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1784153 No.1784153 [Reply] [Original]

So Touhou gets posted here instead of in /v/.

What about RosenKreuzStillete? Same deal?

>> No.1784156

/jp/ - doujinshi and idols

>> No.1784159
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>> No.1784165

Holy shit. Someone drew something about RKS?

>> No.1784163

We'll give you an answer if you give us the Rosenkreuz Stilette sequel.

>> No.1784174

Hate this game. Every boss goes into bullshit undodgeable attack mode when they lose half their health, the only way to win is to use the weakness weapon, and you can't even guess what the weaknesses are like in normal Mega Man since they're all just generic animu girls. All but like two of the weapons are useless. Also ice stage with nonstop deathlasers.

Shitsux, play MegaMari instead.

>> No.1784177

You just suck.

>> No.1784181

You seriously just suck. The only boss that's nigh unbeatable is the wall boss on Grolla mode, and there are still faggots who will jump in to argue against that being true.

>> No.1784185

I could never figure out how to crouch/slide and haven't played since.

>> No.1784183
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A demo is coming at C75.


There's a few images on Pixiv, but Zorne is the only one I care enough about to collect images for and she only returned 6 hits. I imagine everyone else (outside of Spiritia and possibly Grolla) is pretty much the same.

>> No.1784194
File: 154 KB, 480x566, grp0307012638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wait, you probably mean a doujin.

Sadly, no, that's only a single panel, and the artist didn't have anything else like it in their gallery.



herp a derp

>> No.1784216
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Tia slide = Down + Jump
Grolla dash = 44/66 or Switch Weapon L

>> No.1784227

Yeah, even he E-Tanks the wall boss. That's what everyone does.

>> No.1784248

I want to see a buster-only with the normal bitch.

>> No.1784249

downloading this

>> No.1784260
File: 507 KB, 1000x1200, 953933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here's a Cross Wall NDC replay my friend made. (He falls into the pit after the final blow but it was just for demo purposes anyway.)

I couldn't be assed to learn how to do it for that 1LC run, though. E-Tank whoring is far less conducive to accidental death.

>> No.1784274


Once I've learned how to play the game as Tia again, I'll probably give this a shot.

>> No.1784280

what does 死なす!! mean?

>> No.1784302

Haha, he also uses the same Luste and Traure cheats that I use to beat them.

Good to know great minds think alike.

>> No.1784313


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to fighting Trauare when I go back to Tia. I'm far too used to wallwhoring that battle.

>> No.1784336

I just connected that you're the one who did the video.

Some of your run is sloppy, but I do the same things after twitching for too long. You just start running into things seemingly on purpose when you knew you should've been able to dodge them.

Vs. Iris was real sloppy, though. She's one of the easier fights.

>> No.1784364

I fucking hate mallgoth.

>> No.1784369


I didn't really try on Iris because I knew I had 6 E-Tanks in stock and my goal at that point was to simply get the run over and done with. Once the second Sichte battle was done I stopped caring about not getting hit because I knew everything left was easy shit.

If I was playing under no pressure I could probably beat both Irises using only one E-Tank.

>> No.1784379

Kill yourself.

I figured you were going for perfection, but I can see how a run through RKS without pausing would get boring.

>> No.1784389
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Don't worry, she becomes a true lady in the sequel.

>>1784336 again

Also, I think the Stained Glass Clusters fight and Yellow Devil fight make up for the shittiness of the Iris fights. >_>

>> No.1784407

> >_>

>> No.1784410

Stained Glass was decent. I skipped over the Demon fight.

>> No.1784444

Of all the people to put in the sequel, why Zorne and Liebea?

>> No.1784454

I agree with putting Zorne in, since she's good. Certainly need to have Grolla, too. Traure was sadistic enough to put in.

But we have Freudia, and that's all I really care about, because Freudia is icey love.

>> No.1784465




Because Zorne is SEX.

Liebea, though, I dunno.

>> No.1784464
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>Shitsux, play MegaMari instead.

>> No.1784554

Falling into the pit wasn't intentional, but it was so hilarious, I had to keep it. The Cross Wall technique is something I had to come with on my own, only to discover that's a known technique in the JP RKS community.

>> No.1784590

You're fucked. Don't do that.

>> No.1784589
File: 81 KB, 640x480, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what now

>> No.1784626

Ha ha. I love this stage.

>> No.1784637
File: 107 KB, 800x600, IWBTGGameOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1784659

I quit playing because of the fucking wall boss Grolla mode bullshit. Doable, maybe, but way too big a pain in the ass.

RKS is too much of a sausage fest for me, anyway. Same reason I couldn't get into Seihou.

>> No.1784668
File: 149 KB, 617x493, rks_uljp00055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more RKS fanart.

>> No.1784669

Japanese have to make some, first.

>> No.1784679

I know. It's disappointing how small the fanbase is. There's been a total of about 4 or 5 RKS threads on 2ch. That's unacceptable.

Why so much Cross Wall hate? It's really not that bad of a fight with Grolla. It's not nearly as annoying as the Yellow Devil fight.

>> No.1784683

Cross Wall is one hit KO. Devil is actually easy if you take the time to figure out its pattern, which I don't care about and try to twitch through.

Cross Wall... god damn. I want to kill it dead.

>> No.1784696

Yeah, Yellow Devil has a set pattern that's easy to read, but the room is so goddamn small, and gravity changes disorient the hell out of me. I end up just hitting the weak point, taking damage, dashing through him, use E-Tank when necessary, rinse, repeat. Of course, I don't train enough with Grolla in the fortress levels, so I'm sure that'll change if I can get some practice.

>> No.1784705

I just try to make the most of it before the gravity change. I have to E-Tank it, too, most of the time.

RKS is rough on some of the bosses.

>> No.1784726

The gravity flip is just something that takes getting used to, I guess. I have no problems with it now.

>> No.1784723

In Grolla Mode, anyway. I think the hardest boss in Spiritia Mode is Raymund, and with Grollschwert, he's not too bad (as long as you know how to handle his Desperate). Everyone else is pretty easy. Hell, the second time you fight Luste, you can beat her in two hits if you use her own weapon against her!

I should really try to buster-duel this game.

>> No.1784722


And add to the one-hit kill thing thing the fact that you can't use e-tank spam like you can in any other fight (if you suck ass, as I do).

>It's really not that bad of a fight with Grolla.

See, you need to try to imagine how the other half lives. To me, the wall boss is terrifying. Some small part of me is going to be haunted by that shit forever.

>> No.1784747

>I should really try to buster-duel this game.

You should. It's a shitton harder for some bosses, like Traure, who still gives me nightmares. Mostly because I suck against her.

>> No.1784756

Seeing this thread made me realize I never beat Grolla's mode, so now I'm going to dedicate the entire day to twitching like hell until I beat that damn Yellow Devil.

>> No.1784770

Grolla Modo is a lot more forgiving on the levels but far less forgiving for bosses.

>> No.1784778

>>So Touhou gets posted here instead of in /v/. What about RosenKreuzStillete? Same deal?

2D games = /jp/ material. Also, jRPGs.

And for some reason I had a dream about this game the other day. This bothered me because I rarely dream about anything. Maybe it's a sign I should play it again or draw some Spiritia porn or something.

>> No.1784812

Yeah, the stages were easier thanks to dashes and wall jumps, but I don't remember which bosses I had trouble with even though I know I got frustrated before. Should I start from the beginning again or just use my password to the Iris Stage?

>> No.1784833

>draw some Spiritia porn

Why not?

>> No.1784836
File: 152 KB, 440x600, grp0508225655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get to it.

>> No.1784929


Spiritia porn was 2 of the 6 hits search Pixiv for "Zorne" got. She was getting fisted by Zorne's metal claw.

I wasn't quite sure how to feel.

>> No.1784943

I'm pretty sure you should feel like posting it.

>> No.1784944

>She was getting fisted by Zorne's metal claw.
Hey, that's awesome.
I think I should make a Pixiv account already... but wait, it's currently invite-only, right?

>> No.1784951


Goddamn, stop making me regret not having an account.

>> No.1784949

Registration is open again.

>> No.1785004

Thanks for the information. Made an account already, and I think I got the R-18 and R-18G filters off.
How do I actually use that site?

>> No.1785063

>R-18 and R-18G

Where do you set those filters?

>> No.1785072

Lurk more, retard.

>> No.1785089

Under 設定変更 at the top right, there are two options near the middle with R-18, and R-18G. Make sure they say 表示する.

>> No.1785083
File: 115 KB, 1280x777, 1229633067262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is already a poosh thread, so...


>> No.1785090

I went to the options page, saw R-18 there, selected 表示する instead of 表示しない, R-18G popped up and I did the same thing.
I think that's it. Is it right?

>> No.1785104

Never been to Pooshlmer. Help is appreciated.

>> No.1785128

>Never been to Pooshlmer. Help is appreciated.
He meant this Thread is a whole poosh.
A breakdown.

>> No.1785136

That's a phrase I'm unfamiliar with.

>> No.1785148

I thought you guys used it a lot down in Mississippi.


>> No.1785203
File: 745 KB, 849x1200, 1229634434418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tia Buster Duel done. 2CC because I started with Luste and Grolla (to get the two items right off the bat) and promptly forgot how to BD both of them.

I used E-Tanks on Mike and both Irises, but Mike was the one that really needed it. A 1CC is definitely possible.


As I recall, the art was not that great.

But, then again, I saved this, so what do I know?

>> No.1785221

this is too easy onve you get the enemy weapons

>> No.1785250


>> No.1785349
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1229636689566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro, I have the utmost respect for people who can do the art thing well. I've been trying to learn for the past few months and it's driving me nuts.

My poor Zorne has a jacked up claw and everything!

>> No.1785373

ZUN, please continue to get better so you can draw awesome fanart of series that don't get good fanart.

>> No.1785370

Not bad for an american ZUN

>> No.1785500

having fun with your new tablet?

>> No.1785511

That looks like these internet meme creature that only have a head and lower body.

>> No.1785512

I hate Freudia's stage

>> No.1785539

Mississippi? Nobody lives in that god-forsaken state.

>> No.1785541

I hate Freudia

>> No.1785552

You just activated my TRAP CARD, brah

>> No.1786203


Oh, I have respect for anyone that submits original work to Pixiv.

There's just a difference between a "impressed that you're willing to display your work in a public setting" respect and a "downloading at the speed of light" respect.

>> No.1786214


>> No.1786230

Alabama is less retarded than White Ren

>> No.1786240

I'm not forcing anything, it's the truth. When was the last time you saw Alabama make a post? He dropped off the face of the earth when White Len came along. They have the same writing style, it's a known fact that Alabama liked White Len (the loli), and White Len (the tripfag) has talked about using another trip in the past. It's no coincidence Alabama's first post in forever is a reply to White Len, if anything it's just a poor attempt to show they are not the same same person when it's obvious that they really are.

>> No.1786251

The Alabama post was me. I think he started posting as White Ren because he was sick of imitators.

Also, Jones and Alabama were the only two tripfaggots set enough in their ways to still use "Ren" instead of "Len".

>> No.1786267


You could be right. I think White Ren is a far shittier poster than Alabama, but they do both share that unnatural affinity for Jones.

>> No.1786288

I thought that might have happened.

What really gave him away was his use of 'Kill yourself'. You really don't see that much on /jp/ and especially not in incest threads. Alabama was the only one that has ever done that up until he disappeared and White Len showed up.

>> No.1786348

in the metathreads earlier today (before they got deleted) he pretty much gave away that he was Anonymous of Alabama. alluding to his "previous life" (i.e. old tripcode) and randomly mentioning incest threads
