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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1790615 No.1790615 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss some Japanese literature.

I am reading 'The Diaries of Lady Murasaki' right now. I finished Hearn's Kwaidan a few months ago. Anyone familiar with Japanese literature, either in translation or original form?

>> No.1790622

The Japanese can't write.

>> No.1790623

The Kwaidan were great, loved the story about the ants. Hardly read anything other than that though, I mainly read Chinese stuff.

>> No.1790627

ITT: reading lists from Japanese courses we took in college.

>> No.1790630


fuck off touhoufag.

Anyone else notice japs tend to adopt a really detached and minimalist tone to their literature as well as their art? Chinese art is really saturated with gold and shit, whereas Japanese is a lot more vague, guess it reflects how different both societies were a few hundred years ago.

>> No.1790636

I heard Coin Locker Babies is good

>> No.1790645

The art I've noticed, the detachment is more modern literature in general I would guess. Atomization through urbanization and all that.

I ordered 'Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio' recently (collection of Chinese short stories). Can't wait until it arrives. And yeh, I really like Chinese literature too.

>> No.1790647

Why is it that there are only janitors on when you make your shitty threads and no moderators?

You should have gotten banned for the last thread.

Have a sage.

>> No.1790653

Well, it is especially easy to be vague using the Japanese language.

>> No.1790654

in before horrible "discussion" about women

>> No.1790658


Explain why to a layman. I know hardly anything about the language (asides from the obvious), how does it manage to do this in prose style, double entendres with kanji and stuff?

>> No.1790659

>I am reading 'The Diaries of Lady Murasaki' right now.

Do you like it, Athens? Murasaki seems like your sort of girl. Although I think you'd like the author of the Sarashina nikki even more. But you probably wouldn't like Sei Shonagon.

>> No.1790663

He's being a good boy this time. He's still a pretentious faggot, but he's following the rules in letter and spirit. If you try to derail his thread now, you will be trolling, and your posts will be reportable.

>> No.1790661
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It's really not all that uniform. That aesthetic was seems to have derived in large part from the artwork of Chan Buddhism ("Zen" in Japanese). The artwork with so much red and gold comes from a different Chinese art tradition.

>> No.1790666

I fail to see what this topic has to do with Japanese video games.

>> No.1790671

Yeh, it's good. Only just started it today though. Got a lot of other books on the go at the moment. It's hard because I don't know a lot about Japanese history though, so maybe I should just read a general overview history book first.

>Although I think you'd like the author of the Sarashina nikki even more.


>> No.1790683

This is the first /jp/ related thread or post I have ever seen you make. I've been reading I Am A Cat for a while now.

>> No.1790693

Basically, you don't need to specify who is acting, what is being acted upon, or if it has even happened yet, in order to produce grammatically proper sentences. You can get away with making very little explicit, and the same phrase could mean I do, I am doing, he does, he is doing, they do, they are doing...

>> No.1790698

I'm a fag who can only read longer books once in a while so I love fairytale like short-stories such as kwaidan. Some of them are so fucking wierd, it's great.

>> No.1790699


>> No.1790694
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>> No.1790711



I read The Wind Up Bird Chronicles recently, which was pretty cool.

>> No.1790715

If you're interested about the time period in which these stories take place, Ivan Morris' "World of the Shining Prince" is the best book to read, in my opinion.

And the author of the Sarashina nikki (translated into English as As I Crossed A Bridge of Dreams) is a shy, melancholy, fragile girl who dreams of idealised romance.

>> No.1790717

Must be hell for a translator. How do the hell -do- you translate from Japanese to English (as far as novels go).

>> No.1790728

>artwork of Chan Buddhism

What is it behind the philosophy of chan buddhism that leads to such artwork?

>> No.1790730

Titles like The Wind Up Bird Chronicles and I Am a Cat are strange. Do they allude to something in the text the way titles like To Kill a Mockingbird do, or is there some ancient Chinese poem I should have read to understand what they mean?

>> No.1790733


>how do the hell do

hilarious image macro.exe

>> No.1790735


Found it, I'll order it tomorrow most likely. The sarashina nikki sounds great, I'll order it when I finish the Diaries of Lady Murasaki.

>> No.1790737



>> No.1790743
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>> No.1790754

>How do the hell -do- you translate from Japanese to English (as far as novels go).
I'm guessing it takes tremendous familiarity with good writing style in English to try to reproduce some of what the Japanese author intends with his prose. For some works it may even be easier to just write an entirely new novel with the same plot.

>> No.1790756


>> No.1790761

>I Am a Cat
It's a story told by a cat, the first line is, "I am a cat. As yet I have no name."

>> No.1790764



Latin and Greek are much, much closer to English. But there are still things that are really odd, for example in Tacitus he describes Tiberius' return to Rome and hesistation at entering the city limits in this odd military style language. Like he was 'laying siege' to it almost.

>> No.1790770

didn't know that
I know Shonen Knife had a song with the same title

>> No.1790804

Athens is above normal trolls. He's a pyro.
>A person who has a compulsion to set flame wars.

This is athen's bullshit attempt to pretend like he's not a pyro. Athens doesn't really care about this /jp/ related topic. He's just waiting for the janitors to disappear so that he can make the #332 "bitch about whatever social issue is currently bothering me" thread. Such blogging faggotry is welcomed on /r9k/, but on /jp/ we don't care about your biased/butthurt opinions. Athens has never made a topic with a neutral point of view. He actually thinks people enjoy listening to a 23 year old virgin rant about how pathetic his existence is.

You can try to blend in if you want, but the mods and janitors are on to you. They know you're a pyro.

If I see you create one more offtopic thread on /jp/ I'm going to email moot two 6-paragraph long letters explaining why he should tell the mods to permaban you on contact. And I encourage others to do the same.

If you're going to be a blogging faggot at least speak from a non-butthurt point of view.


>> No.1790805

Well gee, I'm not too familiar with Japanese literature. I wonder if they have major translation problems.

Anyhow, all of those anglo-whatever languages are terribly boring. So focused on functionality. Such lacking in expression. English, for an example is soooo fucking dull. No nuances. the more latin-oriented languages these days have passion but they are uptight and sound awful.

>> No.1790821


If you don't like virgins, then what on earth are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.1790822


>I'm going to email moot two 6-paragraph long letters explaining why he should tell the mods to permaban you on contact. And I encourage others to do the same.

I can see this backfiring in a most AWESOME way, knowing Mootykins.

The little girl does not have time for your letters of love.

>> No.1790827

To be fair to him, I've never seen him once say something like 'all women are whores'. I have seen him state that women generally speaking cannot be ronery, but how anyone could disagree with that is beyond me.

>> No.1790831

I know that, but he is not breaking the rules right now. I still hold out hope that if this thread is a good one, he will realize that intellectual pleasure is possible without drama, and he will chose to pursue that kind of pleasure.

>> No.1790834

Jesus, he is that old?! What the... No ones is that old.

Honestly, I would say he's about 19 tops. And still lacking.

The thing with athens is that he does troll like a baboon eat a banana but it all still comes from genuinity of his life.

I saw couple of his threads in /r9k/ but the normal people put him down so much that he had to flee to these loser boards.

>> No.1790836


No, I think that this thread is an attempt to gain "credibility" or something so he can be seen as a "reformed" regular poster and then he'll turn around and troll again.

>> No.1790839

You browse /r9k/ or something?

>> No.1790840


He isn't even a virgin. And as much as I would love to see athens gone forever, don't get tunnel vision. While you're writing essays to moot you should address the myriad of social ills plaguing /jp/ right now, not just athens.

>> No.1790844

>put him down so much that he had to flee to these loser boards

Maybe we should take a page from their book and do the same here.

>> No.1790843
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>> No.1790845

Doesn't everyone?

>> No.1790846


But athens is the most visible. And annoying.

>> No.1790851

The difference between athens and a typical /jp/ virgin is that the /jp/ virgin doesn't pretend to know everything about females. I'd be shocked if athens even kissed a girl, let alone date one.

You cant hate something until you've experienced it. I know some female anons from /i/ that are smarter than some male Anons.

And athen's argument about how females are sluts is laughable at best. Protip: Every male who has ever posted on 4chan would fuck anything that moves. If a blue alien girl appeared in your backyard and offered you sex you'd do it without even thinking about it. It's okay for males to be sluts but not females? Some virgins on /jp/ whine about not being able to get laid. Do you want to die a virgin or do you want females to fuck you? You cant have it both ways.

>> No.1790855

Why are we having a tripfag thread at 4:00 p.m.?

These usually occur later at night.

>> No.1790857

It's pretty despised here and elsewhere for the volume of normalfags that inhabit it.

>> No.1790862

Sorry, was playing Valkyria Chronicles.


It's pretty obvious you are a butthurt slut. I don't have anything against women, I dislike sluts, hence your ire. If you weren't a slut you wouldn't complain about how men are lauded for it (protip: it's because they have to work for it), when women aren't.

>> No.1790863

Yes, naturally athens is a pathetic loser, but it is double as much fun to listen someone like that to ramble on.

I mean, even if you're a terrible hideous nerd it is possible to date. Or do anything that every normal person does. Not for athens, though.

>> No.1790869

>Every male who has ever posted on 4chan would fuck anything that moves

Actually no.

>You cant have it both ways.

I can, because I can find a girl who isn't a slut.

>> No.1790871


in during baseless gender accusations

>> No.1790872

>Every male who has ever posted on 4chan would fuck anything that moves

Don't assume because you have no control about fucking everyone else does.

>> No.1790874

Baseless? Like a guy would say something like 'It's okay for males to be sluts but not females?'.

What exactly is your point? That I'm a misogynist because I hate women with no self-control? What the shit does that tacitly imply, think about it for a minute, you are intimating that women are all sluts if you think a dislike of sluts is misogyny.

>> No.1790875

Your mother was a slut by your standards. A huge slut mongrel.

And your father probably was a prostitute loving man-whore. Syphilis, it's greek disease for a reason.

You are just a nerdy virgin. Lower being compared to your parents. Such degeneration.

>> No.1790877
File: 76 KB, 358x500, Japan17_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This post is reportable. I have done, and invite all bumpers and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1790880

Good job guys, athens didn't even have to derail the thread. You did it for him.

>> No.1790889


Why so /b/?

>> No.1790894

>I have seen him state that women generally speaking cannot be ronery, but how anyone could disagree with that is beyond me.
And this is exactly why people hate him. Bawwww females are better at losing their virginity than men. Bawwww. Ok, we've heard it, now move onto another topic. What do you want females to do? Some how stop being so appealing to men?

What men describe as ronery is completely different from what females describe as ronery. Our bodies are designed very differently. The dopamine in their brain is more stronger than ours. Let me give you an example. Ever notice how a girl near you hugs and/or cries when they meet someone who has been missing for a while? Want to know why they get so emotional? It's cause they are designed that way. We men are created to be heartless. Men can go months without seeing their children while women will become an emotional wreck if they don't see their children.

tl;dr Man the fuck up weeaboo. Or better yet, be a MAN and go outside and find yourself a female so you wont be so ronery.

>> No.1790897

He's been posting anonymously to derail and bump it himself.

>> No.1790898


I say it all the time; it's an obvious fact. A guy that sleeps around is a stud; a girl that sleeps around is a slut.

>> No.1790914

Athens draws the line at four women!

>> No.1790917


>What men describe as ronery is completely different from what females describe as ronery

This is true.

Female ronery: Bawwww no one's given me attention in the last five minutes, must cry and eat ice cream

Male ronery: Oh god no one will ever love me I can't relate to people at all and I'm going to die oh so alone

I think they should both get over their stupid bullshit. What's wrong with dying alone? If you want to die with a bunch of people, start a cult.

>> No.1790919

Only a girl would have such a one dimensional view of men. Honestly, nobody really gives that much of a shit about it. The reason for this amongst some men however, is because it takes skill as a man to get laid. It doesn't take skill for a woman to get laid.

You are so butthurt, I don't give a shit whether you sleep around. Just stop posting on /jp/ you /r9k/ cretin.

Paranoid delusional. I've been playing Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.1790920

Your "ronery" is nothing but loser nerd angst.

Basically, no one can do these things for you. If you can't get the things you want by yourself you don't deserve them. Blame yourself, not the females in general. Most females aim higher than to end up with some bitter ugly nerd, you know. If you cannot reach above that then tought luck for you.

>> No.1790924


If he wasn't doing it in disguise in the first place

>> No.1790935


>Most females aim higher


Yeah, they sure aim high. They dream big and strive to fulfill their grand ambitions with their dignity intact.

>> No.1790939

>I dislike sluts, hence your ire. If you weren't a slut you wouldn't complain about how men are lauded for it (protip: it's because they have to work for it), when women aren't.
Lolwat? Men don't have to work to get women. You just don't have any game. Normal men get women within seconds. You weeaboos might have a hard time getting a female, but to normal men it's easy.

But what you said is semi true. Men do have to work slightly harder than women, but again, what you view as 'hard' is completely different from what a non-weeaboos views as 'hard'. Most men enjoy the challenge. Males are the hunters, remember?

And do you want to know why it's easier for females to lose their virginity. It's because the people they are trying to date will fuck anything that moves. If men weren't such "sluts" females would have just as hard of a time attracting the opposite sex. Yet you're so retarded that you actually say women are the ones being sluts. Protip: Moron, I kid you not when I say virgin male teens will fuck anything that moves.

>> No.1790942


They sure try to be filled all right.

>> No.1790946

"it takes skill as a man to get laid"
Hahaha seriously... Come on. How can you not get laid if you seek for it? Pretty impossible. Or maybe you would not.

>> No.1790948


Yep. Look at all the single women in their 30s who spent their entire 20s fucking around in the hope of meeting the 'perfect man' hollywood told them exists. Too bad it's a fruitless search.

>> No.1790956

>You just don't have any game.

Haha. Pick up artist faggot spotted.

>> No.1790958
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This thread...

>> No.1790961

23 year old virgin detected.

>> No.1790965



>> No.1790967

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

>> No.1790971

lawl I posted that in /d/ this morning.

>> No.1790972
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I'm 20 broseph. Is this guy your hero?

>> No.1790975

Honestly, if you're even half decent male in any social context at least couple of girls will give you a shot for dating.

If you're an anti-social unattractive loser don't expect to have any "game" because you're hideous and no none likes that.

>> No.1790986

Is it just me or do Japanese writers just love BAD ENDs?

With a few exceptions, (usually modern) people never end up happy, satisfied, or alive.

>> No.1790979
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Posting for no reason.

>> No.1790980


I can't work out whether you are a butthurt slut or a butthurt relationships9000 fag.... You fit so well into both categories.

>> No.1790982

Is athens really that old?

>> No.1790984

Since it's not really normal for athens to have a completely normal thread, I decided to do ctrl+f on the word 'slut'. You guys are so predictable.

>> No.1790989

Are you really 23?

>> No.1790990

Your pic correctly describes women as they exist today.

>> No.1790991

Nope. It's funny to watch >>1790939 fire in the dark though.

>> No.1790996

I'm 27 since November. You must be the cancer. I hate you.

>> No.1791000

22? That's bad...

>> No.1791001

sage and reprted for athens, it's never too late.

>> No.1791003

23 isn't old at all. I'd say that's around the avg age of most /jp/ers. Maybe you're just young, Mr. UnderagedB&.

>> No.1791006

Much mail lately, I wonder?

>> No.1791008
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How much longer until The Woman of Tomorrow?

>> No.1791009
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Women are adorable. athens agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.1791012

Why does anon derail a thread even when athens isn't even trolling? PROTIP: trolling can only derail a thread if you reply to it. The enemy is yourself, anonymous.

>> No.1791013

Haha, oh wow... /r9k/ users are so transparent.

Wrong again

>> No.1791014



>> No.1791017

athens is 21, not 23.

I'm 23 and a virgin. The reason: I have no friends. Without friends it's impossible to get a girlfriend.

>> No.1791020
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/jp/ in a nutshell

>> No.1791025
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I'm dating this girl.

>> No.1791026

I'm a girl and a fuck guys all day its the best

>> No.1791029

That's awful still. 21 old virgin might as well be 30. He should pop that chery already.

>> No.1791030

I'm dating her dog.

>> No.1791031

>>1791029 chery

>> No.1791037
File: 199 KB, 850x520, 1229727884539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, you can take care of the dog while she (the girl i'm dating) is at work.

>> No.1791041
File: 140 KB, 800x670, 1229727976429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athens actually believes that the reason why men are sluts is because they have to work harder to get women. So the moron actually thinks that's a legit excuse for men sticking their dick every where.

Here's the real reason why men are sluts. 99% of male mammals are the ones that search for sex. Males are designed to fuck everything that moves. Females only masturbate once or twice a week while men masturbate twice a day.

Athens is such an idiot. Let me give you an analogy. One day athens finds a mushroom on the ground. Athens eats the mushroom and his body gets transformed into a girl. Now that athens is a girl hundreds of horny male virgins will be trying to take his virginity. Athens will most likely lose his virginity within the first month. Want to know why you lost your virginity so quickly. It's because of the millions of horny teenage males who wanted to fuck him/her.

There's no such thing as "males working harder." The only reason why males have to work harder is because females aren't going around fucking everything that moves. If females behaved like men, there wouldn't be a single virgin on this planet.

tl;dr Men are the sluts, but you probably already knew that because your daily boner is telling you to do your daily masturbation.

Pic related. This is what would happen if males had the body of females. Males lack dignity and restraint. Given the chance, they would fuck anything that moves.

>> No.1791043
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Eye'm dating this girl.

>> No.1791042

Well, what do you expect? It's weekend, I'm doing drugs. You expect me to type it all straight? I 'll barely hold up to this shit discussion about nothing while listening to Smiths just because I have nothing better to do .But you like to complain, yes?

>> No.1791047

My standards for a potential girlfriend:

Must be a virgin
Must have no male friends
Must not be overweight
Must have a sense of dignity

That is all.

>> No.1791053

This troll has quite some potential. Good luck not responding to him.

>> No.1791054
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I like the text one better. Says /a/ but applies to /jp/ as well.

>> No.1791055

You need to leave america to find anything that meets those requirements

>> No.1791056

Sir, you are clearly homosexual.

>> No.1791059
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Luvia is mai waifu

>> No.1791058

But then his "girl"friends couldn't have male friends, right? So basically he just wants a girl/"girl" as lonely as himself. ;_;

>> No.1791060

>There's no such thing as "males working harder." The only reason why males have to work harder


Just leave.

>> No.1791061

This is true. There was some study where an attractive member of the opposite sex approached college students and propositioned them for casual sex. Not a single female agreed but something like 70% of males did.

Although I would say that men have to work harder for sex than women do, but that doesn't justify their promiscuity at all and it doesn't mean that they have greater selfcontrol than women.

>> No.1791065

Since you didn't say anything about needing to be a biological female, I meet your requirements.

>> No.1791069

Why? I think my standards are fair seeing as they all apply to me.

I am a virgin
I have no female friends
I am not overweight
I have a sense of dignity

>> No.1791075

I am open to new things.

>> No.1791079

The best post in this thread.

So, let us assume that you are pathetic virginal male nerd. Here is the deal: You got to work ot get the things that you want. That's how life works. You work to get money. You work on your relationships. Nothing comes for free.

If you can't handle that, then just perish already. No one wants freeloaders.

>> No.1791076

me on the right

>> No.1791077

>If females behaved like men, there wouldn't be a single virgin on this planet.

Not really, they'd just be some kind of defacto polygynous society.

>> No.1791078

From an evolutionary standpoint, to resist sexual urges is to die

Just a thought

>> No.1791083

Yeah. I'm a world-famous bassoon player, so I think it's reasonable to expect any girl I'd consider dating to also be a world-famous bassoon player.

>> No.1791088

This would be a valid criticism if my standards weren't plausible.

>> No.1791090

I'm a virgin because I have a low sex drive, and can't be assed to deal with the nonsense that comes with relationships (been in several shitty ones already).

>> No.1791092

Memetic evolution is far more important than biological evolution these days because of the nature of scientific advancement. No one would argue that a stupid skank who had 5 kids has had more of an influence on the world than Newton or Kant.

>> No.1791098

You're a freeloader if your only purpose in this life is to consume money and love?

I have minimal interest in relationships and money, the only thing I really desire to work for is to make people happy by making music for them. Does that make me a parasite?

>> No.1791100


Females do try to behave like men, and there are still plenty of virgins.

The real difference is in the expectation. Some pickup artist fag who gauges his manhood by how many clubsluts he plows? That really is all he wants. No dreams of a fancy wedding and happily ever after monogamy for him. He just wants a new warm hole as often as he can get one and he's perfectly happy going home to an empty apartment for the rest of his life.

But the woman who debases herself to get the male attention she desperately craves is the same woman crying about the lack of romance and "good guys" and stupid shit like that. When she's 35 and has no tread left on the tires and she can't get attention like she used to she gets increasingly desperate to rope some poor sap into marriage so she can know she'll never have to be alone.

That's the difference. Men pursue what they want. Plenty of them do just want to fuck anything that moves, and they're happy with that. Other men have a quality over quantity mentality and will stay alone even if they're lonely because they're waiting for a girl they find worthy. A perfectly reasonable stance to take if you wouldn't be happy fucking every subpar slut that comes along. Women are just afraid of being alone. They lack emotional independence. They have an addiction to male attention and require a man in their life to validate themselves. I have far more pity for the "popular" girls than I do for even the bitterest and most pathetic athens. Theirs is truly a dire situation, and even though it's solely the fault of their own weakness, it's hard not to have some sympathy.

>> No.1791101

If the world were proper, the skank and her kids would be dead

>> No.1791102


What I'm trying to say is, the only reason why men have to work harder than women is because women *aren't giving them any. And the only reason why females have it easy is because men *are fucking everything that moves.

But men shouldn't be blamed for their slutty behavior, they are built that way. Does any Anonymous here have a younger brother and sister. When your little brother is alone in his room on his computer, chances are he's masturbating and/or searching for porn (or /h/ games). Your little sister on the other hand is most likely searching for art and/or fanfiction (the non-hentai fanfiction).

Athens's argument is ironically backwards. Males are the sluts.

>> No.1791108
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>> No.1791109


Since when is a female virgin plausible? 2nd graders, sure, but then that's illegal and you'll get lynched.

>> No.1791110

You just concluded that your standards were plausible for no other reason than your own ability to meet them. If you have no other way to prove they're plausible, they're as plausible as mine.

>> No.1791112

>What I'm trying to say is, the only reason why men have to work harder than women is because women *aren't giving them any. And the only reason why females have it easy is because men *are fucking everything that moves.

The reasoning may be biological, but tailoring hypothecated ideals in which biological roles are reversed is just stupid and doesn't change the de facto status quo, which is what was being discussed when you derailed this thread in the first place.

>> No.1791113

Your music must be pretty worthless, I estimate.

>> No.1791117

Stop being difficult guys.

>> No.1791121

Well they would, the children would die when winter came around. Unfortunately we live in a world where natural selection doesn't exist because of government provision, so to argue law of the jungle shit in the developed world is so fucking laughable it doesn't merit comment.

>> No.1791122

butthurt failed bassoon player

>> No.1791129


The only thing in life I have any desire to work for is my own happiness. Will you make music to make me happy? That would fulfill both of us, right? I love symbiotic relationships! I'm not going to eat parasites off of you, though.

>> No.1791131


Oldest female virgin ever was 13.

>> No.1791139

Right now it is, because I have absolutely no education in musical composition. But I'll show you! You better not underestimate me!

>> No.1791143
File: 77 KB, 762x503, 1229729430629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that all of your threads turn into discussions about women.
I'd say hide your trip if you actually want people to take your topics seriously, but... well, I like knowing when it's you.

I'm so tired of this topic, though.
I just want a quiet life like this.
You people can be so...

>> No.1791149

Hey nice pixiv picture.

>> No.1791155

It was only 1 person who derailed it. Seen him/her around before actually. It's a 'lu/r9k/er' from the aforementioned shithole.

I actually -did- want to discuss novels an' sheet though.

>> No.1791160


Just drop the trip, goddamn.

>> No.1791162
File: 347 KB, 900x636, 1229729625703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll beat you up.

>> No.1791163

>but tailoring hypothecated ideals in which biological roles are reversed
I don't think anyone ever said anything about reversing biological roles, just not forcing people to fulfill them. Also lol at "biological roles" in the twenty first century. We don't live in the jungle anymore so biological roles are pretty useless.

>> No.1791198
File: 79 KB, 800x620, 1229730088133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right.

Also I just realized this thread was supposed to be about literature. Spoiled good threads, as usual.

>> No.1791199


He will, too.

>> No.1791202


You're partly to blame, you helped support his shitty threads.

>> No.1791209

I don't know if you're the same person who was talking to me about that before, but why don't you scroll up? I've had nothing to do with the past probably 10 derailed 200 post athens threads, so this doesn't hold true anymore.

Blame >>1790647

>> No.1791210


how was this a shitty thread?

>> No.1791214


>> No.1791253
File: 11 KB, 131x225, 1229730787981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Let's discuss some Japanese literature.
>>discuss Japan

Pig disgusting thread.

>> No.1791259

I like Shonagon's writing, and she makes for a vibrant character when you're reading about her exploits, but I think she'd probably be a pain to deal with in person.

>> No.1791265
File: 352 KB, 700x615, 1229730921535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1791282


Part of the problem. I can understand normalfag shit, but I can't believe there are people here who actually don't want threads about stuff Japanese literature.

>> No.1791280
File: 184 KB, 930x930, 1229731032002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for false claims of reporting.
