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File: 296 KB, 1057x1500, 1481985721308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17457650 No.17457650 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17457664

stop using these godawful op images

>> No.17457674

I want to play Sound Voltex at home.

How do I get it?

>> No.17457705

Copula girls are cute what the fuck are you some kinda faggot

>> No.17457740

go buy sound voltex e-amusement cloud

>> No.17457755

Random is not cheating

>> No.17457791

I have no clue about any of that...
Is there a pastebin guide or something?

>> No.17457796


scroll down to "how to play"

>> No.17457819

In K-Shoot there's an auto option that turns all near hits into criticals, but is there a way to turn them into misses? I feel like it would help a lot in forcing me to really nail my timing.

>> No.17457830
File: 331 KB, 875x639, 1342994318815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must buy tickets to play
Well, time to get a PSP emulator and play DJ MAX instead...

>> No.17457839

>psp emulator
>playing djmax
>emulating rhythm games ever (guaranteed latency)

you can play k-shoot mania for free but it sucks

>> No.17457878

You can also do the monthly subscription but you only get 300 songs and you can't do various things, forget exactly what.

>> No.17458034
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>> No.17458123

>300 songs
So, basically 100 games?
That's the amount of songs I would play on a single day if the game really hooks me ...
How much does it cost?

>> No.17458134

The best popn player in my area said it's the most cancerous chart he's ever seen.

>> No.17458145

No I mean you get access to 300 songs out of about 600 in the game. 1980 yen a month.

>> No.17459073

Well, if the songs are the same one from the arcade machine, I'm set and good.

>> No.17459449
File: 300 KB, 1000x943, IMG_1255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to extra stage in SDVX
>try juggler's madness exh
>fuck up the lasers

>> No.17459779

What the fuck is with that anatomy

>> No.17460139

The waist? She has a jacket on.

>> No.17460210


Who did this? That chart is ridiculous.

>> No.17460486

Judging by the character, it's probably Tatsu.

He got like 92k on sightread too.

>> No.17460835

which iidx (AC) was the first to have green number?

>> No.17461164

Sudden+ ?

Happy Sky I think

>> No.17461180

Green number first showed up in Empress AC, I think.

Happy Sky didn't display green number, or even white number for that matter.

>> No.17461188

Ah, I see.

>> No.17462496

What is the easiest way to play iidx at home?Nearest cab is 32km away. Is Lr2 my best option?

>> No.17462503


>> No.17462504

lr2 and infinitas

>> No.17462551

LR2 is the easiest, infinitas is "real" iidx but kind of a pain and subscription based.

>> No.17462574

Can i play "real" iidx songs in lr2?

>> No.17462578

certainly lr2
infinitas is an option but considering what you're getting for the money, it isn't worth it
or data but people will bash on you if you try to talk about it here :^)

>> No.17462581

yeah. you can get bms at bms.bemaniso.ws and here http://dl.free.fr/AF40Mw/BMShare?F=658636

lr2 guide: http://news.keysounds.net/lr2guide

>> No.17462582


>> No.17462589

>hehee i posted about it! look how cool i am! i must be special and popular on the internet, because i have access to this!

>> No.17462593

I don't know what is data

>> No.17462599


>> No.17462669

Thanks a lot man, i spent the last 2 days searching for bms packs and then always ending to the same 3 packs.

>> No.17462673

Are you gay or something?

>> No.17462757

Stop being butthurt

>> No.17463290

Is good off in reflec beat cheating?

>> No.17463589

Not the cave. 8 on the Break.

>> No.17464046

What is the Dark Souls of rhythm games?

>> No.17464802


>Nearst cab is 32km away
>is Lr2 my best option?

man fuck you

>> No.17464809


Dude if you want an invite to sows that badly all you have to do is ask

>> No.17464872

heh i got my data from leggendaria

>> No.17465020
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>> No.17465137

Man everytime i happen to click on these threads I never have any clue what anyone is talking about in the slightest.

>> No.17465166

maybe you should start playing some games then, you'll catch on fairly quickly

>> No.17465193

It's just autistic nerds talking about rhythm games.

>> No.17466195
File: 75 KB, 854x960, 2017-08-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossovers are a meme.

>> No.17466417


>> No.17466680

Shit, my drive for my weekly R1 visit is ~71km (44 miles).

>> No.17466774


>> No.17466918
File: 306 KB, 1600x900, 20747968_1938374876450214_7633154963724488276_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Reimu has a IIDX cab

>> No.17466924

So how do you get an invite on this hipster website again? Do you just hang out in the IRC for like a month until someone gets tired of you?

>> No.17466949

IRC is usually a waste of time as most regulars there just ignore new people because they assume they're there for invites. Usually you can just ask here with some proof you won't be an idiot (ratio on other trackers usually does it) and someone will give you one.

>> No.17466955

Fair enough then, I guess I'll be upping my ratio on Avistaz and AB then.
See you next month.

>> No.17466963

>Dao releases Respect support
>You HAVE to buy a shitty overpriced adapter


>> No.17466995

The heck is this?

>> No.17467070

Do Reimu and Marisa live together? Are they dykes?

>> No.17467152

A 2hu browser game coming out this comiket

>> No.17467155

I've seen people here giving invites after they show them their ratios so this is a good idea.

>> No.17467562

Reimu and Marisa living in the same house!

>> No.17467782


>> No.17467859

Reimu and Marisa playing IIDX together! And Marisa gets 2P!

>> No.17468162

Cute! Cute!

>> No.17468421

You're cute!

>> No.17468457

which game is this?

>> No.17468644



>> No.17468689

A-anon, I...

>> No.17468705

I don't have a car, also how do you get good if you play once a week.

>> No.17468719

By playing at home when not at round 1.

>> No.17468769

Just get it on PS2

>> No.17470506

Would playing one handed for a while help my right hand stop being afraid to break out of the static when playing normally?

>> No.17470540

buy striped kneesocks and a buttplug

>> No.17470849


can confirm this works

>> No.17470886

When I started playing scratch-heavy songs my hand positioning changed a lot, so, at least for me, yes.

>> No.17471711
File: 122 KB, 1875x1494, DG19akSUIAAW_Bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone that cares, the crowdfunding campaign in China for the Virgoo Fever is apparently going well and there are stretch goals for "new features" but I have no idea what they're talking about. They have icons featuring Sound Voltex and IIDX as having already been reached with further goals for Project Diva Future Tone DX and Musync having yet to be reached. I guess they're going to make it compatible for all these games if the stretch goals are reached.

They also posted a price breakdown on Twitter. Converted the prices look like this:

"Standard" button and microswitch (presumably DJDAO) = ~$270
"Standard" button, Omron microswitch = ~$300
Sanwa button, Omron microswitch = ~$500

The Sanwa shit is a huge rip but it's nice that they have an option for DAO button casing with omron switches that is super affordable.

>> No.17471774

Wym no
What's so bad about osu

>> No.17471849

>DAO button casing
virgoo has their own buttons lol p sure

>> No.17471998

It's been most recently re-explained in the previous thread that's linked in the OP.

You probably already know the answer(s) anyway, in which case, I can tell you that nobody really cares about your taste or opinion on the matter

>> No.17472139

What about the taiko mode? I've been trying to find taikojiro maps for ages but I'm stuck with only a few still, so I just go back to osu.
Is there a better taiko clone out there? It's really the only rhythm game I care about, I even have a drum.

>> No.17472232

What the fuck. This is retarded expensive. And I thought Dao was bad.

>> No.17472299

>Fever is apparently going well and there are stretch goals for "new features" but I have no idea what they're talking about. They have icons featuring Sound Voltex and IIDX as having already been reached with further goals for Project Diva Future Tone DX and Musync having yet to be reached. I guess they're going to make it compatible for all these games if the stretch goals are reached.

>300$ for a controller with Omron that can be used for DjMax,IIDX,SDVX,Project Diva Future Tone, EZ2AC, ...

>> No.17472306

Well, it does have the buttons iidx has and then some, as well as two turntables. It can be a bit pricey, but I wouldn't say its out of line by much.

>> No.17472389

Sure, it can play a gazillion games and it has IIDX buttons but a IIDX controller with more accurate arcade dimensions also works with almost all of those games and a dedicated SDVX controller is also cheaper.

>> No.17472411

>Sure, it can play a gazillion games and it has IIDX buttons but a IIDX controller with more accurate arcade dimensions also works with almost all of those games

It doesn't :
For Project Diva and DjMax you need a PS4 controller and an additionnal TT
For EZ2AC you can't rotate the controller and have the buttons at the right place
For SDVX, as you said, you'll need a dedicated controller

>> No.17472423

Does Project Diva even need a special controller? Isn't it a more casual 4 button game?

>> No.17472455
File: 30 KB, 424x240, divac_01_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS3/PSP/Vita versions clearly doesn't because the game is better designed for the dualshock controller.

Future Tone was at first an arcade game and the game was almost untouched in it's console version (wich is dumb because some patterns only make sense with the arcade controller)

The problem is that every Project Diva BUT Future Tone have a third party controller

>> No.17472876

What I meant was that buttons and turntables cost, therefore more buttons and more turntables=more cost

>> No.17473215

>Mall closes in 1 hour
>suddenly got gud and BTFO many of my own records

Why do I have to git gud at times like these?

>> No.17473346


>> No.17473749

Be happy to even be able to play there

>> No.17474091

I have a month left here. Hopefully I can stay longer next year.

Derusting is gonna make me kill myself though.

>> No.17474450
File: 159 KB, 800x458, FPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. This is the cheapest IIDX controller I can find that's not a used PS2 plastic IIDX controller and it's $200. Konami's official controllers have been around $260. This thing has got 7 key buttons, 2 square buttons, and a turntable in a pretty simple metal case. All in all that's not too bad. But take this, add 2 more key buttons, 5 more square buttons, and another turntable and the jump from $200 to $270 for the added compatibility and extra hardware is pretty reasonable. To get everything with Omron switches for an extra $30 on top of that is incredibly reasonable, buying the Omron switches yourself for 9 key buttons alone would be a chunk pricier than that. It's a lot of money but it's not a ripoff, that's how much the thing costs.

>> No.17475365

Anybody watch the impulse platforms stream

>> No.17475370

Fuck, didn't know there was one. Anything new come from it?

I probably won't even buy one though, since they seem to be so against making standard 4.5 pad models

>> No.17475594

$500+shipping lol

>> No.17476516

whats wrong with this

>> No.17476539

Building a quality arcade-style pad generally costs you a lot more than that.

>> No.17476541

Buying a fucking cab would cost you less.

>> No.17476544

I don't know where the hell you are but there are no cabs for sale that cheap around me.

>> No.17476546

In what universe can you find a $500 cab that doesn't require a shit ton of maintenance?

>> No.17476548

People living in California metro areas talking about obscenely cheap DDR machines is my favorite meme.

>> No.17476555

Uh no. It's some 2x4s, plywood, sheet metal, screws, wire, and pcb. Making your own pad is cheap as fuck, just takes some time

>> No.17476565

>quality arcade-style

>> No.17476622

i'm trying to get better at crossovers in DDR, like good enough to do the last stream in mei challenge properly. Can someone recommend an list of songs I can use to build up my speed? I can currently do vanessa 16 pretty comfortably, not sure where to go from here.

>> No.17476628

to be fair if you just ordered a bunch of sheet metal, C/H beams, pipes, fittings, etc off McMaster-Carr and you own a drill press you could probably make a reasonably indestructible set of AC-style pads for under 500 in materials.

The problem here is that someone else is making these, and labor is expensive.

>> No.17476644

ive pulled 20+ cards so far and havent gotten a PUR or UR, are they that hard to get or should I only be pulling from one pack?

>> No.17476689

they dont even exist in california. i've looked. shithead arcade owners that couldn't tell ddr from taiko want like 3k for a raw thrills x cab

>> No.17476691

uh endorphin esp has 16th crossovers in the end. max 300 smmm csp too

>> No.17476718

The stream in Mei is stupidly awkward. Possibly the single hardest crossover stream in the game. If you wanted to get better at that specific style of patterning you don't have many options. Without getting into 18s and 19s, the only things that come to mind are the streams at the end of London Evolved A and C.

If you just wanted to get better at crossovers in general then I think the most obvious first step would be mastering PSMO.

>> No.17476727

thanks, I can already do endorphin alright but I'll check out smmm

well, I can also clear basically all of the 18s with a little bit of cheesing, so you can suggest things from there too.

>> No.17476825

>well, I can also clear basically all of the 18s with a little bit of cheesing, so you can suggest things from there too.
Go For the Top CSP, Come to Life CSP, and Astrogazer CSP all have a basic Afronova walk stream. New Century CSP has a short awkward stream at the very end that might be worth practicing. Possession CSP has that really long stream near the end that's easier than Mei's.

>> No.17476830

cool, i'm not near a DDR A cab so I can't do some of those, but I'll check those out, thanks

>> No.17476973

You get a 10% charge for every dupe. You will definitely get a new one when that reaches 100%. But charges don't transfer between sets.

Focus on the pack with the PUR you want.

>> No.17477447
File: 112 KB, 255x231, 1461894150828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>select standard mode
>first song ends at 78%
>credit ends

>> No.17477877
File: 496 KB, 700x600, IMG_1293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 月光乱舞 exh sightread

>> No.17478031

newfag here, anyone know how good the Vega Arcade is in London UK? looks like a decent place for non-bootleg cabs unlike bloody Heart of Gaming

>> No.17478104

It's a nice arcade, machines are well maintained and it's tucked away enough that the only people you'll encounter there also play bemani.
If it looks closed ask upstairs to be let in.

>> No.17478284

As one of the many uk people that travel to the arcade for meetups: Its the best arcade in the UK for bemani.
The cabs are very well maintained. The best day to go down is Saturday as that's when most of the community members that are London locals go.

>> No.17478293

Now, show me on the doll where they touched you.

>> No.17478767
File: 91 KB, 618x800, 80's feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My game is Crossbeat rev sunrise
>mfw no one plays it, talks about it, or can help me translate anything

>> No.17478852
File: 123 KB, 410x410, 1475925450061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>turn around
>there's one other person patiently waiting to play after you
>contemplate spilling all your spaghetti and asking if it's ok to do another credit

>> No.17479046

Do people go laughinggirls.jpg when that happens?

>> No.17479323

norms think you're a superhuman for being able to play 7s, and they can't tell when you clear or fail a stage anyway

>> No.17479779

why is the fps in my copula suddenly 500? its way too fast. it was fine couple days ago, no idea what would cause it since i havent touched any files.

>> No.17479804

>it was fine couple days ago
Don't you mean a copula days ago?
Did you change your monitor or display settings at all?

>> No.17479808

/jp/ isn't tech support, ask where you got your data

>> No.17479914

The drop rate for PURs is ridiculously low, you're either going to have to get really lucky or draw every other card in the pack first and then ten duplicates which will guarantee you the PUR.

>> No.17480083

didnt change anything, tried to launch it with my second monitor just now but the problem's still there

>> No.17480456

The other day my copula would launch at 50 and everything would be off synch. When I caved in and did those gay windows update thing on my pc it went back to normal. Basically try to find f there's something weird going on with your computer.

>> No.17480601

Are you playing on a laptop? Some have graphics drivers that set the refresh rate to 50hz as a power saving feature.

>> No.17480708

No it was on a regular PC. It was driving me crazy so I got so desperate I just updated the PC.

>> No.17481602
File: 26 KB, 691x530, 2039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mare Nectaris SPA Hard fail on note 2039

What a miserable chart.

>> No.17482314

>The problem is that every Project Diva BUT Future Tone have a third party controller
Yeah, they fucked themselves in the foot by not keeping compatibility with the arcade controller across to the PS4, but there are some hacks to get it going and some arcade controllers that work well with Future Tone.

I still whore out at the arcade though.

>> No.17483527

Someone said it's like 2% for a PUR.

>> No.17483541
File: 27 KB, 350x350, DFWqi4dVwAAMsrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace a cute

>> No.17483565
File: 753 KB, 1500x2714, 62402774_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace a slut

>> No.17483866

the uk community members are truly vile people but their arcade is dece

>> No.17483961

i want to FUCK grace

>> No.17484630

Can anyone spoonfeed me some info on how you play IIDX now when PSun is down?

I haven't played for a long time

>> No.17484635

>get to last song in 7dan

what the fuck

>> No.17484643


>> No.17484669

PSun has been replaced with a different network. All the scores have been migrated from PSun onto that network. You can find info about it on sows.

>> No.17484679


>> No.17485786

DDR/Pump it Up, Project DIVA Arcade, Taiko no Tatsujin, and Sound Voltex are fun.

Jubeat, Pop'n Music, Beatmania, and Groove Coaster are not fun.

>> No.17485880

>pop'n isn't fun
I can understand not liking IIDX but pop'n is literally one of the more casual friendly games

>> No.17485910
File: 30 KB, 350x407, DFWqjHyUAAEEA5V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17485911

>Groove Coaster
>Not fun

We have very different definitions of fun, anon

>> No.17485928

ddr/pump, taiko, popn, iidx = good

pd, sdvx, jubeat, gc = bad


>> No.17485929


>> No.17485935

DDR/Pump it Up, Project DIVA Arcade, Taiko no Tatsujin, Sound Voltex, Jubeat, Pop'n Music, Beatmania, and Groove Coaster are fun.

Osu is not fun.


>> No.17485970

The fuck dude. In what world is pop'n not fun as fuck. I imagine jubeat is decently fun too be I've never tried it.

>> No.17486004


>> No.17486020

Pump is objectively worse than DDR but by no means a bad dance game.

>> No.17486204

pjd and sdvx are bad but every other game you listed is fun

>> No.17486319

I'd love to have an invite to sows :) i.know.the.3.secrets at gmail

>> No.17486328

sent :)

>> No.17486332

konami knows all about sows etc. and their effort in america is so low because they are offended by our rampant piracy

>> No.17486342

except that the cause of rampant piracy in the west is lack of cabs
really makes you think huh

>> No.17486351

To be fair with the ongoing expansion of R1 I would not be surprised if they began cracking down harder

>> No.17486428
File: 28 KB, 244x312, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe its already been 2 years.......

>> No.17486440

good riddance

>> No.17486444

corin you should rly use a trip when posting on here

>> No.17486691

I didn't receive it :( did you send it to i.know.the.3.secrets@gmail.com ?

>> No.17486707

UK community's favorite Bemani arcade. That community is absolute garbage so only go if you need to play IIDX. Hit up Las Vegas Soho for pretty much any other music game.

>> No.17486817

Oh yeah 24 non-Ace Bemani cabs with eAmuse support coming in the states a year with all Paseli features unavailable. They're really hustlin'!

>> No.17486820

Yes, but as far as Konmai cares it's "oh we have some machines in the US, piracy is cutting into our profits, time to shut it down"

>> No.17486824

What's with this "SDVX is bad" meme in these threads.

>> No.17486894

Not even close to trying to sound like it's keysounded, so it feels like shit to play.
Shitty laser and fx sounds ruining every song.

>> No.17486947


>> No.17486952

laser and fx sounds ruin the song, like other anon said

soundtrack is generic and low quality compared to other games, you could describe like half of it as "180-300bpm anime jcore"

knobs are bad compared to a turntable or museca spinners, etc, awkward to use

control layout is overly restrictive of playstyle, in iidx you have the choice of figuring out how to use your hands to hit the notes, in sdvx it is dictated for you because you cant use your hand to hit buttons or a knob at the same time

>> No.17486991

The sound track in SDVX is complete garbo. The only decent songs come from the KAC song contests. The other 90% is dogshit.

>> No.17487011

But they really aren't profiting from people playing at R1. They got their check from the machines being bought. Hell, most of them were rotting in storage for months (and in the case of pop'n, YEARS) until they were brought to the states. Since Paseli isn't available for use outside of Asia, they make fuck-all from R1's business in the states.

>> No.17487015
File: 52 KB, 846x846, 1478207483808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17487135

Eamuse typically still bills for coin credits too though
But I'm pretty sure R1 struck a deal with Konmai that gives them some sort of pass on that in the States.

>> No.17487152

Not to mention e-amuse itself is a service paid for by the arcade operator - in this case R1. Having alternative networks available cuts directly into that revenue, even if Paseli isn't available in the US.

>> No.17487154

It'd be cheaper for me to just go to my R1 for the event that's happening right now.

Plus getting Paseli is a colossal pain in my ass.

>> No.17487158

Damn son that's a sexy af score.

>> No.17487231

i played popn at an arcade in japan but the cute girls there did not throw themselves on my cock
i was led to believe there would be flooding, what went wrong

>> No.17487282

Even if you were good by western standards, which is probably not the case, you'd still be garbage tier in japan.

>> No.17487295

get good and then you'll get swarmed with pussy

>> No.17487318

See >>17465020 .

>> No.17487452

yeah but you should play BMS stuff too fag

>> No.17487513

does lr2 have a shit ton of anime songs like osu?

>> No.17487515


>> No.17487911

>Plus getting Paseli is a colossal pain in my ass.

3rd party websites, shitty hiragana 16 digit codes, uneven balances left over after buying a month

really not worth the hassle, for infinitas or sdvx cloud

>> No.17487930

>hiragana is hard

>> No.17488101

LR2 has whatever you want it to have. Most BOF events don't have much of anything that sounds like it'd come from an anime soundtrack, unless you define that as literally any song that has Japanese lyrics, which still aren't the majority.
I set my profile region as US so I'm fucked regardless until they decide to make Paseli work worldwide. I will gladly pay the moron tax for pointless shit in IIDX, but no, my money's not good enough for them still.

>> No.17488168

Bitter old men who only play old styles and underage parrots. Plenty of denpa and other garbage in IIDX that people like to ignore.
And most people who shit on it either dropped it after playing once or twice and declaring it too easy or haven't even played it because 'not IIDX therefore shit'.
Either way they're usually the kind of people you can safely ignore.
t. someone who likes and plays both

>> No.17488177

>Plenty of denpa and other garbage in IIDX that people like to ignore.
it's like 1/100 songs compared to 90/100 lol

the sinobuz folder contains more good songs than have ever been released in 4 sdvx games, that is fact

>> No.17488214

Bitch I love my occasional anime/denpashit song. Emphasis on occasional. Having an entire soundtrack that revolves around that stuff is mad gay.

>> No.17488217

why are sowsposters allowed

>> No.17488238

your eamuse data is linked to your card not your account. If you want to use paseli just make a jp account and link your card to that

>> No.17488320

>Having an entire soundtrack that revolves around that stuff
Yet somehow I manage to avoid those songs and still not run out of stuff to play. It's almost as if you're seeking that stuff out.

>> No.17488404

Now that I figured out the chart, it's an extremely fun 16.

>> No.17489150

Where the hell does a guy play beatmania in the las Vegas area? Just got here and have no clue of what's around

>> No.17489271

i love the denpa and prim stuff in iidx, sdvx's music is just straight up 90% garbage even when only considering the remixes of normal songs
even museca has better stuff

>> No.17489310

Because most BMS is keysounded and that's impossible to pull off without having the original file, most BMS songs are original compositions.

>> No.17489314

Check https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcades.php

>> No.17489498

People on the internet keep saying building a pad is easy but then they give you specifications in imperial units and tell you to solder everything.
It's not fair.

>> No.17489524

Ayy Thank you!

>> No.17489559

any tips for PSMO

>> No.17489574
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170816_203027787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soldering is piss easy. An iron is only like 5€ online. And there's like millions of conversion tools online.
At least you have dimensions, tfw there's no plans whatsoever for a taiko controller so I'll have to prototype everything...
Also, anyone know any good songpacks for taikojiro?

>> No.17489585

I'm going to be the first person to point out that you should've invested in a countersink bit, if that's the drum head.

>> No.17489657

It's a prototype, dingus. I'll put threaded inserts to the bottom of the playing area so that there isn't even countersinks in the drum head. Only silky, smooth wood covered with something.

>> No.17489905

tfw lost PSun PCBID and can't play

>> No.17489930


>> No.17489956

I was wondering, for DanEvo do I need a Kinect v1 or a Kinect v2 is also good to go ?

>> No.17490093

Is beat pop cheating?

>> No.17490103

its cheating yourself desu it makes the game harder later on in exchange for being slightly more grokkable upfront

>> No.17490111

Alright then - just started, coming over from IIDX and it was nearly unreadable with the 5 colors even on easy difficulties like 10s but very intuitive with beat pop on. Any particular reason why it makes the game more difficult?

>> No.17490186

with normal notes you have two ways (position and color) to read them (not counting that the top row are smaller), why would you give that up for only position based reading? when things start getting denser it will make more sense

>> No.17490192

every time I play rhythm games I feel like shit for not just getting gud at reading sheet music and practicing the piano

>> No.17490229

Interesting. Thank you.
>lax timing
>universal hit sounds across all songs
>not keysounded
There are plenty of reasons to dislike SDVX which have nothing to do with the soundtrack.
Every time I play IIDX I feel like I'm playing a better kind of piano.
Every time I touch an actual piano I immediately realize that I have zero improvisational talent.

>> No.17490307

is thumper any good/fun?
from the one screenshot ive seen of it it doesnt seem like a real rhythm game but just wondering if anyone here has played it

>> No.17490317

It's okay, it's primarily a call/response type rhythm game rather than a VSRG type, and you'll need serious ADD reflexes.

>> No.17490338

because playing an instrument actually requires cognitive effort long term to be enjoyable

slamming your fingers on a plastic controller gives you instant pleasure even if you suck

the former gives you girls though, the latter doesn't

>> No.17490538

playing an instrument != composing music so either way you'd just end up moving your hands to shit other people have written
might as well have fun while you're doing it

>> No.17490542

Any working HDD rip that's leaked and active?

don't wanna waste 40G DL even though I have like 900gigs upload on sows

>> No.17490575

Already found one, nvm

sows cartel btfo

>> No.17490682

fun fact you can probably seed that there too for extra upload lul

>> No.17490770

Any LL SIF players?

>> No.17490863

I like the idea of it a lot more than playing it. I have it on PS4 and I swear that there is some kind of input lag at work. The concept and presentation is very good, though. The experience is intense and "mean", for lack of a better word.

>> No.17490927

used to for like a month, there weren't many songs and the grind was full retard. at least I pulled a couple UR and sold the acc for 50 bux

>> No.17491097

>still no cheap plastic IIDX controller with no input lag

tfw stuck with shitty USKOC

>> No.17491124

>what is usbemani

>> No.17491173

the furry fgt doesn't sell em anymore

>> No.17491622

i think i found my sweetspot with it at +20 ms

>> No.17491764

>what is make your own

>> No.17492063

might actually do it, seems easy with an arcin board

>> No.17492257


Pretty sure there's a general for that game alone

>> No.17492420

I remembered ditching beatpop when I reached old 34s (40s currently). Never looked back.

>> No.17492656

there are kac players who use beat pop, don't listen to /jp/'s excuses for sucking

>> No.17492683

what is beat pop

>> No.17492714
File: 1.03 MB, 634x825, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bottom. Blue notes are the 4 on the top row and white notes are the 5 on the bottom row, so it's like beatmania IIIDXX.

>> No.17492884

is IIDX25 cancelled forever now

>> No.17493098

How do we get the furries out of rhythm games?

>> No.17493152

Yes. Otokadoll is now going to be Konami's flagship music game.
The same way you get them out of everything else in life. Murder.

>> No.17493360

The guides on sows on how to use HDD data is fucking shit

It's written for people that's been a part of the sekrit club for years

>> No.17493793

There's a guide?
I just read the data thread original post and that was all.

>> No.17493933
File: 312 KB, 700x700, 1500879506015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing class mode in reflec beat
>realized too late that it has stricter judgements
>getting goods also reduce your lifebar

>> No.17494286

Does anyone know how this Card Reader thing for bemanitools is supposed to work?

Should the keypad status be triggered when pressing + on the numpad too? Or is it not supposed to do it? I noticed it triggers for every numpad key except + and others

I remember having this problem before with the key not registering and I solved it but I don't remember what I did to fix it ;_;

>> No.17494318

Got it to work with top row, nvm

>> No.17494473

Why hasn't there been a community replacement for sowes yet

>> No.17494567

Make one yourself, bub

>> No.17494603

I agree that Jubeat is not fun.

Game is for dogs, nothing more.

>> No.17494604

Why replace perfection?

>> No.17494623

>not playing 2dx on keyboard

>> No.17494628

but this is bms

>> No.17494631

Korean dog too poor for arcade

ha ha ha

>> No.17494640

yeah but on your shitty """sows exclusive""" network you can do it

>> No.17494644

get fucked /1cc/ babby

>> No.17494660


>> No.17494661

there are, keep looking

>> No.17494698

One is led by bemanixgirl and the other is led by two literal trannies. You can't escape the cancer when the subject matter inherently attracts it.

>> No.17494779

This general is much slower compared to when I played in 2014-2015

>> No.17495097

BMS on kb > 2dx on kb anyway

also you should respect players who are better than you

>> No.17495126

bms charts look like garbage

just stacks of notes

>> No.17495129

hey it's better than o2j

strings of noodles

>> No.17495135

that's just because you aren't able to read them because not enough experience, only stuff like overjoy7s have things that are just impossible stacks of notes

>> No.17495503

>Run by Corin


>> No.17495505

sows is garbage actually, the uk has defiled it

>> No.17495982

This may sound stupid but can you get good at rhythm games without playing any instrument or knowing music theory.
I see top players generally are able to play an instrument while i never touched one.

>> No.17495989

most players know absolutely nothing about music, myself included
rhythm games don't use the skills involved with actual instruments

>> No.17496005

Rhythm games have nothing to do with instruments.

>> No.17496175

Having a good sense of rhythm does help with those games, specially when the timing windows are tight.

We joke about it but I've seen people who just can't press buttons on time for shit.

>> No.17496193

Which in turn will increase your knowledge of actual music.

>> No.17496200

Yeah knowing how to count rhythms is probably the most music theory you'll need. But that will come to you naturally as you play more.

>> No.17496210

brb going to pick up piano to play my rhythm game

>> No.17496226

I couldn't even tell you about the different parts of a song (chorus and whatever), let alone playing an instrument or knowing theory, but I still do okay.

>> No.17496291

As someone who plays both and is terrible at both, they're two completely different sets of skills. The only thing that's really similar across the two is basic dexterity and basic sense of rhythms - quarters, eigths, triplets, etc. Learning an instrument will not magically make you good at rhythm games nor vice versa.

>> No.17496485

PS4 taiko is on the horizon but if you're too poor for a current console, a wii or PS2 might be a more affordable taiko fix
i hear the PS4 tatacon blows though so hopefully hori makes another huge expensive one

>> No.17496506

you also need a vagina

>> No.17496517

>Arcade cab IIDX thread

How is that even a thing? How can I get myself my own IIDX cab? It's the price of a car, isn't it?

>> No.17496627

Lots of money, luck with listings, and connections with arcade owners to get first dibs.

>> No.17496642

Wasn't it included with the game ?

>> No.17496660

no, it was included with the kinect.

>> No.17496881

No one else play crossbeat? Someone has to have put some time on it.

>> No.17496897

I'm planning on picking up a Banapass and playing some for the first time this weekend, anything I should know?

>> No.17496944

One of my friends just preordered the PS4 tatacon. Is there a review out already somewhere? I know that he's pretty excited for it and it'd suck if it didn't work well.

Also do you guys know where I could get a drum on the cheap? I know they used to be 80$ on Ebay a while back but I can't find anything cheaper than 100+ nowadays.

>> No.17496956

Even with drummania, the rhythm game closest to playing an actual instrument, I play 8.00~8.50s but I sat down in front of a kit at a music store once and had no idea what to do, and I often see people who are very clearly real drummers sitting down to try it only to fail on 2.00s.

>> No.17496974

>I sat down in front of a kit at a music store once and had no idea what to do

I know that feel.

>> No.17496988

you liar never sent any invite :(

>> No.17496991

sent ;)

>> No.17497053

>Start on hard. Standard and easy are way too slow.
>You can adjust the note speed before the song to make it faster using the little gauge. I recommend going atleast 1+ bpm to start off.
>To unlock songs on unlimited difficulty you need to either S or S+ songs on master
>you can favorite songs with the heart Icon
>form your own system of hand placement that works best for you to prevent crossing your hands ie right hand takes right side and bottom and left hand takes left side and top
>Buying all available songs will refill the shop with different songs
>When starting the registration the button in the top corner means overseas when setting region

I've been playing this cab every week for months and piecing it together as I go along. I'm having a hard time finding solid discussion and translation on the internet

>> No.17497059

Not entirely true, playing SDVX and Museca have gotten me into conversations with con girls, which caused one thing to lead to another.

Con girls are generally super horny by default though so I dunno if that counts.

>> No.17497244

There's nothing there you can't just get anywhere else anyway

>> No.17498313

the world would be a better place if playing sdvx, pump, or osu gave you terminal cancer

>> No.17498527

>tfw 10dan in sdvx

why u do this

>> No.17499235

>tfw found old wallet for litecoin with enough value to buy a DJ DAO FP7

free money, fuck yea

>> No.17499259

Get it with Omrons, don't forget

>> No.17499598

Show proof that you're not retarded

>> No.17499706

the world would be a better place if faggots like you just let people like what they want to

>> No.17499784

Wait are local meet ups for these type of games comon? How do i find ones near me?

>> No.17499788

>tfw can't stand the idea of meeting up with trash players spewing memes and dumb shit

>> No.17499805

http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ usually has the big meetups on their frontage.
Sows also has them.
If you are in the uk there's a big meetup with the best community in a few days.

>> No.17499884

Im in the states unfortunetly i found a local ddr cab near me so i was just going to go on the weekends but if there was a designated time that would be cool

>> No.17499945

every meetup is full with a bunch of autistic furries that want to yiff you up the ass, if you catch my drift

>> No.17499956

>the average rhythm game meetup


>> No.17499963

Eh. makes sense it's furries playing DDR.

Only Mexicans and furries would bother with that game

>> No.17499967

whats wrong with ddr

>> No.17499970

Nothing, it's just a game for furries and Mexicans.

>> No.17500034

Any tips on reducing hand fatigue in iidx? I'm only at the 7-8 level but my left hand starts getting painful up after only a few songs on 2p side

>> No.17500067
File: 12 KB, 1914x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reevaluate your posture. You want your wrists to be relatively straight, not bent hard up or down. It may also be easier to keep your arms slightly higher rather than resting on the deck so that you're pressing down on the keys from above.

bad mspaint drawing inbound

>> No.17500093

Thanks. I'll definitely be saving this pic for future reference

>> No.17500108

I did the third one once on a machine cause I felt too lazy to power stance

Never again

>> No.17500137

It's not supposed to hurt. Train yourself in the proper position and you'll never feel pain again.

>> No.17500959

might feel at high level 12s if you overdo it because so fast and dense

>> No.17501240
File: 38 KB, 420x236, new_card_actual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a round 1 in california and the project diva machine there kept asking for an aime card to save my progress.
Do they sell aime cards there?
Is this design of aime card something available in the US, or am I shit out of luck?

>> No.17501272


I don't believe they stock the aime cards but they do stock nesica cards which will work instead

>> No.17501279

not quite
bana passport and aime are interchangeable
nesica is unrelated
r1 us sells bana passport
they might call it a "tekken card"

>> No.17501293

How much are those?

>> No.17501376
File: 94 KB, 425x471, THE BLISTERING RAGE OF ONE-THOUSAND WHITE HOT SUNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I the only one here trying to hype crossbeat?

Seriously I haven't heard of half the games mentioned (the fuck is pop'n)

I can't be the only one looking for someone to talk about it.

>> No.17501381

i've never heard of crossbeat

>> No.17501386

crossbeats doesnt have enough depth, difficulty, or content to be taken seriously

it's fun though

>> No.17501412

Alright please kill yourself.

>> No.17501426

I'm a capcomfag and I have no interest in the game.

Too much of a hassle to get to play the game.

>> No.17501714

>the fuck is pop'n
this is bati

>> No.17501909

How do I get a psun

>> No.17502048

Go to your local R1, start the game, go to the Sirius folder, then there it is.

>> No.17502145

i just randomly had the balance on my r1 card, both credits and tickets, double. randomly. all I did was reload my card last night, played a few games, swiped today and my balance was doubled. checked it on the kiosk and it showed the tickets doubled too.

anyone ever have something like this happen...?

>> No.17502338

besides emotional pain

>> No.17502403

>check out the cxb ost
>it doesnt have the epic on it

That's when my minimal interest dropped to zero

>> No.17502526

is there any iidx cabs in tucson, AZ area?

>> No.17502533

see >>17489314

>> No.17502809

Alright so, wtf is the event going right now for SDVX?

I understand the Omega event right now, but after a set, I got two pages stamped instead of one. Any ideas?

I don't think it's Floor Infection or PolicyBreak.

>> No.17502937
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>> No.17503237

>Best community

>> No.17503735

There's a daily stamp and a stamp where you get after each play.

The latter gives you 2 past yukata nemsys crews while the former will give you a new one among other goodies.

>> No.17503919

youre fucked dude. closest were in phoenix but theyre both rip. drive to LA lol

>> No.17504736

7$ iirrc

>> No.17505277

i'm from la but i'm visiting family.

>> No.17505562

I mean at one point I drove a $500 car so sure

>> No.17507098

Jesus fucking Christ, the daily is like 30 stamps long, holy shit.

How long do I have to do this?

>> No.17507305

The fastest way is to play once every day for 30 days. The event ends in October IIRC.

>> No.17507322
File: 484 KB, 920x1496, 170816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the one from the daily stamps

>> No.17507337

The closest can is at the R1 in Stonecrest, which is niggerville central, so I can't go that often.

>> No.17507598

When will sows stop being paranoid

>> No.17507670

when the majority of people stop being retards

>> No.17507716


Video showing off the Virgoo Fever compatibility.

>> No.17507766

But will it blend?

>> No.17507770

How big is the blender?
