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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17819023 No.17819023 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>17789272

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>> No.17819039
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>> No.17819104

Don't forget the mermaids that we were teased about a while ago.

Ant princess is a common prediction too. It could be neat to have ant larva tokens with terrible stats that grow up with time to become high-EHP pupae, and later develop into regular/black/fire ants depending on chance/AW status.

>> No.17819109

how many rag halloween runs are we supposed to do, any difference between that and the 2 cost?

>> No.17819127

If you want red souls ragnas are the best way to get them. Experts still drop them from time to time but ragnas are almost guaranteed.

Probably around 75?

>> No.17819154

fuck i hate waiting for my hosted room to fill

>> No.17819166

I mostly spawn them on burst time. People tend to favour seeing a good chunk gone in a short time after spawning it. Still sucks tho. List is often full of them.

>> No.17819176

What suck though when the list is full its mostly shitters starting them with 25mins left

>> No.17819180

I dont understand why, I can top damage and I got this account like 2 months ago and im using souls im leveling

i dont understand how people can't do dps by now

>> No.17819333

>event caps ragnaroks at 10 people
>Siegfried chucklefucks still host or join ragnas only to idle for the entire fucking duration of the raid waiting for someone else to hit stun for them during burst

>> No.17819339

every time..

>> No.17819356

Most people are retarded. I still see people using dragoons as main eidola to this day.

>> No.17819542

>Soul Senki still in maintenance
It's not coming back, is it? Shame I like the battle animations.

>> No.17819703

2chan reported similar issues and they sometimes get connection error during raid battle. I haven't got stuck at 98% but BGM and sprite disappears from time to time. They've already added servers once, but it seems that the game is more popular than they expected.

>> No.17819922

Is white emperor the most important unit for me to get as a newer aigis player

also what's better one of these 1000 crystal black units or two exchange tickets

>> No.17819934

Pretty much.

Generally the two tickets. But the price goes up after the first, so it would be a minimum month between the two to keep that cost. That said, Dark Knight has some applications at endgame as one of the better tank units in the game. Cynthia is pretty useless.

>> No.17819957

does white emperor need skill ups/CR?

>> No.17819991
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I really like Louise, how can I make her work?

>> No.17819997

Skill-ups, yes. CR not so much. You can do skill ups with rainbow fairies, so don't kill yourself over copies as a new player.

>> No.17820079

Hm, okay, thanks. At least I'm not the only one. I guess I'll have to wait until they address this properly.

>> No.17820147

Speaking of Iolite's popularity:

The fact that they've released the game in a timely fashion and it had a pretty clear gameplay video and system explanation from the start had a large impact, at least for me.

>> No.17820178

The gameplay is okay, the event is also easy to do and not retardedly grindy as Rebless.
My main problem so far is getting LB materials.

>> No.17820193

Fuck the fame summon gatcha.
5 accounts, 5 golds.

I don't think I'll bother anymore next month.

>> No.17820216

I have to agree on Rebless grindiness. I like the characters and battle animations. But after getting Charlotte(first event SSR) I felt like the game is too demanding, all that content you receive as a reward in the end isn't really worth reloading and joining the raids all week long.

To add to that: I don't really like the idea of locking character skills, levels and passives behind copies. I find limit break materials to be a much better alternative. No matter how grindy it is to get them, it's still a better chance than receiving the same SR/SSR character multiple times.

>> No.17820229

Yeah. I dropped Rebless after the first raid event too. Doing mindless repetitive grinding for three hours everyday is not my idea of fun.

Locking the character's ability behind multiple copies is also extremely shitty. Iolite did the same thing but it's tolerable since the rate for the 5-star there is at 20%.

>> No.17820280

Seems like Iolite's buffing system is really wonky right now.
Existing buffs take on the countdown timer of any new buffs used afterwards.
So using a 13 turn buff when you have a buff about to expire in 2 turns will make that buff last 11 more turns.

Buffs of the same type don't seem to stack though, but this bug makes the light 6 star's 75% Atk/Mag buff extremely powerful as it essentially last indefinitely.

>> No.17820333

If they keep the rewards the same i'd say its worth it for the black armor at the end and a free premium pull is nice to have for almost no extra work.

>> No.17820408
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That cat is really fucking weird-looking

>> No.17820422

I got Feng Shui Marie from my 23k points fame gacha.
Is this unusual?

>> No.17820597

Why is cynthia useless? Never used her but 13% buff seems really good in theory

>> No.17820635
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Same for me. The game failed to meet the 15,000 followers target for an extra gacha slot and had to lower it to 10,000. Glad that it's doing okay for now.

>> No.17820784
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Anyone here playing Goddess Kiss?
>finally got enough materials for 3rd blue upgrade
>oh great, finally I can move on
>4th blue upgrade costs 60 engines and 40 plates

>> No.17820801

Korean games tend to focus on this kind of thing.
They'll give you tons of free characters to the point you almost have an entire roster, but the main 'challenge' is leveling, uncapping and farming equip for them.

>> No.17820862

You can get a lot with loop play in the 5th world (I guess), didn't you recieve loads of ammunition boxes? Just afk and you are fine, I am sitting at 66 now and I will upgrade a girl right now

>> No.17821008
File: 76 KB, 649x98, 千年戦争アイギス R - DMM GAMES R18 (88).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I got fucking Ibuki instead Mephisto or Ayesha.

>> No.17821192

Should have expected it yeah, but still, it's terrible.
I have tons, but if blue upgrades are already this bad, I can't imagine how awful grinding on purple grade.

>> No.17821205

You can buy those parts from the exchange shop but you're limited to 15 a day unless you pay extra to refresh the stock.

I only have 1 purple unit thanks to that.

>> No.17821276

At least there's "loop on this map till all stamina is dry" button in Goddess Kiss.

>> No.17821298

A tip for farming in Goddess Kiss X, what I've been doing is farming maps with the most enemies. For blue stuff, that's 6-8 (Defense), 6-13 (Attack), and 6-18 (Support). I have 2 Purple units, and about to have my 3rd in about an hour when the daily reset hits.

>> No.17821315

I just got my first purple cause I am upgrading some 5 stars I got, what I should say is that even the game being grind, you can take time and don't get so anxious

>> No.17821713

Should I get King of Fighters or Shura for my Alice? Can someone tell me what are most people getting?

>> No.17821724

When I get around to her probably do Shura for the outfit. I've got Aisha for cooldown reduction honestly but the Shura outfit is just way better to me.

>> No.17821784

I chose KoF, for the following reasons:

- The cooldown reduction, which I would call Shura's most important feature, can be mimmicked by a rearguard tactician. Assuming that you run a SAW Alice, there's a maximum difference of nine seconds between getting her final tier up as a Shura and as a KoF with a rearguard.
- The 30% increase in attack during her skill. Since a SAW Alice will have her skill activated whenever it's up, she'll get a very nice damage boost just from her normal usage. Her ability proc, which happens fairly often, increases the effect of that damage buff even further by giving her more buffed attacks than would otherwise be possible for her class.
- KoF Alice's HP is a respectable 464 above Shura Alice's, assuming no buffs. However, since Alice's SAW permanently buffs her HP pool, KoF actually winds up with 881 more HP after she's done ramping. With even a single external HP buff, KoF will pull ahead even further in the eHP race. More HP means better tanking potential, as it equally increases survivability against both physical and magical threats, rather than defense only helping against physical ones.

Shura isn't a bad choice for someone who uses Alice in situations where having her ramp finished as quickly as possible is a bigger concern than her doing more damage and having higher health. I, however, do not see Shura's benefits as outweighing those brought by KoF. I couldn't speak for anyone else.

>> No.17821811

Oh, and don't ever be afraid of picking aesthetics over function. Blacks are overpowered for all content except majins, and those are really more a test of which specific blacks you have at all rather than which 2AW you picked for them.

>> No.17821817

How many nutaku games have uncensored loli?
I noticed that kamihime project r has some...

>> No.17821825

I have Aisha too. The cool down reduction doesn't stack it seems like? I'll probably go with KoF then. Thanks.

>> No.17821835

Correct, it does not stack.

>> No.17821837

Aigis and FKG both have some too, Nutaku doesn't have a problem with it anymore unlike in the past.

>> No.17821851
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I might have to rescind my choice honestly based on the sprite, that confident, smug pose is great.

>> No.17821937

idk about that armor bltiz have hetzer a loli tank a scene but shes the only one without a topless one

you pretty much have to be of age to enter the military so it doesnt make sense that she would get a topless skin too

>> No.17822265
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Did I get super lucky or what's happening? Only started playing, don't really understand everything that's happening

>> No.17822487

Nips are aggregating data about the Fame Summon, add yours if you can.


>> No.17822522

>8% black
That's kind of amazing. Of course I got a random gold.

>> No.17822581

will aigis finally add batch summoning for the 4th anniversary
or is asking just one aspect of the game to not be stuck in the past decade too much

>> No.17822700

No, we shall forever serve Aigis by rolling our silvers and golds slowly one after another, chipping away at our very soul bit by bit until nothing is left but mindless husks throwing away money because surely the next roll must be better, or the roll after that...

>> No.17822952

My expectations are incredibly low. I think best we can hope for is a Happy exp fairy and some SCs

>> No.17823002

p-plat pick ticket please

>> No.17823091

Who would you pick, anyway?

I'd probably go with either Agnes or Adele.

>> No.17823101

Zenobia or Eva

>> No.17823141

Agnes cause of basketball tits

>> No.17823154

I used my fame ticket when I only had about 3000 points or so. I hit the cap now and can't roll until a few more days. This sucks.

>> No.17823171

Clarice or Agnes

>> No.17823633

Saria or Cenote/Clarice. My 2 weakest areas are multi-target healing and high magic/true multitarget dps (maybe more so on the former now that I have Rivuru/Livre AWed).

>> No.17824184

What to do with SSR weapon with HP skill in Kamihime?

Should I use those as skill fodder?

>> No.17824207
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What does that one say?

>> No.17824211

Clear one Gold Rush mission with a team of 7 units or less

>> No.17824241
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>Single roll on a whim
Feels spectacular.

>> No.17824246

Keep one mlb for each element in case you may need it later.
Use the rest as fodder.

>> No.17824266
File: 806 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-10-28-22-22-20-662_com.dmm.dmmlabo.aigisc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it with five units but it isn't counting. Does it have to be with golds only or maybe a mission I haven't played yet?

>> No.17824270

Any mission but you need 7 or less on team organization (not including prince), not just played

>> No.17824281

Your activating members must be 7 or less. Not just deploying.

>> No.17824287

Oh I see, thanks.

>> No.17824693

you can clear that with two archers...

>> No.17824712
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>> No.17824763
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hottest necromancer and I never managed to roll her

>> No.17824833

Use the dick

>> No.17824842
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>start raid
>no one joins
Is there a worse feeling?

>> No.17824906

this is probably the worst event yet

>> No.17824986

>Over 900 tickets and not a single SSR
This event just hates me

>> No.17825058
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I don't think that Monster Slayer has rate up

>> No.17825102

How do you get diamonds in Goddess Kiss? Played for a couple of days but it feels like I'm barely getting any

>> No.17825109

Event give away, log in bonus, weekly PvP and Raid boss reward.

>> No.17825112

Pay monies.

>> No.17825199
File: 1.21 MB, 1146x641, アイオライトリンクR - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Iolite because people were praising it here.
What the heck?
1% rate for 6*, and you get almost no diamonds past initial rush. No workaround for extra copies to awaken chars.
And more importantly, girls artwork is absolutely disastrous. This is 5* char I got and she just makes me want to puke. My senyuu's light 5* is even worse.

>> No.17825209

Forgot to mention utterly stupid AI who heals full-hp units randomly.

>> No.17825247

Sounds like prime Nutaku material.

>> No.17825356

I think all my black pulls were out of spotlight

>> No.17825363

The art on your pic is actually not that bad. The expression on her face is a bit derpy, but technically it's definitely not the worse Iolite has to offer. It has some really low-quality art, and this is not one of them.

>> No.17825384

You forgot to mention the stupid need to grind material for 1st LB because it only rarely drops in small quality in the story quest.

Then you have to needlessly grind raid for material for 3rd LB, then when you have done all the LB, the pin-up art is still the same.

>> No.17825461

Are at least H-scenes or the story good?

>> No.17825478

So yesterday I was able to get the game to load full 100% twice. It popped-up a 'this game has sound' notice and then nothing. A black screen and no data download again.

I've been scrolling through twitter posts and only saw one japanese guy with the same problem. I guess this is not getting fixed anytime soon.

>> No.17825531

Yeah, cap at easily reachable 20 and no way to mass-grind these small crystals is utter bullshit too.

>> No.17825561

I don't have much problem with those crystals. Don't you grind weapon?

>> No.17825630

I got about 70+7 rolls after finishing chapter 3. 5* is at 22.5% and 5* is not bad at all. You can also roll 5* in gold gacha with 20% rate. Is it really that bad? Cause I don't play many DMM games, but I have never got a 6* in FKG and I have no problem enjoying the game.

>> No.17825718

no one is going to join your raid unless you bring it down to 75% hp or you get some people from your union to join

>> No.17825720

>all raid events are gonna be like this until like Barong
oh no

>> No.17825753

Oh so they changed the raid events twice?
I thought this was it

>> No.17825806

FKG is special, is all about the waifus there, there's no epnis involved and the game is balanced to be rolled easily with event golds and silvers.
I admit i haven't played Lolite enough but if the game starts getting too hard and requires a "6* team or gtfo" is not gonna last much.

>> No.17825823

So is Imelia still the best non-gacha bandit? I pay so little attention to the bandit class in general.

>> No.17825828

You also get 50 stones per character you have if you press the second option on the screen with the photograph which I thought was pretty hidden.

And 5 stars are more than good enough for all the content available right now and comparable with 6 stars once you awaken them a couple times.

>> No.17825996

1-1-3 will always have 3 small crystal drops and usually 1-3 large crystals.

Large crystals are way more scarce if you're trying to level up anything other than a 5 or 6 star character

>> No.17826030

>but if the game starts getting too hard and requires a "6* team or gtfo" is not gonna last much.
That's how Dragon Knight V started.
It's apparently ranked kinda highish in the app side, but almost no one plays the desktop version.

>> No.17826055

They raised the cap to 20 people immediately after Jack because people complained.

>> No.17826082

There's a desktop version?

>> No.17826134

Rorone performs much better at being an actual bandit. Imelia might be ok if you're desperate for a unit that can tank something like a mithril golem during skill use.

>> No.17826192

Level up and unlock Daily Raid you shitter

>> No.17826656

>lv9 Vepar
>that initial fish rush
How do you guys survive it?

>> No.17826680

I use Anelia + Sabrina, but anything with massive AoE works. Reanbell is godlike there, a dancer on the back also helps.

Initial timers don't matter on that map because the fish take a while to amass themselves, just get your heaviest ranged hitters and burst everything when their skills are ready. You can also place your melee tanks during the end of the rush so that they can take the bubbles while the final stragglers are being picked off.

>> No.17827360

Reanbell seems pretty good. I don't have any ground units like her.

>> No.17827497
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I saved 22k jewels,4 Kamihime weapon tickets and 12 premium tickets for this event (and the Christmas event)
6k jewels,2 KH weapon tickets and 6 premium tickets later that gave me scrap (not even a new R Hime) I start thinking my retirement message for my Union then this happened in my last pull,I wanted Halloween Michael for my dick but is Odin any good?

>> No.17828291

Based on other comments I've seen in previous threads, Odin is so-so. However she's a SSR, so better that than nothing. Congrats on your pull, maybe it's a sign to continue your spiral into the abyss of KamiPro.

>> No.17828310
File: 491 KB, 942x263, freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to burn 500-600 BP seeds, but I'm finally down with this event. Thank god that the RNG is gone in terms of getting both MLB SSRs, but the grind is definitely still there. If I knew that the Expert raids would drop red souls so often, I would have definitely done a lot less Rag runs (and saved a lot of seeds in the process).

Now time to liquidate tickets worry free as opposed to the usual "need to pull _ SSRs or can't MLB" mindset.

>> No.17828324

Only at 70 Devil souls right now probably going to go for 80 before the end of today

>> No.17828358

500 seeds? What have you done anon. I used 150. Did you use BP for Ragnas as well?

>> No.17828481

For anyone looking for ticket odds, I ended up with 0 Jacks and 2 copies of the Pumpkin SSR weapon. Is it worth it to add a LB* of the SSR weapon to my grid, or am I better off just using a MLB SR?
My initial strategy was to get the Rags out of the way first before tackling the Expert raids. 200-300 seeds later, I discovered that Expert drops red souls occasionally and realized what I had done. Oh well, it is what it is.
Nice, almost there. Best of luck on the last batch.

>> No.17828528

2* LB and above SSR > MLB SR
1*, not really

>> No.17828671

Looks like the madness continues,thanks!

>> No.17828960

>Is it worth it to add a LB* of the SSR weapon to my grid
It's worth it to add it even if its at 0 LB, assuming skill level 20. Dark SSR Assault are even rarer than other elements.

>> No.17829015

Thanks, I'll get that Pumpkin to a lv75 SL20 and then swap it into my grid.

I heard the DMM people talking about a shop opening up in the future where we can purchase SSRs for orbs or some other mats. Does this include weapons in addition to Eidolons? I'm secretly hoping that I can one day turn some of these leftover SSR weapons into fully MLB'd ones.

>> No.17829182
File: 290 KB, 2629x467, UT86sqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So alternate form DG is finally here, as is Artemisia. Another good week for lolicons.

No witches, though. Only cats, snakes and gourds.

>> No.17829300
File: 75 KB, 438x535, 48854ud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they stopped giving a shit about these tier 2 weapons.

>> No.17829460


Between this and Halloween Nowi in FEH, it's a good time to be alive.

>> No.17829898

I was finally able to load and play the game.
It was totally random, I didn't do anything unusual. Just kept trying to launch when I had spare time. It still kept

If anyone ever comes across this problem, what I was able to pinpoint from all of this:
The connection to the server is shit. Or the server itself is shit, that's why it won't load or would stop loading mid-DL. And you need to turn off the adblocker, because it blocks the rest of the game as soon as it hits 100% on the loading screen.

>> No.17829902

>It still kept crashing/stopping mid-tutorial though

>> No.17829944

New to Kamihime, which is best soul, Mordred or Andromeda?

>> No.17829990

Did you reroll? If so you might want to choose a soul that covers what your himes can't.

Overall, cannot go wrong with Andromeda first. I personally went Andro>D'art>Mordred at first and don't regret it.

>> No.17830135

>Does this include weapons in addition to Eidolons?
IIRC it will be the new tower thing quest (not yet implemented) that will have the shop with the old raid weapons. Orbs can be traded only for Accessories, raid Eidola, Kaiser Dragoons and a bunch of other mats/things right now.

>> No.17830174

She's pretty bad, they tried to fix her with the character adjustment update and failed, but she just got her awakening today so you can still pray until someone fills in the details, maybe this time she'll get good.

>> No.17830181

I'm kind of glad so I don't have to farm them. Even if it's just autoing I'm getting tired of it.

>> No.17830281
File: 112 KB, 488x530, iolite5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scrolled through all the girls art and I personally think yours is pretty nice compared to this nose.

>> No.17830290

You just gotta have a team that doesn't care about cost.

>> No.17830360
File: 138 KB, 694x447, iolite7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recently added brown elf is very nice though.

>> No.17830664

Depends on what your party build is. When I started, I did 6 10-pulls on the Jewel gacha and pulled no himes, so I desperately needed Mordred to punch above my weight class, so to speak.

After I had enough girls to make parties for each element, I got Andromeda as my 2nd soul for teams where I couldn't slot in Nike for healing.

>> No.17830690
File: 1.49 MB, 1136x631, 51984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried for brown elf, the art is all over the place. Should be able to scrap enough gems for tomorrow's login to try again.

>> No.17830752

For Kamihime, is it correct to assume that Gacha SSR with only medium Assault and some secondary boost are not worth investing in?

>> No.17830779

probably not unless it's dark because the dark SR gun from the raids is fuckawful

>> No.17830896

> and some secondary boost
Depends on the secondary buff. Assault Medium Defender Medium are fine. Exceed is fine too (apparently), as is TA up whatever it's called. DA up not so much. In any case, there are so few assault Big weapons that you can't possibly think of filling an entire grid with them if you're not a giant whale.

>> No.17830937

What did I miss? Why did my necrowaifu suddenly become popular? Some kind of buff?

>> No.17830952

Memento is still cuter, Agnesfags should fuck off.

>> No.17830958

Nah, just people deciding based on cuteness. As it should be.

>> No.17830970
File: 86 KB, 627x812, 17801ae10b7b83427bbad3241aeca860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, we all know who the best necromancer is anyways.

>> No.17830972

Nah. People likes tits and ass, nothing special here

>> No.17830992
File: 1.78 MB, 1872x1956, 646ca8d73d32b4c5204152fa101e984b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day slutty elf drood will get re-run, then I'll only be missing Ur for my cute flat chests.

>> No.17830996

That's the "seiyuu's light 5*" I mentioned.
I just can't comprehend how someone could look at that and think "yeah, this will make moebutas shell out their hard-earned monies".
Maybe top-manager was more interested in kickbacks from ultra-cheap chink art slave shops or something.

>> No.17831001

Speaking of Necromancers, how come they didn't get AW2 already? There's only 3 of them.

>> No.17831012

Fucking big titty widow is fucking hot

>> No.17831013

No need to fight, Memento is plenty cute too. It's not my place to judge the tastes of other anons, unless they're one of them freaks who dislike glasses girls.

Maybe they're trying to iron out the kinks of these resurrecting skeletons that showed up in a previous gold rush. These sounded like they're intended for AW2 necromancers.

>> No.17831014

Because everyone uses Demon Summoners now. They have Tokens that stall and can be used as lightning rods, too. And the field is true damage. What do Necromancers offer?

>> No.17831024

I like her full semi-transparent bodysuit pre-AW design more.

>> No.17831035

>What do Necromancers offer?
Necromancers are basically witches that use tokens to slow enemies instead of actually slowing them.
Sadly, they end up being sub-par, because said tokens actually count towards units placed.
I mean, I don't know why I can't just fill the whole map with skeletons.

>> No.17831068

Tokens are generally weak and can't be healed anyway, so it's never really made sense that they count toward your placement limit. If anything, there should just be a separate limit for tokens, say no more than 3-5 on the map at any given time, possibly map dependent like the normal limit.

>> No.17831069

Agreed, but it's a narrow victory. Something like >>17824712 for her AW2 art would also be great, like how Dahlia goes from drab clothes to a wedding dress in her own AW2.

>> No.17831474
File: 977 KB, 943x623, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (63).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snek tsun-tsun jouousama getto!

>> No.17831595
File: 235 KB, 592x263, 千年戦争アイギス R - DMM GAMES R18 (90).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical prince army with typical human soldiers.

>> No.17831636

Are there more revival event units with common ass skills so you can reuse their bonboris for other units?
I know the dark elf avenger's base skill was shared with Cuterie and I used that already.

>> No.17832038

For Moltena which is better her normal skill or SAW?

>> No.17832168

SAW. It gives her permanent true damage.

>> No.17832260

Am I the only guy without Moltena?

>> No.17832412

I got her as I was trying to get Sylvia

>> No.17832518

I have both her and Sylvia

>> No.17833088
File: 81 KB, 653x584, brownelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of 23's characters are great

>> No.17833222

I got her in a dream.

>> No.17833828
File: 1.37 MB, 960x584, Wrath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833848

Idiom is out.

>> No.17833855

Just when I thought I'd get a couple days break from this horrid grind. What fun!

>> No.17833861

Awww shit.
>After this event barring no delays Osiris comes out with the light advent
H-hoping I get her for my dark team

>> No.17834076

For me union events are wonderful break times.

>> No.17834270

>Timeout error
>Timeout error
>Timeout error
Am I the only one getting this?

>> No.17834281

looks kind of cheap, also how do you get that main girl (the one with black hair a ripped clothes) tutorial girl looks boring.

>> No.17834301

I ended up playing the android version instead.

I didn't like it, it's some kind of weird rngfest puzzle/rpg hybrid.

>> No.17834302

Apparently the gameplay is a copy of Pokorun Dungeons. Which is pretty popular in Japan.

>> No.17834328

> finally realizing that idiom gals is game about fucking girlified fucking kanji
Is there something that couldn't be turned into cute girls with lewd content?
I bet next year we will see a game about carpenter and cute oak wood kitchen table fighting against evil plastic cafe tables.

>> No.17834341

Well, the next game about to be released on DMM is Killdoya, which is about lewdified english words.

>> No.17834356
File: 219 KB, 926x510, killd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually liked how it turned out. Some designs are pretty nice.

>> No.17834455

is this a jojo reference

>> No.17834472
File: 272 KB, 800x1000, DNcFguwUMAAgLTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least all H scenes have live 2D so that's better than GKX imo, also got 3 5* for pre registration so that's a good start I guess, but still I want to know how to get that cutie on the middle

>> No.17834534

She seems to be the game mascot char, which means you may never have a chance to fuck her.

>> No.17834710
File: 5 KB, 494x66, setmefree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it, is this really the end?
I knew I should've jumped to DMM...

>> No.17834745

Nice link you have there.

>> No.17834760
File: 27 KB, 620x273, Coatonachthodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet we still don't have a high-budget game that's about cute insects. FKG's bug collection scratches that itch a bit, but goodness, I figured one would pop up by now instead of the umpteenth Kancolle clone.

I mean, look at this bug that has an entirely different bug for a butt. There are wasps that have six extra stingers (well, "poison claws") on their legs, because Mega Beedrill has nothing on nature. There are caddisflies that dive down into the ocean and impregnate starfish with their eggs. There are beetle grubs that sort of combine together into a vague semblance of a female bee, so that they can mate with a male and hitchhike on him to parasitize his hive. There are actual airheaded ditz beetles, and I really mean this because their heads have a big open chamber with air in it, and they use it to sort of melt into wood and pass through without burrowing. How are these things not cute girls yet? Don't tell me the monster girl craze is already over.

>> No.17834816

>maintenance without any info on it
>game discontinued withotu any prior warning
Somehow this is something i may believe.

>> No.17834862

Even if its true, no loss for me, my dmm team after 1 year is allready stronger than 3 years of nutaku thanks to Lapis and Sylvia raping every map like its a kamihime cg scene...

>> No.17834988

Japanese shrines.

>> No.17835032

Oh wow I thought this was just a troll post, but it was legit.

>> No.17835037
File: 28 KB, 618x518, lolnutaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah It's real boys. They've finally killed it.

>> No.17835040

◆Announcement regarding "Millennium War Aigis" service closure◆

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

We are contacting you to inform you that the tower defence RPG "Millennium War Aigis",
which opened on the Feburary 12th 2015, will come to an end on Tuesday December 26th 2017.
We of the Aigis development team would like to express our gratitude to all you who have played until now.

The closure of this game will proceed as follows:

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday October 31st 2017
Last game content update

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday November 28th 2017
End of sale of "Sacred Crystals" and "New Prince Support Packs"

・2:00 (EST) Tuesday December 26th 2017
End of all services

There is still a short period before the end of service, and we hope you can enjoy the game until then.

The Millennium War Aigis Development Team

>> No.17835044

Well now there is no point of going to nutaku anymore

>> No.17835045

FKG next, then finally Kamihime.

>> No.17835050

Nothing seems safe at this point

>> No.17835062

Nothing is safe at this point, Nutaku clearly wanted to switch to Western games for a very long time now.

I'm expecting no new DMM games and a lot more Pussy Saga and Harem Heroes.

>> No.17835064

Welp, guess the rumors are true. Nutaku really is trying to get rid of DMM games in favor of burgerland games.

There's no reason to kill Aigis, it was one of the top ranking games on Nutaku. What's next, Kamihime?

>> No.17835069

That's why if like these games you should learn japanese and play on DMM. Or don't learn japanese and play on DMM.

Original releases get shut down too, but compared to western localizations they last three to ten times longer.

>> No.17835070

Maybe they wanted to cut the middleman of the equation and make engrish version on dmm?

>> No.17835073

Whlep. I expect nutaku to lose a lot of profit if theyll only have games like those two. Honestly hope they go under

>> No.17835079

FKG should be the next one, expect them to go full cashgrab before shutting it down.

>> No.17835082

Probably FKG, they're struggling to keep up with the content as is. Kamihime might be more difficult because the original team has direct input over it.

That was always their plan, but the problem is that most Western games are unplayably awful.

>> No.17835146

Is dmm lagging for anyone else?

>> No.17835171
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, [DerpDesuYo] Owari no Seraph - Nagoya Kessen-hen - 08 (BD 1920x1080 10bit FLAC) [70BD8822].mkv_snapshot_19.07_[2017.10.28_17.36.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend over a hundred dollars on this dumb fucking game, grinding for years, preparing for new events. This game has been on my mind for such a long time, and they just fucking close it down? Just like that? What the actual fuck. Why?
Fucking kill me.

>> No.17835191

DMM actually has a translation department but they focus on translating business documents to english. They also have a English tutoring department. They definitely have the capability so it wouldn't surprise me if they started localizing and hosting english version of their games directly on their own site.

DMM also already accepts international credit cards, paypal and bitcoin so there's no problem regarding payment methods.

To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if DMM is the one that's trying to cut off Nutaku and not the other way around.

>> No.17835202

It's a bit late to say this, but you really shouldn't go into these games without the expectation that they will one day close.

This really wouldn't surprise me, after the rampant mistreatment of otherwise very profitable DMM games by Nutaku.

I mean, Kanpani at least didn't deserve to go like that.

>> No.17835223

Have not they already made some games that have english option, or that is what I heard

>> No.17835239

Nope, not at all.
They point you to Nutaku general direction if you choose English option.

>> No.17835245

Sure, but there wasn't any indication that Aigis was at any risk of just shutting down like this.
This hit me like a truck.

>> No.17835249

Not the whole site but in-game option

>> No.17835258
File: 100 KB, 665x633, d00979a428b019bc3451fea4feee3170db325c92_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17835265

I feel more like I looked both ways and this truck just dropped from the fucking sky.

>> No.17835268

Only GBF does that afaik, but it wasn't originally published on DMM. It'd be nice if other nip games did the same thing.

>> No.17835269

I've been playing DMM games since 2014, none of them have an in-game option for changing language, anon.

>> No.17835271

The only game I recalled to have English option is GBF, but it already had it before it reached DMM platform.

>> No.17835277

Yeah, and that's thanks to Cygames, not DMM.

>> No.17835299

Damn, I still remember the 6 weeks of nothing in Aigis. It was a fun ride while it lasted bros.

So who is your Aigis waifu? I really liked Deine.

>> No.17835304


>> No.17835306

Esther for me. With deine being a close second.

>> No.17835313

Does gbf have harems? If it does I might give it a try.

>> No.17835321


And Shiho, Memento, Noel, Rikka, Maurette, Assal...

Fuck, anon, what are you doing to me? ;_;

>> No.17835327

Play Kamihime instead if you want a harem.

>> No.17835328

Thank fuck I got back to dmm a few weeks ago, I feel literally dumb for giving priority to nutaku. Too bad I never rolled something good there, hopefully I'll get something on my next month roll.

>> No.17835329

No. If you want GBF with harem you play Kamihime.

>> No.17835332

Some characters like the MC in their story but its mostly neutral. Unless you count valentines day.

>> No.17835340

It legitely feels like saying farewell to a bunch of good friends to me.

>> No.17835351

Well, I was already semi-considering moving to DMM after yesterday, but it looks like this Aigis closure just sealed it.

Is there a reroll guide for FKG? At least now is the perfect time to start, since I can shoot for Halloween Daisy.

>> No.17835355

Really makes me think about how much Peropero makes them seeing how Aigis ended up being shut down before it. Peropero shut down on DMM ages ago but is still running on Nutaku.

>> No.17835380

How is that game still running? Are they still adding new events?

>> No.17835399

When a meme is too strong that becomes reality.

>> No.17835408

I see them adverting events still, but I'm not sure if it's just their backlog from DMM or they're actually making their own events. With Aigis gone Peropero will be their oldest game that still hasn't shut down.

>> No.17835416

Not sure about peropero but osawari is still alive too. It has a pretty smallish playerbase ~5000 people rank for events, and like 2000 of those clear 1 mission.
I guess the top 100 or so spend enough every event to keep the game afloat.

>> No.17835438

And Osawari got shut down on DMM a long time ago too.
So basically: Less gameplay, more sexual themes and H-CGs are what Nutaku audience is after.

>> No.17835478

I can't believe BGR wasn't the next to go. I jumped ship way back but I'll still miss my nutaku account.

>> No.17835491

That is what sadpanda is for...
Doesn't nutaku players know how to access it?

>> No.17835494

I think it's more games where you can whale to rank, which Peropero and Osawari both have. Well, one thing for sure, we aren't going to get any more DMM games translated.

>> No.17835538

I was thinking that or Drapro were the next to go. Drapro is a shitty GBF clone from the little I played it, and they already got Kamihime to fill the GBF clone section.

>> No.17835561

It's quite ironic that Nutaku Aigis is closing on Halloween becuase it was a DEAD GAME

>> No.17835568
File: 216 KB, 640x800, drapro19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drapro is actually a clone of one of the previous Cygames titles - Knights of Glory.
I don't like it being a pvp-heavy game too, but at least it has some decent monster-girls and apparently japanese version is very generous.

>> No.17835582

Not the dia de los muertos event you'd be up for.
I'll be honest I just played it to collect cute girls and even joined a somewhat active guild to leech off them for some raids to get more cute girls from the rankings.

>> No.17835592

>nutaku aigis dies
>move to dmm
>dmm aigis dies within the next year
what a way to go

>> No.17835615

DMM Aigis has a permanent top 5 ranking position secured for more than 2 years. Unlike on Nutaku, ranking on DMM actually means the something to developers.

>> No.17835841

Considering people in this thread say games like Kamihime don't get smut drawn for them when the game it's cloning is one of those games like Touhou where every single artist ends up making at least one doujin about it you're likely correct. I don't play Granblue but I know some of the character's names because that shit is so prevalent.

>> No.17835842

>nutaku kanpani girls dead
>nutaku aegis going to be dead
no point playing on nutaku any more

>> No.17835878
File: 6 KB, 512x480, castlevania-horrible-night-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17835881

Any good R-rated games for Android?

>> No.17835906

They have 2 games left to kill before this thread can drop the "Nutaku" part for good.

>> No.17835912

It's proving Nutaku is fucking shit company

>> No.17835923

but hey atleast you can still play these REALLY GOOD western games on nutaku right haha?

>> No.17835941

Wow, the prince's accumulated STDs are finally overpowering him.

At least the bronze units will get a chance now.

>> No.17835946

Finally I'm going to have my sikrit club back. Fuck anyone who translates stuff, I hope they all go under.

>> No.17835965

There still is.

Gotta record those english translated scenes before they dissapear.

>> No.17835978
File: 412 KB, 1500x2118, 9b3eaa6b53202ab823ad82d6d9655359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dropped 150€ trying to get her. Got Nanaly instead.

Got fucked so hard.

>> No.17836029
File: 48 KB, 339x111, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like just yesterday we were making fun the the dracorich. The best part about playing both versions is that I'll be able to experience the game closing twice.

>> No.17836068


Phyllis. Just feels like she has the heart of a true hero.

>> No.17836079

>the same shitposters from the FKG Agave fiasco are doing the same shit with the Aigis closure

Holy fuck, these people.

>> No.17836227

>got enough rubies to get a girl from 0 to 50%~ so far just doing the halloween gold rush to get the first fucking drop
DMM Aigis dying when

>> No.17836237

Complaining about it made it drop.

>> No.17836317

Yep, good call on my part to not put any more money into lol Aigis and go all in on dmm Aegis. Still had a good time, got some decent blacks, sad to see them go into digital nirvana.

Unrelated, what happened to this Aigis clone "Crystal Maidens" that was running pre-reg on nutaku some month ago? It vanished without a word. Had decent western art i think.

>> No.17836351

Nutaku FKG skipped events to do last year’s Halloween again. No Ghost Weed rolls for me this week, but maybe Halloween Peony instead...

It’s the Duke Nukem Forever of gaijin mobage. They’re supposedly still working on it.

>> No.17836551

I see you have excellent taste.

I don't know what happened to Kanpani regarding content, but EN Kanpani went down hard, which is a real shame. The JP version is still going strong and it's such a vastly improved game since it actually got updates. It would have done really well if Nutaku hadn't just completely dropped the ball on it.

Only 2? 4th anniversary is next week. What did they do for the first two years?

>> No.17836571

>but EN Kanpani went down hard, which is a real shame.
What's the story?
>What did they do for the first two years?
I wasn't there before, so I don't really know. But I assume it was a top title ever since.

>> No.17836584

Been a while but iirc they were given a certain amount of content that was meant to last a year and then they used all of it in the first couple of months. So then there was practically no updates for a long time.

>> No.17836598

It's STILL running on pre-reg. It's trapped in pre-reg limbo forever.

>> No.17836647

>So then there was practically no updates for a long time.
More like, there wasn't any update on 6 months.

>> No.17836658
File: 593 KB, 720x960, 65687246_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more disdain Anna in my life

>> No.17836659

So this is how kamihime is gonna go from now on?
1 new raid, 1 new advent, 1 reissued advent or reissued union raid, and 2 guild orders spread across a month?

>> No.17836669
File: 481 KB, 644x900, 5e5caf585200ac294bfee54929d24ccb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can always use more Anna.

>> No.17836696 [DELETED] 

New tower event should be released this month

>> No.17836705

Kanon forever.

On that note, I doubt it applies here, but for the Nutaku-only Aigis players:

(Includes a scene dump if you care about that).

>> No.17836706

A new tower event was announced to be release in a future update as well

>> No.17836722
File: 496 KB, 813x1150, 60981050_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can use her outrageous tits

>> No.17836730
File: 823 KB, 1000x1000, 15cca99fa3b4d759f92b7fea67ffc478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get spooked.

>> No.17836735

I don't think they ever added any extra content to it, did they? They only thing they ever updated was shit like their own UI changes that advertised cash sales and stuff.

>> No.17836748

After something like half a year of zero content updates they had the huge announcement of a French localizaton and then shut the servers down after a couple more months of no content. Somehow during that massive content drought retards were still giving a company known for these fuck-ups money.

>> No.17836760

is anyone ripping the translated h-scenes/affection% quotes from nutaigis?

>> No.17836779

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the French localization. That was such a weird choice. Surely they didn't fund that. I can only assume that some company in Europe somewhere funded one and they just licensed it. I can't really guess why they'd do that and they haven't for anything else.

>> No.17836782


Affection quotes are a bit of a problem since the script spits it out as 1 big block with no obvious divides. You may have to stick to using the wiki pages if you want those.

>> No.17836877

Is this
a fucking
is this some fucking nightmare I can't wake up from
this is fucking surreal
just why
I put so much effort into this fucking game
so many fucking hours farming
and a lot less money than most whales, but enough to make it hurt a fucking lot

>> No.17836884

I'm torn between switching to DMM Aigis now that Nutaku is kill, and just doing without. It scratched that tower defense/collection itch that I have frequently, but I don't want to start now only to have it die in a year as well or something. Is it true that they rain a shitload of SC on you compared to Nutaku? I've heard it's a lot easier to get into/get rolls going without whaling.

>> No.17836899

>the features that I looked forward to will never happen
>the uncensored scenes in English that I looked forward to will never happen
>literally years of anticipation for the better times just to get an abrupt fucking shaft

>> No.17836923

If you are gonna bother at all, you might want to start right now, there's a anniversary coming soon. And kamipro collaboration for some more SCs to start with

>> No.17836944

I have an account I made about half a year ago I didn't do much with, because I thought to myself "why bother? I don't really want to work on a second account since I've already got some nice girls on the english account. I'll just stay there and wait for them to catch up!"

Now I just look like a fuckin asshole though.

>> No.17836951

>dumb fucking gaijins are going to flock to DMM Aigis now
Good goys, you don't want to never see your waifus again, right?

>> No.17836976

> haha, nice joke you have there guys
> open nutaku aigis
> omfg, its real
I wanted to go post some smugs on ulmf but
> can't establish a connection to the server at www.ulmf.org.
Is ulmf kill too? Where I can troll the fuck out of Lafate and other DMM deniers?

>> No.17836988

I haven't been to ULMF in ages but didn't Lafate fuck off years ago? Also it's funny if he was a "DMM denier" because he was always in the DMM threads asking people about how shit worked in DMM because he had no fucking clue. Nutaku staff asked him stuff like how trading post rotations worked on DMM because apparently he was some sort of authority on the game in the English community and he had no fucking idea so he had to come crawling to the DMM players to find out.

>> No.17836997

No, I've checked ulmf thread like 6 months ago and he was back, posting his usual nonsense.

>> No.17836999

I can't fucking deal with this.
I looked forward to every Tuesday because of this fucking game.
I abandoned NEEThood and even became a wagecuck to afford rolling for some girls. I was so fucking happy that I got them.
And now they're just going to take it all away?

>> No.17837003

If anyone else is still playing Goddess Kiss type these in the chat for items:


>> No.17837006

I know one website he had a sperg fit and completely quit going to it because it didn't support some random characters. The other one he incessantly bitched about how he wasn't getting attention and praise for all the "work" he was doing and then a week later repeatedly blog posted about how he got a message he didn't want to open because it was from somebody he didn't know and then quit that website because he was being "harassed."

>> No.17837013

Anon, you are confusing aigis ecelebs. One you are talking about is Petite, transrator who played DMM Aigis.
Lafate is idiot from Nutaku Aigis who was posting "event guides" and lecturing everyone on Aigis content while not having any idea how things actually worked. When we exposed his bullshit in the thread, he ran away from it for a year or two.

>> No.17837031

Well shit, I missed out on the English equivalent of that retard I guess.

>> No.17837059
File: 278 KB, 540x470, bawling reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browser kusoge converts shitty neets into honest-working sararymen
I'm moved by your story

>> No.17837062
File: 11 KB, 237x274, 1481236061146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going bro

>> No.17837069

Ah, yeah, Petite. Forgot about that fucker. I think he's still raking in Patreon cash for his shitty and incorrect translations of DMM content. He'll probably be getting even more with Nutaku closing.

>> No.17837073

Take it back.

>> No.17837097

I don't get this.
Did any signs point to them suddenly axing Aigis?
Is it really the Japanese developers being desperate and fishing for some gaijins switching/signing up over at DMM?

I was going relatively well, we even got Anna for fuck's sake... it can't just end like this.

>> No.17837100

Getting Anna's event over a year and a half after you should have was your sign.

>> No.17837103

Meanwhile, BGR...

>> No.17837112

Call me when they remake the game with CG with variations and voice acting
Or at least manage to implement 2AW without shitting themselves

>> No.17837113

Should have put that effort into studying moonrunes.

>> No.17837116

Most likely current contract ends at the end of year and Aigis devs just decided to not prolong it. Dealing with nutaku was pain in the ass and its just not worth the effort to keep going.

>> No.17837120

>Is it really the Japanese developers being desperate and fishing for some gaijins switching/signing up over at DMM?
I highly doubt this. Japanese devs are known for keeping their stuff Nippon-only. All-age DMM keeps half of its stuff under IP-block.
And besides, your average EOP player will rather wait years for a translation instead of trying to play a game in moonrunes.

>> No.17837123

You're probably better off listing games that are actually supported at this point. You can tell how well something is going to end up just by predicting the exact opposite of how the game performs on DMM.

>> No.17837157

Surely even they don't hate money, right?
There's plenty of gaijin whales who don't feel like playing on DMM, as

If it's really THAT fucking bad that they just decide to shaft it with no forewarning, they only have themselves to blame for keeping up the development on a sub-par level all this time.

They could honestly just provide Nutaku with assets and let them handle it instead, like was planned for some time apparently.
Fuck them, man. This is the scummiest example of "fuck gajin piggu" I've seen.

>> No.17837168

You're laying the blame on thick over something that is pure conjecture at this point. We have no way to know whether Dev Tea terminated the contract, and whether they did this to screw over EN players.

I find that very unlikely, because if they had that intent, they never would've allowed the localization of Aigis to begin with.

>> No.17837181

I fail to see how Nutaku is at any fault here, if we know they only host the game and thus put minimal effort into its actual development.
I'm making this conjecture based on a previous post which claimed
>Dealing with nutaku was pain in the ass and its just not worth the effort to keep going.
Which honestly sounds plausible.

>> No.17837204

Considering the only success Nutaku has had is with shitty clones/plagiarised JP art games or games made by some French monkeys who draw with MSPaint it's also a fairly safe assumption nobody there actually knows anything about coding or dealing with a code-base.

>> No.17837214

Nutaku likely pissed off Tea Team from the start with all of the rules they tried to impose on them, especially regarding lolis. Everything from removing characters to changing distribution of some (Liana) to not having some appear on banners at all.

If it were a matter of just inserting English text, that's one thing, but they clearly weren't comfortable handing their property over to Nutaku and Nutaku just gave them a lot of unnecessary extra work on top of what they were doing for the JP version.

Nutaku gave them a hard time and had basically no track record of success before or during Aigis's run. I wouldn't at all be surprised if they chose to end the contract themselves.

>> No.17837219

>Nutaku likely pissed off Tea Team from the start with all of the rules they tried to impose on them, especially regarding lolis.
Are you stupid? This is more than likely Dev Tea being paranoid about the western market. They still consider the Rapelay shitstorm as being reflective of how it works.

>> No.17837220

Then they would’ve ended it last year, while we were still having content droughts out the ass.

Honestly, both sides are probably at fault at this point.

>> No.17837238

We told you to go to DMM but well, suck to be EOP I guess

>> No.17837239

>paranoid about the western market.
Then why did Nutaku stop censoring lolis only after Kamihime's launch?

>> No.17837253

I don't think it's the dev teams' fault. They were re-adding content omitted from the english version like Anna so they're obviously looking in the long term. If they were planning to close down the english version they wouldn't bother readding those back.

This looks like a last minute decision from either Nutaku or DMM.

>> No.17837259

Yes, dmm Aegis gives out about three to four times as many SC. A new event every week and the daily revivals will make you swim in SC for some months. Also way more free SC. The black ticket will also help to build up your core team fast.

>> No.17837271

Yeah I think so. They've had a good run in later half of game's life time. If they want to fuck with EOPs, they just repeat the 6 weeks fiasco for etarnity

>> No.17837278

The problem is, I don't know if I'd be able to hold off picking with my dick for the ticket, or picking what I will probably need/help the most.

>> No.17837279
File: 284 KB, 555x500, pout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain bro. I'm currently just drinking the sadness away.

>> No.17837283

Who is your favourite slut?

>> No.17837301

Looking at the ticket page, if I picked with my dick, I'd probably end up with Dina or Sybilla but picking for the team I've heard Elyse is overall the best.

>> No.17837304

Are YOU stupid? Nutaku said it themselves, multiple times, that those were restrictions THEY put on their games. Fuck off with that nonsense.

Hell, this is the company that said they'd have to close down because of some virginal blood.

>> No.17837313

Fuck this, I wouldn't give a fuck about DMM Aigis even if it came with 10 black tickets, not even because it has censored scenes with moonspeak, I genuinely cannot be fucking assed to pour my time, heart, and effort into the same game I've done so for years.
Only for the same thing to happen to it again.

>> No.17837318

Feel free to pick based on design, black choice doesn't matter anywhere beyond majin stages and other top-end content. Elyse does completely trivialize Vepar, though.

Virginal blood that they ended up re-adding, mind.

>> No.17837321

>Virginal blood that they ended up re-adding, mind.
It was a dumb argument in the first place because at the time they said that Aigis already had some in one of Maribel's scenes.

>> No.17837325


>> No.17837336
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>> No.17837347

Clearing the missions with scrub teams can be fun in itself. Consider this before you leave.

>> No.17837355

> nutaku shills still defending nutaku even after people were literally robbed for thousands of dollars

>> No.17837364

>it's all devTea the biggest strawman's fault. we dindu nuthin

>> No.17837371

I wonder if this notorious hacker known as DevTea is also at fault for Taimanin Asagi not being released on Nutaku.

>> No.17837377

Not to defend Nutaku but Aigis devs were shit from the start, everyone knows that Nutaku tryied many times on getting their hands on the game but the devs gaved them the mid finger all the time.
The game actually died long time ago, Tea just put all the shit they translated so far to get the most cash they could before closing.

>> No.17837378

This is why i never spend money on online browser games. You never know when you'll get fucked

>> No.17837381

Honestly I wouldn't mind switching to DMM if I could at least keep my waifus. Hell, even just one or two of them would keep me happy. 0 chance that happens though.

>> No.17837391
File: 87 KB, 953x638, Cornelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't roll a black for my life from SCs, but these tickets keep shitting them out for me.

>> No.17837392

Every Aigis player on DMM gets a free ticket that can be exchanged for any black unit until a certain date, including all shrine blacks on EN Aigis.

So yeah, you do get to keep one.

>> No.17837394

This is more of an outlier though exacerbated by being on a platform with a very shady track record.

>> No.17837411

Nah, I know about that. I'm talking about my high level platinum units. Never actually got a black unit on Nutaku.

>> No.17837413

So I'd be safe to pick with the dick and not really cause a huge issue? Or is Elyse trivializing a thing THAT strong that I'll regret not having her when I get to that point?

>> No.17837429

I genuinely believe Nutaku out of all things, they proved with FKG that they can handle games of they try and if nothing else losing Aigis will hurt them financially.
What I really hope they do is at least try to enter some negotiation with DevTea over Aigis instead of just shrugging it off.

>> No.17837432
File: 1.24 MB, 963x643, that time of the month again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17837436

That's not the same and you know it.
That ticket is for the waifu you fail to roll.
And even if, that's just one waifu, singular.

>> No.17837443

This wouldn't fucking hurt so much if Dev Tea communicated or gave some signals that they don't really give a shit about Aigis and it's going to get shafted as soon as they legally can.
And no, irregular/late events don't count, that's still content updates, i.e. fishing for consumers to spend their money.

>> No.17837448

Time to roll my plat.

>> No.17837449

Assuming you're the same guy: I mean if you dick pick Dina, she's fantastic. She's had a series of buffs this year and she's kind of insane now. Sybilla... Well, we'll have to see what Princess AW2 does. They keep making adjustments to princess, and even Sybilla in particular, but it's never quite enough.

There are a few other units that do what B.Iris does these days anyway. Aix is a black priest warrior with a similar SAW, and SAW Verdinath is basically B.Iris-lite. She's still better than both at that role, but she's hardly the only option anymore.

>> No.17837452

Well you did say one or two, so you can choose at least one.

>> No.17837461

>So I'd be safe to pick with the dick and not really cause a huge issue?
By all means.

>is Elyse trivializing a thing THAT strong that I'll regret not having her when I get to that point?
No, Vepar is strictly extra content.

Her stage gimmick is that she doubles all damage that goes past your units' defense, so if something is hitting you for 1000 and you have 200 defense, you take 1600; but if you have 800 defense, you only take 400 (she has this trait because the spirit Vepar is said to fester the wounds of its summoner's enemies, one neat thing about majin stages is how they work these things into gameplay). Vepar herself also attacks all units in a considerable range during her second phase, which means that placing down a high-end tank may not be enough to take her on.

She can be handled by isolating her and placing your healers just outside her range (Saria and Alyssa's extra range helps a lot here), or you can just deploy Elyse to give infinite defense to everyone and laugh as the poor snail woman blows feeble breezes at you with her umbrella.

>> No.17837474
File: 212 KB, 730x525, dmmranking1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can sorakana popup this high?

The game felt like a super shallow autofest when I tried it out. The art and the 'corrupted girls' twist is nice, Shimotsuki doing a main theme is also nice, but that doesn't make the game good at all.

>> No.17837483

currently has a collab with himegari or whatever eushully's game was, if that matters?

>> No.17837484

Each black is strong in their own way, picking what you like is more important than just choosing for power. I don't even have B.Iris and I chose Rinne for my ticket back then. She has been a great help and I don't regret getting her. Not to mention she is great to look at.

>> No.17837488

Yeah it is same dude. So the main reason B.Iris was so strong and everyone said to get her is because she was the only one with the massive defense boost? Also I had heard that heavy armors were dogshit and nobody used them much anymore in anything, so I was a bit remiss to throw my only ticket at a supposedly bad class/unit.

Isn't all that Majin stuff supposedly the endgame content anyway? So ideally by that point I'll have the means to take her on anyway, right? Unless I get fucked by the goddess again.

>> No.17837492
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Is she good for anything?

>> No.17837493

Fuck me I was farming plats in Aigis just yesterday. I have like 20 of them.
I had units to level.
I had units to max affection.
What the fuck do I do now.
God fucking damn, this actually hurts.

>> No.17837504

If it helps, many of us are suffering with you.
Time to get out the noose again i guess.

>> No.17837507
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>> No.17837509

Heavies are kind of iffy for endgame stuff, so it comes down to whether you're picking for esports or not, in which case you want B.Iris anyway.

Dina does have the advantage of 1k+ high speed AoE spam, though, which is something other heavies don't have. It does give her a bit more usability in that realm. Outside of endgame stuff like majins, she'll trash maps. We also haven't seen what heavy AW2 does yet. It could bring heavies back to endgame use.

>> No.17837515

>my War of Magic is still 2*
>I still have like 5 story missions to 4*
>I never even managed to get to the point where I could 3* Golden Armor G
>I never even successfully finished the Skill AW Sunday daily mission
And now these things will never happen.

>> No.17837517

Majin come in graded difficulties (level 1 through 15) and higher levels sometimes require very niche setups. A generic high-end team will be able to consistently handle level 5-9, but beyond that you'll either need to raise some units just for a specific majin (Rita is useful for Furfur, Platinum Karma suddenly became great for Barbatos after years of obscurity, Reanbell is a staple for mob clearing against Vepar, pegasus riders are premier UP generators for Shuten) or just break through with blacks (when backed with a dancer, Rion and Nanaly in particular can snipe midbosses and the majin themselves left, right and center).

Bullying. You must not look at goblin maid, you must not play her maps.

>> No.17837521

If you're at least decent at the game and practical about spending crystals with all the weekly and daily revivals you should be able to get 150 SC stamp for like 4-5 months straight.

>> No.17837540

I blame fucking Kamihime.
Everybody jumped onto that shit GBF clone because "HORY SHET ANIMATED SEX SCENES TAKE ALL MY WHALEBUCKS" and it effectively dethroned Aigis from its already rickety top game position.
Of course, DevTea could easily keep it there if they gave a fuck, but they obviously never did.

>> No.17837552

>and it effectively dethroned Aigis from its already rickety top game position.
If it was that easy for a game to lose a support of their developer then Nutaku wouldn't want to release new and popular games since they would effectively suck away the audience of the existing games. It doesn't work that way anon.

And besides animated H-scenes, while a nice touch, are definitely not the reason most people play Kamihime.

>> No.17837562

I can't imagine the stupidity of somebody who will actively play an inferior product solely because it has ingame cuckbait. From everything I've heard about the two Kamihime manages to be a shittier GBF clone than GBF in it's initial release state.

>> No.17837567

Don't tell me it's the riveting "gameplay" which is digestible the faster you are able to auto-battle everything.
Don't tell me it's the engaging events, that are a gigantic grindfest and require you to do kill a fucking raid boss t h r e e h u n d r e d times.
Don't tell me it's the NTR, which was shunned out of writing by the fanbase.
So, what is it?

>> No.17837568

I got the black dark knight and some pink haired loli with a fan looking thing with my tickets this month

did I do good

>> No.17837571
File: 241 KB, 718x1077, 8feaff45ae3b1fcc0bc5e4d333a5e888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just come over to DMM and get a cute, uniformed, artillery Anna.

>> No.17837572

>150 SC stamp for like 4-5 months straight.
Doubtfully. There's about 200 SCs to get from the daily revivals, and some 30~ per month with weekly ones. Even factoring in story missions and everything else, I don't think you'll be able to get 600+ of them in that short of a time, especially since the "constant" flux of the daily revivals cuts out after little over one month. You can surely get two consecutive ones right off the bat though.

>> No.17837573
File: 17 KB, 223x106, legendticket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two any good? If not will vendor. I already have the event vampire hunter.

>> No.17837577

As a rule of thumb, gacha plat units are always superior to event plat units.

>> No.17837582

It's for people who want something like GBF but not GBF for various reasons. Kamihime gives exactly that + sex scenes.

>> No.17837585

Avengers are pretty much useless, Elizabeth is second only to the black VH.

>> No.17837589

Left is best-tier plat, right is useless just likes her class

>> No.17837623
File: 18 KB, 85x86, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, logged into my jp account I started a while ago but disregarded, only rank 7 but I see this, and a bunch of shit not in the english version in there. From what I can guess

>Platinum mage twitter promotion reward
>a gold currency armor but it's rainbowy?
>a cost reduction fairy queen, any rarity guaranteed I assume
>a black exp armor fodder
>like 60 sc, a valentine from anna, and an artillery anna that >>17837571 posted

Is this really what it's like on the jp side?

>> No.17837631

All that and much more if actually play the game
Honestly the only resource that feels tight is the affection items.
The rainbow armor awards rainbow crystals, you use them in trading post for guaranteed plat+ pulls or skillups

>> No.17837635

Armor gives you 100 RC for selling and CR fairy queen works on any rarity but acts as a copy rather than being guaranteed.

Also, forgot to screenshot but got the non-Raven swordmaster from the month's ticket. I don't particularly need more melee bruisers, but she's cute so it's fine.

>> No.17837640

I dropped GBF even though I preferred its artwork (except the battle sprites, which I hated immediately) because it felt like it was impossible to catch up. The grind was ridiculous (I killed more magnas in 2 magnafests than KH event raids in more than one year and I still didn't have one decent grid) and having to build all teams because of boss resistance was what made me quit before even starting the farm for the eternals. Meanwhile in KH I now have a single endgame team that can even auto the pre-boss GOs off element, not to mention autoing almost everything else too which means I don't miss any event while building other stuff at my own pace.
I don't even play the new H scenes anymroe since I'm not into vanilla.
KH might suck for various reasons (gacha rates especially, although on DMM they're splurging on crystals now), but it's way more accessible and doesn't require as much of my time. Maybe in the future KH will become harder too and something else will take its place.

>> No.17837643
File: 719 KB, 935x635, 20170720_211328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the non-Raven swordmaster
This one?

>> No.17837646

I got Raven, how is she? Besides being cute too.

>> No.17837660

I got Saria. Might be a nice upgrade from Iris if I ever get around to raising her.

Then again I already bought Chydis, so maybe she's redundant.

>> No.17837670

Saria's one of the best healers in the game. She'll replace... well, basically anyone that isn't B.Iris. Or Rinne if you count cross-class healing.

>> No.17837672

Yeah. Whenever I try to read her name, it gets replaced by Lechenaultia halfway through.

A "kill everything" button on a nice pair of legs. Using her to best effect requires you to delve into assassination tables, which are not for sane men, but she's still a great pull and will reliably wipe most non-bosses off the face of the earth, range permitting. CD reduction is her best friend, use with a rearguard if you can.

Saria is a black-tier unit and her SAW is invaluable in top-end stages, so raising her is highly recommended.

>> No.17837706

Well alright if you say so. I've never really felt I lacked healing or needed multi-heal though.

>> No.17837715

B.Iris is back as cuckaku version shuts down

>> No.17837716

I started out around 8 months ago when there weren't weekly revivals and it went like this for me
1st 150 stamp but I overspent because didn't know how it works
2nd didn't realise the ticket was that good and stopped like 30 sc away from reaching it
3rd 150 stamp
I think it's possible to get it for 4 months if you factor in the current collab crystals, labyrinth eventually coming back(and that memories revival with 30 sc), new events and all story crystals, there is also anniversary soon so more crystals\freestuff. Today is pretty much the most perfect day to start playing DMM aigis.

>> No.17837743

>A "kill everything" button on a nice pair of legs.
Thanks man. I'm really new and I'm wondering who should I awaken first, I have now Rinne, Raven and Senote(? The Water Elementaler), assuming I shouldn't go with a revival unit first.
I dickpicked Rinne but I'm not sure if I really need her stuff right now. Senote alone kinda broke most missions by spamming tokens, and I was thinking of going with her first, before rolling Raven now.

>> No.17837749

Unless it shuts down the next year.

>> No.17837754
File: 857 KB, 950x628, 千年戦争アイギス R - DMM GAMES R18 (91).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah, someone I actually wanted from legendary ticket for once. Too bad its not black oni.

>> No.17837758
File: 2.95 MB, 400x400, 41181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy do I feel goddamn stupid not just immediately going to the DMM version of Aigis. Now I wasted all that fucking time and some change on a stillborn English release. This certainly doesn't make me feel hopeful for nutaku as a general service though, since aigis appeared to be staying above water, as far as profit margin was concerned. If they can get dicked around by devs this easily then it's better to just not even risk using them.

>> No.17837768
File: 1.20 MB, 960x636, thisisacceptable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This helps make up for not rolling a black or non-dupe plat in 150 crystals.

>> No.17837775
File: 476 KB, 636x514, 1496001810857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most useless class in the current meta

>> No.17837798
File: 987 KB, 946x620, 千年戦争アイギス R - DMM GAMES R18 (92).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, take your behemoth away from me.

>> No.17837805

>Spirits are high on a nuclear day
>Be told union event starts just after HW
>Have room for 1-2

Any tryhards aiming for full individual PP on kamihime want to get into the union?

>> No.17837820 [DELETED] 

Raven is a utility unit and doesn't really need her SAW, so feel free to skip her over. While the usual advice is towards AWing an archer first, Cenote is a good replacement due to her excellent area damage. As an added bonus, elementalers are getting their SAW with the next update, so you may want to wait and see if hers is any good.

I should also say I'm not that experienced with Aigis either (started last February or so... and damn, it has been a while), so feel free to get opinions from more senior folks here.

Avengers, gladiators and hexers would like to have a word.

>> No.17837831

Raven is a utility unit and doesn't really need her SAW, so feel free to skip her over. While the usual advice is towards AWing an archer first, Cenote is a good replacement due to her excellent area damage. As an added bonus, elementalers are getting their SAW with the next update, so you may want to wait and see if hers is any good.

I should also say I'm not that experienced with Aigis either (started February 2016 or so, with the Metus event... and damn, it has been a while), so feel free to get opinions from more senior folks here.

Avengers, gladiators and hexers would like to have a word.

>> No.17837836

Oshiro Project is literally fucking castles. Ya ell me bro

>> No.17837844

Didn't this happen but the game got shut down almost immediately by some association that works with shrines?

>> No.17837849

That was, probably, the joke.

>> No.17837891

Roana has status ignore, hexers sound interesting but I never rolled Eva. I'd totally try to do something with her. Both classes are also lacking their black unit, while armors have two gacha blacks
I'l give you glads though

>> No.17837912

>nutaku players getting butthurt
you signed up for this

>> No.17837947

it is 150 sc a month for black ticket stamp card?

>> No.17837952

40% black 60% plat.

>> No.17837962

Yes, and you can buy another for 500 rainbow crystals (there are three available per month, but the price rises each time so it's not worth it beyond the first).

The latter is actually where most of my tickets come from, I don't have the patience to wait for 150 SC. In fact, nearly every SC I get immediately goes up Aigis-sama's pearly anal gates, I don't even have maximum storage or the barracks yet.

>> No.17837963

Cut them some slack anon, the finishing move was delivered without any warning.

>> No.17837966

All the more reason to hope Nutaku will bother to actually save Aigis somehow, even as damage control.
It's not the first game to die there, but the biggest for sure. It WILL hurt them, people will surely take less risks in spending money in fear of their favorite waifu gambling game dying.
After all, if Aigis died, it can happen to anything now in a year or similar period of time.

>> No.17837968

No sane gacha company would ever give advance warning -- it would be just throwing money away.

>> No.17837974

I signed up for whipping with hopes of improvement in the future, not a fucking surprise guillotine.

>> No.17837975
File: 60 KB, 338x115, 5168798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roll monthly log-in / two tickets
>2 blacks are dupes

>> No.17837994

For the most part, you could easily tell which games are going down the gutter, based on how well they are performing.
Aigis got axed while it is still in a decent state, which is why so many people were surprised and butthurt by this.

>> No.17838005

>I don't even have maximum storage or the barracks yet.
i felt i giant increase in sanity/overall happiness when i got the barracks, you should consider getting it

>> No.17838027

It's on the to-do list, to be sure, but I probably won't be able to get to 30 SC before a rolling spree.

There's a reason I very strictly avoid ever paying in these games, despite a wishlist five miles long. Once I start slipping off that slope, there would be no return.

>> No.17838239

When is ULMF coming up so that we can laugh at more misfortune?

>> No.17838273

Sell them and roll

>> No.17838647

Hi, uh - is it possible for someone to try and get some sort of an official statement from the Aigis development and see what their side of the story is? I have a stinking feeling that Nutaku's being Nutaku and pretending that they know nothing, and will eventually lie about their situation.

>> No.17838701

Hmm... Were there any JP Aigis communities left that kept an eye on the EN side of things or have they long-since stopped caring about Nutaku's version? Curious what their thoughts are on the matter.

>> No.17838741

You are in luck, I spend my Halloween chatting with Japanese people, first on Twitter for little responses, then on 2ch.

So like, a lot of Japanese players actually play nutaku, or at least get the image rip for the uncensored versions. They were all confused about the matter, and not entirely sure why, though they made their own speculations.

The biggest speculation is that "Aigis dev is busy with their new game and has been driving the game down into the ground slowly (See Arslan Collab)", and so they probably tried to cut back on development cost for an oversea version...

... Since, from what I can gather from the discord chatters, the nutaku version isn't done by nutaku at all, but all the translations and developments are entirely done by Aigis development team, and they just.. Hosted it.

There are no other concrete rumors, but overall, Japanese players are a bit uneasy because they are worried that they might be going down as well.

>> No.17838765

What does she do? AoE attacks?

>> No.17838774

Interesting, thanks.

I doubt they really have anything to worry about. I guess we'll see what they do for the 4th anniversary, but I expect it to be a big event and not at all scaled back. Hopefully that will ease their anxiety. Being the consistent top ranker that Aigis is, I don't see it going anywhere any time soon.

>> No.17838877

It'd have to be next month, I don't want to pay 1500 RC for a gamble. I thought about using for min-cost but what's the point of min-cost Oni and I've never used Farne.

>> No.17838970

Yeah, Oni are basically bandit-type units (HP and ATK focused with low def), but are really expensive and have a passive AoE attack. They're amazing in subjugations.

>> No.17839000

>... Since, from what I can gather from the discord chatters, the nutaku version isn't done by nutaku at all, but all the translations and developments are entirely done by Aigis development team, and they just.. Hosted it.
That's exactly what I was always saying. Nutaku should honestly negotiate taking over the development... if DevTea is willing to hand over the assets/data.
If they'd manage to pull this out I'd retract every single negative statement I've made about them.

>> No.17839034

So, think it'll be possible to get a chargeback via paypal or credit card for anything in the last few months as the game is shutting down?

>> No.17839110

Not without getting sued, I believe.

You agree to a no refunds if used when you pay.

>> No.17839163

>tfw afraid KamiPro might be the one to go down next year

>> No.17839176

People do chargebacks through Apple store purchases all the time. I doubt Nutaku would sue.

>> No.17839190

Your entire nutaku account will probably get banned.

>Nutaku should honestly negotiate taking over the development...
No. Look what they did to Kanpani and Senpro. Both games were perfectly serviceable and they horribly botched them.

>> No.17839201

I don't really care if my account gets banned. Not a big loss since Aigis was all I played.
I know Paypal has a reputation for siding with the buyer, but I've never had to dispute charges.

>> No.17839223

>Kanpani and Senpro
Don't forget X-O

>> No.17839225


These 3 DMM games will be the only ones that will survive the Nutaku purges.

>> No.17839228

Yeah, how do you fuck up X-Overd? That was an incredible feat.

>> No.17839253
File: 329 KB, 556x442, rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about ready to give up but I managed to get one of the blacks I wanted.

>> No.17839270

>No. Look what they did to Kanpani and Senpro. Both games were perfectly serviceable and they horribly botched them.
Once again I have to point to FKG as a succesful and stable takeover by Nutaku.
They can do it, if they want to. Maybe they've learned how not to do it already?
And, honestly, even a botched takeover is better than just the game dying.

>> No.17839280


X-Overd was/is bad and boring. The characters/story was remotely interesting, but the "gameplay" was really just horrible.

>PeroPero Seduction
The fact this disaster gets to live and thrive (?) when Aigis is dying is just sad.

>> No.17839303

>They can do it, if they want to. Maybe they've learned how not to do it already?
Lol no, Senpro and Kanpani was licensed later than FKG and looked how that turned out.

>> No.17839383

I gave up on X-Overd entirely when the powercreep started getting really fucking stupid and they straight up started locking jobs behind paywalls a couple months ago.
The event gachas also constantly spooking you with the exchange tickets was extreme cancer as well, nothing like a 10 pull being a bunch of off-banner shit, 1 SSR for a character you aren't gonna use, and the rest are just tickets which are essentially worthless unless you have literally dozens of them.

>> No.17839469

So what's the next OP water kamihime that comes out with this guild raid

>> No.17839482

She doesn't have any real utility besides nuking, you can pass.

>> No.17839713

Well, put in all my disputes on Paypal, and Epoch tagged them all with the "Dispute not as described" tag, so I get to escalate them immediately. I just hope Paypal still sides with the buyer these days - does it?

On that note, it's been a fun two years, guys. I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of you DMM vets that helped out us EN players back in the day, and did until now. Take care of yourselves, and best of luck everyone.

>> No.17840432
File: 162 KB, 957x636, Daisyx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 400 gems down the drain yesterday and didn't really get anything so after today's 25 gem log-in bonus did some CQs to scrape together 25 more gems. Can't say I expected this.

>> No.17840443

Did you use the monkey's paw to wish for rainbows anon, look at what you have done.

>> No.17840446

PSA: Everygame will be dead somepoint in their spawn of life. It might be sooner or later, but they'll be dead. So just remember "happy" times in Aegis/Aigis and find a new game to play.

>> No.17840453

I don't know what I've done but I need to keep it up. I only rolled 3 rainbows in my first ~2 years of FKG.
But, I've had crazy luck since rolling idol Cattleya during her event. These Daisy and my 4th and 5th rainbows since then.

>> No.17840481

Were the kamihime collab crystals not awarded yet? Or did I fuck up somehow?

>> No.17840499
File: 246 KB, 1500x500, DNhXLxMVoAAvHhP.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17840506

Hope they actually give a shit about their players this time.

>> No.17840595

is there a hime that can remove buffs from bosses?

>> No.17840601


>> No.17840627

You're saying it as if Girls Symphony was grindy or jewish. It was a game by FKG devs with almost the same way on handling events and rewards.
The only thing that was wrong with GS is its boring gameplay.

>> No.17840641
File: 366 KB, 1131x631, idiom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Idiom Girl made by Senpro devs?
The nade-nade system is the same. 'Events' being rotation quests where you farm certain characters is also here. The artstyle is also kinda similar.

People keep complaining that it's a clone of Pokorun Dungeons, but honestly Idiom looks slightly better because of the style and having only girls.

>> No.17840685

You are missing the fact that the game was a fucking drought compare to FKG, with zero campaign bonus and any sort of decent login reward. They just repeated the same boring ass events until they had to pull it out.

>> No.17840701

The shading is the same but it doesn't look like they have the same artist.

Also the Senpro devs are also the devs behind Dragon Providence so I don't think they have the time to run another game.

>> No.17840836
File: 362 KB, 1174x678, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never be this lucky ever again.

>> No.17840861

Sol, Mars, Halloween Artemis、Water Osiris, Thunder Ryuuou and Light Perun.

>> No.17840901

I'm trying to figure out what 飛び道具無効化されない means. What counts as a 飛び道具? There are enemies which make them ineffective or something?

>> No.17840908

I remember it has top notch scene from the first boss. I hope that scene stays, or even better, gets animated.

>> No.17841088

>want to play my ps4
>end up grinding kamihime all day
Send some fucking help, I've lost control of my life

>> No.17841120

>They can do it, if they want to. Maybe they've learned how not to do it already?
Nope, they are going full retard on killing FKG:
Only 2 character quest each month
Blossom will be picked via survey and only 3 girls a month
Girls who have the 4th quest via that, are missing and "not a priority" or so a dev says
No 2nd lewd scene.

Take into account what they haven't added because they refused to IE login rewards, seasonal voices, still waiting for compensation for the blossom fiasco, etc. Dunno how they where a bunch of "good" devs, to become a senpro level crap.

>> No.17841131

Anon, add to that the wonderful sale of a 5* for 1500 gold and the next day another 5* is sold for 500 gold.

>> No.17841146

Netoges effectively obsolete consoles and most other pc games. They're just that good even if everyone is in denial about them.

>> No.17841191

netoge more like neetoge because no one else can play this shit

>> No.17841195

I still don't understand how all the teams work in Nutaku.

I'm assuming it goes like this: Nutaku sends a request to DMM to localize and host a certain game -> DMM sends the original developer team to negotiate and work with Nutaku-> Nutaku localization team(which I assume includes a translator and people who can modify the assets in a given software) localizes the stuff the original developer gives them -> Localization team continues to receive new assets and discuss next steps with the original team.

The question is: Is there some kind of a 'producer' on the Nutaku side who can control the flow of the game if something needs to be changed?

>> No.17841318

>Oceanus skill self-buff + atk skill: 80k~
>Shiva atk skill: 86k
SR himes are so shit its not even funny

>> No.17841344

man I started playing dmm aigis today, after nutaku aigis is dead. I cant even read moonrunes, but it is already so much better than nutaku shit. I regret waiting so long to change to dmm

>> No.17841380
File: 296 KB, 600x835, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already told you so

>> No.17841436

SR hime is still better than no hime or an off-element hime.

>> No.17841473
File: 278 KB, 1440x960, 9cecdfe71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awakened Svarog skill self-buff + atk skill: 200k~
>3 turns cooldown
Shiva is kinda outdated now, she's waiting for her AW.

>> No.17841489

That's a big axe

>> No.17841520

I know and I am sorry. I just hope that one day jap developers will acknowledge us filthy gaijin as customers and make english translations. Even shitty engrish from highschoolers would be fine for me.

>> No.17841544

You filthy gaijin need to stop censor thing first

>> No.17841604

Neat; do you know if it has Co-op or plans for Co-op like Pocoron Dungeons?
I had fun with the game, but it was difficult to find a community for it.

>> No.17841703

There is a guy who does current event translations and posts them on patreon (patreon.com/anya). However they're usually posted like 4-6 days after the event starts and he has made notable translation errors in the past.

>> No.17841721

They have a co-op mode in the game, though it's labeled as 'beta' for now. I didn't try it so I don't know if it actually works.

>> No.17841804

Did anyone get their pre-reg gacha girls yet?
I had two 5*s and they aren't in my gift box.

>> No.17841820

I ran out of awakening fairies and crystals
Daily quest boost event when?

>> No.17841883

Did they give out the 30 SC for the Kamihime collab yet?

>> No.17841898

33 premium summons + 15 summons from tickets
Not one 6 star
Fuck me

>> No.17841952

They have to do these kind of things manually, so it usually takes a while.

>> No.17841986

Damn, I was looking forward to rolling the summon and getting nothing but silvers.

>> No.17842216

So is this "remove himeless SSR weapons from gacha" not going to happen on Nutaku Kamihime??
Someone told me it's going to happen on the Halloween update, I've been hoarding ever since.

>> No.17842236

If it's not going to happen, might as well keep hoarding to roll when the 100% eidolon of your preferred element comes out.

>> No.17842252

People here don't know what the nutaku plan is. They can only tell you what happened on dmm and if nutaku deviates from that who knows what they plan to do.

>> No.17842264

I got prereg my girls.
Try reloading the game, my game got stuck on no content mid-tutorial and I had to reload for it to continue.

>> No.17842329

Different anon, but epoch will refund the charges themselves if you let them.

>> No.17842335

They will reset fame points even if you don't do the summon right?

>> No.17842398

Should be the case. Use them within the next 4 hours or lose out.

>> No.17842483

Some games work this way, others are just handed off to Superhippo to fuck up for a while until it closes.

>> No.17842539

Fuck, the points reset? I thought you kept them but you could roll once again. Lame.

>> No.17842548

That's the thing, Kamihime implementation on Nutaku so far was identical to the DMM one.
Or was it?

>> No.17842555

We got 3 reissues much earlier than we should have just for the sake of having this halloween shitfest on time.

>> No.17842567

Who/where would we even ask about this to confirm?
I don't want to hoard jewels/tickets forever if it's not going to get me anything.

>> No.17842673

new thread
