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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 318 KB, 1854x1080, 1471869928080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17611798 No.17611798 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>17592815

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw VNs, LNs, Jdrama, anime and manga.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.
Remember to sage!

>> No.17611847

からして has two meanings, "judging from" and "even". It has to mean "even" here because your own preferences are not something you judge based on external information. (Nonsense: "Judging from the food, I didn't like the restaurant.") It doesn't make sense to say you dislike "even" the food or flavor of a restaurant.

>> No.17611863 [DELETED] 

>Remember to sage!
The fuck?
Is /jp/ too retarded to filter or what.

>> No.17611879
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>> No.17611947 [DELETED] 

Most of this thread is rejects from /a/.

>> No.17611961 [DELETED] 

But why would anybody sage the thread? If /jp/ is bothered then they should filtered it and anyway if you are using catalog (like you should) then one thread changes nothing.

>> No.17612012 [DELETED] 

I guess he's telling the subhuman /a/ fags to sage while they respond to obvious bait. Catalog is for faggot, by the way.

>> No.17612025 [DELETED] 

>Catalog is for faggot

>> No.17612030

If you have a text with hiragana and just want to change it to katakana for training purposes, here: https://f.lewd.se/LQi6Fi.html
It should convert both ways and leave the unrelated characters alone.

>> No.17612039 [DELETED] 

How is your amphetamine usage going, /djt/?

>> No.17612041 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, you guys are new as fuck. It's for the purpose of not showing DJT on the first page. People looking for it go through the catalog anyway, so we don't want to push it over other threads that might want people's attention.

>> No.17612043 [DELETED] 


>> No.17612057 [DELETED] 

>sperging out about sage, which was cucked from you anyway because it was a downvote
lmfao /jp/ really is autistic

>> No.17612060 [DELETED] 

The whole board is generals, no one would notice the difference.

>> No.17612066 [DELETED] 


>> No.17612069
File: 22 KB, 229x173, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17612163 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 534x400, if only he were here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls others new
>can't filter

>> No.17612179 [DELETED] 

>go through the catalog
Why would you change the mode for that? You can use the search function in index mode too. Just type 'djt' into the searchbox.
But yeah, I agree that catalog is superior.

>> No.17612183

The PDF is actually for a different book with the same name.

>> No.17612201
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>> No.17612212

>telling dekinai-chan to resign from reminding us the truth

>> No.17612241 [DELETED] 

>You can use the search function in index mode too. Just type 'djt' into the searchbox.
..or, you know, just go directly to https://boards.4chan.org/jp/djt

>> No.17612252

the "review forgotten words" custom study is really helpful for me, i do my normal anki on mornings and custom study before sleep for more exercise and it really helps the more difficult words stick

>> No.17612259

Not everyone is a neet.

>> No.17612261

>i do my normal anki after school/work and custom study before sleep for more exercise and it really helps the more difficult words stick

was it that difficult

>> No.17612270 [DELETED] 

It's slower for me (I have to open new card, type in '4c', choose correct board, type /djt). I prefer switching to catalog tab, typing djt and clicking on the thread. Maybe your method would be slightly faster than mine if I were a newfag who still haven't branched out.

>> No.17612345 [DELETED] 

>if I were a newfag who still haven't branched out.
It seems you haven't branched out to /g/ yet.
>have url bookmarked
>type djt into address bar
If you really want it and you're running Linux, you could make a script that could do everything almost instantaneously with a keyboard shortcut.

>> No.17612442
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Really? Thats odd

>> No.17612460

So I finally experienced some power outages and internet death so I'm downloading the grammar stuff that could be useful. What was the new hotness in grammar? The CoR has "A Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns for Teachers and Learners - English version" and another one that goes by "A Handbook of Japanese Grammar". Is that the same stuff or which one is the "good" one?

>> No.17612475

I think the contents are the same but the latter is J-J only.

>> No.17612500

Are the Shin Kanzen master textbooks good?

>> No.17612515


Here's a fun article about differences in language efficiency (it's more of a light magazine read than an in depth statistical comparison). Since it's a topic that comes up here every once in a while I think people might enjoy it.

>> No.17612528


>> No.17612536

The "A Handbook of Japanese Grammar" PDF in the CoR is not the HJGP. Notice the "Patterns" part is missing from its title. That PDF has a different author and is from a different publisher. It's completely unrelated, just with a deceptively similar title.

>> No.17612550
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1499544002288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you torrent or give me a megalink pls senpai

>> No.17612554

Just fucking search the CoR for Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns with your browser's find in page function

>> No.17612579

I want to learn the basics of Japanese in order to watch my favourite TV shows - most common words and phrases basically. What's the best route for this, so far I laid my hands on Genki 1 and FSI materials and will pick either if I don't find anything better. What do you recommend?

Realistically I sense what kind of commitement it is to learn Jap and since I want to use it only in such narrow way it's pointless for me to learn it very toroughly if I hear 'hontoni' and 'sugoi' most of the time.

>> No.17612585

Indeed I hadn't noticed the difference in the title so no wonder the other one is presumably J-J. Thank you anons.

>> No.17612586

PS I know kana pretty well

>> No.17612589

Is it stupid to keep pushing a deck(s) in anki past 20 cards as a beginner?

>> No.17612591

if you have these thoughts you'd better slow it down - you'll potentially do more harm than good that way

>> No.17612607

Watching TV shows requires you to be at a fairly high level. Unlike reading where you decide the pace, with listening the pace is decided for you by the speaker, and it's more difficult to look up whatever you don't understand since you have to figure out what was said for yourself using your listening comprehension skills (which take a lot of practice to develop).

If you think just reading Genki and learning a handful of common words is going to let you watch Japanese TV, you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.17612613

Yes, but only if you can't handle it. If you just so happen to be able to do 30 new cards a day without wasting tons of time, go for it. Just be aware that any change in the number of new cards per day is going to have a delayed response in terms of new cards so if you cut down on new cards it'll be a bit before the effects show in your review count.

>> No.17612627

but I was told by everyone that idols shows are kid-tier comprehension-wise

>> No.17612635

Why 二十歳? Seems awfully specific and somewhat useless.

>> No.17612652

The same reason we have tooka instead of juunichi and hatsuka instead of nijuunichi.

>> No.17612653

Kids have years of listening experience.

>> No.17612663

so what are you suggesting for me to do?

>> No.17612670

If you want to understand Japanese then what do you think? You gotta learn the language.

>> No.17612672

Either learn Japanese properly or don't bother. If you're going to half-ass it, you're just wasting your time.

>> No.17612683

how am I not wasting my time learning whole fucking language to understand basic conversations in a Japanese kid-friendly TV show?

>> No.17612713

You can't learn kid-japanese.

>> No.17612891

Watch anime

Lots of anime

>> No.17612917

>how am I not wasting my time learning whole fucking language to understand basic conversations in a Japanese kid-friendly TV show?
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.17612968

Watch the show and pause it to look up every new word you encounter. If the show has a limited vocab that will be the fastest way to learn that specific vocab.

>> No.17612974

watch having a bad japanese?

>> No.17612989

You can literally learn Japanese just by watching anime

>> No.17613010

Is anyone familiar with the Japanese from Zero video series/books? How good are they?

>> No.17613024

watch with subtitle or raw ?

>> No.17613029

English subs

>> No.17613038

Brazilian Dub

>> No.17613125

raw/jap subs helped me for listening

>> No.17613225



>> No.17613554

Don't forget listening practice

Matsumoto 54th birthday gaki episode

>> No.17613603

Who was the granny in the end?

>> No.17613652
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The て form is sometimes used with nothing else to form a command, right?

Also, is this a casual, slangy way of doing things?

>> No.17613666


Casual, not slangy.

>> No.17613673

20 is not just any age, it's the age of majority for nips.

>> No.17613711
File: 114 KB, 431x542, Yotsubato_v01_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That girl waved her hand!
Dad, you wave too!


Since your dad can't let go [of the wheel], you do my portion of the waving.

Do I have a future career as a translator?
(No really, did I get it right?)

>> No.17613715

You got it right.

>> No.17613717


>> No.17613745


>> No.17613763

Is there any situation where じゃあ and では aren't interchangeable? (ignoring the fact the latter is more formal)

>> No.17613768

That girl waved at me!
Dad, you wave too!

Dad can't really let go of the wheel right now. You wave for me.


>> No.17613774


>> No.17613820

"Immediately calling a nickname, suddenly that question slipped out."

What is し doing there?

>> No.17613855

I wonder if it's just there for emphasis... Mukashi mukashi I remember listening to a Japanese Pod 101 lesson where し was used in that way and the teacher (Naomi-sensei) said that it isn't exactly correct Japanese, but that some young people do use it anyway and that it probably came from the し you use when listing things.

>> No.17613891

That's what I guessed, but the first clause isn't a "reason" for anything. The speaker just called out "How big are your boobs?" to the new girl introducing herself to the class.

>> No.17613925

I think ない here is short for とんでもない*. So it would be listing さっそく愛称で呼んでる and いきなりその質問 as ない.

* https://kotobank.jp/jeword/%E7%84%A1%E3%81%84

>> No.17613932

>but the first clause isn't a "reason" for anything.
Sorry, I tried to explain that it is purely for emphasis and not related to the reason but I see that the jgram link didn't mention that use -- sorry.
Here you go, Maggie-sensei to the rescue: use #4.

>> No.17613960

I think that's it.

Maggie says that's used to finish a sentence, and し is in the middle, so I don't think that's it.

>> No.17614001


>> No.17614033

I feel like I'm learning my mining cards so much better than core that I'm gonna bump up how many I'm doing per day. Anybody else feel this way? I don't know what it is. Maybe because I have more interest in the subject matter at hand, I'm remembering words that relate to it better? Much easier than stuff like 企業, 株, 複雑 etc at any rate.

>> No.17614035

>that question slipped out
Is this right?

>> No.17614039

One of the Rikai definitions of 無い is "unpossessed", so that's what I went with.

>> No.17614051
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>> No.17614068

How many visual novels do I need to read before I stop needing a dictionary every sentence?

>> No.17614077

It's not. This is ない as in "Nope. Nuh-uh. Not going to fly."
That question is out of the question. That question is right out. That question is not going to fly. That's a stupid fucking question.

>> No.17614081


>> No.17614087

the entire nitroplus, light, railsoft catalogues

>> No.17614121

Core kind of throws you right into the fire and its vocab is definitely more 社会人用. I don't have much of a problem with it but I had a lot of listening under my belt before I really started studying. I struggle with my mine deck more because my reading/writing isn't as good as my listening.

>> No.17614137

The vocabulary of Japanese is just too large. I tire of it.

>> No.17614174
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x575, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a dictionary every sentence?
Every sentence is probably only 2-3. Thats to completion, every route and not including shorter stuff like hanahira

>> No.17614183

nominated for the UK blog award 2017! congratulations anon, and good luck!!

>> No.17614220

How long did it take you guys to be able to read an entire page without having to look anything up? I mean an actual page, not just pages with one word or screaming on it.

>> No.17614240

Stop asking stupid shit like this

>> No.17614255

You can get a nomination with just two sentences? I guess less sometimes really is more.

>> No.17614261


>> No.17614277
File: 476 KB, 960x1280, rps20170910_224220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no real answer to that because it depends on what you are reading. If you read the last thread, you'll see that there's an anon with 13k mature words and several dozen LNs under his belt asking the same question about books. I think what matters is to read a lot and read a variety of material. For example, this past week or so I've been reading manga a step above beginner level material. So when I go back to beginner material, I can find pages where I don't have to look anything up like pic related. Sure, it's an easy conversation, but I can be happy in my progress that I can quickly read it. This week I'm going to switch back to reading VNs, and then the week after that I might try out a LN. As long as I keep up an interesting variety of input, I know I will keep progressing.

>> No.17614285


>> No.17614294


>> No.17614304

It's also good to read different genres. You'll never be able to read that sci-fi series you keep putting off unless you read a bunch of other sci-fi stuff.

>> No.17614377
File: 216 KB, 898x232, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of stumped on the 甘え出したらどこまでも甘えてしまう expression here. I'm interpreting it as "If we start depending on each other, we'll become completely indulgent." But the conditional following どこまでも is kind of confusing, any help?

>> No.17614381
File: 112 KB, 960x720, 1481404145792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to find audio or video of people speaking dialects?

If you listen to local radio shows, all the presenters just speak in the Tokyo dialect. If you search the internet for videos, about all you find is clips of shitty TV shows where dumb assholes from Tokyo go to some rural area and ask people to read words so they can laugh at them when they say them differently. In the rare cases where someone speaks a dialect in an anime or something, most of the time the character isn't very prominent and/or only speaks their dialect on rare occasions (e.g. for about 2 lines when they get flustered before promptly returning to the Yamanote Tokyo dialect).

Where are all the Sean Beans and Michael Caines of Japan?

>> No.17614398

High schoolers in America like to draw huge dicks.
Someone please help me correct this my family is dying

>> No.17614401

if we start depending we will then end up depending forever

>> No.17614449


>> No.17614456

Have you tried looking for movies? Japanese cinema is incredibly rich, so I'm sure you could find something there.

>> No.17614471

>Someone please help me correct this my family is dying

>> No.17614484

you forgot their gender, thats all
but its pretty easy to infer its not girls doing that..

>> No.17614493

I just wanted to add a small sense of urgency to my post as a joke. Thanks anon.

>> No.17614499

Anyone know what books in the resources list are good for a beginner? My vocab is at 1.2k currently. I've been reading articles for a few weeks and it's getting less exciting.

>> No.17614528


>> No.17614536

Ah, thanks. I haven't sent it yet, so that helps a bunch.

>> No.17614559

About all I'm aware of on that front is 1970s yakuza movies where it's apparently common for the yakuza characters to speak in either Kansai or Hiroshima dialect. I'm not aware of any other films where dialects are prominent (I'm sure there must be some, but whether they are any good is another matter), but either way, the odd movie isn't really very substantial.

I was hoping I could find a radio station or a long TV series where you get the opportunity to hear lots of people speaking in dialect, but with every radio station I find all the presenters speak in standard Japanese (i.e. Tokyo Yamanote dialect) and the only TV show I know of which might fit the bill is あまちゃん which takes place in Northern Japan where the Tohoku dialect (which I'm not interested in) is spoken, but only two of the actors in this show are actually from the Tohoku region (and only one of them is from the actual prefecture which the show is set in) and many of the actors are bizarrely from as far away as Kyuushuu.

>> No.17614568
File: 5 KB, 120x120, hurray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone here tell me what those are? Katakana? Hiragana?

>> No.17614583

Lyria is saying "hooray, hooray!" フレーフレー katakana.

>> No.17614601

Nice, thanks very much.

>> No.17614625
File: 171 KB, 640x947, a97a7eaa7f101808fb3b2e2d2dffe370[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this? I just remember it being mentioned in one of the advanced jpod lessons but I never bothered looking into it.

>> No.17614627


This Japanese cheerleader is pretending to be a bird.

>> No.17614658

Anyone know a good Firefox fork that works with Rikaisama and most plugins? Pale Moon seemed to work fine but wasn't compatible with plugins like clipboard inserter.

>> No.17614717

For now, I'm using Firefox ESR.

>> No.17614724

I laughed

>> No.17614725

Firefox 52 ESR for a few more months, Yomichan from then on.
Both clipboard extensions work as WebExtensions, no need to switch there.

>> No.17614749

Ah, ok. You seem much more advanced than me, but it seemed like a good place to look. If you do find something please post it here

>> No.17614753

Same here, yomichan finally committed the {glossary-brief} tag
Now it no longer spams useless crap in with the definition, way more than rikai did anyway

>> No.17614788

>autistic need to be 100% thorough means that I add entirely archaic words to my list of words to learn

This is going to bite me in the ass, isn't it?

>> No.17614813

By definition, they will be few and you will run out of them pretty fast, so no.
I do wish we had some kind of consesus on what to ignore though, foods maybe, 'special' ways of calling it red or blue
thing is I can never bring myself to toss them away, even if Ill never eat that kinda food myself or understand the people that were 佐幕 or what was going on during 志徳 but i know them when other people talk about it

>> No.17614927

52 ESR isn't working for me with ClipMon, I'm using 52.0

>> No.17615018
File: 120 KB, 1160x781, clipboardinserter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17615027
File: 168 KB, 800x600, hard japanese vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to read this.

>> No.17615032

I think I read 50~ before I stopped using a dictionary pretty much at all.

>> No.17615037

4chan doesnt like those file hosting urls, it will block them as spam

>> No.17615040


I feel like I'm being unfairly accused of something.

>> No.17615042

if you had to ballpark it, would you say you ramped it up according to this

>> No.17615048


sorry, can't read chinese

>> No.17615080
File: 544 KB, 700x847, social choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been studying enough, anon? I hope you haven't been slacking.
Not really. You could say 95% of Japanese overlaps itself in all media - you can find Economic lectures in a random classroom scene in a moege, for example - so even if you read a casual assortment of things there shouldn't be any major problem jumping to harder things. The only thing to watch out for are nukige, those are so focused on sex they provide less opportunity to expand your overall vocabulary, so if you read too many of them then your "progress" will likely be stunted to reflect that.

I think in almost all cases, Japanese difficulty is exaggerated for VNs. Dies Irae is 1% chuuni chants that're hard to comprehend and 99% normal Japanese. You don't really need to focus on reading X hard things to grow, you'll get there naturally. Sole exception being Motherfucking Mareni who's so hard the Japanese themselves literally need to make fan sites to keep up with his vocabulary: http://railseibiya.web.fc2.com/ .

As an extension of that, it's important to remember that even natives can struggle with their own language. Don't use this as too much of a psychological crutch, but it's common for natives of say English to struggle with dense language like pic related. You'll NEVER be able to consume all Japanese without struggle. No VNs will be this hard, though, so don't worry about it too much.

>> No.17615128
File: 26 KB, 600x450, dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I suspected as much(heavy overlap) but its nice to hear. All im looking forward to is the day I stuggle to mine more than 20 new words on average for the month, and I can finally start catching up on the backlog of unseen.

>> No.17615171



>> No.17615203


>> No.17615210


>> No.17615220

pic related is written like a fairly standard textbook, so as long as your english proficiency is similar to a high school student, it wouldn't be hard to understand, but hard to passively read because most textbooks have such density of information.

>> No.17615356


>> No.17615367
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 56363456576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17615395


>> No.17615422



>> No.17615486


>> No.17615525

>because most textbooks have such density of information
They are also poorly written.

>> No.17615735


I've never come across 連発 before and I'm really confused about how it fits in this sentence. I'm struggling to make even an educated guess because my research suggests that 連発 is verbal bombardment (e.g. a small kid bombarding their parents with questions), but this is the first time these characters have spoken since 'yesterday's mistake'.

>> No.17615778


>> No.17615779


I don't know what kind of research you've been doing, but 連発 doesn't need to be verbal. ミス連発 simply means repeated mistakes/failures. The rest should be clear enough after that.

>> No.17615827
File: 28 KB, 908x345, 2017-09-11 07_41_46-(0) _jp_ - Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1842 - Otaku Culture - 4chan - Pale Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17615857

For VN script anon. Now with 100% less formatting.


>> No.17615859

Thanks, I had one online dictionary tell me it was for verbal repetition and it was the only sentence I could find context for.

Is that Rikaisama? Damn, it's a lot more helpful than mine.

>> No.17615867

Try installing an old version of Clipboard Inserter:

0.1.0 should be compatible. You might have to disable automatic updates for it though to stop Firefox from updating it on its own.

>> No.17615879

he made this page for a reason anon

>> No.17616015

Is there a rule for when [u] is /u/ or /y/ or are they allophones?

>> No.17616068
File: 246 KB, 720x1020, あかりと花子_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17616127

Check the anime for Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san

>> No.17616131

>I think I read 50~ before I stopped using a dictionary pretty much at all.
I guess I'll get there in 25 years then, considering I'm reading Hanahira for about half a year now.

Perhaps I should just give up now.

>> No.17616246

>reading Hanahira for about half a year now.
How have you not killed yourself yet? I stopped reading that piece of garbage after the first lunch scene.

>> No.17616255

Or you could just do anki

>> No.17616263

Attaching し to the end of verb clauses is a "partial list of reasons"

>> No.17616271
File: 207 KB, 450x416, 1502847577174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness, how difficult is Fate/Stay Night? I've read 3 low-level VNs, how much harder is it than say Himawari or Aiyoku no Eustia?

>> No.17616284

Don't worry, I've spent most of my adult life reading flyable heart

>> No.17616312

The secret to learning Japanese is to find something so compelling that you wake up eager to read it and need to tear yourself away from it at night. If something bores you for multiple days you should drop it.

>> No.17616329

its probably difficult to fully grasp without really knowing japanese
nasu is a guy that doesnt really understand a lot of things that he uses in his stories and also tries real hard to sound impressive to 13 year olds which means you lose out if you dont understand where those spots are as well

>> No.17616336

ことに is the same as にも? how ?

>> No.17616342

The problem for beginners to reading is that you're guaranteed to ruin the first thing you read (or at least the first half of it) because you'll be spending ages looking up even the most basic words and as a result the scenes won't flow very well.

That's why it's best to start out with something that is compelling to read but not TOO good so you don't spoil a masterpiece by starting with it.

>> No.17616360

What's the best way to read manga in Japanese on an iPhone? Any apps you recommend?

>> No.17616410

A better idea is to go through a page or a chapter looking up words and then read it again at a much faster pace

>> No.17616444

Why are you fuckers recommending VNs or real books to beginners?
LNs are the best. They are short as fuck so you feel like you are moving forward and they have less long-winded plot so you are less bored reading at a glacial pace. What's more if you read them in your browser you get instantaneous lookup thanks to Rikaisama. Not to mention one-click Anki card creation.

>> No.17616453

We're hoping they'll find it too difficult and give up.

>> No.17616477

Pretty pictures and porn are a big motivator for people

>> No.17616489

What's a beginner friendly LN? I started a week ago and Yotsuba as recommended is way too boring to read

>> No.17616516


>> No.17616545
File: 122 KB, 682x1024, 1485081722525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to finish my first VN and while I learned a lot, I still have to look up quite a lot of words.
Now that's fine cause I gradually get better, the next VN should become easier and easier as I go on.

漫画 usually uses rather easy language and many of them have furigana, so that's not too hard to read as well.

But ゲーム seem like a huge wall, something I can only enjoy after I become fairly good at Japanese, with it's often auto advancing text and no way to look up words easily.
Are games easier than the average VN language wise? If I read 2-3 more VNs will I be able to play through a JRPG without having to look up too much stuff?

I just feel so hopeless without a texthooker.

>> No.17616555

good one

>> No.17616569

I'm having fun with Goblin Slayer (and I'm just a beginner too). You can use the translation as training wheels, it's pretty faithful (or at least it's more faithful than Spice and Wolf or Kino no Tabi's translations).

>> No.17616574

Games are the end-game in my opinion. Or at least that's how it was for me.

>> No.17616585

>I just feel so hopeless without a texthooker.

Use that feeling as your motivation to move forward. You don't want to be a DJT EOP, do you?

>> No.17616588

I know we're learning Japanese here but there's no reason to type manga and game like that when the rest of your post is written in English.

>> No.17616595
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Here is a screenshot from an average Japanese game.

>> No.17616598

Could someone help me nail down the specifics of a sentence?

Someone lost an arm wrestling match and his friend is teasing him by saying that his macho appearance is all for show. The guy replies with:


Is he saying "You bastard, if I lost to this guy then I gotta juice"? I'm getting juicing is a fitness thing.

>> No.17616601

Games have much more repetitive dialogue, which will help you get acquainted with specialized vocab, but no backlog feature and auto-advancing text might give you some trouble. If you can read simple VNs on auto mode you should be fine.

>> No.17616604

But it's クール to write like this.

>> No.17616607
File: 163 KB, 650x560, 1501947676415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you bad enough dudes to explain the difference in using ように and ために?

As far as I can tell, ように deals with things you cannot control (so, mainly intransitive verbs), the negatives and the potential form. ために states a goal and a thing that you're doing to surefire achieve it, ye?

>> No.17616619
File: 2.40 MB, 600x375, 1501793263575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If (you, he, someone else depending on the context) lose to that chicken, you're buying juice for us both (for you and me).

>> No.17616620

Not really. At worst you come off as a teenage girl who just crams in random Japanese words into their sentence, at best you're no better than the いきなり文の中にEnglish言葉を足す人だよ。

>> No.17616625

Goblin slayer looks way too difficult for me, guess I'll stick to Yotsuba for now.

>> No.17616645

If what you're reading is boring you, you should really push yourself a little harder.

>> No.17616660


>> No.17616673
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>irregular verbs

>> No.17616686

If I "know" all the grammar in the basic DOJG, where does that put me on the JLPT (as far as grammar goes)? Is that N4 or N3? I don't think I'll take the test but since people talk about it all the time I'm curious about my progress

>> No.17616702
File: 168 KB, 395x504, 1494173251086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever dekinai

>> No.17616709

You've had probably thought you were being cute, however I have easily deciphered this.
Seems almost a bit too easy, but ok. I'm also shocked to learn that 出る is actually an intransitive verb.

Doesn't explain negations or things like 忘れない being used with ように。I can kind of get it on my own, because you can't really have any power over whether or not you forget something, but ok.

>> No.17616751

My bad, I should have specified that 三鳥 is the name of the guy talking shit.

The context is that both the guy talking shit and the guy on the receiving end of the shit have lost their arm wrestling matches. Does this mean that he's basically saying "If anyone else loses to this guy, you have to buy us juice"?

>> No.17616775

With texthooker it's easy (since a lot of 'grammar' can be understood just based on what Rikaisama says about it). I mean you only need basics (e.g. all of Tae Kim).

>> No.17616785

If that 三鳥 guy loses, he'll have to buy juice for them both. I think, I can't be sure because they've omitted が here.

>> No.17616821

Is this an error or is fourleaf-chan too stupid to say ようい with the right hiragana?

Yotsubato vol 2 page 12

>> No.17616875
File: 49 KB, 447x667, まりも先輩.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17616882

I've only read 1/3 of tae kim so far, and I don't feel like going much further with grammar at the moment. It's already a lot to take in and I feel like reading an additional 200 pages won't do me any good.

>> No.17616889
File: 102 KB, 450x443, smiling girl angry eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 pages

>> No.17616909

what's the difference between rikaichan and yomichan? No one ever mentions rikaichan it must suck

>> No.17616924

The fuck?
Last I tried yomichan (three weeks ago) it sucked pretty hard. So did rikaichan.
Just stick to Rilkaisama (or rather the fork called orikaisama, you can find the xpi on github so it's as easy to install as vanilla).

>> No.17616930


>> No.17617090

Is there a text source or are you reading scanned pdfs?

>> No.17617105

I bought it. 5 USD ain't much.

>> No.17617110

Oh and if you wait 5 minutes I can add html version to that folder (Calibre shits itself when dealing with Rakuten epubs).

>> No.17617115

So some anon had to convert it correctly for me.

>> No.17617126

>study core 10k
>want a field for the definition in japanese, and hide the translated response

can something be done or do i have to review on a different deck? I'm near halfways done with it.

>> No.17617135

also ankiweb's repository of decks is a mess. No versioned decks, no updates. It fucking sucks. Also

>This shared item is no longer available.

>> No.17617141

Read the manual. You can change the card layout as you please.

>> No.17617162

Thanks, anon

>> No.17617330

>Shit, it cut off at the best moment.
How close did I get? I think that's やがる at the end, it threw me off a bit.

>> No.17617336

What do people mean when they say 覚悟 as a warcry? Are they telling the enemy to 覚悟, are they declaring out their own 覚悟, or are they just musing about 覚悟 in general?

>> No.17617364

i'm confused I have less words on anki to review every day it's gone 93->82->74 and tomorrow only 52, i don't get it it worries me, shouldn't it show me more because i'm taking 20 new words per day and i'm not a very fast learner

>> No.17617382

>Are they telling the enemy to 覚悟
I assumed it was this.

>> No.17617394

How is rikaisama better than rikaichan? Just the anki addict features?

>> No.17617395

You got it

>> No.17617397

Frequency information and support for EPWING dictionaries for example

>> No.17617405

So nothing too useful to bother changing

>> No.17617406

Read about the features and compare them to rikaichan.
Whether any of that is important is up to you. I was too harsh toward rikaichan to be honest. Compared to yomichan it's good.
I don't remember, is there j-j option for rikaichan? If the answer is yes then it should be workable, even if a bit barebones.

>> No.17617490

How's the latest version of firefox, does it break rikai?

I'm currently on firefox 40 so I thought it might be a good time to update again

>> No.17617510

>I've been reading 仲間 as ちゅうげん
Fucking kill me.
Because the term was used to refer to samurai's companions it didn't even read wrong.

>> No.17617515

>read < as く

>> No.17617529

For how long?

>> No.17617586


>> No.17617599


>> No.17617634

Just a few days.

>> No.17617705
File: 207 KB, 396x462, 1485199569809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you should only make flashcards for specialised and obscure vocabulary which is hard to learn through exposure alone. If you are making and reviewing cards for common words, you are wasting your time.

>> No.17617708

What do I do if ith is spitting out voiced lines vertically with weird broken spacing between words in steins gate?

>> No.17617737

I just add anything I want to revisit to anki. Sometimes its an obscure word, sometimes its a simple compound word like 引き出す (I know this one but its just an example).

>> No.17617775


But that'll waste even more time, card + exposure will always be faster than just exposure in the long run.

>> No.17617781

is 早漏 a common word?

>> No.17617782

If it's a simple word it'll take the easy train to maturity in no time.

>> No.17617798

It works in the latest version

>> No.17617814

Doesn't work in Nightly though.

>> No.17617839

It does for me.

>> No.17617849

sama is sadly no longer updated and is not multiprocess compatible so it only works if you open a non-multiprocess window
You probably mean chan

>> No.17617903

Yeah, that anon didn't specify. I guess I assume chan when someone says "rikai" in general since that's sort of the vanilla

>> No.17617972

How's is somebody who's still in the "making flashcards constantly" phase of learning supposed to know which words are common and which ones are specialized?
In fact, merely the act of looking up the word, writing it down, writing its definition etc. is helpful in remembering it.

>> No.17617978

Every time I try to access the complete collections of LNs on mega it crashes my browser and internet. Is anyone else able to get it to work?

>> No.17618007

The archives from the library are more complete anyway.

>> No.17618032

Rikaisama has a frequency metric.

>> No.17618046

What exactly is 国道? Is it just like a normal interstate highway in America, just for Japan?

>> No.17618056
File: 2.31 MB, 1680x1050, kokudou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this so hard?

>> No.17618059

It is. Thanks, anon. I won't do something dumb like this again.

>> No.17618100
File: 166 KB, 702x1000, 71+lG-rYvNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to have the 1st volume of the 乃木若葉は勇者である LN in epub/html/pdf format? I was able to find the 2nd volume on baidu, but can only find magazine scans for the first volume. If not, it's not too big of a deal, would just be nice to have everything in the same text format with smaller filesize and the ability to look up words a little faster.

>> No.17618101

based on novels, not actual japanese

>> No.17618127

You must become a NEET in order to learn Jaapnese

>> No.17618137

novels are actual japanese you turbosperg

>> No.17618144

I'll just stick to Japanese then thanks

>> No.17618198

If it has the "common word" tag on Jisho.org, you probably don't need a flashcard for it.

>> No.17618228

wrong. There is a big difference between literature and language

>> No.17618270

yes that is why i have my audio only deck, with audio on the front, and an audio explanation on the back, so i can learn real japanese

>> No.17618282

Japanese novels are usually written in Japanese, but putting aside whether novels are your target corpus or not, that's not it's weakness. Most of the inaccuracies you'll find in that metric are a result of parsing errors or optional spellings. Still it's good enough that you should be able to use it with common sense.

>> No.17618433

Pic related isn't very hard though.

>> No.17618455


>> No.17618458

But if I don't stop to make a card, I practically ignore even looking at the kanji and trying to learn it. Rikai made me super lazy.

>> No.17618496 [DELETED] 


>> No.17618511
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>> No.17618521

おかえり、 Jamal.

>> No.17618550

Be aware that it's impossible to post any comprehensible English here without SOMEONE calling it easy.

>> No.17618558

Google translate is giving me "a few minutes on foot" for this, but i'm having trouble breaking it down into bits. This phrase makes plenty sense in context, but it's also not popping up on jisho, nor is any real combination of these kanji with the exception of 徒歩, which is easy enough. Should I bother trying to make sense of this, or should I just stick it in anki as "expression?"

>> No.17618575
File: 320 KB, 641x443, porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

徒歩 / 数分 / 程度
What's your problem? Long strings of kanji words pressed into one isn't strange.

>> No.17618587

Ah, man, I fucked up when I was copying 数分 into Jisho. I swear I tried it several times and didn't get any results, so I must just have somehow fucked up several times in a row. Must be getting too tired. Sorry to bug, anon.

>> No.17618598

No problem, of course, this is a home for others to help each other. Though, I would perhaps suggest paying a bit more attention, as 数分 even without Jisho should be comprehensible, with 数 being "several / a number of" and 分 being minute(s).

>> No.17618615

Is there any situation where swapping へ for に wouldn`t produce the same sentence? I know the reverse doesn't work.

>> No.17618633

that wasnt me but thanks for the namedrop

>> No.17618644


>> No.17618684

wait i meant 栄光 but whatever

>> No.17618878
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>tfw you commute to work and study but forget to sync your anki deck and it compounds over 2 days when you get back

>> No.17618989

I never had a lot of interest in Light Novels compared to manga,but now I might as well give it a try. Can anyone let me know which of these titles are beginner friendly, and which ones might give me a lot of trouble? I can currently read a variety of manga with a dictionary on hand.

Book Girl
Spice and Wolf
Amagi Brilliant Park
Full Metal Panic
Kino no Tabi
Log Horizon

>> No.17619078

look there is no friendly japanese media targeted at tweens teenagers and young adults for people who dont know japanese so dont ask and either read something youre more capable of reading or enjoy reading everything looking up every other thing till you die or stop wanting to read that junk

>> No.17619084

What's the point of including potential forms of verbs in core? It's just a conjugation right?

>> No.17619119

Context it's talking about a part-time job as a tutor, but I'm a little confused about the ご父兄の方 part, as well as why 面接を受ける is repeated.

>> No.17619130

Read what you want to read. Look through the first few pages, determine if it's the level you can read, then read it.

>> No.17619142

Book Girl was okay. It was the first LN I ever read, and so of course I struggled here and there, but mostly it's not too hard. It spoils No Longer Human completely, though, so if you have interest in reading that at some point, don't pick it up.
Kino is about the same level from what I could tell, but I dropped it after its first two chapters were so similar that I was bored to tears.

>> No.17619148

I'd suggest that you skip the first few pages when gauging difficulty, actually, because first page syndrome. Though there is merit in reading things above your level, in any case. It's all opportunity to grow.

>> No.17619156

>there is no friendly japanese media targeted at tweens teenagers and young adults for people who dont know japanese
isn't that what nhk news easy is?

>> No.17619161

Are there any scans of recent issues of まんがタイムきららキャラット floating around?

>> No.17619168

I'm 3 weeks into Anki and my kanji retention is 10%. I'm on the verge of tears, why can't I learn this?

>> No.17619171


>> No.17619186

>skip the first few pages
No, the point is to read the first few pages and get used to the author's style and use of vocabulary.

>> No.17619188

Time to try another approach then. Get RTK or KKLC or reduce the amount of kanji/day you're learning or start writing more, etc

>> No.17619201
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It was rough for me at first too, but then I just started remembering things. Maybe you are forcing too many words a day? Post your graphs.

>> No.17619205
File: 28 KB, 360x480, sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to read the instruction manual for this game Puyo Puyo Sun (pic related). The premise of this little story is that Satan wants to get a nice tan so he uses magic to make the sun really hot. I'm having trouble understanding this sentence:


Specifically my questions are:

1) The なんてのも in the first clause, I'm not sure how to parse that. My best guess is that the の is acting like a noun like "one" or "thing", so the first part of the sentence would be something like "Although the magazine also advertised things like 'southern country tour guides', ..."

2) The そこはサタン様のこと、. I know what it means on its own, I'm just know sure what it adds to the sentence, or why it can be a comma-delimited clause by itself. I would think that there should at least be some particle after the こと.

3) Which usage of と is being used in ...小麦色になるのが一番らくちんだと、含み笑いで... I don't think it can be "if", since the preceding clause is present tense and the following clause is past tense.

Sorry if I'm missing something basic here, I don't have a lot of practice reading longer sentences yet.

>> No.17619225

Did you learn your radicals first?

>> No.17619241

The point is that the first few pages aren't the author's style - first page syndrome is how authors put a ton of extra effort into the first few pages to suck people in and ensure sales or what have you. You get a much more honest look at the writer's style from the middle or early-middle sections of the book.

>> No.17619246

Use the Heisig method, bro. It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me. People will probably call me a shill, but I love WaniKani and I think it's absolutely worth the money, it's so convenient having a bunch of mnemonics written for you and learning the kanji at a predefined pace.

>> No.17619253

Maybe try another software. I exported my cards from anki into another flashcard app with spaced repetition function and it worked better for me.

>> No.17619266
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>> No.17619278

I'm not familiar with core but does it include all potential forms or just some?

If only some, perhaps it's for special cases where the conjugation translates into a different English word. Similar to how 覚える translates to learn but 覚えている translates to remember.

>> No.17619284

I really don't want to use RTK because I want to know how to actually read the kanji, not just their loose English equivalent.

>> No.17619288

It's really not though. It has fewer words than English.

>> No.17619295

Is that in total or in typical usage?

>> No.17619299

For now an interview with the guardians is necessary, so the first thing is whether or not to take the interview.

>> No.17619307

I don't know. I don't have a source either, I just pulled that out of my ass. I do know that English has a damn lot of words, though.

>> No.17619309

Well, you do need to change 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 about the way you're studying since 10% retention is ridiculous.

>> No.17619320

hello people.
I was told here once that a bunch of Japanese Graded Readers books are torrentable, but I don't know where should I look for them. Could anyone help me or nugde me in the right direction?

>> No.17619322

I think 97% coverage in Japanese is something like 20k words vs ~10k for English. The last 3% is where English probably outpaces any other language though.

>> No.17619326

>Could anyone help me or nugde me in the right direction?
The guide

>> No.17619329

I thought the RTK method was garbage too, until I started using WaniKani which uses the RTK method and I found that it really works.

Ideally, however you're applying the RTK method, you should learn at least one reading and one vocab word along with each kanji. That way, if you see some word in the wild you don't know, say 自覚 or something, and you only recognize one of its kanji, say 自, then you can at least be like "oh, that kanji is in the word 自分", so then you can at least get the 自 part digitized and plug it into jisho.org and hopefully find the other word you're looking for.

However you decide to "learn" the kanji, it's not supposed to teach you everything there is to know about kanji or Japanese, it's just supposed to get you a foothold so you're not completely lost.

>> No.17619354

last time I checked, it was of no assistance

>> No.17619361


>> No.17619379

okay fuck, I was apparently blind
there IS a bunch of those bukks

thanks, I guess

>> No.17619394
File: 2 KB, 189x109, Preview_2017-09-11_22-45-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more or less what I've done with my deck. I try to have at least one 音読み and at least one 訓読み, with mouseover definitions and the keyword still accessible through mouseover if I need it. Not the same as doing a full production vocab deck, so it's not like I can magically write all the words I "know" through this deck, but still pretty helpful as a kanji deck while also not relying on the heisig keywords as much.

>> No.17619414


>> No.17619427

Are (𝐘𝐨𝐮) a wizard?
Yeh, breh, let's learn 成就. Sweet. Ok, now what's the new word I encountered here...
Yeah! じょうちょう. じょうるほど! I got it! This is so cool. I'm sure glad I memorized readings while learning kanji, guys.

>> No.17619440
File: 6 KB, 293x119, 1478936632584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.17619457

Is it not possible to change Anonymous to 名無し with css?

>> No.17619483
File: 708 KB, 1800x1011, Araragi.Koyomi.full.587015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related uses 僕
I thought that was just for wusses like you guys told me, what happened?

>> No.17619493

Does it have to be something like this, then?

>That the gentiles should be inheritors also, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise that is in Christ, by the means of the gospel, whereof I am made a minister, by the gift of the grace of God given unto me, through the working of his power. Unto me the least of all saints is this grace given, that I should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all men see what the fellowship of the mystery is which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God which made all things through Jesus Christ, to the intent, that now unto the rulers and powers in heaven might be known by the congregation the manifold wisdom of God, according to that eternal purpose, which he purposed in Christ Jesu our Lord, by whom we are bold to draw near in that trust, which we have by faith on him.

>> No.17619494

Guys who use 僕 are really hot, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.17619505

Yeah but learning CSS takes more effort than changing a line in the 4chan X settings...

>> No.17619552

He edited the DOM.

>> No.17619552,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

seeing as how "お" in "お金" and "お土産" are both optional by showing that you value those things(?), wouldn't it also be optional for phrases like "お帰りなさい", to show that you DON'T value those things?

>> No.17619600

Back when djt was on /a/, an anon made an ichi.moe kanji deck. It had like 25k cards or something. Lost it when something happened to my computer
Might anyone have it still?

>> No.17619625

I'm thinking of doing heisig/kanjidamage/whatever through vocabulary. Every time I come across a new word, I'll look up the radicals and mnemonic and try to learn them that way instead of through flash cards.

Has anyone tried this with any luck?

>> No.17619630

Those systems are designed to be done in a specific order. It probably won't work out very well.

>> No.17619634

learning radicals is a waste of time, you'll pick it up automatically through vocab

>> No.17619641





>> No.17619666

Learning radicals gives you more mnemonic power. I didn't learn them at first, but I'm glad I did.

>> No.17619676

Mnemonics seem kinda silly to me, Remembering a phrase for every word you want to know instead of just remembering the word seems like extra work, but whatever works for you.

>> No.17619703

I don't really use phrases as much as mental images, and only for words I struggle with. For example I remember I would always mix up the two right hand radicals in 線 so I pictured a horizon line with clouds over water, problem solved.

>> No.17619711

What resources did you use to learn radicals?

>> No.17619712


A good mnemonic/visualization isn't something you have to actively remember, seeing the word or kanji will remind you of it and it merely acts as a backup in case you can't otherwise remember the meaning. A safety net of sorts.

>> No.17619721

"Line" sense from 糸, phonetic value from 泉 works for me.

>> No.17619729


>> No.17619732



>> No.17619737

I don't know if you do this already but writing kanji really helps you with recognizing the parts of a kanji, like you could just picture 線 as 糸 白 and 水 even shit with a crazy number of strokes like 鬱 is easy to recall from memory if you write enough, even if all you do is look at vocab without worrying about radicals eventually you'll easily be able to tell stuff apart like 装 製  or 勢 熱 without any effort at all

>> No.17619748

I think most people learn 線 before 泉. Either way the placement of 水 and 白 is arbitrary. A mnemonic is easier than trying to brute force it imo.

>> No.17619752


I suspect anon uses mental images to save time though, whereas repeatedly writing kanji until you get them specifically takes time.

"If you do it long enough you'll eventually get good at it" applies to every aspect of studying, but there's pretty much always a better way to go about it.

>> No.17619768

I don'r repeatedly write them, I wrote them every time I saw a word while doing anki, that's once for words I had seen and 3 for one's that were new every day, I still write them because I enjoy being able to do it, but at this point I can pretty easily recall how any kanji I've previously seen looks

you certainly don't need to write them 50 times over and over every day though

but again, whatever works for you.

>> No.17619818


>> No.17619918 [DELETED] 


>> No.17619922 [DELETED] 


>> No.17620000

I had learned very early how to write 温泉, so it was a natural mnemonic by the time I got to 線.

>> No.17620024

From what I've heard, this (along with other works by the same author) is pretty advanced level stuff.

>> No.17620027

Ah, thank you

>> No.17620027,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nice trashcan. Fucking loser.

>> No.17620222

And 線 is a mnemonic for 泉 in my case. Kanji are easy once you have the framework in place to make connections like that, but they're considerably harder if you're just trying to memorize a bunch of lines that don't have any meaning to you yet.

>> No.17620274

>This deck's purpose is to increase your reading skills.
Is that a good beginner deck for reading? I'm currently using Core 2k/6k and KKLC for vocabulary. I got too much free time so I simply added another deck because anon in here recommended it instead of increasing the number of cards per day in Core2k/6k.

>> No.17620368
File: 361 KB, 473x675, 1483187970373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the correct way to pronounce words with んい (e.g. 雰囲気, 戦意) in them?

I hear some speakers say the sound in words spelt this way as something like "nyi", and others seem to convert the "ん" sound into just a very indistinct, nasally sound (kind of like how some speakers do with the が sound), and others still seem to just say it like "ん・い". I don't think I've ever heard it said as に though.

>> No.17620379

The claims about increasing your reading skills are pure nonsense considering there isn't a single sentence in the entire deck. It won't increase your reading skills, it will just reduce your dictionary use. There's a big difference between learning a bunch of words out of context in Anki and being good at reading/listening.

>I got too much free time so I simply added another deck
Delete it and use that time to read and listen instead. It will benefit you far more.

>> No.17620410

Thank you for your feedback. I was thinking on the line of "judging the food (they serve) I don't like it". But it was said in past tense and I didn't put attention to that.

>> No.17620447

>"What's the correct way to say these syllables?"
>Lists all the ways native speakers pronounce them

What's the problem?

>> No.17620450

Maybe I should've been more specific. What's the Standard Japanese way of saying them?

I assume some of the ways I've heard are how they're said by speakers of certain dialects, but not how they're supposed to be said in Standard Japanese. I want to know what the "proper" way of saying them is.

>> No.17620478

Guess I'll just use Core 2k/6k from now on while using the rest of my time to read and listen, thanks.

>> No.17620486





>> No.17620509

Wouldn't it be useful to know them all?
It seems like a detail you'd just pick up from context over time well enough. Small things like that, figuring out the minutiae of where words and phrases fall on the axis of standardized/unstandardized, are moreso things that you do when you're in the "mostly fluent and rounding out the edges" stage.

>> No.17620577

How long have you guys been at it? Is it worth starting now?

>> No.17620598


And I mean, if you're talking to people in Tokyo or whatever and you're saying some Kansai shit, people will probably find it endearing or interesting more than anything. They won't apply whatever stigma's attached to socially disadvantageous dialects to you. By the time you get to the point where anything's expected of you, like at the time when someone miiiiiiiight mistake you for a native speaker over the phone or something, you'll already know just from having years of experience.

>> No.17620604

Isn't that something you have to ask yourself? I started 6 days ago and it's pretty rough but that decade of watching anime is helping with vocabulary a ton.

>> No.17620729
File: 60 KB, 960x720, 1493793611211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do to avoid JP study burn-out, DJT? How do you relax through the endless consecutive hours of grinding?

>> No.17620735


A couple of years, on and off. Time passes pretty fast at the end of the day though.

And I mean, I guess neural networks or someshit will eventually reach perfectly accurate translations but even that'll only get you so far, so if you're interested in it now then you oughta start now. You must look into your own heart to find whether it's worth it or not.

>> No.17620768


If you have to "grind" for several consecutive hours in the first place, you've gone and fucked up somewhere along the way.

>> No.17620783

>I guess neural networks or someshit will eventually reach perfectly accurate translations
They come as far as they can, google translate is using them
its still not that great, they don't understand they just pattern match
and forget about jokes, references and innuendo

>> No.17620825
File: 5 KB, 280x80, dy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started anki about 2 weeks after real kana so not quite 2 years
>Is it worth starting now?
of course, the guide is still there and so is japan

buy more figures

>> No.17620839

Learning a language is always worth it, assuming you have interest.
You have to be realistic though, that's the key. I think you'll notice that these threads seem like a revolving door, lots and lots of people talking about how they're just starting out, and a small group able to offer expert advice, even on a forum exclusively for mass weabooitry.

Japanese is generally regarded as being on the highest level of difficulty for English speakers, along with Arabic and Chinese. It's on the complete opposite side of the topological spectrum from English, and Kanji is a whole nother level of mother fuckery, you don't even know.

Still, it's far, far from impossible to learn. Tons of goony ass people with brains running on Mountain Dew and Fritos have managed to do it, why can't you?

Keep in mind a couple of things:

1: Learning a language is a very front-loaded task. The beginning is the hardest, which is one reason so many people give up after a week or so. Things get smoother the further you go, but with Japanese it does take a while (compared to, say, French or Spanish) to really get rolling.

2: You HAVE to be persistant. Your brain is a lot pickier about what it chooses to store than you might think. You'll spend hours with your nose buried in material, going over words over and over and over, only to completely forget most of it the next day. People on here use Anki, a spaced repetition system, which is what you need. You have to keep your new vocabulary fresh by going over it at well spaced intervals time and time again You have to trick your brain into believing that what you're feeding it is important enough to keep. I cannot stress enough how vital this is.

3: No matter what, you won't be fluent for years, and you'll never be a native speaker. It will take ages to get to a pont where you can even vaguely understand Japanese written or spoken, and many times that to even approach fluency. To reach a truly advanced stage you'll almost definitely have to actually be in Japan, at some point. It would take years upon years of being surrounded by Japanese text and speech at all times, and thousands of hours of conversation and listening, to reach a level approaching a native. You'll also never be able to confidently translate English into Japanese (at least enough to make it a job), since that requires an innate understanding of the language that only someone who learned it as a child has. There are limits.

4: This requires quiet a bit of free time. I'd say an hour a day at least, though it's more important that you get at least some in multiple times a day.

>> No.17620857

Not him but I'll save this picture for motivation. Are you using Core2k?

>> No.17620875

Excuse me, typological.

>> No.17620910


>591 daily average after 2 years

So have you added the entire language to Anki or is your retention percentage just super low?

>> No.17620913
File: 1.24 MB, 868x1481, ayase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished core 2/6k within year 1, even with dropping down the new cards per day to only 15 for a good chunk of that.
Its now just mining, of which ive passed 8k for a total of 14k in the deck. 8k ish matures total
Started reading pretty late into core, maybe 1k matures. yotsuba was good though, especially with the reading pack

>> No.17620934
File: 19 KB, 510x187, 986765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I add everything and anything, and while my retention isn't that great, its been dropping since i donated some blood
but it will average back to above 80% i guess

>> No.17620949
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1486611803667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using your brain power to blaze through JP study until you become fatigued.
>Not being a mental masochist with Japanese.
>Says I've fucked up.

>> No.17621044

I don't believe it's impossible to learn to translate English into Japanese. It's just a fucking language, there's no mysterious special power you need to be born into to use it.

>> No.17621076

You need UG which is basically a superpower.

>> No.17621089
File: 312 KB, 2048x854, DJVb064XgAAWwji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17621106


>> No.17621113

I learned the hiragana in 2002

>> No.17621122


So how are the katakana coming along?

>> No.17621274

You can learn to do it relatively well, but you'd never, ever be able to do professional work.

There are distinct and stark differences between first language speakers and L2.

>> No.17621300

>but you'd never, ever be able to do professional work.
But the opposite is somehow not true and the Japanese are qualified to translate from English?

>> No.17621331


What does the ため mean in this sentence? I understand what is going on, but I wouldnt know which word to translate it into or why its being used.

>> No.17621343

So you're saying the professional world demands native level in the target language rather than the source language? That doesn't make sense to me. Surely more mistakes would be made in misunderstanding the source than in communicating the same message to the translation, since you can always adjust the latter to your own level.

>> No.17621363

Yes, Japanese people can translate from English to Japanese, not from Japanese to English.

You can translate from Japanese to English, but not the reverse, at least in any serious capacity.

>> No.17621369
File: 17 KB, 279x100, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you only used core 2k/6k the first year? I'm currently using standard 20 per day and started reading Yotsuba yesterday with the reading pack.

>> No.17621385

So how exactly do people go about getting jobs like interpretation?

>> No.17621408

Ultimately large companies prefer someone who is native bilingual if possible, but otherwise it's always better to translate into your own language.

>> No.17621442

I know I know duolingo is shit for Japanese but I'm still curious just to see it. When I log in to check it out though it tells me it's only 67% developed and I can't access it. How are all these other people trying it out? Beta testers?

>> No.17621596 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting /int/ bro /djt/ bro??

>> No.17621626

Do you believe that because Japanese is so different from English or are you talking about languages in general?

>> No.17621644

>but that decade of watching anime is helping with vocabulary a ton.
I found that it helped me more with grammar. I didn't pick up many words from anime, but I had a lot of "ohhhhhh, so that's what that means" moments when I read through Tae Kim.

My brain had registered a lot of the simpler constructions unconsciously just from me having heard them so much. Even if it didn't really understand what they meant, it had noticed the patterns and remembered them, so it was really easy for me to learn them after just reading the explanation and the example sentences.

>> No.17621688

>You HAVE to be persistant.
If you read things you're interested in, persistence takes care of itself. You will keep reading because you're enjoying the story and want to know what happens next and how it all ends.

That's why I don't like how some people in these threads try to force beginners into reading Yotsuba or Hanahira just because "they're easy". When someone is only reading X because someone/some dumb recommendation chart told them they should, they don't feel like they're reading because they want to anymore, and thus the reading becomes a chore and they don't want to do it. The only correct answer to the "I just finished Tae Kim/Genki/Core/[insert beginner resource here], what should I read?" question as far as I'm concerned is "whatever you want".

>> No.17621695

Not him, but I probably learnt more words from anime like hasami, megane, etc. to a point where I can understand what they are when I hear them.

Not familiar with the kanji for them at the moment, though.

Other words I'm currently learning I'm having a harder time with.

>> No.17621835

pretty sure his second sentence answers that

>> No.17621853

>ふくしゅう card had the kanji 復習 instead of 復讐
>other side had revenge definition
>I've been memorizing it wrong for a week now
Kill me.

>> No.17621871
File: 550 KB, 1280x1310, (C82) [Popopo (Yuki)] Remilia to Imouto Omoi no Ane 16_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promoted by Satori Reader
Do mind-reading loli include?

>> No.17621879


Neither of those is a word usually written in kana, why are you studying them that way around in the first place?

>> No.17621893

If I used your deck, my individual kanzi study would have actually payed off. But people are going to call me a faggot anyway, because I'm not exclusively reading my whole life.

>> No.17621930

It's not that you wouldn't be able to do professional, it's that you probably wouldn't make enough survive

Any interpreting gig that's okay with non-natives likely doesn't give much of a shit and will pay accordingly. For these jobs your people skills and likability matter far more than how many kanji you know

As for translating, speed is just as important as accuracy; if translating into your native is faster for you (like it is for 99% of people) then you're quite literally throwing time and money away when you accept any jobs that ask you to go in the opposite direction

>> No.17621933

いなくなんの 待つしかねえか

Beginner here and I'm reading the former half of this sentence as 'いな くなん の' etc. Is this correct or is it 'いなく なんの'?

>> No.17621936

>"whatever you want"
I tried reading something besides Yotsuba and it just won't work. The sentences are much more complex and it feels like I'm not improving my reading capabilities due to it.

>> No.17621939

I wasn't studying them with kana. The VN I read features a character who speaks in hiragana only. I had the right EPWing definition open, but rikaisama defaults to the kanji that's on top for the default dictionary. I usually pay attention to these things but this one just slipped past me. I noticed my error when I encountered the word again while reading today. I've been learning the word in anki for 8 days, so maybe it'll be alright in the end.

>> No.17621955

If you study correctly for only ~1 hr per day, you can start reading interesting content and have a general idea of what's going on in less than 3 months.

>> No.17621966

the latter, but do you know what it means?

>> No.17621974


>> No.17621981

here's some kanzi for you: 被害妄想

>> No.17621993

I understand that the general gist is that the character has no choice but to stay there, but my parser was automatically translating it as the former. Intuition took over and I thought it was the latter, so thanks for helping me.

Thanks, that's much clearer.

>> No.17621996

Where's this from?

>> No.17622001

I've learned kana, done daily anki for 4 days and currently reading through tae kim. I've got around 2-3 hours a day to practice. Tell me the correct way and I'll take a screenshot of your post and in 3 months starting today I'll post my results.

>> No.17622016

How do you tell these words apart when spoken?

>> No.17622027

can you think of a single natural scenario where it would be hard to tell from context?

>> No.17622032

>Have you gotten revenge on yesterday's maths lesson?
>I must review my father's killer

>> No.17622037

Well, you have to use a degree of common sense too. If something turns out to just be way too hard for you (you can barely understand anything), then just put it on hold and try something else you're interested in. If you're learning Japanese, I assume it's because there's more than just one piece of Japanese media you have an interest in reading. Even if you're just in it for the porn, there's plenty of nukige and whatnot out there to read.

>> No.17622044

the only correct way to learn a language involves moving to the country where it's spoken

all other methods are varying degrees of shitty

>> No.17622072

ふくしゅう of the nerds

>> No.17622084
File: 255 KB, 1129x1385, 1494805043213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Context. Lots of British English accents/dialects do a thing called "H-dropping" which creates quite a lot of homophones*, yet it never causes any problems in comprehension because context makes it obvious which word is being said. Same goes for all the homophones in Japanese

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-dropping#List_of_homophones_resulting_from_H-dropping

>> No.17622110

I'm pretty sure anime is the only reason I know what ぞ means

>> No.17622151

I actually played a nukige yesterday to fap but suddenly I was trying to read sentences. I've got a dictionary hooked and before I started learning Japanese I relied on romaji.

>> No.17622194

Sorry to dump a few lines, I'm really curious about something.


I feel like there's a lot to unpack here and I want to make sure I'm getting it right. The character is asking about a maid service the other character uses. The second line feels like he's saying "Two people alone only just talking? It can't be...", but 'ただ' could also be 'free of charge' since he's talking about a maid service. And I'm guessing the last line is something like 'Do you not meet them anymore?".

Sorry for being annoying, I'll pay it forward when I git gud.

>> No.17622195
File: 1.61 MB, 1907x995, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are easy manga with furigana that aren't Yotsuba. There's so many that if you look it's impossible not to find something compelling.

You can preview random manga (to see if it's easy) by googling the name of the manga plus 立ち読み or 試し読み. For example:

https://www.google.com/search?q=絶対霊域 立ち読み&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

You can also just browse those digital manga sites and look for interesting manga that way instead of starting with the name.

Once you find a manga that's fairly interesting, google its name plus "zip", or search for it on nyaa. You'll find a pirated version 90% of the time or more.

>> No.17622227

You two were talking about something alone, right? Don't say you...
You sure you aren't still meeting (with her)?

>> No.17622234

There is no ただ. That's ていただろう.

>> No.17622239

Thanks very much, that's a big help.

Sometimes I get too carried away with the possibility of what characters could be saying. This is definitely an example.

>> No.17622244

That makes so much sense now. There's a lot of slang and omission of sounds in this manga, but the only way I'm going to learn is if I expose myself to it. Thank you!

>> No.17622448

For listening, start with Japanese Pod 101 Beginner Season 1

For reading, start with NHK Easy

Every day listen to the podcast in your dead time (gym, driving, etc). Spend at MOST an 1.5 hrs on Anki and spend the rest on reading. Reading is priority. Track your words by mining with Rikaisama in firefox or you can get Lingq (It parses badly sometimes but it makes things simple). Switch up the content if you get bored, or if it becomes too easy. It's okay if you don't understand all the words, just try to get the jist of it. Quantity over quantity, immerse yourself. Don't study kanji. You won't "know Japanese" in 3 months, or 5 months, or 8 months, but that's okay, just enjoy learning.

>> No.17622449

I thought I understood し as a particle until I saw [あーもーいいやお前だし]


>> No.17622468

し is a conjunctive particle and pretty much all conjunctions can be used at the end of a sentence with whatever would normally come afterwards left off and implied.
It's like ending a sentence with ~て, から, けど. It creates a nuance based on what you would naturally expect to come afterwards.

In this case I think it's just inverted: お前だし、もういいや
Ah, who cares. It's just you.

>> No.17622492
File: 269 KB, 680x415, 1388577367020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% the best explanation I've heard of it. You're the man.

>> No.17622515
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1489036272905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For listening, start with Japanese Pod 101 Beginner Season 1
>For reading, start with NHK Easy

>> No.17622520
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, DA-4QZxU0AAXjb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how would you translate this?
kotobank says:

>> No.17622522

Why are you crying

>> No.17622527

That's bollocks. There are tons of people who have been living in foreign countries for years and still can't speak the language for shit, or speak it with broken grammar and thick accents.

This is just something you are telling yourself as an excuse for your own failings.

>> No.17622535

That's not a crying face. Do you have autism?

>> No.17622541

The only other face it could be is laughter but that really makes no sense in response to the other post.

>> No.17622552

から, ので

>> No.17622556

Translation of Dante's Inferno

>> No.17622577

Sake of/purpose?

>> No.17622579

Cool, thanks for letting me know.

>> No.17622590

The lonesome ん in 言わせんなって is confusing me, but is it used to make 言わせ negative? So it's something like 'Don't make me say it'?

>> No.17622600

言わせるな + って

>> No.17622601

Yeah. 言わせるな

>> No.17622609

Oh shit, I'm learning. Thanks.

>> No.17622687

Literary Japanese seems to have a whole class of reflexive expressions that are entirely absent from everyday speech. Do they come from the classical language?

>> No.17622714

What does using 己 signify over 俺 and when is it used? If you've ever watched an anime you've surely heard おのれ screamed at someone, but what about using it to refer to yourself? I occasionally see it in VNs and tend to gloss over it but I'm want to properly understand it now.

>> No.17622716


>> No.17622729

Same as 自分, I believe.

>> No.17622742

テニス部 一同
改めて 身を引き締めて
交流試合に 備えます!

>The entire Tennis Club shall pull together, redouble its efforts, and train even harder for the interleague match!

from animu. but the classical language is indeed intended in the scene. its from kill la kill.

>> No.17622761

I don't think I can stick with a podcast like that. The American guy is worse than me at pronunciation. However the NHK stuff is interesting.
>Spend at MOST an 1.5 hrs on Anki
Currently it takes me 35-45 minutes on a new day to solve my anki deck. I usually do anki an hour after I wake up then review forgotten cards a couple of hours before I go to bed.

>> No.17622765

That's way too much.

>> No.17622813

I meant I'm reviewing forgotten cards right before I go to sleep. It only takes me 5-10 minutes. Does that interfere with SRS?

>> No.17622833

He stops speaking Japanese like 30 EPs in when they get more native speakers. Regardless, if it's boring to you it's good to go with something else for listening.

>> No.17622882

Does anyone use lingq? How does it deal with kanji?

>> No.17622905

Stumbled on these for listening a while back.


>> No.17622919

1) oneself (itself, etc.) ARCH
2) I, me HUM.
3) you DEROG
4) by oneself (itself, etc.) ADV
5) interjection expressing anger or chagrin

>> No.17622966

If a writer writes ' 何言ってんだろう' in their little prelude before the story begins, are they saying "What am I talking about?". This introduction is super casual and is almost written like a blog.

>> No.17622977

That doesn't actually tell you anything about it's natural usage retard.

>> No.17622983

Kanji and hiragana forms of the same word are treated as two different words. You can disable/enable furigana. The definitions will have the hiragana and kanji.

>> No.17623003

Do you use it? In thinking about signing up and giving it a try, if I like it $10/month isn't bad at all

>> No.17623015

as you can see with ARCH., HUMB., DEROG.,
you can derive from the context

but its basically a very LITERARY way of saying ME

>> No.17623046

Yeah, I use it. I like it but it isn't without problems. It makes reading on your phone really easy which is it's main advantage to me. I'll get some Japanese news on my phone, import it in Lingq, and it gives me easy word meanings, tracking, and audio. There's not really a rikaisama/anki import alternative for mobile.

>> No.17623053

It does since that post is a joke. Or at least, I hope it is.

>> No.17623081

Why would you think that?

>> No.17623093
File: 43 KB, 232x374, 1465051158782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese language did not evolve as did many other world languages. As far as we know, it appeared suddenly in it's completeness and ability to communicate. Thus it is thought that the language came from deity. Perhaps because of it's mystique, scores of Westerners have begun their study of this "infinite" language.

>> No.17623099

So you mainly use it for mobile? Or do you import the material you read as well? Do you use anki?

>> No.17623121

Some of the default material is alright but some of it is boring. I'll usually import stuff (you can do this on mobile), and yeah I use anki too.

>> No.17623164
File: 53 KB, 784x150, readings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to be fucking kidding

>> No.17623177

>but its basically a very LITERARY way of saying ME

Except when it means "you".
Maybe it's best to think of it as simply meaning "this [humble person]"

>> No.17623193


>> No.17623203

Sorry bud we're learning japanese here not monkey speak.

>> No.17623206


>> No.17623325


>> No.17623348


>> No.17623357

sure maybe + much like your posting

>> No.17623398

Well, no matter how it's read, at least it seems to have one very specific meaning, so I guess it's okay?
How does this even happen, though? Was there a big argument over how it should be pronounced?

>> No.17623429

Is Japanesepod101 any good?

>> No.17623586

Would it be correct to say that 家 said "いえ" is "house" where as "うち" would be more like "home". Meaning that your home is where you feel at home, and the house is just kind of somewhere you live.
Or if you're talking about someone else's house, you'd call it いえ because you don't have the emotional connection?
Or am I just overthinking and they're basically the same?

>> No.17623589

that is a valid interpretation of the difference, but it's not a literal translation; one might be translated as the other in various contexts

>> No.17623592

I love it when the way a kanji is drawn very clearly suggests its meaning, like 囚 or 川

>> No.17623601


>> No.17623672

why dont you try learning the difference from a japanese person

>> No.17623692

This is really good.

>> No.17623759

>why are you asking questions about Japanese in a thread for learning Japanese
Not that anon but I'm surprised you could even find the post button with your head so far up your ass.

>> No.17623772

oh i didnt realize implying you go to google and typing 家とうちの違い into it was so difficult that you had to throw some weak insult at me over it

>> No.17623794

If somebody is at the point in their studies where they don't know the difference between the two, how can you possibly expect them to understand a J->J explanation of it? Could you maybe adopt a trip so I can filter you? Your posts are distinct enough that everyone knows it's you anyway, might as well take the plunge.

>> No.17623814

so if google results are completely 100% incomprehensible input then they dont need to know what the difference between the two is because it doesnt help them in any way with understanding japanese and should be reading 絵本s as a start to working their way up to acquiring language

>> No.17623819

I concur with the the previous poster, please get a trip, so I can filter you.

>> No.17623827

why do you want people to hand out fish instead of nudge people toward learning how to fish

if you dont like the blunt truth then that just means its because it means something to you to read it

>> No.17623833

I'm 60 or so episodes into season one and I'm enjoying it so far. It's good for beginners. For example, this question >>17623586 was answered in one of the early episodes.

If you don't want insults thrown your way you should probably not post rude responses to polite questions from beginners.

>> No.17623842

Both words appear very early in core, so obviously new learners are going to be confused, but they aren't going to be at a level to understand a J->J explanation so of course they would ask the language learning community of their choice. When literally every response and piece of "advice" you give is literally just "learn Japanese and you'll know :^)" then you have to ask yourself why you're even bothering to respond in the first place.

>> No.17623845

That`s a terrible analogy, if you`re learning how to fish, the best possible thing is to have someone who will give detailed answers to the questions you have, like what bait to use in what situations. People don`t expect you to recreate the entire art of fishing from scratch.

>> No.17623863

i never said i dont want insults i just said yours was 下下 also you just basically told him to piss off and inquire elsewhere so youre also a hypocrite to boot

so basically youre telling me that someone who downloaded their flashcard starter pack is probably not going to start understanding japanese from it well ive been saying this forever so yeah agreed

if youre gonna start your post calling something terrible its prolly a good idea to not have your post actually be terrible

>> No.17623876
File: 14 KB, 229x240, asuka blueboard speechbubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i was full enough of myself to go into a thread for asking questions and make fun of people for asking questions.

>> No.17623894

im not making fun of anyone i am serious because its important
also i bet you cant rewrite your post in japanese so dont you have better things to do than to at best just post antagonistically and off-topic

>> No.17623913
File: 163 KB, 600x600, --kitashirakawa-tamako-tamako-market-drawn-by-momose-oqo--bd3df7acf21fdba49416f578c424772b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommend me a novel in the library. I can't stop going back and forth everyday and I need to stick to one.
Preferably something slice of life-ish and not extremely dark.
A cute Light Novel is fine too

>> No.17623915
File: 191 KB, 600x715, 123463700924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mom gets your N2 certificate framed and puts it on the wall in the living room
I'm 24

>> No.17623922

That's actually kind of sweet.

>> No.17623929

In that case, say something like "Hey, the difference between these two words is X. If you're able to read Japanese well enough, here's how you can google this question."
Answering questions and being a dick aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.17623931

Why are you complaining about your family being proud of your hard work? Most Americans who are learning Japanese get treated like weirdos for doing it.

>> No.17623932

That's cute. I might frame mine if I actually get it.

>> No.17623933

Don't you dare disappoint her, get to N1 as soon as possible

>> No.17623943

nah id rather just keep making fun of dumb beginners that cant learn japanese and dont know how to get their own answers

>> No.17623945

I'm reading 日常の夏休み and it's okay so far.

>also i bet you cant rewrite your post in japanese
hahaha holy shit

>> No.17623948

your mum supports and loves you dude like that should give you the power to do anything in life dude dont waste all that mum energy go to your dreams

i think blaming the "guide" guy for not putting that in the guide when i post stuff like that fairly often in response to those types of questions is something you should do instead of criticizing me for not handing out a fish while doing nothing for anyone other than trying to get yourself morally higher than me which heres the dirty little secret you cant also yeah what this guy said >>17623943

>> No.17623960

If you want to teach someone how to fish, link to jisho and say look it up. "Why don't you go ask a Japanese person" is just a shitpost.

>> No.17623965

Forgot your trip dude

>> No.17623966

Lowercase-san is having a nervous breakdown.

>> No.17623975

your projecting is just a shit post

hey thanks you too dude

sorry i just mean business today

>> No.17623977

Huh, I never noticed that he only types in lower-case.
Guess he should have payed as much attention to English as he claims to have payed to Japanese.

>> No.17623981

where did i claim anything also i usually dont do this but because its there and im in the mood i will its paid not payed my man good luck on your english proficiency language test level 5

>> No.17624000

>you don't even know Japanese! You couldn't rewrite that in Japanese so shut up!
Counterpoint: you can't answer the original question or else you would've, so you're the one who should be studying. Alternatively, the best way to remember information is by teaching it, so put up if you can.

>> No.17624034

I don't know where to ask and google isn't being helpful, so I will ask here.
What's the difference between 話し and 話すの? I was led to believe that they're both gerunds, or am I wrong?

>> No.17624035

how is your counterpoint a counterpoint when i could have just used the google advice i was indirectly trying to give and then later directly gave to search it and paste something suitable effectively googling and pasting it in here for you which once again i brought you the fish

did you know theres people that fall for a lot of copied and pasted material in these threads? i play along with them sometimes but i see them

anyway what were we talking about again oh yeah you not liking the hard truth and then projecting some dumb shit at me like it makes any difference in you achieving anything


>> No.17624047

ok take a look at these two and tell me what you think (i dont know what a gerund is)



>> No.17624052

Is きょうからドラえもんがめんどうを見るよ something like "From today on I'm going to observe Doraemon's misadventures/troubles"?

>> No.17624054

From a quick glance, I'd say 話し is "story" or whatever is being talking about. 話すの is just "the act of talking"

>> No.17624065

You've still never made any contribution to this thread beyond "haha hey just know Japanese and then you'll know" so I don't understand how you can be on such a high horse. Really am curious why you post here.

>> No.17624071

Describing the ability to do an action vs describing an object? Am i correct?

How about for the general case of stem form verbs vs verbs with の in front?

>> No.17624078

a gerund is an inflectional form of a verb that can function as a noun in all major positions in sentence structure

>> No.17624087

shamefur dispray

>> No.17624110

if you think im on a high horse why do you think you can bring me down with this kind of garbage
anyway like i said im all business but i dont take no shit so if youre gonna buzz around me ill swat you like the fly you are

uh im having a bit of trouble following you but i think you see the first one right and are having trouble with the second one can you put into words what you think its basically saying

i dont understand that linguistics terminology nonsense in any way shape or form but im sure im using one somewhere in this post

>> No.17624122

To be honest all questions people ask in here can be googled.

>> No.17624123

>How about for the general case of stem form verbs vs verbs with の in front?
I can't speak for all verbs and ます stem is used for a lot of shit, but generally when I see a stem used as a noun its generally a more tangible "thing" like in "talk" (話) vs "the act of talking" (話すの).

>> No.17624145

honestly not sure how to translate it but
>>17624123 helped a lot. Thanks to you two!
Last question: on top of those, how does verb + koto differ in usage?

>> No.17624150

i didnt really want you to translate so much as tell me what you think 話(し) actually is there in contrast to 話す

but anyway if you slap a 電 before it then you get 電話ができない which maybe will help you out conceptually on how this type of thing works

>> No.17624151

Yeah, I agree. And especially since there are a good number of posters who think it's stylish to scream "just google it" in response to every question here, I think we would all be better off if the thread didn't exist to begin with.

>> No.17624159

dont forget the ones who actually do google and paste here and then also post about somethings validity by the number of google hits it returns

>> No.17624167
File: 617 KB, 1099x457, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does 持ってかれてしまった mean here? Is it talking about the 新人 aspect being taken away from her?

>> No.17624170

Verifying that you've properly translated a passage, assuming it's longer than a few words, pretty much can't be Googled by definition. And if you got it wrong, people can help you out.

There's plenty of helpful dialogue going on in these threads.

>> No.17624177

ahem excuse me this is not a translation thread did you not read the op

>> No.17624184

He's talking about 由紀 being taken away from him by the 新人歌手らしい女の子達.

>> No.17624202

>you can ask for help with anything about the language except the one thing that you're actually trying to use the language for
yeah ok.

>> No.17624203

If you need help understanding Japanese in context, you shouldn't be translating.

>> No.17624218

「みたいな感じで話しかけてきて, is saying that 由綺 is now being addressed (thought of?) as a senior, right? The following part doesn't seem to make sense with how I'm interpreting that anyways.

>> No.17624225

Perhaps we have a misunderstanding here. For all but the most advanced learners, to understand a passage of Japanese simply is to translate it. I do not believe that most learners can directly "think in Japanese", despite what some language teachers would have you believe. So there is no study of Japanese without translating.

>> No.17624231

>For all but the most advanced learners, to understand a passage of Japanese simply is to translate it.
I don't know where you got that idea. I haven't translated since I reached an N4-ish level of Japanese. If you're still "translating", you're not reading enough, or you haven't read anything except really boring crap that doesn't compel you.

>> No.17624238

doesnt this just mostly describe people who use all those pussy crutch tools that the kids like to post about that text dump for them as they go so they can effectively piece together their own mangled garbage translation worse than google translate in order to enjoy their hentai videogames or whatever at a more reasonable pace since they actually dont recognize nearly everything they are seeing?

>> No.17624249
File: 157 KB, 516x440, 1472189722719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How important are easy vs hard anwers in anki? Obviously you know when you don't get a card at all, but there seems to me too much uncertainty with the other answers.
Im thinking of an eventual future where you only have one button response.
So for that, you have a bunch of sensors on your person, pulse, camera looking at your pupil response, maybe some brain waves if the thing is not too uncomfortable etc.
You then train anki over a set amount of cards in your native language to generate a baseline of confidence for the system you wish to attain.

So when you're doing the sessions in your target language and hitting only the one button, anki itself is comparing your baseline to the current input of confidence, which you cannot fudge or lie, and assigning a value of again, easy, good or hard from the one button response.

>> No.17624258

i think flashcards are gay but put a bunch of english flashcards in there and if you cant identify japanese ones as fast as you recognize the english ones then you prolly shouldnt say theyre easy

>> No.17624264

>I haven't translated since I reached an N4-ish level of Japanese.
I don't believe you. At N4 you're still using a dictionary on every other word. You're basically telling me that 0 or very few English words go through your mind as you're reading Japanese, which I find implausible for an N4.

>> No.17624273

I will start from 新人歌手らしい because I don't understand the context

The girls, who all seemed to be new singers (although Yuki is new as well now that I mention it), came over to talk to her like "Senpai~" and carried her away from me.

The 先輩~ is them coming over and being like, "Senpaaai your hair is so pretty," "Senpaaai what are you doing this weekend?" "Senpaaai what is your opinion on the N. Korean missile situation?"

>> No.17624279

There are three kinds of words: words I know so well they think in Japanese, words I know enough to associate English meanings but Japanese grammar, and words I only understand in context. If you're capable of translating into English before you comprehend the message's meaning, you're learning Japanese wrong.

At N4 I was reading easy manga with furigana with ease because visual context is one of the most powerful natural comprehension aids possible. No 'translation'.

>> No.17624305

Thank you, that's a lot clearer now. Didn't realize it was that straightforward. みたいな感じ completely threw me off into thinking something way off the mark.

>> No.17624393

I've only completed the introduction courses and moving on to absolute beginner. However I've noticed that they havent touched on grammar or kanji in general yet aside from insisting that they'll touch on it later. They also encourage Romaji so I'm not sure. Should i continue will it get better?

>> No.17624427

thanks guys. I want to get to a point where I can talk to a child in japanese, if that makes sense.

wait, that came out wrong. Enough japanese to follow along with japanese news on tv, or things like that.

>> No.17624538

>I want to get to a point where I can talk to a child in japanese

>> No.17624575
File: 81 KB, 584x595, の.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17624601

Well, I want to read all of those to some degree and was hoping some anons had some input. I downloaded several of them and have checked out the first pages, I think I'll probably start with SAO or spice and wolf.

Thanks for the warning about the spoiler. I definitely want to read No Longer Human one day, so I'll avoid Book Girl.

Using WaniKani is literally paying money to arbitrarily gimp the speed at which you learn. If anyone wants to do mnemonics, go for KKLC or RTK where you can at least go at whatever pace you feel like and not have the software restrict you to certain levels in order to draw out the length of a subscription..The goal with mnemonics is to get through them quickly and move on to real words IN CONTEXT in real content so that you can pick up the kanji readings through those strong connections.

>> No.17624628

I'd suggesting reading a LN whose anime adaptation you've already watched, that way you don't have to worry so much about "ruining" it with subpar reading speed and comprehension.
By the way, I would also like to thank >>17619142 for the warning.

>> No.17624648

A while back I changed around my deck options after searching online and now never hit hard. Before I was abusing hard, which only increased reviews without enough payoff, so now any card which would have been "hard" before, is not marked as "again".
I think both "hard" and "easy" are pointless distractions and agree with your impression that there is too much uncertainly involved with them. You either know or you don't; let the SRS take care of the rest.

Before I was adding 40 cards a day and ended up spending a good 70 minutes on vocab, which was killing me. Now I'm adding 50 cards a day and spending 40 minutes on vocab, with higher retention. Only ever hitting again or good.

These are the deck options I wish I had months ago:
>New Cards
Steps: 1 10
Graduating interval: 2 days
Starting ease: 300%
Interval modifier: 250%
New interval: 100%
Minimum interval: 2 days
Leech threshold: 10 lapses
Leech action: suspend card

>> No.17624651

>is not marked as "again".
is now marked as "again".

>> No.17624804

I skipped straight to Beginner S1. The dialogues are good for improving your listening comprehension, but I don't rely on it for grammar or vocab. However sometimes they do give some interesting bits of information when bringing in new words.

>> No.17624879

I'm confused, I know 2k kanji meanings from RTK, will I be able to read?

>> No.17624891


>> No.17624894

Its called remember the kanji not 'read japanese'

>> No.17624918

wait, so you're telling me that the kanji for river doesn't mean river? I'm confused, what did I learn?

>> No.17624930


>> No.17624935
File: 76 KB, 618x849, 1505183723712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm confused, what did I learn?

>> No.17624938

So I can't "read" Japanese but will I still be able to understand it? Please tell me I didn't just waste 6 months .

>> No.17624940

It wasn't a waste if it motivates you to commit seppuku

>> No.17624948

DJT has been going on for how many years and people are still responding to this kind of bait?

>> No.17624950

I'm not baiting, I seriously just learned 2k kanji from RTK and want to start reading.

>> No.17624963

Well you better start learning words that have those kanji in them. All you did was train your brain to recognize those symbols. How long did it take you?

>> No.17624988

6 months, I'm seriously really confused. If I see the kanji for river won't I know it means river, even if I don't know how to pronounce it?

>> No.17624993

Tell me what 流石 means.

>> No.17624994

start learning vocab that uses kanji you learned how to recognize

>> No.17624996

you can't assume because you know 2000 words that you'll be able to read anything and everything

you might find something that only uses the 2000 words you know, or you might find something that uses 50K words you don't

just read and look shit up until you get to a point where you only need to look shit up 25% of the time (about 3 years)

you can bitch and moan or you can just shut up and devote the time it requires to do something right

that's like asking if you could recognize the word apple without knowing how to sound it out

>> No.17625002

>kanji are words meme

>> No.17625008


oh, you learned kanji by themselves...why the fuck did you do that?

>> No.17625023

Why didn't you read the guide?

>> No.17625027 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 625x626, 1505277971764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you made it through all 2000, you'll know that the more concrete kanji like river and sun and moon and mountain mean those things, but most kanji are not so clear cut. Also, even then those "concrete" kanji I mentioned could appear in compounds whose meaning is not necessarily intuitive from the kanji alone. Plus you need to learn the readings, which make words. Kanji is the pictorial system by which words are written. At least you'll have a better grasp of kanji when you move forward, but seriously read the guide. why am i even responding to this

>> No.17625090

心身 【しんじん】、身心 【しんしん】、身心 【しんじん】、神身 【しんしん】、神身 【しんじん】、身神 【しんしん】、身神 【しんじん】

>> No.17625170
File: 100 KB, 1000x800, ee83f469323ee4bc53cf18d42abcaabc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hospital bedridden for a month
>come out, make mistakes on kana


>> No.17625203


>> No.17625213
File: 202 KB, 1280x1024, imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17625226

What does 聞くmean when used after the quotation particle?
I would assume that it indicates that you heard something, but I've seen it used to indicate other things.

>> No.17625241

It means the subject smelled whatever it was that was quoted
>Girlfriend smelled the fart.

>> No.17625252

Thanks, it's all clear to me now.

>> No.17625261

Should I write anything down during this Anki deck or is just seeing them over and over again enough to memorize them

What did you guys do to remember them

>> No.17625262

Obviously I was messing around, but because of your question, I looked it up and was surprised to see it's used for sampling/smelling a fragrance.

>> No.17625273
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.17625280
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always instinctively cringe when I see a foreigner in Japan


Except this guy

>> No.17625287


>> No.17625290


>> No.17625295



>> No.17625301 [DELETED] 

>live in Kyoto five years ago
>rarely saw foreigners
>move back
>foreigners everywhere

Is this what Europe feels like?

>> No.17625306 [DELETED] 

Kyoto is like foreigner central because Tokyo is too mainstream for them

>> No.17625309 [DELETED] 

Definitely what downtown Manhattan will feel like lol

>> No.17625314

it would doable if I lived there

>> No.17625322
File: 38 KB, 468x641, 1450805097858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice excuse you have there

>> No.17625332

I don't really understand the purpose of つもり here. I think I understand the gist of the sentence meaning "How many times should I tell you?", but I'm not sure if that's right.

>> No.17625333

How many times do you intend to make me say it?

>> No.17625336


>> No.17625338 [DELETED] 

Confirmation bias

>> No.17625341

I was about to disagree with you until the last comment. Chris is a cool guy.

>> No.17625346

>buying games for a 40 year old ossan roleplaying a little girl

>> No.17625358



>> No.17625371

Did you guys keep using Core 6k after starting your mining deck?

>> No.17625380

i started reading and mining long before finishing core2/6k and then when I ran out of unseen in core, switched over to the mining
actually, just merged them

>> No.17625392


>> No.17625397


I never did core and moved directly into mining. Having to grind through thousands of contextless words seems like the best way to lose all interest and motivation.

>> No.17625401

I'm doing them concurrently. I started mining after around a thousand words into core (i know i know) but you could probably start way sooner than that.

>> No.17625432

Has anybody here managed to get Fureraba (HD Renewal Edition) working on Windows 10? Running the setup does nothing, and the setup still does nothing when using compatibility mode on either Windows XP, Vista, or 7. At this point, I am ready to make a Windows 7 virtual machine, but I want to see if there are less tedious options.

>> No.17625458
File: 512 KB, 803x652, m&#039;lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any questions, was just reading this and it made me think of these threads for some reason <3.

>> No.17625475
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 1503379984856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what you're talking about fella, im a cute little girl that smells like marshmallows

>> No.17625510



>> No.17625542

I know nobody likes having their dialect or accent imitated by people who don't speak it natively, but how much of that is actually true for local dialects when you're clearly showing enthusiasm for them rather than ridiculing them?

I'm kind of fond of the Osaka dialect so I've picked up a few phrases here and there, but surely actually using them in a contextually relevant matter wouldn't make it look like I'm making fun of them, right? I remember reading a Japanese comment that said something along the lines of "if someone spoke like an Osakan but wasn't from the area, I would say "you're pissing me off" but only because that's a joke of sorts here, I wouldn't actually be angry" so I'm wondering if maybe you could "get away" with speaking it.

Anyone got any experience or knowledge on stuff like this?

>> No.17625655

Foreigners can get away with anything. As long as you don't go out of your way to learn Osakan dialect instead of the standard one, I don't think anyone will mind.

>> No.17625664


>> No.17625673

>As long as you don't go out of your way to learn Osakan dialect instead of the standard one
Why not learn both if you have an interest in it?

>> No.17625679

Yeah of course that's fine, I should have said go out of your way to learn and *speak* it even if you don't live there.

>> No.17625700

>I should have said go out of your way to learn and *speak* it even if you don't live there.
Half the fun of dialects is being able to speak it yourself, though.
I mean even supposing I would be able to perfectly mimic it, it still goes without saying I'm not a native of the region so I have no reason *to* be speaking it, and yet for some reason the Osaka dialect feels more natural for me to speak than standard Japanese.
I talk in Japanese to myself at home when doing stuff just for practice and I always default to the Osaka dialect rather than the standard dialect.

>> No.17625711

Well, you do you, but you might get some strange looks.

>> No.17625740

I guess I just made myself look like an idiot for saying that like I was gonna learn and speak it no matter what.
While I do like the dialect, I know speakers of any dialect don't like being imitated and some dialects in Japan especially face some discrimination so they might be ashamed of it. I was just wondering how acceptable it really is to speak a dialect you're not native to assuming the situation is relatively casual and if natives of said dialect would hate me deep down for it or not.

I guess that like you said, a foreigner can get away with almost anything because there's always the chance they simply don't know or won't get it even if you tell them (or so the stereotype goes) so I guess people wouldn't be pissed at you for that, but if I were to speak the dialect fluently I wouldn't want to piss off anyone, I just want to speak in the way that feels more natural and enjoyable to me. The standard dialect just feels boring while the Osaka dialect just hits so many sweet spots and sounds fun (in the good time sense, not the laughable sense.)

But anyway, I guess it would be unlikely anyone knows much about foreigners speaking non-native dialects to them, so I guess I'd need to find out about this on my own in the future.

>> No.17625745
File: 148 KB, 1200x900, C14FzeUUoAEEJkM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foreigners can get away with anything

>> No.17625794
File: 2.69 MB, 256x220, Yoshi island.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling with the "first page syndrome", and I found that the best way to deal with it is to just pick one topic (and even one author) and stick with it for now.

My choice is, obviously, food and cooking.

Do you guys follow any blog or website in japanese that you can recommend? Preferably with simple, straightforward content.

>> No.17625796

Its kind of obvious that somebody would pick up different accents if they lived in the area, but if you are in the middle of Tokyo and use words and phrases from Osaka while obviously being a filthy gaijin then yeah people are going to think your weird.

>> No.17625821



>> No.17625836




>> No.17625877

Doesn't ならなければなりません work as an equally lengthy equivalent of いけなければなりません or is there some grammatical aspect to it that makes no sense?

>> No.17625896

If ならなければなりません = いけなければなりません, then なる must equal 行ける so your question is nonsensical and I can't even figure out what prompted you to ask it

>> No.17625932

I might be totally wrong then because I was thinking of いける in the sense of "to work" or "to pass" ("I wonder if my job interview will いける") and furthermore I remember reading that なる is used in really polite keigo (勉強にならなければなりません = "I really must study" or something.)
Of course なる and いける aren't the same, but that's why I was wondering if what is basically にならないとだめ works as an equivalent of をしないとだめ.

>> No.17625944


>> No.17625991
File: 105 KB, 475x354, 1505283892554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17626044

Do you have entire sentences or just words in your mining decks?

>> No.17626061

Why would you have entire sentences? Do you mean set expressions or what?
I don't see the point in memorizing sentences rather than their individual components.

>> No.17626070
File: 576 KB, 821x439, 意識ハ 冴エテ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17626091

Are you trying to make people feel miserable?

>> No.17626099


>> No.17626108

not in the least


>> No.17626109

I followed the guide to create a mining deck, but when I add kanji to my mining deck it says "note added" but the deck is still empty?

>> No.17626122

Only for words I don't understand without context.

>> No.17626143




>> No.17626148

only if you read /ss/

>> No.17626173

Super beginner trying to drill sentence endings into my brain and i wanted to ask.

Is there a particular way you guys found of thinking of particles like な and ぞ in an english way? i'm struggling to conceptualise them.

>> No.17626188

I think of な like "man" as in "maaaan I wanna eat some pizza right now."
I think of ぞ like an emphasized "just" or "now" thrown in somewhere appropriately. As in either "just help me out" or "you're gonna do it now" respectively.
I'm sure someone knows of a better approximation in meaning than I do though.

>> No.17626206

Never mind.

>> No.17626226

Thanks anon, i just needed some sort of basis to improve upon.

>> No.17626239

Those things take some getting used to but check out this lesson by Maggie Sensei:

That site isn't all that well laid out or user friendly but a lot of her stuff on things more common in speech usually have a lot of examples and sensei has a habit of answering questions in the comments below the lessons, which are also good to read through at times.

>> No.17626243

Again thanks lad

>> No.17626244

Download "Japanese the Manga Way" pdf. It goes into detail about particles, sentence endings and other grammatical functions in an easy to understand method.

>> No.17626270


My advice is "don't", or at least stop doing it as soon as possible. Trying to fit Japanese particles into English words is tempting because it's easy, but it's like trying to fit square blocks into circle holes and is all but guaranteed to fuck you over later on because many simply don't have proper English equivalents and the limited English meanings you've assigned to them won't always apply.

In general, while you should definitely use your existing language knowledge to help you wherever you can, don't try to force one-to-one parallels where they do not exist. This also applies to words which lack simple and direct English translations, usually because they have broader or narrower meanings than the closest English equivalent.

>> No.17626290

if you could just translate them into english in a one size fits all way someone would have done it by now マイメン

i find approaching it from english makes people further disassociate many particles from speech and what their intent is by enunciating them which is what you dont want to do

as long as you keep your understanding of politeness levels in check when dealing with these kinds of things enough good input will get you there and youll understand when theyll want to come out on their own



>> No.17626298


>> No.17626339

Is it a dumb idea to start adding kanji compounds to a mining deck if I have only been using core2k/6k for a week? I've come across quite a few sentences where I recognize the kanji but I have no clue what it means when it's in a compound. Am I thinking too far ahead or could I run core2k/6k together with a mining deck at my current level?

>> No.17626516

If you can mine, then forget about core and just fucking mine.

>> No.17626530




>> No.17626653

What do you do if you dont understand sentences that well? Do you just stop reading whatever you were reading if the amount of sentencens you dont understand is too high and look for something easier?

>> No.17626681

Recommend a good manga/novel to order so i can motivate myself to study. For a long time i have been randomly motivated to study which isn't really efficient so i figured i might as well get some concrete motivation.

>> No.17626693

You lazy fuck learn how to read stuff online so you dont have more reasons to procrastinate

>> No.17626697


Depends on just how much trouble you're having, nobody's going to fully understand every sentence they read for a long time, but if you're completely lost then you probably need to brush up your vocab/grammar first and try something easier in the meantime.

>> No.17626699



How would you rate these two sentences? I don't care if it's too awkward in Japanese, only if it's more or less gramatically correct.

>> No.17626707

Shit, just noticed that ですから would probably fit the second sentence better.

>> No.17626716

I was reading Unred Night and it was pretty difficult to me. I had to look up quite a lot of the vocab and some grammar usage seemed weird to me as well.

>> No.17626798

As long as you've read Tae Kim and understand the basics, you can understand pretty much any sentence with enough time. It's just a matter of looking up the words and the grammar. If you feel like things aren't making sense, look up what seem to be the key grammar terms in the DOJG.

If you feel like something is too hard to read, you can try and stick with it or move to something else, it doesn't really matter much.

>> No.17626800

Nothing, /jp/?

>> No.17626802


>> No.17626806


>> No.17626812

These threads have been kinda slow in terms of answering more substantial questions lately...

You can try linking your post in the new thread when it pops up.

>> No.17626822

Thanks for that, anon.

I might. I don't think the sentences are all that wrong, it's just I have an exam the day after tomorrow and I'm trying to write some short texts in preparation for the real assignments.

>> No.17626925

Are there people who don't?

>> No.17627074


>> No.17627087

That bad, huh.

>> No.17627116

just start from the basics man youre trying to juggle way more than you can even carry right now

>> No.17627123

What did I fuck up?

>> No.17627125

What the fuck is the first one even trying to say?

>> No.17627146

quite frankly everything instead of trying to make a compound sentence or whatever rewrite all of those thoughts into short single sentences instead

then if that goes well maybe itll be possible to help you join your ideas together coherently

>> No.17627153

>Aditionally, in order to become a doctor, I'm planning to find a different, doctor's university and enroll in it.

I get that saying "doctor's university" sounds retarded but as I've said, this doesn't have to be good on that level, it's 99% about the correct usage of grammatic forms. Used ように because になる is intransitive, それに is used because it's only a part of the text and there is stuff before it.

I've taken most of this out of Minna no Nihongo and just joined them around, they construct sentences similarly.

>> No.17627169

mobile only

>> No.17627359

If I want to say something similar to "is gonna end up <doing X>" using ていく and てしまう, which order would I do it in? してしまっていく or していってしまう?

>> No.17627421

I want to learny only the very basics of Japanese, which is better: Tae Kim or Genki?

>> No.17627440

I've only read TK for grammar introduction and continued on hentai reading anime watching, touched no other text book since.

how fucked am i now?

>> No.17627443


you're doing fine

>> No.17627452

ていく doesn't sound remotely like "ends up doing". Surely ようになる or at a stretch てくる would be more appropriate.

>> No.17627461

of course not, that's what てしまう does

>> No.17627465


In the short term not at all, in the long term it's probably gonna get shaky though.

>> No.17627505

もっと 勘違い してしまう前に

>> No.17627517

I supposed I'm in the long term now since TK was finished last year.

So far when I sees meaning unknown, i'll just feed google with 「XX の意味」、「XX とは」, usually it's goo, kotobank , weblio and gogen that shows up.

But I've noticed difficulty in understanding all the random usage of 仕 掛け 気 in compounds.
Also, I can understand pretty much most text, but couldn't reproduce a sentence because I can't get the conjugation right.

>> No.17627537

Is there a sentence before this? If not that それに shouldn't be there. Should also be なれるように
I have no clue what this is even supposed to mean
Are you going to break your leg to get hospitalised to become a doctor? I don't think that's how it works

>> No.17627561
File: 968 KB, 1083x1600, 絶対☆霊域_1_118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's カニー?
It's not in my dictionaries.

>> No.17627570

hes doin the v sign like a crabby crab dude

>> No.17627573

it's just カニ with an extended ending

>> No.17627580

Fuck I'm stupid. Thanks friends. Gonna finish the volume today!

>> No.17627583

Good luck!

>> No.17627584


>> No.17627769

What does this example sentence for やんちゃ mean? 顔?

>> No.17627788

Today I learned the word 尺八.
I had never heard of it, so I did an image search.
Some of the results were unexpected.

>> No.17627791

If you want example sentences, try this instead:

Most of the time, there is a 和英 result which has English translations for the example sentences:

>> No.17627802

>want to know what ちょっとした顔 means
>google ちょっとした顔とは

first result:

second result:

>from this I am able to deduce that it means something like "to be famous," "to be well-known."

also I'm not quoting anyone

>> No.17627907

You spent 6 months on this and didn't even one think about reading the introduction to the book you were allegedly studying?
Nice false flag posting

>> No.17628064
File: 97 KB, 746x1024, DJIYstUUEAAtPWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

着るに 足る 服を 得ず。。。
>Are you saying no uniform is worthy of you?

"得ず。。。" how is this created?
this is the closest i can derive it from:
得る える 1) to get, to earn, to acquire, to procure, to gain

>> No.17628075

more formal than ないで

>> No.17628194

Tae Kim briefly introduces ず as another negative form.

~ず can function as the equivalent of ~なく or ~ないで as he explains:

But in classical and literary Japanese it can also just mean ~ない.
This is because ず is both the 連用形 and the 終止形, but it's not important for you to understand that at this point, probably.

The use of 足る instead of 足りる suggests that it is written in literary Japanese so I think this is the case in your example.
cannot obtain clothes that are suitable for wearing

>> No.17628201

until you've been at it for three years it's not "long term" yet

>So far when I sees meaning unknown, i'll just feed google with 「XX の意味」、「XX とは」, usually it's goo, kotobank , weblio and gogen that shows up.

that's basically what you should be doing

>But I've noticed difficulty in understanding all the random usage of 仕 掛け 気 in compounds.

it's not predictable, you don't understand the purpose of all the latin roots in english words either, especially when they're corrupted or whatever

>> No.17628214

>Daily Japanese Thread
>posted 3 days ago
hahaha ...

>> No.17628227

originally daily meant that it wasn't supposed to be posted more than once per day

>> No.17628237


>> No.17628287
File: 56 KB, 658x878, DIzP5XWUIAAgBp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, this is quite useless if I'm going to see a word and then see the kanji that makes it up like a week later
Unless I'm mistaken and "show new cards in order added" doesn't put it in ascending order

>> No.17628369

Done. Not sure if I'll continue with this series, but I might.

>> No.17628398

hey man cool looking forward to your next blog entry

>> No.17628595

I read the whole series over a long weekend in bed when I barely understood Japanese. If you force yourself to visit the dictionary less often it'll be a lot easier.

>> No.17628617

Shut the fuck up and suck it

>> No.17628628

dont be a crabby crab man i was saying that in earnest i cant wait for it

>> No.17628934


>> No.17628947

i am in the top 1% of this thread now

good thing i stuck with it for 4 years

feels good

>> No.17629015
File: 434 KB, 947x521, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand the 話になろうって時に…って part, is assume it's just saying whether things will turn out fine (いい話), but the following doesn't really follow for me. Is it just saying it's not worth worrying about, as he has to worry about his work as well?

>> No.17629027

At a time when it seems like from here this will probably become a good conversation...
Or, I guess it doesn't really matter.

I think he's about to get upset about someone butting into a conversation just before the good part and then decides not to because he's at work.

>> No.17629045

what makes you say this at this time

>> No.17629046

The って here is similar to ていうか right, just expressing mental pauses?

>> No.17629062

idk what you mean by that but hes cutting himself off because hes gotta get back to flippin the burgs

>> No.17629069

>just expressing mental pauses
That's probably a fine way to think of the って in って、どうだっていいか. It could be thought of as とはいって or というか or any number of things.
The って in いい話になろうって時 is like a normal という using the previous phrase to describe the 時.

>> No.17629073

first time here in a while

>> No.17629077

私は必ずいつか正義の味方になる. この痛みはそのためなんだから...

>> No.17629110

I probably should've clarified which って I was referencing. Thanks for the help anyways.

>> No.17629121

わたしは必ずいつかゲイになる それがわたしの運命だからだ

>> No.17629210

I just finished hiragana and katakana, and on my first day of Core2k I'm concerned that it's too slow. Is there any way to drill via Anki? It won't let me continue studying even though I have several hours a day to devote to it.

Also, I know you're not supposed to learn readings first, and I get why. But then how am I supposed to read the kanji in my head when reading? 'Think' the english meaning?

>> No.17629244

>Also, I know you're not supposed to learn readings first, and I get why. But then how am I supposed to read the kanji in my head when reading? 'Think' the english meaning?

The hell are you talking about

>> No.17629247

>Also, I know you're not supposed to learn readings first, and I get why. But then how am I supposed to read the kanji in my head when reading? 'Think' the english meaning?

That's what people say about isolated kanji readings, not whole words like those in Core. You absolutely should learn the reading when learning vocabulary.

>> No.17629255

Don't take this guy's advice to literally, don't spend hours looking up the kun and on of every kanji, as you learn more words it'll come to you naturally, also there's no way to speed up learning 50k + words, buckle down and don't expect good results for a VERY long time, but stick with it anyway if you're serious

>> No.17629276


I think he meant the reading of the entire compound kanji...

>> No.17629287

I really doubt that guy was asking if he should just remember how the words look and not bother with the provided readings in the core2k deck

but maybe he was...

>> No.17629429

are there any recommended "learning/improving" books/textbooks in Japanese written for Japanese people? i don't "need" one at this point, but i just figured it'd be an interesting read, especially compared to a shitty textbook shallowly written for Americans.

>> No.17629502

I found a Japanese guy's Youtube channel, and he uploads Super Mario Maker videos almost daily, so I've been watching those for a while now. I've picked up a few words watching him, but I still can't quite figure out this particular word that he says fairly often, and searching it hasn't really helped. It sounds like he's saying きた, which I assume it's 来た, but his usage of it makes me unsure since he tends to say it after getting the goal or getting to safety after a close call or something like that. It seems like he's using it to say something like "I made it"? Is that a thing you can do with 来た?

>> No.17629532

Is this a good deck for learning kanji assuming I already know the vocab? https://www.memrise.com/course/122927/jlpt-n5-readings/

I'm not really sure how to approach kanji learning. RTK seems like a bad idea and the Anki decks don't really seem any better.

>> No.17629574

There is no reason to learn kanji by themselves

>> No.17629586

Did you even look at the deck? Those were readings you retard

I don't know, do what works for you

>> No.17629587

>asking about a video
>doesn't link said video with a timestamp
This goes for all you faggots who ask questions, post the source of whatever you are asking about

>> No.17629594
File: 29 KB, 600x338, CZkKeSxVIAAQMne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17629597

>Is this a good deck for learning kanji assuming I already know the vocab?

how the fuck else was I supposed to interpret that you thick fucking numbskull idiot faggot?

>> No.17629598


>> No.17629602

You could, you know, look at the deck he posted. You could also think for a second and realize that he knows what the readings mean but not what kanji they correspond to. Critical thinking isn't hard man

>> No.17629604
File: 601 KB, 779x817, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know if I'm translating this right, would anybody mind helping me? I think it should be "I would be happy if people; who want to participate in the Sachiko illustration collection project, but don't think they can draw Sachiko, used this as a reference", or something similar.

I just want to be 100% sure because it took be around half a minute to think I got it when I first read it, especially with the use of 方.

>> No.17629606

If he knows what the readings mean without knowing the kanji he did something stupid because now he needs to learn shit twice instead of once

also you're a poop brain so there

>> No.17629613

>he tends to say it after getting the goal or getting to safety after a close call or something like that

>> No.17629618


>> No.17629623

I figured I gave enough information, my bad. He says it a couple times by the first minute of his most recent video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmFud666xH0, right around the 50 second mark is a particularly good example.

>> No.17629624

Wait I think I made a mistake in here, I think the 思った通り in this context is closer to 勝手に or 好きに .

>> No.17629646

When it's a question about audio you shoud post said audio as you never know if someone is hearing something wrong

As for your question, it's something they say when they manage to do something difficult or get lucky or something along those lines. I suppose a translation could be something like "got it"

>> No.17629662

>When it's a question about audio you shoud post said audio as you never know if someone is hearing something wrong
Fair enough. He says it so frequently that I was pretty confident on what I was hearing, but I'll keep that in mind if something else comes up like this.

>it's something they say when they manage to do something difficult or get lucky or something along those lines. I suppose a translation could be something like "got it"
Alright, so I was pretty damn close. Thanks for verifying.

>> No.17629810

Late reply but I was the anon who posted that link. To be honest, if you've got a lot of free time and will for a while, I'd suggest adding more new words a day to your vocab revision in Anki, be it from a premade deck or a mined deck.

Unless you have a set routine already and know what you're doing -no offense- you're better off keeping it simple as possible while maintaining a progressive flow of new facts/words/kanji/grammar/whatever on a daily basis. If possible, have a single deck or card type for an entire aspect of study. Say, if you were using Anki for vocab, grammar and kanji, I'd suggest keeping a singular deck and card type for each one, as opposed to trying to "diversify".
In the early stages when everything is new, a monolithic approach to core aspects of the language is more beneficial. Leave the more specific approaches till much later on, when you have all the basics covered. A single fast flowing river isn't of a branching delta because they all reach the same point but one requires far less effort.

>> No.17629968


>> No.17629995
File: 986 KB, 1440x810, Maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17630017

How many words did you know before you could use a J-J dictionary?

>> No.17630022

9 whole words

>> No.17630050

I'm actually curious how you put up with it for three weeks.

I recommend Custom Study forgotten words if you just HAVE to do Anki

>> No.17630058

