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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17467071 No.17467071 [Reply] [Original]

MMD Thread

>> No.17467087

I always see these threads on Futaba, do they even talk about MMD there?

>> No.17467230
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>> No.17467299
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This guy on 東方裏 is making some Meriberi and Renko thing in unity with MMD models.

>> No.17468731 [DELETED] 


>> No.17471932

The video was deleted. Was this a reprint?

>> No.17472453

How raunchy and forbidden was the continent of this (possibly) Touhou MMD video to have been banned from such a site as liberal with their content as youtube

>> No.17472658
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>> No.17472689

Don't care much for dancing videos but I like this one because it has every single character

>> No.17472701

I want to dance along with them!

>> No.17472716

Actually scratch that, it doesn't have "every single" character, the PC-98 midbosses are missing. It's still pretty good

>> No.17472763

No MMD videos can ever top this. That's how awesome this is. The only way it can be topped is if TH16's characters are added.

>> No.17472792

Only first three stages, I suppose.

>> No.17475124
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Rabbit does stand up comedy.

>> No.17475135
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Those AyaFlan vids are very heartwarming. I need to rewatch them

>> No.17478208

Futo is sarayashiki.

This one is not an MMD but pretty interesting touhou comment nonetheless. The short non spoiler gist is that something very significant happens to Gensokyo. Possibly leading to death of some characters. 4 more episodes are on niconico. If anyone is interested in timing the subs and possibly putting them on the video I will translate the episodes...

>> No.17479003

Have you tried contacting the TouhouSubs channel? It's what they do, except they contact the author to ask for permission

>> No.17482080

Thank you for the idea. Hopefully they will contact. Very excited about translating but honestly not excited about timing and stuff.

>> No.17490050

i had an alice mmd but i lost it she was playing violin and then had sex with a broom

>> No.17490496
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what's going on?

>> No.17492687


>> No.17495916

I made 3 MMD videos, currently uploading my third one

>> No.17496084


Mind uploading them?

>> No.17496195

These two are by far my favorite MMD's ever.

This one is great and hilarious too. The facial expressions of that Reimu model are truly a masterpiece. I doubt a lot of Reimu focused MMD's would be even half as good without them.

I like this one if only because the fights at the end look cool as fuck. The story is good too.

This one looks like a very interesting story, I haven't watched the second part yet because the creator autismquit and deleted everything but it seems it is still archived somewhere if you look.

Everyone knows Burning Meiling but maybe not everybody knows this short one by the same creator.

These are lewds for masturbation purposes. The Meiling ass-shake drives me nuts.

>> No.17496450

The subs for the second part is already out, but only the subs file and it's on TouhouSubs' MEGA; https://mega.nz/#F!m401zCSB!CBHbsl2lX-bCckGdGVoRbA

As for lewds you're better off with the ones at iwara

Also, sharing some of my favs: How I got Rich, it's MMD combined with GTA, but it's a half an hour short movie and really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcw0TWsCVT0

To Eat a Persimmon, SoL-ish short but the quality and detail is movie-like and absolutely gorgeous, hard pressed to find other MMDs that match this quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uugfyYPW9F4&list=PL0xdoLBi9--po_jPYIWyd3v1BdbJz62UG&index=6

>> No.17496685

I uploaded 2 of them already, they're all music videos

>> No.17496709


>> No.17498082

The author has been victim of doxxing somewhere in 2016. He removed all his mylist entries from NND and blanked out his profile. His works were let visible both on NND and Youtube for approximatively 1 year before he sadly finished off the job. Episode 2 can still be watched through this Korean reprint (which I recommend to grab in any case), with help of Touhousubs' MEGA for the subs:

>> No.17498577
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Didn't know the touhou MMD business got this serious. Sad to see such great talent go.

Not sure if there's a touhou subs reprint of this, but 任侠教師もこたん (Mokotan is Honorable Teacher) is a great series. Here's the first episode. If you know japanese a bit, it's easy to understand for beginners.
I'm not sure, is it based off of GTO? Is that why Nazrin and Kasen is calling Mokotan "ojou-sama"?
>How I got Rich
Very good story. One of my favorites as well.

>> No.17499050

I wish the MMD scene was more mature really. Between this, MMDers who start interesting projects just to give up and scrap them (or take like ages to complete them), the ones who take curious artistic decisions, the ones who disappear, the ones who try to move on but fail (and finally give up), this scene leaves a lot to be desired. Also, MMD is now old technology and doesn't seem to attract new talents anymore besides a few exceptions (and I said "new talents" not lazy opportunists). This may be a warning sign for the lazy watchers among us telling to get our asses out, learn and produce something instead of passively witness this slow decline.

Meanwhile, the 19th MMD cup has just started. As a little ray of hope, check out this dogfight video from someone who came a long way:

>> No.17499159

Well desu I don't think the creator expected MMD to really blow up the way it did, much less used for anime (Tesagure, Kemono Friends, gdgd fairies (I think?), etc). Most of the creators do it as a hobby, so that explains why they can take so long to make anything or straight up dissappear, but on the other hand, there's tons of content being made.

As a 3D animation program, I heard it's actually terrible compared to commercial or more popular ones but apparently it's easier to use and the huge weeb userbase keeps it alive.

>> No.17499197

classic alice

>> No.17499263

Speaking of MMDs, I forgot to share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW3Ck1Y6CWk
It's a music video but it's really well done by superimposing MMD on real video of San Fran. Really deserves more views

>> No.17499343

What do you guys mean MMD is serious bussniess? Don't you just make it and upload?

>> No.17499450 [DELETED] 

I wish this guy would make videos again.

>> No.17499452

I wish this guy would make videos again.

>> No.17499595


>> No.17499769

I don't think this is MMD, just CG animation

>> No.17499853

That's why it's impressive, but you have to look carefully to see the 3D when they move. If you make the colors flat and remove the lighting it'll look very much like 2D too

>> No.17499909

>CG animation

All MMD videos are just CG animation. What do you mean?

>> No.17499953

He means he doesn't think it was made using the program Miku Miku Dance, but with some other program instead.

>> No.17500788
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Anyone got these Gengetsu and Mugetsu models? The original creator deleted them.

>> No.17500798
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tfw translation never ever

>> No.17503984

>vpvpwiki who used to list the Touhou and Kancolle models now require to login to see them
Well, fuck.

>> No.17504229

I really like the orbital rabbit from this author

>> No.17504272
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I love MMD porn, but wading through the piles of shitty, ready-made dance videos on Iwara is a chore and a pain.

It's even infected some existing MMD porn animators. It's a god damn plague is what it is.

>> No.17504278

Makes me wonder if the stuff I make on Pixiv counts as porn.

>> No.17504306

tell me more about MMD porn
with the amount of clipping and stiff robot movements in MMD I don't really expect the porn to be great

>> No.17504375

Clipping is unavoidable, unless you're one of the perfectionists who spend weeks on a few seconds of animation, like this guy: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=15421722
One of my favourites, incidentally, and he, too, fell for the dance meme with his latest video. His profile on Iwara is: ecchi.iwara.tv/users/%E3%81%84%E3%81%A1%E3%81%84%E3%81%A1%E3%81%AB

Another animator I like is a westerner, whose animations aren't the best, but contain amusing scenarios. His profile is: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/mister-orzo

Also this guy, who really loves Yuuka: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BD

Some singular videos I liked off the top of my head:
Kogasa: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/z4dv3t6goiko09g8
Nitori: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/mky9ofm84pfoeq3er

And did you know something? Finding these was a pain, too - and I KNEW what I was looking for. Iwara's positively swamped in these bloody dance videos. It's ridiculous.

>> No.17504495

I don't know about you guys but I really like to fap to the dance videos.

Some are extremely good like this one

Also straight up fucking isn't that hot for me anymore, I like the eroticism of them being naked/half-naked and dancing bonus points if there's a low camera angle.

>> No.17504507

>I like the eroticism of them being naked/half-naked and dancing bonus points if there's a low camera angle.
My brother of another mother!

>> No.17504583

the thing with iwara is the nearly non-existant tagged videos (aside tag: touhou, for example) even when tags exist

also the satori with slime videos are great too

>> No.17504738
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oh god, it never even crossed my mind this would exist in MMD

>> No.17504754

>Len and Gumi
That turns me on...

>> No.17504848

Way too many patreon jews on iwara though goddamnit

>> No.17505042

That's a bit of a problem, considering most MMD dances are utterly unerotic. And those dances are reused out the arse.

>> No.17506477

Who makes the best yukkuri voice? I got to go with hissno.
He even makes tutorials and stuff showcasing the latest yukkuri voice technology. He clearly knows his stuff.

【Touhou MMD】Videos by Harumao (English subs): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0xdoLBi9--q7dhd5qSCToXtHTSHHxro3

All his stuff is great.

>> No.17507871

I only find dancing videos sexy if they're doing something lewd while dancing. My favorite were those old (Nitroplus) Alice dancing with like vibrating bead panties and orgasming during the dance. I can't find those exact ones anymore though since there's like a million "similar" ones. Those Kancolle ones with the fat guy fucking them during the song are great too. This guys ones are usually okay http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/34295919

Just dancing in a bikini or something, or even nude, is boring as shit to me. Maybe if it's one of those ones where it's just doing peeps through their clothes or something. Although, most actual MMD sex is boring to me.

>> No.17508336

I like to download erotic dance videos, but I never find any place to do so from. And it isn't like compilation torrents appear that often either.

>> No.17508819

Well, if all else fails couldn't you open a direct link to the video and download from there? That's how I download nico videos, though you gotta make sure it's at the correct quality and size

>> No.17508890


>> No.17512080


>> No.17517183

What are some good franchises to search MMDs of that aren't Touhou, iM@S, Queen's Blade, or Kancolle?

>> No.17518363


>> No.17518459

I knew I forgot to add something. Not that either.

>> No.17518464
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I actually didn't understand the ending of the second part. Did Reisen go unconscious and had a dream with Yagokoro or Eirin came for her?

>> No.17518500
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Maybe try searching anime series?

>> No.17518576

What's popular or likely to make for funny/entertaining videos? I don't really like modern anime and haven't watched it for a few years.


>> No.17521161


>> No.17522539

That was all real. Remember the part where they were playing darts? Eirin said "I'll hit it right at the middle", then promptly misses the whole dart board like a ,. After that she says 覚えてなさい, which was translated as "Just you watch."

If that flew over your head, it's to foreshadow how she literally made the rabbit Leisen hit the bull's eye at the end.

>> No.17525921

Kemono friends?

>> No.17525944

Usually it dies without getting 10 or so replies. If you count the ones that just say 「来てたのか...」

>> No.17526075

have you ever tried to make anything in mmd, /jp/

>> No.17526433
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I tried to undress Ai, but it got too complicated and I decided not to do it.
