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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1762079 No.1762079 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1762093

Yes please.

>> No.1762095

Hey Caren cheer up.

>> No.1762097


>> No.1762100


>> No.1762102
File: 23 KB, 124x190, 1229236536208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have you been?

>> No.1762103


go away

>> No.1762106

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1762109

Fuck you.

I've been on a journey and seen things you people wouldn't believe.

>> No.1762121

So you went rioting through the streets of Athens. Congrats, you're a man!

Oh wait, you still haven't gotten laid by your "perfect woman".

>> No.1762117


I know, /jp/ was so much better without him. I guess my hopes that he was permabanned were in vain. Beginning of the end, my friends.

>> No.1762126

Just to clarify, where the fuck do you live?

>> No.1762129

I thought he was permabanned?

>> No.1762132

"Yes please"? Athens encouraging slutty behavior and not using appropriate punctuation? I want no part of this.

>> No.1762133

I missed you Acchan ;_;

>> No.1762135


I assumed he was and reported that DBZ thread he made earlier out of muscle memory.

>> No.1762136


No I was not banned.

>> No.1762139

i know you are a woman.

i'm out of here for the... morning.

see you tomorrow.

>> No.1762144


That anon who decided to go to iichan was right.

>> No.1762145

My cock and balls disagree with you. Off to fap to young girls getting raped.

>> No.1762148


Maybe we should all just migrate to iichan.

>> No.1762158

How dare you use my word! Acchan is mine and mine alone >=[

>> No.1762167

Athens was right

>> No.1762166

For the Christmas season, at the very least.

>> No.1762163

what are you getting so worked up about anyway?

>> No.1762165

I see athens' ability to ruin threads hasn't weakened in the least.

>> No.1762174

About nothing?

>> No.1762175
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>> No.1762189
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They hate you. But I ♥♥♥ you.

>> No.1762190


At the very least. I have doubts that this board will ever improve, though.

>> No.1762193

And when he wasn't around, people ruined threads by posting about how he ruined threads. Funny how one tripfag (who generally isn't trolling) has become so influential on /jp/.

>> No.1762194


That's because you're an enabler, like ponpo.

>> No.1762201

The most active boards on iichan are slower than the slowest boards here. Not really a place to live.

>> No.1762204
File: 67 KB, 602x1000, 1229237655748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now all you shut up and post some pics.

>> No.1762207

>(who generally isn't trolling)
Oh, I had a good lol at that one.

>> No.1762209
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>> No.1762213
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>> No.1762214


No. This thread is tainted. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.1762215

You have terrible taste in Caren photos, really.

Dearest Danbooru Dumpers,

Quality, not Quantity!


>> No.1762217

You are not meant to live in internet message boards.

>> No.1762222
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>> No.1762224
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>> No.1762231
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>> No.1762232

So he has strong personal opinions about drawing the line at 2 women and that he doesn't believe women can be "ronery". How does that constitute trolling?

>> No.1762238
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>> No.1762242


Because he never shuts up about it. I don't want to discuss 3D women in /jp/, I want to talk about Touhous and other 2D things.

>> No.1762250

I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning,
Help me to breathe
I am hurting, I have lost it all
I am losing,
Help me to breathe

>> No.1762254

Because he takes it above and beyond being an opinion and doesn't ever concede that other opinions might be acceptable to the people that hold them? There's a difference between having an opinion and shoving it down someone's throat. That's why the catholic church is just one big troll.

>> No.1762257

>Plus he's a /n/eo /n/azi.

>> No.1762270

Why is this woman not wearing a skirt or pants?

>> No.1762268
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>> No.1762275

gb2/dead/ Αθήνα

>> No.1762278
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>> No.1762289

Because she is a Strike Witch.

>> No.1762295

It is already burnt.

>> No.1762309

He's right on the subject of women though.

Every woman who has ever lived has had many, many boyfriends.

>> No.1762320

>he was right
improper tense usage rectified

>> No.1762323


You'd know all about having things shoved down your throat I imagine.

>> No.1762326
File: 279 KB, 550x825, 1229239307413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugoi sugoi

>> No.1762338
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>> No.1762348

Too bad she isn't attractive. Sad life.

>> No.1762346

What the fuck is wrong with her feet?

>> No.1762354


So would >>1762348 and >>1762338 right?

>> No.1762351
File: 218 KB, 853x1280, 1229239589606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat ass

>> No.1762356

Well, I think we can all agree that he's obnoxious. But he's willing to debate with people why he thinks he's correct. Though that could be considered a form of trolling, it's not the same as the people who keep starting threads with WtK screenshots meant to deliberately annoy people.

>> No.1762357


>> No.1762360

athens is much better than Remilia Scarlet who just spams shitty danbooru images of any character they find a /jp/ post about.


>> No.1762364


I'd rather a million wtk troll threads than one athens thread.

>> No.1762362

>athens was

>> No.1762372
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1229239840041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.1762379

That's because you're an idiot who has a vendetta and has anger problems as opposed to someone who enjoys /jp/

>> No.1762391


There's no longer anything to enjoy in /jp/. Users like athens and ponpo destroyed it all.

>> No.1762384

I don't know.

But I think you should respect the Catholic Church. They are doing their best to bring up a generation of pure and virginal catholic girls.

>> No.1762394

Similar vendetta loser, next.

>> No.1762402

Sure smells like /a/ in here.

>> No.1762403

I've done irreversible damage to /jp/, my apologies.

>> No.1762406


As have I. We are so sorry.

>> No.1762410

Yeah a type-moon VN character, definitely /a/ material.

>> No.1762414

I think he means the retarded shitstorm over nothing.

>> No.1762417

Not talking about the original topic of the thread.

>> No.1762436

My fault, even though this whole conversation sucks I wasn't aware /a/ could even...converse.

>> No.1762443


It's not really conversing, just ignorant blathering. Like this thread.
