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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 400x266, spooge sheperd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1735893 No.1735893 [Reply] [Original]

i bet these guyz hate /a/ and anything else jp related.

>> No.1737838

Perhaps they don’t dislike Japan.
Because Japan is necessary so that they live.
They like Japan than whales

>> No.1737842

Reminds me of something

>> No.1737846

I hope /k/ gets a boat and goes after them and hangs the pirates.

>> No.1739049

Some retard was bitching in the paper today about how she's never ever going to buy a product the Japanese are involved in at all.

I lolled.

>> No.1739076

these people make me want to move to japan and eat whale steaks for every meal

>> No.1739081

Hire Somalian pirates to show those treehugging landlubbers how piracy is really done.

>> No.1739109

lol, animal rights fanatics.

>> No.1739200

/k/ traditionally has a huge fucking hardon for these guys and it would make us wet our pants with glee if the governments of the ships they are harassing/boarding would blow them out of the water. Better yet we want them to give the ships deck guns so they can ruin their shit themselves. Fuck Sea Sheppard, bunch of tree hugging furry faggots.

>> No.1739205

It's not very tasty.

>> No.1739210

I don't give a shit about whales, but I give even less of a shit about the lying Nips and their playing the "poor Japan bullied because we are different and special" card.

>> No.1739222

sea shepherd exposes jaypee's nip-hating charade, precipitates outpouring of sympathy for japanese fishermen

>> No.1739229

that doesn't matter, i just want to support whaling.

>> No.1739250

These are the kind of retarded stories I have to look at every morning

Broome should end its sister city relationship with Taiji following revelations thousands of dolphins along the country’s coastline were annually slaughtered, according to an online poll.

The Broome-Taiji connection dates back more than 100 years when men from the Japanese town came to the West Kimberley coast to help pioneer the pearling industry.

In the poll, an overwhelming 89 per cent of votes, or 240 respondents, believed Broome should cease its association with the sister town.

>> No.1739258

I'm going to guess that Broome is in California? Cause fucking retarded thinking like that can ONLY come from California.

>> No.1739263

The more they bitch and whine, the more Japan is gonna kill whales. PETA tactics just plain don't work. They should just shut up, let Japan go, "hey guys no one wants to eat whale any more due to modernization and globalization homogenizing tastes in food except for a few people, so we can just cut down how many whales we need to catch."

That way, you only have the few guys that legitimately want to eat whale to continue their culture, which they should be able to do. I raged hard when whale fags were protesting Alaskan natives hunting whales. These guys live in igloos and shit, hunt with tiny boats and spears, and use every single part of the whale.

It doesn't help that a lot of whale lovers are dumb girls that go "OMGEE whales r sooooo cuuute! haow can they kill them?!? we shuld kill humanz LMFAO ^~~$@%"

>> No.1739265

Nope Western Australia.

I love how the online poll is based on cookies. I voted twice and it already went up a %

>> No.1739270
File: 10 KB, 336x222, 1228829441271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people aware that whales are beautiful and intelligent animals?

>> No.1739272

>The more they bitch and whine, the more Japan is gonna kill whales.

You're kidding, right? The Japanese are like self-conscious children. Pointing out that they're doing something naughty IS a good way to make them stop.

>> No.1739275

Indians of the Hindu religion have DECLARED WAR on Australia because Australians regularly SLAUGHTER AND EAT POOR INNOCENT COWS!!!
The Hindu people have circulated a petition that now has over 10,000 signatures stating that Australia should stop eating beef. India is considering trade sanctions against Australia unless they comply with their demands

>> No.1739278

Yes, pointing and screaming sure is working very well right now. Just like how it worked with China oppressing Tibetans, Israel oppressing Palestinians, and the US invading shit.

>> No.1739279

Why do these guys like whales anyway?
They're ugly.

>> No.1739285

Typical racism, PETA faggotry, should use more emotes.

>> No.1739290

Collect the whole set

>> No.1739305

The Chinese, Americans and Israelis are hardasses. The Japanese, God bless 'em, have a strange desire to be well-liked.

>> No.1739307

ausfag here, i couldnt really give two shits about whales.
infact, japan can kill all the ones they want for as much as i care.

however, its just my opinion, but i think the whole aus vs jap thing is because they are hunting whales in australian waters. aka australian territorial waters.that makes them our waters.
in before ausfag bawwwing about whales, think about this;
if the japs came to the us shores and started hunting the dolphins and whales in your waters, you'd kick up a shitstorm too.
dont deny it, you know it to be true.

as for me, hunt the whales as much as you like, just get it from your own waters.

>> No.1739337

Your PM is only stirring shit up because he's pro-PRC. Anything to embarass the Japanese. (As pathetic as I think the Japs are, Western governments cocksmoking Beijing is worse.)

>> No.1739504

nz > aus

>> No.1739513

Those Somalians are real heroes.
