those potions, spells and madness flying around. What goes on at these tea parties besides tea and sex? Do they play games to get to the sex?

>Cheshire leads a tour group of new males to a tea party and invites them to take a seat while the other guests arrive
>Discover they are stuck to the chairs until the end of the tea party
>All variety of wonderland monsters show up for the party
>Hatter organizing the event proposes a game of musical chairs
>The chairs, with the anons stuck to them, form a circle and the girls start skipping around them.
>Music stops and all the girls jump on the man's lap, perfectly skewering them on their new husband's dick
>When their pants came off and when they got hard, no one knows
>Unfortunately, they only play one round but the prize is you get to keep whatever is in your seat!
>Tea Party continues as usual with all of the anons acting as dick thrones for their new wives.
>Except for that one anon. His chair was upside down for some reason so his face was where the seat is. Oh well! The lucky girl that got him doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.17913841
File: 325 KB, 992x1403, Shog Barb loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, making Mastah happy and opening his eyes and doors don't have to be mutually exclusive. You're making it sound like Shogs have ulterior motives other than pleasing their master anyway.

>> No.17913851
File: 351 KB, 850x997, 1464885393685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind being a dick throne for an ovulating Jub-Jub.

>> No.17913864
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Does this image become before or after yours?

>> No.17913931

Too bad, you aren't getting jack shit

>> No.17913948
File: 458 KB, 1100x1210, 1500203776025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlins are cute.
They need a lot of spankings though.

>> No.17913980
File: 2.85 MB, 2518x3000, tago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy fit cat

>> No.17914013

I bet Gremlins who get frequently spanked try to replicate with machine the way their husband slap their butt, only to fail repeatedly and become fully dependent of their man.

>> No.17914016

I hope so, otherwise it means you can be replaced.

>> No.17914024

>short hair
Not sexy at all

>> No.17914060

A tsundere Gremlin could act like her new flawed machine spanks even better than you and tell you that you're no longer needed, but she would come crawling back the same day saying she didn't mean it and that she just wanted you to get angry so you would spank her harder.

>> No.17914061

Neither are you but we've all been too polite to say anything.

>> No.17914067

Well at least between me and the one with the claim of "sexy hair" only one of us is a liar.

>> No.17914068

>tsundere gremlin
I'd like to see that, it sounds sexy.
>come crawling back
Not very tsundere. She'd like to piss you off to get a spanking for free instead of having to beg for one.

>> No.17914082

Lust is too powerful, only the strongest monster girls can overcome their urge to keep up their attitude (like Dragons and Vampires)

>> No.17914085

Strongest and most prideful, I see.

>> No.17914129

Can't a monster learn to control herself with age? So an elder gremlin can learn to not beg?

>> No.17914132

>tfw new grill never ever

>> No.17914135
File: 581 KB, 850x847, 1496060870272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw found out I can randomize my file's name
If I knew that earlier, I wouldn't have to suffer the autist's rage because I posted Danbooru stuff.

>> No.17914141

Ain't no pussy like maid pussy, because maid pussy is made for you.

>> No.17914201
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Don't overdo it though, or she'll have to be a babysitter for her own daughters as well as a maid.

>> No.17914263
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>> No.17914279
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Lich nurses are really bad at keeping thing alive.

>> No.17914313

Maybe what we really need is a Wight nurse. I know it's what I need.

>> No.17914353

this yuri?

>> No.17914365
File: 70 KB, 975x649, UMAY4HwM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hiding information?
I'm pretty sure I saw an argument go on in the threads and I decided to just ask KC about hellhounds to kill arguments about it.
It's not like I think up all these questions, ask him and hoard them unless he tells me not to divulge something.
I mostly just ask things I need clearing up so I can write my own settings book.

>> No.17914381

Nope, just light hearted teasing between close friends/siblings/harem wives.

>> No.17914392
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>be spanking your p'orc's plump ass
>"And this little piggy went-"
>"All the way home."

>> No.17914403

Pretty lewd tbqh famalam.

>> No.17914423

>The MGE game g is going to get a second game
>Still no English translation in sight
Fucking god damn it KC.

>> No.17914440

>Fucking god damn it KC.
Can thank Exet for this one, he told the fan translator to stop his work because an "official" one was being worked on and it's almost been a year since.
As if it wasn't before, it's painfully obvious there was never an official translation being worked on to start with, there's never been a single hint of progress.

>> No.17914458

That's the worst part. If they actually made a official translation I would be fine with it. But it's pretty god damn clear at this point that they're not even considering it at this time.
Why do they have to be like this?

>> No.17914473

Well, isn't that just because you knew this and didn't think to bring it up before we talked about it.
If it's not withholding information, it's kinda a dick move. Like, we were an hour into the discussion and then you just showed up and went "Well here's what KC said to me". I'm thankful that you did it, but it was a dick move at the same time.

>> No.17914481

There was a translator who did actually get to work on it, he originally posted on ULMF or something like that.
He also posted in the comments as gmkz if you want to look it up.
It is happening, or was but I have no idea what is taking the translator so long if he's just about done like he says he is.

>> No.17914482

theres an mge game?

>> No.17914488

could just go mia like the st monmusu translator did

>> No.17914493
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>ywn give your lewd elf onee-chan a spanking

>> No.17914494

It wasn't even him who said it, it was originally posted by some random guy posting a screenshot of him saying it in the circlejerk. And then the random guy deleted his post after hellhoundfags told him he shouldn't have posted that, but the cat was already out of the bag.

>> No.17914499

Huh, guess it was quite some time ago. I just remember the shitstorm that followed.
Dark times...

>> No.17914500

Let me take a guess.
Out of all those treatments cuddling is the most expensive one isn't?
Such is life for the downers in the MGE world

>> No.17914520

It's possible I could have forgotten for a while, but what spurred me to ask this question was the constant arguing about it.
It was one of those big things for a while, and I guess still is even to this day?
As for if it's a dick move, it didn't cross my mind that it would be viewed as that, so, sorry if that was the case.

>> No.17914526

Ah, here we go, he posted in here.
The comment section in here.

>> No.17914556

>And then the random guy deleted his post after hellhoundfags told him he shouldn't have posted that
Every time. Happens whenever there's a bit of canon information that people don't like and they want to pretend canon agrees with them.

Personally I still love Hellhounds, it just gives a different aspect of them to think about, even though I'd never try to tame one to start with.
You did the right thing, it's actually nice to have someone in the English community who can clear up misunderstandings like that.

>> No.17914577


I want a Gatcha Kej who climbs her way up to my hair, wrapping her hair around mine to anchor herself and then taking a nap there.

>> No.17914637

I want a plump mofu to squeeze

>> No.17914646
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1294, 1503066525390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.17914657

Pantyhose and gentle footjob

>> No.17914667

I feel like the problem comes form the sense of power some anons here fell like they have to have. "I clearly can make a hellhound submit if I try hard enough" "nothing is impossible as long as a try" "well I don't even have to try, as long as i have a dick all MG will submit to me." The same thin happens all the time with dragons even tho it's supposed to be incredibly hard to make then docile, people still treat then as "rare shiny" orks. Implying making them "mere" is something common place.

If some anons tonned down their bloated sense of self importance most of the "waifu drama " could be completely avoided.

>> No.17914675

I don't like hellhounds anymore

>> No.17914698

I like the thought of my dragon surprising me by knocing me out of balance with her tail and picking me up wih a princess carry before flying up to enjoy the view. The problem here is that I have a fear of heights, so I'd be clinging to her likw a little girl and she'd be all proud.

>> No.17914699

>I don't like hellhounds anymore
That's your choice mate, the profile is the same and the information given by KC is the same. Nothing changed, except now a few fags thinking they are just wilder kobolds that can be tamed by even by a fat fuck, even tho that goes against everything on the profile.

>> No.17914702

>, who is your waifu
monstergirl from another media

>> No.17914711

>just wilder kobolds that can be tamed by even by a fat fuck
they can lay on top of her until she cries uncle

>> No.17914713

She seems more homely than sexy to me not that i'm complaining would love a homely fit Jinko waifu

>> No.17914720

A shame, if there's something elves need, it's spankings.

>> No.17914723

>pantyhose Ittan-momen
I have never needed anything as much as I need this right now.

>> No.17914733

Decided to investigate the matter.
The translator should be contacted, so we'll see if they're still around or completely disappeared.
All they really had left was the Case files, which were just the profiles for each corruption.

If they did disappear, I'll see if there's anything I can do to have that game translated.
Well, whenever I am around to see them anyway.
Hellhound seemed like one of the biggest things that were always argued about.

>> No.17914736

>patheticfag blaming everyone else except himself
The only reason why hellhound specifically has so many obsessive fans who get very upset about the thought of a hellhound being dominated is because they see the "always dominant" part as an equalizing factor that makes them feel better about themselves, since it means anyone dealing with a hellhound is enforced to be just as pathetic as them. No other very dominant monster like manticore or amazon has the amount of hyperbole and assuring in their profiles, so it's no wonder it always have to be hellhound.

>> No.17914747

There's also the fact that hellhounds have the best asses.

>> No.17914748

>Hellhound seemed like one of the biggest things that were always argued about.
hellhounds are one of the most popular girls in these threads, so not surprising.

>> No.17914790

Hellhounds are not even on my top 30 list, I like her but I prefer the kobold personally. But hell hounds are not supposed to be tamed, They can be submissive in bed but you can never truly tame her, unless you can surpass a God as it's stated in the profile.
What bothers me is the maledom-fags making it seem like it's feasible to have a submissive and obedient hell hounds. You can change her as much as long as you stay inside the canon, but once you leave you are just bullshitting.

>> No.17914796

Sometimes I wonder what would Hellhound discussions would be like if that cap wasn't posted.

>> No.17914801

>What bothers me is the maledom-fags making it seem like it's feasible to have a submissive and obedient hell hounds.
what if shes given one of those head piercing lobotomy things from brain eater?

>> No.17914804

Precisely, I need a big plump and soft mofu that I can use as a daki

>> No.17914807

arn't there more femdom themes monstergirls out there?
you guys dont have to zero in on hellhounds all the time for that.

>> No.17914809
File: 1.58 MB, 1489x1100, c9602358e16780e2dc8c1bc124882e897e4ce1113f720bec6c02a474958213bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all just agree that monsters are subhuman filth that shouldn't even be skinned for their filthy hides?

I mean, why do you even like them? What are they good for? They aren't even hotter than a low-ranking angel. Do you actually enjoy being raped?

...I-I mean, Angels can make that happen, too! Especially for no-good sinners like you.

>> No.17914813

>They can be submissive in bed but you can never truly tame her, unless you can surpass a God as it's stated in the profile.
>What bothers me is the maledom-fags making it seem like it's feasible to have a submissive and obedient hell hounds.
KC says it is, boohoo.

>> No.17914818

KC already confirmed hound taming though, femdomfags BTFO.

>> No.17914825

Night face Jorougumos do that. They tie you up and rape you all night long.

>> No.17914830

It's a symptom of a bigger problem.
Much like some people can no longer enjoy monster girls without mamonomana because they need safety nets even in their fantasies, some people want their dominant girls to have a built in triple guarantee that that race can never be submissive, not ever even if it's one that isn't married to them. This is why Minotaurs, Ushi-Onis and Manticores aren't good enough for "protectionfags." Despite them all being extremely dominant races, the thought of a rare one in a hundred one out there that happens to be submissive for her husband makes them feel threatened.

>> No.17914834

Hellhounds are dead to me now
Let's have auditions for a new girl.

>> No.17914849
File: 59 KB, 364x305, illias balls deep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but illias is pro co-existence now

>> No.17914851

>It is purported that originally these monsters were created as guard dogs by a certain god of the underworld, but it was impossible even for the gods to tame them. If there were a man who could make them submit, that person's ability as a trainer would surpass even that of a God
I Didn't say it was impossible you autistic cunts it's just that you fags wouldn't be able to even begin to try and tame them.
>Despite them having this sort of nature, there are many men who are fixated on taming them, believing "a dog should always be tamable." There's no end to the number of men who approach them to try to train and discipline them only to end up conversely yielding into submission themselves.
It seems like this would be the fate of you thickheaded fools.
>If there were a man who could make them submit, that person's ability as a trainer would surpass even that of a God
Stop making your head canon into canon.

>> No.17914856

Some people here just need to chill a bit, thats all

>> No.17914857

>it's the "you have to be exactly the same as you are now" in your fantasies argument
It's called imagination you nerd.

>> No.17914859 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 112x160, 1511015500762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we all need to worship World

>> No.17914861
File: 596 KB, 1087x1446, establishingperimetercontrol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps a Mantis is more your style?

>> No.17914862

Chill, dudeski.

>> No.17914867

Which girls would be best for evil love?
>You both maniacally laugh at the same things
>Your armies march to the beating of your hearts
>Steal a kiss while you steal your wedding rings

>> No.17914872

Reminds me of that thing with the ochi trying to train her husband into a good lord and dudes going nuts at it. Same thing can happen with kikis, who want you to work hard to become a succeful person.

>> No.17914877
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1280, 1506452316154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Apophis who was successful in taking over a desert kingdom.

>> No.17914882

Maybe pharaoh for mummy minions and anubis generals?

>> No.17914888

Jorou-gumo? I wish she had more content.

>> No.17914889

I'd want to make my scarred ochi bodyguard/mentor proud by finally beating her in a sparring match. though, if I did she'd probably question her usefulness to me.

>> No.17914893

An evil looking Pharaoh who's actually a big softie is fine too

>> No.17914896

Yeah it happens the other way around too, dare make a single member of a sub species try to help her master with self improvement and a select handful of people will go nuts despite the vast majority of the race not caring and still being obedient subs with no thoughts about such things.

>> No.17914906

>I'm an overpowered demi-god who is actually better than the gods. nothing nor anyone can get I'm the path of me and my awesomeness.

Sounds like you have a pretty bad and generic imagination.

>> No.17914918

I've never seen this one happening before. In fact, I've seen nice discussions about sub girld helping out their husbands whenever they can.

>> No.17914922

Do kinda want a motivational umi osho

>> No.17914932

It happened a few times when ochimusha got translated

>> No.17914936

Not a big short hair guy but she is pretty and needs to wrap her beefy thighs around my head.

>> No.17914938

>people are STILL triggered over subhounds
Loving every laugh.

>> No.17914944

MGE god aren't infallible alpha and omegas, the chief god got her ass kicked by mortals for example.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses and the ones that tried may have sucked at taming canines, you never know.
It's happened once or twice. Like the post I replied to mentioned, some guy once flipped his shit for a good few hours over the thought of an Ochi pushing her master to improve.

>> No.17914948

Reminder that the profiles are interviews and the encyclopedia is full of exageration.
If the WS came to a hellhound and asked her about it, she'd proudly boast about gods being unable to tame them while she has that smug smile and her tail wags while you can just use a dumb method like raging mushrooms to do the deal.

>> No.17914975

It's like "best pussy" with Baphomets, individual monsters will brag.

It astounds me that people still don't get what an unreliable narrator is in fiction and why KC's word will differ from the profiles.

>> No.17914981

>Stop making your head canon into canon.
That's rich coming from someone who forces their headcanon as actual canon. How is it that all the things like monsters doing nothing but sex 24/7, mindbreaking humans with demonic energy, and so on, are "just hyperbole", but that one line in the hellhound profile is dead serious and literal.

It's funny how ever since KC declared that hellhounds really aren't the sole exception to how profiles aren't 100% accurate (surprising absolutely no-one except people who've deluded themselves into thinking otherwise), the goalposts have been moved from "hellhounds are always dom, and even if dommed they turn back into doms afterwards to dom twice as hard lololo" to "well it's SO IMPOSSIBLE and SO BEYOND GODS that nobody has ever been able to do it and nobody can ever do it lololo"

>> No.17914987

>tfw no one gets triggered about big fat mofu tats
i'll just stick with my milky switch mama

>> No.17914989

Wait what? while I'm fine with subhounds what you said is simply wrong on all accounts all accounts. It's like saying the dragons are actually boasting a bout their strength and they re actually very weak and shy.

Fuck just claim the whole world is a distopia and mg are actually feeding on the souls of their "husbands" while you are it. Once they are done they move over to the next men who is none the wiser.

>> No.17915002
File: 134 KB, 500x484, tamamo souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17915004

Now you're just flinging your bait all over the pier.

>> No.17915009

>the town of femdomfags

>> No.17915011

Pff hahaha I can't even begin to understand how sad and pathetic this post is.
Seriously, anon. You need to think for yourself a little to know what is supposed to take seriously and what's not. Though I guess I should too because god damn this post.

>> No.17915013

I remember that, but you left out just one detail.

The faggots getting angry about Salamander and Ochi were the subs who want to be useless and protected by a dom Salamander or Ochi. That's a pretty big detail to leave out just saying.

>> No.17915016
File: 1.06 MB, 915x1145, will o wisp date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a happy individual with no suicidal intent. But i'm still going to track down and marry a Wisp.

>> No.17915019

Why don’t elementals get more love?

>> No.17915023

Shit nigga what are you doing? You don't just throw the whole bucket in like that

>> No.17915024

because A) they are boring, and B) there are far more better choices

>> No.17915025

Some Wisps like it that way. You'll be with her even after you die.

>> No.17915031

They have a bunch of lore in Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide II.

>> No.17915035

Such as?

And yet they are very rarely brought up in the threads. I just wonder why.

>> No.17915041

Come on, don't you want to be the equivalent of the avatar with sexy elementals to boot?

>> No.17915049

literally any other species besides matangos and siths of course

>> No.17915051
File: 1.04 MB, 992x1403, Will o Wisp barb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the idea, but before she gets to be eternally smug when I die, I'm going to pound some good ol' fashioned, corporeal love into her. I want to get a ghost pregnant.

>> No.17915060

>mfw want to spank a monstergirl
>can't decide if it's better to spank a small gremlin over your knees or to cane a kiki

>> No.17915061
File: 589 KB, 1918x2515, 1474887163758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild elves. Y/N?

>> No.17915063
File: 115 KB, 390x600, Undine_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post about gnomes occasionally
I love the idea of the elementals and a lot of things to do with them

>> No.17915066

I think most anons aren't the mage with familiars type. So they tend to go for other types of Mg

>> No.17915067

Whatever you say Alp-fucker

>> No.17915069

Better choices
People prefer regular golems or even dorome these days.
Salamander, lava golem and Hellhound all have the volcanic region love on lock down, less so lava golem than the others.
She's made of water so has to compete with both slimes and aquatic girls
Okay I'm stumped on this one.

>> No.17915071

Y'know, I think I'm literally the only one here who likes Matangos.

>> No.17915077

Hatter lovers are mantago lovers in denial

>> No.17915080

Harpies and wyverns are excellent options for air lovers.

>> No.17915081

That's a hard choice. I'd say the gremlin though, smug lolis deserve it.

>> No.17915082

I suppose Hatterfag doesn’t count?

>> No.17915086

What's the difference between them and regular elves?

>> No.17915088

But anon I like cu siths. Nothing wrong with a loyal dog waifu.

>> No.17915089

The chase after other monstergirls.

>> No.17915098

Yeah, people never hate on them.

>> No.17915105
File: 515 KB, 844x1045, 1480876439634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't disagree. But at the same time, flipping a kiki's dress and covering her ass in red stripes before sending her back to work with tears in her eyes and a little smile on her lips as she tries to stand straight sounds also very satisfying.

>> No.17915137

I wonder which one will be ruined next.

>> No.17915170
File: 279 KB, 752x600, Lich70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon finally shows up for my lectures!

>> No.17915201

Sylph is actually my favorite elemental. I'd like to learn some wind magic myself for them speed, dex and ability to flip girl's skirts from afar.

>> No.17915214

you say that like it's a bad thing, fag

>> No.17915222

sure, but on the scale of furry to not furry, siths are "dangerously cheesy"

>> No.17915225

>"oh im just here to pick up my girlfriend"

>> No.17915236

What would a lich do if she found out that anon like dere dere girls?

>> No.17915240
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1280, Lich58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17915242

fix him

>> No.17915243

>shows her phlactery to anon
>crushes it in front of him

>> No.17915246

First anon flirted with her customers, now second anon went for the cute girl in her class. When will lichu finally get a break?

>> No.17915247

thats an obscure reference

>> No.17915270

I understood it, and I'm a fucking normie.

>> No.17915357
File: 205 KB, 1000x811, Damn that's a cute Horse Pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not 2nd anon's fault, that horse pussy is super cute in her class and he went for the longshot chance and got lucky.

>> No.17915373

How is that obscure? It's a part of her entry.

>> No.17915378

Poor lich. Maybe one day she'll learn that taking things slow might end up with your anon being taken away.

>> No.17915463

Her lifespan is practically infinite. That's why she can take it slow.

Pretty sure a Lich who accidentally wandered into Wonderland would just sleep with a Dormouse or a club Trumpart all day.

>> No.17915514

guys has anyone seen my emm... kiki plushie? i don't remember where I left it and I think I'll be on troubles if I don't find it soon.

>> No.17915543

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.17915575
File: 482 KB, 900x900, 1504220565862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sniper bird

>> No.17915652

I want to be the fit master of a pudgy kiki

>> No.17915664

Real talk
Is there mge merc out there?

>> No.17915677

If just give her a girl talking.

>> No.17915679

I want to be the adventurer partner of a black dragon.

>> No.17915692

What would a black dragon go adventuring for though?

>> No.17915703

Liquor stores

>> No.17915730

That doesn't sound like much of an adventure unless she's hunting those hidden Ren Xiongmao ones

>> No.17915742

Treasures and fame.

>> No.17915750

She wouldn't go to the LC herself, she'll send her chubby, shirtless P'Orc helper

>> No.17915766
File: 6 KB, 168x164, C03AAC38-6706-44B0-8A10-7A22E4D05663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re chilling with your fox gf and suddenly she makes these hand gestures and goes “Ufufufu” while swishing her tail


>> No.17915773

The treasures I understand but Fame?
Unless she's trying to become famed witching the flight can easily just melt a barn and reveal herself

>> No.17915781

I would pay good money to see the continuing adventures of Indiana Dragon.

>> No.17915782

Kiss her hand.

>> No.17915783
File: 772 KB, 1039x1335, 15695905445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox Dance!

>> No.17915792

There it is again. Not all black dragons are evil even though there is a little backstory since her mom isn't a black.
She might be competitive, but she'll show the world that she wouldn't harm innocent people.

>> No.17915797

Woudln't you rather join her on her adventures, anon? It's great to dungeon dive with one and it's also something that keeps you healthy.

>> No.17915842
File: 156 KB, 675x1200, DKeFPelVAAAsv_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni waifus are great. Imagine how stupid one would have to be to reject sn Oni maid that is way more than head over heels for you, who is also super strong and an extremely high tier martial artist and weapons master that would do anything for you and would be a perfect waifu bodyguard. Over a useless Elf that pretty much rejected you.

>> No.17915852
File: 345 KB, 850x624, Tell me what you think, kid..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onis are great at brewing their own booze!

>> No.17915857

I likke rem
But you she's not a monstergirl

>> No.17915860

Waifu bodyguards aren't all that great.

>> No.17915883

Big oni tits.

>> No.17915896

>Hobgoblin Head Maid
>Apsara Cook
>Thunderbird in charge of cleaning
>March Hare in charge of laundry
>Lilim in training

>> No.17915905

>Once proud lilim now left as a stuttering mess over being reduced to a maid in training, and trying her best over not wanting to be a failure in that of all things
My fucking heart

>> No.17915936

I really hope those two are a two-for-one package. I love tall/small duos.

>> No.17915945

Fucking disgusting

>> No.17915946

She is. She is an Oni. Now, she is not a MGE MG, but is as close as you can get.
>Will never reject you once you turn on her waifu mode, which has nothing to do with your physical appearance
>Guaranteed no cheating and loyalty like MGE MGs
>Likely superior Oni lust
The only thing missing is the low fertility, DE life linking to ensure both live as long and DE restructuring your bodies to suit each other fetishes. Aside that, there would be no difference. Though I admit the life link and DE body shaping are huge boosts.

I just headcanon it as a MGE MG version of Rem existing somewhere in MGE world.

>> No.17915950

>Head Demon lord
Cursed roll.

>Cook cursed sword
Oh god this really is cursed. The kitchen knife would be her favorite utensil to use.

>Cleaning familiar
This one is actually fairly cute and fits. I'd love to see her wear a big maid dress and not be lewd.

>Laundry Apophis
Why dominate kingdoms when you can sniff your master's underwear? She'd probably endown my clothes with her scent too after she cleaned them

>Demon lord's husband maid in training
I wish I was joking about this but I'm not. This fucking couple is playing a prank on me through dimensions.

>> No.17915951

That's not an Oni

>> No.17915960


>> No.17915967

You are wrong.

>> No.17915974

>Apsara Cook
I bet she makes the greatest Mac and Cheese ever.

>> No.17916002

I want that Oni to impress me with stories from her adventuring days!

>> No.17916007

So you got a butler. MGE setting incubus is just some guy who marries a mamano and fully accepts their love. Just fill in his wife for head maid as well and move on with the rest of the rest.

You don't have to dick all the girls. You selfish prick

>> No.17916013

Most likely subhounds wouldn't be first gen hellhounds, most likely either a woman who got converted into one or a guy who alped too close to one.

>> No.17916017
File: 1.80 MB, 1488x2105, Barb 00120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water can be sexy

>> No.17916020

Barb does good work

>> No.17916021

>Backpacker Anon uncovers a hidden, underground spring and makes a new friend!

>> No.17916026

>DL and her husband show up at your door one day
>”Hello~ we’re your new maids!”
>plainly ask them if this is some exhibitionist thing
>”No use lyin! Of course it is~”
>ask if it will last more than a day
>”Nope~ just looking to spice things up for a day, then we’ll get out of your hair and I’ll grant you a wish~”
>Begrudgingly let them in, the Husband silently nodding with a slight look of polite apology in his eyes

>> No.17916028

Or he could have just rerolled

>> No.17916033

>“Ara? Are you thirsty, wanderer?”

>> No.17916039

>”Nah I still got some water in my canteen. Thanks for the concern though.”

>> No.17916044

What would your wish be after they’re done in your house?

>> No.17916046

Well I mean, getting their blessings would be amazing and really helpful, so putting up with them is 100% worth it.

>> No.17916048

>Miles and miles away, an insanely buff and handsome man in questionable attire sharply turns his head as his Cupid companion looks on
>”What is it?”
>”I sense... a disturbance...”

>> No.17916050

>"Can I have one of your daughters as my wife and bottom bitch to keep my harem in line?"

>> No.17916058

Blessing my dragon wife so the next times I fucked her she gets pregnant or at least have a nice chance to do so.

>> No.17916060

Nice wish.

>> No.17916071

To hook me up with a Doppelgänger wife who retains full perfect mastery of her transformation magic/skills permanently.
Different bodytype every day here I come.

>> No.17916073

I think I would make an Eros Paladin start drinking because of my natural denseness.

>> No.17916083

A true deep dish pizza with extra cheese.

>> No.17916090

>Eros Paladin drinking at the bar as his Cupid wife tries to cheer him up
>”He’s just so dense! I thought the power of loooove would always win out! Bah, another cosmo!”
>other bargoers would usually snicker at such a big guy ordering nothing but girly foofy drinks, but they decide to remain silent
>meanwhile the Cupid orders another whiskey neat

>> No.17916094

Ah, but who delivers it?

>> No.17916099

A hugely muscled werecat.

>> No.17916108

>Eros Paladin is drowning his sorrows about dense anon in a bar
>dense anon then texts him “I think that Lamia liked me!”
>Eros Paladin then throws his phone across the room in a fit of rage and then starts crying into his Cupid wife’s shoulder
>the Cupid gives the bartender an apologetic look

>> No.17916117

They do of course. If they wanna use my house for their weird sex acts they can at least bring me some food.

>> No.17916121

>”He’s... very passionate about his work.”

>> No.17916124
File: 381 KB, 1280x1564, 1509388896516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17916129

>Eros Paladin downs one last drink and throws the drink glass to the ground
>"That's it! Enough is enough! Time fore the last resort!"
>He yanks the zweihander blessed by Eros herself to have the effect of 100,000 Cupid arrows on who ever is hit by it
>He then brandishes it before bursting through the sidewall of the bar and running off to stab the dense lad
>The Cupid waifu merely pulls out her purse and starts paying for the drinks, broken glass, and damage done to the building in apologetic silence

>> No.17916135
File: 290 KB, 918x770, Shogg 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nowhere near good enough for a dragon. If I want to go dungeon delving, I'll do it my way...the Shog way.

>> No.17916139

I want to pamper that cat.

>> No.17916157

>”See ya next week, Candi?”
>”See you next week, Jim.”
>she lightly bounds out the wall towards her husband

>> No.17916158

Can I apply to be an Eros paladin even if I'm not buff.

>> No.17916161

Eh, whatever you say. Also, letting your shogg become one with you and having her mindflayer friend do some scenarios in your mind while she changes the shape of the room doesn't really counts as dungeon diving.

>> No.17916162

[x]Drink sweat
[x]Be suffocated by
[x]Give all attention and love to

>> No.17916164

What alternate colors do you see monster girl specie having?

I imagine that cheshires have easter colors like baby blue and light green.

>> No.17916165

>Head Maid Eros
I’m stopping here. She’s all I need.

>> No.17916168

If you're not buff the Eros Paladin boot camp will make you buff.

>> No.17916171

>”Nyah! Pizza delivery! Nice aaand steamy. And sos the pizza! Nya ha ha~”

>> No.17916173

Naw, I want to go exploring before we settle down and really become one. See the world first THEN see infinity. I figure I've got centuries to do it all.

>> No.17916175

>Eros Paladin Boot Camp
It’s MGCs hot new reality show! Watch it every Sunday at 9!

>> No.17916179


>> No.17916180

Remember that Eros Paladin is a job, not a class. You can be a dashing bishie rogue-Paladin, or a handsomely older Mage-Paladin!
But you will be made extremely handsome in some way. That’s the rules.

>> No.17916184

By the time you're done with camp you'll be able to benchpress your new Cupid, or waifu of your choice within Eros' power, in full plate armor and be able to deflect arrows with your new oiled up pecs.

>> No.17916186

>the virgin Order knight
>the Chad Eros Paladin

>> No.17916187

I want to give her some low fat milk and then rub her belly

>> No.17916189

>Albino Dormice
>Black furred Ratas
>the rare and thought to be mythical Heavenhound

>> No.17916191

Could I be youthful, sensitive paladin?

>> No.17916192

I'd give her meat.
Plenty and plenty of meat

Don't forget tropical kiki colors and siberian jinkos

>> No.17916199

What would a shiny Wendigo look like?

>> No.17916203

Inky black with red eyes.
A cute girl that moves like living shadow

>> No.17916211

>tropical kiki colors
So, feathers like a Quetzal/Quezal and a slighter brown skin?

>> No.17916213

>goth wendigo wants to be hardcore but her mom won't let her

>> No.17916214

Eww, now that pizza is all soggy and gross. She should also be driving a vehicle like every other pizza delivery or at least teleport. I bet her sweat is all over the freaking pizza.

>> No.17916220

Of course! Being a youthful sensitive Eros Paladin makes it much easier to convince cold old CCs that they really need to get a husband if even someone your age is married.
The question is, do you want your partner to be equally youthful or an older more voluptuous and desperate devoted herself? Cupid’s or Houris or Valkyries, any of them could fit either role!

>> No.17916223

That or a brilliant red similar to that of a scarlet macaw.

She just needs to believe.

>> No.17916229

Gimmie the older and more voluptuous, after that any girl is fine.

>> No.17916248

As humans why do you think we're attracted to more mature partners?

>> No.17916249
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1702, 1509389372500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon don't tell me your not gonna accept Muscle Cat's pizza, it her first day on the job.

>> No.17916260

Big tiddies.

>> No.17916285
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1920, __basilisk_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_midnight_banyex__43e63a37f1f0ec0cb9d5b83403ceda7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you hiding your face? Take it off!

t. Basilisk husbando

>> No.17916287

I can't imagine the pleasure of ruining such a perfect body.

>> No.17916293

Good thing golden needles were on sale last weekend.

>> No.17916299

Me neither but it would be fantastic.

>> No.17916300

>He needs golden needles
>Not wearing that blue ribbon she got you for your last birthday to make you immune to all status effects like Stone

>> No.17916304

Lots of milk, belly rubbing, eat bitting and some tuna.

>> No.17916309

Gonna spoil that muscle cat.
Gonna get her to lazily purr while its happening.

>> No.17916313

I actually use the buckler I found after that huge mermaid destroyed the beach while playing with the gremlins.

>> No.17916317

Maybe that will help in getting the venom out faster.

A Basilisk's gaze is one surefire way to turn a regular man into an incubus though.

>> No.17916337
File: 300 KB, 1280x1275, aa8b496b8a498befa576f00a38c2901e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to ruin this perfect body

>> No.17916340

Either is perfect for me.

>> No.17916342

That's a big cat!

>> No.17916380

I want my dick to crash down on her, with no survivors.

>> No.17916403
File: 652 KB, 1732x2048, DORQs1MVQAA3uuW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17916453

Fox or cat?

>> No.17916459

Fox by the ears alone.

>> No.17916476

Speak English.

>> No.17916483

I wish I could speak moonrunes to know exactly what she’s saying. But I understand that she wants me to bless her with a daughter or three.

>> No.17916490

Fox Marriage!

>> No.17916493

Cats don't have ears like that

>> No.17916496

Fox wedding!

>> No.17916508

Fox honeymoon!

>> No.17916510

Fox pregnancy!

>> No.17916511

Fox daughterus!

>> No.17916530

A Kitsune wedding sounds like so much fun.

>> No.17916533

Fox lolis!
Fox Incest!

>> No.17916538

Fox cunny!

>> No.17916544

How is language barrier dealt with among monster girls, do just use body language to express their feelings?

>> No.17916546

There'd be many mofu women there.
Just watch out for the drunk older ones if you aren't married, they may start groping and take you to bed.

You may end up married to the mofu mafia before you know it.

>> No.17916553

they do their best to learn your most fluent language and teach you theirs so there are more ways for them to tell you that they love you

>> No.17916568

>Ruining it
Fox disgust!

>> No.17916588
File: 167 KB, 454x644, 65064834_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox milk.

>> No.17916590

what is she aiming at?

>> No.17916597

People who make the world a dirty place. She's the kikikleaner.

>> No.17916598

My headcanon is kinda like Highschool DxD where monstergirls have an innate skill to understand our languages and vice versa.

>> No.17916603
File: 342 KB, 800x1000, 63789868_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.17916612

Fondling Foxy Funbags!

>> No.17916625

Remember to be careful when using your teleportation spells, anon.

One wrong move and you may end up in the realm of demons.

If you're lucky you'll end up in the realm of an uncaring smith demon who only cares about building up her fortresses and telling you to get out before she tries her latest siege weapons upon you.

>> No.17916631
File: 434 KB, 1273x1785, 00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive minotaur mammaries

>> No.17916636

This from a doujin?
If so where?

>> No.17916637

A nice, although I don't know if I want her to be pure muscle or have a bit of softness to her.

>> No.17916641
File: 124 KB, 905x907, rs232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17916645


I find that particularly appealing for some reason

>> No.17916648

Why are there door knockers over her nipples?

>> No.17916655

[x] Do the lolifox from behind in candlelight

>> No.17916661

actually they're there for hanging laundry

>> No.17916675

Zombina and Lala > Everyone except for maybe Tio and Smith.

>> No.17916709
File: 309 KB, 1000x706, Monk meets Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is Sanzo will always be better at human and sapient animal drawings or short mangas rather than a fully serialized manga. T-Rex Kanojo was fun, but fuck, man.

>> No.17916742

How far did the guy go with her?

>> No.17916748

>Show them Jinko's profile pic
>"See her?"
>"Get me one that looks exactly like her, if possible with black hair. With the full 6 packs or 8 if possible and human hands."
>"If you do this you will have served your "master" for eternity and I wont need you to ask you anything else."

>> No.17916754

Patrician Taste.

>> No.17916780

>Dragonmommy will never heal your depression
I feel like shit.

>> No.17916790

would you be able to feign being dense or would monster girls see right through it?

>> No.17916805

New Dormouse art, it's a gangbang https://i.imgur.com/3CjUUFy.png

>> No.17916811

You can fuck right off.

>> No.17916828

Not such a cursed roll now. It's more of a blessing from the skies.

>> No.17916834

Reminds me of that shitty novel I just read, in which the guy describe his dick as "eleven inches long". I have no idea how long an inch is, but all the comment say it's 4x too long to be realistic.

>> No.17916840

A normal dick is around 6 to 7 inches long.

>> No.17916843

Normal in litterature?

>> No.17916845


>> No.17916846

More like 5-6 depending on the country.

>> No.17916847


>> No.17916850

The average is 5 or 4, depending on the continent

>> No.17916854
File: 87 KB, 800x624, original_drawn_by_st05254__f5d7200c57a90fbae9b110944a07fdb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to at least use protection

>> No.17916861

Normal in books, or normal in biology? Your standards may depend from the support.
Apparently, in ERP, the average length is twenty inches.

>> No.17916871
File: 424 KB, 788x1200, 276_kakuen_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a kakuen
There must be something fun you could do with them
Like learn how to play drums so she can dance to them

>> No.17916878
File: 668 KB, 1185x922, Salamander31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food is also a battle

>> No.17916884 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 816x700, 1493576725963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if I had something else to post than edits.

>> No.17916886

I bet salamanders would make great BBQ food

>> No.17916891

would Kakuen be into DBZ?

>> No.17916916

>that jiggly ass

>> No.17916917

Not enough filthy monkey sex

>> No.17916921

Get this low effort trash out of here.

>> No.17916926

Because it looks like garbage on top of having a large following of obnoxious shitters behind it.

>> No.17916928

Can you stop posting the same shit-tier edit over and over again?

>> No.17916933

Can you please stop shitposting?

>> No.17916934

You could always commission an undead or gremlin getting spanked.

>> No.17916936

That's some weak ass bait right there anon.

>> No.17916940

I'm still trying to find a decent artist. Most of artist doing commission are overinflating their price, and only have their egos to compensate for their lack of skills.

>> No.17916944 [DELETED] 

Explain how my post was shitposting in your own terms, shitbird.

>> No.17916947
File: 276 KB, 700x440, punkbab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otherwise, you end up paying 50$ for something like this.

>> No.17916960

I bet that tubby desert tanukis have slaves carry them on a palanquin

>> No.17916966

Anyone who is something in MGE desert land has slaves carry them around on palanquin.
This is also why they love to be princesses carried by their husband.

>> No.17916973

Isn;t that what Khepris are for? I mean come on anon, what Tanuki could resist getting carried around by a bunch of slaves whose body parts look like actual gold?

>> No.17916974

>Pudgy desert tanuki getting princess carried by her 'favorite slave'
>Bushy tail is going ballistic and she's nuzzling into his chest.

>> No.17916984

Stop posting sub-par trash.

>> No.17916985

>Desert tanuki getting carried by gold colored bugs on a gold palanquin while wearing naught but gold jewelry

>> No.17916986

By my experience, artists seem to operate on a bell curve
>new artists overestimate their ability and vastly overcharge
>competent artists are secure in their skill and (usually) price fairly
>experienced artists know they're good and charge as such

>> No.17916988

>Favorite slave's thoughts.
>"I wish she would lose weight, it's hard on the knees. I hate the desert, I don't particulary like furry tails. I wish I was at home where's it's cooler then this. There's sand in my thong."

>> No.17916994

Truly life is difficult.
Also, hefty mistress lifting is a good weight training program

>> No.17917004

It's worse when they're bigger than you. And 8 foot tall Pharaoh is no laughing matter.

>> No.17917005

Would these all be single khepris or would they be the girls who had bad luck and couldn't spend the day at home with their hubby?

>> No.17917006

What if, Desert Tanuki adopting a little orphaned Khepri?

>> No.17917008

I can only imagine her looking at her favorite slave/husband with hopeful eyes after spotting such a tanuki.

I imagine that they'd be single girls.

Could do that, teaching the little gold bug the business

>> No.17917015

Yeah, this a real pain.

>> No.17917016

I'd just sigh and stretch out my arms, and it's not because of the reward.

I'm not addicted to being called a good boy and having my head patted I can quit any time I want.

>> No.17917024

I can see myself becoming friends with a Kakuen. We might have different interests but we would always sit down on a bar to enjoy a good drink.

>> No.17917029

>We might have different interests
What, you're homosexual,

>> No.17917035

I think you may have picked the wrong post

>> No.17917048

No, I'm talking about the way she likes parkour and I'm more of a chill guy that likes adventures. I don't think I'd be able to follow her in her monkeying around.

>> No.17917051

So she prefers Mirror Edge while you're more into The Long Dark.

>> No.17917073

There is no such thing as friendship between a single man and a single monster girl.

Well, maybe between a Salamander and a lazy weakfag, again, maybe, just maybe.

>> No.17917077

Something like that. We'd still sit down and talk about other things though.

What if we're not single?

>> No.17917079

You know, I never understood gangbangs. You're either the guy on the bottom with a bunch of other dudes around you getting in the way of fucking the girl on top of you, or your one of the spare dick hoping for a hand or a mouth while the main guy finishes.

There's literally no reason sex should involve more than a single man and a single woman

>> No.17917084

It can be good for the girl depending on how lewd she is. It has the same answer as guys: The more the merrier.

>> No.17917091

>depending on how lewd she is
You mean depending on how much of a whore she is.

>> No.17917095
File: 132 KB, 720x1017, 1509394319392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always wanna be close friends with a Centuar that comes over occasionally to hang out

>> No.17917102

I want a pudgy centaur NEET friend.
Could be fun.

>> No.17917103

Yep, having monster friends is completely fine. There are some monster girls that I'd love to talk about random things and some of our interests, as well as discussing relationship things if she's married too.

>> No.17917107

While I don't like that response, as a Harem fag I can at least respect/understand why a girl would want that.

>> No.17917120


>> No.17917127

It's not really the same though. Women have many hole to fill. Men only have one thing to bury.

>> No.17917143

Having a homestay is hard work!

>> No.17917152

I can't believe there's someone with taste as shit as you.

>> No.17917167

>Implying I like that shit
Yeah no. I don't even like bigamy from either sides, liking gangbangs is impossible to me.

>> No.17917169

Only cuckolds are into it.

>> No.17917184

>Getting Centaur NEET a custom made sword that her favorite character uses from that one anime/game she likes.

>> No.17917199

The best bit is she can still use it despite being a soft NEET with big glasses

>> No.17917202

The purer a monster is the lewder her body must be. This is law.

>> No.17917230

Too true.
It's why Unicorns are the lewdest of all.

>> No.17917234

I suppose that explains the lolis.

>> No.17917236

Im sorry i can't imagine a Alice with a voluptuous body

>> No.17917239

Shortstack alice that keeps asking oniichan why he's fidgiting.

>> No.17917241

I'd post a relevant image but it has yuri so I can't because your feefees matter.

>> No.17917246

Are you okay dude

>> No.17917250

You seem to be feeling a tad angry there anon.

>> No.17917260
File: 452 KB, 1000x677, please let me do my job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tease the Unicorn.

>> No.17917270

She is though!
She's a shameless pervert who loves hand holding and kisses

>> No.17917276

I want to polish her magic horn

>> No.17917304
File: 411 KB, 1451x957, kiss the unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-That's entirely normal for a loving couple, nothing lewd about it!

>> No.17917311

>Her plump ass feels so soft in your lap

>> No.17917313

But she hasn't even asked the guy to be her boyfriend yet!

>> No.17917318

Then she'll ask if you have a crayon in her pocket

>> No.17917319

I like the look of the Houri in their profile, but I'd really want to see one with a mature, voluptuous body. It'd go so well with their pure love for their hubby.

>> No.17917321


>> No.17917329

I wish Harblador came back so we could have a decent chaosfucker writer again

>> No.17917335

That's not the lewdness of loli bodies at all you plebs.

>> No.17917336

Become the change you wish to see

>> No.17917341

A heavy pear Alice would be good too

>> No.17917348

>"Onii-chan, let's play a video game."
>she goes over to the TV and starts setting up the console, giving you a full view of her happily shaking her panty-straining ass
>you can see a wet spot forming over the crotch
I just want innocent fun times with my Alice imouto, but damn is she lewd

>> No.17917351

So do I, he was unironically one of my favourite writers.

>> No.17917359
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Isekai Shokudou - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.31_[2017.07.04_19.06.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never impress a monster with your cooking

>> No.17917365

Why would she need to? He's her fiance! Unicorn villages arrange marriages at an early age, you know!

>> No.17917370

This hurts.
I want to surprise my wife with a nice cottage pie.

>> No.17917373

I'm not surprised, apparently only omnivorous species can have taste or something. I remember Monster Musume explaining something like that.

>> No.17917378

>Isekai Shokudou
>Isekai is general

>> No.17917382
File: 719 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Isekai Shokudou - 12 END [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][F2719ADC].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2017.09.22_20.02.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is the Isekai though.

>> No.17917394

What do you mean?

>> No.17917397

The genre is still terrible, not saying I have any better taste since I like Shield Hero.

>> No.17917399

It's a show about I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.17917402
File: 715 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Isekai Shokudou - 11 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][6B3CAF87].mkv_snapshot_01.43_[2017.09.21_23.04.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dragon likes curry.

>> No.17917416

Hey man, shield hero is dope and its also from an era before the isekai craze was a thing. Lookin forward to it getting animated, hope it also doesn't do an anime only route or anything autismo.

>> No.17917429
File: 69 KB, 491x742, kat_tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 Anime
>Isekai or Sister Fucking
goddammit japan

>> No.17917430

I just hope it doesn't follow the web novel.

>> No.17917437

How bad was the web novel?

>> No.17917438

2018 will be harem shows with weird new artstyles and more isekai.

>> No.17917441

Really? I've read a fair amount of it and I thought it was pretty nice. Though it does get progressively more boring the more revenge the MC dishes out. Are the other novels a lot better or does it just continue to get worse on the web novel?

>> No.17917444

this fad has lasted a lot longer than I thought it would.

>> No.17917449

Why would it?

>> No.17917463

Not SAO levels but pretty close.

To poorly explain it, the ending has the MC die and come back as a god not that long after. The web novel is serviceable but the ending completely drops the ball.

>> No.17917475 [DELETED] 

[/spoiler] >MC doesn't get to spend the rest of his days with atlas, raphtalia, and firo in the starter town while all the other heroes finally get their collective shit straight.

Fucking Weak.[/spoiler]

>> No.17917482

>MC doesn't get to spend the rest of his days with atlas, raphtalia, and firo in the starter town while all the other heroes finally get their collective shit straight.

Fucking Weak.

>> No.17917487

Yeah, it's almost as disappointing as I am a Hero's ending.

>> No.17917493

Last question I wanna ask because this is irrelevant, but just gimme a simple yes/no. Is the novel's ending different than the webnovel?

>> No.17917498

I don't believe that novel has ended yet. But all I know is that the manga and light novel seperate themselves from the web novel iirc

>> No.17917501

Pretty much the entire second half of the story is different enough that you can slap a different title on it and believably market it as a different IP.

>> No.17917506

Mating press.

>> No.17917511

I want Demon twins that look similar to Scanty and Kneesocks.

>> No.17917516

nowhere to run
nowhere to hide

>> No.17917533
File: 166 KB, 800x648, 6h3UG3R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Camera pans in.
>"Ladies, this is a kiki."
>"This kiki was not fortunate enough, or simply didn't have the guts to seduce her master."
>"Thanks to hear hesitant, or even poor actions, she was not able to claim her master in time."
>"Because of that, her master slowly succumed to dimentia, not even able to recognize his family and freinds."
>"She used to wake up early and greet him with a warm smile on her face in his room, to see a warmer one come back."
>"Now, she wakes up every day hoping that her unfortunate master didn't run off or get himself hurt while she slept."
>Camera form changes to an interview "I will never forget the last day I saw my master happy. I wished him goodnight after a long day of work, and only the weekend to look forward too, and I finally built up the strength and courage to tell my master how I felt. Then the next morning, he started talking about 'spies and conspirators'. His conditions only worsened, and he was never the same since."
>Camera pans out, showing a professional kikimora in a suit, make-up, and sitting on a lone chair, with the greenscreen in the background playing the interview.
>"This is what happens to maids who don't seduce their masters on time. Without the love and support to help bring them further, cruel things like diseases and worse can get to him. Now don't be submissive, be seductive. win your master's heart. Remember to show him how much he means to you, and what you mean to him."
>Camera fades out and PSA ends.

>> No.17917540

We need a show where not the MC is the one hit by the Isekai truck of peace.

>> No.17917547

There's a special place in a cold naraka for you.

I want one where the protagonist is NOT the isekai.

>> No.17917565

I wanna tease my CC Unicorn neighbor after I catch her in cosplay!

>> No.17917569
File: 2.54 MB, 466x600, 1510883412426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grope my Onee-chan's fat tits without permission

>> No.17917572

I wanna see an anime about the truck driver. He hits so many kids and gets away with it!

>> No.17917577

She doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.17917587
File: 46 KB, 832x900, ChjkvOmUgAAYmOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all Dark Mages wear hats.

>> No.17917593

That one will crush your balls

>> No.17917596

She's cute, I'd platonically love her.

>> No.17917598

I'm going to fight that one Kraken onee-san at the beach and no one will stop me.

>> No.17917603

I never remember. Does "onee-chan" means big sister or little sister?

>> No.17917605

Excuse me?

>> No.17917608

The guy who drew that, Space Jin, has a ball crushing fetish.

>> No.17917617

>tfw no moonlight Titania waifu who loves grunge music.
>When she isn't in her regal attire she wears ripped pajama pants and a super droopy band T-shirt.

>> No.17917618

Would cuddle/10

>> No.17917668
File: 1.63 MB, 2105x1488, Barb 00115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Barbs been up too.

>> No.17917671

Big sister, imotou is little sister

>> No.17917680

>these paw pad
I want to touch them.

So the little brother spanking the big sister?
That doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.17917688

Little is relative

I want a chubby Anubis to cuddle

>> No.17917691
File: 365 KB, 1021x1136, 1445464948418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the context of this image? isnt she supposed to be (your) daugheru?

>> No.17917705

Drawing dragons.

>> No.17917718

Canon dhampirs are shit, this one is good

>> No.17917725

She could be your step-daughter, and walk on you spanking her mother, not knowing that her mother asked for it.

>> No.17917729

>used goods shit on top of that

>> No.17917734

Dhampirs are good girls and I want one as a childhood friend.

>> No.17917737

>thinking that fucking a virgin cure your AIDS

>> No.17917743

Only thing that'll cure his super AIDS is Alping.

>> No.17917750

I want to feel those claws digging into my back.

>> No.17917753
File: 2.48 MB, 1378x2067, Tritonia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports in front of you*
*unsheathes back tentacles*
Huh, I wonder that sound is?

>> No.17917762

That is the sound of unscheathed tentacles.

>> No.17917772
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1836, 0818161002a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name the cutest, hypothetical thing your daughteru could do.

>> No.17917773

It's actually the screams of anon as he is thoroughly molested by her slug tentacles.

>> No.17917775

I wonder if Bengal Jinkos have chocolate skin

>> No.17917776


>> No.17917780

And a bullet in the head.

>> No.17917782

Literally anything anon, anything my daughteru does would melt my heart.

>> No.17917790

I'd rather not try to get back into writing Anon. My stories aren't fit for consumption. A man cannot change his stars is what I'm saying.

>> No.17917805

As long as I stay in front of her everyhting will be fine. Gotta fight kraken onee-chan.

>> No.17917812

Weighty wendigos willfully wandering wherever wendis want.

>> No.17917817

My daughteru is pretty cute in almost anything she does. She loves flowers and plants of all kinds so one of the first thing that came to mind was her making a crown to mommy, the queen and to daddy, the king.
she's adorable when she's not being evil.

>> No.17917818
File: 22 KB, 1914x977, 1505567755857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17917819

It's Wendies

>> No.17917820


>> No.17917822


>> No.17917826


>> No.17917833


>> No.17917835


>> No.17917838


>> No.17917840

It's an alliterative adventure for chubby wendigos.

>> No.17917849

I wanna find a white horn.
And get her to become my wife, have my children, and live a lifetime with me.

>> No.17917853

Whipping the wise, wonderful wight while wondering whether or not to wish for her to whimper and whine.

>> No.17917860

stop this magic anon you'll summon something you shouldn't!

>> No.17917864

>implying I don't want a sexy wight.

>> No.17917876

>having your barrel right up against the window
lmao fuggin amateur

>> No.17917877
File: 372 KB, 1000x679, 1454388497233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning: wistful warrior wooing weighty wendigo wife

>> No.17917883


>> No.17917884


>> No.17917903
File: 382 KB, 1187x1800, IN THE MOUNTAINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17917915

>putting his girl in a bunny girl outfit
What a terrible father.

>> No.17917921

>What a wonderful father.
Fixed for MGs.

>> No.17917930

not all Dark Slimes go hatless.

>> No.17917932

Dark Slimes would just form a faux hat from their own mass.

>> No.17917934 [SPOILER] 
File: 622 KB, 700x1125, 1511060957810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy acts at reasonable prices.

>> No.17917937

that would anger the hat god.

>> No.17917938

But then they couldn't hide inside it

>> No.17917943

Does your waifu have any quirks that serve as minor annoyances?

(tossing and turning in sleep, snoring, lazy about chores, etc.)

>> No.17917944
File: 581 KB, 1500x1090, 1499566798703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worried Wendigos

>> No.17917948

Hope isnt her pubic hair

>> No.17917952

My gremlin waifu has the habit of tinkering until she falls asleep in the middle of her workshop.

>> No.17917958

sometimes she explodes,

>> No.17917961

Enjoys teleporting atop me and laying there when she wants, and issue as she's quite weight.

>> No.17917962

You Rata's are really persistent about questioning us, hell even i've answered sometimes so what do you plan with all this worthless info?

>> No.17917964

She's very fond of greeting me with jump scares when I come home from work.

>> No.17917966

>what do you plan with all this worthless info?
database for dating site

>> No.17917971

The big wife has no regards to personal space, and loves to grope and feel even when we are in public. The dormouse refuses to do any chores and often tries to drag me away for catnaps at inopportune times, and the large mouse is spoiled rotten and incredibly bratty. But I love 'em all anyway!

>> No.17917982

She can get really touchy-feely and affectionate very easily. Usually it'd be fine but there would definitely be some times where it would be a little annoying.

>> No.17917985

Yep, she breathes fire when her emotions are out of control and she can rarely snore a bit, which causes some fire too.
Another inconvenience is her clothes ripping fetish

>> No.17917994

Widehipped washboard Wight wordlessly worshipping warmth while waiting for whiteness

>> No.17917995

Her tail wags and legs kick when she sleeps, but it's hard to get mad since it's so damn adorable.

>> No.17918002

The cheshire hates being left alone and loves nothing more than to teleport on my back despite the fact that she's quite hefty.

The war golem enters periods where she wants me to stay put and, as such, will sit me in her lap and will keep putting me back there whenever I try to leave.

The spider familiar keeps making lewd comments about wanting me to fondle her overly large breasts.

The salamander still tries to 'bodyguard' me when I go into the restroom.

>> No.17918026
File: 1.76 MB, 2456x3029, Splatoon 3 All Grown Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo will definitely be effected after the portals open soon.

>> No.17918041

>Youko head maid
>Lamia Cook
>Apsara Cleaning Lady
>Leanan sidhe Laundry lady
>Sylph maid in training

Did I won?

>> No.17918056

Him and Silent were probably my all-time favorites. Now they're both gone, and all we have left is maybe one or two good writers and a whiny faggot.

>> No.17918062

It's diversed enough to look fun, but at the same time having low compatibility can make it meh.

>> No.17918100

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that undines are good girls that can give you a drink even when you're lifting.

>> No.17918123


>> No.17918124

I want to corrupt an Undine so much that instead of being made of water she'd be made of girly arousal juice!

>> No.17918130

I'd need an undine to keep the fire away from the thread and my wiafu after I used anti-fire material.

>> No.17918159

Embarrassing shit your waifu does in public?
Mine dances to music she knows while we shop in the grocery store. God forbid its a 80s pop love song.

>> No.17918167

She's much more social than I am and only has social anxiery in very rare, specific scenarios, so she'll tend to strike up a conversation with a random person whereas I'll just want to go about my business.

>> No.17918207

Nothing. If anything I'm the one who feels her up and makes her embarrassed sometimes.

>> No.17918213


She does everything she can to show off the ring and tries to be overly affectionate whenever other girls are nearby.

>> No.17918250

Whats the difference between werewolf and dire werewolf?

>> No.17918262

Former's normal
Latter's overused and meme tier

>> No.17918264
File: 349 KB, 1200x1720, Lewd_Wolf_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The size of their tits.

>> No.17918283

i think she'd probably be a messy eater and almost never let me go when we sleep even when its warm out

>> No.17918294

her lack of hands means she needs help with things that require accuracy.

>> No.17918304

You.... I remember you.

>> No.17918308


>> No.17918311
File: 151 KB, 849x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17918328

I like Squids, especially Mindflayers, but those two do nothing for me.

>> No.17918334

I have the opposite opinion. Want to not argue?

>> No.17918342
File: 939 KB, 2500x2833, Mindflayer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, that sounds like a reasonable compromise.

>> No.17918344
File: 37 KB, 640x818, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this by the same guy who did the cute crow harpy?

>> No.17918363
File: 150 KB, 1275x900, 3828719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, he also has some other harpies as well

>> No.17918371

I've seen the Raven, Hawk, Scarecrow and Snow Owl. The Seagull was new to me. Any other pieces I'm missing out on

>> No.17918386
File: 610 KB, 850x1810, Falconandcrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a falcon, there was also a vulture but I can't find it

>> No.17918390

>seagull-chan, if you shit on my car again, I'm going to ram an entire box of alkaseltzer down your goddamn throat

>> No.17918407


Are you sure that's a falcon and not the North American Freedom Bird? Freedom harpy best harpy.

>> No.17918409

I'm assuming shes a falcon because of the glove

>> No.17918415


The glove is used for all raptors, including eagles and larger owls. Talons hurt like a sonofabitch dude. I always though she was supposed to be a bald eagle because of the white hair and brown feathers.

>> No.17918422

>The glove is used for all raptors
I'd like to see you trying to hold a raptor.

>> No.17918449
File: 2.71 MB, 1638x3484, 1499740107965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mighty need. A mighty need for strongfat yetis.

>> No.17918455

Are jötunns just frost giants?

>> No.17918474

I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic.

>> No.17918621

Do you want to wake up after passing out in a blizzard only to find yourself face to face with a sleeping strongfat yeti clinging to you in her sleep?
Would you want to slowly realize that the two of you are naked and your dick is trapped in her tight pussy?

>> No.17918630

Pretty much

>> No.17918667

>You'll never be swept away by an unimaginably wealthy undead countess, to live the rest of eternity pursuing leisure, hobbies and love
Everything sucks. Everything except for my possibly vampiric wifu. Because she doesn't exist.

>> No.17918687

>You'll never be forced into the service of the unfathomably wealthy Vampire Queen Bee of your class.
>She'll never be insanely smug and do that haughty "Oh-ho-ho" laugh all the time.
>She'll never drag you to her room on your first night in the manor smirking all the way only for her to get positively giddy once she has you all to herself and start snuggling you and rubbing her face against yours.
>You'll never see her approach commoner interests with wide-eyed wonder as it becomes clearer and clearer that she only forced you into her service because she legit loves you.
>You'll never see her blush when you catch her leaving a sizable donation at the library where she first met you.
How does this make you feel?

>> No.17918729

Whats the darkest desire you've had about monstergirls?

>> No.17918734

One staying by my side while I'm at my lowest.

>> No.17918739
File: 359 KB, 750x985, anon meets his waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick fuck. That's my fetish too.

>> No.17918740

A shirohebi so paranoid about other women that the slightest trigger could make her immolate her husband with lust fire, ramping his desire for her so much that he is forced to take her no matter where they are.

>> No.17918751
File: 599 KB, 793x596, valkyires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a Valkyrie "snap"
I want to see that moment her skin pales and wings darken.
that moment when she see me as her master to serve and love based on her own desire to have me and not any mission from god or the voices in her head

>> No.17918756

I want to wake up to my Kikimora maid making a mold of my dick and pretend I'm still asleep so she doesn't stop.

>> No.17918767

>Kiki kicks in your door, missing her maid uniform and carrying a dripping wet dildo of your dick
>she has a crazed look on her face, muttering that it's not enough and that she needs the real thing

>> No.17918774

Heavily pregnant kiki kidnapping and training other masterless kikis into perfect broodmother maids like her

>> No.17918780

Asking one of my preferred species to use DE to give me a quick and painless death.

>> No.17918782

Just as keikaku.

>> No.17918814

Well folks, temperatures are dropping, is your waifu warm enough to survive?
it's officially big girl season

>> No.17918815

I like to imagine myself raping monsters and impregnating every single one I run across while high of raging shrooms.

>> No.17918817

You'd better take responsibility once you come down off that high.

>> No.17918819
File: 79 KB, 1288x806, 1506822576875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stay quite warm

>> No.17918824

>temperatures are dropping
No they aren't, I have to keep my fan on now.

>> No.17918827
File: 252 KB, 850x603, 4. itswinter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a waifu for winter

>> No.17918830

No, go for it. I'm a huge fan of Jurassic Park.

>> No.17918841

My hellhound waifu keeps me warm all winter long.

>> No.17918846

My waifu would need quite a bit of cuddles during the winter, especially if we left the desert.

>> No.17918852
File: 229 KB, 702x915, 1492005508781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be fine

>> No.17918859

Some kind of service where I get a kikimora to wake me up every morning, prepare a a coffee for me, and then lift her skirt and bend over while I drink my coffee, waiting for her spanking before she bows and leaves for the day once I'm satisfied.

>> No.17918889

Yes. A big cuddle dom Yeti would be top tier.

>> No.17918896

>darkest desire I've had about monstergirls

I get tingly to the idea of bending a danuki over a desk, leaning over, and putting a small stack of gold bullion coins in her mouth before penetrating her, and whispering into her ear that every coin she drops is going to be dropped into a red kettle

>> No.17918898
File: 284 KB, 850x681, Will-o-the-Wisp20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17918922

Watching an evil succubus violently fuck out a guy's soul

>> No.17919011
File: 58 KB, 450x273, Lich52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17919061
File: 409 KB, 768x1024, 1500060827168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanking a tanuki.
With your hips.

>> No.17919065

Can I spank her with a big stack of cash instead?

>> No.17919066
File: 457 KB, 2555x1520, shecomestomakeajointaccount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, what a clumsy raccoon. I'd better get her some helpersdaughterus to help her around the house.

>> No.17919067

I bet she would manage to get the cash stuck between her asscheeks.

>> No.17919070

>Tanuki pounces on and mounts anon
>Tells him she's come to pay her debt, with interest
>"Alright, but a check will take time to clear. Can you do cash? I kind of need the money right away for bills and stuff."

>> No.17919079

What do you think she hides in that bushy tail anon? Give her some credit, she knows that impending payment dates are boner-kills.

>> No.17919082

>want to be funny
>google "racoon tail", thinking about posting one to fuck around
>find a furry anal implement
Well that backfired.

>> No.17919084

What type of hair style would fit a Lich?

>> No.17919086

now you've got to pay for her wall, ya dunce

>> No.17919087
File: 855 KB, 1500x1000, araarakejorou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...my condolences. May an ara-ara Kejorou attend to you.

>> No.17919091

I need a mindflayer to take that memory away.

>> No.17919093

That's a big Kej.

>> No.17919105
File: 213 KB, 750x693, mindflayerhuggingloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, sir, all our trained Flayer staff are attending to outpatients. Would you consent to being treated by one of our trainees? She's one of the brightest we have.

All the better for her to give you nursing hairjobs.

>> No.17919111 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 709x1000, 1511093142745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Dragalps are the cutest

>> No.17919112

Fine, I'd let her treat me.

>> No.17919119
File: 32 KB, 234x167, 1461639465854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, sir, just squeeze the squishy-flayer, right on her cheeks. Her tentacles will do the rest. Just relax and let her work her magic.

>> No.17919121

>nursing handjobs
Even better since she can do it with her hair.

>> No.17919123

Fine, here we go.

I could use a gif, or even a webm of her getting squeezed.

>> No.17919128
File: 538 KB, 1118x1196, 1455079042699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So could I. Sadly, I don't have the knowhow.

Yes, yes indeed. Wouldn't it be nice to feel her soft hair all over your body? To be surrounded by her scent, smelling fresh and faintly of apples? To feel her gentle strands tickling you all over, in your weak spots?

>> No.17919131

A shame.

I would melt instantly.

>> No.17919151
File: 87 KB, 650x446, flayerrehabilitationmanual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I just want to squeeze a squishy flayer's cheeks. To rub her face softly and then give her copious amounts of headrubs and headpats. I couldn't adopt one as a daughter, I'd spoil her rotten.

>> No.17919155

>Temperatures are dropping
Yeah no. It's hot as fuck out here and I'd need her to keep flapping her wings at me to create a nice breeze. I'd be completely at her mercy too.

>> No.17919158

Adopt 600 instead. You'll even have dreams about them.

>> No.17919159

To be honest, I'd spoil rotten every monster daughter I'd get. Even a gremlin.

>> No.17919166

iv been on the fence about getting it or not

>> No.17919172
File: 543 KB, 786x1053, hardworking gremlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, no, you'd raise her into a mad scientist. Wouldn't you prefer to train her into a well-disciplined, ethical engineer? One who develops technology for the betterment of society?

I couldn't possibly adopt 600 of them in good conscience. Financials and logistics aside, how am I supposed to squeeze and pet all 600 of them with only 24 hours in a day? I'd spend 6 hours on just one flayer alone, and I can only hug about a dozen of them at once!

And what about puberty? How am I supposed to find fiancees for 600 lonely flayers? I'd have to hold a middle-school hostage until their male students marry my daughters, and I'm not going to NTR some poor unicorn's childhood friend from her!

>> No.17919176

I don't know, I only spank my wife. The daughters are for mad spoiling.

>> No.17919178

Would you get your gremlin daughteru that Lego robotics kit she circled in the Christmas ads? After all, gremlins aren't born with their chair. She needs to start somewhere.

>> No.17919182
File: 204 KB, 653x549, 1499926080358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that if you squish a loli flayer too much, she'll want you to squish other parts of her body when she grows up

>> No.17919189
File: 338 KB, 800x800, 1500284983997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get her these kid building kits I had as a kid.

>> No.17919190

>hardworking engineer gremlin
>protect middle school childhood friends
Are you me? You are a man of culture and refinement.

>> No.17919191
File: 150 KB, 650x590, stressrelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't dick the daughterus. Reserve your lewd squishing for non-adopteru, non-blood-related Flayers.

>> No.17919196

Don't worry, Anon. She'll change how you think about daughteru dicking, so it's not a problem

>> No.17919199
File: 928 KB, 1387x1136, onceuponadecember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother from another mother. I imagine all men of good sense would preserve the purity of childhood MG romance. It's also good sense to have diligent, upstanding engineers build the core of MG society, like this young lady here.

But I just want to cry tears of fatherly joy as I give her away at her wedding! Would she deny me even that?

>> No.17919204

For some reason, it reminds me of Bioshock's good ending, when Tenenbaum explains how (You) took the little sisters back to the surface, gave them a new life, let them get married, get kids on their own, and the game ends as a bunch of hands grab your own wrinkly, agonizing hand.

One of the most heart-warming ending I ever saw.

>> No.17919212

You'll still cry tears of fatherly joy at her wedding, it's just when she walks down the aisle towards you. There's no escaping the flayer daughteru,

>> No.17919213

Squishies are kinda like jello so if you squish just hard enough they'll come together, kinda like a slime but a bit different. Just squish 6 groups of 100 to get a young adult flayer and play with their cheeks while they protest in vain.
Also, you should send them to an eldritch school. They use different methods of teaching there and food wouldn't be a problem either as you could squish the 600 together to create one Elder Mentalbreaker. That's 599 less heads to feed.

>> No.17919216

Can I get a larger gremlin? The shortys are cute but I want something a bit bigger in every dimension.

>> No.17919220
File: 177 KB, 681x595, 1505767761395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17919222
File: 175 KB, 837x1120, 1445965295594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of MGs would be best for putting horseshoes on centaurs? Would there be fashion about it? Would unicorns allow a man to put horseshoes on her, or would they want a specific type of MG handle it?

>> No.17919226

>not teaching her how to live properly
>not keeping a secret stash of memories

>> No.17919227
File: 391 KB, 814x830, 1496930569800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17919230


I want to be partially wrapped up in her hair then have her tease me when I tell her I want to be completely covered in her hair

>> No.17919232
File: 153 KB, 600x600, 1510260602079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pear-shaped Gremlin.

>> No.17919234

That scared Wendigo hiding in the back knows what she did, it's her fault he's stuck in the ice and now the Yetis have to hug him out

>> No.17919244
File: 249 KB, 700x611, 6CtAA8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, she'd be teasing you alright. Not just with her mouth and nimble tongue though.

Or maybe she's just shy? That Anon's a grouch all year round. Summer when? Wouldn't surprise me if he froze while sitting there sulking about MGs, just because a White Horn invited him to dinner.

>> No.17919247

I forget, what is his story anyway? I thought he was just lonely and depressed waiting for the right girl to come along.

>> No.17919253
File: 571 KB, 1200x811, 1. itsspringtimeforANONandMGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just doesn't like being loved by all these fine young ladies. Maybe he has hay fever, who knows?

>> No.17919260

the pastebin is almost 3 years old

>> No.17919265

>Feb 17th, 2015
A little more than two years, actually.

>> No.17919282

>tfw you want to write but can't

>> No.17919287

its only 3 months from February of next years, but I digress
should an updated version be put up?

>> No.17919294
File: 951 KB, 1536x2048, Kejourou37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh good. The best part is how since she can manipulate any part of her hair and how it would leave you writhing in pleasure or how they can open up parts that were closed off entirely so she can tease them with her hands or mouth/tongue at her discretion

Or how it's equally pleasurable for her to have her hair all around you and how happy it makes it her that you love her hair so thoroughly since it's something she takes great care of to ensure her future husband will enjoy.

And even out of a lewd context it's great since it can act as a sort of blanket. I would love to cozy up with one next to warm fireplace while listening to some chill music.

Kejs are the best.

>> No.17919303
File: 678 KB, 1157x877, 1452539957404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they cook too! Is there anything a Kej can't do?

>> No.17919309


>> No.17919312

Wear a wig?

>> No.17919331

Have a tomboy aesthetic

>> No.17919340
File: 146 KB, 486x209, girl to dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need corruption stories with dragons

>> No.17919347


you could make that work.

>> No.17919349

I need to see trogdor as a monstergirl

>> No.17919354

What's the point? The wordpress exists, and that has a googledocs list of (almost) all the writefags anyway. It's more accurate than the ancient pastebin list.

>> No.17919361

What if they have a ponytail?

>> No.17919365

I wonder how a Kejorou would feel if you asked her to wear a wig. It would be like asking someone to wear a face skinned from a corpse because they look ugly.

Are sporty girls with ponytails tomboys?

>> No.17919371

They're too elegant.

Maybe? I was thinking more short hair, denim overalls, scar on the cheek, etc etc

>> No.17919372

I don't think it would be that horrific. It would be more like asking a kobold to put on a dog ear headband and wear a tail plug.

>> No.17919377

No, you can. The actual problem is you sort of want to write but you can't actually be fucked to put any effort in.
Or you're picturing how shit your first draft is going to be and it's putting you off, which it shouldn't, because the first draft always sucks.
I'm convinced one of the major differences between a decent writefag and a shit writefag is the drafting process - the good writefag reads his sucky first draft and works out what went wrong, moving onto the next draft to improve it. The shit writefag will just throw the first draft at the thread, maybe spellchecking it if we're lucky.

>> No.17919383

>No, you can
no he can't

>> No.17919390

>hellhound raised by kobolds

>> No.17919405


>short hair

yeah that's definitely a no go unless you subscribe to the idea they're capable of disguising themselves as human and thus having short hair to go with it. Their standard of short hair is probably our standard for long hair.

Everything else could work though. Maybe add a baseball cap to put the ponytail through.

>> No.17919413

Would it be rude to give a kobold real world dog toys?

>> No.17919414

>hear strange sounds coming from your wife's workshop
>well, stranger than usual
>take a sneak peek
>see your gremlin wife bending over a strange chair
>she seems to be tied to it, and a mechanism tied to the chair's back keep smacking her ass with a thin wood plan-like thing
>you spot your wife desperately fiddling with a remote
>mechanism starts speaking in a text-to-speech tone
>"Scolding mode. I'm very disappointed in you. You should know better."
>she starts pressing buttons at random while her ass is getting red
>a particularily strong hit make her lose her graps on the remote
>you decide to help
>walk in
>you try to untie her
>she notices you
>"Ha... D... Darling, I can explain!"
>you tell her getting her out is the priority
>she agrees and point at her desk while starting to tear up
>you run to her desk, grab a small saw
>start cutting the repurposed belts she used for her strange mechanism
>pull her out
>the machine keeps spanking thin air
>she clings to you and start crying and apologizing
>turn the power off in the workshop, and bring her back to the living room
>put her in the sofa, go fetch a wet, cold towel to put on her painful ass as she rests on her belly
>she moans appreciatingly as the towel soothes her ass
>you squat next to the sofa, and ask her what that was about
>she blushes and start mumbling stuff about a book her kiki friend gave her
>you tell her to just ask you next time, and to reflect on her actions
>she starts to nod off
>"Sure... I'll ask..."
>falls asleep
>you return to what you were doing
>17 o'clock
>you hear the front door opening, and your wife talking
>come down
>see your daughter with tears in her eyes presenting a flower to her mother to cheer her up, and your mother trying to adjust the towel that slipped out while explaining that you're not to blame
>daughter ask "so... mommy wasn't bad?"

I kinda agree. In 99% of the case, whenever I try to write something, it's proofreading it that convinces me that it's shit.

>> No.17919421

>The shit writefag will just throw the first draft at the thread, maybe spellchecking it if we're lucky.
I don't think anyone does that here.

>> No.17919435

I'll concede the ponytail point, although it's gonna be one really, really long ponytail.
Also, the dark priests are totally gonna make a children's book about the Kej with the title "Rape-punzel", where a Kej abducts a young prince from his castle, and pays off the authorities by spinning her hair into gold.

>> No.17919442
File: 1.27 MB, 400x400, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would I need to do to make a Kikimora do this little happy dance?

>> No.17919455

Poor thing, she is married and has a child but she still can't properly express herself to her husband.

>daughter ask "so... mommy wasn't bad?"
That implies that her father spanks her right? Daughterus should never be spanked because you run the risk of her enjoying it and bonding with you in a sexual manner.

>> No.17919462

put a ferret in her bloomers.

>> No.17919463

It's pretty much Beast's whole gimmick

>> No.17919465

A couple of years ago when we had a lot of writefags there were a few who seemed to do just that.

>> No.17919469

The implication was that "mommy" is often bad. That's why I just write greentext and not full stories.

I guess it does decently for a first draft, but I'll have to add to it to make a real story.

>> No.17919484

Compliment her cooking.

>> No.17919485

Big beefy basalisks!

>> No.17919515

Bakalisks with glasses.

>> No.17919536

I want to sneak up on one to see her shouting 'Optic Beam!'

>> No.17919548 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 600x600, 1511101386171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anons, I got a question and need some answers.

Should I write a story about weresheep family shenanigans or not?

And no, not the sexual kind.

>> No.17919552

Why the fuck wouldn’t you?

>> No.17919554

Bad tsundere Gremlin mom gets addicted to her husband's spanking but won't admit it?
I'll be looking forward to that story

>> No.17919565

That's an idea. I have to flesh it out before making a real story.

>> No.17919568

Because the to-do list has gotten kind of long and I'm starting to feel bad for not finishing any of the stories I had planned out.

>> No.17919571

I want to lean in for a kiss with my bakalisk and bump glasses with her! After the embarrassing moment we remove our glasses and I get incubized so hard we end up doing the lewd.

>> No.17919572

Do it, winter needs comfy stories.

>> No.17919579
File: 1.06 MB, 1835x2817, Absolute Madman Triumphant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it!
I fucking did it!

>> No.17919596

Good job. Now you're the King Autism

>> No.17919605


>> No.17919619
File: 219 KB, 1024x866, 1511100898669m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make 'less blessed' MG feel loved in the chest area?

>> No.17919622

did what?

>> No.17919625

You lick their nipples and give her some good rubs, also say that you are closer to her heart. Always works.

>> No.17919627

Got the book, I guess.

>> No.17919630
File: 543 KB, 1296x869, Khepri10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which harem is better: Fox or Khepri

>> No.17919645

I may have to go Kephri as they seem more open to my particular brands of deviancy

>> No.17919648

>Unicorn as head maid
>Youko as cook
>Parasite slime for cleaning
>Kejouro for laundry
>Undine as Maid in training

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.17919649

I'mma go with Kephris. One fox is good, but several just increases the odds of them getting their tails tangled. Contrast Kephris who come as a group. Plus, they have sexier outfits for a harem, compared to fox kimonos.

Also, it's good to be king.

>> No.17919658

You ever wanted to be a king? Take the Kephri.
You ever wanted to live in fluff heaven? Pick the Fox.

>> No.17919661

Kephri it is, then.

>> No.17919665

I'd say khepris. For some reason I don't see small or bug girls as something you should purely love, so mixing the two of them makes it okay to fuck a bunch, even if they are your daughters.

>> No.17919680
File: 1.07 MB, 818x1157, Alp's hopes and dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon. She decides when we wake up, when we go to bed, when and what we eat, when we make love, when we cuddle and read in bed, when we play with our kid (okay so the kid decides that but you get the point), she decides everything.
This scenario is how I aim to live my life with her. I've no ambitions.

>> No.17919685

Zombies and mice are also great for harems!

>> No.17919688

She looks like a evil dragon anon

>> No.17919691

How would that work?

>> No.17919694

>evil dragon
Nice pleonasm.

>> No.17919696

I enjoy mice but a mouse harem would make me too prone to giving them cheese till they're a bunch of pudgsters too big to sneak properly.

Plus side, they'd be easier to tease and better for snuggling.

>> No.17919698

Yes. Yes she does.

>> No.17919703

Not all black dragons are evil.

>> No.17919706

You act like that's a bad thing. Nothing wrong with wanting to give your wives and daughters some extra fat in all the right spots so you can grope them all over!

>> No.17919712

True. I'd like my gremlin wife to get a bigger butt. But just a little bit.

>> No.17919716
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1292, 8a86d3e24ac5911d6038beced1a03be8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it is settled four (4) Is the ideal harem size? Anon+four monster girl party members

>> No.17919725

I want my harems to reach the double digits. I want to drown in wives! Though admittedly I probably don't even deserve one of them.

>> No.17919726

Five for me but 4 is probably a bit more sensible.

>> No.17919731

Oh mine is. She accepts crops and other grocery goods as tribute from peasants and various goods and services from craftsmen and merchants as protection money but raids noblemen.

>> No.17919734

Yeah, four or five are good.

Probably not considering you want a harem.

>> No.17919741

I want a harem of my wife and a lot of cute daughters to spoil and play upsie daisy with.

>> No.17919745

