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File: 44 KB, 944x644, Reimu head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1756850 No.1756850 [Reply] [Original]

A few questions about Touhou.

I am wondering where the giant Touhou heads originated from, and how they became so popular.

I am also wondering how the phrase "take it easy" originated.

Thanks. Sorry to ask these obvious questions but I keep seeing them in videos and pictures everywhere and I have to know where they came from.

>> No.1756856


>> No.1756857


"It originated on 2ch in early 2008 when an Anon tried to make a Shift_JIS portrait of Reimu and Marisa and failed horribly. Another Anon thought the failed attempt was humorous and drew the infamous original picture (shown below right)"

>> No.1756860

Slowking doesn't even describe

>> No.1756859

Crap ASCII of Marisa and Reimu saying TAKE IT EASY

The rest is history.

>> No.1756877

Yeah, I never really cared but you can only wander through life clueless for so long before you eventually search for answers. Or ask for answers without searching for them, as in this case.

Thank you everyone.

>> No.1756886
File: 202 KB, 521x579, 1223056309461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1756896

I guess that applies for me, too. But I guess that comes with not being in the loop when it comes to Touhou.

I feel a little enlightened now.

>> No.1756904

Thanks for asking, I didn't know either.

>> No.1756960


>> No.1757043
File: 91 KB, 768x576, DSC02013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1757183

Anyone have the said original crap ascii drawing?

>> No.1757228

The wiki seems off.
It's way older than 2008, and it was there for the longest time possible. It just didn't surface until now.

>> No.1757366

The wiki is way off...

This all started out with some guy trying to make a LoveDeath2 model of Reimu, but after making the head he got bored with it, and just left it like that. Thus yukkuri was born.

>> No.1758117

Wow, thats one fucking long wiki article.

>> No.1758163

Wow, the wiki is really written by a retard. Can't you learn to write like a normal person without that /b/xED teh epic XD memespeak.

>> No.1758185
File: 70 KB, 360x200, 1229157936679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Donations donations donations
Original pic and Shift JIS

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |

>> No.1758192
File: 43 KB, 450x446, 1229158197476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In sexual reproduction, one yukkuri will rub against and hump another. Intercourse between yukkuris is not always consensual, nor does it need to be. Alice-types are prolific rapists."

>> No.1758209
File: 193 KB, 600x600, 1229158523561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Alice-types rely on other yukkuris to reproduce. They gain the trust of a pre-existing yukkuri village and secretly kill off the children. Then, the remaining yukkuris of the village are gangraped until they die from giving birth to more Alice-types. They seem to be able to control the type of offspring that their victims give birth to(ie only koyukkuris of the same species as the mother are born). This allows them to rape for pleasure and provides food in the form of freshly-birthed koyukkuris. Alice-types may also just go around in rape-posses, preying on any and all yukkuris they encounter."

-Wow... Alice is just... cruel

>> No.1758214
File: 603 KB, 600x3451, 1229158680750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's been like that.

>> No.1758218
File: 119 KB, 276x1015, 1229158716666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She likes ceilings.

>> No.1758229


>> No.1758236

fucking japan why do they have a character that looks like a fish

>> No.1758239


>> No.1758274


But Anon, Slowking is intelligent and quick-witted. Slowbro would be more fitting in this situation.

>> No.1758279


Hacked Level 2 1 Speed Slowbro.

>> No.1758285


>> No.1758297


More like Slow Start so it crashes the game.
lol rounded down 0 speed

>> No.1758324

Well, technically, even a level 1 negative personality Shuckle would have at least 4 speed. And with a Macho Brace, that's 2.

Even then, a pokemon with Stall would still go after it.

>> No.1758328
File: 38 KB, 470x280, 1229161159905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1758335

but then level and species are nonfactors

>> No.1758338


Trick room power swap Shuckle is a horrible strat, and everybody who uses it should feel bad that they can get away with it.

>> No.1758340


Well other than the obvious correlation of low level = weak (though hacked negates that relation but we'll just say the only thing you hacked was evolve and speed) and SLOWBRO IS SLOW HERP.

Also Slow Start hacked ability.

>> No.1758375

Maybe he has equipped the Quick Claw.

>> No.1760428

Is this actually the original ShiftJIS?
Got any caps of the original thread?
