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17507058 No.17507058 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou gameplay discussion

>> No.17507070

Who's your favorite character, and what's your least favorite shot for that character, /jp/?

>> No.17507074

How lazy could you be with the OP? At least you didn't put the subject in the name field I guess.
Previous thread >>17484163

>> No.17507117

>doing SA run
>get to utsuho with 3 lives
>choke horribly
>whatever, I'll just use a continue
>clear it

Close enough to a 1CC ;_;

>> No.17507152
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Very few people are going to be able to answer that second question, consider how few characters have favorite characters that are recurring PCs.
But I do. Marisa, and Marisa B in UFO I suppose. It really didn't feel like a Marisa shot to me, is pathetic under max power, and has what might be the worst bomb in the series.

But anon, this isn't a general.

>> No.17507178

>this isn't a general.
Did I say it was? All you need is the appropriate subject so it's easily searchable from the catalog and archives, a relevant image (or gif/webm) and a link to the old thread for simpler navigation for those interested. OP managed 1.5/3.

>> No.17507188

That's fair, I meant to say player character, if that made things better.

>> No.17507199


Was ZUN pressed for time or something? Some of this stuff is just dumb, like the Satono bug in Spell Practice.

>> No.17507227

I can't get past the first 6 seconds without gagging, but I'm pretty sure that I know what he's going to cover.
And yeah, the Satono bug is a massive oversight. From what I can tell, ZUN forgot to remove Mai, so the game gets confused when you defeat Satono and Mai is still alive.
You can even kind of see this, if you fire off into the top right corner you can hear the sound of a boss getting hit. Despite that, I don't think you can kill her.

Oh, and you can get enough points to gain a life in spell practice.

Does that video have the extra midboss spell practice crash too?

>> No.17507254

It's the same every new game. In TD capturing Mamizou's survival crashed the game, and in UFO getting over 1 billion points crashed the game, something similar with the menu graphical glitch can be found in ISC etc. etc.

>> No.17507260

PCB Sakuya A is my favorite.
The B shot in DDC is terrible

>> No.17507345

Also winter is broken because you can use its release on top of the boss 4 times to 'capture' spellcards

>> No.17507347

Which bugs do you think will end up getting fixed?

>> No.17507349


>> No.17507359

There's actually a gap where you can't release again, which could result in a death while you're hanging out right in the boss's face.

>> No.17507368

>The B shot in DDC
Is by the worst shot of any character, in any game. Even Merlin in PoFV is better.

>> No.17507401
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I really love sanae but her shot in TD is just pure shit, glad she was good again in LoLK

>> No.17507414

It's literally just a forward focused shot with a decent bomb. It's better than Solo Sakuya IN by a good margin, even ignoring the score potential.
And only scrubs hate Merlin in PoFV. She's easily better than the likes of Aya (in netplay, not vs AI) or Mystia.

>> No.17507438

Nah, worst shot of the series is Chiyuri.

>> No.17507786
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I forgot the path to reach my Touhou pictures, send help

>> No.17507792

What's the Satono bug?

>> No.17508172
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Yuyuko! and I guess her shot in IN is my least favorite from hers, though that is my favorite shot overall too
> At least you didn't put the subject in the name field
but anon, that makes them even more lazy

>> No.17508346

Needle Reimu or Homing rod Reimu.

>> No.17508505

This is the same dude that made the DDC one right? How much of a damn cocksucker can they be holy shit.

>> No.17508567

Merlin should have gotten story mode instead of that cuck Lyrica

>> No.17508842
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Gameplay wise, I enjoy Marisa's shots in the PC98 games and 6 more than other shots in the series, but can't stand any after that. If I had to choose one of each, 4's type A would be my favorite and 15's would be my least. Character wise, Youmu is my favorite character that has been playable more than once, and I honestly like both of her shot types equally.

>> No.17508998


If he's sucking dick, then it's one of the most inefficient ways to suck dick on Youtube.

>not deciding to appealing to an even shittier cocksuck fanbase like undertale or some generic normie fangame
>not making a 5-second meme video to appeal to secondaries because pretty much nobody on Youtube cares about deeper gameplay content
>not even a "guys look how fast I 1cc'd this game" video like Jaimers does which is basically free ~50k views per video or just showcasing danmakufu meme scripts like some other channels do and be called a literal god for it
>DDC is broken is the only video he made in this """"series"""" and it doesn't even have 20k
>"nah but THIS video is clearly just meant for sucking youtube's dick xDDDDDDD"

You could even have called out his letsplays and it would have made more sense. This is just a Touhou gameplay channel showing Touhou gameplay content. I wish there was more content like this on Youtube honestly, even if his particular style is not to my taste.

>> No.17509022

Satono's spellcards in Stage 4 simply don't work in spell practice. When she runs out of health, she simply vanishes and the card continues with no danmaku being generated and no way to cap.

>> No.17509025

Mino's a guy? His voice is androgynous as fuck so I was never sure this whole time.

>> No.17509104

I don't think ZUN will fix a lot of bugs. Anything that could desync replays and doesn't give players a really shitty disadvantage (like the crows disappearing with Aya) will probably be ignored.

The Satono bug will probably be fixed because ZUN does tend to fix serious game-crashing bugs. The visual "retry" bug also has a decent chance of being fixed. But winter lasers will definitely stay broken, the Extra stage survival immunity glitch will remain, and "rebalancing" seasons or certain patterns is something that is just out of the question.

SakuyaB in DDC is only terrible for straightforward survival. Score-wise she's pretty cool.

>> No.17509157

I'm on the same train anon, I reached her with 3 lives many times and I died against her last spell twice in a row, I can feel the 1cc.

>> No.17509184
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x983, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this easiest extra in touhou? Even IN forced me to learn patterns. Meanwhile I didn't even have to capture a single spellcard here thanks to Reimu backfire cheeses, 8 lifes and nearly infinite bombs.

>> No.17509192

Ran is still easier.

>> No.17509226

Suwako is still easiest.

Stale meme.

>> No.17509229

She also disappears if you "kill" her first while spell practicing cards in which both she and Mai are present. If you then kill Mai, the game crashes.

>> No.17509238

>Suwako is still easiest.
No way.

>> No.17509276

Ran is the easiest, deal with it.

>> No.17509394

Also related, you can quick kill either sister before the spell starts in practice thanks to release.

Sure. Easier patterns, and if you're taking into consideration Reimu's facesitting exploit, it's only fair to also consider Marisa B(ugged).

Meme response, stay mad.

>> No.17509449

With Reimu it's definitely the easiest.

>> No.17509452

The only meme here is from casuals that ACTUALLY think Ran is hard. No wonder you have to bring up MarisaB, bet you can't beat Suwako without it. So much for being the easiest, huh?

>> No.17509481

Last time I checked the meme went like this: "I just barely 1cc'd Ran after trying hard for a whole week! Then I started Phantasm stage just for fun not expecting anything and 1cc'd on my first try! Yukari is easier than Ran lol xD"

>> No.17509531

Try checking reality one of these days.
Some place far away from here, if possible.

>> No.17509587

Pretty sure a score player already btfo'd you.

I've cleared almost every extra with every shot, aside from SoEW because I don't care enough, and HSiFS because not enough free time.

>> No.17509638

The day sky isn't red just because you say so while holding the IN Extra WR or whatever.

>> No.17509653

>with a decent bomb
Excuse me? It's the weakest in the game even at the best of times, since it has a tiny invincibility window and does no damage, but for cards like Seija's up-arrow bullshit, the time-stop effect actually makes it a negative.
Her shot itself isn't even bad, except when a card makes it hard to stay in front of the boss and you can't get out of it because your bomb is useless.

>> No.17509674

It's a scoring bomb, not a survival one.
Silly distinction to make, I know, but it has viable uses.

>> No.17509681

score player? how is that relevant when we are talking about first clears?
Also, score players and high level survival players tend to have their heads too deep inside their asses, their opinion doesn't matters for low level stuff like this.

>> No.17509727

Because he brought up some valid points, and even pointed out patterns where Ran is tougher than Yukari (Xandu and Spiriting Away, primarily.)
Ran's not hard, but she's not a Suwako tier pushover either.

>> No.17509732

Sure, SakuyaB is intended for scoring, after all. That makes the bomb good in that niche, but I wouldn't say that's enough to make it 'decent' overall.
Anyway, scoring is way beyond me, I'm mainly just upset that she's kept me from seeing the sixth ending to DDC.

>> No.17509770 [DELETED] 

Extra MoF might not be the hardest but you can call it easy when PCB, IN and HSiFS exist unless you call bug abuse with Marisa B a clear.

>> No.17509780

Extra MoF might not be the hardest but you can't call it easy when PCB, IN and HSiFS exist unless you call bug abuse with Marisa B a clear.

>> No.17509814

Of course not, Ran is easier.

But keep shielding yourself from the truth with that score player cock instead of playing the fucking games.

>> No.17509856

Obviously not the anon you were replying to, but I can't clear Mokou, can only clear Ran with Sakuya A, yet can easily clear Suwako with any shot type. Only, like, two of her cards even require dodging, the rest are just about knowing the gimmick; plus, because of the bomb/power system in 10, you can just bomb straight through Kanako and the hairier parts of the stage, and it doesn't even cost anything by the time you get to Suwako.
As for Okina, I've only attempted her with Reimu so far, and while she took me fewer tries than Suwako to clear, it also felt a lot cheaper because I relied a lot more on bombs and releases during the actual fight.
Of course it's partly down to personal ability, but I really don't see how you could rank Suwako over anyone else except maybe Okina in terms of difficulty.

>> No.17509885

I'm new to Touhou and was wondering what kind of advice you guys could give. I've been playing for a little more than a month. I've checked out most of the games, but I've generally been sticking to EOSD for the moment. The farthest I've gotten is stage 6 midboss on normal and stage 5 midboss on hard.

>> No.17509888

Well shit IN was my first cleared extra and every game on new engine felt 10 times harder due to larger hitbox and higher danmaku speed in general. I simply don't know how game with 1 second long deathbombing and hitbox so tiny you can move through bullets can be considered harder.

>> No.17509894

Even ignoring MarisaBuse, MoF extra is split between easy to dodge patterns and gimmicks with easy execution. The busted bombing does not help either. HSiFS is the only one that could compete for that title, thanks to release spam. I do not feel fully comfortable commenting on HSiFS's difficulty, though, as I'm at a level where a good number of extras feel fairly easy to me.

>> No.17509898


>> No.17509910

>survival card
>you can shoot her
Maybe not the easiest, but holy shit, I was expecting a bit more from not!Junko.

>> No.17509916

>bug abuse
I've been seeing this for a long time, what is it?

>> No.17509920

I didn't use any of the exploits from video in this thread but 8 lifes and release already made it the easiest extra for me.
>Keeping Marisa-B's power level between 3.00 and 3.95 will result in terribly strong unfocused shots, beating bosses in literally a matter of seconds after they appear.

>> No.17509946
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I got tired at failing SA so I went back to HSiFS and had some fun with Marisa, it seems like even if you die a lot and use all your bombs in this game you can still beat it without any problems, it's weird because I don't think the Stage 5 boss fight is particularly easy.

>> No.17510025
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New scoreboard for HSiFS is up. Claim your WR spots /jp/

>> No.17510984

Gimme tips for PoFV normal, I can get to Stage 6 without dying and then die once per stage. From what I found out by googling, the most important things are
>using only level 2 spells
>using level 2 spells often
>not dying before final stage if possible
>trying not to develop carpal tunnel syndrome
I use Marisa since her scope seems to be the best for not accidentally activating spirits on your sides

>> No.17511010
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Is Th16 good or not gameplay-wise?
Haven't had the time to touch it yet.

>> No.17511018

Don't spam the Z key, it allows for easier chains.
Similarly, don't hold down shift because that limits the amount of fairies that spawn on your side. However, tapping shift to activate a spirit in the way of a fairy chain awards great score, so keep that in mind.
spamming level 2 spells works for every character, but the reason level 2 is used is for keeping your score. If you were Aya then you could use level 3 spells, but since you're Marisa I recommend using level 2 spells. The best time to activate your spell is when you have a fairy chain going, that way you don't have to worry about your score resetting.

>> No.17511021

Some characters are, in my opinion, easier to use for getting points which get you more lives, like Reisen or Cirno. Reisen's level 1 attack lets you chain more and Cirno's freeze is very useful for clearing bullets.

If you want to cheese it, Medicine and Aya break the AI. Good luck!

>> No.17511037

It's pretty fun, but don't expect it to be a huge challenge. I think it's the easiest of the games.

>> No.17511040

>Medicine and Aya
He'll have to beat the game a few times with other characters before he unlocks either of their campaigns.

>> No.17511042

You're probably on the right track. Playing against the computer, it's 100% a game of survival, so use fairy-class spells as necessary to get out of tough situations, and learn how best to avoid each character's attacks. You can also practice scoring in the earlier stages to get an extra life.
If you're dying at stage 6, that's Aya or Sakuya? Don't let Aya pin you up against the wall with her fairy-class, ever, and always be proactive about dodging her EX balls. For Sakuya, just don't get psyched out by the oblique angles of her EX knives.
For my clears, I found one death to Komachi acceptable. The enemy death timer gets shorter each time you lose to them as well, so if you're pretty sure about dying to Komachi and Eiki at least once, save your best effort for the second round.
And listen to both the above anons as well.

'Good' is pretty vague, but I think it's fun. Certainly a better experience than LoLK.

>> No.17511061

Way better than LoLK

>> No.17511136
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Thanks everyone

>> No.17511440

You've pretty much got it.
Though, as Marisa, I would suggest throwing out a lot of level 1s as well. They're very good for clearing masses and will rip right through level 4s and Lily. Easily the best level 1 attack in the game for offensive purposes, and second only to Youmu's for defensive play.

>> No.17511448

Agree with this anon, Marisa's level 1 can be used to kill bosses in seconds.

Lyrica and Reisen can also do this, but not as effectively.

>> No.17511450

It's fun, but incredibly gimmicky. It has surpassed MoF as the biggest spam fest in the mainline series.
Also expect to accidentally ram into bosses a ton while learning the game, and I'm pretty sure the mercy invincibility after deaths has been dramatically reduced.

>> No.17511485

Reisen's is strong, but it's nowhere near reliable enough to hit the boss on a regular basis (and is subject to an annoying glitch anyway.)
Lyrica's is good, but not reliable against some foes.
Yuuka is obviously good at it, but she's overall a monster at killing things.
Tewi's is actually fantastic if you have a level 2 charge to spare. Use the level 2 near the boss, then rush on top of them during your invincibility/level 1, it does a ton of damage.

>> No.17511517

>Also expect to accidentally ram into bosses a ton while learning the game
Not everyone plays Fall
>and I'm pretty sure the mercy invincibility after deaths has been dramatically reduced.
It hasn't, you might be talking about the bug where using a release cuts your i-frames short

>> No.17511547

Spring and Extra have the same issues, you get really close to the boss for releases/to abuse reimu's shot, and can die if the boss moves

>> No.17511711 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17511727

I was about to ask who the fuck Mino was, but then I realized he's the faggot who made that video.
Well, I guess this chart just goes to show that the impression his video's first 6 seconds gave me was spot on.

Why are western "celebrity" players such cancer?

>> No.17511919

The non-celebrity ones aren't popular with the public for being quiet and to the point.

>> No.17512150
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This took longer than I would have liked, but oh well. I went and captured all of the spellcards I needed for Phantasm last night, so I'm probably going to go for Yukari tonight as well.

>> No.17512272
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I just wanted to attempt the fight, but I ended up clearing my first run. Excluding PC-98, the only extra stage I have left is LoLK.

>> No.17512296

>the only extra stage I have left is LoLK.
Good luck, you saved the hardest for last.
Unless you play as Sanae, then it's not too bad.
Or if you play as Reisen, which makes it a cakewalk.

>> No.17512310

Yeah, that's the reason I saved it for last.
I'm debating on who I should use. Reisen would be the easiest, but I have more fun with Sanae.

>> No.17512319

I'd almost say avoid using Reisen, if only because she makes it way too easy.
Sanae is pretty easy, but you'll still get a sense of accomplishment out of it.
Go Reimu or Marisa if you're a cool guy.

>> No.17512345

I think I'm going to use Sanae. I'm not really a fan of playing LoLK, but since Sanae has my favorite shot in the game, hopefully it'll make the experience more fun.

>> No.17512346

Is Yuyuko's final static?

>> No.17512348

Don't quote me on this, but I believe she does follow you around, making it technically not static.
That said, the pattern itself may as well be static.

>> No.17512358

so what's the 411 on releases? they seem to boost DPS if you hold them, so I'm paranoid of using them. Should I drop them instead of bombs when I need some breathing room? after bombs are depleted? or should I be using them regularly?

>> No.17512368

About HSiFS and the spell practice bug, could be possible to kill mai while she is off screen? I mean, reimu keeps shotting her with ther homming and even the damage sounds plays, but not sure if she has way too much HP or maybe she is inmune to any damage.
Tried getting enough score for a live but I suck while trying to milk satono's lasers, if someone could get enough score and die it could be possible to hit mai with a bomb

>> No.17512372

Releases convert bullets into point value, so just drop them on top of bosses for tons of lives and shit.
Releases are ill-suited for saving you, as they grant no invincibility and are not subject to death bombing (in fact, it almost feels like they have a brief, yet potentially deadly, start-up period.)

>> No.17512379

Oh right. Well, I'll try my best to assume a neutral position.

>> No.17512384

I've been rocking Summer, and I gotta say you spam release on that, albeit planned spam. You can skip certain spellcards, like Aunn's final or the second spellcard in the first level entirely with releases.

>> No.17512430

depends on the release
spring: deals damage to enemies and the range varies depending of the level of the release; since levle 6 covers a lot of the screen it can be used for certain areas like the fairies after lily white or nemuno' second non-spell. I'd say it could be used as a good lifesaver if you ran out of bombs and got stuck but otherwise it's very situational and only works well on lunatic due the high amout of bullets

sumer: deals damage to enemies and has the same range for any level, allows you spam it making it very good for speed killing certain bosses/spells aswell as a good method to save bombs. While the release maybe useful for certain enemies, it doesn't really go well with scoring since most of the time you'll need to get very close to the boss/enemie in order to milk points from them since the range it's quite small and the duration it's very short

fall: damages enemies and the duration varies depending of the level, the range it's pretty much the samge for any level. Broken af, allows for good survivability and good score since you may move while it's active, easy to chain too; pretty much the best option when it comes to releases just be careful to not touch an enemie while moving around with it

winter: deals damage to enemies, both range and duration varies with the level. Just as spring, it depends a lot of the situation, most of the time you'll need to get really close the the enemies if you want to milk points; duration and range at level 1 makes it suck really hard, but levle 5 and mostly 6 are pretty good for enemies like lily white or Okina since they spam a lot of shit form the same point; same as spring it's more useful when it comes to lunatic due the amout of bullets but otherwise it could be a good lifesaver when you ran out of bombs, plus those lasers deals a good amout of damage

>> No.17512432

Sakuya's timestop lets you bypass Medicine's poison in PoFV.

>> No.17512442

Sakuya's timestop makes both players immune to bullets for the duration.
Sakuya's timestop doesn't affect the global timer, resulting spellcards coming out incorrectly if they're active while the stop starts (this is most noticeable in Aya's level 2, but can be seen in almost every spellcard in the game.)
On a related note, Sakuya's timestop doesn't stop the timer on Cirno's freeze, which can result it oddities with her level 2 and 3, often including it going off and freezing half the knives your spell was setting while it's setting them.
And finally, Sakuya's timestop does not affect an opposing Sakuya in mirror matches, making her level 2 arguably more helpful for the opponent than her, and her level 3 doesn't fare much better.
Sakuya's timestop is broken. And that's hilarious.

>> No.17512499

>see all this discussion
>feel like a complete shitter and unskilled player just because I had my first 1CC in TH16 on Easy

I'l continue to practice, before doing this I almost 1cc'd it on normal. Should I stick with Aya-F or do I go with other stuff? Marisa-S was pretty fun to me until I learned you can spam releases with every other season.

>> No.17512508

HSiFS is broken game for many reasons and you'd better start with something else.

>> No.17512513

Is LoLK a good point to start?
All I want is to get mad gud, eventually with a lot of practice and get a paizuri from Kokoro.

>> No.17512514

I'd recommend PCB

>> No.17512525

Any other game is fine but clearing them in release order is the best way in my opinion.

>> No.17512526

Good job. I haven't been able to 1cc any game, not even in easy.

>> No.17512527

Oops meant to reply to >>17512513

>> No.17512548

LoLK is an absolutely awful place to start desu. even on easy it's a kaizo game. Imperishable night is the easiest of the modern touhous (barring HSIFS which is mostly just broken), and EoSD is the simplest and most straightforward. Start with one of those.

>> No.17512559

Do you guys think that ZUN will eventually patch HSIFS in order for the game not to be broken?

>> No.17512564

Even bugs and exploits aside the whole game mechanics is broken and it won't be changed.

>> No.17512628

HSiFS happened and it won't change. It was a mistake, but it can happen and has already happened other times. Remember that LoLK is the game that came just before this one and you'll have still the faith the saga deserves.

>> No.17512633

>People in this thread saying beating Hecatia with Reisen doesn't count because she makes it "too easy"
I don't get this, even with Reisen she's still pretty tough, and no one is going to give you points for struggling through it with Reimu or especially Marisa. I'd rather figure it out with Reisen than just mash X with Sanae during every non-spell.

>> No.17512971

HSiFS isn't more "broken" than DDC, MoF, SA or TD or PoFV if you're looking for a survival challenge.

>> No.17513056

SA is hard even with bomb spam. It was commonly considered the hardest game until LoLK came out.

>> No.17513224

Seriously, is there any point in playing difficulties higher than Normal?

These game are already extremely challenging without making it ridiculous, and you get the true endings and can experience every pattern. What more could you ask for?

>> No.17513284

>Is there any point in playing above normal
It's too easy for some people.

>> No.17513297

>can experience every pattern
Secondary detected

>> No.17513308
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>hard even with bomb spam


>> No.17513375

quality replay

>> No.17513440
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Why do people keep saying good things about the game then such as "it's fun"?
Do you get good time while playing it or is it denial?

>> No.17513533

I don't see any statement about enjoyment from the game in those posts. Just a facts.
Personaly I enjoyed the game when it just came out but after beating it I really think it's the worst windows game in the series.

>> No.17513569

1CC'd it on my first try of the day, I tried to focus more on scoring when I had the chance to do so and used the level 1 spell on bosses a lot, it paid out. Almost did it again on my very next try with Cirno but I died 3 times to Shikieki.

>> No.17513766

>HSiFS is the worst.
>LoLK is the worst.
>DDC is the worst.
I'm quoting your brand of poster.
When 17 comes out, it will also be decreed teh worst.

>> No.17513824

It wasn't a bad experience but it had a big exploit hole that all characters can take advantage of, compared to for example DDC where the big exploit is basically only in marisa b.

>> No.17513849

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17513913

>compared to for example DDC where the big exploit is basically only MarisaB

ReimuA shiftspam nukes stages and can cancel out entire boss attacks before they actually get dangerous, and SakuyaA's slowdown basically made it feel like you were playing one mode below the actual difficulty, with the addition of a broken bomb. Also, you could speedkill things with SakuyaA even faster than you could with ReimuA.

DDC was just as exploitable as LoLK, if not worse. HSiFS might be a notch worse but not to the extent where its broken-ness is unavoidable. You can still just do a "non-cheese" 1cc if you wanna.

Also, sucking up as much bullets as you can with cancels is pretty fun.

>> No.17513947

Another thing with ReimuA in DDC; she can summon multiple goheis at the same time for even more ridiculous damage

>> No.17513990

This is the best 2hu since 12, and the most lore important character in a long long time.

>> No.17514081

is the multi gohei trick "doable" without TAS though?

>> No.17514083

>this is the best 2hu since 12
Based on what?

>> No.17514092

Yes, you can see it done in the extra WR on both the midboss and after the second spell on Raiko.

>> No.17514165

>as they grant no invincibility
Spring does.

>Why do people keep saying good things about the game then such as "it's fun"?
Prolly because it's fun. I mean yeah, it can be snapped in half with too much ease but it's not like you can't just do a No-Release run if it bothers you that much.

>> No.17514246

Does spring?
I've not experimented with it much, as it seemed really bad to me.

>> No.17514420

Even the worst touhou game is still a touhou game, and touhou is fun. Even if you think it's a bad game, you can still have fun with it. Everyone has an awful game that they have unironic enjoyment out of while thinking it's a bad game.

>> No.17514641
File: 99 KB, 800x641, 1cc chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trying to get a Cirno hard 1cc, but she's just not very fun to use, so I decided just to get another Marisa Lunatic 1cc instead.
Maybe I should just go for a waifu blackout before touching the other girls this time?

>> No.17514746

I've gotten a couple 1ccs in HSiFS. Should I go back to PCB, or give TD a try? I've never seriously tried to 1cc TD, but I have gotten to stage 5 on one of my earlier runs without needing a continue.

>> No.17514752

Do whatever you enjoy more.

>> No.17515036

PCB if you wanna take it easy, TD if you feel like learning trance a little bit.

Congrats on the 1ccs.

>> No.17515460
File: 706 KB, 640x480, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did a 1cc with Cirno which was the last character left to get a clear with, now I have to try all the possible shot type combinations I guess. By the way, Cirno's dialogues were hilarious in this game, she had me laughing the entire playthrough.

>> No.17515515

so is thcrap actually a botnet or is it just shitty translations?

>> No.17515523

It's a botnet, steer clear if you value your freedoms.

>> No.17515534

You fall for the stupidest memes, anon.

>> No.17515546

I don't think the translations are even that shitty, aside from the occasional meme or something. If they bother you, you can still use the software to load in your own scripts, either by setting up your own onboard "patch server" or by just editing the cached scripts and running it offline.

>> No.17515564

>I don't think the translations are even that shitty

>> No.17515653

Give us your own take on it if you think the one in the wiki/thcrap is incorrect.


>> No.17515657

What's the real translation to that line then? did they entirely made up that sentence like the infamous "Bitch get out of the way" in Imperishable Night? I'm curious because if that's the case I would gladly try another translation that is closer to the original dialogues.

>> No.17515741

BITCH GET OUT THE WAY was an old translation that was forced to change things around since it really had to work around IN's hard coding and limitations due to no tech

>> No.17516001

Am I just not playing her right or is Sakuya's scope just fucking awful? It actually hinders her more than it actually helps.

>> No.17516033

It's a tricky scope, but it technically gives you longer reach than most 360 scopes (Komachi excluded) at the cost of not covering everything at once.
Not the best scope, but at least it's better than Lunasa's.

>> No.17516406

Is it just me or does UFO have the biggest leap in difficulty between normal and hard?

>> No.17516444

>If you were Aya then you could use level 3 spells
>Imperishable night is the easiest of the modern touhous
There are patterns that only appear on hard/lunatic. Also what if someone wants to keep playing a game but already beat normal with everyone? You obviously go in a harder difficulty.
yeah this is why you just ignore those "people"
>Also, sucking up as much bullets as you can with cancels is pretty fun.
Gotta agree here
Yeah because the shitty hardpatched stuff was so much better and didn't cripple your replays or anything.
I was lead to believe that she was the worst character in PoFV due to that, and her awful speeds.
UFO is the hardest hard.

>> No.17516504

Whoever said TD gives you no resources wasn't lying. I can capture the whole deck of spellcards, but I still am having trouble breaking past stage 4.

>> No.17516521

Yeah, TD is really bad about resources. You basically have to know where to trance to get a decent amount of lives.
I'd suggest just watching someone run through all the stages, just to get a good idea of where you can get more life pieces.

>> No.17516533
File: 1.06 MB, 1350x2573, PoFV tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was lead to believe that she was the worst character in PoFV
Hell no, she's not even close.

This is an older image, and isn't entirely accurate, but it's pretty close to what the actual tiers look like.

>> No.17516573

How about a tierlist for story mode which is what matters here?

>> No.17516598

Well, I can tell you that Sakuya still isn't at the bottom, you inbred donkey fucker.

>How about a tierlist for story mode

"I have a fetish for getting huge scores in games that nobody score runs" Tier

They Exist Tier
Everyone Else

>> No.17516602
File: 124 KB, 256x320, 090_aya_p1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroyer of hopes and dreams.

>> No.17516609


In all honesty, though, once you know how to play against her, Aya is a great way to rake up score for extra lives. Probably the best place to build up your score in the game.

>> No.17517030
File: 578 KB, 640x480, th16_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think the translations are even that shitty

>> No.17517084

I am surprised that they're this shitty. From what I know Clarste worked on them too and he's more than a decent translator.
One way or another I swapped back to japanese for my Lunatic runs.

>> No.17517108

Is there a vpatch for TH16 yet? The game is just unplayable.

>> No.17517121


Translated to:
"Oh, Mai, Mai, Mai. That attitude is what
always lands you up the creek, you know?"

I wanna vomit.

>> No.17517151

Why can't people just translate these games in a non-autistic manner? This is as dumb as the infamous "bitch get out of the way" line or Remi dropping "shit"

>> No.17517152

There shouldn't be nearly enough lag for you to say something like that. If you really think it's unplayable you probably have more significant issues.

>> No.17517176

Are you playing on windows NT or something like that?

>> No.17517195

does touhou run on anything but that?

>> No.17517203

I'm playing on the horrible abomination known as Windows 10, unfortunately I have to.

>> No.17517232

The "Bitch get out of the way" was the limitation of patching back then, though it's retarded as you say.
Mostly I think it's the translators being unexpierenced. Or having the common problem of putting in flavor where there is none.
Take this as an example:

She says both phrases (もー舞ったら) twice. Once it's translated with "Oh, Mai." which is fine. And in the next instance, it's translated with "Oh, Mai, Mai, Mai." which is not fine. For all you know "Oh, Mai." could be her catchphrase. Stick to one instance of the translation.

This leads me to my next point:
Before that Mai says:
Translated to:
"Unexpected stuff is the best spice of life."
Which is fine, but could be translated better. Keep this phrase in mind for now.

After the "Oh, Mai, Mai, Mai." it continues with:
"That attitude is what always lands you up the creek, you know?"
Why the fuck use that phrase? She doesn't say this part in any special way in japanese. So why not just go with: "That's why you're always in trouble, you know?" A simple phrase everyone can understand. It's okay to add "That attitude" to pull back the context, but probably not needed.

After this:
"Aw, c'mon. An unforeseen fairy got chosen!"
It's fine, but the "Aw, c'mon" can be dropped. This is preference, so I won't comment on it. It's fine either way. BUT. Suddenly! "Unexpected" changed to "unforseen". Which draws away from the context. The "unforseen event that spices up life" is in this case, Cirno who was the one overcoming the trial and being chosen. Stick to one damn instance of the translation!

They're just completely inexpierenced in how to handle the context based japanese. Later seen in:
"Be overjoyed, O little warrior tribesman!"
"Your opponent shall be both of us at once!"
O little warrior tribesman? Really? I get it. They're literally saying "warrior of [tribe]" which is awkward to read outside of japanese. But why is that? Oh yeah, because context! The reader knows the tribe here is none other than "the race of fairies". So why not make it something simple and neutral like "Be overjoyed, Champion of Fairies!"


I guess it's just an issue with the github style translation of a bunch of people with no communication, translating something in lightspeed, and having no structure or manager.

>> No.17517271

Those translations are on a wiki. Anyone can edit them. The admins claim that new contributors are always welcome. The least you could do is go correct those lines, write a note explaining your edits and the reasoning behind them on the talk page, and see what happens.
If the admins of the thpatch wiki don't let you get away with that, there's a guide on the site explaining how to compile and run their software to create your own patch server. You could be the hero we need and set up a server with /jp/-approved, non-autist translations.
Or, you could get one of their 'standalone' static patches, edit the script, then distribute it here.
In any case, there are actual constructive things you could do to solve this problem, instead of just complaining about it.

>> No.17517288

>In any case, there are actual constructive things you could do to solve this problem, instead of just complaining about it.

Tried the wiki once, got my changes reverted, nobody replied to my questions and I gave up.

But, you are absolutely right. Either I just do my own shit or stop complaining. Which will probably end up with me stopping.
I wouldn't mind giving you guys a proper translation, but I would need some help with it. Mostly just an editor who looks over my messy text and fixes punctuation, typos etc.
Maybe another person too, just to discuss possible options in phrasing.

And rather than making a seperate translation that maybe 5 people in total download, I would like to fix the problem at its root and change the main translation on thcrap, but I doubt I can just insert myself and change 90% of their scripts. Maybe I should talk to Clarste and ask him for his opinions, but being a /jp/sie, I am... not the most skilled with social interactions.

>> No.17517311

Just try dude, you'll be doing everyone a big favor so I'm sure no one is going to hate you. Just don't be a dickhead.

>> No.17517330

Clarste is a big fat faggot anyway. If the editors there insist on keeping all the ebin stuff, he definitely won't be any help; he probably contributed half of it to begin with.
Though if you do find some way to get a translation to a wider audience, I'd be more than happy to do editing.

>> No.17517357

>Clarste is a big fat faggot anyway.
Is he? Why?
I don't really follow people, but my impression is that he's a lorefag with some decent translations. The only big mistake he did that made me groan was how he handled Mamizou in FS, but he reverted it anyway. In TH16 he mostly did Aya's Extra scenario, but most of it got tweaked recently.

>> No.17517370

how do I season release? all attempts to search this mechanic result in pages about touhou 16's release date.

>> No.17517385

Press C to cum

>> No.17517389


Here's the controls. Check the point "sub season" to have it explained.

>> No.17517414
File: 230 KB, 461x375, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to options to see if I could remap release to left control, but

>> No.17517419

Which gave should you 1cc if you are shit at 2hu

>> No.17517436

Touhou 9 if you want to get better, if you start with normal difficulty LLS is the easiest one to 1cc.

>> No.17517446

9? really? why 9

>> No.17517500

LoLK, it's literally impossible to lose.

>> No.17517503


>> No.17517510

Sure, blame it on your ISP.

>> No.17517517

Because beating it helps you develop a set of general skills required by every game, while in the other games your brain will just memorize the patterns and that makes you improve less usually.

>> No.17517570

I feel with the latest installments Touhou is becoming more and more of a "memorize pattern" game.
Especially with LoLK and HSiFS it was a lot of figuring out what ZUN wants from you and then grinding it in Practice. While back then I did a lot of improvising even on Lunatic. Also the patterns are getting less and less beautiful as a side effect. I hate it.

>> No.17517652

You can tell me that Sakuya still isn't at the bottom but you can't explain why.
The only inbred donkey fucker here is you by shitting out tierslist like those.

>> No.17517672

and why isn't someone like you making translation patches?

>> No.17517698 [DELETED] 

>I feel with the latest installments Touhou is becoming more and more of a "memorize pattern" game.
Especially with LoLK and HSiFS it was a lot of figuring out what ZUN wants from you and then grinding it in Practice.
The average player will eat up and enjoy whatever kind of game ZUN puts out, regardless of how good or how bad it's designed. Welcome to the future of Touhou.

>> No.17517705

>I feel with the latest installments Touhou is becoming more and more of a "memorize pattern" game.
>Especially with LoLK and HSiFS it was a lot of figuring out what ZUN wants from you and then grinding it in Practice.
The average player will eat up and enjoy whatever kind of game ZUN puts out, regardless of how good or how bad it's designed. Welcome to the future of Touhou.

>> No.17517719

When you're going for high level survival runs memorizable/learnable patterns are much more preferred to pure RNG bullshit. I for one don't ever want to see shit like books/PCB stage 6 spam ever again.
Also since Mai/Satono's first 2 nons, last 2 spells, and Okina's 2nd/4th and Spring final spells exist, there's still plenty of (bullshit)improv in HSiFS for you to enjoy.

>> No.17517723

First of all, I mean to not discredit their work. Translating something for free is already praiseworthy enough. I just wish they'd put in more quality control and keep to a stricter translation so people aren't getting eye cancer from reading their work. You're already putting in the effort, so go that one little step further!

And, as discussed and aforementioned, it IS hard work. They won't have me and there is no way in hell I can do it alone. There is also no way in hell I'm competing with their already fairly well established patching enviroment. If I would have been around during its creation, maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have these issues.

One thing I will promise you though. Should thcrap ever die or simply be lacking in translators/editors, I'll pick it up and ensure quality translations.

>> No.17517744

I'm just going to add that thcrap doesn't have its own translators (for English, at least); it scrapes stuff from the wiki. So if you want to fix things "from the source" or whatever, you'll have to go there.

>> No.17517750
File: 274 KB, 765x896, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has RNG gone too far?

>> No.17517751
File: 27 KB, 570x523, reduceinputdelaywfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you put input method to fast? I used to have it on auto but fast should reduce your input delay to 1 frame.

Unless you meant that the game is "literally unplayable" then I can't help out.

LoLK punished people hard for having bad routes, but I fuck around most of the time in HSiFS and get away with it, even if I play without releases. Dunno what you're onto. Stage 4 is a memo bully though I guess.

>> No.17517775

What's the matter? Can't react in 30ms as bullets 8 pixels away from you suddenly start moving in unexpected directions?

>> No.17517778

Those bullshit stars and their bullshit movement is the most stupid bullet design I've ever seen from ZUN. At least this spell is avoidable. Can't say the same thing about the second last spell though.

>> No.17517792

That's not quite what I meant. I also hate the RNG crap. Especially in HSiFS.
But in earlier titles you could clear a spell card from different angles, with different approaches and depending on your character, you actually had, somewhat, different paths you could take through patterns. And even if you screwed up you could often salvage it by just improvising through the now unknown bullet spam and recover back to the pattern you know.
This is actually impossible in almost all non-spellcards and spellcards in later installments. And to be fair, the ones you can salvage are mostly limited to early stages of DDC and HSiFS. In the latter I am reminded of stuff like Nemuno's non-spellcard Kunai spam.

Fuck this so hard. I fucking hate you ZUN.

Almost the entirety of Stage 5 and Stage 6 comes to mind. Minus >>17517750 and Okina Spring. And, as per usual, fuck lasers.

>> No.17517806

Does it really? If so, then the dream of a good translation is dead, because I'll never be able to fix anything on there.

>> No.17517809

Ok I found that preemptively moving above the fuckers that have come to a stop is the safest way to not get surprise buttsex'd since they thankfully only float downward
Cannot say this I'd feel inclined to capture it outside of practice and it's an asshole of an attack but for the first time in a bullet hell game i felt i'm trying to outsmart the bullets and it's kinda neat

>> No.17517816

>Did you put input method to fast?
Yes, and I was actually wondering if that was the problem, I clearly have a lot of input lag and also the game seems to slightly slow down sometimes.
On a side note I see ZUN is finally pandering to his fans' nostalgia trying to murder our eyes just like in the old days of Lotus Land Story.

>> No.17517839

>don't like memo
>don't like RNG

well what do you like then, anon?

Also, you can approach patters in just as many ways as you could with other touhous, frankly it's probably allowing more approaches than in the past few games, even if we're ignoring releases and season mechanics.

>stage 5 and 6 are memo

Stage 5 has the spirits and yinyangs before satono, but the "memo" on that is super easy. Rest is subject to just fucking around and getting through. Don't need routes for them if you don't feel like making them. Yes sometimes you gotta route stuff on Mai&Satono but none of the routing makes it free and the amount of routing needed on it is very average for a stage 5 boss. Mai&Satono are a lot about practice, but really not a crazy amount of memo.

Stage 6 is one of the least memo stages in Touhou ever. Literally all memo comes down to "stay right under the enemies" which I can't even call memo desu. And if you're talking about Okina then I recommend taking another good look at her patterns.

>> No.17517884

>well what do you like then, anon?
Good question. What is it that I like? I would have to disect PCB, IN and SA to answer that.

Maybe I just suck at the release mechanic. To be fair, it still feels awkward to me. As example I never bomb outside of deathbombing, so suddenly planning something bomb-like into my route feels off. Though I've gotten better at it. A lot better at it.

Maybe it's missing the routing through bullet spam (outside of RNG), because it definitely has some streaming parts. I always hated lasers. Lasers are the killers of improv and intuition. It also has some high movement, so that's not missing.

It must be a mix of just the game in total. I can't quite explain it, but it's less fun than DDC even.
...It's just not... fun. I've never stuck around practice this much before and then went in with the mindset of having to "grind" the game until I get good RNG or not fuck up. Now I'm just dying all over the place, while with earlier installments I just ... it felt like progression. Each run I got a little bit closer. Sure I had some resets in there, but not as many as in HSiFS.

>> No.17517894

Also. On your Okina comment. Spring is AIDS. Winter is fun. Just to clarify.

>> No.17517900

This salt is amazing

>> No.17517926

Oh all right. Yeah sometimes a 2hu feels like that, where it's just a mix of everything being just a little bit wrong. I have it with DDC and IN, and I don't understand why.

This shit happens with every new game and people feel like pointing it out with every new game. There is no "future" lol.

>> No.17517999

>Yeah sometimes a 2hu feels like that, where it's just a mix of everything being just a little bit wrong
I first felt that way with UFO. And then severely with TD.
So maybe this one is just going to join its rank.
But it sucks. Because apart from DDC, I haven't enjoyed a Touhou in so long.
I just wanna have fun again... ;_;

>> No.17518030
File: 845 KB, 961x721, barely made it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I really wanted a Hard Clear. Anyway, I'm never gonna be able to clear a Touhou in Lunatic so might as well try my best in Hard.

>> No.17518053

Oh by the way, anybody got the clear HSiFS chart?

>> No.17518100

YSZK summons multiple gohei in his runs and also showed a replay from spell practice on stream where the player summons 3 or 4 gohei (presumably) done in real time.

>> No.17518199

You asked about vs. AI, and I responded in kind. You should have more directly asked for my reasoning, if that's what you wanted, shitposter-kun.
Characters, from best to worst, from what I recall

Reimu - Busted Level 2 that can be near impossible to dodge on high latency matches. Godly extra.
Marisa - Arguably the best level 1 in the game, kills bosses with ease, and one of the few level 1s that causes spirits to burst even when not activated by scope. Good scope, and a passive that increases gauge gains.
Eiki - Extra allows for incredibly dense danmaku on opponent's screen for little effort on Eiki's part. Generates a ton of bouncable bullets with her spells, which plays in her favor. All around solid character with no weak points.
Youmu - Level 1 allows for defensive play, and lets a skilled Youmu player determine the pace of the match. Level 2 is incredibly dangerous, especially late game or when stacked on top of another 2/3.
Komachi - Extra is dangerous for how screen filling it is, kit allows for a ton of combos thanks to a screen filling scope.
Medicine - Strong extra that can't always be avoided, patterns benefit greatly from clouds, scope has good synergy with her level 1, which is decent.
Reisen - Playstyle encourages large number of bouncable bullets, a "spam level 2" type of character. Scope is only ok and level 1 is unreliable
Lyrica - Strong level 1, great scope, level 2 good for locking down opponent, but lackluster extra/4. Slow charge hurts


>> No.17518203

Where would I find .rpy files for normal, non-highscore-chasing runs? I'm trying to get through HSIFS on Lunatic but I fucking suck and it's hard to find a complete replay to use as a guide when all of them have people just spamming bomb the second something new shows up on screen

>> No.17518206

Yuuka - Passive and Level 1 allow for incredible control on your side, aggressive playstyle that generates a large number of bullets, for better or worse
Sakuya - Flexible scope, good level 1, time stop useful for dodging, fantastic level 4, and obnoxious extra. Her high focus speed and scope make her hard to use, her bullet destruction from using level 2 is unreliable thanks to timestop, and her 2 is hilariously bad.
Tewi - High damage level 1 at point blank, scope + level 1 allows for huge combos, incredibly high charge speed is typically good, but can lead to accidental 2s in netplay. Passive is hit or miss, 2/3 are generally really weak, and scope can be tough to use.
Cirno - Good at level 2 spam, but the rest of her kit is bad. Incredibly match-up dependent, thanks to mechanics behind 2/3. Has good match-up with Komachi, but Cirno vs. Eiki is the worst matchup in the game, struggles vs. the Prismrivers.
Merlin - Great scope, level 1 paired with invulnerability allows for high potential damage vs bosses. Level 2/3 are fantastic for cutting off opponent. Shot is trash.
Lunasa - Spread decent for fairy killing, level 1s can stack up over time. However, scope is bad, damage is low outside of shotgunning with a level 1, and extra has small hitbox which hurts it.
Mystia - Poor damage output, poor bullet density with all of her cards and extra, passive is unreliable.
Aya - Everything she does can be streamed easily, and her high speed makes her a liability in netplay

>> No.17518246

You straight up insulted me how is that kind?
Then again, those 2 posts are really nice, even if they miss the point again, so thank you.

>> No.17518281

I've little patience for this sort of thing.
If you want an explanation for why Sakuya isn't the worst vs. ai, then that's a little less precise and relies on how the ai works.
Once you get past Medicine and Aya, characters don't typically perform all that better or worse against the ai, thanks to their insane dodging abilities. In general, they're weak to aimed attacks and large bullets, so characters with those tend to do a bit better. Failing that, you simply have to overwhelm them over time with generic bullets. Komachi and Mystia are both notorious for being poor ai killers, thanks to their bullets having small hitboxes and their attacks being poor for catching ai. This matters even less in story mode, though, as the ai there has a built in timer that tells them to start killing themselves when the match has been going on for too long, even outside of extra. As such, the best character for going through story mode (outside of Medicine and Aya) is whoever you feel most comfortable using and dodging with.

>> No.17518313
File: 54 KB, 240x292, Yuyuko (1617).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really nice post, ty anon.

>> No.17518324

NBNR runs on youtube. There's a good handful of them now.

>> No.17519468

Close to completing all the extras in PoFV, only have Aya and Sakuya left.

>> No.17519534
File: 895 KB, 1000x1200, Yuyuko (470).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon!
I found Aya's to be the hardest.

>> No.17519569

There are a bunch of people who are incredibly buttfrustrated that he dropped FS and won't release raws.

>> No.17519774

I'm a bit sad that the hype for this game died out so quickly. Between the very low amount of characters with an important backstory and the almost-half-a-day long wait before a link was available, it was dead on release. Also the imbalanced as hell difficulty and broken mechanics.

>> No.17519798

Wow, I didn't expect to much hate for HSiFS. Sure, it's easy, but I like the music and characters a lot more than LoLK.

>> No.17519815

>Wow, I didn't expect to much hate for HSiFS.
It's just one person

>> No.17519878

You're right anon, no one hates it because nobody cares about it outside of "it's just another game to add to the series".

>> No.17519897

I think I got it, it's because I have a 144hz monitor, the input lag is still there but the game's playable when I force the monitor to 60hz.

>> No.17519990

well I played 9 but I've never 1ccd it, since it has some weird mechanics

>> No.17520205

Is it possible to get duplicate Prinz if I farm node P?

>> No.17520225

This is how it's been with most 2hu games, anon. There's not much to discuss 2 weeks after release. It's just going to be some shitposting now until AoCF comes out and people switch to shitting on that.

>> No.17520323

Has it really? Last time with LoLK there was the usual initial shitposting such as "Wow he's ran out of ideas", "these 2hus sure are shit", "so whacky, they don't belong in touhou" and so on but I remember the love for them after release remaining for weeks to come. Now everybody's careless about them. It's like they're almost completely unimpressive.

>> No.17520467
File: 111 KB, 640x480, eachcharacterwiththeircorrespondingseason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I can go back to playing the other games now

>> No.17520962

different anon here, I am pretty pissed about the low contrast between bullets and backgrounds and the season items being shaped and colored similar to rice pellet bullets

>> No.17521009

Try harder guy

>> No.17521617


>> No.17521644
File: 969 B, 400x100, hisfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17521781

Ah. It's about that.
I also think it's super silly to go "muh piracy" just because Yen Press ANNOUNCED (not even published the first volume) that they'll be doing it.
Especially with how slow they are, it will take years for them to be at the second last chapter.
But his entire mindset is just distorted on that topic. Why is piracy "bad"? It takes away potential customers. Were any of the scanlation readers potential customers? Perhaps a small percentage. But a lot of people liked FS so much, they imported the volumes just to collect them. So his scanlations may have produced more customers in the end without his knowledge.
Did he really think people would wait 2 - 3 years for Yen Press to catch up? His entire decision was just fucking silly.
And silly as it may be, he's still one of the best translators in the community in my opinion. Just with he'd drop his virtue bullshit. No need for that in an already niche community.

>> No.17521785

I'm pissed about that too. The reason I liked Touhou so much more than other shmups was that it was very easy to spot the difference between bullet, enemy, your bullets, yourself and items. Nothing is more frustrating than the moment of "pichu~n" followed by "Wait. What even hit me?"

>> No.17521792

How would you rate the game in relation to any games past UFO? Or fuck it. Make an entire list if you have the time.

>> No.17521813

You people are actually the worst. "hurr why don't you do all the work yourself, including implementing the translations, instead of pointing out glaring inaccuracies"

no one's going to give you a reward for defending shitty translations. the patches are already very commonly used and translation/scanlation groups are incredibly insular and petty, which you'd know if you'd ever had the displeasure of working with one before or seen the reactions between different groups when someone new tries to pick up a series instead of leaving it to the "established" group

>Those translations are on a wiki. Anyone can edit them. The admins claim that new contributors are always welcome
Not true, have tried in the past, shit is reverted quickly.

>> No.17521830
File: 366 KB, 877x1240, 62583741_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to interrupt all this serious discussion but any tips for IN? I'm trying to do a normal 1cc (I know I'm a shitter) and everything stage 4 and beyond is a nightmare. EoSD and PCB were easier than this but fighting a player character and then Reisen seem to fuck me up so bad, I can't seem to get their patterns down. Especially not Reimu's fuckfest that goes on in stage 4. Help.

Also, is using focus a meme in this game for the H/Y bar or does it even matter seeing as the timer is inconsequential on a 1cc run? Do the Last Spells matter if extra lives come from collecting the points items rather than the actual points themselves and I can capture them on a separate run?

>> No.17521840 [DELETED] 

>Not true, have tried in the past, shit is reverted quickly.
Also mentioned here in the translation discussion:
>Tried the wiki once, got my changes reverted, nobody replied to my questions and I gave up.

It's going a bit far to call them names, they've probably never seen or paid attention to the drama of already established translation groups, but it is as you say; the absolute worst.

>> No.17521867

>Not true, have tried in the past, shit is reverted quickly.
Also mentioned here in the translation discussion:
>Tried the wiki once, got my changes reverted, nobody replied to my questions and I gave up.

It's going a bit far to call them names, they've probably never seen or paid attention to the drama of already established translation groups, but it is as you say; the absolute worst.

>> No.17521882

Master the stages 1~3, never die without using every bomb, use spell practice and try to figure out as many spellcards as possible, Reisen is very very easy to learn so maybe you should watch a replay if you can't figure it out.

>> No.17521890



Starting with IN it's just tweaking your performance in early stages to come to Stage 6 with enough bombs and lives. As a matter of fact, if you look at normal 1cc Lunatic runs on Youtube, you'll notice a lot of players just start to wildly bomb everything at that point. Also look up deathbombing.

>> No.17521913
File: 43 KB, 400x1234, Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks lad.

>> No.17521925

LoLK definitely had a lot of hatred for Point Device. As a matter of fact, it probably shows that people like the season gimmick.

UFO - "Shitty broken UFO gimmick and options!"
TD - "Shitty and boring gimmick." (Though I don't remember this well during launch, because of the constant Youmu spam)
DDC - "It's basic, but okay." (This was mostly FUCK SEIJA spams.)
LoLK - "Fuck point device. What a shitty ass gimmick. ZUN ruined Touhou!"

And here we are with HSiFS. Haven't seen much shit flinging yet.

>> No.17521933

>Haven't seen much shit flinging yet.
Maybe because people already got used to absurd difficulty after LoLK. There's also not much in terms of new gameplay mechanics.
On a somewhat different note, Okina's design is shit. Seriously, I expected more from a final boss than that. Her theme is also pretty underwhelming compared to, for example, stage 5 boss theme.

>> No.17521941

>Maybe because people already got used to absurd difficulty after LoLK.
Can't talk about Legacy, but PD made the game super easy for me. It was like being in constant spell practice. Just that it was the actual game.

>On a somewhat different note, Okina's design is shit.
That's the most prevalent opinion. I share it too. I don't like her colors. Her hair is boring as fuck and the hat is meh. She just looks so stupidly boring. Especially for such an important character.

>> No.17521961

I think my last PD save was right before the starfall section in the last stage. Never made it past that, after like 50 or so tries. In legacy, I just bombed through it. Still wasn't able to finish Normal without continues though.

>> No.17521971


This part? What was giving you trouble here in PD? (Presuming you also played PD on Normal)

>> No.17521993

do you have a clear version if this

>> No.17521995

Yeah, that was on Normal too. It starts at 34:35 in this video; can't even remember what exactly was problematic for me here, and I played with Reimu too, so it should've been pretty easy. I think I tried streaming just like here, but no luck. My guess is that my reaction time sucks.

>> No.17521997

If you slowly stream diagonally up and right, you can move downwards once you hit the right (but not the edge!) until you find a "hole" in the stars and then move diagonally up and left. Repeat. You can actually see the player doing it in that video to some extent.

>> No.17522018

>Okina's theme
Tbf, pretty much all soundtrack except this is godlike. I don't think I ever had a game in the series where I loved almost every theme.

>> No.17522263

But her theme is as godly as her, only the extra that sucks

>> No.17522292

I didn't really like either, tbqh. It was too... plain for a final boss, I guess? Hell, even a jizo got a more badass theme than her. In terms of final themes, for me personally, nothing beat Kanako's theme so far.
But it really reminds me of another theme, I can't remember which one, though.

>> No.17522293
File: 197 KB, 850x935, __ibaraki_kasen_matara_okina_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_cloudytian__sample-2dea97f19cd42727cb2c098922a862c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okina's design is shit.
It ain't her fault that she's gotta wear the outfit of the sages.

>> No.17522442

Hopefully it's just a coincidence or it will be an easy to spot hint from here on out.
Still doesn't excuse her horrendous color scheme though.

>> No.17522581

It still somehow manages to look good on Yukari and Kasen, but not on Okina. Is it because of colors, I wonder?

>> No.17522688

Yes, worst historical accurate combination

>> No.17522772

Oversaturation of blonde and yellow. Dark colors clashing with bright blonde hair and eyes. And an ugly hat with clashing brown colors (against the blonde hair).

Anything I missed?

>> No.17522842

Also multi colored aura which being there at all times it's pretty much part of her look.

>> No.17522858

Which is also a recolored copy of Junko's aura. Couldn't ZUN give her something more original?

>> No.17522864

It's always frustrating to lose on the last spell.
But damn, Virtue of Wind God is tiring as fuck.

>> No.17522877

I would say she would have been okay even without, giving her more of a kaguya look maybe with concrete objects hanging on the dress or whatnot, since aura effects are pretty saturated for touhou characters at the moment.

>> No.17522889

Can't even hope to beat VoWG, but MoF is pretty fun for me tbqh. Too bad the game doesn't have a spell practice mode.

>> No.17522912

I'm not sure if people like the seasons gimmick as much as they're glad it's not as ridiculous as the past four game gimmicks

>> No.17522964

>the dancers' last two spells in HSiFS
How the fuck am I supposed to beat this? I swear, even Junko's bullet hell was easier than this.

>> No.17523039
File: 902 KB, 640x480, 1475422515291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae is ok though.

>> No.17523088

Just download the chart and clear the squares with ms paint's white paint

>> No.17523108

Doesn't deathbombing use two bombs instead of one in IN?

>> No.17523131

Yes but there's a moment, probably just a single frame, where you get an ordinary deathbomb like in other games, using one of your bombs and pulling out the character in use's ordinary spell.

>> No.17523169

>Reisen is very very easy

get this meme out of here

>> No.17523184

This "muh Junko" horseshit needs to stop.
Junko has an aura of seven prongs to represent tails, and to solidify her connection to the kitsune.

Okina has a four pronged aura, with each prong being a different color, to visually represent her connection to the seasons.

ZUN's not a great artist, sure, and he kind of draws auras in a samey matter, but the two auras represent different things, and Junko sure has hell doesn't have a monopoly on fucking auras. Besides, complaining about the aura while ignoring how the entire series suffers from an absurd degree of sameface is simply hypocritical, and reeks of "I want to complain but I don't know what to complain about". At least the nerds above you have a legitimate complaint about the color scheme being ugly. I personally like it, but I can see how it would be considered bad to people.

>> No.17523194

Personally, I'm just really fucking glad that ZUN has released a Touhou game again where you aren't forced to actually use the gimmick. PCB and IN did this well, if you don't like their gimmicks you will suffer pretty much zero negative consequences during simple survival runs if you just don't mind them at all. UFO on the other hand is by far the most terrible one, I feel that one's enjoyment of the game depends far too much on whether or not one likes chasing ufos. TD and DDC aren't quite as bad but not using their gimmicks still means that you will have relatively few resources.
HSiFS just doesn't have that problem, if I don't want to use the gimmick, no problem, I just play with Reimu Spring or Marisa Winter and use the release mechanic as an additional bomb and still get enough resources to 1cc the game.
HSiFS is the most fun I've had with a new Touhou game in quite a while because for once, I can just focus purely on the danmaku part again.

>> No.17523208
File: 242 KB, 558x600, Th16Okina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and I disagree that Okina has a bad design, but I'm sure there was another way to represent her connection to the four seasons besides colored flames behind her, which Junko already did one game prior. It's kind of lazy of ZUN to do it again, even if the flames are a superficial similarity.

>> No.17523210

Mind stopper is the only remotely difficult thing she has. Everything else is free. Remote rabbit is kinda spooky but even that has a route to it that makes it pretty simple.

>> No.17523221

>Personally, I'm just really fucking glad that ZUN has released a Touhou game again where you aren't forced to actually use the gimmick.
Please don't talk out your ass, anon.
Not to discredit HSiFS or anything, but you have to rigorously abide by the gimmick to get a decent amount of lives. That's what happens when you connect lives to score, and then make a scoring system that's incredibly and heavily reliant on abusing the game's gimmick.
I enjoy HSiFS, of course, but LoLK did what you're talking about far better, and sadly mostly gets discredited exclusively by people who are mad about the difficulty or the shots. Not to say LoLK is perfect, of course, but the mechanics and resource systems in Legacy are incredibly straight forward and simply reward good play.

I don't see an issue with having auras, especially as they are actually drawn fairly differently from Junko's. I think it's a perfectly fine way of representing her connection to the seasons, and as we all know ZUN has this weird need to physically represent a character's powers or themes visually (as can also be seen with Shinmyoumaru and Kaguya). I mean, I guess he could have drawn them as orbs or something, but then I'm sure people would just be comparing her to Yuyuko or Kaguya. The aura connection just feels so superficial to me, you know? Especially considering how she does actually borrow a ton from a completely separate character.

>> No.17523275
File: 98 KB, 850x850, Yuyuko (604).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done anon, you are ready for SA lunatic!
Also great taste

>> No.17523277

>you have to rigorously abide by the gimmick to get a decent amount of lives
By the time you reach 40 million points you have gotten 4 extra lives, 70 million for a fifth one. I would consider this "a decent amount" and reaching these scores is hardly a problem at all on any difficulty even if you completely ignore the release mechanic. Sure, you can get a lot more lifes if you really exploit releases, but my point was simply that I feel the game gives you an acceptable amount of resources even if you entirely ignore the gimmick. To me, five extra lifes is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.17523293

Five extra lives is only slightly better than what UFO gives you as freebies, as I recall.
I mean, really, more power to you if you enjoy doing no release runs and think they're well balanced, but it's pretty clear that the game was designed around releases, and that you're still missing out plenty of resources by ignoring it.

>> No.17523300

You can get the same amount lifes in UFO too though. Unless you fuck up Nue get.

>> No.17523305

>but you have to rigorously abide by the gimmick to get a decent amount of lives.
Playing without releasing nets you the a decent amount of lives. 40m score isn't that hard to get if you PoC regularly and it amounts to 4 lives, plus the 2 lives from midbosses.

That's the same amount of lives you get in EoSD and I don't see anyone complaining about the "limited" resources in that one.

>> No.17523346

Five lives just through score, two additional ones from stage 3 & 5 midbosses, so seven in total, which is plenty. Of course the game was designed with releases in mind but it's the first Touhou in a while where I feel like I'm not forced to do anything other than dodge bullets, and for me, that's a good thing. I don't necessarily dislike all of the gimmicks ZUN puts into his games, but I like having a choice on whether I want to play with them or not.

>> No.17523453
File: 347 KB, 927x1107, player stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a template where you can rate yourself as a player, purely subjective and for fun.

>> No.17523461
File: 349 KB, 927x1107, SOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I filled it in as I imagine SOC's abilities, as an example.

>> No.17523500

Only weak point is luck?
Kind of arrogant, isn't that SOC?

>> No.17523529

I wish I was (made it up to stage 5 in Lunatic at some point) but sadly, I think I've hit a wall in terms of difficulty. Lunatic seems to be well beyond me.

>> No.17523535
File: 541 KB, 927x1107, 1503512475801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit needs references for what each tier means. Kind of useless otherwise.
My playstyle is purely copying LNN strats as best as I can. Got me pretty far but won't get me much further.

>> No.17523572
File: 900 KB, 927x1107, Stand Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no reference for what any of this means,

>> No.17523596

If you think of your best achievement and think of how you got that and if anyone else has something better then maybe you can make a subjective call on where you should rank.

>> No.17523603

Everyone will always have done something better than you in Touhou.

>> No.17523617

Not if you literally are SOC, or someone of that caliber... don't rate yourself as S-tier if you feel this way

>> No.17523636
File: 152 KB, 500x464, 1466548981279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walls are made to be climbed and jumped over, anon

>> No.17523638
File: 2.58 MB, 492x283, 1452038791201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to show a friend what Touhou was like so I decided to load SA and show him a bit, then went to the final boss on Hard to scare him a bit.
When I got to the penultimate spellcard, I told him "yeah man, the next spellcard is awful, I've never cleared it and I don't think I ever will".

I cleared the spellcard just after. I never thought I'd be able to clear Hell's Tokamak EVER, not even the Normal version.
Holy shit, I still can't believe it.

>> No.17523649

The point is there's no way to compare two charts without a point of reference for each tier. And no, just having S being "the best anyone has ever done" does not suffice. Two people's ideas of "B rank reading" for example can be ridiculously different. Something like the 1cc charts are much more comparable because they're objective achievements. You should really flesh your idea out otherwise at the moment it just kinda looks like you're sucking SOC's dick.

>> No.17523658

Congrats, anon. I had a similar experience, was just showing my roommate how difficult Touhou was during the Kanako battle, right before MoF, which I repeatedly died on before that. Next thing I know, I not only cleared, but captured it.
Feels good, man.

>> No.17523662
File: 519 KB, 927x1107, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weakest
I had that happen with vs Shiki in PoFV.

>> No.17523689
File: 963 KB, 927x1107, unluckiestManOnEarth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motivation went down a lot ever since UFO.

>> No.17523691

That's usually how it happens. Every time someone's over and I say "yeah this isn't going to be a 1cc" I get the 1cc, or I get real close.

>> No.17523745

Thinking about it I probably have a playtime closer to 150.

>> No.17523776

How about this
Motivation: S=Enough motivation to set aside everything else in your life and/or make long plans for the future where you will focus entirely on touhou E=Just enough motivation to start the games and play once in while when you are feeling bored and have some free time

Reading: S=You can see paths even when the bullets completely cover the screen thanks to your advanced hitbox knowledge. E= You can expect to find yourself screaming "that was a dirty clipdeath!!!" as you continuously misread bullets trajectories and get hit over the course of a playing session

Memorization: S=You quickly and effortlessly memorize your path through the stages and gimmicky cards in the series. E=You don't even remember on what side of the screen the first fairies spawn in stage 1 of your most played game.

Routing: S=You can make a route from scratch very quickly and effectively no matter if the focus is scoring or survival or something else you can figure something out. When watching a replay you can also imagine route improvements when most people think the replay is perfect. E=You are helplessly lost when playing a game blind, and without replays you would seriously struggle with aspects such as resource management and PoC'ing.

Luck: S=Solid walls of hitboxes are no match for your luck. Can outlast the computer in PoFV no level 2 allowed. E=Anything that conceivably can go wrong for you will, such as boss moving the wrong way, throwing impossible patterns and you cat flipping over your drink.

Potential: Basically the sum of the other stats divided by the time spent playing

Reactions: Take the test https://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime
S= something around 140ms average perhaps E= 300ms+

Creativity: S=You independently come up with safespots and cheese methods all over the place, and anything else that can help in any way, such as finding bugs or switching your keyboard bindings to something better E= You never discovered a safespot or unique way of beating a spell card in all your time playing touhou, extra spell cards are mostly completely impossible for you until you watch a replay.

Endurance: S= You do marathon gaming sessions regularly stopping only to fap or post in /jp/ E= You get physically exhausted from playing for 20 minutes

Control: S=You know instinctively how many pixels you will move from the input you are planning to make, and games with more advanced controls such as the photo games or GFW are easy for you to handle. E= You feel uncomfortable with your choice of input and regularly make mistakes with your inputs.

>> No.17523820
File: 963 KB, 927x1107, unluckiestManOnEarthFix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed mine then.

>> No.17523919

>take the reaction time test
This officially confirms it, I'm too damn slow.

>> No.17523942

Similar thing happened to me a week ago, I wanted my friend to try out Touhou so I made him play easy modo, then he asked me to show how hard mode looks like, loaded up stage 5 Imperishable Night in practice and got a no miss no bomb clear, didn't knew I could do that so I might try to do a IN hard 1cc soon.

>> No.17523949
File: 899 KB, 927x1107, 1503512475801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am worthless.

>> No.17523955

Starting with easy mode might be somewhat counterproductive if he's going to continue playing. I remember playing it exclusively for like a few weeks, and only after transitioning to normal I stopped hoarding bombs and my skills improved faster generally. In retrospect, I think it stumped my growth for a while tbqh.

>> No.17523969
File: 898 KB, 927x1107, 1503512475801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this then.

2hu isn't really about split second reactions. I average 220ms and still managed to get a few LNBs under my belt. You'll be fine unless you're aiming higher.

>> No.17524006

Oh, I'm not even close to feats like that. My best achievements are Ran and Suwako extras, and I can only clear Normal after like a week of practice. Never beat Normal SA and LoLK though, and still struggling with HSiFS.

>> No.17524040
File: 60 KB, 217x199, th002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well finally after literally half a year I bring myself to play more MoF. Now only MarisaC remains, should be fun

>> No.17524111
File: 425 KB, 816x484, Touhou Checklist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's done.
Posting progress

>> No.17524231

You have lots of achievements! How long have you been playing?

>> No.17524285

1 year

>> No.17524287
File: 499 KB, 927x1107, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfway through I realized Im probably worse than I think I am and every C is probably a D.

>> No.17524569

He holds shift with two fingers and forgets that the bomb button exists, but yeah I've also made the mistake of spending too much time with easy when I first played the games.

>> No.17524614

Go to Disk "C:" or whatever and search from the bar on the top right.
Be sure to move everything else to a separate storage device, like a portable HDD, before beginning your search.

>> No.17524709

What's wrong with holding shift with two fingers? Provided you have 2 spare for shot and bomb that is.

>> No.17524778
File: 14 KB, 800x639, Progress HSiFS updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is fun

>> No.17524848

He positions the two spare ones in < and Z, leaving nothing on X.

>> No.17524898

what keyboard are you playing on? most have Shift Z X C

>> No.17525008

We're all worthless anon.

>> No.17525111

is using the hotbox patch for EoSD considered cheating

>> No.17525153

>Beat Reisen
>Immediate bad ending

Should I focus on learning how to get those extra time points or just not needing to use continues

>> No.17525168

get gud and don't use continues.

>> No.17525196

It's called the ISO layout. It's used in the countries of Europe.

>> No.17525203

I could make the same chart with all C's and D's but I have hundreds of hours. You're pretty good.

>> No.17525239
File: 4 KB, 558x195, teclatLAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both have cheap argentine keyboards.

>> No.17525250

According to Wikipedia's page on QWERTY keyboards, most of them use the format "Shift + some key here + Z X C ...". The only ones that go from Shift directly to Z like you say are the ones from some literally who countries and the US.

I don't think it is, but you'll be certainly be considered a faggot for using it. Faggot.


>> No.17525281

It's not rare to see another fellow /arg/ player, but two? Nice.

>> No.17525283

What's the link to upload HSiFS scores?
I doubt this happened, but I did a Marisa Spring Normal 1cc that had insane point values, and I wonder if it's a new record.

>> No.17525330
File: 137 KB, 308x334, my my.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We 4 now?

>> No.17525347
File: 31 KB, 402x361, 61945049_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our numbers are growing. Soon we'll take over /jp/.

>> No.17525366
File: 311 KB, 600x600, 1475583621364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice surprise, I thought I was the only one in the gameplay threads.

>> No.17525478
File: 899 KB, 927x1107, 1503512475801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you dont have any talent

>> No.17525491
File: 305 KB, 568x579, 1499555923943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, is it normal to get shit on for playing on normal difficulty? Is that like a thing?

>> No.17525514

Aren't most players Normal Players?

>> No.17525642

Depends on where you hang out, really. It doesn't happen at all here for instance.

>> No.17525758
File: 853 KB, 861x889, 61d7f377d6b72351cc74184e0903252a82836f16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, thanks for the advice guys. Just cleared IN 1cc but it gave me Ending #5 and said to play again without using continues. Am I retarded? The clear screen said I used 0 continues and I never used any. Do I need to beat it before a certain time or beat a certain number of last spells?

>> No.17525782

IN has 2 finals anon, pay attention to the charts.
Clearing Final A will always give you normal ending, even if you 1cc.
Congrats on the 1cc btw, well done and good luck against the true last boss.

>> No.17525801

Is there any blank template for the entire chart?

>> No.17525851
File: 4 KB, 408x440, touhou_completion_kuuhaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine, and I'm sure other people have blank versions of theirs, but mostly it seems that everyone makes their own modifications to fit the games, accomplishments, and aesthetics they care about. It's just for fun, there's no standardization or anything. Go nuts.

>> No.17525853

>worst shot of the series is Chiyuri.
so, PoFV aya?

>> No.17525986


>> No.17526148

Clear it the second time, the final boss is different. Much easier than Eirin, in my opinion.

>> No.17526172
File: 899 KB, 927x1107, judged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked my friend to rate me and then moved all points down by one except for reaction which was objective as per >>17523776. I actually just have some LNB clears, that's about it.

>> No.17526269
File: 702 KB, 927x1107, walking garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my reaction time is literally >300ms, around 350 on bad days. Not a problem up to hard mode but it makes lunatic a lot harder than it already is.

>> No.17526360
File: 47 KB, 980x608, __clownpiece_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_suzuko_ponpokoponpon88__4348d266bb0d65d1ef6671f55c9504a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on Lunatic Impact? It's the one spellcard of Hecatia's that is costing me a clear. Everything else I can somewhat manage.

>> No.17526405

Try to bait the moons to overlap onto each side as much as possible. I found it easier to have them constantly going left and right, rather than diagonal, which a friend of mine swore on.
I'll be fair though. It's one of my most hated EX spellcards. Had me fuming at the end of it. In my opinion there is absolutely no shame in just looking at a bunch of replays for it. Fuck that spellcard so much.

>> No.17526420

Yeah, I figured keeping the moons in sync was one of the only things you can do to make it easier.
Thanks for the advice, I'll try to keep them going left and right. I had one run where I made it past Lunatic Impact, but I bombed so much I ended up timing the spell out which fucked me over.

>> No.17526422

I would like something like this, but with skills instead, rather than abilities. Points like: Streaming, high movement, positioning (for lasers as example), complex/puzzle, navigation/routing (through bullet spam) etc. It would make it easier to display what people have the most trouble with.

>> No.17526595
File: 503 KB, 1026x1297, stats2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added another circle with the things you suggested, I think there is some overlap between what is contained in the different circles but maybe you like this better.

>> No.17526617

It's perfect. Thank you!
We need to post this regularly in gameplay threads, or just use it for the OP, since I'm really interested in seeing what gives people the most trouble.

>> No.17526649

Post the background image.

>> No.17526674

It's one of those common and pretty famous today images of touhou from 2007-10, could have appeared as background on pineapplediscipline's channel if it were horizontal. But seriously you just have to type "touhou characters" on google images and you will find it.

>> No.17526717

reaction speed is literally a joke, I have 350ms and 3mnb in eosd, i can confirm the other misses were not reaction related

>> No.17526768

To be fair. How important are reaction times for such runs? I would rate them very, very low. I only see them really useful for blind runs.

>> No.17526894

I made it up to stage 6 SA in Hard. Then as I got engaged with Orin, mom knocks at the door and barges in because she wanted me to tell her what was written in English on some stupid website. The wheel takes away one life at that moment and I get mad and pause that shit to go and see what the fuck was on.
She needed me to translate something that was basically saying "there's no more availability for the dates you've chosen for that hotel", thing she could have fucking understood because you couldn't select shit anyway.
Just to continue that run for the hell of it, I resume the game.
And fucking die near the end of Subterranean Sun.

Holy shit I'm mad.

>> No.17526905

I meant "as I engaged" of course, I'm not some catfag.

>> No.17526933

Freudian slip.

>> No.17526950

More like ESL slip.
The more I read in English on the internet, the less I know English. ESLs corrupting other ESLs, a truly vicious circle.

>> No.17526966

you're absolutely right, I get an aneurysm whenever people think reaction speed is crucial to playing stg

>> No.17526967

Or maybe you just wanna fuck the cat.

>> No.17526976

There's nothing wrong with marrying a cat, as long as it's Orin.

>> No.17527008
File: 8 KB, 63x105, Th135RinDancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon, there's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck this hot piece of ass.

>> No.17527057

Are you saying that you wouldn't marry Orin?

>> No.17527101

How do expect to pull off an reactionary deathbomb with 300ms reaction time though?

>> No.17527111
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I want to fuck Orin until she's sore enough that she can't jump around the screen and ruin my god damn runs any more!

>reactionary deathbomb
Not how it works and not what you should be trying to learn.

>> No.17527132

that's why the 3 miss is also no-bomb, how do I bomb

>> No.17527210

How do I do heaven and hell meltdown without getting nervous and choking?

>> No.17527251

Reaction speed isn't crucial, but it helps a good lot on the more unpredictable patterns like Rising World, Social Upheaval Requiem and Abnormal Snowfall

I agree though, it's generally a highly overrated "skill" and a weak reaction time can almost always be compensated by good reading.

>> No.17527372

Try some practice with Nitori. Her bomb allows you to discard your anxiety, letting you focus purely on dodging.

>> No.17527485

I really dont think Im that bad for a begginer but I cant play for too long because I get stressed too easily and lose focus. I have to clear my mind for some hours or a day whenever I start losing too many lives to be able to play decently again.

>> No.17527677

That doesn't sound healthy

>> No.17528300

A list regarding what, the difficulty of all main games after UFO?
Well, let's see, before LoLK, UFO was the hardest. From there:
-TD is among the easiest with MoF and IN, it would be the easiest if not for the fact that it has a very low rewarding resource system.
-DDC is the kind that can be hard if you play it without abusing the resource system but it's really easy if you exploit it properly, much like SA.
-LoLK is hard period, and the resource system is built around that. It's git gud: the game, one that you'll see will improve your skills overall, be it you play either on Pointdevice or Legacy.
And then there's HSiFS, it's tough without abusing releases and it has some bulshitty strats just like DDC, the difference being that the former has a really imbalanced difficulty and it's way easier if you exploit the resource system properly, as where as DDC keeps its difficulty all the way throughout starting stage 3.

Feel free to correct me if that is not what you meant though.

>> No.17528336

Difficulty is fine too. But I wanted to know your enjoyment of them!

>> No.17528353

Is it implied in these charts that you're doing a 1cc run? Otherwise it's a lot less impressive.

>> No.17528413

I think that's implied by the fact that most of them have "1cc Chart" written in the corner.

>> No.17528468

All of these say 1cc chart. Hell, >>17524111 even has it in the middle and huge.

>> No.17528621

Why would we showcase continue clears? in Touhou your achievements do not count unless it's a 1cc.

>> No.17528745

what if u wr with a gameover :^)

>> No.17528765

I just beat Touhou 7's extra stage on first try, I've never beaten an extra stage before and I was just trying to get used to the controls for a lunatic 1cc, what the fuck? It's the easiest extra stage right? Also only one spell card captured lol

>> No.17528767

*unless it's a NMNB 1cc

>> No.17528775

That seems unlikely, but I'm guessing it wouldn't count if you used a continue.

>> No.17528785

That's okay. You will improve for as long as you play regularly. Playing too much is actually bad for pretty much everyone.

>> No.17528804

There's this one faggotron who will deny it and deny it until he's blue in the face, but you're absolutely right, Ran is THE easiest Extra. At least Okina and Suwako make you learn shit before you get anywhere, but Ran just falls over like a house of cards in a windy day.

Yukari isn't much harder either.

>> No.17528896

eosd lunatic wr was unironically a gameover for pretty much a year, if not more

>> No.17528916

>Okina extra
Is she really that easy? I think I struggled with her more than I should've, really.

>> No.17528923

Holy shit, really?

>> No.17528936

It makes a big difference if you use Reimu or not

>> No.17529047
File: 900 KB, 927x1107, shmupstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work harder, not smarter

>> No.17529178

She's one of the easier Extras, yes.

>> No.17529468
File: 480 KB, 1026x1297, player skills 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might not be the best, but I have extreme enthusiasm to the series.

>> No.17529537
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>> No.17529586

Im not too sure what does streaming or puzzle solving refer to, what are those?

>> No.17530409


Help. I'm playing on Normal and Komachi and Eiki are fucking impossible. The few times I get past Komachi, Eiki kicks my ass even on the very very rare occasions I get her down to 1 HP.

>> No.17530445
File: 1.36 MB, 260x260, 1461473143847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Die to everything because I think I have a release ready

This game is doing nothing but giving me bad habits.

>> No.17530468

but how do you do books with slow reactions

>> No.17530553

Nice shitpost.

>> No.17530557

If you're getting ready for a lunatic 1cc, you can do practically any extra without much issue.

>> No.17530562

Probably so.

>> No.17530754

read it or get lucky

>> No.17530842

eosd scorers make up their own rules for everything. i had respect for them until they started justifying pause buffering for eosd scoring

>> No.17531377
File: 2.16 MB, 1280x960, th15_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally didn't choke at the very end of the fight and cleared. No other extra boss even compares to Hecatia's difficulty. Fuck Lunatic Impact, fuck LoLK, I'm glad I don't have to do this anymore. I have now cleared every main extra stage, excluding PC-98.
On a side note, one of the runs where I made it past Lunatic Impact with enough lives to get through the rest of the fight ended up glitching out and I was unable to damage Junko, ending the run.

>> No.17531693

Good job.
Now do it with Marisa.

>> No.17531769

He's done it. The absolute fucking madman.

>> No.17531799

Keep it on the down low dude otherwise attention starved scorefags are going to start complaining about nobody watching their videos again.

>> No.17531868

>Less than 200 views.
Yeah I'm sure they're quaking with anger and avarice.

>> No.17531898

Considering the state of previous threads...

>> No.17531901

why would you quake with anger over mediocrity?

>> No.17531922

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm affiliated with neither side and I was arguing that survivalfags are generally worse people.

>> No.17531938

There are no sides. Only shitposting.

>> No.17531960

I think it's the opposite, actually. Scorefags tend to be ostracized from the community for their bitter, elitist, and generally malicious behavior.

While survivalfags thrive under a large open community. Granted, it's no paradise, but it's generally a lot more pleasant of a community to be around.
