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1780200 No.1780200 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1780208

Kuzui and True Assassin deconfirmed for brawl

>> No.1780210

So who's the last hidden character? Taiga? Avenger?

>> No.1780212

Kuzkui and True Assassin deconfirmed for brawl

>> No.1780215

Fuck it, could someone post the instruction picture on getting on of these accounts? I've put it off long enough.

>> No.1780223

Is that fucking Hikaru Midorikawa?

>> No.1780232
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>> No.1780233

Picture please?

I also lack a nico video account.

>> No.1780237

please tell me the last char is BER-SER-KAR-

>> No.1780240

wouldn't it be easier to just tell them to throw it into the Google translator?

>> No.1780243

>This, cause you're a girl
...See, now I'm worried that if I select the other one, it'll think I'm a chick.

>> No.1780246

yes since they changed the sign up

>> No.1780251


>> No.1780255
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>> No.1780268

....'Zero Lancer'? Does anybody know who this is?

>> No.1780271


Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

>> No.1780273
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>> No.1780280

>Eventually, Fionn pardons Diarmuid after Aengus Og intercedes on their behalf; the pair settle in Kerry and produce five children. Years later, however, Fionn invited Diarmuid on a boar hunt, and Diarmuid was badly gored by a giant boar on the heath of Benn Gulbain. Water drunk from Fionn's hands had the power of healing, but when Fionn gathered water he would deliberately let it run through his fingers before he could bring it to Diarmuid. He had to be threatened by his son Oisín and grandson Oscar to play fair, but too late: Diarmuid had died.
Guy holds a grudge for a long-time I guess.

>> No.1780286

Guy had a magical dot in the middle of his head which made all women fall in love with him. I'd want him dead too.

>> No.1780292

what the fuck is this shit. If you wanted to put zero characters in there Lancer was the worst choice save maybe Caster. WHERE IS MY FUCKING KING OF CONQUERORS OR DELICIOUS SIX-PACK WOMAN ASSASSIN OR BADASS BLACK ARMORED RETARD.

>> No.1780297

Lancelot would be awesome.

>> No.1780304

LOL Midorikawa

So this lancer is emo?

>> No.1780306

Uhh, how long has this game been out?

And they still haven't unlocked all the characters?

>> No.1780309
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they needed more shit tier charas



>> No.1780313

Last character BETTER be Kiritsugu.

>> No.1780322

No Gil, you are the mongrels.
And then Gil was shit tier.

>> No.1780324

they put Guts in there?

>> No.1780328

Came out about 5 hours ago in japan

>> No.1780329
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Zero Lancer must have by far the most unglorified Wikipedia entry ever for a Servant. Was playboy, died to a pig. Overshadowed even in his tale by Fionn, who's clearly more important and powerful. Lances weren't even mentioned. Pretty irrelevant to even the Irish, and doesn't hold a candle to popular folk heroes like Cu Chulainn.

But he does sounds like a reletively cool character in Fate/Zero. Wants a fair fight, kinda like Kojirou.

But why do all lancers in Fate have to be Irish men who had their lives ruined by some geas cast by some woman who have Gae lances that they end up using to An Hero themselves when betrayed and commanded to do so by their Masters?

>> No.1780330

Team Ireland > *

>> No.1780340

Make no mistake, I do love Bazett and Lancer. But I personally think Zero Lancer was forgettable at best. The other servants were awesome. Still, I guess it has to do with programming and shit. A spear fighting dude must be easier and wuicker to put in that a multiplying noble phantasm or an army-summoning reality marble

>> No.1780350

If programming was the issue, they would have put in Kuzuki.

>> No.1780351

Yes, like all Rie characters are rich girl tsunderes.

>> No.1780354

You mean they're not?!

>> No.1780361

Well, Cu Chulain at least dies with pride or on his own volition (excluding HF).

This guy is betrayed from afar again due to a woman and fades cursing everyone without even settling the score with the one opponent he sought to fight.

>> No.1780362


Pretty much every Irish hero who went near a woman got killed because of her. And lances aren't too unfair since spears were fairly popular weapons.

Also I think Nasu just wanted to use somebody a little more obscure to make the point that there have been countless heroes who are eligible.

But yeah, I'm Irish and I didn't remember him until I saw he was linked to Fionn.

>> No.1780363

When she has played as many silent or cheery boys as Tsundere rich girls, out of 60+ roles?

>> No.1780367

karen from luminous arc is tsundere but not rich
so every character is just tsundere

>> No.1780372

She used to be rich and has ojousama attitude.
So six characters.

Really, Kaguya is much better role for her.

>> No.1780375

That's completely irrelevant.

>> No.1780379

One of you brave Anons need to venture into the depths of Share and get this game for us.

>> No.1780381

Simply, Hikaru has a pretty good rage.

>> No.1780384

>Also I think Nasu just wanted to use somebody a little more obscure to make the point that there have been countless heroes who are eligible.

The problem with that is that they pretty directly state how a hero's popularity directly affects their power. (During UBW, in a strategy meeting on how to beat Gilgamesh, they mention how not many people in Japan know of him, so he'll be weaker than he would otherwise.)

So picking this guy, who nobody has heard of outside of Ireland, is basically saying 'this is a throwaway character, who will never do anything useful'. Unless they randomly decided to retcon the popularity aspect of a Servant's power, which just strikes me as bad writing to prove a point.

>> No.1780388

...Read again.
In UBW, it's mentioned that the 'popularity boost' does not really explain how fucking monstrous Gilgamesh is, even in his very weakened state (human body and mana of dying children).
Popularity boost is the second-to-last defining trait of a Servant's power.

>> No.1780402


It's for arcade and PS2, no confirm of a PC release yet to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.1780407

They probably picked Zero Lancer because his fighting style's easy to implement.

>> No.1780413

Mine's in the mail, I can rip the PS2 disc and post when it gets here.

Going to need a modded PS2 to play it though

>> No.1780414

Indeed, Assassins', Iskander's and Caster's would be hard to work with (that caster relies too much on summoning.

>> No.1780416

Much obliged.
I'll be wrapping P4 soon, and Eternal Poison sucks, need something to do before second P4 walkthrough.

>> No.1780420
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I'm actually shitting bricks.

The most I was expecting for secret characters after seeing Luvia and Leyzritt in there were Avenger, Caren or Hasan. If we had to go by Tiger Colosseum there was a high chance the secret characters were Taiga or some magical girl.

>> No.1780461

Holy shit, is that a new stage with the Kotomine organ music?

>> No.1780463

I'll tell you if you give me my Kotomine fight patch.

>> No.1780467

The HF final version, not the Church one.

>> No.1780470

Expect it by Christmas.

>> No.1780471

>Expect it by Christmas.
I love you, you know that?

>> No.1780482

i would have completed it within the first hour

>> No.1780550

I'm gonna main:
Kotomine (favorite voice actor)
Gilgamesh (MONGRELS)
And Zero Lancer (two spears must be better than one!)

>> No.1780562

Does he have a story mode? How could he fit in?

>> No.1780564

I'll main Archer, just because I love OVERRIDING THEMES.

>> No.1780568

The iso is on TT

>> No.1780587

Kotomine fight patch for what?

>> No.1780590


>> No.1780592

That's why I ordered my Swap Disc last Friday. Got here Monday. Canada to Ireland over the weekend, nice stuff. Really looking forward to this.

Also, I want to main Kotomine and/or Archer, but I'll probably try them all except Rin/Rider/Berserker. They just don't appeal to me in the least. New Lancer doesn't seem too brilliant either. Zero Berserker or Rider would have been out of this world, but whatever.

>> No.1780604

Where'd you order yours? I can't find any trustworthy sites.

>> No.1780606

Where did you order from?

>> No.1780610

I have a SwapMagic already, got it off their main site before it got busted. Been playing MBAC for ages on PS2, finally ready for this new change.

>> No.1780630


Cost me €33. Not bad, I guess. Plus it got here in no time.

>> No.1780635


>> No.1780649

No prob.

Is there anyone other than Zero Lancer in it, has anyone found out? I mean, they've had it for two days. I didn't expect there to be any hidden characters, but now that I know there's one, I can't help but hope.

Can't browse Moontube myself, because my password is saved to another comp.

>> No.1780657

Just another question, which one did you buy?

>> No.1780675

I bought... the one that's not Coder. I think it's 3.6. I bought the PAL one.
If you have a fat PS2, you need the slip key thing.
If you have a slim one, you need the one that has what looks to be a lock-picking set with it.

Or else you could just buy one of the flip-tops for the PS2, and get it all over with in one go.

There're loads of videos of YouTube for help, and the official site itself is useful enough.
Sorry if I didn't manage to answer your question, but there're a lot of variables.

>> No.1780681

I bought one long ago, and my PS2 still has the flip-cover I used at that time. Some of them say CD only or something like that, so I assume I can't use that one. Or am I wrong?

>> No.1780701
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>> No.1780707
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No love for Shirou?

>> No.1780713



>> No.1780714

Why play Shirou when I could play Archer?

>> No.1780715

I wish to be the King of heroes.

>> No.1780727

I don't know if this is old news, but I just saw http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5576279

She just THREW the king of heroes.


>> No.1780736

Just when I wasted my last good DVD for burning games. Oh well I guess I have to get a new DVD's to burn, whats the good brands to use?

>> No.1780737

Leysritt's voice makes me so happy.

I hope I'm not the only one to notice she has boob physics.

>> No.1780738
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>> No.1780740
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>> No.1780743

Being brain dead in the end doesn't make you an awesome protagonist.

See : Zeta Gundam

>> No.1780745

I'll probably use him, but the apparent lack of Kuzuki means Bazette and Berserker will be my mains.

>> No.1780746

It's about the process, not the result.

>> No.1780761


>> No.1780791
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Someone archive this thread so I have something to laugh at in two weeks when everyone is all "BAWWWWW COMBOS ARE 2HARD THIS GAME SUX"

>> No.1780795

fags bawwing about combos don't even deserve to play this

>> No.1780796

I just finished downloading and burning the ISO.

I get to a screen that says something along the lines of "The memory card in slot 1 doesn't have this game's data on it. The data is required to save and load. Would you like to create it?"

No matter if I say yes or no, it doesn't go forward. I've tried 3 different memory cards, and even no memory card, with no luck.

>> No.1780801


Sorry for the newfaggotry but when does Leysritt fight in FSN / when is her skill with halberds mentioned, or is it something for HA?

>> No.1780807


>> No.1780814


Why do these people even play fighting games?

>> No.1780826

Isn't it sad?

>> No.1780850
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I bet you are a nigger who's never played JP games before and keep hitting X to try and select the choices.

>> No.1780862

Oops, I guess you're right.

The only other Japanese PS2 game I've played is Realta Nua, and X worked there.

>> No.1780869

Oops, I guess you're right.

The only other Japanese PS2 game I've played is Realta Nua, and X worked there. Funnily enough, I tired X, Triangle, and Square but for some reason not Circle.

>> No.1780883

zero assassin is a girl?

>> No.1780903

Zero Assassin is basically Legion: it's an entity that can split into numerous lesser entities, all with less ability, but with self-awareness and independent-operational capability.

An odd choice for Kotomine.

>> No.1780922

Wait, there is one more secret character remaining, right? It could be F/Z Berserker.
In which case I will love Nasu forever.

>> No.1780929

It fits if you think about it.
This Assassin's wish was to have an integrated personality like the 3rd Hulk incarnation.
Kotomine was conflicted over his antisocial personality and for a time wanted to become normal.

>> No.1780941

Could you play this game with the MC boot method?

>> No.1780950

I wasn't talking about their wishes, but rather abilities. Aside from letting Kotomine play GM from the shadows, they meshed badly.

>> No.1781174

After playing this for the last few hours I have come to one conclusion:

Rider's hair is awesome.

>> No.1781180

Iskander's hair is indeed manly.

>> No.1781197

Wrong Rider, I think.

>> No.1781206

No, no, he had it right.

>> No.1781233


>> No.1781265
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Archer's combo mission 3 oh god

>> No.1781274

UBW looks easy

>> No.1781291

Have to hit the chant 3 times first, and people can knock you out of it easy.

>> No.1781307

So you need to do
UBW string ->UBW string -> UBW string, fast enough and a hit puts you back at step one?

Well UBW does look good from the videos, so it might be worth the trouble.

>> No.1781317

....Oh god. That's fucking amazing.

>> No.1781322

That stage sorta reminds me of Ky's stage from Guilty Gear X2.

>> No.1781350

According to a 2ch anon, Avenger's in the game

>> No.1781354

Obviously, Shirou is Avenger, remember?

>> No.1781359

As a full blown hidden character

>> No.1781369
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I vote Kuzuki for hidden character.

>> No.1781379

What if it turns out to be Shiki?

>> No.1781383

Seconded, but at this point it doesn't do any good. All the characters are on the disc already.

>> No.1781388

I'll smirk

>> No.1781392

it's me.
i am the hidden character.

>> No.1781398

There's little icons (Gancho & Bakuya) above his magic circuit meter that stand for the chant, when you have all three you press L2 and that does the last part of the chant.

You press down down circle for a little 3-sword burst, and quarter-roll forwardx2 circle to do the big part.

Bazett has something similiar where you can power up her arms and legs, there's two meters showing how long they last.

>> No.1781416


>> No.1781422

Why do they have combos like this in fighting games?

There's a point where practicality is lost. Also, once someone spends countless hours memorizing it they can beat anyone who hasn't bothered, which is retarded.

more like memorizan gaems, amirite?

>> No.1781446


I wish I still had that shop of Archer in a sombrero with a greaser stache.

>> No.1781464

Players like that typically are going to be doing tournaments, over have been playing for a long time. As a result the skill level of people they play against is higher. Nice Troll

>> No.1781487
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This one?

>> No.1781488

Does Kotomine have his end of HF costume, with the black stain that was his heart smeared on his shirt?

>> No.1781498

It was a background like that, but Archer was also wearing a sombrero and had a better greaser stache.

>> No.1781516

There's a reason why many combo-centric fighters have a combo break move you know.

>> No.1781567

Because it's far cheaper and easier to raise the skill ceiling of a game with ridiculously long combo moves than with a good, balanced set of abilities.
There are like what, 10 different moves per character?

>> No.1781690

[Excalibur] [Avalon] [Strike Air]

What does this mean? It's Saber's Technique 2 Mission.

I though it meant I had to use all of them during the match, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as even then I still get a failure.

>> No.1781698

all "technique" missions mean that you have to KO this person in a certain way. you can usually go by storylinewise

like shirou tech 1 mission kill berserker with caliburn; tech2 kill dark saber with overedge, tech3 kill kotomine with grail super

>> No.1781716

Are you sure? Because this one is against a random character. I just got Rin, and I tried 3 times using a different one each time for the KO... And failed every time.

>> No.1781737

if thats the tech mission where the person just regens health over and over then i dunno lol

someone figure out how to unlock dark saber

>> No.1781763

Anybody have a total list of playable characters in this game?

>> No.1781783

Just from videos on niconico, I've seen:

Saber Alter
Saber Lily

>> No.1781806

I so want them to put Shiki in this as a secret character, and give him easy to do, unblockable one hit KOs. The ensuing rage would be awesome.
