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17826313 No.17826313 [Reply] [Original]

My Pasta is a bit outdated, but most of the links still work.

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php
Note2: If you encounter sprite glitches, try a Version >= r5101 from http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book:
Atelier Official Chronicle:

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:

Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.17826768

Are there any news regarding EXA_PICO? Any third Surge Concerto, new series or spinoff set in the setting?

>> No.17827014

I think Trinary is very much EXA_PICO's spiritual successor at this point, other than

1. It's a mobage
2. Not EXA_PICO (yet?)
3. No song magic (yet?)

It's a shame I can't get the updates to install on Android half the time, and it's buggy and slow although it has improved a lot.

It's like getting bite-sized Cosmospheres.

At this point, I doubt we'll get another Tsuchiya work until Tsuchiya finishes Trinary, or someone goes and beats KT with a pan.

>> No.17827036

Other than being made by Tsuchiya, what is the connection?
>bite-sized cosmospheres
Sounds nice, at least.
I'm not familiar with mobages, would you mind explaining it a bit?

>> No.17827100


mobile phone games -- android/ios based games.

>> No.17827104

I meant as far as gameplay goes.

>> No.17827155
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for gameplay:
at best, tap the screen to move to the next line of dialogue.

at worst, tap-mashing minigame events, or poorly implemented touch-screen controller interface for gameplay.
Luckily, japan doesn't seem to have much interest in voice-input for games.

due to shitty processing power of mobile phones:
shitty 3-d models, official art will be 720p or worse across the board, and they will be DLC-filled shitfests. Similar to the original Ciel noSurge releases for content, only additional costumes and crap. There will probably be server side crap (like the CnS v AnS special boss) that will have the plug pulled and content lost forever a year or so after release.

Anyhow, I'm not getting my hopes up too far.

>> No.17827198
File: 24 KB, 386x475, makeitstop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So out of curiosity I've checked the wiki page for Ionasal and holy shit that's different.
Did GUST release some side material and retcon the shit out of her background story ? That does not check at all with what I remember.

>> No.17828202

I took a break from Odyssey to give Yoru 2 a whirl. I have it on PS4 as well but I was more curious about the Switch performance. It's definitely not a looker. It looks worse than I remember the original game looking for sure. Low resolution and detail, but the framerate has been pretty consistent. This is docked though so handheld mode may be a different story. I'm not sure how I feel about the combat. Attacks are less floaty and have more weight to them, and dodging works better. I like that your partners participate now but the tone that plays every time you get a double attack is annoying. As far as I can tell I can't zoom the camera out like in the original. Servans definitely seem gimped which is a shame.
The music is good but seems like a step down. It almost sounds like a poor man's Castlevania at times. I like Aluche already which is a nice surprise because I didn't warm up to Arnice until midway through the first game. The cutscenes seem sloppier overall though.

>> No.17828265

You mean how she apparently sent herself across dimensions instead of being pulled through unwillingly? I'm guessing that was from one of the novels. They really need to learn to leave well enough alone.

>> No.17829622


>> No.17829654

Everything really, her original backstory is basically gone, at least from what I recall she's supposed to be an orphan living with her grandma while attending university specializing in robotics, Her personality back then was cynical and asocial, then she got pulled off to EXA_PICO against her will and the rest is ciel/ar nosurge.
What is this high school anime bullshit ?

>> No.17829661


The fuck. Really? I never knew this shit. Goddamnit.

>> No.17829697

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj_6Oiv7H9g Not sure If I like this opening. The video doesnt fit at all.

>> No.17829756

My Yoru2 Limited Edition from NISA EU store has still not shipped. I hate their shitty customer service.

>> No.17830246

I like it. Lydie and Suelle are so tiny, they are smaller than I thought they would be.

>> No.17830253


Were are you getting all these lies from? Nothing like that was ever said in her backstory in Ciel, and instead almost all that stuff you're complaining about was told in her side of Shirotaka's Genometrics.

The second light novel merely expanded on what that Genometrics told, so it's not a retcon or anything.


She was still forced to send herself to avoid getting killed by the player who controlled Prim in Ar nosurge.

>> No.17830258


Everything that anon says are lies. If you go through Ciel and Arno, and check the drama CDs, you'll see nothing he said is true.

>> No.17830296
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The song and animation are both way too frantic
Should've hired Shimotsukin again
But Suelle is a miracle so it's fine

>> No.17830342

Cute, the yuri twincest is strong which I like. I wonder why Plachta is in her normal form though.

>> No.17830564

Well now I feel more stupid than usual, I could've sworn it was like that.

>> No.17830812

>ordering from Nippon Ichi Software America Europe
>buying localized games

>> No.17831076

Did something happened and this is ar tonelico thread now? I stopped visiting gust threads because of atelierfag's low quality discussions.

>> No.17831101
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>> No.17831117

Thank you for this high quality post.

>> No.17831424

At first I was watching closely both of them to be sure I wasn't getting baited into liking a boy yet again.
And still now I suspect those boobs might be in fact fake and ALCHEMY is involved.

>> No.17831609
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>yorukuni2 has free worthwhile dlc
>blue reflection has infinity yen worth of costumes that you can't do anything with besides walk around the school

>> No.17831649

I thought they were basically donations to keep Gust afloat.

>> No.17831693

>Thank you for supporting our patreon, please grab your rewards on the PSN store

>> No.17831735
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Hagel is back. I assume this means that we're finally getting rid of Logy. That was one thing that always annoyed me. I don't know why they forced him and Escha in the Mysterious series.

Not going to post everything from the closed experience meeting but here's the twitter. The beach town is looking nice and so is the twins home.

Neither look like boys. They're cute small chested twins.

Please grace us with your high quality posting anon-sama. How dare those Atelierfags not type autistic walls of lore.

>> No.17831780
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No time limit, 6 member fixed party, and no Oscar was confirmed as well. They hinted at the possibility of DLC characters. You can also see a small glimpse of the premium box art here.

>> No.17831792
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>> No.17831927

>fixed party

>> No.17831958

That's what I've heard. I'm still hoping Plachta is like a hidden party member or something. Seriously, just give me at least her and I'd be good. They really should include her as free DLC bundled in with the extra bonus area they always do.

>> No.17832220

>I don't know why they forced him and Escha
Don't give a shit about Logy but loli Escha was adorable. That was reason enough.

>> No.17832270

Yeah but they should've just had a new original loli.

>> No.17832407
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Finally got my package with kaleido sphere bonus cd, have to have taken a real detour. Gonna try rip and upload tomorrow.

>> No.17833550

EOPs fucked again

>> No.17833725

Their bottoms are so poorly rendered I don't think they're missing much. At least it looks like they can still look down their shirts.

>> No.17834019

>and no Oscar was confirmed as well.
Good riddance.

>> No.17834090

Glad I switched to import-only.

>> No.17834115

It's almost like they are deliberately trying to make the PC version worse. First the low res artwork, now this.

>> No.17834118

Is it only the PC version?

>> No.17834192

Oh wait, that's right. The western PS4 version is also censored.

>> No.17834306

Yeah, I don't think anyone is really disappointed about him not returning. I find it funny that they're forcing us to use males in our party but Alto and Mathias aren't even in the OP.

>> No.17834353

I just want them to release an Arland collection as 2018's Atelier game and spend 2 years working on A20. Only 1 side project at most.

>> No.17835541

The artwork actually wasn't lower res at all, it was identical to the PS4 version. Which makes KT saying they gimped the PC version plain bizarre.

>> No.17835929
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Do we have info on their sizes, like their height?
They seem to be around 130-140cm.

>> No.17836847

Why would they relase a game that’s already released?

>> No.17837400

It was only released in burger though, and it wasn't remastered or on PS4.

>> No.17837519
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>> No.17837530
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>> No.17838072

Suelle is 149 and Lydie is 150.

>> No.17838112


Soundtrack preview. Really like Mysterious Painting.

>> No.17838228
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I hope this is just a bad comparison. And they did make her tits bigger, goddammit Gust, why?

>> No.17838233


>> No.17839148

I'm trying to find Earthes 3d model but i can't seem to find him.
Any idea where i can find him or how to get his model?

>> No.17843277

Would I have trouble with anything, like the alchemy minigame or quests, in Lydie & Suelle? The only other Atelier game I played was Marie, with a little help from a guide. I've gotten through lots of games considered non-import friendly like Persona 5 and DQ11 just fine, but I wanna make sure since Atelier is less story-driven.

>> No.17843299


You could try ninja ripper when using RPCS3 to emulate Ar noSurge.

Otherwise, you will have to do it the hard way with a jailbroken ps3.

Alternatively if you can speak nip, ask on the appropriate nip board (you may need a nip proxy, and it may take a few tries to find one that isn't banned). They ripped the other models from that game, and might have enough spare time on their hands to rip him for you as well.

Are you an OCD completionist?
If no, you will be fine. Just embrace the alchemy, don't rush, and don't dally too much.

>> No.17843474

Pre-ordered, but what's this "オリジナルマリオグッズ / original mario goods" thing that comes with a lot of stuff on amazon jp?

>> No.17843877

did you check deviantart? Serious. Likely a rigged model somewhere, all the humanoid characters are already.

>> No.17843884

oops meant towards

>> No.17844043

Are the Firis graphics better? And why is her name Sue?

>> No.17844373

Lime is too good for BR.

Suelle shortens to Sue ya dummy. And Sophie has easily had the best graphics and 3d models so far. Firis was a step down visually so this looks like its comparing her with her Sophie model. I hope its just a bad screenshot though or maybe thats not the PS4 version.

>> No.17846033

>Sophie has easily had the best graphics and 3d models so far

I agree and disagree at the same time, assuming we're talking about the console versions.
Sophie looks a lot cleaner on the standard PS4, but Firis' visuals are a lot more high end. The problem is from Firis needing to be rendered at a lower resolution on the standard PS4.

>> No.17846215

Anyone knows where I can get more doujinshi songs?

>> No.17846261

I have the PS4 versions but Sophie definitely looks better in my opinion. The characters, the environments, everything. Firis is more zoomed out during normal play and event scenes and the lighting seems kind of off. The environments feel the same way. Also the facial expressions. Sophie had some really good facial expressions in her game and the eyes were really good in particular. Firis just didn't look as good.

>> No.17846295

>Sophie had some really good facial expressions in her game and the eyes were really good in particular.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I thought the faces in Sophie looked awful.

>> No.17846298

It does look better in the sense that it's clean.I more so mean that Firis has more modern effects. I prefer how Sophie looks despite being graphically dated. It's also a lot easier for Gust to quality control.

>event scenes and the lighting seems kind of off
That's what hurts it a lot, the lighting is almost never flattering.

>> No.17846417

Are you kidding me? They were really good.

>> No.17846446


>> No.17846536

They were good and certainly not "awful".

>> No.17847783
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Alright I have only played one Gust game and that was atelier ayesha, I was considering buying blue reflection on steam but I'm kinda getting bummed by all these negative reviews, some people are saying it shouldn't even be called a game.
It's a shame because I really love the artwork, soundtrack and character design (particularly of the main character). Should I give it a try?

>> No.17847807

>I really love the artwork, soundtrack and character design
If you like Mel's artwork/aesthetic you'll probably appreciate the game. It's really minimal in most aspects, so that's probably why some people have a problem with it.

>> No.17848039

So I just finished ar tonelico qog, and I can see why people hate the game. But I thought it was a a very satisfying conclusion to what the previous games were building up to. Also had the best girls imo.

Now when the fuck does Ar nosurge take place?

>> No.17848084


Well there's your problem. People are like dedicated to hating on Gust lately. BR is okay. It started out rough but I've been enjoying it more as I got further along. The boss battles are the main highlight and where the battle system feels really good. Also cool boss designs in general. Play on hard though. Lime and Yuzu are cute, I'm not a fan of Hinako. She's just kind of bland, things would improve if the twins were the protagonists. Very melodramatic events. I find all the breast "pings" to be tasteless as fuck too, they're not needed. Mels art is a highlight though, he's still one of my favorite artists. It's a really cheaply made game overall. The music is good.

You should play Arland, the rest of Dusk, and the Mysterious games too. Atelier games are higher quality and better than this. This an okay little side game and it doesn't deserve the shitposting it gets.

>> No.17848109

people are hating on gust lately because their quality is dropping drastically. All their recent games are rushed empty shells. KT is really milking them.

>> No.17848110

And because some faggot on /v/ has been making daily "why don't you buy Hinako's game" threads.

>and the Mysterious games too.
Should've quit while you were ahead.

>> No.17848116
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>> No.17848147

Sophie was legitimately fine and definitely still worth playing for Atelier fans. No it wasn't as good as Arland but Arland was something special. Firis is the one that dropped in quality. The quality of the games after Sophie dropped because they were working on too much shit at the same time. Not only that but attempting action rpgs and open worlds. Still, Gust does not deserve the shitposting they've been getting in the slightest.

>> No.17848175

It wasn't as good as Ayesha either. Or even as good as E&L, and E&L sucked. Rather, of all the Atelier games I've played, Firis is the only one that I thought was worse than Sophie.

>> No.17848477

Ar nosurge takes place before any of Ar Tonelico but after Ciel
The first tower is being constructed during Ar nosurge

>> No.17848594

It's been complete for two decades by the time Arno happens.

>> No.17848597

I think I mixed it up yeah. Its been some time since I played it, might be time to replay it.

>> No.17849716

Didn't blue reflection flop in Japan? It's kinda worrying that a game that looks that good with so much waifubait does so badly.

>> No.17849740

It was a really bad game.The only good thing about the entire experience was the music. Everything about it was just BUDGET. It feels like gust forgot they were making a game and we got some weird frankenstein budget sim game. Most jrpg maker shit indie games have more depth and gameplay than BR.

>> No.17850040

It didn't flop at all. If I remember correctly it did like 50,000 first week which for the budget, is actually good. I think KT was dissapointed though because they wanted it to be a big thing. And please don't use "waifubait" here like a meme brainwashed retard.

>> No.17850062

It's not bad at all though. The combat is solid, the story and characters are decent, and the art and music are fantastic. It's not a great game by any means but it sure as fuck isn't bad.

>> No.17850175

>listening to burgerfag reviews

>> No.17850200

the combat was fun but the game had no reason to ever go into combat unless you wanted to grind for materials which was pointless in the first place. the removal of xp was a bad idea. the lack of variety in gameplay was also really bad with you being stuck in a lifeless school enviorment with 0 side activities. progressing through all the girls plots was pretty boring and forgettable for the most part.

i admit i had fun with the game but the game was all artistic with no substance.

>> No.17850247

So is Blue Reflection terrible or not because it seems like we have pretty strong opinions to either side here.

>> No.17850256
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>Atelier Lydie & Suelle and Xenoblade 2 in the same month
comfiest December

>> No.17850280

Just buy it, EOP steamfag. It's very good.

>> No.17850362

>caring about xenoblade 2

>> No.17850366

Only you can decide by playing it and forming your own opinion. There's never going to be a consensus on anything.

>> No.17850380

I guess I'll agree to disagree. I liked the setting and while I wish the Common areas were bigger they looked great. I always cleared areas of enemies just because the combat was fun. It's way too easy though.

>> No.17850381

if you like gust games and aren't expecting a deep rpg experience then go for it. just know that the game is really budget and feels super bare bones in content. i got 30 hours out of it for 1 playthrough to 100% with every achievement. yeah sure its a bad game but if you like the aesthetics of it then it can keep you entertained for a long time.

>> No.17850437

You know, if you are expecting honest answer from fanbase thread of course you'll get biased opinion instead.

>> No.17850911
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>But I thought it was a a very satisfying conclusion to what the previous games were building up to.

only in the world sense. the "wills" concept being created and then retconned into all the other ar tonelico stuff was retarded.


It's difficult to call a tower complete when critical control components are not yet installed to make it run correctly.

The art is delicious, and the music is acceptable.
The game world is a hollow shell, and the plot has no substance.
The slice of life and yuri interactions between the girls are enjoyable, and the main girl is quite gay.
The combat mechanics are workable and has room to include some depth with various strategies, but shit balance means there is no challenge and no need to bother aside from viewing the animations of the different abilities. There is a lot of promise, but it is just thrown away, which is quite a shame.
There is also no need to grind, at all. The game shits crafting crap all over you, so you can really get by with avoiding combat as much as possible. Fans of running in circles to grind won't be happy, but overall this part isn't a bad thing.

Also the model/event viewer is severely censored in the western release, and not all of the CGs are in 1080p. The other issues are somewhat minor, but there are a fair number of them. As with all of the gust/steam releases, make sure to grab the player modded fixes so the game runs decently.

Play through a few hours from the piratebay version, and then decide whether or not you want to support the game. Most of the shit the game gets is due to the fucking $60 price tag, and the current iteration is worth $19.99 tops.

Though, at least it is a game that came out.

>> No.17851725
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So much better than that dark cave village. Hope the town map is like Sophie's where it's a full illustration with the little chibi markers for events.

>> No.17851774

Who do I have to kill for a western physical copy of escha & logy for the vita?

>> No.17851789

Can only get it secondhand, the physical edition was limited stock and only sold as a collector's edition box.

>> No.17851804

Me, since I have a copy you could loot from my house.

>> No.17851907


I hope this game doesn't have a time limit like Firis. Not a really comfy feeling having to get all of this shit done within a certain time limit.

>> No.17851985

It was confirmed at the experience meeting that there's no time limit.

>> No.17852062

Looks like they're putting a lot more money into it, hope they advertise it well.

>> No.17852067

Yourself, dubfag.

>> No.17852113

I wish you "comfy" buzzword faggots would die already.

>> No.17852114

They'll advertise it plenty, just not in the west.

>> No.17852135

Not that anon but it has dual audio. Of course he's a faggot if he uses the English dub though.

>> No.17852197

I meant in Japan, advertising in the west would be a waste of money because everyone the game could attract in the west already knows about it.

>> No.17852236

I played ar tonelico once and it was the most generic boring shit I'd ever played. What's supposed to be good about that series?

>> No.17852252

The lore and music, mostly. The heroines in the second game are a lot more developed at the expense of likeability, while 2 also improves the combat but suffers in other parts of the gameplay.

>> No.17852550

I see. How fucked would I be if I played the second without doing the first?

>> No.17852608

Agreed. Why would anyone listen to shitty English voice acting when they could listen to shitty Japanese voice acting instead?

>> No.17852705

>only in the world sense. the "wills" concept being created and then retconned into all the other ar tonelico stuff was retarded.

Wrong. The "Wills" concept was already set in Ar tonelico 2, and AT3 only expanded what was told in AT3.

Unless you're trying to go with the ridiculous approch that everything the next game did was retcon stuff into its predecessors.

>It's difficult to call a tower complete when critical control components are not yet installed to make it run correctly.

Wrong again. Check the timeline and you'll see that by the time Arno takes place (about 3037 AD), the First Tower had already been built and all its critical components, from the Grathnode Discs, to the Parameno Dics, the Plasma Bells and the Musical Corridor were already finished and had been working for over 20 years.

Otherwise, Shurelia wouldn't even be functioning, the Teru wouldn't be all distressed about the Tower being capable of destroying Ar Ciel and the Wings of Horus wouldn't be even an inhabitable area, if they could even get them up levitating without the Plasma Bells.

>> No.17852707

A lot, as AT2 builds a lot from the lore that was established in 1 and also spoils significantly 1's ending.

But as you hated 1 for being "generic", you have no business playing through this series.

>> No.17852711

>Wrong. The "Wills" concept was already set in Ar tonelico 2, and AT3 only expanded what was told in AT3.

Actually, if we look into the extra materials, the lore for the Wills came even before AT2, with Singing Hill -EXEC_HARVESTASYA/.- explicitly mentioning a Goddess of Songs (or in other words, Suzunomiya/Hymmnosphere), so that concept is even older and makes it impossible to be a retcon.

>> No.17853190

>BR crashes at launch
Dang it

>> No.17853590

>But as you hated 1 for being "generic", you have no business playing through this series.

I feel like a lot of people are have this opinion on Gust's games because they are missing huge amounts of content.
AT1 can be a really lacking game if you don't fully dive into cosmospheres and/or miss out on Phase 3.

>> No.17853965

Though only an idiot wouldn't stumble on Phase 3 in a way or another.

>> No.17853985

The voice acting in Gust games is usually good and far better than cheap garbage English dubs. Only the dumbest of dubfags thinks people can't tell and thinks "hurr you just like it cause it's Japanese". Believe me, I can tell when it's shit. It's also about character, voice is part of character and the Japanese dub is the original. You always want the original in any foreign media. The seiyuu are more involved with the game and are very important choices. Voice acting in games like this is not some trivial thing that can just be swapped out with western whores that are unable to voice cute young girls. I heard the English version of Sophie saying "barrel" the other day and it was horrible, not cute at all. The games are made for Japanese audiences and should remain as close to the original as possible when released overseas. Localization is shit, just a good accurate translation is needed. You're beyond hope if you seriously play Atelier or any Gust game or anime with the English dub. I don't know why I'm even bothering to type this but dubfags have no place here.

>> No.17854097
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You'd assume that but it's likely not true. To some people, seeing the credits means they're done with the game.

>> No.17854175


Yet anyone with half a brain would suspect that ending is a fake-out because the plot hasn't actually been solved, not to mention the suspicion that comes from how the choice that leads into Phase 3 is worded.

>> No.17854206

There's lots of hints, even if you save before the false end, the game shows you "Phase 3' with a picture of Shurelia.
But to assume that there aren't people who took the Phase 2 end as the actual end is kind of a stretch.

>> No.17854215

There's nothing quite like playing a game with no time limit while smothered in blankets and dakis with food and hot drinks within reach during the holidays.

>> No.17854224


The only ones who did in my experience were those bastards who hated the game and just wanted to be done with it, even if it was no more than a subpar conclusion.

>> No.17854226

If you have seen any YouTube Let's Plays (which you probably shouldn't actually), there are some really retarded people. Or if you have any normalfag friends who aren't "gamers".

It takes them 30 minutes to figure out they can examine sparkly things for example. It makes me lose faith in humanity.

>> No.17854502

I always play with the original voices but I find it hilarious how worked up you people get over this.

>> No.17854551

I mute the voices and just read the text. Voice acting in games was a mistake.

>> No.17854690

Not him, but Japanese voice acting is a big deal to me because I keep up with seiyuu culture. Voice acting is such a huge thing in Japan and so many people would rather have no names voice over them in their normal, disgustng voices. I mean, it's fine if you don't know about seiyuu as long as you use the original voices. My point is, dubfags just make me really autistic. I can't control it.

>> No.17854798

Just being curious,can you give me a example of bad Japanese voice acting?

>> No.17854915

You forgot to mention that the dubs are also only partial dubs covering maybe 20% of what was voiced in the original audio.

>> No.17855020

Not him, but there have been a few recently. The heroine from Nanamaru Sanbatsu was doing her first role among a cast of established seiyuu, and stuck out like a sore thumb, which caused a shitstorm to the point that the author tweeted promising that she'd get better. Everyone in Clione no Akari was plain bad. As for games, I recall Time and Eternity having thoroughly mediocre voice acting despite an all-star cast.

>> No.17855152

I'll admit that I probably shouldn't have dropped a huge wall of text in response to that post but I was in a ranting mood. This is one topic where I feel elitism is needed a bit. English dubs are good for kids and younger teens as a way to help gateway them into anime, games, etc. but ultimately they need to learn and see why the original is far better.

>> No.17855247

Usagi from Sailor Moon Crystal is pretty annoying, probably because they had the same seiyuu from 20 years ago try to do the same voice. But it really doesn't happen that often, they go through intense training and the trash doesn't get to graduate.

>> No.17855264

I hate how dubfags are amazed when a English voice actor can change their voice, whereas that's a vital skill you need to become a seiyuu.

>> No.17855592

I hate that dub """"actors"""" like Yuri Lowenthal try to push that having lots of different voices isn't a real skill, and it's normal and acceptable for them to just raise or lower their pitch a little bit for all of their roles.

I don't think dubs should exist at all, though I understand for Japan their voice acting industry became so big because reading subtitles was more difficult for them. Kids don't need dubs and localisations, they need to watch media from different cultures and get exposed to things outside of their sanitised local bubble.

>> No.17855619

>Kids don't need dubs and localisations, they need to watch media from different cultures and get exposed to things outside of their sanitised local bubble.

I agree but I was trying to be more realistic because I know they'd never have subbed anime on Toonami for example.

>> No.17855657
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but in order to do that without dubbing, the kids have to learn how to read.

which is a bit too much to ask of them, apparently.

>> No.17855714

More like it's too much to ask of lazy parents that they teach their kids to read. These days parenting is just throwing an ipad at the kid and leaving them be.

>> No.17859791
File: 10 KB, 156x129, 1439979495754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my hands on nights of azure 2, how does it hold up against the first?

>> No.17859972

Does some things better, some things worse. It pretty much evens out. For instance attacks are weightier and movement is less floaty, so melee combat feels better. Comboing with your partner is nice too. But servans are a lot less versatile and you can't have multiple decks. The characters are more immediately likeable than in the original but I don't feel their relationships develop as well. Music is a definite downgrade but graphics are better.

>> No.17861041
File: 75 KB, 1418x1066, unable to elaborate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-thanks KT

>> No.17861728

"We're not fixing it, fuck off."

>> No.17861757

Hello Battlechili.

>> No.17862257
File: 25 KB, 191x228, 1369485871524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.17862434

Shining Resonance.

A+ cast members, shitting goddamn performance (Miyuki Sawashiro's character feels like ear murder everytime she talks). Really goes to show how much credit sound direction should get.

>> No.17862895

Solution: Stop buying localizations.

>> No.17863498

Nay's buttcrack.

>> No.17863590

I think I'm about halfway through Blue Reflection and it's been pretty fun. Even if Lime's starting to act like a bit of a cunt.

>> No.17864003
File: 2.78 MB, 2498x6182, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be nice to Lime, she's doing her best.

>> No.17864436

Lime was based though. She didn't give a fuck about "muh feelings" and just wanted fragments.

>> No.17864485

>She didn't give a fuck about "muh feelings" and just wanted fragments.
Did you not finish the game?

>> No.17864502

I did finish it.

>> No.17864562

By the ending it was pretty clear what Lime's motives truly are, I only asked because part way through she certainly starts to seem very selfish and cold. Lime truly loves Hinako the most.

>> No.17865267

Nights of Azure 2 has been far better than Blue Reflection for me so far. Why people don't talk about it at all?

>> No.17865337

Is it better than Night of Azure 1? I couldn't get into it at all

>> No.17866782

>Blue Reflection 2 is possible

>> No.17866788

It's called Yoru no Nai Kuni or YoruKuni. This is Otaku Culture, speak Otaku.

>> No.17866839

I really don't know what they were even thinking with the western title. It's bland and totally irrelevant.

>> No.17867092
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Okay fuck off Gust. Wayyy too big.

>> No.17867112
File: 26 KB, 375x380, FoVpEZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キャプテン・バッケン CV 後藤光裕




>> No.17867116

Is that a skeleton pirate?

>> No.17867125
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x2274, 1449010984610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gotta make every character have massive tits so it'll sell!"

Fuck this shitty industry.

>> No.17867159


I don't know how I feel about this. Just have Mel do the next Atelier series.

Also for the love of god do not do a retarded all-stars game Gust. I don't know why any fan would want this. It's always a retarded mash-up fanfiction cash grab. I don't want them retroactively going back and ruining characters either.

>> No.17867315

I thought they were just calling Lydie & Suelle an all-star game.
If they do that though, hopefully it's NOT a Musou game. Tired of that. I've been imagining an Atelier Fushigi no Dungeon with chibis of all the alchemists.

>> No.17867333

Kill yourself autist

>> No.17867344

>not being an autist

>> No.17867350

Oh was that it? Sorry, I don't know moon but I could recognize all-star in the post above and panicked a bit. That's a relief if they were just referring to LydieSuelle.

>> No.17867356

Look at Ni No Kuni. There's no reason why they couldn't have kept the romanized Japanese title.

>> No.17867473

I'm still playing it. I like it but not quite as much as BR.

Better melee combat but servans are simplified. Better graphics but worse music. Better characters but worse overall story. It's hit or miss.

First game is underrated so I'm fine with this. If a sequel fixes the issues it could be great.

She grew. You still have the flat protags.

>> No.17867480

No that's just a shitty new illustration.

>> No.17867894

Blue Reflection 2 confirmed!!!!!

>> No.17867902

It sounded more like Mel would like to continue the series, but isn't sure if it would be through another game.

>> No.17867906

Does Mel do any manga?

>> No.17867948

No, he's an illustrator. I think Blue Reflection would be his first major project with more reach.

>> No.17868025

The question asked was if Blue Reflection 2 would be made. Kishida Mel also made a tweet a couple months ago that he wants to make Blue Reflection a life work.

>> No.17868080

Of course I just didn't think the response seemed that certain.
Gust and Mel want to continue the project, but KT ultimately has the last say. That's why they suggested that more people speak up about it.

>> No.17868220

A Blue Reflection anime would probably bring in a ton of new fans. Mahou shoujo, Kishida Mel, and Takada Yuuki are all very popular. Too bad KT is retarded and only allowed an adaptation of the only Atelier with a titular male protagonist which turned away a lot of people.

>> No.17868235

When is KT not retarded?

>> No.17868679
File: 212 KB, 584x940, 1407171955655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see them butcher Mel's designs like they did those of everyone in E&L.

>> No.17869751

Maybe if KT gave BR a half of Persona's budget it wouldn't feel like Unity example project with a yuri fanfic stapled to it. I think there's market for magical girl themed Persona game.

>> No.17870531

I feel like time helps Gust more than money.
More money would bring more staff, which usually harms detail in game development.

Felt like the whole 'death march' thing in Blue Reflection was Gust venting.

>> No.17870949


>Felt like the whole 'death march' thing in Blue Reflection was Gust venting.

Right? I had that thought near the end too Fumio turned into one of the most hilarious and cute characters too.

>> No.17871607

It wasn't added until an update months after the release, that's probably why it's not in the localized version.

>> No.17871812
File: 2.21 MB, 3337x2042, 1510154927020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally more small sized girls. Fuck Alto and Mathias, let me use Neeju in my party. Again with the ?? for the age though. I'm guessing they're hundreds of years old or something.

>> No.17871816
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>> No.17871823
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>> No.17872060

Blue Reflection came out on the very last day of the fiscal year. KT probably told them they had to release it before the fiscal year ends and they chose the last day, clearing showing that they rushed it out.

>> No.17872094

Is Suelle knocking apples down by just kicking the tree?

>> No.17872157


Yeah, she kicks things.

What would they even do though? I liked the twins but I didn't really care for Hinako and the OT3 they tried to force. Would we get a new main character or Hinako again? I could see it being at a different school since they said there were multiple locations where shit gets fucked up.

Fumio, Ako, and Sarasa were really the only classmates I liked. The track girl was okay too. Hated the beauty and tennis sluts. Yuri was too much of a cliche "super smart yet socially retarded" autist and Mao was a cunt. Literally gave no fucks about her or her acting shit. If they do make a sequel I want less fanservice and an overall higher quality game. Also none of that ridiculous DLC pandering. Of course I still want Atelier to be their priority though and to not juggle too much shit at once.

And last but not least, for the MC to not walk at a snails pace. I know she had a hurt knee but still.

>> No.17872512

Mao was the only one I didn't like. Hinako was pretty great so I'm not sure what you didn't like about her. Her run didn't bother me except for at the front gate where it took forever to cross the screen.

>> No.17872861

I didn't hate her but she was just kind of boring.

>> No.17872974 [SPOILER] 
File: 833 KB, 1604x2042, 1510197709842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely I'm not the only one who thought of this between that pose and their expressions.

>> No.17873000
File: 304 KB, 1536x2048, DNRc163VAAAFlUv.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I need to preorder from to get this?

>> No.17873024

Hey guys, would anyone be interested in helping me build up an Atelier vocab list? Lydie and Suelle is going to be my first Japanese game and I feel pretty good about it, but still a little nervous.

>> No.17873045

Sofmap vita or switch premium box. Use a proxy. I'm getting the Lydie one with the PS4 box and hopefully I'll be able to find this one after release.

>> No.17873057


>> No.17873198


So, gather the team that made Hanasaku Iroha at PA Works. Or since I wouldnt mind powerpoint slides as long as they keep Kishida´s beautiful designs, maybe hire Shaft? It worked for Hidari´s art. But yeah, in the end easier said than done.

>> No.17873258

I don't know which is which. The one in green is the cuter of the two IMO.

>> No.17873273
File: 376 KB, 960x540, Atelier-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are equally cute. Stop this.

>> No.17873308

That's Suelle.

No fence sitting.

>> No.17873345
File: 138 KB, 720x741, yuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are cutest together.

>> No.17875902
File: 154 KB, 640x845, shop_p_k_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suelle would win because she'll be in CGs and the such with Sophie.

Actually makes me wonder, we've seen a couple of pics with Suelle and co, but for Lydie it's either just Lydie, or Lydie + Suelle. Seems like Yuugen gets to draw less or Noco does more.. Though even with the Placard things from a while back it felt that way, all these Sophie and co. But not a single Plachta..

Also, did we ever find out if pic related was Cory? Hoping I missed it or something;
I'd really like to see her come back once more

>> No.17876034


More game-play and music. I think this is looking a lot better than Firis, that's for sure. It's still odd that Rusha isn't playable though. She seems like your main childhood friend girl that would always be playable. If they could at least have the DLC available by the English release then that would be good.

I still think it's Corneria. Item duplication and restoring charges needs to be done somehow. Right now there's no other pink hair characters either.

>> No.17876073

Maybe everyone just realised that NOCO is the better artist.

>> No.17876616

Really digging this ost

>> No.17877098
File: 540 KB, 2893x4092, Yuzu-Shijou_Reflector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I started the game I thought Lime would be my favorite, but I might like Yuzu more. She's too fucking cute.

>> No.17877130
File: 1018 KB, 2893x4092, R a i m u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going in I didn't think I'd care about Yuzu , or anyone else for that matter, anywhere close to Lime. But I'll admit Yuzu turned out to be waaay too adorable, especially some of her attacks.

Those flashback voices from the two of them admiring Hina despite being labrats for their cunt father definitely hit harder than most of the other parts of the game for me too

>> No.17877773

luca or cloche?

>> No.17879523

But Cloche if I have to pick one. Fuck Luca.

>> No.17879661
File: 153 KB, 1442x1794, Jaqueline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, the shit flavored curry or curry flavored shit dilemma.
Do I want a whore that gets regular check-ups and keeps herself clean, or the one with a rayvatiel transmitted disease that refuses to accept the reality of the situation and see a doctor about it?

>> No.17879709

Considering cancelling my Lydie & Suelle pre-order, I'm just not getting very excited for it. Blue Reflection 2 when?

>> No.17880051

It looks pretty good IMO. Probably the most I've been excited for an Atelier since Escha & Logy. Although I'm also hoping for a Blue Reflection 2.

On a side note, does anyone know where I can find the emoticons or whatever the girls use in Blue Reflection?

>> No.17880069

>Probably the most I've been excited for an Atelier since Escha & Logy.
What makes you excited for it?

>> No.17880075

I'm really liking the character designs and the painting gimmick, combat being focused on partners seems like it could be fun, the music sounds excellent so far, it's definitely a big step up from Firis visually, and gameplay footage shown so far looks solid.

>> No.17880148

I already picked her my first time years ago. Now trying to decide who I'll go for in the replay with the retranslation.

>> No.17880529


You are a complete imbecile who didn't pay any attention to the story or setting.

>> No.17881203

Canceling is a dick move. I think it's looking good and the series needs the support. There's nothing else like Atelier at all.

I'm really excited for it too but

>since Escha & Logy

EL was a mistake from the start, I don't know how you were excited for it.

>> No.17881261

>Canceling is a dick move. I think it's looking good and the series needs the support. There's nothing else like Atelier at all.
There's no reason for them to keep supporting the series when the games have been going downhill. If it comes out and everyone's raving about it being a huge improvement then he'd have a reason to pick it up. Preordering Gust games at this point is just silly if you're not Japanese and desperately after a store's bonus item.
>EL was a mistake from the start, I don't know how you were excited for it.
Not him, but Ayesha was good and I liked Logy's design, that was about it. Had no reason to believe it'd be such a massive fuck up.

>> No.17881304

Yeah, placing a preorder and then canceling is a dick move. Just don't preorder in the first place if you're skeptical. And they haven't been going downhill. It's an up and down trend. Shallie and Sophie were better than EL but Firis went back down again. But with everything we've seen so far, I think LydieSuelle will definitely be back up again.

>> No.17881331

>Yeah, placing a preorder and then canceling is a dick move.
By what logic? If they're a Jap they have every reason to get a pre-order in early for the merch, and then they're free to cancel it if they don't like how it's looking. What's the dick move, exactly?
>And they haven't been going downhill. It's an up and down trend. Shallie and Sophie were better than EL
I don't agree.

>> No.17881398

I feel like Qoga ruined the song magic system and AnS wasn't much better. What happened to all the cool varied songs we had in 1+2 including stuff like heal/support songs, then from Qoga onward it's just a small handful of large nukes that mostly work exactly the same way with minor cosmetic differences.

>> No.17881530

Why does being a Jap make it okay to cancel a preorder?

It's a dick move because you already gave your money to them and then your demanding it back even if they already spent some of it making the product for you.

Try buying takeout food and then asking for a refund after they make the food for you. Ask them if you're being a dick. Maybe they'll be nice and not punch you in the face.

>> No.17881539

>It's a dick move because you already gave your money to them
Since when do you pay for a pre-order? You don't, you put in the order an pay on release. Steam is the only thing I know of that works differently, and Steam rightly calls it a pre-purchase, not a pre-order. Gamestop/EB Games on the other hand will charge you a $5 down payment when you make the pre-order, and you don't get that back if you cancel.
>and then your demanding it back even if they already spent some of it making the product for you.
Game discs are not printed on pre-order demand except in incredibly rare promotional events.
>Try buying takeout food and then asking for a refund after they make the food for you. Ask them if you're being a dick. Maybe they'll be nice and not punch you in the face.
Retarded food analogies, you'd fit in well over at /v/.

>> No.17881575

Ayesha is my favorite Atelier, hell my favorite Gust game, and everything I had seen about E&L looked good. The game ended up being okay but god damn was it disappointing compared to what I was hoping for.

>> No.17881581

>does anyone know where I can find the emoticons or whatever the girls use in Blue Reflection?
Anyone? I was hoping they'd be separate files/images or something on the PC port that could easily be uploaded. I'm a lowly PS4 user so I can't get them.

>> No.17881606

Game discs make up a tiny part of the costs of making a game. The merchandise, DLC, marketing, development make up almost all of the cost, and those things are budgeted in part based on preorders.

>> No.17881671

Male mc was the first red flag. Nobody wants that in the series, literally any other game has your sword wielding jrpg protagonist. And yes he was a cool guy and all but still, that was one main thing that did not look good about the game. Logy probably happened because KT wanted them to appeal to a wider audience.

>> No.17881745

Logy didn't bother me because Escha was a thing. If Logy was the only protagonist and you were forced to play as him I would have had a problem with it, but since the game didn't force you to play as him I thought it was fine. It definitely was done to appeal to a larger audience but compared to the other changes made for that same reason in the later games (removing time limits, simplifying alchemy, going open world) it was pretty harmless.

>> No.17881769

The alchemy is still fine and has depth and removing the time limit isn't something that a wider audience would take notice of more than a male mc.

>> No.17881775


It was balanced for people who don't want to use alchemy though. That was by far the biggest issue. The plot was also very eh and very late. Time limit is the same. It's there, but so lenient, that people can beat it for sure without any care in the world. And if you played the series before, it's so much that you can do all tasks, synthesize extras of everything and do a gather trip to all dungeons you have. And you'll STILL have time.

It's fairly obvious how someone was fucking around with the series here who has no idea what to do, and TK is likely. After all they did the crossover thing between Warriors and Atelier. One series, a button mashing game. The other series, where you win with planning and doing gut synths. VERY similar series, eh? The fact, that they put Sterk in one of the Warriors games nails this just in. Those games don't have a million guys with swords already, they absolutely needed Sterk there. He's sure gonna have an identity and immediately link towards Atelier, right? ... how about an Alchemist?
Luckily all that ended fairly fast.

>> No.17881778

So what's the deal with Ar Tonelico? Is it related to Quell No Surge? Story good, gameplay good?

>> No.17881791

One of the most frequent excuses people had for ignoring previous Ateliers was "well I don't like time limits". You see the same reasons used against stuff like Lightning Returns and Dead Rising.

I've played the games before and am well aware the time limits are lenient. They've been that way since at least Rorona. That doesn't change the fact that many people find time limits intimidating. TK are no doubt meddling but seriously who cares about spinoff shit like musou? They can do whatever they want there; Sterk being in the monthly Warriors game doesn't hurt the Atelier series. It's when they mess around with the Gust-developed games that is the problem. THAT is definitely hurting Atelier and Gust in general. They also need to stop making Gust take on too many projects, and stop being so damn cheap.

>> No.17881810

The alchemy was good in Sophie. Then they fucked it up in Firis by replacing the cauldron system with the shitty catalyst system.

>> No.17882394

Maybe you should bother researching how the game's name is spelled before asking anything.

>> No.17882771

I liked catalysts, they added a bit more depth than cauldrons did. It was annoying to remake more high end catalysts sometimes though.

I think a mixture of the two systems would work out really well.

>> No.17884067
File: 170 KB, 600x338, BlueReflection_2016_122516_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we get a Blue Reflection 2 I want them to deliver on smug Hinako this time.

>> No.17884275

Why does the time limit even exist?

If it's lenient, then it might as well not exist.
If it's strict, then it's encouraging players to not explore the game fully.
If it's too strict, then it's too hard for most players.

Imagine if there was a JRPG where you only get your 10k starting gold for the whole game. How do you even decide what to spend money on? If you accidentally spend too much money early on, then you get to restart the game from the beginning.

There's a reason time limits suck. They're very hard to tune correctly and even if you get it exactly right for all your players of different skill level, you don't much benefit out of the game mechanic.

>> No.17884317

>If it's too strict, then it's too hard for most players.
Good. That's how it should be.

>> No.17884339

The limits were lenient enough in the Arland games so that completing the required tasks on time was pretty easy to do, but at the same time you didn't have time to do everything and had to pick and choose your extra stuff carefully. This worked well with the emphasis on multiple endings.

>> No.17884399

>you didn't have time to do everything and had to pick and choose your extra stuff carefully. This worked well with the emphasis on multiple endings.
You know how most games implement that? Branching story choices.

>> No.17884625

You know what's an equally valid way to implement that? Time limits.

>> No.17885368

I guess that's why everyone else stopped using time limits. It's certainly not because everyone else tried it and figured out that players really dislike time limits and it's a poor way of forcing people to replay the game.

>> No.17885908
File: 400 KB, 1000x1401, 81y5pl3pz2L._SL1401_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Premium box art looks great.

>> No.17885976


So, logi and what's her face 2, only they axed the really boring girl, and gender bent Logi and changed a single syllable in the name.

so far, looks like a significant improvement.

>> No.17885994

I don't know what you're trying to say.

>> No.17886042

Really got into AT because of the language and music. Then I found out that there was a ton more music outside outside the game. There was even 1(?) doujin album. Was there more doujin albums outside of Hymmnos Chronicle?

>> No.17886337

The time limits in Arland were there to structure the game. You were given goals and time frames to complete those goals, and at the same time you would be given new areas to explore and recipes to help you achieve those goals. The time limit was all about giving the games consistent and reliable pacing, not restricting the player. The importance of this should be quite clear after Sophie and its utterly abysmal pacing with completely erratic unlocking of locations and events, and the shitty recipe idea system forcing you to slowly grind out points instead of doing anything interesting to unlock more story progress.

>> No.17886339

What's going on with Suelle's legs?

>> No.17886341

There are a few, check the hymnnos tag on dojin.co.

>> No.17886383


There's that word again. You never grind in Sophie at all. Repeating the same stage hundreds of times in Disgaea to power your army up to 9999, that's grinding. You do the same shit you always do except you're not timed, that's it. Just playing the game normally will unlock the majority of the recipes. The only thing that was annoying was that the unlock conditions for a few were a little unclear but the vast majority of the recipes didn't require anything close to grinding. "Abysmal pacing" is such ridiculous hyperbole. Removing the time limit in Shallie and Sophie really didn't do too much in reality, the game formula remained the same except you no longer have to be efficient with time. Firis is the only one where they really changed things up (for the worse). I like time limits as well but you guys place way too much importance on them as if they were the sole defining thing about Arland or something.

>> No.17886397

Saying that grinding is only getting to level 9999 doesn't defend the argument. You are constantly roadblocked in Sophie by the recipe ideas required for story progression which demand you gain points by crafting anything, gathering anything, or killing anything, so you go out and do those things dozens of times. That's grinding, no matter how you slice it.
>Just playing the game normally will unlock the majority of the recipes.
Given that I'm talking about story progression, I'm quite obviously not referring to the various other recipe ideas that weren't related to story progression and actually have specific goals, like creating an item with x trait; those were actually good ideas.
> "Abysmal pacing" is such ridiculous hyperbole.
It's not hyperbole when it's an accurate assessment.
>the game formula remained the same
Except it didn't because they completely changed it from a consistent time-driven pacing system to an inconsistent grinding-driven pacing system.
> I like time limits as well but you guys place way too much importance on them as if they were the sole defining thing about Arland or something.
I simply recognise that they were a core part of the game design and weren't there just to restrict people's ability to have fun, which is all Sophiefags seem capable of thinking.

>> No.17886483

I never remember "grinding" at all, I still have no clue what you're talking about. Your assessment isn't accurate at all and you're exaggerating a ton. All the recipes demand you do is play the game. A new gathering area unlocks? Go explore it and fight enemies. New recipes unlock? Make them. Do that while watching events, talking to characters, and doing requests at the bar and you're good to go. That's basically what you do everything game except you don't have to worry about a deadline. Maybe you just didn't want to play the game. Your goal is working towards making an item, I don't see what's so "abysmal" about that.

>> No.17886539

>All the recipes demand you do is play the game.
No, the recipes demand that you do specific things, and the ones that want you to grind points out will roadblock you through the amount of points they require, as you will easily take care of everything else you can do at the same time before you're done with them. There is nothing fun about having all the content unlocked and needing to make 20 more items or do 20 more fights before you can continue with anything.
>Maybe you just didn't want to play the game.
Stop being a dumbass.
>Your goal is working towards making an item, I don't see what's so "abysmal" about that.
Because you've now avoided addressing the issue of the change in game design between a structured time-based system and an unstructured points-based system (see, I said points-based so I wouldn't trigger you by saying grinding).

>> No.17886540

It's funny how you criticize Sophie for grinding when you praise Arland.

I remember getting stuck in Totori multiple times specifically because I haven't grinded my adventurer levels enough to get past the boss gates. Yes, grinding, that thing you seem to keep criticizing Sophie for.

In comparison, I did not have to grind for Sophie at all.

>> No.17886544
File: 325 KB, 740x564, 1386633118750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grinding in Arland
Not even worth responding to.

>> No.17886553

What's wrong with grinding?

>> No.17886568

Nothing if you're doing it for fun, such as in Disgaea. Everything if you're doing it because progression of all other content is locked behind a bar that needs to be filled.

>> No.17886628

Anon, I looked up a guide and I'm trying to comprehend this just for you but I still don't know what you're talking about and how you think the time limit was the sole element of game structure in Atelier. Word map, gathering and fighting enemies, unlocking new areas, events, etc. the basic Atelier formula is all still there.


None of these require much grinding and can easily be unlocked by again, just playing the game and doing shit normally. The whole point was that she learns alchemy, writes them in the book, and gradually refreshes her memory. Arland was something special and my favorite series but I still like Sophie too. If you didn't enjoy Sophie then that's cool but "abysmal pacing" is still what's bothering me here. It progressed fine for me, maybe I need to go back and replay it or something to see your point. I view grinding as like repeatedly just sitting there and farming the same enemies or making the same items a lot of times.

>> No.17886671

>you think the time limit was the sole element of game structure in Atelier.
>sole element
I never said this. You might be retarded. Or you're just acting intentionally retarded because you believe this will somehow justify your arguments.
>None of these require much grinding and can easily be unlocked by again, just playing the game and doing shit normally.
You can go ahead and refer back to
>Given that I'm talking about story progression, I'm quite obviously not referring to the various other recipe ideas that weren't related to story progression and actually have specific goals, like creating an item with x trait; those were actually good ideas.
Look at the ones in the list that are the mandatory / story progression related ones.
>Ice Bomb: Perform lots of synthesis and obtain water.
>Stahl Metal: Perform lots of synthesis and use items in battle.
>Deluxe Backpack: Do lots of gathering.
>Rubilum: Give gifts to get gifts in return.
>Spirit Earrings: Use lots of (Bomb) (Magical Tool) items.
Each one of these requires you to grind up 100 points by doing the action in question, and each time they come up your progress comes to a complete standstill until you've done them, and each one of them requires far more work than should be necessary, especially the gifts one.
> I view grinding as like repeatedly just sitting there and farming the same enemies or making the same items a lot of times.
So do I, and that is what Sophie was constantly requiring me to do that to progress. For all the things Firis fucked it it at the very least threw out those sorts of recipe ideas.

>Arland was something special and my favorite series but I still like Sophie too. If you didn't enjoy Sophie then that's cool but "abysmal pacing" is still what's bothering me here.
I'm not trashing Sophie and saying it's the worst game ever made or anything, I am simply stating that the pacing of it was awful compared to the Arland games and why, and the pacing is one of the biggest issues I had with it. And I dislike seeing people pretend that the time system in Arland was not directly tied to its pacing and progression structure when that's blatantly untrue.

>> No.17886707

Okay well I'll admit that you didn't say it was the sole element but you sure were acting like it was. No need to be a chode. All the recipes you pointed out occur pretty easily though. If you synth all your current recipes, make a few bombs and items, your alchemy level should be fine and you'll get the ice bomb for example. I'm just saying that I was never meticulously stuck trying to advance. Maybe that's just the way I play because I naturally end up unlocking these for the most part. Like, I'd just make new items, explore new areas, and THEN check my book and find out that I already have most of the points I needed and have unlocked new recipes as well. Like "do lots of gathering". Anytime you go out to a new area you're going to fill your backpack unless you deliberately don't gather anything. But obviously, you need to gather items so it's hardly an issue. Chances are that you're using lots of items in battle anyways. If anything, Firis had more grinding because items themselves had levels that you had to raise. If you wanted to say their was grinding in Firis I might agree a little more. Or the super synthesis in Firis where you needed a fuck-ton of ingots and wood. Now that shit is where it got tedious making all of those.

>> No.17886748

>Okay well I'll admit that you didn't say it was the sole element but you sure were acting like it was.
I don't know how you came to such a conclusion.
>If you synth all your current recipes, make a few bombs and items, your alchemy level should be fine and you'll get the ice bomb for example.
The ice bomb is not alchemy level-based, it is based on points gained by performing synthesis after you gain the ability to start unlocking it. And as with many of those recipes, I had already done everything else before I had finished getting enough points for them, which is why I keep calling it grinding. Perhaps your experience was different, but I don't know why it was so different.
>If anything, Firis had more grinding because items themselves had levels that you had to raise.
>Or the super synthesis in Firis where you needed a fuck-ton of ingots and wood.
I don't disagree, but I'm not sure what the relevance is.

>> No.17886772

The relevance is that you brought up Firis. And my experience was different I guess because I always had something to do.

>> No.17886783

This whole debate is silly. Atelier are like the least grindiest JRPGS around.

>> No.17889446
File: 265 KB, 800x1130, Atelier-133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DLC when?

>> No.17889489
File: 366 KB, 800x1130, Atelier-311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17889653

What scene was this? I don't think I saw that one.

>> No.17890143

Looks like an Arland costume design, super cute.

>> No.17891340

>A lone girl who appeared in the palace where everything is frozen. For some reason, her heart also seems to have frozen. Neige herself is actually an old woman, but mysteriously, you can meet her in the world of a painting in the form of a child.



>> No.17891421
File: 234 KB, 800x1131, atelier skele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Bakken looks pretty cool

>> No.17891424

>Blue Reflection ruins the battle theme 3/4 of the way through the game
What the fuck why. Ar Nosurge did the same thing. I hate when JRPGs do this shit.

>> No.17891456

KT just updated Atelier Firis' PC version to have higher res 2D art assets.
It took them several months but it looks like they finally did it.

>> No.17891460

For comparison of what it looks like now to what it used to look like

>> No.17891872

>A lone girl who appeared in the palace where everything is frozen. For some reason, her heart also seems to have frozen.


>> No.17892447

Those design don't look like Nonco or Yuugen's work. I hope they are not the new artist of the next series because they look generically plain.

>> No.17892605

The top one is probably Yuugen, it matches his history of bad footwear and excessive belt-line accessories. Though if anything it feels like Yuugen trying to imitate Arland-era Mel.
The bottom one is just kind of ugly. Doesn't help that they went with sandals and the toes are fucked. I feel like if the top and hair things weren't black it'd look a lot nicer.

>> No.17893099
File: 621 KB, 1960x1102, DSC_0184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be in Japan for an extended amount of time, my first order of business after settling down was to hop on Yahoo Auctions and nab me some sales promotional posters.

>> No.17893106
File: 648 KB, 1960x1102, DSC_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly not all posters are readily available; in particular, posters for Ayesha and Sophie are no longer circulating on the used goods market.

I had to wrestle with other bidders for Lydie and Soule's poster too.

>> No.17893472

I want sophie to breastfeed me!

>> No.17893495

Another soundtrack preview.


>> No.17895070

Dunno why they did that. You can look up skirts in Atelier just fine.

>> No.17895078

I love it.

>> No.17895084

>no time limit

What's the date display for then?

>> No.17895126

I don't think it's that good. It's basically a magical girl animu in game format, complete with an episodic format.

>> No.17895128

>Play on hard though

Yes, play on hard pls.

Firis is better than Sophie

>> No.17895130

>I'm not a fan of Hinako. She's just kind of bland,

Hinako is emo.

>> No.17895151

She's not emo at all though.

>> No.17895161

Seasonal ingredients.

>> No.17895327

>Firis is better than Sophie


>> No.17895619

Firis is worse than Sophie in almost every single way, the only thing it did better was making battles speed-based instead of round-based, but it still fucked up battles with the shitty new limit break system anyway.

>> No.17895958

>side game

I thought it was their attempt at a new franchise

>> No.17895960

>It feels like gust forgot they were making a game and we got some weird frankenstein budget sim game

I feel that too.

>> No.17895962

Play it to judge it yourself, faggot. What are you, a sheep?

>> No.17895966

>in Japan

>> No.17895972

>no time limit
>months and dates in the corner

For what purpose?

>> No.17895974

If it doesn't have a time limit, it will make you grind for ultimate equipment at end game.

I fucking hate that.

>> No.17895978

>the lore

I never gave a shit about Artonelico's lore. It just came across as some sci-fi magic mumble jumble confusing mess.

Atelier lore on the other hand...

>> No.17895982

>You're beyond hope if you seriously play Atelier or any Gust game or anime with the English dub

I played all Atelier games with dubs.

Fight me

>> No.17895987

>I keep up with seiyuu culture

Why? Are you like those faggots who worship idols?

>> No.17895989

>Everyone in Clione no Akari was plain bad

I still remember how there are only around 10 unique IPs every thread on /a/.

And I'm one of them.

>> No.17895994

Stop replying to all these old posts you faggot.

>> No.17895996

I want pedofags to leave.

>> No.17895999

>Just have Mel do the next Atelier series.

I prefer Hidari desu

>> No.17896003

What do you think about Ayesha's brief appearance in the anime?

>> No.17896005

>Takada Yuuki


>> No.17896007

Neeju is the final boss, anon.

And yes, she's probably the same age as Plachta and Luard.

>> No.17896011


>> No.17896015

Nah, it's actually


>> No.17896024

Same here. The time limit was a joke so I am forced to think up ways to pass time until the next assignment. When they had a similar system in Rorona, you really don't have any time to waste.

>> No.17896026

They salvaged it by actually making them a couple, so it led to a lot of cute moments that continued to Shallie Plus.

>> No.17896030

>The fact, that they put Sterk in one of the Warriors games nails this just in. Those games don't have a million guys with swords already, they absolutely needed Sterk there. He's sure gonna have an identity and immediately link towards Atelier, right?

They just keep making jokes about him wanting to serve a princess.

Poor guy...

>> No.17896036

>simplifying alchemy

And then they made it more complex in Shallie and Mysterious. Too complex in Mysterious for my taste in fact.

>> No.17896038

It felt like budget Persona. There was nothing Frankensteined about it. The game is extremely underrated.

>> No.17896039

I didn't watch past the first episode.

>> No.17896043

>grinding levels
>in Arland

Become a better alchemist instead. Levels don't mean jack shit.

>> No.17896090

>Removing the time limit in Shallie

They missed such a great opportunity with removing time limits in Shallie. They should have a bad ending where you fail to save the town. And they can even make it so the water situation got progressively worse as time passed.

>> No.17896097

Sophie's grinding (more like farming) is just for ultimate endgame shit for the hardest difficulty bonus bosses.

Which is fucking retarded and I hate it.

I expect something similar to be in Lydie.

>> No.17896100

>no staff

Well, I suppose her weapon could be that painting brush she's holding.

>> No.17896102

I already finished the game so I don't really care. But it's nice of them to do that.

>> No.17896104

Dunkelheit flashback intensifies.

>> No.17896106

I came in expecting budget Persona and what I got was magical girl animu.

>> No.17896224

Hopefully in several months they'll get around to uncensoring BR.

>> No.17897576
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>> No.17897691

You are a piece of imbecilic and ignorant shit then.

As if Atelier had any sort of significant lore.

>> No.17898970
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EOP version, NISA is handling the limited edition.

>> No.17900549

I'm getting a copy on both systems but I need to decide which to do LE and which to do regular.

>> No.17902326

>smug Hinako
Not until her leg heals, so never

>> No.17902504
File: 1.63 MB, 500x456, 1501535376127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, haven't visited one of these threads in ages only to come back and find that someone uploaded something I asked for. Thank you!

>> No.17904127

Why is she making a rude gesture?

>> No.17904934
File: 394 KB, 1372x2109, peace sign explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rude gesture
Do you mean this?

>> No.17905181

Third soundtrack preview.


>> No.17905674

The more I'm being force fed lore, the more I tend to not care about it.

>> No.17905677


In other words, you fit perfectly the sort of idiot that just runs through a RPG mashing buttons to skip scenes instead of actually reading through them.

>> No.17905681

lol k
