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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 280x280, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1736100 No.1736100 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm gonna upload some good Japanese albums in this thread. Nothing here is super-obscure, but it could be stuff that you've overlooked and would probably like. I would do this in /mu/ but they only like Japanoise. Feel free to contribute your own uploads to this thread if you want to.

Anyway first off is "メシ喰うな!" (Meshi Kuuna!) by INU, a Japanese post-punk band from the early 80s. It's very energetic, upbeat stuff for the most part. If you're a fan of non-hardcore punk or maybe even stuff like Brian Eno and David Bowie, I suggest giving it a listen:


>> No.1736115
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>> No.1736165
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Next up is "Chamomile Pool" by Ai Aso. She has worked with Michio Kurihara and Boris before, but her solo material is great as well. This album is easygoing, light psychedelic rock for the most part. She has a very warm and soothing voice. It's perfect music for taking it easy to:


>> No.1736234
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Here is "Super Record" by Magical Power Mako. This guy has recorded over 20 albums but he is largely unknown to the West for whatever reason, and finding most of his work is difficult. This is his most famous album though. Released in 1975, it's nice atmospheric psych rock:


>> No.1736296
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On the weirder side of things, here is "Jasumon" by J.A. Seazer. This guy did the soundtracks for Revolutionary Girl Utena and the movie adaptation of Suehiro Maruo's Shoujo-tsubaki (AKA Midori) but he also recorded some albums of his own. I guess this is considered progressive rock, but it is very dark and theatrical, so don't expect something like Yes or Genesis. It's good for the occasional listen:


>> No.1736311

Do you have anything by the old New Wave group ZELDA? Or Ippu-Do?

>> No.1736325

I've been meaning to check out both of them, but no, I don't. Sorry. I could try to find something though. I'll upload other stuff in the meanwhile.

>> No.1736334

This thread is what /jp/ should be about:


>> No.1736348


>> No.1736350

Well hello there, newfriend!

Would you happen to have any house/techno albums with styles similar to Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroki Oki, or Satoshi Fumi?

>> No.1736354


Better than Otaku/Touhou if you ask me.

>> No.1736367

Stop trolling and derailing a decent thread. Your posts contribute nothing to this thread or the board.

>> No.1736369

If you're interested in Japanese New Wave, as with any other sort of Japanese pop music, there is an anime soundtrack for you: the image albums from Tokyo Babylon. Zelda is on there. Don't know about Ippu Do.

>> No.1736403
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I like Touhou, figs, lolicon, and other assorted otaku bullshit. This doesn't have to be an either/or thing, you know.

Electronic music is my major weakness, I'm sorry. I don't have anything like that. Maybe somebody else knows some stuff.

Anyway, here is "Planetary Natural Love Gas Webbin' 199999" by DJ PicaPicaPica, which could count as electronic music I guess. PicaPicaPica is a pseudonym for Yamataka Eye, the madman behind Hanatarash and Boredoms. This doesn't sound much like his other material though. It is a bunch of mashup songs with tribal beats. Really fun, frantic stuff:


>> No.1736434

Thanks, I'll check it out!

I'm listening to "Super Record" right now, and just from the first track I can tell it's very similar in style to "CAN". Really good stuff.

>> No.1736438
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This is "Ohayo! Hoahio" by Hoahio. It's a quirky album that is half pop, half experimental faggery-daggery-doo, and all awesome. Hoahio is an all girl group lead by Haco, who you might know from the avant-prog group After Dinner. It's really cute and interesting stuff:


>> No.1736469

Super Record is good enough that while I wouldn't actively set out to listen to it, I wouldn't turn it off in random play. It also has plenty of dynamic range, much better than modern loudness war mastering.

>> No.1736495
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Can is awesome. I used to have some stuff by Damo Suzuki that I would have uploaded, but now I can't find it.

Here is "Gold & Green" by OOIOO, which is another all-female group, lead by Yoshimi P-We from Boredoms. Like Boredoms they are also very percussion heavy, but they tend to meander and try interesting things instead of building up a sound. Also check out their album "Taiga" which is already on /rs/:


>> No.1736523

Damo Suzuki's Network JPN ULTD Vol.1 2000



>> No.1736531

Threads like these make me painfully aware that there is an awful lot of music out there. Most of which I've never heard of, and some of it I'd probably like if given the chance to listen to it.

Am I the only one who wishes there was some sort of international digital library, were any music (and film, documentary, TV show, and of course digitised books and research) older than, say, 20 years can be sought and downloaded for free? It goes right against the grain of today's capitalist world and won't happen any time soon, but it would make for such a marvellous place.

In the mean time, Anonymous is giving us a taste of the (relatively) unknown and the (relatively) obscure, for which I thank him.

>> No.1736533

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.1736547

If it makes you feel any better, most Japanese popular music, even most GOOD Japanese popular music, is incredibly derivative of particular Western sounds, or even individual bands.

I prefer their pastiches to the genuine article because of the musicality of the Japanese language. And not being able to understand it insulates me from bad lyrics.

>> No.1736559


Also, here is "Please Heat This Eventually" by Omar-Rodriguez Lopez (The Mars Volta) featuring Damo Suzuki, if you're interested.


>> No.1736564
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kamomekamome - Luger Seagull

There's probably a genre for this, but I don't know what it is. Their Myspace says "Hard Core / Emo / Metal / Prog Rock", probably in rough order of relevance. One of my favorite albums of 2007.

>> No.1736560

>most popular music, even most GOOD popular music, is incredibly derivative of particular Western sounds, or even individual bands.

>> No.1736574


Also, here is "Please Heat This Eventually" by Omar Rodriguez-Lopez (The Mars Volta) featuring Damo Suzuki, if you're interested.


>> No.1736588
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Currently downloading, thanks.

Here's "Twelve Plus Twelve" by Yukari Fresh, who is by far my favorite Shibuya Kei artist. Two discs worth of delicious fun pop here. There's other stuff by her on /rs/ too:


>> No.1736638
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Here's "Revolutionary Pekinese Opera v 1.28" by Ground Zero, which is by far one the craziest things I've ever heard. It's some kind of bastard fusion between classical Chinese music, jazz, noise, and assorted sound clips. The whole thing is overblown and epic in the best way possible.


>> No.1736681
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"I" by Buffalo Daughter. It's great Shibuya Kei/Electronic/Pop/Whatever. I fucking love these girls.


>> No.1736685
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Jun Togawa has a bit of a following here already, but her idiosyncratic brand of pop-rock is definitely worth hearing if you haven't. Here's the album Hys from her band Yapoos.


>> No.1736697

Holy shit. I've uploaded other Jun Togawa stuff here before, but I've been looking for that album forever. Thank you so much

>> No.1736722

While I appreciate what you're trying to do, from where I'm standing the stuff you're posting is awfully close to what they go on and on about in /mu/ (which isn't just noise as you probably know).

>> No.1736725

i dont know much about jp music, but liked pillows and dmc any of posted here sounds similiar?

>> No.1736727
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Ok, I think I should be making more productive use of my time, so this is the last upload for now. It's a good one though: "Psychedelic Speed Freaks" by High Rise. It's basically loud as fuck noisy and punky psychedelic rock. Impossible to hate. Also take >>1736685 's advice and search /rs/ for "Jun Togawa", "Yapoos", and "Guernica". Awesome stuff.


>> No.1736761

Well I'm only posting stuff that hasn't already been uploaded. If you like more accessible j-pop/j-rock, anime OPs/EDs, or doujin albums, you can already find a lot of that stuff on /rs/. I'm trying to upload stuff that is a bit different from that, but at the same time isn't Boris/Merzbow/World'sEndGirfriend/Sigh, which is what /mu/ gets a lot of. Most of this stuff would get AnimeExpert.jpg'd on /mu/, really.

But I'm sorry if nothing here is appealing. The selection is just based off of my tastes after all.

>> No.1736957
File: 14 KB, 300x300, the_medicine_i_need.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanamusica - Yubana

Relaxing, beautiful pop, with lyrics to match the melodies. Great despite its imperfections: the audio quality is below par (Yes, the original CD sounds like that.); and half the songs are filler written by the duo's producer, presumably to rush the album out after a succesful single. The other half more than makes up for it if your tastes are anything like mine.

>> No.1737084
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 41jNfefPLfL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh can I join? Here's an album I uploaded a while ago by a guy that isn't that easy to find on the internet (and doesn't seem to be well-known outside of Japan).

A single collection of Kazuyoshi Saito, a sort of rock-ish singer/songwriter. The title track (track one of disc 2, Utautai no Ballad) is my favorite song of his. It's quite beautiful. The vocals are very emotional.


>> No.1737097

I like this thread. Is this going to be a common occurrence?

>> No.1737146

I've always hoped /jp/ would start discussing music more.

>> No.1737216

Would someone like to upload a single collection by GO!GO!7188?

>> No.1737249
File: 7 KB, 300x272, FLCF-4168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, just give me about a half hour.

Until then, here's another thing I uploaded a while back; a best of album by Yoshida Takuro, a folk singer, probably best known to people in the west for the opening theme to Cromartie. And also the humming song from Cromartie.


>> No.1737253

I wish I had their 'BEST OF GO!GO!7188' but I don't... What I do have is their first five albums, though.

Dasoku Hokou (1st studio album)

Gyotaku (2nd studio album)

Tategami (3rd studio album)

Ryuuzetsuran (4th studio album)

Tora no Ana (Cover album)

If you want their more recent albums as well I'll see what I can do. These links I got from a website but if you want the newer albums I can upload them for you after I finish with another album I'm uploading for this thread.

>> No.1737266

Me too, me too.

I've been listening to Japanese music for a long time and I mostly like to stick to the mainstream aside from the occasional indie band that catches my eye. Most of the stuff posted in this thread isn't the type of music I like except for the noodles posted way up top and kamomekamome, which is like a toned-down Maximum the Hormone.

Here's something I think /jp/ would like: Akira Yamaoka's album (the composer of all the music from Silent Hill). You can find a lot of the tracks on this album on youtube if you want to check that out before you download it.


>> No.1737291

Japanese punk is like two questionable things put together to form something even more questionable.

>> No.1737311

If I weren't so lazy and my connection already so watered down, I'd upload some tokyo ska, capsule, and santara.

>> No.1737313


>> No.1737316

post some Bikyoran please if you have it.

>> No.1737332

Hey you'r forgetting one great band. And I don't care what anyone says here. But "the pillows". They fuckin rock, and all of there music is good. I still haven't heard a single one I don't like, and Non-Fiction is one of there best, song, and album.

>> No.1737337

MY HERO!! Thanks, man.

>> No.1737352

'the pillows' - every 15 year old weeaboo's first favorite japanese band.

>> No.1737353

We aren't forgetting them, just the pillows are one of the more popular japanese bands for the the U.S.

As the OP said, "Nothing here is super-obscure, but it could be stuff that you've overlooked and would probably like." That doesn't define the pillows because everyone's head them before and they're overrated.

>> No.1737362
File: 11 KB, 298x265, exit_art2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone's into more indie pop/folk stuff, check out Shugo Tokumaru. pure genius.

also, not really Japanese in that they're from NY, but Asobi Seksu is a pretty good shoegaze band.

>> No.1737371

Asobi Seksu is awesome. I'll upload a couple of their albums.

In the meantime, here's Capsule's newest album.

Capsule - More! More! More!

>> No.1737406

This thread is good, and you should all feel good for posting in it.

>> No.1737418

Well, since you went ahead and posted one of the ones in >>1737311, I am going to upload a tokyo ska and a santara album JUST FOR YOU ALL.

Preview of santara (has an amazing female vocalist and quite good acoustic guitar playing):

>> No.1737455
File: 314 KB, 1170x1731, 00-tokyo_ska_paradise_orchestra-wild_peace-2006-01-jrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra. I have no idea how to describe this. I wouldn't really call it ska, though, as their name seems to suggest. They don't really sound like most western ska.


>> No.1737465
File: 14 KB, 300x299, blueheartssuperbestrfro3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are they like the blue hearts?

>> No.1737481

No, the blue hearts are 10x better.

>> No.1737489

Asobi Seksu (self-titled first album - 2004)

I was looking at their wikipedia and apparently they're coming out with another album next year! Yay!

Citrus (second album) coming up.

>> No.1737508
File: 4 KB, 130x130, sexycommando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this album! It's pretty awesome.

>> No.1737516

citrus is already out.


>> No.1737529

No, I mean I'm uploading Citrus and they're coming out with a new album next year. Sorry if the context was weird.

>> No.1737569
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Might as well join in on the fun.

"KIRITE" by Yasunori Mitsuda
"Kirite is a combined effort between Yasunori Mitsuda and Chrono series producer/writer Masato Kato. It adds a musical illustration to the accompanying novel Kato wrote, "Five Seasons of Kirite", which tells the story of a boy named Kirite, and the girl Kotonoha. The music plays out like Mitsuda's other standalone non-game albums such as Sailing to the World, with a gentle introduction comprised mainly of explorations of the album's main theme, followed by an element of mystery and unveiling, then capped by dynamic battle-style pieces and closed off with what amounts to an ending theme." -from SquareHaven


>> No.1737578

Santara - Wait, Catch & Run


>> No.1737597


>indie pop/folk

Well fuck post their old stuff!

>> No.1737604

Here it is:

Asobi Seksu - Citrus (2nd album - 2006)

Man, my upload rate is pathetic.

>> No.1737617

I have their best.

>> No.1737628

I'm glad I came to /jp/ today.

>> No.1737631

Someone posted it here:

But thank you. If you've got anything else you want to contribute, though, feel free... I'm currently looking up something else I'd recommend. Any genre requests?

>> No.1737648

If anyone wants access to mainstream j-pop I'd recommend this website:


You have to register and post in every thread that has the file links you want, but through their search engine you can find tons of discographies of popular artists. If you're looking for obscure ones, though, you'd be better off requesting in the thread.

>> No.1737659

Why would you do that when jpopsuki is much better?

>> No.1737671

Because he's an agent hired to seed this site with advertisements disguised as posts.

>> No.1737673

Because there aren't always available seeds, and there are those that don't like torrents and prefer direct downloads. Plus, you don't have to bother with ratios and all that jazz.

>> No.1737674

It's to bad the only JP rock bands I have are The Pillows, Go!Go!7188, and some singles from Naruto OP's.

Is there any japanese music equivalent to the strokes, white stripes, or the hives.

Genre - Garage Rock( or alternative rock)

>> No.1737683

Listening to the Furuido '71-'74 collection right now.

>> No.1737696

I'd recommend 9mm parabellum bullet (check out supernova - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6Ow62nzz0g)), ELLEGARDEN (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMUK-eFQiPM)), and Nakajima Takui (it's tough to find his old stuff in my experience). Also, Maximum the Hormone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eucS-vZ99SQ)), has an odd mixture of genres but you might like it.

Maybe you'd like Asian Kung Fu Generation as they've done a few Naruto OPs and their style of music is distinguishable, though in my opinion a lot of their songs start to sound the same after a while.

Listen to the youtube stuff and whichever one you like I'll upload some stuff.

Can you guess that I'm bored?

>> No.1737701

>recommend 9mm parabellum bullet

Oh god I thought I was in bizarro /k/ for a second.

>> No.1737703

Here's a good Takui video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO0c5nTVmYo

His voice may not appeal to all, though. I tend to find voices like his (common in the visual kei strain of j-music) a little too nasally for my tastes, but I like his stuff well enough.

>> No.1737708

Check out Bump of Chicken and Spitz. Their stuff can be a little too pop/mellow sometimes but check them out anyway.

>> No.1737721


Link please

>> No.1737786



>> No.1737848
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>> No.1737956


I should point out that Furuido is very very fucking good and everyone should go listen to this collection right now.

>> No.1737985

I was browsing yourfilehost files from a blog a few years back and found this:


Can anyone ID the song in the first few minutes of the video?

>> No.1738360
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>> No.1738471
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>> No.1738619

I don't have a chance to listen to all of these right now but rest assured I downloaded EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM and will check them out first chance I get.

>> No.1738692

how is there a Japanese music thread with no Tokyo Jihen?? Maybe I just scrolled past it by accident?

Anyway, thx for the ups, dling some as we speak.

>> No.1738707

Even the 'fascinating toilet peep' video????

>> No.1738727


>> No.1738728

This thread made me get premium on megaupload.
hard to get some of this stuff using only jpopsuki :/

also: supercar, quruli, shiina ringo/tokyo jihen, mad capsule markets, polysics, capsule, bump of chicken are all very good

>> No.1738751
File: 34 KB, 299x448, ogre2007webs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have OGRE YOU ASSHOLE?

>> No.1738792

Do you have anything by the Cymbals?

>> No.1738795

Do you have anything by the Cymbals or Suneohair?

>> No.1738806

Skapara sound more like ska than most of the shit America produces.

You clearly need to learn your roots.

>> No.1738830
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who likes m-flo?

>> No.1739182
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>> No.1739232

I like some of their stuff, it's pretty catchy.

>> No.1739377

thanks for sharing everyone, reminds me of that cool thread on jpopmusic forum before they banned uploads.

first link is has been deleted btw ; /

>> No.1739607

could anon kindly re-upload this file please?

Kazuyoshi Saito - Complete Single Collection

the file appears to be there, but neither megamanager, firefox or safari can grab the file from the link....

would be very much appreciated, thanks again for sharing!

>> No.1741293

Bumping this thread 'cause it's the best thing that's happened to /jp/ in a while.

>> No.1741676

Another bump, due to the awesome share of that sweet Yapoos album ; 0

>> No.1741687

Ugh so many of these recommendations are terrible. Japanese music really is just a knockoff of K-pop anyways. Did anybody even mention BoA?

>> No.1741700


>> No.1741706


too obvious.

>> No.1741723

Does anyone else like Takuro Yoshida?

>> No.1741731


Never heard of them, been listening to Japanese music for over 19 years, so thanks for the recommendation, and to everyone for such a sweet thread..

>> No.1741732

>>Garage rock

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant

>> No.1741784

I agree, a lot of the posts in the beginning of the thread by the OP are not my style. The other stuff is good, though

>> No.1741910

Seconded. The link doesn't function

>> No.1742115

I originally uploaded it, and I'll try to upload it to a different site because megaupload can be that way sometimes. It'll probably take like 3 hours, though.

A best hits album of his was linked earlier.

I'll be honest; I've never been a fan of ska, and I know the terrible reputation modern ska has, so when I say "tokyo ska paradise orchestra is not really like ska I know," I mean it as a compliment. They seem to have at least a few different styles, too; their softer songs with actual vocals (a la hoshifuru yoru ni) have a much different sound than the harder songs with a guy just yelling stuff. Both styles are very good, though.

>> No.1742201


thank you very much, most kind! hope this thread is still alive in the morn!

>> No.1742250


a single by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (with Puffy).

One of two Puffy songs I like. They are awesome enough to even make Puffy sound good.

>> No.1742424

This here is one of my favorite albums, actually. Clingon's got a unique but somehow nostalgic sound, and these songs have been some of my most played since the day I got the album.

Unfortunately, I've yet to find anything else by them, at all. This thread is my best bet to remedy that, so if any of you kind souls managed to get your hands on something else at some point, it'd be much appreciated if you'd provide an upload.


>> No.1742463


>> No.1742499
File: 29 KB, 320x329, PetiteM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Petite M'amie's benchmark recording is instead bustling over with an innocent - almost childlike - erotic sensuality that sounds harmless but is even wilder and more deranged than Ike Reiko's take on eroticism. Mari Keiko's hushes, sleazes, breathes and hovers like Nobokov's Lolita all over this one, teasing her lover, laughing in ecstasy, moaning, singing about erogenous spots and so much more while the music dwells in a psychedelic road trip towards the bedroom"


Also, I'm still looking for some Japanese Electronica artists.

>> No.1742533
File: 67 KB, 1365x2047, the band apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the band apart
alfred and cavity


>> No.1742555


Try looking here:

>> No.1742559

They are like a Japanese Radiohead


The album Palette by them is very good:

>> No.1742622
File: 112 KB, 218x297, zazenboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zazen Boys: ZAZEN BOYS 4
Frontman Mukai Shutoku founded what would later be called Zazen Boys shortly after the demise of his previous band Number Girl. The new album looked to be a push towards free jazz, with a clear focus on improvisation and ambient experimentation.


>> No.1742975
File: 59 KB, 500x393, rockingout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hiromi is a dazzling, slight, sprite of a lady who, on stage, dominates the instrument with a confidence-exuding, physical swagger in a manner that can only be claimed by those at the highest levels of performance in the world today. In fact, her perfect posture and barrier-free technique are reminiscent of the great Frenchman Jean-Michel Pilc, but in very different context. The music mixes dashes of nuevo samba, funk, odd-time regalia, microtonality and steroid-laced ragtime and Tin Pan Alley into a heady brew of high-energy jazz that is closest in classification to, dare I say, fusion - all of which lends itself incredibly well to the sonic pallette that Hiromi creates on electric and acoustic axes."

Mere words, although they are useful, cannot fully capture the pure, unadulterated awesome that is her playing, so here's a YouTube link for those who are interested- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTZp2sujWdE

I'm having trouble uploading albums in MediaFire, as I don't have much experience with this type of stuff, so only her debut album is available for direct download.

Hiromi Uehara - (2003) Another Mind-

All her studio albums in lossless-

>> No.1743032

Kazuyoshi Saito - Utautai 15


>> No.1743483


I had the pleasure of seeing her live a few years ago. Still one of the best performances I've ever been to.

Her discography on Mediafire:

Another Mind

Beyond Standard
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?gys221bxcdm
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?kg24mimmypm



Time Control
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?knfzntintl1
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?mdzllmirzxm

Also, here's a double-CD of a live performance with her and Chick Corea (it's FUCKING AMAZING).

Chick Corea & Hiromi - Duet
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?5xzidjzym1z
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?nijevz22ljg

>> No.1743526

Snowkel - a couple of singles
mainstream pop rock. i really like them.

the band apart - K and his Bike
jazzy funky rock

Triceratops - king of the jungle
awesome catchy rock

Syrup 16g - Coup de Etat
sorta like radiohead

Gomes The Hitman - ripple
beautiful mellow pop. they did an otogi zoshi theme if i remember correctly

Vola and the Oriental Machine - waiting for my food
a heavier franz ferdinand

>> No.1743534

Anything from Swinging Popsicle? I've only heard that track from Sumaga Music Galaxy and I've been having trouble finding more.

>> No.1743542


>> No.1746129
File: 51 KB, 480x768, busstop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone have downloads for any of the artists on here? I've looked forever.

>> No.1746135


sweet sharings , cheers!

Also, always nice to see triceratops get a mention ; 0

>> No.1746140


>> No.1746976

Save link as...?

>> No.1747069

Awesome sharing, dude. Some real gems in there.

>> No.1747105

I don't have any of those songs/bands in particular, but an artist I think you'll like.

Kashiwa Daisuke - April #2 (first album)

His second album is currently being uploaded. Here's an example of his music:

A lot of it starts out very soft and builds into an electronic crazy-scape that's awesome.

>> No.1747123

Here's some band somewhat similar to Vola and the Oriental Machine and Franz Ferdinand except a little wilder:

Sparta Locals - SUN SUN SUN album


If you want more, let me know. I highly recommend these guys. His voice may bother some, but I like it.

>> No.1747148

I love this thread so much.

>> No.1747167

No Galneryus?


Has 4 of their albums on there, would recommend if you like Power Metal.

>> No.1747172

Also would anybody recommend some jazzy R&B-ish stuff?

>> No.1747175


Tokyo Jihen's album "Adult"
Also, Shiina Ringo's works in general.

>> No.1747181
File: 344 KB, 257x257, 1228957488382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, he looks so sad. What have you been doing with him, you bastard ?
just save this picture as 357.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1747203

How did we go this long without mentioning World's End Girlriend?


>> No.1747205

And here's the second album.

Kashiwa Daisuke - Program Music I (2nd album)


>> No.1747211

See here:

>> No.1747259

If you like rock with a sense of humor, then Seikima II is for you.


>> No.1747276

Going Under Ground
Leans towards alternative genre


>> No.1747279

If you liked >>1736296 then check this out. Here is video of the actual theater group that performed it. Unfortunately the quality isn't that good.


>> No.1747280

I've been downloading these for 20 minutes now, and there seems to be no end in sight!

Does anyone have all of these and wants to start a torrent? Or maybe, could direct us to a nice batch torrent for those who can't read moonrunes?

>> No.1747305


Sparta Locals are most welcome! brofist for more! !orbbro!

>> No.1747612

They're samples.
Thanks, I'll check that out.

>> No.1747644
File: 18 KB, 600x330, 1498257325_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very excellent thread... would anyone here have any releases by toe? I can't find anything anywhere ;_; and the music is so good

>> No.1747649

Sparta Locals - Kanashi Miminari (album)

Sparta Locals - Second Fanfare (album)

Maboroshi FOREVER (Album)

I also have the "dreamer" album, which I can upload soon.

>> No.1747654

Oh wow.. thanks so much. I'm in love.

>> No.1747693

Origa does j-pop better than the Japanese.

And on the opposite end of things, we have Intestine Baalism, basically the only good metal I've heard out of Japan. (No, X-japan is not good.)

>> No.1747706

That Kanashii Miminari is in pretty bad quality... Anyone got a higher quality one? I have all of their stuff except for Kanashii Miminari, their self-titled album, and their new LEECHER which I don't want because it wasn't that good.

>> No.1747717

There's this great 90s american indie band called The Lapse and it's just a guy and girl. They only have two albums I think and it's all in English, but the girl is Japanese and she sings in one of the tracks, so here it is ~


>> No.1747720


Today's your lucky day, anon. Uploading what I have now.

>> No.1747721

Anyone know some jazzy Japanese bands? Right now I'm craving for some stuff like the jazzy stuff Shiina Ringo plays, or just anything that sounds like electrojazz.

kickass video in question:

>> No.1747724


>> No.1747753

( ゚ ヮ゚)!

>> No.1747784

Sparta Locals - Dreamer album

>> No.1747805

Here you go:
That's "The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety" and "New Sentimentality"

>> No.1747834

you are the coolest person in my life today

>> No.1747962


You're welcome. :)

>> No.1748411

bump motherfucker.

>> No.1748600


OGRE YOU ASSHOLE - AlphaBeta vs Lambda

OGRE YOU ASSHOLE - heikin wa sayuu gyaku no kitai

>> No.1748611


With a name like that, it just has to be good.

>> No.1749339


also, yes.

>> No.1749494
File: 293 KB, 1896x1889, AL_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dokusa by Naan

"Naan is a very eclectic duo from Japan using mostly drums and guitar to create the landscapes of their songs but there is always something more whether it's something general like a backing bass line or something more exotic like some ethereal flute solos or blaring trumpet melodies. They do a great job of composing these songs and creating a very atmospheric blend of sounds. There are also the occasional falsetto vocals near the climax of the song but are used very sparingly and tastefully even though they remain a mostly instrumental band."


>> No.1749972

I can't beleive this thread is still alive.


>> No.1751396

X Japan isn't metal at any rate

>> No.1751539

Sounds awesome. I'm definitely giving this a listen when I get back from work.

>> No.1751835

>basically the only good metal I've heard out of Japan

>> No.1751859

Thought you guys in this thread might be interested in this site:
It's not updated much and it uses rapidshare, but sometimes there's some good shit on there.

>> No.1752316

Great, let me know what you think.

Also, here is Naan's Live & Remix album:


And their EP:


Another similar band is Té, although they are more energetic than Naan.



>> No.1752410


brofist 10k dude, a most welcome share, thank u!!!

>> No.1752465

>brofist 10k dude

Don't do that.

>> No.1752507
File: 43 KB, 333x333, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hopes of finding some more Electronic music, I'll share some of my own.

First, Alive/Everlasting Dub by Kaito. He composed the song "Get It By Your Hands" for Eureka Seven, and a large number of his songs give off the same feeling. So if you enjoyed the Eureka Seven OST's, you should enjoy this.


>> No.1752531
File: 331 KB, 1000x1000, [DigitalDiamonds005]_Hiroshi_Oki_-_Amaterasu_EP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amaterasu EP by Hiroshi Oki

Deep and powerful Techno/House music.

You can download it in MP3/WAV here:


>> No.1752589
File: 70 KB, 700x700, 00_hiroshi_oki_-_dark_renaissance-(ov008)-web-2008-front-tra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Renaissance by Hiroshi Oki



>> No.1752631

any recommendations for loungy shibuya-kei type music? something like pizzicato five

>> No.1752675

Upload some of The Stalin's albums

Not the one that's already on /rs/

>> No.1753194
File: 219 KB, 666x351, bump of chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah.
favorite band
Have 3 of their albums on MF because the others exceed 100mb

>> No.1753595

I'd recommend NIRGILIS and Sweet Vacation.

Keepin' it alive

>> No.1753715

Does it exist on the internet?

>> No.1753739

Holy mother of god, this thread is still alive?

>> No.1753916

OP here: kinda surprised myself. Though topics on boards like /c/ or /n/ can last for months at a time.

>> No.1753921

Goddamn, people, I haven't even finished looking through all the stuff from before. Stop giving me new stuff!

>> No.1754010

See here:

Here's an electronica girl-band you might like (no, it's not Perfume) that I mentioned earlier.

Sweet Vacation - More the Vacation mini-album

I'd also reccomend capsule's early albums if you're looking for "lounge-ish".

>> No.1754087

Sorry about that. You could always save the page. I'll make it so that this doesn't die for a long time. Or I hope it at least gets archived... Does /jp/ have any archived threads?

Here's the other band I mentioned, NIRGILIS. I'm unsure if it's meant to be in all caps or not. They did a Eureka 7 opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epgI6rJM3_U)) and it was pretty good, here's my favorite single + album from them. Let me know if you want the sakura mp3.

NIRGILIS - brand new day (single)

NIRGILIS - New Standard (album)

It's really too bad I can't find this album in higher quality.

>> No.1754090
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1228885875440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does /jp/ have any archived threads?

No, of course not. That would be silly.

>> No.1754110

Japanese music thread?!

Oh boy, I can't wait to download all of the awesome video game music in this thread!

>> No.1754121

I think he really meant to ask if are there any good threads archived. And the answer is no.

>> No.1754596

You haven't heard much metal from Japan, I take it.

>> No.1754997


>> No.1755021

Kahimi Karie.
Flipper's Guitar.
Ozawa Kenji.
Original Love.
Pizzicato Five (pre-Nomiya Maki)
Natsu Mari
Fantastic Plastic Machine
Towa Tei

>> No.1755029

Cubismo Grafico, etc.

And I meant "Natsuki Mari," not "Natsu." Sorry.

>> No.1755151

I think the anon was referring to this,
its intriging

>> No.1755561

I'd like to refer you to a site made of mad leechings.

>> No.1755936


The site-op and admin ppl do not like that site being posted around, fukken newb

>> No.1756663

Oh shit, I've been looking around for this. Thanks.

>> No.1758488


>> No.1758968

bump in the hope for more uploads.

Any more obscure girl bands of any type, or stuff like Yellow machinegun, anything nice really.

Would love some rare Candies, Onyanko club or Princess Princess type stuff, that would be wonderful thanks!

>> No.1759068

I'm sort of busy writing a paper at the moment, but would it be a good idea to list every band/album that was posted in this thread, then have people say what they downloaded and what they thought of it?

>> No.1759306

seconding interest in this.

>> No.1759408

Anyone know any japanese emo bands that are not ALL screaming?

>> No.1759606



Enjoy your Envy. (I know I will).

>> No.1759835


Merri/Merry [sp???]

>> No.1760135

That Hoshio album is ALL faggery daggery doo

What the hell

>> No.1760652

Already one J.A. Caesar album was posted. Does anyone have other J.A. Caesar music, or any of the projects he was involved with (Tokyo Kid Brothers, Yuigonka, Tenjo Sajiki...)?

>> No.1760723

This blog is relevant to your interests: http://community.livejournal.com/japan_old_prog

>> No.1760818



>> No.1761719
File: 55 KB, 700x619, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaito - Special Life



>> No.1762028
File: 156 KB, 2000x993, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe Hisaishi WORKS I
(with the London Philharmonic Orchestra)


>> No.1762837

best thread on /jp/ evaaaaaa?
