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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17233081 No.17233081 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss the japanese light/web novels you're reading right now.

Previous thread: >>16922277

>> No.17233178

Is the Suzumiya novels out of print? I've waited two months for them to get back in stock

>> No.17233228

Yeah, the series is totally dead both in japan and in the west. You might find the occasional new book, but buying used is probably your best bet if you really need that physical edition.

>> No.17233290

Thanks, but I live in Sweden so buying used isn't really an option.

>> No.17234825
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Just got Kumoko volume 6. It's supposed to be 100% original content this time.

>> No.17236085
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I'm on a "reincarnation into otome game" binge. Theres alot of them. Suprised that there hasnt been an adaption for any yet

>> No.17236570

nidome no yuusha makes my sword hard

>> No.17244856

Just finished reading Kizumonogatari. I felt it was very hit or miss with me and was pretty different from Bakemonogatari. I was also a bit surprised by it not having any illustrations like your typical Light Novel. Does the Japanese edition have them or are they absent there as well?

>> No.17244897
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The japanese version doesn't have any illustrations either, other than the cover and this one right at the beginning

>> No.17244934

>reading kizumonogatari in english
y tho

>> No.17244965

My Japanese is not good enough. Working on it though

>> No.17244998

What's so bad about the English translation. aside form the obvious problems with translation in general.

>> No.17251767

Monogatari is not a light novel series though

>> No.17252818

It has the same tropes and clichés as light novels though. But it's very well written compared to other light novels

>> No.17255662

>reading Nisio in English

>> No.17258890


Anyone know a good site for raw LNs? I want to practice my Japanese, but fuck buying hard copies and having to look kanji up by hand.

>> No.17258893

The DJT library

>> No.17259970

You can buy Kindle versions on Amazon, strip the DRM and read on your PC.

>> No.17261459


>> No.17265962

>What's so bad about the English translation. aside form the obvious problems with translation in general.
his unjustified elitism

>> No.17266544

And you've read both?

>> No.17274693
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>> No.17283309
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For anyone in Canada, the Spice & Wolf light novel Vol 1-17 bible is $55 on Amazon.

>> No.17284007

Fuck that shit, I ain't reading that.

>> No.17284097
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Going by images, the text does seem pretty small and paragraphs are close together.

>> No.17284112
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Really nice print quality though.

>> No.17284963


>> No.17284992

I wish someone would pick up the manga though.

>> No.17284995

Just learn Japanese loser.

>> No.17285822

Such a pity trees were wasted on this. Whoever worked on this should be publicly executed for his crimes against book design.

>> No.17286018

Is My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I expected any good?

>> No.17286032

Not in English.

>> No.17286318

It is but Volume 12 never

>> No.17288999

What's the best site to import otaku goods from if you live in the EU?
Like figurines and manga/LN

>> No.17289012

amazon, mandarake

>> No.17291449
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Hey lads.

I have never read a Japanese novel before. In fact I haven't read any books at all since high school. But I somehow stumbled across "Shinigami wo Tabeta Shoujo" and it sounded interesting.

I googled for a good English version and the only one I could find was behind several ad walls. Out of resentment I decided to reupload it in case someone else is interested.


Please tell me if I got the wrong board or thread or something else and I will delete my post. I hope at least one of you will enjoy. Seeya.

>> No.17292488

The .jp amazon domain I presume?

>> No.17292630

Yes, they ship stuff internationally.
Shipping is really expensive, but also crazy fast

>> No.17296589

Are there any other LN youtubers worth watching than Justus?

>> No.17296612

What's the general opinion on samuraibuyer.jp?

>> No.17296683

Never heard of it. The usual recommendations for proxies are tenso or japanshoppingservice

>> No.17296839

Are there any moe erotic light novels with nudity like Highschool DxD and Saekano? Can't really find any that interest me

>> No.17296900


>> No.17297167

You know, fanservice, bit of romance?

>> No.17298852

Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou?
It has continuously increasing levels of fanservice

>> No.17299149

>LN youtubers
Eh? Do they read books for their viewers?

>> No.17301021

hey /jp/
where can I download light novels or any kind of japanese literature?

>> No.17301743


>> No.17301771

It will never be.

>> No.17301893

Why do you have to be like that?

>> No.17301897

Nyaa, Jnovelclub, Play books store, iBooks, Kindle store. If you are looking for classical literature, your local library.

>> No.17301899

He's projecting his own failures onto others. "If I can't do it, no one can!".

>> No.17301935

Because I know your type.

>> No.17302753

Is Sol fuckable?

>> No.17304141

I meant, in Japanese

>> No.17304354

how is 魔女の旅々

>> No.17307250

There any sites to pira-- I mean, "borrow" translated LNs? Nyaa isn't really helpful.

>> No.17308588

Any siscons out there?
So far I've read OreImo. I'm planning to read Nee-chan wa Chuunibyou and Boku no Imouto wa Kanji ga Yomeru.
What are you reading?

>> No.17313284

I'm a dirty EOP, is J-novel Club good to give money to? I really liked Faraway Paladin so I kinda want to support them.

>> No.17313292

Buy Japanese lessons instead.

>> No.17316078

>crazy fast
Holy crap, they're fast. An order I placed on Monday just arrived here in Europe. Also, the shipping costs are competitive even for single volumes. At ~200g for a bunko book, I'd have to buy at least 20 books at once to beat amazons 300yen per article fee.

>> No.17317236
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Almost done with book 3 of 鑑定能力で調合師になります, and I still like it.
It's a comfy story with barely any action or drama. Most of it is just the protagonist collecting ingredients, figuring out recipes through trial and error or just walking around town.
I'll get the other volumes with my next book order.

Warning: It seems to be moving in a kind of harem-y direction (only 2 girls so far, with a third that will probably be the focus of volume 4), so avoid it if you can't stand that.
Though, a large part of volume 2 had the protagonist going shopping or eating with the girl on the cover and they just acted completely naturally, without anyone freaking out going "d-d-date?!?!", so maybe it won't actually be too bad?

>> No.17317418

wait thats a guy?

fucking japan

>> No.17317423

Yeah, the one on the right is the protagonist.

>> No.17317436

>It's a comfy story with barely any action or drama. Most of it is just the protagonist collecting ingredients, figuring out recipes through trial and error or just walking around town.
If you like that kind of stuff check out 本好きの下剋上 it's pretty damn good.

>> No.17317495
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I already did. I read the first part (up to ch 77 of the web novel) and then got distracted by other things. Now it's kinda permanently on the back burner, because it's supposed to become super complex with tons of characters from part 3 on.
Pic related and also https://www8.atwiki.jp/booklove/pages/13.html which lists 328 named characters that have appeared so far.

>> No.17317618

what a shame

i could enjoy an ln like an atelier game

>> No.17317643
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I started reading 古龍の昔話 recently after MT, had no idea it even existed.
The reveals are nice and much needed. Especially about the world. Laplace seems like swell guy, you just know the tragedy is imminent and that Hitogami is going to have a field day.

Though you also get to know about the 6 worlds finally. Or the Dragon Tribes more than anything, in more ways than one.





>> No.17324715

Starting to get tired of the whole unique snowflake protagonist or the "only one". There's typically the whole special or powerful ability or the mc himself is too OP. What about a fair system with decent worldbuilding? The main characters are too strong or start off too strong from the beginning. Getting tired, and don't give me the whole, "Oh, but he's not OP, or the occassional he still loses!" The mc should be within the range of the world without being too high-end. In fact, being the one considered average yet, competent is what gives the feeling of being the underdog, something that is negated if the "underdog" is too strong. Decent worldbuilding, grounded and competent mc, and no contrived bullshit. You hardly get that from Syosetsu nowadays and they are just adapting isekai. And even then, you would sometimes get the typical cooking or job isekai that is just boring and nothing special. Besides, it's nothing more than a typical gimmick with slice of nothing special happens. Syosetsu in many ways was a mistake.

>> No.17324884

Don't read WNs/bad isekai, problem solved. What you don't want is exactly what their readership wants.

>> No.17324933

I agree. I think that's why the Haruhi and Konosuba novels are so popular because the main character is a "loser" with no real advantage over the others.

>> No.17324982

>Monogatari is not a light novel series
Yes it is.

>> No.17325937

Nope. It's published under 講談社BOX, not 講談社ラノベ文庫.

>> No.17326266

Dunno what "light novels aren't real literature" is about. Most 'serious' Jap novels are utter garbage, too - take a look at recent Naoki/Akutagawa prize winners, they're average at best.

Fiction should be fun. "Great fiction" makes you think, too, but what was life-changing to you when you were 15 will appear banal when you are 25; this doesn't make it worthless to other 15-year-olds who feel like you felt back then.

>> No.17326369

You need to be 18 to post

>> No.17326389

Konosuba had one-too many revivals. The mc practically special snowflake regardless of whatever drawback including the idiots sticking around him. And they mistake that as an underdog despite they fail to recognize it's a bunch of idiots fucking around (leads to nothing in the end and they're milking the series for many volumes). Konosuba overstayed its welcome after awhile, and people still meme about it. Haruhi, can't say. Kyon himself is not an underdog. Moreover, this is basically the start of LN boom that people began to be drawn into. That's leaning towards the bad in many cases.
> If you don't like it, don't read.
That's what I want to tell myself, but it's a matter of principle or habit to examine what you don't like. It's fun to critique and more self-improving since you bother to have introspection into elements that seem good or jarring. I'm not saying all isekai or WN are bad, in quite a few cases, I'm enjoying a some of them. Take Isekai Ryouridou. I like the worldbuilding and lore. The setting within hunters and gatherers is enough to keep me reading. I have a few gripes with the series (particularly one-too-many waifus inserted especially on the covers), but in many cases, the characters themselves are presented in a way that they are not walking stereotypes (having read a bit further).

>> No.17326436

*not just walking stereotypes
> inb4 but you said that cooking isekai is slice of nothing and isekai ryouridou Is a cooking isekai
Let me remind you that the setting itself is not so typical like a sudden restaurant or nippon food wanking. In fact, the series itself managed to distinguish itself by unique setting alone as well as building somewhat believable interpersonal relationships.

>> No.17326729
File: 20 KB, 500x426, Stopped reading there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a few gripes with the series
>one-too-many waifus inserted espec

>> No.17326808

Look at every cover of the series. There's a bunch of brown girls on every volume. Not a very good first impression if you have to rely on waifus to draw you in.

>> No.17326823

That's like 99% of LN covers. One or multiple female characters looking cute.

>> No.17326850

Again, I never said I dislike the series. But the idea itself doesn't give much incentive to read it. It just makes itself too unrealistic if there's a bunch of girls that are on the covers possibly interested in the mc and so on. I've seen this multiple times on LNs and it just doesn't give a very good impression. If you like it, fine, but I have a negative reaction towards it.

>> No.17327247

>Look at every cover of the series. There's a bunch of brown girls on every volume
How dare they.

>> No.17337641

Not really LN, but I figured you guys would know.
So, I was thinking about starting to buy manga on Bookwalker since I already use it for LNs, but after comparing it with a copy I got from Nyaa, it seems like the quality in BW is considerably worse.
So, where did the Nyaa one come from? Kindle? If so, do I have to do anything to buy from there besides registering a Japanese address?
And since I'm asking already, is it worth it to buy a Kindle?

>> No.17337660

You can use a fake address.
>is it worth it to buy a Kindle?
Yes, get the Paperwhite. You also get actual ebook files from Amazon, not pictures like bookwalker.

>> No.17337699
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Started reading LoGH, though I'm only halfway through the first volume. I didn't expect such flimsy writing from such an acclaimed series. There are so many plotholes. Military tacticians are apparently all completely incompetent. One woman can singlehandedly hold up a speech in a stadium of tens of thousands of people and flusters one of the foremost thinkers of the Alliance in front of everyone. The Iserlohn admiral just gives away control of his fortress in a stalemate situation.

I seriously hope this gets better throughout the series.

>> No.17337720

Cool, thanks!
Can you read stuff from Bookwalker on it?

>> No.17337769

Doesn't BW have DRM? Technically you can put whatever you want on it, the device itself doesn't restrict anything. If you're asking whether you can connect to BW as a service on it, then no.

>> No.17337848

>If so, do I have to do anything to buy from there besides registering a Japanese address?
You might have to use a vpn, buying from non Japanese ips only works sometimes.

>> No.17337905

Well, I guess I'll try it on my phone for now and see if it convinces me to migrate from BW.

Oh, crap. I don't really want to send my payment information through a vpn...

>> No.17337943

>Oh, crap. I don't really want to send my payment information through a vpn...

What is SSL encryption

>> No.17337948

For what it's worth I never had to use a VPN, good chance you won't need to either.

>> No.17337984

For me, it used to work for a few weeks after buying and registering my Kindle. Then I couldn't purchase any new books although I used a Japanese address. After purchasing a book once through a vpn it started working again, and worked ever since. You are only sending your amazon login over https, and you can always change your credentials afterwards. I like the Kindle a lot, the only thing that sucks is not being able to be registered to my country's amazon account and Japanese account at the same time.

>> No.17339071

Thank you, everyone who helped me with this Kindle thing.

However, I compared a manga (Koi to Uso) that happened to be on for free on both BW and Kindle, and the results were not good.

It looks like Kindle is actually worse.


(Kindle is first and third)

Now I really do wonder where that copy with great quality I got from Nyaa was originally from (the manga in question is New Game, by the way).

>> No.17340282

Looks the exact same to me.

>> No.17340373

I just read the prologue of 庶民サンプル but it's not necessarily siscon, I think.

>> No.17341447

It's not very noticeable, but you can see that the Kindle version is missing the textures on screetones and there are artifacts surrounding the kanji.
The point is that Kindle is not better.

Comparing the New Game 試し読み on BW with the copy from Nyaa does show a noticeable difference, so that's my problem. It also looks better than Koi to Uso and other manga I got for free.
Either there's another service with better quality or New Game itself has better quality than other manga and that is not reflected on the 試し読み.

>> No.17341548
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It's old stuff remixed with new stuff due to her ascending to godhood later than in the WN. The child abuse is still in for example.

>> No.17341567
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Infinite Dendrogram is surprisingly decent for a MMO thing, loving what I've read so far.

>> No.17341570

Akuyaku Tensei is probably my favorite of what I've read, I'd say Kenkyo too but that one is part of the shoujo manga reincarnation group.

>> No.17344017
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So I watched the anime first and checked out the manga. Wanting more I read through all the translated novels for DanMachi and I really enjoyed them. Especially volume 6, which probably has the best ending out of all of them. I feel like the translations are off sometimes, like mixing up "dependent" and "child".

Of course, being impatient I read the summaries for the the untranslated volumes nine through twelve and from what I've read I'm not sure they will be as good as six, but I'm trying to reserve judgment until after I read them.

My biggest problem with DanMachi however is that there are just some really annoying moments where a character is just insufferable but another moment where the same character is actually pretty cool. Also the main character is just a tad on the wallflower side but I still like him.

>> No.17345851

I never read the thing myself but just from the anime it was incredibly obvious the battles/tactic aspect was just there for the hell of it. Have you tried 星界の戦旗? That one probably does it much better though sadly I'm not into space type senki.

>> No.17350115

There are no scanlations of Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin manga/LN am I right or I googled it wrong?

>> No.17352859
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I know moon and read until the end of chapter 5 of the WN(should be vol 9 or 10 when it's adapted to LN), and it's honestly pretty fuckin' great.

If you like vidyo games, large, detailed worlds presented through many perspectives and stories focusing on HEART, HOPE and HYPE, do yourself a favor and get into it.

>> No.17354581
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Is SNAFU dead? or over? Is it worth importing the LNs?

>> No.17354892

Mah niggas

Infinite Dendrogram is the best.

>abilities have clear pros/cons leading to interesting battles
>lots of mysteries that lead to more mysteries
>large cast of interesting characters

>> No.17355120

Dead, not over yet.
The author is writing Girlish Number right now.

>> No.17355223
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Fuck Girlish Number. I want snafu.

>> No.17359206

>The author is writing Girlish Number right now.
He isn't anymore, Girlish Number is done with Vol. 3 that came out last month.

>> No.17364396

I want to start reading some LNs.
What are some of the usual recommendations for beginners?

>> No.17364424
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>> No.17364454


>> No.17364468

Maybe tell us what kind of stories you're looking for? Why would anyone just want to "read LNs"? Has it somehow become a cool thing to do now?

>> No.17364486
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>> No.17364523

Anything that isn't plain slice-of-life harem.
Just looking for fun, interesting things to read.

>> No.17364547

You pick from the stuff mentioned in >>17364486 then. None of those stories are slice-of-life harems.

>> No.17364812

人類は衰退しました is the usual safe and uncontroversial recommendation.

>> No.17366271

Saekano is good

>> No.17367830

Literally just pick up anything and read it. If you're extremely paranoid, then the DJT netlify library has LNs with "unique kanji" counts, and you can read whichever LN has the least unique kanji. But you'll have to accept that just about everything will have 1500+ kanji.

>> No.17371710

Anyone know of any LNs similar to Kino no Tabi? I really adore all the unique surreal places and all the amazing descriptions of the scenery

>> No.17371825

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Tabi ni Deyou, Horobiyuku Sekai no Hate made
Majo no Tabitabi

>> No.17371851

Also Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

It doesn't really have a travel theme, but if you want surreal, you'll probably be happy.

>> No.17371907

Damn thanks a lot, I'll check them out

>> No.17374726
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Anyone reading this? Finished the latest TL'd volume a few hours ago. I'm glad Vileena got some character development and is growing more useful and relevant by the volume but when the male and female leads don't speak or even see each other for the whole volume I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Orba's development is taking a bit too long for my liking as well. Sure his adventures in Arabia aren't terrible but he's got a lot more shit to do back home.

>> No.17379299

Any of you read 星界の紋章? I've had the first two books on my shelf for years, but the sci-fi lingo has always made me shy away. Was thinking of giving it another go.

>> No.17381814

No but the anime is very good, if that motivates you to start reading.

>> No.17381864

The sci-fi lingo probably isn't the main problem. Learning the space elf language is.

>> No.17383431

I tried to read Saekano but the protagonist really makes me cringe, he's pretty annoying. Does he get any better?

Though seeing as it's from Maruto it's kind of funny reading Saekano since it feels like he's sort of 'self-aware' of writing things like White Album 2.

>> No.17383447

Looking at the raws, this might actually be easier to read in japanese than in english.
In english, you have the Abh language everywhere and need to memorize the terms or look them up in the dictionary at the end of the book.
In japanese, all those words are just furigana for regular japanese text.

>> No.17392083

>does he get any better
Not at all

>> No.17398166

Circlet Girl any good?

>> No.17405461
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Halfway though キラプリおじさんと幼女先輩 and I'm not liking it very much.
The loli is too arrogant/confrontational, the game they're playing is gacha shit and doesn't make any sense and the main character is somehow super athletic for now reason (because having done kendo in the past somehow also gives you parkour skills?) .

I'll probably finish the volume, but I'm probably not continuing the series unless something amazing happens.

>> No.17406540

arrogant lolis are the best
