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File: 89 KB, 700x700, C2TDbKjVQAACSF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17375571 No.17375571 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17364717

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

PS Vita game website: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade website: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp/
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s, https://youtu.be/IPfFSo-hiWI and https://youtu.be/LYlzkMGYtEA

The KanColle movie is out. Movie trailers: https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E https://youtu.be/7udGu_a0AvY https://youtu.be/aTxaSuB_Fv8

-An update is planned on the 31st for Fumizuki Kai 2
-New and returning Summer sprites have been implemented for Commandant Teste, also limited time Zuiun Festival clothes for Hayasui, Akashi and Ooyodo and yukata sprites. Etorofu Kai now has new, permanent art.
-The Summer 2017 event has been announced and it will be a large scale event. This month's ranking rewards will be a hint for the new ship that will be available during the event.
-Sendai Kai 2 received an HP buff, Jintsuu Kai 2 an HP and Firepower buff and also has new hourly lines at Kai 2 remodel.
-5 new quests have been added, one of which is a quarterly and another that rewards the new Combat Rations (Special Onigiri).
-Combat Rations can now be improved into Combat Rations (Special Onigiri). Additionally, all consumable food items now have their morale boosting effects increased further.
-The number of ship and equipment slots has been increased by 10 and 40 respectively.
-A Kai 2 is planned for Saratoga this midsummer. At least one BB and one CL will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.

>> No.17375575
File: 36 KB, 500x508, 1492119330858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17375695
File: 169 KB, 1100x903, C10Evr2UUAExtIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-An update is planned on the 31st for Fumizuki Kai 2
Mochishitkifags on suicide watch.

>> No.17375753
File: 148 KB, 935x563, muh shitzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17375767

I want to fuck the dogs.

>> No.17375795
File: 294 KB, 740x444, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17375806
File: 180 KB, 650x950, 529972163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we going to get news from the Zuiun festival when its just a day before Maint?

>> No.17375818
File: 105 KB, 991x1400, __mogami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__8bc8732163a11f3350d0f00ca022788a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Matsu-class
New cute little girls? Npice.

>> No.17375827

A shit.

>> No.17375828

>posts potatogami

>> No.17375855
File: 377 KB, 900x870, Yuubari K2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogami is pure love, shut up.
30th is the last day, and they have some kind of closing event there. So they must announce something.

>> No.17375996

A cute.

>> No.17376030

*pure shit

>> No.17376041

Daily reminder that anyone who hates houshou or Haruna is a shitposter

>> No.17376056
File: 242 KB, 1000x1398, 1501001253584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so fucking big

>> No.17376064
File: 189 KB, 500x750, 62878149_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good artist with shit handwriting.

>> No.17376078

What, haruna is your favorite or something? She's bland as fuck my dude, find a better waifu.

>> No.17376093


>> No.17376108

She is slightly boring but she's impossible to hate. That's the point.


>> No.17376140
File: 604 KB, 844x1200, Kaga Lawson harassment 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lewd, Kaga-san!

>> No.17376141


>> No.17376150 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that anyone who likes houshou or Haruna is a redditor.

>> No.17376166

Leave Houshou-san out of this.

>> No.17376177

Friendly reminder Haruna is the queen of reddit.

>> No.17376189

Daily reminder that anyone who unironically likes a boat probably has bad taste.

>> No.17376196

Yeah, but ships are fine.

>> No.17376197

>Shitters still mad Haruna is fine

>> No.17376206
File: 45 KB, 800x600, DFlnBSyUwAI9MOf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking boats.

>> No.17376217

If Houshou is good then why do her stats suck?

>> No.17376224

Love stat too high. They needed to balance her somehow

>> No.17376241

Zuikakufags btfo

>> No.17376294

The love stat is equal to Firepower+Torpedo. Houshit has a very low love stat.

>> No.17376297
File: 158 KB, 917x565, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me chuckle.

>> No.17376304
File: 662 KB, 810x800, __houshou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ishii_hisao__b0baa11c2ccaffb0248e48b0de240290[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statfags talking about love like they know anything about it

>> No.17376305

>Marry Ooi
>She still bitches about you even during the scene

>> No.17376308

Your irrelevant opinion doesn't make Houshit any less garbage.

>> No.17376312

Nice meme.

>> No.17376340


>> No.17376351

Do you guys really have nothing better in these threads than continually shit on basically every fleet girl that exists?

>> No.17376364 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with shitting on Houshit, Shitspit, Shitryuu, Shitakumo, Fubushit, shitty hotels, Kashitma, Samiwho, Cagada, Shitsuki, and Asashit.

>> No.17376365
File: 70 KB, 733x1200, DFk1I5bUwAAGpzW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn subs.

>> No.17376366

You can leave. No, you should leave.

>> No.17376368

I left these threads ages ago, but every now and then I still see a string of five retarded posts on the front page.

>> No.17376372

These threads really belong on /vg/ at this point.

>> No.17376375

2/10 trying way too hard.

>> No.17376397


>> No.17376405

Rude, it's Kaga-san

>> No.17376421


>> No.17376422

Actually they should be in /u/ since it's better there.

>> No.17376430

In case anyone interested, 1-5 gives you 10pts/hour. Not a bad rate when you just want 500th in less competitive server, have more time to grind and save some bucket (literal 0 buckets with 4opASW).

>> No.17376443

> 1-5 gives you 10pts/hour
Disregarding the morale?

>> No.17376452

Morale has no effect on opening ASW I believe?

>> No.17376469

It affects accuracy and evasion, so theoretically they could miss their attack and get taiha.

>> No.17376486
File: 200 KB, 850x1506, 8bbb3c36a2e9124e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this holy shit

>> No.17376522
File: 52 KB, 1293x521, iowaskijumpdiagonal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some aviation BB kitbash; I'm guessing it was pure fantasy unlike the proposed Iowa Class BBV conversions.

>> No.17376543
File: 106 KB, 417x359, thinkgen about the age of aviation battleships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, what a beauty. What a shame the concept of BBVs died.

>> No.17376551

It was shameful that it even existed in the first place.

>> No.17376553

OASW is a new mechanic though, it's bound to be fucky with old mechanics like morale.
Morale doesn't effect ships in combined fleets, equipment improvement firepower/torp/accuracy doesn't count in support shelling, etc. Wouldn't be a farfetched notion if something similar applies to OASW.

>> No.17376558

Is that a jet zuiun?

>> No.17376594

About the morale, you don't have a problem with that since you always get S results. You can just swap the flagship to gain morale for the ship is not sparkle. It is possible and more likely to maintain all sparkle with opASW fleet. The only downside is huge time investment.

>> No.17376663
File: 100 KB, 920x720, __hyuuga_and_ise_kancolle_arcade_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shibafu_glock23__82da52d8c461380f7b71d91bd6ffa899[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that our favorite guy Shibafu already drew Zuiuns that fly without rotating propeller two years ago

>> No.17376698

Kamoi looks like a discount Shoukaku with thick brows

>> No.17376703
File: 919 KB, 900x1200, __kamoi_and_shoukaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hayabusa__a39efc4da4f6ee3b839b6ee2abfa7207[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a keen observation.

>> No.17376734

Fat crane

>> No.17376752
File: 640 KB, 708x1000, __fumizuki_and_satsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagasioo__ad66cdca56f9ee382e2c69393d6fb144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17376797

Show me a sluttier outfit than Kamoi's

>> No.17376813


>> No.17376817
File: 87 KB, 991x1400, __okinami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__5225081a9f021479f627f8680327b8e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy-peasy, Shimakaze. And Iowa.

>> No.17376818


Huh? I'd say unryuus

>> No.17376819

Will she be the least cared K2 this year? Especially considering how non of the recent K2s boosted their poplarity as much as you'd think.

>> No.17376824


It'd be impressive if she was. You can't fill the next five months with just Sara and Mutsu.

>> No.17376825

She has a see-through shirt with only a strap covering her nipples.

>> No.17376827

Yes because she'll have stats that are nearly on par with Mutsuki / Kisaragi Kai Ni and she'll be able to equip (or come with that'll require a blueprint) a diahatsu.

>> No.17376838

Speaking of Mutsu, will she get a longcoat or something else?

>> No.17376849

It'd be stupid if she didn't get a longcoat as the previous three got one.

>> No.17376856


>> No.17376869

Wait, I thought we were talking about the mutsuki class here.

Disregard my previous comment.

>> No.17376873

One of the mutsukis became the longcat instead.

>> No.17376879


>Mutsu gets a Mutsuki moon pin

>> No.17376905
File: 373 KB, 1200x1600, __aoba_mutsu_and_mutsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ryuki_ryukisukune__4d87853cc8201d6bc283981e42ffb935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be nice

>> No.17376968
File: 199 KB, 346x305, bulge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we know the max upgrade value of bulges, is it worth upgrading them?

>> No.17376987

Some of the most expensive trash in the game. Definitely a must.

>> No.17377058

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17377067

Keep us updated, Tanaka-san.

>> No.17377078

Don't fall for the Dunkirk meme

>> No.17377082
File: 477 KB, 800x480, 20170725_15181232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the road to completely phasing out Reppuu!

>> No.17377084

Was it that bad?

>> No.17377088

Good thing KanColle is based off the Pacific War between Japan and the US.

>> No.17377090

What do you mean? I heard it's very good and depressing as fuck.

>> No.17377132

It captured a lot right but the director did a few mistakes, and some of them were not just some detail mistakes like the yellow cones on the German airplanes because he needed to for the movie, but like making the French demand to be evacuated along the British when in reality they chose to stay behind to defend the evacuation in the town of Dunkirk.

Nolan just made them look like total cowards in the process.

>> No.17377142

It's kind of dull and not very depressing. It changes between the viewpoint of an English soldier on the beach, an RAF pilot and some old man on one of the small boats

None of their stories are particularly interesting, and it doesn't feel like it quite captures the severity of situation or the sheer scale and miracle of the evacuation.

Looking back it almost feels like Nolan's shying away from the horrors of the war, the few deaths shown are watered down enough to warrant the PG12 rating.

>> No.17377146
File: 84 KB, 620x465, 1500944891782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fumi is tenshi buddha from nirvana


>> No.17377154

I miss Ooi old quotes

>> No.17377204
File: 298 KB, 640x360, 170725_1_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17377205

Flash will die in 2020. It's time for the devs to rewrite the game in HTML5.

>> No.17377211

Limited time Katori onahole card for the arcade?

>> No.17377215

What's Fumizuki's personality?

>> No.17377220

>Devs can't keep the accounts due to shitty programming.
>Have to start all over again.
>Many quit the game out of frustration
So this is how KanColle dies.

>> No.17377224

All the account info can be saved in a database very easily, flash would not hinder that.

>> No.17377228

You have too much faith in guys who used flash in 2013.

>> No.17377231

No I'm just not retarded like you.

>> No.17377242

I hope you are still using only flash, not retarded one.

>> No.17377247

Look you fucking retard, the databases are already in place. How do you think they keep track of all accounts, you think they're written in flash too? Accessing them, reading them, and then transferring them would not take much effort.

>> No.17377255

I want to fuck Katori.

>> No.17377259

Innocent and sweet.

>> No.17377261


>> No.17377263

At least they can improved something.

>> No.17377270


>> No.17377277

I like your "as a matter of fact" attitude in regards to people who still manage to screw up events/event maintenances of implementing pretty much the exact same things after all these years.
But keep being optimistic. That'll make the end result much more "inteestin" for you.

>> No.17377278

She needs a soft deo. Her armpit is so red.

>> No.17377295


>> No.17377296
File: 627 KB, 800x1113, 64050864_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Kaga wife" story actually being about Kaga being a lesbian in love with Akagi all along is fucking hilarious.

>> No.17377301
File: 760 KB, 800x1117, __kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ayasugi_tsubaki__5be7529a564d33aadd93f4c1bec3a9e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't this guy have anything better to draw?

>> No.17377305

Don't you have anything better to post?

>> No.17377308

Kaga is cute, in her emotionless, deadfish like way too you know.

>> No.17377317
File: 498 KB, 800x1113, Kaga wife TTK sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're trolling or just plain stupid
No, Kagawife is love

>> No.17377333
File: 459 KB, 591x879, __kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuzuriha_p__2a9ee09f9117f0907fbb54f920519e47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slutty Kaga is the best kaga.

>> No.17377344

Slutty Kaga is the worst Kaga, Kagawife is the best

>> No.17377355
File: 338 KB, 573x452, kaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377367

This Kaga is too sexy

>> No.17377376

You make it sound like if the devs are competent.

>> No.17377457
File: 310 KB, 800x709, __kaga_kashima_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_and_lawson_drawn_by_tanaka_kusao__sample-c05556c499d098391335a454a0f7c150[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost it at ぽいぽいスウィッチオンヌ。This artist is so good.

>> No.17377540

Spitfire when? 3 of them took down a bunch of BF109 and Heinkel bombers.

>> No.17377615
File: 83 KB, 500x707, __kaga_shoukaku_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ladic__4f9750b85cf24818678806af0f003cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translations when?
I want a Kaga wife.

>> No.17377649
File: 264 KB, 1280x946, Supermarine_Seafire_Mk_IIc_of_No._885_Naval_Air_Squadron_on_the_flight_deck_of_HMS_FORMIDABLE_in_the_Mediterranean,_December_1942._A14219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably never, unless we see a British carrier

Given the number of years it took for Warspite it'll probably be another 3-4 years before we see another British ship

>> No.17377658

Don't worry, everyone has something better to translate.

>> No.17377661

Spitfires are LBAS planes.

>> No.17377667

There's a carrier variant, and I imagine we'd see an American LBA plane before we'd see a British one

>> No.17377672

That just makes it even less likely to ever get any Spitfires or Seafires.

>> No.17377673


The Seafire is a Spitfire.

>> No.17377709


Only ~48 hours until we'll know for sure.

>> No.17377719

It's going to be a Mk.30 5inch Mod.0 gun.

>> No.17377733
File: 32 KB, 360x360, Dc8c6_Nq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitspit a shit.

>> No.17377735

Classy lady.

>> No.17377751
File: 286 KB, 576x699, 1472900339444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she standing? Her stance looks different.

>> No.17377754

She's sitting.

>> No.17377759 [DELETED] 

Is Yoshinori a ZUN fan? Do his girls really need to have a head accessory at all times?

>> No.17377760



>> No.17377761


>> No.17377763
File: 356 KB, 708x1280, 1483348510892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377764


>> No.17377765

I fucked up.

>> No.17377766

Ok, this is pretty cute.

>> No.17377768

Conishi is a confirmed Gundumb fan. The girl rumor came from her buying a zaku.

>> No.17377780

From Shokaku's​ lookalike, now she is literally recolered shokaku.

>> No.17377784
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting Shitspit to ever look good

>> No.17377786

About time.

>> No.17377791

>How to make an English battleship like a Japanese carrier by Konishi.

>> No.17377795
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1321228567784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377796

I want her to sit on my face.

>> No.17377801

Perfect. I might have enough bauxite.

>> No.17377806

Cute. But what's with the weird shades.

>> No.17377809

It's a well known fact that bongs can't into fashion.

>> No.17377820

To be fair to the Messerschmitts, they were doing something they weren't built to do (escort Heinkels). Like many bad decisions made by Germans, this too can be blamed on Goering being a fucking retard.

There were attempts to convert it into a carrier plane. But the main Spitfire flaw was that its operational range was low due to fuel limitations.
Great interceptors and land-base planes, but this made them terrible carrier fighters. Not to mention that the changes necessary to make it work on carriers made the craft very brittle and prone to stress damage from landing. They'd have been better off using what they already had on carriers, as combat records showed.

>> No.17377824

>They'd have been better off using what they already had on carriers
Brewster Buffalos and Fairey Fulmars?

>> No.17377825

Is the only reason they didn't bring her back until now because she's for large based events?

>> No.17377829

Funnily enough the Hurricane apparently was a more successful conversion for a carrier plane than the spitfire.
Also to be fair the bearcat had less range than a fully loaded Hellcat and/or corsair but then again Kamikazes were a big problem.

>> No.17377834

Sea Hurricanes and later they got some wildcats.

>> No.17377840

That tweet says nothing about AA Hime and Spring 16 was large scale.

>> No.17377843

Spring 16 was all about installations so it makes sense for AA Hime to stay way.

>> No.17377844
File: 291 KB, 765x770, mainvisual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17377847

Mogami's are so painfully flat

>> No.17377850

So I got baited?

>> No.17377856


We can fix that by making her eat the entire watermelon by herself.

>> No.17377860

It's mostly water though, that'll just grow her stomach.

>> No.17377868


That is the aim.

>> No.17377870

Ugly creatures.

>> No.17377883

Much better than that horrible sprite last year.

>> No.17377887 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 704x640, 1501032393292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as bad but still ugly.

>> No.17377940

How do I 6-1? Taigei and who else?

>> No.17377966

taigei solo

>> No.17377972

Taigei is a complete dead-weigh, even for 6-1.

>> No.17378004

Her flock.

>> No.17378057
File: 7 KB, 186x65, ju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn what should I prioritize? bauxtie or ammo?

>> No.17378068

Dont forget to punch-hole your taigei.

>> No.17378073

You'll be switching LBAS planes quite a bit.

>> No.17378104

I have nowhere near these resources, can I still get some fancy ships in this event?

>> No.17378106

There's always kusomode.

>> No.17378113


>> No.17378250

You'd have been fucked three years ago, but now there's always 丙.

>> No.17378267

Sauce on this Kaga

>> No.17378298

TL never

>> No.17378305

>Nolan just made them look like total cowards in the process.
Well they're french after all right. So sounds about right.

>> No.17378319
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, 1434237512551.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You funny guy

>> No.17378337

If you want a movie about the French then you should watch movies made by French. And I only remember one French guy who posed as an English soldier. Literally complaining about nothing.

>> No.17378367

Not him, but if the guy claims its historical accurate but fucks up on some of the details than he deserves some criticism. Going by the reactions the movie is getting they're getting exactly that.

>> No.17378376

Did he? I don't normally pay attention to interviews. So I couldn't give a crap. The only things I care about is should I see this in IMAX, 3-D ect. Really I have stopped caring about historical accuracy on things other than documentaries.

>> No.17378382

The only historically accurate documentaries are The First World War and The World At War.

>> No.17378385

He may claim it is, but it was anything but besides getting some imagery right, more brainless Hollywood insert to make it more interesting but as an anon said above it was pretty dull.

>> No.17378450
File: 350 KB, 797x479, booze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17378520 [DELETED] 

Pola Due fucking when? Zara due was gorgeous and Pola already looked better than Zara so her due can only make her even better.

>> No.17378527
File: 444 KB, 1200x1600, 63993973_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pola due fucking when? Zara due was gorgeous and Pola already looked better than Zara so her due can only make her even better.

>> No.17378629

Now, Kagawife is not a mute after all!

>> No.17378658

Zuikaku is bothering the customers, I honestly hope she gets fired for this
Kaga-san deserves a better subordinate

>> No.17378678

The movies have barely any dialogue. You are supposed to feel immersed with the scenery, cinematics and just enjoy the Spitfire vs BF109 dogfight.

>> No.17378791
File: 349 KB, 1447x2046, DE9HxFVUQAA9zVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not totemo OK desu.

>> No.17378804


>> No.17378805

I already married her, what's not ok?

>> No.17378831

Your voice is not totemo ok.

>> No.17378836

I want to fuck her mouth.

>> No.17378849
File: 160 KB, 827x827, 746913a4efa12e9106a07d43820332cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody noticed Cutori!

>> No.17378856
File: 850 KB, 723x1023, 611523858fc1cc62f027ff75f1089d5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you let your secretary dress like this?

>> No.17378879

My secretary is Hayasui so yes.

>> No.17378895

is the Kashima meme almost over?

>> No.17378937
File: 183 KB, 590x278, that cork is about to pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.17378960

You people realize these will only be this year only due to Zuiun fest, right? Next year we'll get the soggy mutant noodle again.

>> No.17378963

She must stay in my bed, naked.

>> No.17379005

I don't think it'll fit Samidare

>> No.17379023

Better question now is Kamoi going to dethrone Kashima as Queen of Comiket?

>> No.17379056
File: 111 KB, 640x1592, tamagoyaki was correct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's because of Mitsukoshi collab. They set potatoman straight, the girls promoting a product should look cute, that's the point.

>> No.17379163
File: 111 KB, 1055x809, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17379209
File: 401 KB, 524x720, C7Z2KK-VAAEINUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mitsukoshi pr guy likes potatoes, daijobu, abyssal scum, and Pola
thinking emoji

>> No.17379211

P-38 when

>> No.17379215

Cripples are cute though

>> No.17379221
File: 96 KB, 913x890, hello darkness my old friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless shibafu.

>> No.17379226

The Battlefield series is better
Too bad it's so hard to find now

>> No.17379233

No, that's extremely unprofessional and would reflect poorly on me

>> No.17379273
File: 798 KB, 1079x1500, __mutsu_and_nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_gorou_ya__9353df0675686ceb562dfd011d084dbb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty decent artist. Shame he doesn't post most of his work on pixiv or twitter, only one or two pics once in a while for promotion.

>> No.17379286

we gonna switch to html5 soon
Adobe Flash Discontinued, to be Killed in 2020

>> No.17379297

So they'll be forced to switch to something better, huh. Thank god.

>> No.17379313
File: 429 KB, 719x1000, 14920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if

>> No.17379322

Literally blonde Shoukaku.
not a bad thing though

>> No.17379345

Who do I yell at for no Zuikaku, Conishi or Tanaka?

>> No.17379352

You yell at at the mirror. Nothing will change either way.

>> No.17379381

The underlying assumption here is that the devs are competent enough to make the switch, and/or that the data can be transferred without too many issues. The latter I'm not too concerned about, but as for the former....

>> No.17379402 [SPOILER] 
File: 285 KB, 800x1119, 1501067381207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Shoukaku's not a cri-

>> No.17379403

Cute, Kaga kai2 soon I hope

>> No.17379419

Those are not K2 you dimwit.

>> No.17379446

Is Kagawife a kai2?

>> No.17379484

I am getting sick and tired of these autistic retarded discussions.
Fuck off.

>> No.17379491

Do japs know about the potato meme?

>> No.17379494

Of couse they do, retard.

>> No.17379503

Are you thinking of killing yourself?
No, it's a retarded /jp/ meme

>> No.17379511

I thought the japs called Shibafus' ships potatos first.

>> No.17379513

No, I'll kill myself ONLY after Samidare and Suzukaze K2.

>> No.17379525

>Not after Kaga kai2
I bet you can't handle the awesomeness

>> No.17379531

Nice projecting.

>> No.17379537

I can handle everything in this game better than half of /jp/.

>> No.17379579

Man what's with Shoukaku and doujins

>> No.17379618
File: 156 KB, 509x600, 6168435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Questioning the legend of Shoucucku the Netorarrier

>> No.17379625


I think this one at least has a historical basis.

>> No.17379629

>it's a retarded /jp/ meme
Except it's not, 2chan and niconico calls Shibafu's ships potatoes as much if not more than here.

>> No.17379705 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 500x500, 1501072143968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17379735

No one cares

>> No.17379739
File: 6 KB, 360x105, KanColle-170726-05333546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AA hime
see you guys in easy mode

>> No.17379759

No need to be butthurt about it.

>> No.17379762

Someone asked that particular question, moron. Thus at least someone cares by default.

>> No.17379887

What about Suzuya. She has cowtits.

>> No.17379908

I don't think she's Cute. Her glasses ruin her for me and I don't like her much. Only got her since I get no time to farm Kashima in events since I end up choking on the last map. And I need to speed leveling up.

>> No.17379919

>last maps

>> No.17379933

Not that Kashima drops in last maps. Rather that I don't finish the event in time to get farming Kashima.

>> No.17379946

Fucking degenerates

>> No.17379980

Nobody asked for your blog and opinion.

>> No.17379985

They won't change shit as long as the Android port exists.

>> No.17380087

They could easily abandon the core game, android app and whatever pspvita shit they had or used to have in mind ever since the introduction of the arcade and the brand shitting all over the place, as it makes just as much, if not more, money than the main game, and it'll not make weeaboos lose interest as long as one of the two exist.

>> No.17380163
File: 130 KB, 650x910, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17380167

WTF are you thinking? Development cost will make it p2w, which isn't favorable to the franchise.

>> No.17380178

F-35B is superior

>> No.17380209

Fucking slaver.

>> No.17380212

>leveled 2 CL, 2CLT and 7DD on 1-5

god this was one of my greatest grinds ever

>> No.17380222
File: 64 KB, 820x580, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you defy Him?!
Not slavery - fun for the whole family.

>> No.17380242

Still inferior to C and A version.

>> No.17380244


>> No.17380253

No, my shipgirls aren't sluts.

>> No.17380267

>Showing her nipples
Nope, Kaga-san is not a slut

>> No.17380294
File: 1.11 MB, 868x1228, That's what you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17380310
File: 640 KB, 1200x1710, Kaga sexy wife pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this Kaga then

>> No.17380314

Bargains! Imprisoning me! All that i see!
Absolute savings! What a great deal! What a great find! Look at these jeans! Damn i look sexy as helllllll!

>> No.17380315


>> No.17380334


>> No.17380337


>> No.17380347

Your Kaga is fake copy of my Kaga

>> No.17380362
File: 675 KB, 1600x1131, __admiral_and_hayasui_kantai_collection_drawn_by_enjaku_izuku__3810f6c48c5e771f5ea8f262d04d3180[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your body event-ready?

>> No.17380386

No. While my stockpiles can Increase. My time on KanColle cannot.

>> No.17380387

I'd prefer to do that to Hayasui and with my semen instead of the drink.

>> No.17380393

no because AA Hime

>> No.17380478

Why is Hayasui so cute?

>> No.17380486

But AA hime is good news, it means more ducks.
I have 60k baux and I'm not afraid of anything.

>> No.17380497
File: 7 KB, 805x945, 1442479514323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60k baux

>> No.17380509
File: 128 KB, 850x1133, suzuya blows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh all you want, dragons. I'm fucking invincible.

>> No.17380520

Why would you need more ducks? You can get one every event.

>> No.17380527

Why are you being dishonest Anon? It's obvious the vast majority of the French were fighting to defend the perimeter something that is acknowledged and mentioned throughout the film.

>> No.17380528

AAhime? So it's not Lyte. Fuck Tanaka.

>> No.17380535

A new, 4th one is coming this time.

>> No.17380537

With the shit I'm busy with I've already resigned myself to kuso mode.

>> No.17380733
File: 248 KB, 1102x1600, ill do my best... tomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they create a program, literally a videogame.

>> No.17380746
File: 381 KB, 1257x2006, large[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only hope.

>> No.17380760
File: 653 KB, 777x1100, 8b03d5f2e2b227ae93a465af59426505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/50 I think. I need more ammo and it seems bauxtie too.
First long event ever for me.

>> No.17380769

The more Hatsuyuki sleeps all day, the more chances i have to join in without her noticing.

>> No.17380780

Most likely they'll just switch to some other coding language while sticking to the root RNG dice rolling simulator. It's highly unlikely Tanaka will make this a videogame instead of keeping it an RNG dicerolling simulator.

>> No.17380800

No dev drops the core "gameplay" feature of their game, especially if it's random frustration based.
But using some programm that allows for more utility ui/core design improvements without changing how the game plays is what people wanted since the time flash was marked for dead.

>> No.17380808

None of the tweets mentioned AA Hime.

>> No.17380839

Almost, ressourcers are the best they've ever been but still not enough.

>> No.17380845
File: 63 KB, 300x293, neet hime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about THIS >>17377760

>> No.17380859

Read the fucking tweet.

>> No.17380861

Why did you think they did?

>> No.17380864

>Currently "Ship" This is managed by Shimbun This ship "This" Summer Event 2017: We are preparing strategies for the limited time zone in both ways. The scale of deployment of the strategy marine area of this summer is scheduled to be [large scale], the timing to start operation will be 【8/10 (Thurs)】 next month. Admiral! Let's fight this summer, let's do our best with all your strength!

Please post a better translation that points to something AA related?
P.S.: that fucking cheesy last line makes me want to punch Tanaka in his fat face.

>> No.17380867

I don't. Read the thread.

>> No.17380876

Its just some guy trolling and people who can't run google translate believing him.
The same thing happened when people thought Fujikawa was going to be at FujiQ.

>> No.17380878

/jp/ needs kanji capcha.

>> No.17380883

And make you draw it; with Abukuma being one of them.

>> No.17380890

What does Hayasui even do now that Kamoi is my new Red Bull girl?

>> No.17380893
File: 16 KB, 143x65, KanColle-170726-17370630 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give bauxite

>> No.17380899

Run sparkled 6, 11, 15 or 36.

>> No.17380902

She should be on stand-by with the "Monster" IV.

>> No.17380910

That's what I'm currently doing, but it's still pretty slow going

>> No.17380926

> 15 or 36
Not 35?

>> No.17380933

Works too, i guess. The 1 CA is a sore sight though.

>> No.17380935

Where's your mules?

>> No.17380941

Steel and baux take forever to farm even with mules.

>> No.17380953

It's amazing how gullible some people here are.

>> No.17380960
File: 14 KB, 167x81, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've quit over failed LSC too many times so I haven't really made much progress.

>> No.17380973
File: 7 KB, 140x59, stehl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's something new for me

>> No.17380979

They were focusing on bringing up Ammo and Fuel

>> No.17380981

25k is enough, you still have a chance.

>> No.17381023

Get buckets.
let the rest regen by itself.
Also stop doing fucking LSC a month before a large event.

>> No.17381024
File: 492 KB, 500x701, card20117-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the handwriting say?

>> No.17381032

I'm not dead yet.

>> No.17381036

Would it be crazy if it was one of her lines?

>> No.17381044

It's black on black, can't read shit.

>> No.17381047

It's her line.

>> No.17381051
File: 552 KB, 784x460, 150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully. I'm doing what I can to catch up.

I think you're underestimating just how long I mean by quit. I'm only level 71.

>> No.17381060

Yes I know youre newfag.
I'm giving you an advice and dont make LSC until lvl 100 or something like that.

>> No.17381087
File: 11 KB, 145x44, fucked off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise I'm fucked

>> No.17381090

Is it really newfag if the account is from 2014?
I'm definitely as retarded as one, though. The only thing that stopped me from instantly going back into LSC is I had no dev mats.
I'm extremely likely to repeat the process after this event.

>> No.17381099

Don't try real life gambling, it'll ruin ya.

>> No.17381106

Just wait for regen to regen. You should be able to clear without much problems. No farming though.

>> No.17381110

I want to be a plebeian no more.
What is the patrician's shipgirl of choice?

>> No.17381117



>> No.17381120

The one you love the most.

>> No.17381132
File: 75 KB, 638x538, 3a2c84f9ae4aad12467fff534e716787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17381163

None, everything is shit taste.

>> No.17381169

>search danbooru for good pics of my shipwaifu
>lewds everywhere


>> No.17381179


>what is rating:safe

>> No.17381183

You should rejoice, young man. My waifu is so niche, she has almost no lewds, and it's pretty frustrating.

>> No.17381207

Your waifu is either popular and gets lots of art, including lewds. Or unpopular and has barely anything.
Imo, getting around shitposting about your waifu is easier than having nothing about her to speak of.

>> No.17381213
File: 11 KB, 169x64, Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kusofarming is the way to go.

>> No.17381302
File: 285 KB, 1481x2048, IMG_20170726_133649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you fucking did, you piece of shit.

How will you continue living knowing you caused this to an innocent girl?

>> No.17381304

Just give her a bucket.

>> No.17381310
File: 51 KB, 435x207, Screenshot_2017-07-26-21-44-29-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect nothing.

>> No.17381315


I love cripple girls.

>> No.17381318
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can rebuild her. We have the technology.

>> No.17381320
File: 286 KB, 863x2047, 1497860677271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say marry her to make it up to her, but I wouldn't know where to put the ring.

>> No.17381323
File: 524 KB, 1000x1414, tumblr_mwjkzrdID41t2c3kzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is oguchi ever going to come back and draw Na-class, he uploaded stuff to his tumblr this year for the first time in like 4 years.

Or is he just going to keep linking youtube music from Hotline Miami.

>> No.17381333

Did he draw Ta from Shimakaze or did Yoshinori draw Shimakaze from Ta?

>> No.17381334
File: 994 KB, 990x780, d05ab8c686f13df3b30e8612214e1929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wars don't fight themselves.

>> No.17381344

She volunteered

>> No.17381346

Why is Kashima such a slut?

>> No.17381349

>No buckets

>> No.17381354

The power of memes.

>> No.17381367

I can easily live. Not my fault Inazuma was born too weak to keep her fingers. Plus she has a bulge at chest level which implies she has breasts. Questionable for little flat Inazuma.

>> No.17381372

Just bucket her, if that doesn't work scrap and get a new one.

>> No.17381381

I don't even have her or want her.

>> No.17381416

She deserves it after fanon turned her into an intimidating girl who makes people piss themselves in fear when made mad.

>> No.17381433

But Nanodeath is cute if you can avoid that one retarded meme.

>> No.17381446

> Nanodeath
La very petite mort.

>> No.17381463

Why is this game so fucking boring outside of the events?
Every single day I need to send like 15 different ships to 1-1.
Every single day I need to click the menus for like 1 hour doing the same tedious tasks for 4-eyed light cruiser bitch.
Literally half the gameplay is checking expedition countdowns. All of them have different durations. Two of the short ones provide same income as one that is 10x longer. Which makes 90% of them pointless.
8/10 better fucking come soon

>> No.17381469

So stop playing IdleColle.

>> No.17381470

You don't "need" to do that, TTK.

>> No.17381473


>> No.17381476

Imagine being so dumb that you can't write a simple program to automate KanColle.

>> No.17381481

It's the buildup that makes it worth it. All the time and effort spent making your fleet stronger makes you clear events faster and more efficiently, maybe even with your favorites. If you don't spend that time improving, you're just stuck in the same place you were 3 months ago.

>> No.17381483

If you're not for the girls, then you're a retard.

>> No.17381493

Start ranking then.

>> No.17381498

You'll be stuck in the same place 3 month even after you build up your fleet to steamroll everything. With most of it being 1/3 of the game time waiting for long ass animations. Girly voices coming from the other side is the ontly thing that tones down the "dron" factor.

That's like telling him to jump his current tedious work for a 10 times more tedious one.

>> No.17381606
File: 16 KB, 146x65, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing 5/6/38 during the day and 11/24/36 while I'm asleep. should I switch to 5/11/38 during the day now?

>> No.17381621

Fuck off.

>> No.17381676

Let's stop calling them shipgirls and call them what they really are.


>> No.17381712

They aren't boats.

>> No.17381714


>> No.17381719

You mean scrap, they're from WW2

>> No.17381759


If scrap's been smelted down and reforged into something useful, is it still scrap?

>> No.17381774

Yes because that's the purpose of scrap.

>> No.17381873 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 2048x1536, 1500733115126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you buy Naganami rice for 50 yen?

>> No.17381888

That's cheaper than fucking slots in the game.

>> No.17381890

why del?

>> No.17381971
File: 72 KB, 735x850, __atago_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akatsuki_ownpace__4524ae948081a87ad0c34c1a8f7df98f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn Atago is still the tittiest

>> No.17381979

I would pan paka her pans, if you see what I mean.

>> No.17381992
File: 3.76 MB, 2674x3587, __shoukaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_enosan__0dac9eafbca6d5e23b76d5ad4f635287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boatsluts. It has a nice ring to it.

>> No.17382007

is there anything more cancerous than shimakazefags? especially the faggot ones

>> No.17382009

Atago is a strong cruiser.

>> No.17382014


>> No.17382021


>> No.17382037


>No Kai Ni

>> No.17382048

When was the last time you saw a Shimakazefag?
And only trapfags are the cancerous part.

>> No.17382053
File: 60 KB, 600x887, __atago_and_fairy_kantai_collection_drawn_by_utopia__1cf05eaf335ad7f5ae5fbb90bf0977a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was made a flagship for a reason.

>> No.17382065

She is junk.

>> No.17382079

Atago would make a very joyful wife and mother.

>> No.17382080

Rude! You take that back.
Pan paka pan is cute.

>> No.17382087

Atagofags are cancer.

>> No.17382088

It's not 2013 anymore.

>> No.17382100

Everyone is secretly an Atagofag.

>> No.17382117

Everybody loves Atago.

>> No.17382120

That artist is a dumbfuck

>> No.17382139
File: 250 KB, 528x500, 1495814887465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Takao get no love?

>> No.17382140

Because the Arpeggio counterpart is superior.

>> No.17382143
File: 171 KB, 746x1097, __takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kvlen__941561baf5a6e4f12f1929bb55c04544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love Takao?

>> No.17382145

This is the kANcOLLE thread.
Take your "superior" preggers Takao somewhere else.

>> No.17382147

>ignoring the Arpeggio event

>> No.17382153

Because she manages to be both bland and annoying at the same time.

>> No.17382154


>tfw you will never make Takao preggers

>> No.17382155

Accidentally saved a KanColle image on my 2hu folder.

>> No.17382156

Not secondary bait enough.

>> No.17382157

It was long ago and a mistake. The game currently has nothing to do with the manga other than a gutted manekin furniture of Iona.

>> No.17382161

I want people who started playing after Christmas 13 to fuck off.

>> No.17382165 [DELETED] 

Your days are gone grandpa. Stay mad.

>> No.17382169 [DELETED] 

>tfw started playing in 2016 after seeing iowa images with MAGA hats on /pol/

>> No.17382172 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.17382173 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1491151764739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17382175 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17382178
File: 206 KB, 1254x855, AirfixValColours1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A non-shitposting question, what was Japan's deal with the color green? It feels like it was everywhere.

>> No.17382184

They though the water was green and the sky white?

>> No.17382185
File: 13 KB, 300x221, 300px-Anti-torpedo_bulge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats better? turbine or bulge?

>> No.17382186
File: 96 KB, 544x736, 46dc2d5577011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like the colour green has some kind of functionality.

>> No.17382190 [DELETED] 

You could've at least started after seeing the anime. That made for a better excuse.

>> No.17382194

Green and blue is the same in japanese, midori. They thought they were painting it blue, when really, it was green.

Ocean is fucking aqua green, what are you, stupid? Of course they're gonna paint their seaplanes green.

>> No.17382195 [DELETED] 

How about starting after the anime aired without actually watching it?

>> No.17382201
File: 1.35 MB, 2591x3624, 58726751_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to like Atago without liking Takao. It just can't be done.

>> No.17382203
File: 195 KB, 600x375, pacific-ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks blue to me.

>> No.17382211
File: 773 KB, 2560x1600, ws_Island_Green_Ocean_2560x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17382213

What percentage of the ocean is islands and what percentage of the ocean is ocean?

>> No.17382215

Fuck off autist.

>> No.17382219

>maya does not get mvp

what the fuck is wrong with you?

i hate leveling CA

>> No.17382220

Hey there's an /a/ thread you can use to shitpost instead. >>>/a/160310329

>> No.17382223

Is that a trick question?

>> No.17382224

No that is certainly green. The one they used interchangeably was Ao 青. Midori is 緑.

>> No.17382226

Shoulda started back in 2013 so you'd have all your leveling down.

>> No.17382229

>m-muh spreadsheets

>> No.17382230

I thought kankore was banned from /a/?

>> No.17382234

To be honest I like the /a/ threads better. They post better art and Redditors are shun.

>> No.17382236
File: 24 KB, 687x89, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck those chink desu

>> No.17382241

Thanks, I'll remember that.

>> No.17382247

A flat increase in armor is better than evasion.

>> No.17382256

Learn to set your ships up properly first.

>> No.17382258

I'm still waiting for fags like you to post the new tokudaihatsu stats and upgrade values of turbines, riceballs, flashlights extra modifiers and telescopes.
Half a year for the bulges seems to long for someone who has nothing but numbers on his mind.

>> No.17382261

>almost event time
>Only have enough Maruyu to put Abucute up to 46 luck

>> No.17382264
File: 574 KB, 800x480, 20170505_00003455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put her as flagship and pray she aims at the boss.

>> No.17382265

please teach me senpai

>> No.17382266

I'm sorry Yura, I don't think you'll reach Kai2 before the event.

>> No.17382268

Her opening torpedoeueeue is ON by default, you don't need to feed her maruyus.

>> No.17382270

He's going for torp cut-in set up, dumbass.

>> No.17382277

People still clear events without her at all

>> No.17382281

I know, but cut-in is useless anyway, never count on it.

>> No.17382286

How is this thread still up? Why is it that only the shitposting threads survive for long while translation threads die after a few hours? Do people only want to shitpost?

>> No.17382291

Nice projecting.

>> No.17382300

Projecting what?
Fags talk about no fun allowed here but can't provide anything of what they consider "quality" themselves.
And i'm not one of the poeple who tries to drive away random posting (as long as it's in moderation, which is the case most of the time).

>> No.17382303

>fap to botes
>read manga about botes
You know which one people will choose.

>> No.17382317

You're still assuming that not liking a shitpost with text and images that I've seen multiple times means I'm some spreadsheet obsessed autist. Fuck off.

>> No.17382358

But I love her anon

>> No.17382457

Do you ever wonder how KanColle got so big so fast?

>> No.17382459

Cute girls, nothing to question.

>> No.17382463 [DELETED] 

Just like we had to wait 3-4 years between Iowa and Saratoga?

>> No.17382464

Right place at the right time

>> No.17382466

Jews pulling the strings as always, brain washing the Japanese youth into worshiping the Japanese Navy and its heroism, laying the grounds for Japan in the next World War.

>> No.17382468

Propaganda plot to get Japs into their Navy.

>> No.17382470

Like any other thing that gets popular: people that like it talk about it and it spreads.

>> No.17382472


>> No.17382480

The Dutch ship will come first.

>> No.17382498 [DELETED] 

Kamoi hasn't gotten as nearly the same amount of attention as Kashima.

>> No.17382502
File: 244 KB, 800x800, __jintsuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hamu_agaki__a2bd3e0b271fcf6917a22d5404981256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls and Japans love over War ships/military history

>> No.17382520 [DELETED] 

But Kamoi has even worse stats than Speed-Suck.

>> No.17382531

My guess it's because Kamoi doesn't speedsuck your fuel.

>> No.17382547 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, ogkdzow7v0cz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krauts a shit. Pasta rules.

>> No.17382558

Congrats on beating a fleet in PvP.

>> No.17382559
File: 105 KB, 900x818, 1472724826465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girls like Takao tend to be unappreciated by plebians.

>> No.17382585
File: 787 KB, 620x880, __takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hayakawa_akari__82d631b023aa4464cd4e40c5f83d4b31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gorgeous outfit
>comically attractive
>pleasant personality

What is there not to like?

>> No.17382602

Because she's lame and boring.

>> No.17382608
File: 865 KB, 1228x868, 1477600216738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have children with this woman and her sister.

>> No.17382611


>if operation

>> No.17382613 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 640x640, HsoG9Se1K0zTvak81_by_vIOjUNnMqMzVLAE8J4M1PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382617

It says we are going West.

>> No.17382620

Fuck off.

>> No.17382621

Love Atago but hate Takao.
Atago is joyful.
Takao is a dork.

>> No.17382622


HMS Ceylon confirmed.

>> No.17382628
File: 992 KB, 853x1200, __takao_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hayakawa_akari__073f503c9f0c031f6ca85a4186fdcb5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all sour grapes.

>> No.17382634

Sorry guys, my bad!

>> No.17382643

Sorry guys, my bad!

>> No.17382653 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 720x405, What+will+we+come+up+with+next+hear+me+out_bf87be_5852903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382662

What does grabbing those feel like?

>> No.17382665 [DELETED] 


>> No.17382681

The only Takao dork is Choukai.

>> No.17382691


>> No.17382718
File: 578 KB, 1280x1804, c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feed Atago

>> No.17382731

>people thought it was going to be Leyte

>> No.17382738

Which shipgirl wouldn't mind if you were ugly?

>> No.17382744

Only one retard in this thread thought it was going to be Leyte. There were more people saying it was going to be the Marianas over the month than Leyte. Leyte won't happen until Michishio Kai 2 happens.

>> No.17382747
File: 508 KB, 1000x1000, __hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_takahiro_rikky__2e6f40293ed55d13b5d65b06b9c53cdc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most huggable ship?

>> No.17382751


I'd rather overfeed her.

>> No.17382755


Kirishimia, just take her glasses off first.

>> No.17382762

Michi isn't getting a K2.

>> No.17382771

Next you're going to tell me Arare isn't getting a Kai 2.

>> No.17382779

>just take her glasses off

>> No.17382785


>> No.17382791
File: 660 KB, 1000x1468, 0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then you'd have to make her exercise.

>> No.17382804


>> No.17382806

Escort ships should deal less damage than your flagship. Works for literally every leveling comp.

>> No.17382807


According to my Thai picture books, that can be achieved by groping her belly.

>> No.17382812

If she did I'd actually take her over Michi.

>> No.17382844

Post good pictures of Atago please.

>> No.17382854 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 824x970, atago_by_paxiti-d8tktmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17382863
File: 13 KB, 280x210, 280px-Atago01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17382868 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1024x390, kancolle_battleships_by_amirmugi-dbde5oe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382884 [DELETED] 

My wife Chiyoda is awesome.

>> No.17382885

What's with all the /c/ posting today?

>> No.17382889


>> No.17382904 [DELETED] 
File: 547 KB, 848x1200, 63957874_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382913

I didn't think it is going to be Leyte, I just wished for it because I want the E or any other USN ships. Is there any chance for Tanaka pulling out another crossroad where you meet a USN ship at the end?

>> No.17382914
File: 484 KB, 1200x1696, 3c7938b797b82c1a89e409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we'll see her again.

>> No.17382916 [DELETED] 
File: 776 KB, 827x1169, 63444262_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382920

Fucking finally the only abyssal I like. The rest can go fuck themselves like Midway in the anime.

>> No.17382930

>liking abyssals

>> No.17382935 [DELETED] 

Fuck off BTKshitter.

>> No.17382937

Do you not know what the word only means?

>> No.17382938
File: 931 KB, 700x991, __zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tousaki_umiko__4acbf4e6c1e3bb67989e8fe27513e762[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tenshi da

>> No.17382940

Fuck off to /v/

>> No.17382946

I should get some sleep.

>> No.17382947

I thought this was Rin possessed by the goddess of prostitutes.

>> No.17382950

Kaga outfits sure look good on everyone,
Kaga is miracle

>> No.17382952

Calm down, nerd.

>> No.17382954 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1280x1853, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17382955
File: 156 KB, 450x615, Kaga family sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turkey da

>> No.17382957
File: 657 KB, 1488x2088, __anchorage_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_capriccio__4072055f293f823dc2db89be8d76a140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, she's a cutie.

>> No.17382958

I kind of wish the regular blue battlefield would be red during events.

>> No.17382959

I love this meme, most places are ok with abyssals and this is like the only place with people losing their shit over abyssfags.

>> No.17382966

Is there an Iowa edit of this?
That's always hilarious, the only other place with fags acting similarly to btkcuck is the wikia.

>> No.17382972

Do they sink together too?

>> No.17382973

No, Iowa is a good girl

>> No.17382974

I guess?

>> No.17382980

Worse yet since it's just like one or two fags.

>> No.17382982

How nice?

>> No.17382990

Just a little bit

>> No.17382992 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 1024x724, AH9KPAjf7swR48Dz2MEQyOEuI2YjAvSWaBtNB1hzmfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17383001


>> No.17383092

I'm so glad I married Houshou.

>> No.17383093

Wonder if we will get Illustrious

>> No.17383113 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 800x800, 1501126143863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17383125 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 852x1200, 61384566_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Littorio is a good girl!

>> No.17383127

Stop reposting everything from the /a/ thread.

>> No.17383131


>It's Unicorn

>> No.17383133 [DELETED] 


>> No.17383138

Cool Hoppers.

>> No.17383149
File: 111 KB, 467x470, 1494569669361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farming for Shoukaku
>only gets tons of RJ

>> No.17383154

Newfag doesn't deserve to enjoy Kancolle

>> No.17383160 [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 424x600, CP4yiTmU8AALTgC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farming for NTR queen

>> No.17383168
File: 33 KB, 493x550, 20427949_887037698111301_1586347164_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's chinkshit but somehow it's growing on me.

>> No.17383169 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 2048x1111, 233aqqh13kwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17383173


What about in between the lips?

>> No.17383177

Take your chinkshit back to /vg/.

>> No.17383178 [DELETED] 

Can't read chinkspeak, who is she?

>> No.17383179

>this fucking rigging
Why the fuck can't they come up with their own ideas? It's either a literal ripoff or something similar yet still fuck it up with bad weapon design or just bad design in general.

>> No.17383183

That looks retarded.

>> No.17383185


>> No.17383187

>coming up with anything original
They're the jews of the east, its biologically impossible for them.

>> No.17383188

Bisko guns and torps so must be Tirpitz.

>> No.17383198
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 1402656751315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wehraboos are accepting chink shit now

>> No.17383203 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 850x1236, twzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's too early to call him a wehraboo-after all, he hasn't gone all "Scuttled, not sunk!" yet.

>> No.17383207

Fuck off to >>>/u/

>> No.17383210

Taiyou-chan is just too cute, she looks like a mini Kaga

>> No.17383215

Anyone who wants more Germans despite them reaching 6 ships already is automatically one, especially if they come off as whiny and in denial to the 6 ship meme.

>> No.17383220


We don't have enough Krauts until we can sortie a full combined fleet and twin support expeditions.

>> No.17383235

the ocean isn't green though

>> No.17383246

Is blue as an apple.

>> No.17383265

Did they stealth-raise rare ship drop rates? I've gotten 2 taigeis and an akashi in the past five sorties

>> No.17383268

Yes, read patch notes.

>> No.17383285
File: 929 KB, 1007x736, 1501067597387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was she this whole time?

>> No.17383294

She was too young back then.

>> No.17383324
File: 60 KB, 656x664, CwGbtt5UsAAQNTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we finally have a hard event again?

>> No.17383340

No, but it's going to be tedious and annoying as hell because of 6 or 7 maps with debuffs, transport phases and shit.

>> No.17383346

Never, it's all truck loads of artificial difficulty for the foreseeable future.

>> No.17383353

Events aren't hard nowadays. It's autopilot with land bases. The only thing is a bitch to get is rare ships.

>> No.17383363

Farm in hard mode like me and that won't be a problem.

>> No.17383368

If you're just going for the new drops it doesn't matter what difficulty you use as the rate is the same for all of them

>> No.17383388

Last event had 6% or higher drop rates.

>> No.17383391

I can't wait for the 1 map that has 5 phases, 2 of which are the exact same mechanic just to fuck with you

>> No.17383407
File: 607 KB, 850x1200, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuuki_kazuhito__6765890cc15a390ff181ede0dd2e2cc9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Admiral's favorite girl.

>> No.17383412 [DELETED] 

Fuck off reddit.

>> No.17383426

You farmed Graf in hard mode? Yeah, right.

>> No.17383430

Fall 15 was easy enough that farming in hard wasn't any problem. First I farmed for Arashi though.

>> No.17383457

>not getting her while clearing

>> No.17383458

>using cv's in pvp

>> No.17383460

Yeah, that map was easy.

>> No.17383462

As long as it's not shit royal, I'm good.

>> No.17383470
File: 805 KB, 800x1131, 13833ea6e628b73b419c5338aa817104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better take that back!

>> No.17383478

Dont forget to scrap your Saiuns.

>> No.17383484

And a map similar to the last E5, that you have to reset after 3 or 4 runs because it becomes harder after the clear.

>> No.17383498

>if operation in west
Maybe in sea of japan.

>> No.17383501
File: 18 KB, 200x195, 1459780022648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hull teeth on a normal shipgirl

>> No.17383518

What's wrong with Ark Royal?
Do the brits have a more famous/better carrier?

>> No.17383531

Implacables are better.
>What's wrong with Ark Royal
Ark Royal sunk due to one torpedo despite boasting a better TDS than Dragons or Yorktowns in the same generation.

>> No.17383545

It would be yet another shitty foreign carrier that would work better as a CVL.

>> No.17383549
File: 104 KB, 864x978, yura before abucute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change wikia.

>> No.17383553
File: 162 KB, 1269x1269, CqPADQXVMAAGnyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17383563

Half of his shits are wrong, the more important ones kek. This is why one needs to get his ass rekt in /jp/ to understand more about mechanics.
>muh """"""artificial"""""" difficutly

>> No.17383569
File: 61 KB, 800x583, HMS_Barham_explodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British capital ships are crit magnets. We have no idea why this is the case.

>> No.17383579
File: 109 KB, 756x1066, __urakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_senbei_senbe_i__aa4a84b3320a50f4d998b82fabe64970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urakaze is better.

>> No.17383583

My waifu is superior

>> No.17383590

Ark Royal could carry up to 72 planes as designed.

>> No.17383598
File: 106 KB, 800x480, 2017-7-27T10.45.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17383601

Smoking is strictly forbidden.

>> No.17383614
File: 720 KB, 1163x1500, 1501104937861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17383640

>For early games, that one daihatsu can give you a lot of resources in long term
Confirmed retarded because she doesn't even come with it and the quest that rewards it needs a million other quests first and you have to clear 5-1.
>LOS: This is nothing to laugh at

>> No.17383679

>In fact, many people give AA stats to ships that does the shooting planes.

What does this even mean?

>> No.17383719

I'm going to go tell him he's a faggot and that he should kill himself.

>> No.17383738 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1598x958, 1489896628468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy gold. A real knee slapper. Chink has left it like this all day.

>> No.17383743
File: 612 KB, 1586x936, 1500735532773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left it for the entire day. Comedy gold, just so clever. Why do Chinese take pleasure in being cancer?

>> No.17383746

Free one time sparkle

>> No.17383749

Cute office and boat dude.

>> No.17383770

Thanks. I was so shaken up from missing out on my MVP XP for Kumano leveling I couldn't even post properly. I think it might be 'too much' summer, but its comfy enough.

>> No.17383776

Why is her IV red and why is it going into her fucking neck? Did she get attacked by a vampire?

>> No.17383848

I like her because she has a neat name
Ark Royal
It's fun to say

>> No.17383881

can someone educate me about her a little more and about what to expect for next event? i read a little about her.

>> No.17383887

There will be no AA hime.

>> No.17383903
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x2102, __atago_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tachibana_roku__963a6a2751830a66d8ce7d08f8dfbec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vault over Atago!

>> No.17383917

Why did she take off her bloomer?

>> No.17383996

For the last time, the guy who posted that was baiting all of you EOPs. There is zero mention of AA Hime in that tweet. All it says is that it's a hypothetical operation and that we're heading west.

>> No.17384003

That was in another tweet, whoops. All this one says is preparations are still underway, it'll be a large-scale event, blah blah blah, do your best.

>> No.17384005

Anybody here got the collection of fonts for typesetting?

>> No.17384006
File: 222 KB, 1028x965, DFTnqpOUAAUaxCS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384010

well they can't put it in her arm

>> No.17384153

>Not using CVs in PvP
Well. I'll be fair. Until we can have KanColle turn into arcade. We will only get artificial difficulty 'till the end of time.

>> No.17384160

Show me the one that mentioned AAhime?

>> No.17384173


>> No.17384351 [DELETED] 

Oh, it's you again.

>> No.17384373
File: 229 KB, 397x641, DE_Etorofu_Kai_383_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc escort.

>> No.17384377 [DELETED] 

I punched in 防空棲姫 in Twitter search and got nothing from the devs. He's obviously talking out of his anus.

>> No.17384389 [DELETED] 
File: 852 KB, 1200x1200, 64051866_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we finally get the option to marry Abyssals?

>> No.17384403 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 965x1200, DC2p248UIAAbTDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384412

What's it referencing? It's sitting on the back of my mind but I can't figure it out. Taiyou's expression is particularly familiar.

>> No.17384414

I don't think we ever will. Tanaka is too lazy to change the game's core even slightly and he probably thinks it's best the game stay how it is.

>> No.17384415

It's the sin.

All character that has her hair (Mashu, 2B, Rem) is shit. They all have something in common. Big titted half eyed girl with no interesting character behind it.

>> No.17384427 [DELETED] 
File: 704 KB, 4200x2550, 8fayybdhw1hx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384432
File: 151 KB, 407x378, 20428226_1466641530093976_742650725_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the leak is correct then reward is 38 cm quaruple gun mounth.
France BB ?

>> No.17384438

If it's not a burger I'll have zero remorse about going kuso.

>> No.17384440

How the hell did they even get this information?

>> No.17384443

Can't wait for it to be overwheight on everyone, even Yamato.

>> No.17384447
File: 133 KB, 560x407, 1499734015337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, could be fake but since im thirst for information as fuck, i'll take it.

>> No.17384452 [DELETED] 



>> No.17384454 [DELETED] 


>> No.17384470

This thumbnail screams cancer.

>> No.17384473 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1280x1834, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384474

You need to add the gaijin part into the description next time to make it more believable

>> No.17384490 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1280x1829, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384507 [DELETED] 

>This will be the fourth thread in a row to die without reaching 1000 replies

KanColle truly is dying.

>> No.17384510

Nothing lasts forever, except Kagalove

>> No.17384517

Everyone is doing event preps.

>> No.17384519 [DELETED] 

>except Kagashitting


>> No.17384523

Kagalove will die the moment Kagafags die though.

Like what? The exact same thing they were doing since the last event?

>> No.17384529

>Evolution of Kaga-san
IJN Kaga > DDH Kaga > Super Carrier Kaga > Space Carrier Kaga
Kagalove is forever

>> No.17384530

>The exact same thing they were doing since the last event?

>> No.17384535 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 1000x1415, 57827215_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Zara have to do to become as popular as her sister?

>> No.17384553

Kagafag delusion never cease to amaze me.

>> No.17384568 [DELETED] 
File: 622 KB, 1280x1835, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384570

>In denial
You can't handle the truth?

>> No.17384591 [DELETED] 

Are you the same retard who kept demanding a black shipgirl? You certainly sound a lot like him.

>> No.17384600

The truth is IJN Kaga and DDH aren' the same ship,you fucking retard.

>> No.17384615

Still in denial, I see

>> No.17384616

>projecting this hard

>> No.17384626 [DELETED] 

What about cases where two ships with the same name are still around at once, like USS Kidd (DD-661) and USS Kidd (DDG-100)?

>> No.17384632
File: 348 KB, 1024x768, USS_Enterprise_(CVN-80)_artist_depiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she will BTFO again by new Enterprise,just like old time or maybe from chink carrier like Liaoning.

>> No.17384643

And then she will rise again as a Super Carrier, what's your point?

>> No.17384647
File: 598 KB, 850x1200, 1500669529247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the 4koma laughs at your idiocy.

>> No.17384649

Nah,Japan will never get a shitty name to thier super carrier,it will be important named like Fuji.

>> No.17384656 [DELETED] 
File: 791 KB, 1000x707, 6902608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17384658

Stupid meme plane

>> No.17384661

Nah, it will be Kaga again
Stop replying to me

>> No.17384671

>being this delusional
Kaga is unworthy named for their first super carrier,I'm pretty sure if Kaga sunk again,her name will be use to named Patrol boat just like Akagi.

>> No.17384680
File: 549 KB, 565x577, zuiun cult leader and her flock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuiun is God you filthy infidel!

>> No.17384707

Zuiun terrorists?

>> No.17384714
File: 332 KB, 1200x1553, __hiryuu_hyuuga_souryuu_and_yukikaze_kantai_collection_and_peach_airline_drawn_by_yamada_rei_rou__8bfad5f55a7b37a7008828486adb77f8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuiun is a bomber, but it only drops bombs of love, straight into your heart. Zuiunism is a religion of peace.

>> No.17384718

These threads should never have that many posts outside of events, even now like half of it is just shitty image spamming or shitposting.

>> No.17384786

t. spreadsheet autist

>> No.17384790

Roma's paint reminds me of a barber shop pole thingy.

>> No.17384877

I only seen those things in movies.

>> No.17384908
File: 236 KB, 1850x1009, __akizuki_and_chou_10cm_hou_chan_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nina_ninageya__622a512ee2857c8e23adf1b8240bb10f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ded gaem. Tanaka better start the phase two soon.

>> No.17384909

Get outside more. Plenty of people still do it, especially the more traditional barbers.

>> No.17384912 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 591x767, S28rI7D0anAdaSzq7RwBKz-ZlUEw-KAJzNOv0O_Htu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best German, and why is it Graf?

>> No.17384916

Graf isn't a who. She's a slut that isn't made a drop.

>> No.17384919

Useless friz, only good for her sex appeal.

>> No.17384926

Why Ise and Hyuuga are so big?

>> No.17384934

what happened to that expedition list with optimal fleet composition?

>> No.17384936

What kind of bullshit is this? Gangut is 94 and konga is 99, only 5 cm bigger, but her jugs ave visibly move voluminous.

Breasts, how do they work?

>> No.17384955

Where are Atago and Takao in that?

>> No.17384960

Takao is J - 99, and Atago is K - 101.

>> No.17384995
File: 343 KB, 900x893, Tanetsuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you /jp/sies have this drama CD? It's freaking impossible to find it.

>> No.17385006

Yes, we need 331 more /c/ posts and spammy replies.

>> No.17385030

Nah. it's fake. None of the people producing these CDs would make them porn where Suzuya and Haruna are being sluts and soaking themselves in semen.

>> No.17385035

So Big E would Kinu and Zara levels of big?

>> No.17385038

Phase 2 will be implemented at the same time as Flash shutting down on 2020.

>> No.17385039

BB stands for Battleship, not big boobs.

>> No.17385040

How come Atago's are the most celebrated tits in the game when they are not even the biggest?

>> No.17385047

She was one of the first few big ones and relatively easy to obtain. Basically Tits for secondaries and plebs.

>> No.17385049 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 799x301, confused granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bismarck and Kongou both 99
>when Kongou is clearly bigger

>> No.17385050
File: 8 KB, 326x326, 1483316879346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly im hype for C92

>> No.17385053

They are still huge.

>> No.17385056

>they are not even the biggest?
They aren't? There isn't official data. Anyways, people like her for the blonde hair, personality (archetype) and voice.

>> No.17385059

Oh come anon, it's not only Suzuya and Haruna. You can also find Atago, Tenryuu and Bismarck in this wonderful CD.

Fuck i really need it but it's sold out.

>> No.17385060 [DELETED] 

>Battleship abbreviated as BB when it only has one B
>Destroyer abbreviated as DD when it only has one D
>Aircraft Carrier abbreviated as CV when it has no V

Why are USN abbreviations so weird?

>> No.17385064

Imperial measurement system ruins their brains.

>> No.17385066

That's 3 years from now. I don't know if I'll even be alive in 2020, what the fuck are they thinking?

>> No.17385068

Basically this.

Because they can goober.

>> No.17385070 [DELETED] 
File: 883 KB, 900x1200, 7wu4x7t6oaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the appeal of Kamoi?

>> No.17385072


>> No.17385073

Shit taste.

>> No.17385078

please dont post my waifu

>> No.17385082

Contrary to popular belief, the "CV" hull classification symbol does not stand for "Carrier Vessel". The "CV" designation was originally derived from cruisers, since aircraft carriers were seen as an extension of the sea control and denial mission of cruisers. The "V" designation for heavier-than-air craft comes from the French verb voler (to fly].”

And there you go. Guys who come up with hull classifications are a bunch of nerds.

>> No.17385083


>> No.17385088

Poor man's Shoukaku in a sluttier outfit

>> No.17385090

Same here anon!

>> No.17385096 [DELETED] 

How much do you pay her to call her "your waifu?"

>> No.17385099

>Cover looks really good.
>Turns out to be shotashit.

>> No.17385110 [DELETED] 

You're just jealous.

>> No.17385116

she is not a slut

>> No.17385120

I'm doing my best to ignore that here.

>> No.17385124 [DELETED] 

All kanmusu are sluts.

>> No.17385127

delete this

>> No.17385128

Not Kaga-san. she's a pure waifu

>> No.17385129

It's every Atago/Takao doujin ever

>> No.17385132

A real shame.

>> No.17385137 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1920x938, Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 12.46.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-shota Atago/Takao doujins actually outnumber the shota doujins by a wide margin.

>> No.17385142

Fuck off

>> No.17385145 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1920x938, Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 12.47.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong screenshot.

>> No.17385154 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1920x938, Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 12.48.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the number of non-shota doujins for comparison.

>> No.17385163

>spent a ton of bauxite to get type 32 surface radar
>maya still fucks with me and dont get mvp

life is suffering

>> No.17385165

How many times have you clicked on a nice cover and yup, they are fucking another kid

>> No.17385168
File: 30 KB, 304x273, captcha knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to add "-translated" to get a fair comparison.

>> No.17385172

>that fucking captcha

shut it down

>> No.17385195

They fucked up the mouth

>> No.17385300

Which shipgirl would really love me even if I'm a pathetic loser?

>> No.17385327

almost every shipgirl would love you

they're not sluts

>> No.17385331

All of them. They're not real girls, they'll love you no matter what.

>> No.17385416 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 400x621, 1501177450319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean Sara K2 will be CV-60 with Chic Burlingame fairy.

>> No.17385433 [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 1200x1200, 5669838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385452

Step on Kashima and watch the fucking gore.

>> No.17385465 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 489x766, N3whxVfhNDlJKfTlWzhOMq2gcoiMBtBQrAvyjqyoUJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.17385467

No, put your dic in it. Just imagine how tight she is.

>> No.17385481

Kashima is for bullying and mentally damaging.

>> No.17385485 [DELETED] 


>> No.17385499 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1050x1492, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385508 [DELETED] 
File: 950 KB, 874x850, 63788713_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody stop that Shimushu.

>> No.17385527 [DELETED] 
File: 840 KB, 1024x557, nJvt3f7Ags-18W2eQ1WI-6TgWcoh1V8FnXbx9qY8F3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385530

>Forgetting Yamashiro and Hiei exist

>> No.17385534 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 1867x240, Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 14.08.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385548

Admiral is their superior. They're obliged to suck up to you.

>> No.17385554 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1199x698, DFvkh50VYAAawB-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385559

Hiei is a bro at most.
Yamashiro, on the other hand, needs to be loved unconditionally, especially when her sister isn't around.

>> No.17385624 [DELETED] 

Hiei is obviously trying to poison you with her curry.

>> No.17385634

I want my railguns:

>> No.17385646 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 880x1040, 63088592_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385650

I wanna fuck Astolfo!

>> No.17385656

Is this some kind of marriage ritual?

>> No.17385658

If you don't want to cum inside her, she'll have to extract your semen directly from the balls.

>> No.17385659 [DELETED] 

OK, Ritsuka.

>> No.17385667

What a bitch.

>> No.17385684
File: 552 KB, 708x1000, 48366476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385688 [DELETED] 

What kind of faggot wouldn't want to cum inside her?

>> No.17385690
File: 134 KB, 842x1200, __haruna_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tsukui_kachou__801b7e613ec53cceb1d4390d98132d36[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FC3 was so good, holy fuck.

>> No.17385696

>teleports behind her
>grabs her blade
Nothing personal

>> No.17385704

Is it time to spam images without posting anything again?

>> No.17385716 [DELETED] 
File: 649 KB, 1280x1110, SENKAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17385727

Images AND fanfics >>17385485. We did it boys, we've reached the bottom.

>> No.17385737 [DELETED] 

Someone put this thread out of its misery already.

>> No.17385738

Nah. She needs to be beat uncontrollably and raped until she is disfigured

>> No.17385750 [DELETED] 

If you can't accept someone caring about you while still caring about someone else, you may have borderline personality disorder.

>> No.17385751

Just report him.

>> No.17385762

>wasting your bauxtie

>> No.17385765 [DELETED] 

Haruna a best.

>> No.17385768

.t Cuck

>> No.17385773

>Not guaranteeing S rank to get more EXP

>> No.17385775

Your mom cucked your father when you were born.

>> No.17385777

>yandere Haruna
Such a stupid meme.

>> No.17385780 [DELETED] 


>> No.17385795

You see here. It's the rejection more than any other factor. The fact that you can pour your heart out to her and she tosses all that into the garbage tin so she can stay with her FUCKING SISTER. That hurts.

>> No.17385800 [DELETED] 

A psychologically healthy person would simply move on.

>> No.17385809

As if you need AS for that.

>> No.17385810

Imo, you were supposed to be ready for that when you tried to engage in intimacy with a siscon who has her object of adoration constantly somewhere at her side.
So, either move on, stay second or keep trying to be better in her eyes.

>> No.17385820

You two are retarded. What >>17384003 was talking about when he said it was in another tweet, he was talking about this:
>All it says is that it's a hypothetical operation and that we're heading west.

>> No.17385823 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x1340, 62324587_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17385834

>Japan is so desperate for resources, they're reduced to painting turrets onto ship decks

>> No.17385835

It's devastating to many. You can't get away from that
I avoid giving her love because of this. I decide to knock her teeth in. If it wasn't for BBVs. I would have scrapped/sunk/modfodded her years ago. Same for Hiei.

>> No.17385843
File: 264 KB, 568x494, 65f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a nap.

>> No.17385845

I dont need AS for that, I do it with air inferiority.
git gud.

>> No.17385855

Yeah, tell us how you S rank level your DDs and CLs against fleets with 2-3 BBs and 2-3 CVs.

>> No.17385857 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1280, laughing granny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this buttmad over a CG and a set of pr-recorded lines

>> No.17385879

I sometimes do think I'm treating them too much like humans. A lot of other shit is in question too and is more concerning. Like how this game is the most stable shit in my life.

>> No.17385899

You sound like a fag, I'd pick my sister instead too.

>> No.17385904

You wait for them to change their composition.
If not, use 3 BBs, 1 duck and use your brain.

>> No.17385905

Not as bad as the SHITgure yandere meme.

>> No.17385909 [DELETED] 

It's always the nice ones.

>> No.17385912
File: 174 KB, 760x380, Izumo__1_-buffed_b2article_artwork[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper ships when?

>> No.17385916 [DELETED] 

Never. Tanaka said so.

>> No.17385918

All male TTKs should become the cumpump of their fleets.

>> No.17385921 [DELETED] 


>> No.17385936

38cm quad gun? So either Richelieu or Jean Bart.
Shame, I was hoping for Dunkerque for FBB purposes.

What is that, Design A-140?

>> No.17385945 [DELETED] 


>> No.17385951

Wow that thing looks ugly as fuck.

>> No.17385953

Then why has Jintsuu been forgotten?

>> No.17385957

Well fuck you too.

>> No.17385958

Get fucking HYPE. I've been whining about no Richelieu for months.

>> No.17385967

I'm not sure if we have no paper ships in game.

>> No.17385970 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 166x76, Imgbig_1_232b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the purpose of those ridges on Graf's tights?

>> No.17385982

Maybe she has zippers on her ass

>> No.17385984

Just an alternate seam I guess.

>> No.17385985

We don't, only equipment and remodels.

>> No.17385993

Cause she's bland looking and dull

>> No.17385995

>They actually believe an edit with no source.

>> No.17385998 [DELETED] 

Hypothetical remodels of existing ships don't count.

>> No.17386002

Only fantasy remodels with some being flat out impossible.

>> No.17386005

With a facebook filename even.

>> No.17386006

It's something. And everyone's on the edge because event, give us a break.

>> No.17386022 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 750x1100, rvdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you bash a shipgirl because Reddit likes her, remember that somewhere out there is a Redditor who likes your shipfu.

>> No.17386026

Or you could stop being a retard and check the site yourself before getting tricked by something obviously fake.

Adding to that, when they decide to add those shitty looking quads, it'll be styled as 380mm just like the pasta guns were styled as 381mm.

>> No.17386027


Hitler liked your shipfu.

>> No.17386031 [DELETED] 

But I don't have a German shipfu.

>> No.17386034

Haruna a shit.

>> No.17386045
File: 328 KB, 700x457, fuckkaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of those Dauntlesses.

>> No.17386048 [DELETED] 

Worst dive bomber in the game.

>> No.17386053

That's the T99.

>> No.17386054

>tfw Laga got sunk by the worse divebomber
Literally garbage.

>> No.17386068
File: 118 KB, 1000x736, 1a6067f0239f06a0516cc8ecfa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies are real, but you can't see them because you are not pure of heart.

>> No.17386075


How to become pure of heart?

>> No.17386076 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 1200x980, nowrjh5bp9bz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forehead beam, FIRE!

>> No.17386078

I can't see them because I've give them a cum bath otherwise

>> No.17386084
File: 1.99 MB, 2385x1888, banzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally used an ancient fixed-gear dive bomber
>Dauntless BTFOs all their carriers
>"Well, well, well, but, but, but, PILOT SKILLZ"
>Dauntless is made terrible anyway

Japs everybody.

>> No.17386088 [DELETED] 

Stay mad, Amerifat.

>> No.17386097

Can't wait for ACE or airgroup version.

>> No.17386102
File: 12 KB, 180x206, muthafuckaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry who won the war?

>> No.17386108

That's because Dauntless IS terrible. Even pilots said it was terrible. If anything the stats it got were too generous.

>> No.17386113 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 28f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17386128

You haven't realized yet KanColle is just a veiled WW2 Fanfic?

>> No.17386135 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 293x703, Shiratsuyu_Mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17386150


Why does she have a propellor on her back?

>> No.17386155 [DELETED] 

That's a ship propeller you numbskull.

>> No.17386165
File: 637 KB, 981x800, 64076045_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American WHORE

>> No.17386170


But it can't do anything unless she's submerged up to her waist in the water.

>> No.17386177
File: 13 KB, 220x277, failurepersonified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battle of Midway
>replace the Americans with suspiciously similarly capable monsters
>our shitty recon and intel don't matter now because they're just monsters
>we win

It's brilliant I tell you!

>> No.17386179 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 859x1000, C_eKH0jXUAAwcD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, Kamoi is a good girl.
You expect good design from Ichishit?

>> No.17386209 [DELETED] 
File: 880 KB, 2988x3840, O8cYoED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replace the Americans with suspiciously similarly capable monsters
That's because the Americans are our friends now.

>> No.17386221

Reminder that Tanaka had plans to add Americans since at least September 2013.

>> No.17386227 [DELETED] 

What a slut.

>> No.17386236

Hey look it's one of the retards who thought SBD was going to be some godly plane.

>> No.17386253
File: 444 KB, 800x960, im6902177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17386255


>> No.17386310 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.17386322 [DELETED] 

Of course. Why else would he do it?

>> No.17386336
File: 328 KB, 700x1000, 1500979706407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people not care about Fumi K2?

>> No.17386339


>> No.17386340



>> No.17386367

I never bandwagon Kai Nis. Didn't care about Fumizuki. Thought she was high as she spoke her intro. Scrapped her in a DD culling because I only have 10 extra slots and no more. Can't be arsed to get her back.

>> No.17386375

No. Even nips just said a small congratulations and she was forgotten about.

>> No.17386377

Maybe people would care if she didn't look just like 4 other of her clones

>> No.17386381

Many of the Yadokari ships people already care about already have K2. Really it's just Inazuma and Ikazuchi left.

>> No.17386426

Unless she has stats similar to Yuudachi Kai Ni people won't give a fuck about her.

All I want to know however is the colour of the coat she'll wear.

>> No.17386427

The remodel isn't out yet so all we can guess is that it's going to be a Satsuki clone with some values changed and another underwhelming yadokari sprite. Not really exciting.

>> No.17386428

It'll be the same as Satsuki's.

>> No.17386436 [DELETED] 

I don't get how Tanaka can give ungodly OP stats to shipgirls for things they MIGHT have accomplished, yet can't do the same for planes for things they DEFINITELY accomplished.

>> No.17386447

Then I'm not as interested as I originally was.

>> No.17386452


>> No.17386454

I don't get why you even thought it'd be different in the first place.

>> No.17386455 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 641x914, DFxUtY7UwAEApWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17386459

They do, that's what skilled planes are.

>> No.17386477

I can't tell them apart if they wear all blue.

>> No.17386489

Nobody important

>> No.17386494 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 1280x1830, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17386495

You can't tell apart blonde twintails and a brown ponytail, are you retarded?

>> No.17386500

They are called skilled planes.

>> No.17386508

I don't really like her design so i hope they will do better for Richelieu. I'm sure she will be a kyonyuu ship.

>> No.17386511

Nah I was just trying to shitpost.

The reason I wanted a different colour is because of my mmd videos I see.

>> No.17386513

No, she'll be a flat as board with amazing legs and thighs. I've posted a picture before but can't find it now.

>> No.17386517 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 499x560, __ooyodo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__46163fd189d4fa0f3d515dad898fdaf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17386519
File: 99 KB, 265x327, 1475595750755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat as board
I hope not.

>> No.17386523

I bet it's chinkshit, don't bother posting it.

>> No.17386537

It's not going to be a French BB.

>> No.17386543

How do you know?

>> No.17386553

No, it was original. I still can't find it. Maybe it's not tagged on pixiv, and twitter doesn't have tags at all, unfortunately. I'll try searching the achives.

>> No.17386555

We have bodacious CVs, modest CVs and Ryuujou. Why not have a Ryuujou-type BB?

>> No.17386558

What a delusional shitposter.

>> No.17386563 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1484676699003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know because my brother works at Kadokawa and used his telepathic powers to read Tanaka''s mind.
A flat BB goes against the laws of nature.

>> No.17386564

Don't post shit, Akira will not make a BB flat if he didn't make AVs flat.

>> No.17386572 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 1206x885, c764f84b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akira will not make a BB flat

>> No.17386584
File: 503 KB, 1359x1920, bb hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really think BB Hime is flat then you're fucking retarded. You can tell she has breasts there.

>> No.17386593 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 600x800, IMG_3803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17386596

That was from the anime staff.

>> No.17386602 [DELETED] 

It's from Akira you mong.

>> No.17386605

That's not flat, just small.

>> No.17386606


>> No.17386611
File: 549 KB, 1641x2319, 1481108924522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it credit Akira? That looks a lot like the shit from the anime staff for the movie.

>> No.17386612

Would take her to my bedroom either way.

>> No.17386628
File: 132 KB, 771x897, 42231504_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, couldn't find it. Find some other cool stuff though, saw a lot of funposting we did last couple of months, felt very nostalgic. You guys should try this sometimes.

>> No.17386629

Fuck off.

>> No.17386635

Find what?

>> No.17386639

Doesn't matter, I already fucked off.

>> No.17386642

Good bye.

>> No.17386645

I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.17386652
File: 59 KB, 799x452, datamined Sara remodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to trick more than a few retards then you need to put in some more effort.

>> No.17386673 [DELETED] 

You're ugly.

>> No.17386706

Ok guise this event I will finally get all AA DDs

>> No.17386711

Do you have enough slots?

>> No.17386716
File: 335 KB, 1229x498, __akizuki_hatsuzuki_and_teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_cis_carcharias__54e4a51e20fe6873483eff13128e55c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt that be nice but who am I kidding RNG wouldnt let that happen.

>> No.17386717

I will buy 10 slots

>> No.17386724

Who the fuck has yellow sperm

>> No.17386725

>he doesn't have 4 Ducks

>> No.17386730 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 884x1250, vhz8vyee66py.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you will never have the best duck.

>> No.17386746

RNG is rude to me

>> No.17386748

The sperm I keep in my revenge jar is yellow, I think it turns that color because of oxygen or something.

>> No.17386750

Should've started playing earlier then.

>> No.17386758

Umm, what?

>> No.17386762

The one I smeared under the table turned dark brown, kinda like dried blood. Maybe keeping it in a jar preserves it a bit.

>> No.17386774

I wanna pinch her cheeks.

>> No.17386795 [DELETED] 

>revenge jar

>> No.17386816

Urine, or too much white blood cells.

>> No.17386840

The kimo otaku admiral.

Fuck the samples alone are killing me.

>> No.17386848 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1488x1691, 6265755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Yamakaze has grown into a fine lady.

>> No.17386851

A shit.

>> No.17386866

I need that duck.

>> No.17386867

You know. Why love abyssals when you can never have them. No use crying over spilt milk. Just stop giving a shit or hate them and you'll be fine.

>> No.17386892

Nah, I can still like them even if I can't have them.

>> No.17386898

Shit lady.

>> No.17386905

Only good for belly punching.

>> No.17386912
File: 105 KB, 750x1000, 60644579_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many years would Yamakaze be able to play Washizu mahjong before she died.

>> No.17386930

Up to you. Same is crying over not getting abyssals. Personally I dislike them because I'll never have them and they are the enemy. So I say. Why bother?

>> No.17386932

Great bullying stuff, probably just a few months.

>> No.17386941

Those reasons aren't good enough to make most people stop liking something.

>> No.17386945

Ignore him, it's not the first time he starts with this shit.

>> No.17386948

Less than a year I bet.

>> No.17386954

I'm just stating my opinion. You pick to take it or leave it. I don't care.

>> No.17386961


>> No.17386973
File: 213 KB, 600x600, 1443066749322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kai 2 when?

>> No.17386974

You can taste the Anti-Air

>> No.17386980

Probably Never I assume.

>> No.17387019
File: 511 KB, 1441x2048, i-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Big 7 will protect humanity.

>> No.17387037

A shit.

>> No.17387065 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 1000x1397, 64084318_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17387075


what a small admiral

>> No.17387079

Huge potato
Nagato Kai Ni truly is shit. I just come to wonder what meme they'll be canonising next?

>> No.17387082 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 600x847, confused crane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second-best Nip BB after Yamato-class

>> No.17387092

That Nagamon bullshit is what makes her shit. No BB should be able to carry DD guns and Daihatsu. That shit just isn't right.

>> No.17387098

I hope you realize that BBs have been able to carry DD sized guns since the start. The 12.7cm secondaries are the same size as the 12.7cm DD mains.

>> No.17387106

All Nagato Kai 2 did was replace the 14cm secondaries with 10cm HA guns. This is hardly anything to cry about. A big ass ship not being able to carry small landing crafts is also something stupid to complain about.

>> No.17387114

Stop disrespecting my wife.

>> No.17387113

You never stop farming ducks, I'm currently at 8 duck guns

I lost 2 when I wasn't paying attention

>> No.17387126

You ready for Yamakaze's bikini cg?

>> No.17387153


>> No.17387159

Why would anyone use 14cm or 10cm instead of superior burger 16inch?

>> No.17387163
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, 1501084098946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17387166

Do you not know what a secondary gun is?

>> No.17387172 [DELETED] 

Likes it in the pooper.

>> No.17387185


Rank rewards tonight.

>> No.17387198

I have a feeling I'm going to regret not ranking last month.

>> No.17387206

It's just going to be a 5inch Mk.30 Mod.0 gun.

>> No.17387217

>Single Mount

It's shit.

>> No.17387221

Worked well for Fletchers.

>> No.17387236
File: 3.93 MB, 3199x2399, 52890637_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it finally her time.

>> No.17387239

Yeah, we're finally getting Yorkie.

>> No.17387242

Enterprise faggots are beyond cucked

>> No.17387244

>Preparing to introduce a variety of new ship daughters including aircraft carrier!

>> No.17387250
File: 3 KB, 466x88, big e nana mizuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I didn't think a nip would want the same thing as me.

>> No.17387263

But Enterprise din do nuffin in the west? I bet we get a shitty British carrier this time.

>> No.17387265
File: 130 KB, 387x328, 1479414622270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop... i don't have any more slots left...

>> No.17387267

Does the Philippine Sea count as west? I don't want chuu2 named carriers yet.

>> No.17387268

Buy more then.

>> No.17387269

And none of the Italian or german battleships were in the east. That said I don't think it is Enterprise either.

>> No.17387272

Best dual purpose gun does not need your praise.

>> No.17387278 [DELETED] 

It'll be USS Ranger{/spoiler].

>> No.17387285

The operation is a "what if".

>> No.17387289
File: 3 KB, 648x22, bloody hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the last time I try a 3/45/45/2k recipe that a wikia retard done for trying for Akitsumaru.

>> No.17387293

You're supposed to get Akitsu Maru from events or Taihou LSC.

>> No.17387296

>still no Enterprise
Literally dead game.

>> No.17387297

Twin 5inch has 4 firepower so that one would most likely be another irrelevant 2 firepower gun.

>> No.17387298

That doesn't say 3/4.5/4.5/2.

>> No.17387306
File: 52 KB, 703x94, test6666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she drops in later event maps, dipshit.

Pic related.

>> No.17387310

Your image in >>17387289 didn't use that recipe.

>> No.17387313

Please be CV-10 so I can say I got a shipgirl that I slept in

>> No.17387315

It will have more AA than duck guns due to CIC and FCS. And more accuracy.

>> No.17387316

Akitsu Maru has dropped from E1 two times this year.

>> No.17387318

No it will be CV-16.

>> No.17387325

I know, anon. I just went with max because I thought I had nothing to lose.

I did try it previously though. It gave me Kumano instead.

I don't recall her dropping in the last event with Gangut.

>> No.17387329

Stay mad.

>> No.17387336

Gangut was a reward, not a drop. Army Dog dropped in E-4.

>> No.17387340

So ranking rewards today will be planes?

>> No.17387342


I know the Ises historically carried Daihatsu. Not sure about the others.

>> No.17387344

Nobody knows until they get added.

>> No.17387347

Oh, my bad. Let me rephrase it then.

I don't recall Akitsu Maru dropping in E1 last event which Gangut was a reward for on the last map of the event.

>> No.17387353

What does Gangut being the reward matter? You know you could've just said Spring event right?

>> No.17387357


A new Aircraft Carrier could easily just be Taiyou's palette swapped sister.

>> No.17387363

I couldn't because I didn't take part in the Spring event.

You also wouldn't know what I would be talking about if I said last event as well.

>> No.17387364 [DELETED] 

>Essex class
Never ever.

>> No.17387369 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 4592x3448, knhfyos767cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17387372

Hopefully it will be a bunch of stuff. We have yet to get Helldivers and Avengers.

>> No.17387374

*head swapped

>> No.17387378

Then they would use ESCORTCARRIER. But really, last fall we intercepted Doolittle raid and ended up at bikini atoll.

>> No.17387379

They didnt say light carrier you dumbshit EOP.

>> No.17387382 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 863x1200, 5qswnrixlo9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17387387


>> No.17387394
File: 839 KB, 700x979, 1425493732325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest wind.

>> No.17387395

Yes I would because the Spring event was the last event you fucking retard.

>> No.17387402

And yet Akitsu Maru didn't drop in E1 last even like >>17387316 was saying earlier.

>> No.17387412

It's time to scrap Enterprise?

>> No.17387415

Its time for you to quit the game.

>> No.17387422
File: 473 KB, 1364x2048, 1501198224695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17387430 [DELETED] 

Cry some more, Kagafag.

>> No.17387447 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 891x1059, eereb0gqc97z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honor Student Shimakaze

>> No.17387449

so they're using model instead of drawings now?

>> No.17387453

10 times lewder than her normal clothes

>> No.17387454 [DELETED] 

IIRC, it's been nearly a year since Warspite.

I don't think we're getting another Britbong.

>> No.17387507

>Not wanting a Brit ship
>Wanting an American whore instead

Disgusting desu

>> No.17387521 [DELETED] 

New thread:

>> No.17387529

Fuck off, don't make threads before the old one dies. You also didn't update the news about the new ships.

>> No.17387533

>wanting a garbage bong ship

Retarded desu

>> No.17387534

Still super fucking early image spammer.

>> No.17387535

>reddit image filename

Fuck off.

>> No.17387539


Where does this meme come from?

>> No.17387540

Enterprise is superior to any Bong.

>> No.17387549

I think it has been word for centuries.

>> No.17387555


Send Enterprise out into the Med and see what happens.

>> No.17387558

Is this the new /kcg/fag?

>> No.17387565

Pretty much.

>> No.17387566
File: 569 KB, 776x1100, d5126960c6e3ffddcc37f559a08f3d05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 5-4 flagship really the best place to level up Abukuma? She is lvl 56 right now, I need her to be ready for the event.

>> No.17387567

I don't even remember what he did.

>> No.17387570

We used to be so poor...

>> No.17387576
File: 6 KB, 473x454, 1395229906096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question here is who's going to draw Enterprise?

>> No.17387580

Americans thinking they can survive outside the Pacific with their piss poor armour.

>> No.17387581


>> No.17387583

Yoshinori you fucking retard. He's the one in charge of the Americans.

>> No.17387585

Does she even get mvp there? 4-3 or 5-1 is for CLs.

>> No.17387586

All clues point to Amamiya, obviously.

>> No.17387588

You mean Armor you needed because you didn't have adequate fighters until they adopted deck parks?

>> No.17387589

That's not saying much, those ships were trash.

>> No.17387596

We sent Ranger and Wasp to Mediterranean and she did just fine. And those were the shitty ships.

>> No.17387604

Well considering Ranger and Wasp.

>> No.17387608

Isn't she the artist who done Samidare and Suzukaze?

>> No.17387610
File: 870 KB, 776x1100, bc6a1c0caa13a9511ec0410079722a9d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for answering.

>> No.17387612

You didn't do anything

>> No.17387621

I am legion.

>> No.17387630

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

>> No.17387638

Asashio class now.

>> No.17387645


>> No.17387662

This faggot is so desperate he's now dumping images in his own thread. The IP count hasn't gone up. Just report this faggot already.

>> No.17387675

I refuse

>> No.17387687

Unsurprisingly it's the same old imges

>> No.17387743

Just like /kcg/fag and abyss fag.

>> No.17387745

Ooshio pretty much stole the spotlight

>> No.17387751

Based janny deleted it.

>> No.17387752

That despite already getting a chapter for her Kai 2.

>> No.17387757
File: 474 KB, 3065x2208, 1459587571996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17387769
File: 1.20 MB, 320x240, 1393723995907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexualizing Ooshio

>> No.17387779
File: 240 KB, 301x762, Yamagumo_Christmas_Full_Damaged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire Asashio class was meant to be sexualized.

>> No.17387796

I'm perfectly willingly to sexualize the entire class except for Ooshio and Arare.

>> No.17387804

More like meant to be raped.

>> No.17387821

in the butt.

>> No.17387827
File: 502 KB, 861x425, ooshio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any images of Ooshio in her Kai Ni will make me think of this.

>> No.17387828
File: 952 KB, 3500x1280, 8f854e66081edead8847c9b6fa3a6798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17387837


I'll take Arare for headpats

>> No.17387838

Are you an idiot or just shitposting because everybody loved the dauntless

>> No.17387858

I have no idea which accounts you are reading but all the ones I read said they liked the Dauntless due to it being relatively easy to fly. As an initial dive bomber it was only somewhat outdone by later variants of the Ju-87.

>> No.17387860
File: 93 KB, 508x500, Funny story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, amerifat
This is nip power fantasy game. If you want to masturbate, there's western bootleg trash for you

>> No.17387866

The only idiot and shitposters are those who thought Dauntless was going to get named squadron tier stats.

>> No.17387867

But Sara and Iowa are in top-tier, Tanaka just doesn't want to break the game yet.

>> No.17387868
File: 880 KB, 1500x1250, 59983409_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.17387870

>Claim the pilots hated it
>Someone replies with saying that isn't true
Typical weeb

>> No.17387876

>that image
Ugly ass girl.

The only retards are those who make claims like this >>17386108
>Even pilots said it was terrible

>> No.17387877


>> No.17387880

Did you really expect the Dauntless to have good stats when it was the contemporary of the T99? Are you really this retarded?

>> No.17387886

I never claimed that retard. I'm arguing that one point and just that.

>> No.17387896

Warspite's VA said she had a new role in ship this. So hopefully she only voices another Brit. I would feel sorry for any other English speaking country if she voiced a ship from their country.

>> No.17387903

Actually the Vought SB2U Vindicator was the contemporary of the T99. SBD was the Navy's emergency plan for a better dive bomber in case the more advanced SB2C ran into development problems.

>> No.17387905


>> No.17387909


She grew up in Australia, so give her HMAS something.

>> No.17387922

>Sara and Iowa are in top-tier
Not really

>> No.17387927

Yeah they are.

>> No.17387957

That's would still be considered British.

>> No.17387969

Are you excited for Hellcat (VF-6 Air Group) in 5 hours?

>> No.17387977

I got Abukuma to K2 off 3-2A years ago.

>> No.17387986

>implying any airgroup will be a ranking reward ever

>> No.17387991

It's not going to be that. It will be fairey sword fish. Which will have a 5 to 7 torpedo stat. with a +2 accuracy modifier. It will also be prone to being shot down.

>> No.17388004

Yes that already happened many times.

>> No.17388026

And a massive modifier against battleships.

>> No.17388029

No, it will have a random chance of stunning them.

>> No.17388033

More like stunning them. And that's literally any torpedo bomber.

>> No.17388069

Just a few months ago they gave out 64th and 54th Air Group and before that they gave out 601 Air Groups multiple times.

>> No.17388083

I want VF-10.

>> No.17388092
File: 133 KB, 777x601, 1500815527233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something unique.

>> No.17388094

Grim reapers and Flatley are cool.

>> No.17388095

>getting new equipment

>> No.17388098

Enough with the land base shit. Tanaka already has plans for the Tokai plane anyway.

>> No.17388156

Nips expect Richelieu, British aircraft carrier and American destroyer. Are these all fair assumptions?

>> No.17388161
File: 326 KB, 800x480, 20170727_20164008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17388167
File: 766 KB, 900x1600, abdc4d4e8cfa5d7a52bfc66f7e2e771a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ringed Fujinami
A TTK of taste.

>> No.17388168

if they assume that then I'll assume rank rewards will say what might come out of the event

>> No.17388192
File: 70 KB, 374x497, Asashio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gud girl

>> No.17388200
File: 156 KB, 600x600, 63798068_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17388214

>My flagship DD is almost at level 97
How long until 99?

>> No.17388216

300k more exp.

>> No.17388221
File: 951 KB, 1462x1118, 62682621_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more mines

>> No.17388224
File: 215 KB, 361x700, ca1080d6f6379bc0bc98d1b5e0ab7987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17388250

Is DMM down for anyone? I can't enter through KCV and EO.

>> No.17388258

Where are the Abyssals?

>> No.17388260

DMM has been shut down. Better go innawoods.

>> No.17388262

Just you, fag

>> No.17388263

Too big.

>> No.17388269

Of shit taste, you mean.
Garbage destroyers deserve nothing.

>> No.17388271

Too fucking rude.

>> No.17388274

I want a shipgirl who will comfort me as I cry on her arms. Who is she?

>> No.17388282
File: 107 KB, 850x1505, Kaga Yukikaze headpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga, of course

>> No.17388284

Nagumo was an exceptional admiral. Problem is he was a battleship advocate not a carrier kind of guy. Right man given the wrong job.

>> No.17388286
File: 73 KB, 210x207, 1497672572520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17388299

That was Isoroku's fault.

>> No.17388302

Isoroku is immaculate and flawless.

>> No.17388306
File: 81 KB, 511x600, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to sink ships in a fucking shallow water harbor
>thinks that's somehow going to win the war in just one "battle"

>> No.17388314

>that subtle look of pity

>> No.17388346

I wonder how different things would have went if the carriers weren't away from Pearl Harbor at the time.

>> No.17388365

A few months difference. The memorial gets a rename.

>> No.17388370

Three carriers lost....pretty hard to make up for. They could still have pulled the Doolittle raid, but the Coral Sea, Midway, etc, would not have even existed. They would have had to pull Wasp and Ranger from the Atlantic and basically played a defensive battle for Hawaii itself.

They would still have won of course, Japanese delusions of conquering Hawaii were absurd, but they would have been fighting a lot closer to home.

>> No.17388372

Being exceptional at using an out of date weapon is not of much use tbqh fampai.

>> No.17388376

The main problem was bad intel. They struck when the carriers were out of port despite being the primary targets.

The Japanese squandered their initial advantages because they disdained things like spying, intelligence and recon because they weren't 'glory in battle' type jobs; same reason their logistics were shit too.

>> No.17388384

>tfw bigE will still survive the bombing

>> No.17388389

This. The Enterprise is so godly even a surprise attack can't fucking sink it.

It literally has historical plot armour. It's the lone protagonist who always survives no matter what the villain does, the name the bad guy curses every time he almost wins but is foiled again by the one fucking good guy he just can't kill.

>> No.17388390

Now that is some real luck, not get hit while being a sitting duck and the sky is filled with more japs than mosquitoes on a humid night.

>> No.17388392

BigE is overrated

>> No.17388397

No, your life is.

>> No.17388399

He didn't say not get hit.

I mean, the Japanese swore, SWORE, they sunk the Enterprise multiple times. It would not surprise me at all if they put several bombs into her and assumed she was doomed, only for the crew to activate their patented Magic 'Murica Repair Skills and be back in action.

>> No.17388401

And what ship, exactly, should be rated above it?

>> No.17388402

Kind of hard to be overrated, when you caused the collapse of an empire.

>> No.17388403

It's the Kagashitter, don't take his shit seriously.

>> No.17388404

Right, I misread the post. Still, getting hit would knock out the Enterprise out of the fight for a few months, even if the damage was minimal.

>> No.17388405

It is.
But you can't deny that it's the best. That's why people are talking about it.

>> No.17388412

Shinano, of course
This is /jp/ game after all

>> No.17388414

You mean the auxiliary carrier whose main purpose was resupplying other carriers with planes and only had an air group of 47 planes?

>> No.17388415
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>> No.17388416

>the crew put a sign up in the hangar that read, "Enterprise vs. Japan"

>> No.17388417

Fundraising failed.

>> No.17388418

>a few months
Try a week or two.

>> No.17388419

dumb frogposter

>> No.17388420

Kinda was for a while too when it came to carriers since no other US carrier was operating in the Pacific. She was out there on her own with some escorts.

>> No.17388423

Of ALL the ships they scrapped, why did they scrap their best one?

FFS they keep the damn Constitution around but can't be assed to pay for literally the greatest warship of all time?

>> No.17388424

And that's a fate worse than a failure, very epic

>> No.17388427
File: 46 KB, 695x463, enterprise_003_slide-3fd0e8464e17a70ad4d7afa58544abb56615d911-s900-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They Adam 'n Eve'd it.

>> No.17388430

The government doesn't get to decide. All museum ships have to be funraised to be kept as museums. People did not donate enough to keep Big E as a museum, and the government was transitioning from a War effort to a Rebuilding effort.

>> No.17388433

>Lives on in history as the winner and was used as material to make another ship
>Kaga is barely remembered and will continuously rot in the ocean floor and no one knows where she is because no one cares enough to find her
kek, Kagafags are retarded and delusional,

>> No.17388434

What part of fundraising do you not understand? All the current museum ships were kept around by donations, not by an act of the Navy or congress.

>> No.17388436

Part of the reasons is... Many didn't like Halsey.

>> No.17388437

>tfw the current Big E can't be kept around because of nuclear hazards

>> No.17388438
File: 56 KB, 298x400, Uzuki laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enterprisefags BTFO

>> No.17388441
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>> No.17388443

>10 years before CV-80 is operational
While the name will continue to live as long as the USN exists, screwing with the naming theme of the Ford-class is funny to me.

>> No.17388444

Because it costed five times more than the other ships from donations alone which was impossible. Do some fucking google searching.

>Uzuki doesn't get her Kai 2
>But Fuma does
Uzukifags BTFO

>> No.17388445

Hiei was already dead by then.

>> No.17388446 [DELETED] 

No one cares

>> No.17388447

Enterprise (CVN-80) will be the only carrier in 40 or so years not named after a person.

>> No.17388449

Big E is pretty much the only one who can get away with it because of how beloved the name is.

>> No.17388450

And yet you responded to him, you dope.

>> No.17388451

This makes me sad. I wish they would go back to naming capital ships after states instead of using them for subs.

>> No.17388452

oh yeah, there were petitions to get CVN-79 renamed to Enterprise. If I recall they had a large amount of backers.

>> No.17388455

Maybe if she hadn't dicked around trying to sink Atlanta she might have gotten some more air cover.

>> No.17388457

I agree. Instead of the Ford class, should have made it the USA class and named them all after states, in order of size. So, Alaska, then Texas, etc.

>> No.17388463

Those subs are capital ships. Carriers were never named after states.

>> No.17388466

>subs are capital ships
Wait wut? Just cuz they carry nukes?

>> No.17388468

I know they were never named after states but before CVs became the capital ships of the USN, the capital ships(BBs) were named after states. That's what I meant by going back to naming them after states. Are nuclear subs really considered capital ships? That's surprising.

>> No.17388471

Don't worry. Soon we'll have starships to name our states after.

>> No.17388479 [DELETED] 

>tfw the plebs are too stupid to vote for anyone who would put money towards NASA
Im sad.

>> No.17388480

While that would benefit my state (commiefornia) I'd much preferred starting with the first 13 colonies. Big E would have to be inserted somewhere in there though to keep the 200+ year old tradition going.

>> No.17388483

All states are equal under the constitution anon, geez.

>> No.17388486

I just like the idea of starting from the beginning when it comes to things like this.

>> No.17388487 [DELETED] 

Nobody would put money toward NASA, so there is nobody to vote for. OR are you telling me Shillary was ready to send out progressives into space to start colonizing other worlds with The Sacred Dogma of Diversity??

>> No.17388488

Ranking rewards where

>> No.17388489

An hour.

>> No.17388491 [DELETED] 

They don't need funds, they needed a kick in the ass and tell them to focus on space again, and that is exactly what happened.

>> No.17388495

Jesus Nippon, move to our time zone FFS. Sick of this spherical bullshit.

>> No.17388496 [DELETED] 

they still need funds tho

>> No.17388500

uh escuse me, earth is fidget spinner shaped.

>> No.17388501

You have no idea how much I want to strangle you right now.

>> No.17388503

meet me behind the 711 on highway 6 and end my suffering.

>> No.17388505
File: 201 KB, 1070x1554, DChzC25VwAAqZH_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've gone to sleep.

>> No.17388506

I really hope you've gone to visit USS Texas at least once.

>> No.17388510

So which thread on /r9k/ are you from?

>> No.17388518

月次作戦【六月作戦】トップランカー提督に贈る武勲褒賞を本日この後【19:00】より順次配信開始致します。該当提督の皆さんは、同配信後「艦これ」開始時に月次作戦褒賞を入手可能です。 ※同詳細情報は本日夜以降公式コミュニティ「運営鎮守府からのお知らせ」をご参照ください。

>> No.17388521

So then, what's the password, Private "Wirriams"?

>> No.17388557
File: 40 KB, 793x503, swordfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it's a shitty English carrier. Also those stats are hilarious.

>> No.17388558
File: 42 KB, 792x493, skilled swordfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 5 torp

>> No.17388559

>tfw missed hellcat and get these shit instead
Bad luck literally.

>> No.17388564
File: 78 KB, 800x600, ubercarrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the Brits even try?

>> No.17388568

Hype gone.

>> No.17388570

>so many great choices
>pick the shit ones
After all, we can't have glorious Nippon actually be outdone by...you know...the winners.

>> No.17388572
File: 1.46 MB, 4200x3000, Biscuits-and-Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17388573

>Not Enterprise
Thanks, Tanaka

>> No.17388574

Sara is a month away from becoming an armored CV.

>> No.17388575

Wow what a waste of time, a shitty plane just for Bismarck memes.

>> No.17388576

So, Fumikane's abyssal princess?
It is midsummer now.

>> No.17388577

The fanbase would collectively suicide if the Waifu Killer was actually implemented.

>> No.17388578

Not this shit again. For the last fucking time the nips want Big E too.

>> No.17388579

Best thing about her kai is that she will get a couple good new R18 works.

>> No.17388581


>> No.17388583

Fine, the DEVS would collectively suicide.

>> No.17388589

Sara killed RJ but I haven't seen any RJ fans' outrage.

>> No.17388590

Enterprisefags tears are delicious, please cry more

>> No.17388591
File: 59 KB, 596x923, jun17rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel bad for rankers.

>> No.17388592
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Predict those slots.

>> No.17388593
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>> No.17388594
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at least the fairy is cute

>> No.17388595
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>> No.17388596

Ark Royal better not have a fucking chair just because she has Royal in the name.

>> No.17388597

Yeah but it's Sara and RJ.

E literally lost them the war and killed their carrier force. It's like something out of a movie where one fucking guy takes out the entire force of bad guys by himself, it'd be infuriating to be on the other end of.

>> No.17388599

Is this some Bismarck bullying?

>> No.17388600

You're fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

>> No.17388604

>Kaga and friends
>bad guys

>> No.17388606

I don't think you realize how much of a boner military otaku in Japan have for Big E. The only carrier they have a comparable boner for is Zuikaku.

>> No.17388607 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 316x939, kagafagsbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victory speaks for itself.

>> No.17388609

New to ranking, can I start doing 5-4 now and it counts for next month?

>> No.17388612

No, these rewards are for last month.

>> No.17388613


Cuz if so, Tanaka is being a fucking bitch.

>> No.17388618
File: 710 KB, 795x1210, __fairy_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hita_hitapita__b349f05e8861b403cc9166c4e25399ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only carrier they have a comparable boner for is Zuikaku.

Based nips.

>> No.17388630

Nigger he hasn't released Shinano despite planning to do it for Midway. Big E getting delayed should come as no surprise.

>> No.17388631

He's lying you know?

>> No.17388636
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>> No.17388637

Let me guess, you think it's Kaga.

>> No.17388639

At least we get an anglo redhead this time, a win for me.

>> No.17388640

To be fair, their portrayal of Zuikaku is pretty good. She made for a good MC. Cocky but a greenhorn. She has someone to overcome and someone who she cares. When danger surrounds her, she can bite her pride and focus. Not a bad MC indeed

>> No.17388649

She did live the longest. Not that the same can be said for her airgroup (ie the part that matters).

The IJN basically committed suicide at Santa Cruz without knowing it.

>> No.17388651

Cute hair.

>> No.17388653
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I actually like the chair, but more than one is stupid.

>> No.17388656

How long until the event?

>> No.17388657

Mobile Chernobyl was not deserving of the name.

>> No.17388659

Given that post WW2 no one had the money and/or drive to even attempt to challenge the USN and still don't, it's kind of hard to make a name for yourself when all you can do is bomb 3rd world countries.

>> No.17388671


About 12 days now.

>> No.17388674

You misunderstand, I would have been fine with any of the Nimitz's being named that, but CVN-65 was a fucking pile of garbage.

>> No.17388685

>it'd be infuriating to be on the other end of.
Not really? There are many, me included, that are big fans of the german war machines because our countries were the ones facing them. You can look at say, a Tiger and think, this tank is worth 5 of ours in combat. You grow to respect them for that.

What people feel towards German machines would be what Japanese feel towards American machines. You're always looking up at the ones above you, rather than down at the ones below you.

>> No.17388688

I don't get why people like fairies

>> No.17388691

Because they're tiny and cute, and for better or worse they're the 'crew' of the shipgirls.

>> No.17388696

They're the unsung heroes of KanColle. You can have your Laga or any Shipgirls you like, Fairies are actually the ones who do most of the jobs.

>> No.17388698


>> No.17388700

So, are we finally going to Suez?

>> No.17388706

They said going west, so more likely it's british territory/Africa

>> No.17388712

Crew has always mattered more.

Enterprise would be nothing special compared to Yorktown or Enterprise without its star-studded crew.

Does anyone know, btw, why the hell that crew was so good compared to every other carrier? What happened there, shit luck? Or were they trained differently?

>> No.17388714

Brazil or Argentina?

>> No.17388716


>> No.17388717

Shit luck which is why she was also known as Lucky E. Don't forget Yorktown's crew had the ship back in action at Midway despite a lot of damage that had been done to it. They just couldn't do anything about Imuya's torps.

>> No.17388720

Egypt event?

>> No.17388722

A good combination of shit luck and an amazing crew. Without either she would've sunk in one of the times that she escaped death.

>> No.17388727

Luck mostly. Yorktown was the one who could've performed like E, but she didn't make it.

>> No.17388731

Bismarck will get dmg boost for sure.
Who else?

>> No.17388739

This, literally this

>> No.17388742

I wouldn't even call it luck. The Japanese were just shit at anything to do with recon, including damage estimation. They genuinely didn't seem to know the signs that a ship was actually sinking - they swore they sunk Yorktown, and Saratoga, and Enterprise, but turned out to be wrong every time. Thus, when a ship was close to - but not quite - sunk, they did not press their attacks.

>> No.17388744

Will we get Seafires and Seahurricanes too?

>> No.17388754

The ironic part is that if they had better recon, they'd never have sunk the Yorktown, because their assumption she was sunk after the first attack would have led them to attack TF17, and thus sunk neither.

>> No.17388772

Yorky only needed 3 days in port after getting bombed by the cranes at coral sea.

>> No.17388789

>Ark Royal
So BB is Vanguard?

>> No.17388794

Warspite got a chair because she's pseudo-crippled, not because Queen Elizabeth class .

>> No.17388803

Getting in the turkey air-group was a fucking death-sentence. She wasn't involved at midway for the same reason; her airgroup got slaughtered at coral sea.

>> No.17388819

To add to this, modern American tank corps revere Erwin Rommel. They treat him like the second coming of Christ. There's no better way to learn to respect something than by getting your ass kicked by it.

>> No.17388822

Wtf I hate turkey now

>> No.17388824
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, zuikaku bait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuizui is revered for the right reason unlike the useless hotel.

>> No.17388832

She's a big bait

>> No.17388838
File: 787 KB, 1280x900, Makinami.Mari.Illustrious.full.135372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Eva girl confirmed.
Illustrious is going to be another of those good stats but those low planes number carrier.

>> No.17388842

Don't hate Turkey, she's still the best IJN carrier. Hate the nip command for not looking after their men good enough to their own detriment.

>> No.17388852

>best IJN carrier
This must be a bait, just like Zuikaku

>> No.17388853

Then who's better? Jun'you?

>> No.17388859

>first foreign skilled plane goes to a shit plane just for the memes
>Enterprise faggots cucked again
>rankers are starting to get shit again
>USNfags in general are pretty much BTFO this event
This was a good day.

>> No.17388862

The strongest shipgirl in history, that's the only clue you have

>> No.17388866


>> No.17388868

Yes, it sure is!
Close enough, but still wrong
We're talking about IJN shipgirl here

>> No.17388870

Yamato? Wait she's not a carrier. Shinano?
1 She's not been added 2 She's IJN.

>> No.17388883
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>> No.17388887

So Zuikaku.

>> No.17388895

I've just realized that this thread is full of retards, maybe someone can answer this soon

>> No.17388896

The only one left is Turkey.

Yeah, it's gotta be Zuikaku.

>> No.17388898


>> No.17388899

Here's your answer
Definitely not

>> No.17388903


>> No.17388910

We can only hope. Finally, the crossover fanarts will be complete.

>> No.17388922

Yes, bait has to be strong to lure the baited away for long enough.

>> No.17388932


>> No.17388937

Maybe, who knows

>> No.17388947


>> No.17388957

You spelled it wrong, newfag

>> No.17388960

"Kaka" means shit (usually kids say like this) in Russian language. Really makes you think.

>> No.17388964

Nope, I typed what I wanted to type.
I'm fairly sure it means shit in most languages, not only russian.

>> No.17388968

You're right; he should've spelled it ぺろかか.

>> No.17388978

> ぺろかか
That's a good question. How ”pure" is written in katakana? It's not プレ, is it?

>> No.17388981

what does that even mean?

>> No.17388986


>> No.17388993


>> No.17388999
File: 64 KB, 600x336, f6368d85-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I predicted the accuracy is good(probably due to radar) but the torp stat itself is low due to being a biplane.
Hopefully we get Avengers and Helldivers one day.

>> No.17389004


>> No.17389007

I can only hope the RN carrier will be Illustrious or even better the Implacables and not Ark Royal.

>> No.17389008

It's something that /sp/ taught me. maybe I should've typed it as 犬 うんこ

>> No.17389011

well america is big so if you want to catch it youll need a big bait.

>> No.17389014

new thread bois

>> No.17389017
File: 65 KB, 600x336, c47f9d58-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess the best thing you could say about the mk. 2 is that it might be good for Taiyou.
But yeah I knew this was going to happen which is why I would have preferred an Independence class over this(since they had TBFs).
The initial swordfish isn't useful at all. Mk II will be useful for submarine hunting.

>> No.17389019

Illustrious still possible, although their slot sizes will probably be shit (even if they have good armour). Implacables seem a lot less likely since they don't appear to have ever sortied with Swordfish air groups (as far as I can tell).

>> No.17389020

So the British carrier might be a red head with short hair? Hopefully it will be one of the armored carriers and not Meme Royal.

>> No.17389021

Illustrious might be good for 5-4 then. A cheap but still good carrier to use.

>> No.17389032

Why does Bismarck have to be bullied? She has enough shit to deal with without Ark Royal getting a shipgirl

>> No.17389035

What really kills it, is that we have never had a bomber than is upgradeable before(when you can just develop stronger planes right off the bat or farm dragons who needs it?), so we are stuck with this biplane only good for sub hunting(and only the mk II version).

>> No.17389040

Hopefully it's not Ark Royal but illustrious instead. Would be nice if Lusty could chat with Sara.

>> No.17389116

How naive of you. Ark Royal got namedropped. Devs are literally saying that she is one of the new ships. So far we also know about Hamanami, Tashkent, Suzutsuki, Fuyutsuki, Hachijo, Mikura, Taiyou's sister(s) and of course Shinano. If I forgot someone than please correct me. Anyway, getting namedropped in this game means 100% inclusion.

>> No.17389129
File: 1.58 MB, 2835x2582, IMG_1613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another capital ship
They had so many to pick from and they only pick capital ships.

>> No.17389130

Hayasui also mentions Kazahaya.

>> No.17389134

Scharnhorst would like a word with you. Also those are a given to be included because they are Japanese not because they are name dropped.

>> No.17389143

I'm having wows ptsd flashbacks.

>> No.17389144

Do you really like DDs that much? If you do. Just fucking Level all 86 to Level 155 then you can thirst for more DDs.

>> No.17389151

>tfw no akashi

kill mee

>> No.17389159

Not him but I wanted a foreign Light Cruiser.
Hell Fumikane even made a light cruiser hat for the Germans and then Tanaka picks Graf Zeppelin.

>> No.17389162

Well, there is still so many Japanese vessels, I don't think they are gonna to add everyone from Matsu-class just because they are "japanese". And they can break six ship rule any time, maybe they just wanted to limit themselves for whatever reason.

>> No.17389165

Japan had no capital ships so they have to use other nation's in game. Good thing America and Britain exist.

>> No.17389172

Light cruiser hat?

>> No.17389187

Yes he made a hat design for light cruisers. I will try to find the picture but it seems I did not name it.

>> No.17389223


>> No.17389227

It does in Spanish

>> No.17389240

I want a Town class so badly. Hopefully Belfast for that radar.

Also Brit DD's would be great. That ASW from the hedgehogs.

>> No.17389249

Reminder that Kaga means love in Japanese

>> No.17389254

It's the old name of a province.

>> No.17389261

Hopefully we get confirmation on a USS DD or Cruiser soon. Since Sara will probably get added to LSC.

>> No.17389264

No, love is Koi or Ai. You never watched animes?

>> No.17389267

Yeah, that's true too

>> No.17389287

>Add a country which is known for Armored Carriers.
>Add the fucking unarmored one.
I will still hope for illustrious.

>> No.17389298


When they said the new equipment would offer a hint of the new shipgirl, I didn't expect that to mean flat out stating its name in the description.

>> No.17389321

My fucking sides. What is the point? To the Italian* and Burger planes you go.

*except Re2005

>> No.17389325

Didn't the twitter say that the even was going to get a unique BB, CV, and DD?
We might be getting a USN DD this time around, or even another BB.

>> No.17389333

>this thing killed Bismarck
>the absolute state of the KM

>> No.17389336


Well France is the only country with BBs that doesn't have one yet.

>> No.17389376

How was the XP, my fellow Brunei TTK?

>> No.17389404
File: 36 KB, 960x540, IM SO FUCKING HIGH RIGHT NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been a worse ranking reward for all three positions? Jesus fuck, I might lose a meme medal for a +3 torpedo plane?

>> No.17389428
File: 120 KB, 490x653, -4ada3Q13r-ix3tZcT1kSdm-i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17389449

New Hellcat and Corsair are nice though.

>> No.17389453

Crippled but yes this is why Bismarck's AA in-game is piss poor.

>> No.17389477

It didn't. It broke the rudder and that just made her a sitting duck. All ships are weak to anal anon

>> No.17389478

Even the nips are unamazed.

>> No.17389481
File: 40 KB, 724x339, wpfe24701e_0f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a fatass. I like it.

>> No.17389487

She is the unarmored version of Taihou is what she is. Though I guess she would have higher luck.

>> No.17389524


>> No.17389528

Read the thread.

>> No.17389532

A one hit wonder like Taihou.

>> No.17389561

Do we have pictures of Ark Royal's wreck, how does she compare to Yorktown?

>> No.17389572
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>> No.17389584
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No I mean something like this. Basically how does she look on the Sea Floor.

>> No.17389589
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What kind of admiral would marry Iyo when Hitomi is there?

>> No.17389601

It's impossible, they're a one package deal.

>> No.17389607

Me. I find Iyo much more approachable than Hitomi.

>> No.17389627

Pffffffff what a shit bong plane it's even skilled.

>> No.17389650

Well it does seem to have use on Taiyou if nothing else. But only the skilled variant.

>> No.17389658
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>> No.17389671

Not able to find a picture but according to a description:
The precise location of the wreck remained unknown until mid-December 2002, when it was discovered by an underwater survey company, C & C Technologies, Inc, using a sonar-equipped autonomous underwater vehicle, 30 nautical miles (35 mi; 56 km) from Gibraltar, at about 1000 metres depth.[2][110] The company had been contracted by the BBC as part of a documentary on maritime archaeology related to major battles of the Royal Navy.[110] Ark Royal lies in two sections: 20 metres (66 ft) of the bow has separated from the rest of the ship. A large debris field, which includes the remains of the funnel and bridge island, parts of the ship that came loose as the carrier sank, and aircraft from the hangars, is located between the two hull sections. Analysis revealed that the port side of the ship hit the seabed first.
I can't tell if it's in worse condition than Yorktown or not.
I think this video also has some footage of her.

>> No.17389756

I got a feel that Swordfish can be equipped on certain BB and BBV and I got a feel Warspite can equip Swordfish in later updates.

She is a murder machine with Swordfish

>Sank a U-boat
>Provide spotting while sinking a German DD
>Warspite sank a total of 8DD without suffering any damages

>> No.17389764

Tanaka please

>> No.17389781

Why would you ever want to equip it on a BB though?

>> No.17389792

Knowing it would be Ark Royal toned down the hype too much. Why can't we have at least a single good thing?

>> No.17389797

>Carrier with high luck
What would the point even be

>> No.17389799

Boosted accuracy and evasion

>> No.17389801

Because delusions.


>> No.17389802
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I have you covered, /a/non

>> No.17389808

Because muh balance.

>> No.17389820

But this is /jp/

>> No.17389822

No wonder Graf's design is so shitty. Poor Fumikane was planning for a light cruiser not an aircraft carrier.

>> No.17389827

Illustrious and Implacable are plenty balanced. Just say they are armored carriers who can't use jets.

>> No.17389828

If it's Ark Royal, the RN could be looking at having nothing but weak ships in their group.
Warspite is gunning for weakest slow BB and Ark Royal would compete with Zepp, might be worse if she gets bad slots.

>> No.17389830

Old habits die hard.

>> No.17389831

Jet engine was the worst.

>> No.17389832

We better get Richelieu and a Fletcher(and not some meme shit like stewart).

>> No.17389849

Big E isn't and that's what everyone wants.

>> No.17389852
File: 61 KB, 1526x580, ArkRoyalSquadrons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your Fulmars. Maybe the fatman might give use Sea Hurricanes if we are lucky. This is why I didn't want Shit Royal.
I will post what she usually carried in the next picture.

>> No.17389864
File: 8 KB, 322x226, ArkRoyal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing you can say about Ark Royal is that she comes with catapults as built.
And now you know why I wanted Armored carriers.

>> No.17389873
File: 529 KB, 1000x1412, __ro_500_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fujibejifu__fc8cf1cf2ec2a0c46f0325aca6e8241f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ro as my store assistant.

>> No.17389888

That sounds like much worse condition but it isn't much to go on.

>> No.17389903

I want Illustrious, just for the doujin pairing of the sweet and shy Sister Sara with her unbearably lewd British friend Lusty.

>> No.17389918

Grafs design is great it's the artwork that's the problem.

>> No.17389985

I would be fine with any carrier that gave use TBFs and Helldivers.

>> No.17390006

Graf's hat looks like a BB hat rather than a CL hat

>> No.17390020

Well that just goes to show you that Fumikane didn't plan for Graf at all. He didn't even plan a new hat for her.

>> No.17390039

Well the video certainly makes it seem that she is in worse condition than Yorktown.

>> No.17390053

Bending Ro over the counter and fucking her brain out.

>> No.17390069

Proportions make her look like a boy in drag and a wig in this

>> No.17390076

2016年6月報酬:Re.2001 OR改→Aquila:掘り
2017年6月報酬:Swordfish→Ark Royal:掘り?
Ark Royal might be a drop ship. Hopefully.

>> No.17390103
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Cute Shiggy.

>> No.17390129

I want to slide my meat all over those thighs.

>> No.17390138

I wonder if Ark Royal will sound the same as Warspite.

>> No.17390145

Guaranteed to sound terrible at least

>> No.17390148

what? British?

>> No.17390154

Actually it's Australian. Like when some Hollywood movies use Australian actors instead of British ones because they are too cheap.

>> No.17390155

I hope soon because shes the best.

>> No.17390166

So she'll sound like a criminal?

>> No.17390171

Stop confusing her with Ikazuchi.

>> No.17390180

If you think Warspite sounds like a Criminal then yes.

>> No.17390182
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When is Zuiun festival?

>> No.17390188

Tomorrow is the 30th in Japan so tomorrow.

>> No.17390206

I dont confuse cute shy Inananocutie with the annoying tomboy.

>> No.17390214

USS Pope when?

>> No.17390241

A shit.

>> No.17390248

Ikazuchi has a child wife personality. See you don't even know the characters.

>> No.17390255

>Wanting 4inch memeshit like pope and stewart.
Also if swordfish and Warspite are any indication it will be the RN who gives us outdated equips and ships.

>> No.17390298

>the RN who gives us outdated equips and ships
Ruler of the seas my ass.

>> No.17390303

HMS Victory when?

>> No.17390308

is shit.

>> No.17390310

They had a good run. Don't hold their twilight years against them.

>> No.17390311

Their more advanced ship girls are obviously holding Britain. Which means no big help for Australia.

>> No.17390318


When the abyssals invent a new weapon that melts through metal-hulled ships.

>> No.17390326

Why USN chose to leave Iowa there with centralhime? That event gave me the impression that we rescued her but why were they at pearl harbor at the first place?

>> No.17390328

Cute turkey

>> No.17390332

That header pic is kawaii as fuck.

>> No.17390359

Abyssals apparently appeared from a portal from hell at pearl Harbor and attacked. Probably they had to retreat and Iowa got captured.

>> No.17390373

>Hey Australia, Germany is being a cunt again, send us some men to fight them
>What's that? Japan suddenly attacked and is threatening to invade you so you want your men back? Well, we need them so no. Best of luck, mate.
Dad of the year. The Americans were right to get out early.

>> No.17390382

Iowa refused to leave Arizona's grave to be defiled by filthy squid people.
