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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1740448 No.1740448 [Reply] [Original]


Why don't we get visits from 2ch?

>> No.1740451

We do.

>> No.1740453

because sparky belongs on /g/.

>> No.1740454

Our identifiable tripfags don't go over to their site and shitpost.

We could sent athens there, see what happens.

>> No.1740457

/g/ and /jp/ brofisting again, heh.

We don't get visits from 2ch because they don't know english. That's all.

>> No.1740459

Because that's not really an anon of 2ch. I'm 99% sure.

>> No.1740464

inb4 Alice

>> No.1740461

>/g/ and /jp/ brofisting again
only 2 boards on 4chan that aren't totally painfully shit

>> No.1740462

But they are posting in english!

>> No.1740466

>We could sent athens there, see what happens.

Kannagi gets permanently canceled due to fan reactions, obviously.

>> No.1740484


>> No.1740498


Oh wait...

>> No.1740507

>Kannagi gets permanently canceled

>> No.1740519
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1228852252423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do get visits from them. Notice the butthurt japs in japan/corean related affairs?

>> No.1740545

I think athens is dead.

>> No.1740546

Already done

>> No.1740555

also, http://kazumi386.org:8801/taihi/overchan/futaba.php?res=1597

>> No.1740591


The fake Jap and the fake Korean are the same person. And his act is really shitty. Back in the good old days our fake nationalists had class. This new guy isn't fit to shine their shit.

>> No.1740657



>> No.1740661

I hope he is.

>> No.1740663

South Korea is superior to Japan in everything.
Japan is inferior to South Korea in everything.

It's because South Korea is better at everything than Japan.
People around the world think South Korea is a great country.
Japan is a criminal.
And Korean people are lifted race while Japs are monkeys.
Everyone thinks so.

>> No.1740679

>South Korea is superior to Japan in everything.
>Japan is inferior to South Korea in everything.
>It's because South Korea is better at everything than Japan.

Way to go on the redundancy there.

>> No.1740683


Korea is No.1!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucking_USA

>> No.1740694


>> No.1740698
File: 123 KB, 600x709, 1228854351743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Know your roots, gook shit.

>> No.1740710

If you don't like to see the truth, it can't be changed that
Japanese are decendants of killers. kkk

Asian people hate Japan. American people hate Japan.
English people hate Japan. African people hate Japan.
French people hate Japan. Spanish people hate Japan.
All the people on the earth hate Japan.

That's it. kkkkk

>> No.1740711

lol corea is natural plagiarist. it is inferior corean culture's tendency to make lies, everyone does it!

>> No.1740735


That picture makes me think of Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom and how your shitty huts won't evolve until you bring in some damn hemp.

>> No.1740736


I do not believe in the corean, who say lies. Nobody in world says bad thing about Japan except filthy jealous corean and chinese. No-one with brain bigger than corean should believe in lying thief corean. lol


>> No.1740741

Sooner or later, the entire world is gonna be addicted to kimchi,
and when you suffer from withdrawal in a kimchi shortage, Koreans
are not gonna give the world any. Before you know it you'll be on
your knees and beg before Koreans. ha ha ha hah!

>> No.1740748

Japs are jealous of Korea being popular arould the world.
How pathetic.

Korean people are thought to be a white race in Asia
because we are so sophisticated. Barbaric Japs.

>> No.1740768
File: 23 KB, 290x450, 1228855486224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disgusting savage corean calls Japanese barbarian while they rape, steal and comit crimes? corean is sure good at comedy. lol! Everyone in the world knows corean is violent parasite creature since cho seung hui. it is insult to white people to compare them to uncivilised corean. lol


>> No.1740776


>> No.1740782

Look outside of the small Jap land. kkk

The world looks down on Japs.

Korean people are thought to be cool.

>> No.1740789

Nice picture.

>> No.1740787


>> No.1740788

why do so many japanese jealous of korea?

>> No.1740790

Obama says he respects Korea, because it's a really great country.
And he also says Japan is in debt to Korea, Japan should compansate
for what they did to Korea in WW2.

What are you gonna do, Japs? kkk

>> No.1740792


>> No.1740808

At least they didn't get invaded by Objectivist Faggot.

I mean.

Jim Profit.

>> No.1740813

athens used to post in those chat in english threads as far as i can remember.

>> No.1740815

oh. and the elevens thought he was a girl, i kid you not.

>> No.1740820

Where is my athens-chan?

>> No.1740822

This whole thread is a lie. No japanese knows how to write in english THAT well

>> No.1740825

ZUN browses /jp/

>> No.1741325

Athens might have achieved his dream of moving to China. Good for him.

Tibet, Falung Gong, Tiananmen massacre, 法轮功, 法輪功.
