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17740079 No.17740079 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17723967

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

-The Sanma Festival will end on the October 18 maintenance. There will also be another maintenance on the 25th.
-A Kai 2 has been announced for a DD of the Nishimura Fleet that fought at Surigai, most likely Michishio.
-The Fall event will be small scale and occur next month where Suzutsuki(VA: Fujita Saki) and a British DD will be implemented.
-Another Etorofu-class DE is planned to be implemented in the not-so-distant future.
-There are plans for expanding with ASW equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs, plus land-based anti-submarine patrol craft (Toukai?) and more Autumn casual clothes seasonal CGs.
-More Kai Ni are planned for the latter half of the year. At least one BB and one CL will get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
-One of the land-based planes planned for implementation at some point is the ASW bomber Toukai.
-Kancolle will transfer to HTML5 and Friend Fleets will be implemented at 2018 Spring.

>> No.17740103
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First for kagafags are horrible.

>> No.17740111

I need 7 more fish but they aren't dropping anywhere. what the fuck am I supposed to do now?

>> No.17740115
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>> No.17740116

Wait a day.

>> No.17740122

Michishio is going to be the strongest Asashio right? She was the last surviving member of desdiv 8.

>> No.17740124

Well she will be the one with the most evasion sure.

>> No.17740130

Why would that matter?

>> No.17740145

they aren't dropping from 1-5 or 3-3 anymore and I was never able to get more than 1 from 1-1 and 3-2 or any at all from 3-1. I don't remember it being this hard last year.

I've only been going for 2 a day. I don't think I'll be able to finish if I let up now.

>> No.17740159

We fight for the Emperor.

>> No.17740166
File: 710 KB, 1018x1440, 9a9b4bb663285098ec5e4da6f068dd43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XXX with Kasumin!

>> No.17740178
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>Not posting the updated pic

>> No.17740185

saved thanks

>> No.17740195
File: 582 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course I try going to 3-4 and I can't even get fucking s rank because of red t on both fish nodes. fuck this stupid game.

>> No.17740204

The sanma drop rates seem to deteriorate over time. I got my 30 for the quest within a few days, but I've only seen 1 drop from 3-3 today over about 7-8 runs.

>> No.17740239

Look at the interview from last thread.
Don't use depth charge.

>> No.17740259

Interesting. Thankfully I only used depth charges in 1-5.
And since complaining about my drop rates I've received 2 more fish, (thank you /jp/ magic) so I was probably just having a bad run.

>> No.17740270

>Thankfully I only used depth charges in 1-5.
But that's exactly what you're not supposed to do.

>> No.17740279

Thankfully I only used depth charges on 1-5 [and not on 3-3 as well].

>> No.17740280
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When will our CL get Kai 2?

>> No.17740303

the interview made it sound like too many depth charge just made overfishing happen faster. my problem is that the fish aren't coming back even if I wait a day.

>> No.17740304
File: 1.80 MB, 1415x2000, Kaga Sessyoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSR Kaga when?

>> No.17740320

if kaga is so good how come she sank

>> No.17740327

Equipment gimmick or just a daihatsu slut?

>> No.17740331

for the love of god just give me a fucking fish already

>> No.17740333
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To be fair, you could be saying that for most of the girls in the game

>> No.17740337
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Why can't we just buy the fish?

>> No.17740341

Because the IJN were really bad at their jobs. They didn't have fire control computers, their damage control teams didn't know their asses from their elbows, their aces like oxygen torpedoes sank more of their ships than the enemy's, and they picked a fight with a country with 7 times their industrial capacity.

>> No.17740347

If Enterprise was so good then how come she got scrapped?

>> No.17740352

No funding for museum.

>> No.17740353

She got turned into a spaceship.

>> No.17740358
File: 48 KB, 825x509, enterprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato ain't got shit on this.

>> No.17740359

That's what you do with 99% of warships. Conversion to a museum ship, and maintaining it as a museum ship, is very expensive.

>> No.17740364
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If the enterprise was so good then why would voyager beat it in a fight?

>> No.17740369

Any downside to marrying Fusou?

>> No.17740371
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You can only have 1 Enterprise in existence at a time.

>> No.17740373
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Ah I want to have matrimonial relations with Tone!

>> No.17740374

You will have one less ring to use on an underage girl.

>> No.17740376

Because she was junk.

>> No.17740377
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So out of the two space ships who would win?

>> No.17740378
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Also parts of her are still around in the surface and not at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.17740386

You're in the surveillance of Yamashiro 24/7 with an intent to kill you.

>> No.17740389

If you take the strongest out early, the rest of the war will be a breeze for you
Poor Kaga-san, she's blessed with suck

>> No.17740390

Kirk always wins.

>> No.17740396

Enterprise is a worthless piece of shit,
Just saying

>> No.17740397

She was piece of shit ship with a garbage crew.

>> No.17740403
File: 332 KB, 754x627, Kaga dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's true, the ship was trash but the crew is also to blame.

>> No.17740405
File: 13 KB, 486x253, Enterprise_23450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the mini-deathstar in the bow, the Enterprise is a better ship in all aspects except from small craft compliment. Though the only way this fight could happen is if the Japanese were writing it and the Yamato can't be defeated by a ship bearing "USS" twice.

>> No.17740406

>piece of shit ship
>garbage crew
Is this a new forced meme?

>> No.17740409

>Did jack shit
>Crew failed multiple times
Nah, its a fact of life. You now what is also a fact and not a meme? Kagafags being total retards.

>> No.17740417

Okay, kagafag. Go back to the time-out corner.

>> No.17740419

The crew was really bad, there were reports of rampant bullying among the air crew.

The ships itself wasn't good either, but that's expected when you use a converted hull.

>> No.17740423

The wave motion gun has nothing on Enterprise. Warp engine > wave motion engine
It took 26eps and god know how many real months for Yamato to reach Gamillas home planet. Enterprise would reach it in a day.

>> No.17740428

The Air crew weren't even the best either, they all went to the deck to fight TBDs when they should have left half of their force up high to monitor for more incoming planes. This is the biggest flaw with IJN Carriers, not the crews or the ships themselves, but the lack of coordination and control from the ground.

>> No.17740430

wasn't she considered a hell ship because her sick whale funnel vented hot gas right into the crew compartment?

>> No.17740448
File: 102 KB, 1048x397, Enterprise-F_Odyssey-class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, No Enterprise before the F model, seen in the video game Star Trek: Online, would be able to make the 68 thousand light-year voyage to Iscandar before the Yamato. It took Voyager 10 years to make it across the Galaxy, 70 thousand light-years, and the Enterprise F not only comes after Voyager, but is also a fuck ton faster.

>> No.17740459

IJN never developed their carrier doctrine so their CAP was woefully inadequate. It didn't help that they made Nagumo in charge of the Kido Butai.

Yeah, the heat made the crew quarters inhospitable. I supposed they thought the heat would dissipate but the usage of a battleship hull and armament made her slower than other carriers allowing the heat to linger.

>> No.17740482

How do you muster back the motivation to play Kancolle?

I've sat out about three events for now. The chore of sparkles + supply gathering plus RNG roulette hell for battles finally got to me after 2-3 years, plus multi-phase event maps with debuffs just overwhelmed with with.. "work". But I didn't bow out before making use of the rings.

So how do you guys do it?

>> No.17740488

By not being a faggot.

>> No.17740489


>> No.17740492

You do realize you can just breeze through events if you do kuso mode, right?

>> No.17740495

just play on easy

>> No.17740504

>not sparkling all your dds to 85 each week

>> No.17740530

I told all of you this autumn's event would be small and filled with DDs and escorts. Feels good being right.

>> No.17740540

>feeling good about no capital ships
Kill yourself.

>> No.17740546

The problem is that until 1943 they didn't install a good radio on their planes. US navy and army personnel might have had poor radio discipline at first but at least the radio itself on their planes and tanks were good for coordination.

>> No.17740551

So looks like this year we don't have any new US ship. Next year they better have dozens.

>> No.17740552

An Akizuki is worth more than your average capital ship. And if you want to take Tanaka's word for it, there's something else that's interesting in there.

>> No.17740553

I blame the retarded bongs for skipping in line.

>> No.17740554

>An Akizuki is worth more than your average capital ship.
Not when you already have 3.

>> No.17740559

>there's something else that's interesting in there.
A british DD or escort will be useful but I would hardly call it interesting. More like expected of the country that suffered U-boat tactics from two world wars.

>> No.17740562

At least we're spared from a barrage of new quests with fucktons of requirements for now.

>> No.17740565

Part of the problem is that Yoshinori has been busy this year. Drawing for LNs and their Anime. Drawing for an anime original. Drawing for a video game. He's been a busy man this year. There better be a USN ship or two next year.

>> No.17740566

If you hadn't been keeping up with old quests or even bothered to clear 6-4, you still had a lot of shit to do to even start Sara's quests for the yasen planes.

>> No.17740568

>There better be a USN ship or two next year.
Or what, you'll quit?

>> No.17740570

If we have an event with 4 to 5 locks and need a duck in every one then 3 isn't enough at all.
No but I'll kill you.

>> No.17740573

how much longer is fishing? I still need 6 more and it took me 2 hours just to get 1 to drop today.

>> No.17740575

>kill you
Called the FBI. Enjoy.

>> No.17740576

How hell is Sara's 5-5 quest? I'm dreading doing it.

>> No.17740578

Rather they should just finish the first 6 USN ships by next year. If they had given them the same treatment as the Germans and Pastas, we'd be getting our 6th US ship this Fall or next Winter but for some stupid reason they started adding other navies in the same year. The 4th foreign fleet shouldn't have joined until Spring or Summer of this year if they had stuck to the formula.

I have a dupe duck, you should too by now considering how much Akizuki drops while clearing.

>> No.17740584

but he drew 3 new ships this year plus a remodel

>> No.17740585

Sure you did. They don't care about you.

>> No.17740586

Read the OP.

>> No.17740588

You're right. I didn't call the FBI.

>> No.17740590

wtf I thought it was only going to be around 2 weeks.

>> No.17740592

Two and a half weeks is still around two weeks.

>> No.17740602

Compared to GBF, Kancolle is a breeze.

>> No.17740606

Because I like my shipgirls.

>> No.17740613

Just quit already, most recent event rewards have been pure shit anyways.

>> No.17740615

Summer was a ton of fun, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17740618
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>> No.17740624

Don't you just need to pay money?

>> No.17740628

What am I, an Eleven?
Although I did purchase a handful of suptix, the constant grind wore me down. Kancolle is much more relaxing to play in comparison.

>> No.17740706


1-5 and 3-3 are not dropping anymore. I don't want to go anywhere else.

>> No.17740714
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>29 fish

>> No.17740717

GBF has substantially more grinding to even get good teams. Events are also pretty much back to back. Kancolle is a cake walk in comparison.

>> No.17740727

Go to 1-1

>> No.17740728

>Events are also pretty much back to back
How can anyone survive that? After finishing Kancolle's summer event I don't even have the energy and will to do anything in life for a few days, just sit in front of my computer, not even browsing internet.

>> No.17740729

I only play during events.
Outside of event, I just fiddled on my phone during lunch and smoke break.

>> No.17740747
File: 19 KB, 309x335, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai hai!

>> No.17740762

Even worse.

>> No.17740768

3-5 is best place for DEs?
Have the nips observed the drop rates?

>> No.17740815

Please, just give me the last 2 sauries.

>> No.17740829

What is the origin of Kancolle's wedding song? It feels so much like the song that people usually play during wedding, but when I listen to it there is nothing similar about them.

>> No.17740836


>> No.17740855

No I mean I am curious whether it came from classical music or popular Japanese song or is it an original rhythm created just for Kancolle.

>> No.17740883

I'm pretty sure it's an original song. Then again...
I don't think there's anything profound in the song. Or heck, there's nothing profound in KC as a whole.

>> No.17740891

>there's nothing profound in KC as a whole
Only the deep abyss of RNG deviation.

>> No.17740900

How am I supposed to beat 6-1?
Fleet can get to the boss with just one or two chuuha, and still everyone is getting raped there.

>> No.17740903

All subs

>> No.17740905

Stucked at 28 fish and I farmed for 5 hours now.


>> No.17740920
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Is Houshou the personification of ideal femininity?

>> No.17740923

Bring your night battle setup.

>> No.17740924

No, it's Shimakaze-kun.

>> No.17740931

Farm 6-5 south.

>> No.17740932
File: 66 KB, 686x176, 6-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki says that I can use the third base for air defence, but I can't acces it.
I have done all the bulldozer quests.

>> No.17740936

Did you buy the bulldozer?

>> No.17740942

You need to buy another bulldozer for the third base.

>> No.17740949

Pay up, goyim.

>> No.17740954

It seems I'm an idiot. The third quests was to consume the bulldozer instead of providing a third one.

Who should I sent there with Suzuya to finish her quest?

>> No.17740957

The fuck are you talking about? It's easy. Use your CVB sluts.

>> No.17740966 [DELETED] 

I bet absolutely none of you are/were in any navy ever lmao

Fucking pathetic

>> No.17740971
File: 102 KB, 650x906, 4f21d0f8f2bedbfc2f1e0f4a836a4bb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is quite high airpower and Tsu at boss so how should I use land bases there?
You can't play KC in navy.

>> No.17740981

Use only 1 torpedo bomber each or 2 torpedo bombers for Zuikaku minus Saiun. 1 Reppuu each LBAS squadron, don't use Hayabusas, they NEVER sink or damage CV Hime heavily during LBAS shelling for some goddamn reason from my experience.

>> No.17740987

Am I wasting my time hoping the next remodel will be for Yamagumo and not Michi?

>> No.17741008


>> No.17741030
File: 611 KB, 797x476, dwaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DD is green all the way
>taiha'd in the opening aristrike
>would've been a solid S if she did OAWS
Yep, I'm done. Tanaka can go suck cocks in hell. See you all in a month.

>> No.17741031

Take Taiyou.

>> No.17741035
File: 672 KB, 800x480, 20170611_17110611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having trouble with such an easy quest

>> No.17741038

Taiyou is arguably more frail since she can't attack at chuuha.

>> No.17741039

Asashio sure as hell isn't going to take out a sub at chuuha either.

>> No.17741042
File: 521 KB, 1368x1800, __admiral_and_akatsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_vipper_captain__c4effa69eba46a50a9c5358dfd6fa010[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in charge of your fleet now

>> No.17741050

Taiyou ASW diminishes with her bombers being shot down. When she gets to the boss, she won't kill the sub, even if she herself is in perfect health. DD with ASW setup is always effective, as long as she's not in chuuha. And if you're loading Taiyou with only sonars and charges, you might as well bring a DD instead, for higher evasion and whatnot.

>> No.17741052

Why does Michishio portrays as an annoyed and hissy girl? Is it historical or just template?

>> No.17741058

There's no CVB in the game yet.

>> No.17741093

>line ahead

>> No.17741097

Survivor guilt and PSTD.
There is a fanart of an injured Michishio going through each phase and motion after losing her squad member until Leyte.

>> No.17741110

Doesn't happen to Hibiki.

>> No.17741114

Worst onee-san

>> No.17741119

She's a cunt.

>> No.17741137
File: 2.05 MB, 1500x2434, __choukai_and_maya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yukichi_sukiyaki39__6079e42c159ab0026b4bfcf4463a9880[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17741148

Hibiki got brainwashed by Soviets afterwards and that is what she remembers the most.

>> No.17741174

/jp/ are Interceptors basically superior fighters for LBAS when there's no range requirements? They have superb AA.

>> No.17741184 [DELETED] 

>[APEX] Fate/Apocrypha - 14 (1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv
About time!

>> No.17741188

>somebody's still watcing this crap

>> No.17741201
File: 1.49 MB, 1600x2000, 0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left Bismarck under the rain and now she's all cheery and shit.

>> No.17741267

>do 6-5 with Sara
>realize you can't use Mk.II

Who approves anti-fun gameplay like this? There is literally no point in making this a requirement, like the Suzuya CVL quest. The difficulty of the quest isn't affected by her forms because she is flagship and doesn't get targeted anyways. And in this case the mandatory base form is arguably stronger than the armored because of higher FP.
At the very least they could make modernizations carry over but no, you have to pay to convert her, modernize her, pay again to convert back, and modernize her AGAIN to get event-ready.

Why are japs so stubborn in game design. How can they actually think "this is fun and improves player experience."

>> No.17741280

They knew. And they weren't makingthe game "to be fun". Japanese rpg mentality is all about brainded grinding.

>> No.17741298
File: 513 KB, 600x1536, __arashio_asashio_michishio_and_ooshio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_madara_yotunoha01__bfe9a288da42070f74a9195dacd857c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hibiki spent a lots of time in the dock.
Michishio went to Leyte.

>> No.17741300

You mean mod.2, right?

>> No.17741368
File: 189 KB, 800x800, 3812836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you start over again,which team you gonna choose?

>> No.17741371

None of these are selectable from the start.

>> No.17741399

arent the sendai sisters the starters in the ps vita version?

>> No.17741422
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 3586e0e1b0c2c1c5d9fba8f7b947b8761427641034_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741443

Since Im going level them all Yukikaze due to rarity and high default luck. An easy choice really.

>> No.17741450
File: 587 KB, 1003x1124, 6-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right?
1 fighter and 3 bombers to both bases?

>> No.17741459
File: 1.21 MB, 2480x3507, 1485418501572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Destroyers are too cute. Especially these dogs.

>> No.17741461

But that's a beaver!

>> No.17741463

Tokitsukaze a cute, my favourite dog

>> No.17741466

That's fine too.

>> No.17741468

>giving a shit about little kids when half the cast has pornstar proportions

>> No.17741473

Destroyers are to be treated like daughters. No lewding.

>> No.17741480

I love the doujins where they get fucked by dogs!

>> No.17741488
File: 1.05 MB, 960x1280, __akashi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_r44__67ae6a3bd4b7db6ec72c42693e21f7e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pornstar proportions
Not really. Not enough toned girls, shortstacks and moms. I can't fap to this.

>> No.17741490
File: 1.57 MB, 1616x1000, Kancolle 224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ships need to be sexed equally. Or they will start to feel left out and that will negatively reflect on their performance.

>> No.17741519

Yes lewding.

>> No.17741528

Fapping to fanmade porn doesn't earn you medals in the game. Voodoo is for shitters.

>> No.17741533
File: 250 KB, 333x1000, 1423536693662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17741548

Who cares about medals when you can fap to porn.

>> No.17741575
File: 618 KB, 860x484, Umaru Kancolle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Tanaka watching Umaru S2?

>> No.17741579

I want Kisaragi to lightly bully me.

>> No.17741590

I care. Those big girls are for broing, not waifuing.

>> No.17741591
File: 90 KB, 325x226, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you mean this thing got a sequel? Oh the humanity!

>> No.17741592

Is that the show where that one girl turns into a Minion?

>> No.17741594

yeah, its fun desu

I don't know what are you talking about

>> No.17741605
File: 522 KB, 558x876, DLYLt2dWkAA1aPt.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17741607
File: 462 KB, 600x840, e7f30abfdbe8a8849906693848abfc55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuji is so cute!

>> No.17741608
File: 197 KB, 1120x1600, 1506120499253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago wears this better than Bisko herself does

>> No.17741610

K2 never.

>> No.17741612

Little girls are cuter and sexier.

>> No.17741614
File: 753 KB, 1257x1920, __aoba_and_minion_despicable_me_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shikajima_shika__34217872c3eff64daac2d4c0ac722307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741618

Fucking slut

>> No.17741630

She really is.

>> No.17741658

But don't minions only work for supervillains?

>> No.17741695

Please. If there is some shit I grew to fucking HATE because of this game it's DDs. I despise the class for being full of useless fucking shit.

>> No.17741699

How do I fucking fix my game so the game doesn't lag and the images don't freeze up before the menu loads and I'm left clicking invisible buttons? I really need an answer because I'm sick of having to close the game every time this shit happens and I need to get back to leveling Yukikaze

>> No.17741704

> close the game every time
Just click on your secretary girl. Or where you think she's supposed to be. Problem solved.

>> No.17741706
File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1399, 44186782_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice me please.

>> No.17741707

I hate sluts, slut
I'll never notice you

>> No.17741709

>flat CV


>> No.17741714

But he already did.

>> No.17741730

>1 Reppuu each LBAS squadron, don't use Hayabusas, they NEVER sink or damage CV Hime heavily during LBAS shelling for some goddamn reason from my experience
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.17741748
File: 93 KB, 749x1037, fb4aaac47f1f7ddce566e971f27263c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with flat CVs?
Do you think that some ship types should not be flat?

>> No.17741769

All CVs should big mean tits.

>> No.17741774


>> No.17741780

Post it

>> No.17741781
File: 70 KB, 706x960, 1507513536517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741783

Taihou is so much better than Zuikaku

>> No.17741794

But Zuikaku is IJN's greatest warrior and Taihou farted to death.

>> No.17741796

> you have to pay to convert her, modernize her, pay again to convert back, and modernize her AGAIN to get event-ready.
I always found this super annoying. It's like they are encouraging dupes to try to pad gameplay.

>> No.17741841

We need more flight deck chests.

>> No.17741850 [DELETED] 


>> No.17741857

>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content.

>> No.17741942
File: 788 KB, 800x1063, __kiyoshimo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_konnyaku_kk_monmon__91963411965bc5b998b8857c6897a05d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17741981
File: 217 KB, 1199x1008, 1507562568223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17741982

Kiyoshi is for lewd.

>> No.17741989

But what does it mean?

>> No.17741999
File: 521 KB, 1000x801, 1505591966236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroyers shouldn't be that cute.

>> No.17742004

>happy birthday not in russian
Worthless trash.

>> No.17742006

Houshou is old. And to marry a woman who already had kids before even knowing you says a lot about her "femininity".

>> No.17742013

>already had kids
Where are the proofs? Why make things up? Who benefits? Provide evidence, kudasai.

>> No.17742022 [SPOILER] 
File: 428 KB, 1700x1190, 1507564284746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your proof.

>> No.17742025

Wow, a converted battleship and a converted battlecruiser prove that Houshou had kids. Bravo.

>> No.17742042

Houshou is Yamato's mommything if anything

>> No.17742044

Lewd Kaga-san!

>> No.17742061

Houshou is an old, terrible single mother. Because one of her kids grew up to be a morbidly obese glutton, we can assume she is a terrible cook, and didn't give her own kids attention. And because another one of her kids grew up to be an emotionless sociopath, we can also assume she is an abusive mother. We can't even know which of her kids are adoptive, which are not and, out of those, how many different fathers do Houshou's kids have.

You don't want to marry that kind of woman.

>> No.17742074

You are a bad fanfic writer.

>> No.17742078

>one of her kids grew up to be an emotionless sociopath
Nice headcanon

>> No.17742111

Fuck off

>> No.17742117
File: 706 KB, 1131x1600, i-082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comptiq November Issue KanColle article:

>> No.17742119

It is over.

>> No.17742122

Wait, but it's October now?

>> No.17742123

>not knowing how magazine releases work

>> No.17742124

Thank you.

>> No.17742129

I don't. Magazines in my coutry come of the month they came out or previous one, not future one.

>> No.17742133


>> No.17742140

I wish Sara were my big sister

>> No.17742152

Wow, I just realized the radar panel on the carrier works like a holo sight for her gun.

>> No.17742156

All carriers should big titted beauties like Sara

>> No.17742160

Variety is the spice of life. Some carriers should have big tiddies, some big butts, some big bellies, and some big hearts.

>> No.17742163

>Official magazine lewding my big sister
Please stop, this is inappropriate

>> No.17742170

But Sara has both big tits and ass.

>> No.17742185

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17742190

Maybe with the change to HTML5 Tanaka will finally give us high res art in the game.

>> No.17742192
File: 78 KB, 281x312, 1506758765233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the white version has white panties and the dark version has black panties?

>> No.17742199

Don't count on it. Low res sprites allows them to use less broadband from the data centers their servers are at.

>> No.17742202

>Still no monthly kai2
The future of Kancolle scares me

>> No.17742205
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, best thing ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17742208

>Kai Ni 10 ships a year
>Introduce 20 new ships a year

We can't go on like this.

>> No.17742218

They said the DD Kai 2 would be later this month.

>> No.17742225

>They said the DD Kai 2 would be later this month
No one cares about some DD, just give me Kaga kai2 already!

>> No.17742232

K2 wouldn't be so wanted if more ships were "useable" at Kai and just got a seasonal once in a while. But that is not how the game works.

>> No.17742248

Don't worry, it will come, eventually.
Don't forget that Kai-Ni = K2 = Kaga II.
"The best is always for the last."

>> No.17742264

Yeah. Kaga gets her K2 and the game imediatly gets shut down.

>> No.17742266

>Kaga II.
Sounds badass, I like it

>> No.17742407

>Its just too shitty
Yeah that makes sense.

>> No.17742422

What's even the point of a shitty conventional carrier when you could use an armored carrier? There's literally no point to K2 Kaga and they know it.

>> No.17742515
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x1130, 1507564803568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 30's are so comfy.

>> No.17742524

They really weren't. There was a lot of political instability in Japan in the 30s, assassinations and shit going on. Plus the war with China, which was basically Japan's Vietnam even before it led into WW2.

>> No.17742526

Comment says Taishou 6 so it's actually 1917.

>> No.17742530

Old ladies class

>> No.17742541

the '30s weren't fun for anyone anywhere. You're thinking of the '20s.

>> No.17742550


>> No.17742556

The '20s were post-war recovery, that's the antithesis of fun.

>> No.17742561

Japan didn't do much in the war so they sure as hell weren't recovering from anything.

>> No.17742562
File: 218 KB, 825x1100, __admiral_asakaze_and_matsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_deco_geigeki_honey__0a0e01752c821442330b61997d6a6102[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right. Why though? What makes it so comfy? Why it feels like it was better? Culture? Art, fashion and architecture? People? Overall a "simplier time"?

>> No.17742567

The 30s weren't fun, stop being delusional.

>> No.17742571

Every decade is fun if you're a wealthy member of an ethnic and religious majority whose country isn't actively being bombed.

>> No.17742574

Is there a bigger nobodies class than kazes?

>> No.17742577

>literally "born in the wrong generation" posting

>> No.17742579

Europe was the only one that got bombed the fuck out though. Japan and the American Continent were fine, hence why its called the Roaring Twenties here in the US.

>> No.17742580

Are there any M shipgirls? it seems to me that there are a lot of S.

>> No.17742581

I'm thinking more like early-mid 20s.

>> No.17742586


>> No.17742615

The thought of many people in this very thread don't know of the 1929 crash is just mind blowing.

>> No.17742636

Don't forget the the events that are set in motion for WW2 to start.

>> No.17742639

Better not care about the jewis tricks in America.

>> No.17742656

Great depression smashed the entire global economy, senpai. It's what caused the political instability which led directly to WW2.

>> No.17742660

>stock market crashes in the US
>it subsequently crashes in the rest of the world
Yes, the Global Event known as the Great Depression only affected the US.

>> No.17742667
File: 88 KB, 515x557, 011b3f3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is AMERICAN territory

>> No.17742675

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.17742682

I don't even know what your point is.

>> No.17742692
File: 213 KB, 660x1200, Municipio_Pontinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Thirties were great here, screw you guys.

>> No.17742694

He doesn't have one

You don't have one

>> No.17742697


>> No.17742701

No decade was great there. It just wasn't any worse than the shit you already have to put up with.

>> No.17742704

That doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.17742719

It wasn't great at all. That's when Japan restricted more freedoms and you couldn't speak out against the government at all.

>> No.17742725 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1000x708, DLnmmS6UMAEoOSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /jp/, what are your thoughts on the new rising star that has been enjoying explosive popularity in Japan as "That improved Kancolle" game?

>> No.17742763
File: 64 KB, 752x918, akagi_and_akagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chinkboats such sluts?

>> No.17742799
File: 203 KB, 734x1050, __ark_royal_bismarck_bismarck_and_prinz_eugen_azur_lane_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__fe9ab172fb16c0469931e4e8c5073880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that. I think Chink Biscuit dresses slightly more modestly than KanColle Biscuit.

>> No.17742803

Its the only way they can attract popularity.
Shitty designs, but overall better than the original chink ripoff.

>> No.17742811
File: 117 KB, 850x983, 1500919944722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of their KC equivalents can't be outslutted.

>> No.17742816

Her skirt is equally short and she's got some incredible cleavage. KanColle Bismarck just hails from the secret Strike witches collab.

>> No.17742824
File: 255 KB, 1358x1721, cuties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how this thing is getting more and more popular. Are cute and sexy girls is the only thing japan cares about? Is this what it all come to?
You were the chosen one, Japan! It was said that you would destroy Chinese media, not join it!

>> No.17742826

Well I didn't say she was super modest. I just felt she was "slightly" more. Which means it's still pretty slutty to me.

>> No.17742828
File: 543 KB, 728x1032, chinese taco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for lack of trying

>> No.17742831
File: 370 KB, 1351x2046, 1d6994f1adae4b3672153fa68be2b1ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Slutness doesn't require a micro bikini.

>> No.17742836

I guess they really wanted a shmup. Also a lot of Japanese are wehraboos(like everywhere else in the world they are everywhere) and so Azur_lane which has much better art than the original Chink Knockoff attracted them especially since one of the starters is a german destroyer.

>> No.17742844

Is their gimmick to not be similar to KanColle animal ears? Because that's what I'm seeing.

>> No.17742849

>Are cute and sexy girls is the only thing japan cares about?
I actually think it's good that it's doing well. Competition within the same niche could spur efforts to revitalize and improve KanColle, whereas Kadokawa would be more inclined to write it declining off as a simple loss of interest if it continued without a successful competitor.

>> No.17742853

Well their Kaga has white hair. Hiryuu and Souryuu look very different as well. No Cranes yet.

>> No.17742858

>Kaga has white hair
That's Wo

>> No.17742860

>Only Jap BBs are Fuso and Yamashiro
Its shit.

>> No.17742862

The enjo-boat truly can't be topped for slutting things up.

>> No.17742864

It's a fucking chink ripoff, it's not going to do shit. If you want change, it better be from the same country. That's why everyone was banking on GBF, FGO and Kemono Friends to kill us but they hardly did anything.

>> No.17742877

It's most-likely going to take the course of the original chink rip-off. It'll get popular for a while then die out.

>> No.17742907

But the original chink ripoff wasn't popular. It was a shit quality sprite strealing mirror of KC.
It's the next one, warshipgirls or whatever, that got some pop for decent art and revamped mechanics.
AL is a shmup with colle elements so it is a far more different thing than the previous ones.

>> No.17742920

>warshipgirls or whatever
That's the original chink ripoff. The literal clone came after.

>> No.17742925

Warshipgirls is a literal clone though.

>> No.17742929

The carrier cut-in is starting to grow on me. Is anyone noticing it's actually quite strong?

>> No.17742931

I mean literal in the literal sense.

>> No.17742934
File: 240 KB, 850x1189, __admiral_and_uzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mujakuma__sample-3e5a17f08269af8fd7d3f2634e013325[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17742937

Is it possible to trigger overfishing without catching anything? Stuck at 23 since yesterday

>> No.17742961

It's unclear but depth charges might possibly do so.

>> No.17742963

Wait, what other one were you talking about then?
There was another "KanColle" with straight up ripped off everything. Then there was some korean or something kantaigirls or shit. Then there was warship girls that did more things differently than the rest and is the most popular of the ripoffs.

>> No.17742969
File: 57 KB, 111x219, fabuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the one with Fabuki?

>> No.17742982

This http://warship-girls.wikia.com/wiki/Warship_Girls_Wiki i believe to be the most popular one that is as close as possible but different in more ways than the other ones. Your's from either the first or the korean ripoff.

>> No.17743004

People legit should scare of dentist. Some dentists, even the ones that practices for ages, can make the procedure hurt badly. The pain is sometimes unbearable even for adult. Also infective endocarditis.

>> No.17743006

>Fusos and Irrelevant US BBs like California
>No Yamatos or Kongos
I'm starting to see why this failed.

>> No.17743014

I can't be the only one that can smell a dentist room when viewing this image, right?

>> No.17743031

Only Yamatos matter. Better fast battleships exist already.

>> No.17743035
File: 790 KB, 1131x1600, i-080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This month's Tanaka interview.

>> No.17743036

Quite possibly the DEEPEST lore.

>> No.17743040


>> No.17743046
File: 277 KB, 682x994, 06_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only the jacket
What has Drew done?

>> No.17743049

Based drew.

>> No.17743052

>Ugly girl
>Ugly casual wear

>> No.17743064

T-ko is cute.

>> No.17743101

Ugly creatures.

>> No.17743124

I can smell bad anatomy.

>> No.17743127


>> No.17743134
File: 94 KB, 300x300, sweating TTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottomless hoodie

>> No.17743143

Overall. But specifically, that poor man. Having to go through life with two left hands.

>> No.17743152

What's up with the white-haired Quaker though?

>> No.17743153

The right hand thumb just looks weird from this angle.

>> No.17743154

She might have been a late bloomer, but Amagiri is undoubtedly the best Summer 2017 ship.

>> No.17743168 [DELETED] 

Hey now Cali and Tennessee are quite cute in that game.

>> No.17743175

Glad im not the only one who thought that

>> No.17743212
File: 813 KB, 1295x1812, __little_boy_admiral_and_nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamato_nadeshiko__3968be8cddb58c5794b4c68dabdddc9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I take him home?

>> No.17743230

No! You have a closet full of DDs to attend to and shotas are the absolute worst thing you could try to take in.

>> No.17743236

I'm not trusting my son to a pedophile.

>> No.17743243
File: 368 KB, 850x850, 1f315cd0c30e831db1a56adffe27f145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You your duties. Including this lewd DD.

>> No.17743244
File: 491 KB, 1000x1610, 1507024091174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd trust my son to this pedophile

>> No.17743258

That's acceptable because she's a motherly pedophile. Nagamon in an autistic brute pedophile and they're the worst kind.

>> No.17743264

*my wife's son

>> No.17743269

Who is this child and where did he come from?

>> No.17743274

My wife is a bote. Botes can only make more botes, and all botes are girls.

>> No.17743284
File: 578 KB, 800x566, 65343365_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17743289

Nagamon strikes me as the type to enjoy being dominated.

>> No.17743296

A shit.

>> No.17743312

Same. It's these small subtleties in KC designs that really put them over ChinkColle ones.

>> No.17743324

More like Yoshi's personal touch.

>> No.17743355

You know she does.

>> No.17743356
File: 203 KB, 1447x2046, __hiryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_masukuza_j__578ca587841ebbb443f72cf95c9d6a02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17743357

The majority have something like Shibafu's carrier battle damage reference, searchlight pedo buzzer, Yamato's Ten-go sock, Musashi's black skin and clothes, Makigumo's oversized sleeves, Bongo's British mannerisms, Hayasui being some kind of track coach and many more.

>> No.17743369

>Makigumo's oversized sleeves, Bongo's British mannerisms, Hayasui being some kind of track coach
Not that guy but have no idea what these mean. Kongou has bare minimus of what a British stereotype could be. Don't see any connection between a supply ship and a coach. And Makigumo having long sleeves as an indication of being crazy (due to "warcrimes") and needed to be put in a crazy house?

>> No.17743381

Hayasui falls in the club manager stereotype.

>> No.17743386

Hayasui is more of a water boy because of refueling. Kamoi is a savage Ainu.

>> No.17743389
File: 512 KB, 1000x1000, __kamikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_takahiro_rikky__6476269f4b45839cafda400759f87308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17743393

I believe this guy >>17743386 hits closer to home.

>> No.17743396

What club? "Afternoon blowjob time"?

>> No.17743399

My mum couldn't be this young!

>> No.17743413

like that tuna empire mango

>> No.17743429

Good god, those dicks are tiny! Kind of oldschool drawing style is nice though. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.17743436

>undoubtedly the best Summer 2017 ship
That's Richie.

>> No.17743448

Which is that?

Riche is too pale to be the best. The DDs and Lui are closer to being best.

>> No.17743473

>searchlight pedo buzzer
Its just a searchlight, all of them in that class have the. Guess Arashio is so boring that people have to claim its something special for her.

>> No.17743486

It's the subtle finger in the pin that gives it extra context making it a "special" part to pay attention to. The others just don't highlight it as she does.

>> No.17743501
File: 638 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were people making a big fuss out of the Sara 5-5 quest? I did it on my 3rd try and I'm a 1 memedal player with mediocre equipment. My first two tries were actually unlucky and got random taiha from chip damage from a DD, Re was mostly harmless.

>> No.17743504

>searchlight pedo buzzer
I don't get it either. Does it have some sort of historical significance?

>> No.17743510

Presumably shit ships and equipment? I clear Sara's sorties relatively easily as well and now I'm bleeding screws out my ass

>> No.17743513
File: 803 KB, 905x1280, 2eec7ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17743517

You would have been fucked too if asashio was the one that was taiha'd. But yes, generally shit equips, no support, or line ahead is to blame.

>> No.17743529
File: 87 KB, 1024x626, ae811dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, shibafu ships too.

>> No.17743539

5-5 is just roulette and you got lucky.

>> No.17743548

I sparkled 18 ships, that's not luck.

>> No.17743549

Huh, so this is what it looks like when you use the powers of autism for good.

>> No.17743583

Every time I see those funnels they look like a retarded design choice

>> No.17743617
File: 2.85 MB, 1800x2772, 65364911_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat class best class

>> No.17743651
File: 860 KB, 1131x1600, i-076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooky British ghost.

As I wrote in the TL note:
[It's hard to even guess at what destroyer the Britbong could be. C, H, I, J, K, and Tribal-class destroyers all had Type 124 ASDIC, and Tribal-class were then upgraded to Type 144/147. Even narrowing it down to destroyers that served with both Warspite and Ark Royal leaves a wide range of possibilities. Note that Tanaka's interview later in the magazine says we are getting Hedgehogs, and Type 144/147 was the first designed to work with ahead-throwing depth charge launchers like the Hedgehog and Squid. See the following for more info:

>> No.17743656

Enjoy-boat? Don't mind if I do.

>> No.17743658

I love how they try and censor the Bong DD when we've already been spoiled it.

>> No.17743663

We already know it, it's so obvious.

>> No.17743676
File: 329 KB, 1280x1815, img072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Atago is the lustiest of vessels.

>> No.17743677

Will she breastfeed me?

>> No.17743682

>Tribal-class were then upgraded to Type 144/147
You already answered your question.

>> No.17743686

Except we won't be getting the best ASDIC from the ship ever. A quest at best.

>> No.17743694

There's 16 British Tribal-class, so it's still up in the air.

Out of the running, but there are several Canadian and Australian ones, including a surviving museum ship (Canada's Haida).

>> No.17743699

Already happened to F6F-5.

>> No.17743700

Is it me or does Akizuki have a different eye color?

>> No.17743709

What ship gives you the F6F-5?
And by "a quest at best" i meant that it doesn't count as "given to you by the ship", cause it's from a quest, not the ship.

>> No.17743717

Colorful some ships seems to change for in-game art.

>> No.17743721

I mean, F6F-5 clearly has Sara fairy but doesn't come with her remodel, so it could be the same with a Tribal-class destroyer.

>> No.17743730

Her breasts aren't Atago size for that.

>> No.17743734

What does breast size have to do with breast feeding?

>> No.17743743

You get more milk from larger breasts that are lactating.

>> No.17743747
File: 201 KB, 1000x1302, __suzutsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kangetsu_fhalei__dbccb084002656de676f23c623fe8e72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckies are something else.

>> No.17743748

That's not how breast feeding works.

>> No.17743757

That's not what my hentai doujins tell me!

>> No.17743771
File: 6 KB, 637x139, why1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does KanColle general share a birthdate with any ship-girls?

>> No.17743774

Too bad she sounds like Akagi.

>> No.17743780

Go ask reddit.

>> No.17743787


Surprisingly, Ark Royal was never in the same operation with Warspite.

>> No.17743792

High-pitched Akagi.

>> No.17743795

Those names are all somewhat racist.
And they doesn't really fit a young white girl.

>> No.17743801

Just pick the girly one and nicknaming it. Maybe Ashanti or Pubnjabi.

>> No.17743806

Yeah, they never actually had direct contact. Destroyers flitted between them though, the sluts. There's Hereward and Hyperion, for example.

Twas still the British Empire, after all.

>> No.17743819

We already have girls with manly names such as Max, Graf, Priz, Bismarck, Iowa, Saratoga.

>> No.17743821

>And they doesn't really fit a young white girl
I don't think Luigi or Prince Eugene fit either, but that didn't stop anyone.

>> No.17743825


>> No.17743837

I wasn't saying they aren't girlish but weird for a white girl.
I mean it be surprising if she was called Zulu or Sikh.

>> No.17743845

>Shonan (昭南), constructed at Hitachi, Sakurajima, laid down on February 23, 1944, launched on May 19, 1944, and commissioned on July 13, 1944. Shonan was torpedoed and sunk by the USS Hoe on February 25, 1945 with 198 crew and passengers killed.

In-game when?

>> No.17743849

>sunk by a Hoe

>> No.17743855

Go away Singapore.

>> No.17743863

Why did Tanaka make the night plane quest lines cost 250 screws?

>> No.17743867

Really makes you think.

>> No.17743868

Because you'll only ever use them in one ship.

>> No.17743870
File: 394 KB, 1829x1753, 1507170299384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250 is the low end isn't it?

>> No.17743891

Just pay for screws, it's one of the few P2W items that have a reasonable money rate.

>> No.17743910

>661 devmats

what the fuck

>> No.17743923

These names are so shit, it's worse than the capital ships

>> No.17743936

Too bad this guy only used expected value for the fodder and not the actual upgrade costs (he assumes using slider past +6).

>> No.17743940
File: 170 KB, 850x1094, 1483234508369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy duck.

>> No.17743943

What's the most fuckable Ducky?

>> No.17743952
File: 269 KB, 1000x1414, __teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asdj__bdc10bda6eb7115619ba2f25eb66f1b3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17743956

Why the hell would you not?

>> No.17743961
File: 95 KB, 605x748, m-mada DAIJOUBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very close race, but Teru is built for breeding.

>> No.17743965

She better still have her gloves on under the pillow.

>> No.17743979

Assuming rational acting, if the statistically expected value of not using the slider is less than the guaranteed cost of using it, you should not use the slider. Generally it's cheaper not to use the slider, but for some slider ratios and with some fodder costs it may indeed be better to use the slider.

I am autistic enough to do the math when I'm past +6 (it's a fairly simple calculation unless the fodder is rare enough to matter).

>> No.17743984
File: 383 KB, 763x1000, __chou_10cm_hou_chan_and_teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_goekawa__9953691c9052a62be2436c129ae1a0fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with ducks

>> No.17743996
File: 441 KB, 1072x517, 1507544396509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17743997
File: 617 KB, 800x968, __teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_konnyaku_kk_monmon__c54ab14015d9e64b595a022eca89dff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teru by far.

>> No.17744070

Avoiding Re crit and potential off route is luck, sparkles do nothing. Throw in hankousen and there is serious troll potential if you are unlucky. People were pissy because they would spend time sparkling only to get trolled by off route. It can be an annoying quest even with perfect fleet.

>> No.17744086


>> No.17744094

can't wait until we get presley o'bannon

>> No.17744151

>murrican ship

>> No.17744170

Learn to read.

>> No.17744292
File: 77 KB, 743x1043, __kasuga_maru_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fuyube_gin_huyube__55ca249af1d42d75f6b93a9ab0b36cc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this potato.

>> No.17744303
File: 232 KB, 850x1380, 1506919586464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17744310

I prefer dragon potatoes.

>> No.17744317

Jersey Royal/10

>> No.17744328
File: 183 KB, 777x609, DHzbrMyVYAALbaD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the last fish what the fuck

>> No.17744330

Discount Houshou.

>> No.17744394

Wew, I know bongs have funny names for their ships but this is gold.

>> No.17744405


>> No.17744433

What would you have named the Tribal-class after?

>> No.17744441

Don't we have a week left? What's the rush?

>> No.17744461
File: 512 KB, 590x873, 1480274662269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17744464 [DELETED] 

>fb tier shit.

If that was me who posted that I'd get banned by a frustrated /jp/ user reporting me.

>> No.17744509

If I didn't get last year's fishery banner, do you think it's worth it to choose it as a reward this year?

>> No.17744540

AKZK too meh
TRZK is for hard pounding
HTZK is for tender loving.

>> No.17744549

The choice is either that or assdick. Not that assdick is worth much since it can't be improved yet.

>> No.17744553

Isn't it better we keep it first before they implemented it for improvement?

>> No.17744683
File: 894 KB, 1131x1600, i-085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translated pages 83-85. Mostly a summary of stuff we already knew on night carriers, fighter-escorted bomber cut-ins, and the Sara quest line (their equipment choices are in line with the consensus), but enjoy the lowdown on American plane nomenclature.

>> No.17744693
File: 320 KB, 1446x1159, im7105597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it, but Kinu will never be your personal trainer!

>> No.17744802

That's because she is on permament expedition slavery.

>> No.17744805

I rather train with Abucute.

>> No.17744816

Good luck with tinnitus.

>> No.17744820

Tiny Kaga/10

>> No.17744823

I used to be a musician, Abucute's voice is nothing compared to how it feels to have a shitty trumpet player blow his noise behind you.

>> No.17744893
File: 345 KB, 990x700, IMG_20170428_193604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they ever be relevant?

>> No.17744916

What does the Secretary ship actually do? From the hourlies it just seems they cook food and make tea. Aren't they supposed to book the schedule, do paperwork, etc.?

>> No.17744924

Caga goes off and visits her lesbian partner for an hour.

>> No.17744957

>her lesbian partner
Nice fanfiction

>> No.17745033

Also a hint on what they are, the interaction with other characters and you. Basically they try to spread some """""lore""""" in an IP that is already thin to begin with

>> No.17745082

Above average DDs (well, Hatsuharu anyway) that will be doomed to disuse since there's a fleet of stronger DDs ahead of them.

>> No.17745091

Do you seriously want that boring crap?

>> No.17745117

Read the doujins to learn what secretary ships do.

>> No.17745194

My fucking sides holy shit. Based black tea drinkers.

> Cossack
> Eskimo
Weren't this guys Russian or something?

>> No.17745212


>> No.17745221

Well not ethnically russian of course. Territorially russian more like.

>> No.17745229


>> No.17745233

Eskimos are from Canada.

>> No.17745241

Oh, it seems I mixed them up with Chukchi tribes.

>> No.17745289
File: 536 KB, 1151x887, __taihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kobayashi_chisato__1036a8a2c509ef92c0708d5993576930[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17745306
File: 997 KB, 1138x1500, __arashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kanon_kurogane_knights__e17f48039b7771aefddbb49fe37e3cee[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop her?

>> No.17745308 [DELETED] 

I'm not attracted to little girls.

>> No.17745315 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 850x754, __arashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_soil_chopsticks__sample-baf3629dcb0d1ea7f835a003954c2dd4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a ripe, adult woman.

>> No.17745318

The gimmick of Azur_lane is for stats not to make sense.

>> No.17745322

Isn't that the gimmick of any chink ripoff?

>> No.17745333

Is this even legal?

>> No.17745334

Actually WSG stats are quite good. I remember one of the KC ships (either Warspite or Saratoga) who had near identical stats to her prior released WSG self.

>> No.17745336 [DELETED] 

This is fucking sad. I hope you will get better soon, poor thing.

>> No.17745350 [DELETED] 

Prison isn't fun.

>> No.17745357 [DELETED] 

Don't go there then? Don't attack real kids on a streets and you're golden, what do you want with 3D anyway.

>> No.17745358

Actually the Chinkcolle stats were okay at least. Azur Lane though has a destroyer escort for one of the most powerful destroyers. Worse is that she is that she never fought a battle. Also has vampire is an elite ship.

>> No.17745361 [DELETED] 

You can't fuck 2D.

>> No.17745362 [DELETED] 

Buy an onahole.

>> No.17745364 [DELETED] 

A pity sure, but a reasonable price to pay. Masturbation is generally > than fuck anyway.

>> No.17745365 [DELETED] 

Why would I waste money when I could fuck a real person?

>> No.17745367 [DELETED] 

Why would wanting to fuck 2D make you go and fuck 3D? It's not the same either way.
Did you even look at 3D? It's godawful.

>> No.17745371 [DELETED] 

You fuck 3D for satisfaction. You masturbate to 2D because you're too lonley and depressing to fuck 3D.

>> No.17745372 [DELETED] 

Cause in the end, you will be "wasting" money even if you want to fuck a "real" person. Nothing is free in this world, except diseases and some other not nice things.

>> No.17745373 [DELETED] 

Because 3D are pig disgusting.

>> No.17745374 [DELETED] 

> Why would wanting to fuck 2D make you go and fuck 3D
Very good point.

>> No.17745380 [DELETED] 

Even if you could fuck the cartoon you'd be arrested in cartoon world because its illegal there.

>> No.17745383 [DELETED] 

It's okay in the 2D world if you do a dogeza in front of the father and promise to take responsibility and marry her.

>> No.17745387 [DELETED] 

Trust me, I fucked A FUCKING TON of underaged boys and girls in a cartoon worlds. Sometimes it wasn't even consensual. And it got me arrested exactly zero times.
You're safe.

>> No.17745388 [DELETED] 

Your imagination doesn't count.

>> No.17745392 [DELETED] 

Why is everyone responding to bait?

>> No.17745395 [DELETED] 

That is not what my trash anime where the protagonist constantly harrases the girls (or the girls themselves pulling stupid shit themselves) in some way every episode tell me.

>> No.17745396 [DELETED] 

Because its 5am easy replies. I'm going to bed now. Keep jerking it to imaginary children, losers.

>> No.17745397 [DELETED] 

What imagination? You can repeat my steps and have sex in cartoon worlds too.

>> No.17745401 [DELETED] 

At least we have something cute/beautiful to jerk off to, successful man.

>> No.17745402 [DELETED] 

> 5am
> 19:45
Fucking burgers I swear to Gods.

>> No.17745421
File: 132 KB, 771x897, 42231504_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? Where do they think they are?

>> No.17745456
File: 633 KB, 1280x1812, _003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess

>> No.17745482

It's volatile

>> No.17745486

Cooking and making tea is fucking great what are you talking about. I'm so tired of cooking and cooking and cooking for myself day after day year after year.

>> No.17745497

It's literally a girl's name

>> No.17745505

MtG tribes

>> No.17745537

Azurcolle gives no fucks on historical accuracy, they actually have more in common with their name sake than any historical performance. Actually, I don't think they even have any historical battles and a completely fanfiction main story.

>> No.17745555

We don't have any historical battle either as we are fighting the abyssals, not USA.

>> No.17745564

Semantics. We even get historical routing for fucks sake.

>> No.17745578

Imitating something that failed for it to succeed is hardly hystorical. In that way SB Yamato is "hystorical" as well.

>> No.17745592

Are you seriously trying to compare KanColle's historical accuracy to a space opera?

>> No.17745593
File: 251 KB, 641x1136, 1507395394495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more things change yadda yadda

>> No.17745601

Their level of hystorical accuracy is the same.

>> No.17745613


>> No.17745614

> hystorical
So what would you consider historical then? Having the game lock your ships for an operation, and force them to sink for accuracy's sake? Fuck off.

>> No.17745620

I want to be a shota ttk and be molested by all Atagos except ARP's because she's fucking terrible.

>> No.17745625

>Imitating something that failed for it to succeed is hardly hystorical
The idea is that they can redeem themselves and do it right this time. KanColle occasionally touches on themes of overcoming the past. If it's not historical to require the ships who were in the historical operations, it certainly wouldn't be more historical to forbid them.

>> No.17745658

You are the fags that say KC is the most historicaly accurate shit around. I say it's just implied like any other WW2 related game with magical girls fighting other magical monster girls.
Go play nonsandbox wargames or strategies related to periods to get something closer to historically accurate.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have its' historical theme, but it's far from being straight up accurate, just implied and themed.
And what are they supposed to redeem? They did the to most of their capabilities during WW2. Now, they are fighting an almost completely different war where they are forced to imitate operations because combat takes place in places where WW2 happened and definitely not because going with the tactics of said operations would make sense. I don't think redemption should be a factor related to "historical accuracy".

>> No.17745677

>You are the fags that say KC is the most historicaly accurate shit around.
Noone's even implied that.
> We don't have any historical battle
> I'm not saying the game doesn't have its' historical theme
Pick one.

>> No.17745693

They aren't the same game though. Azur Lane gameplay is different.

>> No.17745709

Even outside of gameplay AL have some nice mechanics. I really liked the idea of lounges for example.

>> No.17745722

Hold the fuck on so this >>17745658 retard is the one that keeps moving the goalpost after getting btfo'd over and over again ever since the kemofure drama? Man my cognitive ability has been these days.

>> No.17745725

>has been
bad of course. Feelsbadman.

>> No.17745783

God damn, I've been farming 1-5 for a week and no sign of Matsuwa. What's the point of making her drop only for admirals that don't have her if the drop rate's so abysmal to begin with?

>> No.17745789
File: 79 KB, 615x997, __roma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_morinaga_harumori__970ef5fadbb33d09b16af9ad089a32c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, someone show me 1CL 1FBB 1CAV 3DD comp for 6-4. I'm starting to get depressed.

>> No.17745793

Suzuya is NOT a slut!

>> No.17745814

What with his sudden Kaga favouritism?

>> No.17745843

Ooyodo Roma Arashio Ooshio Akizuki Tone fighter mule

>> No.17745863

Yura is better installation remover than Yodo and Suzuya is better fighter mule than Tone.
I liked the east side more. Did you try it?

>> No.17745939
File: 105 KB, 800x480, purified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. Otherwise I'll have to beat it out of her.

>> No.17745987

A historical theme, setting and references is not the same as historical accuracy.

I have no idea who you are talking about.

>> No.17746061

>I have no idea who you are talking about.
Your bait is bad so here's your last (you) from me. Anyone gives (you) to you from now on is retarded and it should stay that way.

>> No.17746069

Here's a (You) from me too.

>> No.17746203
File: 64 KB, 600x887, 1506120770321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago and Atago doubleteaming a shota doujin when

>> No.17746260

Where have you been?

>> No.17746268

I read that wrong, ignore me

>> No.17746362

I wonder if shota artists will ever encounter the 3m tall twice as wide as them woman that will finally take them in and enact all their shota fantasies irl.

>> No.17746426
File: 1.46 MB, 800x1131, 1507197123196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So shota is just a form of giantess fetish?

>> No.17746511

Eh, I've got an /ss/ fetish but I'd still be fine with a woman half my size so long as she had the proper onee-san personality. Which is fortunate given my size.

>> No.17746531

>/ss/ fetish
I never understand this.

>> No.17746534

Can't say for sure. But you don't stay 1m tall for your whole life nor do get smaller later and i, for the life of me, have no idea what adult women having sex with midgets is supposed to convey.
Well, maybe it's something like reverse giantess fetish as it seems to be about infantilization of the male, but idk.

Being into lolis/shortstacks/generally short girls is slightly different when sex is taken into account, as the principals of intercourse work in oppiste ways there, unlees the genitalia get over/undersized.

>> No.17746588

Like in the last few months?

>> No.17746632

What I mean is it isn't much about the size for me, it's more the older/younger thing. I like 18 male/35 female as much as the standard /ss/ ranges.

>> No.17746641

You don't get it huh? A destroyer escort like Eldridge shouldn't have better raw stats than a proper destroyer. If you want to give her a good skill based on a hoax then that's fine but some things

>> No.17746664

You can say the same thing about Yuudachi, since she gets raw stats (making her stronger than a lot of Cls aside from art spotting) and not a yasen modifier + luck to represent her feet.

>> No.17746665
File: 383 KB, 600x850, 150_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may not look it, but Hiei actually has a fantastic chest.

>> No.17746703 [DELETED] 

Kagalove is real alright

>> No.17746731

Not my favorite bongou, but it's weird how Hiei's K2 sprite is the best looking out of her sisters.

>> No.17746736

Still better than Harumeh.

>> No.17746740
File: 263 KB, 850x1188, hieeeiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17746761

Kongou is best looking Kongou
Haruna is second best looking Kongou
Kirishima is average looking Kongou
Hiei is worst looking Kongou

>> No.17746767

Though she is the worst looking Kongou doesn't mean she is bad.

>> No.17746780

She is kinda retarded too

>> No.17746801

Yes but Yuudachi is considered by Japan to be a ship with merits. Also Azur Lane doesn't have anything like K2s either like KanColle or warship girls. Eldridge has no merit.

>> No.17746835
File: 1.69 MB, 1254x1500, hiei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this worse looking than the four eyes Kongou?

>> No.17746839

Shitty hair

>> No.17746849

Kongo best bongo
Haruna good bongo
Kirishima/Hiei okay bongo

>> No.17746924
File: 702 KB, 1920x1080, kongobongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kongou is best looking Kongou
>Kongo best bongo


>> No.17746930

Kirishima personal favorite bongo

>> No.17746939

I'd like her to check my mike.

>> No.17746958

The 4 of them are loud and impolite!

>> No.17746960

Season 2 anime when?

>> No.17746961

Who is the quietest boat?

>> No.17746965


>> No.17746967

That makes two of us.

>> No.17746969
File: 237 KB, 1447x2046, 1506206245686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17746972

Mou sugoi Kaga-san!
Kaga is love and life

>> No.17746975
File: 1.64 MB, 3629x2356, 1507411193440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 4 of them are built like pornstars!

Fixed it for you.

>> No.17747013 [DELETED] 

Why do Touhouniggers get on their nerves whenever there is a mention to KanColle? I like Touhou myself, but whenever anything related to KanColle is brought up in a discussion they will repeatedly claim "Comiket circles don't matter!" and post charts comparing the two franchises.

>> No.17747021

Old and collecting Dust.

>> No.17747023 [DELETED] 

It's all a false flag. I can bet you anything it's /a/ crossposters.

>> No.17747024 [DELETED] 

I don't give a fuck about frilly dresses and hats, but you won't see me stir shit up in their threads.

>> No.17747027
File: 93 KB, 821x1200, DK-8STxUQAAACys.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17747038

I prefer her tittier, red-eyed version

>> No.17747055
File: 514 KB, 841x1087, yuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submarines in general are necessarily quiet.

>> No.17747061

But Kaga is not your waifu

>> No.17747068

holy shit rekt

>> No.17747074

Girls gasping silently during sex is my fetish

>> No.17747079

Good thing she is, nothing but trash.

>> No.17747080

That's because she's old and Dusty. Nobody wants a broken down old lady as a waifu.

>> No.17747085
File: 210 KB, 850x1275, chokeayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she into choking?

>> No.17747090

On a dick, yes.

>> No.17747100

Oh wow, but would you just look at that >>17747085 ?
She's so big I doubt anything but a large dick will do it.

>> No.17747113

It's easy to counter a retard

>> No.17747120

She's into missionary with the lights out because honestly she's that dull.

>> No.17747145
File: 126 KB, 1023x682, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17747155

Four of those shipgirls are guys.

>> No.17747158

Fat warcrimes, gross.

>> No.17747209
File: 133 KB, 708x578, It says you're gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best position+sensory deprivation

>> No.17747249

Every time I see picture like this I think the Japanese have freakishly huge heads but then I remember those girls are all like 5 feet tall and it makes more sense.

>> No.17747314
File: 1 KB, 264x17, matsucute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many anons are still struggling?

>> No.17747326
File: 18 KB, 86x89, BJaV5iQASoK6p7nKHrZZjg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, fellow boatfuckers, what should I waste my shit on?

>> No.17747327
File: 895 KB, 1000x1415, __choukai_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tatsu_shinomu__92b5f0bdb38086a7884470cf6f128e94[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This growing appreciation of Choukai pleases me.

>> No.17747329

41 proto. Big guns are awesome.

>> No.17747370

Sure just let me find my Mutsu gun orchard and pick a dozen mutsu guns.

>> No.17747374

>he doesn't have a couple dozen mutsu guns by now

>> No.17747379

T2 Seaplane Fighter (Skilled), jets and F6F night variants are the specialised shit that require a couple hundred screws in total

Otherwise there's other crap like fighters, AP shells, 20.6cm(3), searchlight, 10cm HA+AAD, quints, etc

>> No.17747406


Basically Reppuu Kai with placebo

>> No.17747548
File: 452 KB, 1024x1280, __i_19_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mtu_orewamuzituda__1014d214cc361496f985c74c594c5b88[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, I want to fuck a 70 year old fat japanese submarine!

>> No.17747560
File: 54 KB, 571x960, 22281638_1198696760261705_6951593717013108437_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes were made.

>> No.17747588
File: 250 KB, 800x1345, the classy cock hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can do better than that.

>> No.17747597

It was him, mr. Krabs, he was number one.

>> No.17747628
File: 628 KB, 800x1548, __akitsu_maru_kantai_collection_drawn_by_konnyaku_kk_monmon__5dabc2f4fd224551a945fc0c067375a7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty alright artist, actually.

>> No.17747630
File: 620 KB, 1333x1717, __hayashimo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_alabaster_artist__950b67964cc62c7071279a10ded4cfe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayashimo is best Yuugumo.

>> No.17747664
File: 618 KB, 1000x1414, 7401044da0f89dd74d40457a188f6f1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ship would have casual sex with you because she'd rather use a dick than flick the bean?

>> No.17747699

Shipgirls are supposed to mate for life.

>> No.17747705

They're not penguins.

>> No.17747714

How do you know they aren't penguins in a girl suit?

>> No.17747716

Doesn't he mean to have sex through all their life almsot all the time?

>> No.17747745

I've decided to sexualize Gangut.

Wish me luck.

>> No.17747749

Her name is October Revolution, you filthy White Guardsman.

>> No.17747752
File: 260 KB, 1447x2046, __arashi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_masukuza_j__5803bcdb8b69259c3615ef7616e21fb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ appreciate Arashi?

>> No.17747755

Not when you Kai 2 her.

>> No.17747767
File: 234 KB, 1071x1500, 6347efd5dfa83db19a010db24f552500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy capitalists subjecting her to humiliation by forcing her to change her name from the true one.

>> No.17747775

Good luck sexualizing the least feminine ship in game.

>> No.17747777


>> No.17747784

Her true name is Gangut.

>> No.17747785

That's not Mogami.

>> No.17747787

But she's not Mogami

>> No.17747790

Remind me who's flag we use now, Bolshevik.

>> No.17747797

But she's not Wakaba.

>> No.17747798

In my heart she'll always be voiced by Ayane Sakura.

>> No.17747800

That’s not Bismarck

>> No.17747802

Ayaneru a shit.

>> No.17747810

Bismarck is plenty feminine.

>> No.17747819

Not according to Bismarck’s captain

>> No.17747824

Fumikane doesn't give a shit about his opinion.

>> No.17747859
File: 846 KB, 1280x1779, 01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. One of my few favorites, she's totally cute

>> No.17747874

Not when I picture her sounding like Daisy.

>> No.17747895

From the thumbnail, I thought she had a huge dick inside her and causing a stomach bulge.

>> No.17747903

Arashi is for some sweet, passionate, consensual lovin', not hardcore shit like this.

>> No.17747954

Sweet passionate consensual lovin' can include huge dicks causing stomach bulges.

>> No.17747974

>ywn making little DD with Arashi.

>> No.17748020

There's no point in keeping Sara as non-armored, is there?

>> No.17748026

Except for the quest.

>> No.17748068

Night battle and higher firepower.

>> No.17748072

>in a CV

>> No.17748073

> Night battle
What a joke.

>> No.17748079

You don't need to yasen on a CV in combined fleet.

>> No.17748082

Yeah, only slot size matters. And fighters should be in bigger slots.

>> No.17748090

How else do you think they do damage? Do you think Aquila and Hiryuu are the same?

>> No.17748092

Good joke.

>> No.17748093

You don't need firepower when you have aircraft.

>> No.17748094
File: 233 KB, 678x950, 1507657173792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17748104

Insert lightbulb now.

>> No.17748106

F4F-3 upgrade

>> No.17748113


>> No.17748120
File: 245 KB, 1000x1414, __gangut_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asdj__9021b8e47bed81db98269eaa4c16d7a5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please. Gan can be sexy.

>> No.17748121

It would probably cheaper to just craft another Sara and get the F4F-4 directly.

>> No.17748145

Well, upgrade what you have or luckshitting Sara are both poisons, you need to pick one.

>> No.17748166

British never used Hedgehogs or Squid on their larger Fleet destroyers like the tribal-class until post war though. In fact I think it was small escort ships that used them more.

>> No.17748176

Would she let the TTK touch her scar?

>> No.17748202

Unless Akashi-list is wrong Sara mk2 mod2 can't upgrade any of the F4 variants so unless you got an additional F6 from ranking you'll need to keep her in her non-armored form for a while to get to the F6F-5 nightfighter.

>> No.17748207


>> No.17748212 [DELETED] 

Akashi list is wrong.

>> No.17748232

Not being able to upgrade wildcats is actually one of the drawbacks Comptiq listed for Mod 2.

>> No.17748401
File: 114 KB, 800x823, DLy_QPHVYAA0z-c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17748442


>> No.17748468

>Combat rations have a slight bonus
Well that's new.

>> No.17748471

>Stopped using Swordfish because there was no mention of them in Comptiq

>> No.17748472

How do I stop 1-6 B to be so unforgiving?

>> No.17748478

Bring worse ships.

>> No.17748594

use jihad fleet ?

>> No.17748597

It doesn't matter as long as you can advance since it's the last node.

>> No.17748604

Akizuki flag+5 fodder.

>> No.17748609

Jelly donuts attract fish apparently.

>> No.17748643

Is Akebono worth keeping?

>> No.17748659

I keep her because she's my ID2. Otherwise, probably not.

>> No.17748675


>> No.17748689

If you like her character.

>> No.17748706

But what if I want S rank?

>> No.17748711


>> No.17748795

How many sorties today?

>> No.17748880

Breast is too fucking big
I rike it

>> No.17748897
File: 196 KB, 1395x1761, __hayashimo_and_kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_alabaster_artist__8025d9f87126ebd8dc8f8bdd22e00093[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ainu attire so alluring?

>> No.17748970

>Azurcolle gives no fucks on historical accuracy
This is a huge downside in my opinion. One of the major reasons why the chinks don't get how KanColle got huge, all they see is the girl but don't bother to look further into it besides that, everything else is an afterthought. For something heavily reliant on historical events, you can't just ignore 80% of the content and expect to somehow steal KanColle's thunder. Maybe patriotism and passion doesn't exist with them.

>> No.17748976

They betrayed their emperor in exchange for Mao, obviously they don't know what patriotism is.

>> No.17748983

>betrayed their emperor
The emperor was a puppet to the Japan.
And he was a filthy Qing.

>> No.17748985

I was talking about Emperor Showa, not their puppet emperor.

>> No.17748988

They betrayed their emporer and then 60 million of them died.

>> No.17749048
File: 58 KB, 600x440, 1501586038374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17749049

They didn't like Emperor war criminal in the first place.

>> No.17749137
File: 867 KB, 812x730, DAG-2idUMAEcxng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Michi doesn't get the kai ni?

>> No.17749150

I'd find the fallout amusing despite preferring her over her two sisters.

>> No.17749157

Endless weed jokes.

>> No.17749194 [DELETED] 

I love my waifu Kaga-san, she's the best for me

>> No.17749219
File: 125 KB, 472x472, __akagi_and_kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rebecca_keinelove__5630c5b13df24959e27aec1f26031758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she loves Akagi even more!

>> No.17749232

Boring meme

>> No.17749345

Really, if there's a problem about Azurcolle that bugs me is the character design. It's too gaudy yet not defining. Too much shit clattered on a design symbolizing nothing.

Not to say KC's design is good, but they at least have subtlety that makes the character sticks out. Also some artists (Like Humikane, Kuurokuro and to some extant, Yoshinori) explains why the character were designed such way, giving details about some areas here and there. The chinks who design the character at Azurecolle maybe just imagining what Japanese moe art style is and focus on the gaudiness of such art style instead of a more subtle thing about it.

>> No.17749361

Its alright because the next chink ripoff will get it right.

>> No.17749364

>and to some extant
He literally has pages from the magazine releases that go into full depth beyond some twitter posts. That is not "some extant".

>> No.17749370

It didn't post but I was going to add, Third times the charm.

>> No.17749439

Is the music that plays in the furniture selection room not selectable as BGM in the jukebox?

>> No.17749456

Best sub.

>> No.17749459

tfw normie friend suddenly addicted to azurcolle and keep asking me to play

>> No.17749460
File: 916 KB, 1131x1600, i-038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same VA for Yamamommy and Fusomommy.

>> No.17749461

How did you not know this?

>> No.17749464
File: 771 KB, 1131x1600, i-047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the blond?
Didnt care about these things that much.
>inb4 muh wow retard

>> No.17749480
File: 59 KB, 800x480, KanColle-171011-01563636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, look at my new useless bomber I got.

>> No.17749498

It's okay. Do you have new Zuiun and both T2 SF squadrons too?

>> No.17749511
File: 187 KB, 437x499, 1478933137211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30th saury won't drop

>> No.17749542

34th Saury won't drop

>> No.17749618

my 36th saury wont drop

>> No.17749620

Matsuwa please come to me.

>> No.17749644

I thought it is the third game? Before this tehre was KanN and KanR.

>> No.17749665


>> No.17749678
File: 473 KB, 1051x1494, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Myoukou barely gets any doujins at all?

>> No.17749686

because she's scary

>> No.17749723

because of the ugly hairstyle and weird eyebrows

>> No.17749725

She was a big meme before k2

>> No.17749727
File: 484 KB, 1280x1837, 14_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17749731

Poor Miyoko-san

>> No.17749770

Make no mistake, Azurcolle fails pretty hard as a Kantai game but they are easily nailing the Collection and game part. Look at how fast Azurcolle blew up once they snatched the proper artists, VA and got a fun gameplay down. Of course they will never win over the military Otakus but there are a niche market vs the vast majority of casual anime fans from both China and Japan.

When the casual mobile gamer see the game, they won't be bitching that X & Y wasn't accurately represented. They see JAPANESE KEMOMIMI WITH KATANAS and NAZIS WITH DRAGONSHIPS. It's totally rule of cool (&sexy) running wild and there is enough gameplay to keep them occupied until the next wave of ships. Also helps that it's a country vs country game so some of them can finally live out their Enterprise Vs Everything instead of the generic abyss enemy in Kancolle. Really, just take a look at Sengoku Basara vs Samurai warriors to see an example.

>> No.17749800
File: 433 KB, 1470x1471, 990b64ddb6366b6888c0c8dcb541837a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you already forgot about her?

>> No.17749811

Because Japanese want cute
Myoukou is beautiful.

>> No.17749817

I'd like to forget this terrible piece of fanart.

>> No.17749822

It's not that bad.

>> No.17749828

It's the face.

>> No.17749865

The Soviet Union was a mistake. Set the motherland back a century in exchange for temporary power.

>> No.17749868

Good, now bandwagoners from wikia and reddit can fuck off then I have my comfy thread back

>> No.17749876

I can confirm this from personal experience

>> No.17749881

My mahou boatho Eldridge can't be beat

>> No.17749889

I think the biggest problem with the designs is lack of historical inspiration and fucking awful colour schemes. Seriously china, take an art class.

>> No.17749896

Her hat is dumb

>> No.17749926


>> No.17749989

A good number of KC's original art is saved by fanart though

>> No.17750007
File: 676 KB, 1216x1077, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to bully

>> No.17750011

Fanartists don't touch the design. KanColle has some flawed art, but a lot more thought and restraint is used in creating them. I think this whole thing really highlights why Shibafu's girls are featured so prominently in advertising.

>> No.17750014

>Fanartists don't touch the design.

No, but they make the characters actually look good.

>> No.17750027
File: 257 KB, 800x836, Kaga wife embarrased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullying Kagawife

>> No.17750034

Boring meme that deserves to be bullied.

>> No.17750039

I dunno what universe you are from but shibafu's potatos are definitely not the ones being plastered all over the billboard. The honor goes to Yoshinori and Parsley, specfically Kashima.

>> No.17750050

I still wonder why Parsley early art is so horrible compared to his current art. Maybe because he think its just some no name browser game and the pay is low so he just draw random unpolished girls wearing ship equipment ?

>> No.17750060

There aren't very many truly good designs in AL. This is before even getting to the art quality which is very hit and miss.

>> No.17750066 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 300x267, 1507726296374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17750071

I thought AL Takao and Atago look pretty alright, but I haven't really checked the rest.

>> No.17750191

Good for them. Secondaries eats garbage anyways. They don't care about substance, they just care it looks cool and pretty and lewd without any nuances to its design.

Not to say Kansmallccole is any good in design, but at least they know subtlety in character design.

>> No.17750209

Shibafu is the poster artist in the beginning. Your title screen was a Shibafu art.

Shibafu, Yoshinori and Fujikawa are the main cover artists. Maybe occasionally Konishi. Parsley only explodes on Kashima. Sure they have Tittykazes and Saberkaze as well, but they're surprisingly underexposure outside of fanart.

>> No.17750288

Yeah, Persley is that kind of guy.

>> No.17750311

Shibafu's arts before his fall from grace have good quality imo.

>> No.17750316

This, Kaga is his best design yet

>> No.17750326
File: 328 KB, 2048x1536, DAvBh6sUwAAG-sK.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get plastered on planes. They get plastered on amusement parks. They get a whole anime starring them, even if it was shit. I'm from the universe that the last few months have occurred in. And yes they also got billboards.

>> No.17750330

He was the only KC artist banned from Danbooru because muh art no steelz.
in b4

>> No.17750351

I wouldn't want my stuff on that garbage site either if I was him.

>> No.17750368

How scummy. I guess I just don't follow artists who do this.

>> No.17750393

Empire was on its way to a failed state though. Sadly. SU wasn't the best country in a world, but it was still leagues better than a fucking feudal kingdom.

>> No.17750396
File: 58 KB, 600x435, hungover pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That awkward feeling when you wake up after a night drinking and think you might have fucked your sister. I wonder what other boats have that problem?

>> No.17750404
File: 389 KB, 1080x1525, 65389557_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naganami is actually really amazing.

>> No.17750407

I wish I had this problem.

>> No.17750412

I remember someone here mentioned that maybe Naganami will be the next Hamakaze or something.

I don't mind that. Hamakaze has no charm other than tits. Naganami has that and is also a pretty chill girl.

>> No.17750421

Naganami-sama is secretly the biggest semen-demon in all of KanColle

>> No.17750425
File: 322 KB, 1200x895, 1460509537496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiyous and Nagatos.

>> No.17750430

>I remember someone here mentioned that maybe Naganami will be the next Hamakaze or something.

Ducks look better than either yet Hamakaze's super popular and all she has going for her are her big tits and those are dime a dozen in this

>> No.17750433

>look better than Naganami

>> No.17750459
File: 199 KB, 635x611, mucchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting drunk around a voracious succubus like snail
Nagato should really know better

>> No.17750470

>any good

>> No.17750475

Wow yeah post yuri!

>> No.17750478

>Hamakaze has no charm other than tits
>Hamakaze's super popular and all she has going for her are her big tits and those are dime a dozen in this
Kids this days.

>> No.17750487

Right. She's popular because she's a cyclops.

>> No.17750490

>bland looks
>bland personality

Yup, tits is all she has going for her.

>> No.17750492

Damn it's almost like not everyone shares your dumb taste.

>> No.17750493

Specifically a titty-clops

>> No.17750503

Kaga kai2/DDH will make this game fun again

>> No.17750517

Lol, a walking tits, no more, no less

>> No.17750519

>ever fun
>kaga K2
Three wrongs don't make a right.

>> No.17750539
File: 69 KB, 640x960, tg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you done your weeklies yet, anon?

>> No.17750591

Anytime a character doesn't have some quirck or meme from one game line or doujin they can use to shitpost they'll shitpost about how she's bland, "no personality", etc instead.

>> No.17750604

Nope, I meant Ayanami K2 is the peak of his style.

>> No.17750620

>Ayanami K2

>> No.17750642

Read the wiki.

>> No.17750664

A character needs more than big tits to stand out.

>> No.17750722

A big ass?

>> No.17750758
File: 270 KB, 1053x1530, 8f49d64b6f8543cb88f36307fd938ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about very big tits?

>> No.17750772

>Date: 11 days ago
Not popular enough

>> No.17750801

Like a side tail? Mou sugoi most popular Kaga-san!

>> No.17750832
File: 469 KB, 1261x900, 3d1529c7e8bafaac19338787cde3059f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever that liquid she is covered in is, it should be edited to look more like semen.

>> No.17750836

>nice body
>good voice
>cool personality
>the strongest in history
>blue and white perfection
Mou sugoi Kaga-san!

>> No.17750854

Both you and Kaga show all the signs of having autism. Look it up its true.

>> No.17750928


>> No.17750938

Kagalove is real

>> No.17750964

You forgot the lesbian part.

>> No.17750995
File: 140 KB, 356x263, Uzuki & Yuuzuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking when?

>> No.17751000

Maybe next event as the second map reward.

>> No.17751175

Maybe never.

>> No.17751193

Phase 2, reward for the "make 10 friends" quest.

>> No.17751196 [SPOILER] 
File: 584 KB, 1504x2124, 1507744622461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a giri?

>> No.17751206

Fuck you.

>> No.17751209
File: 399 KB, 763x699, 1507338495896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17751210

Between 4-5, 5-5 and 6-5, which one is easiest?

>> No.17751216

B-but we're your friends. Right?

>> No.17751225

I was never your friend, anon.

>> No.17751232

That other guy is weird so I can understand that but what about me? Were you my friend?

>> No.17751233

There are no friends here. Only people that hate each other slightly less than they hate Tanaka's bullshit.

>> No.17751246


I have enough bullshit to deal with and I don't need faggots like you breathing down my neck.

>> No.17751250

That sounds like friendship to me.

>> No.17751252

This, I will only accept friend requests from Kaga husbandos

>> No.17751256
File: 66 KB, 501x579, 1410790455943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have no hints as to what the Friend System would even do. What possible purpose could it serve?

>> No.17751259

So this means you and kagafag are gonna have only 1 friend in the friend's list at all time.

you two deserve each other

>> No.17751264
File: 86 KB, 850x870, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be part of Kaga's male harem

>> No.17751288

Extra support shelling. Support slot to borrow a friend's ship. Friend expeditions that give both players resources. An extra PvP list. Or just a chance to show off your shipfu. Hopefully phase 2 comes with more a more interesting gameplay overhaul it ties into.

>> No.17751311

4-5 > 6-5 > 5-5

>> No.17751319

Probably some PvP and support expedition stuff. Don't expect much.

>> No.17751356

I'm expecting that it's just for sending messages to other players and show of your ships, maybe some extra PvP. The whole "friend support fleet" people keep mentioning sounds retarded.

>> No.17751383

Why is it retarded?

>> No.17751393

Maybe gifting a token amount of resources per day, like 300 each.

>> No.17751412

What upgrade level is everyone's F6F-3 at so far?

>> No.17751420

I don't want to get my hopes up, but the idea of a maritime economy based on securing trade with other bases would be pretty neat.


>> No.17751430

>maritime economy based on securing trade with other bases
Good, maybe someone will be willing to sell me fuel/ammo for my excess steel.

>> No.17751442

In a KanColle economy steel would be cheaper than real life Chinese steel.

>> No.17751444

I don't have a single F6F-3.
I've just finished acquiring jets and am now focusing on pushing Keiun into Jet mode.

Help, my screws are being depleted fast and I had 80 in storage when I started.

>> No.17751447

If it's screws you can always buy some.

>> No.17751471


>> No.17751558
File: 364 KB, 493x389, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17751563
File: 716 KB, 1417x992, __maikaze_kantai_collection_and_singin_in_the_rain_drawn_by_kagari_leroy__e1adb0ed528b653f1517581d2971bbdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17751581

F6F-3N and F6F-5.

>> No.17751588

Why not just invest in a single F6F-5N?

Then you can spend the rest on the TBM night plane instead of the poorly statted F65-3N.

>> No.17751597

Try doing that

>> No.17751598

Because there's a quest for each one.

>> No.17751604

You haven't done them have you?
Look at the quest chain.

>> No.17751648

Nigga please, I don't hate Tanaka. Anyone who whines about him is a shitty newfag that knows nothing but how to complain.

>> No.17751661

Because you can't, dumbass.

>> No.17751744

Wow, they really need to eat a sandwich.

>> No.17751908

How much Anti-Air do I need to survive Node F in 1-6?

>> No.17751927


>> No.17751978

Bring a duck or hope for good fleet AA rng

>> No.17752006

I truly believe it's thanks to Tanaka that KanColle hasn't turned into gacha hell after all this time

>> No.17752030
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What does a dupe have to do to keep a slot on your base?

>> No.17752037

Be useful.

>> No.17752058

Be Chitose.

>> No.17752066
File: 95 KB, 600x848, __ashigara_jun_you_myoukou_tatsuta_and_tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mo_kireinamo__9ce32d0604cd0dad97154c89a78d50fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alcohol is a wonderful drug

>> No.17752068

Sakura petals.

>> No.17752169

>gacha hell
>what is fucking LSC

>> No.17752171

Definitely not gacha hell.

>> No.17752195

Something you can do daily with the thousands of resources you get for free.

>> No.17752255

You've never played a gacha game if you think LSC qualifies for hell. You won't get anything totally useless out of it, you can easily afford it as F2P, the rates for the exclusive ships are quite high, the exclusive ships nearly all appeared as guaranteed rewards elsewhere, and most of them barely even justify the price. I drag out the Yamatos once a year if they're lucky.

>> No.17752288

I'm going to run out of bucket's before I can even get good AA rng.

>> No.17752295

FGO must be gatcha black hole then cos that game is fucking cancer with hard it is to get characters you want

>> No.17752316
File: 299 KB, 819x819, __uzuki_and_yayoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_saki_chisuzu__3cb6dda700d6706c1a89bf0ae2febc6c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they doing?

>> No.17752331

Maintenance on the straps holding their torpedo launchers.

>> No.17752337

Sucking cock.

>> No.17752344

The hell are you doing? I never took more than scratch there, if it's because you're copying people using level 1s they just sink them so it doesn't matter.

>> No.17752354

I'm using 1CL + 5DDs and have them equipped with AA equipment.

I'll admit I don't have them fully modernized in torpedo and armour. I was basically grinding for Torpedo's in 10+

>> No.17752372

> I don't have them fully modernized in armour.
There's your answer.

>> No.17752388

Keel inspection day.

>> No.17752403

50% survival rate is still not good enough with armour fully modernized.

>> No.17752415

Full armor is good enough. The AA nodes aren't that hard. I run with one full modernized duck, plus any lvl. 50-ish CLs and DDs I have around with basic 10cm guns. Taihas are very rare, even with that set up.

>> No.17752421

Well newsflash anon I have no duck in my fleet.

>> No.17752443

Prepare for the next event then newfag.

>> No.17752457

As soon as I get Eto or maybe Asagumo.

>> No.17752459

>farming for DEs in 1-6

>> No.17752460

Shit ships, stats, and equips. It's not rng at this point. It's clear farming for torps is not what you should be doing right now.

>> No.17752465

Why does Akashi's improvement timetable change? The new UI better make this shitty feature visible in game at a minimum.

>> No.17752489
File: 359 KB, 509x390, severly adorable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's needed because she's cute and can perform OASW.

>> No.17752491
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Have different personalities

>> No.17752496

Have good remodel equipment that doesn't require a blueprint and good stats.
If it's high level then I'll keep them until I start running out of slots and don't want to buy more yet.

>> No.17752585
File: 640 KB, 1000x1000, 9d97fdb8e926aebea55b73b7d353681e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make her mad

>> No.17752621

Those pink highlights whatevers looks so bad

>> No.17752695

Just to make sure, what are the correct choices for Sara's quests?
F4U-1D and TBF from first one, F6F-3 and Night Carrier Personel from 2nd, then Night Carrier Personel + Lights and Aerial Upgrade Parts?

>> No.17752714

Sure, whatever.

>> No.17752736

What if the hair is actually pink?

>> No.17752742

Pretty much. As Comptiq put it:
>Pick the F4U1-D and TBF; F6F-3 and Night Operation Aviation Personnel; and Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands and New Aviation Armament Materials (or something else, if you have enough). However, following this route requires you to take the F4F-4 from Saratoga Kai and upgrade it into an F6F-3 if you want both the F6F-3N and F6F-5N.

>> No.17752845

I didn't realise she had two-tone eyes to match her two-tone hair.

>> No.17752876

全国のゲームセンターで稼働中の【艦これ アーケード】。今秋、期間限定海域「索敵機、発艦始め!」を展開予定です!地上施設型の深海棲艦である「港湾棲姫」「離島棲鬼」が、その魅力たっぷりに動きます!こちらも、ぜひご期待ください!

You faggots ready for Taihou, Amatsukaze, Pudding, and Biscuit?

>> No.17752882

I guess when Maya K2 becomes a thing

>> No.17752886

Is it me or did the models get better?

>> No.17752887

>I guess when Maya K2 becomes a thing
Did you not see her silhouette in the video?

>> No.17752891

Models have been decent and have been getting better after the rather meh initial batch. It's rather noticeable when you compare Nagatos to the Yamato.

>> No.17752894

No because I'm tired as shit.

>> No.17752899
File: 282 KB, 1277x718, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being blind?

>> No.17752900

Must be going blind because I don't see her silhouette.

>> No.17752906

I thought that was pudding. But apparently I have shit eyes because you are saying it's Maya K2.

>> No.17752908


>> No.17752910

No you fucking retard. I'm saying Pudding is being added already so I was question why you said this shit
>I guess when Maya K2 becomes a thing
as if it wouldn't happen before Maka K2 happened.

>> No.17752919

I think you are the retarded. I never implied I thought Maya K2 was being added, I just commented I wouldn't be that excited for Puddings addition without Maya K2. Hell are support fleets even a thing in the Arcade?

>> No.17752920


>> No.17752923

Yes, play the fucking game gajin.

>> No.17752932
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>> No.17752934

Show me your cards since you apparently play. Also you are trying too hard.

>> No.17752937

So are you.

>> No.17752940

I don't wanna hear that from the faggot who called the cutest foreigner shit.

>> No.17752941

The puppy's name is Verniy.

>> No.17752948

Prinz is on par with Abukuma with being the most shit and annoying.

>> No.17752955

Well, maybe its because they usually make her curvier in fanart, but that doesn't look like Maya to me

>> No.17752957

I was talking about Biscuit.

>> No.17752958

He didn't say anything about Pola though.

>> No.17752964
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1469940242628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting tweet devs

>> No.17752980
File: 14 KB, 360x360, VWYMVrS4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's new.

>> No.17752982


I sure hope you finished fishing already.

>> No.17752988


>> No.17752991


>> No.17752993

I like this idea.

>> No.17752996

Is this the beginning of Kagerou K2?


>> No.17753001

Yeah if I could get more than one fish today that would help

>> No.17753012
File: 176 KB, 848x1199, DLtZqGEV4AAmp-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You find her attractive now right?

>> No.17753020

Still garbage.

>> No.17753022

No, still a shit.

>> No.17753031

>breast implant
Enjoy your cancer

>> No.17753033

Huge cowtits make girls less appealing, especially if they're on someone who's supposed to be flat.

>> No.17753036

Now she's worse.

>> No.17753041

Fan art does that, but she's still terrible when she reverts to her potato form.

>> No.17753052

Would Ooi be a good wife?

>> No.17753057

>He thinks Biscuit is the cutest.
Shit taste. Maybe if you had said one of the DDs, Yuu or maybe on the Heavy Cruiser but you just outed your shit taste.

>> No.17753058

So long as you don't cheat on her. If she saw any other girl trying to deduce you though, assume that girl will be dead soon after.

>> No.17753059

Seasonal ;)

>> No.17753060

If you want her to spoil you like a baby by doing everything because you're too incompetent.

>> No.17753063

How? I'm not the one calling others gaijin. Show me that you are Japanese.

>> No.17753071




So it means street clothes.

>> No.17753075

Not even that guy. You're trying too hard because you're still replying despite apparently being tired as shit and wrong.

>> No.17753079

Watashi wa nihonjin desu. Yu ah motha fuckku faggotto desu

>> No.17753109

Fashioncolle strikes again

>> No.17753124

>all of that new CG
Just selling CG skin in the shop already.

>> No.17753128

>tfw no more Halloween content

>> No.17753163

No thank you, I don't want to buy hats.

>> No.17753174
File: 625 KB, 715x1000, Kawaii hat guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a kawaii hat?

>> No.17753181

Why not? Just 15 keys and you can equip one of your girls with an unusual team captain.

>> No.17753213

I just realized Hatsuzuki's sprite actually has the gun with the face.

>> No.17753229


>> No.17753230
File: 37 KB, 635x460, 1507774383324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.17753234
File: 99 KB, 604x874, DL53sHFVoAAM_Ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. Now if only Kagerou and Kuroshio got something too.

>> No.17753267

Tanaka is implying shipgirls are property

>> No.17753281

You are trying too hard trying to defend him. And I got some sleep now.

>> No.17753282

Aren't they?

>> No.17753287

Nice try you shitty bitch ass Fucking ass stain.

>> No.17753289

>grabbing a dog like that

What the fuck.

>> No.17753293

Puppies have a lot of extra skin so their moms can lift them up like that with using their jaws.

>> No.17753296

Verniy is Putin's personal cumdumster

>> No.17753309

W-which rewards are best for the fish quests?

>> No.17753310


>> No.17753313

Nothing wrong with that. That's how bitches handle their pups too

>> No.17753342


>> No.17753346

Granny oni a cutie.

>> No.17753376


>> No.17753399

Adorable bosses.

>> No.17753415

That pupper looks worried.

>> No.17753436

Did I fuck up if I only got one Night Personnel?

>> No.17753438

Interesting, I want that Atago.
>You faggots ready for Taihou, Amatsukaze, Pudding, and Biscuit?
I'm more excited for those pale titties 2bh.

>> No.17753439


>> No.17753441

It's a dogshit mechanic that nobody uses anyways. How often does your CV make it to night battle not wrecked to bits?

>> No.17753461

I fear that they're going to make the night battle > day time a thing again.

>> No.17753531

Jets are a doesn't mechanic. Night battle for CVs is good for single fleets when you need a CV.

>> No.17753533

>How often does your CV make it to night battle not wrecked to bits?
In single fleet? Always.

>> No.17753538

Yes, if you didnt take both variants you fucked up badly. SCAMP still has not returned after 3 years.

>> No.17753543

Basic Nightops is a complete shit though? Why would you want it?

>> No.17753550

It is super unique and very likely to never come back, develop or come as stock equipment.

>> No.17753551

Because I don't want my CV to be deadweight in a single fleet for yasen.

>> No.17753555

The alternatives were so much better right?

>> No.17753561

At a price of a slot wasted? NO+ at least gives you long range.

>> No.17753579

SCAMP is utter shit, though.

>> No.17753585

The other option is a shitty torpedo bomber you can get from like 4 other quests, why wouldn't I pick the unique thing?

>> No.17753590

Reminder that people picked the T2 Fighter over Catalina in a previous quest.

>> No.17753598

Most people already got their dex entry with the one from the event so that's a bit different.

>> No.17753599

Nuinui a cute, my favourite DD

>> No.17753600
File: 175 KB, 944x968, DLxdom4VAAAtgtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your soup for tonight.

>> No.17753607


>> No.17753728


>> No.17753742
File: 385 KB, 1071x857, 65302256_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people who would only have Naganami stay around them for an empty sexual relationship because they can only look at her for her body, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

>> No.17753777
File: 64 KB, 624x344, 1451576564675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just exposes them as fake gumo fans because only Kagerou faggots do that.
