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17461487 No.17461487 [Reply] [Original]

From Narumi's profile.

>She's also the one who, after hearing about Okina from Marisa, came up with a secret counter-strategy to entrust Marisa with.

Does this make Marisa's route the canon route? This would mark the first time that's happened since UFO, wouldn't it?

>> No.17461897

Komano's profile says Reimu is the one who fought her.

Usually all heroines learn about the final boss regardless of who has the canon route in the extra stage backstory, much like in IN.

>> No.17464175
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Ah, well I can still hope.
Regardless, it's rather peculiar that Narumi's profile mentions Marisa directly for such an important event, while Reimu is just referenced off hand.
I hope ZUN ends up confirming Marisa as canon, and maybe gives Okina a roll for guiding Marisa like Yukari has with Reimu. I can't help but notice a few similarities in personality between Okina and Marisa, with how flashy and straight forward the two of them are.

>> No.17465425 [DELETED] 

Remember that Marisa is Okina's creator

>Okay, fine. I give up. You're right. The endless night, that broken, warped moon, hiding the human village, and putting hats on stone statues, all of it was Alice's fault. Now, bitch get out of the way!

>> No.17465441 [DELETED] 

She's been a Touhou for one day, and Okina's already has two threads !

>> No.17465476

This is a silly idea, but I'm down for it.
It's kind of funny how now we suddenly have a new potential partner for Marisa for future games, when the only character who kind of fits the bill in the last 5 games was Sagume if you assume that she took Yukari's advice seriously.

>> No.17465908

Marisa's had new potential partners every game, but ZUN hasn't done partner style subshots since SA.

First was Koishi in SA, Marisa accepts her invitation back to the underground. It turns out she actually does visit according to the fighting games. Notably it then turns out she's become pals with Yuugi in her HM ending.

UFO ended up bringing another magician into the game with Byakuren. Marisa gets free trips to Makai and Byakuren doesn't mind having her over.

TD gets Marisa a bit interested in Taoism. Less connection here, but then in Symposium, Miko throws a direct offer at her. Marisa also lets out the fact she still visits the underground.

Fairy Wars deepened the Marisa-Cirno connection significantly. That she plays with fairies frequently becomes apparent in the Three Fairies manga as well.

DDC had the Seija Marisa ally ending, obviously non-canon, but quite surprising. She also gained youkai neighbors with the grass root youkai.

LoLK had the Sagume friend bit and Hecatia asks Marisa personally if she can come over.

Now we have a Jizo statue girl who lived near Marisa.

>> No.17466433

>Marisa's had new potential partners every game
It seems more like you're exaggerating traits to make them into partners. Hell Patchouli dislikes Marisa yet she "tags" along in SA kind of like Aya using Reimu, so friendship's got nothing to do with it.

>> No.17466437

Doesn't seem likely considering it was stated who fought one of the bosses whereas the Marisa bit doesn't need that, considering the heroines talk about what happened in every games' extra stage backstory, so Reimu telling Marisa about Okina and the others makes sense that she'd search info about how to deal with her, especially since Marisa knew Narumi before this game.

>> No.17467946

I'd personally say that "specifically mentioned as being entrusted with a plan to defeat the final boss" is more major than "they fought at some point", but to each their own.

>> No.17467956

Marisa is a SLUT.

>> No.17478290

New partner game when?

>> No.17478313

>that dull addition to the cast joining my favorite main character as a partner
No thanks.

>> No.17478350

>This would mark the first time that's happened since UFO, wouldn't it?

Really? i always thought Marisa was the one who defeated Mamizou, since Reimu didn't seem to be aware of the tanukis existence at the beginning of Forbidden Scrollery.

>> No.17478426

I want to read Eternity's profile, because apparently she's a really big deal.

>> No.17478452

>It turns out she actually does visit according to the fighting games. Notably it then turns out she's become pals with Yuugi in her HM ending.
WaHH also had a bit with Kasen loosing her shit over meeting Marisa in Hell and Marisa says as much she regularly visits Hell to catch up.

It's not exactly news that Marisa is a huge social butterfly who goes out of her way to catch up with everyone beyond business. Marisa just gets along that easily with people that even the likes of the 3 Fairies will have casual conversations with her like neighbours who are normally terrified of everything.

>> No.17478509

That would be damning if Reimu didn't have the tendency to forget that people exist (poor Alice).

>> No.17481625

What chapter was this?

>> No.17481803

It's a running gag that Reimu forgets who people are.

>> No.17481811

>canon route
there are no such things as canon routes

>> No.17481953
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Nevermind, found it, was chapter 28.

Canon bullied Satori is cute.

>> No.17487080
File: 107 KB, 272x357, Scared you Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more manga Marisa.

>> No.17488998

I'm saying the former can be explained with the usual post-final boss meetup whereas the latter shows that the Reimu v Aunn fight did happen.

>> No.17492373

I'm a different anon than the one from before

>post-final boss meetup
If you are talking about Reimu and Marisa meeting up in an ending then that doesn't happen in this game.

Also doesn't Marisa hanging around Narumi talking about her (first) fight with Okina in her ending imply they fought just as much Reimu talking with Aunn in Reimu's ending?
