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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1020 KB, 2048x1152, 1499528253630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17422134 No.17422134 [Reply] [Original]

C92 is almost upon us.

Are your catalogs marked and your routes planned yet?

>> No.17422166

Just started digging into the catalog, finally a non-overtime week. Why the fuck is everything I want on Sunday?

>> No.17422188

yeah, i've made a list of things i'll order as soon as they appear on mandarake/nagomi/yahoo auctions etc.

>> No.17422461

Is there any way to get a shitton of 500 yen coins if I show up on Thursday afternoon, or am I shafted? As I understand it, banks in Japan close at 3 PM for some fucking reason.

>> No.17422626

Are you using any proxy/forwarder?

I used to use goody japan, but since the promotion with toranoana is gone, I'm thinking if there is elsewhere that is cheaper.

>> No.17422659

i use big in japan for surugaya if i order stuff in bulk (10+) and buyee for auctions. mandarake and nagomi don't need proxies or forwarders.

>> No.17422685


Any albums anyone looking forward to this time round?

>> No.17422932

The FELT album seems more interesting than their previous one.

>> No.17422935

Any circles doing touhou 16 arrangements for C92?

>> No.17423013
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Planning to go for the first time.

Do I need to buy a ticket in advance, pay at the entrance, or is it free?

Is everyday basically the same? I don't want to go all three days unless unique things are going on

>> No.17423290

SSH and Aether's new album has a few.

>> No.17423296

It's better if you go next time because it's too late to make plans

>> No.17423764

The new flap+frog has like 1 I think a mix of Etarnity's theme, bit hard to do TH16 arrangements I think when the game isn't even out yet.

>> No.17423810

It's free, all days are different, you're fucked, listen to >>17423296

>> No.17423897

pay for every thing with the biggest bills you have. Train, konbini, drinks, whatever you can think of

>> No.17424129

remember when aether made good music instead of metal?

>> No.17424668

Akatsuki Records looks like they will BTFO everyone this year. Not even a contest.
Demetori is doing stuff again and, unlike last Comiket, this time they decided to actually make a GOOD album
FELT is probably better than the turd they produced last time too

On the other hand:

ENS dropped Chata or whatever for some fucking reason so they are worthless now and should just fuck off
NEETs decided to be worthless niggers and shit out some Cancercolle album only mouthbreathers care about

Still, this Comiket may actually be decent for 2hu music for once.

>> No.17424980

she's probably too busy for the doujin scene anymore
happens a lot when people go mainstream

>> No.17425102

0P2C's vocals for norowareta night sound a lot better than in the past, someone's learning how to sing or learning how to produce her vocals better.

>> No.17425300

Are there any streams where I can watch Comiket from my home?

>> No.17425736
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My work visa ran out 2 weeks ago and I wasn't able to find a new job ...

I had to leave the country.

>> No.17425860

Pv out.

>> No.17425878


Why didnt you apply for an extension while job searching? Immigration almost always grants it if you have funds to sustain yourself.

>> No.17425908

Because I already did that. No luck.

And my pride was in my way too, I wasn't willing to do a kitchen job in some restaurant.

>> No.17425953

Can foreigners even do that shit in Japan? I thought you needed a degree.

>> No.17425974

You can basically add three months at the end of your visa, the tourist visa. You're not allowed to work with that one, but allowed to look for a job and apply for a new working visa in that time.

I bought a fake PhD in meta-physics from the university of Panama-City, that shit basically gets me anywhere I want to go.

Atleast through the formalities of visa. Employers usually notice that it's fake and giving me a hard time getting employed.

>> No.17425983

So you are telling me,doing a kitchen job is beneath you, but paying out the ass for a fake shitty degree is not?

>> No.17425987

Life is funny, isn't it?

I literally bought the PhD for 25 bucks when I was 16 just so I can have the title "Doctor".

>> No.17426057

You could just not put the fake on your resume lol.

>> No.17426677

Do you guys know of any good pickup or proxy services for Comiket 92? Would be nice to know. Thanks.

>> No.17427688
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>> No.17427716

Everything I want is on Sunday also... Planning on getting in early but even then I doubt I'll get everything.

>> No.17427911

Just a few thoughts on the music previews this time round.

-paw - image
-minimum electric design - 0秒の主役
Basically the same group, latter is a non-vocal instrumental only Touhou mix album and the former is the circle name for their original song release. Sounds pretty decent and I know some consider MED incapable of doing wrong.

-foxtail grass studio - あの夏がきこえる。
FGS/hamu is also putting out another original album, this time it's a vocal album which is pretty rare. Not really my cup of tea and I usually love hamu's stuff but some might be interested.

-flap+frog -
New album from flap+frog I believe this is a continuation of what they did with the cirno out series. So if you listened to those albums you might know what to expect.

-Yonder Voice - 星月トラジコメディー
Most noteworthy thing about this album is it seems to contain the full versions of the excellent tracks used for the recent Esoteric Sealed History Touhou anime.

-RD-Sounds - 音 -omoi-
Always a big fan of RD-Sounds works and usually a solid option, this time round it seems to be made up of PC-98 mixes.

-logical emotion - Touhou Project pops arranged instruments8
Marasy's circle normally still putting out some solid piano, drum n bass arrangements. If that mix of Pure Furies is anything to judge by this will be quite a nice little album.

-Sound Refil - 天空海闊
Want to bring some attention to this extremely underrated circle I came across recently and have become fond of. Mostly specialize in traditional instrument type Touhou mixes in the vein of some of O-Life Japan/hachimitsu-lemon's stuff.

-As/Hi Soundworks - 東方の主題によるピアノのための6つのスケッチ
Not sure how people feel about Piano only Touhou albums but I consider Shusetsu Hi;ragi one of the best solo pianists around along with marasy bringing a nice sound.

-Carrotwine. - Lotus Land History -Remilia Scarlet- Symphonie 1 Op.38
New album from ARA and continues their dramatic style Touhou symphonic orchestral mix series. If you're into this kinda thing this is probably going to be your only fix this Comiket since Melodic Taste are only doing a compilation this time round.

-k-waves LAB - 木漏れ日のエデン
Back after a 2 year hiatus with more of their Irish style arrangements, this time its a cover of a smartphone game named Another Eden, pretty nice sound judging from the preview.

-風鈴ぼるけいの / Ringing Volcano - 夢のつづき
Nakazako's Touhou remixes are always plain delightful with a distinctive acoustic sound, one of the few classical contemporary circles who just can not do wrong. Some of these tracks are old and others new, it's split into 3 parts with a instrumental section, vocal section and karaoke section.

>> No.17427922

where do i find a list of circles participating again? im too lazy to google for myself

>> No.17428377

Anything you're referring to in particular?

>> No.17428694

my fellow brother
(this one have more chance to be scanned since it a hentai )

>> No.17428794

>SSH/Aether album
Fuck yes.
Hasn't it been like forever since the last album?

>> No.17428869

When can we expect the upcoming game?

>> No.17429496

stuff like http://vgmdb.net/album/3053

>> No.17430124


>> No.17430126

I watch these every year and end up never playing them.

>> No.17430264
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The number of C92 doujin ‒ publishing groups:
Kancolle 1,802
Touhou 1,290
Touken Ranbu 1,232
Idolmaster 1,108
Type-Moon 930

>> No.17430352

Ctrl-F the thread and no mention of Sakuzyo nor YuC'e. Instead see people mentioning Felt. Why does /jp/ have shit taste?

>> No.17430364

>hurr metal can't be good music
Kill yourself.

>> No.17430371

I don't know how it is with you. But I prefer my music to be without fart noises. Noise is fine. But the fart noises just seem forced and do not sound good. What else do you want me to say?

>> No.17430381

You should visit a doctor if electronic music sounds like fart noises. Either there's a problem with your stomach or your ears.

>> No.17430390

The music you praise is as creatively bankrupt as your jokes.

>> No.17430413

>fart noises

sakuzyo is top tier instrumentals on certain songs, Language was fantastic.

Yuc'e on the other hand is the incarnation of future meme so I guess you might have a point

>> No.17430419

>I am "End"
>not fart noises

>> No.17430459

Is there any source to that?

>> No.17430527

If you gonna call a brother out, what are you looking forward to this C92?

>> No.17430543

Nothing :(

>> No.17430833

The hell happened with Type-moon having less scans than some way years ago?

>> No.17430864


>> No.17431209

>NEETs decided to be worthless niggers and shit out some Cancercolle album only mouthbreathers care about
Well that's a shame.

>> No.17431212

Nice post anon, thanks.

>> No.17431432

They're releasing a Ten Desires jazz album though.
I like how Night Sakura of Dead Spirits sounds.

>> No.17431440

What are your ten desires you dumb NEET?

>> No.17431559


>> No.17432048
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That transition between ''Meh, i'll just get the Felt album, since they always release something'' to ''Oh, hey, Compllege, this might be nice'' to ''Mother fcking Demetori''.

I honestly don't expect much from a Comiket anymore, i think i grew tired of them, but i can't stop getting myself hype every time Demetori releases something.

>> No.17432081
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This's only for reference.


>> No.17432110

If you're going alone and don't have a real plan then you are likely going to just wander around effectively lost, hoping that you bump into stuff that interests you. Either use the web catalog right now to get a rough idea of what you want each day, or get the physical catalog from any of the big stores in Akiba if you get there a day or two early.

>> No.17432165

Seems like Assault Door is finally doing events again after 猫娘's leukemia hospitalization


>> No.17432218

There seems to be a sharp plummeting of circle for 2hu and Kancolle. What happened?

>> No.17432219

They released an album at C91 and a mini album at this year's Reitaisai.

>> No.17432223

I wonder how Kemono Friends did seeing it exploded after the show ended.

>> No.17432236

Too late for summer Comiket. Expect to see the effects in winter

>> No.17432241

is 2hu officially dying?

>> No.17432249

Touhou has been moving to Reitaisai for years. KC is simply loss of interest.

>> No.17432266
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Not exactly on topic, but I feel that you guys might know.

Does anyone know what happened to 回路-kairo-?

They were one of the most solid rock/metal circles out there, but they just vanished at a point.

>> No.17432286

FGO is probably absorbing much of Kancolle.

>> No.17432366

Preview pics are up.

>> No.17432432

In my opinion, he and SSH have been consistently getting better. Some of their earlier albums can be hit or miss, but Deadly Dominance and everything after that were good.
I can't say I don't miss old SSH's music style, though. Those arranges on his website were some of the best.

>> No.17432573

isn't C92 Liz Triangle's last comiket?

got told by a friend that they're planning on showing up to winter comiket

>> No.17432577


Any advice on planning for Day 3? Pretty sure there's no way I'll get everything that I'want, even if I line up through the night...

>> No.17432580

Why must the circle IDs in the web catalog change with every Comiket? I like to make a list with links but the web catalog links stop working with every next Comiket. This is really tiring.

>> No.17432668

That depends on what you want. My day 3 list on the web catalog has 186 entries but there is no way that I'll get all of that - I'll be lucky to get half. The key is to prioritize circles and be flexible.
- Have a route planned out that will let you hit the most important/likely to sell out circles in the best/fastest order.
- Have other circles that are effectively drive-bys on the way from one to another.
- Be ready to say fuck it if a circle has a line that is an hour long if you think you can spend that hour more effectively in other lines.
- Pay attention to the homepages/twitter of circles you care about. Some of them will post saying that their stuff is going to be offered at the big stores in Akiba and elsewhere following comiket, so you may be able to skip them entirely during the event in favor of other circles.
- Always have a Plan B if something goes wrong. If a circle sells out while you're waiting or you decide to skip it, make sure that you know exactly where you're going next.

>> No.17432687

If you have an account then it saves your previous favorites from one event to another. There is also an catalog archive for previous events https://webcatalog-archives.circle.ms/

>> No.17432698

If I understand correctly, at least the basics are translated right? Can I buy the game online? I have a soft spot for games like these.

>> No.17432898

Anyone ever try picking up fujos/cosplay girls at comiket?

>> No.17432983
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Why would you assume anything is translated? Chances are most of them won't even without japanese unicode and locale set.
There are games that are out on/have demos on Steam with English versions, but those are rare. You might be able to get others online on DMM or Playism. You can check the page for the official sites which might have links.

>> No.17433317
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"My name is ZUN, king of kings:
Look on my dojin works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

>> No.17433335

does anyone want to fuck while cosplaying 2hu

>> No.17433373

as a black jewish pansexual faggot, yes

>> No.17433383

The 2hu exclusive events are getting bigger so some are focusing more on those and also a lot of the porn doujin are moving onto the next big fad and porn tends to pad out the numbers a lot.

>> No.17433458

These previews are really good, I'm excited to hear the full releases.

>> No.17433484 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to mention some other album preview I spotted announced at the last minute worth noting in addition to the thoughts earlier on.

-Fox Laboratory/狐の工作室 - 喫 茶 紅 魔 館
One of my favourite circles, Mizuhashi Yuki always puts out some solid instrumental orchestral albums. This is the first album from in over a year or more and continues their Cafe/Bossa Nova line of albums with a EoSD cover.

-アニマトニス Visu - Ember Soul
An original endeavor album by Tokine of Maikaze most will know better as being behind the Touhou Summer Day Dream anime, one thing that can be said is they put out some very nice music.

-荒御霊/AramiTama - 塞神奉納
I think this is a lesser known circle? I'm not quite sure, but they normally put out some pretty interesting chillout/'deep' electronic Touhou music. This time round it's a instrumental cover of MoF it's really something you can listen to and spaceout.

No idea, from what I can see is the same as what you mentioned. They just completely ceased any signs of life after 2014, everything related to them has just been abandoned for the last 3 years.

>> No.17433513
File: 153 KB, 1200x800, DGda2oJVYAA4yfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to mention some other album preview I spotted announced at the last minute worth noting in addition to the thoughts earlier on.

-Fox Laboratory/狐の工作室 - 喫 茶 紅 魔 館
One of my favourite circles, Mizuhashi Yuki always puts out some solid instrumental orchestral albums. This is the first album from in over a year or more and continues their Cafe/Bossa Nova line of albums with a EoSD cover.

-アニマトニス Visu - Ember Soul
An original endeavor album by Tokine of Maikaze most will know better as being behind the Touhou Summer Day Dream anime, one thing that can be said is they put out some very nice music.

-荒御霊/AramiTama - 塞神奉納
I think this is a lesser known circle? I'm not quite sure, but they normally put out some pretty interesting industrial/chillout/'deep' electronica Touhou music. This time round it's a instrumental cover of MoF it's really something you can listen to and spaceout.

No idea, from what I can see is the same as what you mentioned. They just completely ceased any signs of life after 2014, everything related to them has just been abandoned for the last 3 years.

>> No.17433721

Is there any place to download discographies? I lost part of my collection, so having to download twenty or so albums individually is a pain.

>> No.17434061

KC has to compete with the new mobages, since they share the fanbase.
Touhou has many more focuses events one of which is big, and also has to compete with of course to flavor of the year attractions.

Also overall, comiket numbers are about who gets more porn more than anything.

What happened to grandblue anyway? Dead already as soon FGO appeared?
Didn't it have a pretty big impact in the previous C or do I remember things wrong?

>> No.17434065

Why the fuck would you want to try picking on a fujo or cosplayer?

>> No.17434359

Why pick up a cosplayer when you can just pay them to let you nut on their pancake asses in public

>> No.17434814

Anon, 'reclining'

>> No.17434856

For sexual intercourse

>> No.17434934

Please don't forget to buy the last Dorachefu and scan it because that fucker don't want to sell it on the net.

>> No.17435028

Ishikei said he wants to make a touhou doujin.

>> No.17435539

I wonder what goes on through artists minds when someone who they know can't read their books is buying them.

>> No.17435614
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Something like this.

>> No.17435697

"Fucking scanners" [in Japanese]

>> No.17435719

Canadian here. Any Canadians willing to share their experience bringing doujins(loli/shota or not) back? Am I completely fucked and should resort to shipping or just flat out give up?

>> No.17435935

Don't do it. You're playing Russian Roulette with customs

>> No.17435968

Doesn't Canadian mail also get inspected? You might have to use DHL or some other courier that's not the postal service.

You could probably pull it off by stuffing a few in the bottom of your luggage underneath your neatly folded clothes, as that'd hardly show up in x-ray (or even worse, stuff it inside of an actual book/magazine) but I'm not sure how Canadian customs works or how invasive the process for re-entry is.

>> No.17436696

wavforme hiked the prices for both of their new releases from 1620 yen to 2160 yen at consignment shops. Back to Summer 2 is really good but PE2 neither looks nor sounds like what a sequel to PE should be. Anyone feel me?

>> No.17437542

ha, pathetic wageslave!

>> No.17437554

Too much self respect to leech or autismbux, too bougie to wallow in filth as a broke piece of shit. Sorry.

>> No.17437704

Every time I see a new Canoue album I'm happy

>> No.17440014

>Assault Door
I want to be hopeful but I haven't liked his recent works.

>> No.17441942 [DELETED] 
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could anyone help a gaijin in need with a translation? i tried the google photo translate thingy but i don't think it gives a proper translation. i would go to wsr but this is comiket related. thanks.

>> No.17442392

Does the same artist always get wall spot at every comiket? Who determines that?

>> No.17442407


>> No.17442460

~ C92 /jp/ Meetup info ~
Place: The Big Saw (Nokogiri)
Time: 4PM or before, all 3 days. (Note: Alcohol consumption likely limited until day 3)

>> No.17442498

thanks anon!

>> No.17443136

Fuck, I completely forgot about ordering k-waves LAB's album.

>> No.17443215


S   S
S     S
Y       Y

>> No.17443684

>tits the size of her head

>> No.17443784

the only good tits are proportionate ones

>> No.17443821

>koishi heart pupils

I'm not ready.

>> No.17443846

whats the best way to keep up with comiket coverage?
are there any live streamers to look out for?

>> No.17448007

So where did you guys buy your folding chairs from?

>> No.17448118

I got mines from Homes. It is a nice camping chair with armrest. It folds up pretty small so it takes up little room in my backpack when I don't need it. It takes up more room than the folding stools most use, but I don't mind. The back and armrest make it way easier to take a nap while waiting in that long ass line.

>> No.17448260


>> No.17448805

Yeah, kinda in the same boat here, just not interested in outsider. On the positive, I can just spend that money on Phant 2 instead.

>> No.17449087 [DELETED] 

Where is the reddit meetup going to be?

>> No.17449119

>What happened to grandblue anyway?
Flavor of the year happened.
While they sitting on the short end of the stick because KanColle keep pumping new boat girls, FGO put the last nail.

>> No.17449853

are people gonna post the queue like last time
those pics full of people is amazing

>> No.17450019

Fellow Canadian here, I've been too scared to bring anything back as I have friends/ family who work at the airport and tell me stories. I figure the risk to reward ratio is too high for my comfort.

>> No.17450062

>work at the airport and tell me stories
post story please

>> No.17450209

I'm still buying it because I like the circle and I want to support the main contributors, but I hope it doesn't set a precedent of inviting people like Aire in to participate. I strongly dislike the kind of kawaii future-bass stuff that he and Ujico put out on Soundcloud, and while I'm reasonably sure that Ujico is able to contain his faggotry from hearing his (solid) work on Faint Light EP, Paranoid Euphoria, and AD Trance 4, I don't know anything about Aire that suggests the same. It worries me.

What doesn't worry me though is Phant 2. Taishi is a genius and I'll follow him to the ends of the earth. Is there anyone better to hear the line "it'll be more on the experimental side this time" from than him?

>> No.17450241
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>> No.17450321

fucking kancolle is killing touhou

>> No.17450519

Do you have numbers for Reitaisai?

>> No.17450570

>Too much self respect to leech or autismbux
Actually, it's rather the opposite, not thinking you deserve the free money. Becoming a slave is rarely a sign of self-respect. Just rephrase it as your respect for others, that should be more fitting and still sounds positive.

>> No.17450575

AFAIK, the organizers decide it based on the current popularity. So an artist can gain or lose a wall spot.

>> No.17450743
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Not too aware of what happens at these, but if you see a confused /p/hag in floral pajama pants, a shirt that reads "THE VULTURE IS HERE" holding a black Leica, I'll share snacks or smokes if you let me take a snapp of you holding all your merch.

>> No.17450764

So do people still camp earliest train to get to the big site?

>> No.17450802

No idea. I'll go down to a station to take a look. Give me like 40 minutes, I have to pick up change on the way. 500 yen coins, right?

>> No.17450902

Anyone got this album?:


>> No.17450951

Am I getting this right?
>West hall is completely commercial stuff now.
>Day 1 and 2 switched so now 1 is games and 2 is fujoshit.

>> No.17450968

Yeah 500.

>> No.17450987


>> No.17451054

I will attend this event
I will go to the battleground tomorrow
Everyone please pray for my safety

>> No.17451062

Don't know how Comiket works, first time and all. Most likely going to wander.
Don't know about day 1 and 2, but day 3 is a yes.

Status: prayed.

>> No.17451097

Is this some sort of meme. I have been flying in and out of countries for the better part of 10 years. Never in any of my times in customs have I ever had my bags checked. All I have even done is fill out the customs card before I land and hand it in once I get off.

Granted I have never went to Canada so I don't know maybe they do it different there.

>> No.17451109

Do people make no more Google files for these events?

>> No.17451151

I saw some fat faggots and some dorky looking guys, but couldn't tell.

>> No.17451172

that was the /jp/ meetup crew

>> No.17451177

Anyone have a link for corporate stuff in West Hall

>> No.17451474


Animator's Dojin.

>> No.17451870

I'll say hi if I see you, I'm a /p/hag too but won't really be shooting. (Fuck lugging my real system around, I'm just bringing my RX100.)

>> No.17452208
File: 363 KB, 1130x1280, 1483906380426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if may be beyond the interest of anyone here, could someone consider finding this 100% orange juice fanart set?

It looks exclusive. The OJ community tries to hunt down all the media from the developers with what power they have.

>> No.17452522

Another Comiket, another comiket sad because no Cirno Racing or Paper Cirno.

>> No.17452529

What site do you guys use to buy Comiket/Reitaisai stuff?

>> No.17452540

I'm kind of a newfag to comiket besides like the really basic shit you learn about it from anime.

Why the desire for 500 yen coins? Do super famous people like ZUN go to comiket? I know people generally buy the guides but I just really didn't feel like spending ~2500 yen on that shit.

>> No.17452589

>do super famous people like ZUN go to comiket
You won't believe it man, but Team Shangai Alice is still considered as a doujin circle.

>> No.17452650

i use buyfags

>> No.17452700

when do doors open? is anyone there right now? i haven't seen any pictures yet.

>> No.17452809

All that tedius hoop jumping to register on circle.ms and the catalog isnt even fucking downloadable? What a load of shit.

>> No.17452896


It wont open until 10am japan time; which is past 6 hours from now. That doesnt mean that there arent already people waiting though.

>> No.17453205

2hu in less than 10 hours!

>> No.17454110

Any video of the first train? I usually watch those for some reason.

>> No.17454114

Trains are p packed but only after 7am

>> No.17454127

/p/hag again, if anyone has a checklist of shit to scan and translate, tell me and I'll try to pick up a copy to bring stateside. Just make sure it's not anything that'll get me cavity searched at the airport.

>> No.17454137

Can it be CDs too?

>> No.17454173



>> No.17454186

oh god i cant fucking move

>> No.17454195

Someone call a doctor.

>> No.17454229
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, Comiket Tycoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17454258

Anyone know any buyers that could take a request to mail onwards?
Will pay handsomely.

>> No.17454261

I'm probably not the only one but I often wonder why their customers aren't treated with more respect. They're the ones buying things after all. What happened to the good old clientèle is king? I guess it's part of the experience. But still. Nice .webm though. Do you mind if I save it?

>> No.17454272

why are you under the impression that the customers aren't treated with respect?

>> No.17454277

>standing in lines for hours just to miss out on an album

>> No.17454303

surly that is a problem that comes down to simple logistics. if everyone could barge into the venue as one giant blob, without people being trampled or fighting each other, you wouldn't be forced to stand in line.

>> No.17454359

It's not a problem of the booths, it's the whole comiket structure being, well kinda shitty, the temperature being a major example

You can't do much about it though due to the sheer numbers, the worst part is probably going back home since you also need to wait a lot in line only to end up like a sardine in the train

>> No.17454368

Is there any live stream from Tokyo Big Sight (to see how weebs are standing in queues)?

>> No.17454395


>> No.17454423

You don't understand.

>> No.17454447

i have been looking and have found nothing.
no periscope or facebook live or anything.

>> No.17454501

Strange, but true. They are too shy to publish live stream.

>> No.17454567

I am headed to the big site
Today is cool and comfortable

>> No.17454575

cool day dude

>> No.17454580


>> No.17454588

ca. 2 hours

>> No.17454627

They are not customers, they are fans. This is not a shop, it is a convention.

If you want to buy doujinshi, they have actual stores and mail-order for that (toranoana, melonbooks, suruga-ya, etc.). And those stores are actually very nice, precisely to entice customers.

A convention, among other things, has a tendency to be a more spontaneous, self-made operation. While Comiket is the exception, most conventions just have the funds to:
1. Make and distribute catalog
2. Secure an appropriate location
3. Do vetting, if need be
4. Any special events particular to the convention
5. Logistics, Emergency services, etc.

>> No.17454628

Add 90 minutes to account for people clearing the game, then posting images of the bosses for Stages 4-EX.

>> No.17454630

>this is not a shop
Stopped reading there

>> No.17454632

It's more just the desire for anonymity, even on a larger scale. Photography is usually forbidden except for the press.

Just imagine your employer (Japanese) seeing that you bought monster-loli-shota-futa-trap-Kancolle doujinshi #429.

>> No.17454637
File: 259 KB, 542x741, Little Ran crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm tired, I don't want this.

>> No.17454645

Then where are the sales staff that have nothing to do with the product being sold?

Is the guy on the highway who is selling corn from the back of his pickup running a shop?

>> No.17454649
File: 218 KB, 900x1200, 1502411137214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

博麗神主 @korindo

>> No.17454651

Its drizzling and my legs are tired and im hungry and theres an autist whos been picking at his shirt and mumbling to himself for the past hour like he's an animu mc behind me who just wont shut the fuck up.

Why isnt this event held at a big field like a music festival or just done online? The venue is way too small for this crowd.

>Photography is usually forbidden except for the press.
They can't fucking stop me

>> No.17454655

You're just setting the conditions at this point.

>> No.17454657

>desire for anonymity
i assumed that is why you see so people wearing surgical masks.
i think it is a common misconception that the japanese are extremely health conscious.

>> No.17454666
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1347325515188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17454674

Some of them really do sound like farts. The intro of シンデレラは魔法使い I didnt like too much, would have been a 10/10 if it didn't have that.

>> No.17454680

For males:
1. Anonymity (not really, needs sunglasses)
2. Because people over there really don't like getting spit coughed upon them. Covering your mouth is ok, but the mask is seen as more sanitary.

For females:
1. Also coughing
2. To hide pimples/makeup issues/etc.

Source: Lived there and asked

>> No.17454682
File: 192 KB, 962x1077, New 2hu checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mima soon

>> No.17454694


Yes, that is generally how you define things, by setting conditions.

A location is not a shop if it does not have the purpose of selling goods at its forefront. And the Tokyo Big Sight is intended to be an exhibition center, which in the case of Comiket, are the circles exhibiting their creations, which can also be bought.

>> No.17454702
File: 2.30 MB, 4096x2304, P_20170811_091943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to those in the lines, hope you lovely people get what you wanted

>> No.17454705

I'm really glad I don't have anything I want to buy for the first 2 days, still dreading lining up on Sunday though.

>> No.17454707

You fucking lying cunt


>> No.17454710

why are there so many flipflop/crocs-wearing virgin neets in japan? that's literally the worst footwear for urban areas

>> No.17454712

Does Antimony of Common Flowers get released alongside HSiFS or at a later event? I gotta start labbing my Reisen/KANAKO (hope) team

>> No.17454724

AoCF isn't even close to done. probably won't be released this year

>> No.17454728

is this oc? post more

>> No.17454733

Does it have a completely new engine?

>> No.17454742
File: 2.43 MB, 4096x2304, P_20170811_094651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17454746

imagine the smell

>> No.17454751

meh. wet otaku probably don't smell as bad as sweaty otaku.

>> No.17454754

Sea breeze and rain is suppressing the smell, will probably get cloudy inside

>> No.17454762

No, probably just a case of him no longer having the free time to work on two games at once. HSiFS just got finished less than a week ago.

>> No.17454773
File: 2.70 MB, 4096x2304, P_20170811_095220_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for y'all, phone battery is getting low

>> No.17454782

thanks for sharing

>> No.17454787

be safe

>> No.17454790


>> No.17454919

>tfw you're just going to comiket because there's nothing else to do on a three day weekend

>> No.17454923


>> No.17454987

>tfw your company gives you entire week from now off but not next friday
I just want to codemonkey

>> No.17455043
File: 541 KB, 1536x2048, exqxGjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 2ch

>> No.17455044

I've never been to Comiket, but I did go to Fancy Frontier in Taipei. It also had a pretty long wait, but the line only started at 12am, and it was only about a 2 hour wait to get in when I got there at ~7AM.

Fun Fact: People could sell their work uncensored there, no gential bars or pixelation.

>> No.17455045

where's my new shitty game, nerds

>> No.17455078


>> No.17455091

I need a stream!
I need a download!
>inb4 the dolphin porn th15 hack again

>> No.17455094

link plox

>> No.17455102

/v/ is early today

>> No.17455103
File: 1.85 MB, 1276x958, I always play on Luneasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the easy neasy heasy luneasy thing killed me

>> No.17455113

Please remove yourself.

>> No.17455157


>> No.17455167

Then find it, no one's stopping you.

Until then, you can assume - WITHOUT SPAMMING THE THREAD - that the link isn't out yet, since people will post immediately after they've found it for the sweet replies.

>> No.17455175

Played the dolphin porn demo again

Thankfully still had it installed

>> No.17455179

fuck /v/

>> No.17455187

Yuuka confirmed?

>> No.17455189

i just wanted the link to the 2ch thread


>> No.17455195

Top right looks dangerously like Stage 6 from LoLK

>> No.17455205

Oh shit, I only just realized those are multiple silhouettes

just slowpoke my shit up

>> No.17455206

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>> No.17455214
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 20170811_105328_319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are really many people
Though it is usual

>> No.17455225


>> No.17455234

Great post, keep up the good work.

>> No.17455241
File: 140 KB, 760x469, SonanoKookie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17455244

Ganbatte kure, onii-sama!

>> No.17455247
File: 788 KB, 853x476, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.17455248
File: 154 KB, 448x252, 1502416810542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will come back.

>> No.17455253

Kamen Rider really stepped up their game, huh

>> No.17455254

I will do my best

>> No.17455257

So, when does it start?

>> No.17455271

it's already over

Mima came back but it was a 3/10 overall

>> No.17455301

Making unfunny Mima jokes is the high point of every Touhou release for me

Please understand during the next few hours

>> No.17455308
File: 62 KB, 600x448, YJSNPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must go lower

>> No.17455311


>> No.17455476

First fakes coming in, still no dolphin porn

>> No.17455495



>> No.17455512
File: 78 KB, 440x396, be8f9ff3ly1fifkdfzmmij20rs0p0h1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not sold this is real

Too much action in this drawing

>> No.17455515

how the fuck did his artstyle get even worse

goddamn was he sober when doing this

>> No.17455570

Looks like this is her EX stage form.
This is the first time the last boss is also the EX stage boss I think.

>> No.17455599


>> No.17455600

hahah just imagine how shit that would be thankfully it's fake, right


>> No.17455617

According to Google Translate, 6th stage boss is also the EX-boss.
This is lazy, ZUN. Junko paired with Hecatia was okay, even fun, but this is just lazy.

>> No.17455621
File: 76 KB, 386x463, be8f9ff3ly1fifkdedcsdj20aq0cvn2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been so desperate for hats that you just found a pair of shoes

>> No.17455633

remind me of MB otohime for some reasons

>> No.17455645

Those are just the Tsukumo sisters playing dress-up

you can't fool me ZUN

>> No.17455656

or yuuka, for god sake

>> No.17455678

it's ogre, it's ogre again

>> No.17455747

Actually, yes. Yuuka was already reintroduced, so it would be even easier to write her into the story.
Also, isn't she the Flower Master of Four Seasons?
And Medicine could be EX-midboss.

>> No.17455809
File: 328 KB, 1286x995, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some screenshots of 4th stage:
Everything marked "New!" is HSiFS screenshot.

>> No.17455817

Why can't the ex boss also be the stage 6 boss? In SoEW, the ex boss was also Rika.

>> No.17455818

Flower master of four seasons only says she has powers over every flower, not seasons, and even then that power is just a consequence of her true power

>> No.17455819
File: 379 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20170810_220059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong? don't you like eggheads ?

>> No.17455838

Any download links yet? One was posted on /v/, but it was just the demo.

>> No.17455855

When a link appears it's obvious it's out

>> No.17455893

See, the problem is that Stage 6 is already pretty good place. Stage 6 bosses have a lot of spellcards, dialogue, backstory and stuff. Making them also an EX-boss is just way too much spotlight.
Rika, meanwhile, was Stage 1 (I think) boss, so it's fine.

>> No.17455924
File: 37 KB, 253x384, be8f9ff3ly1fifkdchoqgj20710aon08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is jinzo statue or something right

>> No.17455930

that link wasn't a virus? why would someone upload the demo?

>> No.17455931
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1600, Seija did nothing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me want to use her as a substitute life

>> No.17455953

i remember someone doing that when 14 came out

>> No.17455961
File: 248 KB, 640x370, dog-whisperer-bitten-jemblog-dot-com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nothing will top LoLK's levels of hype

This game had just a random FS prologue but nothing else, no theories, no marisa death or anything serious.

>> No.17455964

It was just a hacked version of the demo that replaced the first boss's patterns with cp's, amoung other things.
Someone did it for the 16 demo as well.

>> No.17455965

That's what her description said.
Looks like someone was kind enough to give her a hat to protect her from the snow. Although apparently she gained her power from a blizzard.

>> No.17455973
File: 265 KB, 700x700, 1449504144827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolk was nothing but top quality memes the whole way through

this looks like a disappointment in comparison

>> No.17455985


>> No.17456038



>> No.17456055

I wonder if it's the same that appeared in the fairy manga. Also it's pretty interesting a character like this since Eiki said Jizou statues have the potential of becoming Yama

>> No.17456060

>easy mode
what a fag

>> No.17456072

music is pretty bland

>> No.17456084

WAIT, it picked up, it was okay near the end

HAHAHA what the heck is with this boss intro

>> No.17456091

It really is real.

>> No.17456094


Here's the Normal one.

>> No.17456121


>> No.17456133

I like the stage 6 theme.

Nothing I'd listen to, but nothing offensive either, maybe it will remixed into something awesome

>> No.17456136

I-if I did a stream on lunatic when I get the game would /jp/ watch?

>> No.17456149

I would

>> No.17456167

that guy would

>> No.17456172


Jesus Christ Japan, how low can your standards go?

>> No.17456177


Most japs are still on xp systems, what did you expect

>> No.17456182

The background doors opening are such a cool effect

Finall boss mus

>> No.17456191

Hiro, I wasn't finished yet, I know you're friends with ZUN but I won't be silenced

Final boss music is dope

>> No.17456193

>fullscreen mode is only available to premium users

jesus christ the jewry is real

>> No.17456252

Lives are still gained by scoring.
Spell Capture is still unaffected by releases.
And this final card looks even worse than Junko's.

>> No.17456253

Somebody was shilling Akatsuki Records earlier so I went and bought Kill Love Fireproof and The Best, hope it ends up being decent lol.

Anybody know any decent electro-ish albums that are supposed to drop today? I want to buy some more but I'm kind of out of the loop on new Touhou music.

>> No.17456263



>> No.17456268


>> No.17456270

I'll be one of the smaller streams on twitch once it's out. People will probably flood to Yats' stream though because he's actually good. I'll just be casually clearing through lunatic.

>> No.17456277

It's not a bad BGM

Probably the kind that grows on you, I like it

Don't like the literal whos as the midbosses again though

>> No.17456288

but I'm already there

>> No.17456290


>> No.17456302

The robot dictate the comments.

It shoot backwards, and fairies will fire up at you too, so it's needed.

>> No.17456304

Two themes confirmed

Sounds, well, EX-y

>> No.17456309

It also acts like Summer but quicker, it's like Len'en flashbomb.

>> No.17456321

That flashbomb bait spellcard though

>> No.17456328

EX Boss also shoots from underneath you. What a dick.

>> No.17456329

Instead of Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter, Extra has Fifth Season. It shoots back (which is pretty useful in this Extra).

>> No.17456343

Really hating this non-spellcards-stronger-than-spellcards meme

>> No.17456509

He's already beating it, huh

Digging the foot laser though

>> No.17456515

Link fucking where

>> No.17456524

Ex final spell that moves around

now I have seen the image of hell

>> No.17456550



>> No.17456705


>> No.17456880

Didn't expect there to be anyone else who cares about these, haha.

>> No.17456982
File: 55 KB, 605x770, 1498282698360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise Orange Juice and its games!

>> No.17457153

is there a meetup anywhere? ive got 15% battery left

>> No.17457174 [DELETED] 

yo' anyone know something about the link or something?

>> No.17457199
File: 809 KB, 1616x1080, DSC00369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No weeabs yet it seems.


>> No.17457267

Be the weeb you wish to see in the world.

>> No.17457335
File: 679 KB, 1616x1080, DSC00381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now there are

>> No.17457401


Want this album for Jazz Emiya

>> No.17457428

How do you fags going back to the US get 18+ content through customs?

>> No.17457457

The US is fine if you're a citizen.

I literally just threw it into my luggage, waited in line for customs, picked up my baggage, and went home and scanned it.

>> No.17457486

Look at these dweebs

>> No.17457577


>> No.17457652

Sexy underwear, blue spinner.

>> No.17457725

Didnt see any weird gaijin at da big saw.

/jp/ is a 嘘つき

>> No.17457757

Think checks are random? At worst I have one loli piece but I figured they'd just confiscate it

>> No.17457770

What kind of stuff do you find at Comiket?

>> No.17457774

loli isn't illegal. just immoral.

>> No.17457816
File: 97 KB, 720x720, IMG_20170811_163116_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i thought that might be you guys... i sat where the guy in the pink is. oh well

>> No.17457821

Because you're late and we're going to akiba ( kin no kura) right now.

>> No.17457838

Thanks bruh

>> No.17457926

tfw no shibayan electro album ;_;

I just want MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon! to finally come out dammit

>> No.17458038
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1390891011540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 Comiket of no non bossa nova Shibayan

>> No.17458053
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 20170811_172210_483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came back home
Today's booty item

>> No.17458064
File: 2.52 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20170811_165738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys enjoying kancolle market so far?

>> No.17458082

want want want

>> No.17458088


>> No.17458089

I remember someone here saying he talked to Shibayan after buying a copy and he said that Shibayan said the next one should be electro. Nothing on his website yet though. Checked his tweets too.

>> No.17458094

>little shits academia

>> No.17458114

>The venue is way too small for this crowd.
Believe it or not, but Tokyo Big Site is the biggest venue that is available for such convention.

2020 will be particularly shitty since TBS will be used for the olympics

>> No.17458136
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1920, 20170811_173911_726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little witch Accademia in Japan is not very popular
I like it, but

>> No.17458140

Do you guys like live in Japan or travel there for times like these?

>> No.17458601

Travel. I can only make it to summerket anyway.

>> No.17458687

Its an odd fell when i bought the fucking HFiFS in person today, yet pretty much everyone here will play it before i can. All i have in Japan is my phone and i still have a few days beforw i come home.

>> No.17458789

I spent 32k today

>> No.17458799


Whew anon, I spent a about $120 usd and i feel just slightly disgusted at my impulse control....

Hope you got a legendary haul.

>> No.17458836

Was today the touhou day?

>> No.17458849

>disgusted at my impulse control
Exactly what goes through my mind at the moment. My head just went blank and I ended up buying all kinds of trash half of which I can't even remember. Same thing happened in akihabara, this trip is way too expensive.

>> No.17458857

Not even going to try to figure out how many multiples I spent over you guys, but at least most of the expensive commercial stuff I wanted is taken care of now.

>> No.17459090
File: 2.18 MB, 1753x2354, 20170811_203648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to buy some works buy YOKKORA, and have already bought some from Tora. I'll add a picture but, most of the works are A-Okay except for a few, as they have some straight shota. Not like super small shota, but still shota.

What's the best way to go through US customs you think? Checked bag? Carry on? My friend and I had the plan of putting red tape on them as if I just bought them, since they have the sticker of purchase on them and then just tell them I've never opened them if I'm questioned.

I really need some advice on this!
I apologize, and thank you in advance!

>> No.17459113

stop overthinking, nobody's gonna search you

>> No.17459115
File: 488 KB, 1536x2048, n33eXaD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone picks up this guys works. I need more lewd Tokitsukaze.

>> No.17459132

I know, just my first time so I am worried haha. The covers don't even have any shotas on it, it's just bbw hairy girls.

What did your guys loli doujin have? Like straight up on the cover?

>> No.17459145

Couldn't find them, but I did find out where the CD section is. I was going in a loop without realizing it, and I was wondering why all I saw was loli, touhou, and gay porn. I was aiming more for stuff that could be scanned by burgers so people could read them online.

What hall are they in?

>> No.17459208

I think I give up with Comiket, there's nothing I want to buy that isn't in the stores a few days later and all the people and heat makes me feel dizzy and faint

>> No.17459213

some great loli artists/circles I plan to check out Friday

however I don't wanna bring any doujins back into the US. do they have other merch I could maybe ask them to sign?

>> No.17459218

But Friday is finished?

>> No.17459223

This was the most moderate in terms of temperature on day 1 during during a summer comiket in recent memory.

>> No.17459228

fuck. I meant Sunday, sorry. Day 3

>> No.17459246

I know, but all the people moving about makes my eyes go weird and hurts my head

>> No.17459260

I live here.

>> No.17459272

I didn't spend anything other than 450 yen on yakisoba, 100 yen on water and 1000 yen or so for my train...

>> No.17459279
File: 344 KB, 2048x1152, DG7uooAVYAEF7j5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Along with any lewd doujins.

>> No.17459430
File: 514 KB, 700x700, 1480193376572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that Mythology's art piece of Kae

>> No.17459473

But Niconico and Pixiv are 100% japanese products anon! You have to use them!

>> No.17459696

just bring them back to the US

>> No.17459863
File: 3.21 MB, 4500x3000, jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 1 and 2 are relatively subdued anyway (especially 2, since it's fujoshi-day this time).

Day 3 is when stuff gets fun.

>> No.17459883
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 2017-08-11_23.10.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dinner
I will try hard tomorrow

>> No.17459993

>bbw hairy girls
I hope they search you, find them and shoot you. No offense.

>> No.17460072

>that guy in slippers
I am genuinely confused. Why would anyone do this?

>> No.17460172 [SPOILER] 
File: 482 KB, 1980x1114, 1502463345335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, time for loot pictures.

Day 1 loli batch is here. I might upload some of these CDs near Sunday. See you guys on day 3.

>> No.17460293


>> No.17460318

Pixiv is nearly a good artwork website, relative to everything else. Nearly.

Niconico was last competitive with other video sharing sites in the year of your lord 2011.

>> No.17460445
File: 158 KB, 708x1000, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did anyone get this one ?

>> No.17460543

I need to click like three times to get the full image.

>> No.17460565


>> No.17460657
File: 933 KB, 1358x1890, oneshot touhou imizu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad so sad
pic related is a edit of my touhou douijn(touhou souls)

>> No.17460727

>Sawayaka Samehada
>Kedama Milk

Great taste, mate.

>> No.17460836

>sawayaka samehada
>natsu no koucha

singular taste my dude, 10/10 would shop for loli doujins with

>> No.17460933

nice, i like that suwako series too

>> No.17461239

what's the content on day 3? It's the day my plane ride is scheduled home but I might be able to make it

>> No.17461315

Porn day. Considering the recent trend, expect a lot of FGO and Kancolle.

>> No.17461323
File: 113 KB, 600x424, 609516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scan em, boys!

>> No.17462529

No bully plz.

Are you bringing these to US?

>> No.17462587

Big flan wetty rainy-rain rain

>> No.17462773

DAY 02

>> No.17462938
File: 1.11 MB, 3000x1685, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these for day 1

>call the cops

>> No.17462941
File: 1.21 MB, 3000x1685, cd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17462947
File: 1.25 MB, 3000x1685, cd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17463299

What is that Jazzkatsu? Never heard it before.

>> No.17463483

Not him but it's a jazz arrange album of Aikatsu songs. It's pretty good.

>> No.17463620

make a new thread.

>> No.17463676

Yeah, but which circle/artist did this? I want to listen to a crossfade or something. I might even end up buying it since I love both jazz and Aikatsu.

>> No.17463688


>> No.17463693

Thanks, anon.

>> No.17463705

Keta p-please

>> No.17463841

Please do not stutterpost on /jp/. And it'll likely be up on panda or some other chinksite once everyone goes home to their scanners, so in a few weeks.

>> No.17464031

i'd rather walk around without shoes for a day than with slippers

>> No.17464286
File: 215 KB, 500x700, 1486123141924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stereotypical otaku gathering as usual

>> No.17464573
File: 154 KB, 1200x675, zun's brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17464661

What does Ajisaidenden/Kawakami Rokkaku look like? I like his work but I assumed he'd be there on Sunday not Friday and ended up missing him

>> No.17464721
File: 301 KB, 1417x1417, sapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that album art by soyatu.

>> No.17464855

touhou 16 ost rip

>> No.17465127
File: 218 KB, 600x959, 64348253_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comiket stampede tomorrow?

>> No.17465158

I find her outfit incredibly unappealing for some reason but the only stampede will be from the first train, and everything after that will be an orderly line.

I would then expect it to show up in secondhand/doujin shops for 3 times the price the next day.

>> No.17465976

Can't wait to listen to minimum electric design and the newest flap+frog.

>> No.17466005

Many thanks, anon

>> No.17466006

What's that thing on the left with that girl in the blue dress? I feel like I've seen that before.

>> No.17466026

AD:HOUSE 6 by Diverse System

>> No.17466077

How screwed am I if I'm interested in Im@s merchandise? I just want 2 specific things but I don't think my schedule will permit it

>> No.17466100
File: 1.15 MB, 3000x1685, day2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay day loots. Day 2 gets a lot of bad rep And for good reason

Gonna have to prepare for tomorrow.

If it's from smaller circles and you only have that many to buy, you can easily get it

>> No.17466151

How does one get her through online? can't go to c92 ;_;

>> No.17466191

Find somebody in Japan that will buy it for you (for a fee of course), or wait for it to show up on an auction/reseller site. If you wait though its probably going to end up fetching 2-3x the original price.

>> No.17466204

What exactly and from which circle/author?

>> No.17466247
File: 229 KB, 848x1200, DGtoicjU0AAYIVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's for Day 3
I fucked up big time

>> No.17466297

Most of it was spent on the lilith booth and the rest on t shirts and like 3 doujins

>> No.17466310

What IC card is used for the rinkai line to big saw

>> No.17466413

The Rinkai line will take a SUICA if thats what you're asking.

>> No.17466427

you need to buy the Big Saw surcharge when using a Manaca ic card

>> No.17466441

How long are the lines at Comiket? Are they like Anime Expo levels of bad?

>> No.17466451


>> No.17466701

Did anyone get Zero Sounds - Roborhythm?

>> No.17466715

Anyone on Yurikamome 5:20 tomorrow?
Good luck for the hardest battle yet, fellow warriors. Don't forget your energy jelly and cooling tissues.

>> No.17466717

>Are they like Anime Expo levels of bad?
Oh my god.

>> No.17466738

First timer, what's the best place to queue? The parking space near halls 4-6?

>> No.17466922

Many times longer than AX, but also infinitely more efficient. I got to watch them open the floodgates from inside the West Hall (I'm the industry guy that was at the meetup yesterday) and it was absolutely incredible how fast they moved so many people into the building.

>> No.17466994
File: 446 KB, 1049x1024, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_shinapuu__166b4f6936dc92198663841378feab10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two demetori releases in 9 months
is this what a good timeline feels like?

>> No.17467017

the fresh touhou german scene is impressive
an anon said a year ago they're filling the hole left by alstroemeria records, I think he was right

>> No.17467091

Yeah, I also didn't expect them to release a new album this year. Was hoping for the next summer at best.

>> No.17467109

What do you mean by this?
Do I have to download these?

>> No.17467117

why wouldn't you download it?
My fac track was the excelsior track
Fronzen Starfall only released instrumental

>> No.17467144

you do have a point, nothing has been uploaded yet and I'm tired of looping crossfades.
btw I still like ALS

>> No.17467157

they went too mainstream and the new tracks aren't surprising enough, nothing new.
same for ENS they went wayyy to much EDM

>> No.17467171

can't argue with that, both ALS and ENS latest albums has a couple stellar tracks and lots of generic EDM ones.
only circle I adore every single track of is ZYTOKINE, mainly cause of the vocals

>> No.17467205

Yeah agree, I love Z/CYTOKINE, especially tracks with aki or itori.
RD-Sounds is constant in quality while FELT decrased. some Yuuhei songs are boring.

>> No.17467432

Where is C92 Music Thread?

>> No.17467535

>peko loot

>> No.17467674
File: 151 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170811_163116_069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not scanning any so???? fuck urself

>> No.17467715

who da she?

>> No.17467817


>> No.17467844
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170811_163116_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17467910
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1033, tumblr_naz7425LBo1sg3x2vo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, arriving at Shimbashi station at 5:21 to try to get the first Yurikamome trains. I managed to get on the first one during C90, and I was inside the east halls by 10:15, which was very nice.

Only got a few hours of sleep, trying to catch up on all last minute announcements.
Getting ready now. Everyone enjoy the final day!

>> No.17467955
File: 2.09 MB, 4096x2304, P_20170813_035201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17468073

if i want to go around and meet/buy stuff from 7 artists/circles/booths, what time should i get there? deciding which train to take now

>> No.17468167

It all depends on what circles they are, where they are located relative to each other, how popular they are, and how willing you are to risk items becoming sold out.

>> No.17468187

loli stuff, i assume quite popular, and because of customs i don't really plan on buying anything unfortunately. just want to meet artists and ask them for a signature or something

>> No.17468492

In the queue already. Good luck, warriors.

>> No.17468532

yet to go to sleep for the night kek. gonna get there around 11 probably

>> No.17468768

Sounds kinda autistic, just buy something

>> No.17468773

Good luck and have fun, anon. I've been twice at the third day and I know what it's like.
Waiting warmly for your loots.

>> No.17468851

>ask them for a signature or something
Forget that shit, especially if they are more popular. No time for that shit.

>> No.17468874

>getting a signature

this is going to be difficult if not impossible at popular booths. If the line is moving quickly you might just be refused.

>> No.17468923
File: 3.63 MB, 4160x3120, P_20170813_061130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 more hours.

Stay cool.

>> No.17468976

Which row? I’m in 4-1

>> No.17469005


While that is true, you can find even popular ones willing to do. Especially if you approach them after they have sold out everything and their line has disappeared, provided they haven't left their booth yet.

>> No.17469044

What's the temperature like?

>> No.17469055

Not him but it’s getting worse. The sun just came out.

>> No.17469229

Can I go toilet and trust my fellow nihon jin to not steal my shit or do I have to take my belongings with me

>> No.17469287

I fapped to the corvers. Thanks for sharing

>> No.17469453

Does anyone know how to purge favourites when using CC-viewer? I can't find an option to remove flags in the app, and syncing with the web version appears to be additive only.

>> No.17469456

Take it with ya boy, pickpockets hang around because of all the stupid gaijins around.

>> No.17469910




>> No.17469961

>implying you have all 160 albums

>> No.17470180

On my way to Day 3.

>> No.17470394

Fuck yeah got in by 10:17 and got everything I wanted within an hour. Half is sold out already. Good luck to those still pushing.

>> No.17470420

Hey anon, do you plan on ripping that Aikatsu disc? Crap, if I knew about it I would have paid my friend just to get it. Anything for more Aikatsu stuff.

>> No.17470699

Did anyone get the 2 new Mogudan books, and would they be willing to part with them for 6000 yen?

>> No.17470827
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 0F6DC251-344C-4DEB-A152-945B4D397E4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 spoils

>> No.17470938

Foreigner visiting, ended up going to Comiket, anyone know if Asanagi/Fatalpulse is here?
Where if so?

>> No.17470969

>got in group 4-5
>tried to run to west wing as fast as I could to get the new game bear onesie
>got 3/4 into the line only to hear the last one go

>> No.17471021

I'm sorry anon

>> No.17471049

>Try to line up for Mogudan
>Line is broken up and can't find the end
>Get side tracked with something else
>Eventually find it and wait in line
>New doujins sell out while I'm about 15 spots away
If I'd have just fucking got in line right away.

>> No.17471070

I'm sorry for you, anon, but don't oversleep next time
You have only yourself to blame, other anon.

>> No.17471076

I couldn't find the end of the line, and some Eromanga Sensei doujin caught my eye while I was looking for it. I'm going to be checking online shops like 4 times a day till I find it.

>> No.17471090

Which one?

>> No.17471098

From https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64359176

3rd day, シ-85b, so today. You're late.

>> No.17471129

Next in the Ayanami series and (this is what killed me) the new Himitsu book.

>> No.17471187

I took the first train from my station, just a bad spot to start from I guess.

I just wanted to be like aoba in the bear
