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File: 528 KB, 900x772, Motoori.Kosuzu.full.1925414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17494397 No.17494397 [Reply] [Original]

Now with the end of Forbidden scrollery, what do you think the next touhou mangas will be about ? What will it be its focus ?

also touhou official/unofficial manga general

>> No.17494429

There's still the totally-not-an-oni manga to finish. The next one will be a Cirno focused "battle" manga.

>> No.17494460
File: 83 KB, 703x950, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_rin_falcon__f39b6244e2bdece20d669f15086d31d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, anything but that. We get enough fighty business in the games. The greatest charm of the manga is the little self-contained stories and worldbuilding.

I want a manga about this human cutie's everyday life in the Human Village. I feel, for some reason, her perspective may be quite interesting.

>> No.17494478

I just want the new manga to introduce a new character like how Kasen and Kosuzu were introduced. It'll probably be another SoL manga but I'm fine with it. If it could be anything, I wish it was a sort of prequel manga but that's probably unlikely. A manga about DDC characters would be cool, because only Shinmyoumaru got a bit of development and I just want to see more Seija.

>> No.17494481
File: 27 KB, 800x650, Okina 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a story about tricky youkai that loves to fuck around with humans and causing a ruckus, nobody catches her, but she's there.

>> No.17494518

A manga that is entirely one-shots or two-shots, the viewpoint character changing each time, both new and old. Could tie various smaller stories together for a finale at the end. Possibly a slice-of-life of the days of random stage bosses.

>> No.17494532

A lighthearted manga that takes place in Makai that fleshes out certain PC-98 characters. Mima should also be there causing trouble. That way ZUN will never be forced to use them

>> No.17494547

So, another Inaba manga?

>> No.17494579


The next manga will focus on Mimi.

This is a FACT.

>> No.17494595

Stop that, there doesn't need to be a "general" started. Stop appending general to the end of every thread. It's pointless.

>> No.17494744

How about a manga about a young boy child Reimu finds in the woods and grows attached to, but then his half youkai nature (that he was expelled from the town for) begins to consume him and Reimu is faced with the choice of what to do.

>> No.17494775

I think that would actually be really cool

>> No.17495379

More Renko and Maribel with the ending finally revealing how she became Yukari and then shows everything that happened in the manga was merely Yukari recalling her past memories as a human.

>> No.17495403

And Renko becomes Maribel's enemy and starts the line of Hakurei Mikos

>> No.17495512

I wouldn't mind a straight comedy slapstick manga again like Inaba.

>> No.17495562

I wouldn't really like that. I think that Maribel and Renko stories should remain as a heartwarming (and possibly tragic in the future) story of Maribel and Renko's friendship, while revealing Yukari's background and the origin of Gensokyo. Out of everything he makes, I think that ZUN puts the most emotion into his albums and their stories. I really want to read more and see shit go down, but I know he's going to make me cry like a bitch.

>> No.17497133
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Mizuhashi Parsee 1616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've got me imagining the Sekistory in manga form.

Probably my best bet for seeing Parsee star in anything.

>> No.17497349

I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened yet, it seems like a no-brainer to me.

>> No.17498012

CiLR fulfills that basic premise, it just isn't a manga.

>> No.17498184

>Now you've got me imagining the Sekistory in manga form.
As in, a manga that doesn't exist? We've already got that.

>> No.17498197
File: 917 KB, 1100x1375, how FS should have ended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN's never gonna make a bad end.

>> No.17498246
File: 53 KB, 600x847, ec1212637b211e444d81c9eedc2c0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fug

>> No.17498408

That's the longest running one right now, right? I'm not counting Sangetsusei, the first manga, cause the Fairy manga have all had breaks (the last one being incredibly long).

I don't even know how WaHH would end. ZUN seems to use it as a dumping ground for ideas, plus a means to tie in the games and stuff.

>> No.17498422
File: 2.99 MB, 2839x2000, xNgXyNNE_008_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Vector Spectacle canon.

>> No.17498425
File: 175 KB, 700x840, 4f547576435ee67e2cd9db8094df8cf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17499630

I think you will like that.
