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1753502 No.1753502 [Reply] [Original]

I got a question for /jp/.

I've surf my share of the web and cant find a first hand experience of the Japanese drug culture.
So, I'm asking:
What's your drug experiences in Japan?

>> No.1753503


>> No.1753509

same fag who always makes this thread

>> No.1753512

Not really looking for a visit. More or less culture.

>> No.1753514

Wrong place to ask. Not to mention a frivolous question.

>> No.1753521

Enjoy your jail, faggot.

>> No.1753523

Drugs aren't all that great. I can say that I've tried many and they still don't give me the same feeling I get when completing a route in a VN.

>> No.1753533

Drugs are bad.
Normal people don't use drugs.
Japan didn't use to have drug problems but Iranian/S.American foreigners bring their drugs with them. Drug problems steadily increasing in a decadent society.

Something like that?

>> No.1753537


>> No.1753555

To be in an altered state is something as old as time.
I'm not here to argue if drugs are good or bad.
thats besides the fucking point.
I'm just wanting to know hows the culture's perception is, experience's, ect..

>> No.1753560

Touhou 12 is about smoking weed.

>> No.1753563

Pills, psychedelics, and other drugs of an extremely chemical nature are popular over there. Weed and shrooms are hard to get. They have like 30 different types of benzos and speed over there.

>> No.1753570

So designer drugs?

>> No.1753575


Basically. Organic shit in general is hard to get because most of the damn island is city.

>> No.1753585

Do you have any knowledge on the Japanese government policies towards it?
Example: Ad campaigns, ect., ect., ect.

>> No.1753604

No, fuck off

>> No.1753611


>> No.1753931


The Japanese government is unusually harsh when it comes to cannabis, with high jail time, fines, and even a chance of being deported if you're a foreigner.

Pills, not so much. Don't get caught with hot shit like meth or coke unless you like being imprisoned for the better part of your life or being banned from entering the country forever.

>> No.1753948

>Normal people don't use drugs.
This is what you really believe! Not saying drugs aren't retarded, but you're also retarded.

>> No.1753951


And I'm talking about the white powder you snort for those underage B&s and straightedge kids who will inevitably post the soda and consider themselves the height of hilarity.

>> No.1753953

Japan only likes alcohol. Puking your guts out in the streets is alright, but don't take a puff of marijuana. Also, from what I've heard it's really expensive there.

>> No.1754108

japan and marijuana?


goddamn goodies even the inmates report it!

>> No.1754109

Do you pedos still believe that only normalfags do drugs?

>> No.1754260

They do.

An "actual" /jp/er wouldn't be able to obtain them.

>> No.1754426

It's easy as hell to order drugs off of the internet.

>> No.1754438


>> No.1754440


>Touhou 12 is about smoking weed

If this actually happens I will shit an entire house-load of bricks.

>> No.1754446

lol that's why you grow weed in your closet

>> No.1754458

Why are you so quick to offer information to an unwanted poster? Do you like making the board look like a cheap whore, along the lines of say, Nagi?

>> No.1754474

image is already ruined for me

>> No.1754512

With the university student weed scandal going over here, I think the Japanese drug laws will get harsher in a few months.

>> No.1754523


Potheads help potheads.

Fuck off with you, now.

>> No.1754536


Osaka-fu's "say no to drugs" poster.
Saw it a while back at Osaka station.

>> No.1754548

So you're admit you partake of marijuana? I always knew you were a worthless faggot.

>> No.1754566


Admit what? It's well-documented knowledge that I post on 420chan and smoke weed while playing Touhou shootans.

That doesn't make you any less mentally retarded, though. Fuck along, now, while the adults talk.

>> No.1754570

Retarded eh? I'm probably a lot better off than you are. I've never seen a person that smoked weed and wasn't worthless. Never.

>> No.1754583


Given the fact that you probably only venture out of your house when mommy forces you to and have very little exposure to people other than your parents, this wouldn't surprise me. Your posts are badly constructed, your writing level is that of a middle school-kid, and your points are laughable. Quit making yourself look bad in front of everyone and go back to bed, little underaged b&.

>> No.1754600

>your writing level is that of a middle school-kid
Oh god I fucking lol'd. Where the fuck did you pull this from? This is what I mean about you stoners, you're all fucking idiots.

Also, half the people where I work smoke weed. Well, at least they're the ones that admit to it. They're all retarded, and are going nowhere in life. And no, this isn't some great job, I'm working as a waiter to put myself through school. They're in their late 20s and still waiting tables.

>> No.1754605

You sound like you're running. Why don't you stop and rest?

>> No.1754621

>Given the fact that you probably only venture out of your house when mommy forces you to, and have very little exposure to people other than your parents, this wouldn't surprise me. Your posts are poorly constructed, you write at the level of a middle school student, and your claims are laughable. Quit making yourself look like a fool in front of everyone and go back to bed, little under-aged b&.

There. Since you look down on those that type like a middle-schooler, I fixed the grammar and word choice in your post so that you wouldn't look like one either. Don't worry, this is a free service, I don't expect anything in return.

>> No.1754623

Btw OP, drugs have a lot of negativity in Japan, especially right now.
How is it in the States?

>> No.1754626

Baka gaijin, Go away!

>> No.1754637


I don't think you work. Enjoy being a NEET.


God DAMN it. When will you kids learn that using longer words does not up the quality? You ruined it! Ruined it entirely! I shall call the authorities on you for this!

>> No.1754651

Longer words? Point out anything I swapped with a longer word. You're the one that used things like "venture" and "laughable". At least you spelled them correctly.

>> No.1754656

I admitted to being a waiter. If I were going to make up a job that I do, I'd have chosen something a bit more lucrative than a waiter.

>> No.1754666


The best lies are BELIEVABLE ones, that's the number one rule. Using reverse logic like that isn't going to work. That goes for your answer too, >>1754651. Adding words to my post and lengthening it unnecessarily, then saying you didn't won't help you here.

>> No.1754675

There's a difference between adding frivolous words, and using a phrase that would often be used. Between "look bad in front of others" and "look like a fool in front of others" the choice should be obvious for which one sounds less like a grade-schooler. And what, you want a picture of my pay stub? BAWWW Anonymous has a job and I don't because I'm a stoned loser!

>> No.1754686


Sure, let's see your pay stub. Since you're obviously so proud of working in a shithole, take pictures and add 'Sup /jp/'.

Or get the fuck out, lying faggot. The choice is yours.

>> No.1754693


>It's well-documented knowledge that I post on 420chan and smoke weed while playing Touhou shootans.

Why have I never seen you there?
The only person I've seen mention Touhou on 420 other than I is that weird sage-Mokou guy!
... And he scares me.


Obama lit up, often, apparently.
And look at him, first black president.

>> No.1754697


Hello, dear 420 fiend! The reason why you've probably never seen me whooping it up on there is because I don't use this tripcode or name on there. I just let the name system pick something random and go with that.

>> No.1754703

I see, so Obama admitted.
I wonder how Obama City over here will react to that, assuming they didn't know it already.

>> No.1754716
File: 191 KB, 800x920, 1229084925500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well you don't GET to have a chosen name on /b/ and /weed/ (pseudo-forced anon for the goddamn win), so yeah.

But I suppose I tend to hang out around /po/ more than anything.

Too bad even the Emergency part is down, but they're apparently working on final maintenance now.

>> No.1754718
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1229085010101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. At least I have a job. Also, fucking normalfag brother was off taking pictures of him and his friends in fatigues carrying around airsoft guns, so the digital camera's out of batteries. You'll have to make do with my cellphone's camera.

>> No.1754721

Wow, you're worse than a fucking camwhore.

>> No.1754723

What, you wanna see my tits too? They're at least an A-cup. Too bad I'm not a woman.

>> No.1754725


You just go trolled. Big time.

>> No.1754730

Cool. I figured that was the case, and so I posted a picture of my pay stub. What of it? Oh no, someone's gonna undo the filter and get my name. Right. Not like this thread wasn't utter shit anyway.

Don't you kinda have to care to be trolled? Because I don't, really. Sure, you might argue "but you went through the effort of taking a picture of your pay stub" - but I'm on fucking /jp/. The board wasn't gonna move in the time it took me to do it anyway.

>> No.1754732


The Day That Sage-Anon Got Trolled Epically.

Someone archive this thread.

>> No.1754733

You sure write posts for not caring.

>> No.1754737

>i don't care i am immune look at my uncaring watch me respond to further posts to prove how much i don't care

>> No.1754738

As I said, do I have anything better to do? Might as well entertain myself while I wait for someone else to post something interesting.

>> No.1754742


On the contrary, my dear anon. You entertained us well.

>> No.1754743


I'm still failing to see how this was a troll. You act like a fucking idiot, I post my pay stub. OH MY GOD I GOT A PICTURE OF HIS PAY STUB I'M AN AWESOME TROLL. What? Are tripfags all this retarded, or is it because you're a stoner?

>> No.1754744


For someone who purportedly doesn't care, you sure are getting worked up!

>> No.1754746

Fact: there is no logical argument against the empiric majority of illegal drugs that cannot also be used against Alcohol.

Well, we TRIED illegalizing alcohol; it was called Prohibition, and it led to THE WORST crime spike the modern world has ever known.

Well, with Cocaine illegal, we have a modern Prohibition: only instead of Mob Bosses, we have Middle-American Drug Lords.


>> No.1754751

I'm still pretty lax. Most trolls incite rage, or at least an emotion of some sort, don't they?

Now, what if I told you that I was just playing along this whole time, wanted to argue this just to have some fun (and try to piss you off, but that didn't work), and that's actually my brother's pay stub? Will I still have been trolled?

>> No.1754754


Then you're proving that you are indeed a lying faggot and a NEET, not to mention an underaged B& without a job.

And that means you should get the fuck out.

>> No.1754758

You don't really have a right to say who does and doesn't belong in /jp/.

>> No.1754757


>> No.1754760

Get out with him, faggot.

>> No.1754761

Underage? I don't see how you jumped to that conclusion. I'm 22. I get my money from disability. Being severely deaf does that for ya. And lying? Wait, isn't that what trolling's all about? Man, I must really misunderstand trolling if I was the one that got trolled here, and then my story wasn't trolling at all, but just lying.

>> No.1754765


Oh, but I do have that authority, actually. And I think that >>1754751 is just raged about being trolled on such an epic level, so he's now trying to save face by making it seem as though he really wanted this to happen. It's a possibility.

>> No.1754768

I wasn't looking for respect out of it, I was just entertaining myself, like I said before. I only thought I'd mention it because apparently I was trolled, here.

>> No.1754772

Playing us like fiddles all along, to imagine I would see a master at work.

>> No.1754773


Cool story, bro.

>> No.1754775

Ha, what now, you want pictures of my hearing test results? I'd do it, but those I don't actually have laying around. They're in some file somewhere and I don't wanna go digging for them. My hearing loss is in the 60-65% range, though, pretty much across the board. I retain some hearing in the higher frequencies (think along the lines of a bird chirping), but normal human speech is pretty much unintelligible to me. Hence the whole NEET-dom etc.

>> No.1754780


No, actually I think you're a lying faggot constructing cool stories, but whatever.

>> No.1754788

Well, this one I don't actually have a means to prove. Unless a picture of my hearing aids would do? That I can manage.

>> No.1754790

Stop posting pictures already, it's getting annoying.

>> No.1754792

Eh, fine. I was asked for a picture, so I posted it. You ask me not to post it? I won't. Works for me.

>> No.1754795


If you want. What concerns me more is that you are more of a drain upon our government than any pothead. We don't get free money to spend on weed, y'know...while you're getting a paycheck for being a useless sack of shit.


>> No.1754802

It's great how that works out, isn't it? Maybe you shouldn't have been doing pot, but instead go to heavy metal concerts and stand right in front of the speakers so that you can lose your hearing and get free money too! (no, that's not actually how I became deaf, since I know someone would probably ask, I was born deaf)

>> No.1754811


Nah, I much prefer my weed. Not to mention being able to smoke and listen to good music at the same time.

>> No.1754818

Yeah fuck you hearing people and your music. I'll go back to looking at paintings thank you.

>> No.1754827


kk, enjoy being a larger waste of space and resources than any pothead
