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17512284 No.17512284 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>17504814
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KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG
Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

-The Summer 2017 event has begun. It is a large scale 7-map "what if" operation taking place in the west. The event name is Break Through to the West Once More! European Relief Operation. The main operation is four maps, while the extra operation is three maps. The rewards are Hatakaze(E2 reward), Richelieu(E4 reward), Sagiri(E1/E2 drop), Amagiri(E3/E4), Luigi Torelli (E6 Drop) & Ark Royal (E7 reward)

>> No.17512291
File: 392 KB, 426x582, zuiun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat vegetables.

>> No.17512292

I wish i had a dad

>> No.17512301
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>> No.17512332

You forgot Matsuwa (E5 Drop)

>> No.17512339

Tell me, which map has Zuiun meme bombing?

>> No.17512347

For the debuff at node P, does Taiyou need to be fast?

>> No.17512349

Kaga Kai2 when?

>> No.17512356

What's the appeal of Yamakaze anyway?

>> No.17512359


>> No.17512369


>> No.17512374

Very cute daughter material.

>> No.17512380

She has none.

>> No.17512382

Bully material.

>> No.17512391

Perfect for belly punching.

>> No.17512392

For retarded people, which is what her fans consist of.

>> No.17512397

Don't joke about abusing shipgirls. It's not funny. Just don't do it.

>> No.17512406

I sparkled all six ships and support still didn't come once.

>> No.17512413

Working as intended.

>> No.17512418
File: 195 KB, 986x2048, 1501637888142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17512420

Erotofu a cute.

>> No.17512421

Is going to I in E-7 random? I can't seem to get there.

>> No.17512434

Please post your full fleets setup anon. I think I need to clear E6 first and then come back like you did.

>> No.17512441

Made for breeding.

>> No.17512444

This. JS is the best.

>> No.17512451

"Keep this date a secret or the MP will come for you"

>> No.17512453


>> No.17512457

I want to commit a crime

>> No.17512466

Is it better for E7 chipping to make your DD escorts on OASW duty?

>> No.17512473

I hope the "first try of the day = LD success" meme comes to visit me today.

>> No.17512477

It is an easy map.
Important thing is to bring 4OASW. I brought 3DD with ASW. and Ooi on ASW duty. So only Kitakami and Abukuma can yasen.
Boss node is a pushover so they are all usually dead during daytime. If they are somehow alive, Abukuma and Kitakami will be the clean up.
1fighter 3bombers to boss and 4fighter to P. There is a high chance to fully disable the wos and you can always FCF if you somehow ended up being in taiha.

>> No.17512481

The sooner you give up the easier it is.

>> No.17512492

Can this be use for clearing? Sounds like a seabreeze to me.

>> No.17512500

Yea. Just adjust your bombers and DD loadout if you can't kill the boss. E6 is a joke.

>> No.17512519
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>> No.17512522
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Who is he keking at?

>> No.17512565

3CV or 1BB2CV? Can't use Ooi since I've already used her, so I'm thinking to use Katori and Kashima for alternative.

>> No.17512566

I will destroy Maya with my cock.

>> No.17512570

>retreat at T
>retreat at G twice

Well, that's it for the day, haha!

>> No.17512583

Is there any mode to train LBAS this time?

>> No.17512584

E5 node A.

>> No.17512634
File: 445 KB, 649x451, DD_Destroyer_Na-Class_Late_Model_Flagship_1744_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is she going?

>> No.17512637
File: 552 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-21 16-04-50 88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2nd attempt at LD boss with Yamato & Warspite bringing her to chuuha in daytime. 13 sorties for all of E-4. Apparently, Prinz's role through all of this was to be French Hime's designated target.

>> No.17512638

These things creeps me out.

>> No.17512663

3CV of course.
You should really use high lvl Kitaooi, since they can use minisubs and OASW. They have 79ASW at lvl99.

>> No.17512679
File: 26 KB, 183x479, dropluck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking bets on if I get another Aquila before Luigi. At about 60-odd S ranks.

>> No.17512686

I got her after 67 runs. Try and beat me, dude.

>> No.17512693

120 runs before I finally got her.

>> No.17512705

I did some runs on my phone so probably getting there. It's always the last damn ship that takes the longest.

>> No.17512741

To the moon.

>> No.17512763
File: 407 KB, 566x800, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yappen__c04e512e734c92edf609fc1959f136da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest DD, 10/10 would protect.
I'm happy that I got her this event.

>> No.17512764

These viewers are shit desu

>> No.17512765

I bet you use KC3.

>> No.17512769
File: 476 KB, 1000x1250, 1503175089861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to commit a crime

>> No.17512778

Please don't murder the sub.

>> No.17512780

Took me 4 runs. Guess I lucked out.

>> No.17512782

Ya sure did, buddy.

>> No.17512783

>one is 2 years outdated
>other is 4 months outdated
>the last one is a half-translated .net framework shit

I don't know why jp hates kc3 so much

>> No.17512786
File: 123 KB, 850x582, e6 runs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17512787
File: 8 KB, 460x190, electronic explorer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other is 4 months outdated
See pic.

>I don't know why jp hates kc3 so much
Because more often than not retards are the ones posting screenshots of it here asking retarded questions and it's built by wikiashitters.

>> No.17512790

But this one is the .net framework half-translated shit

>> No.17512794
File: 551 KB, 677x1128, 4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that's not translated is one or two tools like the fleet tool that outputs this but it's really easy to figured out so who cares. EO is easily the objectively best viewer out there.

>> No.17512799

Boy, I thought jaypee's elite non-wikia shitters hated KC3 because it has lots of pictures of the girls and that shit is for pussies who don't know all the names in japanese by heart and who the fuck would even want pictures of cute girls.

>> No.17512803

I never noticed Haguro's default sprite is crying.

>> No.17512806

I use it because its what I tried first for a viewer and haven't bothered with trying anything else.

>> No.17512829

Not sure if you guys realize, Luigi has a much higher drop rate at the S boss node. Just farm her post clear.

>> No.17512848

I can't even clear E7 LD.

>> No.17512852

0.7% is not much higher.

>> No.17512860

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17512861

If you're using a translated viewer you are a shit.

The only permissible viewer is an up-to-date untranslated version of Electronic Observer.

>> No.17512867

So you guys actually use viewers? Pathetic

>> No.17512868

>tfw that's what I'm using

>> No.17512873

Good enough for me.
Due to how long the TP phase is, there is already a high chance of you getting her. There is no gain in reseting the transport node just fo farm for her.
Boss node is easier and faster to farm.

>> No.17512875

Largely this. Calculating LoS is really the only thing I miss when on android.

>> No.17512904

Is there a option to turn your italian BB into a sub?

>> No.17512937
File: 79 KB, 587x67, Screenshot_200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to clear e-4

>> No.17512949

280k fuel used and you didnt beat E4? Sucks for you

>> No.17512957

Post your fleet

>> No.17512972

I can't read Japanese.

>> No.17512975
File: 255 KB, 546x407, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17512988

You've had over four years to get there. Almost there, right?

>> No.17512994

There's so many things wrong here that I don't know where to begin, so I'll just list what you got right.

Prinz & Hiyou.

>> No.17513009

So what should I change?

>> No.17513071

If you haven't locked any of them, use high-luck ships in your escort fleet, such as Myoukou, Yukikaze & KTKM then kit them out with TCI. Ducks aren't needed, Z1 is meh.

Replace Shouhou with Jun'you, Hiei with Warspite. Kirishima has the firepower, but Yamato hits harder if you can afford the resources. Suzuya & Kumano would've been better used at E-6, replace with Haguro & Zara Due since they hit much harder during daytime. Stick something like Bofors on their 4th slot to help against PT imps.

>> No.17513094

Drop to kuso mode.

>> No.17513109

Is that a Matsuwa plushie?

>> No.17513125

Use your big dick cut-in ships and not that trash. Z1 is garbage and you don't need ducky.

>> No.17513135

Do not want to go through that phase 1 again.

>> No.17513151

So that's what EO looks like? If the names were in English I would consider using it. I just use the mobile app nowadays.

>> No.17513158

Put as many yuros (except pudding) in 1st fleet.

E4 has no slow bullying so replace garbage Shouhou with JY

Pola in 1st fleet if you don't have Zara, Nagato instead of Bongous because no slow bullying. You can even put Yamatos if you want.

You can break out Abucute for E4 because E5/6 are a joke. Stack the 2nd fleet with elites.

>> No.17513272

Why do people use Akitsushima at 6-4? Because of AS?

>> No.17513280

I think that's something to do with a shortcut that doesn't require a Fast fleet and thus allows you to bring heavier ships. Not a big deal with LBAS now though.

>> No.17513315

Kusou class can carry 2x16inch, WG42 and seiran which is the best setup at boss node.

>> No.17513382

I wanna make sure I'm not retarded, what is the most optimal way to setup support expeditions? Am I suppose to be radars on the CV/L's too?

>> No.17513388

Yes. Depending on how many T99 Egusas/Ekusas you have, 1-2 radars.

>> No.17513391

I swear I read the last sentence as "Stack the 2nd fleet with bullies".

>> No.17513398

I put 3 gun 1 radar on 2 battleships, all radars on 2 DDs, and 2 divebombers 2 radars on carriers.

>> No.17513399
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Sugoi, Kaga-san!

>> No.17513407

BB 2xgun 2xradar
CVL 2xekusa 2xradar
DD 2xgun 1machinegun
I used to put all radars on my DD but I switched over to gun/machinegun because of those pesky imps. Might be a placebo but I do notice the improvement.

>> No.17513411

>I put 3 gun 1 radar on 2 battleship
Firepower won't cap?

>> No.17513417

Why do people like you never learn???? Kaga san isn't Sugoi. Now I'll ask you to leave.

>> No.17513504

Why do you guys still play this game? I'm thinking of quitting. not dramatically, just quietly and move on to something else to do

>> No.17513510

Are there any equipment that do work in support expedition like they do in a normal fleet?
AP shell is not supposed to work, but how about Type 3 or WG 42 against installations?

>> No.17513512

I don't even know aanymoore.

>> No.17513515

I don't. I only follow this thread because I still enjoy the secondary material and it's the only one around.

>> No.17513575

OK fuck it. I can't beat E3H so I'm dropping to easy/medium. What maps after E3 should I go for medium rewards on? And don't try to convince me otherwise. Being 1 memedal behind everyone else is not even worth the effort.

>> No.17513590
File: 85 KB, 800x480, what luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter yasen with this
Probably used up most of my luck too. How is E-5 and E-6?

>> No.17513592

E-5 is fun roulette, E-6 is easy but tedious.

>> No.17513610

What's the rates of Matsuwa on the boss? My luck has probably depleted so I doubt I can get her while clearing.

>> No.17513611

Go look it up, no idea.

>> No.17513653

I was having issues with the CVLs on hard, then just ran route support and cleared no issue. Was only using boss support before that.

>> No.17513683

Is Rui more or less retarded than Ro?

>> No.17513684

pls share your layout config

>> No.17513697

Kaga is love, Kaga is life

>> No.17513710
File: 736 KB, 750x1200, __kaga_kantai_collection_and_lawson_drawn_by_silly_marinkomoe__34b48a40d4f6815008713900451ab49e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga is the best ship.
Kaga seasonals when?

>> No.17513712

I hope soon,
Kagawife C92 when?

>> No.17513717

shit ships like Kaga don't deserve them.

>> No.17513720
File: 60 KB, 1168x414, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently on E4E LD and not able to so much as scratch the boss, any suggestions on improvements to my fleet?

>> No.17513721

I would rather have Fujinami kai ni.

>> No.17513736
File: 292 KB, 1200x600, __matsuwa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nahaki__65e20774033dd37ebe23e227e6d53e28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invoking /jp/ magic now.

>> No.17513744

Never give Yukikaze 2 torpedoes, always do 3.

>> No.17513752

/jp/ I need your help. Is anyone willing to test with me how many dicks Luigi can handle at once?

>> No.17513792

When are the other abyssal destroyer's going to get a Late model Flagship version?

>> No.17513798

At least three, there's your starting number. Have fun.

>> No.17513804

Is it possible to farm multiple luigi to keep both version?

>> No.17513859

I have a golden standard to never quit what I start. And because of that I'm persevering in the game even when it was said to be better for me to throw in the towel. And the light Satisfaction of grinding + achievements is nice. It's just events that are like the hangover of Kantai. The most stressful time for me in game. And I'm not even doing the hardmode shit yet because fuck fleetlock

>> No.17513876

I'm planning to retire* on my 5th anniversary, which is probably by the next summer event. However, considering how hard is it to make time for the event, I will probably be retiring much earlier than I expect.

*Just take it easy and go full kuso.

>> No.17513892
File: 234 KB, 618x876, PTHC11yoRusky_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry this negro.

>> No.17513898

That negro has huge watermelons

>> No.17513956
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_5224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right, isn't it great?

>> No.17513970

Musashi isn't a negro. She's just tanned unlike her sister. She also needs to wear her jacket more often. Yamato sisters Kai Ni when?

>> No.17513972

It is.

>> No.17513982

all battleships wear jackets now regardless of what they're already wearing.

>> No.17514008

What's with all the white suku Ro-500 art in Pixiv?

>> No.17514014

Ugliest DD is more like it.

>> No.17514024

great. Now scrap her

>> No.17514025
File: 2.37 MB, 3459x1560, 64553336_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your hull type.

>> No.17514037


>> No.17514038

Battleship, always the battleship.

>> No.17514045

The tranny DD is more uglier.

>> No.17514048
File: 626 KB, 800x689, Event Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And just right after I bought 4 punch holes. Congratulations Tanaka, you fat fuck. This was the first event in which I had to resort to P2W tactics to beat it, although it looks like the offering could have given me the luck I needed.

>> No.17514057

Middle. Though left is tempting.

>> No.17514058

Tell myself I'm gonna scrap every trophy DD that drops for the sake of not having to buy slots.
Then Libeccio dropped in E5.
Fuck you game.

>> No.17514060

Wew lads, you were not lying when said that Warspite engrish is really awful.

>> No.17514061

Aircraft Carrier. Carry more milk than planes.

>> No.17514067

Is DMM's website down for anyone else?

>> No.17514072

Did you send all your LBA on the boss or just 2 bases?
The only few times I managed to get there with my full fleet, the full type 1 LBA just get wrecked, which could have been sent to ass wall node instead to decrease the chance of being smashed to pieces.

>> No.17514077

Her english is decent, but it's just jarring when she says ad-my-ral. Then she mixes a lot of Japanese with english.

>> No.17514082

Its the acting, its just terrible.

>> No.17514084

I just bought slots, fine on my side.

>> No.17514087

She sounds cute to me. Not an exploding ball of genki like Kongo or drunken abomination of Engrish like Iowa, but still cute.

>> No.17514088
File: 101 KB, 1080x764, vx2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musashi should cover up her boobs
Fuck no.

Post melonsushi

>> No.17514093

I usually alternated between either sending everything to the boss or sending 1 LBA to the ass wall and the other 2 to the boss. But for that particular run I sent everything to the boss.

>> No.17514094

I had to clear out the cookies again, works now.

>> No.17514098

Damn, I'm not sure if it is worth to use goddess on the main fleet, simply because you need the boss and her cronies to sink the taiha ship(s) very early to make it count.

I even got the most unfortunate shit with the escort: I had Abukuma on slot 3, and second ass princess nuked her, wasting the goddess.

Man, if only it was possible to force the goddess activation for non flagship...

>> No.17514130

I know this has been discussed before, but how is the Model 34 bomber superior to the Model 22A? Two less range to gain 1 accuracy and 1 AA while bomb and torpedo damage are the same.

>> No.17514135

Accuracy always matters but having 10 instead of 8 range rarely does.

>> No.17514156

Don't fall for 22A meme like me. Now I still regret dropping for E5M that event.

>> No.17514168

Please share your magic

>> No.17514173

I see, alright then.

Already finished on Hard, was just curious if range would make much of a difference.

>> No.17514197 [DELETED] 


>> No.17514204

>get to boss once every ~5 runs without damecons pre-LD
>on a 12 retreat streak now
I really like kancolle®

>> No.17514212
File: 85 KB, 217x277, 1485119917065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flawless run, only medium damage on 1 ship
>triple ass wall

>> No.17514221

Are you having fun yet?

>> No.17514223

I'd say having 2 22A is the sweet spot since you can have a full base of range 9 LBA with Nonaka and Ginga.
If it wasn't for the 22A, I would have been forced to use Type 1 with Nonaka and Ginga to reach the boss node.

>> No.17514224
File: 607 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-18212711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fleet is at least

>> No.17514225


>> No.17514231

How am I supposed to survive 4 nodes with bosses, particularly sub and bb hime nodes without damecons, this is bullshit, I would take the random routing of 2015 over this.

>> No.17514232

It's LD now though, this is where the true hell begins

>> No.17514234

>without damecons
I don't think you're supposed to at all, to be quite honest.

>> No.17514267

Well that's shit, the fack fuck even added air raids to make the resource drain even worst and reduce the damage of the LBAS, come on, give the admirals some love.

>> No.17514280

>wanting a hard event
>not wanting it anymore after the event was actually hard

>> No.17514290

>constantly rag on Death Usagi
>Death Usagi clears hard before you
I thought /jp/ was all really strong oldfags. Haha, guess not.

>> No.17514295

That wikiashitter was shitted on because of his guide.

>> No.17514296

Had two KanColle dreams just this night.
In one of them I was cuddling with Kongou and the other I fucked Haruna so hard she was like a porno star.
I wonder what it means to have many dreams about botes.

>> No.17514303

Because it's more of a p2w event camouflaged with artificial difficulty rather than hard, if you can't clear it is either you are unlucky or did not put cash to win.

>> No.17514306

Did you fuck them in 2D or 3D?

>> No.17514317

>Triple ass wall again
Fuck you Tanaka

>> No.17514325

>want hard event
>event too hard
>artificial difficulty
>DU beats it anyway with a "shitty guide"
I can't believe this is the "elite" community.

>> No.17514368
File: 421 KB, 976x1440, 64427052_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17514375

Yoroshuu na.

>> No.17514379
File: 136 KB, 1023x722, yuudachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD for sure.

>> No.17514388

>want hard event
>event too hard
We are not a hivemind. People whining about hard parts or that event is not hard enough are the loudest during most events.
>DU beats it anyway with a "shitty guide"
And so?

>> No.17514418

tfw my favorite DDs never get Kai Nis.

>> No.17514421

I'm married to Amatsukaze, she doesn't even get seasonal sprites.

>> No.17514424

At least she gets promo art.

>> No.17514432

She's barely stronger than an average DD, but at least she's pretty popular.

>> No.17514457

>tfw A rank on E7 LD with 1 hp left
>tfw I haven't gotten close since

>> No.17514478


>> No.17514480


>> No.17514489

Dumb question, what's the point of node I in E-6?

>> No.17514491

I'm not a poifag, but fuck, does poi have a rocking body.

>> No.17514508

>two failed cut-ins
>boss has 400 hp left


>> No.17514511


>> No.17514519

The one inf the north? If you take a slow fleet and/or enough large ships, you get routed up there through a whirlpool and then an air battle node (I).

>> No.17514537
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1467579195878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LD with triple ass wall defeated
>2 shouha and 2 chuuha
>best sortie so far
>going to boss
>there was a power cut

This is hell.

>> No.17514549
File: 8 KB, 138x310, XkKQkGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last dance is looking like this for me so far.

>> No.17514553
File: 573 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-19364953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the power of money

>> No.17514558

How much did you spend in total?

>> No.17514559
File: 843 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-19380548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the first time I've had a Maruyu in over a year

>> No.17514570

How many barrels did you use?

>> No.17514584
File: 60 KB, 628x62, w4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a shittier repeatable quest than this?

>> No.17514586

god this is beautiful

>> No.17514589

I've done it once, I think.

>> No.17514590

6-1 monthly because Irako is useless.

>> No.17514592
File: 35 KB, 142x127, KanColle-170821-19421060_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6000 yen
I've never touched any of my barrels, damecons or megami until now. I'm going away Wednesday so I didn't have much of a choice except to brute force it, otherwise I could have probably cleared it in the remaining weeks

I mainly had to pay for additional holepunches and additional megami, I had enough damecon to chip and have some left over along with a stockpile of mamiya and irako

4, I only ever bothered going to the boss twice. On all sorties I had triple ass wall so I kept entering the boss with 3 ships taiha'd. It's pure luck whether they get sunk early enough to come back and contribute to the fight

>> No.17514610

How is E-7 fine?

>> No.17514614

I'm afraid I don't understand?

>> No.17514633

What did you use for chipping on E-7 /jp/?

>> No.17514680

I get too much of you. Can you be gold rarity instead of Oyashio?

>> No.17514682

post e-4 fleets

>> No.17514693

I haven't known about E5 roulette before, fuck.

>> No.17514695
File: 13 KB, 187x52, DslqgQv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to pull out the credit card whenever I get back up to about 10k.

>> No.17514713

E-5 is a strange place. It alternates between getting fucked by subs, getting fucked by the air node, getting somehow fucked by TP boats, or just smooth sailing all the way to the end.
At least the boss is a joke.

>> No.17514734

It's the one map I need to farm as well, fuck it's annoying

>> No.17514771
File: 490 KB, 1209x446, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU luck

>> No.17514786

>Kuso difficulty
I sre nothing here.

>> No.17514801

This is quite possibly the worst event I've ever seen. I wasn't playing long enough to participate in hard mode summer 2015, though.

>> No.17514811

Good to know i will never have these levels of luck.

>> No.17514836

Im so sorry anon.

>> No.17514839

Summer 2015 was awful mainly because of the lack of information regarding the debuff and the random compass that could literally ruin your run.

But past that, the boss is difficult in a fair fashion.

This event is way worse because the boss rush design forces you to be lucky in 4 dangerous nodes.
And once you are on the boss, the RNG is almost as bad as spring 2016 because if the LBA don't take down the CV princess or the tsu quickly, the other waves will weaken quite noticeably.

>> No.17514856

The princesses at the boss node can be crit for 300+ damage

>> No.17514862

The problem is once again if you can score a crit. Even with Hayasui drum + Parallel, Iowa sometimes fail to even score more than 2 digits with the AP cut in. Even Shoukaku and Zuikaku have trouble to reliably score 100-200 dmg.

>> No.17514868

Yeah. At least the last map debuff is more visible than in winter, and especially spring, where taking "buffed" stuff didn't feel like an edge.

>> No.17514874
File: 5 KB, 186x145, fleet tab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only the output equipment and fleet set up image that uses the Japanese names for the ships, the normal fleet tab uses the translations unless you disable ship name translation in the settings.

>> No.17514876

How did you people set up your LBAS for E7 LD?

>> No.17514885

Two bombers to the boss node.

One bomber to the ass himes. And the last one to the boss before ass himes.

I only have two lage flying boats. So that was it.

>> No.17514914
File: 242 KB, 852x519, S2017E4H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17514921

Worst maybe, but not the hardest since it's mostly just a long resource drain and using all your consumables.

>> No.17514930

13 retreats in a row is not enjoyable to anyone, I don't think.

>> No.17514939

OK, fuck E5.
What should I know about E6?

>> No.17514943

Just 13? I retreated more in AL/MI E-6 LD.

>> No.17514945

Is DA on CAs really that terrible for that boss?

>> No.17514950

First run of the day, lads. I ask for /jp/ magic to grant me Littorio.

>> No.17514963

Good luck breaking through her armor.

>> No.17514968
File: 48 KB, 446x433, Roster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all or nothing. Prinz needs to clutz.

>> No.17514970

It's okay for chipping but for last dance you really want to get as many ships doing the most damage possible.

>> No.17514971

Her armor is too high, you may get lucky and somehow get like 200 damage but its unlikely to happen. Best to just clutch it.

>> No.17514977

Prinz never cut in during chipping, she's saving it for last dance right?

>> No.17514979

Give me some of magic /jp/, I want to end this fucking E7 already, I'm tired of this shit.

>> No.17515001
File: 630 KB, 772x816, choke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink it.

>> No.17515009


>> No.17515037

>Tripple ass wall
That sounds hot
What is it

>> No.17515042

You don't want to know.

>> No.17515045

>Enter yasen with 6 at full HP
>Only the boss remains, 350HP
>Star Shell, Night Scout, Searchlight all active
>Not a single crit
>Not a single cut-in
>Last dance boss survives with 50HP

It's times like this I genuinely feel like scrapping my entire fleet. I don't think I can handle this shit anymore.

>> No.17515046

____zuki is the best zuki.

>> No.17515047

i hope i get warspite this event

>> No.17515049

Aki. Anyone who disagrees should kill themselves.

>> No.17515050
File: 1009 KB, 1354x1120, S2017E6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to do TP phase at E6. Should I use suijou instead? and 2/2 1/3 LBAS?

>> No.17515051
File: 219 KB, 782x612, feeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515054

She's shit, don't bother farming for her.

>> No.17515063
File: 667 KB, 2508x3541, hatsuzuki13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515064
File: 1.25 MB, 1251x1026, 60388133_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that even a serious question?

>> No.17515070

Hatsuzuki is dumb and worthless.

>> No.17515072

I hope you clear the next event that forces euro ships without them, since they're shit and all.

>> No.17515077

how did you make the pic?

>> No.17515082

thx mamiya

>> No.17515085

I cleared this one with Shitspit being the only Euro I don't have, I can clear another one.

>> No.17515097
File: 262 KB, 323x748, b52303fe2c9c9a1732cc44ed32c60b08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was only one real choice

>> No.17515102

why KC runs laggy with Electronic Observer?

my computer isn't that good but come on its a flash game

>> No.17515109 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 916x1138, 1503349883170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just makes her better for relief duties.
Is this picture too lewd for this christian imageboard?

>> No.17515114

delete this

>> No.17515120

It doesn't, you just have a shit connection.

>> No.17515124

TP phase is long as fuck and a drain on resources

>> No.17515133
File: 645 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-19303231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple installation along with PT imps

On LD this was what I got every single sortie, not sure if the comp permanently changes to this for LD

>> No.17515135

Suijou is better since you get the main fleet to lay the smackdown first, escort fleet survives better that way.

>> No.17515139

You can get 2 ass hime as well.

>> No.17515146

Can I do E4 on kuso then E5 on hard? Or does E4 need to be on normal at least? Only asking because I'm not sure how the interaction is when one map is normal and the other is an EO.

>> No.17515148

well if my connection is slow, it should take more time to load maps and girls

my problem is that in game actions like resupply girls and organizing fleet (or animations in general) are kinda laggy

>> No.17515155

Teruzuki best duck

>> No.17515163
File: 604 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-15233307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third time's the charm. Thank you /jp/ magic.

>> No.17515173

Oh, I read Libeccio at first and was sending you the wrong vibes.

>> No.17515182

>48 hours and 100 buckets later
>Still no Kashima

>> No.17515218

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17515227 [DELETED] 


>> No.17515229 [DELETED] 

>this triggers the /jp/ cuck

>> No.17515248
File: 566 KB, 800x800, __tanikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__8dda252c9c86bf7a915b8615d4d8c245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use to keep calling her "Tainkaze" until I realized that's not how her name is spelt on danbooru.

>> No.17515255

Japanese words don't do vowel-consonant.

>> No.17515261

So, I've living a lie with all the "an" "on" "in" words?

>> No.17515274
File: 850 KB, 3507x3507, __teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hatsuzuki_527__860417b8612435e84a50333a7f0b6ca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to finally get Teruzuki.
What is a good comp to farm node L on E-4?

>> No.17515279
File: 152 KB, 985x912, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e4 rate/hate

>> No.17515280
File: 720 KB, 1240x1754, 61103955_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just how big are they really?

>> No.17515282
File: 19 KB, 1030x132, ss+(2017-08-21+at+05.59.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is what I'm using, but I'm trying to go for the boss kill after

>> No.17515284

Rather big, really.

>> No.17515291
File: 1.02 MB, 1061x1500, 62934548_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just big enough?

>> No.17515305
File: 580 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-07024454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could fucking scrap this slut called Hatsuzuki. She's the only one who's supposed to kill those little shits, yet she did nothing to them + gets fucking taihad. Mamiya+Irako, double support. I am getting cancer from this route.

>> No.17515306

delectable whale meat

>captcha: 5200 saratoga

>> No.17515309
File: 1.64 MB, 986x963, 64227906_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /jp/, I keep getting reck by E3 final form. Should I use a CLT or I'd need all 3 in other map? The boss armor rolls are bullshit.

>> No.17515308

are you retarded

>> No.17515314

She's bigger than enough, but stays below the too big category; making them the perfect "bigger than you can feasibly handle, but not to the point of being bizzare so you sure as hell want to try your best".

>> No.17515318

Are YOU retarded? I don't remember a map in the last 4 years where I had 15% rate of getting to the boss.

>> No.17515319
File: 85 KB, 800x616, DFwmp74VYAEXaHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This big.

>> No.17515320

Kiso should be good. And TCI is the only lolreliablelol way to deal with CA hime, you should know by now.

>> No.17515322

Remember when you had to TCI CA hime with 6 submarines?

>> No.17515324

so you're officially retarded...

>> No.17515325

>And TCI is the only lolreliablelol way to deal with CA hime
I didn't wanted to compromise one of the good TCI ships in E3 (my mistake, I guess), so I've using Hatsushimo. She doesn't have enough yasen to be "reliable". Guess I'll try with Kiso after all.

>> No.17515326

That was fun. I couldn't handle that with sparkles everywhere and total lbas so i left.

>> No.17515331

It wasn't that bad, I don't think. If you have good subs, anyway.

Now this here E7 map...

>> No.17515334

Epic, newfag.

>> No.17515335


>> No.17515343
File: 105 KB, 684x443, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one that I used. Unlike this guy >>17515282 I only went for node L. FUCK those imps that survive the day battle. I hope you're ready to buckle down, it took me over 180 sorties.

>> No.17515348

No that, anon but thank you very much. Myoukou got the clutch kill after KTKM failed to do the cut-in.

>> No.17515351

Is it worth the screws to improve the Zero Fighter Model 52C (w/ Iwai Flight) to 10stars? Don't really have any other important equips to improve at the moment and that +2.0 AA is tempting.

>> No.17515359

>are better AA planes worth?

>> No.17515364

It wasn't about the subs, but about the torps and unpgrades they had.
I barely had any upgrades by that time so i met the slightly less than expected result.

Of course it is.

>> No.17515368

That's the one that gets turned into a fighter-bomber, right? Do it, that FB is useless.

>> No.17515380

Literally who is this.

>> No.17515385

What do you guys do in between sorties?

>> No.17515393

Orel. So much Orel.

>> No.17515398

Watch anime or sparkle, there's only ever 2-15 minutes between sorties

>> No.17515412

Listen to mongolian throat singing.

>> No.17515426

Reading manga or playing Pacman Deluxe

>> No.17515430


>> No.17515446

Post on /jp/.

>> No.17515471

Is E4 double support from start to finish like E3?

>> No.17515493
File: 470 KB, 1024x1280, 5272966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515545

Starting E6, launched all support because I didn't know what to expect.
No damage sustained during the route, get to boss, there's only the boss left alive after all the preemptive strikes, no damage taken, daytime clear.

Jesus, you were right. It's easy but will be tedious as fuck.
As an aside, is it a bug or something that the TP display marks 1800 instead of 2000?

>> No.17515552

TP is also linked to admiral level hence the lower limit

>> No.17515553

mtu is god

>> No.17515558

>is it a bug or something that the TP display marks 1800 instead of 2000?
Difficulty scales to admiral level. Until you start at event at 100+ Admiral level, you will have a slightly lower difficulty, such as lower HP/TP clear requirement and slightly weaker enemies.

>> No.17515561

Is your HQ level under 110?

>> No.17515576

as big as a whale

Hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi (hi-dee hi-dee hi-dee hi)

>> No.17515581

>Continue with a taiha'd yukikaze carrying repair goddess
>Everyone decides to ignore her

RNG won't even let me p2w.

>> No.17515586
File: 3.10 MB, 2329x3300, Hatsuzuki.(Kantai.Collection).full.2093244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515588
File: 574 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-18282309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ogre, it's finally ogre, thank you based KTKM-sama.

>> No.17515590
File: 709 KB, 800x480, 20170812_13591878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And TCI is the only lolreliablelol way to deal with CA hime, you should know by now.
My Haruna didn't get the memo.

>> No.17515601

Sick easiest mode clear.

>> No.17515606

Fuck off.

>> No.17515609

Oh I see, wasn't aware.

Yes, I'm 105.

>> No.17515614

I'm genuinely curious, how do you manage to take some of the strongest ships in the game and still have trouble with easy mode?

>> No.17515617

He was probably being retarded and sent all his LBAS to the boss instead of sending them to CV Hime and double ass wall node that happens in kuso mode.

>> No.17515621

Probably no 80+ level ships, unimproved equipment and bad equip setups.

>> No.17515624

>Get to E7 boss node.
>Deal 0 damage to the boss.
Nice game Tanaka, hope you get your ass fired soon, fucking faggot.

>> No.17515627

Bad equipment setups, not using supports, shit LBAS or he's just baiting for replies.

>> No.17515628

Git gud faggot, the boss is easy.

>> No.17515634


>> No.17515639


>> No.17515643

Tanaka pls.

>> No.17515654

>1 bb hime
Even the is harder than this crap

>> No.17515656

*Even hard's prenode is harder than this crap

And my keyboard is shit

>> No.17515683

Is this game worth playing or can I remain a filthy secondary?

>> No.17515688

50% of my waking hours are spent resetting expeditions/thinking about it, and i regularly get sub 5 hours of sleep during the first weekend of events.

10/10 would start again

>> No.17515689

Stay away from it as soon as possible.

>> No.17515692

If you hit end game, yes. I am already done with the event. I am just waiting for fall now.

>> No.17515694

Remain secondary.

>> No.17515698

But I already cleared it before that attention whore

>> No.17515702

You'll have years of catching up to do

>> No.17515703
File: 574 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-17131653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Prinz.
First try, you are truly a lucky ship.

>> No.17515704

The game is not fun, it's like a bad work.

>> No.17515710

He'll catch up in a year so long as he isn't a retard.

>> No.17515713

but he posts on /jp/

>> No.17515715

If you have time and money for waste, then do it. If not then stay away for this franchise.

>> No.17515718
File: 727 KB, 1920x1080, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally did it. After burning 23k fuel and 150 buckets in the first week I took it easy while restoring my resources and leveled my escort fleet a bit and my first try was successful.
It seriously felt impossible the first week even on kuso.

>> No.17515722


>> No.17515727

Which version is this?

>> No.17515728

I fucking scrapped so many dupe Mikumas without realizing she has a god tier gun.

>> No.17515732

Me too.

>> No.17515734
File: 73 KB, 410x410, nipsbeingnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515735

I thought using CLT on E-4 makes you go to node L

>> No.17515740

Not with euro ships.

>> No.17515742

Not if you fulfill the Euro ship requirement. Which he did by using Z1 on Kuso.

>> No.17515743

Not in kuso mode or with Euro ships.

>> No.17515744

AHHH I wanna die.

>> No.17515753

It was last dance. Even outside of last dance my fleet the first week only barely managed to kill her once.

With euro ships you can take 1. It requires 1/2/3 depending on difficulty.

>> No.17515757

gotta level up Z1 then

>> No.17515847


>look up mikuma


>> No.17515856


>> No.17515864

I regret trying to rank this month.

>> No.17515870

>Fully sparkled support fleet fails twice in a row
I'm going to flip a fucking table.

>> No.17515878

Wouldn't a whole class of flagship's be more cancerous than the Elite version?

>> No.17515886


Meh, just cruise around in easy mode

You can use your favorite ship and your salt level will be much lower

>> No.17515918
File: 114 KB, 635x903, DHwx0BBUwAA2S62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf Libe for C93?

>> No.17515935
File: 3.74 MB, 480x270, ezgif-2-dc594f0515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17515991

Fruit cheer crossover when?

>> No.17516008

How will they ever recover.

>> No.17516011


>> No.17516036

Woah, someone else actually watches that show? Do you also enjoy it?

>> No.17516062

Best show this season.

>> No.17516071

What's Luigi Torrelli good for? Got her while clearing.

>> No.17516083

Fresh meat for the orel grinder.

>> No.17516086

Mario memes and rape

>> No.17516088

You can purify her and turn her white

>> No.17516109

Does anyone have a rough draft of the wall of shame? I wanna see the stupid shit people have done this event so far.

>> No.17516112
File: 185 KB, 850x1246, __kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tim_loechner__sample-d9a1b2512bfa335e2c05d4e8a4cd8959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put some clothes jeez

>> No.17516115


>> No.17516117

>mfw I'll need at least 3 ABKM on hard events and dup KitaOoi

>> No.17516120

How do you not have 3 ABKMs by now?

>> No.17516125

I didn't even need Abukuma, how do you suck this much? What did you even do before Abukuma Kai 2 existed?

>> No.17516127

I cleared it without dupe.
The only dupe I have is CVL Suzuya and CAV Suzuya. This event is pretty easy if you use the free juice that the devs give you every month.

>> No.17516130

Night equip mule Ooyodo.

>> No.17516141

>He doesn't know about the Ainu tribe
Fucking ignorant.

>> No.17516151

Kamoi is American.

>> No.17516156
File: 124 KB, 752x1062, 1490964601196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing 3 nail-on-chalkboard noise players

>> No.17516158
File: 696 KB, 743x1043, __akagi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fuyube_gin_huyube__7d92ff82a4fef32c2318ef3d2d39e065[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17516164
File: 94 KB, 968x692, IMG_20161028_121158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17516175
File: 369 KB, 500x356, chrome_2017-08-21_21-41-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warshit first boss, hopefully graf comes after. IS the node P prinz drop true or is it a bamboozle; I see only one report

>> No.17516182

Masochism is a thing with many CanThis players.

>> No.17516184

Node P is fucking awful.

>> No.17516216

Is Warspite good in bed?

>> No.17516236


>> No.17516239

Of course not.

>> No.17516243

More like crush you on the bed. Warspite is fat.

>> No.17516256
File: 852 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170821-17145357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she good for?

>> No.17516258

I wouldn't try it.:
Warspite Nickname: Grand Old Lady
No thanks.

>> No.17516261
File: 1.58 MB, 2039x1791, 1469914247534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantyhose fetish and Chiyo voice.

>> No.17516262

Keeping Maikaze company.

>> No.17516263

Being handsom

>> No.17516270

She's lesbian.

>> No.17516275


>> No.17516278

Oh, another raging dyke.
Got it.

>> No.17516283
File: 82 KB, 811x359, E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch if I fucking lose this yasen

>> No.17516286
File: 24 KB, 350x228, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516291
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having trouble with an easy boss

>> No.17516294

no it's on hard

>> No.17516299

So is this >>17515590

>> No.17516303
File: 13 KB, 261x220, shimakaze laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516306

wtf my fleet is identical

>> No.17516307

>having a hard time on a piss easy map

>> No.17516313

I would suggest using another monkey in your escort fleet. Replace one of the CA with a BB.

>> No.17516315

Dude, E-3 was so easy, what the hell.

>> No.17516317

Don't get discouraged, I had a tough time too.
Even more so than E4.

>> No.17516320

No you just need to beat the lesbian out of her.

>> No.17516326
File: 226 KB, 1200x1100, Kaga pfft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516327

Why tell him to use a worse fleet?

>> No.17516346

>not using SCAMP CAVs on your escort fleet
You will never know true power.

>> No.17516353

I don't have unryuu :^(

>> No.17516355

Does ranking up Taitei/Catalina actually do anything for LBAS?

>> No.17516357

Taitei can transform into a robot with double chevron. Yes.

>> No.17516360

Probably not, we don't even know if firepower does anything.

>> No.17516361

Extends the range of planes. Tatei by 3. Catalina will extend the range by 3, 2, or 1 depending on how much range the planes have.

>> No.17516366

Oh disregard this. This is what happens when I don't have my glasses.

>> No.17516374

I could only guess save them from getting shot down but they're recon so probably not. You would think it would impact the performance of the other squads but there's hardly if any difference.

>> No.17516380

No, it actually just slowly loses levels because it can't do anything to gain them.

>> No.17516385
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>> No.17516391

Worst gumo now that Fujinami has her new sprite.

>> No.17516400

who the fuck thought node T was a good idea

>> No.17516401

I don't see the problem with it.

>> No.17516404
File: 282 KB, 334x802, DD_Okinami_Summer_873_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But her summer CG is pretty cute.

>> No.17516409
File: 289 KB, 267x522, Tanaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516411

Fujinami's normal sprite is cute too.

>> No.17516428

I wonder what is he thinking right now.

>> No.17516432

Sara Kai 2.

>> No.17516433
File: 159 KB, 413x413, haruna vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516439

Wouldn't even harapan. So gross.

>> No.17516440

Which Shibafu ship should get a collab next.

>> No.17516452

/jp/ I need help Matsuwa won't drop. What do I do?

>> No.17516458

Obviously keep trying, this shit is easy to farm on easy. You can even do the debuff along the way every reset since you only need A rank on the nodes.

>> No.17516465
File: 587 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-13143462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fucking bar. I just wonder how many asses are behind it

>> No.17516470

For those who cleared E7 in hard, did you still use the jets for the last dance?
I'm still stuck in LD and the jets are a bit of a mixed feeling: taking down a na class or a tsu class or even a PT boat helps a lot for a better air strike/support, but not having the crit bonus on both cranes and potentially losing them for the boss is quite unnerving.

>> No.17516471


>> No.17516473

I like the high amount of Kancolle discussion going on in the I-58 wreckage stream

>> No.17516474


>> No.17516475

There is a stream? Is it as memetastic as the Musashi stream?

>> No.17516481
File: 74 KB, 680x960, 4b3b76029beb13851083abfa3ff9e8c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leveling a dupe Kamo to steal her taitei-chan.

>> No.17516484

Nope, not even once.

>> No.17516486

>not having 3 Taitei-chans already from Spring 15

>> No.17516491
File: 32 KB, 900x600, CMDNaUPUcAARxPX.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having any taitei-chan that comes your way

>> No.17516493

>using jets

>> No.17516496

Remember when everyone was hyping jets?

>> No.17516498

I'd like to make it to the boss today.

>> No.17516500

Just like how everybody here is hyping Sara K2?

>> No.17516501


>> No.17516502

Everyone was expecting Jet Shinden, not whatever the fuck Kikka is.

>> No.17516503

I wasn't particularly thrilled by them either, but after seeing so many nips using them, I give them a try and they aren't bad at all for chipping.

LD is another matter because you have 1 extra tsu due to LD formations with node G, and the AA from the CV princess worsen their performance, hence my question.

>> No.17516508

I've already gotten two Yukikazes, one Mutsu, and one Nagato. The last time I've had luck this shit was during Hitomi farming two events ago and that depleted my resources from 300K to 128K with nothing to show for it. Back then I didn't have two long ass maps to finish after farming either.

>> No.17516519

Sara is already tier 1 so it's only up from here.

>> No.17516523

It could go down.

>> No.17516525
File: 9 KB, 308x256, last try then im fucking out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch if I don't get it this time

>> No.17516528

Are you the retard that keeps saying she'll be turned into a training carrier?

>> No.17516531

>having this much trouble with such an easy boss

>> No.17516534

>2 Abyssals still alive
Your fleet is not doing their job.

>> No.17516537
File: 8 KB, 120x144, quality image for quality post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's only up from here

>> No.17516538
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>> No.17516541

No, why would she be a training carrier, that's Houshit tier.

>> No.17516545
File: 70 KB, 461x294, 1439739917336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516547

Post your shit fleet.

>> No.17516550

What hype? There is none since she's already good, Jets were wanted because of memes that the German one was good when it was never good.

>> No.17516558

At least let us see who and what equips you are using.

>> No.17516562
File: 24 KB, 482x389, fle3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516564

Give me a good reason it would not go up when her Kai isn't even her late war version. Kai Nis do not make ships worse than they already were, art aside. Thankfully art is something we won't have to worry about since it's Yoshinori and not a hack like Kuso Ichishit or Ayaki.

>> No.17516578

>locking Prinz and KTKM on fucking E3
You fucked up.

>> No.17516581

>fighters on biggest slots

>> No.17516590

German one was good and on the right track being a conservative swept wing but it was used for the wrong missions and was not a miracle machine.

>> No.17516594

Hibiki, Asperger's.
Inazuma, social anxiety.
Ikazuchi, hyperactivity.
Akatsuki, autism.

>> No.17516597

thanks for the non help

>> No.17516601

>pointing out fighters being in the wrong slot
>non help
Kill yourself.

>> No.17516605

Get rid of the duck.

>> No.17516614
File: 615 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-13541572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17516618

Fix your retarded plane setup, you have way too much fighter power and bombers are in shit slots. Use another DD that can actually do damage. If KTKM chokes too much use double-attack.
Also you kinda fucked up by using Prinz there unless you got dupes.

>> No.17516638

what the fuck are these air nodes in E5. i can't even farm easy in peace

>> No.17516640
File: 238 KB, 850x1034, 1503193913228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I like her?

>> No.17516645

because she loves you even though no one else does

>> No.17516646

Free cumdump, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.17516649

I'm more annoyed by the fucking sub node, it made me retreat 2 times already after 3 flawless runs on hard.

>> No.17516659

How tough is E5?
I've seen people say its very hard, while others say its easy.

>> No.17516663

The subs and first air node are tougher than the boss.

>> No.17516664

>Also you kinda fucked up by using Prinz there unless you got dupes.
>>locking Prinz and KTKM on fucking E3
>You fucked up.
Honestly I'm beyond caring at this point. If I can't clear such an """"easy""""""" map like E3 what chance do I have for E7 or whatever you fuckers consider hard?

>> No.17516666

Boss is a joke. Reaching the boss is a different issue altogether.

>> No.17516668

Route can be annoying sometimes but once you get there everything gets blown up by planes.

>> No.17516679

Kongou is the only shipgirl who would love you even if you're an ugly fat NEET with no friends or accomplishments.

>> No.17516682
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>> No.17516684

Get fucked.

>> No.17516686
File: 325 KB, 800x477, PrinzEugen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prinz Eugen

>> No.17516687

A node designed by literally Hitler.

>> No.17516688

E-1 tier.

>> No.17516689

>empty comment box


>> No.17516693

Should I send Cranes to E5, or save them for E6?

>> No.17516695

Route is a pain in the ass, boss is a piece of cake.

>> No.17516698

The PT evasion strikes again.

>> No.17516708

E6 is tougher than E5, so no.

>> No.17516720

Graf and Sara to E-5, Cranes and Taihou to E-6.

>> No.17516729

Game died?

>> No.17516736

I thought the consensus was E6 is easy, but tedious.

>> No.17516737
File: 641 KB, 800x480, 20170822_00282768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch bombing on her final form is giving me flashbacks to last year's event, it's fucking bullshit, not to mention the forced parity.

>> No.17516747

Yeah its deaded

>> No.17516748

>no Bisko
Where's your Sara and Bisko?

>> No.17516758

I'm going to use Sara at E6 and I don't do LSC outside of Maruyu.

>> No.17516763

>I'm going to use Sara at E6
Why not Taihou.
>and I don't do LSC outside of Maruyu.

>> No.17516769
File: 532 KB, 750x890, __admiral_and_maya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tai_nazutai__9f587c43c12828f0b1109ae2c99dae35[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound gay, but where do I find pictures of hot TTK? I'm straight, btw.

>> No.17516773


>> No.17516797
File: 468 KB, 850x1200, 1424461412293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's pretty gay

>> No.17516804

Jets give high air power.

>> No.17516808

And very high steel consumption.

>> No.17516829
File: 85 KB, 195x311, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who 11 here

>> No.17516834

No idea. But E6 is easy enough that you can farm it on hard without support with consistent S rank while using lvl1 boat.

>> No.17516869

>not whatever the fuck Kikka is
Kikka is a japanese version of the german Me 262, the first jet fighter. Only it was worse in almost every way, significantly lower speed and climb rate with half the guns that were already weaker and half the bomb capacity in return for far greater operational range.

It is for all intents and purposes a waste of time and resources.

>> No.17516877

10 memedal autists killed themselves this event

>> No.17516879

I haven't used Yamatos in a long time, what guns do I put on them again?

>> No.17516880


>> No.17516882

The most accurate ones.

>> No.17516885

Useless hotels are useless.
This is another event where you can't use them.
When was the last event where you can use them?
Spring 2015?

>> No.17516888

what's wrong with using one for E4?

>> No.17516889

Historically accurate.

>> No.17516891

No one used them in Spring 15, that event was easy as fuck.

>> No.17516892

Last event.

>> No.17516895

Wait? Wasn't spring 2015 the first memedal event? The one with water demon?

>> No.17516898
File: 344 KB, 1577x1244, a295339d289efe09f43b53a1e5046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wants to prove her worth.

>> No.17516900
File: 246 KB, 600x700, __admiral_admiral_shinonome_harutora_and_suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagomi_mokatitk__a6351154e6ce70f3b225e4444804f111[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person draws hot TTKs.

>> No.17516902
File: 402 KB, 700x396, 700[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could use them in one of the most fun events so far.

>> No.17516907

Give me a good reason to play this event and a good reason not to play this event

As much as I realize I am just too burned out from KC in general that I dont find it fun, it feels like it still calls to me

>> No.17516909

Fuck off.

>> No.17516911

If I do E4 on kuso I can't do E5 on hard right?

>> No.17516913

Warspite fulfil yuro meme.
Nagato can equip green gun for PT.
Useless hotels will only burn your steel and fuel

>> No.17516923


>> No.17516924

No it was Winter 15 you fucking retard. Both of them had BB Water Oni.

>> No.17516930


She & Warspite one-shotted everything they touched & knocked down Frenchie to chuuha during my E-4 LD. I was done on my second go at her, so Yamato was worth bringing (she didn't even get lightly damaged).

PT imps were route support, CVL & CA fodder.

>> No.17516931

Honest question, who sat out on this event and why?

And if I do decide to play this event after all, will I make it in 3 weeks?

>> No.17516933

What kind of retard sits out an event?

>> No.17516940

I got the whole thing done in 2weekends and got the 11th medal. I can't play during the weekday since I have a full time job. Just don't be idiot and you can finish the thing quickly. You can see tons of idiots struggling because they put shit like fighters in the biggest slot and low luck boats with torpedo cut-in.

>> No.17516943

Somebody whos utterly burned out anon

>> No.17516944

Not a good reason.

>> No.17516948


It's just more of the same. The usual troll subs. The usual arriving at boss nodes with no fuel or ammo promoting fastsuck usage. The usual begging to RNG to even make it to the boss node (see: triple booty wall). The same disgustingly high armour numbers on bosses making most kills reliant on TCI faggotry because your standard guns just can't get through the armour rolls.The same 3-4 meat shields present at boss nodes just to make them annoying.

It's worth doing on kuso if you play the game at all to at least get the new girls but whether you have the motivation or not to slog through on hard is another matter entirely. Oh, and 2000 TP gauge on hard mode is fucking stupid too.

>> No.17516953
File: 21 KB, 208x636, fsckingimps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the imps.

>> No.17516955

What's the point, you want to go back to idling or 3 months of doing the same quests with some occasional update adding something new for a day? Might as well just stop playing.

>> No.17516956

Are skilled lookouts ever worth it on someone with high luck?

>> No.17516957
File: 48 KB, 480x680, ecb5e3d55a127a3d1a389f52bb22dd6b_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would no shipgirl but Kongou love me if I were like that?
What does Kongou see in me?

>> No.17516958

Works best on ships around 40 luck.

>> No.17516959

Hayasui has never had to be used before

>> No.17516960

Do you want to kill imps?
Yes - skilled lookout
No - flare/yasen plane/more torpedo

>> No.17516968

If you are burned out just stop playing

>> No.17516970

i have Shigure, Myoukou, Ayanami and Prinz for E4, I guess just triple torpedo all of them?

>> No.17516972

why is s-ranking any imp node such a bitch

>> No.17516975

Myoukou and Ayanami only need 2.

>> No.17516978

Someone needs to carry the yasen plane & a flare.
Even then, expect double-digit damage. I got 4 cut-ins on the boss at 400+ hp during chipping and she still survived with 80 hp.

But a few runs later, >>17512637 happens.

>> No.17516980

Up to you.
I like to go double yasenplane and flare. More torpedo is alright as well since chuuha is a thing.

>> No.17516983


You're not wrong. I merely said it promotes usage. You're not forced to use her or any barrels but the way events are laid out it really seems desirable to the end user to buy some Tanaka barrels. The difference of trying a chunky boss at 0% fuel and 10% ammo and 50% is like night and day.

>> No.17516985

How can you get AS on E5 F Node with just 2CV?

>> No.17516988

double plane stacks?

>> No.17516989

>to buy some Tanaka barrels
The devs have been giving out free juice for years now. Don't tell me that you are a 100slotters that scrap them due to lack of space?

>> No.17516990

AS+is 510, you dont

>> No.17516991
File: 359 KB, 1600x957, Not Matsuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What must I do to convert this to Matsuwa?

>> No.17516992

impregnate her and wait 8 years

>> No.17516993

Yea, unless you are using a waifu to carry the plane.

>> No.17517000


I'm up to 300 slots and I've never used Fastsuck or any of her barrels. I think I'm up to 20 barrels so far. At 2 barrels a pop though that juice wouldn't really last long all things considered.

>> No.17517015
File: 2.40 MB, 1194x1500, __hayasui_kantai_collection_drawn_by_caesar8149__216df04dc62729ad4abd338a8dc93823[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only juice up on final form and there's no way you're going to take 10 attempts to clear it.

>> No.17517016

She's pretty good in 3-5, I highly recommend using her.

>> No.17517020

In the time that they introduced fastsuck, this is the first event where using fastsuck is optimal. Just look at conisi comp, she didn't even use fastsuck even though she is a conisi girl.

>> No.17517032

IIRC last summer was the first time she was optimal.

>> No.17517043

How much time is left for the event to finish?

>> No.17517051

About 3 weeks.

>> No.17517055

You have until tomorrow.

>> No.17517058

On my next birthday

>> No.17517072

Almost got to 120. With the 20 or so S ranks done on my phone I ended up with 112.

>> No.17517105

Starting on E-5, are F & K nodes survivable with just air parity, or is AS a necessity?

>> No.17517123

You play a roulette with AP. But if you go for AS, CVs can't do a proper cleaning.

>> No.17517129

>Just look at conisi comp, she didn't even use fastsuck even though she is a conisi girl.
Got a link?

>> No.17517131

Just check his twitter.

>> No.17517132
File: 60 KB, 817x505, DHfZB6VVwAA2SQg.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17517166

Was the main fleet posted on there? Back when I heard the news I only saw the escorts.

>> No.17517168

Double CLT ounds tempting, since my Ooi has 37 luck with might be good enough for flagship spot.

>> No.17517209
File: 307 KB, 900x1440, __admiral_atago_and_ryuujou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_uru_uru0000__3a0097f7f9fff787fde3a9f85518710a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago outbreasted? T-tell me it isnt so!

>> No.17517216

E-5 A is so inefficient if I want all 3 squadrons to level up at the same time. Are there any else with good method?

>> No.17517217

Nope. Enjoy.

>> No.17517223

Hi, can I have some /jp/ magic? Need to get Luigi ASAP, or I'll run out of fuel.

>> No.17517224

Fuck E-7 then.

>> No.17517228


>> No.17517236

Works better.

>> No.17517254

>not having any, at all
I cry.

>> No.17517321
File: 406 KB, 1200x849, slow cow tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting E3. Could somebody post surface or carrier fleet for TP gauge?
I never liked running transport fleets and I don't have many daihatsus.

>> No.17517331

Did you guys farm Sagiri at E1 or E2?

>> No.17517346

Kongou+Dragons+CVL+2CAV - CL+3CA(2CA+CLT)+2DD should be good. You will still have to go through B for TP phase but go A during the HP phase. The N&M bs is partially random with this. Just give the CAVs and DDs some drums to speed up the gauge a bit.

>> No.17517351

Why can't they just give us the airbases we had last time (and the time before that (and the time before that (and the time before that )))?

>> No.17517354

>been busy this past few weeks
so Im just starting the event with only 120-100k resources and 1100+ bucket will I finish the event within 5 days?

>> No.17517361

On kuso or less kuso maybe. On hard only if you play nonstop.

>> No.17517373
File: 2.79 MB, 852x480, 【艦これ】烈花の翠緑【秋津洲のオリジナル曲MV】<キネマ106> (720p_30fps_H264-192kbit_AAC).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have Taitei

>> No.17517377

Hope I don't roll double wo kai later on, it'd be a shame to have to re-chevron all these planes! HahahaHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.17517382

I don't, cause they don't want to fucking drop with their shitty 1% drop chances.

>> No.17517403

AACI for E7 LD or Yura with seaplanes?

>> No.17517405
File: 650 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-22 13-51-26 82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you as always, meme magic.

>> No.17517406

Yura if you aren't bringing jets.
Akiduki otherwise.

>> No.17517412
File: 639 KB, 1200x1679, The Amazing Taitei-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good. Thank you.
Taitei is a big boat.

>> No.17517427

>tfw you reach E-2 LK with all green but get 2 taiha and 2 chuuha before yasen
Wonderful game.

>> No.17517429
File: 396 KB, 638x634, 1467342773762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E-7 transport fleet debuff
>everyone chokes on either G or submarine node despite having 4 OASW
Man I'm not even close to boss chipping but I can already tell I'm not going to have an easy time after this.

>> No.17517433
File: 659 KB, 800x480, 20170820_11120092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can't, but I certainly did.

>> No.17517434

The fun times were over after E3, E4, E5 and now the fun times are over.

>> No.17517440

Is this the power of 3Big Black BB?

>> No.17517461

I freaking love Abukuma, event MVP two years in a row.

>> No.17517466

What's the flagship to build Taihou? 12 failed runs in a row now.

>> No.17517478

No. You can see the dreaming Ryuujou

>> No.17517521

/jp/ please save me from E7 LD hell

>> No.17517525

No, me.

>> No.17517546
File: 507 KB, 636x684, BB_Battleship_Summer_Princess_696_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it. The assblock doesn't give a shit about support expeditions.

>> No.17517558

Can someone tell me how managable is E-3 boss without support on medium?
CA hime left me scared in spring (though her summer version is slightly weaker) and now she even gets a DD hime to cock block me even more.

Anything above CAs don't give a shit about support expeds. PT boats dont count too.

>> No.17517568
File: 189 KB, 800x800, 3812836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nakachan is the one who train Yuudachi
First time i know about this

>> No.17517575

I'm starting my journey for the battle in E-7. What's my best strategy for chipping with p2w? I'm thinking to go megami+2OASW+3LBAS all-in to the boss. Any suggestions?

>> No.17517586

Is it safe to use any CAV and CLT in E3?

>> No.17517589

>pay2win from the start
Well if you are that rich, then go right ahead. The free2win strategy is to run 1CL 2BB 2DD 1CLT with them going full ASW. Flagship with FCF.

>> No.17517590
File: 137 KB, 799x477, Graf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally. Welcome to my base, Graf!

>> No.17517599

One CAV. Don't waste a CLT on E3 unless you have dupes.

>> No.17517600

How many runs?
>chink desingns putting most of the ship on the back of the girl

>> No.17517603

No, I'm not that rich. It's just that I don't want to waste resources and wanting to get the best result, like, guaranteed boss kill. I do have 40 barrels in-stock btw.

>> No.17517608

Why not? Do you need them all on E-4 or something? E-6 isn't that much hard, just tedious. And won't having Abu in E-2 be enough with 1/2 addiotional CLTs if that's the case?

>> No.17517610
File: 241 KB, 986x860, 1503257875957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is cute.
Also K2 after the event. Tanaka told me himself.

>> No.17517617

You're not original to have Sara as your wife (as she's the one getting a K2 after event).

>> No.17517618

After Sara and after Shinano.

>> No.17517619

You still get cockblocked by the subs even with pay2win strategy since you skip on ASW equipment during LD. You can get to the boss consistently with ASW and air raid on T node.

>> No.17517621

Kaga when?

>> No.17517622

I planned to use two CAVs.
Where do you need Kiso?

>> No.17517628
File: 1022 KB, 1048x1471, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sheita__b0fe435e8649f8fefd688ec64f7e541a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve it you worthless bitch.

>> No.17517640


>> No.17517646

Come on, I don't want to live that long

>> No.17517647

>having Abu in E-2
Fuck, meant E-4.

>> No.17517653

You won't need CLT at E6 if you dont plan to farm it post clear. CLT make farming that map easy as fuck.

>> No.17517658
File: 66 KB, 800x480, 20170822_20460549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw +4 contact

>> No.17517660
File: 2.29 MB, 1919x1079, taitei-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the interior of Taitei-chan makes me want to play Commandos 2 again.

>> No.17517680

Better show us what it does on the Patrol ASS wall node, not the second easiest node in 3-5.

>> No.17517691
File: 741 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-22571576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the ASW formation because it sure ain't hell the 1st one because of that BULLSHIT 100% chuuha/taiha rate.

>> No.17517693
File: 282 KB, 683x674, E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura, Kiso and Tones are not needed elsewhere?

>> No.17517695

It's the first one.

>> No.17517701
File: 645 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-14583997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to strangle the moron who thought that node was good idea.

>> No.17517721

Same. 2 BB Hime is sort of tolerable, 3 is pretty much giving up the run. And it's apparently like 80% chance of 3 BBH on last kill.

Devs put all sort of bullshit for E-7. No amount of equipment and preparation is going to help you here.

>> No.17517743

Nodes variations were always stupid in hard mode, but it takes the cake here.
G can have 1 extra na class instead of the second tsu. A flagship so can be there instead of an elite one.
A second fucking wo kai can replace a flag ri.
Then we have a PT being switched with a princess.

What's the point of putting a spike difficulty within the same difficulty? I lost count on how many times it becomes way more chaotic when just one of these nodes get its "hard mode" version.

Even using punch hole damecon doesn't help much if the fucking nodes deny you earlier than the pre boss node.

>> No.17517756

Kiso and Mogamis should be enough for E-3.

Making RNG shit is also part of the "difficulty".

>> No.17517762

Two Littorios, two Yukikazes, one of each snail, and no Matsuwa. T-thanks Tanaka.

>> No.17517765
File: 911 KB, 1131x1600, 64564891_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to funya funya all over Luigi

>> No.17517776
File: 973 KB, 400x300, my dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again.

>> No.17517793


The FCF helped pass the asswall a couple of times but the final boss just laughs at your reduced fleet.

>> No.17517795

>roll for route
>roll for boss after you rolled for route
This is retarded.

>> No.17517805

>roll for supports to trigger
>roll for supports to damage
>roll for yasen
>roll for drop

>> No.17517808

I wouldn't even pass with the FCF even if I wanted, simply because losing anything that isn't a DD will crash your LOS, putting you off route.

That's why this map is way worse than the LBA roulette shit that was Spring 2016 E6 and E7.

>> No.17517813


>> No.17517815

>roll for yasen to actually damage

>> No.17517817

At least at the duck boss, you only roll for good cut-in as the route was fine. That was a reasonable difficulty but this, this is shit.

>> No.17517820

Which is why you go all in with a juiced up fleet.
At least it isn't a critical roulette like 2015 summer. You have a high chance of S ranking it once you get there.

>> No.17517824

The problem is that you don't get there as much on LD, which is the part that most matter5s.

>> No.17517833

why are the loli subs like yuu and luigi are so darn sexual?

>> No.17517838

I wish thatw as true. I wasted 14 hayasui drums already. All my 7 boss encounter was in Head on Engagement.
And to make things worse, everyone, even Iowa and Cranes never dealt more than 100-150 dmg on ANY target.

I never had less than 4 targets for the night battle because even the CV princess manage to survive every single time.

And yeah, I also send all my LBA on the boss node, but even if they are all max chevroned, the second base full of type 1 get demolished to pieces.

>> No.17517855

Same situation here, down to 5 drums and already using full Goddess fleet. Probably going to drop to kuso soon cause I have no more fuel for this bullshit.

>> No.17517869

Don't give up until the last week!

>> No.17517880

The first and second ones are good for ASW.
The first is the line abreast, while the second is double line.

>> No.17517885
File: 87 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-07285190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I equip Kitakami? x2 +9 20.3(3) didn't do much damage on Euro Hime at night.

>> No.17517893
File: 621 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-15440023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man...I feel like I'm gonna waste the goddess on Abukuma, but I -really- cannot afford going home anymore.
By the way, everyone was in green except Abukuma who was in chuuha

For fuck sake, Al/Mi, SN and Iowa events look so much fairer than this event BS.

>> No.17517901

They really are. The negaducky event felt like a walk in the park compared to this.

>> No.17517909
File: 663 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-15473932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait WAIT. It IS doable... fuck man, I'm shacking.

>> No.17517914
File: 597 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-15485171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cry. Seriously.

>> No.17517915
File: 35 KB, 400x234, serval thumb up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got this

>> No.17517919

>he didn't roll cut-in after rolling route

>> No.17517923

Wow, she didn't even take anyone out and you still lost. It is time for you to scrap beaver and ayanami

>> No.17517935

Where is your married destroyer waifu to save your laifu?

>> No.17517950

Question: Does the boss debuff on E-5 remain in effect post-clear?

My condolences. I believe you should stop playing the game for the rest of the day in order to settle down your emotions.

>> No.17517975
File: 188 KB, 800x480, hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear all /jp/ veterans, give me your honest opinion, can I clear E7 hard with this resource? I have reinforcement expansion on most of the important girls. Their level is 90 on average.

I have all girls except for Ark Royal, so no need to farm after.

>> No.17517987

On average, debuff runs will make you bleed 10-20k depending how lucky or unlucky you are with the random branching.

If you are fine in committing with slots and goddess, that's barely enough.

For instance, I'm still stuck there even though I used 16 barrels and 9 goddesses and I'm at 50K fuel left (I had 180k after being done with the gimmicks)

So suffice to say: there is no turning back if you pick hard mode.

>> No.17517993

I spent 70k doing debuff and chipping, and another 80k attempting last dance and I'm not done yet. Every girl I'm using has Goddess on her except both flagships.

>> No.17518000

>tfw the next hard event would be even worse because people are clearing this event

>> No.17518038
File: 331 KB, 1366x550, e7_xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to you. I did it with half of what you got, 4hayajuice and 0damecon. I took it slow though, 1day to debuff, 1day to get the boss down to kill range and then 1day to get all my bombers to >> to prepare to for last dance.
My equipment is fully upgraded though.

>> No.17518048

how is this even possible

>> No.17518060

What makes u think it isn't?

>> No.17518068

Why not?
You can get to the boss node consistently with 4oASW and 1fleet of land bombers to T node

>> No.17518072

Remember guys that get all the rare drops just by clearing the map? They are not the "average" people.

>> No.17518079

Wow are you guys poor
Just buy more resources

>> No.17518107

E-5 is a pain to farm.

>> No.17518175
File: 557 KB, 798x475, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I hate Yadkari now

>> No.17518178
File: 365 KB, 854x1200, __hagikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kamelie__73cfbb92609a743cb2ed51a8df08e952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17518230
File: 314 KB, 1002x720, About to get cukced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be enough to get through E-3 medium without supports?
The equips are for the TP phase right now

>> No.17518244

I bet Tanaka thought randomly depleting your resources by having more of the new ships as drops than rewards is an ingenious difficulty mechanism.

>> No.17518247

Just use supports.

>> No.17518254

I want to farm for Hayasui in E-3, is okay to go to Node G?

>> No.17518256

Is it really that bad? Support is never good to me.

>> No.17518269
File: 335 KB, 1229x498, 1501195287967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 1 akizuki DD. Should I use her on E5 or save her for E6?

>> No.17518279

Do you have Maya?

>> No.17518309

>tfw your attempts get gradually more pathetic as time goes on
>526 HP left after yasen

Thank you, Tanaka.

>> No.17518312

I know people use Maya on E6 but isn't that because they've luck modded her?

>> No.17518319

AACI has nothing related to luck.

>> No.17518327

And now I get taiha'd twice on node G, so I get to sparkle again. How the fuck am I supposed to keep my temper with this bullshit?

>> No.17518350
File: 1.37 MB, 1302x1500, __ark_royal_bismarck_and_unsinkable_sam_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yirga__afa76d76dc8f6c32b2f9eedf2e8ad968[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17518357

That cat might actually be a myth.

>> No.17518368

Ah, my jets all got shot down too so I get to double chevron those again. Good, good, good.

>> No.17518371
File: 603 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-18231823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too much

>> No.17518376

>1 day to get the boss down to kill range

what the fuck? I spent a whole day to chip 700 hp from the bar.

>> No.17518377

That cat was a real badass motherfucker.

>> No.17518382
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>> No.17518399
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>> No.17518405

Ugly girls, cute cat.

>> No.17518434

Shit taste: The post

>> No.17518440

Ark Royal isn't ugly either.

>> No.17518447

Maruyu TTK already clear the event

>> No.17518451

Cat could actually be a tall tale or a myth.

>> No.17518475


>> No.17518483

Why are the DDs with guns not in the escort fleet? Ooyodo can't double attack with yellows.

>> No.17518489

>having shit taste

>> No.17518498

>Ooyodo can't double attack with yellows
Why? Isn't it the standard secondary DA?

>> No.17518499

Look at the pic again, they look ugly.

>> No.17518503

She's pretty ugly to be honest.

>> No.17518506

Nah, this is just the /jp/ meme train every event with every shipgirl.

>> No.17518513

Nah, its the turth.

>> No.17518518

I like her, but then again, I have shittaste.

>> No.17518519

I wouldn't say ugly, but she's not that attractive, quite lacking to say the least.

>> No.17518524

>TFW still on Last Dance
This is just depressing.

>> No.17518536

>having shit taste

>> No.17518539

No u.

>> No.17518545

>No u.

>> No.17518552

That only works in yasen.

>> No.17518554

>Being a Shit Royalfag

>> No.17518616

>being mad at being wrong

>> No.17518628

>Being mad that he has shit taste

>> No.17518640

Why are you laughing at yourself anon?

>> No.17518641

Truk is down again. And here I was praising my luck for getting giri sisters while clearing.

>> No.17518643

You're the one who likes garbage.

>> No.17518663

If I liked garbage then I wouldn't like Ark Royal.

>> No.17518665

Autists like him is why Tanaka can get away with the shit he pulls to make events "hard", then again he probably used p2w methods, so he deserves it I guess.

>> No.17518671

>Richie turned out to be more useful
Well at least this event wasn't a total waste.

>> No.17518679

Holy shit, you guys weren't joking about E-5 being easy, I just cleaned it while farming for the shipgirls I'm missing. What did you used for E-6? Transport fleet only?

>> No.17518680

All I want is loli furniture girl

>> No.17518689

As weird as it might sound, you will probably get way more TP on the long run by using CTF or STF.

>> No.17518735

Can first fleet in combined fleet do OASW?

>> No.17518738

>60 hours
>125 buckets
>Still no Kashima

W-when can I leave E-1 bros?

>> No.17518742

You're here forever

>> No.17518745

>Trying to fish out Kashima

>> No.17518761
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, 1494740940095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sparkle ships
>max lbas and torpedoes
>sortie to the cancerous map that is called E-7 again
>get crit
>rinse and repeat
Wow. Amazing game.

>> No.17518765

Tell me about it, Akizuki is in fucking E-5/J but I really wish she was boss node drop. But I can't give up, she is a must.

>> No.17518772

Go back to making coffee, Chino.

>> No.17518774

No point sparkling until LD, at most just use node support and keep hammering until you get to LD

>> No.17518780

Gween Tea instead.

>> No.17518787
File: 1.29 MB, 793x950, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 30 hours I keep getting this battle all the time. Helium is really the fastest and painless way?

>> No.17518820

CA hime is always fun to play with.

>> No.17518828 [DELETED] 

*le nearly guaranteed double wo kai/triple ass hime combination face

>> No.17518831

Fuck off.

>> No.17518837

I actually posted this to try and jinx it so that only 1ass would show up, but it didn't work. Sorry.

>> No.17518862
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>> No.17518891

I'm on my 76th run for Akizuki, I honestly think I'm being lied to.

>> No.17518901

Why did the madman have to put the asses in double line?

>> No.17518906

I'm okay with dl, but 2-3 Hime is just a sign of disrespect.

>> No.17518913

You should have farmed her last event. The E-4 there was piss easy even on hard, her farm route as well.
This event feels like the biggest resources sink Tanaka could think of (while still giving the same old shitty 1-2% drop rates on long ass routes).

>> No.17518912

Sorry but Sara is next.
>I: I get that a lot nowadays. Don't worry 'bout it. Fumizuki Kai Ni is finally here, but how are preparations for other Kai Ni going?
>T: Yes, next in line is finally a certain powerful foreign fleet carrier, with her Kai Ni on standby. She's already quite powerful in terms of combat strength. We're also preparing even more Kai Ni remodels for the latter half of this year. We're looking forward to it on our end as well!

>> No.17518924

Graf Zeppelin out of nowhere.

>> No.17518929

How to unfuck myself in E6 TP battleships node?

>> No.17518931


>> No.17518933

Out of nowhere.

>> No.17518936

This, she's terrible.

>> No.17518937

>farming for Matsuwa
>low on ammo and fuel
>long ass route that will do scratch damage
Fuck, the farm is painful.

>> No.17518938

tfw no yodo gf

>> No.17518958
File: 19 KB, 192x70, 6kt6KeJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it. Great game. Get terminal cancer.

>> No.17518973
File: 117 KB, 656x706, shimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are shipgirls allowed to dress themselves like this?

>> No.17518978

I don't see the problem.

>> No.17518980

Because the only man they're going to be around is the Admiral.

>> No.17518992

i hate hiei

>> No.17519010


For a ship that relies on speed it only makes sense to adjust her combat armour accordingly. Those clothes are a tactical choice to reduce weight and air resistance. I see no problem with their usage.

>> No.17519023

Fubuki keeps disappointing me.

>> No.17519026
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>> No.17519028

>keeping shitbuki in the first place
You brought this on yourself.

>> No.17519036

Is DMM having issues right now? Every time I try loading the game I'm hit with cat bombs, if the page even loads at all.

>> No.17519047

You begged for a hard event.

>> No.17519050

Truk server? I've been getting catted for the past few hours, also saw some complaints on twitter about it.

>> No.17519054

Share your glorious boss killing fleet.

>> No.17519055

What features would you like kancolle.exe to have? I'll just list a few of mine
>passive abilities slots for each shipgirl
>affection system
>unlockable skins

>> No.17519058

I never asked for this. I like easy events.

>> No.17519061

Sounds like shit.

>> No.17519062

We begged for a hard event, not a long and tedious one.

>> No.17519064


Yeah, Truk server. Guess I'm taking it easy for today then. Thanks fellow Truk Anon.

>> No.17519068

It's fine besides the RNG.

>> No.17519072

Making RNG hard is literally impossible. Where do you retards come from?

>> No.17519075

FFS, is the current year, Anonymous user 17518973. Her hull, her rules.

>> No.17519077

>passive ability
Fucking cancer. They're ships, not rpg characters.
>affection system
That's call marriage(temp.).
>unlockable skins
Not needing to unlock is better.

>> No.17519079


I'd like to actually be playing the game. Having to rely on this RNG shitfest is the biggest negative for me. Normally it's fine but sometimes (and especially during events) it's just so fucking frustrating being unable to do anything but watch as your fleet fails time and time again.

>> No.17519089

Suck it up or stop playing the game.

>> No.17519090

2nd SN

Those were hard but fun events.

>> No.17519094

They're magical ship girls, not ships. Having abilities is normal for these types of characters.
Also, say hi to the "fucking cancer" that are gimmicks.

>> No.17519095

How do I avoid J-node in E3?

>> No.17519101

2 or less BB+CV of any type.
It's weird that i saw someone post a route where he avoided it with 3.

>> No.17519103

Her armor is the 2nd highest of all DDs though.

>> No.17519105

This is rich, nobody though SN Operation was fun at all until suddenly and the same for Midway until SN.

>> No.17519112
File: 586 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-21200299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nightmare is over. I'm crying for real.

>> No.17519120

Why people told to use dragons and Kongous in E3? They don't help with the routing at all, do they?

>> No.17519122

Congratulations, any advice?

>> No.17519125

You lucky piece of shit. Fuck.

>> No.17519127


They do. They're historical ships for the map and assist with routing at various points of the map.

>> No.17519129

They're for skipping the B node at the start.

>> No.17519132

As expected of the best Euro ship.

>> No.17519134

Midway was hella fun, seeing all the glorious air battles and burning through baux was great. Even in E6 you were allowed to bring so many different comps and still be able to win. I went with the most interesting comp I saw. Not being able to experiment with comps takes a great deal of fun out of it.

>> No.17519165
File: 653 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-21183593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All LBA on the boss. Chevron absolutely EVERYWHERE, be it your planes or LBA.
Equip +X as many accuracy torpedo bombers as you can. During my final run, I triggered contact with Swordfish MKII on Taihou, and the 2 ass princesses got blasted by a 400 crit. I didn't understand how, but I'm not regretting using them.
For this very reason, I think Jets are not any good for LD, especially because of the damn tsu. Meanwhile, you want to increase your chances of nuclear crit on impact.

And I think the number of bombers did the trick considering how the princesses were murdered.
After the first shelling phase, the Boss was the only one standing and took a shit ton of damage with the torp.

I spend 11 fucking goddesses and 12 barrels on that god forsaken map and ironically enough, I didn't need any goddess for this run, although Abukuma was taiha at the start.

I dunno if I can be called lucky after starting E7 with 200k, being stuck there for five days, dropping to 30K fuel.

>> No.17519171

> 2 ass princesses got blasted by a 400
That's for node T of course. But that really saved my run and I was practically unscathed except Abukuma who was in taiha.

>> No.17519174

I started E7 with 160k fuel, ran completely out, have spent a few days getting back up to about 30k in total and am completely out again.

>> No.17519177

So far, they only help at skipping node b for HP phase.
And as it looks like, having more kongou+dragons (BB+2CV) will send you to B as well as have a chance to go through the N&M bs as it'll be mostly random.

>experiment with comps
>whith all this shiplock shit that is going on right now

>> No.17519183

>unlockable skins
KanColle: Global Offensive

>> No.17519187

I was afraid of that kind of shit too, but considering connections issues with truk and the lack of deadline announcement, they will probably extend the event.

Godspeed to you man and anyone stuck in this hellhole.

And I sure hope Tanaka and his goons will realize with the event data that this event was probably the worst in Kancolle history by a huge margin.

>> No.17519191

That's why you can't experiment, which takes a good chunk of fun out of it.

>> No.17519221

Roughly what I'm trying to do, I guess. Assuming I get to the boss. Also, at this point is it safe to assume that Hayasui is worth dropping 1 CLT for if only for the double barrel bonus at the boss?

>> No.17519236


I for one would love to have Sara's white dress back.

>> No.17519241

Yes. I've seen people not using Hayasui, but frankly, not using her is asking for more RNG issues because of her escort. This is particularly important for the CV because they can save your ass with nuclear crits, assuming you have enough planes available.

But even with Hayasui drums, the damage variance is so big that you might have gigantic duds even if your fleet is in top condition. That's why I had to spend 12 drums overall.

I'm pretty certain that you absolutely need to use 2 drums per run. If you go with only 1 drum per run, it would be better using a CLT instead.

And speaking of CLT, it definitely hurts not having 2 CLT, but I really think you cannot remove the FBB in your escort. She will often clutch kill in node G or help taking down a ass princess to chuuha in node T.

>> No.17519242

Or Kawakaze's old sprite with her new stats.

>> No.17519279

>getting all these rare drops i had to spend a shitton of resources farming in previous events, while not getting the fucking new ones
I feel pain.

>> No.17519287

At least I got a dupe Yuu-chan and all the event drops. I'll never, ever clear E7 but hey, at least I can permanently go and fuck my whole ass.

>> No.17519289


I'm sorry, Anon. I like Kawakaze's K2 art.

>> No.17519291

Stop it.

>> No.17519295
File: 1.65 MB, 1460x1408, kawakaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternally upset.

>> No.17519301

Shiggy man finally had a hit, as far as I'm concerned. Outside of Poi, that is.

>> No.17519305

But it's a good "red nightmare of the solomons" alternative-version. The missing smile is the only (and mian) issue you could have with her K2 art, which indeed, gave her some more "character" so to speak.

>> No.17519308

They don't all need to be doggies.

>> No.17519311
File: 249 KB, 287x430, kawakaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, Kawakaze. You were cute.

>> No.17519313
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x2039, OW, THE EDGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The missing smile is the only (and mian) issue you could have with her K2 art

>> No.17519332

Why do you care so much about some edge? She may look just a bit overdesigned with an extra coat and scarf and all the extra detail on them, but it looks nice overall. The smile made her stand out from the other Shiratsuyus.

>> No.17519364

I wonder how Ichiso will ruin Murasame?

>> No.17519369

Fuck, I hadn't even imagined that. Damn you.

>> No.17519379

Fucking Truk shitting itself once again during an event.

>> No.17519382

Thank you. I'll try this in the morning.

>> No.17519385

Watermelon breasts.

>> No.17519393

The other Shiratsuyu's won't get a Kai Ni.

>> No.17519395

Surprisingly, I think the original Shiratsuyu are fine, and the subsequent promo CG keep in line with the original design.

I'm more puzzled about the likes of Harusame. She got cute stuff, and then we have that clumsy damaged kai form and other stuff that make her look bland.

Meanwhile, I still don't understand why nips and all love Yamakaze that much. I'm not following the "yamakaze a shit" meme either, but she plainly looks like a doll, in a very bad way to me.

>> No.17519397

Should I bring Graf to E5 even if I already have 3Euros?

>> No.17519406

The cape is a given. Maybe some reverse-grip torpedoes. No smiles. Action pose. Oh, and to top everything off she'll keep all of her old lines and personality.

>> No.17519412

"Yamakaze a shit" meme exists because yamacutefag kept spamming her whenever a new thread was made.

>> No.17519413

No twintails either, of course.

>> No.17519416

How about an eyepatch?

>> No.17519423

There is no Tsu, so yes.

>> No.17519424

Do you think they will raise the rate drops for rare shipgirls in the next weeks?

>> No.17519427


>> No.17519429

I got several dupes of rare ships. They're high enough.

>> No.17519436

Why won't you even lie to me
shut up

>> No.17519438

They never did that. At best, they will extend the event duration.

>> No.17519443

Because I am suffering too.

>> No.17519444

And i didn't, so they aren't really that high.

>> No.17519450

If you could ask one question to Tanaka, what would you ask him?

>> No.17519452

Be honest anon, do you want me to lie to you to get your hopes up only to have them destroyed when you start farming?

It hurts a lot more if you expect something for your troubles.

>> No.17519454

"Do you fucks even playtest your event maps before releasing them?"
Not like he will honestly answer to that.

>> No.17519456

The actual effects of sparkling ships.

>> No.17519459

Hello where is the fun

>> No.17519462

I'm sure they do that, I mean, come on now haha

>> No.17519463


>> No.17519464

I would rub his belly

>> No.17519470


I think you're forgetting the most important part. She's going to remove her twintails and instead replace them with dog ears.

>> No.17519476

How about twintails WITH dog ears. Now that would look like a n above average Ichiso art "improvement".

>> No.17519489

Can you make Akira fuck off drawing the french. They deserve better than this bitch who can't draw humans properly. She's a disgrace to Commandant Teste, Richelieu, France's Navy and the entire country of France.
This too

>> No.17519497

Finished E6.
No Luigi or Aquila. Why do I never have luck?

>> No.17519514
File: 8 KB, 180x292, pastas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shut up
What's wrong?

>> No.17519518

Is phase 2 still happening or not?

>> No.17519522

>Two biscuit drei
Mad man

>> No.17519524
File: 793 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They deserve better than this bitch
No, they don't.

>> No.17519528

Did they find Goya yet?

>> No.17519532

thats when KC becomes a first person rpg.

>> No.17519538

Akira designs are fine, but an improvement in her colour range would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.17519544

The arcade drop scene is first person, so maybe one day

I'll be trying out the arcade game anyways, I want to see my ships in 3D

>> No.17519550

All France deserves and shit aside. Akira seriously needs to fuck off back to the ocean floor and draw abyssals. Because what she does is absolute shit. At least if they get a new artist we don't have to be taunted by good looking abyssals and ships cheated out their earnings

>> No.17519560

France doesn't deserve anyone better. And neither does Russia for that matter.

>> No.17519571
File: 607 KB, 2809x2045, KanColle_Style_Vol_3_Interview_with_Tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck not having your navy be drawn by based Yoshinori.

>> No.17519572

Hey. At this rate we might just let Akira draw all foreign shipgirls.

>> No.17519575

They are not bad as a whole, but the fact that the abyssal version is wastly superioir is just rubbing it in.

>> No.17519577

Are these posts all pushed by Americans. Can Tanaka just let shibafu and Akira take over all shipgirl drawing?

>> No.17519578

this is so thought out what the fuck

>> No.17519579

I'm saying that France deserves garbage you fucking retard.

>> No.17519580

>that anchor

>> No.17519583

God, I hate shitburgerfags.

>> No.17519588

I'm American, but I don't really care as long as the equipment and fairies look good.

>> No.17519591

That's the point. Now everyone can enjoy the middle finger. And no one has to post about "X-Navy deserves shit"

>> No.17519593

For all we know that could be a leaf or a bong, but okay.

>> No.17519594
File: 747 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170822-22214224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell is over
I have no reason to participate in the event anymore, except for more dupe yuu and ducks

>> No.17519596

>except for more dupe yuu
Have fun farming E-7.

>> No.17519599

She is so rapeable.

>> No.17519607

Cutest onahole so far.

>> No.17519608

The face is really off.

>> No.17519609

>someone said it took them 40k fuel and steel to clear E6H, steel mostly because of jets
Do jets really consume that much?

>> No.17519613

Where is mine?

>> No.17519616

If you keep using them tirelessly, yes.

>> No.17519617

They are there just to suck out excess steel from oldfags rather than being a worthwhile combat asset.

>> No.17519621

Fuck that then, I only have 3.5k fuel left and I'm cleared on Hard

Guess I'll farm duckies on E4

In the basement

>> No.17519626

Steel gets consumed based on slot size and per node. They usually get used on the largest slot, so it fucks your steel very fast.

>> No.17519651

Hourlies for everyone and more updated sprites for some girls that need it instead of seasonals that last 2 weeks and don't even show everywhere would be nice.

>> No.17519678

>2 bisky drei

you didn't have shit to spent blueprint, isn't it?

>> No.17519685

Wanting things in the game to look bad or be weak because you don't like the country it's supposed to be from is one of the most retarded things posted here.

>> No.17519686


Shigure got to keep hers. Kawakaze looked great with blue eyes.

>> No.17519690

So /jp/ what is the best viewer out there?

>> No.17519694

What else would I spend my BPs on when my Suzuya and Kumano dupes aren't at the required level for CVL Kai 2?

>> No.17519695

EO keeps getting better and better.

>> No.17519698

EO, stop asking already because the answer won't change any time soon.

>> No.17519714

Any formation for E-3 Node G? I want to farm Hayasui.

>> No.17519715

you cloud level up them

>> No.17519719

I prefer to do that in PvP while new ships get the 5-4 treatment.

>> No.17519779


You might as well do it on E-7 if you plan on farming Graf or Eugen or other stuff since Hayasui drops on all pre-boss nodes for them

>> No.17519799

Give me one reason not to kill myself

>> No.17519801

Are Hayasui barrels one time use?

>> No.17519804



>> No.17519807

Don't do it anon, you've got to collect all the memedals so you can buy your way into shipgirl heaven.

>> No.17519808

No, you're gonna use them many times.

>> No.17519810
File: 558 KB, 544x602, Just do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have none.

>> No.17519811

What's stopping you? Do it.

>> No.17519812
File: 78 KB, 510x484, 1500009517191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to pay Tanaka's diet.

>> No.17519824
File: 87 KB, 411x596, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it

>> No.17519845

What's Sagiri good for?

>> No.17519848


>> No.17519850

She looks like a really nice, cute, wholesome girl. She's actually a whore.

>> No.17519864

Please lend me your power, /jp/.

700 points left in E6 TP gauge. Only notable drops so far are garbage DDs like Okinami, Fujinami and Takanami.

>> No.17519867

Fuck you.

>> No.17519868

Which girl looks like a whore but is actually a pure virgin? Suzuya?

>> No.17519869

If Bible Belt Christians are right, you'll go to Hell for committing a sin you cannot repent.
If you intend on killing yourself you should donate your goods to those in need before committing to the final moment.

>> No.17519874

I wouldn't call them garbage, but them dropping instead of the new or other rare shit is getting on my nerves. Especially the ones whom i had to farm on the previous map.

>> No.17519876

Shimakaze. Hatsuzuki. Iowa.

>> No.17519881

All of them were virgins until I showed up

>> No.17519882

Mini Kashima.

>> No.17519883

Everybody that isn't Sagiri.

>> No.17519893

Who's the anal shipgirl of KanColle?

>> No.17519898

Taihou. She needs it pluged up.

>> No.17519902

They all are, when I'm around.

>> No.17519904


>> No.17519945

E7 has no shiplock but you are forced with taking 1BB 4CV 1DD/CL.
In midway, everything work. There were 2routes as well. You can either go CVhime or go through the yasen route.

>> No.17519957

This is a meme post, why would you take anything less than 4CV or 4BB in Kidou or Suijou.

>> No.17519966
File: 2 KB, 75x20, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How likely is it that Swordfish Mk II Skilled will be upgradable into Mk III?

>> No.17519968


Kashima, Libeccio, Taihou.

>> No.17519971

Considering they gave out upgrade shit for planes similar to the gun ones, very likely.

>> No.17519977


>> No.17519978

>+4 contact
Probably never

>> No.17519987

Remember the last time some rare event equip was made available at least through a quest?
No returns since the start of the game if i recall correctly (outside the murata).

>> No.17519994

What does this statistic even mean, higher probability of contact?

>> No.17519995

That's highly likely for upgrading Reppuu to Reppuu Kai.

>> No.17519999

Better acc and 5% bonus for combat per +X contact.

>> No.17520005
File: 47 KB, 691x391, 44 buckets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E1-E6 甲
Time to get that memedal.

>> No.17520019

That's a very impressive track record for that amount of resources. What fleets did you use?

>> No.17520035
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine Cheer Fruits - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.26_[2017.08.21_19.37.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44 buckets

>> No.17520060

You can take out more bulky Abyssals with it on top of having decent shelling power and LoS. It's pretty good on high FP large 1st plane slot ships like armored cranes since they can hit cap with Swordfish Mk.III. The downside is the medicore airstrike power but this isn't noticeable with more than 3 carriers.

>> No.17520067
File: 888 KB, 766x857, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what kind of shitter setup you're expecting, but here you go.
Actually, having low fuel helped me maintain buckets at ~50 throughout the whole thing. Can't spend buckets when you can't repair ships.

>> No.17520086

pola's va has so much fun being pola

>> No.17520089

At least someone in this game is having genuine fun.

>> No.17520096
File: 306 KB, 800x480, My Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got Prinz, my wife after 24 runs but I spend almost all my resources, I don't care if I can't finish the event, Ark Royal looks ugly after all.

>> No.17520100

>my wife
>just now getting her
I don't think you know how this works.

>> No.17520107

>my wife
>didn't even have her
>no star

>> No.17520112

Reminder that Pola being what she is now is partially because of her seiyuu's head canon.
>I was wondering whether it's okay to go this far, and when I let my own head-canon Pola run wild they said "Hold on for a second, please!". *laughs*
>But after reviewing everything they basically told me that it was ok for me to take Pola into this particular direction, so I continued with my carefree performance.

>To be honest, when I started working on Pola's lines I'd almost forgotten about Zara. *laughs*

>> No.17520116

>my wife
She's not your wife if you didn't even have her you fucking retard. And she still won't be your wife until you give her a ring.

>> No.17520121

>din't get her before
I just started jan 2017 and she din't drop past two event.

>> No.17520124


Truk is at it again, why are they such attention whores? They already have a scroll.

>> No.17520129

So E-4 LD is just impossible without Prinz then? Cool.

>> No.17520130

You have 48 hours to ring her. I'll be waiting.

>> No.17520131

At least it's just Truk and not also Rabaul.

>> No.17520134

Having fun is how the some of the best voicework can appear.
Also, i thought Pola was known for some of her crews' "wine" antics.

Just use 3 TCIs and hope for green T with everyone healthy and good LBAS and opening strike and everyone healthy before yasen. Easy-peasy.

>> No.17520135

Is someone attacking Truk so there'll be an extension?
