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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 405 KB, 2048x1365, 月に行きませんか.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17635711 No.17635711 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>17512058

Old documentation:
/toy/ - bjd.buyfags.moe
/jp/ - dollfaq.buyfags.moe

Questions welcome

>> No.17638052
File: 230 KB, 850x1154, __ganaha_hibiki_idolmaster_drawn_by_kaiga__sample-5a28914288420f205dce9e964102300b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollfie Dream Hibiki when

>> No.17638066


never :(

>> No.17638082

But why? Besides Volks is still too scared to do much with their new tan.

>> No.17638115


maybe volks thinks she wouldn't sell well, i dunno. i'd like to see a hibiki though.

>> No.17638129

I wish i could be Hibiki's washing machine.

>> No.17638173
File: 117 KB, 600x700, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks is so close to finishing the original roster now especially with the DDP body.

>> No.17638197


i'd like to see an azusa one too

>> No.17639047
File: 80 KB, 640x832, Miura_Azusa_idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That be cool.

>> No.17639103

Btw, parabox web shop restocked 1|6 obitsu bodies, though it's only 1 per customer now. I asked if they're going to get the new ones with matte plastic, and apparently obitsu hasn't yet given them to retailers. And anyway, you can do ye olde melamine sponge treatment to make it less shiny like people did with the old uglier ones too.

>> No.17639289

Anyone know what's the easiest way to make doll size "X" shaped hair clips? I need to make a pair.

>> No.17640711

Is it just me or is there more female dollfie dream owners than male now?

>> No.17640850

Don't know about non English speaking communities, but here I'm pretty sure women have always outnumbered men even as DD owners.

>> No.17641377

Easiest is to pay 900 yen each at the Choo store. Most practical is to go to a dollar store and see what's there and get creative.

>> No.17641557

I need it in certain colors and the Choo one uses a magnet.

>> No.17641870

>get creative

>> No.17642190

at what point do you consider someone to not be in the hobby any more?

I still have my dolls but they are collecting dust in a display cabinet wearing what they were when I put them there a year ago. i got a girlfriend and no she hasnt done anything like making me choose she just takes most of my free time now

>> No.17642250

If you still love dolls and don't want to get rid of them I guess you're still in the hobby. I don't think you really need to consider yourself in or out, really.

>> No.17642413

Well do you still like having your dolls or do you feel like they just eat up space?

Is there stuff you've been wanting to do with your dolls, but haven't had a chance due to girlfriend?

Also if you still care for them, you should give them a bath and was their clothes and maybe do some stain treatment and maintenance if needed.

>> No.17643063

If that's true, wouldn't there be more stuff women would like? Like Yuri on Ice or Free Dollfie Dream/Smart Doll? Or something bishoujou based?

>> No.17644364

Girls love cute girls too. But anyway the ratio might be more even or leaning toward men in Japan, so that could be why. They don't really care about our market as far as I know.

>> No.17644594
File: 443 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170916_204859209-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17644607

Takane is so pretty. I still feel sad that I didn't win her lottery.

>> No.17645588
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, My heart HNGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Volks in Akiba today, it was so beautiful, I want to move there. It was nice and wide, with a nice brick pattern on the walls, wooden floor and baroque style-ish furniture and display cases. I asked the staff if it's OK to take pictures and they said it's fine if I don't include the cashier, the staff's faces and the customers' faces so, while trying to be as little of a creep as possible (that's hard since I look like a creep already) I took a few pictures. I was greeted by this upon entering the area which was super cute.

>> No.17645598
File: 559 KB, 1920x1080, Outfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the store was split into two sections, one was where I entered where they had outfits and spares around for all kinds of models. Outfits all looking super cute and I like the way they sorted them.

>> No.17645602
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, Spares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there was some spares like this too in a lane-style arrangement. Also nice and tidy.

>> No.17645611
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, Vocaloids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other section of the store is full of display cases and posing characters, but it was also the most crowded one so I was a bit too shy to take many pictures. This is the vocaloid line-up though, so pretty...

>> No.17645623

And then I saw my favourite idolm@ster (Honda Mio) and I had to take a picture of her too. Funnily enough this is the picture I took the longest time trying to get right but it still looks shaky as hell... All in all was a great time, albeit a bit frustrating. It was like I wanted to buy literally everything in there and, even though I have money, I don't have that much money and I ended up unable to decide what to get... Does anyone else ever get that? I guess I'll let it sit for now and decide what I want later (I can always come back after all) but damn me if I'm not going broke. Also sorry for the picture quality, I'm just using a phone for pictures plus I have shaky hands...

>> No.17645625
File: 338 KB, 1080x1920, Mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I forget the image.

>> No.17645660
File: 422 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_7362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm just using a phone for pictures plus I have shaky hands...

I gochu senpai. Loving the new layout as well.

>> No.17645670

Ahhh, Mio is just too cute. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.17645703
File: 336 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_7383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! I'm surprised despite the expansion their stock hasn't grown. I guess the remodel is focused more on meeting space. I've been there on the eve of events like Dollshow and there was virtually no room to do anything besides gawk. Glad they've finally done something about it.

>> No.17645715


>linking arms with mio and not rin

no sir, i don't like it.

>> No.17645780

Girls don't get dolls for the same reasons guys do, girls get them for the dressup aspect and because it reminds them of the dolls they played with as kids.

>> No.17645788

Why so shy?

>> No.17645798 [DELETED] 

What are doll breasts made of? I always assumed they were just rigid but I've seen some picks where it looks like they're slightly movable.

>> No.17645822 [DELETED] 

What are doll breasts made of? I always assumed they were just rigid but I've seen some picks where it looks like they're slightly movable.

>> No.17645838

It could be a little of both though.

>> No.17645839

I am just a shut-in nerd that gets nervous around people when outside/ out of my comfort zone... Also I'll be gone for a few hours so sorry if you reply with another question and I can't answer in time.

>> No.17645846 [DELETED] 

Soft vinyl

>> No.17645876

After being belittled by my family repeatedly and being a bit of a loner, I stopped giving a fuck about a lot of things, but then other people think I'm a loose cannon.

>> No.17647406

Really cool. I wasn't in the hobby last time I was in glorious, now I have an excuse to go again.

>> No.17647984

>girls get them for the dressup aspect and because it reminds them of the dolls they played with as kids
And what about boys which also played with dolls or action figures (same shit desu)?

>> No.17648253

I want to go back. I really should go back.

>> No.17648665

You should, it was beautiful~

>> No.17648703

What's preventing you?

>> No.17649461

Yeah, that anon's just a hugely generalizing idiot. The average men and women in this hobby aren't wildly different.

>> No.17649463

I suffered a collapsed lung years ago. So the month before my trip in 2015 I was fucking Missable worrying about it. I was fine made it there and back and had a great time. But the fear is real more so becuse i tend to be anxious anyway.

>> No.17650751

Dollfie Dream semi white skin has the same safety precautions and stain treatment as DD normal skin right?

White was just awful and no idea how Volks thought they could get away with releasing Santa Alter.

>> No.17651685

What's the issue?

>> No.17651827

Stain treating white is really difficult and may make stains worse or turn green.

>> No.17651952
File: 79 KB, 427x640, 37291919905_a755b833da_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine just turned reddish a bit.

>> No.17652135
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, DSC09536_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh-oh, i think i've fallen for one of choo's sluts

>> No.17652175

Is that as fluffy and soft as it looks?

>> No.17652414

Why? That one is just a dull Mirai with a different face up.

>> No.17652466


right? i know it's a mirai clone. but for some reason she still appeals to me

>> No.17653239

Holy fuck yes.

Also were can I buy that underwear?

>> No.17653251

Have there really been no Monogatari series DDs? I could have sworn I saw a Crab doll a few years back. I guess it was a really good custom, though. I'm not finding anything official. It just kind of blew my mind that that's not a thing. Are there any series that you guys are shocked there are no DDs for?

>> No.17653273

I don't know if there would be much interest in DDs from older IPs but I for one would be all over any official release based on characters from the Valkyrie Profile universe.

>> No.17653388

I've only done stain treatment on SWS myself, just oxy10 for a few hours next to a regular lamp that's probably not even hot enough to make a difference

Didn't fully remove stains right away, but the stains faded more and more over time (like, a few weeks I guess) until they disappeared. I haven't used it on my NS or WS girls yet, I honestly worry about it bleaching NS skin a little? Because it bleached the blue washcloth I used to wipe the cream up with totally white.

>> No.17653450

>I honestly worry about it bleaching NS skin a little?
It's never happened to anybody doing the same treatment, so don't worry about it.

>> No.17653738
File: 548 KB, 1001x1500, 37046848481_1471a58e84_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom's from coolcat. Top is from some random set.

>> No.17656462

What about fluffy tail? Or is it permanently attached?

>> No.17656609

I wish volks offered disability discounts like danny does on dolls.

I managed to snag my ebony off the sd site for 20% off when I emailed him about my disability.

i'm not able to work without getting assistance from the government, so affording a dollfie is impossible.

i sent an email to volks to see if they will be able to match the discount i got with my smart doll

>> No.17656678

That's a thing?
Pic of e-mail with info censored?

>> No.17656685
File: 676 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170919_123559998-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went out and took some photos in a rush.

>> No.17656693
File: 874 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170919_153005337-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mucked up this shot of the fountain a few times including her bracelets on backwards and in this pic, her buckle fell into her bag and I didn't notice. The fountain only goes high every 30 minutes too.

>> No.17656698
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>> No.17656702
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>> No.17657121
File: 301 KB, 1024x1371, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did I finally get the eye thing down guys? Finally got these in after 4 months of waiting from Kaleidoll. These are a 24mm. Speaking of, I have several sets of unused 22mm eyes that I have no use for. I'd be willing to sell them. powerhouseneet@gmail.com

>> No.17657137
File: 177 KB, 800x1071, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one.

>> No.17657197
File: 1.03 MB, 903x1352, 13888565750_184a2f1b5a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tail's on a pin. Getting a permanent augmentation is an interesting idea, but It should require some tricky wiring to keep the tail solid and posable.

>> No.17657225

more pictures please

>> No.17657427

Hello /jp/.

Recently my account in dollfie dream got suspended for cancelling the preorder for DDAnastasia.

Then after i heard the news of DD Jeanne D'arc, i want to pre-order that.

Can i create a new account to do so? Will they check your info and reject?

>> No.17657643


Looking cute! She needs many head pats and hugs for being an adorable girl.

>> No.17657823

Awesome. Where's the wig and ears from?

>> No.17657897

agreed, i think shes a better version of mirai

>> No.17657923

Well I think that's fine I love my smart doll and wouldn't give her up ever. But I will say this if you own a DD3 temper your expectations. Better to go in with low expectations like I did and be happy then high and be sad.

>> No.17657970


aww anon why sad? was your SMD not what you thought she'd be?

>> No.17658423

>Better to go in with low expectations like I did and be happy

Please read the post before replying.

>> No.17658657


i misread their post anon, chill out.

>> No.17658742

It was a rather long time ago. It was some shop aurdel... or aourldelamour or something which was selling those.

>> No.17659641

Why is all the cool stuff sold out, one off, or available at only one place.

>> No.17659932

Guess it's not a very popular set of items. There is another type of ears and tails (pic os Cirno mdd above) which tend to pop up at yahoo auctions from time to time for a reasonable price, but they aren't as fluffy though.

>> No.17660981

Yeah, I found their webshop after I asked but they're of course sold out of the cool looking colors. Thanks though, your girls are super cute.

>> No.17662825
File: 383 KB, 1536x2048, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While scrolling through twitter posts every now and again you come upon some really weird things.

>> No.17662956

Kinda neat, except the ugly padding on the arms.

>> No.17663729

I.. wait.. what?

I am not a fan no sir.

>> No.17664105
File: 37 KB, 1052x800, 1481848987978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this may be one of those fabric love dolls ive heard about. i dont think im into it...

>> No.17664174
File: 170 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_7934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that Choo has taken his head out of his ass and made a skin tone that does not look like a Corpse anyone getting one?

>> No.17664398

Funny thing is people were scrambling to buy the remaining stock of raisin purple skin.

>> No.17664437

Can't wait to see smarts right next to Monster High dolls at local kids stores actually.

>> No.17664450

That purple looks like someone squeezed a dick really hard. It's almost as if Danny's inspiration came from "dolphin care"

>> No.17664460

It looks like the mask or head. but they put it on a wooden mannequin.

>> No.17664467 [DELETED] 

Oh now I remember where i saw it. I'm pretty confident it's a fabric over for love dolls.

>> No.17664475

Oh now I remember where i saw it. I'm pretty confident it's a fabric over for inflatable love dolls.

>> No.17666383

I don't know why. Seeing them next to each other really drives home how gross the old colour is. It's very purple.

>> No.17666658
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, raisins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17666762
File: 396 KB, 672x1024, 21686801005_fd0cdf8fbf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized it was supposed to be a "normal" skin color to begin with. I thought it was a fantasy tone. Oops. It's a pretty fantasy skin at least.

Did anyone end up scanning Dollybird 23? I bought it because I had an Amazon gift card and I only ever use Amazon for books. It didn't have any patterns I could use for Picco Neemo (this edition was for tiny dolls but they were all at least a couple of cm larger than PN) but I would be more than happy to scan the patterns if they apply to anyone's dolls. If anyone wants to translate the articles, I can take photos of them. I don't want to scan the actual mook because I'll have to tear the pages out. The patterns are separate, though.

Dolls that have patterns in this edition:
>Tiny Betsy McCall
>Doran Doran (that's the cute doll you've never seen in your life on the cover by the way)
>Yako Petite Doll

The DD outfit is a very cute Dorothy inspired outfit. I'm going to take a shitty cellphone photo of it and upload it in just a second.

>> No.17666787
File: 2.09 MB, 951x1274, IMG_7796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, either there are two DD patterns or it's one DD pattern being used two ways. I think it's the latter, but let me know if anyone is interested in the patterns and I'll scan them to the best of my ability. Also a cute little tutorial for what to do when you fuck up and make a dress too small.

>> No.17666800

I'm interested. I haven't made anything before but this might be the one that gets me stitching

>> No.17667886
File: 214 KB, 982x1200, Remilia_Scarlet_full_1227668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you recommend a shop with a wide selection of wigs? I'm looking for something purple, short and fluffy. Like Remilia Scarlet's hairstyle. Preferably with delivery overseas. Thank you for advance.

>> No.17668024

You are a good person who makes good things. Thank you for the laugher!

>> No.17668623
File: 319 KB, 480x480, judgechoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.17670883
File: 168 KB, 570x570, 4518992413525_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspiring buyfag here.

So I want to buy my fist doll soon and Volks Dolfie Dream seem to have the best anime related dolls around. Their saber versions are really cool but also very heavy on the wallet. It doesn't help that they are all sold out on the official website. Just how many banks do I need to rob a month to sustain this vainglory?

I can still find a lot of sold out dolls on mandarake and, ugh, ebay. Do you guys think the Chrismas Saber version is worth 80000 JPY? How much do you guys/gals spend on the initial character? Do you remember how much you spent on your first?

>> No.17670996

80000JPY isn't that bad for a sold out doll you really like, it's probably not too far off the original retail price. In the end the question you should ask is it worth that much to you?

My first dolls were M.O.M.O. and KOS-MOS, They set me back a total of 191,092 JPY (shipping included). As much as I like them I've spent way more time dressing and taking pictures with my standard models.

>> No.17671043
File: 362 KB, 1181x691, fgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree, 80k is not that much for a DD in the after market. Do note that Saber Alter is a white skin doll though, she's *very* white. If you're ok with that then it's not a bad deal.

There's also an upcoming preorder for Saber and Jeanne, see pic related, but they're both significantly more than 80k even when buying them brand new directly from Volks. You'll also likely have to wait more than a year to get them. But if you're at all remotely interested in either of them then they'll only go up in price after the preorder ends.

>> No.17671096
File: 220 KB, 306x554, saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 2 gran on first purchase, daaaaumm. Fist doll has to be special so Saber it is. Maybe I will 'assemble' some custom girls later.

White is fine, if anyone asks she is a vampire :D. But man, those upcoming ones... I bet its going to run upwards of 120000JPY, mostly because of armor. I would rather get Saber Alter and then find the clothes from other versions.

Do you guys know if Dolfie Dream and Azone 50cm, like Iris Collect, dolls' clothes are interchangeable, assuming the same oppai size? They are technically all 1/3 but then it could be 50 or 60 cm, so I am not sure.

>> No.17671106

>I bet its going to run upwards of 120000JPY, mostly because of armor.
They've both been confirmed at 109k. Pretty expensive but considering that the original Saber retailed for 95k back in 2008 then it's not so bad.

>Do you guys know if Dolfie Dream and Azone 50cm, like Iris Collect, dolls' clothes are interchangeable
Don't know anything about Azone clothes really but DD and DDS clothes are almost always interchangeable and DDS is ~50cm.

>> No.17671161

The only limited doll I have is Melty, and I got her for 60000 JPY. She only came with her body, head, and eyes, so the price was reduced.

You should definitely do some googling to see if white skin is really what you want. Apparently it stains more easily and those can be harder to treat than on normal and semi-white dolls, and like the other anon said it's really paper white.

Azone and DDs can kind of share clothes sometimes. As long as the DD has a small bust, everything I've bought fits on them pretty well, except for tightly fitting bottoms like panties. The bra I got in that set fits an S bust DDS just fine, though. Skirts and pants will tend to be a bit short, but less so on a DDS because their legs are shorter than the standard DD.

I won't have an Obitsu/AZO2 doll until Enma Ai comes out so I can't tell you how well DD and SD clothes fit on their bodies. I'm guessing the majority of my clothes are too big to look good.

>> No.17671236

I would just buy a naked body and order a custom head from sqlab. Then just buy the rest of the items and order some sweet blushing. Will turn out better in the end rather than buying another version of saber.

>> No.17671789

I bought that one from Volks, spent 70K on it with 1.5K shipping. Maybe one day I'll take her out the box.

>> No.17672128
File: 73 KB, 570x570, 4518992413525_1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skirts will tend to be a bit short
You say that like its a bad thing :P

I am no emotionally ready to assemble them. lol

Well if I am getting her I will definitely open and play with my doll :D. I can already envision the first post on facebook "...my precious...".

Another thing, one the volks site: https://www.volks.co.jp/page_ex.jsp?CONTROLID=SC0040&BUSINESSID=InitDisp&jancd=4518992413549&version=en they say the item will be restocked, will it really? Do you guys know how long it usually takes them to restock these things? A year? Two? "During the next solstice you must do the ritual in the right order to obtain the power to pre-order..."

>> No.17672145

>I am no emotionally ready to assemble them. lol
What do you mean? It's not difficult, and even if you get a limited doll you'll probably be taking her head and sometimes arms off to dress her in certain kinds of clothes.

>> No.17672158
File: 79 KB, 570x570, 4518992388380_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, now that I think about it I will have to put her together in the first place. But then going on adventure of buying separate parts feels a little more advanced. I don't even think it's going to be any cheaper, maybe fun but not for the fist doll. The standard body alone is 50k JPY and this outfit separate is 20k, then you have to deal with head and eyes.

Complete package is the way to go for the fist one imho.

>> No.17672176

That's really up to the person. For me putting all the parts together was far more meaningful, and resulted in a doll I am far more invested in. I wouldn't say either way is necessarily the "right" way, it just depends on the person.

>> No.17672186

Eh, my first doll was a custom head I saw on Mandarake, and then I just bought some eyes and basic maintenance stuff from Volks' site, and some clothes from a site I don't remember now. It wasn't particularly difficult.

Absolutely get the character doll if it's what you want, though. The most important part of buying dolls is making sure it's what you really want and you aren't compromising. After losing Takane's lottery I spent money on my DDH07 and I do love her, but sometimes I feel like I should've just saved to get Takane on the aftermarket instead.

>> No.17672336

There's no way to know for sure, but since it says "will be restocked" it seems likely they'll put some up for the Dolpa after event in December to match up with the holidays.

>> No.17672540

I didn't win a Takane lottery either, but ended up just selling some stuff to buy her with the horrid slowpoke taxes at least she only borders at 4 digits of dollary doos so she's not too out of reach. I love mine and her wig doesn't frizz as bad as other Volks wigs with a little product.

>> No.17673028

>Do you guys know if Dolfie Dream and Azone 50cm, like Iris Collect, dolls' clothes are interchangeable, assuming the same oppai size? They are technically all 1/3 but then it could be 50 or 60 cm, so I am not sure.

I'll try some of my AZ02 stuff on a DD and see how that goes. Be aware there's 50cm, and there's AZ02. Depending on the type of dress you'll have fit issues.

>> No.17673514

Works best with DDS and M bust or smaller.

>> No.17675150

Avoid ebay. Stick to mandarake or yja. Good luck

>> No.17677237
File: 165 KB, 479x640, mdl_DDSaber_alter_2nd_p02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now considering to go for Saber Alter 2nd instead of Santa version. Finding outfits is the main reason as I could more easily find Santa outfit than complete Alter outfit.

I was trying to win an auction on YJA for Saber Alter 2nd just now and man, those things are brutal. People keep raising bids by 500yen in last 5 minutes extending it so after half an hour I got tired and quickly raised price in 5000yen steps till I was outbid... On to explore the other options then.

>> No.17680486

Alter 2nd goes for quite a bit mote than Santa. If you absolutely have to have the Alter outfit then you could wait and see if one comes up for a decent price but be aware, that outfit is known to stain. If you don't absolutely have to have it then I'd suggest going with Santa Saber and later grab some other outfits (non-Saber ones) off of Mandarake or YJA.

>> No.17681109
File: 882 KB, 1250x703, 1401949293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need an extremely tight outfit which also stains as a motherfucker?

>> No.17681261

These are awesome

>> No.17681298
File: 114 KB, 300x650, CL-FS-131_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Azone/Obitsu dolls are closer to 1/4 scale than 1/3.

With that said every individual item of clothing will fit differently. Some Azone stuff fits DD girls and may or may not be tight. You are more likely to have success using Azone clothing with a DDS body. You are also more likely to get away with clothing that has fewer tight-fitting areas, such as one-piece skirts/dresses.

I know Azone underwear doesn't fit DD and DD underwear is uncomfortably loose on Azone girls. I gave a friend some Azone undies for his DDS once and they didn't even come close to fitting, I also gave him some DD underwear I accidentally bought that sat like baggy granny panties on my little angel - not a good look.

Obitsu/Azone/Parabox/AngelPhilia dolls are actually a cunt to shop for. They are a niche doll inside a niche hobby and outside of manufacturer-genuine there often isn't much choice if you're not prepared to fartarse around buying clothes made for other dolls.

>> No.17681410

I find there is a lot of crossover with my Obitsu 50 and MDD clothes that are short sleeved or sleeveless. Also I hope the arrival of DDP will give use more options.

>> No.17682058
File: 147 KB, 1200x900, DKKdVZvVoAA4d4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When atypical eye-selection goes horribly... right

>> No.17682063

>DD underwear is uncomfortably loose on Azone girls.
Remember Azone has AZ02 bodies now which they use now in favor of the old stick-straight 50cm bodies.

>> No.17682069
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>> No.17682072
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>> No.17682073

this is my favorite Miku, yes

>> No.17682081


what is she filming?

>> No.17682137
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, DJXtvkoUIAE9G19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing

>> No.17682139
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>> No.17682142
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>> No.17682228

Hardcore nudity!

>> No.17683490
File: 73 KB, 693x1039, DJuQ8-FVYAAMYZJ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the kind of doll that should be placed at the landing to your front door as a litmus test for whom should be permitted entry.

I used to have mine at my front door and both my parents now refuse to come to my house.

>> No.17684434

To me it says the owner is a prankster and they love fun. I would actually find it less creepy than something that fits the category of surrogate daughter or personal pageant queen.

>> No.17684487

>> surrogate daughter or personal pageant queen
I've seen so many of these with local DD owners, it's absolutely disgusting and then they get mad at me like I treat my doll bad because they're not fancily dressed and well-cultured or conformed.

>> No.17684598
File: 119 KB, 400x600, mdl_DDSMelty_p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber Alter 2nd I could get new for 90k, Santa version new for 80k. I am thinking of changing my strategy of buying Sabers. Since I've pretty much decided to go for the new preorder of FGO Saber Ruler edition (don't have any sabers obviously so if I am going to have one might as well not overpay lol) I want to go for different DD for first purchase... Melty 1st, I am in love. In fact, since I haven't played the game and since I barely know the character I see myself playing with her more as I will not be as inclined to keep her in her original outfit. Besides she looks very cute, sorry Alter you lose here. That hat, long wavy hair, elf ears.... If I don't change my mind by the weekend another Melty will find a home. :D

Didn't know it stains, do you mean the dress staining doll or the dress itself staining easily? There are things you can do to limit staining, and you can still clean vinyl dolls if I'm right.

>> No.17684731
File: 317 KB, 1440x2160, melty4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melty is one of my absolute favorites.

>There are things you can do to limit staining, and you can still clean vinyl dolls if I'm right.
You can limit staining by either using a body suit but that doesn't look very good if it's visible, or you can not have the doll wear the outfit in the first place of course. Stain treatment is a pain in the ass and white skinned girls are more susceptible to discoloration from that process.

>> No.17684793

>Stain treatment is a pain in the ass

More like a soul crushing rite of passage

>> No.17684995
File: 424 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170925_235113902-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melty and Takane have similar wigs. I wonder if they look like sisters together.

>> No.17685003

Staining is like your doll getting sick and wanting attention because you're super anxious wanting them to recover soon. Even with a body suit there's a stupid chance stains may happen, also you can't have the face covered in a body suit.

>> No.17685048
File: 366 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170926_241533217-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't get stains.
If they're not wearing clothes.

>> No.17685053

You also can't get the immense satisfaction of assembling an adorable outfit, though.

>> No.17685056
File: 463 KB, 1200x1800, melty3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Takane would have to be the older one though.

>> No.17685091

She'd be a cute onee-chan.

>> No.17685202
File: 190 KB, 1423x577, IMG_0918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is the wrong place to ask, but where can I buy this accessory kit online?
Sorry for lewding your thread

>> No.17685242

what is that flesh-colored tube-like thing in the bottom left corner (next to a syringe) supposed to be, an onahole?

>> No.17685655

Your wall is filthy

>> No.17685705

Holy fuck I want that pee it's hilarious!

I didn't notice when I first looked at the image becuse that's a cute doll. I am. Sucker for the cute ones.

>> No.17686187

That streak is some sort of scratch.

>> No.17686505
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1636, 1481159580264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time since I posted in here. Back in Japan travelling around with my girl. She's got a friend a now.

>> No.17686878

I'm not a doll owner, but I'm genuinely amazed at the high quality of some of these dolls and accessories.

>> No.17687597
File: 259 KB, 562x1000, Beatrice-0442-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't know it stains, do you mean the dress staining doll or the dress itself staining easily? There are things you can do to limit staining, and you can still clean vinyl dolls if I'm right.
O'really? Unless washed with vinegar, 97% of colored doll clothes stain and that particular one is renown for staining, mainly due to its tight fit.
Cleaning is an option, but seriously, do you want to pay more for the item which will ruin your doll if equiped?

>> No.17688013

I started out the same way.
Cute matching hats.

>> No.17688131

As long as you protect the face, most stains aren't really a big deal dude. Prewash all non-delicate clothes in a lingerie bag with some color catchers in the machine, zit cream stain treatment is pretty effective for the stains that will definitely happen sooner or later no matter what, and if it bothers you that badly, buying a replacement body part for DDs is super easy

I feel you on avoiding all-black tight clothes obvs, I just don't wanna scare a newbie off from their perfect doll. Stains will happen and we have the tools to fix em

>> No.17688378

Stains are almost impossible to avoid. Accept and minimize the risk, although just make sure you protect the faceup. Everything else can be cleaned or outright replaced.

>> No.17688531
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more photo!

>> No.17688632 [DELETED] 

New glasses

>> No.17688664
File: 2.59 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170926_181937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got new glasses today

>> No.17688725



>> No.17688729

They are cute and on adventures! It's the best! Is this outfit what you bought at Volks?

Cute! There are not enough girls with glasses and even less posted here.

>> No.17688734

Yeah it's the Volks one. I'm hunting for a Halloween outfit now.

>> No.17688744
File: 2.58 MB, 2474x580, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've changed the eyes on my doll quite a bit. The defaults don't show up nicely from far away and the second pair were really small parabox eyes. Just recently I got some Dragon Maid Kanna style eyes for cheap.

>> No.17688749

That's very cute, I wish I was more like you.

>> No.17688762

Will they be witches! I bought that witch outfit of mine back when I was in Tokyo. But it's MDD sized. Well I wish you good luck in finding something.

>> No.17688774

I have found I get invested too much in eyes. I would like to change Cakes becuse they look good in person and some photos. But overall they are very hard to photograph becuse they look dark. I wish Lizanna didn't disappear those eyes are amazing and I wish I owned more then two pairs.

>> No.17688875

Yeah, Lizanna was really one of the highest quality vendors for eyes out there and certainly one of the most accessible ones. You'll have to traverse sites with just moonrunes now to order a decent pair.

>> No.17689035
File: 605 KB, 1460x1715, ruler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently the flag is part of the accessories. That's pretty cool, I'll definitely pick her up.

>> No.17689314

I really hope they release her outfit seperately. I might even get her just to avoid dealing with the aftermarket

>> No.17689371
File: 327 KB, 540x740, mdl_DDSMelty_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You are not going to use this photo for something weird, are you master?" Melty <3 Very nice dress btw

You better stop coming here, while you still have the chance, or soon you will start saving some of the photos and before you know it your bank account is empty...

>I feel you on avoiding all-black tight clothes obvs, I just don't wanna scare a newbie off from their perfect doll. Stains will happen and we have the tools to fix em
Is this the horror you speak of? https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1052082160&ref=dos
Since you guys know how to do it how long do you think it will take to clean a mess like this?

Saber, oh yes. Definite buy. Also go damn that spearflag and armored outift on Jeanne. I want the oufit...

>> No.17689378

Lingerie bag? Like the pastic ziplock? What is that?
Also how the hell do you protect the face? Face net? Mask? Just avoiding sun and heat?

>> No.17689416

A mesh bag you throw in the washer to wash delicates in. Just avoid touching the faceup with your bare hands or anything that will stain. If the face stains, the stain treatment will most likely eat through and turn it into a smeary mess.

>> No.17689984

Hopefully. I'll be attending I doll in Fukuoka early october. Theme of the convention is Halloween so booths there will sell some Witch outfits I guess.

>> No.17690019

>how long do you think it will take to clean a mess like this
wew, I don't think her legs are salvageable at this point

>> No.17690022

also there's https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/DetailPage/item?itemCode=1062333661&ref=dos&lang=en
10k yennies cheaper and with a non-rekt body (and the stain on her head would give in to a magic eraser treatment)

>> No.17690222

It's also missing items and I swear that box is sunbleached as well.

>> No.17690439 [DELETED] 

>Since you guys know how to do it how long do you think it will take to clean a mess like this?

Don't bother. Like the other guy says it's a lost cause. Especially at full price. At best you'll get them to fade but you'll still be restricted to clothes that don't expose those parts.

> I doll in Fukuoka

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your itinerary but I'm surprised you're not going to the bigger Dollshow in Tokyo.

>> No.17690440

>Since you guys know how to do it how long do you think it will take to clean a mess like this?

Don't bother. Like the other guy says it's a lost cause. Especially at full price. At best you'll get them to fade but you'll still be restricted to clothes that don't expose those parts.

> I doll in Fukuoka

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your itinerary but I'm surprised you're not going to the bigger Dollshow in Tokyo.

>> No.17690679

you can make the stockings yourself, but I agree about the box, would still write to mandy staff and ask about it if I wanted a seibah

>> No.17690883
File: 1.02 MB, 1365x2048, 1476063314630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got someone going to the Tokyo one for me already so I'm good. And yeah I didn't want to stay in Tokyo for 2 weeks. I'm at Love Live concert at the end of the month and then I leave Tokyo couple days after.

I stopped by Utsunomiya Mandarake today and they had the 100K Saber Alter 2nd, package was in excellent condition and all items were accounted for but yeah 100K...


Another photo taken today at Uesugi-Jinja (Yonezawa). Everyone around was staring, probably first time they saw doll otaku in their small city, foreigner on top of that.

>> No.17691063

> And yeah I didn't want to stay in Tokyo for 2 weeks
Won't argue with you there. I do very little there outside of event related stuff now.

> Love Live
Awesome. I lost the lotto for the Nagoya show but got into a live viewing. Since I had to be at Dollpa Osaka the next morning it was better off. Hope you have a good time.

>> No.17691065
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Forgot pic.

>> No.17692084

You can buy the pop armature like SmartDoll uses in the torso for a tail. Would keep it lightweight as well without worrying about metal fatigue. It's generally sold as doll or teddy bear armature.

>> No.17694738
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(Photo from Gifu Castle!)

>> No.17694967

Is there a guide somewhere to making your own clothes, aimed at retards?

>> No.17694981

also I can't read japanese Really. And I need a basic idea of how to even get the right fabric and sewing tools for such small things

>> No.17695135
File: 650 KB, 1448x966, 012751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this particular situation it kinda does matter. A person with limited cash on his hands shouldn't make a wastefull purchase of saber with that outfit, because, as you yourself pointed out, it will either need a new body or stain treatment. Both of those options cost quite a sum, time and dignity.

So yeah, just tipping a person not to buy a thing he'll hate himself for in the long run.

>Is this the horror you speak of?
Exactly. That outfit fucks up the legs in this particular bad way, not to mention the rest of the body.

>> No.17695192

Do you want to make stuff for smol dolls or DDs? If the latter, then any guide for a BJD will do (but not any pattern obviously), there are tons of videos in english. And for 1/6 and smaller you have to employ slightly different tricks.
The best concise beginner's guides I've seen (I'm a noob at this too btw, only managed 2 items so far that didn't end up in the garbage can lol) are sadly in jap magazines though (/toy/s doll thread has a link in their OP for a ton of scans), but they have pictures for every step, esp. the issues aimed at beginners.
As for sewing notions etc., you wouldn't need anything more than a pack of needles for hand-sewing, regular thread (I don't know shit about machines).
And the fabric choice depends on what you want to make but generally thinner and more delicate is better (1/6 people once told me to shop for knit fabrics at the section with fabric meant for baby clothes) and you have to watch out for the prints being too big. Personally I just brought a bunch of pictures with doll clothes with me on my phone and picked whatever looked the closest texture-wise. And for your first attempts you can even use your own old clothes or raid a second-hand clothes shop. Good luck famalam.

>> No.17696437
File: 330 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170928_113523054-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this one pair of glasses and wish I had more.

>> No.17697532 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-033589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok doll owners. Pleame about Azone's 1/3 line.

Thinking about buying one just because it's Megumi.

>> No.17697538
File: 38 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-033589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok doll owners. Please tell me about Azone's 1/3 line.

Thinking about buying one just because it's Megumi.

>> No.17697557

they're fine
if it's for a character you really like I'd say go for it, unless you're super rich and can buy a custom faceup, or super talented and make one yourself

>> No.17697590
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing my first photo shoot for Sibella!

>> No.17697594

I've bought three of those and was underwhelmed every time. They're very low on the quality scale.

>> No.17697648

Azones are smaller like 10 cm smaller than DDs and what not. Also usually the eyes are just painted and older dolls have rooted hair. Do you like Pure Neemo? They're sorta similar to that.

I know some people who are super into Azone, but they're crazy or messed up as hell. One only likes Azones with rooted hair and painted faces. I think she probably freaked out when the Iris collect line came out. She was in denial when Azone had some other line with changeable eyes.

Overall Azone aren't bad, but the price is really close to a DD or Smart Doll, but they're also smaller.

So if you super like the character by all means go for it.

>> No.17697668

They're not the best for sure, but if you really like the character I'd say it's worth it. I still have my Shima doll from ages ago, and it's honestly my favorite one even though it's not near as good quality as my DDs.

>> No.17697719

I was very disappointed with mine. They just don't compare to a good DD. I'm sure you could just make a custom DD yourself. Just keep eyes on the market for a similar head and clothing.

>> No.17697741

Sen on Taobao sells a Utaha cosplay.

>> No.17698082

>I was very disappointed with mine
Was it Azone original or character doll? I have 6 Azone original dolls and 3 of their character dolls and I feel the character dolls don't compare even to the Azone originals.

>> No.17698154

Thanks. Yeah, I'm not rich and I really like Megumi so that's why I'm thinking of ordering her.

Still got to figure out how to pay customs in Korea work when she arrives if I order her.

>They're very low on the quality scale.
Low for a collector or would some one who would be getting her as their first doll because they really like character would still be disappointed?

>> No.17698185

I think you would enjoy her, especially if it's a first doll. Azone also has a lot of easy and not too expensive to get clothes for their doll bodies.

>> No.17698545
File: 616 KB, 2000x1333, DSC01491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low for a collector or would some one who would be getting her as their first doll because they really like character would still be disappointed?

Definitely low for a collector. Can't say for sure how if you'd like it or not because I don't know your expectations.

Like you I also loved the characters. I've already had a few Azone 1/3 original dolls and thought I knew what to expect from their character dolls but they just didn't do it for me.

>> No.17698768
File: 3.76 MB, 2988x5312, Dollfie got a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an old model AR-15 with grenade launcher undermount in my garage when I went cleaning it out. My dollfie blind princess has a second lease on life now; taken down off the wall and onto active guard duty with her daredevil senses.

>> No.17698788

Aren't you worried she'll try to kill you? I trust my dolls with guns because I molest them only very occasionally.

>> No.17698854
File: 189 KB, 599x910, daredevil_cant_see_what_is_he_shooting_at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daredevil senses

>> No.17699294
File: 59 KB, 619x780, hjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Azone quality

Bodies, clothing, wigs and accessories are always good quality or better. Azone clothing is some of the best money can buy for the body. The only place you're going to be let down is the factory head and let's be honest it's usually the most important part of one of these dolls. Others may mention "only buy if the character is waifu" tier but that might actually be bad advice as there is nothing worse than a poor rendition of the girl(boy) you love most at least in my mind. The new eye-open heads coming out of Azone might change their current reputation but I'm unemployed so getting one to review is impossible.

Obitsu bodies are designed to be a doll body first and aesthetically pleasing second. They bend more than a Volks body but just don't look as nice so you need to decide what you value more - articulation or pretty knee joints. You might be like me and learn to love knee peanuts. But maybe not.

I currently have 5 Obitsu bodied dolls two of which are Azone factory eye-open heads, the other three are Parabox heads. I have owned in the past another 3 painted-eye character full set dolls and those heads literally went in the bin with their bodies being used for the others.

Also it turns out I lost all my old doll photos when my computer went splodey so I had to raid my doa profile to get a photo.

>> No.17699345

The character dolls with painted eyes always looked a bit potatoey to me, but I've been very impressed with how their open-eye heads look recently. I saw this video of Enma Ai and she actually looks great from more than one angle. I'm really excited to get her.


>> No.17699463


its interesting they chose Ai of all the possible characters they could do, considering an Enma Ai doll already exists. I guess since they already had a license and the original was kind of crap they wanted to have another go?

>> No.17699484

I'm just glad something good came out of the disappointing mess that is the new season. The comedy episode was nice, though.

>> No.17699700

>Others may mention "only buy if the character is waifu" tier but that might actually be bad advice as there is nothing worse than a poor rendition of the girl(boy) you love most at least in my mind

After reading those comments I thought I was going crazy. Glad someone else managed to personally experience these. Did you also get the feeling they didn't live up to even the product photos?

>> No.17699855

From what I've seen they look just like the photos, but they're just not to everybody's taste. There are plenty of satisfied Azone owners.

>> No.17699911
File: 63 KB, 920x520, heffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want this chest piece. Do you guys think it'd be hard to find clothes to fit them in?

>> No.17699949
File: 287 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20170929_111200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they're anything like this guy's then yes.

Or you might have to settle for retardedly baggy clothing.

>> No.17700094

Again, it's all up to you, I know some people who really like the style of Azone dolls more than what Volks and Choo does.

Do super prominent figure joints bother you?

>> No.17700245

>Do you guys think it'd be hard to find clothes to fit them in?

>> No.17700258
File: 48 KB, 600x984, 1465027106071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had trouble with Choo XXL boobs. I ended up just selling my smart dolls though.

>> No.17700409


is that a trick question? look at them! of course you would have a hard time finding clothes.

>> No.17700611
File: 1.49 MB, 2589x3771, IMG_7987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you folks going to get in on some classic gameing?

>> No.17700628

Aren't the classic minis hermetically sealed? I'd have preferred an option to download roms.

>> No.17700762
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1862, rework4notripodrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you have dollfie sized guns, I had to get creative so Marisa could give it a go.

>> No.17700830


grand theft gensokyo

>> No.17700840

"We can do it the hard way, or the harder way."

>> No.17700855


motherfuckers won't be taking marisa's hakkero now

>> No.17701566
File: 36 KB, 534x638, himeprofile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you also get the feeling they didn't live up to even the product photos?

Yeah I'll be honest I was not 100% satisfied with my dolls. They do a Choo when taking the stock photos, being very careful to only show flattering angles. They do look like the photos if you look at them from the exact same angle. But if you're walking past them on the shelf they look a bit unflattering. Can't blame them I guess it's their job to sell the product after all. Also the wig won't come styled like in the photos at all. That's more of a logistics issue than anything, the wig would probably get messed up in transport anyway. So it's your job to style it. Done it before? Great! Never? Have fun lol. With that said they're good quality wigs just not a finished product when you get them.

My personal recommendation for a first doll if you want to use Obitsu bodies is a Parabox factory painted head. They aren't amazingly detailed like a botique commission is, but they are open-eyes, cute enough, and more importantly, relatively cheap (4.5-6k) and very easy to get a hold of.

I own 2 Parabox girls and one girl(male), love them all to bits. Literally; so my unloved Azone character dolls have donated their body parts over the years and been dumped into the box of purgatory.

I need to take new photos I really have lost my entire portfolio to the sands of hard drive failure, so sorry for the low quality.

>> No.17701882
File: 3.94 MB, 2988x5312, Eyes beat open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an act of goodwill (and because the bandage slipped off while moving her into my bedroom shelf) I reinstated her eyes and gave her some appropriate makeup, she still seems pissed though.

Do you guys do your own makeup on the dolls or just get pre done stuff? If I get another doll I'm probably going to get one of the complete ones that are painted just to avoid having to draw on eyebrows and put on the shadow and liner myself. I'm using actual makeup right now since I fucked up a lot and being able to wipe it off whenever helps.

>> No.17702374

>Do you guys do your own makeup on the dolls or just get pre done stuff?
I'm completely inept with anything of artistic nature so I've commissioned faceups for my girls, I'm not a huge fan of most default Volks faceups. I've experienced first hand that the result can be a bit of a hit and miss unless you've commissioned the artist before and know what to expect though.

>> No.17702648

HobbyEasy (Hong Kong-based store) have the Trumpeter 1/3 model guns on sale for around 6 USD each. Some assembly is required though, if that's not your kind of thing aim for the Easy Model versions (same thing except as completed models).

>> No.17702879

>using actual makeup right now
I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure oil-based pigments meant for human skin aren't great for the vinyl, anon. If you want something temporary to wipe and re-wipe while you figure it out, have you tried watercolor pencils?

>> No.17703174
File: 381 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20170929_232731703-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish it was a little smaller. I think the box might be more in scale though.

>> No.17703279

The only thing I don't like about obitsu24 is the awful squeaking noise it makes when you move the hip joins and they come in contact with the resin body. SQUEEEEAAAAK.

>> No.17703313

oh god I think know what you're talking about and it makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

>> No.17703824

My nipples are hard just thinking about it.

>> No.17703880

Yay! Time for doll mario kart.
But yes as a doll accessory it's the wrong scale but I didn't really buy it for that, but I hoped.

>> No.17704141
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x1365, 1488807307010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken today at Yushima Seido (Ochanomizu).

Two old Japanese ladies stopped by as we were setting our dolls and asked if they could take pictures too, said they were cute and asked questions like where to get them and so on.

>> No.17704184

That girl's nails look really nice.

>> No.17704193

Well they're just painted but it's starting to wear off on couple fingers sadly. Kinda like IRL I guess, have to do nails again.

>> No.17705361

>come to this thread with uninnocent intentions
>see this
I wasn't prepared.

>> No.17705404
File: 480 KB, 1000x1500, DSC01492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I'll be honest I was not 100% satisfied with my dolls.

Thanks for the validation. I love my Azone originals to death but the character dolls not once, or twice but three times let me down. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in that experience.

>> No.17705574
File: 587 KB, 1001x1500, SF_013945120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O'rly? How so?

>> No.17705651
File: 45 KB, 600x480, 1442776300721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are killing me. AAAaaaaaah

>> No.17705863
File: 64 KB, 741x436, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could try buying a Parabox head and eye set that's the closest match to your painted head and see how far you can get. I also lied Parabox heads are a bit more expensive than I remembered but still not too expensive for a hand-made item.

After my character heads lost their bodies they sat in a box under my display cabinet for a year or so. I knew nobody would ever buy just the head so I eventually disposed of them.

>> No.17706229
File: 536 KB, 1500x1125, IMG_2901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could try buying a Parabox head and eye set that's the closest match to your painted head and see how far you can get.

I was actually looking at Dollce heads. Might not work for Iona but it could revive my interest in Kobato. Otherwise they're sure to suffer the same fates as yours.

>> No.17706665
File: 366 KB, 2048x1235, IMG_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my girls cute nails!

>> No.17706685

Ooh, pretties!

>> No.17706908
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the doll now!

>> No.17706952

Is the one in the middle new?
Please keep these coming. I love seeing dolls go on comfy adventures

>> No.17706988

Adorable. I need to get me a pair of those myself.

>> No.17707147
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle is from a friend of mine living in Japan.

Another picture from the cat café. Looks like Sachiko is going to be attacked by that cat!

>> No.17707410

lol'd at the cat's evil face

>> No.17707498
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x2123, dm_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pre-ordered. Now I'm starting to look at clothes to recreate her outfits. I think my wallet will regret this lol

>Do super prominent figure joints bother you?

>you need to decide what you value more - articulation or pretty knee joints.
Personally in the long run I think I'd value articulation. More restrictions on being able to pose her would frustrate me.

>> No.17707516

It's what I hate about my smart doll knees. That said I also like Doll joints so my two Obitsu bodied girls are always in Skirts and shorts to show them off.

>> No.17707528

Ganbatte anon.

>> No.17707591
File: 50 KB, 540x405, tumblr_od2uopdHrA1vf1lq1o3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best of luck to you. Make sure you look out for lingerie and underwear.

And hair gel if you want her to look like that stock photo because her wig won't out of the box I can tell you that for free.

I also advise against misusing her magnetic feet to stick her to the fridge and laugh at her it is unlikely she will appreciate it.

>> No.17707814

>And hair gel if you want her to look like that stock photo because her wig won't out of the box I can tell you that for free.

>I also advise against misusing her magnetic feet to stick her to the fridge and laugh at her it is unlikely she will appreciate it.
Lol, lucky for for her then since my fridge doesn't have a metal door. But I could stick her to the washing machine...

>> No.17707886
File: 1.41 MB, 2860x3720, IMG_7998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah one of my favourite photos you have taken! Also the second I read your post I immediately tried to stick Pumpkin to my fridge only to find she would just slide down. This is how she would have looked if she stuck better and it would have been amazing!

>> No.17707902

You could try making a "ramp" of magnets for her to stand on, or pin her down with belt (and magnets), or both.

>> No.17707910

don't bully the poor girl

>> No.17708351

Remember to buy a wig cap.
Also please take lots of pics.

>> No.17708641

If you can't take sweet action poses with your girls and various household appliances, then... I don't know but it's fun.

>> No.17709222


Take her socks off and she should stick better.

>> No.17709662
File: 623 KB, 1440x1973, spooky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a bit early but what good is an outfit if your girl can't wear it for at least a month?

>> No.17711037
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x3884, IMG_0246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the countryside today, sadly weather turned to shit so couldn't shoot.

Also changed my itinerary to attend Dollshow in Asakusa on the 9th because my Tokyo friend cannot attend and grab me stuff there... Anyone here in Japan planning to attend?

>> No.17711696


Don't have an answer for your question but that girl is fucking gorgeous jesus christ I could stare into those eyes for hours

>> No.17711886
File: 200 KB, 1500x1000, DSC02437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly not me. Dollpa and a few other events hijacked my usual autumn trip so for the first time in years I'm missing it. Last year it was Sunshine City and before that, a small convention hall in Hamamsutcho. From what I've seen the Asakusa venue is similar to the Hamamtsucho venue with the dealers split between floors but unlike Sunshine it had a better area for meetups.

Any dealers you plan on checking out? Ronronshuka is always there with some nice clothes, Hisyo-hisyo always has a line so be prepared to queue if you're shopping for eyes. for some of the best doll hosiery and zip up soft cases there's Black Dhalia, of course that's just the tip of the tip of the iceberg, amongst the events I've attended Autum dollshow has been the largest.

>> No.17712713

>Remember to buy a wig cap.
They go under the wig to prevent staining, right? I'm Planning to go to Japan at the end of the year so I'll try and pick one up while I'm there. Also a longer wig in the same or similar color. Anyone know how easy it is to style a ponytail? And what to use to make one?

And yeah, all the nice doll photography was one of the reasons that dolls has seemed interesting to me in the past so I'll try and remember to take some pics.

>> No.17712768

>They go under the wig to prevent staining, right?
Depends on the wig. Some stain, some don't. Some believe it's the hair fibers, some believe it's the wig base itself. It all depends on the material. Be forewarned that in some cases it may also make wig application difficult.

>Anyone know how easy it is to style a ponytail? And what to use to make one?
Elastic hair ties, they come in all sizes. Just go to any pharmacy and browse the selection of hair styling products, some of which are small enough for dolls. My favorite to use are the ones as small as dental rubber bands. And ponytails are easy-peasy. gather hair, secure in place.

>> No.17712856

It's probably best to buy a wig that's already designed to be a ponytail if you want it to look right. Tiny wigs aren't just like a real head of hair, so if you try turning any random wig into a ponytail it probably won't behave how you want it to unless you're just going for a low ponytail.

Make sure you shop for wigs that are the right size, though. I think Obitsu/Azone heads use 7-8" wigs but I just got that info from Google. Also, wig caps aren't absolutely essential, so if you can't find any that fit don't be too worried. If you can get one you might as well because they're cheap, but stains underneath the wig are the most insignificant stains ever since they'll always be covered up by a wig. Unless you somehow screw up and leave a wig sitting halfway down her face long enough to stain, I guess. Not sure how you'd do that.

>Some believe it's the hair fibers, some believe it's the wig base itself.
If it's going to stain it'll almost certainly be the wig cap or even just its threads. Synthetic wig fibres definitely won't stain unless they have dye or coloured powder or something added on top of the base colour they were cast in. And those are very uncommon things to do.

>> No.17712878

I'll most likely queue for Ronronshuka first, I mean my head/eyes is from her haha. Then I'll see. We won't be able to move between floors for a while so that restrict what I can queue for early morning.

I'm mainly looking for clothes or... a nice head for a future MDD but that's if I go crazy. Already spent 60K+ this week... I'm almost glad Dollism wasn't massive, so my wallet didn't melt.

>> No.17712932

A future MDD!

>> No.17712972
File: 116 KB, 500x642, e0191308_17194172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's going to stain it'll almost certainly be the wig cap or even just its threads. Synthetic wig fibres definitely won't stain unless they have dye or coloured powder or something added on top of the base colour they were cast in. And those are very uncommon things to do.

Volks's Chihaya's default wig had this problem.

>> No.17713135

Yeah, I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to give a doll a wig that stains everything.

>> No.17714045
File: 375 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_6921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll most likely queue for Ronronshuka
Not a bad idea. Last year she sold these dresses in blue and pink. You can probably guess why I don't have the blue one,

>We won't be able to move between floors for a while
It's only for half an hour. Shortly before 11 everyone will be let in to queue on their desired floor before sales are allowed to begin.

>> No.17714566
File: 311 KB, 1440x2160, rin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I changed her eyes yesterday actually so I don't have any other photos taken with them. Here's a photo I took a while back though.

>> No.17715398
File: 2.17 MB, 1875x2500, _20171003_165941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm really tempted after seeing so many cute ones. But it's going to be a money pit to buy new 40cm clothing, new hands etc.

Quick photo while flying to Okinawa.

>> No.17716067 [DELETED] 

Yah thankfully there is some crossover with Obitsu 50 so it's not so bad just buy one of those or a DDP when they come out!

>> No.17716076

Yah thankfully there is some crossover with Obitsu 50 so it's not so bad just buy a MDD and one of those or a DDP when they come out!

>> No.17716780

"On top of that, we should be careful about portraying dolls as sexual objects because, in the wrong context, that can be seen as promoting unhelpful and unhealthy sexual objectification of the female form. That's why we have to keep things tasteful. At the same time, just remember these things can be quite subjective. For guys, there's a "my daughter" test - if we (guys) pose a doll in a way we would not want our own daughters to pose... yeah well, don't. Or check with the wife."

>> No.17716914

Huh? What idiot are you quoting?

>> No.17717202

Some schlub from a smart doll group.

>> No.17717347
File: 789 KB, 247x166, 1505938432537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly one of those virtue signalers that invade everything they can to purify the world of evil.
>clearly hasnt been involved in the hobby long enough to know how it works
>checked with wife
she hates the whole hobby, does that mean i can do whatever i want? cuz thats what i was doing anyways...

>> No.17717364


is it the same group where some guy posted pictures of a SMD in bondage?

>> No.17717798

asking for a friend?

>> No.17718128

No, but the picture in question being complained about was "Eiji kissing Kurenai while pushing down her bra strap" and then it got taken down for being too lewd.

>> No.17718151

>guys aren't allowed to have sexual fantasies
Where do you think his "wife" keeps his balls?

>> No.17718390


the post is gone, the guy who posted it deleted it after people said it was distasteful.


wew lad, i'd like to see his face if he ever visits DoA. lots of dolls kissing and fuggin on there

>> No.17718767
File: 1.75 MB, 4867x2753, IMG_4598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17718774

I need to redo this image someday her hand not pushed in all the way drives me insane. And I always forget about it until I post it.

>> No.17719103

Then re-shoot it?

>> No.17719276

Buddy, remove it. Do not use human makeup on plastic. Trust me, as someone who has recently opened up a box of old Barbies and found them stained nasty Jersey Shore tier orange from the oil, you do not want to have human makeups on your doll. Wash it off with dish soap to make sure all the oil is gone. Go to the crafts/hobby shop nearest you, get some hobby sealant (if you're gonna wipe and redo a few times you can make do with Testors or Tamiya cus cheap and easy to find), a pack of chalk pastels, and some watercolor pencils (you really only need brown, black, maybe white or pink). As long as you spray the head first each time, you can wipe and redo to your hearts content without too much worry.

>> No.17719632
File: 2.34 MB, 2932x3910, IMG_0285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shurijo Castle (Okinawa).
Place was full of chinese tourists pointing at my girl.

>> No.17719733

I know it is a silly idea, but what is the viability of a Dollfie Dream 60cm on the back of my bicycle?
It would be attached to the back rack in some manner.
what I am asking is how it would stand up to wind hitting it all the time.
My ride needs a new friend

>> No.17719745

The wig would be likely to fly off. A silicone head cap might help with that, but still I don't know how well it'd hold up to wind, even with you shielding her.

Also, pretty expensive thing to put on the back of your bicycle to get ruined when some idiot driver inevitably hits you.

>> No.17719813

I've been riding for 5 years, I got hit more when I drove a car to work.
also the bike is worth $3000 so more than the doll.
Yeah, the wig is the trickiest part, some kind of permanent solution would have to be found. Her clothes, I might make a riding suit for her.
But I am more worried about the head falling off or arms going downhill at 20mpg+ (yes bicycles go that fast and faster)

>> No.17719844

>(yes bicycles go that fast and faster)
I know, I cycle too.

If she wears a hoodie that might do the trick of protecting her wig from wind and keeping it on, but I wonder if you could find a doll-sized bicycle helmet that fits, though. If the straps are sturdy that might work. Head and limbs would probably be fine, unless the doll has crazily loose joints.

You probably already thought about this but you'd want to protect her bottom with a towel or cushion or something, and figure out a way to strap her in securely.

>> No.17719867

buy a really big fan and find out

>> No.17720180
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the beach!

>> No.17720398
File: 234 KB, 900x1200, DLOlKUtU8AAWx-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even look raisin-colored. Looks like a cadaver. how was this a good idea?

>> No.17720473

Choo is just a big fan of monsterhigh.

>> No.17720491

it never was. Thankfully it's being replaced.

>> No.17720516

I finally got my request for payment for the "Outfit set for Anastasia". And it showsdate I made my preorder was 2016/10/15 so almost a full year good job Volks I forgot I ordered this outfit. And no i didn't order Anastasia I just like the outfit, maybe I will put Tofu in it.

>> No.17720725

god damn that face is flat

>> No.17720773

It might be bad lighting but it's insane how flat the bottom of Chitose's face looks in that photo.

>> No.17720794

Pretty sure it’s not the lighting.

>> No.17721015
File: 70 KB, 564x849, 127ecbe991cbbbbc89b34a7eaca64511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm like 100% behind equality, feminism or whatever but this is hardcore bullshit right there.
If anything this daughter/doll posing comparison and "ask wife" is one of the least tasteful things I've read in this hobby as of late.
If I didn't know any better I'd say this reeks of bait.

>> No.17721181

I'm more concerned about someone getting so much attention for saying shit like that.

Absolutely nobody care about "our" hobby, this is even more true in the West. Dolls/BJD hobby is just too niche, especially the visible part of it (i.e. having your dolls with you outside in public.) What do you inside your own walls or during doll events has 0 impact on the outside world to begin with.

Starting from there, why should anyone care about how you portray dolls? Even in Japan pretty much no one has a clue besides otakus and again nobody cares, even the community itself. At worst you'll get stared at, then what? You already get stares just by walking around with a piece of Vinyl in your hands anyway.

Just be reasonable and don't have your dolls wearing super lewd outfit in public since there may be children around. It's just a basic decency rule you'd apply to pretty much anything.

People need to get outside their bubble and realize that the world doesn't revolve around their niche hobby.

>> No.17721195
File: 618 KB, 2672x1503, IMG_20171004_094602371-2672x1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get her some dlc hands.

>> No.17721265

What's dlc hands?

>> No.17721305

Option hands.

>> No.17721616
File: 180 KB, 184x602, obitsu27cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about starting this hobby for about a year now.
I want to start with a 1/6 scale because they are cheaper and I can test the waters with it. Plus they are super cute.
I was thinking about ordering a parabox 27cm SBH body, a pre-painted head, eyes, wig & cap.
I guess my question is, is this a good starting point? what kind of things are easy to overlook?

>> No.17721894

Have you checked out the new 24cm bodies? Imo they look a lot nicer than the 27cm ones and they cost around the same I believe. Which head are you getting?

Also, don't forget a nice variety of clothes.

>> No.17721988

thanks for replying,
yeah I like the 24cm bodies a lot too but my concern was heads fitting since I can't find any that explicitly say they fit a 24cm but I might be overthinking it.

other than that I the heads I am considering are either Gretel or Chara

>> No.17722030

I'm pretty sure that Parabox sells prepainted Chara heads on the 24cm body pre-assembled and you can pick the eye colour. Not sure about the Gretels though.

>> No.17722095

yeah you're right, I did a little more looking. it seems gretel27 fits on a 24cm body. at least it says so at the bottom of the 24cm body page. I think I have decided to go this rout, it's only $5 more anyway.

hopefully I can figure out their ordering system.

>> No.17722120

This person sounded rather super serial about this crap and thought Keijo was an extreme titty anime. I think their mind would be blown if they sat through an H or Queens Blade.

The general problem is a lot of people in this hobby at least where I live locally are very vocal about their preferences and afraid of being embarrassed if someone else brought a doll dressed a certain way even if it's something most people would see in public as is. Even stranger since a handful of these people own anime dolls and obviously sit through non-children's stuff.

>> No.17722211

Good luck, anon! Post pics when you get her

>> No.17722246

Thanks man, I definitely will.
I can't wait to start making clothes for her

>> No.17722770

That would be because the 24cm body is fairly new. Heads for the 25cm and 27cm bodies should work on it, and you can also mod Little Pullip, Little Byul, and Little Dal heads onto the bodies with little effort. Honestly Obitsu in general is extremely hybrid-friendly. If you'd like some inspiration, I highly recommend looking through the Instagram tag for Obitsu24: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/obitsu24/?hl=en

If you spy a doll and you can't figure out the source of the head, post it here and someone will surely identify it for you.

>> No.17723563

Cute! Are you and your girls on vacation?

>> No.17723656

Ohhhh I have many in normal skin but very few in SW and none for MDD and Obitsu. Hands cost too much.

How much you looking to spend?

>> No.17723924
File: 1.81 MB, 2304x3456, IMG_7307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the same way and less than a month later I was ordering an Obitsu 50cm from Parabox. 3 months after that and I've spent $300+ on cloths and new body parts for my big girl and I'm already thinking about what I want my next doll to be. It's a slippery slope I'll tell you that much.

>> No.17724170

obitsu24 also has a great advantage of fitting into Azone pure neemo (M or L) clothing which is pretty much the best you can get internationally

>> No.17725398


Thanks for all the help guys.
Just to update I went ahead and ordered from parabox a 24cm body, a gretel27 head, dark violet eyes and a grey wig.
cost me around 80USD and then I spent 20 at the store to make sure my sewing kit is stocked for when she gets here.
Cannot wait to start taking measurements and fabricating clothes for her. (going to have to get Phoenician on it though because I forgot my pattern board and tape measures somewhere)

I'd already received the tracking number 4 hours after ordering, they work fast.

>> No.17726941

I was always a fan of that faceup for Luna,nice choice. I never realized how much Kay looked like a mini-Luna until I saw this. Cute girls.

>> No.17727335
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Sakurajima! Outfit change also!

>> No.17727385
File: 494 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you'll enjoy her, anon!

I've got a Chara head with the 24cm body. She's cute. Her name's Hotaru.

>> No.17727514

Awww she has a bird buddy

>> No.17727818

Why is she not riding the bird and charging to glorious victory?!

>> No.17727936

Love those nails.

>> No.17727971

She looks so cozy in that gigantic hooded bunny shawl thing.

>> No.17728694
File: 3 KB, 109x125, so good its ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you become the attraction

>> No.17728986

FYI It doesn't take much to trace this image >>17706665 back to your twitter account. Whether or not it's an issue is one thing but I doubt it was intentional.

>> No.17729092

Back like 10 years ago (jesus) when I was resin-only but admired DDs on this board from afar, I used to save all the pictures of Tamaki, Nia, and Haruhi because they were my favorites and I figured as limiteds they were impossible to get so they'd always just be a far off dream

Now I've got like four DDs and just for shits last night I searched YJA for Haruhi heads and placed the opening bid on one for ~$100, slept through my alarm for the end of the auction, left it up to chance

tl;dr I'm getting that Haruhi I always wanted boys

>> No.17729199


god speed anon, i hope you and haruhi are happy together.

>> No.17729245

This is adorable

>> No.17729313

This thread's gona die soon. Need a new one.

>> No.17729325

we've been on page 10 for a bit, calm down

>> No.17729705

New thread >>17729703
