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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17481909 No.17481909 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>17460914

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw VNs, LNs, Jdrama, anime and manga.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.
Remember to sage!

>> No.17482328
File: 64 KB, 270x400, Yotsuba_vol1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Tae Kim and have done around 500 Kanji at this point but still can't get past the first page of the Yotsuba manga from the guide. I still can't put everything together to read it. Anyone else have this issue this early on?

>> No.17482333

I don't want to learn Japanese?!

>> No.17482343

You do. You just don't know it yet.

>> No.17482356

>Anyone else have this issue this early on?
'Everybody' would not be a risky bet to say. Use the reading pack. Refer back to TK, often.

>> No.17482364
File: 41 KB, 300x251, the boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm gonna need you to read the guide, install anki and start right away, that'd be great

>> No.17482376

You're not supposed to wait until finishing TaeKim to start reading. That and the fact that you've said "done 500 Kanji" makes me hope that this is bait.

If you are not baiting, then use the reading pack and refer to one of the popular grammar references if you can't figure out what a certain part of speech is doing. Good luck!

Alternatively, try some of the alternative reading materials from the CoR, like graded readers and hiragana only fairy tales. They seem to have worked for many people as an introduction to reading.

>> No.17482381

I thought the guide said, "when you finish your grammar guide begin reading" or something like that

>> No.17482382

Yes, but I'm one of those people who disagree with that and I like to mention that in every thread.

>> No.17482389

"The Guide" might say that, but both Sakubi and Tae Kim tell you to start reading well before they're over.

>> No.17482391

>You're not supposed to wait until finishing TaeKim to start reading
To be honest I think it would be a good idea to finish the guide first. All of tae kim is really essential, if you try to read anything without having at least a basic understanding, you're gonna have a bad time. Grammar isn't really like vocab where you can easily look it up.

>> No.17482403

>That and the fact that you've said "done 500 Kanji" makes me hope that this is bait.
Why? I made myself a deck with all jouyou kanji before I started reading and studied them for a month. After that and finishing Tae Kim, reading was easy as shit (without any "reading packs" or whatever).
>inb4 don't learn kanji, just learn words
Shit like this results in people posting three completely different kanji and going "how on Earth do I tell them apart?"

>> No.17482416

>>inb4 don't learn kanji, just learn words
>Shit like this results in people posting three completely different kanji and going "how on Earth do I tell them apart?"

Not really, that just means that they haven't studied words containing all of those three kanji yet.

>> No.17482451

I don't completely disagree with you, but I still feel like reading easy material is the best way to really "cement the essentials". I don't think you need to wait until finishing to read some of the "baby level" materials I mentioned.
Of course, it's all a question of pace. If you can finish your guide in one week, you might as well just do that if you think that's the right way, but if the guide is taking you a month, you should just start reading after completing the essentials.
It just seems like some people regard "starting to read" as some really tough goal that you have to prepare very seriously for, when in fact it's just the first step, and is itself the best way to learn the things you would be "preparing" for it.
If there are any similar Kanji causing you trouble, you can just compare them side by side when you encounter them.

>> No.17482468

Can you say すみません with an upward inflection in the same way English speakers say 'Excuse me?' to ask people to repeat something? I'm afraid that saying 分かるません will just cut the conversation dead because they assume I'm a dumb foreigner - I want to give it another attempt.

>> No.17482470

Meant 分かりません, my bad.

>> No.17482478




>> No.17482481

I think you'd have to combine すみません with a phrase like もう一度お願いします

>> No.17482493

That sounds perfect, thanks for the help.

>> No.17482577
File: 114 KB, 900x1200, C_75cQ2VwAAfShW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd better mind your tongue.

i dont get 余計なことは

>> No.17482600

lit: don't say unnecessary things

>> No.17482608

Did the clipboard inserter addon stop working for anyone else? It got updated recently.

>> No.17482611

We should just rename this to daily clipboard inserter thread

>> No.17482621

Yeah, check out the previous thread.

>> No.17482836


>> No.17482852

I don't believe it's natural to use い-adjectives with ながら like that

>> No.17482865

yeah when i read it again it looks super weird to not do a secondary action

>> No.17482903
File: 57 KB, 462x515, 1408414660341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading through the HJGP. This shit is amazing, everything is so clear.

>> No.17483000

Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns?

>> No.17483026

Is there a version of DOJG with the romaji edited out?

>> No.17483032


>> No.17483052


>> No.17483111

even more lit: unnecessary things not being said-way is good haha japanese is dumb

>> No.17483144

I'm currently studying with genki I , are there any guides that I should read along side or is this sufficient? I'm making decent process so far

>> No.17483171

Genki I+II is good enough to get you started on grammar. If you like the textbook/workbook approach, you should continue with Tobira next.

>> No.17483177

Genki I and II cover surprisingly little grammar. You should read a guide designed for self-learners alongside it.

>> No.17483186

Read Sakubi if you want some concise grammar goodness.

>> No.17483492
File: 72 KB, 960x544, 2017-08-10-170421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17483630


>> No.17483677

Thank you for the advice anons! Grenki is nice but has a lot of emphasis on group work ,sucks for a self learner

>> No.17483777

What if I told you, that you don't need to study grammar to learn Japanese. And that Japanese babies don't study grammar.

>> No.17483789

Yeah, I know what you mean. I started learning with Genki, but immediately stopped when I realized that the DJT endorsed grammar guides will help me more in reading.

>> No.17483794
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, Russian french toast - Grenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17483811

Can somebody tell me the best Anki packs?

>> No.17483842

What do you mean by packs? It all depends on what you wanna learn.

>> No.17483848

I'd tell you you're an idiot.

>> No.17483854

for hiragana/katakana

>> No.17483877

Your own

>> No.17483887

I guess all of the fluent Japanese people that didn't study grammar are idiots that don't know their language

>> No.17483891

Are you baiting or are you actually retarded?

>> No.17483901

Of course they don't, because they're babies. They study it in school. That's why they have 国語 classes, just as you had english classes

>> No.17483903

>implying he got this far

>> No.17483911

Can you show me a single person who became fluent in Japanese in adulthood without studying grammar?

>> No.17483928

>I made myself a deck with all jouyou kanji before I started reading and studied them for a month.
All 2200 or whatever of them in a month? What exactly about them did you study?
>reading was easy as shit

>> No.17483958

Just mnemonics. I used KLC.

>> No.17483974
File: 158 KB, 1416x819, TOV 319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this せん at the very last sentence the contracted form of しない as the English translation implies... or is it the せむ->せん->するだろう bitch from 古語?

I know you guys don't like it when people from here go full Dunning Kruger riding over professional translators, but the "not use for the individual" sounds weird and I have had problems with 古語 stuff and cases like this always ring a bell.

>> No.17484030


>> No.17484137

It looks like せむ and not せぬ to me. We shall combine our respective powers into one. (That's what guilds do I think.)

>> No.17484220


>> No.17484230

I guess the kids that didn't pay attention in those classes aren't fluent in Japanese

>> No.17484245

Also those classes are just putting useless labels onto things they already know intrinsically. Grammar does not actually exist.


>> No.17484258

Humans crave order and consistency, it is natural

>> No.17484273

Holy shit, another one. Yeah, everything is a spook and a social construct. Now go away.

>> No.17484284

You're using this shit as an argument?

Do we report people like him or something?

>> No.17484289

The reality of language is that there is no consistency. To learn one as if there is restrains your ability learn something outside of the patterns you were told of. Hence why >>17482328 has trouble going through one page. If they spent that time just listening to Japanese instead of reading grammar guides they could have just read the page, inferences a couple of things tentatively based on context, maybe mined a couple of words and then moved on.

>> No.17484310

The grammar changes, but it doesn't mean it is inconsistent. The proof for its consistency is my post, right here. You can understand it, right? It's probably because I'm using a protocol we both agreed to - English. With it's vocabulary and grammar rules. Take any of them away and suddenly you can't understand me. And they are not "useless", it's cool to think of something as of "verb" instead of "oh, shit like 'to go', 'to walk', etc.", it helps a lot when thinking about a language. Especially a foreign one.

>> No.17484336

Listen to this girl say「かしこまりました。」
What are your impressions?

>> No.17484339

The same way I say it, what about it?

>> No.17484356

No one agreed to any "protocol"

>> No.17484362

>The same way I say it
You're adorable if that's the case, and consequently I want to touch your butt, man.

>> No.17484378

Just use the one in the CoR and write them

>> No.17484387

You think it helps but it's really only good for meaningless short term evidence of your own improvement. It doesn't do anything but hold you back in the long term, after listening to the language for thousands of hours and reading hundreds of books/whatever it you read.

>> No.17484421

What if I do the thousands of hours of listening and reading plus three months of speaking and total immersion but I still study grammar as a largely consistent system and learn ALL the grammar terms, what does that make me?
Stupid for wasting my time and not studying exactly the same way you do?
It must be hard living in a world where everyone but yourself is stupid.

>> No.17484436

I just read the following line " なにのってきてんのよ!"

Is that the same as " 何入ってきてんのよ!"

It kinda sounds like the english expression "What's gotten into you?" is that an accurate translation?

>> No.17484460

who called you stupid man kiotsuke

>> No.17484488

>No one agreed to any "protocol"
Yeah, I forgot you're speaking your snowflake語 that just happens to be compatible with English.

>> No.17484531

No I'm speaking the language that has been drilled into my brain through exposure without thinking about the grammar rules at all. The goal is to eventually be able to speak Japanese naturally in the same way right? Without having to think about the rules? So why not skip the rules entirely?

>> No.17484599

Adults can use their more developed mental faculties to learn to use and manipulate a grammar system and learn a language in ways languageless children cannot. It doesn't make it impossible to learn to speak and understand at a native level if they do it this way, and it's not as daunting as starting to learn through immersion from scratch.

>> No.17484608


>> No.17484612

>The goal is to eventually be able to speak Japanese naturally in the same way right?
What? I don't want to speak this thing, I just want to date heroines in visual novels. Go back to /int/ and spread your screwed up wisdom there.

>> No.17484615

I just went through the hiragana in about 2 weeks, how long can I expect the katakana to take?

>> No.17484620

1 week

>> No.17484625

のる into what? I think there are several candidates there. Like car, rhythm, flow of conversation.

>> No.17484634

Obviously you're not thinking about the future where we'll have augmented reality VNs that require speech.

>> No.17484647

Will I live long enough?

>> No.17484659

Will you die within the next decade?

>> No.17484704
File: 507 KB, 1280x720, [Reisen] Kakegurui - 01 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_17.13_[2017.07.23_07.46.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17484723


>> No.17484728


>> No.17484729


>> No.17484737

But we just agreed that grammar doesn't exist? Your friends are wrong.

>> No.17484740

this, i speak my native language and english language fluently i don't even know what conjugation is, i wouldn't know what pronouns are if not for SJWs, i learned english in elementary school AEATT style just reading the internet and watching tv and movies and listening to music. it's just much more prevalent than japanese so it's easy. i don't know how people who only know their own non-english language don't get bored of the internet

>> No.17484742


>> No.17484744


>> No.17484746


>> No.17484751

see >>17484245

>> No.17484752


>> No.17484758


>> No.17484759


>> No.17484760

Will it really happen so soon?

>> No.17484764

Things that conjugate as i-adjectives don't take だ in the 終止形, it should just be 悪い, 生まれたい.

>> No.17484766

I learned the language the same way, but I don't claim grammar doesn't exist.
>i don't know how people who only know their own non-english language don't get bored of the internet
This a shitload of times. In my company people are laughing at memes from ~2008 because they were recently translated.

>> No.17484767


>> No.17484770


>> No.17484786

過ぎる attaches to the 連用形 of verbs, it should be しすぎた.

>> No.17484793

してすぎた is すぎた attached to してる

>> No.17484800

日本語が嫌いです! どうもう

>> No.17484803

inb4 someone tries correcting this

>> No.17484807 [DELETED] 


>> No.17484815


>> No.17484819

嫌いは i の連用形じゃないよ

>> No.17484821

I don't think that's natural sounding. I don't think すぎる attaches to perfective conjugations like している. And when you combine している with すぎた you've got a double perfective thing going on.

>> No.17484828


>> No.17484852

Okay but I still don't think he used してる on purpose and that しすぎた would be better.

>> No.17485067

That's normal. There's a big difference between knowing ABOUT a language (reading grammar guides and textbooks) and KNOWING a language.

Also, get rid of this idea that you have to comprehend everything you read. If you don't understand a sentence, don't waste more than a minute or two thinking about it. The goal is massive exposure, so you want to read as much as possible, even if you don't really understand it very well.

This is why I think reading VNs with a texthooker + Rikaisama/Yomichan or reading a HTML-formatted LN with Rikaisama/Yomichan is a much better idea for a beginner than reading Yotsuba, even though Yotsuba may be easier. You waste so much less time looking up words with the former methods which allows you to read a lot more for the same time investment. It's also much easier to get immersed in something (and thus have fun reading it) when you don't have to keep breaking away from it to go and manually look up all the words you don't know (which is a lot in the beginning) in a dictionary.

>> No.17485082

On the other hand, there are probably whole worlds of maymays we don't know because we only know English.

As my Chinese improves I'm discovering a whole new internet and maymays

>> No.17485095

>less than 5,000 results

I rarely, if ever, hear that construction.

>> No.17485102
File: 82 KB, 700x700, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i for one enjoy memes in my native language, i pity those who have not experienced ylilauta the way it's meant to be experienced

>> No.17485113
File: 648 KB, 380x380, 1405714816424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a small doubt that has always plagued me.
When 中 is used after a word, like ゲーム中 for example, do you read it as なか or チュウ? Kun and On readings have always been a problem of mine. Hope you anons can help.

>> No.17485119


>> No.17485120

ちゅう or じゅう

>> No.17485121

Usually チュウ, that's what various furigana taught me.

>> No.17485128


Does this mean the obvious "If we're gonna do it, let's do it already." Or does anyone know if this is an idiom?

>> No.17485174


>> No.17485189


>> No.17485195


>> No.17485283




>> No.17485291


>> No.17485355

Big shoutouts to whoever is putting the Touch subtitles up on kitsunekko, if it is indeed a DJT guy doing it. I'm thinking it might be the same guy who did the LoGH subs. Anyway thank you.

>> No.17485401


>> No.17485422

lit: you'd better not say unnecessary things

>> No.17485474

Anyone ever take tutoring/do language exchanges on a website like italki? What the fuck do you even talk about with the people? I've been kind of wanting to give it a try to actually work on my speaking, but I'm such a boring person that I feel like I'd have nothing to talk about with the person.

>> No.17485521

Anyone every had a Japanese girl ask to language exchange on Skype, but you're a creepy basement dweller so you panic and ignore her?

>> No.17485525

I've never had a girl ask anything to me. You have to go back, normal.

>> No.17485532

dont worry she only wants your eigo and shell disappear forever when she grows tired of you

>> No.17485660

PSA: if you're in a slump with anki don't be afraid of stopping flood of new cards for a few days to get more comfortable with the old ones, i feel a lot better now

>> No.17485745

someone explain, is this a japanese thing?

>> No.17485750

Your English is far from grammatically perfect and you would do horribly on any test that focuses on proper English grammar. There's a large difference between being able to speak a language and being able to speak it well.

>> No.17485762

theres also a difference between speaking a language and writing in it as well as writing in an academic setting as opposed to in a shitty thread on 4chan lmao

>> No.17485765

This. I'm honestly shit at my native language due to being exposed to 3 languages at the same time when i was young.
I can speak the language but i still have these weird hiccups or archaic ways of speaking so some people think i'm an outsider, which honestly brings me great shame. On paper my language is actually pretty good since i studied grammar hardcore in high school because i was actually worried about my fluency, but when i open my mouth absolute shit comes out.


>> No.17485785

I've been reading and i came up across には quite a few times.
Is it a compound particle?

>> No.17485792

it's a chicken

>> No.17485822

>fluently=grammatically perfect
thanks guess i learn something new every day mr muhh capital letters and punctuation on a russian matryoshka doll forum

>> No.17485867

Yeah it's a case particle and a bound particle put together
Sometimes people say it にゃ

>> No.17485877

You're really, really underestimating what the word "fluent" means, anon.

>> No.17485881

Learning grammar and overthinking things in general is why you suck at talking

>> No.17485889


>> No.17485931

fluent actually literally doesn't mean anything at all

>> No.17485944

That student appears to be happy.


>> No.17485953

wrong bro

>> No.17485954

Very wrong

>> No.17485974


>> No.17485999

Is there a way to move down the definition list in rikai?

>> No.17486006

sorry to poo poo on your "funnay" post but this is also wrong

>> No.17486028

if you say so

>> No.17486040

Please help me understand ~ような. TK says that it's used when "something has the appearance of something else". So let's see...

Sensei appears to be that student
Sensei looks like that student
Sensei is like that student

Any of those?

>> No.17486055

that-determiner student-genitive way-genitive teacher-copula

>> No.17486080

If you want to understand ような or anything else you should analyze real Japanese sentences instead of your own invented version of the language.

>> No.17486089

your problem is that you are parsing the sentence like this
[ [ あの学生 ] のような] 先生 です
when you should be parsing the sentence like this
あの [ [ 学生のような] 先生 ] です

>> No.17486124


>> No.17486130

Thank you anons. I'll just mentally bookmark this and resolve it later when I first encounter ような in the wild.

>> No.17486148


Too many negatives. "It's not really something you couldn't be burdened with." Or did I flip it?

>> No.17486197

It just hedges a description into "seems like" in exactly the same way that ようだ hedges a statement. Pretty straightforward really.

>> No.17486199

I can do it。

>> No.17486211

Sorry, your snarky comment is lost on me.

>> No.17486224
File: 8 KB, 140x150, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those. You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.17486252

It's hard to say, your English sentence reads really poorly. Something like "it's not as if you can't..." would probably fit better.

>> No.17486273

The "couldn't" in your translation doesn't work with the passive in "be burdened with". You need to phrase it actively like "carry" (or whatever meaning of 背負う fits the context).

>> No.17486290


>> No.17486411


>> No.17486450


He seems like a person I've met.

>> No.17486469


>> No.17486487
File: 40 KB, 630x472, まどか.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.17486537

The beautiful Japanese language of the Nara period was turned into what we have now wholly by real genuine Japanese people that had not studied grammar. I pray that the Japanese language does not degenerate further.

>> No.17486555

Thanks for the suggestion.

It sounds like you're making up your own grammar rules. Awkward translation or not, I was asking for confirmation on my understanding of Japanese, not my native language.

>> No.17486579

i mean youre literally making up your own mangled nihongo shit like what the fuck 背負えなくはないもの lmao just fuckin get outta town man

>> No.17486593

This is a sentence taken from a comic book anon.

>> No.17486600

not really something burdenless

>> No.17486609

I think you flipped it. That's why I asked.

>> No.17486623

something that doesn't not burden
it's a logical double negative you can move it wherever it makes sense and means the same thing

>> No.17486667

All right, I see thanks. Somehow I had had the same thought that the two negatives cancel and 別に isn't a real negative, but I mixed it up anyway. That's why I confused just now.

>> No.17486762

Does anyone actually do the excersise in Tae Kim's Guide or am I right in thinking they're just a huge waste of time?

>> No.17486765

>It sounds like you're making up your own grammar rules

No I'm not. The meaning of your translation is wrong and doesn't correspond to the Japanese.

>> No.17486777

I see that now. I thought your post was just being pedantic about English grammar. Thanks for the intent to help anyway.

>> No.17486927

>Didn't you apologize for that? Asking for forgiveness, saying "my bad".
Is this right?

>> No.17486935

>Didn't you apologize for that? Asking for forgiveness for the misunderstanding, saying "my bad".
Forgot the most important word there.
Forgot a

>> No.17486959


Xが負える means X is bearable or tolerable. Or more literally X can be carried. Not X is a burden.

>> No.17486997

Ask for advice in this thread at your own risk.

>What kind of apology was that? Saying something like, "I'm sorry for allowing something to happen that might cause a misunderstanding"...

More literally the first sentence is like
>I'm telling you, "I apologized" is not true.

>> No.17487055

Reading it again in context. Both interpretations seem to be wrong.

... What are you doing?

Sorry, got carried away

Friends don't do that.

I wouldn't mind... if it went beyond that though.


No good.

I'm more hammered than I thought.

I'm admitting things I shouldn't be admitting.

You were fine with this just half a year ago...

What? I'm bringing it up again. How shameless of me.

I apologized for that, didn't I? I'm sorry for allowing something that might cause a misunderstanding.

That doesn't mean I want you to apologize for that.

>> No.17487103

And I apologized for that, didn't I? Asking you to forgive the thing that might cause a misunderstanding, saying that I was wrong.
Or maybe "Allowing something that might cause..."
I don't understand 許して without hearing intonation

It's not that I want you to apologize for that part of it.

>> No.17487143

It looks good except that that って means she's quoting her old apology not giving a new one.

>> No.17487156

Thanks guys.

>> No.17487202


>> No.17487228


>> No.17487268



>> No.17487271

How long did you all spend studying Tae Kim? I'm done after a week and a half of studying about an hour and a half a day but don't feel I really learned anything at all. I assume I just didn't give it enough time...

>> No.17487304


>> No.17487305


You're not supposed to 'study' tae kim. Just read through it a couple of times and then refer back to it while you are reading real japanese.

>> No.17487324

What do you mean, you don't feel like you learned anything?

>> No.17487348

so I'm reading a VN and a character doesn't like the main character but decides to go along with her because she isn't letting go of him
he says
what does he mean? i'm tripped up by the 上での

>> No.17487361





>> No.17487383

Like I can't parse sentences at all. I know lots of Kanji thanks to Anki but knowing the words doesn't matter when I cannot understand them in the context of a sentence which, due to having difficulties learning grammar, I am unable to properly understand sentence structure, particles, and the various mechanics of it.

>> No.17487404

Just start reading. Everything will start to click. Once you get through your first manga, LN or VN, you'll feel like you got the hang of it.

>> No.17487411
File: 76 KB, 383x499, 617I9skLmkL._SX381_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this was recommended in the guide. I've attempted Yotsuba but haven't even been able to move on from page one so could this have any value to teach me some more fundamentals?

>> No.17487422

合意もない上での心中 means something like a murder suicide.

>> No.17487464


Really, what is keeping you from moving on from page one? There is no rule that you have to understand everything before you move on. When you really have no idea what is going on try and search online. What I did was have a physical copy of yotsubato in my hand, try and read a page and guess what was being said, then compare to a scanlated version online. If what I had didn't match I'd search online or ask /djt/. In the beginning it was hard because I wasn't entirely sure where certain grammar constructs began or ended so I sort of had to go through all the permutations but after slogging through the chapter I had gotten to the point where I could tell.

Don't try and smash your head into a brick wall though. I skipped most of the stuff when fuuka and yostuba's dad meet because it made my head hurt at the time. Even a lot the sentences I didn't skip I didn't end up fully understand the first or second pass through.

https://japanese.stackexchange.com/ is a good resource because there are several questions about yostubato.

>> No.17487486

I guess I'm just worried that moving on without actually understanding it will lead me to have a false sense of knowledge and, when my goal is to eventually read content that's never been translated, I won't have a online "cheat sheet" to refer to.

>> No.17487494

You're afraid of failing before you've even started to fail.
But thats still failing. Guess how you learn?

>> No.17487497


Just read that textbook if you want to. If I remember it wasn't very dense and you'll get through it quickly. It's just a diluted version of better grammar books with pictures to keep people interested. But if you are interested there's no harm in just reading it rather than debating it.

>> No.17487502

From what I've seen of it it seems like a hand holding version of how I learned with a dictionary and grammar resource and manga by myself.
It just puts the applicable grammar rules into the manga for you.
Might help impatient people who want to start reading. Going into it already knowing basics should help.

Watching anime a lot also really helps with learning through manga because it's exactly the same kind of dialogue and you can learn to hear how sentences should flow and be intoned.

>> No.17487518

The fuck are you talking about? It may have fewer topics but jtmw is not diluted in any way; moreover there are no "pictures to keep you interested", those are pages from real manga which the book analyses line by line. It even covers a few topics which aren't in Tae Kim but which will be invaluable when reading native content.

>> No.17487527

Where was the interesting part? I read it several years ago when I just started and I don't remember anything particularly insightful at the time. But I still have a pdf copy.

>> No.17487548

Perhaps nothing mind blowing, but there was some very useful stuff about how dictionary form can be used for commands, and how to identify rhetorical questions. Those areas can easily confuse people when they start reading.

>> No.17487646


>> No.17487653

I don't know how good the Japanese on Duolingo is as a whole, but my basic comprehension is improving at a much more rapid pace than before.

>> No.17487654

Are flash cards for language acquisition a meme?

>> No.17487675

read the guide and find out

>> No.17487689


>> No.17487691
File: 54 KB, 464x314, 牡丹餅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17487814

Started working my way through Genki, I like it better than Tae Kim so far, feels more structured. Reminds me of the textbooks for English we used back in school.

Should I do all the exercises and listen to all the content on the CD, or should I just quickly work through it with an emphasis on grasping grammar?

>> No.17487835

Does anyone here input Hiragana and Katakana with anything other than Windows IME? It won't work on my PC, but looking into any alternatives gives me reviews like 'STOP THIS HAS A VIRUS'. The guide doesn't say anything about it either.

>> No.17487846

No, I use IME for everything. Get fucked, Linuxfag.

>> No.17487847

Doesn't the guide recommend Google IME? That's what I use, anyway.

>> No.17487854
File: 108 KB, 901x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say?
It's japanese not chinese but really messy.

>> No.17487887



>> No.17487936


>packaging tape

>> No.17487938

Google IME

In case you use Linux, mozc is virtually the same.

>> No.17487983

This is great, thank you.

>> No.17487986

You can use it however you want to. If you like what you're doing, you might as well do as much as you can, but if the exercises are boring, just skip them.

>> No.17488027
File: 148 KB, 513x823, 1494848793371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17488100

Thanks. Yeah, that's the approach I was taking. Some exercises are just tedious, so I just do the first 2 sentences/phrases or so to make sure I got the concept.

By the way, I wanted to use the second edition of Genki (because newer is better RIGHT GUYS?), but quickly realized how annoying and distracting the romaji are. I understand why someanon edited them out of the first edition, so I decided to do the same for the second. Only halfway through did I realize that it would have been only a couple more pages that had them, but oh well, maybe some other anons may benefit from this. Feel free to add it to the guide resources, if you will:

Genki I [Second Edition] [no romaji edit]
Remove the 4 "-" to get the link to work, 4chan is doing its thing.
(Mind you that this host is not permanent, so grab it while you can and host it on your FTP if you have one).

>> No.17488183
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind your own business/It's none of your business.

>> No.17488291
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 3d4c3fb033e6c01bc150e783ffa8df44_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



yes, sir

Why do you ride on me?
Why do you insert your Dick?


>> No.17488303 [DELETED] 

>It's japanese not chinese but really messy.

Looks like 比想象的还要难为小(春)?
The last tree characters are really bunched up. It looks like Chinese to me, but my Japanese isn't good enough yet.

>> No.17488348

I'm >>17483974

Thank you very much for the explanation.

Since I returned to lurking Djt (I started three years ago when djt was on /a/) just a few days ago, I got really curious about these linguistically detailed replies. Are you a post-grad teacher or something? A really grammar infatuated otaku? Are you Japanese? Would you mind telling me from which resources have you learned so much about Japanese grammar mechanisms?

>> No.17488378








>> No.17488395

please ignore my mistake with ながら
it didnt happen and you saw nothing

>> No.17488432


night and dayと

day and nightは


>> No.17488465

Does anyone here use HelloTalk? I'd like to read Japanese statuses and help people with their English, but I don't think my Japanese is good enough to have private conversations. Google isn't telling me whether you can disable DMs/conversations though. Does anyone know if this is possible?

>> No.17488511


>> No.17488558




>> No.17488579

Remember fellas, don't force output! Train a native ear and reading ability first, then talk/type/whatever only when it feels natural. Our boy Steve Kaufmann learns for 8 months before speaking a single word in the language he's studying. And he's someone who is trying to learn a shitload of languages and not just trying to seek perfection in one like you might be doing.

>> No.17488604

I feel like this is true, I never really remembered the verb conjugations from a grammar guide, but if I type one out and it sounds wrong you can't really let it go like that, without knowing why in detail

>> No.17488733
File: 40 KB, 716x849, 1479357349056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the answer in the 6k deck not centered?
This is hurting my autism.

>> No.17488796
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it said

>> No.17488807


>> No.17488821
File: 73 KB, 800x565, o0800056512249676990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17488918


>> No.17488937

Go, ro tsu pi ki da

Different anon here, into day number 4 and have learnt all the hiragana from DJT Kana. It's weird learning without a teacher, self taught feels so aimless, I kind of took the autistic approach of 'I know nothing wtf do I learn', and instead of baic phrases and such just grinded the hiragana. Do i just grind the Katakanna from DJT Kanna next or is there something else I should be doing too? Also some of those other fonts in DJT Kanna are fucking nutty, do you need to know all of them?

>> No.17488941

Do you need to know all sounds lazy, a better question which i meant is it really useful to know all?

>> No.17488991
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1502888518180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese "humor"

>> No.17489002

there's a reason puns are called 駄洒落 with the same kanji as in 駄目

>> No.17489013

At the beginning you can just study kana alone. You won't get very far without them in other methods like vocab or grammar guides anyway.
And it shouldn't take that long to learn them.

By the way, the つ in his post is actually っ, it's smaller and it means a small pause like a glottal stop or double consonant, not tsu.

>> No.17489124

Thank you for the correction! I haven't seen that smaller tsu symbol yet in my learning so good to know!

I guess I'll learn the Katakanna next in that case! I'm not a regular on this general, if I come back after I have the Katakanna down and ask people what i should learn next how would that go down? It's kind of hard to know if you're learning 'right' if that makes sense

>> No.17489145

You would sooner or later get told to "read the guide". (You could do that right know.)

>> No.17489167

My personal tip for you would be to start reading as soon as you can. It might be really confusing at first, but you can always find material that's easy enough.

Whatever you do, don't turn into another pleb that whines "waah waah ;((( reading is too hard!! I don wan 2 do it".
Good luck!

>> No.17489201

Aye the guide says katakanna is next then start anki deck which im guessing is a flash card program, so if the guide knows all I'll just follow it i guess!

Thanks anon!

>> No.17489303

> ご、ろっぴきだ
> Go, ro tsu pi ki da

You need to actually learn your hiragana, anon.

>> No.17489334

My random guess would be that there are some spaces before the 'one (thing)' field. I'm only guessing though.

>> No.17489424

How dumb would it be to marathon Tae Kim, write my own notes in Word and just keep them open while I'm reading? I learn through constant repetition (I do 'Review forgotten words' twice per day on top of my regular lesson) and putting things into context. Not a lot of grammar is sticking with me right now and I think I might learn it better through constant exposure and putting things into context.

>> No.17489440

I guess that helps

>> No.17489453
File: 142 KB, 500x333, betty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to tell kanji homonyms apart, without the rest of the sentence giving context?
I've started my 2k deck, and have had trouble differentiating "yen" and "circle." I looked up the kanji for both before realizing why.
Is it as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be?

>> No.17489466
File: 72 KB, 412x248, 1479534071933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

これから jcatへ挑みます
wish me luck

>> No.17489474

This question can probably be ignored after finding http://www.guidetojapanese.org/grammar_guide.pdf.. This is handy to search through while reading.

Sorry, I think you just have to roll with the context. I tried to think of an English equivalent and the first thing that came to mind was 'hot'. You need the rest of the sentence to know whether you're talking about something being a hot temperature or attractive. Yeah it's a shit example, but context does seem important unless someone can correct me.

>> No.17489477

Thanks, I figured that might be the answer, and that's okay. Just something I have to keep in mind.

>> No.17489496

I predict you will score 217.

>> No.17489497

What do you guys think about this method called VOMAD? I think it could be pretty nice for reading gainz if you can keep up with it.

I've been thinking about doing an adapted version of it, reading a volume of manga per week (coupled with VNs and other assorted readings).

>> No.17489504

So basically "reading"

>> No.17489516
File: 38 KB, 930x1012, notduplicate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's the same kanji and no further context, there really isn't a way to tell them apart.
>Is it as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be?
Nah, not really. It isn't all that common and with Anki if it bothers you, you can add another field and put a hint in. I'll find an example of this approach from my own vocab deck.
Found it, like pic related. It's really not a big deal, though.


A little earlier I was aiming for a volume of manga a day but, yeah, spending a few hours reading daily is a sure fire 'method' to success with any language.

>> No.17489540
File: 2 KB, 26x59, Eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this せさは? It doesn't seem to be translating into anything.

>> No.17489547

精子 if it's porn

>> No.17489565
File: 21 KB, 432x432, 14910285_1212580832143817_5683326719432697788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friendo.
I'm translating something for my friend's goldfish, I swear.

>> No.17489592

せーし, elongated vowel

dont mislead the poor eop

>> No.17489651

So せいし you gaylord
I'm sure anon can infer the rest by himself

>> No.17489655
File: 52 KB, 421x248, CFE57652-B942-4BBF-8EF2-6A06D79AE4E4-12465-00001277B82EFC27_tmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

次ぎ ボキャブラへ

>> No.17489659

how do you pronounce あっand えっ?

>> No.17489667

Etsu and atsu, the small tsu is just so they can specify the the tsu sound is shorter

>> No.17489670
File: 48 KB, 640x467, muzzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A! and E!

>> No.17489678

>>17489667 sound like you're making ship up
I'm gonna go with >>17489670

>> No.17489687

No, he's the one making shit up. Why would they use あっ to write A! when they could just use あ!

>> No.17489697
File: 429 KB, 451x619, 1496942144267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've got a point
now I'm truly confused

>> No.17489700

The っ just means the sound stops abruptly. Both equating it to an exclamation mark, and saying it's pronounced tsu but shorter, is incorrect

>> No.17489701

boku no guguru~ "glottal stop"

>> No.17489707

Wow, do you really expect me to believe that? Get out, N2-kun.

>> No.17489722

n2 level would be better than 95% of the people in this thread t b h desu

>> No.17489725

Do you even know what "glottal stop" means?

>> No.17489739

I think it's pretty obvious from the name

>> No.17489760

I can't type Japanese but here's how it goes:

goino uede shinjusuru = to commit shinju upon goi

goino uedeno shinjuda: you must insert "no".

>> No.17489789

actually, I think it's the "repeat audio" button

>> No.17489801

Where did you see shinju? I only see shinjuu here.

>> No.17489808

It is I
The clipboard inserter works again
Given my retardation I'll assume it was thanks to the dev and not me, so thanks anon

>> No.17489815
File: 2.00 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is 273?

>> No.17489816

What the fuck is up with こと it's like 3 times in a single sentence and way too abstract for me to understand.

日本に行ったことがある I do understand, it's something like the experience of going to Japan. But I constantly see it with 思う or other stuff.
Or even 思い出す has a こと before it, right? What's the deal with all of this?

>> No.17489818

that's one sexy-looking flashcard

>> No.17489824

next netlify update when

>> No.17489828

Totally epic!

>> No.17489831

Double vowels are for fags.

>> No.17489835

Misuse of romanisation is for fags and EOPs.

>> No.17489836

Congrats, you seem pretty good at taking tests. Unfortunately it doesn't say much about how good you are at real Japanese

>> No.17489849

Actually, the Japanese misuse romanization the most, primarily by not indicating long vowels in any way along with unexpected spacing and non-Hepburn spelling.

>> No.17489868

っ = glottal stop

You say it just like a regular あ or え sound, but you end it abruptly (via a glottal stop). Usually indicates surprise like "あっ!落ちた!" ("Ah! It fell!"). Watch some anime and you'll hear a character do it before long.

>> No.17489874

You're close to having crossed intermediate hell, well done

Jcat is pretty good at what it does

>> No.17489877
File: 37 KB, 322x171, jcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.17489883

>not indicating long vowels
So you hate double vowels so much that you've started to ignore them completely.
>unexpected spacing
No, you're the one who doesn't know how to space, seeing the abomination you posted. You're not even gonna need to make phrases using romaji unless you're a phoneposter EOP faggot (you).
Ironic because in the first place hepburn is a romanisation system made for non-japanese speakers. Secondly, you didn't even use it correctly. So overall, you don't know how romanising works but feel the need to give your worthless opinion on it. What a big boy.

>> No.17489886

so 270s is the new middle income trap now?

>> No.17489925
File: 39 KB, 742x346, 1495275293578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win

>> No.17489937

At least learn kana before learning Japanese. Ever heard of a glottal stop?

>> No.17489943

How do I get good at grammar?

>> No.17489951

Can you show a few examples?

>> No.17489966

Faggots like you are fucking insufferable.

>> No.17489972

Nice argument, retard. Go back to /v/.

>> No.17489973


>> No.17490012

here is a popular language learning site from chink side of internet

tens of JLPT simulation tests from numerous chink uni are up for challenge

>> No.17490019

DoJG, chuuni vns

>> No.17490026

Don't click this link guys, turns out the site has adware and trojan viruses.

>> No.17490084


>> No.17490172

Also, the only non-harmful way to romanize is to combine the same vowel for every column and the same consonant for every row, thus し is "si", ぢ is "di", ふ is "hu" etc. Double vowels are the must. This way no information is lost and you can reconstruct the original kana spelling.

>> No.17490234

>and you can reconstruct the original kana spelling
Except you can't because things like てぃ exist, you fucking idiot, and no, romanizing てぃ as "thi" or "teli" is never valid ever.

>> No.17490237

thats not the point of romanization bro

>> No.17490244

てぃ is only used with loanwords, you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.17490249

Loanwords are Japanese, you fake otaku.

>> No.17490264

Loanwords are romanised the way they are spelt in their original language, you pseudointellectual.

>> No.17490270

Except they're not because they're Japanese, not their "original language", you shitstain.

>> No.17490274

just fuck already you fat faggots

>> No.17490277

This might surprise you but not all loanwords come from languages written in the latin alphabet.

>> No.17490289

Name 1 (one) loanword which doesn't come from a language written with the latin alphabet that contains てぃ in it.

>> No.17490303

ハイティーン is not a loanword, your argument is invalid.

>> No.17490312

I'm sure this sounded much funnier in your imagination.

>> No.17490336

I've started reading 2 days ago (dedicating about 1-2 hours for each read) and i'm on page 10 (more like page 6 in terms of text) and it's been an awkward experience at best.
I try translating the phrases in my head and in the end i end up taking like 30 minutes just to verify what i read was correct (sometimes even checking the EOP translations, which i dropped after i realized what i was doing was basically the subbed anime meme) and it just mind boggles me.
When i read and think of a translation in my head, i sort of understand the meaning that the characters are trying to convey but i can't make the phrase "whole".
When does it start to snowball and you can actually read stuff without getting confused by grammar/expressions?
Any tips/good habits?

>> No.17490347 [DELETED] 

what are you reading?

>> No.17490352

what are you reading?

>> No.17490353

Honestly translating is harder than just understanding. Think about it in Japanese and don't try to phrase it in English.

>> No.17490356

you cant think in japanese on day 2 of reading therein lies the problem brainiac

>> No.17490370

Just keep on reading. Having to translate the words in your head when you're a beginner is normal. Don't spend too much time on it though, just move on when you have a general idea of what the character is saying. Eventually you'll reach a point where you'll be able to recognise a word's meaning without even translating it to English.

>> No.17490371

You can understand grammar in English without explicitly explaining it in English in your head, can't you? Do the same in Japanese. FEEL the Japanese. TOUCH the Japanese. BE the Japanese.

>> No.17490376

Qualia the Purple

>> No.17490394

im literally making wanking motions at my computer while i type this one handed

>> No.17490398





>> No.17490437
File: 929 KB, 1086x1600, 絶対☆霊域_1_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha is ヒナちゃん able to tell the kanji he used? Also is this one of those times when the furigana is different from the word? Because 義兄 seems to be ぎけい normally.
Or maybe the ruby is wrong?

>> No.17490449

does 釣り、釣る have a double meaning?
watching some akb members talk about fan's impressions of them and one member mentions how fans always think she is 釣っている, even though she thinks she's not
does that just mean flirting?

>> No.17490474

The feeling when you're reading the same manga as another anon but he appers to have better understanding of it...

>> No.17490486


zettai reiiki is Good and if you finish the whole thing you're a dekiru

>> No.17490487

Because if he calls her brother おにいさん it's obvious that he's implying that he's going to marry her, not that he's going to get adopted by her (probably also dead?) parents.

>> No.17490608

Trim your nails, dude.

>> No.17490671
File: 113 KB, 432x612, 1492643658167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17490739

is there a blog or twitter account that compiles bad translations by comparing it to the source material?

>> No.17490766

how do you come up with mnemonics when the sign has no logic behind it like 火 looks like a campfire but some have nothing to do with what they mean

>> No.17490769

i dont think anyone is so autistic as to make a bunch of trytweets about badly translated japanese shit
however ill give you a good place to start one: the tlwiki version of syarin no kuni

>> No.17490773

I don't use mnemonics.

>> No.17490786

That's why I told you people to kill yourselves for romanizing.
texi, just like in an IME.

>> No.17490789 [DELETED] 

Antisocial fake otaku confirmed.

>> No.17490791

>ITHVNR + Clipboard + Rikaisama

Is this still the best setup? I hate having to constantly scroll down once the page is full

>> No.17490809 [DELETED] 

if youre gonna sling shade about whos fake why not show your 'taku cred lmao

>> No.17490810

>Or maybe the ruby is wrong?
Yeah, totally.
>Also is this one of those times when the furigana is different from the word?
Is this the first time you encountered it? Read more.

>> No.17490817 [DELETED] 

I'm in this shit for 2D fap material, not for socializing.

>> No.17490822 [DELETED] 

>implying being an otaku is something to be proud of

>> No.17490826 [DELETED] 

Exactly. Being a fake otaku is the opposite of something to be proud of. Being an otaku isn't a proud thing in the first place.

>> No.17490827
File: 306 KB, 617x415, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody help me understand the way this ossan talks?
What's with that うっと and what about those よる after verbs? Is it the way old men usually say ておる or something?
Or is this some kind of dialect?

>> No.17490829 [DELETED] 

>unironically calling yourself "otaku"
>claiming other people are fake
You have to go back, weeb.

>> No.17490834 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17490836 [DELETED] 

Found the ironic weebs.

>> No.17490837

someone pls answer

>> No.17490842 [DELETED] 


>> No.17490851

man i cant stand otaku posers
yall niggas talk about weighing over 150 kilos and livin in your moms basement jerking off on figures all day but i live it every day in these neet streets

>> No.17490852 [DELETED] 

I am gommennasai, Daviddo-kun. I'll work on my Japanese and move to Japan. Wish me luck!

>> No.17490854 [DELETED] 

>>unironically calling yourself "otaku"
He never did this.

I think that's うっとい without the い.

>> No.17490858

mnemonics don't have to be logical, they just have to make sense to you.

人 keeps his 貝 and his 刀 at his 側, so I'll picture a guy with a sword and a bag of money hanging from each side of his belt.

>> No.17490864 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 211x255, 1502738119454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otaku posers
>ironic weebs
>fake otaku
What the hell is going on in this thread?

>> No.17490875 [DELETED] 

Doesn't make much sense in this context I think?
No idea about the なりよって and きよる?

>> No.17490878

It'll usually be clear. I don't think anyone's gonna ask to borrow 1000 circles.

>> No.17490881 [DELETED] 

>He never did this.
Isn't claiming someone's a fake like saying "I'm the real thing" in this context?

>> No.17490882 [DELETED] 

It's a figure of speech. This gloome breadmater .... unexpected visit .... etc

>> No.17490885 [DELETED] 

no actually not in the least my nigger

>> No.17490886 [DELETED] 

No, it's just an insult. Most insults are not personal projection.

>> No.17490890 [DELETED] 

Thank you for changing my worldview. Won't make this mistake again.

>> No.17490892 [DELETED] 

gloomy breadmaker*
Too tired to type properly.

>> No.17490893

whats the difference between 状況 and 状態?

>> No.17490895 [DELETED] 

How is >>17490822 an ironic weeb when he's saying the opposite of ironic weebdom

>> No.17490900

one of them means situation (of things), the other means condition (around a particular thing), I do not remember which is which because I don't know Japanese.

>> No.17490901

i know its in japanese so most of you wont understand it but heres some real neet nigga shit straight from the hood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiTJOCYCDsM

one of them is also like 事情 but the other is not

>> No.17490906

pls respond

>> No.17490908 [DELETED] 

Because he thinks he's the fucking smuggest certified japanese culture intellectual after discovering a couple of days ago that otaku has some negative connotations.

>> No.17490910


>tfw studying Chinese now

>> No.17490912 [DELETED] 

What I thought is something along the lines of:
>There is this bread company from America and they are really famous...
>Anyway, Ely, from the Chicago Economics Organization is comming over and I'd like you to guide her/him around our company while she's here.

But I don't know and wouldn't know where to put the gloomy there.

>> No.17490921

what's a sentence you would use one, and not the other? and vice versa

>> No.17490928

What's with all the redditors lately?

>> No.17490931


>> No.17490943
File: 148 KB, 900x900, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only man who can truly learn Japanese. All you inferiors should give up, you never even had a chance.

>> No.17490944

Anything below at least 350 is still middle income. It's probably even higher than that but that's as much as I can say as a member of the 300+ club who is still completely 出来ない.

>> No.17490945 [DELETED] 

t. reddit

>> No.17490949

Holy shit, his nose hair

>> No.17490951

that dudes got nasal pube issues

>> No.17490955

Fun fact: flat-headed nail clippers are one of the best ways to remove nose hair without cutting off too much and damaging your ability to filter out dust.

>> No.17490957

Why do you have to scroll?

>> No.17490958
File: 117 KB, 574x603, 1502924322146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use my shitty broken site
do it

>> No.17490966

That's what I do, to be honest.

>> No.17490977
File: 243 KB, 841x1200, Yotsubato_v02_171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, what's the deal with this shirt?

>> No.17491005

The blank HTML page that it copies to doesn't automatically scroll. I always have to move around the VN window to be able to read the Rikaisama definition.

>> No.17491014
File: 217 KB, 1385x941, lma0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17491024

There's a more up to date equivalent to what you're using right now, look for it in the OP. It's somewhere.

>> No.17491034
File: 195 KB, 265x313, 2385234902879947750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been learning Kanji but manga seems to mainly use Hiragana and that's what's spoken in anime! Kanji's worthless if no one uses it! How do I actually learn the pronunciation for anime and hiragana?

>> No.17491044

if you drink the stuff in the containers beneath your kitchen sink itll all come naturally

>> No.17491045
File: 365 KB, 524x479, 1502361179127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491067
File: 52 KB, 373x500, 51LGjlIF9lL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a pdf of the book 80/20 Japanese? It seems pretty basic and promises way too much for one textbook, but I'm interested in browsing through the content.

So you know the running joke with Fuuka liking weird shirts? Asagi was on vacation in okinawa and got a weird/random shirt for her. I'm going to qualify this response by saying that I'm not sure I completely understand the subtleties of the joke. Here's what I think though. ゴーヤー is a type of melon that is used in 沖縄料理。I believe that 沖縄限定 is a brand of a popular dish/stew type meal. Basically the shirt says that specific type of melon on it, which is bizarre, but kind of fitting for Fuuka's tastes. Here's some relevant links I found.


>> No.17491071
File: 504 KB, 2000x1125, 1430471076486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you're right. The hell I've been learning all of this shit for, DJT? You lied to me!

>> No.17491077
File: 542 KB, 1179x1080, 1434831911108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.17491087 [DELETED] 

People arguing about Japanese instead of learning Japanese.

Business as usual, in other words.

>> No.17491089

Idk but that site is one big red flag

>> No.17491093
File: 16 KB, 850x62, 1444714607005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491096

The legend
The machine
The absolute legend man-god-machine
Steve Kaufmann

>> No.17491126


>> No.17491137
File: 29 KB, 510x544, 14333019_1275658495799535_1177798058863105637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a lot of free time right now, but ive already done all my new flash cards and reviews in my 2k today.
why shouldnt i keep reviewing?

>> No.17491142

its your life do whatever you want

>> No.17491150

Why shouldn't you CCC (Consume Compelling Content) instead?

>> No.17491162

am i supposed to not be able to remember (most) of yesterdays new kanji today or is it at least normal? i feel like i have to only take 20 every other day because i can't keep up

maybe learning 20 radicals and 20 c2k words per day is too much? should i drop c2k until i've mastered kangxi? i feel like kangxi help a decent amount with learning the normal words so would that be smart or limit to 10 new words per day?

additional information: freshly diagnosed adult attention deficit disorder and i'm not getting my meds for 1-2 months

>> No.17491166
File: 63 KB, 700x466, 1493696054523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon I can't read
but anon i can't autonomy

>> No.17491169
File: 538 KB, 1299x1969, 51472719_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 radicals a day. No writing. Final destination.

>> No.17491170

then youre fucked my nigger

>> No.17491171

>I can't read
Go study grammar, then.

>> No.17491172

Do more flash cards, study grammar, or study kanji.

How far in are you? Learning kanji has been very helpful to me and really has improved my vocab acquisition when going through the core deck. I'm using the Kanji Learner's Course and am about 450 entries in.

>> No.17491212

I'm only a week into learning, 160 words into core2/6k and 155/280 or so on kangxi radicals.

Do i need the book to use a KLC deck? i could move on to that after I finish the radicals

i'll try this, hopefully shouldn't take more than a few days

>> No.17491220

状況 >>>situation
状態 >>>state

>> No.17491247

Hi /jp/ friends, which site(s) do you use to purchase japanese manga?
I really enjoyed both seasons of non non biyori, so I'd love to give something back.

>> No.17491257


>> No.17491267

a little mnemonic
状況 jou[kyou] , you look into more stuff as kan[kyou] "環境 environment"
状態 jou[tai] , you look into a particular something as but[tai] "物体 object"

>> No.17491329

Not that anon but what do you mean study Kanji? Isn't studying vocabulary studying Kanji as well?

>> No.17491342

Yes you definitely need the book to do the course. The whole point is to learn the mnemonics behind every character, not to just memorize the flashcards. Make sure to reaed the introduction. You can download the book in the Guide. And you can actually stop doing radicals now if you plan on doing KLC as it is designed to introduce them organically through the process of learning characters. Individual kanji study sucks but once I push through these 2300 characters I know it'll be good for me in the long run.

>> No.17491358

You can learn kanji through vocab, but a lot of people learn kanji individually to help their brains better sort it out. The old school course is Remembering the Kanji, but nowadays people use the Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course or if you're a dumb redditor Wani Kani.

>> No.17491372

Oh you scared me, I thought there was an entire aspect to Japanese I've been ignoring all this time. I never studied Kanji individually and it's been working well for me so far.

>> No.17491461

Look up the Persona 5 mistranslation blog, its a goldmine.

>> No.17491580

It does work fine that way. I want to be able to write, too, and am at a point where I want to rapidly expand my vocab and make large gains over the next sixth months, so I'm doing KKLC alongside reading and the core decks.

>> No.17491583

persona 5..has it almost been a year already..

>> No.17491637

If you're doing the Core deck, I hope you're reading the sentences on the cards. Doesn't matter if you don't understand why the sentence means what it does. Just read it and take note that it means whatever it means, and pay attention to how the word you're learning is being used in that sentence.

You don't have to read the sentence every time the card comes up. Just read it when the card is new and you're seeing it for the first time, then read it again every time you fail the card.

>> No.17491654

Reading grammar guides doesn't teach you to read. You learn to read Japanese the same way you learn to do anything - practice. Nobody can ride a bike the first time they get on one, no matter how many books they're read about bikes and how they work.

>> No.17491663

It always makes me laugh when people in these threads try to show off by saying how easy Japanese is it to understand yet there are translation arguments here all the time with multiple people getting it wrong.

>> No.17491717

yeah much lulz to be had all around lel

>> No.17491739

Anyone know how to get the kanji grid to search multiple decks? When I run it I see a lot kanji in my mining deck that doesn't show up as learned on the grid.

>> No.17491740

So here I am, another day another pretending I can read japanese by looking up every word in a dictionary and trying to make sense of those words for three hours.

>> No.17491749

read stuff for little kids so you establish a base reading level and go from there
otherwise you waste your time on the meme road where for every second you waste not having fun someone in this thread leans back in their chair having a nice hearty kek

>> No.17491752

Same here. Just finished watching an episode of an English subtitled anime. I shouldn't have ever bothered trying to learn Japanese.

>> No.17491781

Is there a way to quicken things up?
I mean sure, I'm making noticeable progress everyday, but when I read all the stuff that's being posted here, I just noticed how much I actually have left. I started learning japanese for one, and one reason only. That is to be able to read the untranslated monogatari novels and watch the anime without subs, sure it might be degenerate, but this is pretty much my goal in life right now. I envy those who already have the ability to read them, I work even harder when I read about it, but in the end, no matter how much progress I'm making in either a day, a week or even a month, when I look forward, I notice just how much there's still ahead in front of me. I though about giving up a few times, but I always pushed through, wanting to be just as good, if not better, than the people who are already able to understand it, but sometimes it feels just so hopeless when I compare myself to others. What do I do, anons?

>> No.17491827

That is a student-like teacher.

>> No.17491840

Why would you quit? Do you have a pressing need to spend your free time jerking off and shitposting on 4chan instead? You'll never accomplish anything in life without putting in the effort.

>> No.17491851

How long have you been studying for? What's your studying routine? Maybe you need to switch things up. Or maybe you just need to pick up the novels, stop being a bitch, and read them no matter how difficult it is.

>> No.17491852

I spend nearly every waking minute learning japanese, it's just that in the big picture, it feels like I'm accomplishing nothing at all, even if I am.

>> No.17491855

I've been studying for nearly a year. It's pretty much wake up, eat breakfast, study for an hour, go on 4chan for an hour, study an hour, watch anime for 2 hours, study for 2 hours, do some other stuff for 3 hours, study for another hour, go to bed.

>> No.17491860

I didn't mean your schedule. I meant your routine in what you actually do during studying.

>> No.17491862

Don't think so much of the tomorrow. Study every day for its own sake; study because it's what you do. When one day you realize you can read monogatari it will be the happiest surprise in the world.

>> No.17491866

i understand 割 is a counter for percent but rikaikun says it also means a counter for 10 percent
so does 7割 mean 7 percent or 70 percent?

>> No.17491868


>> No.17491875

I use the first 2 hours to study the vocabulary, the next 2 hours for kanji and the last hour for grammar.

>> No.17491876

7/10 aka 70%

>> No.17491885
File: 262 KB, 528x501, 1440122213112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not posting the "read more" meme enough apparently

>> No.17491904


>> No.17491909

If you've spent 2 hours a day on vocab for a year, you should already be through Core 6k. If you've spent 2 hours a day on kanji for a year, you should be finished with either RTK or KKLC or KanjiDamage or WaniKani. Both of those things will give you a very solid base to be reading. But yeah you're problem is you're not reading. If you don't see vocab and grammar points in context, you won't learn the language. My rule is to make sure I have at least a 1:1 ratio of time spent on vocab/kanji/grammar to time spent on reading.

>> No.17491913

I get the feeling a lot of people who come here and start studying are to afraid to start, in case they run into misunderstandings and don't fully comprehend what the writer was trying to convey.
So they work like busy little beavers trying everything outside reading to shore up their little tower of sticks until they finally start and the reading wrecking ball does it job anyway.

>> No.17491935

So, uh, what should I do once I finish with hiragana? I'd rather ask the majority than listen to the guide.

>> No.17491941

read the fucking guide

>> No.17491949

you can still be saved if you vacate the thread immediately before you become another sucker
you have been warned

>> No.17491956

Don't misunderstand me; I'm talking to a subset of people that come here and refuse to cast off from the beginner stages, too afraid to start actually using the merger skills they have acquired from the guide.

or listen to this and just give up if you like

>> No.17491957

Once you've already finished your grammar guide and begun reading, in what ways might one 'study grammar'?

Do you mean that you're consulting entries in the DoJG (etc.) as they relate to what you've read?
Are you using one of the higher textbooks like Tobira?

>> No.17491963


maybe you should get a job

>> No.17491968

I mean, is that guide actually how you should start, or has it been proven wrong by people here? For all that I know, that could be outdated. Also, as far as I can see, this doesn't provide any kind of order. I know that it said to learn the kana first, but what comes after that? Do i learn the kanji, vocabulary and grammar all at the same time?

>> No.17491977

i really wish you wouldnt post here mom

>> No.17491980

this is where it all starts unless you like the preferred method of identifying and memorizing random grains of sand on a beach

>> No.17492012


Pick a grammar guide, a vocab deck, and run with it. Don't come back to ask us questions for at least another week. The momentum that you build in these beginning stages is more important than finding the best resources or 'getting it right'.

>> No.17492015

But once you have analyzed a few thousand grains you can begin analyzing them by the bunch and then by the handful and it becomes easier.
Eventually you are sitting on a plot of fully analyzed sand and can begin surveying the surrounding beach more broadly.

>> No.17492021

>For all that I know, that could be outdated.
Language evolves quickly, but not that quick.
>Also, as far as I can see, this doesn't provide any kind of order.
>I know that it said to learn the kana first
>but what comes after that? Do i learn the kanji, vocabulary and grammar all at the same time?
You don't learn the individual kanji unless they are very specific, you learn vocab and readings, the kanji are just a part of those and come along for the ride regardless.
Grammar is also within the same day of study.

>> No.17492023

but the waves come and wash some of them away and move others around and suddenly youve lost sight of the beach you worked so hard to memorize

>> No.17492026

Grammar and reading reinforce each other. You won't know everything off the bat, but with enough reading grammar forms become more and more apparent. Then you can reference back to Tae Kim, or forward to DOJG or other resources. Or if I'm doing "independent" grammar study, I'm reading through a resource so that I will know where to find things and at least be introduced to new concepts.

>> No.17492045

You may need to rework parts of your understanding at times but I don't think it's so extreme.
More like sometimes having to rechart a small area once you already have a sizeable map.

>> No.17492055
File: 181 KB, 374x500, japfromzero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting into this, is this actually worth it?

>> No.17492070

no but if theres a book called japanese from like a month in plus you know a bunch of words from anime already then that would prolly be a real nice and useful book for alot of folks

>> No.17492093

This is amazing. Thank you for the laughs

>> No.17492110

Moe Chronicle came out on Steam and apparently has Japanese text. It's a lewd dungeon crawler

I haven't played it so no clue if it's actually good but atleast it's in Japanese

>> No.17492141

When Kanji were being created and catalogued, did nobody stop and think "why in the fucking world am I using so many strokes for such a simple meaning?"

>> No.17492155


>> No.17492180
File: 37 KB, 569x293, img000003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17492206
File: 403 KB, 408x462, 1388720093276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw auditing Japanese language courses next week for the first time
I tried being placed into 200 level but the department head who tested me said I was already above it and pushed me into 300 courses. Excited to finally get some formal education and credits but can't say I'm not nervous.

>> No.17492226

thanks for the humble brag, i was just thinking i really haven't printed out a post and framed it in a while, that dry spell is finally over

>> No.17492237

sorry for the blog, I have no friends to tell.

On topic what kind of experience is college Japanese in an American university?

>> No.17492321

I really wish I could understand the short phrases that are meant to be some kind of extremely simple Japanese, but have the reverse effect of being inaccessible to the inferior gaijin brain that relies on abstraction.

>> No.17492337


>> No.17492377

うっとこの means "our" (family or organization's). Like 家所の.

よる attached to the 連用形 has the same meaning as て+いる in the standard language.

>> No.17492390

Thanks a lot!

>> No.17492394

What manga?

>> No.17492421

It probably depends on what university you go to and how strong their Japanese program is. 200 level classes are generally Genki 2 split over two semesters, so most of the classmates in classes above that are going to be around N4 or maybe N3 level. It's a nice way to meet people with similar interests (everyone will be either an anime fan or a gamer to varying degrees) and have a chance to converse with a native speaker who will correct you at every chance, but the class will move very slowly.

>> No.17492430

Kachou Shima Kousaku.

>> No.17492461

The Japanese should use 濁点 on the ら行 and わ行 to write lalilulelo and vavivuvevo
ヴぁ ヴぃ etc is stupid

>> No.17492471


>> No.17492555

Yes, it has been proven countless times in this thread that not reading early enough will turn you into a damn retard.

>> No.17492694

why is there no sense or consistency behind these symbols

>> No.17492702

Can かわりに be used in the same sense as 反面, not simply as ひきかえに?

>> No.17492937

because you're looking at them in isolation and not in compounds

>> No.17493153

Is 'sempai' actually a valid translation? It annoys me every time I see it, but I'm starting to doubt that if someone gets to a high enough level of Japanese to translate whole mangas then they would make such a rookie mistake.

>> No.17493159




>> No.17493205



>> No.17493206

First, translate the words you know
Second, think about the relation these words have to each other
Third, try and make an English sentence out of them.

>> No.17493210

Try looking at these:

This is the autoscrolling html page mentioned in the previous link, also with character/line counter:

>> No.17493224

'Sempai' doesn't seem like a word that's possible in Japanese and it's written as せんぱい in Hiragana, but I see it constantly translated as 'sempai' in manga. Where is this m coming from?

>> No.17493234

That's how it's pronounced. If you pronounce it with an "n" you're pronouncing it completely wrong.

>> No.17493242

I always hear it as 'n', but it could be that my expectation of it being 'n' makes it sound like 'n'. That's interesting to know.

>> No.17493244

ん is m beforer bilabial plosives or something like that

>> No.17493245

The true identity of ん is ɲ (or ɴ depending on who you ask). Before other consonants, it morphs into ŋ, n, or m, through coarticulation.


>> No.17493246

Meant "is ɳ (or ɴ)", sorry.

>> No.17493249

Thanks for clarifying this! It's always bugged me and now I've learned from it.

>> No.17493263


Focus on what's happening in your mouth when you say "senpai" with an n. To make the 'n' sound your tongue touches the roof of your mouth and to make the 'p' you have to sort of pucker your lips and breath out a little bit. It's much too crowded this way. When you make the 'm' sound your tongue stays neutral and your lips sort of naturally end in a closed position so you can easily transition to a pucker for the 'p' sound.

You can reason how a lot of things are meant to be pronounced in japanese just by seeing if a slight modification in sound will lead to more natural movements in the mouth. This can help you remember the... I forget what you call them but in compound kanji when a し turns into a じ for instance.

>> No.17493266

Intervocalic voicing.

>> No.17493278

>if someone gets to a high enough level of Japanese to translate whole mangas then they would make such a rookie mistake
Dude, they know less Japanese than you right now. 90% of manga translations are complete shit. That's one of the reasons I started learning Japanese, you can't trust those faggots.

>> No.17493285
File: 40 KB, 324x246, 1306326550155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that my man. I saw a manga recently with good art that wasn't translated and decided to try to read it. I couldn't tell if a character was inviting someone for dinner or a booty call.

>> No.17493288

What manga?

>> No.17493296

It's ゲイ シット, I'll save your eyes the trouble.

>> No.17493302





>> No.17493304


>> No.17493348
File: 719 KB, 579x761, 1502524853318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't tell if a character was inviting someone for dinner or a booty call.
Maybe both?

>> No.17493385

It could be a possibility. I don't want to beg for translations, but I'm since people are expressing curiosity:


According to Jisho, 食っ can also be a colloquial term for sex. The person then talks about staying overnight, so it honestly could be sex, a meal, or both!

>> No.17493389

post a screenshot

>> No.17493410
File: 107 KB, 515x756, Who's eating what tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the person saying he wants to do something tonight, and here's the text conversation with the invitation. 大槻 is the name of the person being texted incase that causes any confusion.

>> No.17493412

You seem to have missed the 飯 before 食って

>> No.17493413

That's 行こっ, they're saying 行こう and cutting off the long vowel.

Alright, let's eat up and go to the school building.

>> No.17493417

Oh fuck you're right, I'm an idiot. Always proof-read your transcriptions kids.

Thank you both very much for your help!

>> No.17493458

Is there a guide on where to put commas in Japanese sentences? Because either authors take a really liberal approach to it, or I really can't understand the rules behind it.
>tfw still have a 70 year old "Where to put a comma?" handbook for my language
I'd love to see a Japanese equivalent.

>> No.17493473

The "comma" there was implied by the newline. This is very common in manga and one of the things you're going to have to be aware of to read manga.

The only Japanese material that uses punctuation rules anything similar to English's is technical writing, like manuals etc. and wikipedia.

>> No.17493491

>The only Japanese material that uses punctuation rules anything similar to English's is technical writing, like manuals etc. and wikipedia.
Well, I'm not looking for similarities. I mean it'd be great if the rules were similar, but I can understand if they're not. Now, Japanese language's structure sentence is completely different from an English one (just take the は as probably the best example) and sentence can be made in a really screwed up way. Now, I can't say I've read enough, but I'm either seeing no commas at all (or, as you've shown, there are implied ones) or there are various rules I cannot really grasp, as I've seen people putting them in places I would not expect them to. That's why I'm curious. In fact, comma was (probably, correct me if I'm wrong) adapted to the Japanese from a western practice and they had to figure out how to make it compatible with their sentence structures. And that's what I'd like to learn.

>> No.17493500

English is one of the few languages with useful conventions on where punctuation goes like this. And the further you go from European languages the fewer conventions there are.

>> No.17493512

So, are there any in Japanese? Or are commas just a way to emphasize a clause, subsentence or a short break the speaker made?

>> No.17493514
File: 124 KB, 600x338, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「きょうは三回は、いったよ」に みえた
いもうとが schlickしたのかと おもった

>> No.17493575 [DELETED] 

>tfw lived here for nearly 2 years now

Finally finished Genki 1, I know about 200 kanji, started weekly lessons and taking N5 in December.

Figured some formal studying might come in handy with my only training so far having been random izakaya convesations with drunk ojisans, finally feel I am gonna make it /djt/

>> No.17493584

>tfw lived here for nearly 2 years now

Finally finished Genki 1, I know about 200 kanji, started weekly lessons and taking N5 in December.

Figured some formal studying might come in handy with my only training so far having been random izakaya conversations with drunk ojisans, finally feel I am gonna make it /djt/

>> No.17493587
File: 76 KB, 600x847, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

母音の後の促音はglottal stopです

>> No.17493603

>people having problems pronouncing shit like あっ
>I still don't know how to pronounce あ゛or え゛
When I try my throat tells me I should stop or I may damage it.

>> No.17493620

what the fuck is this and is it bait? (you)

>> No.17493633

What's a ダニニダ? Jisho isn't helping.

>> No.17493637

How do apply a dakuten to a vowel?

>> No.17493639

They're just altered vowel sounds.

>> No.17493644

How do you alter it?

>> No.17493667

I mean, you just type the altered sound. Type ta, get た, type da, get だ

>> No.17493668

Don't respond to things you haven't even read.

>> No.17493672

What the hell are you on about. How do you alter them while speaking.

>> No.17493684


Oh sorry, it's just that あ゛or え゛ was so fucking retarded I was struggling to understand what they actually wanted.

>> No.17493691

まあ確かに、 声門破裂音なので首を絞める感じなんでしょうが
What would you like?
 → ‘what would you…’ふぁっうじゅぅ [wɒʔ wʊdʒu…]
But when I saw him, he looked fine.
 → ‘but when I…’ばっうぇんあい [bʌʔ wen aɪ…]
I met you. → あいめっちゅー [aɪ meʔ juː…] or [...metʃuː...]

>> No.17493735


>> No.17493778

Read more.

>> No.17493791

You know as much as someone who's been studying properly would know in a month. You're not going to make it. Weekly lessons are nothing. Get your shit together.

>> No.17493825

>I am gonna make it /djt/
You CAN learn Japanese!


>> No.17493940

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17494039


>> No.17494097

i recommend you do some grammar guide before you face anki head on

>> No.17494165
File: 87 KB, 379x500, IMG_1276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys helped me get into learning basics when I was a loser in high school, so I'd like to thank the thread for still being one of the constructive places on all of 4chan.

But on the point of Japanese, has anyone used this textbook or seen it around? I've started the Japanese courses at university and it's the book required for the elementary course. I wanted to see if I could find a digital copy to check out, but so far I've had no luck.

>> No.17494182

It's on libgen.

>> No.17494224


>> No.17494260
File: 53 KB, 335x356, IMG_1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!
Completely forgot about libgen. I've been relying on sci-hub for so long now instead.

>> No.17494351

What's libgen?

>> No.17494522

I can't figure out what the の after ホテル acts as in this sentence: あの方にホテルの行き方を教えないんですか。

Any help appreciated, thank you!

>> No.17494529

The way to the hotel

>> No.17494551
File: 1.49 MB, 1024x641, 1502990557012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harder than dies irae

>> No.17494557

haha look a bunch of kanji very difficult hehe
except wait no its not

>> No.17494602

I know a good amount of Kanji but I still can barely read or listen to anything because Hiragana, with the actual pronunciation of the words seem much more important than the actual Kanji pictograms. I'm considering making a modified 2k anki deck to do in conjunction with my normal one with Hiragana and audio on the front with English translation, sentence, and kanji on the back. Would this be a good idea? Has anyone done something similar?

>> No.17494610
File: 446 KB, 1024x576, 1502991324647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dies irae is hard

>> No.17494620

What the hell are you smoking, you're gonna die before you learn Japanese this way. It's not only gonna be harder, Yotsuba&! will be the only thing you'll be able to read. Don't do it.

>> No.17494680

Then how do I learn the pronunciation when it seems really important but all Anki is teaching me mainly is Kanji?

>> No.17494709

What's really important are words, not their representation, be it kanji or hiragana. Core2K is teaching you those words. You're supposed to learn both how to write them and how to read them. When you look at a card, figure out its meaning. There's a lot of material that doesn't use furigana. Don't depend on it. Besides, it will be easier to you to associate Japanese words with meanings (in whatever abstract language you're thinking in) and those meanings with readings. At least that's how I do it. Use okurigana only as a help with various declensions, but read the word based on how it is written. And how it's spoken as well, but you're gonna learn it along the way when you do regular Core2K. If it's too difficult for you, consider lowering the workload to e.g. 10 cards a day.

And, believe me, it's way easier to figure out what the word means based on how it looks like than how it sounds like. You're gonna find that out soon enough.

>> No.17494722

And make sure you're answering both meaning and reading when doing Anki. Don't go "Easy" just because you know what it means, if you don't know the reading - it's "Again". Do both. It's a hard way, but beneficial for you. Soon you'll find out common reading for various kanji and even phonetic radicals (when they apply, and that's not always the case). After some time you won't even think in terms of "kanji and hiragana", the line's gonna blur and will appear only as a formality.

>> No.17494738

Oh man, graded readers are fun. I know it's probably not the absolute most efficient use of my time, but it's a huge confidence booster to actually be able to read through something without a dictionary in my lap.

>> No.17494745

Graded readers are basically one of the most efficient uses of your time, assuming you're also consuming other content. There's more to learn about Japanese than how many words something uses.

>> No.17494762

Oh, really? That's great, I just assumed they'd be considered too easy to really be valuable compared to struggling through some serious reading.

>> No.17494793

What's a graded reader?

>> No.17494812

Books for language learners, with a deliberately limited vocab level

>> No.17494860

Perhaps in theory, but all the graded readers I found concentrated too much on being easy to give much benefit. If you want your brain to adapt then it's much better to err on the side of being too difficult than too easy.
The fact that they're graded also means the learner is likely to stick at a level where they feel comfortable, whereas they should really be going for a level where they're a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.17494937

I don't think that's likely. There's like 3 books per level uploaded, so I doubt someone's gonna get "stuck at a level".

>> No.17494953

At least for me, reading at a level where I can barely understand half of the material doesn't really make me want to continue reading. Reading is supposed to be an enjoyable experience, so it's in a learner's best interests to read something that they can actually comprehend.

>> No.17494957

I'm surprised there aren't more Japanese graded readers. There is only one set that I know of, and they are ridiculously expensive.

>> No.17494961

I feel like I did a lot today, /djt/.
Not only did I complete my anki for the day, but I also ate an entire pizza and made a bunch of gold on runescape
why is life empty of meaning

>> No.17494970

I know of two sets, but yeah, they're expensive.

>> No.17494972

Mate, all I did today was Anki and reading. At least you played Runescape.

>> No.17495002

Japanese V2K - Visual Novel, Anime, Manga, LN Vocab

>> No.17495034

Either win the lottery or kill yourself.

>> No.17495074

can i do both?

>> No.17495099

Why would you want to kill yourself after winning the lottery? Having no money is the root of all problems.

>> No.17495220

on principle

>> No.17495249

so.. I am about to move to a place with no internet for about a months time and I thought that spending this time could be used learning Japanese so I can read light novels.
But when I try to click the "offline archive" I can't go to the site.

Could some kind anon upload it on some site?

>> No.17495371




>> No.17495375

Is there any way to vnr browser games like kantai or sword boys? I want to use rikai on the dialogue.

>> No.17495377


>> No.17495427

I'm looking for some manga to bumble through. I see Nichijou's on the easy side. Is Helvetica Standard about the same level of difficulty? I didn't see it on the list.

>> No.17495440

Just try reading some of it. This is not exactly rocket science.

>> No.17495448

No. I need validation for everything I do before I can start trying.

>> No.17495449

Does anyone else really hate this reading meme? You don't see the japanese give their 5 year olds a visual novel and tell them to go suck it up.

>> No.17495460

do you want to learn japanese?

>> No.17495466

You are an adult, not a Japanese child.

>> No.17495482

dont worry it doesnt produce results and thats really the only metric you should go by
if youre still enough of a sucker then you deserve to have your time wasted
advocate for yourself and rise above the influence of this bad thread and youll be okay
otherwise youre just another bug that flies into the zapper

>> No.17495501

I haven't finished Tae Kim and can read よつばと fine. Just look up grammar points and words you don't know, you'll eventually get used to it. The only way you'll be able to read is by reading

>> No.17495506

Same here. I can read pretty much anything with grammar dictionary and a japanese to english dictionary.

>> No.17495535

You don't see anybody doing that. I know you're trying to be funny with hyperboles, but notice how people recommend Yotsubato, not starting with a VN.

>> No.17495548

This happens for some words because it could sound like an m. Ex: tenpura as "tempura." denpa as "dempa."

>> No.17495565

If you don't understand the answer then you're not at the point where knowing the difference matters.

>> No.17495566

I'm reading through Yotsubato and making some OK progress however I face two problems, for one a few of the handwritten hiragana are very different from the print ones, this is compounded by the fact that I found no high quality raw, making reading furigana difficult. Can anybody point me to some hq yotsubato raws? tips for identifiying handwritten hiragana?

>> No.17495573

>tips for identifiying handwritten hiragana?
I've read the entire volume 1 and had no problems at all, can you post examples of the ones you can't understand?

>> No.17495574

how many lines can a VN go without using なんだか?

>> No.17495578

10, japanese law, sorry

>> No.17495580

I've heard a gaijin on /int/ say that sempai was familiar and senpai was not. Was he completely full of shit?

>> No.17495581

Of course written hiragana is different than computer fonts. Do you actually write double-storey As?

>> No.17495583

completely full of shit


>> No.17495590

Good to know. It had really thrown me off.

>> No.17495594

Holy shit, I thought this place is hell. /int/ sure found a way to surpass us.

>> No.17495604
File: 226 KB, 637x624, 1462299703552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17495613

100% accurate. stop rubbing in /int/'s superiority.

>> No.17495620

None I don't understand, just ones that make me doubletake. I realize that it isnt that much of a problem and will probably go away with some more exposure. I was just momentarily frustrated, sorry for that. My point about HQ raws still stands, the furigana are very painful to read, especially when they have diacritics.

>> No.17495626

Of course they have conventions or guidelines on where they go. And despite what your 70 year old handbook says, all we have in English is guidelines on good style too.

Try searching 句読点 正しい使い方 or something to see what Japanese people say rather than asking a bunch of baka gaijin that have been learning for a year or two. If you can't read what they say in Japanese, you have more important things to worry about.

>> No.17495641

The よつばと in the CoR is the best copy I've found so far.

>> No.17495683 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 651x651, IMPORT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump limit reached.
new thread

>> No.17495919
File: 72 KB, 800x600, Iä! Iä!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katakana is the worst.

>> No.17496023

Where can I find the Mahoujin Guru Guru manga? The CoR doesn't have it and there's no way I'll be able to understand the anime without Japanese subtitles.

>> No.17496050

looks like youre fucked amigo

>> No.17496077

reading doesnt do shit. you need to learn kanji and vocabulary and grammar

>> No.17496079


>> No.17496083

reading is the only thing that works but it only works if you're doing it because it's fun

>> No.17496100

Too bad everything I want to read doesn't exist anywhere or is impossible to comprehend at my level.

>> No.17496110

maybe you should look harder, either there's something out you'd enjoy reading but just don't know it yet or you're at such a low level that any amount of reading (even if you don't like it) would be helpful

>> No.17496124



>> No.17496137


>> No.17496164


>> No.17496174

If you could already completely comprehend it then you wouldn't gain anything by reading it in the first place.

>> No.17496182


>> No.17496192

Of course you would, just not if it's way below your level. There's a very big difference between apparent complete comprehension and your brain having a full grasp on all the unknown cthulhu-esque linguistic details at work.

>> No.17496238

Perhaps you're replying to the wrong post? I don't seem to have written the word "apparent".

>> No.17496253

It was implied by the fact that you said "complete comprehension". There's no such thing as actual complete comprehension.

>> No.17496294




>> No.17496447

What should I do for learning words? Anki is good for Kanji but I need to know actual words for Hiragana and anime

>> No.17496477

>Read the guide before asking questions.

>> No.17496494

I read the guide that's why I'm doing Anki and studying grammar. I tried to read Yotsuba according to the guide but I can't understand a word because I only learned Kanji, not the actual words and I want to know how I can learn the words necessary to comprehend stuff

>> No.17496505

You probably fucked up and downloaded a kanji deck thinking kanji are words. You want to memorize words, some of which are written in kanji, not kanji, which are just characters, not words.

>> No.17496527

here this should help you out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnKKoh_jomE

>> No.17496528

I got the core 2k, 6k but it tests Kanji recognition

>> No.17496551


It should be testing words with like 出来る on the front and something like "できる / can do, be good at" on the back. This is normal. 出来る is the "actual word" and is how you need to learn it to comprehend stuff.

If you're talking about long strings of hiragana like 食べられなければならない you have to learn those as you go because they're very common and easier to learn through exposure than flashcards.

>> No.17496564


>> No.17496565

Then I guess I study it "normally" then. Hiragana's just a bit confusing but if you're correct then I'll just learn it as I go.

>> No.17496571

The only thing worse than responding to a troll is waiting for other stupider people to fall for the troll and start shitposting when they realize it's a troll.

>> No.17496580

trolling is against the rules please dont troll

>> No.17496584

Are you sure you're responding to the right post?

>> No.17496585





>> No.17496591

stop trolling please

>> No.17496596

I think you misread my post dude.

>> No.17496600


>> No.17496606

just please man no troll we just wanna benkyo our flashcards in peace

>> No.17496625


>> No.17496651


>> No.17496669

Please recommend me something to read. Anything at all. I'm just going to fucking read it and not complain.

>> No.17496676
File: 353 KB, 2518x1024, learner_vs_polyglot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496680

you dont want anything from that guy trust me

>> No.17496690

Zettai Reiiki.

>> No.17496715

I don't think this image is that great but the "Well-versed in the phonology of PIE" bit is fantastic, at least.

>> No.17496722

whys that green nigga only got 1 giant nut

>> No.17496738

That's his dick, it's tucked down so it covers the nuts.

>> No.17496755

wait so hes like fucking his own ass?

>> No.17496771

If you have a big dick then sticking it up your own ass is only natural.

>> No.17496890

>fish hat with gopro

I like this image.

>> No.17497223





>> No.17497269

I will be attending a language school in Japan in a couple of weeks, and I need to know a vast amount of vocabularies and grammars in a short amount of time so that I will not be placed at the beginner level. Any recommendation anons? I'm going through core10k right now, and will start dojg deck shortly. Is it acceptable if I just power through the new cards (while ignoring the reviews on the next day)?

Any tips on the listening practice would really help also..

>> No.17497279

why not just take the courses appropriate for your level instead of trying to cram random shit which wont help you in the least when you arent studying how to apply them

>> No.17497286

Cramming flashcards might help you on the placement test but it sure as hell won't magically make you able to follow classes above your level.

>> No.17497294

reminder to study phonetics to get a native sounding pitch accent

>> No.17497296

time and money constraint? I only have 6-12 months of learning, and if possible, I would like to start somewhere around N3, and finish the program around (early) N1 level. I know most anons here do not like to use JLPT as level, but I don't know any other way to measure our Japanese level..

I don't mind struggling and being the dumbest kid at the class - this, at least, would motivate me to study harder.

>> No.17497316

i guess if you want real results in 2 weeks you need to get a tutor and fully communicate to them where you are in terms of competency
if youre just bouncing around doing flashcards and random shit on the internet youre not gonna be testing out of anything and starting from wherever your real competency is at

>> No.17497350
File: 102 KB, 299x299, kobayashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does takiya from miss kobayashi's dragon maid use the term 'deansu'? I've been trying to find answers online but nothing explaining 'ansu' came up.

>> No.17497352

That makes sense. I will use service like italki to find a tutor then.

>> No.17497358

is that laoshu505000?

>> No.17497362

post a video clip of it

>> No.17497370

It's でやんす IIRC.

>> No.17497376


>> No.17497378

Meant for >>17497350

>> No.17497380

There's no point for me, I can't even use the stress accent in my own language. I speak in a permanent monotone.

Is there even a resource out there which tells you which pitch to use for every word?

>> No.17497383

its this >>17497370 and its a common trademark for jizz mopper characters

>> No.17497391

Thanks guys!

>> No.17497395

It's archaic kansai-ben for 「であります」.

First fucking result in google. Get your shit together.

>> No.17497410

its cool that you want to show off your google sleuthing skills but what good does that do for someone who doesnt understand the implications around that manner of speaking

>> No.17497425

There are no "implications". He's just a dorky character talking like a cringey dork.

And I'm not showing anything off. He said he searched online trying to find out what であんす meant when it's literally explained in the first result in Google. What the fuck.

Anyway, I'm out of here before I get dragged into one of the pointless flame wars that DJT loves. Ciao.

>> No.17497427


>> No.17497439

lmao 毎度でやんす

>> No.17497456

It is a combination of a bunch of polyglots I think. The hat is obviously from him though.

The speaking from day 1 is Benny.

>> No.17497493




>> No.17497532

and lessons on phonetics

>> No.17497557

language arts

>> No.17497592


>> No.17497600

I'm 2 months in. I have a 46 day perfect streak of Anki going. I've read through Tae Kim and watched all 50 of Steve sensei's videos. Unfortunately my reading is very erratic. Some days I will read for 5 hours and some days I will do Anki and not much else. For the next 30 days I'm not going to miss a day of reading and see how much I improve.

>> No.17497610



>> No.17497721
File: 196 KB, 380x459, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english class

>> No.17497746

Just be careful you don't burn yourself out. It's important to take breaks, too.

>> No.17497762



>> No.17497770
File: 82 KB, 312x338, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me with this kanji

>> No.17497778


>> No.17497803

Go slower is what it means? OK, thanks.

>> No.17497834

Looks like someone fucking up writing 激しい

>> No.17497840

Thank you. Would you say that that's a realistic depiction of sexual dialogue in Japanese?

>> No.17497844

50,000,000 Porn Artists Can't Be Wrong

>> No.17497934



>> No.17498075

Is it worth to fill my anki deck with stuff from the Bakemonogatari novels?

>> No.17498220


>> No.17498239
File: 64 KB, 605x815, 32dftjdrh-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3階級も上のちゃ 偉い人なの

>Compared to the Starless peasant students like us, he's a super elite who's three whole ranks above us!

can somebody explain from what this とっちゃあー is derived?
this is the "compared to" i guess isnt it?

>> No.17498242


>> No.17498268



>> No.17498272


>> No.17498338


>> No.17498346

>Only on ten cards per day because that's all my brain can handle.
>Can't remember 7 of them no matter how hard I try, sleep on it.
>Practicing them now, still can't remember them.
>After writing them out ~20 times each, sleep and caffeine, still can't remember them.
>Not even complicated shit, I'm on the 200th card.

Looks like I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.17498361


>> No.17498368

You're not going to remember them all, but you should aim to at least remember most (you don't want to pile review cards). Try different methods anyways, find what works well with your brain. I tend to remember things by reading them in context through example sentences, and looking at different vocab with the same kanji to see if there's a correlation in meaning.
Anki is only a supplementary tool anyways, you don't need it if it's really not working for you. Reading is what's important.

>> No.17498387

I should probably pay more attention to the example sentences. I do the kanji thing as well and I like to make notes of little cognitive strategies to remember the word, but this lesson was hell. I really struggled with things like 遠い and 長い because I couldn't think of anything to remember them with and none of the kanji was really familiar. Learning stuff in a vacuum with no context is my absolute weakness, and yesterday's lesson was the epitome of how bad it can get for me.

>> No.17498391


Just try and take it ez. Bring it down to 5 cards per day if you have to.

>> No.17498444

Maybe try individual kanji study? Many people don't need it, but it's basically the same thing you're doing: making mnemonics for these alien symbols.
Most people recommend the Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course (available in the CoR).

>> No.17498495

Why do both manga raws and official e-manga have to be of so terrible quality?

>> No.17498507
File: 397 KB, 483x6095, 20170818漢字.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my own deck for this purpose. I used KKLC, now I'm halfway through mining KLD and various other stuff I encounter while reading. And I mined the traditional forms independently, along with few variants. Pretty much any time I encounter a new kanji I'm adding it to a queue and I update my deck once a month. My goal right now is getting all Level 1s used in Fate/stay night, and after that - to complete the kanken set. After that probably goes the whole JIS, hell, might even do the whole Unicode while I'm at it. The worst thing is with kokuji - most of them are on higher Unicode planes and Python developers were so retarded they locked on two bytes UCS instead of full four bytes. Well, there is a switch to compile Python with full UCS support, but I don't have time right now to play around with it. So there are some problems with displaying them and putting them on the grid.

The squared ones in the last section are the "Compatibility Ideographs", they are ignored by the default grid addon.

So yeah, if it helps you - KKLC is a way to go. It does help me, I have no problems whatsoever with learning new words.

>> No.17498508

Is there anything like irc or some other popular mass chat in Japanese? I'm too autistic to talk to other people, so I thought it'd be nice to idle in such a chat.

>> No.17498548

twitch has plenty, exclude languages other than japanese and sit in a high view count one

>> No.17498556

Can I learn Japanese with Kancolle?

>> No.17498559

So katakana is basically like hiragana? Just another chart which looks pretty much the same only with new symbols?

>> No.17498561


>> No.17498569

Bingo. Historically it's been used as okurigana and particles (as well as furigana), right now it's used as transcriptions of foreign words. You'll also see it transcribing Chinese readings of various kanji in dictionaries. Learn it well, because you might not have as much exposure to it as you will have with hiragana.

>> No.17498613

Another quick question then, do you still use we and wi in katakana? I heard they're outdated in hiragana.

>> No.17498645

Nope. It's usually ウェ, with a small エ after ウ. Well, you still can use it, hell, you can still encounter it sometimes. Just be sure to read ヱ as エ, like in the original kana orthography. Same with ヰ. But don't wrap your head around it right now, you probably won't read any edgy light novels as your first reading material. And I don't suppose you want to learn by reading the first Japanese Bible transcript. So, the answer: you don't use them. But research the historical orthography in the future, after you can use the language. Hope that helps.

>> No.17498655

Yes, thank you very much!

>> No.17498670



>> No.17498962

Tae Kim says that このテレビ番組はまだインターネットで見る事ができません。= Not able to watch this TV show on the internet yet.

Doesn't the まだ cancel out the -ません? If the まだ was completely left out would it mean the same thing (minus the 'yet')??

>> No.17498968

>cancel out
What do you mean? No.
>If the まだ was completely left out would it mean the same thing (minus the 'yet')??

>> No.17498981

まだ and ません agree, not cancel out.

まだXない・ません = not yet X
まだXる・ます = still X

>> No.17499052


>> No.17499139

What does the yuu in toyuu mean????

>> No.17499150

'snuff you out'

>> No.17499200


>> No.17499318

A lot of the DL links on the guide's manga reading page seem to be broken. Is there some other place I should be using?

>> No.17499408

Alright, either I'm retarded or other people have this problem too.
How the fuck do you know when a word is over?
I mean I'm just starting with the reading to check a bit of my hiragana, but I guess this doesn't work out when I know like no words at all

>> No.17499413

>I guess this doesn't work out when I know like no words at all
You found your answer.

>> No.17499471

>Alright, either I'm retarded

>> No.17499474

Also, some basic grammar rules would help. Watch out for particles, は is read as わ in some contexts. Read at least the first chapters of Tae Kim if you want to go full reading and no grammar.

>> No.17499482

Guys, how much time did you spend trying to figure out meaning of longer sentences (which appear quite incomprehensible to me atm) when you were beginners?

Is it better not to sweet it and be content with whatever I understand?

>> No.17499512
File: 43 KB, 399x388, 1407677487562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hear card audio
>dont remember word

>see kanji
>remember word

what do you press?

>> No.17499539


Or make 2 card types, to test listening and reading separately.
see also rule 4:

>> No.17499574

I depends, but as a rule of thumb it's probably best not to spend more than about 10 minutes, including googling stuff and reading your grammar reference.

>> No.17499781
File: 611 KB, 815x1040, suri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually not very long unless I thought it was an important sentence.

If I can't figure something out I just come here and ask. Like this sentence where I didn't know what すり was. It was 擦り.

>> No.17499810

Not the person you're talking to, but thank you for posting this. I didn't know this program existed (don't feel confident enough for VNs so I didn't research it), but I downloaded it and I'm having so much fun with it now.

>> No.17499840 [DELETED] 

New thread:

>> No.17499846

Read the guide and use the less shitty thing there.

>> No.17499857
File: 818 KB, 1920x1041, Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an old screenshot. Now I use the Firefox setup from the guide.

>> No.17499863

I'm looking further into it and there seems to be an absolute plethora of resources there. What do you recommend for someone who isn't currently playing VNs, but keeps a Word document of sentences they don't understand that Jisho doesn't make a lot of sense for?

>> No.17499868

One might even call it a... cornucopia of resources.

>> No.17499879
File: 31 KB, 599x537, B7Qw4wTCUAIGxUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let this happen.

>> No.17499917

I'm having trouble trying to grasp the meaning behind this sentence from Hohoemi no Bakudan.

"2つマルをつけて ちょっぴりオトナさ"
"Drawing two circles, I feel just a little grown-up"


>> No.17499921

Thanks for your kind answer, the problem is that my comprehension is still very bad, so if I bothered people here every time I didn't understand something, I would be here all the time.

Let's just hope I'll get better. :D

>> No.17499930

This is according to my dictionary so it could be wrong, but まるをつけて refers to marking something correct with a circle. I don't know the context, but maybe they feel all grown up like a teacher?

>> No.17499936

Just roll with it.

>> No.17499942

Oh, my dictionary failed me on that one. It makes sense within the context of choosing from two places. It's the opening theme for Yu Yu Hakusho by the way. Thank you anon!

>> No.17499950

どっちだろう 泣きたくなる場所は
2つマルをつけて ちょっぴりオトナさ

Forgot to put the whole sentence

>> No.17500088

fellas, is it okay to stop repping because you kept studying from more than 5 hours? (6 pm - 1 am)

>> No.17500216

the author made a youtube series basically making the book obsolete, unless you want to follow the lections with the book, which is not necessary


>> No.17500262

that dudes ultimate cringe despite pretty much knowing his shit

>> No.17500282

its still a good substitute if you dont want to buy the book and as you said he knows his shit in general. he is kind of annoying but its not that bad.

>> No.17500295

he's a goofy guy

reminds me of m0e

>> No.17500319 [DELETED] 

Why are you so rude? The person went through a lot of trouble to provide you with quality knowledge that is not easily obtainable... and you call him annoying? What country are you from that people have no manners? America?

>> No.17500328 [DELETED] 

im sorry i hurt your feelings you niggerfaggot. is that better? jeeze

>> No.17500330 [DELETED] 

i skimmed through a couple other videos on his channel and he is cringy as hell but i think its your problem that you cant keep his work itself separate from the criticisms about the person that are unrelated to the work no?
what country are you from that you project this hard onto others over harmless comments? america?

>> No.17500340 [DELETED] 

The only people who call others "niggerfaggots" are edgy teenagers and manchildren.

>> No.17500347 [DELETED] 

Look all I'm saying is you should be grateful there's kind people out there willing to share their knowledge and teach you things... But judging by your behavior you must have been the kind of kid who would say "I hate my parents" when you were younger.

>> No.17500355 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 615x280, used-tv-cinema-projector-dark-350886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17500360 [DELETED] 

it was supposed to be edgy and exaggerated, do you not understand why?

just shut your stupid whore mouth. In terms of offensive and ungrateful comments, "annoying" is probably the least offensive thing anyone could say. And wtf are you even saying, i cant comment on a teachers personality because he gives me free knowledge? Have you not seen Whiplash?

>> No.17500365
File: 1.02 MB, 1084x1600, 絶対☆霊域_1_041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unsure what he means when he says "後藤ことごっちんです"
後藤 is obv his name
こと -> this is what I'm unsure about
ごっちん is a nickname

So what exactly does こと do here? I mean, I get the gist either way, but I figured I might as well ask you sages.

>> No.17500373

>8. alias; aka; nickname; alternative name; also known as
>​Usually written using kana alone, esp. as AことB or AとはBのことだ (A alias, B formal)

>> No.17500376
File: 60 KB, 407x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17500386

Thanks. I was using the big epwing dictionary and didn't find it. This is very shameful, but I promise I'll do better next time!

>> No.17500389 [DELETED] 


>> No.17500436

Started reading recently, i legit feel like i'm bullshitting out of the language using jisho. Feels like i'm translating every word, not caring about their japanese counterparts and trying to make sense of phrases somehow.
Gotta ditch that habit.
By the way i was searching for DJT in the catalog and there's a follow-up thread (>>17500407) up for some reason.

>> No.17500440

Whoever posted that "followup" thread is a tryhard that wants to be the one to make the new thread and insert /r/visualnovels's guide into the OP.

>> No.17500669
File: 246 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170818-173116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the difference here had they used 必死に instead?

>> No.17500696

Google 必死に.

>> No.17500892
File: 192 KB, 558x317, knvR8ZM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone here derive meaning from this or is it just gibberish?

>> No.17500893
File: 440 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170818-192320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cool grammar points going on here

>> No.17500906


This word definitely has the weirdest jpod audio recording I've encountered so far. Makes me wonder what kind of system they had set up for recording all those thousands of words.

>> No.17500907

That's a vertical text from left to right, yes?
僕が…入部して…やれる etc. Can't read all that but I think it makes sense

>> No.17501136

As I understand it, に makes an adverb whereas で makes a context. In that light, it seems like に would associate 必死 more closely with the verb, whereas で applies it more or less to the whole situation?

>> No.17501261

How do you learn 漢文

>> No.17501280

I don't get it. Should I just learn the vocab from the tim kae guide and then go to anki? or should I do both at the same time?

>> No.17501299

I never actively learned the vocab in tae's guide, just studied how the grammar worked and left the vocab for anki

>> No.17501313


>> No.17501427 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501440 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501444 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501450 [DELETED] 

>tfw mftw /djt/ is a cool meme kanji rtk place
learning Kanji isn't even cool.
you can't learn /japanese/
できない as we say in /djt/

>> No.17501453 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501464 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501469 [DELETED] 


>> No.17501470 [DELETED] 

できないごぞいます!www :D /djt/ わかこいい!!!

>> No.17501476 [DELETED] 

Can I request a translation? I have no interestest in "otaku media".

>> No.17501502 [DELETED] 

Of course. We here at /int/ i mean /djt/ have no interest in it either

>> No.17501505 [DELETED] 

i press /int/ myself. what about other /anons/ in /djt/?

>> No.17501509 [DELETED] 

it appears the post you were replying to has disappeared along with several others i wonder whats going on

>> No.17501513 [DELETED] 

yeah... we on /int/ actually make fun of it on a daily basis.
i'm sure you know all about it since you're from /djt/ yourself.

>> No.17501514

the dies irae anime premiering this fall is probably going to be the hardest anime of all time

>> No.17501515

Learning vocab from Tae Kim isn't super necessary, just use rikai or whatever your preference is to look up the words as you go. Your main goal with it is just grammar. Grind thru core2k on the side.

>> No.17501516 [DELETED] 

this is actually correct. people on /int/ having being saying it for a long time. i'm glad /djt/ is catching up

>> No.17501521 [DELETED] 

i love grinding thru /int/ myself actually. core2k? nahh... not so much

>> No.17501525 [DELETED] 

i agree... we have been discussing /anime/ a lot on /int/ lately. wanna join us?

>> No.17501531 [DELETED] 

i'm /wondering/ here... what could it /be/?

>> No.17501532
File: 952 KB, 1920x1080, 1473946721618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best, anon!

>> No.17501536

I think he's a pretty cool dude.

>> No.17501537 [DELETED] 

>Looks like I'm not gonna make it.
same here /int/ bro.
looks like that /dekinai/ feel has has finally disappeared...
you feel it too, don't you?

>> No.17501540 [DELETED] 

i actually love /cringe/ myself too.

>> No.17501542 [DELETED] 

int doesnt need my assistance they all know japanese but see people here post shit like this and i constantly have to rush to their aid >>17501532
hey dude i dont think the chinese or whatever words mean the same thing as the english ones it appears youve been trolled by whoever created that image just letting you know

>> No.17501552

hello your image has some rather fucked up japanese in it that doesnt mean anything close to the english phrase below it and i just wanted to give you a heads up in case you didnt know
