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1788513 No.1788513 [Reply] [Original]

Where would you be when it's Christmas Eve, /jp/?

>> No.1788516

At home.

>> No.1788517
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>> No.1788519

I will be at home with my family. Probably.

>> No.1788523

Internet and video games.

>> No.1788527
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>> No.1788529
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What did anon buy his sister for Christmas?

>> No.1788533
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W-Where is everyone!?

>> No.1788537

I'm driving 800 miles this week to be with my sister/mother/mother's lesbian lover.

So, assuming the absence of some catastrophic event, I'll be there.

>> No.1788540
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Same thing I did last year

>> No.1788542

At home by myself, probably eating peanut butter on bread because I'm too poor for real food, and just being christmas doesn't change that.

>> No.1788545

Be cool and spicy?

>> No.1788546

Death Note and Sonic DVDs. Also, Chrono Trigger DS.

>> No.1788552

>mother's lesbian lover.
How does it feel Anonymous?

>> No.1788554

With my family.

>> No.1788551

At home trying to keep my wife and "mother" from killing each other while trying to also be a good host to the rest of my family and friends who have come over.

>> No.1788555

Being a good Christian so I can convince my mother to keep supporting my pathetic lifestyle.

>> No.1788559
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Oh I know where I'll be, Anon...

>> No.1788565

feels good man

>> No.1788572
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>> No.1788569


With my wifu, like everyone else.

>> No.1788570

I'd love to be with a person I know.
But since that's not possible,I'll be at home with my family.

>> No.1788571

That looks like what I would rather be doing for Christmas than entertaining guests.

>> No.1788574

I want you to rape me.

>> No.1788576

Christmas is just another flood-filled air polluted day in Kuala Lumpur. Nothing special that is worth celebrating so I'll just be alone as usual.

>> No.1788579
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Fuck, I'd rather be entertaining guests than doing the absolute nothing I will end up doing.

>> No.1788586

Alone in my house, as usual.
But hey, I got you guys !

>> No.1788587


A DVD and some Make-up.

As for Christmas Eve, I may actually leave the house and go out with my friends. But I doubt it.

>> No.1788593

That depends on the number of guests. I don't think you want to deal with having about 20 guests on top of say the 15 people who normally live in your house.

>> No.1788594
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Christmas is such a bother...

>> No.1788602

>How does it feel Anonymous?


>> No.1788606

Now that I think about it, Comiket starts two days after Christmas!

>> No.1788610

In my apartment with my wife.

>> No.1788619
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>my wife

Pic related

>> No.1788623

youngest - warhammer minis, brushes, and tools
younger - books
older 1 - dresses
older 2 - a new rifle

>> No.1788626

at my sister's.

>> No.1788629

How do you get her to win the cooking contest at age 11? I keep trying, but I always get a low score of 63.

>> No.1788636

>youngest - warhammer minis, brushes, and tools
>older 2 - a new rifle

Are they tomboys?

>> No.1788637

Which rifle ?

>> No.1788639


How exactly do you get to marry her? I have tried all cheating and non-cheating methods I could think of. Also how to get the different bad endings other then whore or bondage queen?

FUCK I am going to play this all night again.

>> No.1788657

I haven't gotten the father ending, but from what I've heard, you need to take her on vacations, not let her go off alone at the end of the month (beginning and middle is fine) since it lowers your father points, and stay home with her when she's sick.

>> No.1788662

3 of the 4 are. The other one likes to dress herself and others up in dresses.

essentially an M24

>> No.1788665
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I'll be here with you /jp/, my masters of course.
Will you hear me sing this Christmas?

>> No.1788666


Did she every dress you up in dresses?

>> No.1788671

A real one or the Rem 700 ?

>> No.1788674


does she need to be stressed? that is the only thing I can think of since I buy her pretty much all the clothes, talk to her every month and manage her schedule so a single vacation removes all her stress.

>> No.1788676

when I was younger she did. I'm far too big for that now. She does kidnap my wife, littlest sister, and niece and dress them up though.

>> No.1788677

The gunsmith started with a 700.

>> No.1788682

People with 4 sisters are assholes. They must have it so good.

>> No.1788683

Oh, I guess it's a nice gift,if someone's been working on it.
Hope your sister enjoys it.

>> No.1788684

Yup, I'm an asshole.

>> No.1788717

I'm just telling you what I heard. I'm still working on the first year cooking victory.

>> No.1788723


Do you get a lot of attention from them being the only male member of the family?

>> No.1788738


Do you ever fap to the thought of your sister molesting your wife?

>> No.1788752

more attention than i wanted.

Never really crossed my mind actually.

>> No.1788753

>more attention than i wanted.

Must have been nice at some points though,

>> No.1788780
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At times like this I wish I had a family.

>> No.1788808

I have a family, it would just cost me about $200 to visit my mother and stepfather, or about $800 to visit my father and stepmother.

>> No.1788822


Really? I've fapped to the thought of my sister feeling up my wife before. I'm not sure why but I think it would be really hot. Too bad my sister and my wife have never met each other, though.

>> No.1788829

With my mom and two sisters. Watching Christmas classics on our new 50" TV. Fuck, I don't really have anything to complain about. I just feel that I haven't had a Christmas I've cared about for at least 5 years, and that this won't change it either.

>> No.1788831

A kawaii banguru, funnily enough.

>> No.1788849

My sister helps my wife take care of herself on a daily basis. If they do they do. Its not something I'm worried about. The dresses and youngest sisters and my wife sleep in my bed anyways, never really thought about any of them molesting each other though.

>> No.1788860

I don't have it good, but I don't have it bad either. It gets a little lonely sometimes being the only male asides from my dad.

>> No.1788875
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that's hardly possible. I haven't seen anybody my whole life who has more than three children, and even that is a huge stretch. I doubt living with 4 sibling would be good, since not many families can support so many children well enough to get them good presents for Christmas. I guess that is what friends are for.

>> No.1788887

mine are all half related to me. I'm the bastard child.

>> No.1788949

>The dresses and youngest sisters and my wife sleep in my bed anyways


>> No.1788956

The sister that takes care of my wife, my wife, and my youngest sister all usually wind up sleeping in my bed is what I was trying to say. They do so even if it kicks me out of my own bed.

>> No.1788961

Get a job, faggot.

>> No.1788968

>The sister that takes care of my wife

What do you mean by 'takes care'?

>They do so even if it kicks me out of my own bed.

How do you have sex then?

>> No.1788973

Be a good christian and learn that hard work is its own reward. Get your ass out there and earn your keep.

>> No.1788984

Sounds cute, do they cuddle each other?

>> No.1788986

>What do you mean by 'takes care'?
Helps make sure she gets dressed, eats properly, takes her bath. That kind of thing. Absent minded little creature. Forgets all kinds of stuff. Loves being taken care of as well, maybe a bit too much.

>How do you have sex then?
If the doors locked the sisters can't get in to interrupt. Or we go somewhere else to do it (such as her old room).

>> No.1788995

They have been for a long time. My wife has slept in my room or one of my sister's rooms since she was about 7 years old.

>> No.1789003

>Loves being taken care of as well, maybe a bit too much.

Does your sister mind? If not then she's a pretty cool sister in my book. How old are you both?

>If the doors locked the sisters can't get in to interrupt. Or we go somewhere else to do it (such as her old room).

How good is the sex?

>> No.1789022

Are you Chinese?

>> No.1789033

My sister doesn't mind at all. She rather enjoys taking care of people. She treats my wife like a child a lot, and my wife kind of gets off on it I think. I've offered her many times the option to get on with her life and find new and better things to go do, but she always says she would rather stay here.
wife- 30, sister - 30, me - 28

> sex:
The sex is great, but I always worrying about her due to her small size.

>> No.1789043

No, I'm a mix of Scottish and Irish. My older sisters are Scottish, and my younger ones are Irish and German. My wife is Irish.

>> No.1789050

So you knew each other from when you were kids then? How did you fall in love and get married?

Are your sisters married/have boyfriends?

>> No.1789067

I'll be hanging out with my family and having a good time. My family opens gift on Christmas Eve night, not Christmas day morning.

>> No.1789066


My wife is Russian and I'm Polish. My dad joked once that he was proud that I married a fellow slav. Her parents hate me because I'm Polish.

>> No.1789070

It just kind of happened about 10 years or so back as a random dating thing and we kind of just kept going out. We finally got married earlier this month after putting it off for so many different reasons over the last 5 years.

One of the older sisters is married and has a child

>> No.1789074


>> No.1789076

I got disowned for marrying an orphan that I took in ages ago. Life could be a lot worse than being hated by your step parents.

>> No.1789077


How about the younger ones, do you feel protective of them?

And the one who lives with you (30 year old) will she get married?

>> No.1789078
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>> No.1789079

I'll be with family, possibly the side i don't like, or else I'll be working *tear*

>> No.1789087

Not sure on the older one getting married, but I'm very protective of all of them. Both the older and younger ones.

>> No.1789088

No you didn't. Don't lie.

>> No.1789093


I rarely even see them so I don't really care what they think of me. My sister has it worse though, her boyfriend's parents hate her and they help pay her rent so she has to deal with them all the time.

>> No.1789095

I've noticed on weeaboo boards, the type of board that tends to have more oldfags. There is a high proportion of the userbase that is virgins, but also a lot of people who are married, that you don't really find in places like /r9k/ where they are all going on about hookups and one night stands.

I wonder why this is.

>> No.1789099

If she doesn't get married, please let her stay with you anon ;_;

As for the younger ones, have they ever been involved in a bad relationship?

>> No.1789100

At work.

>> No.1789104

you will also find married people on /tg/ and on /d/

>> No.1789115

I would never kick out a family member. I only make the offer to remind her that she does have her own life that she can attend to, and that I'd foot the bill for it. I'm more concerned that she lives a happy life than where she lives it.

The youngest (8) has been in no relationships that I know of. The other younger sister doesn't talk about her relationships, so I don't know how she's doing in that department.

>> No.1789116

/r9k/ = newfags pretending to be oldfags.

I asked some 'lu/r9k/er' the other day why he thought, if there were many oldfags on /r9k/, that there was so much /b/shit about 'hooking up' and so on. He claimed that was because everyone who used to be on 4chan grew up and suddenly became life of the party type characters.

>> No.1789125

I haven't seen much in /r9k/ or /b/ that leads me to believe that the older member base has visited either board in a long time. I have however seen things leading me to believe they do still live in some of the other boards and have just calmed way the fuck down.

>> No.1789128

How old is the other younger sister? Also, it's cool you seem to have your priorities straight in being really welcoming to your sisters.

I'll bet you will be having an awesome christmas with all of them.

>> No.1789141

She's 18.

It will be awesome if my "mother" can behave herself. I really don't look forward to mediating the mess that will come between her and my wife. The rest of the guests are usually well behaved, though none of them get along with my "mom".

>> No.1789156

I started on /b/ in early '04, and have migrated around to /a/, then /a/ and /v/ concurrently, then just /a/ again, and eventually to what I am now with /jp/ and /tg/ with bits of /a/.

There are a lot of us still around, we just avoid /b/ and /r9k/ like the plague because they're utter shitheaps compared to what they once were. You used to be ask for advice on /b/ and have a good chance of getting it....

>> No.1789173

Why can't she behave herself?
