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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1754095 No.1754095 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me what the seam across the lower belly area is? Is the Japanese school swimsuit a two piece? It it connected?

>> No.1754102

It's a two piece.

>> No.1754105

Translation is "CHINCHIN WA KOKO YO"

>> No.1754106

No it's not.

Apparently it's a gap in a one-piece. I can't recall the reasoning for doing this.

>> No.1754114

The website I took the picture from said 'drain' near it when translated by google. I think to let collected water out.

>> No.1754118

water can flow from the top and out through that bit there.

>> No.1754138

It's actually a strip of cloth sewn to the underside of the top piece. It is a one-piece, but not made in the same way.

>> No.1754160
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>> No.1754196


>> No.1754199

It's for easy access.

>> No.1754204
File: 73 KB, 500x972, 1229075261679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is so hot to me.

>> No.1754208

Hydrodynamics, etc.

>> No.1754214


>> No.1754230

What's shimapan?

>> No.1754238
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>> No.1754239


striped pantsu?

>> No.1754242
File: 81 KB, 696x618, 1229075864487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“People with a taste for loli are just impossible.”
>“There’s a boundary between 2D and 3D – open your eyes!”
>“Gross. Otaku suck.”
>“I think the moe influence on them is the character, not the girl…”

>> No.1754246
File: 176 KB, 643x770, 1229076058290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of both worlds.

>> No.1754257

I remember when I didn't get the school swimsuit fetish. That was when there was still hope for me.

>> No.1754269

I still don't get that swimsuit fetish. They are just ugly in my opinion.

>> No.1754273

I went to a water park once, about a year ago. Didn't even bat an eye at the girls my age in revealing swimwear. Saw a young girl of about 10 in a one piece, navy blue swimsuit, and couldn't take my eyes off her.

>> No.1754276

Now make the lower part of her swimsuit striped and I you'll have a winner on your hands.

>> No.1754278
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>> No.1754280

That's because you're a pedophile, not because of the swimsuit.

>> No.1754305
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My own clone.

>> No.1754311


>> No.1754315

what is a y shirt?

>> No.1754317

The fabric they used to not let the water flow through right. As such the water would pool up and cause problems for female swimmers as the water came in down the front and got trapped making them less aerodynamic. So they cut a slit in the bottom for it to run out of. The fabrics used today are different and let the water flow normally out of the suit, but they kept the same basic design (don't know if you can still reach inside the flap or not) out of tradition i guess.

>> No.1754320

Childhood memories are sweet. It's like school uniform fetishes really.

Of course, it makes no sense if you never attended Japanese elementary schools...

>> No.1754326
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>> No.1754328

Sounds about right except the term "aerodynamic" hasn't got anything to do with water.

See: >>1754208

>> No.1754338

Is that like all the public school kids with catholic school girl fetishes?

>> No.1754352

yes, but explaining the fluid dynamics version is a bit more complicated, than just directing to a common term that isn't really that far off.

>> No.1754366

>Of course, it makes no sense if you never attended Japanese elementary schools...
It does if you've watched so much anime and read so much manga that you've effectively attended Japanese public school hundreds of times.

>> No.1754368

Those were the best years of my life. ;_;

>> No.1754371

>you've effectively attended Japanese public school hundreds of times.

It's almost like you're really Japanese, Anonymous ;_;

>> No.1754372

Believe me, it's not.
Elementary schools just gives it the nice hint of nostalgia which 2D media doesn't.

>> No.1754376
File: 53 KB, 531x875, 1229078590135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talking, more スク水.

>> No.1754381

You clearly don't understand how deluded we are capable of becoming.

>> No.1754384
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>> No.1754385

I guess I don't really want to know...

>> No.1754388
File: 243 KB, 500x703, 1229078990862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1754403

Yeah, I remember working at Raging Waters as a lifeguard. The swimsuits little girls wear... and I get to stare and them and be commended on it, because I'm supposed to be watching the people most likely to have difficulty swimming.

I'll give you one example: One time there was a girl that was wearing an old swimsuit (probably a hand-me-down) that was white. I paid no mind at first, but when she got out of the water, all of a sudden it was made completely apparent that the cameltoe was quite translucent. So, behind my sunglasses, I'd move my head but keep staring at this cute little girl who probably had no idea she was showing off most of her precious little labia. And it only got better, because I was working the little tether line that you climb across, and she was too short to get up, so of course the lifeguard has to pick the kid up and let them grab the tether. So, I not only got a fine view of her crotch, but I got my hands all over that DFC. And not an I was batted in my direction.

>> No.1754408

I just fapped to this and I came.

Then I saw this, and now I regret wasting my sperm on Rena instead of Rika.

>> No.1754413

How about "hydrodyamic"? You know, the actual word? And don't fucking explain it, if someone's too retarded to already know it they can fucking well Google it.

>> No.1754414

>And not an eye was batted in my direction
Fuck I must be tired. I and eye are not the same word.

>> No.1754415

How does one get a lifeguard job?

>> No.1754417


>> No.1754418

Back when I was 16, Raging Waters took anybody that wanted to work, because they were so understaffed. Just apply. It's an application job and the only qualifications you need are to get a lifeguard/CPR and first aid certification, and most places will pay for the course for you.

>> No.1754423

Why are they always drawn like they cling tight as wetsuits to the body if they're loose enough to let water get caught in them

Those swimsuits are ugly, striped panties are ugly, and naked apron is dumb. Seriously just be naked or be a maid. A naked girl is not a maid.

>> No.1754425

You don't swim much do you? Fabric expands in water, and water will always find a way down your swimsuit. So yes, they can be snug and still water will get in.

>> No.1754431

I'm scared of water. I can't even float in it.

>> No.1754432
File: 205 KB, 1280x1437, 1229080200341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1754423naked apron is dumb
Fag detected.

>> No.1754433

Be sure to check out where you're going to be working as a lifeguard before applying; at my college the only people that use the pools are overweight male professors.

>> No.1754435

There was a story like this on /b/ with a more innocent lifeguard who rescued a drowning little girl but the excitement gave him an unwilling/unnoticed at first hard on, so he was holding the almost unconscious little girl with a huge boner just below her when he came out the water, and everyone was looking at him like he was filth.

>> No.1754441

I used to be a competiton swimmer way back in early high school, then I developed a hypersensitivity to chlorine. Now I can't even enter a pool building without getting an immediate headache.

>> No.1754444

Old copypasta, of course we know it. That wasn't me, though, if you're trying to ask that.

>> No.1754448

No I just have a maid fetish. Maid outfits include the dress or at least a black bikini. The apron alone just pisses me off and prevents me from seeing the naked front.

Besides, It's not like I said anything bad about bloomers. Those are delicious. I might even tolerate striped bloomers.

>> No.1754456

I'm too scrawny to be a lifeguard.

>> No.1754457

More just pointing out the humor in persecuting innocents and overlooking the real guilty ones that people tend to do.

>> No.1754460

Nah, as long as you can swim reasonably well, and can pass the first aid/CPR stuff, you're fine. You rarely have to actually do anything intensive. Just make sure that the pool has one of those red flotation devices. The big long squarish things, the name of which escapes my tired mind. Those take all the effort out of the job.

>> No.1754463

If you're suggesting that I'm guilty of anything, then you should look into joining the Nazi party. I hear they like to prosecute thought-crime too.

>> No.1754465

I don't remember them ever doing that.

>> No.1754466

Stop being a huge faggot and learn to read.

>> No.1754471

Well, he's comparing persecuted innocents (the guy with the huge boner was most certainly "persecuted" in a sense of the word, though not legally) and overlooking guilty ones (my actions were certainly overlooked). So, it would seem to me that he was saying that the man with the giant hard-on was innocent, and that I was guilty.

>> No.1754473

Why do you think they killed all the Jews? They were plotting to... do something. I can't remember what.

>> No.1754475

Maybe you need to look up the word guilty.

>> No.1754477

I remember it being more of a eugenics thing.

>> No.1754478

I'm guilty of nothing, since I didn't choose to be a pedophile. How can I be guilty of something that was given to me? That's like calling a homosexual guilty for lusting after men.

>> No.1754482

Threads like these make me worry about my daughters future.

>> No.1754484

Nah, there was definitely Jews plotting something in there too. All of the Jews, too.

>> No.1754485

If that had been an adult they would still have treated him the same way.

>> No.1754486

And my early morning grammar.

>> No.1754487

>my daughters
Good one, but they don't let single men adopt.

>> No.1754488

You have a daughter? How did that happen?

>> No.1754493

It was both. Hitler believed the Jews were going to cause another world war or something, I forget exactly. I'm not sure how much Hitler really believed the shit he was spouting in his earlier days before he started going insane though.

>> No.1754497

No, no. He believed that the Jews were holding the anti-christ. He was a devout catholic, you see.

>> No.1754507

Yeah bullshit, you don't have a daughter.

>> No.1754506

When a man and a woman love each other very much...

Seriously though, she's approaching 3 and I'm already fucking concerned about things like this.

>> No.1754508

Maybe you should stop hugging her, also don't let other people within five feet of her.. This will protect her and help her development.

>> No.1754511

>I'm guilty of nothing, since I didn't choose to be a psychopathic serial killer. How can I be guilty of something that was given to me? That's like calling a kleptomaniac guilty for stealing everything in sight.

laws are laws, whether you can follow them or not.

>> No.1754519

There is nothing illegal about being a psychopath, only acting on it. Also, good job both of you are fucking idiots who don't realize guilty can be used for things that aren't illegal or you personally find immoral.

>> No.1754521


>devout catholic

jewish propaganda

>> No.1754524

Oh, so now being a pedophile is akin to having a mental disorder. I see how it is.

>> No.1754526

As someone who has raised a few, is raising one right now, and will be raising another child soon, I can tell you that this is one of the lesser things that you need to concern yourself with. This goes in the "its likely to happen, but I'll keep my eye out" bin.

>> No.1754527

Kleptomaniacs generally steal things that are so cheap, nobody would bother prosecuting them on it. They just have a compulsive need to do it.

>> No.1754529

Guilty, unless used sarcastically, implies wrong. Just because I'm eyeing a little girl doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.1754530

Do not listen to this fool! You must keep your child in a plastic bubble, it is the only way she can be safe.

>> No.1754533

What's up with all the delusional people on /jp/ tonight? Seriously, your figs are not "children". Your hand is not your "wife" and it cannot give birth.

>> No.1754538

Doesn't matter. In this generation she has 3 futures:

1. Underaged camwhore. (internet generation influence.)
2. Fucking otaku fangirl 4channer cancer. (parental influence)
3. Jailbait slut. (Normalfag influence)

>> No.1754550

Good job on being a fucking moron who doesn't realize other people may find things objectionable that you do not. Many people believe that lusting after little girls is wrong. This does not necessarily mean that you have to find it wrong or that it really is that wrong.

>> No.1754557

Where are you people coming from?

Also, I just you to know I would never rape your daughter. I would love them tenderly.

>> No.1754554

No way. I never thought I'd ever have a girlfriend, let alone a kid. I'd literally kill for her she means that much for me, my life became hers the minute she was born.
No way she's becoming some whore, I won't let it happen.

>> No.1754563

Hence why I'm proclaiming I'm guilty of nothing, because my actions are not wrong. Welcome to difference of opinion.

>> No.1754569

In other words, when she becomes a whore, you will kill all her sugar daddies slasher style.

>> No.1754574

>>1754554No way she's becoming some whore, I won't let it happen.

Countless multitudes of fathers before you have said this. But the sad truth is, unless you brainwash her, it will happen.

>> No.1754577

Considering it's caused by your mind telling you little girls are attractive, yes, it is a mental state. Disorder is a strong word, but as it goes against what one would consider to be the "norm," the norm being attraction to a child bearing partner, then yes.

Breaking the law is breaking the law, even if you don't get convicted of it. Even if no one presses a charge against you it's still illegal to fuck 12 year olds, but it doesn't mean you'll be charged with a crime without someone taking action.

>> No.1754585

>but it doesn't mean you'll be charged with a crime without someone taking action, nor does it mean you aren't still guilty.

>> No.1754588

/jp/ definition of a whore != RL definition of a whore.
I don't mind her sleeping with someone she's been going out with for a while and I've met, but she is NOT going to be some one night stand target.

>> No.1754590

No, you are still guilty of it. You just find that you aren't guilty of it.

>> No.1754592

Ha, good fucking luck. And I'm still insisting this daughter is your attempt to troll us. And of course, like any true "father" you'd never post pictures of your daughter on 4chan, so we'll just have to take your word for it. Anonymous' word. On 4chan. Right.

>> No.1754601
File: 382 KB, 1113x1600, 1229083072185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just condition her to sleep with you. She's sure to remain faithful to her one and only father.

>> No.1754606

How cute, the chapter I commissioned. Glad you enjoy it, Anonymous.

>> No.1754617
File: 342 KB, 1004x1416, 1229083275891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always enjoy father/daughter porn, and there's so little of it translated compared to other incest pairings.

>> No.1754622

Believe what you want, I have as much interest in proving her existence to you as you do in believing me.

Can't even think about fappan to father/daughter incest anymore, it's weird. Never thought I'd say that but see

>> No.1754624

Enjoy your naru... soul eater (by then probably) fangirl cancer. If you're lucky maybe you can get her to do this for you:


>> No.1754625

I never did like incest besides siblings, but Encode was just so fucking hot, I couldn't resist.

>> No.1754633

Grinbitch deserved a better father. ;_;

>> No.1754649
File: 40 KB, 420x300, 1229083754538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to adopt her and take her camping and teach her to fish and tell ghost stories with her.


>> No.1754663

What's wrong with her father?

>> No.1754668

>>1754663 I did not read Papa Nanka Daikirai

>> No.1754680

If what >>1754668 said is true, FUCKING READ IT NOW, NEWFAG

>> No.1754683
File: 185 KB, 927x700, 1229084244014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her father is a cool guy eh rapes his daughter and isn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1754748

I wish I had a daughter.

So I could fuck her.

>> No.1754769

That's fine, the only 3D girl I've ever had interest in (and still do) loves the sukumizu I bought her and wears it regularly in the pool.

>> No.1754777

Aren't little sisters great? I wish I could buy mine a randoseru to wear with her uniform to school, but I don't want her getting laughed at.

>> No.1754791

Have you fucked her yet while she wears it?

>> No.1754807
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1229087008254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's some pussy for you. Don't be shy, I know this is what you've been looking for, I know this is what you were expecting.

>> No.1754809

Ew, she's well over /jp/'s age of interest.

>> No.1754833


>> No.1754853

She's not my little sister. But she does want a randoseru as well.

>> No.1754890

How old is she?
