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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17591573 No.17591573 [Reply] [Original]

Does Japan have the same elitism you see on here where people who claim to be otaku are sometimes shunned because they are not as hardcore as other japanese fans?
Like I've heard Akiba has become overly touristy, so do real otaku still visit there? if japanese otaku says "I looove akiba!" is he shamed for liking akiba by others? that's kinda the point I'm getting here

>> No.17591669

There are otaku and there are casuals/normies and they are judged as such. Akiba isn't really important anymore. Okay.

>> No.17598138


They do. They're called niwaka.

>> No.17599267


>> No.17599273

Japan is not a country.

>> No.17599291

Japanese are like 4chan circa 2006, they think they are in constant state of invasion by newfags but in reality it's themselves that are shitting their own board.

>> No.17599294 [DELETED] 

t. whitey who's never been to Japanese 4chan

>> No.17599440

Rofl this

>> No.17599500

Real Otaku in Japan = jobless NEET in USA

>> No.17599812

I see!!

>> No.17600065

>jobless NEET
So is this entire thread full of trolls?

>> No.17600139

And your Mother isn't the town whore.

>> No.17600961


>> No.17604260

THIS is what happens to real Otaku (female) in Japan:

>> No.17604286

How can they deny such quintessential /jp/ idol?

>> No.17604312 [DELETED] 


>> No.17604377

Otaku will be shot when Japan finally becomes great again.

>> No.17604443


>> No.17604456 [DELETED] 

I'm a 4chan level otaku

>> No.17604606

I'm laughing so hard rn

>> No.17604813 [DELETED] 


>> No.17604915


Why does this Veteran /jp/ Poster wear a headscarf on her face?

>> No.17604933

I've wondered this too, like how hard would be looked down on for liking the wrong series on some boards or the like
Japanese otaku don't seem to have that pirate culture or have their interests being relatively super niche and inaccessible in comparison to the west, so I feel like we surpass any elitism they could have

>> No.17604938

There really isn't a strong elitist culture in the same way as you'd find on /a/. I mean, you can find people with good tastes, but they probably wouldn't pass up some moeblob show just because they primarily enjoy stuff like berserk.

It's actually hard to find "old school" otaku, though. Most of 4chan would probably call most modern otaku newfags because they wouldn't even be able to recognize most mid/late 2000s shows. Piracy of anime isn't as common, so their exposure is mostly limited to what's airing and what they bothered to rent on DVD or found on a streaming site.

Though, the rare hyper-autistic otaku you actually can find tend to have far more detailed knowledge than western "hardcore" people since they can actually read Japanese and have access to materials that never made it online. (Honestly, you don't find these people very often, though)

>> No.17604940


God I hate this bitch. She bring Great Shame to all Real Western Otaku in Japan. She is even worse than Ryan <span class="sjis">DREAMCRUSHER[/spoiler] Boundless.

>> No.17604946

There is no point being one anymore because anime and all that stuff nowadays went to shit catering to wide audience, marketing, etc.

>> No.17604952

>It's actually hard to find "old school" otaku, though. Most of 4chan would probably call most modern otaku newfags because they wouldn't even be able to recognize most mid/late 2000s shows. Piracy of anime isn't as common, so their exposure is mostly limited to what's airing and what they bothered to rent on DVD or found on a streaming site.
This kinda pains me

>> No.17605006

Old School Otaku is a myth.

>> No.17605017 [DELETED] 

Your MOM is a myth.

>> No.17605035

i hang out at a few anime bars around tokyo, and honestly most people are pretty nice and not elitist at all. sometimes there are sulking fat losers who sit in the corner who give people mean looks, though. i've come across all types of fans, old shit, moefags, SF, gag anime, etc etc. id also agree with dude a few posts up, most people's knowledge is of contemporary stuff.

i'd say a lot of people would agree on akiba being passe, but there's still a lot of cool shit there

the super detailed knowledge otaku probably don't leave their room, so there is that

>> No.17605256

>i hang out at a few anime bars around tokyo
Uugh, just imagining a fat white gaijin at a bar with his waifu pillow is making me puke.

>> No.17605263

There's a fat coke-bottle glasses wearing guy in a tucked in flannel shirt, out there trapped in his room in slumber, waiting to be awoken when his people finally need him once more

>> No.17605279

excellent post.

i dunno dude. neither of those apply to me. it's a lot of fun getting hammered with dudes, arguing over best girls, and singing anime OPs.

maybe if you tried to improve your life, rather than trying to be mean on an anonymous (lol!) image board, you too could have fun in life :^)

>> No.17605514

I was always baffled by that Sue character in Genshiken who could randomly spout meme quotes from a wide range of shows (and by extension the author who wrote that) since I can't imagine myself having such memory and broad knowledge.

>> No.17605541

>this butthurt neckbeard mad that we can see right thru his fantasy

>> No.17605714

Is this really the queen of /jp/?

>> No.17605723


>> No.17605781

No, the King.

>> No.17605785

I'm not a part of this conversation but I'm curious who you might be quoting. Care to share your source, friend?

>> No.17605797

who are you quoting my man? crossboarders should leave jp()

>> No.17605835

A lot of the quotes she recited are actually pretty common. An long/medium time 2channer that lurked anime boards could probably do something similar. It's pretty common among Japanese anime otaku to quote anime, much more than western otaku since they don't rely on subtitles (that can vary from sub group to sub group, from dub to dub, etc...). And Japanese lines are often a lot more quotable in general being the original and all that.

To be honest, I've never met any irl group of otaku at that high level (for a group) even in Japan. Maybe they exist somewhere, but the ones I've met are much less well rounded and don't know old shit unless they're old themselves. Great series, though.

>> No.17605849 [DELETED] 

2chan is literally 4chan

>> No.17605856 [DELETED] 


>> No.17605875 [DELETED] 

stop screaming thanks!

>> No.17605901 [DELETED] 


>> No.17605953 [DELETED] 

>doesn't even know what greentexting is

Not hear, but lurk moar newfag

>> No.17605973 [DELETED] 

you aren't gonna double troll me today anon. but i'm still giving you this (You) though so you still win. Fuck.

>> No.17606050

Is Ryan Boundless a real otaku in Japan?

>> No.17606058

A real faggot in Japan. I pity the idiots that pay to talk to him.

>> No.17606103

>pay to talk to him

>> No.17606157


Luckily it turns out barely anyone does.

>> No.17606171

This guy...gets 400 bucks a month for that?

>> No.17606181

73 people are paying this motherfucker. What the fuck.

>> No.17606196

Still too much. I don't get those people.

>> No.17606201
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The same thing he was doing before - videos where he whines about Japan.

Honestly he's pretty fucked. He's 42 and still an English teacher.

>During the winter he also visited his father, who lived with his boyfriend in retirement...

>> No.17606210
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>> No.17606258

Basically, they are lonely /jp/ posters who cannot afford going to Japan and living there, so they project their Japan life through Lyan Boundless.

>> No.17606393

I wish I had jaypee friends

You wouldn't even need to pay me money

>> No.17606922 [DELETED] 

I wish I had friends (.)

>> No.17607027

I'd be your freind

>> No.17607075 [DELETED] 



>> No.17607175
File: 69 KB, 309x422, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piracy being uncommon in japan is a bad misconception.

Most of activity on old nyaa was japanese, and raws had the highest total downloads(and they're all japanese ips, look at on any non-english named torrent or raw for proof). Its more fragmented since the split but still a very large presence.

>> No.17608686 [DELETED] 

Look at all dem IPs.

>> No.17608701

Every now and then I hear about Japanese people getting megabusted and sentenced to ten million years in prison for piracy, but these are public torrent trackers with visible IP addresses. Are Japanese rights holders incapable of tracking these people down, unwilling to do anything to them, or simply not legally able to do anything to them?

>> No.17608759

Nobody cares about downloaders, they only go after people regularly distributing things.

>> No.17608766

Japanese Jews are so nice!

>> No.17608831

Kawaii Joo Desu Ne (sugoi)

>> No.17608849

I have never had the chance to visit Japan.
Why do you say Akiba has become irrelevant, touristy, unimportant?
What district has replaced it in terms of being 'otaku mecha'?
When and how did that transition take place?

>> No.17608942 [DELETED] 

An irrelevant nation in respect to /jp/.

>> No.17609060 [DELETED] 

Enjoy being nuked by North Korea kid.

>> No.17609074 [DELETED] 


>> No.17609142

Great thread.

>> No.17609163
File: 51 KB, 339x298, 1470015214552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real otaku hide their powerlevels

>> No.17609201

That's no fun anon.

>> No.17609228

This is the correct answer.

>> No.17609255

Real otaku don't have to hide their power level because they never see anyone in real life anyway.

>> No.17609270 [DELETED] 


>> No.17609304

The original type of otaku is long dead
now it's populated by a bunch of normie faggots that think it's cool and hip to be an otaku until someone like the otaku killer shows up.

>> No.17609309 [DELETED] 

you're long dead

>> No.17609310

Trust me OP, if you came to /jp like 4-6 years ago you probably would've gotten a decent thread

>> No.17609315 [DELETED] 


>> No.17609323 [DELETED] 

<span class="sjis">:-) ALL[/spoiler]

>> No.17609327 [DELETED] 


>> No.17609331 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 299x357, 1504453908517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a faggot to actually care

>> No.17609333 [DELETED] 


>> No.17609346

Pretty good point.

>> No.17609351

Circa 2002 was even better

>> No.17609355

i wouldn't say it's irrelevant. it is a giant city and still has a lot of rad shops

all of the big stores came in and drove out a lot of the super niche shit. a good portion of it still exists, but it's all on side streets and shit.

but the main streets are filled with tourists (mostly god damn chinese, fuck off). going into a tiny crowded store is a pain in the ass because of the chinese. they are loud and never move out of the fucking way.

there is another part of tokyo that has kind of taken over as the 'niche' spot.

>> No.17609359 [DELETED] 

>all these newfag otakunts
Man, /jp/ sure has declined.

>> No.17609371 [DELETED] 

<span class="sjis">WHO ARE YOU 『QUOTING』[/spoiler]

>> No.17609378 [DELETED] 

Retards like this enforce my point.

>> No.17609388


>> No.17609390 [DELETED] 

How about I enforce my penis in your mum's cunny?

>> No.17609392

>there is another part of tokyo that has kind of taken over as the 'niche' spot.
Please tell me what it is. It goes without saying naming it on a /jp/ board won't irreversibly fuck up the district.

>> No.17609396 [DELETED] 

Can someone please ban this /b/ nigger?

>> No.17609404 [DELETED] 

I want to import hordes of Syrian refugees into Japan so that the Otaku can watch and weep while they go around raping and impregnating their beloved AKB48 idols.

>> No.17609409

>confusing otaku with hikikomori

>> No.17609413

its not a well guarded secret. nakano is fairly well known, even if just for broadway. but there are a lot of awesome shops/bars tucked away in corners here and there. i go drinking there quite a bit.

>> No.17609420

Implying a real otaku would waste time on anything besides his hobbies.

>> No.17609422 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck, you're so new

>> No.17609617

It's not as common as the west if you compare it to the general anime-watching population.

Almost every single anime fan outside of Japan pirates out of necessity, at least if they want to up to date or watch old things.

Most Japanese people don't have to do this, so there are a huge number of complacent people that just watch whatever is available on animax/niconico/abematv or their local channels.

Also, in Japan live-watching (実況) is a thing where people comment on twitter/2ch threads as an episode airs. Piracy is more like a public archive than a primary watching experience.

>> No.17609656

That place feels more like one big mandarake + extras. I guess you're right that main street Akiba isn't as niche as it once was though. The main big places there are now huge chain shops like Animate or Yodobashi and even the smaller shops carry stuff that you can basically buy anywhere else. Broadway still feels a bit more niche (it's getting more baka gaijin tourists, though). But like you said, you still find a lot of shit you wouldn't find in Nakano in the back/side streets ranging from fight stick parts shops, radio equipment shops, etc...so I can't quite totally ignore that place either.

>> No.17609679

>It's not as common as the west
Duh, it's local to Japan! It's like saying the Japanese are more likely to torrent an HBO show. Plus most /a/-kind don't know Japanese so they rely on subs.

When Japanese dominate the peer swarm for airing raws it's clear they regularly torrent shows (why would you archive the shitty TV rips over the BDs?)

>> No.17609689

Did you see how the Japanese completely overwhelmed that one /g/ anon's nyaa mirror when he first hosted it? It was nuts.

>> No.17609732 [DELETED] 

28 Deleted posts in this thread.

>> No.17610052 [DELETED] 

I wanna eat anime and watch ramen!!

>> No.17610080

Normalfag, please leave.

>> No.17610215

Nakano is shit

>> No.17610325

There were a few guys from Okinawa recently that were arrested and possibly sentenced (? didn't follow the story much) for uploading scans of Shounen Jump and other popular manga magazines to their website before its sale date.

>> No.17610652

Real otaku lack the self awareness to do so

>> No.17610716

nakano is only shit if you can't speak japanese ()

i honestly don't do much of the shopping shit, i am generally too busy (read: poor) getting drunk. nakano is excellent for bars, and has a lot of fun anime bars. there are a few other really awesome anime bars scattered throughout a few other spots, but those are semi-well guarded.

>> No.17610736

Maybe you wouldn't be so poor if you didn't waste your money getting drunk.

>> No.17610980


>>Piracy is more like a public archive than a primary watching experience.

Which is what piracy ought to be. Especially for ancient anime that no one gave a thought on bringing over to English-speaking countries.

Back on-topic, how do you realistic portray otaku anyways? A little off-topic itself, but it's for a story I'm writing?

>> No.17610990

You writing fanfiction?

>> No.17611046


Nope. Actual fiction, though I'm recycling ideas from a fanfic I wrote.

>> No.17611070

How do I get Japanese otakus to like me??

Also, is it offensive to wear glasses in Japan?

>> No.17611234

Strip naked and jump on and off of your bed while yelling the phrase びっくりするほどユートピア.

>> No.17611273


>> No.17611455

I am the only "real" otaku in Japan.

>> No.17611647

>Piracy being uncommon in japan is a bad misconception.
But it's completely true. Aside from anime, which is mostly ripped by chinks and uploaded abroad in the first place, finding general TV content is an absolute nightmare. If something didn't air in the last month, and it hasn't been preserved by a western fan, you will literally never watch it unless you get lucky. And if you do get lucky, your only option will probably be some garbage like miomio that buffers every 2 seconds.

At least the on-demand options are getting a little better these days, but you've still got to pay for a VPN.

>> No.17611744

Journal your daily life. Watch documentaries on it, practice your nihongo and try and chat with Japanese people online or in real life if you live there.

>> No.17611792

Otaku will be outlawed within 17 years from today.

>> No.17611828

Get out

>> No.17611848


I've only met two people on Japan who knew their shit. Japs are mostly complete plebs and don't even know how to use a computer.

>> No.17612396

He would have gotten a thread whining about why is /jp/ so shitty and people telling him to suck their cock, dude.

>> No.17612433

Are you looking on PD or what? Anyways, people rip what they care about. Most people don't care about the trash on TV.

>> No.17612520


<span class="sjis">OH NO![/spoiler]

>> No.17612533


he's right though

>> No.17612597

It's actually a she.

>> No.17612743

Where can you find them?

>> No.17613336

No one cares

>> No.17613439

Kuso thread

>> No.17613485

Kuso board.

>> No.17613619

Isn't ryan boundless moving to china ? or was that a lie ?
did she convert to Islam ??

>> No.17614158

He was kicked out see >>17606210
. Yes she did.

>> No.17614252

Akiba was never really the core visual culture place. That was always Nakano, with Ikebukuro as a runner-up (especially more for fujo; a lot of the smaller only events found cheap space out that way for whatever reason, and where you have only events you have authors wanting to clear their last 20 copies rather than explain to mom why there's an entire hoard of gay porn in the closet/readers looking for things they missed last time/speculative buyers.)
What Akiba was the center of was consumer and hobbyist electronics; it started out the ham radio and small manufacturer market, which made it a natural home for bigger electronics retailers, which made it a natural home for PC and specialty media (LD/VCD growing into DVD) around the beginning of Heisei, and when eroge took off in an era still well before internet shopping or direct download it was only natural that the new part of the industry started marketing its home digs as the hip new place.
And unlike Nakano, which is a sleepy-ass bedroom community; Ikebukuro, which was already famous for its shopping and nightlife; or Shinjuku, where from the biggest train station in the world rose an entire forest of newsstands and specialty retailers, in that time Akiba was already beginning to empty of the field of hobby electronics that the integrated circuit mostly killed and instead metastized to one massive porn-friendly open air Best Buy.
For a while it was good, or at least the forced meme's meme-forcing mostly worked. The locale was great, Akihabara Station is literally the best rail transfer between Nakano and Ikebukuro anyway. The used-only shops which sprung up like mushrooms covered the lack of the traditional books-and-toys retailers, and could offer bargain-basement prices because eroge were disgustingly expensive and people would pawn entire collections just to cover preorder deposit on their next waifu. Doujin gaming and music, and print-to-order accessories, became significant threads in visual culture, and while the old sense of electronics hobbyism was gone there was a vibrant >>>/g/csg/ market of gadgets and niche tools. The shade thrown was more a generational thing, the way the Usenet grandpas hate the Something Awful kids who hate the 4chan oldfag kids who hate the Reddit-/pol/ kids; Nakano was and is still better for the truly deep media fandom, more doujin if ignoring the "R18 of top-5 series published this year" category, easily a better selection of autographs and original art from non-gaming-related sources, actual used record stores rather than CD sections in idol merch shops, and so on, but on the flip side if you want a laserdisc player you're walking a few blocks past the supermarket and hoping Book-Off comes through. Even Chiyoda's local cultural sites embraced the act, an undisclosed but not-unnoticeable amount of what Love Live advertised was getting those damned nerd kids to go to church while they were in town.
Then it kind of became a tourist trap rather than just a meme. Y!JA really took off, and suddenly the 100-yen boxed Famicom classics became \1000 loose because everyone knew what their shit was worth. Lashinbang is no longer milk crates of last-chance specials up the service stairs behind a noodle joint; now it's roomier, cleaner, and more expensive than a Gamestop in a new foreigner-friendly mall. The maid cafe touts became even more insistent than the Nigerians in Kabukicho, yet even less likely to get you laid. The duty-free shop at Narita got rebranded "Akihabara", carrying "local specialties" like rice cookers and midrange Shiseido gift boxes, but this didn't fool Wang Wei or Svetlana Smirnova, though; he still proudly poses for selfies outside of Yodobashi holding up his new rice cooker and month's supply of Pampers, and she and her four best friends can still be reliably found making a deafening "lol it's a pocket pussy can you believe it?" scene in the men-only floor of every porn store, having blissfully walked past the ten signs they can't read in Japanese and English.
However, currently it's trending back toward good; there's still a decent bar scene (including but not limited to nerd bars) to the east side of the tracks, even though it's not as good as Nakano's; pricing is getting no better but pricing everywhere else is getting worse; relics of the PC-98 and early Windows days are slotting into historical significance; and the foreigner-screaming-their-native-language racket is spreading across the city so avoiding Akiba is no longer a good escape even if taking your headphones off DOES sound like being on the losing side of a Dota match.

>> No.17614279
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>> No.17614729



>> No.17614737
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>> No.17614743


>> No.17614747


>> No.17614767

Time to hop on Google translate I guess. Or is Commie gonna sub this?

>> No.17614827

good posts

>> No.17614868

Are you retarded?

>> No.17615211


It's always pleasant to see intimate posts like this, to remind me that /jp/ really isn't just all casual newfag shitters like by brain tries to convince me has been that way for years now.

>> No.17615358

I guess someone who never went to Akihabara might not know this. I have to admit I was initially surprised how fucking tourist trap-y it was.

>> No.17615481

Hahahahahaha this is TOO LONG so I won't read it!

>> No.17615653

Why are gaijin pig (posters in this thread) so obsessed with the word "otaku"?

>> No.17615680

Where would you personally recommend to visit in Nakano? I'm going /out/ on a hiking trip to Shikoku soon, but I'll have some time to check out Tokyo as well before I head down south. I'd like to check out some manga and merch, but on the other hand I rue the thought of mingling with some trashy weeb crowd and getting ripped off.

>> No.17615691


>> No.17615768

Nakano is interesting, but if you're talking about weeab stuff you'd only be interested in broadway and a few stores/bars in the surrounding area. You might get a bit more out of it if you explore the nearby college campuses (I think Keio, Meiji, and some other) and the bar/restaurant scene behind broadway. (Cool area, actually).

>> No.17615907

<span class="sjis">どのように私は熱い日本のgfを得るのですか?[/spoiler]

>> No.17615917


>> No.17615921



>> No.17615943

In terms of weeby weeb stuff around Nakano Station/Broadway, first off, DEFINITELY the consignment cube rentals. What's in them varies wildly from day to day, and it's all priced by the seller so there can be great deals (and also terrible deals as people try to go "honey I tried to sell it but no one bought it, can I keep it now?") The good thing is that there are no clerks hovering so you can just look anything which catches your eye up.

Beyond that it really depends on what you're into; there's almost definitely SOMETHING there for you if only because of the dozen or so Mandarakes scattered through Broadway, but which one? Who knows.
At least Live, the BL one, is regularly packed full of books that aren't listed on the online shopping, and the movie poster/baseball memorabilia one doesn't appear to get listed at all, so those are definitely worth a browse if they're your thing.
I don't browse that much usually otherwise compared to ordering online and picking up, though I do keep a shortlist of rare things I really want and prices I'm willing to pay for them if they show up in a window.

Tacoche definitely if you're into anything subculture. Even the comix selection is enough to keep a weeb's attention and probably get you searched by the TSA five times while flying home, but I've found everything there from autographed Aokigahara travelogues to "notebooks" which turn into modern art collections using the ruling to detailed histories of '80s PC game developers to novel-length truly wacked-out conspiracy theories.

If you're into underground idols or so-stupid-it's-stupid fashion, Ropeway is a good stalking, er, spotting site.
Also on the more-see-than-spend list are the art galleries and definitely TRF on the fourth floor if you're into fighting games.

And to buy something so you've bought something and you don't have to feel bad about "wasting a trip", the bakery in Sun Mall is excellent, the liquor store across from it I think is closed now but used to have some really unexpected-for-Japan finds, and if all else fails there's a Seiyu in the basement of Broadway with a selection of Walmart-brand gaijin chow.

For drinks, I've ended up repeatedly/with completely different groups at Beer Kobo (one-coin microbrewery east of the Seiyu exit) and Wooom (American-style bar just outside the Adores exit.)

As for the crowd? If you have any ambition of playing the normie arcade games at either Adores or Namco, don't show up between when school lets out and dinnertime.

>> No.17615990

Can I become a manga artist in Japan? I have lots of cool ideas after watching my favorite animes like Naruto, One Punching Man and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

>> No.17616050

Can't believe someone's actually gonna read this.

>> No.17616072

<span class="sjis">怖いか怖いでしょ[/spoiler]

>> No.17616115

Thanks for the thorough rundown! Any specific art gallery there that's worth not missing, or are they more just something to do if you have a couple hours to spare?

>> No.17616187



>> No.17616510

Of course!

>> No.17619343


>> No.17619422

truNEET™ must be halal. True Fact.

>> No.17619430

this is imporper use of the jp constructor, please check your syntax.

>> No.17619460

>in Japan
>be so beta you order a mail order bride from Thailand
>be so gamma and be divorced by said bride
>be so epsilon you can't settle down in one place
>be so sigma you then want to get OUT of Japan
>be so theta you dream of living in a fucking RV in California
>be so omega you end up in Thailand instead
This is as infuriating a read as your generic LN MC narrative.

>> No.17619578

>white muslim woman
japs probably got creeped out by the religion and said fuck no
no homo but her makeup is fucking shit

>> No.17619583


>> No.17619591
File: 470 KB, 750x730, 1504823212620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there are many anons here that have already been to Japan, what would you recommend for someone who really is into eroge? Akiba still the best place?
What about figures and general merch?

>> No.17619601
File: 121 KB, 500x571, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave up 2/3 through
i'm sorry

>> No.17619614

a /jp/sie through and through

>> No.17619690
File: 401 KB, 853x1280, Akihabara_20130905_011_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in that time Akiba was already beginning to empty of the field of hobby electronics that the integrated circuit mostly killed
>and instead metastized to one massive porn-friendly open air Best Buy.

Any jp-sies ever been to Akihabara between 2006 to 2009?

It's crazy man.

The shops there was peddling endless supplies of (3D) JS and JC gravure DVDs and Mooks.
Pic-related, see 3F right building - There was even ONE BIG STORE dedicated strictly for the JS & JCs, but it's now closed just in time for massive influx of gaijin.

We also saw crazy ass cosplay exhibitionism and the obsessive "low-angle" cameramen trying to get some precious shots

>> No.17619715

>but it's now closed just in time for massive influx of gaijin
Man, I really wish I could've visited pre-olympics Japan. Hopefully after it ends things will go back to normal.

>> No.17619770

The issue him being stuck with dead end teaching job is that he probably has accumulated lot of debts because he's traveling around and all the other stuff. It's common situation for lot of people, not only for people stuck in Japan. Then the only way to work it out is to continue the grind. I guess. And usually, that's never ending in this society unless you manage to do something special...(like winning lottery).

>> No.17619836

Where else than Akihabara? All the prerelease events happen there.

>> No.17619843

The issue is that he's an abrasive fuckwit that couldn't use his years of time to get a Master's degree (even online) and his years of experience to get hired at an university.

>> No.17619847

>Akiba still the best place?

For idol events (gravure to AV) inside Sofmap and prerelease events on Saturdays?

Hell yes!

>What about figures and general merch?

Just buy that shit online.

>> No.17619863

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17619895

Getting hired in Japan as gaijin is pretty hard, you'll be never anything else than a standard English teacher with high hours and low salary. But his mail order brides don't really help that matter I guess.

>> No.17619916 [DELETED] 

It's oversaturated, but not impossible.

>> No.17619924

Sounds like you're another Ryan B.

There's lots and lots of white collar jobs open to foreigners (IT especially, finance, Jewelry making). It's just that the average foreigner in Japan has absolutely no marketable skills at all, much less such intellectually demanding skills.

>> No.17619932

And much less with any experience or fluency to do them in japanese.

>> No.17619946
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It's always lol when EOPs want jobs in Japan.

>I have N4 speaking skills, and Bachelor's in Illustration minor in Business.

>> No.17619955

Honestly, when I see the quality of foreigners that actually go to Japan, I completely understand why they're "xenophobic".

>> No.17619983

I've always felt so tempted to pick up jap and try to branch out with it in my career, but I've never heard good things about jap->eng interpreters living abroad.

>> No.17620249

>Honestly, when I see the quality of foreigners that actually go to Japan, I completely understand why they're "xenophobic".
Yeah I guess because most of them don't have actual real teaching background. This could be an issue...
My friend decided to go to traveling as he's a rich boy and he was planning to first go teaching English to Thailand and then China. I don't remember which places or anything but he said he just applied for some company and they will arrange "everything". Basically he's just very clever, American guy working on finishing his university education but there's no previous teaching experience or anything like that.

>> No.17620370

Honestly it's kind of odd that these places require little to no actual teaching experience, much less an actual degree or credentials in education. The demand for English education must be astronomical for the kind of trash to get through that does.

>> No.17620385

I honestly think there's some legitimate desire in the upper echelons to prevent English study from taking hold. English teachers exist in Japan purely as lip service, so that schools can advertise that they have a native speaker, but all of their lessons are glorified babysitting while any actual "study" is purely rote and done with a Japanese native.

Korea has a much higher standard, requiring foreign teachers to have actually relevant qualifications and treating them like teachers, and the English ability is much higher on a population level as a result.

>> No.17620421

>The locale was great, Akihabara Station is literally the best rail transfer between Nakano and Ikebukuro anyway.

Akihabara is literally on the other side of the city. Your 'best transfer' is three times longer than the actual best.

>> No.17620457

Enjoy your Yamanote out of Shinjuku while carrying your shopping. I'll eat the extra 20 minutes to avoid that shitshow any day.

>> No.17620938

Dude, the transfer is at Takadanobaba, no need to touch Shinjuku at all.

>> No.17623765

what about engineering? if there was a market then I would be willing to improve my nip skills to the extent of professional language. if not then I'll stick to just reading visual novels

>> No.17623911

So, basically, if an old man asked you "what district/ward/etc has always been the otaku mecha - a place full of anime, manga, geemu, eroge, doujin, figurines, dakimakura, and other merchandise - for the longest time", you'd answer "Nakano"?

>> No.17623994

What kind of engineer? Of course there's a market, but your industry and experience level will define how likely you are to actually need Japanese. If you're working for an international (-minded) company and have some experience, you can get away with English-only.

>> No.17624137

Nuclear engineering is pretty lit

your local japanese embassy should offer the MEXT scholarship

>> No.17624191

They don't care. In Thailand/China or other SEA/shitty east asian places, it's hip to have your children in an english course with native speakers. That's why your fellow teachers (and essentially everyone who knew you're an english teacher) looked down on you. They know you're just some bottom of the barrel dregs imported there for your face only.

>> No.17624850

I'm pretty sure you meant to say Taiwan instead of Thailand

>> No.17625041 [DELETED] 

Foreigners in Japan are pathetic. Otaku is better than foreigner.

>> No.17625178 [DELETED] 

Kill all gaijin

>> No.17625387

I like the (relatively) more reserved locations. Like DenDen Town or Nakano Broadway.
I didn't see anything particularly marvelous in Osaka's DenDen Town, but at the same time it had a much more quaint and relaxed feeling that I enjoyed. Akihabara was quite packed with people, which creates its own busy atmosphere that I enjoy, but DenDen town in Osaka felt like a cozy slower area to look at goods.

>> No.17625457 [DELETED] 


>> No.17625917 [DELETED] 

Heil Nippon.

>> No.17626286 [DELETED] 

*beheads gaijin (foreigner)*

>> No.17626330 [DELETED] 

Please spare me.

>> No.17632325 [DELETED] 

This thread is a massive cringefest. I'm gonna bully all of you nerds IRL.

>> No.17633655
File: 36 KB, 799x555, 90s 4ch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags don't remember

>> No.17634490


>> No.17634871

4chan <<< reddit

>> No.17638868

Otaku = epic quirky guys (from USA perspective)

Otaku = vermin trash who ruin our country (from Japan perspective)

>> No.17638961

If you have never gone, it is worth a look through.
I found Nakano kind of disappointing from a merch standpoint. A lot of the stores were depressing and smelled. There was some stuff I didn't find elsewhere, but it was mixed in with truckloads of actual garbage.

>> No.17638982

>Otaku like other otaku
>Non-otaku don't like otaku

>> No.17639057

You are NOT an OTAKU and you will NEVER be one.

>> No.17639200

These are the REAL OTAKU in Japan.


>> No.17645527 [DELETED] 

Two nukes were not enough.

>> No.17645610

So are casuals shunned by both hardcore otaku, for not being as hardcore, and by full normalfags, for having otaku hobbies?

>> No.17652932

Otaku in the field except for anime and idol are often treated positively in Japan.

>> No.17655107


>> No.17655358

Thanks for video

>> No.17655358,1 [INTERNAL] 

