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File: 107 KB, 850x508, 4df75743c8fe366d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17491076 No.17491076 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>17470903 (Cross-thread)

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Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG (HTTP)

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png (embed)

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
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Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

-The Summer 2017 event has begun. It is a large scale 7-map "what if" operation taking place in the west. The event name is Break Through to the West Once More! European Relief Operation. The main operation is four maps, while the extra operation is three maps. The rewards are Hatakaze(E2 reward), Richelieu(E4 reward), Sagiri(E1/E2 drop), Amagiri(E3/E4), Luigi Torelli (E6 Drop) & Ark Royal (E7 reward)

-Debuff for various maps are still under investigation.

>> No.17491078

Theres some extremely sexual about blonde blue-eyed tanned lolis.

>> No.17491081
File: 392 KB, 426x582, zuiun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay hydrated.

>> No.17491083
File: 442 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-16 17-13-17 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only CA goddess carrying me through E-7.
Why is Myoukou the greatest CA?

>> No.17491085

So for E-7 do you really need to do a transport fleet to P? How the fuck am I supposed to get past G Node?

>> No.17491088

RNG is really fucking my soul right now on E3H LD.

5 locks (with 3 of them being combined) is god damn cancer.

>> No.17491092


My blood left my brain and went to my dick so I was unable to form a cohesive sentence.

>> No.17491106
File: 131 KB, 800x480, 20170817_07350342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic, another 11 runs of this shit.
What a huge resource sink.

>> No.17491110

What was your setup for the transport fleet to P Node?
I don't know how to get past G Node.

>> No.17491133
File: 759 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-00431003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise ABKM for doing 280 damage

I pulled out the big guns far too late though, 160k ammo and 170k fuel left for E5, E6 and E7

>> No.17491136

What the actual fuck are you doing?

>> No.17491141

2 BBV 4 DD + 1 CL 2 CA 3 DD
I also had my strongest LBAS attacking G.

>> No.17491147

What the fuck are you doing? She's not an installation.

>> No.17491159

Needed a little extra AA for node Q.
Q was the node giving me most of my headaches

>> No.17491163

It would've been better to take an AA gun in the expansion slot if that's what you were going for. You gimped her for nothing.

>> No.17491164

Is E5 the best place to lock cranes?

>> No.17491165
File: 637 KB, 803x480, 2017-08-17 01_50_16-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigure, "lucky" ship.

>> No.17491168

>on E3H LD.
you'te going to be sad when E4 LD comes.

>> No.17491174

Managed to finish the event is all that matters at the end of day. Gimped or not, Myoukou carried be through.

>> No.17491179

E3H LD is nothing compared to the hell and resource drain that's E4H LD

>> No.17491181


>> No.17491197

Nice kuso mode.

>> No.17491209

I just realized I haven't seen a single post about E4 part 1. How is the boss there?

>> No.17491216

A joke.

>> No.17491221

How the hell are you supposed to reach node P in E6 for the actual debuff gimmick? Going through those nodes with a transport fleet is beyond hell.

>> No.17491226

There's a reason she's called Shitgure.

>> No.17491230

It's not easy but it's not hard either, I imagine if you bite the bullet and commit some of your best fleets from the start part 1 is easy

Part 2 is hell

>> No.17491232
File: 416 KB, 801x481, 2017-08-17 02_04_23-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.17491240
File: 656 KB, 801x481, 2017-08-17 02_06_41-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a completely non-representative (I think) run.

>> No.17491242

>Support only comes during subs
Somebody needs to be held accountable.

>> No.17491262

Abyssals are so beautiful, maybe it's wrong to kill them

>> No.17491266
File: 670 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170816-17321678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp I'm done with E4H, now could someone share with me his comp for E5H?

>> No.17491272

Use your brain wikiashitter.

>> No.17491274

3 Europa required

>> No.17491306

I hope you have 4 ships sparkled

>> No.17491308

You mean 6.

>> No.17491324

If you can be bothered then sure. I consider 4 the bare minimum for node support

>> No.17491336

No cat go away.

>> No.17491349


>> No.17491363

e3 is aids

i got one good sortie and the rest is retreats at the first or second node

>> No.17491376

Go away.

>> No.17491382

aim bot bullshit. just watched my fleet miss every hit and my one chuuha ship get hit to red one hp at a time

>> No.17491390
File: 638 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170816-20462398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first node

>> No.17491402

PT boats should all choke on a fucking dick and die

>> No.17491426

Eugen save me with the might of your butt.

>> No.17491432
File: 99 KB, 702x443, ss+(2017-08-16+at+08.59.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything wrong my setup? I've been stuck on E3 LD for a day now, and the closest I've come to kill her she had like a 100 hp left.

>> No.17491436
File: 651 KB, 809x484, chrome_2017-08-16_19-57-17copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only took ten attempts and 62k bauxite. First time under baux softcap for like two years probably.

: ^ )

>> No.17491441

>not having at least 2 Taihous by now

>> No.17491442

Double your FP, for a start.

Then, fix your escort fleet's equipments.

>> No.17491443

you badly need to learn how to setup your fleet's AS

>> No.17491446

>Those equipment setup
What the fuck am I even looking at

>> No.17491456

I would appreciate a more in depth explanation on the things I need to change, as I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.17491471
File: 281 KB, 401x617, DE_Matsuwa_525_Full_Damaged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I even fucking bother farming for the new DE? Already have all the other event drops.

>> No.17491476

Might as well.

>> No.17491484

Clearly it had to be a KC3 faggot.

>> No.17491491
File: 556 KB, 800x480, uuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished E5, how hard is E6 compared to E4 and E5 ? i know its long and tedious but how hard /tough is the boss ?

>> No.17491494

Boss is as hard as E-5. TP is shit. Route is cancer. Pretty much just E-5 again.

>> No.17491504

Her and the new sub are the only new ships I care to farm for.

>> No.17491510
File: 680 KB, 853x480, 2017-08-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should marry this girl already.

>> No.17491512

>Boss is as hard as E-5
So its almost sure kill if i reach the boss ? Also i saw some people using STF for TP and it seems pretty good because your heavy fleet is going 1st

>> No.17491514

>So its almost sure kill if i reach the boss ?

>> No.17491516

STF is amazing for the TP phase. I didn't retreat once.

>> No.17491522
File: 583 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170816-23140141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was useless for me, I had to bring in ABKM to make up for her endless failures in finishing the boss off

>> No.17491523

I fucking hate combined fleet. Everything takes so long.

>> No.17491526

Is DA or TCI better for Purin?

>> No.17491542

What do you think DA is going to do

>> No.17491549

To be fair the rolls for critical on final kill are rigged, my wife poi had the highest NB damage and she never got to 200 damage.
TCI all the way, it will take some runs but she will definitely deliver.

>> No.17491552

Which comp did you use for the TP gauge using STF? I am about to bang my head on a wall since the Ru wall is fucking cancerous.

>> No.17491553

I don't have enough quints for 4 ships.

>> No.17491554
File: 714 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-02345628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6% my ass. Nearly did 250 runs to get her.

>> No.17491556

Can I take CAVs instead of CAs in E-4?

>> No.17491562


>> No.17491563 [DELETED] 

2 fBB, 1 CA, 2 CAV, 1 aCV | 1 CL, 3 CLT, 2 DD

>> No.17491565

Were you farming on easy or what? Did 29 runs on hard to get her.

>> No.17491568

It worked.
How much fighter power does the boss have? Did you just send bombers?

>> No.17491569

Is necessary to do the Debuff in E-5?

>> No.17491576

>boss has 19 hp left
>prinz DAs for 3 hp

Stupid fucking slut

She had one job

>> No.17491578

For the TP gauge I used
1 BB, 1 CV, 2 CAVs, 2 DD
4 DD, 1 CL, 1 CA
hope this helps

>> No.17491592
File: 248 KB, 953x471, E4setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used quads to fill the gap anon.

>> No.17491593


E-1, hard mode. According to Poi it's a near 6% drop rate. Oh well, at least now I can move on with the event.

>> No.17491597

how the HELL do I kill these fucking pt boats? I have 10cm guns on all my destroyers and yellow guns on abukuma and still miss every time. am I supposed to pick a different formation?

>> No.17491602

support fucks them up

>> No.17491603
File: 1.96 MB, 1843x1095, 2017 Summer E-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

159points each run
Provided you S rank it everytime without FCF, you need to repeat it 14times.

>> No.17491608

you using double line? if not you should

>> No.17491610

Marry more of your ships faggot

>> No.17491612

They should just make a second optional boss bar instead of doing all these arbitrary tasks for debuffs/shortcuts.

>> No.17491619

Does node L in E4 have a 100% drop rate, I need to get Teruzuki.

>> No.17491625

Non-boss nodes never have 100% drop rates.

>> No.17491636


>> No.17491641


>> No.17491646
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x1809, __admiral_and_teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_treeware__5f9b5317ef2805b73b756b26e3b52a73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This duck need more love

>> No.17491647

Is okay to use CLT in E-5?

>> No.17491648

Only inside the butt.

>> No.17491652

Is it possible to get both bosses in one go then? or is setting up for installation and the boss to much of a gap in equipment

>> No.17491656

E-5 is a joke. 4/4 day time kill.

>> No.17491659

what about combined fleet formations?

>> No.17491662

whatever gives the highest accuracy

>> No.17491666

Would appreciate more feedback on this anon's (>>17491432) fleet as well. Last dance is killing me.

>> No.17491669

So is it just a 50-50 chance of going either J or I node in E-7?

>> No.17491670

Should've brought a CLT.

>> No.17491671

post *your* fleet

>> No.17491684
File: 584 KB, 588x593, zuiun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brush your teeth.

>> No.17491689

Meant to quote >>17491376

>> No.17491696
File: 445 KB, 1383x892, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491704

What is wrong with that FP

>> No.17491711

What's the problem?
This fleet look good. Can't kill the boss? Replace fubushit with Hatsushimo stuffed with torpedoes in all her holes.

>> No.17491716

Way too much AS

>> No.17491724

That's just placebo, it doesn't actually work.

>> No.17491733
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, a c e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought E5H was going to be easier, but not even E4 made me retreat 8 times in a row.

>> No.17491734

Support and carriers fuck them up good.

>> No.17491738

There are always one or two stragglers surviving into night battle, and that's with boss support. The boss also invariably takes one of my ships out when they start targeting the trash. And my ships only seem to deal substantial damage to the boss with a green T.

>> No.17491743


>> No.17491748

>posting a tweet with no context
Do you even know what they're tweeting about right now? Because it has nothing to do with the game.

>> No.17491751

You don't need that much AS. Replace fubucute with a TCI DD

>> No.17491759

10 medal anon here who's going to start my journey tomorrow. You guys are already making me paranoid about E-4 by just reading your posts.

>> No.17491765

with 10 medals, you should really worry more about E7

>> No.17491769

Why? You should be able to finish it without shiplocks.

>> No.17491770

E-4 is easy. It is an easier version of Kitanda.
The +4acc swordfish and 11th memedal is the tough one.

>> No.17491774

Is there a decent setup for Q node on E-2? I need Umikaze in my life.

>> No.17491777

the route to the boss is quite brutal

>> No.17491780

Ok guys i need help,who knows chinese so we can play girls frontline

>> No.17491786

Just watched a vid, holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
RIP my megami.

>> No.17491791

You can setup for ASW until the last dance to load up on megami.

>> No.17491800

If you really have 10 medals, you should know by now that most complaints on /jp/ are from newfags who either don't have a good fleet or can't set it up properly. Trust in your own experience and abilities.

>> No.17491807

Yukikaze is really cute.

>> No.17491810
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, Beaverkaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491841
File: 416 KB, 669x730, 1478558162539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491859
File: 88 KB, 814x496, Konishi E-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck getting cockblocked by your own drawing.

>> No.17491869

The Abyssal is by Konishi?

>> No.17491877

Isn't that from days ago?

>> No.17491878

You mean you can't tell? The style gives it away, just like with DD Water Oni.

>> No.17491880

He hasn't tweeted an all-map clear screenshot yet so he's probably still at it.

>> No.17491886

How many maps in hard can I accomplish in two days?

>> No.17491887

Depends on how lucky you can get.

>> No.17491888

One or 2 a day depending on how lucky you get.

>> No.17491892
File: 143 KB, 887x555, ss+(2017-08-16+at+11.10.58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon here >>17491432
I decided to copy your set up a bit, and ended up clearing it with this.

>> No.17491902

So did you guys farm E5/E6 on easy and then switched to hard for the DE/SS or cleared first and then farm?

>> No.17491903

>two days
Not possible unless you are a NEET.
The maps aren't tough but long and tedious. Just look at E-6 and then for E-7 you have tons of gimmick and debuff to do before you get to the main phase. The only short map is E-5 where you can blow by it in 4sorties.

>> No.17491914
File: 836 KB, 800x480, 20170816_22134354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, only the 2nd run of E2.

>> No.17491924

Free No.3 guns are always welcomed.

>> No.17491945

help I'm already down 200 buckets and I haven't even gotten to the last map yet

>> No.17491951


>Summer event
>Extremely tedious maps

Be glad you're only down 200.

>> No.17491955

Shouldn't you farm on hard and then clean on easy? Rate drops on hard are better..

>> No.17491960

Did anyone ever confirm if Dragons count as a euro ship on E-4? You only need 2 euros for medium as well right?

>> No.17491983

Get the SS, DE will come in the next event in easier map.

>> No.17491992

I will clear hard, but I want to take some advice from /jp/, seems pretty shitty E5 even on easy.
Did you farm her post clear? Resetting the tp bar looks like a pain in the ass.

>> No.17491994

Don't bother.
You will spend a long time at the TP phase that you are sure to get Luigi unless you are unlucky like shoucucku.

>> No.17491997

Guys the flagship of the escort fleet is unsinkable, right? No matter what kind of combined fleet I use?

>> No.17492003
File: 1.22 MB, 2149x3035, 2448887f69e8f9f2b71f43c38c78c3f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only kamo one.

>> No.17492004

How about farm her on TP node?

>> No.17492005

>skilled lookout prinz chokes at 40 hp boss


>> No.17492007
File: 82 KB, 287x287, 1496617014132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else trying to farm for Teruzuki? I'm doing it on easy modo. It's not painful or anything but the amount of times I got 'nothing' as a drop is making me worried I'm wasting my time.

>> No.17492008

I made the mistake of clearing E5 on Hard before farming for Matsuwa, I reached the boss 3 out of 20 runs post-clear.
I farmed E6 TP boss on Easy until I got Luigi.

>> No.17492013

can you still get to the boss after and kill her too?

>> No.17492017


>> No.17492027

Sometimes. I'm not interested in clearing it on easy however.

>> No.17492029

So just how cancer is E-7 hard? Is it possible without a full married fleet or megami?

>> No.17492031

Takes too fucking long.

>> No.17492033

Ive already cleared it on easy but 2 chances at drops per run seems worth

>> No.17492034
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never play this

>> No.17492035

The animation got longer for that?

>> No.17492036


>> No.17492038

wtf I love Shigure now

>> No.17492054

Is it just more or is every submarine node especially cancerous this event?

>> No.17492059

Seems painful to reset the tp bar.
Guess I will take break and make up my mind, just finished E4, thanks for the inputs.

>> No.17492073
File: 444 KB, 1602x957, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cleared it too. Thought this would be another failed run with hankousen and two meatshields surviving into the night. It's almost as if complaining on /jp/ has magical properties.

>> No.17492081

Can't you still go there even after TP clearing?

>> No.17492089

how do I stop going to N from M in E3?

>> No.17492095

You can with a TCF if Wikia is not wrong.

>> No.17492096

I want to go back to Japan and play this more, but I only have so many vacation days

>> No.17492097
File: 524 KB, 800x480, 1481035665166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>457 damage crit

Is there anything Poi can't do?

>> No.17492100

Matsuwa's sinking line is pretty brutal.

>> No.17492102

Not say poi?

>> No.17492107

(F)BB + CV(L)(B) < 4.
Or just load up on planes charge through both nodes on air supremacy. Tried and tested. I ended up retreating more on D than on N and M combined.

>> No.17492114


>> No.17492120

Are there any 3 yurops in particular that I should use on E4?

>> No.17492121

Is it worth going line abreast on PT boats just to avoid damage to go on to the next node or is it better to just go line ahead to kill them?

>> No.17492122


>> No.17492124

Warspite, Prinz, Zara

>> No.17492127

Why Zara?
Wouldn't Bisko or Gangut be better?

>> No.17492132

Roma Italia Bismarck Graf, optionally Libe so you can take cranes instead.

>> No.17492135

Gangut does not count as yuro and Bisko is better on E5.

>> No.17492139

Shit, you said E4

>> No.17492142

Because you're going to be using a CA in the main fleet.

>> No.17492146

Warspite, Pudding one of Italia/Roma/Z1/Z3
I am not sure if Zara plane slots are enough, never really did the calculation.

>> No.17492151

You don't need Zara to carry fighters, your CVLs should be good enough.

>> No.17492156
File: 504 KB, 810x850, 64437703_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the most underrated girl this event?

>> No.17492158

Don't beat yourself up I can use the E5 tip.

>> No.17492159

With a proper CAV you can carry seaplanes bomber + fighter in each of their slot. Your carriers can carry even more bombers in this case.

>> No.17492161

No, she's rated the way she should be.

>> No.17492166
File: 159 KB, 413x413, 1490561806802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492167

Ugly, the lack of popularity fits her.

>> No.17492177
File: 49 KB, 290x98, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492183
File: 293 KB, 460x654, pc_0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my smug wife made it to the cover of some well-known anthology or someshit?

>> No.17492188

Sasebo volume 14.

>> No.17492189
File: 624 KB, 1016x1500, __kuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akitetsu__00a80097c7ba56818cbb9fc7a2f3d8b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my wife.

>> No.17492195


>> No.17492196

bearly passable

>> No.17492199
File: 173 KB, 710x1000, CtHnnO_VMAA_rH8.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492201

E6 TP is easy as fuck with STF, can i farm it later after clearing it ? If i cant come back how hard is the real boss compared to the TP boss ?

>> No.17492204

Only with a transport fleet.

>> No.17492205

E-3 or E-4 for my ABKM dup?

>> No.17492209
File: 750 KB, 730x1000, __kiso_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kabocha_torute__cef443d88a2323dcd97d7da8b116c4a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her imouto more.

>> No.17492210

>transport fleet
fuck, is the real boss farmable on hard ?

>> No.17492222

Is there any good cheap spot in the event to level up Richie, Luigi, and Ark?

>> No.17492229

she needs bonus damage vs pt boats

>> No.17492234


>> No.17492244

I said cheap spot in the event. I don't want to spend bauxite after that ordeal.

>> No.17492247

>on e7 for 3 days
>not even on last dance yet
I want to die.

>> No.17492249

There might be something for Rich and Ark, but you're fucked if you think you can level up Torres somewhere on the event.

>> No.17492252

Fuck I was hoping for an air node like in Winter.

>> No.17492256

I wish she would drop.

>> No.17492259

I'm doing 2CAV/2CV/CVL/FBB + CL/2CA/3DD and videos have been showing people going to N to boss with this comp. Are they just lucky? Because I keep hitting M to N to boss.

>> No.17492269
File: 225 KB, 450x600, I_Kyubey1406200370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to her face not online.

This guy knows.

>> No.17492277
File: 302 KB, 1000x880, __kiso_and_kuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_salve_8947279__c91a438a9d9e45687c3a401188b81d1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean no ill will towards Kuma, I appreciate her for taking care of Kiso. I just like Kiso more.

>> No.17492278

E4 has sub node

>> No.17492284

It's probably luck.

>> No.17492290

Since Ark Royal has shit stats and doesn't deserve any respect, I propose we call her Roy from now on.

>> No.17492292

should I just replace my CVL with Zara, Pola or Mogami then?

>> No.17492298

I don't understand land base bombing. the planes have such high stats, but half of the time they don't even attack 4 targets, and what they do hit usually misses or does no damage.

did you get graf yet?

>> No.17492300
File: 608 KB, 1297x2334, 1502943441788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like somebody got hacked and lost their ships.

>> No.17492305

was it social engineering or did dmm get breached?

>> No.17492307

Literally who?

>> No.17492315
File: 7 KB, 387x467, paint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai2 never

>> No.17492318

Get the cyberpolice to backtrace it.
>436 screws
That guy should've spent the screws, that would be a real pain.

>> No.17492319

Wow that sucks

>> No.17492320

Remember that guy here that posted his API and who's Kongou got molested?

>> No.17492324

Your fleet's composition is fine as it is. If you think it helps survivability you can swap one of the DDs out for a FBB. Yurops should also be reserved for the maps to come.

>> No.17492325

customer support

babbys first internet game

>> No.17492328
File: 29 KB, 299x335, 1382985085160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your account stolen in 2017

>> No.17492332
File: 2.27 MB, 2544x3806, the story of abrar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492339

I used that comp and while I did get routed to N, there's a higher chance to go to M, also I think some anon posted something to avoid M>N using FuMO, I used 2 and only once when I replaced 1 for a type 32 radar I went M>N.

>> No.17492340

A year ago or whenever.

>> No.17492342

With 4 BB+CV it's just random.

>> No.17492345

Is it because of a LoS thing? That sounds like some kind of voodoo RNG bullshit. I'll try it, but it sounds odd.

>> No.17492347

It wasnt stolen though

>> No.17492348

Always a pleasure to see this.

>> No.17492351

Whats the point?
Not like you could trade the ships to someone.

>> No.17492352


>Nearly capped on buckets
>400+ screws
>Win rate still acceptable

He could easily get back on his feet in no time. Assuming he's done most of his quests and unlocks prior to this it's just a matter of grabbing some ships and slamming them against 3-2-A for a while. He's rank 115 and has natural regen kicking in for at least two of his resources so he could easily hit up constructions and/or LSCs too while getting himself going again. The biggest loss would probably be BPs lost and prototype flight decks assuming he had some CVB cranes.

>> No.17492355

Might as well quit if you lose all the meme medals.

>> No.17492358

>I saw you at Comiket
Dumbass wasn't careful enough when loging in.

>> No.17492359

>Is it because of a LoS thing?
Probably, at least it worked for me.

>> No.17492366

He didn't get hacked, someone saw his login info while at comiket.

>> No.17492368
File: 312 KB, 700x700, [shitposting loudly].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sand nigger kebab
I hope he died. He doesn't deserve kongaroo

>> No.17492372

If there's anything I've learned from doujins it's that nips are the most depraved people in existence.

>> No.17492386

Another one for the loss collage, assuming that still happens.

>> No.17492388

Poor guy. Why would anyone even do that? It's not like there's trading in the game. This is just being a pure dick.

>> No.17492399

I was thinking to myself about the last time kancolle was fun, then I realized this game was never fun

>> No.17492406
File: 299 KB, 849x1200, fde0b660bcb15e07d67785ee71714d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492407


>> No.17492412

>swapping around planes in LBAS
>accidentally drag one of them out so now I have to wait 15 mins to put something else there


>> No.17492427

When will they get rid of golden So class?

>> No.17492434

What's wrong, Roy?

>> No.17492445

Great game design!

>> No.17492451
File: 1 KB, 103x31, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this isn't relevant, but can anyone translate this for me?

>> No.17492454

Mechanically it may be an annoyance, but thematically it makes sense. That wait time represents the time it takes the plane to get back to HQ from the land-base where it was sent.

>> No.17492458


>> No.17492459

Black man minus one.
Where is this from?

>> No.17492463


>> No.17492479

The thing is that you can instantly replace the plane with another one and you just can't use the plane you replaced, but if you drag it out first the slot becomes unusable.

>> No.17492492
File: 604 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-14383785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever get tired of this?

>> No.17492501

Is it possible to take the short route (total 2 battle) route to node I on e-4 after clearing the second phase?

>> No.17492503

Did you sparkle?

>> No.17492512

Yes, but using a rather restricted CTF.

>> No.17492514

Fuck, guess im not getting amagiri this event.

>> No.17492520


>> No.17492522

So for going to node L in E4 all i need to do is bring 1CLT and no European boats?

>> No.17492524

Good. She's the ugliest Kancolle girl ever

>> No.17492525

It's So after all. It's more painful if you have two supports on.

>> No.17492533

Take Libe and give her ASW.
You don't even need a TCI DD to sink the boss, it is that easy.

>> No.17492536 [DELETED] 

Tell me something, what's skub good for?

>> No.17492546

No that's okinami

>> No.17492552

How did this happened?
Even if you are at comiket and you are logging in using your cellphone, there is no login/password screen. Was the wifi at comiket compromised?

>> No.17492560
File: 1.79 MB, 800x1440, 1502927114985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an AACI capable sub something to covet?

>> No.17492565

Probably some shitty 3 or 4 plane cut-in so no. Subs are immune to airstrikes anyway.

>> No.17492572

>You will never have a gay marriage with Z1

It hurts, bros...

>> No.17492595
File: 113 KB, 1003x1416, __z3_max_schultz_kantai_collection_drawn_by_aya_shachou__0dd3ae5fe363c259c002c19e5c8773e3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a ring

>> No.17492622

She better have a penis.

>> No.17492636
File: 81 KB, 640x960, let me out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17492640
File: 739 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-15170431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First run wew

>> No.17492642

What's with the dick meme for the nazi girls?
Trying to pull both the qts to shimakaze level of depravity?

>> No.17492654


>> No.17492657

The germans referred to their capital ships as "he", while the rest of the world says "she".

>> No.17492668 [DELETED] 


White people make sure to remind us of their womanizer culture even when naming their ships.

>> No.17492672

Wasn't that only Bismarck?

>> No.17492676

I don't know. I like being able to casually say "he" in a conversation about Bismarck or another German ship and watch someone go ballistic.

>> No.17492682

I actually don't know. I've heard that the Germans did it for all their capital ships, but also that it was only Bismarck because Hitler said so.

>> No.17492684

>debuff up, no problemo
>chunk the boss, this is easy
>chunk the boss again, this is easy
>this map is smooth sailing
>haven't made it to the boss in the last 27 sorties

>> No.17492688

DDs aren't capital ships and nobody does that meme with the capital ships because they don't look like boys.

>> No.17492693

Same reason as usual, shitty doujin memes.

>> No.17492695

>Bismarck is called he by germans
>Bismarck is called she by everyone else
Bismarck is a trap confirmed.

>> No.17492709

Node F is such a shit show

>> No.17492713

I'm fairly certain her captain said to call Bismarck a "he" because he felt it was too strong to be called a "she" or something along those lines.

>> No.17492717

can you guys login to DMM now?

>> No.17492720


Yep, now 28 sorties, cockblocked by node F


>> No.17492734

I've been able to log in all week so I don't understand your question.

>> No.17492736

Seems like their login server is backed up with alot of people trying to get in

>> No.17492737
File: 598 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-17 15-42-57 97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm impressed

>> No.17492755

It's disgusting how the staff can't even be bothered to fix obvious cases like this. Backing up data is the most basic shit for any online service.

>> No.17492833

Should've married your ducks

>> No.17492835 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 800x1216, 1502954636496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492846

>kancolle is dead they said

>> No.17492863

goddammit I wanted to clear e-6 today but my internet is dying so I keep getting cats.

>> No.17492881

I was playing fine, closed out to switch to my windows partition and now im locked out. God damnit.

>> No.17492882

What am I being reminded of?

>> No.17492919
File: 687 KB, 781x1105, slutbuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17492927

japan belong to korea

>> No.17492930

But its Korea who belongs to Japan.

>> No.17492934

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17492936

>tfw BattleInfo doesn't immediately show the result for combined enemy fleet battles

>> No.17492939

I have not started this event yet.

>> No.17492940

shitgure is a corea apologist

>> No.17492947
File: 84 KB, 357x381, IMG_0700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is lewd.

>> No.17492961

Shigure can't stop being the best girl even in the arcade.

>> No.17492974

Why is her panties down the middle of her thighs?

>> No.17492980

Loose garter. She's asking the admiral to buy her a new one.

>> No.17492992

Eugen for E-4 and Taiyou for E-6?

>> No.17492993
File: 716 KB, 801x481, ArkRoyal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to farm for Graf but E-7 is so resource draining for every run for me. What hurts is that Graf apparently appears more on Kuso mode though the sample size for hard mode and memedium is rather small.

>> No.17493001

>What hurts is that Graf apparently appears more on Kuso mode
She doesn't, it's just that no one bothers to farm on hard.

>> No.17493009

Where would Taiyou be better utilized for transport fleet? E-3 or E-6? I'm leaning towards E-3 since E-6 has LBAS available, but I may have overlooked something.

Thank you for your time, /jp/.

>> No.17493014

E6 is apparently better, but I don't know why you'd use a transport fleet when you can just use a surface fleet and slap daihatsus on everything.

>> No.17493020

Did you guys try KC3 and do you like EO more?

>> No.17493022

how much can I expect to spend per sortie? do you use support or land base for kuso farming?

>> No.17493030

Do you see KC3 in the OP? No? There's your answer.

>> No.17493033
File: 50 KB, 433x305, bigtorps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting 303 damage off the closing torps, nor Biscuit hitting harder than the TCI ships.

>> No.17493039

Take what you can get, I'd say.

>> No.17493052

Read up on scratch damage

>> No.17493058

KC3 is verboten here due to >wikia

>> No.17493066
File: 588 KB, 800x480, 20170817_02275892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it did save the run. Would have needed an above average TCI off Prinz.

I swear my scratches in yasen were so much worse than these numbers.

>> No.17493076

I am Yamakazesexual.

>> No.17493083

Surface fleet on both E-3 & E-6 for the transport phase? Sounds reasonable given abundant resources. Is it effective even without route support?

>> No.17493091

Route support is the best bet for you to take down the imps. Wouldn't want a torpedo to send you home right?

>> No.17493101

Oh, good point. Thank you.

>> No.17493106

Are the imps as evasive as they were back in Fall 2015?

I wasn't playing back then but heard about them.

>> No.17493115

They were only hard to kill for like a day before they got fixed. They're back to how they were pre-fix.

>> No.17493125

Surface fleet for E6. Resource-wise, it's only a little bit worse, while your actually-getting-there rate should be quite a lot better.

>> No.17493137
File: 729 KB, 800x480, 20170817_19232201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bote

>> No.17493147

Poop bote.

>> No.17493154

If I could trade her for a corn chip I'd trade her without even taking the corn chip

>> No.17493160
File: 108 KB, 566x800, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ataru_cha2batake__3b3338620a58e8c4d8df7fd3dabb96ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sparkle boss expedition CVL
>put planes needing to be chevron on her
>forget to put them back on main fleet CVs

Every fucking time.

>> No.17493173

>Spent 20K for both fucking gimmicks in E7
>Can't even reach the pre boss node thanks to either the loli sub or summer carrier

FFS... who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a boss in every single node?
I'm not even sure if I can clear that map if the gauntlet is screwing me that much.

>> No.17493180

Is E7 just p2w map?

>> No.17493194
File: 154 KB, 1280x1868, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my boy!

>> No.17493264

when do I start sparkling?

>> No.17493274

Worth running route support for E-4?

>> No.17493286


>> No.17493289


>> No.17493292
File: 1.95 MB, 1381x2000, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Atago to teach me sex-ed

>> No.17493293

Maybe if you get turned around a lot from the PTs. Boss support is more needed for LD.

>> No.17493313

750 TP left. Only 5 to 11 more runs!
I want to die!

>> No.17493326

Just treat it as Luigi farming!!

>> No.17493329

I've already got her. Took 67 runs.

>> No.17493330

I think we can all agree that DDs are the best.

>> No.17493369

Just got an S-rank on my first try of E-4. I hope I haven't wasted my luck.

>> No.17493377

First time is always easy.

>> No.17493383

Phase 1? Piss easy
Phase 2? Ya, you were probably lucky

>> No.17493393

She's only hard to kill if you don't take enough TCI.

>> No.17493397

Phase 2, I went 4/4 on phase 1

>> No.17493398

Or you take 3 and still wait for the stars to align.

>> No.17493409

It isn't that hard.
I killed her twice before last dance.
And I got the kill on my 3rd try. I don't know what fleet other people are running but you will end up with 6v1 most of the time. As long as pudding score a crit, you will win.

>> No.17493426
File: 102 KB, 670x257, 1496472776146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the air node on E5 worth using a duck?

>> No.17493427

It's obviously the guy's fault, not the devs. They have fixed player issues before assuming it's absolutely not their fault.

>> No.17493430

The best way Tanaka can send off this game is with making the servers looks like abyssal equipment and Akira look like the abyssal they are. And all the admirals playing the game are sent off to destroy the abyssal base and eliminate their leader.

>> No.17493434


>> No.17493435


>> No.17493438

You can pretty much press the reset button if your AACI doesn't trigger.

>> No.17493446

How badly does it handicap you if you don't have a duck for E6. I already committed Maya-sama to E4.

>> No.17493457

E4 didnt need AACI

>> No.17493459

No, they all unite against Tanaka, devs and players alike.

>> No.17493460

The AP is laughable in E6. Bring ASW.

>> No.17493469

110k fuel left for E6 HP node + E7 hard. Am I okay?

>> No.17493470

Fat fucker has to pay one day.

>> No.17493471

>hoping for OASW
>two miss
>two misses during shelling phase
Nice RNG.

>> No.17493475
File: 81 KB, 800x480, 20170817_19582494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 4weeks left.

Also when are we getting our very own PT boatgirl? Their evasion is fucking disgusting.

>> No.17493477

I do have 4 weeks left, but I don't want to spend another 4 weeks on this event because it's poop.

>> No.17493581

O boy, I sure love having a 0 PERCENT CHANCE of reaching E5 boss because of these BULLSHIT SUBS.

>> No.17493582

Don't exagerate. It's around 1-5%.

>> No.17493595
File: 90 KB, 418x449, Fake Buki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake bucky??

>> No.17493604


>> No.17493609

Bring Libe or Asashio

>> No.17493641

Are jets any good in E7? I've seen a lot of people using them recently, but they still look particularly week for this event.

>> No.17493645

There is no reason not to use them

>> No.17493655

it was always wrong

>> No.17493656

Just as much reason to use them then?

>> No.17493660

Wouldn't the tsu wreck them as usual? The other issue is that you don't have huge benefit from them for the initial air strike considering both Shoukaku and Zuikaku best slots are the first one, so you are deliberately losing the crit advantage, as only the keiun has a accuracy bonus and it is merely a +1.

>> No.17493665

Do i need to waste Reinforcement Expansion on ships doing E5 just so i can pass through the PT imps node by equipping them machine guns?

>> No.17493688
File: 120 KB, 493x600, 1502962426099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17493693

For what? For being a mediocre Abukuma/AV hybrid?
Of course you can't say she ain't useful, but she isn't that much special as well.

>> No.17493696

Sudden lifelong fan?

>> No.17493697

Route and/or boss support for E6 HP?

>> No.17493704

I hate the wait time for removing planes from LBAS. Why this, Tanaka?

>> No.17493707

To extend the "fun".

>> No.17493712

You are forced to take a DD/CL for E7 shortcut.
Yura is the best candidate due to her ability to carry planes for air power and other misc stuff.

>> No.17493713

If you dont have luckmodded Maya, a duck is a better option

>> No.17493714

So, sudden lifelong fan?

>> No.17493720 [DELETED] 

>taking Yura and not ABKM

>> No.17493757

Wow! 4 hours just to reach E5 boss once.

>> No.17493774

Are you having fun yet?

>> No.17493788

Don't worry, it's only the worst thing so far.

>> No.17493923

Can you still go to E4I after open the route to EU?

>> No.17493927

Yes, use transport.

>> No.17493935


I mean, looking at the fucking state of her.

>> No.17493955

She'd look better if drew knew how to draw glasses on slightly turned-tilted faces.

>> No.17493961

I'm thinking of Amagiri farming, is it a good Idea to farm on hard with transport fleet?

>> No.17493960

Man, the E6 HP part is so fucking easy. Took a little over an hour to clear it fully.

>> No.17493965

I don't know, I haven't started farming her yet.

>> No.17493967

I believe it's better to farm with STF on hard.

>> No.17493971

It doesn't matter, just another trophy DD with average stats and looks so bland she's literally grey. I already scrapped her. And didn't even bother with farming sagiri.

>> No.17493977

>not colling in a colle game

>> No.17493982

But then again, if you have to reset the bar just to make STF go to I node. I'd be better to farm in Easy.

>> No.17493990

Is it safe to play this game in china without a vpn

>> No.17493996

I prefer to colle quality vessels like pastas, krauts and muricans. Being proud that you colled another trophy DD that doesn't even look good is like being proud that you can finally put a dirty rug in your collection of quality carpers.

>> No.17493997

Kim Jong Un coming for your ass

>> No.17494019

Is this OK for E3TP, anon?
Do I need Nachi and Ashigara for other stages? Also, do I need route support?

>> No.17494024
File: 228 KB, 852x499, S2017E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.17494025

>Quality vessels

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17494030

Even without the glasses she'd look like a tranny with a rat-styled side tail.

>> No.17494036

She has a pleasant voice. That's honestly the only thing she has going for her.

>> No.17494037

Don't waste the DD who can use Daihatsu in E-3.

>> No.17494045
File: 74 KB, 836x1200, DEJW4rqUMAAbNuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Gumo.

>> No.17494053

Punchable face.

>> No.17494057

It's not like he'll be able to use those 2 in E-6 any better than in E-3.

>> No.17494061
File: 191 KB, 765x574, fdac8c50a1fa4a0db8fb23218308baa4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastas are great, you know nothing.

>> No.17494074

E-4 part 2: do I need to cut-in setup for chipping or can I just keep DAs and switch for last dance?

>> No.17494085

Is E -> I or J random in E7?

>> No.17494094


>>17494057 is right. There's a whole bunch of DD's more suitable for E-6. Bep, Kawakaze, Ooshio, Kasumi & Arashio.

>> No.17494103

Bep and Asashio are actually great for E-6 due to their good ASW. The boss is so easy that you can load up on ASW and still S rank it.

>> No.17494109

It's all-fast fleet, I think.

>> No.17494113


>> No.17494114

The Royal Navy would like to have a word with you.

>> No.17494117


>> No.17494123

To which node?

>> No.17494130

I. But you can't trust me, I just went to J with junyou and taiyou, and to I when I switched them with chichis. So I tried this only once. It could be random.

>> No.17494136

Gotta go to J now and I've got an all-fast fleet, so if I go to I again I'll switch them up and see what happens. Thanks.

>> No.17494144
File: 628 KB, 670x544, 12323423534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the drop rates very high in this event? Or did I became a luckshitter?

>> No.17494155

Luck. I'm 60 runs into E-1 and only Sagiri dropped.

>> No.17494163

So Warspite is drop after all.

>> No.17494166

Only for those who don't have her, or so someone said.

>> No.17494203

With Junyou and Hiyou, I went to E through node B, then to J. Might be Fast = I.

>> No.17494212

Where does Aquila drop?

>> No.17494218

All the pastas are in E6, Aquila is in Node S.

>> No.17494222
File: 491 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-08-18_00.46.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop this node from fucking my shit up?

(E-4 pt.2)

>> No.17494247

By infiltrating Kadokawa and killing Tanaka.

>> No.17494253

I dropped her on node H as well but in kuso mode.

>> No.17494288
File: 497 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-08-18_01.03.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you guys weren't joking about this bitch's armor, enter yasen with 383HP, ate 5 double attacks and lived.

Granted I'd use cut-ins for last dance and the night plane didn't launch, but still.

>> No.17494298

I hope you are patient, because her armor is even higher during LD

>> No.17494299

I don't know. I didn't Kuso farm. I was spending like at least 6 buckets per sortie. Near 1000 fuel and ammunition.

>> No.17494309

I used both Route Support and Land Base for E-7.
You got Graf too? I only got Aquila. I already completed E-7. Never got Luigi or Matsuwa either.

>> No.17494364

When will Amamiya return to save Suzukaze and Samidare from their impending Ichiso doom?

>> No.17494365

I hope that means she has a decent droprate.....


>> No.17494370


>> No.17494378
File: 605 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-18343136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFS, this is just the first node with support expedition. And I'm pretty sure someone else will be blasted in the sub node, CV node or the ass wall node.

This is really messed up.

>> No.17494388

>escort flag is Yukikaze

>> No.17494409
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>> No.17494410

did you farm on easy? if I have to use route support the entire time I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.17494428

>Yukikaze wa shizumimasen
You inattentive fool.

>> No.17494434

Why does my night scout plane never triggers on E4 pt2 boss?

>> No.17494468

I didn't farm at all on. I just completed the event to get the only good for Taiyou plane.

>> No.17494476

How did you clear node P when you did SECOND (debuff) gimmick? Did you use Transport combined fleet?

>> No.17494490

I cleared it by sending some land based planes to E Node and the rest to P Node. Equip machine guns on your destroyers who are not good at ASW. I had all three ducks in the fleet.

>> No.17494500

Yeah, I know how to fight them, but I am not sure which fleet (composition) to use since I opened shortcut.

>> No.17494558
File: 641 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-02145597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used transport fleet yes. This shit was absurdely annoying as node G became completely whacky.

Here was my comp when I did it. Every DD had 2 12.7cm + a AA gun.
Don't expect your BBV to do anything there either.

>> No.17494560

>tfw getting taihas even while just debuffing E7

Bros, I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.17494561

Pudding, your sisters handed you a <100 HP solo E4 boss on final, and you failed to cut in. You are hereby reprimanded.

>> No.17494570

Thank you. I know I will die with transport fleet, but it seems there is no other way.

>> No.17494573

It's not pudding fault, it's the fucking armor.

>> No.17494578

Low hanging megane is god tier megane.

>> No.17494581

This is the first time she hasn't done 100+ on a cutin for final, it's just also the first time she was handed something to work with. The other 5 get the armor excuse, not her!

>> No.17494583

Yeah, I was looking for information left and right, and you pretty much have to use the transport fleet to go back to P once you are done with the first gimmick.

I used 1 full LBA on node G, then used the rest on node P.
Node G was definitely hell for that comp. Surprisingly, normal Taiyou can fend off the air Node by herself, but you are still at risk for obvious reasons.

>> No.17494590

is Sagiri a myth?

>> No.17494597

Bigger events mean less drop chances.

>> No.17494605

My Taiyou is lvl 99, so she will be alright. Even debuffing is convoluted as hell, I can't wait to die everywhere when I will chip E7. Thankfully I only need to clear the map and the event is over because I have already dropped new shipgirls.

>> No.17494611

Node G is already hell for me even though I haven't opened the shortcut yet. What the fuck. Four taihas.

>> No.17494615

Sagiri is a distraction to reduce your resources below what's necessary for Luigi

>> No.17494619

but I'm breaking even while farming her, its just been 2 days of E-1

>> No.17494643

It's only the beginning anon, it's only the beginning.

>> No.17494685

Time and sanity are valuable resources, not metered as closely as fuel.

>> No.17494712

Luigi is uglier than Sagiri.

>> No.17494719

Luigi is the cutest ship this event.

>> No.17494736

She is Jijis' worst ship and can't be the best this event by default.

>> No.17494742

Roma is Jiji's worst ship, Lui is the cutest ship and Ark Royal is the best looking overall. Amagiri is trash.

These are all official opinions.

>> No.17494748

"Your official opinions" have little weight.

>> No.17494753

>Ark Royal is the best looking overall


>> No.17494761

>fifth node G taiha in a row while trying to open the shortcut


>> No.17494765

>best looking
Not really.

>> No.17494774
File: 103 KB, 578x460, 1495668117040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /jp/, I'm starting today and need some advice.

Seems I need to save the European ships for E5 + E6 and some historical one for E4, do I need to save ships for other hard maps (CLTs, strong ASW, etc)? Are some of the hard maps farmable oh hard? I could clear this in two weeks, right?

Please respond.

>> No.17494788
File: 91 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-17T21.17.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That went well. That went too well. Did it on my first try. All thanks to my girls and godlike support.

>> No.17494796

Can you bring 2CLT to E4 and still avoid DJ Hime? I locked Ooi in but she keeps choking.

>> No.17494797


>> No.17494798

yeah, as long you reach that node in one piece, you should be able to clear it easily unless you get shitty LBAS and a red T.

Thank god it was just a A rank requirement

>> No.17494855
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>> No.17494861

What's the difference between 恋 and 愛?

>> No.17494891

is raiden better than hien or spitfire when you're actually sending it to an enemy node, or is it only good on defense?

>> No.17494896

Raiden is ass for sorties.

>> No.17494899

so anti-bombing stat does nothing if you aren't defending?

>> No.17494908
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>> No.17494911
File: 1.31 MB, 2268x1814, 64477461_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ark Royal is the best looking overall.
Concur. I'd board her tenderly.

>> No.17494922

I say both.

>> No.17494926

>final sortie of tp
>perfect run so far
>b rank

why is this allowed

>> No.17494963

E2 turned out to be easier than what some posters made it out to be earlier.

>> No.17494971

You'll regret those words

>> No.17494978

>shittiest looking

>> No.17494997

Folks, I'm sorry for triggering all of you by saying Ark Royal looks good.

>> No.17495000

If Roma took off her glasses I'd like her more

>> No.17495007

Once everybody gets used to her, they'll change their minds. This happens every event.

>> No.17495024

You posted a dumb opinion as fact, you and that shit ship deserve to be shat on.

>> No.17495028
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>> No.17495029

If Roma took off her glasses I'd like her less

>> No.17495037

>2 taiha every time you even try node G
>this is to be able to stand a chance to defeat the boss to begin with

What the fuck is this map? Holy fuck.

>> No.17495049

Use support.

>> No.17495070

both supports

>> No.17495087

E7 G? If it's happening really frequently, it's a comp problem.

>> No.17495093

TP fleet.

>> No.17495177

>actually get there
>C rank


>> No.17495183
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>> No.17495199

The face looks kinda fucked up.

>> No.17495200
File: 254 KB, 852x499, S2017E3-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need boss support for E3?

>> No.17495206

Just pray for easier comp, there's no helping there.

>> No.17495211

It's CA hime dude.

>> No.17495216

How much resources did people waste on E7H? I'm just finished debuffing E5 and I'm at 16k ammo/fuel

>> No.17495221

Thinking about it. Having a Mamiya shipgirl would not do much. I'm not sure how she'd work? We already have fleet oilers to replenish Oil. What would Mamiya do?

>> No.17495224

16k left or what? If so, drop down to kuso.

>> No.17495229

Akashi-like slow sparkling. Or underway emergency sparkling.

>> No.17495230

Fuck I keep missing a zero, I'm at 160k rather. I'm currently running sparkled 21/37/38 to bring my resources back up when I'm not sortieing everyone

>> No.17495232

16k might not even get you through E6 thanks to that retarded TP gauge.

>> No.17495235

Dunno, maybe? I'm currently getting leukemia at the E7 debuff nodes and I have 85k left and feel like I'm never going to make it.

>> No.17495245

That's my fear, I blew way too much resources clearing E4 with a crap fleet and I'm going to be too busy to play starting next week, otherwise I'd farm resources and easily clear it within the next 3 weeks.

I might just go E5H E6H and drop to medium for E7, ASW planes are stupid anyways unless Tanaka makes a retarded submarine map where CLs and DDs are banned

>> No.17495247

I blew like 70k fuel on E5 hard. Luck really wasn't with me.

>> No.17495277

E6 made me spend 30K, 20 purely because of that shitty number of TP runs along with double support and LBAS.

Meanwhile, E7 made me waste 20K just for the 2 gimmicks (J and I branching being random is some major douchebag move).
I've spent an additional 20 and met the boss only twice.

It is absurdely annoying how every node, even G, can ruin your run.

>> No.17495282


>> No.17495292


>> No.17495295

Dive bombers can't do contact.

>> No.17495298

>Tanaka nudges your hand whilst you're refuelling LBA
>Plane gets removed
Fuck off Tanaka

>> No.17495303
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>> No.17495306

Dive bombers don't do contact. This is IJN not USN.

>> No.17495324

Does the debuff at least make it reasonably possible to kill the boss?

>> No.17495329

S rank :^)

>> No.17495330
File: 160 KB, 1440x810, 1502893340774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does E4 have a debuff, or is it just Euro damage?

>> No.17495333

But you'll never get to her, muahahAHAHA!!!!

>> No.17495340

Why is Shitspit so ugly?

>> No.17495342

Just yuro.

>> No.17495357

Yeah. If anything, I don't think you can bruteforce her. You gain 30% damage on her node and node Q.

>> No.17495363

That's good to hear at least. I was worried it'd be once in a blue moon to reach the boss just to chip 100 HP off a C rank every time.

>> No.17495364

Unconfirmed damage buff for Warspite and Prinz

3 EU routing for CLT is good anyways though unless you want to sortie ABKM

>> No.17495386

Fuck. Wo nodes preboss are literally cancer. Do I really need support for these nodes?

>> No.17495392

> Do I really need support
You never "really need" support. But it helps.

>> No.17495396

This event actually looks like you "really need" support for maps starting at least from E-5 if you do it on Hard.

>> No.17495398

If you do it on hard, you always need support.

>> No.17495400

When you play this game do you imagine your girls as actual ships fighting enemy vessels or as actual girls fighting in a similar way to how the anime depicted?

>> No.17495407

The wiki says:

4 CV(B) 1 BB(fast) 1 DD + 1 CL 2 DD 0-2 CA(V) 0-3 CLT 0-1 FBB(fast) 0-1 AO(fast)

For C G H O Q S T U on E7.

I went with:
4CV/1fBB/1DD + 1CL/2DD/3CLT and I got routed C G D F H. This fucking sucks.

>> No.17495410

>to how the anime depicted?
That's how it was always supposed to be you fucking retard. It was done that way in the various manga before the anime even got announced and it's still that way in the arcade.

>> No.17495416

The arcade already covered the "battle" canon.

The nwhat did this mean >>17495392 ?

>> No.17495417

I imagine giving the girl who killed the boss my dick.

>> No.17495428

Did you guys bring shelling or aerial route support for E3 TP?

>> No.17495431
File: 4 KB, 366x86, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You can do fine without any support on E1, even on hard, but support always helps, that's why it's there. The more enemies it kill before the actual battle starts - the more chance you have to win.
Useless against Imps though. Fucking Imps'll give me an aneurysm, I swear.

>> No.17495435

A ring for each girl who clears an event, is how I do it

>> No.17495441

I think that route works only after the second debuff.

>> No.17495442

I somehow made it to the second debuff and cleared it still, so I'll give that a try right now.

>> No.17495443

You absolutely need the second gimmick so the routing won't go to shit.
You don't want to deal with node Q and the boss node without the debuff anyway.

>> No.17495445

If I wasn't a filth 100 slotter, that's how I would do it too.

>> No.17495458

I don't really Imagine shit in game. I just do as how the game does because all the canon is within the game. And all the shit I imagine won't affect the game and it's continuity

>> No.17495467
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Roster for reference. Subs because I'm a filthy lolicon.

>> No.17495469
File: 606 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-22013625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First E5 kill
>Dupe pasta
This was a good run

>> No.17495470

Excuse me /jp/ I'm looking for Matsuwa have you seen her?

>> No.17495475

Yeah, I wanted to be cheeky and do the R node that way. It still worked out, but I got spooked that I'd need a different fleet.

>> No.17495479

She's not in the OP, so no.

>> No.17495481

Yes, she's in my fleet.

>> No.17495484

I-i have no idea what you're talking about, why would i know the location of a missing little girl

>> No.17495486

Is 50k bauxite enough for E-7 hard?

>> No.17495487

>E4 Phase 2
>10 runs in
>2 with potential to S rank
>both, boss eats Pudding
I'm over this shit already

>> No.17495489
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"easy" mode

>> No.17495490
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>> No.17495492

You know the differences between easy and hard are fleet compositions only, right? They don't magically get less or more accuracy.

>> No.17495494

Shitpost: the post.

>> No.17495495

> Yeah, I wanted to be cheeky and do the R node that way.
I actually did the same thing, but after reaching H I went "yeah, fuck this" and did it later the proper way.

>> No.17495497

For how much they choke their stats are high. Any other DDs wouldn't compare

>> No.17495498

>not animated Usio

>> No.17495511

>Any other DDs wouldn't compare

>> No.17495513

where does those images come from?

>> No.17495515


>> No.17495520

I was talking more or less about all the other DDs rather than other Elite ships like Beaver or Shitmakaze(Male). Sorry for that.

>> No.17495525

Dedicated autism threads

>> No.17495529

You're just shit.

>> No.17495534
File: 1.06 MB, 800x960, KanColle-170817-14193751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go drink myself to death

>> No.17495537

But then who will clear those other terrible maps you haven't even started yet?

>> No.17495544
File: 589 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170816-23132324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse, it could happen to you twice like me

>> No.17495556

i got aqulia, luigi, and roma yesterday just from doing transport phase of E6 yesterday

>> No.17495575

>Same comp for E5
>Get rerouted to L node
What? I didn't even change anything

>> No.17495628
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>moved planes around
>10k bauxites loss

>> No.17495633

Fuck the cooldown timer, the cost for some of these planes is much worse.

>> No.17495634

That final boss music at E7 is so good, gets me fucking pumped.
>them bagpipes and violins
>them vocals

>> No.17495640

So how many of those ships even have cut-in or can pierce the boss armor?

>> No.17495646

Pudding and Ooi should be good, right?

>> No.17495649
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>> No.17495652 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17495660
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>> No.17495666

For E4, if I have enough Euros, should I still bring Z1/Z3?

>> No.17495692

Is E->I/J routing just random for E7 first debuff? Seems kind of annoying.

>> No.17495697

Guys what if we can't play KanColle anymore when they change the front-end?

>> No.17495704

People suggest that, but given the difficult of E4LD you'd want to bring some of your best TCI instead of Z1/Z3 really

Unless you lock ABKM and/or KTKM here I guess. Pudding is pretty much a must have here, and she's not necessarily required anywhere else

>> No.17495707

Spam politely on their twitter.

>> No.17495717

Fucking imps, is there a sure way to deal with them?

>> No.17495724

Why wouldn't people use KTKM there?
E5 doesn't seem to need CLT and E6 can make do with Ooi.

>> No.17495725

Anti imp equipment setup

>> No.17495728

Can you be a bit more specific?

>> No.17495729

Some setups for E6 use 2CLT, not entirely sure if necessarily or even useful though

>> No.17495732

Let's all be honest here, who dropped to easy on E-7?

>> No.17495743

Small caliber machine guns

>> No.17495746
File: 17 KB, 260x200, Not+enough+honk+_67c9ff8a38b7cda81333e653e5fe6fc9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been kusomoding all along!

>> No.17495750

Think about what you're up against. A small speedboat with light arms and a single torpedo. What's going to work against that?

>> No.17495753

Why would anyone drop the difficulty when you still have 3 weeks left?

>> No.17495754

Cleared at a steady medium because E4.

>> No.17495755

Kantai Kessen?

>> No.17495758

Just activated the debuffs, ready to start chipping tomorrow with 83k fuel left at the moment. Not giving up quite yet.

>> No.17495797

Fuck off, Nagato.

>> No.17495806

I'd be more concerned with baux in your place.

>> No.17495808

253k left.

>> No.17495812
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>> No.17495824

Is E5 boss doable without TCI? I want to use Libe OASW and Ducky AACI for my two dds

>> No.17495825
File: 749 KB, 800x480, E7H2ndPDebuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case there are still people uncertain about routing to P after unlocking the route on E7, this fleet got me there on hard.

>> No.17495827

does anyone have a good set up for ez farming e-7? I did the debuff so now I just need to get graf before I run out of resources.

>> No.17495835

Go get Ark Royal first, you dunce. She's better than Graf anyway.

>> No.17495836

Yukikaze got the TCI kill for me after very many runs. You may get there more often with that set-up, but I can't make any guarantees about killing the boss.

>> No.17495842

Hardly, Graf at least has the 30 plane slot in her first slot. She also comes with an useful plane at Kai while Ark comes with none. Don't get me wrong, Graf is not good. But neither is Ark and she together with Aquila and Graf are at the bottom of the CVs.

>> No.17495843

I spent way too long getting to that shit with a transport fleet.

Now I'm just stuck never getting to the actual boss.

>> No.17495844

Graf is sexier though

>> No.17495869

I'll just clear while I'm farming. I don't care about the rewards and I'm going to be away from my computer for most of next week anyway.

>> No.17495870

Same here. Did 8-9 sorties to the boss and only got once. Fucking BB Hime keeps killing my girls, and most of the times DDs are not here because they are escorting each other after new SS hime node. I think I'll chip her some time later, need to wait for more resources or information or whatever.

>> No.17495880

I've been on e7 since sunday and the bar still has 3 full segments on it.

>> No.17495885

E5 boss is like an autowin provided you actually make it there, my TCI DD only ever got to fire at night on one run before the boss died

>> No.17495890

It sucks. I only started hour and half ago and it's already punished me hard for even sortieng. I wish LBAS stopped eating my resources when I fail to get to the boss.

>> No.17495893
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>struggling on medium
>probably going to go down to easy

i guess i wasn't as prepared as I thought

>> No.17495897

A 10 memedal player in this thread will fail to finish the event in time.

>> No.17495905

Maybe I can finally quit then.

>> No.17495910
File: 83 KB, 800x480, 20170816_21472847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/4 out S rank daytime kill. Never even touch night battle once.

>> No.17495914

>2 cranes

Did you use Kaga on E6?

>> No.17495915

so for solo oreling luigi would it be best to not just remodel her until she's 55?

>> No.17495920


>> No.17495924

Just curious who you saved for E6 because I'm stretched thin on carriers.

>> No.17495928

Does E2 have a higher drop rate for sagiri than E1?

>> No.17495929

I used Taiyou, RJ and Suzuya for E6 transport phase. Just starting out phase2.
Not sure if I want to use suijou or kidou. I have Taihou, Sara, Akagi, Kaga, Graf, Aquila and Unryuu left.

>> No.17495935

where are you sending your land bases? I don't know if I should send all to boss or some to Q or T

>> No.17495941

I used to send them all to the boss and it worked a few times in the first day. Hell, first day I got to the boss three times in a row and thought it was going to be smooth sailing to last dance.

Now I send some to the asswall, not that it matters. RNG has decided I'm never allowed to hear that boss music again.

>> No.17495959

Sparkles do nothing.

>> No.17495960

I'm just trying to figure out the most efficient farming setup. did you send taitei and a fighter to the boss or just 4 bombers? is ass princess more dangerous than carrier slut?

>> No.17495993

Ass sends me home more often.
Ass has no air so can bomb the shit out of her.

Complaining on /jp/ magic has gotten me to the boss the first time all day. Thanks /jp/. Maybe the half a fleet I have will do some damage.

>> No.17496000

The guy obviously didn't scrap his own ships. The devs are responsible for running the database. If they're unable to restore backups, they're not doing their jobs. Restoring vandalized accounts is standard practice for the rest of the industry.

Their reply to him says they're refusing to restore data because if they did, they'd have to do it for everyone with similar problems. That implies they haven't fixed intrusion damage before, so show me an example if you think they have.

>> No.17496014
File: 1010 KB, 1166x604, iwanttodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry you asked about LBAS ranges,

Im runnign Taitei +fighter 2bombers on my first LB
Second two are all 9range+ bombers.

>> No.17496016

Sparkles got me my E3 and E4 kills. It noticeably helps a lot.

>> No.17496024

Just do kuso, you're not going to be using the plane on anyone but Taiyou anyways.

>> No.17496030

Double line or line abreast for E5A?

>> No.17496031

Are you retarded?

>> No.17496035

>air supremacy
>hawks still existing in any way

>> No.17496039


I'd rather just not finish.

>> No.17496043

Normally I'd tell you to enjoy not having X ship but Shit Royal is so garbage I can't bring myself to say it.

>> No.17496081

E5 didn't even need support

E6 is tedious as shit though isn't it, I'm at 154k fuel right now

>> No.17496090
File: 666 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this was a big fat waste

>> No.17496136

not even route support?

>> No.17496144

You might retreat more but you don't need it, the drain on resources isn't worth it

E5 only cost me about 10k in fuel

>> No.17496154

Is there slow ship bullying for E3 transport phase? Wikia implies no but Wiki flat out says yes.

>> No.17496176

No off route to L?

>> No.17496186


>> No.17496207

All right, first sortie of the day so no hidden meme fatigue, E2 Last Dance, Let's do this!

>> No.17496221
File: 84 KB, 800x480, 20170818_08032098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 1st round of shelling phase.
You don't need cranes on this map.

>> No.17496222
File: 1015 KB, 1213x707, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the last time, if ever, that I've had a run this clean.

The real e7 debuff is to just keep postiing

>> No.17496227
File: 575 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-20044606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much for that idea

>> No.17496236
File: 597 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-02070256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Bisko isn't safe with that bloody loli. Man this map is so shit.

>> No.17496244

What the fuck I didn't hear any debuff sound effect on E5. TANAKA

>> No.17496247

This is why I'm bringing ASW DDs while chipping. To at least avoid some of that bullshit.

>> No.17496249

You fucked up

>> No.17496257

I initially brought 2 ASW DD, but it doesn't matter if the loli crit someone to taiha on the initial torp phase.

I just don't understand why there isn't any way to avoid her or render her powerless.
I don't see how I can go through that node once I reach LD without everyone with a slot + goddess.

>> No.17496265

That node looks evil.

>> No.17496267

Every niconico clear I've seen was abusing goddesses.

>> No.17496279

Its the preboss, so you are already running low on fuel to boot.Plus the fleet there can be drastically different thanks to RNG.

1-3 Asses, with the 3 Ass comp being 3Asses and 3 PT imps.

>> No.17496281
File: 760 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-02145017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. I somehow managed to survive this far after sending Bisko back, but losing her bombed my LOS.
So practically speaking, FCF is useless if it isn't a CLT or a DD. Anyone else will lead to this kind of shit.

For the record, I had Shiun on Iowa and the special Saiun on Zuikaku.

>> No.17496295

I've only ever hit that node once, and I think it was after I FCF'd ABKM?

At least now I've hit every node on this shithole of a map.

>> No.17496307
File: 18 KB, 250x376, laughing tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496322

I simultaneously thank you and hate you. After reading this post I loaded in two of the elite DDs and Jinstsuu. Immediately cleared the event, but now elites are locked orange.

Thank you, also fuck you

>> No.17496327

E-6 is the easiest map in this event after E-1.
You don't need elites there.

>> No.17496328

You don't really need them in the next two maps and E7 has no locks.

>> No.17496332

>implying you need elite ships in E-5 and E-6 when boss nodes are autowin

>> No.17496335

E5甲 just be the worst farm I've ever done.

>> No.17496339

Might just be. I want to die.

>> No.17496346

What should be used for the transport part of E6? Kidou or Suijou?

>> No.17496349

I can deal with carrier hime and the ass wall. The real cancer is that fucking sub node.

>> No.17496350

Anybody here cleared E7 Hard yet?

>> No.17496355

Up to you. The part isn't hard, just long. Even if you can carry 200TP/run, you still need to do it 10times.

>> No.17496362

I wasn't sure if E6 was easy or it was just because I saved all the best ships for it. Probably could have saved a lot of time by using them sooner.

>> No.17496371

Maybe I'll realize that when I sober up

>> No.17496389

I'd rather do it as consistently as possible since I don't have much time

I have 10 daihatsu, 3 T89 daihatsu and then singles of the more specialised ones so I should be able to fill all 4 DDs with daihatsus, but that'll probably only net me 200 TP as you said

>> No.17496395

I preferred Suijou since your main fleet will shell at node D before your escort fleet

>> No.17496414

I brought 17boats and still only ended up with 159TP for S rank. You probably need transport fleet and additional drums if you want to hit 200.

>> No.17496418

How do you go E - J in E7?

>> No.17496426

Fucking hell, I'd probably stick with suijou unless transport has a good success rate. One of the formations I read uses Taiyou, don't know if that's a particularly good transport formation

>> No.17496434
File: 593 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-20415307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a message to all the jerks who don't believe in Yura.

>> No.17496437
File: 635 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170814-18103854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need transport fleet. I went with this setup, which give me 168 TP per S rank with 15 daihatsu (all variants) and 2 drums.

What's important though is that any taiha ship won't have their equipment counted for the TP gauge, except if they were taiha-ed at the boss node.

Sorry to say, but it is purely random. You might spend 5-10k fuel just because the compass doesn't send you to the node you need to S rank.

>> No.17496446
File: 83 KB, 600x665, 1391030741236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abyssal Hawks suck at air strikes
>absolute pain in the ass at shelling
>very rarely they get wiped out

>> No.17496498

it is possible to beat E7 without p2w item ?

>> No.17496513

700 fighter power and a duck and STILL these trash cvls and their fucking hawks crit

>> No.17496514

Second fleet flagship still can't sink when taiha, right? Have they "fixed" that yet?

>> No.17496538

p2w resources

>> No.17496550

It is literally impossible

>> No.17496579

What's the point in saving them up if you aren't going to use it? Who knows if the server is still going to be up by this time next year.

>> No.17496589

After finishing E3, I now completely believe the 31HP DD meme.

>> No.17496601

I'm really surprised how the LBAS is helpful in this event.

>> No.17496621

>range 4 interceptor

Why does Tanaka think this is a good hard reward

>> No.17496634

It's the fucking Spitfire in KanColle, this was unimaginable 2 years ago. I'm super excited.

>> No.17496636

>Who knows if the server is still going to be up by this time next year.
The event isn't that awful.

>> No.17496640

Come back when it's an actually good plane like the Mustang.

>> No.17496641
File: 694 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-10302942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carriers are a fucking joke.

>> No.17496643
File: 565 KB, 800x480, 1500118787628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E5 is so easy. I spent like 7k fuel.

>> No.17496645

Where's your cranes?

>> No.17496648

>take bench warmers
>complain about bench warmer performance

>> No.17496654

Because it's mainly for base defense like every other interceptor before Hayabusa.

>> No.17496657

Anything which can't attack in chuuha is a bench warmer? Kaga is a bench warmer?

>> No.17496664

>Kaga is a bench warmer?
Yes. The only exception is Sara because of how good she is but you only normally use her when you need a 4th CV in the fleet, the other 3 CVs being the armored ones.

>> No.17496668 [DELETED] 

You're an amerifat jerking over allied shits. Opinion trashed.

>> No.17496670

Sara has dogshit evasion

>> No.17496671 [DELETED] 

Come back when Kaga has a big first slot.

>> No.17496675

You're taking fucking Unryuus, almost every CV that isn't Aquila is better.

>> No.17496677

Evasion doesn't matter.

>> No.17496696
File: 31 KB, 443x203, ship sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the excel sheet.

>> No.17496699

What excel sheet?

>> No.17496706
File: 664 KB, 800x480, 20170817_20380607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her equipment worth it?

>> No.17496711

No, only Katsuragi's.

>> No.17496717 [DELETED] 

Yes, don't forget to del posts which go against USN.

>> No.17496728

What are the chances of another undiscovered debuff for E7?

>> No.17496732

Very very low.

>> No.17496743

Say that to Wo crit. Either evasion or armor means nothing. Sara has high value becuase overall performance.

>> No.17496744

Hyuu went to pretty much every damn node so I doubt there's anything left.

>> No.17496747

I see you used more than needed in E2-E3, aren't using Taihou anywhere and don't have Saratoga. Also you mixed up Akagi and Amagi.

>> No.17496751

Too much overkill.

>> No.17496753

Sara would still be better to take than fucking Unryuus due to her big first slot.

>> No.17496759
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>> No.17496764

>Using Unryuus for anything other than 5-4.
Just because Graf found her niche use this event doesn't mean they will. Use Saratoga.

>> No.17496768

I can't wait for Kai 2 to make Sara the indisputable best non-armored CV or an armored CV. Either way she ends up winning.

>> No.17496804

E1 Ryuuhou
E2 + E3 Double dragon and fast cvl
E4 Junyou & Hiyou slow doesnt matter
E5 Graf & Sara
E6 & E7 the rest

>> No.17496814

You should've used Houshou for E1 so she gets to see some action.

>> No.17496832

>keeping Houshit

>> No.17496843

zero52 can't max star itself

>> No.17496849

>maxing a normal zero

>> No.17496854

>waiting a month to max 1 fighter instead of 3 in a month

>> No.17496876
File: 673 KB, 800x480, 20170817_18003097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, the difference an enemy formation can make.

>> No.17496906

Damm, I already used up 50k just for E1 to E6.
The 50k meme is finally killed.

>> No.17496912

fuck e-7 is costing me 1200-1400 fuel a run. send help.

>> No.17496915

Why the duck in the main fleet and Maya in the second?

>> No.17496919
File: 370 KB, 801x482, Luigi get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got the 2nd cutest sub

>> No.17496923

With Yuu in first place I hope?

>> No.17496926 [DELETED] 

I am sexually attracted to boat boys

>> No.17496927

Im guessing for 100% routing.
I still keep maya in my main fleet anyway.

>> No.17496928

Is it better to farm on hard than on easy?

>> No.17496937

Maya can AACI and torp cut-in without gimping her AACI. You need a DD in the first fleet for routing so might as well bring insurance in case Maya doesn't trigger it.

>> No.17496940 [DELETED] 

Those don't exist.

>> No.17496947

Already used Ryuuhou for that reason.

>> No.17496961 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 706x1000, __tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mikoyan__77c9be3df380d587b8b8b59faf3adfa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. Musashi is a shemale, Tenryuu is a twink, Nagato is a Newhalf, shigure is a tranny, shimakaze is a trap...

There are many, and many flavors of boat boys!

>> No.17496968

>With Yuu in first place
aye, Yuu is the cutest sub.
go wth easy, Im farming her on easy and got her on my 11th run

>> No.17496971

Can someone post E-3 tp and boss kill fleet? I want to conserve some ships but can farm easily.

>> No.17496977 [DELETED] 


>> No.17496992

But she looks garbage. Goya is cutest sub.

>> No.17497006
File: 10 KB, 150x82, ss (2017-08-18 at 11.34.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with E1-5 all on hard, should I push for 6 hard or clear kusomode? Need to farm Luigi still, not gonna bother with 7 hard.

>> No.17497014

>Goya is cutest
but I already scraped her.

>> No.17497023
File: 1.19 MB, 1482x2000, 4ee83b746e57f12a1be6e3b90ce58f24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goya is cutest sub.
Mah nigga

>> No.17497025

So what does NodeQ of E2 even do?

>> No.17497034

anybody get pola from node P on kuso mode in E6?

>> No.17497036

No but I got a dupe Zara.

>> No.17497046
File: 2.70 MB, 1843x1095, E3TP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the non-tank carriers like Kawakaze or Mutsukis and seaplane fighter mule Mogamis for TP phase and switch to CTF with the Bongo you used for E2 and Dragons for kill phase. Route support saves you lots of time.

>> No.17497051

How hard is E3 compared to E1 and E2?

>> No.17497062

Easier than E2.

>> No.17497064
File: 594 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170817-22481809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course none of them target the boss

of course

>> No.17497069

Thanks. Can I use Taiyou instead or save her?

>> No.17497093
File: 609 KB, 900x1200, __taihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hamaguri_hamaguri1234__52876803da051f4536e56630e956a0cf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17497096

You can probably use her now since E6 TP phase is people not using the Transport Fleet.

>> No.17497109
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>> No.17497113

e-7 doesn't change routing after you clear it or anything stupid like last time does it?

>> No.17497114


>> No.17497127

E-6 is a joke. I brought 3ASW and still S rank it with ease.

>> No.17497162
File: 19 KB, 726x66, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they doing this?

>> No.17497178

Ryuusei 601, Iowa is going to take even longer to drop.

>> No.17497207
File: 86 KB, 690x358, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only for E1 - E6 the 50k is enough meme seems dead.

>> No.17497215

Just because you suck and probably include farming doesn't mean it's dead

>> No.17497231
File: 116 KB, 715x1000, DGtY-JsVoAEcWr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Graf drop only for people who don't already have her?

>> No.17497234


>> No.17497276


>> No.17497292



I'm not yet farming, how much you spend for E1-E6 ?

The number of sortie required in this event is high E3, E4 and especially E6 is 2 part combined fleet map with mandatory support and double hp/tp bar

>> No.17497304
File: 567 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no! I "accidentally" cleared the map on easy while I was farming for graf. what a kuso I am.

>> No.17497307

Kill yourself.

>> No.17497310 [DELETED] 

This just in, I am *still* sexually attracted to boat boys

>> No.17497322

if I don't get graf before I run out of resources I might

>> No.17497338

>needing to go into yasen in kuso mode

>> No.17497342
File: 639 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-13124418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yesterday: 1 out of 7 runs reach the boss
>today: 3 out of 4 runs reach the boss

>> No.17497348

Is it better to put your best blue planes on the first slot or largest slot?

>> No.17497351

First slot dumbass.

>> No.17497353

Time dependent RNG is real.
That's why you're advised against rush clearing.

>> No.17497364

>Time dependent RNG is real.
Crafting Musashi at 0634JST was the best voodoo magic trick.

>> No.17497404

I think I'm not good at this game.

>> No.17497407
File: 582 KB, 800x480, 20170817_23351275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace peace!

>> No.17497415

What map?

>> No.17497417

How much LoS for E7 hard? Just got offrouted to V with 42 and I'm pissed.

>> No.17497419

E3 HP boss S rank on hard.

>> No.17497443

E6 TP phase

they want you to run this how many times

fuck me

>> No.17497444

"Alright, let's start chipping E7 now."
>3 taiha on first node

>> No.17497447

What map is troubling you?

>> No.17497448

DD Hime is still a Hime. Don't underestimate her.

>> No.17497453

All those new DDs in her node are stronger than her.

>> No.17497459

Farm Sagiri on E-1 or E-2?

>> No.17497464

Amagiri from my first run of E4. Not bad

>> No.17497465

I've got mine down to last dance. Can't wait for subhime taihas all day

>> No.17497468

E1 is easier to farm and has better drop rate.

>> No.17497472

How much fuel did that take?

>> No.17497477

Danke, anon.

>> No.17497482


>> No.17497485

they don't have a million armor and hp so you can usually kill them before she shoves a closing torpedo up yudachi's ass literally 12 times in a row

>> No.17497487

I started E7 with 177892
After unlocking the path, debuffing, and getting fucked by taiha's for days:
I now have 86040.

Christ that looks even worse than it feels.

>> No.17497489

Fuck, I spent 100buckets on E3 LD and she still won't die.

>> No.17497494

I have 85k and I haven't even seen the boss yet. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

>> No.17497495
File: 696 KB, 800x480, 20170818_00093511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E3 was definitely filled with people exaggerating. This shit was done in 5 sorties, TP in 4 sorties.

>> No.17497501

It's only CA Hime and she doesn't even have any ass shields, what did you expect?

>> No.17497511

Rape, but I guess that begins on E4 like many claim.

>> No.17497513

Dod you run both supports? Wo sent me home 3 times already.

>> No.17497515

Post your fleets, senpai.

>> No.17497521

I don't know, I also found accounts of E4 to be highly exaggerated too

E7 is just as shitty as everyone says though

>> No.17497536

E3 Sucked due to routing being a mystery a week ago and getting routed in circles.
E4 Sucked due to not knowing what to expect in extra ops maps, but seeing 3 more locks.

Of course when you wait a week for guides things are easier.

>> No.17497544

Why is this map so fucking shit?

>> No.17497547

Because it's a large scale event, of course. This is what someone thinks is fun, I guess? Maybe? I don't even believe it myself.

>> No.17497555

Everyone healthy, only 3 ships in the escort fleet and the boss left, all 6 closing torps decide to shoot the boss and I get to fight the escorts.

Fuck me.

>> No.17497559

Honestly, this is better than an easy short event where everyone's done in 3 days and there's nothing left to do except complain about the art

>> No.17497562

Yeah I don't fucking buy it. I'd rather have that than this fucking cancer.

>> No.17497563
File: 256 KB, 1200x1545, CzyhgWfUQAA3vHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets guess what this event's clear rate will be.

>> No.17497567

I'd rather have that and be complaining about why Shit Royal is so garbage than the shit I did this week.

>> No.17497569

On hard? Really fucking low. On all difficulties probably not that high either with the loads of shit you have to do.

>> No.17497570

Everytime I see Hankousen, I realized I lost.

>> No.17497574

Like 25% but kuso is going to be the most chosen difficulty again.

>> No.17497578

Because even the best routing has you going through DDHime, subhime CVhime, ASSwall with a CTF. Good luck having your second fleet survive.

And the variations of formations alone can fuck you.

>> No.17497579

>What if we made the players run two fleets at once
>What if we made players do two maps squeezed into one map
>What if we made players do two fleets at once on two maps that are actually squeezed into one map
>What if we made players do two fleets at once on two maps that are actually squeezed into one map across several maps that are actually more than one map squeezed into one map

>> No.17497580

Honestly if E-6 didn't exist, the clear rate would probably go up 20%. That map will eat up many newfag's resources before they can even start thinking about how they'll do E-7 because of how big the bar is even in kuso.

>> No.17497583

>now make them fight four bosses in a row before the boss

>> No.17497595

>people wanted a map as hard as Kitanda's
>instantly starts complaining

>> No.17497596
File: 213 KB, 354x362, 1440628986328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if we made players do two fleets at once on a map that doesn't let you go to the boss until they fight 5 other bosses, then makes them fight two more bosses in order to make the real boss take damage and then make them fight 4 bosses on the way to the real boss.

>> No.17497598

You forgot having to unlock a route or weaken the boss (or both) to be able to even start the map.

>> No.17497602

I never asked for this.

>> No.17497606

For CAV usage is Tone/Chikuma to E3 & Suzuya/Kumano to E6 fine? I'm not sure if they're used elsewhere so just wanting to double check before locking them in.

>> No.17497609

This event isn't exactly super hard, it's just a long series of bullshit. 2000 TP or having to explore the entire map before being able to start killing the boss is retarded.

>> No.17497611

>roll 1ass on node T


>> No.17497616

You only need 50k to reach E7. E5 and E6 are just long but both of them are very easy maps. Don't even need to use boss support and you can still steamroll them during daytime.

>> No.17497622
File: 170 KB, 790x790, 1446307940457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imps didn't get taken out before shelling phase

>> No.17497625

>perfect position to kill E4 LD
>sparkled flagship kitakami doesn't cut in
>boss hits yukikaze instead of z1 who has spotlight
>z1 proceeds to cut in
>boss is left with 137 health
fuck this shit map

>> No.17497626
File: 709 KB, 800x720, 1422008691592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imps did get taken out before the shelling phase
>it's 3ass

>> No.17497628
File: 1.95 MB, 1843x2193, E3HP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support makes E3 a joke, I don't know why people don't use it, you were suppose to have everyone sparkled before the event started for this exact situation. Kinu is the best choice for the map for her AACI, a duck only hinders with the low yasen power and the map isn't that air power heavy, the air raids are very harmless since Nu Kai's hawk is bad at airstrikes. Only the last dance comp gets tougher because of the new DDs.

>> No.17497629

i sent mogami/mikuma to E2/3. they did fine

>> No.17497631
File: 434 KB, 850x720, 1453158382759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically using FCF

>> No.17497633


I was gonna do that but my Mogami is 13 and my Mikuma is 60. The other 4 I listed are all 90+ which is why I wanted to check if CAVs are used outside of E3 and E6 since if there isn't I could just use my levelled CAVs instead.

>> No.17497636

Yamato a shit.

>> No.17497642

CAV really doesn't matter.
1 is enough to get you S rank consistently at E6 TP node. For the boss phase, you can run whatever and still steamroll the boss. The boss is a pushover.

>> No.17497654

Yamato a cute.

>> No.17497659

What did you all run on the E6 TP phase? I can't seem to ever not get a single ship Taiha'd on the way over and the fleet command facility's not an option (just yet) since I only recently got Ooyodo

>> No.17497663

Level Ooyodo immediately.

>> No.17497669

What level Libeccio? Mine's 50, too low to sortie?

>> No.17497670

Is there any point in bringing oASW ships for chipping in E7 hard?

>> No.17497671

I just went to the boss with 42.8.

>> No.17497674

A chance to disable a So

>> No.17497677


She's just there for routing and possibly oASW so ideally she'd be about 70 or so.

>> No.17497679
File: 3.53 MB, 3111x3736, __hatakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sheita__49a16d0c6351fcc0ec4daec77f062d31[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the highlight of the event.

>> No.17497683

STF with 13 daihatsu/4drums on my second fleet

>> No.17497691

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA route formations don't reset post clear please just kill me

>> No.17497692
File: 3 KB, 305x50, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These armor rolls, crit did less damage than a normal hit.

>> No.17497705

Is Shiggy and Sendai with one WG a piece enough to A-rank I node on E2?

>> No.17497714

Yeah, carriers should do most of the work. I had some random low level DDs because I wasn't sure who to lock yet.

>> No.17497727

What are the chances that someone discovers another gimmick on the E7 map to save me from this hell?

>> No.17497737

for e7 farming should I go up to 10 bombers from 6? I was going for AS+ against the carrier node, but post clear fuckery has skyrocketed my retreat rate to the point where I'm going to run out of fuel and buckets first now. will using 4 cut ins compensate for only getting AS?

>> No.17497738

I'm surprised we haven't gotten any
>Perfect Air Defense 25 times
Debuff bullshit yet

>> No.17497742

>D rank node T 100 times

>> No.17497748

Does Type 3 shells buff damage against summer harbor hime?

>> No.17497757

No. Bring 3gou 8cm WG42x2 seaplane

>> No.17497763


thanks anon

>> No.17497766
File: 62 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-18 08-45-45 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a weird battleship

>> No.17497767

Just wait until the last week, who knows, maybe the devs will tweet some hints. I think for one of the event last year there was some equipment buff that was found out right at the end of the event.

>> No.17497772

Graf doesn't exist lads.

>> No.17497782

That would be the smart thing to do.

But if I was smart I wouldn't have rushed all the way to the end the first weekend.

>> No.17497783


That's why I'm not going out of my way to farm her too hard. Sticking her on the final boss of a cancerous map in a summer event with a shitty drop rate is a pretty fucking horrible design choice. I'd rather just wait and get her some other time.

>> No.17497793

Should've gotten her in the event she was introduced in.

>> No.17497798

>only one taiha in ass node
>DD got scratched too so I can't send her away

My poor white ass.

>> No.17497805

I guess when they said there was going to be a chance to get European ships they meant Italian because I got dupes of Pola and Littorio. And now I have Aquila and Roma too. If not for the submarine my Italian collection would be complete.

>> No.17497809

I did 200 runs in that event asswipe.

>> No.17497811

Should've gotten her to drop. :^)

>> No.17497815

>I'd rather just wait and get her some other time.
the game could be dead before that happens

>> No.17497818
File: 326 KB, 467x364, graf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got her while clearing. Git gud.

>> No.17497831

That's like saying get good at a slot machine(which is to not play in the first place).

>> No.17497835

Should've done more runs. Fall 15 was easy as fuck even on hard.

>> No.17497837

I'm just an unlucky bastard apparently.

>> No.17497838

Anyone doing E6 hard post-clear farming?
How viable is it?

>> No.17497859

where did she drop?

>> No.17497861

E6-D keeps on stumping me. Or rather, it keeps getting one ship Taiha'd and it's fucking annoying. Not like, this whole event annoying, but just a little bit aggravating.

>> No.17497862
File: 60 KB, 817x505, Konishi e7 clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Konishi finally did it.

>> No.17497865

E5 probably.

>> No.17497872
File: 613 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-01241515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17497879

E5 boss

>> No.17497887

Holy shit, that resource usage.

>> No.17497890

>2 meat shields alive

>> No.17497893

>3 digit fuel
Man, I'm not looking forward to the arduous task of chipping and then clearing this.

>> No.17497901

Does he use megamis or stuff like that?

>> No.17497902

So the artist finally clear it, this is like confirming no more debuff or gimmick but keep trying.

>> No.17497910

Is there any map where you can take useless hotels this time around?

>> No.17497913

>wasting resources taking hotel

>> No.17497914


>> No.17497918

Has anyone of you cleared E-7 hard? This thing looks cancer with shitloads of Himes en-route if you don't have repair goddesses in stock.

>> No.17497922


>> No.17497925

10 runs and the boss is still at full HP. I'm going to kill Tanaka. This is a written threat.

>> No.17497931

E7 ?

>> No.17497932

Of course.

>> No.17497938

Is there a merit sparkling combined fleet?

>> No.17497942

Yeah, you get to spend longer between retreats.

>> No.17497945


>> No.17497950

To those who've chipped the boss down to last dance, how many runs did it take on average to even get there?

>> No.17497955

The resources spent doing so are better used getting more regular runs in

>> No.17497977

some how the OST this event sounds neat.

>> No.17497982

Kasumin best Konishi girl.

>> No.17497986

>two Ooyodo from E-2 boss
Is this a sign?

>> No.17497993
File: 1.01 MB, 881x1250, __abukuma_commandant_teste_prinz_eugen_shigure_and_yukikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__840f3a1e690542b4cc0101a344b15fed[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn titty monster.

>> No.17497999
File: 73 KB, 210x207, 1497672572520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17498021

I used my FCF to send home a CLT and a DD after node T and I got offrouted after that. I am so fucking mad.

>> No.17498042

Tanaka purposefully put that node there to prevent people from using FCF.

>> No.17498059

>prevent people from using FCF.
I wonder how much resources will I spend on E-7
I still have 100k more resources &1.5k buckets.
Should I for hard or kuso?

>> No.17498066

You can go down to 15k ressources and 150 buckets, if you still fail welcome to kuso

>> No.17498081

3 weeks left, I keep telling myself. I just got some leukemia from node T so I'll take a break for a while to recover resources, but I'm feeling a 0% chance of clearing on hard as well.

>> No.17498086

E3 is such bullshit, I've already wasted 2days here.

>> No.17498090
File: 480 KB, 801x1920, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can look at Konishi resources after clearing for example

>> No.17498101

Conisi is my hero.

>> No.17498102

Have one blueprint, should I spend it on Zara or Nagato? Guessing Zara is more useful for now because of Euro status.

>> No.17498117

How much did he start with?

>> No.17498119

The question is, how much did Konishi start with? Previous event completion screenshots on Twitter imply that resources were not maxed out to begin with.

>> No.17498126

And he's still going back to farm for Luigi. What a guy.

>> No.17498129

Zara is more useful in general for day time CA.

>> No.17498151

How many repair goddesses etc. did they buy?

>> No.17498164

>all sparkle gone with the wind
>pay for route supports

>> No.17498175

idk how much but he is a veteran with 11 memedal should have at least 100-200k or he can simply buy resources with money

idk how many, but according to what i saw almost every nipp are using damecon/megami.

>> No.17498176

Is this the first true p2w event?

>> No.17498182

That was Summer 15.

>> No.17498185

I was pretty new then so I couldn't do it on hard. Was that worse or better than this?

>> No.17498189

What do you pay in order to get passed overpowered destroyers + subs + something worse than triple wo kais + triple ass wall

>> No.17498190

333 armor with random routing.

>> No.17498191

500 jpy per damegami, of course.

>> No.17498212

Yes. Put holes and repairs in every ship or suffer

>> No.17498260

I see STF is the comp of choice for E6, and E4 requires starting with CTF and switching to STF to take advantage of routing.

So, Hiyou and Junyou for E4 since no speed requirement, will have to spend a carrier, maybe Taihou or one of the cloud dragons. I assume then one crane for E6, or should I use CVL there too, in which case I can use Taiyou and Chiyoda.
E5 then takes the other crane and Saratoga, as I have neither Graf nor Aquila.

Is this a good plan?

>> No.17498340

I'm not even in the last dance of E-2, and I'm getting really bored as fuck.

>> No.17498341

Not that guy but I got one from E-4 I

>> No.17498349
File: 80 KB, 800x480, 20170818_17592140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammm, I can't even get the shortcut to open.
Why did they think this was a good idea?

>> No.17498377

What do you guys like to do while sparkling?

>> No.17498378
File: 835 KB, 744x774, 1442494137239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people doing E7 before the inevitable nerf

>> No.17498382

It's already been a week, there won't be a nerf.

>> No.17498417

You all niggers kept saying E5 was easy, I went to boss fucking twice so far. Fuck.

>> No.17498421

God, I hope.

>> No.17498430

>E-7 gets nerfed
>People who have already cleared it get an exclusive reward
11 medals mean nothing.

>> No.17498441

>11 medals mean nothing.
That's what everyone said about that time they handed out an LBAS plane to people who had progressed far enough in some event due to an early nerf. I really can't remember anything more due to how forgettable it was.

>> No.17498447

I don't remember what it was either. It's still something you can dick wave about though.

>> No.17498453

The REAL dickwaving item was the special E-6 desk.

If you have that, then it beats my ten medals.

>> No.17498461
File: 676 KB, 800x480, 20170818_04345587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought it was a failure after Italia left the boss with 92HP.

>> No.17498465

Just use route support. And people said E5 was the inverse of the map before it; hard route with an easy (after debuff) boss.

>> No.17498476

I am, but route support can do nothing against air rape.
Neither it prevents my big ships to all aim at PT bots then eating a closing torp.

At least the boss is beatable without support.

>> No.17498480


>> No.17498486
File: 2.24 MB, 4095x5251, __yura_and_yuubari_kantai_collection_drawn_by_konishi_koconatu__790c4b9227afda2feb4d3816c61c6621[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Konishi
That reminds me, Yuubari K2 fucking when?!

>> No.17498504

E4I farming is very comfy.

>> No.17498515
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys use kantai collection themes on your andriod or computer?

>> No.17498524
File: 276 KB, 401x310, hwat do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't sink, right? I can advance, right?

>> No.17498531

Wrong quote, fuck.

>> No.17498533

i saw people advance with red Hayasui

>> No.17498535

How feasible is it to not use any DDs in E5 and eat an additional air node?
Have many European battleships and cruisers, but zero destroyers or carriers.

>> No.17498544

Ok, it's safe to advance. It doesn't matter though, Asashio got taihad on the next node anyway.

>> No.17498545

>eat an additional air node
I strongly suggest against it.

>> No.17498557

Just have 3 Euros and any 2 DDs for that map. You don't want to eat additional air nodes because F is bad enough.

>> No.17498570

E5 air nodes are very hard. Avoid them if you can.

>> No.17498576
File: 133 KB, 680x407, Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17498604

Guess it's medium for me then, fuck everything.

>> No.17498673

How's the E6 boss? I used all my elites at E4.

>> No.17498691

My Libe was 92 but you can probably get away with a lower level (~70) as long as she can OASW.

>> No.17498705

No but I have my stuff riced so it pleases my superior aesthetical taste.

>> No.17498707

Fujinami's after marriage secretary line is kind of cute.

>> No.17498709

Route support fucks up the PT botes and all you really need is AACI activation on F node to guarantee a boss fight.

>> No.17498721
File: 2 KB, 297x67, 1475824329074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use this? Maybe you can get lucky and not get annihilated on the way. Boss fight difficulty should be the same.

>> No.17498754

It is a joke. Even Mutsukis are good enough.

>> No.17498867
File: 141 KB, 808x484, ss+(2017-08-18+at+03.25.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that awkward moment when we get to the boss node and unable to select line ahead.
What a funny joke, Tanaka.

>> No.17498898

How'd they get there with FCF anyway?

>> No.17498911

But how?

>> No.17498937


>> No.17498946

There is no possibility he sinks the boss anyway

>> No.17498953


>> No.17498957




>> No.17498963


>> No.17498986


i probably won't get to do e7 on hard to get this stupid kid


>> No.17499005
File: 79 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-18T16.13.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens when I decide to sparkle my whole fleet (and roll one ketsuhime).

>> No.17499023

Can you post your whole fleet?

>> No.17499040

That pushes me from H to I, I presume.
Could work, will give it a try. Thanks anon.

>> No.17499056
File: 939 KB, 1219x1005, e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even say anything about Prinz's setup - just trying out some meme shit.

>> No.17499064
File: 134 KB, 919x650, __asakaze_harukaze_hatakaze_kamikaze_and_matsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_saitou_james__95a923b9ab8eb6028f73e8df738f3c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17499068

stupid little hat

>> No.17499093

Someone post the levels don't matter meme

>> No.17499095

the levels don't matter meme

>> No.17499096

Touching all those feet with my penis.

>> No.17499097
File: 82 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-18T16.37.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a Christmas miracle.

>> No.17499102

Is Yura that good for E7? I somehow can get through node Q with an Akizuki instead, but I can't imagine how bad it would be without the AACI there.

>> No.17499113

CV hime is literally the second safest node after Warusame.

>> No.17499119

Same here.

>> No.17499133
File: 706 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-08-18_22.46.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank God it only took 2 runs I was going to kill myself.

>> No.17499137

>safest node after Warusame
>taiha ever second run
Warusame can go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.17499141

Adding Yura with spfs allowes you to add additional torpedo bombers for more damage and scrub killing.

Throwing in a duck means you are slightly bit more safe in opening bomb phase and then it doesn't matter for jack shit when CV Hime and Wo start shelling you.

>> No.17499146
File: 6 KB, 529x38, thank you ss hime how balanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New SS Hime is more dangerous. At least you can wipe whatever escorts Warusame before you focus her. And BB himes doesn't care what you even do because they will still oneshot easily.

>> No.17499149

Also she adds some LoS so you won't fail LoS check before the boss if you escort someone.

>> No.17499152

>I'm only now starting to plan the event
I'm fucked, aren't I?

>> No.17499155

Do I need more than 4 CAVs or should I start to panic?

>> No.17499157

If you are prepared, not at all.

>> No.17499158

Is Amagiri easier to farm on E-3 or E-4?

>> No.17499162

I assume it is the main reason why you bring Saratoga instead of Hiryuu?

>> No.17499164

How do debuffs works this time?

I mean, if I debuff E6 on ez and then switch to hard, do I have to do it again?

>> No.17499170
File: 18 KB, 144x70, Screenshot_616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17499171


>> No.17499175

I? I bring Saratoga because she is my wife, I can also bring my Akagi lvl 155, but Sara-chan's slots just much better for such map.

>> No.17499177


Enjoy kuso mode, my friend.

>> No.17499187

I'm farming at E4I with transport fleet but I'm playing 乙.
It's pretty easy.

>> No.17499193

I ask that because the usual setup is split between her and hiryuu, while the other 3 are obviously the armored CV trio.

Hiryuu deal way more damage with her FP but cannot bring more than 2 torp because of her slots, whereas you can put 3 or even 4 with Sara.

I guess I should try Sara+Yura instead of Hiryuu+Akizuki.

>> No.17499213

Kuso mode and no problemo. Might get tight on buckets though.

>> No.17499221

>yfw E7 is impossible

>> No.17499243

You can also try 2 foreign BBs, Zara Due, 2 DDs and a CV.
Zara carries some seaplane fighters, air power should be ok and you still get optimal routing.

>> No.17499246

Possible, but the more you do it, the less possible it becomes.

>> No.17499251
File: 94 KB, 1174x313, cv list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and don't have Saratoga
Implying implications.

>> No.17499253
File: 33 KB, 315x64, KanColle-170806-15282744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1 to E4 hard, plus 40k fuel worth of farming for Sagiri. You have more than enough to clear ezmodo.

>> No.17499293
File: 584 KB, 1200x1070, b53ae02a4a06955c042aadc6404dbc15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17499310

I haven't had time to start the event.
Who should I sent to E1?

>> No.17499327
File: 637 KB, 800x903, DHgbeDEVYAEGdCt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17499333

Cute boi.

>> No.17499336

DE if you have grinded some of them. ASW but not your best ones, as these are probably daihatsu users and you need them for E3 and E6.

A weak CVL, preferably Ryuuhou, Shouhou or Zuihou.

And finally a BBV.

>> No.17499342

Are Libe, Asashimo, Satsin and Naka free to go?

>> No.17499348

Beaver, can you stop with the 13 damage cut-ins? What the fuck.

>> No.17499351

Libe and Asashimo are good for this job. Any CL that isn't Abukuma or Jintsuu are good for E1 too.
I'm not sure if I would use Satsuki there. There are only 4 Mutsuki that can carry daihatsu, so I keep all of them for E3 and elite daihatsu user for E6.

Try using a lvl99 DD who has 64-70 ASW so you can trigger the OASW with 3 type3/type4 sonars.

>> No.17499352


Save Libe for E5. Use Isuzu and/or Naka. Save Satsuki as she can carry daihatsu for E3 or E6. Use Asashimo if you wish. Ushio is useful too.

>> No.17499356

I forgot 1 note though: Libe is one of the few european DD with Z1 and Z3 so she might be better for later if you are lacking in euro ships (E4 and E5 need them for proper routing).

>> No.17499366

>weak CVL
>Shouhou or Zuihou
I can't stand this, K2 WHEN

>> No.17499369

>Try using a lvl99 DD who has 64-70 ASW so you can trigger the OASW with 3 type3/type4 sonars.
What's wrong with sonar+DC+rack?

>> No.17499375

It is good, but you can reach proper damage with a regular DD with 3 sonars as long you reach 100 with them.

Some people focus way too much on that combo and select girls that are overkill for the map. For instance, using bep in E1 because she can use that combo unmarried isn't a good idea because she is a very competent daihatsu user.

>> No.17499380

Cute wife dude.

>> No.17499388

Good that I leveled Isuzu and Naka in expeditions long before OSW came.

>> No.17499389

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

>> No.17499394
File: 129 KB, 285x300, 111 air power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17499400
File: 555 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170810-20043284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference, I used that comp and never felt short of killing the boss although it might be too close for comfort in head on engagement (note it was done on day 1 so I didn't know 2 CL was allowed there). As long you have 4 OASW, it is easy.

>> No.17499405
File: 202 KB, 905x640, 64492574_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smugness rules the waves.

>> No.17499457

>transport fleet
>main fleet has abysmal dodge rate

>> No.17499468

What maps do I keep the Hiyous for?

>> No.17499473
File: 523 KB, 700x1000, __richelieu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sakiryo_kanna__42fb814c58b5283bf7ec6f9cb562d29e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richie is the smuggest this time around.

>> No.17499481
File: 16 KB, 143x258, cut-in fiesta in E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to roll the dice repeatedly.

>> No.17499491

That Warspite's mouth looks awful.

>> No.17499498

E-4 because no speed bully.

>> No.17499526

Why Arashi is drawn with a depth charge if she can't even OASW? Was this a trick?

>> No.17499533

She ruined everything looking for a submarine at Midway. Read more.

>> No.17499550
File: 136 KB, 694x112, Wife and child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and I just had our first child. I'm so happy.

>> No.17499555
File: 371 KB, 492x383, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually can with the DP+Sonar combo. She just can't do that with the type 2 except if she is married.

>> No.17499571
File: 538 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-08-19_00.57.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these little shits and their evasion.

>> No.17499592

Can I see your E4 LD setups?
That little shit refuses to get sunk.

>> No.17499609
File: 1.90 MB, 1500x2300, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_oekakizuki__659ab9c64297ffbb0a8cfe775c518fb4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17499618


>> No.17499627

Ok, she.

>> No.17499638
File: 130 KB, 1388x962, Phase 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't screencap the LD setup, but all I changed was:

Kawakaze -> Yuudachi - Red Red Searchlight
Z3 -> Ayanami - Red Red Star Shell
Ooi -> Kitakami

First run was a bust at preboss, second run was a clear.

>> No.17499657

did anyone come up with a good graf farming fleet yet? I still can't figure out anything that works well. I dropped from as+ to as, but the added bombers didn't seem to help and now I'm taking more damage from the carrier node. I'm wondering if putting a battleship in escort will help avoid closing torpedo from evil harusame, which has been hitting every single time.

>> No.17499674

Since I have $$$ for E-7, should I go all-in, like, full dame megami set-up AND Hayasuck barrels?

>> No.17499718
File: 788 KB, 1191x1573, __sagiri_kantai_collection_drawn_by_haregama_shiina__972a76f88b8560a6b60b21625745542d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.17499720

I'd do the same to be honest. Slot+Goddess decrease a lot your number of runs and increase your success chances tremendously.

Hayasui barrels are only required for last dance, and they aren't that rare anymore so they don't feel like P2W.

>> No.17499737

Level her.

>> No.17499774
File: 262 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-12474347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure would like to clear this map

>> No.17499791
File: 144 KB, 876x909, 2017-08-18 12_49_45-Fleet Details.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, just rip me to shit. i'm getting desperate

>> No.17499790
File: 401 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-17511166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E6TP A Rank
I see why people call it a drag, even with S rank and 12 daihatsus it'll be low

Incidentally which is better for TP, normal daihatsu or T89?

>> No.17499794
File: 733 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-17513138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First clear on E6
/jp/ magic is real

>> No.17499798

give me some so I can get graf before I use up all my fuel

>> No.17499799

I'm afraid I need Graf as well brother

>> No.17499803

Apparently, T89 gives more TP than regular daihatsu.

>> No.17499808

He's fine on buckets.
I kuso'd from E1-E5 using 100.

>> No.17499814

E7 will eat us at least that much.more.

>> No.17499829

Do I need AACI for E4?
Everyone seems to use either Maya or a duck, but was told I'd definitely need a duck for E5 and Maya for E6.

>> No.17499856

I didn't, air strike node was still harmless.

>> No.17499858
File: 37 KB, 260x260, weapon244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dun have this plane that mean you are kuso TTK

>> No.17499861

Would rather get Graf, sorry.

>> No.17499882

why are zuihou and souryuu's planes like that?

>> No.17499887

why you put Tomonaga on 4th slot?

>> No.17499900

>why dazzle
>why Tenzan low slot
>where other Reppuu 601
>where FW190T
>why Yura
>why 2xAAFD with no radar

>> No.17499905

>People like this are the ones complaining that the maps are too hard

>> No.17499912

How do I get pass the sub node in E7? Why can't Tanaka just be content with just So.

>> No.17499915

hi jdp

>> No.17499959

But we already have onigiri for emergency underway.

>> No.17499965

Your plane setup is fucking retarded.
Give Haruna AP shell.
Give Yura a torp instead of the plane and another secondary instead of main gun.
You don't have anything better than double attack Ushio?
Rest isn't great but it should be good enough.
Use support.

>> No.17499972

because i'm dumb and don't know how carriers work still
>why dazzle
every time i equip actual guns on bbs i get meme arrowed
>why Tenzan low slot
see above
>where other Reppuu 601
>where FW190T
>why Yura
opening and lack of good cls
>why 2xAAFD with no radar
will that really help?
get out pasta stalker
i do, but this is only e3.

>> No.17499977
File: 603 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-19484763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that kind of miracle happens more often.
Man, i'm sick of this boss rush map.

>> No.17499988

Do I need to debuff E5 for farming on easy? Also if I do debuff, wouldn't the debuff reset when I reset the hp bar?

>> No.17499994

Thanks anon! I don't really know that using Saiun could make your fleet perform better.

>> No.17499997
File: 531 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-08-19_02.52.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's easy mode but this is hilarious.

>> No.17500001

>my ass is already bleeding for E-2 last run
What did I do to deserve this

>> No.17500010

how many days are left?

>> No.17500018

Not enough.

>> No.17500019

around 3 weeks and a little bit more.

>> No.17500051
File: 129 KB, 1352x962, HP Phase Chipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do, but this is only e3.
Here, take this. Chipping fleet cleared, and I didn't update the filename.

>> No.17500060
File: 587 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-20103483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me sink her twice and I'm free from this hell.

>> No.17500064
File: 82 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-18T21.11.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is truly the day of miracles.

>> No.17500078

how the fuck do I deal with evil harusame? every single sortie her closing torpedo fucks someone up so I either have to fcf both of my destroyers or one of them gets damaged so I can't use it later when I need it. I thought about putting a battleship in escort, but it would probably waste its attack on one of those stupid onion destroyers every time.

>> No.17500083

Use Shibafu ships.

>> No.17500090

Buy expansions, fill their holes with your dick repair goddess

>> No.17500091

Godspeed to you too man.

You can't do much aside of using map support, lots of bombers and jets.
The BB helps a lot because should you clear the trash, she often disable warusame on the spot.

>> No.17500094

Cute DDs.

>> No.17500096

I hope you will clear E7 too. Let's do our best together.

>> No.17500101

The last time I rolled 3ass, I got 8 chuuha

>> No.17500104

I already increased my bomber count and I can't afford to farm with route support. I thought about jets too, but I only have one and I don't know how effective it would be with tsu appearing in 3 nodes.

>> No.17500112

How shit is Graf's drop rate?

>> No.17500113

I really suggest everyone to sparkle. Yesterday I got to the boss only once out of 7-8 runs. Today I only retreated two times out of 8 sorties.

>> No.17500114

Is Yura AACI better than ducks? Are you just using your DDs to send back someone and does the subhime not fuck you up?

>> No.17500115

I'm using 2 jets in hard on both Shoukaku and Zuikaku first slot, and they very rarely drop below 1 yellow line. They aren't that reliable, but the moment they sink a na class, it helps a lot for your air strike and support.

And to be really honest, even if you are une kuso mode, I'd suggest to go full force and finish the map instead of farming, unless you want to switch to hard afterwards, but that's worse because I can't call that map "farmable" by any stretch of imagination, esp if you say you can't even afford the route support.

>> No.17500120

>>17499977 here. Not sure about him, but I use Yura just because she can carry 3 seaplane fighters. That give you a leeway to put 2 bombers on everyone and still keep air superioity against CV princess with 2 wo kai. She is also a little more sturdy than Akizuki.

>> No.17500121

Yura is filled with seaplane fighters. And in this run it was fucking Warusame, but usually subs just chuuha/taiha someone and you probably need at least 3+ oasw to counter her. But I would rather not gimp my fleet even further.

>> No.17500125

I already cleared the map on easy. I've been waiting a year for graf to come back so I don't care about anything except getting her. I still have 175k fuel and 1231 buckets left, but it's taking me around 1200 fuel and 3-5 buckets per sortie.

>> No.17500128

Well Tanaka was lying about getting European ships though he should have specified Italians. They are dropping like Crazy this event.

>> No.17500129

At this point, I'd still use map support. Considering how expensive it is, you waste even more resource if you get trashed prior the boss.

>> No.17500132

Wasn't lying I mean. Durr.

>> No.17500136

>Got Littorio from clearing the last event
>Many scramble to try to get both going through hellish routs
>I wait it out to see a better offering for Roma's drop in the future
>Got her easily in this event
Feels good. Guess I will use my next two BPs on Sara and her, Yura will have to wait.

>> No.17500138


>because i'm dumb and don't know how carriers work still

Fighter power is heavily influenced by their rank so you'll want to slot them into the lower slots when applicable. There's a damage bonus when fitting a bomber into the first slot so generally you want to take advantage of that. Otherwise you want to put your bombers into the largest slot(s) to prevent them from being shot down. Having your bombers in your small slots makes them utterly worthless as they'll instantly melt to any form of enemy air power and then your CVs are nothing but reppuu mules. Having them constantly be shot down also fucks with your your plane ranks making them even worse. Look up the Wiki on this stuff, it's explained pretty in depth.

>every time i equip actual guns on bbs i get meme arrowed

If you're equipping the correct guns that are appropriately upgraded then those people meme arrowing are fucking stupid. Dazzle guns on a levelled Haruna is worthless when you could be using better guns (41 protos etc.)

>why Tenzan low slot

I think you were just being trolled. See my first comment on this kind of shit. Never put bombers in your lowest slots.

>will that really help?

It wont really. You have Teruzuki already providing AACI.

As for general comments;
Shift Haruna down a space and give her an AP shell.
Shift one of your CVs up there instead to take advantage of the flagship spot to keep them safe and stick the FCF in their lowest slot.
Yura's setup isn't doing much. Get rid of that plane and give her some torps or something. Work with her strengths, don't gimp her just so she can throw out some pitiful DA during the day.

>> No.17500139

How many S ranks so far for Graf? I've been waiting for her as well

>> No.17500143

Still use route support. Godspeed anon. I just decided to get Luigi and called it quits. I probably should have done a better job of getting buckets.
Most people who want Graf seem to be doing it one easy though.

>> No.17500145

>makes the Pasta BBs easy to obtain for even newfags
>they're quite useful
>makes Graf annoying as hell for everyone who still doesn't have her
>she has very little use as she has shit stats
>any sane dev team would have done the opposite more logical choice
kek, Tanaka is such a silly person.

>> No.17500155
File: 78 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-18T21.40.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Dance time! Fuck I'm nervous.

>> No.17500158

This is when the event actually starts

>> No.17500160

Not necessarily. Graf has high popularity despite the awful stats and meh personality due to being a Kraut made by Humikane.

>> No.17500166

That's undeserved popularity for you.

>> No.17500169

i haven't actually needed fcf, the worst that happens is one of those fucking hawks gets lucky

>> No.17500171

How much fuel for E7H? Over 100k?

>> No.17500173

Sometimes I'm starting to question my existance.
Ayanami and Верный were equipped with damegami and didn't actually sink, that's a replay viewer's bug.

>> No.17500175

God, I'm so fucking jealous. How'd you do it?

>> No.17500176
File: 739 KB, 755x455, why KTKM-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.17500177

21 sorties
9 s ranks
3 a ranks
8 retreats

I think 2 of the a ranks were against the final form when I was clearing and the other was when I had used fcf twice.

>> No.17500178
File: 583 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-20475416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, same for me. Time to deploy Hayasui

>> No.17500185

Literally sparkle. Now when I entered LD even sparkle won't help me. All I can do is pray that LBAS and support, and girls, will help me enough.

>> No.17500187

>9 s ranks

Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.17500189

What route does 2BB go?

>> No.17500190

I'll keep that in mind. I'll start when I get back to 100k fuel.

>> No.17500191

Man, I took several hours just to clear the bullshit unlock and debuff for this map, but seeing you guys make it this far gives me hope.

>> No.17500192

tfw cleared E7 LD on the first try

>> No.17500198

Maybe I'm just being dumb today, but what is the requirement for E-5? I've cleared E1-4. Expected there to be an arrow to the side as usual but, apparently I missed something.

>> No.17500199

>route support
Is it really that annoying even easy? Or is this primarily for those who want to farm and it just ups the odds of success since they may be doing quite a bit of sorties for like like Graf?

>> No.17500200

Don't worry, it also took me a full evening and 20k fuel just for the silly gimmicks.
But then, it took me 50k for the whole gauge. 1 full evening for merely half of it (40K), then just 2 hours for the rest (10k). I honestly thought It would take me an extra 40k for the second half, but miracles happen.

Now it is all about ending this shitty map for good.

>> No.17500201

I will probably deploy Kamoi. And after the event I will marry her. I promise it!

>> No.17500204

How does this even work? I've never bothered using her but I've got 15 barrels

>> No.17500207

I have done 29 sorties myself. Including boss clearing 13 sorites got to the boss.
6 S Ranks
7 A Ranks
No Graf.

>> No.17500212

I neglected Kamoi so she is still a AV but my Hayasui is lvl93 so hopefully she can do some lifting even though I don't expect much.
Gotta churn 2 barrels at once.

Basically, Hayasui and Kamoi allow you to consume any barrel on them to replenish a % of the fuel and ammo of your whole fleet.
Note that you must upgrade their speed with engines as you cannot run a slow fleet without being punished by the compass.

>> No.17500213

I mainly use Route support for G Node. The only other annoying node for me is the Submarine node. Aircraft Carrier Hime is probably the one that sends me back the least.

>> No.17500214

Restarted the game, and the arrow appeared. I guess it was just some kind of cache bug or something.

>> No.17500219
File: 255 KB, 1378x2011, ac4dca14470cb084ca8b6822a55130a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this little slut, how do you guys feel about her?

>> No.17500220

She's alright.

>> No.17500222
File: 724 KB, 797x478, she&#039;s byotiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, the nightmare is over. Now comes the farming, I still have 29 ships to get.

>> No.17500223

I feel like you should kill yourself and nobody cares about your shitty blogs.

>> No.17500224

Don't forget that you need to make Hayasui fast in orded to not fuck up routing. Sadly I don't have any puncholes left (don't even ask me how I spended it already), so I can only use 1 barrel.

>> No.17500227

Tell me your honest opinion, is it possible to farm E4 hard with transport fleet?

>> No.17500229
File: 791 KB, 957x1656, __minazuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mizuki_yayoi__484791557db2f26b7cf108b821c712c1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely girl. Also, required for quest, which makes her very valuable.

>> No.17500231

Yeah, I've already did that. That map forced me to spend other puncholes for the other girls just for AA guns. I did every hard map thus far and I only have 3 expansions left.

Good god I have 30 barrels, but I really hope I won't need more than 2 already.

>> No.17500236

Also my statfag friend (statfag as in numbers and math, not the girls) noticed one bug - apparently this time barrels replenish ONLY 1st fleet. Escort get nothing. But I don't have anything to "supply" this statement. Sorry for shitty pun.

>> No.17500251

That would be a dickmove, but not out of stretch. Then again, your first fleet needs that more considering the day fight against the boss.

>> No.17500254
File: 49 KB, 199x771, Screenshot-2017-08-19_04.04.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Luigi ever come?

>> No.17500255
File: 323 KB, 1250x862, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only started yesterday. I was planning on doing at least 100, but with my resources I'll be lucky to even get 60.

anyway this is my current setup. fuel resupply is around 650 and then two land base cost and resupply is around 250. the main problem is that between carrier princess and the boss I get 2-3 main fleet ships damaged every run which costs another 300+ fuel to repair plus buckets. escort fleet sucks up even more buckets because they're constantly getting trashed by destroyer princess and ass princess. if I replace chokekai with a bongo I might be able to disable the destroyer cunt, but there's pretty much always at least one of those stupid basketball destroyers left alive after my opening damage so I don't know how much it will help.

>> No.17500260

You friend is full of shit. Every nico stream I'm watching, the damage of DA of escort fleet dramatic increases in night battle

>> No.17500272

That just could be the effect of debuff. Still, no one is sure about this, it can be true, it can be not true.

>> No.17500273

She took 67 runs for me.

>> No.17500278

She's the first new ship drop I got while clearing the map

>> No.17500280

Can you drop 2 Luigis?

>> No.17500292

If it's true, thousand of nips and chinks will talk about it.
Only you and your friend are spreading bullshit on here

>> No.17500296
File: 94 KB, 714x428, DHbEw6jU0AA9DUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quite a unique way to finish off E5 boss.

>> No.17500297

I would be glad if it's bullshit I am telling.

>> No.17500311

You fucking what

>> No.17500313

Strongest CV confirmed.

>> No.17500317
File: 240 KB, 852x519, S2017E341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this OK for E4 round 1?
I also plan to use this for clearing in hard, is there anything I need to change?
>replace Akagi with Kirishima for round2
>change DA to TCI setup

>> No.17500326
File: 607 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-15303789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to kill someone

>> No.17500331

start with yourself

>> No.17500334

thinking about it

>> No.17500336

Try the boss.

>> No.17500350

No Hayasui and damecon LD E7 setup. If you can't think of anything maybe this setup will give you ideas.

>> No.17500367
File: 775 KB, 2048x1624, DHgdq-sUAAAsLce.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

direct image

>> No.17500370

Looks quite similar to what I'm planning. Good to know it'll work, though the screenshots are making me wonder if perhaps aerial boss support would be even better.

>> No.17500415

Let's not.

>> No.17500423
File: 611 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put your glasses back on that's the wrong target

>> No.17500478

>level 2
What kind of retard doesn't level up the best non-armored CV?

>> No.17500480

Someone who marries Kaga?

>> No.17500482

What if he marries both?

>> No.17500500

On CA, main gun, 2x torp, special eq will make torp cut-in? I tried it about 3 hours ago, and the CAs just did one shot of the gun at night.

>> No.17500501

How many runs anon?

>> No.17500505

Person who chases both boats will incur heaven's wrath

>> No.17500507

i don't even know, man. between the cancerous tp phase and this i'd bet it's above 50

>> No.17500515

Okay, nevermind, I tried it again in 1-1. I guess it just failed before. But I expected the CI failures to be a non-CI torpedo shot.

>> No.17500527
File: 26 KB, 104x547, levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I marry everyone who makes it to 99. Akagi soon, but I have to recharge first so that I'm ready for the wedding night celebratory fap.
Be assured that your shitty Saratoga will never make it to 99.

>> No.17500528

Reminder that if you marry cute small DDs when you die you are going to the pedohell.

>> No.17500533

Does Amatsukaze count? She is my wife.

>> No.17500541
File: 44 KB, 221x295, ss+(2017-07-29+at+06.03.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17500548

I was thinking to marry Satsuki.

>> No.17500556

If you fail a cut-in it does a single attack with whatever is in the first slot.

>> No.17500559

So it's better to put a gun in the first place, huh. It still did some damage, unlike the usual peashooter torpedo.

>> No.17500568

Why is Sara not in the 90s by now?

>> No.17500570

Did we ever figure out how much LoS is required to route to the boss in E7?

>> No.17500571

Is that where those loli demons are? Sounds good.

>> No.17500574

A place to meet really interesting people.

>> No.17500578

She is level 2, staying in the dungeon, like the rest of the captured enemies.

>> No.17500583

You're a fucking axisfag retard aren't you? Should've known, only you retards would choose not to use one of the best carriers in the game.

>> No.17500584

Who the FUCK even marries this girl

>> No.17500587

People who got lured by the bait, but stayed for the cute, suggestive and hayai "Oh!"

>> No.17500588
File: 606 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-16583195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fuck's sake

>> No.17500592

>captured enemies

Is this what the "Tanaka will never add allies" fags do now?

>> No.17500594

You just don't understand. This is the definition of fun in KC. Enjoy it you ungrateful unclean pale skin pork.

>> No.17500609
File: 133 KB, 700x374, DD waifus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are fairly large for DDs.

>> No.17500616

>for DDs
For you.

>> No.17500620


>> No.17500631
File: 93 KB, 640x905, __murakumo_kantai_collection__53571d553a2adfcde1bc839d865a073c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A majestic Murakumoch.

>> No.17500632

That feelio when you're sent back 5 times in a row, then forget to send boss support and make it to the boss.

>> No.17500639
File: 163 KB, 866x912, E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any advice?
I've been stuck on E3 last kill for about 20 sorties.
Running both supports and I can get to boss just fine, but she just won't die.

>> No.17500647
File: 597 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-17180701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17500649

Swap someone for TCI. 2 if you can't even. Or just Kuso it out.

>> No.17500654
File: 158 KB, 247x428, E4 failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then it ends like this.
Kill me now.

>> No.17500664

Support wouldn't help, don't kid yourself.

>> No.17500673

Everyone else but her was dead and I got 3 cut-ins. It was the run.

>> No.17500688

It's called good game design. When you face an enemy with borderline untoppable armor on top of fucking lots of health.

>> No.17500699
File: 18 KB, 425x148, 12 screws gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't upgrade when tired.

>> No.17500700

You were unlucky I guess? With node support only twice I got sent back on the node before the boss, even the subs node wasn't as dangerous as I thought it would be, in regards for final kill you better expect a decent amount of runs to finally roll that critical that will kill her.

>> No.17500702
File: 858 KB, 800x480, hagiget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the right voice but the wrong ship

>> No.17500712
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1200, Kancolle 303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 80 sorties to get best dog.

Now to farm the Bood and Thunder.

>> No.17500715
File: 710 KB, 798x477, amagiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting stars on both eyes is pretty tricky. I couldn't completely cover her glasses.

>> No.17500738

PT boats make me want to take up a career in abortions.

>> No.17500741
File: 342 KB, 1447x2046, __hatakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_masukuza_j__bd3858c32dcc471d00acc97fe8ef47bb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can practically smell all the doujins.

>> No.17500751

You don't get to hear the screams when killing unborn children. You would have to take up a career in murdering small children. I recommend becoming an african warlord.

>> No.17500754

Mini Kashima is bound to get more popularity purely due to being mini Kashima, but don't expect the same amount.

>> No.17500763

Aren't PT boats the spirit of aborted kids?

You should take up a career in killing abortion doctors so they don't create more of them.

>> No.17500772
File: 974 KB, 850x1200, __hatakaze_and_t_head_admiral_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tobi_mura__2f4f58c27c7ca1dd665970f137407e3b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the bonus of being part of 5-girl group. Just think of the variety, 5 girls!
And of course she won't beat Kashima. Nothing can.

>> No.17500779

The 5-girl group doesn't consist of mini Kashimas, there is only one of her. Not that the others are bad, they just don't have anything to do with Kashima.

>> No.17500790

Why I can't find her?

>> No.17500793

i found her and her sister without even looking for them

probably why i'm getting raped by rng now

>> No.17500796

Must be the desire sensor. She caught me completely by surprise.

>> No.17500800
File: 598 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-14514309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I killed her, hopefully my luck will turn around in the next maps.

>> No.17500812

Did you guys bring Saiun to E5?

>> No.17500818
File: 15 KB, 302x106, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont sortie when you're tired

>> No.17500825

>lesser Zui
Don't sortie at all.

>> No.17500828

Hey dude.

>> No.17500837
File: 97 KB, 1000x800, 1503084520365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etorofu and her sister AREN'T onaholes.

>> No.17500844

I don't see why they would be that since it's not WW2/naval warfare related

>> No.17500849

DEs are 5* more useless than benchwarming DDs. I don't see any reason why we can't just use them as onaholes until they're unsatisfactory and then you can toss them away/keep them as medals.

>> No.17500861

If they are not then they are completely useless.

>> No.17500875

They certainly look and the size for it. Cute little oASW onaholes.

>> No.17500882
File: 42 KB, 260x260, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, I love this gun!

>> No.17500888
File: 82 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-19T1.16.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit want to cry. I got triggered by Warusame killing my ships because support failed to came and decided to proceed without sparkling anyone. This ride never ends.

>> No.17500890


>> No.17500896

what the fuck is the point of a searchlight on escort lead if no one bothers to aim at her at night

>> No.17500899

4 free e1 locks, whats not to like

>> No.17500901

I never sparkle anymore. Costs too much and takes too long, and it just makes the failures more frustrating because you have to go back and sparkle again. The time and resources are honestly better spent on just doing more runs.

>> No.17500903

Sparkling is a placebo effect to make you think you're actively improving your chances, rather than praying to Tanaka

>> No.17500917

This shit started the moment I entered LD. I understand if new SS hime won't let me pass. but CV hime managed to kill Yura twice from airstrike, even when she was with solo Wo. I just need to roll 2 BB himes instead of one. I will probably never pass SS node if I stop sparkling.

>> No.17500924
File: 197 KB, 1004x567, 55d57ec61c778f82cb4c68e63d8879ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you deal with the bullying in your fleet? What to do with violent shipgirls who call mean names or twist the nipples of other peaceful and innocent shipgirls?

>> No.17500937

The point is to get your heavy hitters to do flagship protection and kill themselves, which is why I put the searchlight on the second ship.

>> No.17500938

bullies can't win against dick

>> No.17500950

I scrap them and any duplicates I come across.

>> No.17500953

>have to farm Warspite

What am I in for

>> No.17500957

That was the most letdown of a last dance at E4 I've ever seen. First run clears are disappointing in a way

>> No.17500958

Fun. After the debuff, E7 is a cakewalk.

>> No.17500962

But if they get dick by bullying someone, they'll just keep bullying to get more dick.
You are supposed to prevent bullying.
Giving dick should be optional or when the result is positive.

I seriously have no idea what to do to have them stop. Change their target to myslef and get more Akebonos/Kasumis? Try to guard the victim which will actually make the bully want to bully them more?..
Maybe devote more time to the bully so she doesn't have enough time to bully? There is no such thing as a bad girl in this game after all.

>> No.17500974
File: 115 KB, 1091x876, __hatsuzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_oniku_oishii_oniku__57fa057df77a8278da8b63c44ec93bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best dog
you posted the wrong pic.

>> No.17500978
File: 607 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-18455082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm this close to quitting

>> No.17500992

Why do you play the game when you should already knew that this shit is sadistic as fuck and only brings suffering?

>> No.17500999
File: 102 KB, 681x958, cutest duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Hatuduki actually did the final kill on frenchie BB. I'm marrying her as soon as she hits 99.

>> No.17501000
File: 413 KB, 1050x830, Kancolle 179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot duck is a very good dog, but definitely not the best. Cause that's still Toki.

>> No.17501015
File: 793 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans, Nips, and French get 5 star guns
>Americans get 6 star equipment
>everyone else gets low star guns

>> No.17501029

If anything, you should be laughing at the 38cm. That gun got fucked sideways in every way imaginable.

>> No.17501035

The 38cm Kai is still the best gun until 30.5cm becomes upgradeable since it's both cheap to upgrade and easy to obtain.

>> No.17501036

>The 38cm Kai is still the best gun
Best gun for Kongous*

>> No.17501041

>ignoring the superfit
Only Fusou and Nagato K2s have guns with better extra palcebo on top of being better.

>easy to obtain
Fuck you.

>> No.17501044
File: 7 KB, 264x188, LSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38cm Kai
>not easy to obtain

>> No.17501047

Pasta guns have 5 stars too, and why does this even matter?

>> No.17501052

Where is you third drei, fag? You've been posting your second Bis for a few month now, so where is she?

>> No.17501055

Why are you using trash tier Furutakas and Ushio, when you could be using Nachi/Ashigara and SHIGURE

>> No.17501059

Follow this >>17497628, it helped me.

>> No.17501060

I haven't done LSC since I got the 2nd one. When the event ends I'll try again. Hopefully Sara gets her Kai 2 before I get a chance to use that blueprint on another Bisko.

>> No.17501065 [DELETED] 

I haven't done LSC since I got the 2nd one. Once the event ends I'll try again.

>> No.17501072

Shit, I thought that post got lost due to connection issues.

>> No.17501080

So the consensus is STF is the way to go for E6 TP?

>> No.17501103

Have you considered using stronger ships?

>> No.17501108

such as? i still have 4 maps after this.

>> No.17501111

How effective is Aquila in E4?
I don't see many people use her there.

>> No.17501115

>How effective is a garbage ship in a hard map?
This is what you just asked.

>> No.17501116

Why in the world would you ever use Shitquila?

>> No.17501119

Tequila is a last resort routing ship.

>> No.17501181

This is worse than summer 2015

>> No.17501192

People said they wanted a challenging event so Tanaka gave it to them.

>> No.17501217

I'll let you know when I get to E-7.

>> No.17501223

I'd rather get good ships

>> No.17501225

This is easier than summer 15.

>> No.17501233

Why does swapping LBAS cost a gazillion bauxite, I'm literally just moving a plane

>> No.17501238

Transport Fleet or STF for E6 TP? Please respond.

>> No.17501242

goddammit I was trying to resupply my planes and accidentally dragged one out of the base. why does this mechanic even exist?

>> No.17501243

>all those bombers.
Sure why not I've got nothing else to try for lastodan

>> No.17501264

I'm almost enjoying sparkling everyone ever instead of doing e7 right now.

I know the disappointment is coming, it just isn't here yet.

>> No.17501281

>worse than summer 2015
its fun, especially those people that are getting salty in this event.

>> No.17501284

For those who farmed Matsuwa on easy, did you guys use route support?

>> No.17501287


>> No.17501288

getting my carriers one shot at the boss and being useless is fun

>> No.17501289
File: 724 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-18252650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first blood. Yay.

>> No.17501291

Fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.17501298

Enjoy your tranny.

>> No.17501303

Is this the new forced meme?

>> No.17501308

Its not forced when she looks nothing like a girl but a man trying to become one.

>> No.17501316

kanColle is so progressive

>> No.17501318

Those guys that are going to try to clear the event as late as possible are fucked right?

>> No.17501339

Not necessarily, it'll probably take a little over a week to clear all 7 maps on hard

To get all the ships they might be, depends on their luck as I've gotten 3 of the 4 drops simply by clearing

>> No.17501341

Reverse RTA?

>> No.17501353

2 times in a row fucking ass princess hits one of my ships to red from full hp.

>> No.17501364
File: 734 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170520-12224751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

googling how to tie a noose

>> No.17501367

>Pola, Zara
>Kumano, Suzuya
>Ashigara, Myoukou
>Choukai Maya
>Tone Chikuma

Which should I bring in E-4?

>> No.17501370

Matsuwa does not exist.

>> No.17501388

Why do jets literally never kill anything?

>> No.17501389
File: 599 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-20522224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501391
File: 212 KB, 345x321, zannen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501411


>> No.17501415

Drop duck, bring someone who can do night damage.

>> No.17501417

How much sleep is everyone getting during this event? I'm on about 5 hours

>> No.17501420

You have 3 weeks you honto baka

>> No.17501425

Bring a real DD.

>> No.17501432

What the hell is this horror music sortie BGM?

>> No.17501435

i need duck to kill those fucking hawks

>> No.17501437
File: 86 KB, 800x480, 20170819_09153894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? What a merry go around.

>> No.17501439
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170818-19160668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez first run

>> No.17501446

5 Hours a night is pretty normal for me

>> No.17501451

Change your first fleet to avoid shit like that.

That is still pretty rare though even when I had maya-sama in my first fleet.

>> No.17501461

I never want to to go Europe.

>> No.17501467

God I'd love a girlfriend like Suzuya. Why is life so unfair.

>> No.17501473

A capricious whore?

>> No.17501477


>> No.17501479

It's pretty bad for me, I start to crash out by 4pm unless I have another cup of coffee

>> No.17501485

Nah. I checked wikiwiki.
It seems like you gotta get the armored gimmick first you can utilized the shortcut. Also apparently 2yurop girls/<1BB guarantee H->O.

>> No.17501491

A playful joshikousei to experience first love like a regular high schooler.

>> No.17501495
File: 154 KB, 1179x1615, yura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play it safe.

>> No.17501499

Yura's cute, but Suzuya is sexy.

>> No.17501518
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x2294, 1503028521857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, boatsluts are actually pure.
Not even one Naoboats make it to the list.

>> No.17501519
File: 112 KB, 1199x708, 1503103672085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll never get a swimsuit, but at least she got two yukatas.

>> No.17501520

Shit, E-5 A is a fucking perfect map for leveling land base planes. No morale bullshit at all.

>> No.17501524

My E6 TP bar is 1800 instead of 2000 like it says in the wiki. What happened?

>> No.17501526

You want that armor debuff gimmick active anyway. This is already hard with it. Forgoing it is like trying to tackle down AA princess back in summer 15 without hers.

>> No.17501534

I was trying to utilize GHOR for the R node.
You gotta do too many shit just to start on the boss. These are just resource sink imo.

>> No.17501535

Level scaling.

>> No.17501548
File: 1.90 MB, 1700x1440, 47ee884afab5b8be6eabb060e27ac8d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing national heroes to idol sluts

>> No.17501558

Why is Ako always first?

>> No.17501561
File: 358 KB, 800x480, pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, holy fuck.

>> No.17501567


>> No.17501570


>> No.17501575

Because he's a wikiashitter.

>> No.17501596


>> No.17501597

>kuso mode

>> No.17501600
File: 779 KB, 685x670, kancolle_20170818-205433490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a meager 4 runs, Amagiri is finally here!

>> No.17501604

~46% of the players who cleared E1 have cleared E4.

>> No.17501606

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17501608


>> No.17501610

>E-6 has the lowest clear %
That TP bar was too far.

>> No.17501611
File: 1.27 MB, 2932x1551, yura2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must violate.

>> No.17501615


>> No.17501631
File: 1.30 MB, 1757x859, thesparkles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fully sparkled fleet sure does dodge well.

>> No.17501635

Wew I got every ship while clearing. Guess I used up all my luck forever.

>> No.17501637

Sparkles don't affect combined fleet.

>> No.17501643


We already have a Truk scroll right?

>> No.17501645


>> No.17501651

The only promise that was not fulfilled was adding more server banners 1 or 2 years ago. I'm still waiting on my Shortland scroll.

>> No.17501663

Sparkles only increase 9-10% dodge rate

>> No.17501671
File: 861 KB, 846x1200, 8e625cfa585b6d73b3e00e8e1088aaf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean absolutely adorable

>> No.17501672

It's the accuracy improvement that's important. It lets you fuck up ships before they can attack, especially at boss node.

>> No.17501674
File: 77 KB, 480x480, 1456124271978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she looks pretty cute like that.

>> No.17501677

Dunno whats worse, E-7 or the TP bar insanity of E-6.

>> No.17501691

>that surprise 4 BB on E-4 phase 1
And I got taiha'd on my first try. Fuck you, Tanaka.

>> No.17501705
File: 1.14 MB, 1743x947, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the number for the suicide hotline?

>> No.17501725
File: 728 KB, 800x480, 20170818_21493449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got this short shorts slut for the quest.

>> No.17501726

>4 bosses as meat shields

Why is this allowed?

>> No.17501733

You wanted a hard event.

>> No.17501734

over 50% of the people around here wanted a harder event

>> No.17501737

Use fastsuck. Myouchoke is no good.

>> No.17501742

I just wanted good equipment with minimal effort.

>> No.17501747

The event is very easy if you forego your pride, memedal and the spitfire.

>> No.17501750
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 1503111169943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17501751

Tone is revolting.

>> No.17501752

Tenryuu is so shit.

>> No.17501757

Nopan faggots BTFO

>> No.17501761

>only 4

Someone didn't do spring last year.

>> No.17501787

So now the anime is canon?

>> No.17501803

what is your fleet comp?

>> No.17501816

I always thought that Tone and Chikuma no pan shipgirls.
Tone and Chikuma are surprisingly pure

>> No.17501819

Who keeps pushing the no glasses, hair down Katori? It looks like ass.

>> No.17501824
File: 830 KB, 2486x2672, 1503110328204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoba K2.

>> No.17501845

Be glad it's just 4.

>> No.17501846

Are you trying to trick me again?

>> No.17501847

Shitryuu a shit.

>> No.17501848


>> No.17501853
File: 810 KB, 3254x1984, 1503112082045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17501854

Haha so the design really was a Kai 2 and not just a staff fuck up.

>> No.17501861

The only event with more than 4 was Spring 2016.

>> No.17501867
File: 940 KB, 1843x1463, E4H-part1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for round1 E4 hard, is this fine?

>> No.17501875

what the HELL my zui got hit from full hp to red how is this ok?

>> No.17501878

Where's your land bombers, dumbass?

>> No.17501887

You'll need torp cut-ins instead of double attacks if you want to take down the boss.

>> No.17501888

that happens in regular maps too

>> No.17501889


You're gonna need torp cut-ins. DA tickles the boss.

>> No.17501894
File: 34 KB, 472x472, 1a5f86ee907f98c84dccc0b1f5700a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501897

I can use land bomber?
I thought they would be wiped out by CV hime.
And that's applied to part1 also?

>> No.17501898

I did. I hope she's happy.

>> No.17501905

>using the old Zero 52 art that barely resembles the real thing

>> No.17501959

How much LoS do you need to go from M>Q in E3? I have over 80 LoS between both fleets but still got sent to N.

>> No.17501961

E6 is so fucking long. It's not hard just tedious.

>never retreat a single time
>120 TP per run
>still here 5 hours later

Is this Tanaka's idea of fun?

>> No.17501975

Post fleet please.

>> No.17502024
File: 667 KB, 2508x3541, __chou_10cm_hou_chan_and_hatsuzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yomu_sgt_epper__1b5e79c94c8473e05ae8dc90ed0e0bfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there was a girl who encouraged you to fondle her boobs/ass and reacted very warmly to your wedding proposal.

I thought Unryuu did but this unfortunately isn't true.

>> No.17502033

I will if I ever get her.

>> No.17502037
File: 206 KB, 800x960, based girls win e4 despite incompetent TTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally send out girls for E4 last dance without switching out their equipment
>only abukuma and pudding have TCI's
>still win

Why are my girls so based?

>> No.17502053

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17502054

Would kick that butt.

>> No.17502058

I unironically copied Death Usagi's fleet. Just cleared TP phase with zero retreats. About ~14 sorties.

>> No.17502070

I wish that faggot wasn't spewing bullshit like CLTs are banned in E-4.

>> No.17502106

Similar to what I'm using, but Akizuki is overkill for E4 part 1, the boss comp is weak and disabling the hawks is borderline impossible and not worth it. FCF might be useful if you don't want to use route support for the 4 Ru wall node.

>> No.17502116
File: 92 KB, 800x480, E-7 clear main fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing through E-7 clears on twitter, this guy had an interesting fleet composition.

>> No.17502122
File: 98 KB, 800x480, E-7 clear escort fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17502139

it's terrible wording, but they do mention it's because it off-routes

>> No.17502162

Holy shit 165 Maruyu.

>> No.17502166

Do I need to bring boss support to E-2? I've gotten like 1 clean boss kill and the rest of the time it's barely any chip damage.

>> No.17502177

So I got a dupe Littorio, is it worth the blueprint for a second 90mm?

>> No.17502190

I didn't use support until the final run just to guarantee some kills.

>> No.17502225

Yes, I use both supports and it was a sea breeze.

>> No.17502261
File: 1.91 MB, 1843x1095, 攻略編成_20170819-125511271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't anyone else brought Taiyou to E7? She seems like she can be great there. Going to try with this once my expedition is back.

>> No.17502268 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 480x800, Aimbot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every even, Murasame is always a meatshield while Yukikaze stealing the kill with her aimbot.
Now I can watch my animu in peace

>> No.17502277

Think you posted the wrong thing.

>> No.17502288
File: 2.86 MB, 800x480, aimbot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I need sleep now

>> No.17502295

For what?

>> No.17502309

Hmmm Taiyou does do night battle plus OASW, sounds like something to try.

>> No.17502312

That guy just put her there because he wanted Maruyu in the main fleet, it's not some genius idea. Also she needs to be fast.

>> No.17502318

Holy shit how did Kitakami deal 350 damage with DA

>> No.17502327
File: 2.86 MB, 800x480, E-7 final.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two barrels

>> No.17502332

Is it recommended that I do the debuff every time I reset E5E when farming for Matsuwa?

>> No.17502350

Oh yea, you gotta put turbine on her but she does hit sub hard and she does serviceable damage to surface fleet unlike pure ASW destroyers.

>> No.17502410

It's pretty much up to you.

>> No.17502422

About to start E6 boss, what to expect?

>> No.17502426
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, 1503120568701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17502438

An easy map if you do the Debuffs.

>> No.17502450

If only Mutsuki was my girlfriend

>> No.17502451
File: 85 KB, 700x820, CwGbqAlUkAAkR9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17502455

>world 3 weekly during events

kill me

>> No.17502464
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, 1503119726215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be in jail.

>> No.17502483

You can S rank without the debuff pretty often.

>> No.17502567

it's worth it if it's your 3rd 90mm

>> No.17502572

What quest?

>> No.17502574

No, it would be the second one, I never bothered to get Roma.

>> No.17502585

Doing E6, second phase, cleared the transport node again, cleared node O, didn't get the sound for the debuff

did i mess up

>> No.17502588

12k fuel down today for only 10 more s ranks. how is this even "easy" farming?

>> No.17502595


>> No.17502599

Which map?

>> No.17502610

Ugh, can E-7 node G just stop ruining my day.

>> No.17502612
File: 23 KB, 186x918, Miss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little PT boat that could.

>> No.17502613

Don't say that. That just means that H, Q and T will instead.

>> No.17502615
File: 55 KB, 342x129, c5e24540a09437f37bba2a815b6d0670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh are escort fleet flagships still immune from sinking?

>> No.17502616


>> No.17502619


>> No.17502620

hopefully someone else will come up with a cheaper strategy by tomorrow because I only have 168k left and I wanted to save some of it for fall.

>> No.17502621
File: 2.19 MB, 1583x922, firstbloods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for the kuso collage. Don't complain about it being twitch because half the image will be off wikia and/or reddit.

>> No.17502637
File: 55 KB, 600x600, e8721500238429812e756731ca2acc8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17502639


who is the qt on the right

that's not a boat

>> No.17502644

Yes it is. Unless you mean the retard in the bottom right, in which case you should stop.

>> No.17502655

the qt on the bottom right is literally perfect

>> No.17502658

Just a little retarded

>> No.17502659
File: 605 KB, 1732x1533, 1471079764540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seriously fucking sunk another ship?

Here's the one from last year.

>> No.17502660


>> No.17502664

Streamer so he's probably doing it for attention.

>> No.17502671

How is he "frontline" when its been about a week?
Also, retarded comp.

>> No.17502679

It was from the 11th or 12th.

That or sleep deprivation from hammering out the TP phase.

>> No.17502684

Don't make excuses. Kuso is kuso.

>> No.17502686

He is doing the "frontline" stuff just for the memes

>> No.17502694
File: 42 KB, 730x317, haruna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17502714

>Don't complain about it being twitch
>because half the image will be off wikia and/or reddit.

But lurking around wikia and reddit during event is the funniest thing.

>> No.17502719

>death usagi

>> No.17502736
File: 484 KB, 573x384, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, looked up the stream and this was his retarded setup and planes he lost.

>> No.17502746

Three irreplaceable planes, that's going to be painful.

>> No.17502750

>fighter on 1st and largest slow
why people still doing this shit

>> No.17502761

>get a taiha at the pre-boss node twice in a row suddenly after not having problems with it at all
>equip FCF
>get TWO fucking taiha's on pre-boss node twice in a row


>> No.17502764

Looks like E-4 will be my death.

>> No.17502769


Ah different version

thanks anon

>> No.17502779

Shoukaku I can kinda understand, but why are there people that think Zuikaku kai ni doesn't look way better than the original art?

>> No.17502804
File: 594 KB, 800x480, E-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't so bad, 2nd last dance attempt after getting fucked by red T on the first. Preboss node felt like the most annoying part.

>> No.17502810


>what are personal preferences

>> No.17502816

I think both Cranes look better in K2 form since their faces were kind of strange.

>> No.17502818

Shoukaku isn't much of an improvement, she looks kind of plain, but at least we get to see her tits.
Zuikaku looks way better, in my opinion.

>> No.17502820

They have shit taste obviously.

>> No.17502824

>Zuikaku kai ni doesn't look way better than the original art
Said no one ever. Most complaints were for Shoucucku looking like the potato carrier.

>> No.17502825

I've seen 'em, man. They're out there.

>> No.17502876
File: 547 KB, 800x480, 2017-08-19 15-39-03 97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, end of the preliminaries. 2nd attempt, really thought it was a failed run since Kiso & Shigure were already chuuha'd before the boss node. The opening airstrike & boss support were execrable, too, such that CA Hime was at nearly full health at the start of yasen.


>> No.17502885

>tfw you roll 3ass


>> No.17502911

Starting on E-4. Is Maya recommended here, or on E-6?

>> No.17502917

Bring a duck instead.

>> No.17502929

Kagawife is my waifu

>> No.17502933
File: 715 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170819-18344575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not failing to get the shit kicked out of me at the pre-boss node so i can get past LD but you'll do

>> No.17502936

between unryuus and akagi for E5 to pair with aquila, who's better off?

>> No.17502945


Bring EU DD or FBB instead

>> No.17502948
File: 532 KB, 1250x1000, 64506390_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The British are coming!

>> No.17502952

my Z's are underleveled, which is unfortunate, and i don't have libe

>> No.17502955

She looks like some heroine from an anime without the bow.

>> No.17502957
File: 619 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170819-18433165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am I meant to get past this? 2 hours and I haven't GOTTEN PAST THIS SHIT.

>> No.17502959

Use your land bombers and bombed that node

>> No.17502963
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, Shingeki-no-Bahamut-2-06-16-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, she looks exactly like that dragonslut from that cygames anime.

>> No.17502966


>> No.17502973

> that dragonslut
The best grill, you mean.

>> No.17502976

Sparkle and pray, and put a full wave of bombers there. Use route support.

>> No.17502981
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170819-02464116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does the fun start?

>> No.17502982

>The best gril
He didn't said Kaisar, you pleb

>> No.17502986

Fun isn't implemented yet. Maybe with the new front end.

>> No.17502989
File: 129 KB, 480x480, 1465520751201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am calling it now, this event is pure cancer.

Why does the new Abyssal destroyer have higher stats than a Heavy Cruiser type?

Why is the TP gauge at E6 very high and the best composition to clear it involves grinding with an STF.

What's up with the pointless ship locking for E5-E6, they both take place in the same area.

This is the worst event so far.

Don't get me started on those Echelon Subs of E-7.

>> No.17502990
File: 151 KB, 1200x780, DHMUVXiVoAIW6Z6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17503001

Do you sparkle every ship in preparation for events?

>> No.17503004

They watch Kuso Usashit's "guides".

>> No.17503036

Both usagi and his followers should fucking die in a fire.

>> No.17503039

With all these retreats at node T, maybe I'll finally get Sakawa.

>> No.17503048

I think they buff Jets survivability. My jets are still at >> after going through a few round of E7.

>> No.17503055

>FCF Bismarck home to make it to boss
>routed to V because of LoS memes

10 nukes wouldn't have been enough.

>> No.17503058
File: 21 KB, 300x300, so slow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody post an E2 fleets for shortcut unlocking and clearing?
Was this the map for dragons?

>> No.17503065

E2+E3 = Dragons, yeah.

>> No.17503068

It makes sense if you really want ever drop of FP.

>> No.17503081

How do I go to J on E5? No foreign ships?

>> No.17503102

Use the submarine/CAV/fBB/dragon/CL/DD setup for I and hope the extra airfield hime doesn't show up.

>> No.17503116

If I only need A-rank, then isn't it alright to send 3CV, BB, 2DD?

>> No.17503117

Teach me your secrets.

>> No.17503122
File: 510 KB, 2000x2400, __akizuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kiritto__06ab5595f67400c5886e96c289054481[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't bring any foreign ships, but still got send to I. I need that J node for Akiduki. Please help.

>> No.17503150
File: 488 KB, 852x968, S2017E4H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready?
2/2 LBAS
Haya 64/Haya 54/Nanoka/Ginga

>> No.17503184
File: 73 KB, 800x480, 20170819_18155400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw when rolling 1BBhime is the only way you can beat E7

>> No.17503193

Can't wait until we get empty nodes that have a random chance of spawning a boss instead.

>> No.17503215

For the perfect run you actually need to roll
H: 3subs formation
Q: Single wokai formation
T: Single asshime formation

>> No.17503216

And then you get hankousen at the boss.

>> No.17503220

How important is AACI on E-4? I'm considering an all-TCI escort fleet for French hime.

>> No.17503221

If you prefer 3CV, sure. You'll have to rely on air power to do everything and won't have a sub drawing the boss's fire.

>> No.17503240

Not needed, airstrikes just did scratch the whole time.

>> No.17503263
File: 701 KB, 800x480, 20170819_09341453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support and LBAS, boss should be the only thing left alive and then you just hope Prinz doesn't choke.

>> No.17503280

So how easy is the E7 boss with suck barrels?

>> No.17503283

It's not the boss dude. It's the two preboss boss nodes.

>> No.17503285

Yeah, but imagine I get through those on last dance.

>> No.17503287
File: 75 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-19T13.59.9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17503295


>> No.17503302

How many CAVs do I need for this event without resorting to kuso tactics?

>> No.17503312

Like 4.

>> No.17503314

4. E-3 and E-6 TP.

>> No.17503320


Good to know. Thank you.

>> No.17503322

No problem. I love you.

>> No.17503326

It depends on your luck. There is no fixed LD formation according to wikiwiki so if you can roll 1asshime, it is your ticket to an easy route to the boss.

>> No.17503339

15k fuel to debuff E7, nice!

>> No.17503347
File: 212 KB, 800x480, 2017-8-19T14.17.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks god I don't need to farm anyone. I hope all of you will clear E7 too. Godspeed and good luck.

>> No.17503361

How much fuel did you start with?

>> No.17503405

Gud job anon

>> No.17503456

Worth marrying Sara? She's almost 99 for me.

>> No.17503478

Don't see what's so bad about E-6 tp bar. 10k fuel ammo, 4k steel, 3.7k baux (including setting up lbas) Did it in one sitting just about.

>> No.17503488

I need some /jp/ magic to find Amagiri.

>> No.17503492

What to do with dupe Roma?

>> No.17503496

No, she's a kouhai

>> No.17503501

Some people did it with Transport Fleet which cucks you.

>> No.17503504

You can't be a kouhai if you were better than the supposed "senpai" from the very beginning.

>> No.17503521

Farming E-1 even on easy has me getting either 1 taiha or 2 chuuha at the end of the sortie. WTF.

>> No.17503563

Yup. It'll raise her stats and that's all what matters. Additionally Evasion for how meme it is increases.

>> No.17503567
File: 1.65 MB, 1807x1280, 64510634_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The British are coming!

>> No.17503569
File: 9 KB, 384x103, ss+(2017-08-10+at+06.46.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was before the event.

>> No.17503576

wow, nice samibro. I'm still stuck there thanks to CV princess and the ass well.
Did you bruteforce with goddess or did you pray for every single node?

>> No.17503586

are you using damecon/megami for E7 ?

>> No.17503592

Kongou, Hiryuu, Chitose, Ooyodo, Teruzuki and Ayanami safe for E2? Slow ships get bullied right?
Can they remove most of the trash from boss by themselves or should I send boss support?

>> No.17503594


Is that even possible?

>> No.17503599

Obviously, it happened. Just sparkle the flagship and pray.

>> No.17503601

Don't waste a duck on E2.

>> No.17503602
File: 58 KB, 317x348, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17503604

The white ensign is such a beautiful flag.

>> No.17503608


>> No.17503619
File: 259 KB, 800x957, sami mvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 4 damecons in total, 1 standart and 3 megami. While trying to clear I sunk Samidare twice (I am so sorry) and on this clear my Taihou ended up using standart damecon. At first I tried with CVL in my escort for better opening strike, but in the end she was nothing but the dead weight in yasen. Then I woke up today, changed her for Kamoi and destroyed boss on my first sortie. Overall, you still need to pray a lot to overcome those walls of RNG.

>> No.17503620

leddit discord ?

>> No.17503623

Have you married your samidare?

>> No.17503627

Too late. I'll maybe use Maya in E6.
Now please answer rest of the questions.

>> No.17503628

You can tell by the HP.

>> No.17503634

Anon, she IS my wife of course.

>> No.17503663

Only E5 really needs AACI, the rest is helpful but not necessary. The rest of the comp is fine. Use boss support.

>> No.17503682

Gonna farm Sagiri, how much asspain am I looking at?

>> No.17503727

I'm just hoping that Nu kai won't nuke the girls like in the spring. It never seemed to miss.

>> No.17503761

How much did you spend on E7?

>> No.17503764
File: 100 KB, 218x464, Screenshot-2017-08-19_22.33.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 95k for five maps plus farming, and it's not over yet.


>> No.17503768

which map

>> No.17503770

How does it get so much accuracy? It never fucking miss my DDs.

>> No.17503771

Now you have to take responsibility and marry her.

>> No.17503774


>> No.17503776

It sucks but you'll just have to get lucky. Mamiya helps.

>> No.17503777

80k fuel I think? Sorry, I didn't count.
She IS married. Geez.

>> No.17503780

You'll be fine with those resources, probably.

>> No.17503786

That's plenty of resources.

>> No.17503787

Took me 40 rather easy runs, but expect it to be longer.

>> No.17503790

>80k fuel I think? Sorry, I didn't count.
An estimate is good enough, don't worry.

Guess it'll be at least 120k for me because my luck is shit.

>> No.17503800

I found it easier to run E2 personally. But also because she dropped within ten runs. So good luck

>> No.17503804

Isn't it 6%?

>> No.17503809
File: 3.55 MB, 800x4000, Picture story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably yes, but I worry of another Negazuki assrape.

pic related

>> No.17503811
File: 188 KB, 538x333, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help! How can't I go to node H after cleared the TP gauge at E6?

>> No.17503823

newfag here
should i save Taiyou for E6?I dun have seaplane fighter

>> No.17503831

>E6TP LD Keeps taihai-ing my ships

>> No.17503832
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x1600, __air_defense_hime_and_akizuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_baffu__9abe801d386232c6e74e9ca6c02f2c1d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond.

>> No.17503837


>> No.17503842

You don't need Taiyou for either. You don't want to use Taiyou for E6 because STF is far easier.

>> No.17503845

I don't need a fucking (You)! Tell me how to get to J! For Akiduki's sake!

>> No.17503858
File: 302 KB, 850x856, Screenshot-2017-08-19_22.53.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in the damn wiki

>> No.17503889

ok thanks anon

>> No.17503902

I know, and I already tried. >>17503122 Route rules must've changed after clearing.

>> No.17503911

What about getting the debuff?

>> No.17503923

You only have to survive two nodes to do the debuff, and the boss just falls over and dies to LBAS alone. I used Taiyou because I never used her, but it's nothing hard.

>> No.17503932

But you can't go to the TP boss without a T fleet post clear, and that is what you need to do get get a part of the debuff.

>> No.17503950
File: 667 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170819-15125227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dupe Littorio
>Now dupe Roma
They must really like giving up 90mm guns

>> No.17503964

And Maya doesn't even need more than three.

>> No.17503971

Shouldn't you be going 90mm + 2Bofors?

>> No.17503991
File: 91 KB, 700x990, 1441974879472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not sure how much upgrades help, but I've been using 3x maxed 90mm, FuMO and sooon maxed concentrated 25mm.
High angle guns help with fleet AA or something people used to say.

>> No.17504012

I only spent 40k from E1-E6, am I finally a good player?

>> No.17504024
File: 90 KB, 470x365, bofors in holepunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the hardest Maya set-up.

>> No.17504030

Max 90mm is superior to 5inch in every way.

>> No.17504069

The page for farming Sagiri is longer than the page for beating E1.

>> No.17504070

Nah, just a lucky one.

>> No.17504081

It's becuase PT imps.
If you haven't cleared the map, it's really easy on easy.

>> No.17504088
File: 46 KB, 345x323, Compo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Newfag here. Can any of you identify what else is Wrong with this fleet that isn't:

>> No.17504090
File: 293 KB, 1265x480, e7_xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E7 = E1 to E6 cost ++++
Enjoy your 50k meme just for E7 alone.

>> No.17504093

Maybe if you post your equipment and say for what map this is.

>> No.17504094

For what

>> No.17504102

>jet flies out at the start of battle
>just flies by, no damage, not even any attack animation or miss animation

Thank you, jet.

>> No.17504112

I wish I could have as much resources as you and don't be a triggered idiot and spend 80k fuel on such map.

>> No.17504121

Where is the designated transport node? I still haven't done the 50 transport kills quest.

>> No.17504127

Farm for Matsuwa on E5.

>> No.17504141
File: 242 KB, 852x519, S2017E4H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate dice rolling. I hate TCI. Couldn't I just use Hayasui?

>> No.17504144

Jets are not for bombing, they're for giving you AS with a single CV with their insane air power

>> No.17504148

Any reports of multiple Luigi drops?

>> No.17504149

41cm twin turret
41cm twin turret
Reconnaissance seaplane (Double Chevron)
Type 21 Radar
35.6cm twin turret
35.6cm twin turret
Reconnaissance seaplane (Double Chevron)
15.5 Triple turret Secondary
Type 52 fighter
Type 52 fighter
Type 52 fighter
Type 52 fighter
Type 52 fighter
Type 52 fighter
20.3cm (2) twin turret
20.3cm (2) twin turret
type 22 Radar
Reconnaissance Seaplane (Double Chevron)
20.3cm (2) twin turret
20.3cm (2) twin turret
Type 21 radar
Reconnaissance Seaplane (Double Chevron)
20.3cm (2) twin turret
20.3cm (2) twin turret
type 22 Radar
Reconnaissance Seaplane (Double Chevron)
20.3cm (2) twin turret
20.3cm (2) twin turret
Type 21 radar
Reconnaissance Seaplane (Double Chevron)
15.2cm twin turret
15.2cm twin turret
type 22 radar
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
Quadruple 61cm Oxygen torpedo
14cm twin turret
15.5cm triple turret
Miniature Submarine

Map: E4 French Princess

>> No.17504150

Can someone explain how the fuck does the new sub princess end up taking the same amount of damage as the old one who has almost twice the amount of armor? Yet she has twice the fucking hp to boot.
My fucking DEs with the S+DC+DCP deal an average of 30-60 damage to her. Fucking every engagement is irrelevant if it isn't green T.

>> No.17504151

Down to 40k fuel, boss bar has about 800 HP left until last dance. Am I gonna make it, bros?

>> No.17504153
File: 534 KB, 800x480, 1497577143766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck how are you supposed to farm this

>> No.17504158

>on easy

>> No.17504164

Take a Katori class and Yuubari.

>> No.17504165


And I love you more than you'll ever know, Anon.

>> No.17504172
File: 73 KB, 800x480, 20170819_23163416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This.. this is the power of jets

>> No.17504175

They can't oASW yet, thus i don't think i can replace Naka or Isuzu for them.

>> No.17504177

Ain't no one got time for a text list

>> No.17504201

>KC3Kai strategy room
>take a screenshot
Fucking newfags

>> No.17504206

I found a way: Skilled Lookouts mauls PT imps.

>> No.17504210

Read suijoubutai again and come back to tell us what was wrong.

>> No.17504219

Fucking autism

>> No.17504238

>Using fastsucks
>using irakos
>using goddesses
>Used 250k fuel
I want to die.

>> No.17504247


>> No.17504252

Preferably something like a heart attack

>> No.17504253

>expecting to get some edge from p2w
Dude, you do it to givve Tanaka money, not to make the game easier/enjoyable for you.

>> No.17504258

air power that disappears after the first node with tsu

>> No.17504259

I haven't bought any of those things. I just never use them and have had them stockpiling for years.

>> No.17504267

Sorry, i'll rephrase it.
>expecting to get an edge from items that are supposed to give you an edge
They work like all the mechanics in the game: 50% depending on how the server feels like.

>> No.17504268

>Used 250k fuel
What the fuck

>> No.17504275

Use a BBV.

>> No.17504277

Fortunately I'm getting reliable S ranks with 0-1 buckets after I equipped 3 skilled lookouts.

>> No.17504282

Can a married girl be sunk? She shouldn't, right?

>> No.17504293

Of course not, rings are like a permanent damecon.

>> No.17504300

You want the guy to cry himself to death?

>> No.17504307

Divorce is not such a bad thing.

>> No.17504315

If I failed E2H but found E2M manageable, should I even try E3H?

>> No.17504322

How do you divorce your wife without sinking her?

>> No.17504331

Only if your life depends on the equips.

CA hime dude, she can do things to you, dude. Horrible things, dude. Even without damaged form, dude.

>> No.17504340

Feed her to a new wife.

>> No.17504343

If you found E2H difficult then you should probably drop to easy for the rest of the maps, because E2H was a joke.

>> No.17504360

A shit.

>> No.17504369

How do I deal with the PT cunts in E6 TP?

>> No.17504370

Post desperate LD theme:

>> No.17504382

Ubaha theme works best for a pumping battle. It really doesn't work when you are being trashed by RNG and stuff.

>> No.17504414

Wait, E-5 and E-6 have different shiplocks? Kill me.

>> No.17504429

Welcome to the first fucking day of the event. How could you not notice? Is your monitor properly calibrated? How about your eyes?

>> No.17504430

What can I use? Now I'm trying the same gundam UC meme

>> No.17504436


but also despair

>> No.17504438


>> No.17504443

Yeah, I locked Akizuki+some daihatsu carriers to E-5. I thought I was safe. FUCK.

>> No.17504449

A certain witch's anathema of destruction

>> No.17504452

Me too. The most ships get seems to be just hinting at peeking ala Mutsu but even a "fufufu... Go ahead" would be nice

>> No.17504456

You needed a duck in E5 anyways, and a single daihatsu DD is no big deal.

>> No.17504462

Oh cool. Fubuki is then for E-6.

>> No.17504464

Akigumo asks if you are okay with sekuhara. And Iku gives you a breast-back massage.

>> No.17504465

If it's any consolation, I accidentally locked the entire fleet I intended to send to E6 TP Phase to E4, and I still cleared both parts of the map in the end. You just need to get creative with your fleet compositions: I ended up taking a CTF with AVs for the TP Phase, and the Boss Phase was ridiculously easy after the debuff (even with subpar generic DD AACI).

>> No.17504474

Pudding has no business at flagship position as your strongest hit. Torpedo stat be damned, Pudding has a unique dmg modifier on the boss.

>> No.17504475

I don't remember this

>> No.17504477


This is not enough for you?

>> No.17504486

Sexual harassment isn't exactly what I had in mind Anon.

>> No.17504492


>> No.17504500

Phew. E-4 was such a jack ass.
Now tell me, how much bucket damage on E-5 farming?

>> No.17504505

>E5, only I drink a shot every time someone gets taiha
>Red T
>Well fuck

>> No.17504515

>red T
>abyss has super accuracy and super damage + crit
>your botes all miss or scratch

>> No.17504516

Think of your health, anon. Don't do it, you'll be dead by tomorrow.

>> No.17504520

Just put me in the kuso collection and I won't have any regrets

>> No.17504523

Unique modifier my ass. She still does only 150~ cut-in damage. I mean, Ayanami did 50 damage and KTKM-sama did a 74 CI, but this boss is such fucking bullshit. One chuuha in escort fleet, only boss alive with 525hp and it's still not a fucking kill.

>> No.17504526

Do I need route and boss support for E5?

>> No.17504529

Nope. I want her to flash me

>> No.17504537

It worth it sortie E-7? I want to farm for some ships and the requeriments looks like a pain in the ass.

>> No.17504538

Only boss. You can just use land base instead, don't even need support.

>> No.17504540

Debuff part just takes some time. After that, E7 is a cakewalk.

>> No.17504542

This is the largest pile of bullshit I've heard for this event so far

>> No.17504544

How about farming in Hard? Is it possible without bleeding buckets?

>> No.17504546

In kuso mode everything is a cakewalk

>> No.17504549

>After that, E7 is a cakewalk.
In kuso mode, right?

>> No.17504550

Please pick one.

>> No.17504552

No. E7 Hard is a living nightmare.

>> No.17504556

Nagato's voice creeps me out.

>> No.17504557

>Forcing your transport fleet through 300+ AP nodes

This is some bullshit right here.

>> No.17504560

But >>17504538 said I don't even need support? Or he meant for route support?

>> No.17504570

E5 is not E7, moron.

>> No.17504574

Does giving Tanaka money actually improve your chances of clearing E7H?

>> No.17504575

I cleared her on a closing torpedo pushing her under half HP. Tell your girls to do that.

>> No.17504581

I'd believe you need route support more than boss support for E-5.

>> No.17504582


>> No.17504584

Yes. You can buy 12 punch holes and 8*12 repair goddesses. This will dramatically increase your chances of getting to the boss.

>> No.17504585

how many daihatsu DDs do I need to reserve for E6?

>> No.17504586



My fucking brain can't function properly anymore. So E5hard farming is not possible I guess.

>> No.17504587

Is it worth to give Prinz another torpedo in the fourth slot in addition to 20.3(3), quint, quint?

>> No.17504588

Yeah? For what, sub node and two AA nodes? Gonna be really usefull, I see your point.

>> No.17504589

How many daihatsu do you have?

>> No.17504590

>first sortie of the day: perfect run no boss kill
>second sortie: 2 orange preboss
>third: 3 orange first node

>> No.17504593

>once or twice

>> No.17504598

>So E5hard farming is not possible I guess.

I did it because >>17498957 but it is not fun or cheap. Farm it on ez if you can.

>> No.17504599

Why are you bitching? Didn't you want a hard event? (笑)

>> No.17504603

all or nothing

>> No.17504604

If she can hit cap, no.

>> No.17504605

That's why I'm asking. I can't into math.

>> No.17504606

Getting tired of E3H I node during this TP phase, it's constantly delivering taiha after taiha. Is there any sane way of dealing with this shit with a transport fleet other than praying to Tanaka? The air power is just too much and even duck AACI seems to do nothing.

>> No.17504610

Getting to the boss node on E6 sucks, I've already done the debuffs so all I need are the kills

>> No.17504615

Good thing viewers do all the math for you.

>> No.17504616

Load up both CAV with Seaplane fighters.

>> No.17504617

Route support.

>> No.17504621

>Can farm Russian hime consistently for Roma
>Can farm Twin sub hime consistently for Hitomi
>Can farm Jelly hime consistently for Asakaze
>Never reach current E7 boss

WTF is this difficulty spike

>> No.17504622


>> No.17504625

I'm not some trihard with EO or kc kai. I've had the same version of KCV for three years. Half of the shit doesn't work anymore, and I'm 99% sure it doesn't show damage caps anywhere.

>> No.17504630

Then upgrade you retard

>> No.17504633

Change is evil.

>> No.17504642

People have been asking for harder events for a year

>> No.17504643


Doing both of those. Route support barely helping since the troublesome CVs in question always survive and utterly obliterate you on I. And the seaplane fighters are trying to keep parity but alas the taihas still come thick and fast. It's just getting frustrating because it seems like a pointlessly hard cockblock placed there for no reason.

>> No.17504649

Get 2 Yamakazes in 20 runs and no Taigei. Fuck you too Tanaka.

>> No.17504651

My fleet here+both supports.

>> No.17504657

I don't know about you, but I had god tier route support at E3.

>> No.17504659


Your support should knock out most of them and have your escort do the rest.

>> No.17504677

