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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17364726 No.17364726 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>17347405

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw VNs, LNs, Jdrama, anime and manga.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

>> No.17364774

do people actually say 時々?

>> No.17364799

yes I heard it in anime even before I started learning Japanese

>> No.17364801

sometimes :^)

>> No.17364807

Even before?
Wow anon.

>> No.17364957

I feel like this is one of those words that would be typical to see written in kana, idk why I feel that way. What's your experiences anons?

>> No.17364977

I just want to read the cleaning manuals of my new loli onahole. Will learning Japanese for that purpose take more than a year?

>> No.17365002

search up every word. Look up grammar in DoJG. should take you a day or so. Maybe a week if you're slow.

>> No.17365017


>> No.17365023

He won't be able to fully appreciate it that way. You should save your white whale for later.

>> No.17365043

Are DJT no longer allowed on /a/. I had been looking for them and hadnt seen them for a while so I came here.

>> No.17365056

I don't think he cares anon. I think he just want's to cum in dat loli pussy.

Mods threw a hissy fit. So now we're here.

>> No.17365131

Ah kk, that is disappointing but at least it lives on some where.

>> No.17365137

There is also one on /int/ but I hear it keeps getting derailed by filthy coreans.

>> No.17365155

i hate koreans so god damn much

>> No.17365165

we all do (should). That's why we stay here.

>> No.17365254

We learned this in my Japanese classes pretty early on and I have heard this used in various shows I have watched.

>> No.17365308

When did this
Turn to this
And then turn into this

It's good that they don't come here. Why is that so?

>> No.17365311

I think it was after a new janitor election and someone was basically just flexing their power. Decided to "get rid of generals".
Of course every single /a/ user who never even used DJT suddenly had intimate knowledge of how DJT always worked and how much of a "circlejerk" we always were apparently.
We were basically just symbolically executed to make everyone feel like the board was going to get better.

>> No.17365334

because they're coreans

>> No.17365346

because writing 笑 every time you wanted to laugh was too much trouble, so it got shortened to just w. Then people started lauging so damn mutch it looked like a field of grass (wwwwwwww) so it changed to 草.

>> No.17365382

This is exactly what happened. /a/ never got around to destroying the real problem, one that this board is barely managing to prevent - template posting. I think they still have the gay general thread even though they were supposed to ban them all. /djt/ was an actually useful general where people actually got around to doing something, but the mods just listened to the detractors blindly. What did they even mean with circlejerk? I forget now.

You're being ironic but I'll still answer. The cleaning method is roughly the same for all onahole - turn inside out, wash with (preferably mildly warm) water, a little detergent, scrub and rinse and dry. No need to learn Japanese but learning the language is fun at least for me.

>> No.17365409

VN script bro died again?

>> No.17365423


>> No.17365461

Would it be a bad idea to mine entire sentences instead of words?

>> No.17365467

Yes. The brain is extremely good at associating sentences with abstract ideas. After a few exposures you will stop practicing "using my Japanese ability to understand this sentence" and start practicing "my ability to remember the context for this sentence based on its shape and whatever words in it are easy".

It makes sense to mind sentences along with words, though, as long as you make sure that the sentences are not on the front of your flashcards.

>> No.17365488

Whenever I mine words I usually include the full original sentence on the back of the card (with more context from the preceding sentences if necessary), as well as a tag somewhere on the card data to say what I learned it from (if it's a VN. If it's a manga or game or something, I just include a screenshot on the back)

Helps me remember what usage/context I learned the word with, but I definitely wouldn't recommend putting sentences on the front of the card.

>> No.17365498

>What did they even mean with circlejerk? I forget now.
Even at the time I remember it was absolutely absurd. I honestly have no idea how the mods fell for such idiodic arguments.
But basically it was almost completely centered around the anons who would post their Anki statistics.
These arguments went on for days and that's literally the only example of circlejerkery they could come up with.

>> No.17365503

Oh right, I just remembered it was "blogging" that they complained about mostly, not circlejerking as much. They said those anki statistics were blog posts, and that's why DJT deserved to be ousted.

>> No.17365585

>template posting
this, THIS 10x
i'll out myself now

/v/ is pratically 80% this
i never visited /a/ because they seem like ironic weeb meme manes.

Generals are ironically the only place where meta/decent discussion happens (and you all know how /vg/ and /v/ ended up)

This board is slower but template posting still exists, although it's not filling up the board completely, thankfully.

saying www is the equivalent of LOLing (closest example i could give) for japs

>> No.17365634

I started using the Core 2K/6K set but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the rather complicated kanji it throws at you rather quickly.
Is there any systematic in which kanji it gives you, like JLPT or anything, or does it just go by common word, doesn't matter when the kanji is actually learned in JLPT or school system?

>> No.17365677

There is no specific ordering by kanji, only by how common the words are.

I kinda wanna study the kanji I learn in the words I mine, with the all in one kanji deck, does anyone know of a convenient way to have the deck show me only kanji I have encountered in words? or do I have to script something clever?

>> No.17365722

WORD FREQUENCY! yeah, that's what I meant to say. Been bugging me since I made that post.

>> No.17365723

Still on vacation but I wrote this: https://vnscripts.neocities.org/howto.html

>> No.17365759

>You need Python 3, 64-bit Java, and a Bash prompt. If you don't know what that means, you can't use this guide.
can we request titles?

>> No.17365764

Can we share some channels for listening practice that aren't so scripted I think I'm watching american dramas?

>> No.17365846

Get cygwin.

>> No.17365851

>as long as you do the stroke order right your writing can look like crap but people will still understand it
Is this statement correct?

>> No.17365857

cygwin is garbage. People use mingw these days.

>> No.17365859

People use msys these days*

>> No.17365868

Kinda. When you can't identify something someone wrote you tend to look for little "cues" or whatever that show which stroke might have come after which or which direction a stroke was going.
It's actually kind of surprising the first time it works for you, I've seen some really ugly characters and I just ask myself how did this guy actually write that, and then suddenly it clicks

>> No.17365875

what's the difference between msys and cygwin again?

>> No.17365885

cygwin comes with a package manager.

>> No.17365889

Cygwin is a bonafide unix environment and has its own OS compatibility layer. Things made with cygwin can only be run inside cygwin, because it's a unix environment.

Msys is just a shell, and msys and mingw work as closely to windows as possible. Programs compiled with mingw run on normal windows systems if the libraries are statically linked. With cygwin you have to distribute an entire cygwin environment with anything you make.

>> No.17365904

so, if I understand correctly, Msys is to windows what zsh is to linux... vaguely speaking.

>> No.17365952

Can we stop shilling our own channels?

>> No.17365986


i get the difference but i hate things like that

>> No.17366022

What do you call words that are written the same but have different meaning from different readings like:



>> No.17366028

inconvenient is what i call them

>> No.17366079

>TFW got my first leech
Gonna write it on every wall, set as wallpaper, and repeat it after waking up and before going to bed, and I'll recite it every time an orthodox Jew would say a prayer

>> No.17366081

Good plan.

>> No.17366083

Guys, can someone rank these LNs from easiest to hardest for me? I want to read something I'm actually interested in but I'm a beginner who has only read Tae Kim and knows ~500 words.


>> No.17366086

I don't know them but if you only know ~500 words you should dive into whatever you find the most interesting and know the most about because anything you read is going to be equally hard in terms of language content and you need compellingness and foreknowledge to make up for that.

>> No.17366090

Only Jintai is noticeably more complex. The others are the same for the most part, read whatever. You're probably better off starting with VNs if you only know that much though.

>> No.17366091

Or manga with furigana.

>> No.17366102

I mean I was planning to read digitally and both iPad and kindle can look up Japanese words just by touch the characters.

What VNs would you recommend? I've seen some people circle jerk aokana and leyline but I have no idea if those are actually decent beginner picks. I don't want to read fucking hanahira.

>> No.17366110

sort by "VN 5k" or "modified Hayashi 2", bigger = easier, have fun

>> No.17366115

Yeah but they don't have voices, which help. As for VNs, pick whatever looks interesting and don't worry about "beginner picks". It's all gonna be hard as fuck for you, slight differences aren't gonna change much. If you don't accidentally pick one of the 0,1% of VNs that are actually boasting complex language structures you should be fine. But to throw out a name, I recommend Eustia. Straight forward writing, engaging throughout and a voiced protagonist.

>> No.17366116

None of them will be an enjoyable read at your level. But I guess it's better to be a reader type of DJT EOP than the anki type, so just read whatever.

>> No.17366124

Thanks for the help

I'm confused, I've seen Anki/RTK/etc get shit on constantly in these threads and everyone says to just read asap.

>> No.17366125

>I'm confused, I've seen Anki/RTK/etc get shit on constantly in these threads and everyone says to just read asap.

That's what he's saying.

>> No.17366135


>> No.17366137

It's core that gets shit on. Mining is fine and encouraged.

>> No.17366145

>500 words

boy what

>> No.17366150

what's wrong with core? do you mean only ever doing core?

>> No.17366156

More is missing a lot of top 1k common words and prioritizes a lot of words that are only particularly common in things like newspapers and magazines.

>> No.17366159

I know 500 words

>> No.17366158


>> No.17366161

so how should a beginner learn vocab, exactly? it's not like they can read

>> No.17366162

By looking at things and learning words from whatever they look at.

>> No.17366163

So why is it still recommended in the DJT link in the OP?

>> No.17366164

why are you trying to read with 500 words?

>> No.17366165

It's the most established thing.

>> No.17366169

What have you learned today, djt?

>> No.17366171

So what does >>17366137 mean with Mining?

>> No.17366172


>> No.17366174

Seeing words in the wild and then making flashcards out of them.

>> No.17366178

Doesn't this thread say to read ASAP?

>> No.17366181

Yes. Ignore the dumbass. Just make sure you're aware that reading with only like 500 words is going to be very slow. You're not going to get a lot of story content out of it, but you get out something for whatever effort you put in, and reading is the right place to put that effort.

>> No.17366184

Do 6K (40 words/day) and then read

>> No.17366187

Congrats, you just wasted four months.

>> No.17366194

yeah reading light novels when you have the vocab of an actual 3 year old sounds like a great idea

>> No.17366196

3 year olds know more than 500 words

>> No.17366197

Making flashcards by yourself sounds like a horrible chore.

>> No.17366198

t. beginner who will never learn japanese

>> No.17366200

All you do is press a button and the computer does it for you. Read the guide.

>> No.17366203

More like do 40 words from Core a day while going through whatever grammar guide and/or kanji study resource you picked, then when you finish that grammar guide start reading and get your new words from your reading material instead of core.

>> No.17366215

>40 words a day
Do you mean 40 NEW words per day?

>> No.17366216

That's what words per day means.

>> No.17366223

After some individual kanji study I was going at 60-100 new words a day for a bit, so 40 new words a day is reasonable as long as you have the time for the reviews. If 40 is too hard and/or time consuming I'd do at least 20 new words a day though.

>> No.17366225

So how much time do you sit on your vocabulary, two hours per day?

I presume it can't be done on Akidroid?

>> No.17366243

When I was doing the 60-100 new words a day I usually had around 400-600 reviews, so yeah, about an hour, usually a bit over. I don't do very much new vocab though (I only mine words I guessed incorrectly while reading and words with new kanji, so if I'm not reading as much or the content I'm reading isn't hard enough, I don't find a whole lot of new words), so I don't have nearly as many reviews as before and I kinda just do them while watching raw seasonal anime for listening practice.

>> No.17366249

I could imagine doing 60-100 words with a language that doesn't have a different writing system but 60-100 new words including kanji, readings, and meanings sounds a bit too much.
I need 20 minutes just for the standard 20 words thing.

>> No.17366252

So if I can't read actual content why the fuck should I start reading with 500 words? Why shouldn't I just ankidrone longer?

>> No.17366256

Because it's dangerous.

>> No.17366263

I don't understand you people. "Ankidroning is bad, just go read!" "Wow, why the fuck are you trying to read when you haven't ankidroned?"

>> No.17366265

This might surprise you, but DJT is not a single person. Ignore the retard.

>> No.17366269

>Some people start reading when they get to about 1-2k words in core
I can't understand how people do this. If you're actually trying to learn Japanese, you'll learn the kana and finish a grammar guide in two weeks. Now what will you do? Chill with Anki for a 100 days because you can't start reading until you reach the magic 2k number? Or are you going to actually put that knowledge to the test, and start reading?
The only people who "wait until they start reading" are the retards who complain "waa waa reading is too hard I don't ever want to do it :((((".

>> No.17366277

Yes, but DJT seems to go through cycles of jerking off to Anki and then jerking off to hating on Anki.

>> No.17366280

It's textbook-itis. They've been intoxicated by sterile learning environments their whole lives and are unwilling to accept that some things can't be learned through skillbuilding. Just look at Nukemarine. Literally years spent trying to figure out how to learn Japanese with frequency lists, core decks, kanji resources, you name it. Still not anything approaching fluent.

>> No.17366281

No, that's just whoeverse posts you're reading at the time.

>> No.17366290

Yeah I just started reading after a few days of anki droning myself. Wasn't a big deal.

>> No.17366298

guys how do I buy ebooks from amazon japan without a credit card? I have paypal but they don't take it

>> No.17366354

>I presume it can't be done on Akidroid?
Not directly, but there are other apps which can export stuff to Ankidroid.
For example Aedict (dictionary app) or Typhon (ebook reader)

>> No.17366376

But I guess I'll first just work through the 2k on mobile and then from there on build mining decks on my pc.

>> No.17366385
File: 71 KB, 1440x1125, Screenshot_20170723-144636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a tsu in Todd?

>> No.17366388

Borrow your mum's

>> No.17366397
File: 202 KB, 450x448, help1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't bring weird things
>I like pudding
>Your taste is good

This is in the context of giving presents to the neighbours when they first move in, obviously the last 2 sentences are incorrect, but I can't understand what they should be. Can anyone help me?

>> No.17366399
File: 33 KB, 580x365, 1472965610274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17366413
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>> No.17366484

Don't bring me weird things
I like pudding (explaining), think of it as "but I like pudding"
No, your taste's fine (that's not the problem, the problem is that it's weird to bring me pudding as a welcome present)

>> No.17366496

Three months in and that's exactly how I'd translate that. I'm making no progress.

>> No.17366501


What were they thinking?

>> No.17366505

You're doing better than I did after 3 months. Ganbare, anon.

>> No.17366506


>> No.17366513

Don't bring me weird stuff.

Pudding is good though.

No, I mean, your taste is fine.

>> No.17366515

What were they thinking?

>> No.17366517

They sound very different

>> No.17366518


>> No.17366533

>uh oh
What were they thinking?

>> No.17366542

That's what I mean. Contrary to what this anon here >>17366501 seems to think, this is something normal.

>> No.17366576

My real problem is that they're opposite meanings of a common word that sound almost identical, and could be easily mistaken for another in speech. Of course many words will sound similar, especially in a language like Japanese with limited sounds.

>> No.17366592

They don't sound almost identical...
It's like differentiating beach from bitch, vowel elongation makes the difference, and intonation too

>> No.17366621

Alright it makes a bit more sense, I assume that the second sentence feels more like an explanation because of the "んだ” which I think Tae Kim said was just a shortened version of "のだ” for an explanation. And I think the third sentence would become easier to read if I knew what kind of meaning the "いや" part carried。Jisho seems to call it "an exclamation of surprise". Thank you for your help.

If we keep going im sure we will make it!

>> No.17366624

いや means "no" here.

>> No.17366665

いい doesn't only mean "good", it's also used the same way "I'm fine" is used in english for declining an offer.
He's saying that he doesn't care about the other guy's preferences, not that they're good.

>> No.17366688
File: 38 KB, 1023x412, と副詞.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The principles under which kanji adverbs take the と particle.

>> No.17366710
File: 36 KB, 720x860, 2017-07-23 21_44_13-Anki - User 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help, it seems I've fucked up a big time. I'm slowly becoming a slave to anki.

>> No.17366718

Oh well that makes alot more sense then. Mabye i'll skim through Sakubi at some point as well as Tae Kim, but I imagine the guides only differ in small areas like that.

I assume that kind of thing comes with more reading? Mabye it would be good to look up each word if I get confused in a sentence like that to see if there are other meanings for it. Thank you for your help as im sure that word will crop up often.

>> No.17366720

Listen to this anon.
I'm at 4k words right now and I still haven't started reading. Better to push yourself and start reading as soon as possible than to become like me.

>> No.17366722

As another anon suggested, I think an easy manga with furigana is a better place to start. It will be much easier than an LN, and you'll understand a lot more in context. You likely won't get complicated compound sentences either.

Mind you, with 500 words it'll probably still be a slog.

>> No.17366742

I installed True Retention to anki and now pressing "R" doesn't replay the example sentence. What do?

>> No.17366753
File: 348 KB, 1150x1720, page_017[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's covered in HJGP (いいから/いいよ)

>> No.17366756

Nothing, True Retention doesn't touch that code.

>> No.17366812

Which JRPG has the easiest Japanese?

Preferably something for early Nintendo or Gameboy.

>> No.17366831

The one you like.

>> No.17366851

don't play early nintendo & gameboy games when you're a beginner. The pixelated kanji are as good as impossible to read.

>> No.17366865

You could check out /vr/, I see threads about retro Japanese games there occasionally.


>> No.17367010



>> No.17367030

Stop adding new cards and reviews will go down a lot within a week or two.
Then keep up with those reviews and enjoy all the words you'll never forget again.

>> No.17367255

This. Not even DS games are suitable in my opinion since the furigana are so small.

>> No.17367318

Is that thing in the CoR yet? I've almost considered buying a copy.

>> No.17367328


>> No.17367329

>load up VN/doujin game
>open ITHVNR, hook it to process
>open firefox page, turn on auto clipboard paster, turn on rikaisama
>start reading, switch over to firefox to check things every sentence because I'm a scrub

Is there a way to simplify this a bit? Obviously getting to the point where you open *just* the game is asking for too much, but for laptop reading, it's kind of a pain. A few things to open and juggling windows is unpleasant just to get started.

Chiitrans hooks to whatever you point it to *and* it keeps a dialogue box open on top of whatever window you're reading from, but it definitely doesn't hook to everything and I don't think it's recommended in the guide. Is it still legit?

>> No.17367333

Is HJGP better than djt bunpo? (in terms of completeness and accuracy?)

>> No.17367337

https://core6000.neocities.org/hjgp/ (mega link is contained on the page).

>> No.17367348

>More is missing a lot of top 1k common words
It really isn't. Words you read a couple of times in one of your wank novels don't make them extremely common. Fuck off already.

>> No.17367349

It'd be easier to just display furigana.

>> No.17367355

You can press the save button on ITHVNR so it hooks automatically to the game and chooses the correct thread. Dunno how small your laptop is but I can have game and a small firefox window next to each other and you don't need to click the firefox window to hover over words with rikai.

>> No.17367360

What does that stand for?

>> No.17367374
File: 375 KB, 689x720, 1444779161341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or are novels (in general) always dark and serious?
It seems like anything past ライトノベル and young adult in terms of demographics are always brooding and serious. I want to read something much more lighthearted yet more difficult than a light novel.
Like, what's the Japanese equivalent of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

>> No.17367384

Try Morimi.

>> No.17367385

1. It's just you.
2. You don't know what light novels are.

>> No.17367394

If your screen is too small for two windows just google 'always on top window', I'm sure there's tons of solutions.

>> No.17367406

>You don't know what light novels are.
What do you mean?

>> No.17367414

Yeah, it seems that I can't avoid doing that. I wanted to finish core6k this summer but it seems it'll take sometime longer.

>> No.17367418

>>open firefox page, turn on auto clipboard paster, turn on rikaisama

both of those things will stop working in a few months though

>> No.17367428


>> No.17367432
File: 24 KB, 698x889, only one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it just me

>> No.17367433

>I want to read something much more lighthearted yet more difficult than a light novel.
This is what I mean. A light novel is neither "light" by default nor are "real novels" harder. There's thousands of braindead simply written 小説 and there's also LNs that will have even native Japanese people constantly grasping for the dictionary.


>> No.17367451

I made a new clipboard addon compatible with firefox 57+. It's called ClipMon. And when rikai dies, yomichan can replace it.

>> No.17367452

Well yeah, but a lot of games, especially RPGMakershit, don't seem to offer that option.

It's small enough that any window surpassing 768p of vertical resolution usually cuts into the taskbar, which is pretty common and a royal pain in the ass.

Because the windows are usually so big, I have to alt-tab just to check things that are farther in the sentence, because the window obscures them.

How so? Is there a better way already figured out?

>> No.17367470

use spark reader, it overlays your game. Play in windowed mode, so you can use your mouse, and you don't have to tab out any more.

>> No.17367473

Fuck off shill.

>> No.17367475
File: 34 KB, 571x544, 1490735526431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going full sperg over a simple rhetorical device

>> No.17367476

no. lel.

>> No.17367496

>chinks have no kana, only kanji

How do they do it?

>> No.17367504

It actually is. You wouldn't know that, though. You don't know Japanese.

>> No.17367506

Socialism. Thats how.

>> No.17367510

>A light novel is neither "light" by default nor are "real novels" harder.
Just so you know in case you're note a native speaker this is an invalid use of neither ... nor ... because nor is in a shallower structural node than neither is.

>> No.17367514


>> No.17367515

Their grammar is literally caveman level

>> No.17367527

Chinese grammar is actually extremely convoluted when you get outside of basic statements.

>> No.17367540

Might be so, but they're communists, and Trump is president so it doesn't matter.

>> No.17367541

To be specific...

The accepted pattern restrictions are ( neither(X) nor(Y) ) and neither(X nor Y). Any pattern which can't be simplified to one of these is an ungrammatical use of neither ... nor ... .

>> No.17367597
File: 164 KB, 1280x400, 146620028040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-Hepburn romanizations

>> No.17367604
File: 271 KB, 507x507, 1493466386975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you EOP faggot

>> No.17367606

I type si, ti, sya, jya etc because it is faster and/or makes more sense, and so does every Japanese person.

>> No.17367609
File: 148 KB, 666x666, 1500072792292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone unironically uses macrons.

When someone merges ぢ and じ.

jya is literally not a romanization in any system anywhere, standard or phonetic or transcriptional or phonemic or anything. Nowhere. At all.

>> No.17367611

Nice anime pictures. I like anime.

>> No.17367615

English isn't even my fist language you projecting オカマ.

>> No.17367618

Yeah, but every IME accepts it, so I don't really care.

>> No.17367620

Mine doesn't.

>> No.17367628

First off, おかま isn't a real insult so that just proves that you don't actually know japanese and are just whining about shit you don't actually understand. Secondly, you're a fucking faggot if you think that hepburn is efficient at anything but appealing to EOP retards and (You).

>> No.17367637

Oh. I've used the standard Windows IME (whatever it is called), the Google one, and also mozc in standard configuration. They all accept jya. I've never set up Japanese input on my phone

>> No.17367656

>most widely used method of romanization
>closest to how things are actually pronounced
>crossdressing faggot isn't an real insult


>> No.17367682

>most widely used method of romanization
That means absolutely nothing.
>closest to how things are actually pronounced
Does that even actually matter? Japanese has its own writing system, it's not supposed to be romanised in the first place. Plus, Hepburn only makes it easy to read for EOPs. In fact, that's why it was made in the first place
>crossdressing faggot isn't an real insult
You actually don't know Japanese. Just stop arguing, you don't know what you're talking about and are only embarassing yourself.

>> No.17367694

How will we get around yomichan's inability to read local files?

>> No.17367726

>Does that even actually matter?
It's the entire point of a romanization system, you cretin.
>Hepburn only makes it easy to read for EOPs
No, Hepburn based the system on both English and Italian phonology, so it should be easily readable to anyone who has any of the major western european languages as their mother tongue.
>you don't know what you're talking about and are only embarrassing yourself.
Enlighten me then, what does it actually mean?

>> No.17367742

Not him but オカマ野郎 is used as an insult.

>> No.17367746

I started this in Anki a while ago, and it may be an older version, but the order seems pretty weird sometimes. I'm 400 words in right now, and today I got 七 and 九 for the first time. Not only are they far easier than some of the monsters I've seen along the way, but I already got them combined with 日 somewhere at the beginning.

On the upside, it gave a bit of a breather I guess. I have 20 new words a day, and commonly get between 80-100 reviews on top of that.

>> No.17367752

Who are you quoting though?

>> No.17367762

Go fucking read dude. What's stopping you?

>> No.17367767

Please don't quote my post again if you have nothing of value to say.

>> No.17367771


>> No.17367772



>> No.17367794

Rikaichan can do that? do you need that?

>> No.17367811


TL: Please don't abuse the quote function.

>> No.17367818

I can just drag-n-drop the file (i.e. txt) on my chrome and use yomichan from there.

>> No.17367828


>> No.17367838

I have a feeling that kind of usage he was referring to. Maybe something like this:

I don't know what the situation is for yomichan with local files, but worst case, the functionality would have to be added by someone with enough time and bother to do it.

>> No.17367840

What futaba boards do you browse? Do you post (by getting VPN)? Their touhou board feels slow

>> No.17367844

Pretty much all boards but may are slow there. Get used to it.

>> No.17367864

s-sorry, quotechan

>> No.17367894


>> No.17367911
File: 189 KB, 500x500, 1500589663630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, any good tips for a beginner to memorize stuff such as the counting systems and get better at numbers?
I still taking a long time to think of how could I say a number like 462, for example, even though I understand the basis.

>> No.17367916

do math in japanese.

>> No.17367923

Always read numbers in Japanese whenever you encounter them. Practice counting and playing with numbers every time you take a piss. That worked for me.

>> No.17367931

>Practice counting and playing with numbers
i.e. this >>17367916

>> No.17367962

The text hooking guide recommends to use an HTML file saved on your computer to paste the text to.

>> No.17367978

The guide reccomends one of three styles, the plain, style 1, and style 2. The plain file is basically just an empty file. style 1 has some css making it look slicc, and some javascript that makes it autoscroll. Same with style 2, just different css. Loading this local file into firefox does not involve Yomichan in any way.

>> No.17367981

play mahjong

>> No.17367999

Just leave it all open. I had Flyable Heart open for months when I was reading it.

You can set Rikaisama to start automatically.

>> No.17368006

translate all the post No. on 4chan into japanese.

>> No.17368028


>> No.17368050

Oh, it seems I misinterpreted the problem. For some reason yomichan doesn't work straight away after opening a session on Firefox, you have to refresh the page. Strange, but not a big deal.

>> No.17368057

yeah, that is strange. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I'll get around to it at some point. As long as it works, I guess it doesn't really matter much though.

>> No.17368182

That sounds like the basis for a story in LO

>> No.17368197

I actually jump from game to game pretty often, courtesy of DLsite. Playing a bunch of low-tier stuff and the occasional throwaway gem that actually tries to be a bit different is what keeps my interest in this language alive.

I don't get how anybody can have the stamina to read 30+ hour VN's in the native language but I'm guessing it's just something you develop over time. I mean, I can't even stomach reading something like Nekopara for fuck's sake, and that's about as easy as it gets with furigana and such.

>> No.17368202


>> No.17368221

>The plain file is basically just an empty file
The plain file also has the javascript to autoscroll, just no styling on it.

>> No.17368250





>> No.17368272

Is it possible to fully understand written and spoken Japanese without ever writing or speaking it yourself?

>> No.17368276

Yes, and it's impossible to do the opposite in any meaningful way.

>> No.17368327

I have only read about 6 or so scenes of Nekopara, but I do not recall any furigana except on the name of La Soleil

>> No.17368347

Oh, I could swear I remember furigana when I started reading it, but I guess I recalled it wrong.

>> No.17368455

reading scanned (raw) manga is so fucking painful
the zoom in just ruins the art

>> No.17368508

I've been watching some 40 something year old Japanese dude streaming White Album2 and the guy seems to be unable to read a lot of pretty intermediary level kanji (he couldn't read it but if the character was pronouncing it he would get the meaning) which got me thinking, is this normal or are we pretty much better than the average Japanese at kanji since we go out of our way to cram so much of it.

>> No.17368512

>people streaming live reading of visual novels
Is this an actual thing?

>> No.17368514

Probably just means they never bother reading anything.

>> No.17368517


I completely agree you can fully understand without being able to actually speak.

But to a certain extent you pick up things quicker by being forced to be active and struggling with producing. Even if what you produce is not perfect. That's part of why immersion works to make even dumb people fluent.

It's a balance though and if you don't keep your ears open you'll have a terrible accent and grammar.

>> No.17368519

Small amounts of speaking practice can expose you to nuances that are hard to notice otherwise. But not because you're speaking, instead because you're having a conversation. The act of verbally producing sounds made out in special patterns doesn't help you understand them any more than echoing them in your head.

>> No.17368523

It's more common than you think. They only get like 5 to 10 people watching though.

He couldn't even read 囁き which is pretty shocking. He doesn't sound retarded. From what I gather he's a salaryman at a normal company.

>> No.17368528

I'm not trying to say there's anything special about speaking versus thinking. It's the act of producing which can help you.

I think we're basically in agreement.

>> No.17368538

That is 表外漢字, in almost all cases you'll see that with furigana. Also what do you suspect the chances are of him encountering it at work? Seems perfectly reasonable to me to not know, or forget a kanji like that if you hardly ever read fiction.

>> No.17368539

Yeah, I just care more about the wording.

>> No.17368541

In what universe is 囁き outside of common use? Or hell here's another one, 屑. He couldn't read that either.

>> No.17368548

So you're saying my kanji recognition levels have surpassed that of the average Japanese salaryman? Aren't these games made for men of this age group?

>> No.17368551

>(n, uk)
>(n, adj-f, uk)
If he can understand it when spoken, then he probably does not read often

>> No.17368557

My fonts renders this as 旧字体, so it's probably less common that one might expect.

>> No.17368559

I'm sorry but what does uk mean?

>> No.17368560

usually written in kana kana

>> No.17368562

It's common, in fiction. Though even then, you most likely don't need to know the kanji thanks to furigana. 屑 Also is for the most part written in kana.

If he really is a salaryman then he probably thinks of a lot of words as common, that you've never even heard before.

You probably read a hell of a lot more fiction than he does. Imagine you only ever read the news and work documents, do you think you would come across 囁 and 屑 very often?

>> No.17368572

This is correct. If you read a lot of novels, then you might think "countenance" is a common word, but it really isn't. People who don't read a lot of a novels would say "facial expression" is much more common.

>> No.17368579

>If he really is a salaryman then he probably thinks of a lot of words as common, that you've never even heard before
Well yeah I guess that's true, I wouldn't be able to read a Japanese contract for the life of me.

屑 I can sort of get since I see it as クズ a lot more often these days but 囁き is a bit hard to believe. I always wondered why light novels seem to have furigana for seemingly common words. Guess I now know why.

>> No.17368580

How do I know which one is the retard?

>> No.17368584

By reading more.

>> No.17368590

Much better time learning this than Spanish. What a boring language/country

>> No.17368591

This is a hyperbole. Nobody recommends LNs with 500 words. People recommend mangas, typically slice-of-life themed mangas, as most of them share a basic set of vocabulary.

>> No.17368630

ok but if you read the thread, him reading LNs with 500 words was LITERALLY recommended

>> No.17368638

Wait, so should I not try reading LNs? I don't know what to do and am getting really stressed out about it. I want to start reading but am getting mixed signals everywhere I look. At what word count should I start reading novels?

>> No.17368641

Just like learn Japanese.

>> No.17368644

That is the ultimate goal

>> No.17368647

You're on the right path anon.

>> No.17368648

i certainly don't think you should wait till 6k, or even 2k, but a bit more than 500 would be good as long as it doesn't take you an excessively long time

>> No.17368654

would someone mind telling me what 忍ばず法生かさず殺さず is supposed to mean? the kanji are obvious, but i haven't a clue what they're supposed to mean together

>> No.17368665

It means he picked up vocabulary by talking to people and by reading common media, not by grinding words. It is possible to be able to speak and listen to Japanese with full comprehension and still not know how to write or read.

>> No.17368666

So like 1k?

>> No.17368671 [DELETED] 

Anon, 囁く is top 1500 vocab if you ignore grammatical words and respellings above it in rank. Someone who doesn't know how to read 囁く doesn't know Japanese. Of course, they might only know how to read it in kana, and if that's the situation, that's fine, it's a very strongly "usually kana" word.

>> No.17368674

Nevermind the context is a native.

>> No.17368676

>Someone who doesn't know how to read 囁く doesn't know Japanese.
>Nevermind the context is a native.
really makes you think

>> No.17368678

>Of course, they might only know how to read it in kana, and if that's the situation, that's fine, it's a very strongly "usually kana" word.

>> No.17368679

What's the best website / book to learn Japanese?

>> No.17368683

The link in the OP. Have fun, you're here forever.

>> No.17368684

I mean, yes, it goes without saying that if you can't read the kana you definitely can't read, but someone who only knows kana can't read either even if he would theoretically be capable of reading a work written entirely in kana.

>> No.17368690

is studying for 2 years enough to be fluent?

>> No.17368691

it was always offputting to me, but since i started learning japanese, every time i see some gaylord use romaji it makes me physically ill

>> No.17368693

There's this idea called "functional literacy", which has to do with your ability to read the written language. It's 100% normal to be able to read transcriptions of dialogue like subtitles with complete fluency but stumble over narrative fiction, in every culture. Being good at reading narrative fiction is a second level of literacy after being able to read written speech.

>> No.17368694

i've read one of these posts before, i'm not sure which

>> No.17368726

kinouteki ni kana to onaji janai desuka?
watashi-tachi zen'in isshou roumaji wo yondeitashi, yomiyasui to omou

>> No.17368746

It's not that clear from this font, but that is a "small tsu", indicating emphasis on the following consonant. You don't read the small tsu.

>> No.17368756
File: 171 KB, 1280x1024, 1424563358593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that some shounen manga don't have furigana and some seinen manga do? What compels a magazine to have furigana? Why would a magazine for kids not have it? Why would a magazine for adults bother having it?

>> No.17368768

>Wait, so should I not try reading LNs?
No. With 500 words, you will literally mine 40 ~ 50 words in a few (read: less than 10) pages. And what makes you think you will understand the syntax of each sentence when you haven't even read something simpler, such as a manga? Ignore the retards who say to dive into LNs this early.

My fault for not tracing the entire conversation, sorry.

>> No.17368773

At least romanize particles properly.

>> No.17368779

with 500 words he'd be mining more words than he'd be reading in an LN

>> No.17368784

in game names like this are notorious, i try and convince myself its a native doing it for some style.
I cant accept its some game engine limitation

>> No.17368789

Well, I was not trying to exaggerate my statement too much, but you are right.

>> No.17368826

desu i just typed it the way the way i'd type it into an IME but without the IME

>> No.17368836

Why not use a kana keyboard?

>> No.17368842


>> No.17368905

How does one look up kanji in a dictionary? Or compound kanji words for that matter. Is it categorized by radicals?
Ive never owned a kanji dictionary

>> No.17368968

I just finished the first oendan for the ds and I couldn't help but notice how "osu" was thrown at every opportunity. Looking at dictionaries they say it can mean "Hi!; Yo!; Hey man!; Yes sir!" But they seemed to use it like their signature cheer. Also the people they help say osu when they are motivated in what I guess could be translated as "Yes sir!" but I can't find a way that sounds good, or even correct, to translate the cheer way of using osu.
Maybe I didn't explain very clearly how the guys use osu but those who played the game surely know what I'm talking about.

It was pretty fun btw.

>> No.17368969

Is there a way to modify Anki's real time import to make it import the sentence as well?

>> No.17368979

Don't take this thread's advice religiously. The "read, read, read" advice is more of an intermediate thing I'd say. In the beginning with only a couple hundred words you won't be reading so much as you will be drilling hundreds of common words into your brain so they become "normal." This is so much different than reading for pleasure it's ridiculous.

I'd recommend going through a basic 2k/6k anki deck sorted by frequency of use (search nukemarine). If you're going to try reading use manga or NHK easy, comments on nico nico, easier stuff. Grasping the correct context of what a sentence in a novel means in another language is already a bit of a challenge, let alone understanding the literal and grammatical function of each word within one as a newbie. With simpler material, or ones with visual aids, you'll have a better idea of whether you understood what's been said.

You've gotta learn how to swim before you go to the deep end. Trust me, it will pay off with time and effort.

>> No.17369041

What does カス mean at the end of a sentence? is it です but with a "nerd" accent or something?
And other thing, I'm really desperate for listening practice because it has been more than a year already and I suck at listening comprehension, I found some jap streamers but they seem too hard to understand, should I practice with streamers or with anime?

>> No.17369053

>should I practice with streamers or with anime?
Do a bit of everything. Streamers, anime, drama, variety shows, podcasts for topics you're interested in, 実況プレイ vids for games you're interested in watching, etc. Exposing yourself to a wide variety of content in general helps.

>> No.17369062

I stopped learning japanese a few years ago. Got up to 3k words in core6k.
Should a i use the same deck or is it fucked up beyond repair? Should make another core6k deck or just mine my own deck and read?
Please help, i posted this on /int/ before but got no response.

>> No.17369088
File: 392 KB, 220x390, 1499463565186.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to finish your reps first thing in the morning.

Just re-add the deck and start from scratch I guess. Core6k is good. Do it while studying grammar if you've forgotten it, start reading and mining when you feel comfortable enough.

>> No.17369090

>What does カス mean at the end of a sentence? is it です but with a "nerd" accent or something?
Not too sure myself, but the first response here seems to be helpful http://lang-8.com/308136/journals/1560985 Basically doesn't mean anything and is just kind of a speech pattern quirk / "character trait", going by the explanation given there. Wasn't really able to find much else about it anywhere else and not sure I've encountered it personally.

If someone more experienced knows more about this they can provide input, because I'm kind of curious too.

>> No.17369094

I've done this before. I didn't give up Japanese, but I gave up reviewing Core for a year or two and came back to it.

Just set your limit to something 50-100 reviews a day and set it to no new cards or some very small amount (because you wont be reviewing the new cards on a regular schedule for awhile).

You'll probably fail a lot, but you haven't lost everything you learned a few years ago. If you stick with it you'll get through the back log in 1.5-3 months (some extra time because you'll be failing words) and then you'll be back on track.

And if you do know words after all this time you may as well just suspend the card since you have that word down.

>> No.17369130

>Feels good to finish your reps first thing in the morning.
Do you do this everyday though?

>> No.17369326


>> No.17369340


>> No.17369353

>With 500 words, you will literally mine 40 ~ 50 words in a few (read: less than 10) pages
Add an extra zero, maybe. Even at 8k words I'm mining a dozen or so words a page for the first 100 pages of so of a new series, when it comes to kirara manga time yonkoma series. 500 words from something like the Core decks would essentially be having to look up nine out of every ten words.
The vocab mountain is real, which a lot of people don't seem to understand. Even with Core10k, an average novel will involve another few thousand more unknown words.

>> No.17369372

I'm around 2k words into core and I'm interested in reading Kino no Tabi, should I read it even if I have to look up almost every other word or will it be easier than that?

>> No.17369377

You should have started reading a long time ago.

>> No.17369381

There's an html version in the resources so lookup is really easy. I hope you've also been studying grammar.

>> No.17369399

Is the one in the resources the djt netfly?

I have been reading but it was stuff that people said were easy like Hanahira and Axanael, I regret that now and I'm trying to read things I'm interested in. When should I have started reading?

>> No.17369407

>I regret that now and I'm trying to read things I'm interested in. When should I have started reading?
You answered the question yourself, with what you're interested in. Kino is fine, so are the vast majority of other LNs and VNs.

>> No.17369408

Oh nevermind, I read "when" as "what". Pretty much immediately after finishing Tae Kim.

>> No.17369467



>> No.17369537


>> No.17369632



>> No.17369662

Read some manga

>> No.17369711

Are there any good grammar books that let me do exercises and stuff? Like a classical textbook. Answer key should be available as well. I have Genki but I don't know if there's anything better.
Reading Tae Kim doesn't really require me to think critically, and I feel I don't memorize a lot from it.

>> No.17369717

It's called reading.

>> No.17369728

Sure, but I'd like to be efficient and waste as little time as possible.

>> No.17369759

It doesn't work that way. Watch Stephen Krashen or else you'll be Krashen 'n' burning

>> No.17369790

>Stephen Krashen
Right, it's that video again where he talks about language acquisition of like what, 5 year olds? Not particularly relevant to adults who understand what grammar is and can actively study it.
The core principle of learning is feedback. You wouldn't start doing math problems without ever checking your answers. And you definitely wouldn't skim through 5 chapters worth of theory, then start doing random excersises without having a clue about what techniques might be useful. Or maybe you would, but it'd be retarded.

>> No.17369819

The feedback is knowing what the hell the sentence means. If you refuse to read and only look at textbooks in isolation, you can't learn Japanese. As simple as that.

>> No.17369825

Holy shit, so many wrong responses, only >>17366665 got it right, >>17366484 >>17366496 >>17366513 please don't reply if you don't know shit.

>> No.17369837

its like that doing thing
yea doing

>> No.17369841

>please don't reply if you don't know shit.
Saying this is retarded 100% of the time because the person who doesn't know shit doesn't know they don't know shit. Not that you're not right in complaining about people giving wrong advice, but you're still dumb for saying that.

>> No.17369849

>The feedback is knowing what the hell the sentence means.
>The feedback is knowing
Lmao, you can't be real. If you already know there's no need to study.

>If you refuse to read and only look at textbooks in isolation, you can't learn Japanese. As simple as that.
Yes. Did I ever claim otherwise?
And you realize that translating texts is part of textbooks? But it happens on an appropiate level and obviously a translation would be available (or you have a teacher to help you out), you know, so you realize when you've made a mistake, and learn from it. And look at that, you've just made progress.

>> No.17369870

Do you have brain damage?
>learn grammar
>read sentence
>apply grammar you learned
>sentence makes sense

Well good to know you aren't actually interested in learning Japanese. Have fun wasting your time.

>> No.17369879

How can someone be this naive?

>Have fun wasting your time.

>> No.17369903
File: 210 KB, 680x510, macarrones_carbonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

かるぼなーら 今日のランチ

>> No.17369913

Well, when you get back from vacation you can try extracting the script from Tokyo Necro. http://www.mediafire.com/file/1wwj3vqvqmrbl27/

>> No.17369920


>> No.17369931

VJG has exercises.

>> No.17369941


can someone explain what this means please?

>> No.17369944

What do you not understand?

>> No.17369946

I think he doesn't understand what it means... Are you an idiot?

>> No.17369961

If there was a hole I would want to go in it

>> No.17369962

You've got it wrong. It's not 人 but 入る. 穴があったら入りたい。

>> No.17369963


>> No.17369967

ohhhhh ok. thanks

>> No.17369969

I spend all of my time speaking to japs, watching raw anime and reading VNs with no problems, but I can't understand 人類は衰退しました, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.17369972

You clearly haven't read much then.

>> No.17369977

you only understand japanese phonetically

>> No.17369980

I can read 沙耶の唄, that's supposed to be hard right? But 人類 feels like it's written in a different way, not sure how I'm supposed to tackle it

>> No.17370000

Not the person you argued with but have you learned any foreign language before? Doing exercises and grammar drills might be fine for a beginner but I don't think I will get you far. You should strive for as much comprehensive input as possible.

>> No.17370002

A beginner won't know shit. They know that they themselves are beginners. Thus, they know that they know shit all.

>> No.17370014

It means "humanity is in decline". It's pretty basic desu

>> No.17370019

You read one visual novel? Anyhow there's nothing particularly special about Jintai, if you literally "can't" read/understand it you can't read a good chunk of the media out there. Just keep reading it, or keep reading other stuff and come back to it if you don't want to ruin the experience. The author has another standalone book called AURA that you could give a try first.

>> No.17370026

stop posting this you fucking idiot

>> No.17370033



>> No.17370085

Latin for 6 years, yes.
You know it went? You read a section of grammar in the textbook, do maybe some exercises, then translate texts in which the grammar is being used, starting with extremely simple stuff at the start, and increasing the length and difficulty as your knowledge builds up.
In classes you have a teacher to help you out, and you review texts you translated.
Note that you don't read the book front to back and then try to translate Cicero. Note that you have a way to check if what you've been doing is correct by means of a teacher or an answer key.
Now obviously doing self study in Japanese you'll mostly be lacking the latter, but that means it's even more important to be critical of yourself and get a solid grasp of the grammar. I never said you shouldn't read, but jumping into an LN or manga in which you're suddenly exposed to a massive amount of grammatical constructions while having nothing but 1 read of Tae Kim under your belt is plain inefficient.

>> No.17370086

Obviously I've read more than that, just that's probably the hardest I've tried and I find it quite easy
I figured it would have been harder than Jintai which is why I was confused that Jintai's giving me so much trouble
Guess I don't have much choice but to keep practising, thanks for the rec too I'll check it out

>> No.17370095

Being a DJT EOP. Or not being a DJT EOP enough.

>> No.17370103

Must be the second one, I stopped coming to these threads after they were moved from /a/

Although I was shit back then too so I guess I can't win

>> No.17370111

It's a title. Anon meant he doesn't understand how it's written.

>> No.17370128



>> No.17370129

I don't get capture2text. I press the combination but it doesn't do the OCR? I tried changing the hot keys to other stuff too

>> No.17370135
File: 636 B, 98x111, 1467917599553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this kanji is?

>> No.17370139
File: 7 KB, 371x204, 1482804909528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK nevermind it worked but what is this gibberish

>> No.17370143

手 obviously

i drew that image myself btw

>> No.17370144

Gotta set it to Japanese mode.

>> No.17370148

>I type ... jya because it is is faster [than ja]

>> No.17370154


>> No.17370159

A likely story

>> No.17370200

What's a good deck that starts with Kanji radicals and builds upon them similar to KanjiDamage but is less edgy and less wrong? I'm having a rough time with just the Core2K deck because I can't build any mental connections and I'm not good at just straight memorization

>> No.17370243


>> No.17370265

dude. I tried reading アクセル・ワールド at 1k words, I got like 3 pages in before I gave up. Don't start with an LN. Start with something easy, like an easy VN, or the yotsuba reading pack.

>> No.17370274

>I got like 3 pages in before I gave up
Wow you sound like a reliable source of information.

>> No.17370314

I spent days on getting that far cunt. All those compund sentences made my brain melt.

>> No.17370337

Oh shit this is perfect, thanks

>> No.17370343

have fun not learning japanese

>> No.17370378

he says as he isn't learning japanese

>> No.17370382

dont have to learn what you already know

>> No.17370403

Bug report: The shinmoemanga site doesn't scale properly when resized or used on mobile devices.

>> No.17370409

Shit you're right, this is too focused on radicals, since it covers radicals which aren't actually words too. Plus it's too memey, maybe I'll try ordering my own deck out of the Core2K

>> No.17370410

I think what you described is pretty much the standard way in which languages are taught in schools.
Now, I can't share my experiences with Japanese since I'm still very much a beginner but I got proficient at English basically by consuming a lot of native content. I recall classes being a training wheels that allowed me to start to read without being completely lost.
Personally, what I'm doing now is to try to imitate it with Japanese. Except instead of taking classes I'm grinding through Core and DoJG.

>> No.17370414

Six years studying a dead language that nobody is fluent in.

Proof that traditional education doesn't work.

>> No.17370439

Did I fuck something up with Anki? I was doing pretty well, but all of a sudden, every session is starting with ten cards I've seen once or twice before and then those cards aren't showing up for the rest of the session. Normally, the newer cards would show up through the session after starting with a dozen or two dozen cards I wasn't quiiiite mature with, but had down pretty well. Or is this change of pace normal? Either way, it's pretty discouraging - is there some way to change this without resetting my entire progress?

>> No.17370445

>and then those cards aren't showing up for the rest of the session
What does this even mean? Do you hit Again or not? If so, they will show up. If not, you told the program you remember so why would it show them again?

>> No.17370455

What do you guys use to read epub files?

>> No.17370458

My Kindle after I convert them.

>> No.17370472

Yes, I do. I have it at 110 reviews right now. I hit the 'again' button, but they don't show up until the next day for some reason. Before this, if I hit 'again' the card would show up again and again until I hit the other button, but now they're just disappearing for the rest of the day. It's not because they're leeches - not only have I only seen these cards two or three times, but I have leeches set to mark only, not mark and bury.

>> No.17370485

Ok that's weird but Anki shouldn't be doing it by default. Did you change settings? Just press "restore defaults" in the decks options

>> No.17370496

If you hit "again" too close to the next day it automatically buries the card so that it doesn't show up when anki automatically studies the learning queue ahead of schedule.

>> No.17370497

I'll try that, thanks. I think the only options I changed was upping total reviews to 110 and lowering new cards to 15, but I might have hit something without realizing. I was worried about losing statistics, but now that I know it's not normal, I'll try messing around more. Actually learning is more important than a pie chart.

>> No.17370502

That might be it too. I've been trying to study once as early as possible and then unbury and again before I go to sleep. I can see that fucking things up if I stay up too late.

>> No.17370505

>I changed was upping total reviews to 110
This should be unlimited (9999).

>> No.17370529

I know, and I really should step it up, but I work much better when I have the actual goal to hit per day instead of the less tangible "study until I can't any more." I need to bump my max new cards per day up again too. But I'd rather go slow and steady than burn myself out and get sick of it. I know myself too well.

>> No.17370532

No, it's better to lower your cards if you feel it's too much. But you should never, ever limit reviews.

>> No.17370544

Thanks, I'll do just that if you say so. Maybe it'll solve the problem I asked about too.

>> No.17370584

I wish people would stop trying to type in Japanese here, nothing good can from it. Either you're teaching people incorrect Japanese or you're reinforcing bad habits by using incorrect Japanese.

>> No.17370590


>> No.17370607

Someone recommend me a good LN

>> No.17370611

are none

>> No.17370612

Someone recommend me a good doctor

>> No.17370617

see >>17364486

>> No.17370644

Oh shit forgot there was an LN thread

I'll take my leave

>> No.17370650

There is.
But I specifically meant the stuff in that picture, because those are some good recommendations, if a bit old.

>> No.17370658


>> No.17370704
File: 1.48 MB, 4160x3120, Leech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I haven't figured out is whether I should unsuspend the card or not; I think there's no point since I'll just memorize it by seeing it continuously.

>> No.17370709

This is what happens when you're a retarded Ankidrone that doesn't read.

>> No.17370736 [DELETED] 

>go to some japanese forum
>post simple phrase in japanese
>they now think I'm korean

>> No.17370834

Do you guys know of any good J-J dictionary apps for Android?

>> No.17370884

what's the best way to read and consult words on an android phone?

>> No.17370892

By not reading on a phone.

>> No.17370896

EBDic and use an EPWING dictionary from https://djtguide.neocities.org/cor.html

>> No.17370897

to read books I mean

I wanted to use my kindle but it died.

>> No.17370909


>> No.17370917

Google Play Books (I'm not joking) and Popup Japanese Dictionary for Rikai-like dictionary lookups for any app.

I tried multiple app combinations to read LNs and this is the one I liked best.

>> No.17370920

Shit, no vertical reading.

>> No.17370956

All the entries from HJGP that start with あ. Just a demonstration, I really don't plan on doing the whole thing.


>> No.17371117 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, WORLD CALLS FOR WETWORK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to lurk shit ton before you post or else you are going to come up as a guy using google translate or some random foreigner who just wants to fuck shit up.

/int/ is all koreans (i wonder why they aren't here), look at their Japanese habits and avoid them

or just learn proper colloquial speech and avoid becoming an ankidrone

>> No.17371128


Timestamp 1 minute 34 seconds.

>> No.17371162


>> No.17371519
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-07-24-20-23-08-311_com.adobe.reader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is いいました just "spoke", or is there more to it?

>> No.17371538

Yeah, it's 言いました.
会いに来て言いました (came to meet her and said)

>> No.17371555


>We sit together, so let's try to get along, okay?

what does せっかく mean?

>> No.17371561

Thank you.

>> No.17371572


>> No.17371578

Also: https://core6000.neocities.org/hjgp/#row254

>> No.17371674

curious question

are japanese/chinese more able to tell differences between two pictures than anyone else due to their complex language?

>> No.17371689

Why is this used to mean "obviously, of course" etc?

>> No.17371693

>Isn't it settled/decided that...

>> No.17371757


We have almost the same thing in english. Something can be "decidedly X".

>> No.17371845

No, Kanji don't work that way. When identifying kanji, you look for very specific patterns that you've memorized. That won't help you when comparing two pictures.

>> No.17371908

VERY long post incoming. Lots of background info on my history with learning the language I'm seeking advice from people who are N1 / upper N2 on how best to get back into studying proper. If you don't care about additional info, just skip to the bottom section of the post for my questions. The TL;DR is basically I've more or less only done reviews, listening practice, and whatever Japanese I've happened to come across for the past 12-16 months and am rusty and wondering how best to approach getting back into properly studying the language / if anything major has changed in terms of resources.


It's been about a year since I've actually studied (as in actually going through DoJG or whatever grammar resource/deck is recommended) or read something from start to finish. Closest I've done is playing a couple older games in Japanese last year/early this year.

When I took the JCAT about a year ago, it scored me at 238, which is right in the middle of the "N2" range on their equivalency chart, so I was doing fairly well for the pace I was going at.

However, as a result of me not dedicating as much time to Japanese as 12+ months ago, my reading speed has kind of declined, I haven't gained that much grammar or vocab (or at least I don't feel I have) and there are certain words and pieces of grammar that trip me up that didn't before, because I relied on the high amount of reading I was doing to remember those words / some of the grammar rather than making cards for them and/or actively reviewing them.

Luckily, I've kept up with my reviews and I still watch anime and some streamers and stuff for listening practice, but my retention isn't quite what I'd like it to be, and I'm not sure what the best way to get back into learning would be.

My current decks are:
- The first 2500~ words in the old Core 6k deck we recommended a couple years ago
- A mining deck with about 4500 words (After about halfway through my first VN I stopped mining easy words and decided to rely on reading to remember those)
- A kanji deck that originally started out as an RTK deck, but is now heavily modified to be more of a cloze vocab kanji deck (the front is just a few words with the kanji in them replaced with the reading highlighted and mouseover definitions and stroke order, readings, mnemonics, etc. on the back). The reviews are basically "Can you see these cloze vocab words and write the kanji matching the highlighted readings from memory with 100% accuracy in stroke order? If not, fail the card."
- An old DoJG deck that just has a recognition card type (grammar term/example sentence on front, more example sentences and explanation/notes on back) that I got about halfway through the Intermediate section of before stopping.

The kanji deck is overall fairly effective, but I feel without the reading to supplement it there are still a number of kanji I keep forgetting. I'm about 2650 kanji into the deck and it's pretty much tailored for me because of how much I've modified it, but not sure if there's a better kanji study method that has popped up that would be better to 'start over' with (and just carry over the vocab to the new deck) or if what I'm doing (close vocab kanji reproduction) is best and I just need to supplement with vocab. The main worry is stuff like the radical names/meanings in RTK not being as accurate as they could (though I've mostly strayed away from using the keywords, mnemonics still help with learning new kanji), but if that isn't a serious concern then it's whatever.


Now, with all the background info out of the way, a few questions/thoughts I want feedback/answers on:
- Regarding kanji, is what I'm doing for kanji fine and I just need to supplement it with more reading so I have less issues with retention, or do I need to be looking at another method to combine/start over with? (I can't really brute force vocab into my memory like some other people can and I'm interested in writing, so dropping individual kanji study altogether isn't really an option for me)
- Regarding grammar and production, is DoJG still the main recommended resource if you want to read through something for grammar, is HJGP generally seen as "better", or should I do both? I had Sou Matome's N1 books recommended, but I feel like I should brush up on the basics again because there's a lot of basic stuff I don't feel I have as solid of a grasp as I should. Does DoJG + one of the decks for it, Sou Matome's N1 books, and Lang8 to practice production (since I've done basically no production practice outside of kanji handwriting) using grammar I learn sound like a solid plan, or are there other resources I should use instead?
- Any general resources to recommend that may not have been as popular a year or two ago that you feel should be part of everyone's learning?

P.S. - If you've managed to actually read through all of this and are taking the time to give a thoughtful response, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

>> No.17371914 [DELETED] 

Read more.

>> No.17371915 [DELETED] 

that's nice dear

>> No.17372004

I dunno, I mostly read porn games and never did any DJT-y study methods and I passed N1 very finely.

>> No.17372016

What's the difference between 繁盛 and 繁栄?

>> No.17372024

When should I switch to j-j dictionary? whenever I can somewhat understand it?

>> No.17372028

Post this on the /int/ djt thread if you want a proper response.

>> No.17372029

繁盛 is for prosperity on a small scale, such as shops, dealings, etc
繁栄 is on a bigger scale, prosperity of a city, a country, etc.
source: first result on fucking google.

>> No.17372035

Thanks but I'll pass on the advice from the users there. From what I gathered they aren't very good at Japanese.

>> No.17372037

Found out right after I posted, I apologize for my moronic behaviour.

>> No.17372045

This >>17372035 guy isn't me. I'll consider it if I'm not going to get much from here, thanks.

>> No.17372076
File: 235 KB, 633x633, 1477926602598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gave correct advice, why would the mod delete it?

>> No.17372095

Because they didn't bother to read what it was responding to.

>> No.17372096

The moog method works.

>> No.17372098

DJT threads are great, they always devolve into arguments over what the best learning method is. Nothing is ever agreed on, newcomers get jaded over this and end up getting discouraged from learning the language. In the middle of this shitstorm, a very small percentage of people are asking and giving advice and trying to hold simple convos in Japanese.

These threads are goddamn awful for the most part.

>> No.17372102

The jani actually wrote the question post and couldn't handle people telling him the hard truth.

>> No.17372104

Someone who knows 7000 words isn't a beginner. Anyone who knows that much vocabulary is far beyond the level where doing anything but consuming the language will help them.

They can only ask the mods to delete posts, not delete them directly.

>> No.17372116

What's the moog method?

>> No.17372119

Learning very basic grammar and vocabulary and then doing nothing but reading eroge for six months.

>> No.17372124

moogy doesn't know Japanese though.

>> No.17372127

moogy knows more japanese than you will ever know

>> No.17372129

Don't forget watching Katanagatari without subs early on. This step is important.

>> No.17372150

What kind of eroge? Where can I do research on this man? His path intrigues me. I have another friend who supposedly did the exact same thing and he's on a jap university right now.

>> No.17372165

He recommends people to go down this list from top to bottom.

>> No.17372179

Isn't this the guy who lowered his rating of some VN because it got localized? I think I read something like that in the VNTS thread. Opinion permanently discarded, then.

>> No.17372195

Fuck it, what could go wrong? Downloading Muramasa.

Thanks friend.

>> No.17372198

No, he lowered a rating because he read more VNs and thought less of it afterwards.

>> No.17372201

nice meme

>> No.17372402

There is nothing wrong with this. When eops observe a vn, it becomes strictly worse.

>> No.17372408

Reading porn games is about the most djt study method there is.

>> No.17372432

I'm on chapter 8 of tobira and holy shit i understand like 20% of the text. Only the most simple sentences. the grammar syntax so weird. is there a general strategy for translating other than beginning with the verb and subject?

>> No.17372537

I just started using tobira ~a week ago and I'm currently on chapter 6. So far the difficulty of the reading is about the same AFAIK, and I can recognize each vocab and grammar points after reading the 単語 and 文法 sections. Usually though, I tend to read the vocab first before diving-in into the texts because I hate to flip back-and-forth between pages (for the grammar point, it's usually easy to guess what it means based on the context). Is chapter 8 feels a lot harder than the previous ones?

> is there a general strategy for translating other than beginning with the verb and subject?
Do you literally translating each sentence? I don't think it's productive to do this.

If you're stuck at some grammar points, you can always refer to DOJG/HJGP, or use mecab, http://ichi.moe/, or other text parsers.

>> No.17372624


>> No.17372670

This is pretty much the default answer for most questions, but really, just read more. Your post makes it sound like you consider Anki a bigger priority than actually making use of what you review on Anki. Flashcards are supposed to supplement reading and listening to native content, and not the other way around.

>> No.17372993



>> No.17373331

Do the japs memorize which readings of kanji are onyomi and which are kunyomi?

>> No.17373374

Can I skip readings if i'm not going to be typing/speaking?

>> No.17373380
File: 66 KB, 1601x750, 1451769263658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure can

>> No.17373577

>Do you literally translating each sentence? I don't think it's productive to do this
How do you work with the texts? Do you just read them from beginning to end and try to understand things? And yeah, chapter 8 feels harder because I've basically never heard about the presented topic

>> No.17373583

Is Precure a good beginners manga?

>> No.17373706

Hold up, hold up. Are you serious? I'm going to go with >>17366484 being the best answer.

>いい doesn't only mean "good", it's also used the same way "I'm fine" is used in english for declining an offer.
In the example, 嗜好 is marked as the subject not the speaker -- so your use case of "I'm good/fine/that's enough therefore I don't need __/it doesn't matter to me" does not apply.

>> No.17373734

It's pretty obvious.

On'yomi all sound like the same chink shit.

Kun'yomi are real Japanese words.

>> No.17373793

>嗜好 is marked as the subject
It isn't, は is not the subject marker. >>17366665 is correct. This is the same usage as when you turn down a proposal with 良い, 結構 etc.

>> No.17373895

You don't even know English.

>> No.17373904

>It isn't, は is not the subject marker.
Ok, I'm listening and am trying to understand, but I'm not seeing it.

>This is what the 「は」 particle does; it introduces a different topic from the current one. For that reason, it is also referred to as the ‘topic particle’.
>は is the topic marker
>Topic: a non-grammatical context for the whole sentence.

I just can't see how it isn't marking 嗜好 as the target for いい.
I am familiar with the use of いい、よい、結構 to mean I'm fine/I don't need anything else so that's not the problem here.
So back to the sentence in question:
>いや おまえの嗜好はいい
>yeah...no, as for your taste/preference, that's fine (it's not a problem)
Please help me understand senpai.

>> No.17373921

"Topic" and "subject" refer to different things. If he had said 「おまえの嗜好がいい」 then yeah, that would be "you have good taste". 「おまえの嗜好はいい」 is more like "as for your taste, good", or, less literally, "that's enough about your taste", "your taste is not the problem here", etc.

>> No.17373939

>Don't bring any of that whack shit
>Pudding is my spirit animal, man!
>Maybe for a fatass like yourself.

>> No.17373945

I want to translate with you.

>> No.17373960

t. Xseed

>> No.17373968

>"your taste is not the problem here"
...that's basically what I said.
So here comes goo to the rescue to clear everything up:
badabing badaboom

>> No.17373976
File: 10 KB, 212x254, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am new, have dumb question.

A lot of kanji tend to have at a minimum two different sounds attached to their readings. Is there a general rule for identifying which is being used to sound the word or is it for the most part guesswork until you're familiar enough?

>> No.17373984

>...that's basically what I said.
No, I mean "not the problem" as in "whether you taste is good or not doesn't matter, your taste itself is not relevant to this conversation, you're telling me something that I didn't ask about".

>> No.17373991


onyomi is more typical for compound words but their are no set words. What I when I mine a new kanji is find a few compound words that it is a part of and add those to my deck as well, just memorizing the sounds in isolation is sort of dumb imo.

>> No.17373994

kanji are not words
no general rule, compounds without 送り仮名 are usually onyomi

>> No.17374001


set rules*

>> No.17374002

Yeah, that's what I was (trying) to say too but I mistyped "a" where I should have typed "the"

>> No.17374009

Alright that makes sense, thanks.

>> No.17374077

What's the equivalent of reading a medium-sized VN? Reading 3 average-sized novels?

>> No.17374097

I think it'd be a lot less than that if you take into account that the average novel has much more complicated prose.

>> No.17374170

Reading wasn't mentioned in the post because I intended to read more anyways and the questions were more about the supplementary study and production practice I intended to do on the side for the sake of doing it. I can see how you'd draw the Anki prioritization from my post, though.

>> No.17374191


>muh not fluent unless you can write kanji on paper

>> No.17374206

They get most of them right.

>> No.17374209

Bitches should've done RTK.

>> No.17374219

>gotta learn all the readings

>> No.17374231

>ヤバイ、バカがバレるわ (2:50)
It's okay girl

>> No.17374299

Wheres the best place to get untranslated ROMs for GBA?

>> No.17374353
File: 227 KB, 384x2048, 1500904957561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really visit here but I just want to know is this text legible?
I can't read the handwriting for half of it.
particularly the forth and last panels

>> No.17374378

Isn't that hiragana only? The best thing to do is not play GBA games

>> No.17374381

Yeah, but reading like a mining pleb.

I read just by myself with my memory.

>> No.17374418
File: 6 KB, 50x106, PaintDotNet1500949839240.jpg_-_paint.net_4.0.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this say?

>> No.17374420

Do manga sound effect writers feel they can write whatever they want? It's pissing me off. Why do they use hiragana and katakana for different effects? Why are they using "chichai" consanants that arent ya yu yo or tsu? What is a Pi and small ki supposed to make? Pki?

>> No.17374424

A combination of knowing both the stroke order of characters and the Japanese language itself makes the text fully legible.

>> No.17374426

It says "kanji are not words" (rough translation)

>> No.17374431

Fine then what kanjis is it?
番 and 方?
I seriously don't know what kanjis there are.

>> No.17374437

A hint: it's a pronoun.

>> No.17374443

It looks nothing like it

>> No.17374452
File: 17 KB, 50x106, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17374479

I hate handwriting

>> No.17374501

no, just sloppy handwriting
thats universal, like hearing one side of a phone conversation, さかなで

>> No.17374596

Don't worry, brains are amazing.
Soon you'll be able to read almost everything mostly by infering the context and ignoring kanji like a true Japanese.

>> No.17374689

my sleeping pattern is ruined and its going to ruin my anki

is there a way to just skip a day without doing double reviews on the next time?

>> No.17374697

Stay up till 4 am, do your reps and then go to sleep.
When you wake up you'll have a day of no reps.

>> No.17374700


I have mine set to refresh at 7am. It's 8:13pm now in my timezone and I already did one at 5am today yet have another due.

Consequences of being a NEET and then having to do random appointment outside my sleep schedule I guess.

>> No.17374717
File: 234 KB, 477x364, 2017-07-08_18-57-26-sel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do your reps mate.

>> No.17374784


えほんでも うそはいけないよ



>> No.17374819


>> No.17374843


あいかわらず いもうとは ばか

>> No.17374886
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17374953
File: 200 KB, 850x666, 1500637270604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>あいかわらず いもうとは ばか

>> No.17374960


>> No.17374962

That's literally it. You aquire language knowledge through reading and when you are done (provided you don't want to half ass Japanese) you learn the Kanji meme and learn more advanced grammar functions and colloquial speech.

>> No.17374964

100% some guy will bitch about how kanji is pointless in the following days

gucci bait

>> No.17375020
File: 1022 KB, 756x4400, How to learn japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked on this image guide based on the OP.
Anything to add?

>> No.17375027

>This is dekinai-chan, she will mock you until you learn Japanese

>> No.17375029

I don't like it, but it recommends Heisig and that angers so many retards here so, good

>> No.17375032

remove heisig, it's literally the worst kanji resource

yomichan instead of rikaikun for chrome

>> No.17375037

>grammar while reading with no vocab whatsoever
did anybody actually do this? even Sakubi says you should learn vocab while going through grammar guide then begin to read once you are done with Part 1


>> No.17375045

I finished my first game in Japanese, which I had been wanting to play for years, but it was a letdown. Let's hope I didn't learn Japanese just to find out Japanese media actually sucks.

>> No.17375074

Maybe it is you that sucks, not the media.

>> No.17375077

けいごを つかうべき
What game did you play?

>> No.17375162

By the time you read the first half of sakubi you will have learnt around 200 words in core, so it's the same. (speaking from experience)

>> No.17375186

200 mature or just 200 learnt?

>> No.17375371

Or learn kanji.

>> No.17375375
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, いつも.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17375399

おなかが すいたなら
おっきな いも たべろ

>> No.17375479
File: 42 KB, 836x710, help djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not native in English but i am reading the reccomended guide (Sakubi) and it's good and fine until pic happened.
I've been understanding the guide well but i can't get this, there is too many linguistic jargon on this lesson for me to understand, but i think i'm not the target audience, as most djt denizens seem to have good english

Can anyone help me with pic?
Is TK, Genki, Imabi or Dictionary of Japanese Grammar more comprehensive to somebody like me?´

>> No.17375490

Short correction, i meant if it is the same as XはYだ but shortened to では.

>> No.17375495

>I am not native in English
>Is TK, Genki, Imabi or Dictionary of Japanese Grammar more comprehensive to somebody like me?

>there is too many linguistic jargon on this lesson for me to understand
Nevermind, you're screwed.

>> No.17375511

>if it is the same as XはYだ
It's not. Try rephrasing that sentence with は〜だ instead of では.
Regarding ではない vs. じゃない, this is like how "I'm" is a contraction of "I am". では is contracted into じゃ.
I haven't read Sakubi but I imagine Tae Kim's explanations might be simpler, although you should keep in mind that it has some inaccuracies. I recommend checking various different resources if you have trouble with a particular grammar point.

>> No.17375514

Slow down and read the Japanese. Sakubi is very concise and you have to compare the Japanese to the explanations to get what it's saying.

You learned about ない in Lesson 7. The "not" in 私は学生ではない comes from the ない.

では is linking ない to 学生 in a way that you can't do with は alone. If you said 学生はない, that would mean "students, there are none".

では says that 学生 is the circumstance or condition of ない. So 私 is ない, but only in terms of 学生. 私は、学生では ない。

>> No.17375551


>> No.17375601

...can I switch off of Firefox and back to Chrome yet? Appchan X now crashes the browser immediately when I open 4chan, I can't cast natively to my TV's for some comfy Youtube+VN reading action, and the way it handles bookmarks is kind of a mess.

Using this just for the privilege of having rikaisama and a page with some javascript on it for reading seems like a stupid proposition.

>> No.17375611

You do realize you can have two browsers installed at the same time? I use Chrome for all my browsing and only open up Firefox for reading on the side.

>> No.17375645
File: 649 KB, 1364x768, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all. I think i'm starting to understand it now.
So some people use で like Te particle on だ.
I think i get では after reading examples.
Like he says, "marks the circumstance or condition of another state."
I thought you guys would make fun of me for asking dumb question.
Have a cute picture.

>> No.17375646

Whatever, I thought that since I was going through the effort of installing and setting it up, I'd switch to it completely to give it a chance, Chrome does use a lot of RAM and I think Firefox handles tabs a bit better, though it just feels like a clunkier version of Chrome at the end of the day... they can both technically do the same thing, but Chrome does it all a tiny bit faster and smoother for a bit more system overhead.

I'll probably just install Yomichan and find another way to get the pages with autoscroll on Chrome.

>> No.17375654

If you ever burn out, try Yan And The Japanese People. It's a video series, so your English skill shouldn't get in the way as much.


Sakubi recommends other resources at the very bottom of the guide, too.

>> No.17375708

I checked back and I was 40 words into core (i.e. second day of core, 40 words young/seen or whatever they're called) in fact. I know because I made a post about it here and I checked the archive. I don't even have 200 mature right now (sitting at 72, core+mining deck), but I don't care about anki stats.

>> No.17375717

How do you learn Japanese onomatopoeia?

>> No.17375719

Don't think feel

>> No.17375759

I draw on paper something representing the オノマのペ. For instance, くたくた is a girl sweating and panting.

It sort of works.

>> No.17375764


>> No.17375770

I put it in Anki

>> No.17375780

Pay more attention to them in porn

>> No.17375784

Thanks. I'll try those.

>> No.17375819
File: 3 KB, 125x125, yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
I am reading the first few pages (i am 10 pages in) of Yotsubato and i am understanding it with the Reading Pack! I am trying to read to "stick in" my grammar knowledge.
The video series looks very promising.

>> No.17375820
File: 57 KB, 640x400, scummvm00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17375821

>read enough and you will magically understand grammar

is this a meme or true

>> No.17375825

true somehow
it's magic

>> No.17375837

I've never opened an English grammer book yet I'm fluent in English.

>> No.17375849

I am >>17375819
I learned to communicate in English by surfing Internet and playing videogames.

>> No.17375866

It's both true and a meme

>> No.17375872
File: 60 KB, 640x400, scummvm00002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17375875

Hmm.. For some grammar but not all. If you never look at a guide there are many grammar patterns that I'm sure you'll forever *think* you know but actually misunderstand. Reading is mostly a way to make grammar stick and make sense, not a way to initially learn it.

>> No.17375889

You can't describe a tenth of the grammar rules you use on a daily basis in english. Same thing.

>> No.17375937

Not really the same thing, no, because most people here learned English as kids. Learning a language as a kid when the brain is more plastic and open to language acquisition is quite a different process than learning one as an adult. Adults cannot learn a language, at least not to remotely the same level as a kid, through immersion alone.

>> No.17375941
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>> No.17375952

That's pseudoscience made up by people who are mad that memorizing things doesn't cause language acquisition.

The only truth here is that you have to learn a language as a child, otherwise you grow up literally mentally retarded. If you know a language, there's no problem learning more languages as an adult.

There are zero scientific studies that show that adults can't learn languages the same way kids do.

>> No.17375961

And yet countless people have, I guess they're all children ed geins. Neuroplasticity only changes the speed at which it occurs, not its efficacy.

>> No.17375967
File: 34 KB, 1043x177, 6b2de751a2680a49513fa1f62fb64b96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17375970

>There are zero scientific studies that show that adults can't learn languages the same way kids do.

Nonsense. Here's one: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010028589900030

>If so, it should be the case that young children are better second language learners than adults and should consequently reach higher levels of final proficiency in the second language. [...] Both correlational and t-test analyses demonstrated a clear and strong advantage for earlier arrivals over the later arrivals. Test performance was linearly related to age of arrival up to puberty; after puberty, performance was low but highly variable and unrelated to age of arrival. [...] The results support the conclusion that a critical period for language acquisition extends its effects to second language acquisition.

>> No.17375978

>This prediction was tested by comparing the English proficiency attained by 46 native Korean or Chinese speakers who had arrived in the United States between the ages of 3 and 39, and who had lived in the United States between 3 and 26 years by the time of testing.

Unscientific test group. Discarded.

>> No.17375982

>Says nothing about learning in a different way, just different speeds
Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.17375986

Not arguing against learning by immersion but children do learn a lot easier and that has been scientifically proven. Not even just languages, take piano for example. It's extremely hard to nearly impossible for anyone starting late to ever get good at it, no matter how much they practice since the brain wiring is already done. You basically NEED to have your child get lessons at an early stage if you want him to get good, hence you see that Asian parent forcing child to piano lessons trope a lot.

>> No.17375988

I can't truly agree with you here. I made the biggest progress with my English when I was around 15-16 years old, which can't truly be considered kid age as far as language aquisition is concerned, in my opinion. I did so by reading articles on the internet, watching series and reading books. Although I'm probably not quite native level English speaker, I hardly ever have trouble reading anything I come accross.

>> No.17375989

I did not say children do not learn more easily. I said adults learn the same way.

>There are zero scientific studies that show that adults can't learn languages the same way kids do.

>same way

>> No.17375993
File: 56 KB, 392x495, 1497962292350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you could have learned Japanese but instead you learned baseball
Thanks mom

>> No.17375994

These studies always claim to, but never actually do, control for how much comprehensible input the subjects actually receive in the given language on a daily basis. Comprehensible input is the only statistically significant factor in studies that do control for how much of it people expose themselves to, except for phonetics, where children do better.

>> No.17375998


>> No.17376005

>And yet countless people have
Literally who?

Yeah I'm sure you know better what's an unscientific test group than the actual scientists who performed the study

Same thing. If there is anything worse with the learning at all, including speed, it can only be explained by the learning happening in a different way. Because adults are smarter than kids so with the same other variables, they should be learning faster, not slower.

If you started at a younger age, then you already learned the basics and so reading would help to reinforce it. I never said reading doesn't help, it's quite the opposite. You just can't learn something ONLY by doing reading.
Besides 15-16 is plenty young either way.

>> No.17376008

>Yeah I'm sure you know better what's an unscientific test group than the actual scientists who performed the study
Apparently I do based on how unscientific their test group is.

>> No.17376010

>Literally who?
Everyone who's actually ever learned a language.

>Same thing.
No, not same thing.

>If there is anything worse with the learning at all, including speed, it can only be explained by the learning happening in a different way.
This is literally not logic. This is an assumption.

>Because adults are smarter than kids so with the same other variables, they should be learning faster, not slower.
Adults have these things called "lives" and therefore can't dedicate literally every waking hour of their lives to learning like children do.

>> No.17376013

>it can only be explained by the learning happening in a different way
Or by, you know, neuroplasiticity.
>Because adults are smarter than kids so with the same other variables, they should be learning faster, not slower.
>so with the same other variables
Neuroplasticity isn't the same though

>> No.17376015

Lives such as shitposting for hours on 4chan, am I right?

>> No.17376016

See >>17375998

>> No.17376028

Yes, actually.

>> No.17376031

>Everyone who's actually ever learned a language.
Do you even know what we are talking about? You're saying that everyone who's ever learned a language did so as an adult. Which is obviously false

Relying on the neuroplasticity is exactly what I mean by learning in a different way.

>> No.17376037

"Everyone" does not mean "every human", it means "every one". "One" obviously refers to individuals from the group called "adults" because otherwise I would quite literally be making an off topic statement. Yeah, I take it back, apparently you never learned English.

>> No.17376048

>Relying on the neuroplasticity is exactly what I mean by learning in a different way.
Everyone relies on neuroplasticity. That is not learning in a different way, that is only learning slower. If it's not, then children learn language in different ways from eachother, and we know that to not be true.

>> No.17376054

Awful way to end the thread, let's hope it doesn't drag on to the next one

>> No.17376055

Poor phrasing on your part. Either way, saying that every adult who ever learned a learning did so through immersion alone without touching any structured learning method is equally demonstrably false.

>> No.17376058

I was just wondering if there was a version of this. Where did you find it?

>> No.17376063

Nobody here ever made that argument. And children touch on structured learning, too.

It's demonstrably true that structured learning is only useful, no matter what age you're looking at, for its value as input.

____Nobody has ever become fluent in a language without consuming very large amounts of comprehensible input.___

Go read http://pastebin.com/raw/yEmNDLAP because apparently you don't know about the actual science on this topic.

>> No.17376066

Emuparadise, one of the first results when you look up monkey island japanese on google. 2 is there too. Just load it up on ScummVM.
Really hate the FM Towns music though.

>> No.17376072

>Nobody here ever made that argument.
Yes, that was the argument that >>17376010 said, or he misunderstood my post.

>> No.17376079

No, that is not the argument he said.

>> No.17376094

だ is not always A=B
google for うなぎ文
ぜんぶ いもうとのこと?
したの ふたつは ちがうけど

>> No.17376097

Then he misunderstood my post. Because that line as an answer to my post makes that argument, by definition.

>> No.17376105

You seem to think that studying textbooks and flashcards actually contributes to learning a language. It doesn't. "Immersion alone" is a very apt description for what happens to everyone that "actually ever" learns a language, because the only thing that actually helps them learn the language, no matter what they try, is the immersion.

If I spent an hour every day jerking off and eventually get a degree in computer science, that doesn't mean that jerking off contributed to me getting a degree. You're assuming that things other than immersion actually cause language learning in any way. They do not. Nobody has actually ever learned a language through anything but immersion (input).

>> No.17376115

ITT: You can't learn Nihongoes cause you are 18+

>> No.17376118

Guess I don't exist then

>> No.17376132

You should just quit Japanese and learn Spanish, the superior 言語

>> No.17376133
File: 26 KB, 433x380, 1443620252430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In these example sentences, how am I supposed to know whether 入っており is はいっており or いっており, and whether 開く is ひらく or あく?

Several photos were inside the envelope, and a letter was attached.

A password has been set on this file, and it needs to entered when opening.

>> No.17376162

はいる means that something enters something else, usually of its own animacy. いる means that something just kind of happens to go inside something else, either naturally or by being put inside.

ひらく causes unsealing. あく causes the opening or creation of a hole or gap.

>> No.17376232


>> No.17376283

Hey bitches, Rikaisama isn't working, I just installed it so I might have to set something up or might be using it wrong but I'm pressing F while hovering over a word and nothing is happening

>> No.17376286

>If you started at a younger age, then you already learned the basics and so reading would help to reinforce it.

Well, I believe it is perfectly possible for adult to learn language through immersion only if somewhat impractical. It would require some patient native speakers of the given language (equivalent of parents) willing to sacrifice a *lot* of their time to teach you basic nouns and eventually grammar structures who would also correct your mistakes all the time. You would also have to be significantly patient or desperate (confined between people who can't speak your language for the rest of your life) and devoted. Under such conditions, I can imagine you gaining effective fluency quite quickly.

In this regard, you can think of textbook as a shortcut, allowing you to build on the things you already know to gain basic understanding of the given language.

>> No.17376311

"Immersion" doesn't mean "living in the country and only using that language". It means "going out of your way to immerse yourself in the language".

>> No.17376329

Stop trying to attack the DJT methods.

>> No.17376335

Avoiding input was never a DJT method.

>> No.17376337

Fuck off, ankidrone.

>> No.17376341

I don't know where you got the idea that shitting on memorization was an anti-djt thing, but like, shitting on memorization is exactly an anti-djt thing.

>> No.17376343

isn't exactly* for the second part

Yeah, like, just look up "ankidrone" on an /a/ or /jp/ archive.

>> No.17376347

I know right. However, children don't learn their native language on their own. I believe that if you never speak to your child (and neither does your partner), they won't get any closer to understanding English even were they to listen to
the radio all the time.
That is of course only a hypothetical situation and I have no way of knowing whether I am right.

>> No.17376354

You can't begin to learn a language through just the sound of speech. It's not comprehensible. In real life you have lots of context clues that make individual words or phrases comprehensible. As an adult, memorizing the most common hundred or two words or phrases is making up the difference for not having contextualized comprehensible speech. I think that's just about the only place where it helps a lot. Memorization continues to be a useful crutch, but the more advanced you get, the less it helps. A lot of people think memorization is only useful for "rare words you only see every two months", but if you're in a situation where you don't remember words like that naturally, you're haven't actually "learned" the language yet because you obviously aren't ready to acquire those particular words.

>> No.17376359

If the language is similar enough you can learn it through detached reproductions if there's enough context. Children that know mandarin can learn cantonese by watching cantonese TV, and vice versa. I also know this guy that learned basic English as a kid (immigrant family) by watching cartoons. Radio, however, is not good enough, there isn't enough context.

>> No.17376382

Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. I just wanted to point out that, in my opinion, there's not that big a difference between how children and adults learn a language.

They always have to gain basics, be it by means of conversation and interaction with other people or reading a textbook and afterwards by exposing themselves to a content in given language, they get better.

>if you're in a situation where you don't remember words like that naturally, you're haven't actually "learned" the language yet

By that logic, I don't know neither my native language nor English, as there are rare words whose meanings I don't know. :D

It raises interesting question though: When do we truly know something?

>> No.17376386

> Radio, however, is not good enough, there isn't enough context.

Which is exactly why I chose radio in the example.

>> No.17376388

I spoke no English until I was 11 and then only the broken variety to communicate with various Eastern European children online until roughly 18 when I decided to start reading novels, which was extremely difficult but I managed with a dictionary. Novels had a massive effect both on my understanding and production.

Basically, reading unfucked my own grammar and made me understand better the grammar of others, too. I want to say I'm fluent in English now, but something still feels off. I'm never fully sure of my own wording and I keep getting the feeling that I probably sound unnatural. Can't have everything when your first language is basically outside of SAE and you only properly learned English as an adult.

>> No.17376393
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1347494000834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/djt/ is all about writing grammar guides and shitting on other people's methods even though you can barely pass N3.

>> No.17376394

Here I am, instead of studying or doing something at least a little but meaningful, I'm shitposting at 4chan..-

>> No.17376402

This is referring to words that you really do see every two months, not words that you only see when an /r/iamverysmart-tier novelist uses them.

English grammatical nuances are governed by grammatical stress, which you don't see in the written form.

>> No.17376447

im just going to keep reading dragonball until im fluent. ive been studying for a month and i still have to look up almost every word and grammar point but by the time i finish all 450 chapters i should be an expert.

>> No.17376476
File: 343 KB, 1024x1536, 174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading Dragonball quite early in my studies, but gave up pretty much as soon as 牛魔王 opened his mouth.

>> No.17376479

Well, you will at least become profficient at reading shōnen manga I guess. :D

>> No.17376483

What word is this? It's not in my English dictionary.

>> No.17376490

Is 少年漫画 any better?

>> No.17376492

What word is this? It's not in my English dictionary.

>> No.17376495

Buy some more.

>> No.17376513

Jokes aside, shonen actually is defined in "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th Edition"...

>> No.17376517

Yeah, but is shōnen?

>> No.17376520

People can't get fluent from reading a basic grammar guide and then using muh reading. You NEED to get past reading (reading is good but don't rely on it forever) and start speaking the actual language (use Lang-8 for example), using advanced grammar (Imabi-tist can help you with that) everyday slang and 3000 kanji or so. Most people who just read can read but not produce anything at all (unless that's your goal, which i doubt with you wanting to be fluent)

Go back to /r/japancirclejerk

>> No.17376525

>and start speaking the actual language
I'm with you so far.

>using advanced grammar everyday slang and 3000 kanji or so.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't know Japanese. Stop trying to give advice.

>> No.17376535

I'm willing to forgive them this. Obviously the font they used didn't include ō character...

What am I even doing with my life?!

>> No.17376538

Would doing Genki help with speaking the language? Are production flashcards useful to train the patterns it teaches?

>> No.17376539

Stop bullying people who read stuff that's only in kana, it's totally fine and even recommended if you are a beginner, it will help you train your grammar skills without the need to know a billion kanji.

>> No.17376565

The spelling strongly implies a long o in English so an accent would be redundant.

>> No.17376570

Not only that, English is never ever written with macrons under any circumstances.

>> No.17376573


>> No.17376601

Aren't you content with this one?

>> No.17376649

This is my first time using anki and I have a few questions regarding its usage:

- Is it okay in practice to do as many new cards as possible? I know that for better retention, it's better to give some spaces for the reviewed cards, but not sure about new cards.

- If I'm done with a particular deck, should I delete it and move on? (the cards should show up in X months/years, but what's the purpose of keeping it?)

- Is there any real benefit in using decks that do not provide native (i.e. english) translation? The kind of decks I could think of is J-J vocab and J sentences only (w/ audio, generated from sub2srs)

- specific to DoJG decks: should I skim the book (even the structure and key sentence only) like most people suggested with tae kim before starting with the deck? I found that learning new grammar point on anki feels a bit unproductive.

>> No.17376654

You're overthinking it.

>> No.17376667

1)Do as many as you want and only slow down adding new cards if you feel overwhelmed.
2)Only delete if you're absolutely sure you'll never need it again.
3)If you're a beginner you probably won't get much out of it.

>> No.17376681

thank you

>> No.17376783


what guide are you talking about? Can I have a link / finger point in the right direction? I set up ITH today

>> No.17376902

what's the nuance between
公演 本番 出演
i'm playing idolmaster and they use these a lot

>> No.17376941

Anyone know how to convert .txt files to .mobi/azw3 while still retaining vertical text? Kino no tabi's entry has "converted from txt to mobi" on it and that has vertical oritentation.

>> No.17376944


>> No.17376949


>> No.17376961

公演する is to perform publicly, general word for a performance in front of an audience
出演する is to appear/play in a performance as opposed to not playing even though there might still be a performance
本番 is the actual performance as opposed to practice etc.

>> No.17377012 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 400x254, 1500254489910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here who wants/wanted to learn Japanese for real life purposes (living in Japan, socializing, browsing futaba) instead of beating the meat to 2D diddies?

>> No.17377018 [DELETED] 

How is browsing futaba a real life purpose

>> No.17377032 [DELETED] 

I don't really have a purpose other than "learning Japanese".

>> No.17377035 [DELETED] 

Just socialize with people in your native country

>> No.17377036 [DELETED] 

if your real life is 4chan, why not make it into futaba?
anyways i put futaba as an example there as opposed to the common motivations (VN, anime, manga, 2hu, music, tits and ass) because it doesn't mesh in with them

>> No.17377044 [DELETED] 

futaba is 110% degenerate otaku culture, it absolutely mashes with the common motivations you mention

>> No.17377057 [DELETED] 

this is the purpose of my life

>> No.17377111 [DELETED] 

I'm a NEET with no money, what Japan?

>> No.17377157 [DELETED] 

going anywhere is a normie thing anyways

>> No.17377190

intending on moving to japan within the next five years, hopefully closer to three

>> No.17377196

Do you think it's worth switching to Sakubi from Tae Kim? Is Sakubi superior to Tae Kim?

I didn't find much feedback on Sakubi...

>> No.17377197

Just read your guide.

>> No.17377206

Has anyone ever reviewed sakubi anyway? I know the anon who made it pushed it hard in the threads, but I haven't heard anything good or bad about it.

>> No.17377212

Go sakubi > genki 1 > tae kim > genki 2

>> No.17377213

>I know the anon who made it pushed it hard in the threads
Aside from him posting updates, this never happened. Just people pretending to push it so they could badmouth it on /int/.

>> No.17377225


>> No.17377240
File: 2.70 MB, 3432x2320, 6UDqdL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy posted an image for a language studying schedule.
He uses some pretty flawed and (often) debunked info/theories such as Critical Period for Language Learning but it's interesting nonetheless.

>> No.17377311

I've read the whole thing and it was my first grammar guide. I think I made a short review when I finished it, but I might be mistaken.
I think the guide accomplishes what it sets out to do: get the beginner who has just learned kana to start reading. The essentials were laid out clearly in my opinion, and I was able to transition smoothly to reading simple material. The latter half of the guide is a nice compendium of assorted grammar points. While I did skim the whole thing, I wasn't able to remember much of it. I think that Sakubi's laconic explanations lend themselves better to quick lookups of problematic grammar, than to cover to cover reading.
All in all, I think that Sakubi contains everything essential to reading. You certainly won't be one of those people who "can't even tell where a word ends and another begins" if you read it.
I like it.

>> No.17377321

Has anyone ever reviewed Wanikani anyway? I know the anon who made it pushed it hard in the threads, but I haven't heard anything good or bad about it.

>> No.17377324

It's garbage. I was a beta tester even.

>> No.17377331

Has anyone ever reviewed Japanese anyway? I know the anon who made it pushed it hard in the threads, but I haven't heard anything good or bad about it.

>> No.17377336

>aside from "him" posting updates, this never happened
And how would you know exactly?

>> No.17377337

It's garbage. I was a beta weeb even.

>> No.17377338

I was one of the people coordinating false flagging it on IRC. We fell out, though.

>> No.17377644 [DELETED] 

I hereby swear that I will read (and mine) an NHK NEWS WEB EASY article every day.

>> No.17377650 [DELETED] 


>> No.17377662 [DELETED] 

Sounds super boring, but good luck.

>> No.17377734

But I already know Spanish and English and I wanna know Japanese, compadre :(

>> No.17377776
File: 2.59 MB, 1872x3328, IMG_20170725_102630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you that live in NYC or NJ, I highly recommend going to Kinokuniya. Lots of good learning material, manga, and light novels. They even have a cute cafe.

>> No.17377800


>> No.17377826
File: 81 KB, 312x488, 1441120331150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn the difference between は and が、kids.

>> No.17377963

What does ~だけのものだ actually mean?

>> No.17377991
File: 95 KB, 500x353, 1499528219550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Context? From that I can only assume "only thing".

>> No.17377998


Is it possible to translate kanji to romanji and make sense of the text based on verbal japanese knowledge?

>> No.17378003

What's this?

>> No.17378011

Ignore the "n" please

>> No.17378022

If this is a sneaky way to ask "can I learn japanese without knowing any kanji" then the answer is no.

>> No.17378023


>> No.17378025 [DELETED] 

It's only boring because he is afraid of actual Japanese news. He should honestly read asahi or nikkei (inb4 fake news) until he is comfortable with it.

>> No.17378032 [DELETED] 

fake news

>> No.17378042

Well thanks anyways I was mostly wondering about how blind people learn to speak japanese perfectly (if they can that is)

>> No.17378045 [DELETED] 

The janny actually deletes these posts, for some reason.

>> No.17378120

Could you speak before you could read? yeah, same with japs. Even more so in fact, since they have to learn to read from 1st grade through high school. Now, what makes you think it's any different for blind kids? If you are talking about 外人s, think of Hellen Keller. Anything is possible.

>> No.17378148

Reading my first manga in Japanese. How come Aku no Hana is seen as beginner level but clearly the subject matter isn't aimed at little kids? Is this just a rare case or did I overestimate how hard it was to start reading manga this whole time?

>> No.17378151


>> No.17378155

Make a new thread guys

>> No.17378204

>Is this just a rare case or did I overestimate how hard it was to start reading manga this whole time?
This, but it wouldn't be a rare case.

>> No.17378212

quick question. can I aid in my learning by doing a coredeck as well as kanjidamage or should I just stick to one or the other

>> No.17378214

if you're not learning words you're doing something wrong

>> No.17378225

Don't do kanjidamage. It's a waste of time.

>> No.17378233
File: 102 KB, 602x299, 1465732781072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come Aku no Hana is seen as beginner level but clearly the subject matter isn't aimed at little kids?
it doesnt use very uncommon words and the sentences are short so the grammar is digestible for newcomers
Its only failing is overuse of 擬態語 or 擬声語 and retroactively made worse by the anime
its also not aimed at virtually primary schoolers, but not much older than them imo

>> No.17378256

Does 遣らさせる mean to make something/someone have to do something?

>> No.17378260

>Its only failing is overuse of 擬態語 or 擬声語
I mined a bunch of those, is that a bad thing? Though there were some I couldn't find the meaning of for my life so I assumed there were some words they literally made up so obviously I didn't mine those ones.

>> No.17378271

i mine anything and everything, or its easier to say what I dont mine, english kata loan words that make sense in the sentence(not カンニング) and rare foods
if the meaning is not apparent, i just google it with 意味 or とは at the end and read the japanese explanation of them

>> No.17378296

What was wrong you faggot?

>> No.17378310

i dont know about his explanation but that it means i dont care about ~ is correct

>> No.17378314

your interpretation of their translations

>> No.17378473

so when you guys read vns, do you just look up each word you don't understand with Raikasama and then move on. Or do you spend a good minute trying to analyze the sentence and make sure you completely understand everything? I was reading Hanahira earlier and just made sure I understood the gist of what was happening and then moved on. Good or bad strategy? It feels really lazy so I dunno

>> No.17378478

I was just grabbing the gist at first, but that quickly led to misunderstandings later, so I take it more slowly, reread until I get it fully by the nurrys, then continue

>> No.17378544

If you are using a tool that makes it super easy to look up words, you will not learn anything if you read quickly. Especially if it is using English definitions.

In general, I try and move quickly but I also usually know like 95%+ of the words in any text I'm reading. It is probably better to read slowly if you don't know most of the words.

>> No.17378587

what's it called when you know a kanji and the pronunciation but when you see it written in kana you never remember what it means

>> No.17378598

Not knowing something / brain damage.

>> No.17378600

That's called not reading enough. Read more, bitch.

>> No.17378638
File: 172 KB, 512x512, すっごーい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17378681



